HealthSense Spring 2004

Page 1

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Greater Bristol Primary Group, PC Medical Degree; University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, NY


g c)

Residency: Saint Francis Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Board Certified; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Electrodiagnostic Medicine Bristol HospitalWellness Center, S42ClarkAvenue, Bristol 860-582-WELL (9355)



Obstetrics & Gynecology/U rogynecology


Greater Bristol Primary Group, PC


Medical Degree: Medical School of The Hebrew University at Hadassah, Jerusalem, lsrael

? LO

Residency:University of lllinois at Chicago, Obstetrics and Gynecology


Advanced OB/GYN Care at BristolHospital, Brewster Road,


Board Certified: Obstetrics and Gynecology







Milford Anesthesia Associates, PC


Medical Degree:Guntur Medical College, Guntur, lndia



Residency:Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT Board El ig ible: Anesthesiology Bristol Hospital, Brewster Road,




: CU


a !


Anesthesiology Milford Anesthesia Associates, PC M ed ical Degree: Kastu rba Medical Col lege, I ndia

Residency: Maine MedicalCenter, Portland, ME Board El ig ible: Anesthesiology Bristol Hospital, Hosoital. Brewster Road, Road. Bristol Bristol 860-585-3295




Milford Anesthesia Associates, PC Medical Degree.'New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY




o =


Residency: Johns Hopkins Medical lnstitution Board Ce rtif i ed : Anesthesiology Bristol Hospital, Brewster Road,



Podiatry Center for Reconstructive Foot Surgery

Medical Degree.'Des Moines University, College of Podiatric Surgery Residency: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Fellowship: New Britain General Hospital, New Britain, CT Board Certified: Podiatry 440 New Britain Avenue, Plainville


of Contents



ROBERT L, MESSIER, JR. Chairnan of the Board Bristol Hospital and Health Care Group



5 Cataracts:


Are you at risk?

0 loint Replacement:


The Future is now....




Points for Parents .............4

With Women in Mind........8


Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: The Camera in a Pill

Health Shorts....................9

Seniority... lnside/Out

.........13 .........14

HealthSense magazine is published by the Public Relations Department of Bristol Hospital. HealfhSense is designed to provide you with current information about

Bristol Hospital Wants to Hear From You... PLEASE CLIP, ENCLOSE IN AN ENVELOPE AllD MAIL TO: HealthSense, Public Relations, Bristol Hospital, PO. Box 977, Bristol, CT 06011-0977, or E-mail your reqlrest to irrlir@lrristr>lhosl'rit:rl.or.q. fPlease send


infom-ntion onJoint Replacernent and Orthopedic Care at Bristol Hospital.

EPlease send me information aboLrt Cataracls and Eye Care Services at Bristol Hospital. Ellrlease send me information about Wireless Endoscopy and the CT Gastrointestinal Institute at Bristol Hospital.


send rne anissrc of Patbraays, Bristol Hospital's catalogue of health and wellness programs.

ffilease send

more information about the physician(s) in this issue of

Hospital and Health Care Group. lt

is not intended to


professional medical advice. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bristol Hospital or its medical staff. Conlents may be

reprinted with written permission and proper credit.

We welcome your comments and questions.

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HealthSense Public Relations Department Bristol Hospital PO. Box 977 Bristol, CT 06011-0977 E-mail: info@bristolhosoital.oro or visit our Web site at www.bristolhosoital.oro

@ooa BRrsroL HosPrrAL a SAINT FRANCIS Care Parlner

Do what you can, with what you have,

for Parents Sleepy Kids May Be "Tired but Wired" For adults, daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of a sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea, but children with sleep disorders may not show sleepiness during the day and may even resist naps. A sleep-deprived

child is more likely to be "tired but wired". As a result, a sleep problem may be mistaken for a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Talk to your physician if you

feelyour child is suffering from a sleep disorder. [Family Practice News, January 1, 2004]

Sun Exposure lncreases Moies Risk The more moles you have on your body, the greater your risk of developing melanoma, the most serious type of skin

cancer. And studies indicate that in children exposure to high-intensity sunlight increases the number of moles. One study of German children, aged two to seven years, found that the number of moles on a child increased with age and that the increase was strongly associated with the number of vacation days spent in areas with intense sun exposure. Always use sunscreen, and limit your child's sun exposure between the hours of '10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. when the SUn iS at its hottest. [skin and Attersy News, Juty 2oo3]



Helping Kids Deal with Stress \fe've all felt it - that tight f-eeling in yonr

storr-raclt, constant

arnxiety, r.mprocluctive worries, inability to concentl'ate - all signs of strcss. Aclults generally learn how to cleal with stress, discovering where it comes fiom ancl why it's happening. But kids ;rren't always as successfirl at being able to iclentify the caLlses of stress ancl how to cope. With final exrllns erouncl the corner zrncl zrn encl to school in sight, many kicls may be f'eeling the crunch of last-rlinlrte projects ancl wor-k couplecl witl'r rnultiple activities. \X.4-rile stress is colnl-non to evelyone-it keeps us urlefi zrncl reacly to escape clanger-it's not always possible to avoicl or cl'nnge evenls tl-rat miry culse stress. The key to coping witl'r strcss is to iclentfi the stressors ancl leam ways to clircct ancl recluce the stress. You n-ny notice yor-rr kicls having any of tl-re fbllowing warning signs of stress ovedc)acl: rtn LlnllsLral aurount of anxiety; sleep clisn-rptions; r.rncLre anger or f'requent moocl swings; withclrawing f'rom relationships; weight gain or loss. If yor.r clo, here's sorne ways to help them learn to recluce stles.s:

. . . . . . .

Keep a positive attitLlcle

Accept that sorne events are not controllable Be assertive insteacl of aggressive Learn to rclaLx ancl exercise regular'ly

Eatwell$alanceclmeuls Get plenty of rest ancl sleep. Don't rely on alcol-rol or clrugs to reciuce stress. Provicle a quiet location fiee fion clistractions for slr,rcly tin-re ancl alone time. Be there if they neecl to talk.

Iior ntore in.f'rtrnrulian or hclp, tull'l'eleNurst: at 860-585-,tS I6.

Parent & Child Center in Need of Volunteers

The Parent and Child Center at Bristol Hospital is seriously in need of volunteers, particularly for the Hello Baby program which is a three- to six-month commitment. Training is provided lor all volunteers, and volunteers are not required to be parents. lf you have a skill that you can share to help new families get started, call the Center at 860-582-8588.

or a dirty window. A

may make light from a light source seem too bright, causing a flare. Oq you may notice a glare from oncoming headlights or streetlighs at night. Colors may not seern as bright as they once did. As the ataf,ai becomes larger ard clouds more of the lens, it will become harrCer to read and do other normal asks. The waterfall efcz;tardcl..

fea will begin to develop.

Cataracts. Are\bu at Risk? Catancrs are the leading cause of vision loss among adults 55 and older, according to the National Eye krstinrte. Poorvision ftomcataracts affects 60 percent of all adults overthe age of 50. However, cataracls affect all ages as they can result from injury, heredity or medications.

How is a cataract treated? The onlyway to detect cataracts is by having an eye examination. If your eye doctor tinds a cataract, you may not need cataract surgery for seveml years or never. By having a regular eye exarn, yoll can discurss the optiorswithyourphysician.

If surgery is an option, your physician will remove your clouded lens and usually replace it with a clear, plastic lens. Calaract surgery is very successful and is one of the most comnon surgeries performed in the United States, with over 1.5 million cataract surgeries completed eachyear, according to the National Eye Institute.

What is a cataract? A cataract forms when the natr-rral lers of the eye, responsible

for focusing light and producing sharp images, becomes cloudy and hardens, resulting in a loss of visual funcdon. The lens of the eye is clear at birth but is one of the first parts of the bodyto showthe effects of aging. Ac taractis painless and usually develops over months oryears. The onset of a cataract in one or both eyes may cause decreased night vision, impaired depth perception and increased color distortion. Cataracts are a normal part of aging. Some people


even aware they have them. Their cataract may be small, or the changes in their vision may not bother them much. Other people with cataracts may not be able to see well enough to do the things they need orwant. cz;tarzicrs aren't

How can I tell if I have cataracts? The word "cataract" means waterfall. For people with a ripe or full-fledged czrtarac', it is like trying to see through awateffall.

A atardd.

starts small artd nny have little effect on your vision at first. You may hgln to notice that your vision has become blurred, like looking through a cloudy piece of glass

Healthsense/Spring 2004

How do I get more information? Bristol Hospital provides a complete range of medical and surgical care for complex eye diseases and injury including:

. . . . . .


LaserEyeSurgery Glaucoma ComealDiseases Diabetes Eye Care


For more information, contact one of our eye care specialists or call TeleNurse at 860-585-3515. lNationxl Eye Institute; Americai Society of Cataract & Refractive StrrgeryJ

Steven R. Hunter, MD 860-589-6065 Bristol Eye Associates:

Charles Robinson, MD Robert Ouellette, MD 860-583-2108

Whatever you are, be a good one.



Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: ,Camera in a Pill Salam Zakko, MD Medical Director Connecticut Gastrointestinal lnstitute


apatient's entire

tlre limited diagnostic than3,S0Opatients,


pimagingoftlresrnall techniquesinwhicha endoscopy also can iust reach smalt intestine seenwith tlre capsule


The capzule procedure requires minimal preparation compared to other gastrointestinal procedures. Thken with a sip of wateq the capzule passes nanrrally through the digestive tract recording

video images that are transmitted to and then stored on a recorder belt wom around the patient's waist. After the capsule is swallowed, the patient can continue with regular activities throughout the examwithout feeling any sensations fromthe passage of the capsule. Eight hours after swallowing the capsule, the patient returns the belt to the physician's office.

The physician then views the images andlater reports the findings back to the patient.

About the size of a vitamin pill, the 77 x 26 mm capsule weighs only four grams and contains a color video camera and wireless radiofrequenry transmitter, four LED lighfs and enough battery powerto take two pictures per second orup to 50,000 color images during an eight-hour joumey through the intestinal tract. The capsule is made of specially sealed biocompatible material that is resistant to stomach acid and powerf


Connecticut Gastroenterology lnstitute The Connecticut Gastroenterology lnstitute is the only speciaiized center of excellence in gashoenterology in the state. lt was established to provide the citizens of Connecticutwith access to advanced clinicalcare, research and education for gastroenterological disorders with procedures such as:

digestive enzymes.

While this technique is relatively new, preliminary reports indicate that the video capsule was able to make diagnoses not normally seen by conventional procedures.'While no medical procedure is 100 percent accurate, this remarkable technique shows great promise in the medical field. The Institute also pioneered esophageal impedance testing for the diagnosis of non-acid reflux in patiens with symptoms of heartbum and regurgitation that have not responded to acid-reducing drugs. These patients are usually found to have no acid reflux on the standard tests but continue to have srzmptoms ttrat do not respond to medical therapy. The medical

team at the Institute was the first in Connecticut and among the first in the Northeast to offer the Slcutb Slsten for prolonged

impedance monitoring of the esophagus.

. Motilitytesting . 24-hour acid reflux testing

.24-hour impedance testing ofthe esophagus for non-acid reflux .Testing for chest pain of unknown origin . Testing for bacterial colonization of the gut . Biliary manometry and crystalanalysis . Non-surgical lower esophageal anti-reflux augmentation

. Endoscopic ultrasonography . Revolutionary pill endoscopy These procedures have classically been available only at a few select centers around the muntry. The Connecticut Gastroenterology lnstitute is a unique effort to make all current, and future, advanced gastroenterological procedures available in a single central location sothat patients do not have to havel far to take advantage of state-of-the-art medical care.

For more information, contact the Connecticut Gastroenterology lnstitute at 860'585-3838.

ln addition to specialized advanced gastroenterological procedures such as the pill endoscopy, the lnstitute participates in a number of clinical research programs. These programs are mainly research protocols designed to establish the safety and efficacy of new devices, drugs, or procedures in the course of obtaining FDA approval for their general use. Many of these research procedures are of benefit especially to patients with conditions that have no available standard treatment options and would have had to travel out of state to take advantage of such therapies. Some of the lnstitute's currently active research protocols include:

r I I

A study of medication to treat chronic diarrhea of irritable bowel syndrome A study to evaluate the effects of arthritis medication on the stomach in combination with an acid-reducing medication for patients with osteoarthritis A study for the prevention of prostate cancer in male patients with a high PSA.

Several other studies will be available soon, including a study for the non-surgical management of gallbladder stones in high-risk patients and a study to evaluate the effects of non-surgical lower esophageal sphincter augmentation in patients with chronic reflux symptoms. Most of these clinical studies are supported by grants and are offered to qualifying patients free of charge. This is yet another benefit to those who do not have sufficient insurance coverage.

Always do rig

ln Mind Endometriosis Support Group Offered Endometriosis is a coffrnon but painful condition affecting the female reproductive system. Often mistaken for severe menstrual cramps, endometriosis is a painful disorder in the pelvic area. \7ith this disease, the tissue lining the inside of the uterus known as the endometrium is relocated outside the uterus. During anormalmenstrual rycle, this lining thickens and bleeds to exit the body. If the endometrium is implanted on the outside of the uterus, there is no place for the blood to

exit. The trapped blood mayleadto the formation of cysts, often resulting in painfihl tissue scaring or adhesions. If these adhesions form on organs such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes, it can cause fertility problems and prevent pregrxancy. Endometriosis affects 10 to 15 percent of women in America and is most likely to occur in women ages25to 40 that have not had children. If you or someone you know has endometriosis, a support group is being facilitated by Maureen

Kubik through the EndoCenter of Hartford County. Located at Bristol Hospital, the support group discusses the symptorns

and life changes that occur as a result of the disease. If you have pelvic pain, contact your physician. For a refemal to an

OB/GYN or to register, please call TeleNurse at 850-585-


-Magre McDonald

Bone Densitometry Bone densitometry is one way to detect osteoporosis, a potentially crippling disease characterized by the loss of bone

tissue. Osteoporosis affects an estimated 25 million Americans, 80 percent of whom are women. Annually this disease accounts for 1.3 million debilitating fractures. Approximately 50 percent ol women over 50 are at risk of this type of fracture. Your bone densitometry examination may be the easiest medical examination you will have overthe course of your life. Basically, all it involves is for you to lie back and let the bone densitometer do the work. Women's Health Resource at the Bristol Radiology Center provides bone densitometry exams using some of the most sophisticated equipment available with the GE Pro Series Prodigy Bone Densitometer. For more information, contact Women's Health Resource at 860-589-2642 or 860-585-3020.

Prenatal Care Program The Prenatal Care Program is a seven-week education program that teaches expectant families how to make informed choices regarding pregnancy andraistngayoung infant. Some of the topics covered include prenatal nutrition, stress and exercise, prenatal testing and doctor visits, fetal development, choosing a pediatrician, and infant care techniques. This program is made possible by the CVS Charitable Trust, a private foundation managed by CVS Corporation, which operates more than 4,100 CVS/ Pharmary stores trt 32 states. The Trust's mission is to provide funding for health care,

education and community involvement initiatives in communities where CVS stores are located. Funding is also provided by thre Main Street Community Foundation's Paul Jaspersohn Memorial Fund, Edward and Audrey Mink Fund, and the Bristol Savings

Bank Fund.

Clients interested in registering for our next session can call the Parent and Child Center at86O-582-s588. Did You Know? Drinking at least four cups of coffee daily lowers a woman's risk of developing gall bladder disease by almost one quarter, according to data from 80,898 women in the Nurses' Health Study. lFamirypracticeNews,Januaryl5,2003]




What is a hero without a love for


Dols Lesstttg


If the tattoo of your ex-boyfriencl's n;ure or yorlr favorite 80's hair-I'rencl is no longer appealing to you, dren tl'nnk yor-rr h,rcky stars for the grorving popr-rlariry of laser tzrttoo felrovel.



to be a pemltnent ancl irreversible

rrark, tattoos are being rer-novecl m<xe f'rcciuently than er.'er. This rnay be ch-re to thc growine tlrtt(x) trencl. In a recent stucly by the Scripps Sr-rrey Resealch Center, 15 percent of responclents conf'essecl to having a tattcx). Anong 18 to 31 year olcLs, the statistics I'nve itlu-tost clor-rblecl.

Since tattooing has beconte so f:tshioneble, tl're

New Drugs Help Fight Advanced Gancer Eady str-rclies have shown that rwo experimental clrr"rgs have been effective in figlrting colon or rectal cancer that has spreacl

to other tissues, significantly increasing sltlival time. Bevacizumab (Ava.stin), which dismpls :r fi-unor's blcxxl/vessel

supply, shrank cancers by at least half in 45 percent of patrents ancl gave them an zrverage

of 11 months of remission,

according to a slurcly at Drlke Uiversiry. Cetuximab (Er-bitLrx) reactivates chernotherapy by tageting a molecr-rle displayecl on cancer cells. In a Britisl-r stucly, sr:bjects getting a combtratron

of cetr-rximab plus irinotecan hacl pyeater tLllnor shrinkage ancl

longer remission tirne than subjects taking either drr.rg alone. Bristol Hospital's Cancer Center participzrtes in national climcal

trials and offers expancled treatment options ancl urccess to

newly developed dn-rgs. For n-tore information;rbottt cancer care atBristol Hospital, contact

yollr doctor or call TeleNurse

reqllests fbr removul have also incrcasecl. Therc ure cLlllcntly tllee clifferent tecl-rniqr-res fbr Lrttoo rerrovel: surgical excision, clennabmsion ancl laser sllrgery. If an incision into the skin or "sancling" of the tattoo souncls way t(x) painfirl, then lrtser slugery is rigl'rt Lrp yollr alley. Laser slllgely is perfbmrecl witl'r the r.rse of a higl-r-intensity laser thirt peneftates dre or.rtel layers of tl-re skin, renxrving its pigmenls. This "blooclless" ptrrech-uc

low risk ancl highly ef'fective, u,'hich mey contribute to ils gxrwing popr-rladty. Dr.rring tl-ie 1980's txttoo removal lasel sLlr.qely \\'as perforr-r-red an avelalae of 5 times a month. Nont. motc that-t lwice tl-rat amollnt is hing peffbmrecl each clay. Renxx,al of colrlse, is not a pairdess proceclttrc. Sot'ue ptrrecltucs tcclttire severul treatmenls that can often lle painhrl, not only fbr yor-rr sen^ses, but for yourr wallet as well. LNer tlextnlent for exunple can cost hnnclrecls of clollars. Also sicle ef'fects sr-rch rts sliir-t cliscoloration, possible infection ancl other sicle cfl-ects nny is thor.rght to l'le of

occllr. The bottom-line


if yor-r're going to txttoo, cl()



ar 860-585-3516.

-lla.qtie ttct)ona/rt




nigh-Garb Diet Brings Weight Loss Among those who are watching their weight, carbohydrates or "carbs" have become very unpopular, but a new study indicates that it's also possible to lose weight with a high-carb diet. ln a study involving 34 overweight subjects who

followed different regimens but were allowed to eat until they were no longer hungry, those who followed a highcarbohydrate, low-fal diet (60 percent carbohydrate, 20 percent fat, 20 percent protein) lost seven pounds without exercise and eleven pounds with moderate activity over three months. They also lost more body fat and had greater decrease in thigh size than subjects eating a typical American diet (45 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent fat). The lattef did nOt lOSe any Weight dUring the StUdy periOd. Healthsense/Spring 2004



wisely. Ask yor.r physician for a ref-errtl, or-contxct TeleNr-rne

lArchivesor rnternarMedicine, January 26,2004]

It may look as if your leg is moving straight up and down, as if the knee were a hinge. But looks can be deceiving, saysVipal Dua, M.D., an orthopedic surgeonwith Connecticut Orthopaedic Care at Bristol Hospital. "It's not just a hinge," he points out. "The joint is acnrally rotating about 10 to 15 degrees in each direction with every flex." most artificial knees Until about five years ^go, moved like a hinge, mimicking most of the knee's natuml movement except the rotation. Now, some advanced atificial knees areable to rotate, "simulating the ftinction of a normal knee like no other knee before," he says. A new, improved, and more narural artificial knee is just one of several recent advances in joint replacement medicine. Another important one, studied by Dr. Dua in a joint recorstruction fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, involves cemmics. "Hip replacements have been done for ages," he "But the long-term problerns with hip replacements says. are that the bearing surfaces, which are usually made of polyethylene, wear out." What happens is that microscopic particles of polyethylene are rubbed offover the years by the movement of the joint. The body's reaction to the invasion of the tiny bits of plastic callses bone loss, which leads to looseness and pain. "After the patient uses the new joint for many years, it loosens," explains Dr. Dua, "so yoll have to revise the joint replacement, which means more surgery."

New Ceramic-on-Ceramic Replacements Last March, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration

approved a ceramic-on-ceramic afirficialhip. Patient sludies from Europe (where ceramic technology has been used for some time) and laboratorystudies here have shown that ceramic joints show almost none of the wear characteristic of the plastic type. There are a couple of disadvantages of ceramic araficialjoints, Dr. Dua points out. One is the expense; they are cosdier than polyethylene. Another is the fact that ceramic is more brittle than plastic, and thus more apt to

break. "If you should happen to fall, or be involved in an accident," he says, "then there is an increased chance that the ceramic could break."

According to Dr. Dua, traditional plastic loints are fine for older patients, because except in exhaordinary cases the joint will outlast its owner. Foryounger patients, who not onlywill live longerwith an artificial joint but also are likely to be more active, the ceramic hip might be a good choice. In the United States, about 250,000 hip replacements are done eachyear. Both ceramic hips and rotating anficial knees are among the choices offered to patients at Bristol Hospital.

Arthritis Pain Dr. Dua completed his residency and fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, New York under C.S. Ranuwat, MD, a world-renowned joint constluction sllrgeon, and has been at Bristol Hospital for about four months. Although he performs orthopedic surgery to correct several medical conditions, the most common condition he sees is arthritis. "Most of my patients come to me because of pain," he says. "They have seen their prirnary

doctor, and the pain is not going away. That usually means the pain comes from a stage of arthritis where 'With arthritis, there's it's not curable by medication. not only pain but also a deformify, and that causes difficulty in walking and exercising." But in its eadiest stages, he says, arthritis can often be managed by medication, even over-the{ounter medicine; by physical therapy; orby direct injectiorn into the joint. Once the pain has reached a later stage, it is time to consider swgery.

Arthroscopic Surgery & Partial Joint Replacement Again, there are several options, andagain,the earlier, the better. "Early on," he says, "when the patient's disability is not severe, we can do a debridement of the joint (surgical

Vipal Dua, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon with Connecticut Orthopaedic Care at Bristol Hospital, says there are several keys to reducing pain in knees, hips, and other joints, even with arthritis:

1. Watch your weight. "Excess weight puts a lot of strain on the joints," he says. "lf you are overweight, seek help with your diet. Weight control can help reduce pain in the knees."

2. Stay active. "When people have arthritis," he says,

removal of loose pieces of cartilage) with arttroscopic

"they sometimes cut back on their activity, because they think that will help the pain. Not true. The more you


exercise your joints, the more they get lubricated, and

Using an arttroscope, which is a thin, lighted instrument for viewing the interior of a joint, the physician "cleans up" the joint tissue, so to speak. Some patients "can

your muscles get toned up, and you can better control the

get by for six months or ayear" after debridement, says Dr. Dua, "but the results of arthroscopy usually don't last long. This is generally a stopgap measure for patients who aren't

emotionally ready yet for joint replacement." Another option is a partial knee replacement. "Out of the three compartments of the knee," he explains, "if one compartrnent is arthritic and the patient is having symptoms only in thatpart,you can replace it. The rehabilitation time is much shorter than for a full knee

replacement,becauseit'ssmallersurgery. of


3. Avoid pounding the joints. "Jogging

is hard on the

knees," he says. "Walk; swim; swimming is great for the joints. But don't run or jog, which is hard on joints." 4. Try anti-inflammatory medicines. "Their effectiveness is limited," says Dr. Dua, "but they may bring some temporary relief for a while."


BfiStOl HOSpital OfthOpediC SpeCialiStS: partnlreplacementscanlastl'years'" c. David Bomar, MD

Minimally lnvasive Surgery For some patients, hip replacement using minimally invasive surgery is possible. "This procedure can be done only when the patient is thin," notes Dr. Dua. "If he or she is overweight, the minimally invasive process is not recommended, because it carries an increased risk to the

patient's health." In such surgery, an incision of only 8 to 10 centimeters (3to 4inches) is needed, instead of the more usual 12 to 14 centimeters (4 l/zto 5Vztrrches). "It may not seem like a big difference," he says, "but there is a large demand for it, for a selected patient population." According to Dr. Dua, after joint replacement surgery, manypatients canbe almostas physicallyactive as they were years before. "I do advise some post-op caution," he says. "But if they played golf before, most people can keep golfing. Tenrris, too - but I advise only doubles matches, where there's less pounding of the joint.

No singles!"

Chang-Song Choi, MD Michael Cucka, MD Vipul Dua, MD Michael T. LeGeyt, MD Timothy McLaughlin, MD Scott Organ, MD

No one can make you feel inferior without your consenL



Returning to Sports is Common after Knee Replacement Surgery Many individuals choosing knee replacement surgery have been heavily involved in sports or exercise activities. And with procedures and techniques now available, they are frequently able to return to active participation. ln one study 51 of 79 patients who were physically active before surgery were able to return to sports after surgery, usually with a low-impact activity. The rate of return is even higher for persons without additional health problems. Make sure to exercise caution and follow your doctor's orders. For a list of Bristol Hospital-affiliated

orthopedic specialists, see page 12. Or, contact TeleNurse at 860-585-351 6.

pn" nr",i."n

Journar or sports Nredicine, Jury-August 19981

Colon Cnncer Prevention

and Awareness Project

of Greater Bristol

Reducing Your Risk of Colon Cancer Colon cancer is the number two cancer killer in the

United States. Yet, it is one ol the most highly preventable and curable types of cancer when detected early. To reduce your risk ol colorectal cancer, doctors recommend : * Eating more fruits and vegetables-at least five




servings a day. Reducing your intake of animal lats and calories.

Getting regular exercise ol moderate intensity such as brisk walking. At age 50, screening lor colon cancer with yearly fecal occult blood testing plus periodic bowel examination with sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or barium enema every five years. Seeing your doctor promptly il you have symptoms such as a change in bowel habits, blood in the stool, abdominal pain or unexplained

weight loss or anemia. To receive a FREE user-friendly EZ DetectrM Kit that

can help you detect early symptoms of the disease, contact TeleNurse at 860-585-351 6.

Grandparenting May be Hazardous About 15 percent of American women have been or are responsible for the care of a grandchild for an extended period-six months or more. \While the experience may be rewarding, it is also stressful. Data from more than 54,000 women in the Nurses' Health

Study found that those who cared for their grandchildren at least nine hours a week were 55 percent more likely than other subjects to have a heart attack. Those who worked outside the home in addition to their childcare duties did not have an increased risk. For more information about havnga healthy heaft, contact Heart\Works, Bristol Hospital's cardiacand pulmonary rehabilitation program at 860585-3580, or call TeleNurse at 860-585-3515. [American.fournal of I'ublic Heelth, November 2003]

Healthsense/Spring 2004


am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


May Alcott

Out Bristol Hospital Expands Relationship with ESPN Bristol Hospital recently collaborated with ESPN on the appointment of an Occupational Nurse that will be stationed in ESPN's Fitness and Health building. The nurse will serve as a resource to ESPN employees and management on health issues, which also includes assessments and screening to enhance their employee health programs. Nursing care and emergency care for occupational and non-occupational illness and injury will also be provided. For more information about how Bristol Hospital works with local employers, call Cindy Scoville, Director of Business Development at 860-585-3549. lnternship Program Organized with Bristol Eastern & Bristol Central High Schools Bristol Hospital recently establisl-recl an internship program with both Bristol Central ancl Bristol Eastetn Higl-r Schools targeting stuclents serior,tsly looking to pLu'sLte rt cllt'eer in l-realthcle. Participating stlrclenls were exposecl to ten cliffbrent areas within the Hospital cluring tl're first half of the fhll semester zrncl chose a specific :uen to pLuslle cluring the spring.

These areas incllrclecl phanntcy, elnergency depafiurent, biomeclical engineering, cliagnostic imaging, the lalxrratoty, mzrternity, occr-rpational health, physical tl'rerapy, ICU, pain lranap{ernent ancl oncology. A total of ten stnclc'nts participntecl in tl're plogratll, five from eacl-r l-rigl-r school. Each stltclent was requirecl to rneet the school recprhenrents of composing essays on their expedence as well as attencling a variety of classes witlu-r tl're

Hospital to complete the program. If yon woulcl like infbrmation :rbont the Internship prograur, pleltse call the Bristol Hospital Eclucation ancl Human Resonrce Development Department at 860-58i'-3312 or the Public Relations Depafirrent x 860-585-3524.

Boot Camp for New Dads featured on National Television Boot Camp for New Dacls, Bristol Hospital's cout-ttttnity ecil.ic:rtion progrzrm for first-tit-ne fathers, wzrs f'eaturecl on PBS's Keeping Kicls Healthy, a weekly progr:rm thai airs nationally. Taught by fathers, Boot Camp for New Dads enables new cLrcls to step up to the ttemenclotts cl-rallenge of being a clacl ancl f-eel bringing a new ltaby l-rone. Vetemn clacls ancl their babies sharc experiences :incl lessons leamecl to help prcparc new cLtcls who ate expecting tl-reir first balry. Vorkshops cost $10 to attencl anclare helcl at tl're

Bristol Hospital'Wellness Center, 8,12 Clark Avenr.te, Bristol.

If yor.r are a clacl-to$e ancl wotrlcl like to attencl the next class, please call TeleNr,use at 860-585-3576 Veteran clacls are miso welconte! Tl-rey

crlrlp2ue notes with otherc, sl-nte how it really

show off their new baby. As



will get to

ancl of colttse,

know the expectant dads

will rely heavily on experience and corrrrrenls fi'our r.eteran clacLs.

lf' yot t'orrlrl likc trt roltr lo Boot Canp .lol ,\'rti' I)trl.r t'ill.t )'0//t- //(n' lul4', u// Bri.rto/ f lo.rpilt/ Prrlt/ic Reltliort.r ttt 860-58 5-) t21.

Donor Wall at Perioperative Center Completed The donor wall at the Bristol Hospital Perioperative Center has been installed complete with the names of individuals who donated gifts of $100 or more. Thanks to the many generous

donations from individuals and businesses in our community, the Perioperative Center has been operating and serving the community since its opening in May 2003.

I l"





There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.-Buckminster Fuller

to the Community and to You, the Donor The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation has created

special funds to help patients pay for needed services. These dedicated funds are directed to community services like Hospice, breast health, colon cancer, nursing

education, senior care, women and children and others. Perhaps you may want to support one of these community health funds, assuring that special purpose health programs will continue to support those in need. Many

friends and donors report wanting to donate to these causes, but they need to rely on income from their assets. The Bristol Hospital Development Foundation wants you to know that you and your family can make a gift, and


retain income from your gift for life. That's



be done. lt's called a Charitable Gift Annuity. Often the

income percentage rate you receive is higher than most conservative options.


Here is an example: Mr. & Mrs. Donor have $10,000 in a matured Certificate of Deposit. They would like to use the certificate to make a gift, but need income. Mr. Donor, age 78, and his wife, age 75, fund a Charitable Gift Annuity for

Bristol Hospital. A summary of benefits is illustrated below.

7.4 oh charilable gift annuity. Assuumolrs:

Annuitants Gift Donated

Ages 78, 75 $10,000


7.4 % Quarterly

Payment Schedule

To learn more about how you can make a gift to

Bristol Hospital and receive income from your gift, call Linda McGurn, Director of Development, at 860-585-3365.

Healthsense/Spring 2004



Charitable Tax Deduction Annuity



740.00 per yr.

.The above is a sample only. Annuity rates determined by age of annuitants



Bristol Hospital has pioneered the first clinical Institute for the management of gastrointestinal disorders in the state of Connecticut. The idea for the Institute evolved from the wellestablished and nationally recognized work of Salam F. Zakko, M.D. who has been successful in these endeavors, beginning at the University of California at San Diego and most recently at the University of Connecticut Health Center, where he held the position of Professor of Medicine. Bristol Hospital successfully recruited him to head the lnstitute.

tract. The procedure is being

used to diagnose small bowel disorders, reducing the risk of invasive procedures.


This service is a benefit to the people of the State of Connecticut who will be able to turn to this Institute for advanced diagnostics and cutting-edge clinical research programs that offer patients management opportunities before they are available for

Did you know that millions of people experience chest pain annually, and up to 3OVo will not have heart disease? These patients can benefit from the advanced esophageal testing modalities offered at the Institute. It's ideal location in Central Connecticut makes the Institute accessible to all citizens. For more information, call (860) 585-3838. Sounds like the future, but it's here today.

general use.

What will the Institute mean to you? Various things - all related to digestive systems, including acid/non-acid reflux, chest pain of unknown origin, testing for bacterial colonization of the gut, and many other techniques, such as the revolutionary pill endoscopy. Pill endoscopy involves swallowing a pill that holds a computer chip, transmitter, mini video camera and six lights to illuminate the inside of the intestinal


Connecticut Gastroentuology Instituts

I a

Q Bristrol




Qt Bristol Il THospital







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