magazine is published
quarterly by the Public Relations Department of Bristol Hospital. HealfhSense is designed to provide you with cunent information about health, health care and Bristol Hospital and Health Care Group. lt is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bristol Hospital or its medical staff. Contents may be reprinted with written permission and proper credit. We welcome your comments and questions. Write to:
HeallhSense Public Relations Department Bristol Hospital P.O. Box 977
CT 06011-0977
E-mail: or visit our Web site at u au{.bdslolhospitaloqg
enrsrol HosPrrAL
a SAINT FRANCIS CarePartner Healthsense/Spring 2001
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
llccausc lrcrrt tliscasc is thc nur-nbcr'onc liillcr oi both \\'()rncn and rlcr-r in tlic Unitecl Statcs, Bristol IIospital is tlliing stcl]s t() ploviclc xcccss t() thc most arh'rr-rcccl clinical practiccs ir-r carcliac carc t() thc gl-catcr IlristoI cor-nr-nr,u'ritt.
Women's Health: Top Health Threats
t\ r'isit to thc cLrctor's otficc
tirr'1r \\1)ma1r isr-r't s'hat it r,rsccl to bc.'I"lrc fircus ort rr'r>t-ncn\ lrcalth ovct the p:rst ccntLrl'\'has bccorlc or-rc oi tl-rc thstcst gt'r>ling in thc tlclcl of ucclicinc.
Sinus Problems: They're Not What You Think They Are
lrlrsill cor-rgcstior-r, p()stnrsal clrip, prcsstrtc in cvcs ancl a hcaclachc. Tlrc last thinq rrrr-r \\'lrrt t() hcar is that r'ou clon't havc u sinus ploblcrr-r. 13r-rt, chanccs atc, \'or-r clor-t't. \irr-ri-c sr-rtilrinq. \irr.r'r'c
...........10 rrur
hcacl, sneczing, \\'atcrl
Bristol Hospitalts New Perioperative Genter ......14 J'lrc ncccl firr a ncs tvpc oiopcrlting Loonr has lccl lJlistol
Flospitrl to plln onc oi its most irr"nbitious ptolccts irr verrs: 'l'hc constrr-rction oia tblce-stort Pct'io1-rct'atir-c (-crrter', l,itl'r statc-ot-thc-art tcchnok>gv encl all thc sllpp()rt sclviccs that t()(lil\''s sLlrqic;t1 tt cltttirlLtr's t'e.1uit't'.
Golorectal Gancer Prevention and Awareness: Regular Screenings Gould Save Your Life .........................
.......... 4
I'ollos'ing a Los-liat Dict; Sr-nalt Starts
\irul l)ar'; (f Lricl< ar.rcl I'.asv
(.anccl of thc cokrn ancl rcctr-rm is thc scconcl
Tidbits for
oi canccr tlcaths in thc Llnitccl Statcs. I..nrxvinq tolrr risli factors is iur inrP()rtrurt stcp 1rv1121.1
Hos, Do hicls Spcnd Thcir Timc?; Ncs,Slccp Positir>n lncrcascs StDS Rish; Tr>p Tips flrr Flomc Safetr'; Summcr Srvim Satctr
lcaclir-rq causc
protcctit"lg t orrrsclf-.
.......... 6
TefeNurse Thc
NIcr-racir-r.q NIt>sclr-rito
Seniority Iior-rr Stascs
........12 Rctircr-ncnt; (icncticallv
(ihallcngcd; \\irrl< or.rt s'ith (larc
HealthShorts .....
.... 13
Sholt snippcts on hcaltlr ancl s'cllncss fix cvcrvclav livit-tg
Todayts Man 10
\\hvs to
16 Sr-roring;
lrccp thc Signs ot
;\ging Hidclcn
.... 19
Ncs's rnd infirrr-natior-r fror-n llristt>l Flt>spitel
HealthSense/Spring 200'l
Health is not valued till sickness comes.-Ihomas Fuller
Following a Low-Fat Diet Spring has sprung and summer is on its way! lt's the perfect time to make a change to a healthier lifestyle. Better food habits can help you reduce one of the major risks for heart attack
high blood cholesterol.
The best way to help lower your cholesterol level is by eating less fat and controlling your weight. Doris Griffith, registered dietitian and director of
clinical nutrition for Bristol Hospital, suggests following some basic recommendations by the American Heart Association for sticking to a
lowjat diet: Breads, cereals, pasta and starchy vegetables (6-11 servings per day) One serving equals 1 slice bread; %cup cereal, rice or pasta; % cup starchy veggies like corn or potatoes. Vegetables and Fruits (5 or more servings per day) One serving equals a medium-sized piece of fruit; % cup fruit juice; %lo 1 cup cooked raw veggies. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. Meat, poultry and fish (no more than 6 cooked ounces per day) A 3-ounce portion is about the size of a deck of playing cards. That equals % of a chicken breast or %cup of flaked fish. Trim fats from meat; remove skin from poultry. One cup of cooked beans, peas or lentils, or 3 ounces of tofu, equals a 3-ounce serving of meat, poultry or fish but has no fat and lots of fiber. Try to eat a few meatless meals each week. Dairy Products (2 to 4 servings per day) One serving equals 1 cup of milk or yogurt or 1 ounce of cheese. Use only milk products with 0 to 1 percent fat. Two percent milk is not low-fat. Have only nonfat or low-
fat yogurt.
Eggs (no more than 3 to 4 egg yolks per week) Be sure to count any egg yolks used in cooking and in store-
bought foods. Egg whites aren't limited because they don't contain cholesterol. Fats and Oils (no more than 5 to 8 servings per day) One serving equals 1 tsp. vegetable oil or regular margarine, 2 tsp. diet margarine, 1 Tbsp. salad dressing, 2 tsp. mayonnaise or peanut butter. One serving equals 1 Tbsp. seeds or nuts, 1/8 medium avocado, 10 smallor 5 large olives.Use allfats and oils sparingly, and use the ones lowest in saturated fats and cholesterol. Read food labels carefully, and try to avoid "hydrogenated" oils and fats.
ltullt ctrrt'pruf t.r.riotnl /o Itzrrt uort ,tltorrl.yotr Iuhlt tttrd rtrrlriliotr. TclcNLrrsc at 1-88U-.1(lNIIRSIi tor urorc infirlrrltion.
Quick and Easy Recipes Egg Sandwiches English muffins are lowet in fht than biscr,rits ancl croissants Make vour own breakfast sandrviches at home: Scrambled eggs
Thinly sliced ham
firu;*rt St;r"t:;l Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After sleeping for six to 10 hours, our bodies need energy. But only 46 percent of American adults and children eat breakfast every day. This number is even lower for teenagers. Here are some great ideas for smart starts: Toast with 100% fruit preserves and a glass of milk. Peanut butter on toast, topped with sliced bananas. Waffles topped with frozen strawberry yogurt. Cereal topped with sliced fruit. Grilled cheese sandwich with a glass of fruit juice.
r r I r r I r r r r r r r
lo.yortr drttlar, tttrt'.;t'or
Sliced American cheese
English mufflns Toast English muffins. Top with scrambled eggs, a slice wave
cheese. N{icro10 to 15 seconcls.
and a slice
Yogurt topped with fresh or canned fruit and granola.
Easy Fruit Salad I{ids lke to help make and eat this salad! (]anned mandarin
Scrambled egg and ham rolled up in a tortilla shell served with
()ranqes are a great source
Pancakes topped with peanut butter, fruit preserve or applesauce. Raisin bagel topped with peanut butter. Banana bread, pumpkin bread or cranberry bread with a glass of fruit juice. Cheese and crackers. Dry cereal, fruit and nut mixtures. Make your own and bring along! Peanut butter and fruit preserve spread on a tortilla shell. Roll and eatl
HealthSense/Spring 2001
of vitamin
1 can fruit cocktail, packecl in juice 1 can mandarin otanges, packed in juice or light svrr-rp 2bananas, peeled and sliced
Mix tosether fruit cocktail, mandarin ()ranses and
Serve chilled. Mnkes 6 serr-inss.
xAdd-yttarfarutrin.lnit: to ili.r .ralad .rlitd srr,,(n,l,rr :r r e r i e.r o r .r /i ce d gtvp e s ! p".^"t,, ",(1.
pearltes, peatt, pinurpl'tle,
The world belongs to the energetic.-Ralph Waldo Enerson
How Do Kids Spend Their Time? Pre-school children spend about half of their lives sleeping
- averaging
86 hours a week.
They spend 11 hours a week eating and put in a 3O-hour "play" week. For adolescents, the
time spent sleeping drops rapidly each year to less than 60 hours a week for some. Studies show that the time spent eating also declines during adolescence, although some parents of hungry teens question that fact!
llcfirrc it u'es linos'r-r thrt brrlrics slccl)inq on rhcir
storr.rirchs hln'c uu inclc:rscrl risli of
pur thcil cl'rilclrcn to bcrl ir-r tlrrrt position. (irandprrcnts rcsistrnt to chrnqc shoLrlcl rceli;zc, horlclcr, thrrt brtl>ics usccl to slccping on tlrcit'brclis:rrc partictrlar-lv vr-rlncrel>lc ii plecccl on thcir stor.nlchs clcr.r occesionrrllt. ln onc str,rclt; b:rbics t'or.rtir-tclv pllccd on thcir stomlclrs l'crc t'irr: tiurus n.rore suclclcn ir-rfant clcrrth slnclror-r'rc (SIDS), nLlmcr()Lls plrrents
likclr to dic oi Sll)S. lror thosc
to slecpinu on thcir
becks, thc risli
clc:rth shcr.r
thcir stomachs srts 20 tir-ncs highcr cor.t-t1'ltt-ccl to l>rbics slccping on thcir brrclis. "lirllos tlrc,.\nrcriclt-t r\cecler-uv oi I)crlietlics lecorlnrcntlltions ltnrl pllt \'()Llr bltlrv to slccl'r on its brcli nrthcr thln its stot-nlch to lcclucc thc liliclihoorl oi SII)S," srrls II. ,\nrlrcs' Sclingcr', trlD of Thc Ir:rntill Ilcclicll (it'oup in lJristol. \,,rrr,. ,, r\, 1,. Lr,r \,i, ,.(,., \r.,r, . \,,\(,.,., ,,,, Placccl
-l "
lome sweet home! lt's the one place where we can be comfortable and let our guards down, right? Wrong! According to the National Safety Council, each year seven million Americans suffer disabling injuries and another 28,000 die as a result of injuries suffered at . home. Make sure your home is as safe as it can be.
... .
.. ".-. ,.
Complete the home safety checklist offered by the
National Safety Council to see how your home checks out. Remember that this list is not all-inclusive. lnspect li' your home regularly for any special needs that your family may have.
/Safety glazing in large windows or any
y'Smoke alarms on every level,
_other large glass panel in your home? y'Handrails in bathtubs, showers and especially near sleeping areas? {Carbon monoxide detector near stairs? /Step stool/utility ladder for hard{o sleeping areas? /Ground-fault circuit interrupters that reach places? monitor the electricity flow in a circuit? /Sufficient lighting, especially near /Fire extinguishers? stairwells and hallways? /Emergency evacuation plan? /Safety goggles for any do-it-yourself y'Flashlights?
y'First aid kit? y'List of emergency phone numbers? y'taggeO shutoffs for gas, oil, water
Homes where children live or visit and homes with swimming pools should have additional special considerations. For more safety tips or information, visit the
and electric supply?
/Grab bars in all bathtubs and shower stalls?
/Slip-resistant finishes in bathtubs showers? HealthSense/Sprint 2001
Survival kit for unexpected disasters?
National Safety Council's website at www,
Swim SaJbty According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children should not be taught to swim until after they are 4. Children ages 1 and 2 have the highest rate of drowning of any age group. The AAP says safety claims by some children's swim programs could lull parents into a false sense of comfort. The AAP also says parents should always remain an arm's length from an infant or toddler when the child is in the water, providing "touch supervision". Swimming is a great sport and super way to beat the heat, but always pay attention to pool
safety no matter how old your child is.
For more information, call TeleNurse at 1-888-30NURSE. BRISTOL HOSPITAL
Beftrand Rrsse//
\\'ith thc ()nsct oi thc \\'arnr \\-cathcr scason, it's important firr von t() start thinking abourt hr>tt' t<r prcpare tor tl-rc invasion of thosc pcsl<r- little pcstsr-nosclr-ritocsl r\h-r-rost c\-cr\'()nc has l-racl tl"rc unplcasant
cxpcricncc of bcinq bittcn bv a tnosclurito. Nlos<1r-rito bitcs can calrsc scvcrc skin irritation thror,rglr an allcr{:ic rcaction t() thc u-iosclnito's saliva this is s-hat causcs tlrc rccl burnp ancl itching. Nlosclr-ritocs can also carrt' ancl transr-nit ccrtain scrior,rs cliscascs sucl-r as rnalaria, cicngr-rc fcvcr ancl scr-cral tirrms <ii cnccphalitis. Not onlv can mriscltritocs crrrrl cliscascs th,rt afTect hurrans, thcv also can transl-lrit clisctscs and palasitcs tl-rat animals arc susccptil>lc to. Thcrc arc about 200 cliffi:rcnt spccics oi mos.1t-titocs in thc Unitccl Statcs, all oi u'l-ric[-r livc in spccific habitats, cxhibit uniclr-rc bclraviors ancl bitc clifftrcnt tvpcs <>f animals. Ncvcrthclcss, all n"rosclLritocs rccllrirc \\'ater t() lav thcir cggs in - ti-rc sr-rrfhcc oi stagnant \\ratcr, in r cicprcssion, ()t' ()n thc cdgc of a containcr n'hct'c rainwatcr mat' collcct ancl f-lood thc cggs. ()thcr sites in s-l.ricl'r somc spccics lat'thcir cggs inclLlclc marshe s, s\\,alrps, cloggccl ditches ancl ternp()rarl pools ancl puclcllcs, trcc holcs, c()ntaincrs such
Thc Enr.ironmcntal Pr()tecti()n Agencv suggests thc
F,mptl stanclins
buckets, plastic c()\'crs, t()\'s ()r an\' ()ther c()ntainer. Frmptv ancl changc thc w^tcf in bircl baths,
in old tircs, cemcterv urns,
firuntains, u,ading pools, rain barrcls ancl pottcd plant travs at lcast ()ncc a u'ccli, if nrtt more oftcn. Drain or t-ill tcmporarv pools rvith clirt.
l{ecp srvimmins pools treatcd and circulatins and rain $rttcrs uncloggcd. Use moscluito rcpcllants whcn ncccssarv and firllos' label ciirections and prccallti()ns ckrsclv. Usc hcacl nets, long slecvcs ancl krng pants ii vou vcntlrre into areas rvith high moscluito pctpr-rlations, such as salt marshcs.
I li
there is a moscluito-bornc discasc utarnin.r-l in cffcct, stav insiclc cllrrin{r thc cvening rvhen
nrosclLritrlc s arc rlt( )st aicti\ c. Nlakc surc urinclorv and cloor sctccns are "bug tight".
lour <llrtcloor lislrts s,ith vellou, "bLrg" lights.{/7
<llcl tircs, br,rcl<cts, t()\'s, p()ttcd pl,rnt trays and sauccrs, ancl
plastic c()\'crs or tlrpaulins. \'olrr varcl urav bc a veritable moscluito hcavcnl \\'itlr slrrvcillancc ancl a bit of plannins, r'or-r can hclp p1()tcct trrr-rrsclf and rrrur lor,ecl oncs uncor-r-rfortablc bitcs ancl fi'or-r'r tl.rc risli oi scrior-rs
f-iul-rt r-nosclr,ritocs ancl
Bristol-Burlington Health
Dept. of Environmental Protection Mosquito Management Program 860-642-7239
CT Dept. of Public Health Epidemiology Section 860.509-7994
CT Agricultural Experiment Station 860.974.8510
HealthSense/Spring 2001
A visit to the doctor's office for a woman isn't what it used to be. According to the Mayo Clinic, one hundred years ago
you might have died giving birth. Without antibiotics,
sore throat could have led to Rheumatic fever, and a blood transfusion was risky and often
fatal since blood typing had not yet been discovered. Just a
decade ago, women were
considered second-class medical subjects and were largely excluded from clinical studies, even for research on
breast cancer. Sincc then, a clistinctlv cliiicrcnt
Health By' I b ru
Heolthsense/Spring 2001
.\' cr t
llud a1, n,i tl.t co n ti lt r
ti o u s .fiott .l i
n L. t\ I i n r o
oi u'omen's hcalth has ct-ucrgccl. "Wirmcn arc dcmandin{r m()re ancl righth so," savs Suzannc Nlillcr, NID oi C(-(X; \\'<>r-r'rcn's H caltl.r G roup, Bristol. "\\'hat urrrl<s firr tlcn clocs not s'orl< for s<rtlct-r. \\irmcn havc thcir ou'n spccific ncccls pictulc
rclatccl to vitamins, csercisc
menstruation, ancl tlrcv rcact cliftcrcntlv
to t lri()rrs
Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys and dividing our grief.-Joseph Addison
Just as thc meclical treld is constantlv
\\'omen comprise 80 percent of thc population suffering from osteoporosis, due to a higher rate
er<, lvomen's health is bccoming an
emersins t-icld in its ou'n riul-rt. According to Dr. Nliller, this tnor.e to impror.e and
bonc mass loss.
cxpancl the r.r'a)' \\/()mcn arc treated mcdicalh'is not onlv phlsician-driven
also consumcr-clriven. "\\trmcn are clcmanding morc from thc rnedical fielcl, ancl at thc samc timc, therc has bcen an increasc in the number of t-er-nalc phvsicians cnterins thc mcdical ficld," savs Dr. Nliller.
Diagnosing Our Differences It's no secrct that a womcn's bodv clifterent than a man's, jr,rst as u,otncnls health needs arc diffcrcnt than men'.s. In thc past ten veats, rescarchers have uncovcrcd manv important diffcrences betrvecn mcn ancl w()men. Accordin{r to data compilcd bv is
the Societl fbr
Rcsearch, u/()men
differ fron-i mcn in
"\\ lilrrt
Women's Top Health Threats The Dcpartment of Health and Human Sen.ices rccentl)'released its findings on
death in women in the United States. \bu mav know some olt thc causcs, but others mal surprisc vou. These top health threats - most of them prcventable - cause millions of worren to die each year. Do you linow u'hat threatcns vour health most? the leading causes
No. 1-HeartDisease Heart disease is responsible for nvice the numbet of deaths in women than all fbrms of cancer combined. Heart disease is the most sig'nificant health threat for
fr,rnctions to the unicllle wals thel arc aftccted bv disczise. lior cxarnplc: I \\trmen smolicrs arc 20 to 70 percent more likelv to develop h-rne canccf tl-ran men r,vho smokc the samc am()Lrnt. It's also hardcr for womcn to liick the habit. \\'omcn lravc a higher heart rate than men, cvcn c|-rrinu slccp. Sttrtlies havc sh,ru n thet aspirin reduccs stroke in men u'ith high blood prcssure but nrrt in uotncn. \\brnen tend to u,alic up fiom anesthcsia mr>re clr,riclilv than
avcragc <lf seven minutes
f<rr r.r'omen and clcven minutes frrr
e eror-tp oi chronic lung conditions inclr-rclins
(.( )PD is thc ovcrall tcrnr firr
bronchitis, cmphvsema and other lung disorders. The main cause oi C()PD is smoking, and in 1998 more than 55,5()0 U.S. r,vomen dicd of COPD.
No. 5 - Pneumonia and Influenza The two combincd are the titlh lcacling cause of dcath in U.S. u'omen toclat'. Tosether thq' took the livcs oi almost 51,000 \\/omen in 1998.
No. 6 - Diabctcs
Diabetcs claimed thc livcs of almost 65,000 U.S. people in 1998, and morc than 35,000 of them u,ere r.r''omen. Are \'()u arn()ng thc 92 pcrccnt of Americans who don't tl-rink diabetes is a serious condition?
r ,inr1 I'il:] rtlr sri." ']ti s .'ili.],ri'{.(,( )(l tili't-ritt"s il,-',r]tir (li',,Lrir, jrili.'"\i jiril ,r',ti'-,i(ii'itt{.:11 rlnr's ili:i \,,i;i'].: 1,rt"",.,'11,rtt-,. iir :tt r, ri.t..
tlti.triittLl titr
:',ri;rlr'r::": trirli":1
and adverse effects In 1.991, almost 35,000 w()men died from accidents
women in the United States todal',
adr.erse effects frour rnotor r.ehicle acciclents, lnlufles at work and other accidcntal
responsible for almost 371,000 deaths in
basic biolo{rical
No. 4 - Chronic obstnrctive puln-ronary diseasc (COPD)
No. 2 - Cancer r\ccording to the American Cancer
A Glimpse of the Future The next decade or so will brins
Sociefi' (ACS), the most common cause of cancer death in U.S. women is lung cancer. Breast cancer is the second leadins cause of cancer death in U.S. w()men, and it's estimated that almost 183,000 women were dia{rnoscd with
rerrelations and advanccments in thc area
breast cancer in 2000. The third highest cause of cancer death in U.S. women is colorectal cancer. F,stimatcs suggesr it claimed the of about 28,500 women
thc rliffcrenccs inr()ng w()nrcn erc ittst
in the U.S. in 2000. No. 3 - Stroke About 158,000 people in the U.S. clie of
\\trmcn are nv() to thrce times n-rorc likclv to sr-rffer from depression, in particular bccause u'omcnt brains makc lcss of tl-re
stroke each vear, and almost two-thirds them are women. Stroke is not onlt' womcn's number three killer, br-rt it's one
hormone sclat()nin, r.r'hich has been shown to affcct moocl.
of the leadins causes of disabilitf
rvomen'.s health. Neu, cancer therapics,
to hormone replaccment, identiffing senes that cause discasc, delavins or reducins the effccts of menopalrse and continued discor.crt' of alternatirres
"Vlomen have accepted a limitcd amount of treatments to their l-rcaltl-r problems in the past," savs Dr. Nliller. "But the future u'ill brins an emphasis on, not onh' rrarious tleatments, but on or.erall urell being for women. \\'omcn will f-eel bettcr ancl take better care of ,, dr illemsel\-cs. q il'
you u'ould like more information
about wonen's health, call TeleNurse at 1-888-30NURSE.
Heolthsense/Spring 200'l
l.arrr \l:trcLrs, \l.l)., rIlr crlr', t'tose, rtrrcl (lrNl) srrts. "\llt-l 1-rcolrlc cotttc it.tto tt-tt otficc
IJristo] I losl-ritrrl's tlr'()lr1 sl)ccilrlist
conlirtccrl tlrcv lrevc rl silrLls irrtl'ctiorr ttr sit'ttts itrt'l:tt'rttrtlttiotr. \lost ottcn, thcr clon't." \'rrlclic Vitrrlc, \1.[)., rrnothcr l:N'l s1'rccirrlist, rrgrr:cs. \\ irh thc slnrpt()rlrs listcrl rrlror ci \ ()ur ploblcr-t't is trrr-rch nrorc liliclt to bc ellerqics. lrlt Llt\ ir,t-tttttt'tl polirrtrrnt, ()r rl strLrctLrl'rrJ prolrlct-n (lil<e rr tlclirrtcrl scptLrrl) irr \ ( )Ltf
tlre lc :llc t\\'() lttili()r l\ |e s , ,t- lt'rtt ( )nc is intlrrnrrrrrtiorr (ustr:tJlr s'ith trrc:irrl prrirt;
I)r. \'rtrrlc crPlrrirrs tlrrtt sinrrs
ithorrt inicction. Sotrctit"ncs tlris rs crrllcrl "sirrr-rsitis".
-l-hc sccottrl Sirrrrsitis crur ()ccLrr rr'ith ot'u ithor,rt p()stltirsirl rlrip. :rrtcl rlolc scliorrs prolrJet-tt is .t sitrtrs irriecli, 'rt, cithct'ilcLllc ()r ch
lntlrr-nnrlrtion ()r inti'cti()n ol tlrc sit-tuscs t-t.trtt r-tot sot-ttrtl llicl, lrLrt thcsc rtt'e conclitiotrs thill l)ul lrcople itt 1-rtirl rttrtl trliscrt. 'li, cliscovcr if it's \ ( )u1' silruscs ( )r s( )lttcthiltg e lsc tltrtt's clltlsiltqrorrr prolrlct-n, 1ln lrN'l's1-rccirrlist rr-ill rrsl. \()Ll t() clcsct'ilrc tor-tr s\ lrpt( )nrs. 'l'hc cloctot' nriglrt lrsli \'( )Ll (lLl('sti( )rrs lilic:
Healthsense/Spring 2001
vorr lrrn c trrcirrl lrrrirrl \\ lrele : \ or,r coLrqhirrq- ot' erpcriencit-rq- posttt:tsrtl tlrip: Is r our ser-tsc oi sr-nt]l or tltstc :ritcretli
I)il rrrtl tl,t.'t],,1,t11'111 1l,rrl r,l (','ll,t(ili, )ll: l)o vorrr cill's lrLrrti ls \0rtr thi'()1ll s()rca \\ lr:rl'. \('ll' \nl,'liirtt lti.t,'r'ri \\ lrlrt's \ ()rr N()r'1, r'rrr ir0tlnlctlt lil.r': .\r'c t()ril-s\ltrllt()lrs nr()rt ltr.rltlttlt ill \\'()l'li ()l-rtl ll()tltei Is tlre rc rr lristolr ,i :tl)erqics itt t,,' i:rrrrilr l I)r, r or,r lrrtvc :r11r't'qic si \\ lrrrt tr'pc r Ilo,,r'lrrne \orr lretlt scl[-rle:rting \'()ur s,, ltti]t(]rtt\i \\'lrlLt ltlrs totrt'1-rt'ittt:trt cltt'r'cl,rctot'qirctt \()tl t() Ilr'.lt lltt5 Irt,,lrlt ttt: ls t orl-pt'ob1r'nr \ cltr roLttttl ot'tL rcs it ottlt sLrt-f ltcr' .rt cr'r'l.tirt 1i1111. lrrirlt.r t,,ltl. \\'lrrrt rtrc tlrc'tlrinqs tlrrrl ntrLlic rotr fecl lrcltcr (tlt'irtkirtq JiclLrirls.
llliirrq^ rrrcrlicirrc, rtvoitlirtq sttt,,liittg,
ccltrlin crrr n'ontlc'rrl)i lJctolc roLr crtll rt tloclot', tlt]ic stocli oi toLrt'c,,rttli1i,,rt. lJt irrtprrrecl t() rtlrs\\'Lr (lu('sti()rrs lil<t tlrr'sr'. l)r,irtq s,r tvill ltcll'r
( I
prirlrarl carc phvsicirrn or thc spccialist clctcrn-rinc
and trap bactcria.
lir-rgcring colcl or virr-rs th:rt ss'clls thc
r1l()st apPr()Priatc trc1rt1lrc1lt t() rctLrrll \'()u t() hcalth as clLriclih'
nlsal mcrrbr-ancs crn also leacl to
as possiblc.
Pcoplc s'ith allcrgies ()r asthnr2r can clcvclol-r polrl-rs that c:rn
Ii allcrsics are thc prr>blcnr, thc lrN-I' spccialist s'ill s-orl< rr-ith an rrllcrgist to iclcntif-r' r'or-rr s1-rccific allctgics ancl plan tfcatnlcnt. \lant' tit'ncs, just cor]trolling \'()Lll' cr-tvitor-trttcrtt ctr-r brinq rcliet-. \irr,r t'nav ncccl to arrricl sr-nolic, krr craurplc, or rcclncc thc irnror,rr-rt oi clrrst rlitcs ir-r r-our cnviror-tnrcnt. lf \rru'r'c bccn tlltinq ant' r-ncclication, thc doctor s'ill s'ant to r-nalic surc lrru'r'c bccn r-rsinq it plopcrlt. Sotrctit-ncs pcoplc lusc a nrcrlicrition lilic nasal s;rrav ancl thinli it clocsr-i't s'rlrk.
blocl< thc nasrrl passaucs irncl crcrtc sinLls 1-rloblcnrs. SinLrs -I'hc polvps :rrc rclativclv c()mrl()n accorclinq to I)r. \'itale. -fhcratc tcar shlpccl polvps arc a l'cacti()n t() inf-lallllati()n. solicl stlr-rctr-rrcs that lrc usr-rallv bcnigrr. Dr'. trlarcr-rs savs thlt ln asthm2rtic or rllcrgt sr.rf fcrcr, u'hosc cor-nbinltion oi polr-ps lincl a sinr-rs pnrblcr-r-r lcclr-rircs srrr{cr\'. r-rsr,rallv rcaps a doublc bcncflt. ()ncc thc polrps are q()i-rc n()t r>r-ilt'clo thc sinr-rscs itlptovc, tl'rc astht-nlr or allcrgv t-tc'.rt'lv als'uls cLrcs as u'cll.
in rcalitr; lrcoplc 2rrcn't t()lrl or cLrr"r't alu'ru's firlkru'thc instrr-rctior-rs tirr r-rsrrgc. ( )r-rcc thc rleclicrrtior-r is trl<cn in thc right closrrgc tirr thc right rrr.nor-rr-rt oi tir.r'rc, pcoplc r-rsr-rallt gct tltt t'c sttlts tltt r't'c sct liirrq. lJr-rt,
sinr,rs plolrlcn-rs.
,\s \'ou grou' olclcr thc Possibilitv of clcvclo;rinu a sinus plol>lcr-r-r incrcascs sor-ncs'hrt. Iror onc thirrq, allcrgics cvolvc tl'rror-rghor-rt vor-rr litctir-r-rc. \'or-r cotrlcl clcvclol-r allcrgics latcr irr
cliscr-rssing vour s\'1lpt()nrs ancl historr- s-itl-r r-or-r, thc
cloctor cxan'rincs \'()Lrr
ciu, thr()at lncl nccl<. Pcrhaps tl'rc
m()st imp()1'tilnt ()Lrtc()r'nc iron-r
s'hcthcr yr>u havc rr sirtr-rs irrtcction. li r-or,r havc a bactcrial sir-rr-rs intcctir)n, \'()Ll mLlst attcrlrPt t() l]ct thc ftasal passagcs clc:rt'ccl s'ith ar-rtibiotics. Rarclv cLrcs rr sir-ius infccti,)n g() 1l\\llv or-r its orr-r-r. t\ncl, ltn '.lcLltc ()r chronic sinr-rs intcctit)n \\cnrs vout' boclv clos'r-t, nraliing \'()Ll m()rc sr-rsccptiblc to othcr iilr.rcsscs. ( )r-rcc thc ir-rtcctior.r is clin.rir.rrrtccl. tlrc cloctor car-r ()r rsthm2r to rcclucc ()n brir-rq :trr\ tutrrt'c siuus inf-l:rt-nuration or
trcllt lnv othcr problcr-ns
tlrcir abilitv to in
sr-rch as rrllcrgics
oi oi thc hcacl. Thc tlajor
L'sr,rallr inflat'nt'nation
the sir-tr,rscs ()ccLlrs ()11 ()nc siclc
st'tlptot-n is
pcrsistcr-tt clLrll or borir-rg pain in ()nc particLrl^r'arca, clcl-rcncling on s'hicl.r oi thc four pairs oi siur,rs cavitics arc attcctccl (scc siclc bar). ( )tbcr signs oi a potcntial sinr-rs problcnrs 2u'c nasal congcstior-r, a lou--gr:rc]c fcvcr ancl plls ()r blceclinq in thc nosc.
\irr-rr sinr-rscs u'ill r-iot gct l)cttcf s'ithor-rt trcatllcnt. li trrr-r fccl bcttcr s'ith rcst ()l' timc, r'ou cLrr-r't huu'c l sir-us problcn-r. t\llcrgics 1lA\'\\'11\ rtncl u'lLnc, but r-tot rt sinus pnrblcr-r-r.
| I t
losc cfftcicncr'. Thcr r-nar n()t liccp \1)Ln' 11()sc :rs clcln ancl s'cll hur-niclitrccl. This can lcacl t() 1l()rc stuttlncss, p()stnas^l clrainagc, ancl, pcrhaps, intcctions.
Self-Prevention of Sinus Problems There are margt sintple things-yoa can do to reduceloar
isk of derckpinq
sinus prob/ents. Tlte1 include: rii:r
Drinking 4 to 8 glasses of water daiiy
rr'. Moderating your caffeine intake (caffeine dehldrates you)
onc rcqion
liic ancl thns bc m()rc pr()nc to sinr-rs inicctions rncl inflamr-natior-r. r\lso, ls \'()Ll t{lc, \'()r-rf mLlc()us mcnrbtancs
You have four pairs of sinus cavities in your head: 1. Frontal sinuses-------over the eyes in the brow area 2. Maxillary sinuses----- inside the cheekbones S Ethmoids------------behind the bridge of the nose +. Sphenoids----------in the upper region of the nose behind the eyes
r\n\rrnc carr crpcricr-rcc sir-rr,rs prolrlcr-ns. Pco;rlc s'ith asthr-r-ra or allergics alc cs1-rcci:rllv sLrsccptiblc. t\llcrgics ss'cll tl.rc r-rrcnrbrancs in thc sirrr-rs cavitics that c1r11 blocl< ofi thc t'nlrcr,rs
'jii Using a clean, cool-air humidifier if your house is drr' r:I ts2ting 2llergies appropriatelv (nasal sprai', antihistamines, allergy shots) ir.: Reducing i:irf
or eliminating alcohol
Eliminating smoking
Botli l)rs. \'italc ar-rcl l\Iarcr-rs arc c()11ccl'nccl ltbor,rt thc r.rsc oi antibiotics. Too <>ften cloctors prcsctibc or ;rcoplc rlct.t.rrincl lntibiotics s'hcn thc problcr.n colrlcl bc trcatc(l s-ith e r.r.rilrlcr firrr-r-r of trcatl-ncnt. Llsc antibiotics too oficrt :rncl vor-rt' boclr' clcvclops rcsistancc. l]r-rturc tl'catmcnt thcn clct-nancls str()ngcr cl<isaqcs or urcclicatiorrs. li rrrn havc colcl svmpt()ms tirr lcss tl.ran 10 clavs, it's probablv a virns that \\'ill g,,:nr'.rr on its ()\\'n. li loLr havc a milcl sirrlrs inflamt-nation, ll\\'als tr\' ,r nasal sprat' or clccongcstant t-lrst. Sinr-rs problcrns nlav not bc curablc, br-rt tl.reli'c ncarh' :rlu'at's trcatablc. "Part of thc goocl ncs's about sit-tr-rs problcn-rs is that pcoplc havc s()llc c()lrtr'()l rx'ct thct'u," sltr-s Dr. \'italc. "Thcrc arc goocl r-ncclicatior-ts to r,rsc ancl bv rlrrrl<ir-rg s'ith a spccialist m()st pc()ple can gct rclici fr-onr
thcit' svurpton-rs."
Healthsense/Sprinq 2001
Four Stages of
,\ccorrling to thc Socictl oi '\ctr-urt'ics tltc babt' boot.ttt'r gcncrlti( )1r n( )\\' lrcitriltg u lll ltc tlre tlrst il-r u'hich lotrgcvitt n.rcillts tltrtt both sP()ttscs -){ cirlr c\pcct to livc itttrI their ti()s,,,t"'.1 rr sr-rllsterltial q q) tr rrr-rrrbcr oi se niors s ill lirc t() scc tlrcir I()()' ' birthcllt. o 'l-irc irrcrclsinq t crtrs oi cslrcctctl t'ctirct-t.tcttt ttlclltls .L q) 't) thlit, ii thct u'ish tri t-ttaitrtliitt lt rcltsoltltblc stauclartl of -q) lir irrg scr.tir)r's lrr.rst lrlirtr crtrcl-utllr' 1ol tirLrr phascs tlf q)
(l, C
o E
tirc lrrclt t:
,\ scnri rctil-c(l stllgc ilr s'hich rrrent s'ill
o 'l'hc uctirc c(
(u f
o >
oI lcisurc tlrlrt
)ntinLlilrg cclucrttiot-t u ith littlc or tto
tt orl<;
a ,\ rlorc scclcnterr'Pcriocl ,,r'itlr lctivitics
sr,rclr es
:rrtl othcr lcss strcttrtot-rs hobltics cct-ttct'ccl lrroLrrtcl thc hotlc; ,\ 1-rcliocl of uatritrq strclrgth rrrtcl tlcclirtirrg hcllth irt
-O -a O
c) -O
lrLrlsLrc rr sccottcl
cllfccl- ()r cLlt 1)acli t() l)llrt-tilllc \\'()1'li;
a c
vcrr' ,rlcl ligc.
a (s
,\r'c tt,tr onc oi tlrc 5(r lrcrccrtt oi ,\r-rtclic:ttts s'lto ttotl'i or-rt? ,\t'c yolr ltlso ottc of thc tr-tltnr' '\trtct'icltt-ts rr ho rr'orl< ( )Llt \\'if h( )ut e rct'cisit-tg tltc propcr c:tt'e ttcctlctl t( ) llrcvcllt injLrrics? "\l:triv crcrcisc lelltecl irt jLrrics :trc ctt,,rsccl ltt ()\'crusc ltncl rrrrrtstutl .lctlltttrls ot't t'ttttsclcs, ]oitrts, tcrltlot-ts rrncl liqrtnrcnts, srrvs (.rrriq '1. /.cttcrgt'ct.t, \lS, l)'l', re hl
bilitatiorr sct'r'ices 1l;ulrrscr tirr thc lllistol IIoslrit:rl \\ cllncss (.e ntcr irrrrl llclrrrlr l)r'rtrrt.rtics. To get the greatest benefit from exercise and reduce your risk of injury, follow these tips for a safer workout:
-() C CD
o >
lltxv scll \\'c rlge is irr prrrt clctct'rr-rirtccl lrt
ot-tt'qct-tcs. It't
ltn cvollrtiot'tllr\ sclrsc, I-r"totlet'tr hltt-ttltr-ts:lrc s()lttctiltt(s:ll ockls rr'ith gcncs thirt clcvclopccl to pcrtttit sr.rrlivll it-t c tltcc tocllt. l illt stol'agc rC) nrr.rch hrtrslrct' cottrlitiot'ts tltatt s c (lcrrcticlllt \\'c :1l'c Pl'() f lrroviclcs rr rclling crrtt-t-rplc. E grrrnrlnccl oi plcrttr trt lrcllt r-rs tirt irr tinrcs t() st()rc O rhror-rgh tlrc lcrtrr tinrcs.'l-hc problct'rt flrr tltosc l'ht> livc irt o c a inclLrstlielizctl rr:ttions is thlt thcrc :trc l1( ) lcrttr tirtle s. ! (irocclv st()l-cs ill'c stoclicrl u itlr ltrt rtbr-tttclltt'tcc oi toocl t o 3 r clrr loLrnrl. 'l-hc lcsLrlt is r tctrclct-tct ti rr tttoclct't-t hltt-t'trtt'ts
q) o)
.a -L-
.c o) c
=(g c) Ol
to g1lin \\ciqht. \\'hrrt \\.1ts ()ltcc rt litc s,rvi|rg ecl:rlltittiot-t ttr crrvironnrcr-tt nou lclttls to thc clcvelt)l)lttcltt oF tliscltscs oI the nroclctr-t s'orlcl sr,Lch rts cliribctcs, hertrt clisc:tsc :trtcl lfthritis.
\,.,ii( ,i:,r!,rrr.,. r ,L ,
co) F
.,' ./
routine and end with a cool-down. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your routine.
Always exercise at a comfortable fitness level. lf you experience pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat or increased fatigue, slowly end your work out and consult your doctor.
'l-hcsc erc otrlt sr-rggcstior-ts ttr lre lp vor.r i)r'c\ e lrt irr]r.rlte s rr'hilc cxcr-cisirrg.'l lrlli t() \ ()trr .1,,('t,,r li 'r' ll){,1'( slrccillt' cle tar I s.
exercise program. Consider consulting a qualified fitness instructor for guidance on the appropriate level and technique for your exercises.
Exccssive e\p()sllre to the r,rltraviolct ravs
sun is a major risk firr skin canccr. Rlrt ii rrrtr think vou'rc lllclil t() lir.c in a clor-rclr; ()\'crcast rcgion, thinli acain. Dcath ratcs fiot-r-t colon, brcast ancl p1()statc canccrs arc all higlrcst in are as far from thc ccluatol u'ith pcrsistcntlv thicl< \\'intc1'
cloud covcr. Somc irclicvc that this inclcasccl inciclcnce of ccrtain canccrs nrav bc clr-rc to thc
of vitamin D clr-rring long, sLlnlcss rvinters. "\'ou can gct thc vitamin D vou ncecl, however, bv spcnclinu jr-rst a fcr,r' nrinutcs cacl.r clav in the sun, bl catins vitamin D-riclr tirocls such as milk or bv taking vitar-nin sr-rpplcr-r-rcnts," savs clcrmatologist (ilcnn (iart, NID. lowe r svnthcsis
il i.,r::l'i ir,rt
;,r \fu,;:f l;t:L;t 1
ri. i,:\t1;1!1;-qi"1
The best nutrition
for a workout? Unless you're going on a 50mile hike or run (which requires loading up on carbohydrates), the best thing you can consume is water-one of a few nutrients proven to enhance performance. As the main constituent of blood, water is essential for delivering nutrients to the muscles and hauling away waste
products. lt's also an essential part
of the body's cooling system. The body uses about 10 liters of water a
day-and more of course
MS Takes Toll on Young Adults
[:Jff,lJ'j-jl';i'jJ:1I;:':']f. U nrost colnnlon disease of the ccntral nervous systcrn allccting young
il adults J
ff::l.,li"til:'i:ilj'::tlii"t,,,", J, approxirnately 350,000 are affected,
with 10,000 new
cases diagr.rosed each
MS, f.. new drugs have shown advancement in # slowing progression of tlre disease .
year. Although there is no cure for
I)rug Topics. .lunc I t). :(X)01
you're exercising in warm weather. ll lrrrrnl
\\irren\ I l.rhlr \\ lrl\ lrrrr'l
Water Skiers: Watch Out
Dro You Know? Age is a risk factor for stroke, but young people have strokes too. About 25 percent of stroke victims are under age 65 and more than half of these are women. .,rj,,r,
I,,,,,;lilL,,'r..rjifl,,r ; i.i ii .i
When you jump on water skis for the first time, you may be thinking about keeping your footing rather han protecting your muscles. Many novice skiers flnd their arms following the boat as their legs get left behind. In sorne cases, the result is a severe harnstrirrg injury. Skiers who do not begin in a relaxed, crouched position risk a tear or complete rupture of the harlstring rnuscle frorn the force of a boat. Even minor harnstring strains take a great deal of tirne to heal. A ruptured hamstring could rnean a pemanent end of strenuous activities.
HealthSense/Spring 2001
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you
Bristol Hospital's
Perioper Tbe need for a new type of operating room - larger, witb more medical eqwipment bwih in - bas led Bristol Hospital to plan one of its most ambitious projects: Tbe construction of a three-story Perioperatiae Center, w)itb state-of-tbe-drt tecbnology and all tbe support services that today's surgicdl tecbniqwes require. Ground will be broken in early summer on the bospital cdmpus not far from tbe bel'iport. of thc ncu'mcdical tcchnologt'allours us to clo sutgcrv that is lcss invasivc firr tlrc paticnt," savs ,\nnJ. r\ltaffcr, NISN/ ()U, RN, clircctor oi pcrioperatir.c scrviccs at Bristol l-krspital. "Br-rt tl.ris hish-tcch ccl-ripn-rcnt is usuallv vcrv latgc. The optical tcchnologv has rcally imprgr'ed lt hat ll'c d9 in hcalth carc, allou'ing fcs'cr proccciures using sc()pes. IJut, thcl lccluirc a 't()\\,cr' of cqr-ripmcnt inclLrding viclco processors and plinters to shorv thc patholour'." Ph-rs, shc savs, it takcs tir-nc t() sct Llp all that high-tcch "Nfi-rcl-r
"NIost opctatin.q
arc csscntiallv just big rro\.c ccluiprncnt in fror-r-r
emptv boxcs," cxplains, "and \'()Lr a storagc arca as it's nccclccl. That's vcrv tirne-consurning." Altaffer notcs that thc tr-pical opcratinu roorn built in the past has less tl-ran 350 sqlrarc fcct oi spacc. Tllatt no lonser aclcclr,ratc firr toclav's ncccls. Six of thc ci.ght ()R's in the ncu' Pcriopcrativc (-cntcr rvill havc at least 500 scluarc fcct <if spacc, an incrcasc of 25 pcrcent. ()nc r(x)lrr, t() be uscd mostlv firr orthopeclic sr,rrgcrr', r.vill havc 650 scluare tcct.
BLrt sLrlgical proccclr-rrcs rccluirc uore than just opcratinu r()()ms. Thcre mnst bc arcas firr prc-aclmission asscssrncnt; prc-carc ffranagclrcnt (to uct patients rcaclv firr sr-rrgerr); firlkru'-r-rp carc (s'hat usccl to bc callccl thc "rccovcr\'
Healthsense/Sprinq 2001
roolrr" ancl is norv knou.n as thc p()st-ancstl-rcsia carc r-rnit); ancl suitcs firr cnckrscopv nncl ()Lltpaticnt sr-rrgcrt Thc ncu, Pcriopcrativc Ccrrtcr u'ill havc all thcsc ar-rcl lTr()rc-()rganizcd so it's casv firr patients to gct tiom ()nc arcrl to anotircr.
r\ for prc-aclr-rission testinu, s'hich ccncralli'takcs placc a nccli or so bctirrc tl.rc operation. ()n thc clav oi slngcl'\; thc paticnts s'ill lctr-rn to I-e vcl r\ ancl takc an clcvator up to l,cr-cl ts firr in-ur-rccliatc prcsurgical prcparation. Tlrci'r.r,ill thcn go l4r to Lcvcl (- firr thc surgical proccclurc ancl so-callccl Phase I p<>st-ancsthcsia carc. "lt's all rathcr compact," ,\ltaffcr savs, "maliir-rq t1-rc process Nftrst paticnts rvill start on Lcvcl
that n-ruch casicr ancl r-norc cft-lcicnt." Shc likcns tl-rc prcsent sctlrp, at Bristol I'lospital ancl clscrvhcrc, as "a train u,ith r-nanv cars. \'ou start in tl-rc
ambulatorv sLrfgcl v arca; \'()Ll u,alli dou'n a corridor to thc l-rolcling room; thcn rru'rc takcn to thc opcrating room, ancl it'.s tl-ris rvh<tlc long prcccc-lurc to gct pc()plc from onc place to anothcr. \\'hen u'c r-r'r<x'c into thc nes. fhcilitr, it n,ill l-ravc a mucl-r diftcrcnt tccl - mr-rch casicr tirr cverrrrnc, and thcre u'ill bc rnorc privacv as s'cll." Thc ncs' Pcriopcrativc (-cntcr ri'ill also bc r.t'totc BRISTOL HOSPITAL
fhcilin' does takc tirnc. "Beins optimistic,
I'm hopinu that \\,c s'ill bc up
runnins in Dcccn-ibcr oi 2()02," r\ltaffcr savs. "It's a vcrv cscitinu projcct. It rvill bc reccir.ccl vcrl u,ell in thc communin'.
I think pc()plc u'ill havc a scnsc of srcat pridc in s'hat's availablc to care firr thcm." mtfff,)
t I
i i I I
Quick Facts About our NEW Perioperative Center "Peri" means "all around" and fi>cuses on the entire range of services to be offered at the new Perioperative Center.
con-rfirrtablc firr tan-rilics, shc n()tcs. "\\'c n'ill havc a plalroor.n in thc u.aitins arca firr cl-rilclrcn, ancl lr'c u'ill also havc a rcc()\'crv arca f()r chilclrcn, a\\,av f1'()m aclult patients s,ho arc rcc<x'crin.q. This
u'ill hclp not onh'the chilclrcn, but also thosc adults u'ho arc rcc()\'cring f1'(xr sllrgcrv ancl r-night n()t \\rant to bc in thc samc arca as a chilcl. I thinl< it n-iakcs
"lrncloscopv is a cliagnostic ancl Prcvcntivc proccdurc," r\ltaf tcr cxplains. "lnstcacl oi r,vaiting frrr somconc to gct sick rvith, lirr cxamplc, canccl, we arc ablc to iclcntifl a problcn-r rnr-rch czrdicr, ancl r-rltin-ratcll thc cost oi thc carc of that pcrson is mucl-i lorvcr - n()t t() lrcnti()n thc imprrx'cmcnt in thc clr,ralitv
firr a bcttcr cnvironmcnt firr cvcrtrlnc." Ycars auo, r\ltaffcr p()ir-Its ()Lrt, slll'gcrv alr-t-tost alu'avs mcant a stav at tl-rc hospital. Thcsc clavs, that's no longcr tlrc cltsc. "( )rrr outplrticnt rattc is rr()\. et [30 pcrccnt," savs l,arrv Nlarcus, N[D, (-hici oi Sr-rrsical Scrviccs at Bristol
Hospital. "Thc ncu, Pe riopclativc (lcntcl rvill havc r()()ms clcclicatccl t<r
Post-sr-u gical cat c t'()()ltts r.vill
cntirc rangc oi scrviccs to ltc offcrccl. Thc (lcntcr- u,ill also proviclc thrce r()()1Tls for cncloscripv, cliaunostic proccclr-rrcs that r-rtilizc a sc()pc t() visr-ralizc tl.rc Llppcr ancl lou,cr gastrointcstinal tract. r\lthoLrglr cnclrscopv rcquircs a spcciallv cquippccl
room, thc procccllrlc is cliagnostic or tl-rcrapcutic ancl docs n()t rcqlril'c thc snlnc pf( )c('ss xs rn opcrtr irtg
Iscrvicrcs: Surgerl', E,ndoscopt', Preand Post-operative Care areas
lRooms: 8 operating, 3 encloscopl', 2 outpatient procedures
50,000, three-stor1' building
Adjacent and connected to
m()1c pf iYatc than thcY arc n()w, shc sat's.
Bristol Hospital
Solid u,alls, n()t jLlst curtains, s'ill scparatc cach roor-r-r; thc fionts rvill be
2001, completion late 2002
opcn (r.r'ith cr,rrtains) s() p^ticnts mav be aclecluatcll monitorccl irom nurscs'
stati()ns. For paticnts u,ho har.c m()fc pri\.ate.
r\ftcr sr-ugcrr; abor-rt
15 pcrccnt
paticnts rvill stav at least onc nisht in
thc lrospital. Thcv urill bc talicn
Pcriopcratir.c Ccntcr t() thc inpaticnt 1'()()rTrs tlr|rrr-rglr n rw()-sl()r\. c()nnccting corridor. Thc majoritv oi post-suruical paticnts u,ill bc ablc to {ro clircctlv home; tl.rc
tl-rc ;ricl<up
point firr ar-rton-robilcs
I Tin-relinc: Groundbreakins mid ICost:
913.5 million ICarr-rpaigrr Goal: 92.0 million
cncloscopv, the recovcrv r(x)ms arc cvcn
aubnlatorv sLlrgcl
\', onc-clar- proccdurcs that in s()mc cascs cl<>n't rcqr-rirc gcncral ancsthcsia." Tl-rc Pcriopcrativc (lcntcr \\'as rptlv namccl to inclr-rclc "Pcri", s'lricl-t mcans "all arouncl" ancl iocnscs ()n thc
Being a patient-focused faciiitl', the Center will offer a separate entrance from the main Hospital, plus reception and waiting areas for patient
bc dirccth' or,rtsicle l-cvcl ,\. Tl.rc ncu' Ccntcr u'ill also bc clircctll c()nnectcd t() thc frmcrgcncy Dcpartmcnt - rvl-rich is also ()n thc C lci'cl - s() th()sc neccling cmcrgencv ()pcl'ati()ns ma\. g() in-imcdiatelv int<r sLlfgcr\'.
Builcling such a statc-of-thc-art
Tomorrow's Corlnrunity Flospiial. . "Today ln an cffiirt to advancc our tcchn<tl<tgr ancl cxpancl our scrviccs to thc comr-nr-rnitv, Bristol I'lospital's .goal is to raisc S2.() milli<>n to funcl tl-rc Periopcrativc (-cnter. Various ancl rccognition opportunitics arc avrilablc, inch,rclins thc option t() pal firr tlic qifi
()\'cr an cxtcndccl periocl oi timc. \'ou mav r,visl-r to honor, pav tribr-rtc to or
mcmorializc an individual, fan-rilr', tilrrntlarion ( )r c()rp()ralti{ )n.
Plcasc c()ntact Tl-r<ir-nas D. lll, prcsidcnt oi llristol
Hospital, or Lincla NIcGnrn, clircctor oi clcvclopr-r-rcnt, at 8(r()-585-33(r5 to arransc a conficlcntial cliscr-rssion.{7
Healthsense/Spring 2001
manage our fortunes as we do our health--+njoy it when good, be patient when bad, violent remedies except in an extreme necessity.-Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Today's man is an individual who focuses on family, heakh and personalwell b.itg. In addition to his
and work responsibilities, today's man is concerned
about maintaining his health and wellness. In this section you'll find information and tips on healthier
living as amaf,r.If you have questions about the topics
you see here or need additional information, call
TeleNurse at 1-888-30NURSE. Keep the Signs
Aging Hidden Gruyug or receding
About 40 million Americans snore, according to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders. Although the snorer isn't usuaily aware of the noise, everyone clse in the house is! Snclring disturbs normal sleeping patterns and deprives the snorer of appropriate rest. lf y6u'v. been accused of rumbling the house with 1'our snoring, the American Academy of Otolarl'ngolegy susqests trf ing the f<rllowing: 1,. Adopt a healthy lifestyle - Improve )'our muscie tone to prevent snoring. I{eep those tongue and throat muscles in shape by shaping up
2. 3.
1'our lifestl'le.
Lose weight - ()verweight people often have bulkv neck tissue, which can narrow passagcwa)'s, causing vibrations. Avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills and antihistamines before bed Being heavill' sedated relaxes the muscle too much, causing collapsible
to narfow. 4, Avoid alcohol for at least fout hours before going to sleep Alcohol can also over-sedate if consumed t<,ro close to bedtime. 5. Avoid snacks for three hours befote retiring - Food triggers saliva and mucus productir>n, which can interfere with breathing. 6. Establish regular sleeping patterns - Establishing regular sleeping pattcrns can ensure that vou are not overiy exhausted and thus keep you from snclt:ing. 7. Sleep on your side rather than your back - \rVhen you sleep on 1'og1 back, the lower jaw tends t<; drop open and snoring is more likely 8. Tilt the head of yout bed up four inches - You can do this by stacking pillows underneath 1'ou, which rvill albw easier free-flow of air through the throat and nasal passages. 9. Add humidity to your room - A dry throat tends to vibrate more than one that is moist. A hr-rmidifier could help keep vour mouth and throat from cirving out. 10. If snoring continues, contact your doctor - Snoring means airwaYs
hair, reading glasses, loose skin around the eyes and surface wrinkles on the face all conuive to make you look older than you feel. If you want to maintain your boyish good looks and keep your body healthy, tty these tips: I Cut back on avoidable risk factors, such as smoking and excessive drinking. I Eat right and keep your cholesterol
in check.
I(eep your mental powers sharp by staylng active, pursuing hobbies and maintaining social contacts.
Get a yearly physical, checking especially for diseases that run in your family. Make exercise part of your daily
F;at abalanced, healthy diet. "By leading a healthy lifestyle and staying well, you can increase your chances of maintaining a youthfrrl app ear^nce,despite your age," says Gary Miller, MD, primary care physician at Bristol Hospital.
you would like more infotmation
about health topics fot men, call
TeleNutse at 1-888-30NURSE.
obstructed breathing and that can be serious.
Healthsense/Spring 2001
Canccr of tl'rc colon :rncl rcctr-rt-r-r, cor-nr-r-ronlv callccl c<>lorcctal canccr, is thc sccor-rrl lcacling causc oi canccr clcaths in tl-rc L'Initcd Statcs. ( )nlr. llrns clnccr is rcsponsiblc fi rr morc dcaths. But u'hcn cokrrcctal canccr is cliscovcrccl in its carll stagcs, it's nsuallv cllrablc. l..nou'inc vor-rr risk factors is nn irlrp,rrtlnt
t() \'()Llr cloctor: { R".t.l blccclins
{ ,\lr.r..l bos'cl h,rbirs { Pencil-thin stools { ,\b.l,,nrinel crnurps ,r pain { Un"*pl^i,-rc.i, pcr.sistcni .,,u". to havc bos'cl
stcp tos-arcl pr()tccting rrrursclt-.
What ls Colorectal Cancer? (lolorcctal canccr bc{rins in thc cokrn ()r rcctLlrll
tl-rc part
rour boclr'\ cligcstivc slstcm that storcs \\'astc Lrntil it passcs ottt oi volrr boclt'. T<rccthcr, \'our colon ancl rcctun-i ftrrm a krng, muscr-rlar tubc callecl thc largc intcstinc. \irr-rr colon is tire f-irst firur t<> six ftct oi vour largc intcstinc. \irirr rcctlun is thc last cigl.rt to 10 incl-rcs. Ncarlr' 130,0()() pcoplc in thc Llnitccl Stltcs clcvcl()p c,rnccr of thc colon ()r rcctlrrrr cach lcar. ()f tliosc u'itlr colon crrnccr, ncarlv 500,(XX) rvill clic. R.ciel cenccr u'ill chir-r-r about 9,(XX) livcs. Detcctinu ancl rcrloving polt-ps bcfirrc thcl bccomc canccrs ancl catching canccrs rt rn early stagc a1'c wavs t() malic tl-ris cr>nclition lcss comn-iorr ancl lcss clcaclh'.
How Does lt Develop? Bcnign (n()t canccr()r-rs) polvps of thc larqc intcstinc tre n()t Lrnc()r11r1-r()n. ]t's bclicvccl at lcast lrali of all r\mcricans olclcr tl-ran 60 har.c sor-r.rc tvpc oi polvp in tl'rcir colon. Ilou'cvcr, s()mc tvpes of polvps havc thc ;rotcntial to bcc<lnc canccr-
"(-okrrcctal canccr ()ccrrrs s,hcn cclls in thc colon ()r recin a pollp, bccourc abnormal ancl cliviclc s,itlror-rt c()ntr()l or orclcr," savs l)anicl Snrilcr; NID oi Bristol (lastrocntcl()l()gf i\ssociatcs. "(lanccr cclls ntctastasis, or brcali au,at', fion-r thc tlrmol ancl sprcacl thror.rgh tl.rc bkroclstrcam to firrm tllm()l s in othcr parts ()f thc l>orlv." (lanccr can clcvclo;r in thc colon ()1 thc rcctllrn anrl can causc diffcrcnt si11r-rs ancl svr-r.r1-rtor-ns fr-or-r'r cacl.r. Possiblc signs ancl svn-iptor-r-rs inclr,rclc tl.rc firllou'ing ancl shonlcl bc rcportccl tutr-i, lrsualll
Unlil<c rnanl canccrs, col<>n canccr r-rsnalll gr()\\:s vcrv slou'lr'. It mav rcsicle in vour boclr- in a highlt' curablc state firr up to 10 vcars. Bccausc colorcctal canccr rarcll proc'luccs anl svllpt()lns in its carlr. stagcs, it's ir-nportant t<r har-c ycarlt' sclccnings instcacl oi u'aiting for svmptorls t<r aPpcaf.
Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors:
. . . . . . . .
highcr risk tr>r thosc ovcr
Physical Inactivity
morlcrirtc phlsicrrl activitv
u'ith a lot'cr risli Alcohol and Srnoking - srloliing arrtl rcsLrillrh' rlritrliins :rssoci:rtctl
alcohol appcar
incrcasc risk
Other Intestinzrl Conditions
()thcr clisorclcrs, r htstorr' ,ri
Lrlccrativc coliris irncl (.rohn'.s cliscasc or c()nstipiiti(xi, incrcasc risk.
(.a// 'Ie/t'\trt'.x,
Bristol Hospital will kick off The Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Awareness
Watch for current updates on the Project. lf you would like more information or would like to participate, call Suzanne Onorato, Bristol Hospital Wellness Center Director, at 860-582-WELL.
Sex, Race * mcn ancl blaclis arc nt higircr risli Diet - r clict high in tht nnd calorics rncl krt' in t'ibcr incrcascs rislr Polyps - thosc pr()nc t() polvl-rs irrc at highcr risli Family History - Lraving n closc rclativc u,ith cokrr"cct:,rl cancer incrcirscs risli
Project this year to educate people about the risk factors, signs and symptoms, prevention measures and screening techniques that could save lives in the greater Bristol community.
{ t'nc*pleinctl iron-tlcllcicnt lncrlin { [ nexplaint'tl u'ci.qht krss
al l-\88-]0^r{ lRlli
fbr nrtn irtfatLtt,t/irttt..
SCREENING GUIDELINES lf you're at average riskBegin screenings at age 50 Fecal occultbloodtest(stool smears) everyyear Sigmoidoscopy (or a colonoscopy based on hmily history or physician referral) every five years
. . .
beginning at age 50 lf you have a family history of colorectal
. .
Begin screenings atage40 Ask your doctor which tests you need HealthSense/Spring 200'1
;, ,l: . irli_riil
ii.riei'. /\/itl;ri jittiliiitri
Bristol Hospital Celebrates the Opening of Terryville Medical Center
Bristol Hospital openecl a ncu. mcclical otflcc in tl-rc llrooks Plaza locatcd at Centcr Scluarc, 8D Sout}r Nlain Strcct (Routc (r), Tcrrlvillc. To cclebratc thc opcninu oi Tcrrvvillc r\lcclical (lcntcr, llristol Hospital hostccl an ()pcn H<>lrsc ancl (-ot'ttmnnitt' Scrccning ou Saturdal', i\Iarclr 17'r'tr'on'r 9:(X) arn t() llo()11.
Nlcclical Ccntcr is thc ncu' loc:rtion firr
prin-ran'carc phvsicians Margaret M. Corrigan, MD antl Howard Avory Grayson, MD, s'ho havc rcloclitccl ft-ot-t.r 7 l',h-n Stt'cct, Tcrrvvillc. Tcrrvvillc l\lcdical (-cntcr is also thc ncri' htitrc tirr (]l,S's bloocl clrau. stati()n, rl,,hich nou' proviclcs convcnicnt bloocl clras' scn'iccs firr Tcrrt'r'illc resiclcnts. Thc phvsiciar-rs u'ill itavc cvcning hours on \\'cdncsclav anci utill accomt-t-urclatc t'alli-in appointrrcnts firr tl-rc lab. X-rav scn'iccs u'ill bc addccl br I'uicl snt-ttucr.
Thc individr-ral, uroup ancl sestational cducatirtn pr()srams offered bv tl-re Saint Francis Care Center fbr Diabetcs at thc Brist<>l Hospital \{'cllncss Ce nter reccntlv reccivecl the prestigious American Diabetes Association (ADA) Edr-rcation Reco.qnition Certificatc. ADA awards this certificate oniv to pr()grams that havc clemonstratccl clualitv diabetes sclfmanagement cclucation. Thc Diabetes Ptogram provides cclucation utilizing a multidisciplinarl team approach. Thc team consists of a Boarcl ccrtit-led endocrinologist, certified diabetes
educators includins a diabetcs clinical nurse specialist and registcred dietitians, a social worlier, a nurse practitioner whcr spccializcs in f<rot carc and an exercisc phvsiokruist. Fot more infrrrmation about the Diabetes Prosratn, call 860-582-\VELL.
GT Spine & Pain Center Receives CARF Accreditation Thc (-onnccticr,rt Spinc ancl Pain (lcntcr at llrist()l lfuspital rcccivccl xn c\ccPti()nal thrce-vcrr accrcditation ti'om C,,\RF, thc Con-rmission on i\ccrcclitarion oi Rchabilitation l]acilitics. Tl-re Cr>nnccticut Spinc and Pain (,cntcr is cr-trrcrrtlv the or-rly intcrclisciplinan'plin manrrucnrcnt pr()grat-n in tlrc stxtc of (lonncctictrt ltttcl ot-tc of onh'nr,o lrospitals in Ncs' Finqlancl to rcceivc this recttgnition' Cr\RIr is a private, not-for-profit organizati<,rn that Pr()1'rl()tcs cllralitr rchabilitation scn'iccs bv cstablishinq standarcls oi clr,ralitl tirr orstnizetirrt-ts t, r ttsc as guiclclincs in clcvcloping ancl offcrir-rg their pr()gtrms ancl scrvices t() c()llslrtttcrs. Tl.rcsc stanclarcls arc clcveloped s-ith input from consltmers, rcl.rabilit,itittlt prolcssionals ancl state and national organizations. (-r\Rlr sur'\'c\'()l's cot-rsttlt u'itl.t staff rncr-r-rbcrs, paticnts, stakcl-rolclers, insurers ancl their casc tnanagcrs to clctcrt-t-tit-ic
tl-rc prtxrram ffrcets their needs ancl thc ncccls
thc paticnts.
"Tl-ris achicvclncnt oi a thrce-r'car accrcclitation inclicatcs that (,r\RIr filt cont'iclcnt that our p1()g1am has macle a comt-r-ritucnt t() c()ntinlralll cnl-rancc the cp-ralitr'oi our scn'iccs ancl pro.qratls, s'it1-r a tircr-rs ()n c()nsLrl'rtcl srttisfhction," statccl
fonathrn host, NII), Nlcclical l)ircctol
HealthSense/Spring 2001
tl.rc (-onr-rccticr.rt Spinc ancl Ptin (-cr-rtcr.
Menv A. SruoN-Cr-em, MD Pediatric Associates, 10 North Main Street, Bristol Specialty: Pediatric safety, breastfeeding, asthma and pediatric dermatology Medical Schoot Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsl'lvania Dr. Simon-Clark completed her residency in pediatric medicine at Thomas Jefferson Universiq' Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, the Alfred I. DuPont Institute Childrent Hospital, Christiana Hospital and Wilmington Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware. She also earned a Bachelot of Arts degree from Northwestern Universiry Evanston, Illinois. Dr. Simon-Clark is Board certi{ied in pediatrics and is accepting new patients. She can be reached at 860-31'4-601'6.
Location: 780 Farmington
Avenue, Bristol
Specialty: Pediatrics Medical School University of Lagos, Coliege of Medicine, Lagos, Nigeria Dr. Adeyinka completed her residency in pediatric medicine at Nassau CounW Medical Center, Stony Brook, New York. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in preliminary medicine from the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Dr. Adeyinka is accepting new patients and can be reached at 860-589-4501.
Qt Brisrol
I THospiual a SAINT FRANCIS Care Partner
Healthsense, Public Relations, Bristol Hospital, P.O. Box 977,
l-0977, or E-mail your request to irrl,r(r'
DPl*rse send me infbm-ratiorl on Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Awareness. DPlease sencl me information about Vomen's Health. DPlease send me a direcrory of topics from the TeleNurse Health Infonnation Library. EPlease send me more informatior-r about the physician(s) in this issue of FlealthSense. Physician's Narne(s):
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calen)ars (or a s?
$a6ahus )anciog an efte bwn in Aas 7)
jfiaa, /rloaen\u 9, 2ool
/qoo nor6, Soatlington If you would like more information or would like to receive an invitation call Jan Mercieri at 860-582-9794.
? Bristol
T7 Hospiual a SAINT FRANCIS Care Partner
BREWSTER ROAD P.O. BOX 977 BRISTOL, CT 06011-0977 E-mail: info@bristolhospital. org Web Site:
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Bristol Hospital Auxiliary