Prepared for Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
APRIL 2017
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Table of Contents Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... i Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. ii Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 1 1
Brief Background & Introduction .................................................................................................... 3
Progress & Key Achievements ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1
Output 1- Improved GoB capacity to develop social protection policy & budgets and coordinate & monitor the implementation of the social protection system.......................................................... 5
National Courses ............................................................................................................................... 5
Global Courses ................................................................................................................................... 6
Study Tours ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Management Information System (MIS) ................................................................................... 9
Output 2 - Ministry and Departments of the GoB are able to access and use a strengthened evidence base on poverty, vulnerability, nutrition and social protection ........................................ 10 2.2.1
Scheme Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 10
Research Studies ............................................................................................................................. 13
Output 3 - Costed plans are developed for the reform of priority social protection schemes 14
Output 4 - Ensuring that effective programme management arrangements are established to achieve programme outputs and objectives ............................................................................................. 15 2.4.1
PSC Meeting ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Establishing SPBMU and Joint Office Space .......................................................................... 16
Key Issues and Lessons ................................................................................................................. 17
Objectives for Next Quarter (April 2017-June 2017) ...................................................................... 18
Annex I –Participant Lists from Global and National Courses .................................................................... 19 Annex II- Participants from Kenya and Indonesia Study Tour.................................................................... 20 Annex III – SPFMSP Work Plan ................................................................................................................ 22 Annex IV- Revised Approved Milestone Schedule ..................................................................................... 23 Annex V PSC Meeting Minutes ................................................................................................................ 24
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Acronyms a2i
Access to Information Project
Bangladesh Computer Council
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Deputy Director
Department for International Development
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Directorate General of Health Services
Demand-Side Financing- Maternal Health Voucher Scheme
Department of Social Services
Executive Director
Finance Division
Government to People
Government of Bangladesh
Husband-Deserted Women and Widow’s Allowance
integrated Budgeting and Accounting System
Institute of Public Finance Bangladesh
Line Ministry
Lactating Mothers Allowance and Maternity Allowance
Management Information System
Manusher Jonno Foundation
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Ministry of Social Welfare
Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs
Maxwell Stamp PLC
National ID
National Project Director
Old Age Allowance
Primary Education Stipend Programme
Project Director
Public Financial Management of Social Protection
Project Implementation Committee
Project Steering Committee
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Request for Proposal
Strengthening Government Social Protection Systems for the Poor Programme
Social Protection Budget Management Unit
Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection Project
Technical Assistance Project Proforma
Terms of Reference
United Nations Development Programme
Value for Money
Vulnerable Group Development
Vulnerable Group Feeding
World Bank
World Food Programme
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Executive Summary This Quarterly Report for the Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project covers the implementation period from 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017. SPFMSP is one of five components of the larger Strengthening Government Social Protection Systems for the Poor Programme (SGSP). The Project had one of its fastest-paced quarters yet, with over 12 activities being delivered in accordance with the Annual Work Plan. Progress has been made in all major work stream areas of capacity development, diagnostic and research studies, and Management Information System (MIS) development. All work plan targets from the Annual Work Plan relevant to this quarter have been met and work continues on pace. This is in part due to a growing ownership and commitment from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), specifically the Finance Division (FD) of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), towards SPFMSP. There has been a visible increase in the active participation of GoB officials from FD, Social Protection Budget Management Unit (SPBMU), and the six associated Line Ministries (LMs) in various activities of the Project. The Project’s capacity development initiative providing National Courses on Public Financial Management for Social Protection (PFM for SP) in Bangladesh is ahead of schedule and delivered a fifth well-received course in March 2017. A total of 26 Government officers at the directorate-level were trained during this course and the opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Md. Zillar Rahman, Secretary, Ministry of Social Affairs. The closing ceremony was presided over by Mr. Azizul Alam, Additional Secretary, Finance Division, who also awarded certificates to the participants. The course curriculum touched upon a number of topics including social protection models, the role of grievance mechanisms, targeting, payment systems, budgeting, monitoring and practical applications in the Bangladesh context. High quality national and international resource people contributed and brought Bangladeshi, global, practical and theoretical perspectives to various topics during the course. These national courses are designed with a high focus on sustainability. In this regard, the Project has aimed to have courses become increasingly more nationally-owned, by shifting towards a much higher concentration of national experts and practitioners as presenters rather than using international presenters. The SPBMU have become more involved in the planning of the courses and are taking the lead in many aspects such as participant recruitment, design of syllabus and course content. All six line ministries and the Finance Division also contributed their inputs during a workshop on the strategy of the national courses going forward in February 2017 which helped guide the design of the remaining 3 courses, including the fifth course. Going forward, the Project plans to hold the remaining national courses focusing more on the training of field level officials, in accordance with recommendations made by the government. Another aspect of the Project’s capacity development component is Global Courses. SPFMSP sent one participant to the world-renown annual World Bank course on social safety nets in March 2017. Two participants from the Finance Division have also been accepted into the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK course on social protection taking place in June 2017. In addition, plans are now underway with the ILO International Training Centre, Turin, Italy to organise a second customised global course on Social Protection for 20 participants in July 2017. The Study Tour initiative of the capacity development work stream is well-underway. The Project successfully organised a second study tour in Kenya in January 2017, and a third in Indonesia in March 2017 for a total of eighteen participants. The participants of the Kenya and India Study Tour (organised in April 2016) also held a dissemination workshop at the Bangladeshi Secretariat in February 2017. The work plan for developing the MIS is on track. The project conducted several reviews together with Directorate of Women Affairs on the systems requirements gathered and performed several technical reviews during the MIS prototypes development. The project also managed to get two servers at Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) for free hosting of the SPBMU and MOWCA MIS. Finally, the two
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
MIS application for SPBMU and MOWCA were deployed on the live server at BCC before 31 st March 2017 and testing of the systems to start in the month of April 2017. The Project’s diagnostic studies and research initiatives continued progress during this quarter. The diagnostic studies of MoWCA’s Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) scheme, MoSW’s Old Age Allowance (OAA) and Husband-Deserted Women and Widows Allowance (HDWWA) were completed in March 2017. A research study on Payment Systems for Social Benefits was completed and disseminated in March 2017. During this quarter, preparation work for the initiation of the Project’s first demand-driven costed reform plan, which will focus on the way forward for reform of the payment systems for social benefits, based on the findings of the research study, as well as the diagnostic study of the twin schemes of Lactating Mothers Allowance/Maternity Allowance began as well. A strengthened and active SPBMU has been providing greater assistance to the Project in supporting all initiatives. The SPBMU staffing is now over 80% complete, with the only vacant positions being two of four deputy director posts. These vacancies will most likely be filled in the next quarter. Perhaps the biggest show of commitment to the Project from the Government was the completion of the long-awaited move into a joint office space in January 2017. During this quarter, the Project’s first Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting was also called by the government and chaired by the Secretary of Finance in January 2017.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Brief Background & Introduction The Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project is a complex technical assistance intervention that works closely with the Finance Division of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) Ministry of Finance (MoF), and six implementing LMs including the Ministry of Social Welfare (MoSW), the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MoPME), Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs (MoWCA), the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR). The Project is cofinanced by UKaid through the Department for International Development (DfID) and Australian Aid through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and is managed by Maxwell Stamp PLC (MSP). SPFMSP is one component of the DfID-funded Strengthening Government Social Protection Systems for the Poor Programme (SGSP). The aim of the five-component SGSP Programme is to support the GoB to establish policies, budgets and plans for a more effective and efficient social protection system. The other four components of SGSP are being delivered by four implementing partners: the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), WB, and the Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), a local Bangladeshi NGO. The Technical Assistance Project Proforma (TAPP) of the SPFMSP Project was approved by the Government in August 2015. The Project is being implemented by the Social Protection Budget Management Unit (SPBMU) of the FD under the overall supervision of the Additional Finance Secretary (Budget) who also acts as the National Project Director (NPD) for the Project. An Executive Director (ED), who also is the Project Director (PD), is heading the SPBMU. SPFMSP has two governance structures: 1) The Project Steering Committee (PSC) oversees the Project and is chaired by the Finance Secretary with representation from six LMs, DfID, DFAT and other government relevant ministries/agencies; and 2) the Project Implementation Committee (PIC), chaired by the NPD with representation from six LMs, DfID, DFAT, monitors the timely implementation of the Project. The following are the major activities of SPFMSP: Operationalising the SPBMU within the FD – The SPBMU is leading the implementation of the Project and upon completion of the Project it will continue as a permanent unit of the Budget Wing of the FD. The purpose of establishing the SPBMU is to enhance the capacity of the FD: i) to draw an evidence-based social protection budget that responds to efficiency and effectiveness objectives, ii) to improve monitoring of social protection expenditure and iii) to analyse existing policies, procedures, and systems and commission studies and research to improve/reform the existing systems. Undertaking Diagnostic Studies of Existing Social Protection Schemes – The Project is commissioning seven diagnostic studies of schemes of 6 LMs with a view of improving value for money (VfM) through better targeting, preventing leakages, avoiding duplication and bringing greater efficiency to the delivery systems including payment of benefits. Conducting Research – The Project is commissioning demand-driven, issue-based, and exploratory research with the objective of supporting the reform of the existing social protection system by filling gaps in knowledge and meeting requests for additional analysis. Preparing Costed Plans for the Reforms of Priority Social Protection Schemes – The Project will assist the Government in preparing costed reform plans for existing social protection schemes on the basis of the results of the diagnostic studies and research studies undertaken by SPFMSP. Establishing an MIS to Track and Evaluate Social Protection Expenditure – The Project is assisting the FD in establishing a functional and effective MIS to perform cross -cutting monitoring including expenditure tracking, analysis and evaluation of social protection schemes. The system will be piloted in the SPBMU and in two selected LMs.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Training and Developing Capacity – The Project is implementing a number of capacity development initiatives for SPBMU, FD and the six LMs. The major activities in this area include national and global training courses for suitable GoB officials on the different aspects of social protection relevant to the objectives of the Project and study tours for policy-level officials to acquire knowledge on best global practices in social protection.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Progress & Key Achievements This Quarter, SPFMSP has succeeded in achieving twelve planned activities during January-March 2017 (see Annex III- Work Plan). The activities and key achievements are described under the four major Project outputs below.
Output 1- Improved GoB capacity to develop social protection policy & budgets and coordinate & monitor the implementation of the social protection system To strengthen the Public Financial Management of SP (PFF of SP) schemes in the country, GoB specifically requires capacity development support to improve national systems for budgeting, targeting, programme delivery, fiduciary risk management and monitoring & evaluation. Sharing global lessons and building the technical capacities of key GoB officials increases the ability of the Government to make positive changes and run more effective and efficient social protection schemes. GoB officials from national to the Upazila level of Government require this capacity development. Based on a demand-side assessment conducted by SPFMSP, the following areas were identified as methods for training: 1) national training courses 2) global training courses and 3) study tours. The delivery of such social protection training with a focus on public financial management aspects contributes to two related objectives: 1) it helps facilitate a positive policy environment that is conducive to integrated and comprehensive social protection reform and 2) it provides relevant GoB officials with the technical skills necessary to advocate for these changes. Initiatives to develop capacity at both the policy level and delivery level - particularly through sharing lessons of global experiences in similar contexts - can help build political will and strengthen multi-stakeholder support for social protection initiatives and more effective public financial management of those initiatives. Outlined below are the major achievements of the Project during this quarter in the three training components.
2.1.1 National Courses According to SPFMSP’s Capacity Development Strategy, a total of seven national courses are to be implemented by the SPBMU. The total target of participants from GoB is 280. This capacity development initiative is demand-driven, and has a high level of Government and national ownership. This is vital in terms of enabling the long-term vision to make these courses sustainable by having them institutionalised into the social protection capacity development of the GoB. So far, five national courses have been conducted up until March 2017 with a total of 178 GoB officials trained – 64% of the targeted numbers. The details of the fifth course, which was conducted during this quarter, are outlined below. Fifth National Course The fifth national course on PFM for SP was held from 19-23 March 2017. The training was held at the Institute of Public Finance Bangladesh (IPF) based at Segunbagicha, Dhaka . The course curriculum covered a number of topics including social protection models, programme design, targeting, payment systems, budgeting, grievance mechanisms, monitoring and practical applications in the Bangladesh context. The course was inaugurated by Mr. Md. Zillar Rahman, Secretary, MoSW and attended by the NPD, Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, Additional Secretary, MoF. Representatives from DFID, EU and MSP joined the ceremony. The closing ceremony was attended by Mr. Azizul Alam, Additional Secretary, Finance Division, who was the chief guest of the occasion and awarded certificates to the participants.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
A total of 26 district-level government officials attended the national course from FD and five LMs (see Annex I). MoDMR officials were unable to attend due to another training programme which was taking place the same week. The course specifically targeted participants who had the potential to be nominated as future facilitators of national courses at the district level. This was done to address the need for building national-level capacity to organise and implement similar capacity development initiatives independently. Participants’ feedback on the training course was collected after each session and again at the conclusion of course. The results showed a rise in satisfaction towards the organisation and smooth running of the course as compared to the feedback of the previous four courses. The course also saw an improvement in scores for each session and the presenters’ presentations, likely due to the oversight SPFMSP provided on presentation content and the experience gained by presenters who have participated in previous SPFMSP national courses. Suggestions from participants, as well as national resource persons will be taken into consideration in the design of the sixth national course. National Course Strategy Going Forward Now that the Project has completed five national courses, SPFMSP along with our government counterparts have been taking an introspective look at our current national course strategy and how it can be optimised going forward. The fifth course was the first to be implemented by the Project and SPBMU independently. For the first four courses, SPFMSP contracted a third party, the International Network for Social Protection Inquiry (INSPIRE), to coordinate the course. Now that SPFMSP and the SPBMU have gained ample experience and learned from the implementation of the previous national courses, the Project and the Government are confident that we can take on more responsibility for coordinating the remaining courses. Having the SPBMU leading the course design, organisation and implementation would contribute to the institutionalisation and sustainability of such national courses after the end of the project. In addition, taking into consideration suggestions from the government, such as holding national courses at the district -level, help ensure national ownership and increase sustainability.
2.1.2 Global Courses Global courses that combine high quality and robust engagement with a group of diverse experts and practitioners can be an effective way of imparting lessons and global experiences of similar countries in the social protection sector. According to the Project’s Capacity Development Strategy, SPFMSP aims to organise for relevant officials from FD and the line ministries to attend global course on social protection to get international perspectives on best practices. World Bank Global Course One government official from the Finance Division, who is also the Executive Director of the SPBMU, was sent to the World Bank’s course on Social Safety Nets in Washington, D.C., from 6-17 March 2017. The two-week course provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the conceptual and practical issues involved in the development of social protection programmes using a variety of learning methods such as presentations, roundtable discussions simulation games, h ands-on computer-assisted exercises and group work. Topics covered by this course included the most recent developments in the social protection sphere, including safety net systems, unified registries, new generation conditional cash transfers, graduation from social safety nets, the role of social safety nets in climate change adaptation, development of robust identification systems for targeting and gender-based approaches to social protection.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Course Two participants from FD have been accepted and registered for the IDS course which is being held at the Centre for Social Protection in Brighton, UK from 12-15 June 2017. The course will be focused on social protection policies, main approaches to social protection programmes, issues around implementation, available evidence and current hot topics in social protection field. ILO Course The Project has been organising the development of a custom-tailored course by the ILO International Training Centre in Turin, Italy for 20 relevant GoB officials. The course will likely take place in the first week of July 2017. As a part of the structure of this course, participants will be required to complete an e-learning component prior to the start of the course. This introductory e-learning component will cover: 1)
Basic concepts and rationale for social protection Definition of social protection Importance and need for social protection Social protection typology and key social protection policy responses International social security standards and recommendations Social protection trends around the world Social protection for children and families Social protection for women and men of working age Social protection for older women and men Towards universal coverage in health Innovative experiences in social protection extension Successful experiences in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America
The structure of the face-to-face course is envisioned as follows: Module A: Current issues
Building a comprehensive and sustainable social protection system Challenges and opportunities in extending social protection in Bangladesh Interactive session on the extension challenges in Bangladesh
Module B: Policy Exploring trends in social protection policies Designing universal pension systems Designing and implementing non-contributory social protection programmes Monitoring and evaluation of social protection programmes Module C: Financial sustainability
Pension financing Health care financing Non-contributory programmes financing Interactive session on financial sustainability
Module D: Reforms Determinants of successful social protection reforms Lessons learned from social protection reforms around the world Interactive session on the future of the social protection system in Bangladesh Module E: Way forward Key issues and policy considerations
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
2.1.3 Study Tours Study tours to countries with important social protection evidence to share provide an opportunity to leverage global lessons and experiences. The Project’s Capacity Development Strategy plans for study tours to be conducted for relevant GoB officials. Kenya Study Tour The Project organised its second Study Tour in Kenya from 14-20 January 2017 for 8 participants from FD and six line ministries who were accompanied by the Project’s MIS Specialist (see Annex II). The focus of this study tour was multifaceted and touched upon such pertinent issues as the management of social protection programmes in Kenya, the Kenyan social protection policy framework, understanding the financial management processes and procedures of social protection programmes in the country, understanding the payment delivery mechanisms of social transfers, and learning about Kenya's MIS systems and the newly-launched single registry tool. During the study tour, participants met with Government of Kenya officials of the Ministry of East Africa Community, Labour and Social Protection at both the headquarters where several presentations were made by the Government of Kenya staff on different aspects of the coordination and implementation of Social protection schemes in Kenya. The team also had a field visit to Nyandarua County Government where they also managed to meet beneficiaries of the different Cash Transfer Programmes. In addition to that, the GoB team had discussions with the Ministry of Devolution under which the Hunger Safety Net programme (HNSP) is managed. Dissemination Workshop on India and Kenya Study Tours On 19 February 2017, a dissemination workshop on the India and Kenya study tours was held at the Bangladesh Secretariat. The workshop facilitated the sharing of experiences and learnings about the knowledge gained through the study tours and the practical applications of that knowledge in Bangladesh. While the Kenya study tour was organised in January 2017, the India study tour took place between 27 March and 8 April 2016. A dissemination workshop on the India study tour had been postponed due to the government working on the development of an integrated and inclusive pension system, inspired by learnings from the study tour. India has successfully designed, developed and implemented an inclusive pension system which is integrated with that of civil services pensions. The first lesson learnt was that ‘Poor are Pensionable’ and that if awareness is created amongst the working poor, and motivated with co contributions, poor would be willing to save for their old provided that there is a safe secured and regulated environment where their money is saved and transparently known about the value and the amount of pension. However, there is a need for creating mass awareness amongst the informal sector working poor, especially the women. Poor should be motivated to start thinking about old age and start saving from their whatever low income. The government or the employer may be motivated to make co contribution top ups in their individual accounts so as to have a meaningful pension at the old age. Control withdrawals may be allowed for specified contingencies and irregular collections may be allowed for seasonality of incomes. The poor may also need assured return on their savings for pensions. The government along with the civil societies / NGOS should focus on pension literacy. The study tour also learnt from Indian experiences as to what shou ld not be done and how things could be done in a better manner. The decade of learnings from Indian experience can be leap frogged by the GoB and an inclusive pension system may be designed for the working poor on a contributory basis. Key lessons from the Kenya study tour included:
Robust policy regime and implementation framework is crucial for a successful social protection program since it consolidates all other related initiatives.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
The single registry enhances efforts to harmonize and consolidate fragmented social protection schemes in Kenya. Single Registry provides a single platform where common and essential data across social protection programs is stored, analysed and reported for the benefit of stakeholders Single Registry also helps reduce the risk of fraud by ensuring that beneficiary details are verified electronically against the 30 million National Population registry (IPRS) database ensuring that only genuine beneficiaries are paid. Single Registry model developed in Kenya is similar to what is being implemented in Bangladesh as SPBMU MIS. The team learnt the difference between Single Registry and Social registry which is a central database containing complete data of households and is used as a common targeting tool. HSNP is a good example of public private partnership including government, global civil strategy private sector and individual sector. Cash transfer under HNSP and other Social protection programs has continued to create alternatives investment options for poor households. This has improved accountability unlike food ration programs in the drought prone regions. An effective complaint and grievance mechanism is critical for effective social protection programming. Collaboration between various stakeholders is crucial for proper delivery of services. Decentralization of implementation structure of social protection programme increases efficiency. Indonesia Study Tour A third study tour in Indonesia was organised between 19-25 March 2017 for 10 officials from FD and six line ministries who were accompanied by the Project’s Coordinator (see annex II). The study tour was organised in partnership with DFAT’s Social Protection Hub in Jakarta. The participants met with counterparts from the Indonesian Development and Planning Minist ry (Bappenas), the National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Reduction under the Vice President’s Office, and the Ministry of Social Affairs. During the meetings, Indonesia’s various social protection programmes were discussed along with their planning, implementation, M&E and impact. The team also had presentations focusing on targeting and qualitative and quantitative evaluation from non government research organisations, namely Reality Check Approach and J-PAL. During the study tour, the team travelled to the field in Malang to get a first-hand look at the newly launched unified registration system (SLRT), get the ground reality of the implementation of Indonesia’s conditional cash transfer programme (known as PKH or the Family Hope Programme) , and speak to the beneficiaries of social protection programmes.
2.1.4 Management Information System (MIS) As envisaged in the TAPP, one the core functions of the capacity development initiative of SPFMSP is to develop an MIS for the SPBMU as well as for the Maternity Allowance scheme of MoWCA that ensures efficient and effective social transfers to the poor, monitors and controls fiduciary risks, and increases VfM in delivery of social protection programmes. The MIS will evidentially interface with the already existing MIS for MoSW’s Old Age Allowance. The SPFMSP Project team have been working on modalities of realising this objective as evident in the progress in the MIS work stream over the past one year. Described below is the brief analysis of some of the key activitie s that the SPFMSP MIS team have undertaken during this quarter.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project Review of the Systems Requirements Specifications (SRS) Documents There was a comprehensive review of the SRS documents for SPBMU MIS and MOWCA MIS produced by the contracted software development firm. This reviewed SRS documents were provided the framework for the development of SPBMU and MOWCA MIS prototypes. Expansion of the MIS Team The Government has continuously shown its commitment to the Project by bolstering the MIS team from their side. The Government Seconded a Senior System Analyst and a System Analyst from the MoF to the SPBMU. In addition to this, two new programmers and one system engineer have been recruited to join the SPBMU as well. Provision of MIS Servers at BCC The project has managed to get two CentOS Linux servers at BCC used to host the SPBMU and MOWCA MIS applications. These servers will provide enough storage space for the MIS database and there is a provision for expansion should there be need for more storage space in the future. Development and deployment of MIS The development of the SPBMU and MOWCA MIS started in January 2017 after the approval of the SRS by the MIS Specialist. The Software Development firm has been using the Agile Methodology therefore new changes on the requirements have been adopted as the development progresses. Several reviews of the SPBMU and MOWCA MIS applications have been performed by both SPFMSP MIS team and the Directorate of Women Affairs Maternity Allowance Program Director since J anuary 2017. The two MIS applications are being developed in Spring Java EE with data stored in MYSQL database. The initial prototype of the SPBMU and MOWCA MIS were finally deployed at BCC servers on the 31 st March 2017 in preparation for the testing phase to commence in April 2017.
Output 2 - Ministry and Departments of the GoB are able to access and use a strengthened evidence base on poverty, vulnerability, nutrition and social protection The Project plans to identify and implement diagnostic and research studies to generate evidencebased findings and conclusions on the existing social protection system in Bangladesh in a participative manner. The evidence, findings and recommendations from both type s of studies shall later be utilised in the second year of implementation towards designing costed reform plans for selected social protection schemes for the Government. Below is an outline of what has been achieved in the reporting period in the areas of scheme diagnostics and research studies.
2.2.1 Scheme Diagnostics The Project has a mandate for performing seven diagnostic studies to provide operational and financial analyses of different schemes of six LMs. While the six LMs together have more than five dozen schemes, the Project selected seven in a rigorous manner with objective criteria being developed at every stage. A detailed account of the three-step methodology developed to select the schemes is outlined in the Scheme Identification Report which was approved in November 2015 by the PIC. The schemes selected to be diagnosed are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) Demand-Side Financing- Maternal Health Voucher Scheme (DSF-MHVS) Lactating Mothers Allowance/ Maternity Allowance (LMA/MA)
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
5. 6. 7.
Old Age Allowance (OAA) Husband-Deserted Women and Widow Allowance (HDWWA) Primary Education Stipend Programme (PESP)
Based on the similarity of characteristics, the schemes so selected and approved by the PIC were regrouped in terms of sector (see Table 1). The schemes were grouped in such a way so as to enable a sector-based, holistic approach that could identify on macro scale opportunities for convergence, consolidation and synergies. Table 1: Current Status of Diagnostic Studies
Name of Scheme
Name of Line Ministry
Status of Approval by PIC
Status of TOR Approval by LM Approved
Likely to begin in April 2017
Likely to be disseminated in July 2018
Final report submitted. Dissemination held in Dec 2016. Demand from LM for costed reform
Study started in December 2016
Dissemination Likely in May 2017
Finalised report to be published first week of April 2017
Being Prepared
Likely to begin in July 2017
Diagnostic likely to include Secondary Stipend, subject to PIC approval
Education Sector
Safety Net Sector
Health Sector
Vulnerability Sector
Status of Study
Awaiting finalisation of minutes from Dissemination Workshop held in February 2017 Completion of VGD Diagnostic Study While the diagnostic study on the VGD of MoWCA had started much earlier, after a discussion on the initial findings of the VGD study with MoWCA on 18 December 2016, the government requested additional field visits to be taken up to strengthen the foundation of the findings. Additional field visits to six more upazilas belonging to three districts were taken up by the diagnostic’s national
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
consultant in January 2017 in consultation with the officials of the MoWCA. The findings from the additional field visits strengthened the initial findings and also identified few more issues that were discussed with the officials of MoWCA. Subsequently, a dissemination meeting was held on 9 th March, 2017 which was chaired by the Additional Secretary, MoWCA. In attendance were representatives from FD, MoWCA and DWA as well as development partners including MJF and WFP. The main recommendations agreed were to have greater emphasis and focus on training on sustainable income generating activities (IGAs), rather than food alone. Improve earning capacities and life skills of beneficiaries through training component while the food delivery could be considered only as an opportunity cost (lost) for training. Credit linkage through banks / micro-finance institutions be provided for along with an emphasis on financial literacy. The training should provide sustainable integrated business approach for incom e generation. Besides, the recommendations also included certain suggestions on improving the design of the product itself, improvement in the processes and implementation arrangements that could be more efficient and cost effective. The MoWCA appreciated the findings from the study and agreed to all the recommendations. There was a demand from MoWCA that the SPFMSP project should help them design the reform plan for VGD. The project too has a mandate to design costed reform plans and hence the same could be taken up in detailed discussions with the MoWCA in near future. Completion of OAA and HDWWA Diagnostic Study The team of consultants for the study submitted the zero draft in January and based on the comments and suggestions from the SPFMSP team the report was redrafted and presentation prepared for the dissemination workshop. The findings and recommendations were initially discussed with the officials of MoWCA and DSS and with their inputs and suggestions, were presented in the dissemination workshop. The findings of the study included areas such as coverage, targeting issues including de registration etc. and provided recommendations ranging from scheme design to it implementation on one hand and improvement on capacities and systems on the other. It suggested a way forward on steps towards Universalization, Improving Targeting, Payment Systems reforms for the two schemes, Adequate resourcing the program as well as human resource development for monitoring and reporting The dissemination workshop on the diagnostic schemes was held on 14 th March, 2017 at the conference hall of DSS. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Gazi Mohammad Nurul Kabir, Director General of Department of Social Service (DSS) and Chaired by Mr. Khandoker Atiar Rohman, Additional Secretary (Program), Ministry of Social Welfare. The workshop was in broad agreement with the findings and recommendations of the report. The comments and suggestions made by the participants have been appropriately considered while finalizing draft report. The workshop recommended that the suggestions made in the report should receive active consideration of the government for implementation. It also agreed to hold a dialogue to discuss the report of this diagnostic study along with the reports of two other studies made by Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) and HelpAge International on Old Age Allowance scheme. The Proposed workshop will be organized by MoSW with the support of the UNDP. The Cabinet Central Monitoring Committee along with all other key stakeholders will be invited to attend the dialogue. Diagnostic Study of LMA/MA The terms of reference (ToR) was finalised along with the MoWCA during the previous quarter. The team of consultants was also placed towards the end of the quarter. Initial meetings wi th the Project as well as meetings with the MoWCA and DWA were held towards the second half of December 2016. During these meetings, the Additional Secretary, MoWCA pointed out that the team of consultants should have more extensive field visits and should cover all four corners of the country rather than limiting it to two upazilas as was approved in the ToR. Again, while the ToR was being finalised, there
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
was no such demand from the Ministry, but during the first meeting with the team of consultants, this was brought up. In view of the extra requirement of traveling, the national consultant had to be replaced in January 2017 since she was physically inability to travel extensively to the five upazilas. A new national consultant was then interviewed and hired for the study. The new national consultant was then internalized with the SPFMSP team as well as the international consultant who is currently in the USA. Meetings with MoWCA as well as with the DWA were arranged with the new national consultant in February 2017. The consultant along with the MoWCA Line Ministry Specialist from the SPFMSP project shall be taking up the field visits in the month of April 2017. It is expected that the diagnostic will be wrapped up and the final report submitted in May 2017.
2.2.2 Research Studies A detailed Research Framework that cuts across various LMs has been designed and approved by the PIC. It includes but is not limited to, thematic, issues-based and exploratory research. Research shall be focused on a number of critical VfM-drivers at the level of programme design and operation: the form, level, duration and timing of transfers, targeting, conditionality, and implementation systems. Completion of Research on Social Protection Scheme Payment Systems The purpose of this research study is to bring together existing evidence, and recommend and generate new approaches to improve the effectiveness, social accountability, and reliability of cash transfers as part of the payment systems of social protection schemes. The study wil l provide background information and analysis of how a centralised government-to-people (G2P) payment system could be implemented in Bangladesh. The study is supposed to make recommendations on the design of a central processing, accounting and payment system that could be located at the office of the Controller General of Accounts and used by different LMs to transfer cash to a high volume of scheme participants via different payment methods such as through individual banking accounts, mobile banking accounts, mobile money, postal transfer etc. The first draft of a research paper on payment systems of major social protection schemes in Bangladesh was submitted, and feedback sent to the consultant team in January. The report was then prepared purely from the contextual requirement of Bangladesh in its present form. The findings and recommendations were initially discussed with the NPD and a dissemination workshop was held on 2nd March, 2017. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Mr. Helal Uddin Ahamad, Divisional Commissioner, Dhaka Division, Dhaka. The workshop was Chaired by Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, Additional Secretary & National Project Director (NPD) of the SPFMSP project, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance. The participants included officials of the Finance Division, Six Line Ministries, Prime Minister office (a2i), CAOs of Six LMs, Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Bangladesh Bank, Sonali Bank, few Public and Private sector Banks, Mobile Financial Services, National Identification Project (NID Project), Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), Public Expenditure Management Strengthening Program (PEMSP), Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) project and UNDP. The workshop participants broadly agreed with the findings of the study. The comments and suggestions made by the participants have been appropriately addressed while finalising the report on the study. The workshop strongly endorsed the payment system proposed by the study and recommended its implementation in a planned manner. The workshop felt that the proposed system would address many of the current difficulties faced by the beneficiaries and would lead to establishment of a transparent, efficient and beneficiary friendly payment system for cash transfer of social protection benefits. As a way forward, the workshop recommended that a reform plan may be designed for implementation of the proposed payment system architecture as suggested by the study and for implementation of the recommendations, the proposed payment system architecture should be piloted on two schemes.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Output 3 - Costed plans are developed for the reform of priority social protection schemes As mentioned in Output 2’s section, the evidence, findings and recommendations from both the scheme diagnostics and the research studies are required for designing costed reform plans for the Government. As such, the work on the first reform plan has only gotten underway after the completion of the first few diagnostic studies and demands from the government, based on diagnostic findings, for costed reforms to be taken up. It has been observed that there is a strong demand from the Line Ministries to design evidence based costed reforms where the evidence may emanate from the diagnostic and research studies. It was observed that the project has had four dissemination workshops on three diagnostics and one research. There has been a 100% demand for all the disseminations that the project has had so far. In other words, while the project has a mandate to design two costed reforms by August 2017, there is already a demand to design reform plans for four schemes and one system (Payment System). As at the end of the fifth quarter the SPFMSP project has a peculiar position to adopt. While the mandate for the project is to perform two costed reform plans till August 2017, there is a much greater appetite with the Ministries to help them design the costed reforms. As on date, the current status of studies completed and demand for costed reforms is as follows:
Vulnerability Sector
Name of Scheme
Name of Line Ministry
Status of Diagnostic Study
Demand from LM for Reform
Strong Demand
Due to start in April 2017
Yet to be designed.
Strong Demand
Yet to be designed.
In progress
Not yet designed.
Saf Health Sector ety Net Sec tor
Status of ToR Approval for Costed Reform Yet to be designed.
MoWCA suggested that this is the right time to take on reforms for VGD
MoHFW particularly interested in expansion of DSF. SPFMSP wishes to finish LMA/MA diagnostic before designing this health sector reform.
Finalised report
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Education Sector
Name of Scheme
Name of Line Ministry
Status of Diagnostic Study
Demand from LM for Reform
Due to start in July 2017
Status of ToR Approval for Costed Reform designed.
to be published first week of April 2017
Not yet designed.
Output 4 - Ensuring that effective programme management arrangements are established to achieve programme outputs and objectives
2.4.1 PSC Meeting The Project Steering Committee (PSC) is the apex governing body which oversees the implementation of the project. The PSC provides policy directions and reviews the progress of implementation. PSC is an inter – ministerial committee chaired by the Senior Secretary, Finance Division with representation from Cabinet Division, Planning Commission, ERD, IMED, BBS, LGD, six SPFMSP line ministries, DFID and DFAT. NPD of SPFMSP acts as the Member – Secretary of the PSC. The first meeting of the PSC was held on Thursday, 26th of January, 2017 at the conference room of FD. The meeting was chaired by the Sr. Secretary, Finance Division and attended by representatives from all six SPFMSP line ministries and DFID. PSC discussed the overall progress of the project, work plan, transfer of SPBMU to GoB revenue budget, extension of MoU and way forward. The committee took a few important decisions. The minutes of the meeting is attached as Annex VI of the report. The major decisions/ approval provided by the PSC include:
i) ii)
v) vi)
MIS – The PSC approved the MIs design and the roadmap proposed by the project; Capacity Development –More field level officials should be trained in future national courses and accordingly appropriate course module should be developed in consultation with all key stakeholders; Diagnostic Studies – The PSC approved the findings and recommendations of the report of the Diagnostic Study on Demand Side Financing- Maternal Health Voucher Scheme and suggested that steps should be taken by both FD and MoHFW to improve the performance of payment mechanism in line with the recommendation of the study; Establishment and Operationalisation of SPBMU – The FD should start the process of creating necessary permanent positions for SPBMU so that there is no gap in sustaining the SPBMU when the project ends. Extension of MoU – FD will request ERD to approach DFID for extension of the tenure of MoU up to 30 June, 2018 to align with the completion date of project as laid down in the TAPP Annual Work Plan – The PSC approved the Work Plan for the period October, 2016 to August, 2018 as proposed by the project.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
2.4.2 Establishing SPBMU and Joint Office Space The government, under the leadership of the NPD, have moved towards filling the remaining vacant positions of the SPBMU. The SBPMU is now over 80% staffed, and the SPBMU has initiated the process of recruitment of the remaining two vacancies for deputy directors. Moving into a joint office space has been a significant challenge in the past, the Project has overcome this issue with the help and leadership of our government counterparts. All arrangements for moving the Project team and the SPBMU into a joint office in a private building located in Segunbagicha, Dhaka were completed successfully in January 2017. A rent contract was signed between the government and the owner and by the second week of January 2017, the office move was completed. SPBMU is moving steadily towards its full scale operationalisation and attaining sustainability through a process of growing engagement of GoB staff in all the work streams of the project along with MSP consultants. In certain areas GoB officials now play the lead role. The decision taken by PSC in its first meeting held in 26 January, 2017 to give SPBMU a permanent shape is an important step towards attaining sustainability of the unit.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Key Issues and Lessons Key issues for this reporting period are outlined below. One of the key learnings of the dissemination workshops during the quarter is that all the workshops unanimously agreed on the evidence-based findings and recommendations of diagnostic and research studies. Despite MoWCA requesting that the diagnostic teams perform additional field visits to gather greater evidence and further strengthen the study findings, the findings from additional visits reported similar issues and challenges. Thus, even with limited exposure to field trips, an understanding of the scheme coupled with a thorough literature and institutional review is sufficient enough to perform an effective diagnostic study. Another key learning, this one from the capacity development component of the Project, is to garner greater cooperation and assistance from the LM/Directorates. The Project has gathered greater visibility amongst the government officials at the LM / LD level and as a result the national and global courses as well study tours saw many officials developing extremely cordial and helpful relations with the Project team so much so that wherever in the Ministry or the Department, the SPFMSP team goes for meeting, there are already very supportive officials who are willing to support the Project team in whatsoever capacity they are into. For example, the Project’s MIS team was initially having issues trying to get the data structure of the Old Age Allowance programme MIS from DSS. Fortunately, through the acquired relationships with DSS officials developed through the Project’s capacity development activities, SPFMSP was able to expedite this process. Another key lesson has been that the move into the joint office with the SPBMU has vastly improved coordination, increased communication and provided greater facilitation of Project activities. This has led to increased government buy-in and increased SPBMU participation and leadership in various areas, including the national courses, global courses, study tours and workshops on research studies and diagnostics.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Objectives for Next Quarter (April 2017-June 2017) Key Objectives for the next quarter, and activities planned in the Annual Work Plan during this time (Annex III) include:
Piloting MIS software unit and end-to-end functional and performance testing SPBMU MIS training of MoF and MoWCA staff Delivery of sixth national course on social protection public finance management Delivery of global courses at IDS in UK and ILO in Italy for approximatel y 22 participants all together Completion of LMA/MA diagnostic study and initiation of diagnostic study on VGF Submission of draft reform plan on payment systems for social benefits and initiation of second reform plan (TBC)
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Annex I –Participant Lists from Global and National Courses Fifth National Social Protection Public Financial Management Course Institute of Public Finance, Segunbagicha, Dhaka 19-24 March 2017 Participants by Designation and Ministry Number of Participants
Assistant Secretary, Assistant Directors, Research and Publications Officer, Social Service Officers, Chief Manager,
Ministry of Women & Children Affairs
Senior Assistant Chief, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Director, Inspection Officer, Programme Officer
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Deputy Secretary, Deputy Chief
Ministry of Education
Deputy Secretary
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Deputy Director and Education Officer
Ministry of Finance
Deputy Secretaries, Chief Accounts Officers, Assistant Chief, Deputy Controller of General of Accounts
Ministry Ministry Welfare
World Bank Global Course on Social Safety Nets Washington, D.C., USA 6-17 March 2017 Sl
Md. Manzoor Alam Bhuiyan
Designation / Ministry Joint Secretary, FD Executive Director, SPBMU
Ministry/ Directorate MoF
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Annex II- Participants from Kenya and Indonesia Study Tour Kenya Study Tour 14-20 January 2017
Ministry/ Organisation
Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury
Additional Secretary
Mizanur Rahman
Additional Secretary
Abu Muhammad Yousuf
Joint Secretary, MoSW
Director, Social Welfare Department
Md. Manzoor Alam Bhuiyan
Joint Secretary, MoF
Executive Director, SPFMSP Project
Satyendra Kumar Sarker
Joint Secretary
Project Director, MoDMRPA Project
Mahesh Chandro Roy
Joint Secretary
Director, Primary Education Directorate
Mohammad Enamul Haque Ena
Joint Secretary
Quzi Munirul Islam
Joint Chief
Secondary Higher Education Division
Justus Oguna
MIS Specialist
Ministry/ Organisation
Mr. Mohammad Mahiuddin Khan
Additional Secretary, Secondary and Higher Education Division
Mr. Khandoker Atiar Rohman
Additional Secretary
Mr. MD Jafar Uddin
Additional Secretary, Finance Division
Mr. MD Zakir Hossain Akanda
Additional Secretary
Mr. MD Rabiul Islam
Deputy Chief
Mr. Pabitra Kumar Sikder
Deputy Director
Mr. MD Ataur Rahman
Deputy Secretary, Finance Division
Mr. S M Shakil Akhter
Deputy Chief
Indonesia Study Tour 19-25 March 2017
Sl 1.
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project
Mr. Mohammad Yasin
Deputy Secretary, Finance Division
Mr. Syed Rashedul Hossen
Deputy Secretary, Finance Division
Treena Watson
Project Coordinator
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Projec t
Annex III – SPFMSP Work Plan
Work Plan for Activities from October 2016 to August 2017 2016
2017 Dec
Outputs and Deliverables Output 1: Improved GoB capacity to develop social protection policy and budgets and coordinate and monitor the implementation of the social protection system 1.1 Social Protection Budget Management Unit (SPBMU) Move in to joint SPFMSP/SPBMU office Recruitment of Remaining SPBMU Staff 1.2 MIS Tender process for MIS HW/SW development/services Requirements Gathering, Review and Development of the MIS according to Software Design Documents Deploy the system on the live server at Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) PILOT MIS software unit, end-to-end functional and performance testing SPBMU MIS Training of MoF, MoSW and MoWCA staff Pilot Sign-off 1.3 National Courses Delivery of 4th National Course Delivery of 5th National Course Delivery of 6th National Course Delivery of 7th National Course
YEAR MONTH Outputs and Deliverables 1.4 Global Courses Delivery of Global Course 2 (Chiang Mai, INSPIRE) Delivery of Global Course 3 (Washington, World Bank) Delivery of Global Course 4 (Turin, ILO) Delivery of Global Course 5 (Sussex, IDS) 1.5 Study Tours Dissemination workshop on Study Tour 1 (India) Delivery of Study Tour 2 (Kenya) Dissemination workshop on Study Tour 2 (Kenya) Delivery of Study Tour 3 (Indonesia) Dissemination workshop on Study Tour 3 (Indonesia) Delivery of Study Tour 4 (TBD) Dissemination workshop on Study Tour 4 (TBD) 1.6 Other Capacity Development Activities Capacity Development on Payment Systems
2017 Dec
2017 Dec
Outputs and Deliverables Output 2: Ministry and Departments of the GoB are able to access and use a strengthened evidence base on poverty, vulnerability, nutrition and social protection 2.1 Research Studies Conduct Research Study 1 (Payment System for Social Benefits) Workshop on Research Study Topics 2.2 Diagnostic Studies of Social Protection Schemes Diagnostic on Demand-Side Financing- Maternal Health Voucher Scheme Diagnostic on Vulnerable Group Development Diagnostic on Old Age Allowance/ Husband-Deserted Women and Widow’s Allowance Diagnostic on Lactating Mothers Allowance/ Maternity Allowance Diagnostic on Vulnerable Group Feeding Diagnostic on Primary Education Stipend Programme
Output 3: Costed plans developed for the reform of priority social protection schemes 3.1 Costed Reform Plans Development of Costed Reform Plan 1 (TBD) Development of Costed Reform Plan 2 (TBD)
YEAR MONTH Outputs and Deliverables Development of Costed Reform Plan 3 (TBD) Development of Costed Reform Plan 4 (TBD)
2017 Dec
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Projec t
Annex IV- Revised Approved Milestone Schedule Criteria for Payment 1
Translates to
Quarterly Payment
Visioning workshops (Output 1)
Draft ToR for Diagnostic Studies (Output 3)
Quarterly Payment
Submission of the draft Social Protection Scheme Identification & Expenditure Mapping Review (Output 2)
Submission of the revised Capacity Building Framework (Output 1)
Quarterly Payment
1st National SPFMSP training course completed (Output 1)
Study Tour to India completed (Output 1)
2nd National SPFMSP training course completed (Output 1)
Quarterly Payment
3rd National SPFMSP training course completed (Output 1)
Quarterly Payment
Tender awarded for the MIS hardware/software (Output 1)
Completion of Global Course [Chiang Mai] (Output 1)
Completion of the diagnostic study on VGD (Output 2)
Quarterly Payment
Completion of OA/HDWW Clustered Diagnostic (Output 2)
5th National SPFMSP training course completed (Output 1)
Quarterly Payment
MIS Design Completion and Approved (Output 1)
Submission of Draft Reform Plan 1 (Output 3)
Final Quarterly Payment
Submission of reform plan 2 (Output 3)
SPBMU operationalised and staffed
Completion of Piloting MIS software unit, end-to-end functional and performance testing (Output 1)
Final Report (Output 4)
5th Quarterly Report of Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Projec t
Annex V PSC Meeting Minutes