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Bon Appetit ฺ Issue No. o1

Exclusive Interview With chef at Jushitsu and Hashme

May 2016


Urban Eatery A photo shoot of the event with many pop-up store

Exclusive tour at Water Library

Issue 01



E ditor 's co n tr i bu to r s 3 - 4

D'ar k by philip di bella i n ter v i ew 5 - 8

H ashme i n ter v i ew 9 - 10



B O N A P P E T I T Joushitsu review reataurant 11 - 12

Waterlibrary review restaurant 13 - 14

Urban eatery Photo shoot 15 - 16


Team Taranya Kelly Writer

Lynzey Foong Editor

Warantorn Pitaksanyothin Creative

Nontawat Fuwongcharoen Creative

Preyanat Pattanapong Photographer

Editor’s Letter There's never been a better time to eat out in Bangkok. New restaurants are opening at pace. They are ready to serve the taste of happiness on a silver plate on your table. Local eateries that consistently provide good food and good service in equal measure give you the best time of every meal. I hope you enjoy reading the art of making undeniable sweets dishes, the interview with Chef pol- #Hash me, the passion of Japanese chef who makes exquisite Japanese food with love, and deliciousness where happiness melt in your mouth at D’ark I recommended you to try at least one of these dishes and don't be surprised of how much you'd love it.

Enjoy the dishes!



Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants.

its called balance.

� 4



The stunning of the white coffee shop inside the Piman 49 complex serves brews so good they’ve made local office, but D’ARK looks upon itself as a whole lot more than a coffee shop. In fact, there’s not much they don’t do. D’ARK also provide good quality of food in the nice atmosphere and modern where is suitable for coffee lover and who wants to take a nice picture for sure. The decoration of D’ARK look very clean which there is a large table and the hanging lamp from the ceiling. The corner which is very famous location for people who often come to take a photo. Moreover, D’ARK also have their own art style within every corner of the shop. The second floor, there will be the small table for the customers to see the view of people walking around that area. Most of the people often come for their cup but the food of this shop is also very interesting because they have got the chief name “Jeriko Van Der Wolf” a very young chief who has many experiences about creating the menu of fusion style and his menu is very impressive which he used this technic from France to make the dish look tasty and can make us enjoy the food and sharing photos.

Each dishes came in small portion so that you can enjoy many dishes including Vichyssoise Soup, it is the cold soup which there is an ice-cream smoked milk in the middle and there is also the soup that made from France which will make you feel fresh all day long. D’ark Omelette, made from egg and potatoes, eating with butter and truffle foam.

CONTACT Piman 49 - Sukhumvit Soi 49, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Phone: (+66)-2-662-7900 Email:


Each dishes came in small portion so that you can enjoy many dishes including Vichyssoise Soup, it is the cold soup which there is an ice-cream smoked milk in the middle and there is also the soup that made from France which will make you feel fresh all day long. D’ark Omelette, made from egg and potatoes, eating with butter and truffle foam. Spicy Freshness, another dish that you should not be missed because the taste is sweet and a bit of sour from orange and mango but the main course of the shop must be Asian Memories, it is the salmon comfit which heat up at 44 degree Celsius and 45 minutes long, then put into the seaweed. The best seller include Berger and many types of Salad.


Apart from D’ark, there is also bakery which is very interesting because we have got Chief Joffrey Jacob from France. He has been working at La Grande Epicerie Paris before. He can make the bakery look beautiful which is very classic style and he also deconstruct each part to make the bakery look very impressive while having the same texture. You can try White Chocolate Fondant and D’ARK Cornetto Collection, it is the homemade ice cream of this shop. It’s so amazing in your mouth.

"I f you think that you ar e successful, you alr eady lose. You need to im pr ove your self ever y day." - Chef Jer ik o V an Der W olf

G ood F ood is G ood M ood

D'ar k B y Phillip Di B ella 8 B ON APPE T I T |


#H ASH ME Open 11 AM - Close 11PM T E L . 02 662 4328


T honglor’s 9:53 C ommunity Mall’s rooftop is now home to the new res taurant Has hme (9:53 C ommunity Mall, 124 T honglor S oi 9, 02-6624238), doing E uropean cuis ine. On weekdays , it’s only open for dinner and alfres co drinks till late, while on weekends , it opens early for breakfas t with brunch items like the Has hme's B enedict (B 230). T he s uppos ed highlight is the waffle carbonara (B 225), which the owner s ays is s uper cris py, light and air

B ON A P P E T I T | 4


I n ter v i ew ch ef P ol

I get to work with many chefs from other countries s uch as F rench, S panis h, G erman and E nglis h chef. I get to know the cultures of many countries .

W h a t i s th e pr om i n en t poi n t th a t h a s m a de ev er y on e w a n t to v i si t h er e? I think it has many factors including good food, good architecture, good atmos phere and good s ervice.

Cou l d y ou pl ea se sa y som eth i n g a bou t th i s pl a ce? Our waffles is very good, it is the s ignature of this place. I want everyone to come and try our waffles . We have both main dis hes and des s ert dis hes by waffles .

W H A T I S T H E D E F I N I T I ON OF CH E F I N Y OU R P R OSP E CT I V E ? I like to cook. I want the food that I have made enjoyed by the cus tomers .

W h a t i s th e pr ocess of cook i n g i n y ou r opi n i on ?

W h a t i s th e i m por ta n t f a ctor of cook i n g? T h e i n spi r a ti on to y ou r i dea s. I us e my cus tomers as the main factor of cooking. We have the tas te that we liked, but we have to pleas e the cus tomers als o.

Cou l d y ou tel l u s som e of P res enting the food in our perception to y ou r good ex per i en ce of cus tomers that have a s imilar perception bei n g a ch ef ? Photogr aph by T enm ir in






W HAT IS THE D E F I N I T I ON OF CH E F I N Y OU R P R OSP E CT I V E ? "C hef is s omeone who provides delicious food to the cus tomers "

W H A T I S T H E P R OCE SS OF COOK I N G I N Y OU R OP I N I ON ? C ooking is kind of like an art

W HAT IS THE I M P OR T A N T F A CT OR OF COOK I N G ? T H E I N SP I R A T I ON T O Y OU R I DE A S T he cleannes s of the food and the dis cipline of cooking it. My ins piration depends on the raw materials and our mind.

Als o how we s hare with another chef. Omakas e is how we create a menu for the cus tomer, each chef have their own unique menu. It will not be on the menu, but the chef will create s pecifically for the cus tomer. My ins piration to my idea would be to think of the cus tomer that how will they s ee new menu which is delicious

COU L D Y OU T E L L U S SOM E OF Y OU R G OOD E X P E R I E N CE OF B E I N G A CH E F ? I s tarted when I was 19, working as trainee. I s tart from was hing and cleaning the dis hes . I continue doing further to other things s uch as s teaming the rice. Now it is 14 years of being a chef

W HAT IS THE P R OM I N E N T P OI N T T H A T H A S M A D E E V E R Y ON E W A N T T O V I SI T H E R E ? Our food is very fres h and clean. Our menu is als o dis tinctive

COU L D Y OU P L E A SE SA Y SOM E T H I N G A B OU T T H I S P L A CE ? I want every customers that visit here to have a good impression. I want them to feel good and feel the cleanness of the food. I want the customer to eat J oushitsu and feel like it’s a happy ending


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Enjoy a fine dining brings a lot of pleasant and comfortable urban white-collar ideal places to relax and unwind. In addition to the taste of food, the restaurant's atmosphere is also very important. Located in downtown Bangkok, The Capital by Water Library restaurant is a favorite of white-collar workers . Thailand is a well-known food brands , is currently in the urban area of Bangkok Chamchuri, Thonglor including the famous Central Embassy mall has stores. Today small to give you recommend is this newly opened The Capital by Water Library. Fine restaurants both still highlight its exquisite dishes on its route or interior renovations , the main thrust of the restaurant and the modern Western tradition with exquisite cuisine . Step into the restaurant , you will instantly feel there is a crossing , because of the renovation of its full compliance with the 1930 Bank of America Chicago style decor , and more specifically to its hotel rooms within the fight treasury appearance of banks, each " treasury " which can accommodate 12-15 guests. Private room hanging LCD TV , diners can watch the changes in the stock market anywhere , sitting alone and enjoy the atmosphere here , it can satisfy the urban white-collar workers for the finer things in life and the pursuit of desire . High quality ingredients is bulged into the world of cuisine in Bangkok sail for fine dining - Porterhouse steak from Italy , Germany, France , and one pair food and wine passion of the team.

Article: Tongthai media and Service Co., Ltd. Photography: Bell_Hub


From all corners of the world carefully collecting the freshest ingredients , which also are preferably local , seasonal ingredients . Different styles and strengths and weaknesses of the steak is also the store's favorite dishes . Whether you love grilled Spanish red shrimp , traditional selection of Australian lamb chops , top Japanese Kobe beef imports , packages or lunch in the Water Library Hamburg signs will not let you down After the static quality wine tasted food brings surprises ,It is a good choice. Shop attached cocktail bar is definitely not tasteless . Solid foundation bartending team not only select the finest base wine for you to modulate a variety of classic cocktails , will also introduce limit shall ingenious wine in different seasons and festivals . Whether for business meals, family and friends gathering to celebrate the holiday with friends or drink ; half-day or Bliss sneak value lunch set , will make you feel more comfortable contented !

“Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner� - Sophia Loren -


Urban Eatery at K-Village




125 B AT H

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