CLI Flyer

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Is video telemedicine effective crnd personql? ,I

"In our telemedicine prolram, the uisual presentation oJ inJormation is paramount to a successJul diagnosis. Using CLIs system means u)e neoer compromise on image quality. Tbeir speciJications speakJor tbemseloes...CLI's system is, witbout doubt, tbe best oideoconJerencin! system aoailable." .loltuTrrr,rr,Pro1ramDirtctor,NloturktirrctrDoctorTtltpision.

United Medical Network established a telemedical link to allow doctors from Atlanta's Ceorgia Baptist Medical Center to consult on laparoscopic surgery with doctors at Russia's St. Petersburg Hospital lZZ. CLI's technology gave doctors an unsurpassed clarity of picture and sound, to successfr-rlly perform this intricate and complicated surgery.

Ceorgia Statewide Academic and Medical System uses CLI's videoconfelencing equipment to effectively run a variety of educatronal courses statewide. From complete medical training for nurses to a zoological program for children. This program is now the largest interactive distance learning network in the United States.

Just qsk the experls. Now all your patients can personally receive the best healthcare treatment possible. CLIs

analyzed and discussed as thor"rgh patient and doctor were in the same room.

innovative systems give patients and doctors the opportuniry to actually heal see and speak with each other in trust and confidence despite the distance between them. CLIs technology provides crystal-clear transmission of sound and video instantly. \)/lth CLI's systems,

So call CLI today at 1-8OO-225-5254 or fax CLI at 512-345-95O9 and find out why the experts agree that CLI's videoconferencing systems offer the most effective (.11!


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medical information such as sonograms, X-rays, stethoscope readings and other tests can be shared, Ol!)94 Conprcs\ion l-abs lnc. All rights rcscrucd. CLI

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21J60 luncrron Avcnuc. San losc.


is r/,1 fu/rnrir'/'irrrr rrrrJs

and mOSt Perso na I

telemedicine solution available.

(.CLL compression

rcgistcrcd tradcmark and Radiancc is a tradcnrark ot Comprcssion Labs, lnc CA 95 I 34. Tel, .108-.135-3000. Fax 408-922-5429



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