B y Ta r a M c C r i l l i s
What is Online Reputation
The Process
Case Study
Case Study: Analysis
Case Study: Recommenations
Case Study: Implications
Customizable Plan
Appendix A
Appendix B
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, y o u ’ l l d o t h i n g s d i f f e r e n t l y. - Wa r r e n B u f f e t
he world today has
best friend and worst enemy
municates. It has allowed people
become a virtual twenty-
all wrapped up in an instantly
to become more socially engaged
four hour a day informa-
opened package. Warren Buffet
in a forum that enables them
tion wonderland. Information
once said, “it takes 20 years to
to voice their opinions, both
flows seamlessly in and out of our
build a reputation and five min-
good and bad, about businesses,
lives at an alarming speed, thanks
utes to ruin it.” 1 No offense to
products and services online for
to the ever present internet.
Warren, a master of industry, but
everyone to see. 2 It has created
simple internet search can usu-
in the Internet age a company’s
an interactive forum where a
ally wield any bit of information
reputation can be soiled in mere
community can consist of not
a person can need or want to
just an individual’s friends and
know. This simple fact allows the
The Internet has forever
Internet to be a business owner ’s
altered the way the world com-
neighbors, but a world-wide platform consisting of hundreds
1 W r o b l e w s k i , A n d r e w . R e p u t a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g , R e p u t a t i o n M a r k e t i n g a n d R e p u t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t : H o w To U s e Yo u r R e p u t a t i o n To D o m i n a t e Yo u r M a r k e t . Yo u r P r o f i t W e b a n d A n d r e w W r o b l e w s k i , 2 0 1 3 . P r i n t . L o c a t i o n 3 0 0 2 Wroblewski, Location 817
While looking to purchase a new product, what would be your first source of information?
87% Google Search
A Friends Facebook post
Magazine Advertisement
Email Television Ad Campaign Commercial
In-Store Advertising
A paid-for social media post
While looking to purchase a new product, what would be your first source of information?
87% Google Search
A Friends Facebook post
Magazine Advertisement
Email Television Ad Campaign Commercial
5% In-Store Advertising
0% A paid-for social media post
When researching a service you need (carpet cleaning, car repair, etc) your research begins:
With an With a local Internet Search magazine ad
55% From a Friends recommendation
1% Yellow Pages
0% Facebook Sidebar advertising
Direct Mail
Internet Web pop up
When researching a service you need (carpet cleaning, car repair, etc) your research begins:
See Appendix for Full Survey and Results With an With a local Internet Search magazine ad
From a Friends recommendation
1% Yellow Pages
0% Facebook Sidebar advertising
Direct Mail
Internet Web pop up
if not thousands of “friends”, to
With so many individuals
tant to consider that today’s con-
which any thoughts or general
heading to the internet to make
sumers “do not hesitate to jump
ramblings can be communicated.
their buying decisions it becomes
online and let everyone know
It has also become a main source
second nature to also utilize that
when they are not satisfied with
of information that leads consum-
platform to voice their opinions
a product or service on platforms
ers to the products and services
on the products and services they
such as social media, blogs and
they will consider. In a survey
choose. These opinions, are in
other online media platforms.” 3
of everyday consumers over 87%
fact, just that, and are not always
These reviews are often voiced on
claimed a Google search was their
based on truths or facts, but
more than one platform and then
first source of information in
represent their personal beliefs
become open forum to be shared
researching a product and over
about a product or service. These
all over the web. An individual’s
55% said a friend’s recommen-
opinions become the basis for
“perceptions of companies are
dation was their first source for
others decisions regarding a given
primarily influenced by their
researching a service.
product or service. It is impor-
personal experiences, the compa-
3 Wroblewski, Location 455
For most of your buying needs, the form of advertising eliciting the most amount of trust is:
Magazine Ad A Web Page
A post by someone in your social network A Radio Commercial A TV Commercial A Charity Event Sponsorship A paid-for social media post
See Appendix for Full Survey and Results
nies’ actions, media conversations
most of their buying decisions
sidered one of the most valuable
and what third parties say about
on a recommendation from their
foundations for success in today’s
the companies.” 4 The importance
social network.
internet fueled marketplace.
of knowing what is being said
This simple fact illustrates
becomes a vital component of the
clearly the importance of a
business operations, “public opin-
company’s online reputation.
ion must be dealt with regardless
Consumers can easily be led
of the technical facts.” 5 Studies
away from a product or service
suggest that an individuals opin-
based on as little as one negative
ions are heavily influenced by the
remark, especially “if there’s no
information they receive through
positive content coming up along
online sources whether truth or
with it.” 6 In light of this, it be-
fiction. In a recent survey over
comes apparent that a company’s
68% of people said they based
online reputation should be con-
4 R o b i n s o n , H e a t h e r. “ T h e E v o l u t i o n o f R e p u t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t . ” C o m m u n i c a t i o n W o r l d 2 7 . 2 ( 2 0 1 0 ) : 4 0 - 1 . P r o Quest. 14 Oct. 2014 . 5 A l s o p , R o n a l d . T h e 1 8 I m m u t a b l e L a w s o f C o r p o r a t e R e p u t a t i o n : C r e a t i n g , P r o t e c t i n g , a n d R e p a i r i n g Yo u r M o s t Va l u a b l e A s s e t . N e w Yo r k : F r e e , 2 0 0 4 . P r i n t . L o c a t i o n 2 1 8 6 Wroblewski, Location500
After seeing a magazine ad regarding a new product, would you be more inclined to purchase the product if you noticed an individual in your social network had just purchased the product?
See Appendix for Full Survey and Results
ssentially, the concept of
tion is built around what other
to create a corporate reputation.
reputation implies that
people believe about the business
The first step is for a company to
individuals have a certain
and/or that business’s practices.
decide if “they will passively let
and specific belief about the
If a company’s reputation is ul-
others form opinions about them
structure and elements that make
timately the face that a company
or actively manage and maximize
up a business. Reputation is the
presents to the public, it is clear
their most valuable asset.” 9
“general thoughts of people about
a company’s reputation should
a person or a concept and the lev-
be considered its most important
multifaceted component that
el of appreciation and admiration
assets. 8 Managing that asset ef-
looks at what a company does,
upon a subject or a person based
fectively requires skill, time and a
how they do it and how the
on past behaviors or character.” 7
thorough understanding of all the
public perceives those actions,
Therefore, a company’s reputa-
components that come together
good or bad.
A corporate reputation is a
It becomes the
7 Wroblewski, Location 500 8 Dennis, Corey M. “Social Media Defamation And Reputation Management In The Online Age.” Journal Of Internet L a w 1 7 . 6 ( 2 0 1 3 ) : 1 - 2 0 . B u s i n e s s S o u r c e C o m p l e t e . We b . 1 4 O c t . 2 0 1 4 . P a g e 8 9 Alsop, Location 323
conduit of trust the public has
sources to determine their level of
tend to do business. In a recent
for a company in relation to its
trust with a company’s products
survey 65% of respondents said
market value.
or services and that trust can be
they would be more inclined to
only impacts a company’s ability
built or destroyed through online
purchase a product if someone in
to attract new customers, it can
communications. “ Technology
their social network had recently
also impact whether or not a
has allowed us to develop that
purchased the same product.
customer stays with the company.
trust through the content we
The relationship an individual has
create and in the way we commu-
surmised that the most of those
with a company matters, suggest-
nicate, but it’s also easier for it to
consumers are relying “heavily on
ing “how a product or service
erode if we don’t handle it with
customer reviews before making a
makes a customer feel is impor-
care.” 11
purchasing decision.” 12 The trust
A reputation not
The simple fact is we
Today most consumer ’s head
Based on research it can be
a company creates can be eas-
buy from the people we trust and
online first to find out about the
ily deteriorated with a few bad
many consumers are using online
companies with whom they in-
reviews or lack of understanding,
10 Dietrich, Gini. Spin Sucks: Communication and Reputation Management in the Digital Age. Indiana: Pearson Education, 2014. Print. Location 273 11 Dietrich, Location 277 12 Wroblewski, Location 697
the importance of managing the
Socrates once quoted “Credit
for success, perhaps critical to
online reputation. All it takes in
is like fire, when once you have
success. A positive online reputa-
today’s internet world is one bad
kindled it you may easily preserve
tion is one of the key components
review of a product or service
it, but if you once extinguish it,
used to set a company apart from
to severely impact a company’s
you will find it an arduous task
their competitors and a “strategic
bottom line, “damage to a reputa-
to rekindle it again.”
resource for the organization.” 15
tion can lead to lost customers,
wisdom applies to many facets of
A positive reputation will become
revenue, investors, and em-
the business process, but ide-
something your organization can
ally suggests that if a company’s
stand behind. A good reputation
importance of being “in tune
reputation can be considered one
will demonstrate a level of trust
with what the customers say your
of the most valuable assets of any
with consumers, employees and
brand is and how they define it
business endeavor, then monitor-
any share holders. It has been
to their friends, family and social
ing a business’s online reputation
said “all the best advertising in
networks.” 14
should be paramount in any plan
the world cannot overcome what
This emphasizes the
13 Dennis, 9 14 Dietrich,Location 304 15 Gürel, Pinar Altiok, Phd. “A Strategic Approach to Reputation Management and its Reflections on Sustainable Competitiveness.” International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science 3.2 (2014): 31-55. ProQuest. 14 Oct. 2014 .
people are saying about you and your business.” 16 In today’s business environment your online reputation should be your business. In fact, all “other activities and strategies you may be pursuing (or have pursued in the past) are drastically reduced in their effectiveness without first cementing and strengthening your reputation.” 17
16 Wroblewski, Location 291 17 Wroblewski, Location 90
It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. -Benjamin Franklin
he process of reputa-
positive and best aspects of your
management needs to become
tion management seems
business to the people who mat-
more than just finding out what
incredibly simple. The
ter most. Simple enough, but the
people are saying and stopping
first step involves the “tracking
techniques employed to combat
them. It will become the process
and handling of negative content
a negative online reputation will
of learning how to connect and
about a business on the inter-
make or break your endeavors.
communicate with your consum-
net” 18 Second, once you know
Managing an online reputation
ers. Lead them to the positive
what is being said and by whom,
must start from the inside out, a
information you want them to see
it is time to employ online tech-
company “must make reputation
and take the time learn from your
niques and communication strate-
management a fundamental part
consumers to better illustrate
gies “to help dilute the unfavor-
of their corporate culture and val-
yourself and your organization in
able content” 19 and promote the
ue system.” 20 Online reputation
future business transactions.
18 Wroblewski, Location 636 19 Wroblewski, Location 753 20 Alsop, Location 286
In the following sections we will first explore a case study on a company with an online reputation issue. The case study will explore the company structure and help to identify where the problems begin and continue to exist. We will then take a look at the strategic plan created to improve their online reputation; including the steps involved and specific activities suited to dealing with their unique situation. The closing section will explore ideas, tips and techniques that can be easily tailored to fit most small to medium sized businesses in order to assist them in creating an online reputation management program that suits their business needs.
The purest treasure mortal times afford is a spotless reputation. -William Shakespeare
lobal Professional Ser-
a company that would provide
standard business practices.
vices (GPS) is a man-
quality consulting services to
Small business owners became
agement consulting and
business and provide rewarding
less lenient with their finances
business development company
lifestyles for its employees.” 21
and many had learned hard les-
based in Illinois with consultants
The company saw enormous
sons from the over spending and
traveling across the country and
growth in its first 20 years and
debt accumulation that came with
in Canada. GPS started in 2010,
eventually reached gross annual
the pre-recession economy of the
as an offshoot of the company
revenues to exceed $250 million,
early 2000’s. Consulting services
International Profit Associates
achieving the status as the largest
fell low on the “need” list of im-
(IPA). IPA was also a manage-
consulting company in the market
portant ways to spend money.
ment consulting firm started in
for small to medium size privately
1991, as a small business devel-
owned companies.
opment firm.
the economic landscape changed.
telemarketing, field sales, survey
IPA ran in to issues with their
analysis, and consulting ser-
The vision of the
company founder was “to build 2 1 ( h t t p : / / w w w. i p a - c . c o m / )
In 2008, as
The IPA business operating model has four basic steps -
vices .22 The process begins with
analytical overview of the com-
immediate decision. From the
an in-house telemarketing center
pany’s financial, organizational
time of the initial call to the
making registered calls from
and structural components. At
time that a consultant shows up
purchased lists of established
the end of a 1, 2 or 3 day analysis
is typically less than 3 to 4 days.
companies in an effort to set ap-
the SBA will often recommend
This process was very success-
pointments. In most cases the
that consulting services are
ful when companies had money
appointments would be set for
needed. Consultants are billed on
to spend and were more willing
an outside sales staff and in some
a per man, per hour basis using a
to spend that money to improve
cases, depending on the response
pre-determined number of hours
their business practice for the
from the client, the appointment
to complete a given project.
benefit of improved profit and
may be set directly for a business
Additionally, travel expenses in-
money for their future. However,
analyst. The Senior Business An-
cluding per diem for each person
in 2008 they saw a precipitous
alyst (SBA) follows the next day
assigned would also be billed to
decline in annual revenues. With
after the sales appointment is set
the client for each consultant(s)
a decline in their revenues they
or an inside appointment is con-
assigned. The transition pro-
also began to notice the effects
firmed. The analyst travels to the
cess from analyst to consulting
of the online reputation they had
small business and performs an
requires that the client make an
been accumulating over the previ-
2 2 R o s e n b l u m , J o s e p h . “ ” I ’ m J o h n B u r g e s s . I ’ m H e r e t o H e l p Yo u ” ” I n c . c o m 1 J u n e 2 0 0 0 . h t t p : / / w w w . i n c . c o m / m a g a z i n e / 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 / 1 9 1 1 5 . h t m l We b .
ous years. Some clients did not
name. GPS was formed as a
appreciate their aggressive sales
segment of the newly established
presence and from the surface
tactics and their quick decision
appears to be doing all of the
making requirement. In 2010, as the effects of
GPS operates in the same
GPS has a social media
right things that would be recom-
fashion as IPA. They follow the
mended in a traditional online
the online reputation began to
exact same sales practices and
reputation management program.
weigh heavily on the operations
the same overall business model.
However, their online reputation
and revenues of the company,
Internally there were some stra-
continues to deteriorate and at
the company responded to their
tegic management modifications,
the close of 2014 they will expe-
online reputation issues by chang-
but overall the business practice
rience one of their worst annual
ing the names of the companies.
did not change. GPS has been in
gross revenue years to date. A
To further separate themselves
practice fully since the beginning
correlation between the online
from the poor online reputation
of 2011. GPS has garnered their
reputation and the company rev-
they segregated sales, analysts
own online reputation issues,
enue is apparent.
and consulting personnel into a
which have also been linked back
central, leased employee company
to IPA with their online reputa-
each with a different company
tion weighing heavily on the GPS
There is no advertisement as powerful as a positive reputation traveling fast. -Brian Koslow
company on many online forums.
the amount of trust a client can
At its peak GPS was a $250+
In fact, you cannot Google GPS
have for the company and are
million dollar company. This
without having blaring reviews
beginning to affect not only the
year due to a slow economy and
blasting the company, the owners,
company’s bottom line, but also
other factors the company will
and the business practices that
the salary of the employees paid
likely fail to hit $100 million
make up this organization. These
on a commission only basis.
in revenue. In speaking with
reviews have affected all levels
many of the analysts that travel
of business employees and have
nal company, IPA, ran into some
from business to business, one
materially affected their ability
issues with lawsuits and the
of the main areas of concern for
to contract consulting services
online reputation. In an effort
potential clients is the negative
for the organization. Negative
to separate themselves from the
information being said about the
online reviews severely inhibit
problems the company officials
Several years ago the origi-
decided to change the com-
the old reputation to the new
feel hoodwinked by the aggres-
pany name. They separated the
companies appears to the public
sive sales tactics that ultimately
company into several divisions
that this company is dodging
get the analyst in the door. The
providing each division with their
something and actually provides
services provided might be amaz-
own moniker. However, online
more merit to the scathing online
ing, but the clients don’t feel they
IPA has been linked to all of the
have time to absorb and under-
new company names and provides
GPS has a fast paced business
stand what is happening. When
a source of concern for poten-
model that begins with the sales
they go online to find out more
tial clients.
call and ends with a consult-
information they are presented
provides online fodder for a cover
ing engagement. This business
with many past clients and even
up situation. This has produced
process from the sales call to
past employees posting negative
more skepticism around the
contracting consulting services
information about the company
company and their business prac-
can happen in less than a week.
and their business practices. The
tices. Linking the old name with
That being the case, many clients
negative comments are out rank-
The name change
ing the company’s own curated
With such a fast paced business
own business practice; they then
content easily planting a seed of
process, many clients fail to fully
fail to realize all of the positive
mistrust in the potential client’s
understand and absorb all of the
effects they should be seeing
information that is presented
from the consulting services they
to them. Once the consultants
In looking at the reviews online many stem from clients
leave, the clients are left to sift
not receiving what they believe
through a binder of paperwork
deliverable to their clients and
they paid for. The company of-
and try to remember and make
they have helped countless busi-
fers a return on investment of
sense of the direction they were
ness owners learn how to run a
three to one and many clients
profitable business. They collect
feel that is not being met. This
overwhelmed by the amount of
testimonials from happy clients.
can be largely attributed to poor
information and when they fail
They use the testimonials in their
follow through after the initial
to properly incorporate their
sales pitches and to remind and
consulting engagement ends.
new found knowledge into their
motivate their employees. How-
Clients easily become
GPS does provide a valuable
ever, the testimonials, in large
chance upon a glowing recom-
a separate entity and the consult-
part, exist in a word document
ing company is not recognizing
stored on a computer or a printed
The company produces a quar-
full benefit from the content the
copy stored in a binder. The
terly business magazine full of
testimonials are not being used
interesting and relevant articles.
online as an overwhelming source
The magazine does have adver-
of positive information about
tisements for the different associ-
“Buyer beware: ROI, ROI-na,
the company.
ated companies, but in no way
roi-na.com GPS, ABS are all
company has hours of testimo-
looks like it is related to the orga-
names of the same consulting
nial video interviews that live on
nization as a whole. The articles
company. These fictitious names
DVD’s that are mailed to each
are not be properly promoted in
are designed to guise the fact
employee. The hours of content
a way to bolster the company and
that actually they are all of the
are not being shared in an online
their online search-ability. Basi-
same company, same unscrupu-
forum where potential clients can
cally, the magazine is being run as
lous management and employees.
Additionally, the
magazine is producing.
These companies are all but the
They are such a SCAM. Please
continuation of a company called
probably a bunch more. They will
don’t do business with anyone
IPA which after many com-
promise you 3 to 1 on dollars
from that company or from As-
plaints and lawsuits saw its huge
invested. I am still looking to re-
sociated Business Solutions. They
revenues decline and decided to
cap the 60 grand they promised.
have several names that they go
change its name and open a new
That was in 2009. Owned by a
by. They go in with a quoted rate
business to lure in unsuspected
disbarred NY Attorney who was
with the goal of not finishing
clients.” 23
convicted of larceny and sex with
what they said they would do in
a minor prostitute. That should
the allotted amount of time so
say it all.”
they can bill more hours. The
“If any of these guys show up
on your door run and don’t look
more hours the business analyst
back. Bad new took me for 20
“I was married (now divorced) to
bills over the original quoted
grand. They change their names
one of the business analysts from
hours - the higher rate of pay he
like their socks. They go by IPA
Corporate Business Solutions.
gets. If they contact you, RUN
2 3 h t t p : / / w w w. s c a m . c o m / s h o w t h r e a d . p h p ? t = 1 3 2 9 6 1 2 4 h t t p : / / w w w. y e l p . c o m / b i z / i n t e r n a t i o n a l - p r o f i t - a s s o c i a t e s - i n c - b u f f a l o - g r o v e
continuation of a company called
the business owner bind to a
IPA which after many complaints
contract by purchasing a consult-
and lawsuits saw some revenues
ing team that will supposedly
decline and decided to change its
help him identify problems which
name and open a new business to
have negative impact on profit-
lure in unsuspected clients.
ability and turn those lost profits
“Beware: ROI, ROI-na, roi-na. com, GPS, ABS are all names
The Original company, called
into earnings. However, all the
of the same consulting com-
IPA or International Profits As-
business owner gets in return
pany. These fictitious names are
sociates, tarnished its name by
are boiler-plate reports, charts
designed to guise the fact that
scamming business owners out of
and graphs and sometimes advice
actually they are all of the same
their money by tying them up to
which are next to worthless and
company, same unscrupulous
a signed contract and delivering
most of the times impossible to
management and employees.
very poor business advice. The
implement (or are just wrong for
These companies are all but the
Scam works in a way that leaves
the particular business).
2 5 h t t p : / / w w w. s c a m g r o u p . c o m / 2 0 0 / c o r p o r a t e - b u s i n e s s - s o l u t i o n s
When The business owner realizes he just spent an enor-
magazine wrote a long article on
anyone from IPA called to find
their business practices).” 26
out how things are going since
mous amount of money for the
the visit. http://www.inc.com/” 27
consulting, he/ she is left to be
My husband and I own a small
blamed for not using the advice
tool-and-die company. IPA came
given, not following the direc-
in in early January and just
GPS has a very low Google rank-
tions, being uncooperative, and
sucked the money out of our
ing. In fact, when Googling the
not implementing and listening
company. We have a huge train-
company website does not even
to the “consultants”. The business
ing manual as a result of its visit,
appear on the first or second
is left with a worthless report and
but sales have not increased -- in
page. This can be attributed to
a huge bill.
fact, they have decreased. The
a number of factors, the bulk of
company charged us more than
which certainly lie in the amount
It takes few searches to realize
$20,000, and we still owe it ap-
of negative information that is
whom you are dealing with. (INC
proximately $2,700. Not once has
present prior to finding anything
Please do your homework.
2 6 h t t p : / / w w w. c o m p l a i n t s b o a r d . c o m / c o m p l a i n t s / i p a - b u s i n e s s - c o n s u l t a n t s - c 1 0 0 8 5 6 . h t m l ? p a g e = 3 # c 9 6 7 8 8 5 2 7 h t t p : / / w w w. i n c . c o m / s e a r c h ? q = G P S + C o n s u l t i n g & x = 0 & y = 0
even produced by the company.
GPS is not employing con-
• Website: GPS Business
The company does have a website
sistent naming across all of their
rich with relevant content. How-
social media sites. The name var-
• Twitter: GPS Consulting Co
ever, the website can’t easily be
ies from GPS Business Consulting
• Facebook: GPS Advisers
found, and as discussed earlier,
to GPS Advisers and several other
• Linked in: GPS USA
the main company is comprised
variations in between. Unless
• YouTube: GPSAdvisers
of several subsidiary companies
a client Google’s their specific
all of which are sharing content
moniker associated with one of
across all of the websites and
their social media sites they can
a corporate blogger to create
social media platforms. Shared
not find any of the positive infor-
custom content for their orga-
content can often be viewed by
mation being posted. It is much
nization. However, most of
Google web crawlers as plagia-
easier to find negative content
the blogs are being used to talk
rism even if a company is sharing
than any of the positive content
about company internal opera-
their own content with them-
the company is working to pro-
duce. Case in point:
providing information to outside
The company is employing
The blog posts are not
clients and customers about their
and consistent message from the
ployees are not acting as company
business operations or even useful
company clients are able to see
ambassadors promoting the brand
business related content. Most
inconsistencies in the information
and company worth. The social
of the blogs center around idyl-
presented. Most importantly lack
media posts are not being shared
lic company chatter rather than
of consistency of voice can show
within the employee’s networks
providing relevant substance for
potential clients the flaws in the
and clients aren’t being led to
potential clients.
company’s own business prac-
interact with the company’s social
The company, as a whole,
tice. This leaves them with doubt
media posts. While GPS may
does not have a communications
about GPS’s ability to teach them
be saying all of the right things
director responsible for monitor-
how to run their own company.
they aren’t saying it to the right
Overall it seems GPS is em-
people, effectively making their
ing all communications made with the public. This can cause
ploying a lot of the right tech-
social media pursuits an effort in
inconsistencies of voice in posts
niques, but they are not utilizing
across all of the social media
them with much concentrated
sites. Without providing a clear
zeal or effort. The company em-
A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. Yo u e a r n r e p u t a t i o n b y t r y i n g to do hard things well. -Jeff Bezos
vide a great deal of content for
internet, it is recommended that a
the negative reputation, modify-
thorough analysis of the business
ing those practices will not be
model be performed and modified
In a random sampling of em-
included in the recommendations
to better address the concerns of
ployees the following questions
for working on the online reputa-
clients both potential and past.
should be asked: Do they know
hile the business
ment.” 28 However, in order to
practices of the orga-
begin to curtail some of the bad
nization seem to pro-
information finding its way to the
tion. “Good business practices
the company mission? Do they
are important, even necessary,
know why they come to work
but they alone are not sufficient
each day? Do they know what
for successful reputation manage-
the company stands for? Do they
2 8 D i e r m e i e r, D a n i e l . “ C E O s m u s t L e a d t h e W a y i n R e p u t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t . ” P R w e e k 0 1 2 0 1 1 : 2 5 . P r o Q u e s t . 1 4 Oct. 2014 .
know why they do what they
represent the organization to the
where your passion exists and
do? The first step in address-
public. When you make reputa-
exploit it. Make your employees
ing a reputation issue is working
tion management a integral part
your greatest cheerleaders. Com-
from the inside out. An internal
of your identity; you empower
mission each employee to be an
corporate identity should be
your employees to be proponents
ambassador for the organization.
clearly outlined and expressed to
your online reputation. Employ-
If you are struggling to create an
all of the employees. Manage-
ees are your first line of defense
internal culture of passionate em-
ment should take time to speak
in a poor online reputation. If
ployees that believe in the work
with employees and help them
you have employees that are pas-
you do, you may need to look at
understand the mission and the
sionate about their work experi-
the management structure and
vision of the organization. A
ence they will also be passionate
find the breakdown between the
vision and a mission are words
about sharing the good about
top and the bottom. Determine
on a paper if they are not felt
the company they work for.
why your employees don’t love
and believed by the people that
an organization you need to find
the company they work for and
challenge executives to address
the company executives, who
productively harmonized in a de-
their concerns, first.
also understand and value the
liberate manner with the groups
company’s reputation in order
which the company needs to be in
to consistently stay current and
relations with in a way that can
focus all communications on
create a positive foundation.” 29
delivering the company’s mission
Having a single voice for the
and staying in line with the com-
company will not only improve
In order to have and maintain a
pany’s vision. The role should
morale internally, it will begin to
consistent message and voice it is
be viewed as an essential tool in
improve the public’s perceptions
essential to have a single person
the arsenal of tools to battle the
of the company. Consistency
responsible for monitoring every
online reputation. “Corporate
of voice allows the staff and the
communication that leaves the
communication is a management
public to continually hear under-
company. The communications
tool where internal and external
stand the values and vision of the
director should work closely with
communication is effectively and
organization through every means
29 Gürel, 34
of communication the company
even scorned employees. A first
set goals and a vision larger than
step in rectifying the wrong they
themselves, and they truly behave
feel they have encountered is to
better. When all of that happens,
speak back to the them. In fact,
the storytelling is easy.� 30 The
if you look closely you probably
leaders of the organization should
The first step in tackling an on-
know the people that are attack-
develop a system of communica-
line reputation is knowing what
ing your company. Talk to them,
tion and a strategy of approach.
is being said and who is saying it.
let them know you hear and
Create a mantra, if you will, to
If you don’t take control of your
understand their concerns. Show
guide the staff in addressing the
brand online, you are leaving
them you are interested in right-
negativity online. The company
yourself open to others that will
ing the wrong they feel they have
needs to present itself and as one
gladly speak for you. A lot of the
encountered. “Great companies
unified, concerned, and interested
negative comments are stemming
stop and listen to criticism. They
voice. Even if several staffers
from scorned past clients and
commit to getting better, they
are commissioned with speaking
30 Dietrich, Locaiton 1684
back to these complaints, their
and their concerns will only lead
message should remain con-
to more and more angry posts.
Overall it would be recommended
stant. Get to the bottom of the
If possible, set up a customer
to combine all company websites
complaint, allow the speaker to
service department to work with
into one website and build in key
tell their story and with passion,
customers/clients on their issues
search words for each company
show them that you care about
before they ever make it to the
name. This would help build
their concerns and are working
web. Allow a space on your web-
the overall company brand and
to rectify their issue. There will
site to receive feedback. People
provide more search prowess
be times that a concern can not
want to be heard and if they feel
online. If it is essential to keep
be addressed online or in a public
you are not listening they will
all company websites separate, it
forum, allow these individuals the
take their complaint to the whole
is then important to remember
opportunity to contact the com-
of their social network.
all content on each site must be
pany and address their concerns
original. An organization can be
in person. Ignoring customers
banished from Google Search by
not leading your clients to find
multiple websites. If it is essential to maintain multiple websites
All of the social media sites need
stumble across the bad. When
you must always post original
to have the same “google-able
the bad outweighs the good, your
content on each site. If you wish
name”. Right now there is no
reputation is quickly and easily
to share content it should be
company consistency, which is
linked back to the original site
why GPS can’t even be easily
and sited appropriately. Further,
found. A main component in a
fail-proof Google search is to
any content posted to the site
successful reputation management
unify your naming convention
should be checked for plagiarism
campaign is to lead your clients
across all platforms. Currently,
prior to going live.
to the information you want them
none of the names used across
to see, while effectively burying
social media match each other,
the negative information under
which means, you may have all
a sea of positive. When you are
the right social media out there,
having “shared” content across
the good information, they will
The first step in creating a
but in the internet search algo-
positive information if it is being
should correspond with what
rithm they are being viewed as
done under what appears to be
you want someone to find. Talk
separate entries, aka completely
five different companies. Take
to your potential clients and ask
separate companies. Lets look at
the time to define the company
them what they Googled to find
GPS for example:
name and then use it consistently
your website. If they are using a
across all social media websites
variation of your name you must
• Website: GPS Business
and in any news or PR posts
first work on brand recognition
• Twitter: GPS Consulting Co
you employ. The point of social
and brand identity to solidify
• Facebook: GPS Advisers
media is to LEAD your clients to
what your company name is with
• Linked in: GPS USA
the information you want them to
the public. When you work on
• YouTube: GPSAdvisers
see, “promoting the best aspects
your brand recognition be sure to
You need to create one unified
and facets of your business to the
use one name consistently across
front. It would be nearly impos-
exact people who matter.” 31 Your
all social media sites.
sible to inundate the web with
website and social media names
31 Wroblewski, Location 62
ing process even after the consul-
your website a must-read useful
tants leave; the company should
resource for business information,
GPS makes money by providing
be writing and producing content
but first allow people to find it.
consulting services to small to
to continue to educate clients.
First, you need to create name
medium sized businesses. They
Make the company website a go
recognition and increase Google
provide these organizations with
to for relevant consulting content
rank in order to allow people
the skills and tools necessary to
and a space for past clients to in-
to find the “good� information.
run their business profitably. It
teract with consultants and other
Allow your custom web content
is easy to see a very relevant on-
business owners.
to serve as the host site for all of
line tie in to the business model
Use your blogs to share infor-
the social media posts you cre-
the company currently employs.
mation that is relevant to your
ate. Post and re-link all of your
In order to help address follow
potential client. Quote popular
custom content to all of your
up with past clients and to help
business articles in your blog to
social media endeavors. Promote
them stay engaged in the consult-
increase your Google Rank. Make
the best aspects of your business
to the people that matter. • Post articles from the in house magazine. All articles posted should “live” on the website, but be shared with other social media. EV-
back to you (also have them like you on Facebook). • Blog better. º Start a blog on a popular blog site rather
ERY story should have a Facebook “share”
than blogging on your website (this will
add another level of name recognition
º Invest in Woodwing digital publishing software to help facilitate posting on social media and articles from the website. Woodwing will allow more unified use of
on Google search – BE SURE IT HAS THE SAME NAME AS YOUR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA). º Have consultants / analysts write busi-
the magazine on a social platform to pro-
ness blog entries. You have some brilliant
mote the business.
minds working for you, monopolize on
º Link magazine articles back to their author ’s websites. Have the author ’s link
that brilliance. Perhaps make it a contest and the “best blog entry” for the week
gets spiffed $100. • Include an extra $50 for every chosen blog entry that quotes a relevant / timely article in the NY Times, Washington Post, USA Today, basically any national newspaper. Stress
blog area, make it a separate part of your site that is catered and meant for employees only. • Link client testimonial videos from YouTube – MORE than you already have.
the importance of quoting and not stealing
• Post client reference letters. (See Appendix)
content. The content quoted should also be
“One of the most powerful forms of ‘posi-
linked back to the original post.
tive’ content any business can have is glowing
º Blog posts need to speak to your clientele on their level. Keep it simple. º Stop blogging about the internal workings of the company. Your clients don’t care, and it isn’t helping your Google rank. If you want to have an employee 32 Wroblewski, Location 728
testimonials from their happy customers.” 32 Post all of the testimonials, don’t let them live in printed copies in your employee’s home offices, let them help your company shine online. • Tell your client’s stories. Create a channel on
the website “About our Clients” Post the blog
• Create a forum for your clients to share their
posts here in this forum, but also allow your
own stories on your website. Not just their
clients to write their own stories. Allow these
experience with you, but a forum to talk about
stories to humanize your company; they work
their business, what they do and how they do
to create kinship and can also create trust.
it, what makes them successful? In some way
They give the company a human voice.
that story will link back to you, but in a natu-
º You have a client on SharkTank, tell his story
ral human way.
That will not look like actual
and link to his website. Share in his public-
publicity, but will help other clients to see the
value in your service in a more intrinsic fash-
º Patrick Finn, another client, a poor Irish immigrant, tell his success story. º Royal truck, the owner died and left his wife
ion. º Allow that forum to be interactive and allow potential clients to ask questions
to manage the company; she nearly lost it all
of your past clients. Let the area become
before your company saved her business.
a source for help and support. Let your
clients speak to each other and create
natural connections to others in their field
A strong social media presence is essential in order
that may be able to offer assistance and
work on your online reputation. In today’s society
“people are easily influenced by what others have
º Monitor this area constantly and have
to say about companies online. Furthermore, most
your analysts and consultants speak back
admit that this insight is a key player in their pur-
to the clients that post here. Let this
chasing decisions.” 33 In a recent survey over 55% of
area naturally become a forum for help
the individual surveyed indicated when looking for
and questions. This forum can be part of
a new service they rely on a friend’s recommenda-
the company follow up with past clients
tion. Today “friends” exist on social media. Having
keeping them focused on the work and
a strong social media presence is an essential part
changes they need to make in their busi-
of conducting business in this economy. Make
yourself part of the conversation happening online. Further, a social media presence will help to propel
33 Wroblewski,
Location 820
your ranking in a Google search. Use the power of
10K GPS followers are useless because your
the information you own to increase your keyword
twitter has no searchable relationship to your
search in the Google algorithm. Be aware of what key players in your industry are saying and use their
company. • Make it mandatory that every employee begin
social media to increase your own presence. Use
to follow immediately. Encourage them to
positive content you own and create to help dilute
have their friends and family do the same.
the unfavorable content that exists about your
• Follow your clients.
• Tweet about relevant business related issues. • Always re-tweet any content related to your
Twitter – 10K followers for GPS • Your Twitter Company name needs to be ex-
business and not just content you created. • Stop saying you’re “re-Tweeting” information
actly the same as your Website company name
that you personally already tweeted. If the
and Facebook and LinkedIn and Instagram,
in-house magazine tweets an article, don’t
you need ONE unified front. Right now your
waste characters saying “retweet”, use those
characters to create another relevant hashtag. • Re-tweet happy client’s tweets (that are relevant) • Depending on your usage agreement, post quotes from the Christmas Party speeches and
YouTube: • Manage your YouTube Chanel and post client testimonial videos. • Create custom video content making your sales/consulting process seem transparent.
tag the presenters (Steve Forbes, Bill Clinton,
º Why choose consulting?
º Explain the consulting process.
• Continue to Tweet links to your website content. • With your client’s permission, tweet about their successes and tag them in your tweet.
º Give enough information to make a client feel informed about their decision.
Linkedin : •
USE your linked in.
Connect with your clients.
Connect with people you want to be your
Instagram: • Make employees follow your instagram. Encourage them to have their friends and family do the same. • Engage your employees to send in photos from around the country. Create a weekly “as seen in”
Connect with your employees.
segment and post funny pictures from around the
Connect with leaders in the industries you
service. •
º Bumper stickers on your client’s cars Connect with leaders in your industry.
º Funny quotes in the client’s offices º Funny road signs º Interesting things found in client’s offices • Participate in Throw Back Thursday #tbt and post pictures taken with celebrities at parties, successful clients, etc.
• Hashtag every post with business-centric keywords. • Follow for Follow, follow your clients and when applicable post about them.
• Daily post a link to an “owned” business article, a retweet, a link to a client testimonial video. No matter what you are linking to, make a daily effort to post on Facebook. BUT remember who you are posting to, your Face-
Facebook: 247 likes for GPS • FIRST make it mandatory that EVERY employee go to the Facebook page and “like”.
book account is not to communicate with your employees, it is for your clients. • Use hashtags (searchable keywords/phrases).
Encourage them to have their friends and fam-
º Planning
ily do the same.
º Strategic Planning
• Like your past clients Facebook.
º Consulting
• Like Facebook in related genre, make it a
º Business Consulting
weekly goal to “like” at least 5 new businesses/ organizations. The more you follow, the more will follow you.
º Small Business Consulting º Tax Planning / Tax Strategy / Tax Savings • Have employees share your Facebook posts.
• Encourage clients to find you on Facebook
ness consulting. Give them a taste of
and explain to them the value of the informa-
what they can expect if they employ your
tion you post on the site. This will require
clients can FIND you, meaning you need searchable name recognition. • Start a “Call to Action” weekly segment. º Question of the week (themed) – each
º Create a free monthly podcast about business. Perhaps employ some of the information shared in the Business Today seminar you host or have your tax department share some “tax savings” ideas. Have the
week “friends” have the opportunity to
webinars be about 10 to 15 minutes and
post their burning business question (also
relevant to your clientele, NOT talking
tweet about this). On a pre-determined
over their heads.
day a question is chosen and answered on Facebook and should also link back to a blog post about the same topic. SHOW people why you are the leader in busi-
A reputation may possibly be world will always the spot where
once broken repaired, but the keep their eyes on the crack was.�
-Joseph Hall
poor online reputation
will be key factors in propelling
the company. However, the plan
does not happen over-
the project along.
outlined will require an extreme
night and should not
initial content required is already
time commitment from the orga-
be expected to be rectified in a
owned by the organization. The
nization initially and an ongoing
short period of time. A massive
company also has staffing in
time commitment to monitor the
time commitment on the part of
place charged with managing the
reputation on a daily basis.
the management and employees
current social media offerings.
will be required in order to begin
By providing a bit of internal
to address the growing online
restructuring much of the time
The major implications of exer-
reputation issues. Restructuring
commitment can be absorbed
cising such an extensive social
of internal staff and reorganiz-
without a great deal of disrup-
media revamp will be the staffing
ing the organizational flow chart
tion to the day to day flow of
and time allocation required to
Much of the
undergo the commitment. The
extensive nature of the commit-
first step will be to hire a Com-
ment it would be recommended
the new hire.
munications Director. The cost
to hire at least one additional
ports a client services depart-
on that will range anywhere
staff to help monitor the sites,
ment aimed at managing client
from $60,000 to $100,000 34 per
post and reply to posts. If hir-
expectations during and after
year based on experience. The
ing is not in the budget this job
an engagement. The depart-
Communications Director should
can easily be allocated internally
ment should be opened up and
report directly to the CEO, as
and managed by several people
equipped to deal with complaints
his/her involvement should be
within the internal advertising
in a fashion more amenable to
paramount in the success of the
and administrative sectors. Add-
defusing the situations found on-
outlined program.
The company currently sup-
ing an additional staffer would
line. The client services depart-
While the company is already
require no less than $38,0000 in
ment should be made to mimic
employing staff that monitor the
annual salary, in addition to real-
a customer service department
current social media. Due to the
locating internal staff to manage
allowing the customers to call in
3 4 h t t p : / / w w w. p a y s c a l e . c o m / r e s e a r c h / U S / J o b = C o r p o r a t e _ C o m m u n i c a t i o n s _ D i r e c t o r / S a l a r y
to seek advice, voice complaints
appoint an internal staffer to
and address any other general
take on the role of getting the
their company.
inquiries a customer may have
good stories out to the public.
in relation to his/her experience
This role should either be part of
The company employs over 100+
with the organization.
the Communications Director ’s
educated business profession-
job responsibilities or should
als. Each one of the employees
be managed directly by him/
could and should be tapped to
With so much negativity out
her. The company needs to also
write a small blog article on some
there, the company needs to
create environments that lead to
facet of the business process
generate some positive stories,
publicity worthy events. Char-
that interests them. In order
that could be used for great PR
ity engagements are always good
to provide some incentive for
hits. While the heart of public
fodder for a PR plug and provide
offering up their knowledge the
relations lies basically in free
a way to also engage employees
company should create in incen-
publicity, it will be essential to
in celebrating and engaging with
tive structure that could range
anywhere from a paid day off to
of recommendation letters from
into a web-friendly format. Ad-
a gift card for a free dinner. A
past clients. Those letters need
ditionally, the time of a staffer
unique and very applicable re-
to find their way online. Allo-
may need to be reallocated to
ward for writing an article would
cating staff to either retype and
undertake the project.
be a free hotel stay or a week of
post those letters or find some
car rentals. When the analysts
other form of organization in or-
spend 5 out of 5 days traveling,
der to make sure those letters are
providing travel related benefits
promoting the business online.
There are many programs out
should be sufficient enticement
The company testimonial videos
there set to help facilitate moni-
to encourage participation in the
need to be made into YouTube
toring an online reputation as
company wide effort to create
versions and distributed through
well as managing multiple social
interesting and unique content
the online YouTube chan-
media accounts. The organi-
for the online constituents.
nel. Software may need to be
zation should weigh the pros
purchased to convert the DVD’s
and cons associated with each
The company also has reams
program and decide if that will fill
missioned with a smart phone in
a need in the process of repair-
order to monitor and post anytime,
ing the reputation. Many of the
from anywhere. An internal file
programs will be free to use, while
storage system will be necessary to
some will require a monthly pay-
house online content and organi-
ment commitment. Considering
zation of the file system will be
the organization has a publication
necessary to facilitate ease of use
and multiple social media accounts
for the social media staffers.
investing in a service like Woodwing would be prudent to facilitate a centralized message and voice on all platforms. Staff required to monitor the social media sites should be com-
Yo u r b r a n d n a m e i s o n l y a s good as your reputation. -Richard Branson
very company has a repu-
to a reputation can lead to lost
into the waiting arms of competi-
tation. Good bad or oth-
customers, revenue, investors, and
tors. Consequently, it becomes
erwise it is the simple fact
imperative to keep a sensitized ear
It is true, the effects
of doing business. The question
of a poor online reputation may
to the ramblings being said about
a company must ask is whether
not be felt immediately, but even-
an organization online.
they “will passively let others form
tually, the negative reputation will
opinions about them or actively
begin to erode the overall value
is more of an art than a science,” 37
manage and maximize their most
of the organization. The bottom
the following steps are guidelines
valuable asset.” 35 As discussed, the
line is that customers naturally
to help direct an organization to
internet has changed the way the
gravitate toward companies that
building their positive reputa-
world communicates and a success-
have a positive reputation in the
tion in the marketplace. This can
ful business in this new world will
marketplace and it only takes a few
ultimately lead to more profit for
constantly manage and monitor
negative comments online to steer
the company and elevated respect
their online reputation, “damage
customers away from a business
in the industry.
35 Alsop, Location 232 36 Dennis, 18 37 Alsop, Location 345
While, “reputation management
nal and external communications.
• Know what your company stands for. If you don’t have a mission and vision or a code of ethics, write one. If you don’t know what your
the company’s reputation. º The internal hierarchy should include a
company values it will be hard to sell your
direct line or a dotted line to the CEO in
value to the marketplace.
all matters of reputation and public com-
• Make it your mission to “inculcate ethics and values into each and every employee.”
ing that a reputation starts from the inside out, be certain your employees are your first defense against a poor reputation. • Reputation management requires strategy and structure supported by strong values and company culture. • Develop an organizational structure to govern the efforts in online reputation and any inter38
º Designate managers to be the guardian of
Location 1025
munication. • Know what you will say before you ever need to say it. º Before unleashing social media staff to the public make sure they understand their role. º Role play different situations that may arise and develop strategies to address those situations long before you need them.
º Create scripts for applicable common issues in order to address them consistently in each instance. º Develop policies to govern social media and how staff will respond to reputational issues. • Believe in social media and employ it across the company. º First, make sure you have a company website and that it is being utilized with
order to make a definite link back to your organization. • Create a content development process in order to facilitate the creation of interesting and relevant content on a consistent basis. • Understand your value proposition in the marketplace. º Know, without a doubt what your customers can only get from you. • Internally engage employees to know the
relevant information about your organiza-
brand and believe in the mission and vision
the company promotes. Happy employees
º Set up every possible social media account applicable to your business model. º Be sure to use a consistent naming convention across all social media outlets in
lead to happy customers.
KNOW WHAT IS BEING SAID • “You can’t manage what you can’t measure” 39 Speak to your clients, customers, vendors and employees. Gauge their feelings toward the organization. • Google your company and delve into the pages of posts that speak to or about your organization. “You can’t fix or address any negative issues unless you know what they are.” 40 • Document the locations of negative information and what is being said. • Document the locations of positive information and what is being said. • Find areas and businesses that overlap with your business. 39 Alsop, Location 481 40 Wroblewski, Location 181
ADDRESS THE ISSUES • Respond to customer concerns to show them you care. º Continually monitor the issues in order to ensure they are being dealt with timely and appropriately. º Communicate and build relationships. Help restore trust through positive communications with your clients. • Address negative remarks quickly with passion and empathy. Remember, a complaint is usually just a person who needs to be heard. Allow them to voice their concerns and address it with care and consideration. º Acknowledging your shortcomings with a
promise to try harder in the future will go a long way to whittle away a customer ’s concerns.
MONITOR PROGRESS • Employ a department to consistently monitor all your social media efforts.
º Know when a complaint or issue needs to
• Invest in a service such as Talkwalker Alerts (or
be taken offline in order to be properly
any other similar products) for your company
addressed or managed.
name, your product, or your services to be
º Don’t find yourself in a situation where you are “fighting” with the person posting. • Allow your online voice to humanize your brand to your clients/customers. Subtly remind them on the other end of that computer screen is another human that does care about their concerns.
informed when people are speaking about you online. • Set up GoogleAlerts to track web results about your organization. • Use tools such as Twitter Search to look up key words related to your industry. • Invest in HootSuite to not only monitor social networks, but also measure the engagement of your users with your social media.
INTERACT & ENGAGE • Keep your website updated constantly. º Google is always looking for fresh, educational and valuable content, allow your website to provide that to the Googlebots. º Write your own website content on subjects that are relevant to your industry. º Repurpose internal content that may be relevant to your customers. º Share your stories that show your strength as a company as well as your passion for what you do and your compassion for the people you do business with. º Relate to your audience to help build a
community around your organization. º Add social media share buttons to every post on your site. º If you don’t already have one, start a blog. º Use your blog to talk about things relevant to your industry. º Reference popular online articles in your blog posts to help solidify your position as an expert in your field. º Add social media share buttons to every post on your blog. • Be active, even more active that you’ve ever been on social media sites and online media platforms.
º Invest in a service such as Woodwing to
realistic in order to continually provide
help you post your custom media on all of
interesting and relevant content to engage
your sites.
and excite your followers.
º Use social media as a forum to stay in tune with current events, industry trends and news that relates to your industry. º Use pop culture references in your post to grab attention. º Create lists; studies show social media users love lists, capitalize on that while it is hot. º Be conversational in your posts inviting your users to interact with your content. º Set goals for how much new content you post each week. Make those goals
º Post and repost content from your company website. º Use call to action posts to provide interactivity with your followers. • Host seminars • Weekly Q & A (if applicable) • Post about events you will participate in and ask your audience if they will join you. • Make sure everywhere someone turns or looks online they find something positive about you. º Overwhelm the market with positive posts about your organization.
º Each and every positive review can be the one thing that leads a new customer to your organization. º The more positive reviews you have online will help your Google rank improve. • Provide a forum for your clients and customer to tell their own stories on your website. • Ask satisfied customers to go online and review your business, in many cases they will be more than willing to do this. It is also acceptable to offer incentives to do so, such as discounts on repeat purchases. • Use social media to build your database for past and potential clients.
APPENDIX: SURVEY RESULTS While looking to purchase a new product, what would be your first source of information? Google Search A Friends Facebook post Magazine Advertisement Email Ad Campaign Television commercial In-Store Advertising A paid-for social media post
87.27% 3.64% 0.00% 0.00% 3.64% 5.45% 0.00%
When researching a service you need (carpet cleaning, car repair, etc) your research begins: With an Internet Search With a local magazine ad From a Friends recommendation Yellow Pages Facebook Sidebar advertising Direct Mail Internet Web pop up
41.82% 0.00% 54.55% 1.82% 0.00% 1.82% 0.00%
When purchasing a new product or service with a price tag less than $1000 you research: 1 source 2 to 5 sources 5 to 10 sources More than 10 sources
7.14% 83.93% 8.93% 0.00%
When purchasing a new product or service with a price tag exceeding $1000 you research: 1 source 2 to 5 sources 5 to 10 sources More than 10 sources
0.00% 50.91% 38.18% 10.91%
After seeing a television commercial regarding a new product, do you typically seek more information online? Yes No Often Seldom
36.36% 1.82% 45.45% 16.36%
After seeing a magazine ad regarding a new product, would you be more inclined to purchase the product if you noticed an individual in your social network had just purchased the product? Yes No
64.29% 35.71%
If a company sponsors a charity event you are attending (fun run, 5K, wine walk) are you more inclined to keep them in mind the next time you need their particular product or service? Yes No
69.09% 30.91%
After choosing a new service provider, does your investigation end? Yes No Often Selcom
46.55% 1.72% 43.10% 8.62%
If a company were to have bad reviews mixed in with good reviews, you would Weigh the reviews and decided for yourself Count the number of bad vs. good and use that to make a decision Move on to a product/service with only good reviews Be unaffected because you’ve done your research elsewhere
83.93% 1.79% 7.14% 7.14%
APPENDIX: SURVEY RESULTS For most of your buying needs, the form of advertising eliciting the most amount of trust is: A Magazine Ad A Web Page A post by someone in your social network A Radio Commercial A TV Commercial A Charity Event Sponsorship A paid-for social media post
1.85% 24.07% 68.52% 0.00% 1.85% 3.70% 0.00%
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Prepared for: The New School for Public Engagement School of Media Studies Master of Science Media Management Capstone Project December 2014
B y Ta r a M c C r i l l i s