New Visual Language Final*

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Contents 04, 05 – Modernism VS Post Modernism 06, 07 – Modernism 08, 09 – Postmodernism 10, 11 – Which am I? 12, 13 – City In Flux 14, 15 – Development 16, 17 – Final Outcome 18, 19 – Earth Artifact 21, 22 – Development 23, 24 – Final Outcome 25, 26 – Typography 27, 28 – Development 29, 30 – Final Outcome 31, 32 – Manifesto / Claus Oldenberg 33, 34 – ‘I am for the Design...’



VS Post Modernism

Modernism: 1918 - 1950 Modernists wanted to forget history, or re-interpret it. Modernism was applied to many forms of creative expressions, these like: Art, Film, Music, Architecture, Poetry. Picasso and Dali, started looking at the World differently. Claude Monet, started painting light therefore he is an impressionist artist. Modernism is all about the ‘isms’ in art like: Cubism, Surrealism, Fauvism, Dadaism, Impressionism to name but a few. In architecture, modernists were fascinated by new technology like that of concrete, steel and glass, which is featured in their designs. They thought that function, should always dictate form. From house music, to that of house wares, from tables and chairs, to Graphic Design, all of this has been created by the aesthetics and also the ideas of Modernism.

Artists: Frank Lloyd Wright Lucien Clergue Frederick Hammersley James Hayward Gottfried Helnwein

Modernism refers to the broad movement in Western art, architecture and also that of design which self-consciously rejected the past as a model for the art of the present, and then placed an emphasis on the formal qualities within art and the processes and materials. Modern art has also been driven by various social and political agendas. These were often utopian, and modernism was in general association with ideal visions of human life and society and a belief in progression.

Style: under-furnished, austere spaces use of tubular steel, plastic, laminated plywood, fibreglass abstract motifs bold primary colours The names: Frank Lloyd Wright - architect Mies van der Rohe - designer and director of the Bauhaus art school Le Corbusier - Swiss architect and designer

Post-Modernism: Less is a bore! More than just an artistic style, Postmodernism was a mindset, a way of rejecting how we understand our world. Because the Postmodernists refused to see things as one thing or another, this blurring of boundaries had the power to bring about great social change. Of all movements in art and design history, postmodernism is perhaps the most controversial. This era defies definition; an unstable mix of the theatrical and theoretical, postmodernism was a visually thrilling multifaceted style that ranged from the colourful to the ruinous, the ludicrous to the luxurious. Postmodernism shattered established ideas about style. It brought a radical freedom to art and design through gestures that were often funny, sometimes confrontational and occasionally absurd. Most of all, over the course of two decades, from about 1970 to 1990, postmodernism brought a new self-awareness about style itself.

Artists: Marina Abromovic Barbara Kruger Clet Abraham Damien Hirst Donald Judd

Post Modern Art Movements: Pop Art (1960s onward) Conceptual Art (1960s onward) Performance Art and Happenings (Early 1960s onwards) Installation Art (1960s onwards) Video (1960s onwards) Minimalism (1960s onwards) Photorealism (1960s, 1970s) Land Art (mid-1960s) Supports-Surfaces (c.1966-72) Post-Minimalism (1971 onwards) New Subjectivity (1970s) Graffiti Art (Late 1960s/early 1970s onwards) Neo-Expressionism (1979 onwards) Young British Artists/ Britart (Late 1980s/1990s) Art Photography Neo-Pop Art (late 1980s onwards) Postmodernist Sculpture (1970s onwards) Deconstructivism (1980s-2000) Feminist Art

Which am I... Modernist? I believe that I have a modernist style of working. I think this because I truly enjoy looking at Modernist artists, like that of: Gottfried Welnwein. I think his work is beautiful. I love plenty of white space, too which is apparent on this page and on the previous. I think the feeling of white space, give you a clearer look on the page you’re viewing.

I also love minimal artworks, I love them because they are so clean and simple, to others it maybe too plain and boring. To me, however it is simply beautiful.

City In Flux “All is flux, nothing stays still� Heraclitus / FLUX: A flow of liquid; continuous change; constant movement. Thus, All is constantly or continuously changing (moving), nothing stays still.

Development Work: With this particular brief of ‘City in Flux’ it was like I was being thrown in at the deep end. I went on a huge learning curve, with trying to keep my ideas fresh and coming out with something interesting for my first University design piece. I kept changing my ideas which wasn’t the best thing for myself but, I went through stages of development work for each. I thought that this brief was far too broad, I believed that it could be done so simply and quickly, however I sat for weeks on end thinking and not really creating as I should. have been. For this brief however, is was to do with the City and it being in a state of flux. For my City I decided to use Huddersfield, seen as I’ve lived here all my life. I thought it could show of my skills that I knew lots of places around Huddersfield and I could make this piece of work interesting and unique. For my own creation, I wanted to do something a little different. I love to walk, to me walking is something that keeps you fit and you walk around different citites each time and you’re looking, but not really seeing. I wanted to show my journey through the city.

I take a bus to Huddersfield in the morning which is either X6 or X63, and then I take two busses to get home (X6/X63 then 626/571). I thought that this process would look quite interesting and different. I used an phone app to require the ‘route’ of the way the bus went each day, then I recorded it on Illustrator. Overall, at first I was quite happy with the way that my work was coming along, but then I thought it looked rather dull with a lack of colour. I still like the way that I made it look like an infographic, I wished I had made it look more visually involving.

Final Outcome: My final piece was constructed of taking an app like that of Nike+ Running, and using it whilst on my bus to Huddersfield. I kept the app going in my pocket, once I arrived at where I needed to get off of the bus, I walked to University. Still with app on phone on. Once I got to University, I turned off the app and sent the final route to my laptop, where I could use the Adobe software, to complete my piece. Once I saved all the little bits needed for my design, I imported them into Illustrator to design the route. After creating all the lines and grouping it together in Illustrator, I added in the ‘info-graphic’ part. I added how many miles, and minutes it took for me to get into Huddersfield. I also did the repeat for my going home.

I thought that this looked quite interesting, and was a way of showcasing something different for the city in flux brief.

E arth Artifact GRBP000000000001








*We are here


About Me: Hello!

I’m Tara and I am 18 Earth years old. I am 5”5 tall and I weigh 7 stone, 13lbs. I am a mammal; meaning I need food, water, oxygen, land and light to survive. I am also of the female persuasion.

Invading Info:

Earth Artifact

Likes – Nature, Living, Films

Emotion – Happy, Friendly, Sleepy


Fears – Death, Spiders, Darkness, Aliens

Development Work: The ‘Earth Artifact’ brief was something I was really fully intruged by, I love all things to do with space, and considering I had my own telescope I was really excited by this brief. This was all about Voyager’s Golden Record, where it has stored various piece of information from Earth in binary code. For my own piece of design for this brief, I had many different development ideas. I had a variety and I had to cut down on the ones that didn’t make the cut, these were of Astrophotography, Vinyl Record Sleeve (to keep the original secure).

On the previous page, I showed the card that has my own information on. Now, that I have finished it, I still like the way that it looks however I just wished I had more information about me on it. Like that of eye and hair colour, religion, race, ect. I thought that this might have been a little more interesting and that if Extraterrestial beings got a hold of it, I think that it could’ve been more intriguing for them.

After this, I decided to create my own Information pass on the person it is intended for. Here this would include of: male or female sex, height and weight if wanted to say. It also states what their: likes, fears and also their emotions. I thought that this was rather intersting and would look visually appealing. I overall like the way I created it, how it looks and how I believe the function of the card is.









*We are here


About Me: Hello!

I’m Tara and I am 18 Earth years old. I am 5”5 tall and I weigh 7 stone, 13lbs. I am a mammal; meaning I need food, water, oxygen, land and light to survive. I am also of the female persuasion.

Invading Info:

Earth Artifact

Likes – Nature, Living, Films

Emotion – Happy, Friendly, Sleepy


Fears – Death, Spiders, Darkness, Aliens

Final Outcome: To the right is my finished pieces, I used very neutral colour to present the way the cards will look. I created a Globe, with an ‘x’ marks the spot theme. It says “We are Here”. Then I use the ‘About Me’, to write a small description of the person in question. I also describe what they like which range from Gaming, Music, Disney and Marvel. I also put on what their emotions are like, these also range from happy, scared, kind, emotional, excetera. I thought that another imporant factor would be to list what their fears were. I got quite an intersting list, these ranged from Spiders, heights, loss, zombies and a few others.

Overall, I am really pleased with these information passes, I believe that they are very bright and show a lot of skill. Also, I like the way that they will be used, and how the ‘Invading Info’ is. I also like the way the the Micro-chips will work, these would have other information of the person on too. It would have Health, Family, Emotions, Lifestyle, Hobbies and Food.


Development Work: To create a typeface you need to have a steady hand, and to also think about it carefully and think of how it is going to be visually, and also if it’s for print or for web. In my orignal stage of designing my typeface, I started sketching out my designs. I used a range of different sources to get inspiration in which I would be able to create a beautiful typeface. I had, had a brief encounter with creating typefaces in College, for a brief that we had. For this typeface, we had to look a variety of artworks and pick out certain shapes to create into a final typeface. I looked into a variety of styles to help with my typeface.

For the development I also used a wacom Bamboo tablet, to get the desired professional effect that I hoped my typeface would show. I used Illustrator to create this typeface and I also used the pen tool to help create the typeface in a more fluid form.

Final Outcome: To the right is my final typeface, I believe that it is cute modern and minimalistic, which is my favourite type of design. I created this on paper first, and it was rather difficult. I kept making a few little mistakes, once I scanned it into the computer, I could see these mistakes and I had to refine it quite a bit. I think the hardest letter piece in the whole design would be that of the Q, it took on a variety of different letter forms, however I am quite content with the one I chose in the end. I also used Illustrator again to help with the designing of my font. I liked it because you could get perfect circle for the use of the O and also that of the Q. I liked using the straight lines as well, as this is a very angular font. I believe that this font is used more so print than it would be for the Web. I believe that for print it would be acceptable for that of a title in a high end fashion magazine perhaps? Or that of a Design magazine.

Overall, I am really impressed with my final typeface, I believe that it is visually striking and looks minimalist. When I looked at this layout in Illustrator I thought that it looked professional, and clean.

Manifesto – Claus Oldenberg

Manifesto: I am for the Design‌. I am for the design of a bed, which carries the sweet dreams of innocent children, I am for the design of a toothpaste, to wash away last nights antics, I am for the design of a cloth, to wipe away the tears, I am for the design of a bus, to carry people to distant places, I am for the design of a book, spreading my knowledge with the World, I am for the design of vast newspaper articles, speaking rumours and lies, I am for the design of shoes, to travel miles in everyday, I am for the design of traffic lights, stopping everything in its tracks, I am for the design of a bailer, crushing everything in its wake, I am for the design of freshly ground coffee, which enhances the flavour of chocolate, I am for the design of asphalt, to bring together the earthy smells, I am for the design of a knife, cutting through butter, I am for the design of the ocean, battling waves with ships, I am for the design an aeroplane, bringing loved ones together since 1903, I am for the design of a phone, carrying around your data like a virus, I am for the design of the Sagrada Família, for its ever changing design.


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