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Bristol Hospital is on integral piece of the fabric that holds our communitg together. From top-notch surgical
and clinicol core to communitg outreoch progroms, we sre connected to eoch ond everg one of our citizens.
toke seriouslg our dedication ond commitment to potient
sotisfoction ond qualitg of care.
olso recognize our
responsibilitg to our communitg ond to our staff. Although the chollenges ore mang, we ore meeting them with a resilient spirit and o coring heart. The
geor 2003 brings with it the promise of improved
and expanded core with the oddition of our $13.5 million Perioperative Center. The investment in a new building
with stote-of-the-ort equipment ond skilled ond quoliJied
stoff positions Bristol Hospital solidlg for
the future.
With our threods tightlg woven into the communitg,
Bristol Hospitol continues to provide high-level, cuttingedge core to greoter Bristol citizens. We look to the future bg stoging true to our promise of keeping exceptionol
core just where it
and sustain this success and, as a result, has lmpacted our
reputation and our future growth. 0ur service excellence will be
one of our biggest competitive advantages as we move forward.
Todag, I believe that we've earned the right to saV "that we're
0ur goals for the upcoming gear will be to expand our specialtg
woven into the fabric of our communitg." Each dag I am
services bg recruiting new talent, such as orthopedic, gas-
reminded of the specia I role that we plag in the lives of our com-
troenterologu and 0B/GYN, where the demand is the greatest,
munitg and the deep impact that ourwork here has on others.
and to relocate our oncologg, pain management and cardiac
programs into facilities that their potential deserves. We have This past gear, demand for services was up and our market
made a signif icant investment in the retention of our emplogees
share climbed. Volume growth in areas such as surgical
and we are fortunate to have a signif icantlg lower vacancU rate
procedures, endoscopg, and the emergencU department, has
than other hospitals in the state. We will continue to strive for
led us to make major changes to our facilitg to accommodate
eff iciencies and cost effectiveness. We
this demand. 0ur largest and most exciting change has been
details, listen to our customers and assume that there is alwags
the addition of our new Perioperative Center. We saw a new
room for improvement. 0ur capacitg to evolve with the demands
communitg wellness project emerge last gear-the Colon
placed on us bg our communitg has been one of our best talents,
Cancer Prevention and Awareness Project. We emploged
and as we look into the future, that strength will be challenged.
communitg education efforts similar to those we did with our
These are challenges that we will undertake with commitment,
Breast Health Project in an effort to spread the message that
confidence and compassion.
"earlg detection saves lives." ln support of the volume that resulted, we expanded our facilities to support additional sigmoidoscopies and colonoscopies. These procedures can lead to earlg diagnosis and markedlg improve patient outcomes.
We recentlg completed a
studg of the communitg to learn from
their feedback. Since the last surveu, we have strengthened our reputation, get again. ln fact, when we asked which hospital would be their "hospital of choice," we grew over 4% from the prior surveg. Also, as a sign of our strong communitg support, when asked to rank our overall reputation on a scale of 1 to 10, an overwhelming majorrtg of the Bristol communitg gave us
9 or 10. People have come to trulg regard Bristol Hospital as "their own."
With all of our technologg and knowledge, there is no single more valuable element in the healing process than our capacitg
to provide personal care. Each and everg case is complex and unique. 0ur patients tell us that we are one of the best organiza-
tions in the countrg in managing the complexitg of each and everu one of our 200,000 patient encounters each gear. ln fact, Bristol Hospital has achieved Top 5% status for providing
outstanding excellence in patient care for over five gears. Fewer than ten hospitals nationwide have been able to achieve
must pau attention to
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continued improvement in patient care. We have been working
Robert L. Messier, Jr.
hard to address several patient safetg issues in some keg
areas, such as the launch of our inpatient fall prevention program. Through education and training programs, our staff is
Bristol Hospital continues to provide the Bristol area with the
trained to help patients identifg fall risk factors and strategies
finest health care services for a Connecticut communitg hospital.
to reduce those risks in preparation for the patient to return
0ur hospital, its staff and aff iliated phgsicians, are recognized bg
home after a stag in the hospital. Falls are the leading cause
patients as caring and competent. 0ur management team has
of injurg for Connecticut seniors ages 70 and over. And, our
managed the hospital efficientlg, keeping us in a leading position
recentlg formed Medical Errors Task Force monitors a rigorous
as a low-cost provider of qualitg medical services.
internal qualitg improvement sgstem to ensure the verg highest qualitg of care and to reduce the potential for errors.
We are pleased
with our designation as one of the Top
of hos-
pitals in the nation in patient satisfaction. Former patients often
0ngoing education has taken place with medicaland nursing
staff in order to assure a safe environment for our patients.
tell me of their pleasant experiences, due entirelg to the qualitg of our medical staff. With the new Perioperative Center, area resi-
Bristol Hospital recentlg launched a new Hospitalist program
dents will have access to surgical services performed in the most
underthe direction of Nelson Bondhus, MD and Howard Dubin,
up-to-date and modern facilitg. lt is a tribute to the mang people
and organizations that have pledged to make this center a realitg.
stag. We believe this program will improve the qualitg of care,
Hospitalist specializes in the care of inpatients during their
bring increased eff iciencA to 0ur affiliation with Saint Francis
reduce the time a patient spends
Hospital and Medical Center for the
waiting for testing, results and
past eight gears has brought
specialist visits, thus increasing
new level of specialized services
both patient and staff satisfaction.
to our communitg. The Hoffman
We believe that
Heart lnstitute, in concert with
development will be an invest-
this new strategic
Bristol Hospital's cardiac services, affords access to one of
ment that will allow us to continue to improve our qualitg and our
the best hospitals in the countrg for cardiac surgerg. Saint
eff iciencg going forward.
Francis Hospital was recentlg recognized as one of the top 100 hospitals nationallg for cardiac surgerg.
0ur highlg talented and dedicated medical staff has expanded
this past gear with the addition of fifteen new phgsicians, The future will be challenging, however, with the cooperative
enhancing the specialties of Anesthesiologg, Emergencg
efforts of our phgsicians, medical staff and management team,
Medicine, lnternal Medicine, Pediatrics, Psgchiatrg, and
Bristol Hospital will continue to be successful and the best
Urologg. We are especiallg pleased to welcome the new
communitg hospital in the state of Connecticut.
anesthesia talent and leadership that Milford Anesthesia Associates brings to our medical staff. We must also recognize
the signif icant contributions of two of our distinguished phgsicians, Fergus
OUR MEDICAL COMMUNITY DanielJ. Scoppetta, Chief of
J. Lane, MD and Anthong S. Parisi, MD,
who retired this past gear.
The completion of our new Perioperative Center is great cause
for celebration. Expanding our facilitg will allow us to support our Each gear, our medical staff strives to improve our deliverg
substantial growth and keep pace with medical advancements.
of high-qualitg, patient focused healthcare. This past Uear was
0ur new Center reinforces our commitment to provide state-of-
highlighted bg several events that exemplifg our focus on
the-art healthcare for our communitg, now and for Uears t0 come.
communitg hospital means being part of the communitg, in more wags
than just providing top-notch medical services. lt means providing complete arrag of health care services to our communitg
at work, at home
and even in our neighborhoods.
We wear
our hearts on our sleeves and on the badges that sau "Bristol
Hospital." We care about our patients and about providingthe best care
possible right here in ourcommunitg. ln fact, Bristol Hospital is one of l-0 hospitals in the nation, and the onlg hospital in Connecticut, to consistentlv
maintain a level of excellence in patient satisfaction over a more than five-gear span.
ln fiscal gear 2002, Bristol Hospital provided nearlg 4,000 people with easg
access to important wellness programs, health and education services and information through both Hospital and Bristol Hospital Wellness Center programs. TeleNurse, our phgsician referral and nurse advice line, received over 19,000 calls for the Uear providing a crucial link to our communitg. Pothwogs, our course listing guide, is published three times per Uear
and is mailed out t0 over 45,000 households in the greater Bristol area. HeolthSense magazine, our flagship health information publication that provides educational information on current health and wellness topics was awarded a New England Societg for Healthcare Communications 2002 Lamplighter Award, sponsored bg Healthcare Review.
Bristol Hospital's Colon Cancer Prevention and Awareness Project of Greater Bristol was in full swing this gear as ESPN Baseball analgst Harold Regnolds
stepped up to bat as kegnote speaker for a dinner event held in support of the Colon Cancer Project which drew over 350 people. And, in recognition of March as Colon Cancer Awareness Month, Bristol Hospital teamed up with WVIT NBC
30, Backus Hospital, MidState Medical Center and Arrow Pharmacg
& Nutrition Centers to raise public awareness about colorectal cancer and provide free testing kits. WVIT's Janet Peckinpaugh and Gerrg Brooks broad"
cast reports about colorectal cancer and how to detect earlg sgmptoms of the disease with a user-friendlg kit called EZ Detect'' available through TeleNurse. A live call-in session appeared during newscasts on March 21,
2002, that was manned bg nursing staff and phgsicians from Bristol Hospital's endoscopg unit as wellas nurses from TeleNurse. The Colon Cancer Project was initiated to educate people about the risk factors, signs
and sgmptoms, prevention measures and detection techniques that could save the lives of people in the greater Bristol communitg.
0ur Pet Visitation Program was unleashed this gear as a wag to help provide a
warm and comforting experience for our patients who might be coping
with feelings of loneliness and isolation, depression and disorientation. Jonathan Xl, a Siberian Huskg and retired UCONN Huskg dog mascot, visited
Bristol Hospital in April to kick off the new Pet Visitation Program. Both dog and owner wear volunteer jackets and l.D. badges during their visits at
Bristol Hospital.
also launched our Hospitalist program, an inpatient service that
comprises phgsicians who specialize in the care of patients in the hospital. The Hospitalists at Bristol Hospitalare Board certified in lnternal Medicine
and work with primarg care phgsicians to provide the best care possible. Hospitalists manage patients in all inpatient areas of the hospital, primarilg
the intensive care unit and medical and surgical units. At Bristol Hospital, we don't give "one-size fits all" care. Not onlg do we
serve our patients with the best clinical care, we also work hand-in-hand
with our business communitg and their emplogees to provide tailored programs that meet their needs. Medworks, Bristol Hospital's occupational
health program, and Rehab Dgnamics, our phgsical therapg and sports medicine services, are working in conjunction with Yarde Metals to customdesign a pre-emplogment test for prospective Yarde emplogees that will help Yarde determine if the prospective emplogee is capable of meeting the job's phgsical demands. Hundreds of Bristol area companies partner
with MedWorks for plant assessments, ergonomics Ithe science of equipment designJ, workplace safetg and more. This customized preemplogment testing program is another part of improving on-the-job safetg for our customers.
A challenge
this gear for Bristol Hospital has been the subject of parking.
The construction of our new Perioperative Center has caused us to have
fewer than normal parking spaces available. We continue to provide valet
parking for both patients and visitors and have also provided a new visitor parking lot located at the corners of Brewster Road and Oueen Street. While we understand this is a source of frustration, we are working diligentlg to
free up more spaces to accommodate the traff ic.
As Bristol Hospital continues to build for the future, we will continue to provide compassionate and comprehensive care for the mang stages of life,
health and illness throughout our communitg.
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Illistol Tllospital 2002
Bristol Hospital and Health Care Group
Fiscol Year Medical/surgical admissions Births Medical/surgical inpatient dags
0utpatient visits Surgical and endoscopg procedures
Emergencg Room visits
5,445 889 26,568
s,663 843 26,685
Robert L. Messier, Jr. Choirmon Thomas D. Kennedg, lll P r esid e nt I ex- ofJi ci o ) Michael V- Adams
Secretory/freasurer John J. Smith Asst. Se creto rg /As st. Treosu rer Kelvin Kreho Asst. Se c reto rg /As st. keosu re r Cathrgn Addg, PhD
Jarre Betts {ex"officioJ Whit Betts Brgan Bowerman George Crowleg Carg Dupont Timothg Fureg, Esq.
John M. 6ibbons, Jr, MD Margaret Hages, Esq. Wendg Latshaw, MD John Letizia Larrg Marcus, M0
Fiscol Year Phgsician off ice visits
Henrg Scherer, Jr. Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD Jean"Pierre van Roog John Walker, MD
...."..fu F:ffiE$iE KffiffiE
Carlgle F. Barnes Thomas 0. Barnes Theodore M. Donovan, Esq. Terrg B. Fletcher
2?3 45,?20
Patient dags
45,542 t?5
Average dailg census
James Potter James J. Prgor Edward P Lorenson Robert R. Mavnard, Esq.
2OO2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bristol Hospital, lnc.
lh'istol lkrsnitll anrl {lari; t;r'oup
Robert L. Messier, Jr. Chairman Jhomas D. Kennedg, lll
P re s
id e nt ( ex- ofJ i ci o
Michael V Adams
Net revenues from services to patients
L06,307,2L9 L,547,02?
Bequests, contribution and donor restricted gifts 0ther revenue
1,084,592 4.4L4.5?7
5.8?0.494 $
Expenses: Salaries, wages and fees Supplies and other expenses Bad debts
Depreciation and amortization I
55,014,466 43,673,r47 5,66?,?40 5,796,847 L.r25.3?3
46,I73,948 5,566,015 s,662218 L.3L4.4r5 $
Excess of revenue and contributions over
expenses before gain Iloss] on investments
Iloss] on investments
Excess of revenue and contributions over expenses Fiscal yeor ending September 30
Teresa J. Kukolja, RN, MPA, CNM Asst. Secreta ry/Asst. fredsu rer John J. Smith Asst. Secretorg/Asst. Treosu rer Cathrgn Addg, Ph0 thomas Earnes
Jarre Betts Whit Betts Brgan Bowerman George Crowleg Carg Dupont Timothg Fureg, Esq. John M. Gibbons, MD Margaret Hages, Esq.
lvendg Latshaw MD John Letizia Larrg Marcus, M0 James Potter James J. Prgor Henrg Scherer, Jr Deniel J. Scoppetta, MD Jean-Pierre van Roog John Walker, MD
Chief of Stoff Wendg Latshaw, MD Assistont Chief oJ Stoff John M. Walker, MD
Stoff Representative EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD
Choirmon Kenneth F. Bean, MD Howard Dubin, MD Dennis D. Ferguson, MD Jeffreg R. Goldberg, MD Ronald Green, MD Thomas D. Kennedg, lll Leslie S. Kish, MD Arthur E. H. Knox, MD Kelvin Kreho Teresa J. Kukolja, RN, MPA, CNAA Wendg Latshaw, MD Lawrence P Levine, MD Carmelina Luongo, MD Larrg Marcus, M0 Timothg P Mclaughlin, M0 Robert lvlessier Karen Poole, RN James Potter Joseph J. Robles, MD Stuart Rosenberg Deborah Sculco, MD Thomas E. Verdone, MD John M. Walker, MD Michael L. Whaleg, MD Richard M. Zweig, MD DEPARTMENTS AND SECTIONS AN ESTHESI()LOGY
Thomas E. Verdone, M D
Section Choirmon
Andrew Selinger, MD
MEDICINE Richard M. Zweig, MD Deportment Choirmon ADDICTION MEDICINE
Karen S. Guadagnini, MD ALLER6Y Bruce E. Englander, MD
Joseph E. Marakovits, Paul Mastropolo, MD Julie Ann Vernon, MD
Carlos M. Badiola, MD Stewart E. Bober, MD David E. Kage, MD Christopher J. Learg, MD
Lawrence N. Rappaport, MD Folco Scappaticci, MD John M. Walker, MD EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
Lawrence P Levine, MD Deportment Choirmon William Begg, lll, M0 Todd Carlson, M0 James R. Elderkin, M0 Brgan Goldberg, MD Michael B. Gutman, MD Jeffreg LaFrance, MD Barrg C. McNeil, MD Clifford W, Wagner, MD Mark G. Wipfler, MD FAMILY MEDICINE
Jeffreg R. Goldberg, MD Section Choirmon Lea M. Baileg, MD Conrad D. Collins, MD Michael J. Liftman, MD Jonathan Rosen, MD
Brian E. Comstock, MD Russell L. Tuverson, MD
Timothg P Mclaughlin, MD Section Choirmon
PAIN MANAGEMENT Jonathan Kost, MD Annette K. Macannuco, MD
Carl D. Bomar, MD Chang S. Choi, MD Michael E. Cucka, MD Michael T. Lecegt, MD
Nasima Baner.jee, MD Matthew J. Curran, MD Thalia Mesologites, MD Mark A. Shifman, MD
Saumitra R. Eanerjee, MD Steven H. Brown, MD
Arthur E. Hertzler Knox, MD Section Chairmon Susan A. Adeginka, MD Arthur T. Blumer, MD William J. Brownstein, MD Carolgn Clark, MD
David Cherrg, MD Christina Czgrko, MD William P Pennoger, MD David L. Walters, MD CRITICAL CARE
Stephen P Caminiti, MD Department Choirmon
Linda E. Ertl, MD Delbert H. Hodder, MD Nancg B. Holgst, MD Dena M. Niedzwiecki, MD Ranjit S. Pandit, MD
Ronald B. Herriott, DMD
Jeune G. Bae, MD Larrg M. Marcus, MD Valerie J. Vitale, MD PEDIATRIC SURGERY
Ara D. Bagdasarian, MD
Kenneth G. Benoit, MD Christian M. Ertl, MD James T. Sagre, l"4D Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD PLASTIC ANO HAND SURGERY
Armann 0. Ciccarelli, MD
Marg A. Simon, MD Thomas G. Ward, M0
PLASTIC SURGERY, FACIAL Jeune G. Bae, M0 Ovleto W. Ciccarelli, MD Larrg M. Marcus, MD Valerie J. Vitale, MD
Yong-Sung Chgun, MD Emmanuel C. Javier, MD
William J. Pesce, MD Robert J. Krug, MD Thomas 14iller, M0
Ronald S. Green, MD Section Chairmon
Stephen P Caminiti, MD Section Choirmon
Kenneth L Krasner, MD Jose P Mendoza, MD Daniel N. Smileg, MD Deborah Sculco, MD
Adler, MD
Doris L. Altherr, MD Nadeem Behjet, M0 Yong-Sung Chgun, MD Margaret M. Corrigan, MD Howard Dubin, MD Jose A. Estela, MD Pacifico G. Flores. Jr, MD James P Gallagher, MD Howard Avorg Gragson, MD Karen S. 6uadagnini, MD Thomas W. Kandell, MD Jack H. Katz, MD Stephen J. Kage, MD Jonathan Krumeich, M0 Charles J. Licata, D0 Garg P Miller, MD
Vittorio Mirabelli,
Richard E. Ehle, DPM Paul F. Dobies, DPM Garg Jollg, DPM Craig Kaufman, DPM Jeffreg Tencer, DPM Joseph R. Treadwell, 0PM George P Zuk, DPt\4 THORACIC SURGERY
Nelson A. Bondhus, M0 Michael S. Ptaszgnski, MD
Richard M. Zweig, MD
Dennis D. Ferguson, MD Deportment Choirmon
Leslie S. Kish, MD Deportment Choirmon
Alex Slater, MD
Robert DeBiase, MD 0liver B. Diaz, MD John Frazier, MD
Virginia Tjan-Wettstein,
Shue W. Wong, MD
Kalvin Block, MD Victor Eanniello, MD Keith Lipsitz, MD Neeraj K. Mangla, MD Allan Sutin, lvlD Jeffreg Wagner, MD Edward Weingarden, MD
Julie 6. Malkin, MD Suzanne E. Miller, MD Kenneth K. Rhee, MD
Sagedur Rahman, MD Antonio Scappaticci, MD 0avid Silvel 00 Phil Watskg, MD Stephen E. Zebrowski, MD Richard M. Zweig, MD
F. Bean, MD Section Chqirmon
UROLO6Y lvlichael A. Fischman, MD
Richard S. Goldberg, MD Richard A. Houser, MD Nachigappan Manoharan, MD Frederick 0. Reindel, lvlD RHEUMATOLOGY
Christopher K. Manning, MD SURGERY GENERAL SURGERY Larrg M. Marcus, MD
Deportment Choirmon Joseph J. Robles, MD Section Choirmon Ara D. Bagdasarian, MD Rainer W. Bagdasarian, MD Kenneth G. Benoit, MD Leonardo P Beup, MD
ovleto W. Ciccarelli, MD Christian M. Ertl, M0 Mario Robles, MD Sagre, MD Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD
Armann 0.Ciccarelli,
Carmelina Luongo, MD Section Chairmon Sharon Adler, MD Victoria R. Biondi, MD Amg S. Breakstone, MD Jagne Cluen, M0 Robert N4. Chmieleski, PhD, MD Beatrice S. Desper, M0 Wendg M. Latshaw, MD
Christian M. Ertl, MD James T. Sagre, MD Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD
Joseph Aferzon, MD Jonathan L. Ballon, MD OPTHALMOLOGY
Steven R. Hunter, MD Section Choirmon Robert J. Ouellette, Jr., MD Charles R. Robinson, MD
Deportment Choirmon Peter D'Addario, MD
Jeffreg M. Wolk,
VASCULAR SURGERY Ara D. Bagdasarian, MD Rainer W. Bagdasarian, MD
Kenneth G. Benoit, MD Christian [i. Ertl, M0 Joseph Robles, MD James T. Sagre, MD Daniel J. Scoppetta, MD LIMITED ACTIVE AFFILIATE D. Affenito, D.MD
Abdel F. Allam, MD Corlis L. Archer-Goode, MD Saumitra R. Banerjee, MD George Barrows, MD Ronald Bezahler, MD Sged F. Bilgrami, MD Steven H. Brown, MD Stephen F. Calderon, MD Paul J. Ceplenski, MD Joseph T. Cherneski, MD David Cheng, MD Bruce S. Chozick, MD Raphael M. Cooper, MD Richard S. Cutler, DPM Christina Czgrko, MD
John M. Defigueiredo, MD David J. 0omenichini, MD Richard L. Edwards, MD Richard Epstein, M0 Ronald L. Falit, M0 Andrew Gabow, MD Jeffreg A. Gordon, MD Gregg H. Grinspan, MD
Keith A. Kaplan, MD Kathleen M. Laico, N4D Stephan C. Lange, MD Howard Lantner, MD Zhihua Li, MD Donald Maxwell, MD Allan R. Mager, D0 Beth E. Nelson, MD Lisa A. 0chola-Tinker, MD Tarulata M. Parikh, MD Dominick Pasquale, M0 William P Pennoger, MD Susan Rabinowe, MD Zia Rahman, MD Balakrishnan Satishchandar, MD Charles Scott, DPM Anne P Shapter, MD Mark Shifman, MD Joel S. Silver, M0 Lane D. Spero, MD Pavel Straznickg, MD Teresa Szajda, MD Peter J. Tutschka, MD David L. Walters, N4D Raphael S. Wurzel, MD Salam F. Zakko, MD CONSULTANT STAFF
Steven Beck, MD
Jeffreg A. Bitterman,
Edward Feinglass, MD David A. Feingold, MD Nicholas B. Formica, MD Adam M. Goldstein, MD Charles W. Graeber, MD Susan Halleg, MD Mark Kawalick, MD Roben A. Lapkin, MD Andre Lerer, MD Bernard Percarpio, MD Joseph Ravalese, lll, 1,40 Arnold J. Rossi, MD Farid Shafik, MD Barrg G. Spass, MD Raghu P upender, MD ADJUNCT STAFF
Thomas J. Balga, PA-C Marg Beland, CRNFA ArthurJ. Brighton, PA Michael Brown, PA Brian Bullard, CRNA Kenneth S. Bunting, CRNA Lisa 0. Corbett, APRN Jill Cristo, LMFT Marg-Jo Drake, CRNA Marg Fiorello, APRN William Frick, CRNA Ruth H. Hogan-Kotler, PA-C Eliza S. Holland, CNM Elizabeth R. Jensen, CNM Marene M. Kieffer, CRNA Kent J.Kilbourn, PA-C Edward Kravitz, PhD Barbara J. Lear, APRN Denise C. Macchiarolo, CRNA Kathleen C. Malavenda Catherine Milne, APRN Steven D. Moore, PhD Pollg C. Moran, CNM Miwako 0hta-Agresta, CNI'4 William J. 0rlowskg, CRNA Deborah H. Popkin, CNM Karen Ragaisis, APRN Richard Roos, Sr., CRNA Karen Rgan, RNFA Erin Sanzone, PA-C Robert F Treado, DMD Alison Trider, CNM Donna Urbinati, APRN Jeffreg L Zell, DDS Michael Zerbe, PA-C LIMITED ACTIVE Ht)USE M. LuaV Alkotob, MD
Debapriga Datta,
Abdurezag Kdesh, MD Glenn Konopaske, MD Adwoa P Nganin, MD Naeem Sarfraz, MD HONORARY STAFF Arnold H. Becker, MD Rudolf Bee, MD Mohammed Erami, MD Stuart Falk, M0 Edward F. Fox, MD Leonard R. Frank, MD Herbert L. Glass, MD Joseph B. Hanleg, Jr., DMD Robert Hicks, MD
Martin lll, MD Gerald 0. F. Jensen, Farida Jilani, MD
Fergus Lane, MD
William Luceg, M0 Anthong S. Parisi, MD Douglas D. Perrg, MD Mario J. Robles, MD Donald Russell, MD Nicholas Seguljic, MD Leonard M. Selskg, MD Donald Swanson, DPM David Wasleg, MD Robert J. Williamson, MD Edward J. Zebrowski, M0 David A. Zomick, MD CORPORATORS Jack Acquarulo Michael V Adams Cathrgn Addg Jacques G. Akerleg Renaud Albert Charles Albertelli, Jr. Richard H. Alden, Esq. Robert E. Allaire Stephen 0. Allaire, Esq. Rev. Clair Anderson Sherwood L. Anderson, lll, Esq. Paul Arbesman
Linda Arbesman Linda Armstrong Alvin Barnes [arlgle F. Barnes E. Bartlett Barnes Elizabeth Barnes Lillian R. Barnes Melanie Barnes Thomas 0. Barnes Wallace Barnes Rev. William Barnes William H. Barnes Rev. Thomas J. Barrg Anthong D. Basile Victor J. Basile Arnold Becker, MD Ruth Becker Donald Beckwith Norman Beland
Kenneth G. Benoit, MD 0avid Berkowitz, PhD George W. Betts Jarre B. Betts James G. Biondi Victoria R. Biondi, MD Robert Bird Nancg Blanchette Mark Blum Beverlg Bobroske Brgan Bowerman Thomas Brackett J. Yanceg Brame Richard Braverman Charles M. Buell Aline Eurns Genevieve Burns Kenneth Burns Barbara Campbell William Campion, Jr. George E. Carpenter George T. Carpenter
Maureen Carpenter
Charles R. Glendon
William P Carpenter
Jennifer Glick
Steven C. Caseg Donald Cassin Rosemarie Cassin Georgine Cawleg Joseph L. Cawleg Alice Chamberlain Patricia Checko, Ph0 Yong-Sung Chgun, MD
Richmond W. Glover Joseph Gnazzo Bernard Grabowski, Esq. James E. Graham K. David Graham Harland S. Graime, Ph.D. Roger G. Grandbois Andrew R. Grande Ronald S. Green, MD William Greger Robert W. 6undersen
0vleto Ciccarelli, MD Carolgn L. Cistulli Ann Clark, PhD Dennis Cearg Eileen Clearg Harold E. Clearg Conni Clough Conrad 0. Collins, M0 Garg D. Constant, Esq. John Cookleg Ragmond Corsini Gerard Couture Richard Covello Wagne A. Cowell Rev. Francois Croteau George Crowleg Robert E. Dallon Edward D'Amato Susan Dean Blake Della Bianca Michael DeNegris David M. Denis Frank DeParolis David D'Eramo, PhD Sonja Desousa, Esq.
Jose Dlugokinski Anne Dolson Diane Donovan Edmund Donovan James D. Donovan, Esq. Theodore Donovan, Esq.
Andre D. 0orval, Esq. Frederick R. Downs, Jr. Jack Driscoll Audreg Dubag Stephen Duffg, Esq. Ronald Duhaime
James 0umont Roland J. Dumont Carg Dupont Robert Dutton Stuart Falk, MD Vivian Falk John J. Fasolo, Jr. Dennis Ferguson, MD Ellen Ferrier Robert Festa Robert W. Fiondella, Esq. Robert Fiondella, Jr. Robert Fischer, MD
Marguerite Fletcher Terrg B. Fletcher Johnie Flogd Edward R. Fournier, Jr., DMD Phillip Fowler Edward F. Fox, MD Barbara Hackman Franklin John Frazier, MD Robert E. Froehlich Clifford Fulton Arthur P Funk, Sr Arthur P. Funk, Jr. Charles L. Fureg, Esq. Timothg W. Fureg, Esq. Helen M. Gartman John J. Gavin, Jr. Robert N. Genereau Rita L. Gerzanick John Gibbons, MD Garg 6ibson Keith Gibson Mark Gibson Richard D. Gilland, Esq. Garg Gimpl Jean P Gingras Patricia C. Giomblanco P. Anthong Giorgio, PhD
Louis F. Hanrahan, Esq. 0oris Harrison Margaret Hages, Esq. Bettg Helming Beverlg Hershman Jack Hines Delbert Hodder, MD Marlene Hoerle Fred Hollfelder
Rev Christopher Horvath Kimberlg Hostetler Donna Hricisko Elbert Huckabg Katherine lll, MD Peter lmperator Gerald 0. F. Jensen, MD William R. Johnson Bergl Josephson Helen Kalinowski
Jack Katz,
Stephen J. Kage, MD Dennis Keenan Rev Earl Keirstead Thomas D. Kennedg, lll Dean B. Kilbourne, Esq. Leslie S. Kish, MD Sallg Kish
John Kowalczgk Kenneth l. Krasner, MD Edward Krawiecki, Jr., Esq. Edward Krawiecki, Sr., Esq. Sharon Krawiecki Kelvin Kreho Teresa J. Kukolja, RN, MPA, CNAA David Kushlan Ercole Labadia Edwin V Ladd Wilmar T. Lagasse Dolores Lanosa Joseph E. LaPlume Madelgn LaPlume Steven E. Lasewicz, Jr. Wendg Latshaw, MD Marie Laviero Morris M. Laviero Patricia Laviero Philip E. Learg Dolores R. Lebert Debra Lembo John J. Leone, Jr.
John Letizia Lawrence Levine, MD Frank G. Little John Lodovico, Jr. Edward P Lorenson Laura Lorenson Dixie Lee Loseg Marie MacDermid Elmer Madsen Edward J. Maher, PhD Nachigappan Manoharan, MD Larrg Marcus, MD Margaret Magnard Judge Robert R. Magnard JoAnn McBrien Susan McDonald Patrick H. McFadden Edward McPhee, Jr. David Melenski Carol Messier Robert L. Messiet Jr. Salvatore Micucci Barbara Mills Suzanne Mink
Townsend T. Mink David Mischke
Elizabeth Stevenson
Jose Missri,
William Stortz Rodger Stotz Jennie Sglvester
Dana Stone
Robert A. Mola Simeon Morin Thomas Morrow William R. Mosleg
Timothg Murawski Rev. Aubreg L. Murphg
Jeremiah Murphg Neil
Murphg, Jr., Esq.
lrene D. Nadeau Patrick Nelligan Frank Nicastro Virginia C. Nocera Carolgn Norton J. Harwood Norton, Marie 0'Brien Richard 0'Brien Thomas P 0'8rien Fran k
Catherine Szenczg Craig P Taglor Fred Tedesco Richard Tedesco Carolgn A. Thierg Carolgn Thompson Ann W. Tracg James E. Tracg, Esq. William J. TracA, Jr., Esq. James Truscio George Tuttle
Charles Padget, MD John S. Papa, Jr., Esq. Anthong S. Parisi, MD James Patania Barrg Pearson Richard F. Peterson William A. Petit, Sr. Esmond J. Phelan, Jr. Katherine Plourde
Philip Pond James R. Potter Marg-Etta Potter
Carmelita Valerio Peter Valerio Sophia Vandal James E. VanHoof Jean-Pierre van Roog Martin Van Walsum Dorothg Vaughan Julie Vernon, MD
Salvatore Vitrano, Esq. John Walker, MD John Walsh
Arthur Ward Donna Warkowski Garg Weed
Katherine Weed
Theodore Poulos, Esq. David Preleski Ann Prgor James J. Prgor Chergl Ptaszgnski Michael S. Ptaszgnski, MD Barbara Puffer Donald F. Radcliff
P Everett Weed Michael Werner Michael Whaleg, MD James White Rev. Edward Whitehead Robert J. Williamson, MD Edward Wilenskg Joseph Wilson Henrg J. Wojtusik Peter Wojtusik
Jeanne E. Radcliff Jerald Rafaniello Thomas J. Ragaini Chester Reed, Jr. James Reidg, Jr. Barrg 6. Renaud Kathrgn Ricci Janet Riemer Garg Ritter Leonard Roberts Jonathan Rosen, MD Stuart Rosenberg Bertrand L. Rouleau Robert Rousseau Donald G. Russell, MD Rev. Norma M. Rust Daniel Saccu James Sagre, MD Susan Scarritt Theodore Scheidel Henrg Scherer, Jr. Daniel J. Scoppetta, M0
Jeffreg Scott Douglass Seaver Nicholas J. Seguljic, MD Richard Seguljic, Esq. Carl R. Sellberg Edward Selnau Patricia selnau Paul Sessions Sharon Shafran Sidneg Shafran, 0D Douglas P Shea Sandra Silver E. Lee Sinkwich
Virginia Smanik Edward C. Smith John E. Smith olcott V. Snow Therese Snow
Worthing P Snow Jane Snowdon Donald SoucA Joseph A. Spinella, MD Peng J. Spinelli Jane Stanke
Philip Wojtusik Jean Young Mark Zammett Edward J. Zebrowski, MD Joseph Zerbeg Richard Zweig, MD
Betsg Sweeneg Co-Vice President Patricia Fournier Co-Vice President Cliff Fulton Treosurer
Kim Larkin Janice Mercieri Secretorg Diane Rivers
Assistont Secretorg BOARD MEMBERS
Melanie Barnes Trudg Brown Lisa Burns Debbie Caruso Beth Ann Evans Valerie Fureg Dorie Harrison Jack Hines Joan Kegowski Diane Latvis Patricia Laviero Diane Mackloskg Pat Mason Karen Miller Chergl Ptaszgnski Veronica Sassu Joan Seguljic Jane Stanke Bea Trafton Carmelita Valerio Shergl Wingfield