Volume 141, Number 136
MONDAY MAY 3, 2010
1 8 6 9
Today: AM T-Showers
High: 80 • Low: 59
The Rutgers men’s track and field team finished in third place in the Big East Championships behind a pair of individual victories in field competitions.
Administration salaries to top $14 million
Artists rock at annual Rutgersfest
University President Richard L. McCormick’s 62-member administrative council will make more than $14 million this fiscal year at an average salary of $227,656, according to data obtained through an Open Public Records Act request. This year’s collective administrative council salary marks a $2,680,988 jump from 2007-2008, when the administration earned a total of $11,433,729. Despite a freeze on executive pay raises, this year’s total administrative council salar y increased more than $740,000 from last year. Three administration members saw their salaries increase and five new hires, who earn more than their predecessors, contributed to increased salary costs. McCormick would not respond directly to the administrative figures in this article, which were sent to his office and University Media Relations Tuesday, until he had a chance to review the numbers. McCormick addressed the issue of administrative salaries and possible cuts during his hearing before the Senate Budget Committee last Thursday in Trenton. During the hearing, Sen. Jeff Van Drew, D-1, asked college presidents whether senior administration salaries are being capped and if administration costs are being cut. “The administrative elements of the University have received bigger than their share of cuts compared to the academic units,” McCormick said. “Academic programs have been protected to the greatest extent possible, and the administrative side of the house has taken more than its share ever y time around.”
Rapper J. Cole steps down from the stage to hang out with fans Friday at Rutgersfest on Livingston campus. About 30,000 people came out to the event.
Altria Group has been among the top sponsors of Career Services for the past five years, granting funds to the department and recruiting students for employment. The company’s grant this past year supported three major initiatives — an eight-page ‘Careers’ insert in The Daily Targum, two dining etiquette programs and one fashion show, Richard White, director of Career Services said in an e-mail correspondence. “All three initiatives were careerfocused and geared toward helping students prepare for the workplace,” White said. Altria donated educational grants in 2009 to 16 other colleges and universities, including the University of Missouri, the University of North Carolina, Boston College and Pennsylvania State University, according to the company’s report.
Resolution aims to better serve disabled BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
With an influx of students with disabilities coming into the University, the University Senate passed a resolution Friday in an effort to better accommodate the growing population. The Senate charge originated from discussions between Rutgers-Camden Associate Dean for Finance and Administration Nathan Levinson and Samuel Rabinowitz, Senate chairperson, who decided University services for students with disabilities must be reviewed, according to the charge.
Tobacco company grant assists U. Career Services BY JOSHUA M. ROSENAU
About 30,000 people made their way to Livingston campus to join the Rutgers University Programming Association, Rutgers University Student Assembly and Student Life Friday for its annual Rutgersfest. This year’s Rutgersfest lineup featured artists Brand New, Talib Kweli, J. Cole and P.O.S., as well as Battle of the Bands winner Reality Addiction. “Rutgersfest has been in the making for about a year,” RUPA President Ana Castillo said. “It’s been a long time since we have had this many performers, so I think it is going to be fun for everyone. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it, because we do have a good mix of people.” Students shared their views on the artists and events at the concert. “Brand New was definitely my favorite part,” School of Arts and Sciences
Gifts to three other educational programs based in New York, in addition to the donations, totaled $6.8 million. Altria aims to make communities leading environments that attract high-quality employees and their families, according to its website. “An important part is helping find strategic, meaningful solutions to the challenges facing our communities,” according to the site. “This is why we actively support programs that strengthen and enrich our communities and improve the quality of life for everyone in the places we call home.” Ruth Boorujy, associate director of Global Advisors of Smoke-free Policy, a nonprofit organization based in Summit, N.J., criticized the tobacco company’s generosity as a public relations ploy designed to make the industr y seem less threatening,
“There was a felt need that something should be done to bring the topic of disabilities more into the forefront,” Rabinowitz said. “There is clear agreement that the people who do the work on disability services are just excellent, [but] they need some help in all respects.” The charge contained recommendations for the University Senate to review, all dealing with the topic of improving accommodations for students with disabilities and creating more awareness at the University. “They need greater awareness created … and with awareness will come the buy-
in with people recognizing that we are all in this together,” Rabinowitz said. “The goal is to put those with disabilities on a level playing field with people without disabilities, and whatever assistance can be done will help us all.” He said the first recommendation, which calls for the creation of a Disability Services Advisory Board, would be a great first step to bringing awareness to the community of students with disabilities. “If that group were given these recommendations [in the charge], that would be a
INDEX METRO University students take a trip down to the capital to show support for the DREAM Act.
PERSPECTIVES The Daily Targum reviews some of the top stories this year both local and national. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 PERSPECTIVES . . . . . P1 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO / PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artist Patti Smith performs at the State Theater in New Brunswick Friday night along with her band, The Smithereens in a concert to support the Court Tavern, which has been struggling with business.
SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
M AY 3 , 2 0 1 0
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Weather Channel TUESDAY HIGH 79 LOW 54
TODAY AM T-Showers, with a high of 80° TONIGHT Partly cloudy, with a low of 59°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY BILL DOMKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY MICHAEL MALVASIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Tyler Barto, Rafael Cabrera, Anthony Hernandez, Chris Zawistowski SENIOR WRITERS — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Tyler Donohue, Kyle Franko, Greg Flynn, Sam Hellman, Rinal Shah SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Dan Bracaglia, Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Isiah Stewart STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Marielle Balisalisa, Bonnie Chan STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz
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M AY 3 , 2 0 1 0
PA G E 3
Poll finds high Republican enthusiasm BY DAN ROGERS CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Dan Pereira, vice president elect of the Rutgers University Democrats, took a month off from classes last year to campaign for President Barack Obama. The Democratic victory further solidified to Pereira that campaigning is what he wants to do, he said. “That night was truly one of the best nights of my life,” he said. “Just seeing your work coming to fruition in the election of the president of the United States was inspiring.” Despite his efforts, a recent poll conducted by Har vard University’s Institute of Politics indicates young Republicans may be working even harder. The poll reported young Republicans between the ages of 18-29 are more enthusiastic in participating in the midterm elections than young Democrats. The poll results also show that 41 percent of young Republicans plan on voting in the Nov. 2 midterm elections, compared with 35 percent of young Democrats and 13 percent of young Independents. This trend shows a six-point increase in young Republicans’ enthusiasm, said Esten Perez, director of communications at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics. “[This] six-point difference that they are definitely going to vote in November, is something eye catching and we have not seen it before,” Perez said. The reason for this increase in Republican interest is not clear, but Perez said young people in the poll also showed more concern about their economic situation. Sixty percent of young people are concerned about meeting their bills, 45 percent report their financial situation is bad, and 45 percent are also concerned about affording college, according to the poll. Mark Bittner, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore and a Rutgers Democrat, attributes anger toward the administration to young voters’ unrealistic expectations that Obama would bring about change instantaneously. “Many young voters expected that the moment he got elected,
the economy would be fixed and the United States would be perfect, and young Republicans are taking advantage of this as much as possible,” Bitner said. Although there are fewer numbers of young voters, they are not much different than older voters. Reasons for a drop in Democratic support may be the same throughout age groups, said John Weingart, associate director for the Eagleton Institute of Politics. “What’s motivating Republican voters is a feeling that the Obama administration is going in a direction that they think is unacceptable, so it’s a combination of anger at what the government is doing, and for others it’s a frustration the government’s not solving
“Young adults want to work, but ... the government has to create and work on policies to create jobs.” BRANDON GREIFE College Republican National Committee Political Director
for them,” he said. “Because the Democrats are in power, a lot of that is directed at that party.” The administration’s gains prove to be a disappointment to many young Republicans, who are growing more and more concerned about job prospects and achieving the American dream, said Brandon Greife, political director of the College Republican National Committee. “A majority of young people today believe they’re not going to be better off than their parents,” Greife said. “The government hasn’t done anything to spur investment or innovation. … Young adults want to work, but to do that, the government has to create and work on policies to create jobs.” Perez said future elections could be a comeback for the Republicans, since Obama and the Democratic Congress currently have low approval ratings. “The McCain voters who are outnumbering the Obama voters in
terms of enthusiasm may feel like this upcoming election is a chance to take action at the polls, in response to their current economic situation and disappointment with the administration,” he said. In terms of the 2012 presidential race, it all depends on who is running for president and if those candidates will be able to inspire as much enthusiasm as Obama did, Weingart said. Typically, national campaigns do not specifically target the youth group, since their issues are not drastically different from adults, he said. The 2008 election was unique as many young people were attracted to Obama due to his landmark candidacy, Banti said. “I think the poll is a reflection of the group of people who voted for Obama because it was cool and everybody was doing it,” Banti said. “When we were campaigning, we took advantage of those people because they gave the Democrats more votes, but people like that, I don’t think they’ll come back.” Although the youth turnout was not as high as predicted for the 2008 election, voters under 30 over whelmingly supported Obama nationally by a nearly 2-1 margin, said David Redlawsk, a Rutgers University political science professor and Eagleton Institute of Politics poll director. But University alumnus Bharat Balan said the upcoming elections would be a battle of which party campaigns harder. “I don’t think polls tell the picture accurately,” Balan said. “If you look at liberal campus organizations like the Rutgers Democrats, they’re doing an excellent job with getting out their message.” As for the Republicans, Greife believes 2010 and 2012 will be their success years. Greife, who has campaigned for the GOP, went door-to-door for GOP support, put up signs and did whatever the campaign needed him to do, he said. “You’re working because you know that electing this person is important to you,” he said. “Even though making calls to all these people is not the most wonderful thing in the world, electing a person you believe in makes it all worthwhile in the long run.”
The Alpha Chi Row team work together to lift a log on Saturday as part of G.I. Theta Chi, an event filled with physical challenges hosted by Theta Chi fraternity to help wounded veterans get back on their feet.
Rutgers College senior Natalia Arias, left, and Padgy Payana, a Perth Amboy high schooler, play dog limbo with Eros yesterday after Rutgers United for the Welfare of Animal’s Dog Walkathon.
Dogs, owners walk to raise Haiti funds BY JEFF PRENTKY STAFF WRITER
A combination of paws and feet walked Buccleuch Park yesterday for Rutgers United for the Welfare of Animals’ first Dog Walkathon, which raised proceeds for local animal shelters and the Animal Relief Coalition of Haiti. About 75 walkers, some University students and some local residents, participated in the walkathon, which also featured raffles for an iPod touch and L’Oreal baskets. Natalia Arias, a Rutgers College senior, started the club last fall after she adopted a dog from Colombia that had broken legs. “That was my inspiration to actually get something going at Rutgers,” said Arias, club president. “I was sure there were other people who cared about animals as much as I did.” While planning the walkathon, Arias said she wanted to do something different that students might be interested in participating in. “It’s nice weather out, people are always walking their dogs anyway,” Arias said. “Why not use that to get a lot of people together that actually care for animals as much [as we] do?” Part of the proceeds will go to the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti, an organization that raises money to help displaced animals in Haiti, but the club is trying to support mostly local shelters, Arias said. Just Big Black Dogs from Highland Park and All Critters Rescue, Inc. from Spotswood, N.J., two animal shelters, were present at the event. The nonprofit organizations brought dogs and pictures of dogs from the shelters to give participants an idea of what they had available for adoption.
Chris Geschwantner runs Just Big Black Dogs out of her home. After an adopter chooses a specific dog to adopt, Geschwantner brings the dog to the adopter’s house to make sure the dog gets along well with the other pets in the home. “I don’t want just off the street [adopters],” she said. “I want to know where the dog’s going ... I invest a lot of time in these dogs and I want to make sure they have the right home.” Geschwantner said once in a while, there is a dog that does not get along with the person or vice versa. Ben Papapietro, who is involved in the University club, believes the event opened people’s eyes to the options they have for adopting local animals. “[The walkathon] definitely makes people aware of all the options people have for adopting dogs,” said Papapietro, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “It’s definitely something good for the community.” Due to the success of this year’s walkathon, the club hopes to hold another one next year with more participants and dogs, said Jessica Diala, club treasurer. “We’re definitely going to have another one next year, and I think a lot of people said they’re going to come back and hopefully more people will bring more dogs,” said Diala, a Rutgers College senior. “The main point of the event was to get donations to help out the animals.” Sarah Tarn, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, brought her two dogs to the walkathon and enjoyed seeing all of the other puppies and dogs. “I’ve done a lot of regular fundraisers, but they never actually had animals, so I think that’s really nice,” Tarn said. “You actually get to bring your animals and see the animals you get to help.”
M AY 3 , 2 0 1 0
GRANT: Career Services helps promote companies at U. continued from front when in fact it posses serious health issues. “We promote no acceptance of tobacco industr y money. Period. We don’t take it, and we don’t expect our colleagues to take it either, especially schools,” Boor ugy said. “[Altria] wants to be recognized in a good light. If Rutgers accepts it, [Altria] stands to benefit. They hide behind giving.” More than 10,000 N.J. residents die each year because of tobacco, according to, a state anti-smoking program sponsored by the New Jersey Depar tment of Health and Senior Ser vices. After purchasing controlling interests Kraft General Foods and Miller Brewing Company in the 1980s and 1990s, Philip Morris renamed itself in 2003 as “Altria Group,” according to Altria’s website. It has since sold its holdings in Kraft General, but the
SALARIES: U. 32nd in employees-per-faculty ratio continued from front McCormick said shaving executive salaries would also shear the University’s competitive edge. “We are competing in a national market, and we really need to pay consistent with that market or else we will become a poorly managed institution,” he said. According to the Rutgers Factbook, the University ranks 32nd in executive, administrative and managerial employees per faculty ratio among public Association of American Universities. “If you look at statistics, Rutgers compared to comparable Universities, we are ver y … leanly staffed, starting with my
RESOLUTION: New charge requests early syllabi continued from front great second step,” he said. “The first step was getting the recommendations out there.” Rabinowitz said the board would be made up of faculty, students and alumni, who would all bring different experiences to the table to effectively deal with students with disabilities. “All of these make sense to have as part of the picture since all are affected at the current time and certainly in the near term,” he said. He also said the University is dealing with the aspect of federal law, which would mean members of the board should be knowledgeable about accommodating students with physical disabilities. “New building design has to be sensitive to disability-related laws,” he said. “So having people with knowledge of … the legal requirements attached to this advisory board and attached to any committees dealing with building design would make a lot of sense.” Rabinowitz said the leader of the Disability Ser vices Advisor y Board should have an all-encompassing knowl-
company has retained its stock in Miller, which in 2002 merged with South American Breweries to create SABMiller. In retur n for gifts to its depar tment, Career Ser vices of fers corporate sponsors the chance to promote their companies within the university, White said. “Corporate suppor t boosts companies’ visibility on campus through four primar y vehicles — naming a room in our inter view center in the Busch Campus Center, sponsoring a ‘Careers’ inser t in The Daily Targum, sponsoring a special program and appearing as a top sponsor on our website,” White said. Steven Miller, School of Communication and Information senior media ser vices coordinator, said it is common for corporations like Altria to advertise on campus. “It’s not just Altria, it’s Nike sponsoring the sports teams, it’s Verizon putting up a sign at the stadium, any corporation the University is associated with,” Miller said. “These advertisers see an audience of buyers for their product in the primary demographic.”
University a cappella group Deep Treble performed its last concert along with Youtube sensation Miranda yesterday in Hickman Hall on Douglass campus.
office,” McCormick said in a recent inter view with The Daily Targum. “I don’t have a chief of staff. I am the CEO of a $1.9 billion organization. I have two secretaries out there and I am not special.” He said ever y of fice at the University is leanly staffed. The number of the executive, administrative and managerial employees compared to the size of the faculty and student body is just about at the bottom. According to a College and University Professional Association for Human Resource survey of private and public institutions, the salaries of senior administrators have risen by 4 percent every year for the past decade, ceasing with the economic crash starting in 2008. Although the CUPA-HR does not keep statistics on overall
average administrator salaries, it does keep averages for administrator titles at 1,280 doctoral institutions. According to the survey, the average salary for executive vice presidents is $282,867, secre-
edge of the students with disabilities community. “Our recommendation was that the chair of the advisor y board should be the executive director of the Of fice of Disability Ser vices,” he said. “If that recommendation is accepted, I don’t know. But I certainly hope it is.” Director for the Office of Disability Ser vices Gregor y Moorehead said the recommendations in the charge are his exact concerns for students with disabilities at the University. “We do a good job in providing accommodations for students with disabilities. But we need to move it to the next level,” he said. “We need to be leaders in the field for accommodating students with disabilities so that’s what this whole Senate charge is about.” He said the University is unique in this situation because of its geography, which differs greatly from other large universities throughout the nation. “When you’re attending a school like Rutgers where a student may have to attend classes on multiple campuses in one given day, that becomes even more of a barrier,” he said. “So that’s all the more reason why we have to kind of step back and reassess what
we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Moorehead said when people think about diversity at the University, they usually think about race, ethnicity and religion but leave students with disabilities out of the equation. “So that’s what this whole survey was about, that’s what the whole Senate charge is about,” he said. “It’s about how can we
“If you look at statistics, Rutgers compared to [other] Universities, we are very … leanly staffed.” RICHARD L. MCCORMICK University President
taries of the university is $152,700, chief student-affairs officer is $183,476 and athletics director is $193,081.
“We do a good job ... for students with disabilities. But we need to move it to the next level.” GREGORY MOOREHEAD Office of Disability Services Director
make this an even more welcoming environment for students with disabilities.” He said a probable reason for students with disabilities being left out of the equation sometimes is many have invisible disabilities. “They have learning disabilities, they have psychological disabilities, and a lot of them
According to a survey by the Chronicle of Higher Education, the average salary in 2008-2009 for presidents at public institutions was $436,111. Excluding outside compensation, McCormick’s $550,000 base salar y was the ninth highest among presidents at four-year public universities in 2009, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. McCormick only accepted a raise in 2008, going from $525,000 to $550,000 during his eight years at the University, according to a Star-Ledger article. McCormick’s 18-member cabinet, comprised of members of his administrative council, itself will make $4,942,419 this year. Three members, McCormick, Pernetti and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip J. Furmanski, will earn more than $400,000 this year.
Nat Bender, Union of Rutgers Administrators–American Federation Teachers vice president, said the increase in salaries among senior administration in recent years is often attributed to “corporatization” in higher education. Bender said the belief is high-powered business donors are more likely to take senior administrators seriously if they have comparable salaries. When McCormick arrived at the University, he was one of the highest paid presidents in the countr y, Bender said. With the growth in presidential salaries nationwide over the past eight years, he is only one in the pack. “In 2002, you got six public university presidents making a half million,” Bender said. “Fast for ward five years later, he’s like the average president.”
may have physical disabilities that are hidden as well,” he said. “So a lot of times, there are barriers for people with hidden disabilities because we perceive them as someone without a disability.” Moorehead said one of the main problems for students with learning disabilities is access to course syllabi before the semester begins. He said some students with learning disabilities require an electronic format of textbooks, which does not come easy. “Sometimes it can take weeks before that book is converted,” he said. “Meanwhile, you’re missing all that reading time and you’re behind in your assignments because you don’t have the text that is available to you like all the other students.” Moorehead said by giving the course syllabi to students with disabilities before the semester begins would greatly improve the ability to convert textbooks to electronic format. “Then they can go online before the class even starts, they can see the required text and then they can provide us that information,” he said. “So, ideally, that student can go to class with their text the same way students can go to class with the traditional means of the text.”
The course syllabi must also contain information for students with disabilities that are vital for academic success, such as noting extra time for exams, Moorehead said. “That’s something that needs to be stated in the syllabus because the majority of the students that we serve get extra time for exams,” he said. “So it’s very important that a professor has a statement in the syllabus … telling what students in that course should do.” He said an increased awareness is needed as well as improved education for faculty and students. “It’s a matter of helping to educate the public, helping to educate the faculty, helping to educate the staff on how to effectively interact with this population and how to be supportive of this population,” he said. Rabinowitz said the charge would be put in front of University President Richard L. McCormick, who will then decide what to do for the students with disabilities community. “The message for the shortterm is creating increased awareness and passing recommendations,” he said. “If those things get rocking, then we have something really good going on.”
M AY 3 , 2 0 1 0
ARTISTS: Five different
“I love playing college shows. I feel like I know these performers take stage at event people, you know, I went to school with these people in a sense,” he said. “I feel like I continued from front know them well.” For some students, sophomore Alissa Jayne said. “Honestly, I have never even Rutgersfest does more than just heard of any of the other acts, mark the end of a year at the and then I downloaded some University. It is an event to bring Talib Kweli, and I loved him. He the University together for one last time before the semester was awesome.” But not ever yone agreed ends. “We know what to expect, with Jayne. Livingston College senior you know the attitude that stuDesron Dorest said the lineup dents are going to come with,” was sub-par in comparison to past said Sera Bayruns, vice president of RUPA’s Rutgersfests. Films and “If they had a M e d i a more diverse line“[The best part] is Committee. “We up, I think it would basically just seeing just kind of menhave been a little tally prepare bit better,” he said. Still, Dorest said friends around here, ourselves before the huge crowd he had fun, and the hanging out comes, and as event is not only with everyone.” long as people about the musical aren’t being lineup. SHANG JEN “[It was good] Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy too destructive, we don’t that everybody was junior really mind.” able to stay here, and RUPA plans it was a great day out,” he said. “We don’t want to all year long to put together Rutgersfest, a festival that leave, so it was a good thing.” During the concert, hip-hop includes not only musical acts, artist J. Cole climbed down from but inflatable rides, carnival the stage to meet the fans in the games and food. But for some, Rutgersfest is not about the front row. “I just try to understand that music orthe carnival. “[The best part] is basically just maybe next year, I won’t be able to do this, you know,” J. Cole said seeing friends around here, hangafter the show. “Maybe I won’t ing out with everyone,” Ernest have fans, or next year I will be too Mario School of Pharmacy junior big to take the time out, so while I Shang Jen said. Visit The Daily Targum online at still can do it, I try to show as much love as possible.” J. Cole, 25, is the first artist to to watch the news video for sign with rapper Jay-Z’s label Rutgersfest and listen to more of J. Cole’s interview. Roc Nation.
Margaret Marsh, a Rutgers-Camden Faculty of Arts and Sciences dean, gives a speech at the Rutgers Hall of Distinguished Alumni 2010 Awards Gala Saturday at the Heldrich Hotel downtown.
Students and local visitors raise their West Indies flags and dance to a performance by reggae artist Serani during the 32nd annual Caribbean Day Saturday on Busch campus.
Island temperatures complemented the mix of West Indies flags that decorated the air Saturday outside the Paul Robeson Cultural Center on Busch campus. Dance performances, a fashion show and food were highlights of the 32nd annual Caribbean Day, presented by the West Indian Student Organization and the Haitian Association at Rutgers University. But most of the more than 1,000 attendees came to see reggae artist Serani, who sang his hit singles “She Loves Me” and “No Games” along with a set of other selections. “I think we had a great turnout this year,” WISO President Marline Dorcinvil said. Despite some technical difficulties with audio equipment during the event, Dorcinvil, an Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy senior, said Serani’s performance was the best part of the day. “He just went along with everything, and he gave a great performance,” she said. “I appreciated everything that he did for us. He was a cool person backstage.” Dorcinvil said she was glad to see so many people come out to support Caribbean culture.
Former WISO President Shaina Trudge, a Livingston College senior, was glad to see the event have an even better turnout than last year. She enjoyed the student dance performances by the WISO Dance Troupe and Chaos Theory most. Trudge commended WISO’s executive board on its work in organizing the event. “It isn’t easy. It takes a lot of preparation,” she said. “It takes a lot of patience, too. They did a great job. I’m happy for them.”
“The event is not just for us as a Caribbean culture. It’s for the whole school.” SHAINA TRUDGE Livingston College senior
Tr udge stressed the fact that although many people of West Indian descent attended the event, it was a celebration for all who appreciate the various cultures. “Obviously, the event is not just for us as a Caribbean culture,” she said. “It’s for the whole school and the outside community. It was a ver y
diverse event. We had people of dif ferent cultures and ethnicities there.” Although attendees of all ages enjoyed the enter tainment during the event, it was not all about fun and games. In the middle of the diversions, the organizations made an ef for t to remember those less fortunate. Together, WISO and HARU also raised nearly $400 in donations for Haiti earthquake relief, HARU spokeswoman Dagma Isaac said. All funds will go to entertainer Wyclef Jean’s foundation Yele Haiti. “We don’t want it to die down, ever ything that happened in Haiti,” Dorcinvil said. WISO Treasurer Brittany Grierson, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said the best thing about this year’s Caribbean Day was watching everyone come together, especially when it came to giving money for Haiti. She has high hopes for future celebrations. “Overall, I think there were a few little things that we could improve for next year, but I think it definitely went well,” she said. “I’m happy that so many people came out, and we were able to get so much money to donate to Haiti. Every year we’re just trying to do bigger and better things.”
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End of semester blowout
Warm weather, carnival attractions and live bands brought thousands from the University and state to Livingston campus Friday for the Rutgers University Programming Association’s annual Rutgersfest. Attendees beat the heat with traditional boardwalk food and drinks, played like kids on inflatable rides and enjoyed the musical diversity of performers Talib Kweli, Brand New, J. Cole, P.O.S. and Reality Addiction. ANDREW HOWARD / SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
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NEWARK HOSTS MAY DAY PICKETERS NEWARK — Hundreds of protesters rallied for economic democracy and immigrants’ rights here on Saturday, joining thousands across the United States and around the world for May Day demonstrations. The rally was held in Military Park, where speakers from various organizations spoke before leading a march to Newark Penn Station. Larry Hamm, founder of the People’s Organization for Progress, called for a more equal distribution of opportunity in the country and railed against large banks that received federal assistance during the recession. “We must finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez ... jobs for all, good education for all, health care for all, legalization for all [immigrants],” Hamm said. Labor unions and leftists typically mark the first day in May as International Workers’ Day, which has increasingly focused on immigration reform. The most pressing concern of American celebrants this year was the Arizona bill that gives local authorities the power to investigate the immigration status of anyone suspected of undocumented status. Demonstrators argued the bill is oppressive and encourages racial profiling. — Andrew Gold
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Immigration activists speak out in Washington BY GREG FLYNN CORRESPONDENT
WASHINGTON D.C. — Seventy activists from New Jersey marched to promote the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act Saturday morning, walking from 800 Florida Ave NE to Lafayette Square. They joined “We Are All Arizona,” an immigration reform rally with thousands of people directly across from the White House, where speakers both challenged and criticized the president in Spanish and English. The crowd joined in chants of “Education not deportation,” “We are Arizona” and “Si se puede.” School of Arts and Sciences senior Marisol CondeHernandez, an undocumented immigrant, said the DREAM Act grants conditional permanent residency to those who obtain a twoyear college degree or complete two years of military service within six years of the act’s passage. The act requires participants to have a high school degree or GED, to have no criminal record, to have entered the country before age 16 and to have been in the United States continuously for at least five years, Conde-Hernandez said. “Right now you have an educated underclass, students that have graduated high school, students that are in college, went to college, graduated college and dropped out
and they can’t do anything with mented immigrants do not offset their degrees,” she said. “If we the total cost of services provided legalize them and we give them to those immigrants. the opportunity to gain a permaServices for undocumented nent residency and citizenship, immigrants tally to a small peryou have a massive group of edu- centage of the total amount of tax cated, talented individuals.” revenues spent on residents in the Conde-Hernandez said the jurisdictions of those governDREAM Act would ideally be ments, according to the report. included in any comprehensive Kean University senior Carlos immigration reform. Rojas entered the United States In response to the criticism legally at the age of 10 on a twothat undocumented children way visa, which he and his famireceive a “free” public education ly overstayed. by noting that many undocumentRojas, who recently attained cited immigrants do izenship after his file taxes, Condemother remarried, “We live Hernandez said pushed for the workers with DREAM Act at the in constant fear fraudulent social rally because of because our families friends, family and security numbers pay with a tax ID his own personal could be ruptured number. experience. “My parents “We live in at any time ... ” pay taxes. I pay constant fear CARLOS ROJAS taxes the same because our famiKean University senior way, and all that lies could be rupmoney is paying tured at any off Social Security,” she said. time,” he said. “Our dreams could The Social Security be crushed at any second. My Administration estimated that in father could go to work and not 2005, people who filed W-2 forms come back.” with incorrect or mismatched Of the estimated 11.9 million data paid about $9 billion in taxes undocumented immigrants in the from roughly $75 billion in wages, United States, about 550,000 live according to an April 2010 USA in New Jersey, with 1.5 million Today article. undocumented children living in In a Congressional Budget the United States, according to a Office report from 2007, tax rev- 2009 Pew Hispanic Center report. enues generated for state and “The law protects underage local governments by undocu- minors 18 and younger from
being deported, but their parents are deported which pretty much means that these kids are orphans,” Rojas said. “When they become of age, they also have the potential of being deported.” When Rojas graduated high school, he was denied a number of scholarships because of his status and spent his summers working 60 hours a week to pay his out-of-state tuition at Kean. According to, 65,000 undocumented immigrants graduate high school every year and find themselves in a similar predicament. “We are denying our own talent,” Rojas said. “These are kids who came here when they were really young. They had no say.” Sergio Carbales, a Middlesex County College graduate who recently became documented, held a sign from the Service Employees International Union stating comprehensive immigration reform would net a $1.5 trillion boost in GDP over 10 years, while mass deportation would lead to a $2.6 trillion loss in GDP over 10 years. “Everybody that works in the fields and the restaurants, they’re going to lose that labor,” Carbales said. “If they go for reform, that would keep all that labor and they would get everything else which is the taxes, and once that’s out in the open, [people] could do more like buy houses and contribute to the economy.”
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Rutgersfest shenanigans leave campus in tatters
or University students, Rutgersfest is an excuse to spend all day getting drunk and hopping from party to party. Some people make it to the actual event on Livingston, but, in all honesty, the top priority for most is to party as hard as humanly possible. And, really, who can blame them? Finals are looming on the horizon, and students need a day to kill the stress the only way they know how. This year’s Rutgersfest proved to be more of an ordeal than those of years past when a day of partying turned into a night of violence. We collected a rather impressive pool of anecdotes about the night, all of which were negative. Fights broke out all around New Brunswick. People were driving on sidewalks. Wandering marauders jumped people in the College Avenue parking deck. At least one person had a gun pulled on them near the Grease Trucks. Then there’s the physical evidence left over from the nightlong odyssey, including, but not limited to, broken windshields, beer cans, liquor bottles, condoms and undergarments. It’s trashy, to say the least. Of course, when students spend an entire day drinking, things will get a little rowdy. That is just a fact of college life. The events of the night of Rutgersfest are something else entirely and cannot be dismissed as the intoxicated shenanigans of the student body. There is disrespect for property and people present in what happened on that semi-apocalyptic day. We cannot allow people to run around our city and break everything they see, whether it be glass or someone’s face. It does not matter if these people were drunk. If you want to party, you should at least do everyone else the courtesy of knowing your limits and not making a complete fool of yourself. This may be too much to ask, but we are going to make the attempt to ask it anyway. It would be easy to blame the police for not keeping things in control, but we cannot do that here. There were too many people at the University for the police to keep track of everyone. Instead, what we need to do is take responsibility for what happened, and not ever do it again. Partying is not the problem. The problem is partying without discretion. So please, the next time you find yourself too drunk to function, do yourself and us a favor and stay home. That way, you are less likely to get hurt, or hurt someone else.
Part-time jobs do not warrant overspending
e have spent enough — in a $13 trillion hole and still faultlessly spending billions more. Part-time jobs have been on the decline since years prior to the recession, yet this is hardly a reason for unresolved funding for the job market. Congress’ failure to provide money for the summer jobs that keep teenagers off the streets might be one of many useful cuts to services that are not essential to the job market. According to The New York Times, the House approved $600 million for summer jobs for teenagers, but the Senate failed to do the same. Senate Republicans blocked a separate proposal by Democrats that would have committed $1.3 billion in order to create 500,000 summer jobs. The fault in such spending, in addition to the immense costs, is the speculative nature of it. Money given to organizations that sponsor this job-seeking process has no guarantee of working. Therefore, simply stuff unavailable dollars into the pockets of those who only vow to help — yet leave the situation unfinished. Money will simply not reach those hundreds of thousands of teenagers without jobs. Andrew Sum, an economist at Northeastern University found that the year-round employment rate for teens went from just over 45 percent in 2000 to as low as 26 percent this past March. The summer rates also fell below 33 percent in 2009 — a record low. This figure comes after a summer jobs program that was paid for through the controversial stimulus package passed by President Barack Obama’s administration. What would any additional, overestimated funding for imperfect firms do for the students that need jobs? Without a clear plan for fund allocation, this may be the grimmest summer for teenagers in a long time. The problem will be the most serious among teens part of poor minority communities. These places are largely violent and criminal gangs easily recruit disaffected teenagers. The joblessness also has long-term consequences. According to the Times, young people who do not find jobs earlier in life are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed into their 20s and might remain in the lower margins of the economy, trapped in a lower financial level. And despite these grim facts, a $1.3 billion disposal of funds will fail to do the planned. The good intentions might be there, but the integrity of the system will fail. We need the jobs, yet this pointless act will do nothing about that — add to the deficit surely, but that’s all.
Live, take on debt
to get the day off or worr y t’s here again — the about wasting a sick day, best and worst time of and it almost seems pointyear — summer. If you less not to schedule are like me, you love the Tuesday classes if you canweather, the extra time on not decide last minute that your hands and the fact that you want to spend the day there are no long-term in the city, at the movies or assignments looming over LARISSA KLEIN doing any other activity you. But, unfortunately, that requires money. many of us live in this paraGeorge Ber nard Shaw’s famous saying, doxical world where, as college students, we have “Youth is wasted on the young,” is surely right. three solid months to do what we want, but do not It is not because we take things for granted or have the funds to make it happen. waste the best physical shape of our lives sitting Maybe you blew your savings on spring break, on the couch. It is not because we make stupid your 21st birthday bash in Atlantic City or even on mistakes and choices that set the tone for the your college education. So, by the time this hiatus rest of our lives. And it isn’t even because we from class rolls around you cannot even imagine waste our talents by being completely unprohow you are going to pay for gas. And you are probductive. Instead it is because we waste our preably going to spend your summer slaving away. But, cious summers of f from Rutgers, unable to instead of earning the cash to support your summer af ford meaningful, wor thwhile, once-in-a-lifehabits, all you are getting is a résumé-building time experiences while we still have the leisure internship experience. time to do so. My summers used to be about making all the Working your entire adult life to amass the money that I possibly could — while working as litmoney necessary just so you can do tle as I possibly could — and then everything you wanted to do while finding the best way to spend every “... don’t forget to let you were in college once you retire cent of it. Now my main concern is sounds like a miserable existence. If how I am going to finance the Lady loose every once I could, I would graduate and go Gaga tickets that I lost my mind and straight into retirement. I would splurged on and now have no way of in awhile, even if when I got around to it. paying for. that means putting work Unfortunately, 26 percent interest My brother’s strategy, on the rates have made an all work and no other hand, seems to be to hoard all a charge on your play lifestyle a necessity for all of us. the money he makes by getting my credit card.” Credit card companies’ policies hardparents to pay for virtually everyly differ from those of loan sharks thing he wants. While that frustrates willing to break your kneecaps when and embarrasses me, since I rarely you are late on a payment. I’m not even sure, if even dreamed of asking for money while I was makgiven the choice, that I would consider a sky-high ing my own, I am still slightly jealous. He’s clearly interest rate a more agreeable alternative to losing going to have more financial freedom once he gets half my pinkie finger. to college than I did. While it’s surely impractical from a financial I highly doubt that college students build up standpoint to rack up a mountain of credit card credit card debt because companies are roping debt doing all the things you want to do now and them in with free mugs or T-shirts, or because they paying them off later, it seems like something think that they are playing with Monopoly money Shaw would have commended. So, even if you that does not need to be paid back. I know how my are spending this summer cultivating your credit card works, but that doesn’t mean I will be résumé or tr ying to stick to a meager budget, able to stop charging unnecessary purchases to it. don’t forget to let loose ever y once in awhile, Sometimes it just gets unbearable knowing that I even if that means putting a charge on your credhave the time and the desire to do all sorts of things, it card. After all, “nothing in life is free,” and “you but not the means. only live once.” Of course, I would not advise you ruin your credit for a spur-of-the-moment European cruise. Larissa Klein is a School of Arts and Sciences junBut, I do not regret the $70 I spontaneously ior majoring in English and art history. Her column spent on Opening Day Yankees tickets the morn“Definition of Insanity” runs on alternate Mondays. ing of the game. I did not have to grovel to a boss
Definition of Insanity
QUOTE OF THE DAY “It’s not just Altria, it’s Nike sponsoring the sports teams, it’s Verizon putting up a sign at the stadium, any corporation the University is associated with.” Steven Miller, School of Communication and Information senior media services coordinator, on the presence of advertisements at the University STORY ON FRONT
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Marijuana petitions concern all Letter NELS LAURITZEN
dvocates for the deprioritization of marijuana offenses will soon be submitting a petition for their measure to be placed on this November’s New Brunswick ballot. This measure would make the arrests for possession of the drug the police department’s lowest priority. The measure would also mandate law enforcement to track demographic figures for each marijuana arrest and issue a supplemental report within 30 days of an arrest detailing why the officer arrested the individual in spite of the offense’s status as a low priority. Both proponents and opponents of marijuana legalization alike should vote down this measure for the following reasons. The deprioritization advocates make the mistake of using the city of Seattle as their primary example of where such a measure has passed. Seattle has close to twice the crime rate of New Brunswick. On the one hand, deprioritization advocates state that such a measure would allow police more time and resources to decrease major crime (i.e., murder, rape, robbery). However, the study the deprioritization advocates cite merely states that there was “no evidence” of an increase in crime due to Seattle’s marijuana deprioritization law. Major crime increased in Seattle by 7 percent in 2009 and has experienced another increase of 5 percent through March 2010. Moreover, it is completely unnecessary to mandate an officer of the law to fill out supplemental reports to justify a drug arrest. If deprioritization advocates are as concerned about having New Brunswick law enforcement spend more time focusing on major crime as they claim, then they would not want to burden police with such petty, time-consuming tasks as filling out entire supplemental reports. If this measure passes, more drug dealers will naturally begin to gravitate to New Brunswick knowing that marijuana consumers will be more inclined to buy their product and at greater quantities. It is quite naïve to believe that marijuana will be the only drugs these dealers will be selling once they see that there is such a permissive atmosphere in New Brunswick. All of this would eventually make New Brunswick a virtual Exhibit A for why no municipality should enact a deprioritization law in New Jersey. Such an exhibit would only serve to further undermine the efforts of these marijuana advocates at obtaining what appears to be their ultimate goal: The statewide legalization and government-regulated sale of marijuana. As such, the desire of deprioritization advocates to make New Brunswick more like Seattle should be deeply concerning to University off-campus tenants and greater New Brunswick residents. If marijuana legalization advocates want to legalize marijuana, then they should explore what avenues are available to them via statewide referendum or through the state legislature — as they did with the medicinal marijuana issue. Nels Lauritzen is a New Brunswick tenant lawyer and can be reached at
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‘Apartheid’ does not apply to Israel Letter EHUD COHEN
hile there are many points I’d like to bring up regarding Thursday’s letter in The Daily Targum “Compliance depends on both sides,” such as the Palestinian leadership’s, not Israel’s, failure to advance towards peace — Oslo, Oslo II, Camp David, Annapolis, the pullout from Gaza, etc. — I’d like to focus on the author’s accusation of Israeli apartheid. In order to do so, let us focus on the word itself and meaning. Apartheid comes from the Afrikaans word apart — the indication being that people living in an apartheid state are treated as second-class citizens or worse. So lets examine the current Middle East scenario, to see which states fall under this category. First we have Saudi Arabia, a tyrannical kingdom with an extreme gender apartheid that relegates women to such a low status that they must have a male guardian’s permission to do things such as hold a job, travel, drive or marry.
The Saudis also practice apartheid based on sexual orientation, executing and imprisoning gays and lesbians, and religious apartheid with special roads for “Muslims only” and not allowing Jews to live in Saudi Arabia or even enter the country. Next we have Iran, which apparently cannot discriminate against gays, because President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the Columbia student body there are no gays in Iran. Yet, they still have a habit of executing those who protest against the government, most recently in January of this year. Nearby in Pakistan, Sikhs have been executed for refusing to convert to Islam. Next lets look at Hamas, the de facto government in the Gaza Strip, who decided after receiving control, that instead of building houses they should fire rockets. Hamas understands that an Israeli soldier is bound by international rules of engagement, and thus they go out of their way to exploit this “weakness,” putting mortars outside schools and hospitals, firing from behind United Nations buildings and placing civilians in areas known to be targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.
So now let’s turn to Israel, a secular nation that fully recognizes the rights of Christians and Muslims and prohibits any discrimination based on religion. There is complete freedom of dissent, and the millions of non-Jewish citizens of Israel, both male and female, have the right to vote. There are Arab and Christian members of the Knesset — the parliament — some of whom oppose Israel’s right to exist. The writers of Thursday’s letter mentioned “the apartheid wall.” They neglect to mention the circumstances behind this “wall” — which at most points is really just a fence, I’ve crossed it. Israel maintains its occupation of the West Bank only because the Palestinians walked away from numerous offers to begin a state, even Jordan refused to establish one in the years from 1948-1967, when they indeed had full control over Jerusalem and the opportunity at hand, an opportunity wasted when they attacked Israel in 1967. Since then, had the Palestinian leadership accepted offers for peace, as Jordan and Egypt had done, there would now be a Palestinian state in the West Bank, without a separation barrier built
solely to stop the constant suicide attacks from neighboring towns. It’s simple really — if people keep walking over and terrorizing you, you’d probably want to build a barrier to stop that from happening. To call the occupation in the West Bank, which continues because of the refusal of the Palestinian leadership to heed their own people’s call and accept the two-state solution, “apartheid,” is to misuse the word. There is no comparison between Israel and what happened in South Africa, or the apartheid acts elsewhere in the Middle East. Why do people not focus on the regimes that denigrate women, gays, non-Muslims, dissenters and human rights advocates and instead demonize a democratic, egalitarian nation that grants equal rights to women (the Knesset speaker is a woman), gays (there are openly gay soldiers in the IDF), non-Jews and more? Why is Israel vilified, while sexist, homophobic, racist nations are lauded? Ehud Cohen is a School of Engineering sophomore majoring in electrical and computer engineering.
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Pearls Before Swine
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Today's birthday (5/3/10). Injecting personal power into your career does not necessarily increase the drama. It challenges your capacity to accept responsibilities and use them as milestones to measure progress. If you follow intuitive insights and dreams, your luck will greatly improve this year. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — One person has an unfair advantage. If it isn't you, then you need to treat business like business. Don't get emotionally involved. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Accepting responsibility becomes an issue for someone at work. Luckily, someone else will fill the gap. This may work now, but not for long. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 6 — Part of your attention remains riveted on household responsibilities. Extra effort is needed to get your mind on task at work. Accept guidance from your boss. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — You run into someone who thinks he or she has all the answers. Maybe they do, but you're not sure you agree. Decide later. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — Although today's work is done in the spotlight, the goal is to satisfy associates who aren't present. Be prepared to answer questions. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 5 — If you're able to harness your power, you could get very lucky today. Forge ahead forcefully, but keep in mind that the devil is in the details.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — Messes that work well at home don't get you far at work today. Accept responsibility and do your work in solitude. Let others party if they want. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — Take advantage of your position now. You're well placed to voice your opinion and expect others to accept it. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — Today's challenges are easy to meet, as you have a wealth of ideas. Apply practical measures to difficult, abstract problems. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — You need your emotional strength to withstand the bombardment of conflicting desires. Just because some folks want to address details, don't exclude flights of fantasy. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — Group efforts provide a rigorous challenge today. Some parties want to curtail spending. Others feel that throwing money at a problem could solve it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — Group activities strain your capacity to remain objective. Push yourself forward in a new direction.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
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Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek
SUNDOL Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
Answer: Saturday’s Yesterday’s
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(Answers (Answerstomorrow) Monday) ELDER VISOR PURGE BLOUSE EXOTIC DECENT PENCIL Jumbles: HOVEL Whenthe they asked forwhen a room, hotelreading clerk couple said thethe poetry Answer: What was — PREOCCUPIED left them puzzled — COULD BE “VERSE”
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T H E DA I LY TA R G U M “Nicole pitched ver y well,” Nelson said. “She had a rough and she looked like she was LIU before final Big East series start rusty and wasn’t hitting her spots, but she settled down and continued from back she threw a typical Nicole game.” Sophomore Holly Johnson “It’s very encouraging,” said lost the second game when she head coach Jay Nelson. “We got a gave up a walk-off home run in big game out of Abbey Houston. the bottom of the seventh inning. She threw very well. ... They didBrittney Lindley’s first of n’t hit the ball hard on her. She two weekend home runs prodid well.” vided two more RBI for her in Trailing 1-0 early, sophomore the loss with Craig knocking in third baseman Brittney Lindley the third run. tied the game with her teamThe Scarlet Knights (20-30, 7best 11th home run of the sea11) host Long Island in a makeup son. Junior Mickenzie Alden game tomorrow broke the tie four before preparing batters later with a two-out, two“Pitt is a team I’ve for the regular season finale against run single which really wanted Pittsburgh (25-21, proved to be the game-winning to beat every single 9-9) in a threegame weekend RBI. year. ... I’m looking series at the RU Junior first Complex. baseman Mandy forward to ending Softball “We have work Craig came through in the the season strong.” to do next weekend,” Nelson said. later innings, NICOLE LINDLEY “We have to take smacking two fat Senior Pitcher at least two out pitches for three there [to make insurance runs. the playoffs].” “Hitting like Nicole Lindley, the team’s we did was really big deal for us,” lone senior, also celebrates Alden said on the 16-run weekSenior Day Sunday against the end. “It lets the pitchers know Panthers, a team that traditionalwe’re still there.” ly gives her trouble, she said. Rutgers split the Saturday “This is my last year and this double-header with St. John’s, is the last Big East in-season winning the first game, 5-2, and game that I’m going to be playlosing the second game, 4-3. ing,” she said. “Pitt is a team I’ve Nicole Lindley tossed a really wanted to beat every sincomplete game in the win with gle year. They’ve been a tough her sister, Brittney Lindley, team for me personally. I’m smacking three hits and sopholooking forward to ending the more right fielder Lindsey season strong against a team Curran knocking her first like that.” career home run.
TOURNEY: Knights face
Junior outfielder Mickenzie Alden drove in the eventual game-winning run with a two-out, two-run single in the Scarlet Knights’ rubber match with St. John’s yesterday in New York.
In her final game as a Scarlet Knight, senior midfielder Mary Cryan scored a career-high four goals against Cincinnati.
SEASON: Knights get goals from six seniors in win continued from back coach Laura Brand-Sias. “It feels good. We wanted to give them something to remember.” Flanagan paced Rutgers with a goal and four assists, including a highlight-reel goal where she tipped a high pass off her stick and past the Bearcat goalkeeper. But two of the biggest performances came from seniors Mar y Cr yan and Brooke Cantwell. Cr yan finished the game with a career-high four goals, while Cantwell dominated nearly every statistical category. The senior co-captain capped off her career with a standout performance of four goals, three assists, four ground balls and eight draw controls. The attack finished the season with a careerhigh 44 goals and 17 assists for a team-best 61 points. Junior attack Katherine Marino had a breakout game with four goals, a new career-high, while junior attack Kristen Anderson added three goals and three assists. All in all, 10 different Rutgers players scored, with four hat tricks. The six seniors combined for 12 goals and seven assists on the day, and the Knights outshot the Bearcats 43-14. “I give the senior class a ton of credit,” Brand-Sias said. “They’ve been through a lot in their four years and for them in their senior year to be able to pull all this together and send themselves off with a message to the team that we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do. They were so respected by this group that this team wants to continue that and we definitely have the ability to do that.” The game marked the most goals Rutgers scored against a conference opponent in history, and was the most goals scored since 2003. The rout of Cincinnati capped off a solid season for the Knights, who finished 11-5 overall and 4-4
in the Big East. The year was highlighted by huge wins over then No. 20 Cornell and No. 9 Princeton that were part of a fivegame winning streak to start the season. The Knights topped No. 12 Notre Dame last weekend and re-entered the national rankings at No. 19. “I think that the coaches said it, this year has set high expectations for the years to come,” Cantwell said. “We’ve worked really hard this year, every day in practice and the coaches aren’t going to expect anything less next year. It’s a building block for them to build off of next year.” While the departure of the seniors certainly stings, the future looks bright for the Knights. Rutgers returns a pair of scorers with at least 25 goals each in Anderson and Marlena Welsh. Midfielder Stephanie Anderson made an impact in her freshman season with 16 goals, good for fifth on the squad, and four assists. Rutgers will also see the return of attack Annie McGinley, who scored 15 goals with nine assists before suffering a season-ending injury midway through the year. Additionally, the Knights return three goalkeepers next season, including starter Lily Kalata, who finished with an 11-5 record in her freshman season and was a fixture in the top of national rankings all season. Though the Knights are losing three standout defenders and a solid offensive corps in Cantwell, Cryan and Flanagan, the returning players will be able to use this season as a building block — something Brand-Sias attributes to her departing six. “I’m really confident that the people we have on the team right now aren’t going to be in this position next year,” Brand-Sias said. “I’m confident that they’re going to come back in the fall even better than they are right now. “We’re just excited about the future of the program and I can’t think of a better class to have kicked this off and pushed us in that direction.”
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VICTORS: Knights take top two spots in 200-meter continued from back Robertson finished just behind Owens in 21.29 seconds, aiding Rutgers to a 1-2 200-meter ticket. The Plainfield, N.J., native also took third in the 400-meter dash after running the event in 47.13 seconds. Senior Jeremy Pennino nabbed second in the javelin with an effort of 66.36 meters. The Watchung, N.J., native won the event in 2009, but was upended this weekend by Cincinnati’s Brian Zimmerman. Fellow senior Kyle Grady ran the 110-meter hurdles in 13.95 seconds, good enough for a second-place time in the event. The Knights received a pair of fourth-place finishes Saturday from junior Chris Bradley and sophomore Kevin Bostick in the javelin and high jump, respectively. Senior Tim Matlack and sophomore Mike Baird finished fifth and sixth, respectively, in the decathlon by collecting more than 12,500 points combined. Following the 2010 outdoor season, the Knights lose many key contributors to graduation and that void will undoubtedly be filled by the next class, Bergo said. “The guys that are leaving now instilled some good qualities in us younger guys,” the Westfield High School product said. “In my grade, me, Kevin [Bostick], James [Plummer] — we’re ready to be upperclassmen and take up the reins with Jeremy [Pennino] and Chris [Bradley] and keep that mentality that it’s ‘time to win’ with the rest of the guys.”
Sophomore Adam Bergo won his third Big East title and first outdoors, in the high jump this weekend at Cincinnati. He also won the title indoors this season and last year as a true freshman. Bergo was one of two Rutgers field participants to win an individual championship.
SENIOR NIGHT TONIGHT! Free Graduation Caps For All Senior Pictures Taken Plus $2.50 Bottles Of Bud Light Also Graduation Morning: Doors Open at 10am Free Bagels • $3 Mimosas & Bloody Marys
Senior sets two records at Champs BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ STAFF WRITER
Exactly 114 days have passed since the Rutgers women’s track and field team began its winter season in WOMEN’S TRACK S t a t e College, Pa. The team stepped off the Gettler Stadium track in Cincinnati yesterday, wrapping up a two-day stint at the 2010 Big East Championships. The Scarlet Knights gaze upon their calendars today to find that only two weeks remain in what is a long and arduous track season — for eight seniors, the end is in sight. But following a 12th place finish with 31 points in the outdoor edition of the conference championships that set a number of personal best marks, head coach James Robinson identified there’s still more opportunities ahead. “I think they [the seniors] should be focused on making the most of all the opportunities they have left,” said Robinson. “They can always look back and reflect back when the seasons done. They still have opportunities to run and jump and throw and that’s what they should be focused on.” Senior captain Michelle Gomes made the most of her chances over the weekend in Cincinnati, with a second place and fourth place finish in the 200 and 100meter events, respectively. The Orlando, Fla., native broke the school record in each race, clocking in an 11.62 second time in the trials of the 100-meter race and a 23.70 second mark in the 200-meter gallop.
The school record in the 200meter race stood since 1987, the year Gomes was born and the senior noted that breaking both records served as an early present for her birthday, which is today. “I’m very proud with how I performed,” said Gomes, who scored 16 of the team’s total points. “It was definitely a good early birthday for me.” Senior Jessica Bandy also posted a satisfying finish in the javelin, ending her weekend with
MICHELLE GOMES a third place standing after a 149feet, 10-inch throw. Also scoring in the field for the Knights were the pair of juniors, Nwamaka Okobi and Natalie Clickett. A Big East champion in the discuss her freshman year, Clickett aimed at repeating in the event this season, but fell a bit short after a 151-feet, 2-inch throw left her in sixth place, just outside of making the finals. “I’m disappointed with myself primarily,” said Clickett. “There are no excuses, I should have been able to make my way into the pack and that’s just something that didn’t happen.”
Okobi eked out a fifth place finish in the triple jump with a 39feet, 4 1/4-inch combined leap. Cincinnati saw significant rainfall the entire weekend but Robinson did not allow that to be an excuse for the few missed oppor tunities in the conference meet. “It was raining for everybody, you can’t blame too much on the rain,” said Robinson on the weekend weather. “The rain didn’t really stop people from performing.” The Knights still have two meets to look for ward to this outdoor season, one of which is this weekend here on the Banks. The Rutgers Invitational at the Bauer Track and Field Complex this weekend of fers the first homecoming for the squad in four years, something Robinson hopes can draw a good fan turnout to suppor t the team. “We never really have that opportunity,” said Robinson of competing at home. “I hope everybody can come out and support.” After four years here at Rutgers, Gomes arguably had one of her best performances in what was one of her final meets in scarlet and white. Though the team did not finish as high as it hoped this weekend, Gomes still appreciates the experience she had during her career as a Scarlet Knight. “I promised myself that I would go out with a bang and never have any regrets after a meet,” said Gomes. “It’s something that I’ve done and tried to do every time I step onto the track.”
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Knights remain winless against Hoyas, drop sixth straight BY KYLE FRANKO CORRESPONDENT
Senior midfielder Gerhard Buehning scored three of the Scarlet Knights nine goals against Georgetown this weekend, good for his third hat trick of the season and the sixth of his career.
The calendar changed from April to May but the result remained the same for the Rutgers MEN’S LACROSSE men’s RUTGERS 9 lacrosse GEORGETOWN 14 team. The Scarlet Knights dropped their sixth straight Saturday, 14-9, to No. 14 Georgetown in the nation’s capital. The Hoyas improved to 13-0 all-time against Rutgers. “We started slow and it took us a while to get our legs under us,” said Rutgers head coach Jim Stagnitta whose team fell behind 3-0 in the opening five minutes. “We made some mistakes and a couple of bad decisions early.” The Hoyas (8-5, 4-1) controlled the game from the face-off circle. They won 10-of-12 draws in the first half and outshot the Knights (5-8, 1-4) 28-7 in the opening two quarters. Georgetown outshot Rutgers 45-26 for the game. “We didn’t win face-offs and that hurts us,” Stagnitta said. “We gave up some goals as a result of our slow start but we lost every face-off in that first half.” Scott Kocis opened the scoring for Georgetown 45 seconds into the game before a pair of goals by Ricky Mirabito made it 3-0. Rutgers never led in the game and trailed 6-2 after Andrew Brancaccio scored for the Hoyas four minutes into the second quarter.
With 45 seconds remaining until intermission the Knights cut the deficit to two on back-to-back tallies by sophomores Michael Stagnitta and Kevin Hover, his third of the game. Hover’s hat trick, which brought his season total to 11, was his second of this year. His first came in the opening victory over Wagner. “We got a lot from the young kids [Saturday],” Stagnitta said. “We’re a little bit slicker and more lacrosse savvy with this younger group opposed to the athletic older guys. It’s a different look and while we have one game left we also have an eye on the future.” Senior Gerhard Buehning also recorded a hat-trick, his third of the season and sixth of his career. All of Buehning’s goals came in the fourth quarter after the Hoyas had a comfortable lead. Buehning leads the team with 24 goals. Georgetown squashed any Rutgers momentum with a goal seven seconds from halftime and then three more to start the third quarter. Kocis scored twice in that 3-0 spurt and finished the game with four goals. Mirabito also had four goals for the Hoyas. The Scarlet Knights play their final game of the season May 9 when they travel north to face Providence. The Friars (0-13, 0-5) are in the Big East cellar but could avoid a last place finish by knocking off the Knights. Evan Helda and Mike Feldberg lead Providence with nine goals apiece.
Junior first baseman Jaren Matthews and the Rutgers baseball team dropped all three games at Louisville this weekend, giving them seven straight losses and falling to 10-8 in the Big East.
CARDINALS HAND RUTGERS SECOND-STRAIGHT BIG EAST SWEEP Earlier in the season, the Rutgers baseball team put up 25 runs in a game against Big East foe Notre Dame. On Saturday, the other foot fell. Conference opponent No. 12 Louisville sent the Scarlet Knights packing back to Piscataway with a series sweep and to add insult to injur y, Rutgers dropped the last game of the weekend by a 24-6 shellacking. The Knights lost the first two games of the series in Friday’s doubleheader by scores of 5-3 and 9-4, respectively. Freshman pitcher Dan O’Neill was tagged with his first loss of the year after only recording one out, but surrendering five earned runs.
The Cardinals (36-7, 14-4) scored runs in each of the first five innings, none more than the 10 runs they put on the board in the bottom of the first frame after the Knights (21-20, 10-8) opened the game with three runs in the top. Rutgers ended the game on a high note with a pair in the ninth inning courtesy of a two-run home run from Pat Biserta. The junior outfielder has 16 long balls on the season, good for second on the Knights’ single season home run list. Freshman second baseman Steve Nyisztor also extended his hitting streak in the loss to 23 games. The streak is in the topeight in the nation.
The Knights have lost seven in a row, including sweeps at Connecticut and Louisville. The team that was once atop the Big East standings sits in sixth place with nine conference games remaining. The top eight teams in the conference make it to the Big East Tournament at the end of the month in Clearwater, Fla. Rutgers missed the action last year after finishing tied for 10th place. Remaining on the Big East slate is Villanova, Seton Hall and then St. John’s. The Wildcats and the Johnnies are within the confines of Bainton Field with the series against the Pirates taking place in South Orange, N.J. — A.J. Jankowski
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Spring season creates storylines for summer camp
he bottom line is that spring practices are not that important in the scheme of college football. For some student-athletes, it’s a great opportunity to slow things down after getting thrown into the fire during the regular season. Spring is a good time to focus on fundamentals and assess what you have without your incoming freshman or departing seniors. But in comparison to training camp on the horizon, it’s more important to look forward than look back so Hell’s Kitchen brings you the top-five storylines at the end of the semester going into training camp: 5.) Backup quarterback — Talk about a complete 180 from last season. Going into last training camp, there were four quarterbacks fresh off the spring campaign battling it out for the starting job along with some kid named Tom Savage. Flash forward to this year and Savage and sophomore Steve Shimko are all that’s left. Savage is the starter. There’s no question about that. But if Savage goes down, all that’s available is Shimko, incoming freshman Chas Dodd, an unspecified walk-on and, well, Mohamed Sanu. Training camp will be crucial in getting others ready to step in if the worst happens. 4.) Will position changes pay off? — During the spring, head football coach Greg Schiano moved defensive tackle Antwan Lowery to offensive line, cornerback Darrell Givens to safety and wideout Marcus Cooper to defensive back. Now that all three have some time off to study positions, it will be interesting to see how they arrive this summer.
Hell’s Kitchen
Rutgers football team
SAM HELLMAN Lowery, younger brother of starting linebacker Antonio Lowery, played well at guard and cracked some first team reps during the spring before he got hurt. Both Givens and Cooper switched positions midway through spring camp and both played relatively well at their new home for the rest of the practices. 3.) Which true freshman will find early playing time? — Under Schiano, it usually takes true freshman all of training camp to crack the two-deep. There are certain deep positions like the defensive line and linebackers where reps will be slim to none for incoming freshmen, but look for people to find time on the offensive side of the ball. Despite strong springs from sophomore Tim Wright and redshirt freshman Quron Pratt, wide receiver is a spot where youngsters like Brandon Coleman, J.T. Tartacoff and Jeremy Deering can make a quick impact. The same goes at running back for Jawan Jamison and Casey Turner. As mentioned above, Dodd will have every chance to win the backup quarterback job, but Shimko holds two years of experience and half a foot on him. 2.) How much can Sanu handle? — As a true freshman, Mohamed Sanu did everything. He was the
conference announced Friday that No. 1 Rutgers tennis singles player Amy Zhang is a member of the allconference squad. Zhang recorded a 16-5 record in singles play during the season and ended the year ranked 89 on the ITA rankings. The junior rode a nine-match winning steak into the Big East tournament before being shutout by No. 24 South Florida in the second round.
he Rutgers wrestling team held its annual banquet yesterday at Neilson Dining Hall on Douglass campus. The team awarded DJ Russo the Ted Petty Award, given to the team’s Most Valuable Wrestler. The junior heavyweight amassed a 32-8 overall record and is a two-time recipient of the award. The team also gave junior Mike DeMarco the Scholar Athlete Award and sophomore Greg Zannetti took home the Coaches Award. Redshirt freshmen Dan Rinaldi and Joe Langel were pegged as the team’s Most Improved Wrestlers.
coach George Karl continues his battle against throat and neck cancer and suffered another blood clot in his right leg this past weekend. Karl is already on blood thinning medication and had a filter re-inserted into his abdomen to prevent the clotting. The coach hoped to return for the NBA postseason but due to his fight with the disease could not return before the Utah Jazz eliminated his team in six games.
star LeBron James won his second straight NBA Most Valuable Player award yesterday, receiving 116 of 123
FIRST TEAM Tom Savage (Soph.) Joe Martinek (Jr.) Edmond Laryea (Sr.) Mohamed Sanu (Soph.) Desmond Stapleton (Jr.) Caleb Ruch (Jr.) Howard Barbieri (Sr.) Art Forst (Jr.) Desmond Wynn (Jr.) D.C. Jefferson (Soph.) Tim Wright (Soph.)
SECOND TEAM Steve Shimko (Soph.) Kordell Young (Sr.) Robert Joseph (R-Fr.) Mark Harrison (Soph.) Devon Watkis (Soph.) Betim Bujari (Fr.) David Osei (R-Fr.) Antwan Lowery (R-Fr.) Mo Lange (Sr.) Paul Carrezola (R-Fr.) Quron Pratt (R-Fr.)
Alex Silvestro (Sr.) Charlie Noonan (Sr.) Scott Vallone (Soph.) Jonathan Freeny (Sr.) Antonio Lowery (Sr.) Steve Beauharnais (Soph.) Manny Abreu (Jr.) David Rowe (Jr.) Khaseem Greene (Soph.) Joe Lefeged (Sr.) Brandon Bing (Sr.)
Justin Francis (Jr.) Eric LeGrand (Jr.) Isaac Holmes (R-Fr.) Jamil Merrell (R-Fr.) Al-Ghaffaar Lane (Jr.) Jim Dumont (Sr.) Ka’Lial Glaud (Soph.) Logan Ryan (R-Fr.) Darrell Givens (R-Fr.) Duron Harmon (Soph.) Brandon Jones (Jr.)
team’s second-leading receiver, Wildcat star, punt returner and probably the emergency quarterback. With Tim Brown out of the wide receiver picture, Sanu is now the No. 1 option for Savage and the question is can he handle that much responsibility? He tried in the spring, but went down with an injury after the second scrimmage. Sanu is a legitifirst-place votes and becoming the 10th player in NBA history to earn the honor in back-to-back seasons. The Cavaliers won an NBA-best 61 regular season games while James averaged 29.7 points per game.
manager Ron Gardenhire announced yesterday that catcher Joe Mauer will be week to week as he heals from a bruised left heel. The injury occurred Friday when Mauer hustled out an infield hit but stepped on first base awkwardly. The reigning American League Most Valuable Player is currently hitting .345 on the season, good for fifth in the AL so far this year.
THE PITTSBURGH MARATHON experienced a delay yesterday after it started when authorities spotted a suspicious device near the finish line of the race. The bomb squad determined the small microwave oven resembled an explosive device causing police to clear out the area for about 10 minutes while they resolved the issue. About 5,000 runners competed in the marathon.
mate Big East Offensive Player of the Year candidate if he remains healthy, but some freshmen may have to help him take a load off on special teams and other receivers need to catch some passes.
two years in a row, schools embarrassed the Scarlet Knights at home. Norfolk State won’t do the same, but North Carolina and one of the best defenses in the country looms in week three.
1.) Will they be ready? — Getting ready for Norfolk State is a little different than getting ready for Cincinnati or Fresno State, but for
— Sam Hellman accepts comments and criticism at
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Tourney in sight with series win
Pair of victors pace Knights to third place BY TYLER BARTO
Going into the weekend, it appeared that the second to last place Rutgers softball team needed a sweep to SOFTBALL keep postRUTGERS 8 season h o p e s ST. JOHN’S 2 alive. The Scarlet Knights won their second Big East series of the year, but lost one game in the three-game series at St. John’s. But a 8-2 win yesterday was enough to put the Knights into eighth place and the last playoff spot with three conference games to go. Holding the eighth spot by just half a game, Rutgers controls its own destiny. “I think that we finally found how we need to be as a team,” said senior ace Nicole Lindley. “That’s something that we really need to hold on to if we want to get it set in stone that we’re going to the Big East Tournament.” Lindley pitched a strong game one to get the first win of the series, but in yesterday’s rubber game, freshman pitcher Abbey Houston locked down the second series victory of the season for the Scarlet Knights. Houston, now 3-4 on the season, tossed a complete game, striking out six batters and surrendering just six base runners.
By the time the Rutgers women’s lacrosse team took to the field against Cincinnati yesterday, hopes of playing in the postseason were already out of WOMEN’S LACROSSE the picture. The Scarlet CINCINNATI 8 Knights lost Friday RUTGERS 21 to Louisville, effectively eliminating them from Big East Tournament contention. But the Knights still had one key thing to play for — their six graduating seniors. And in the final game of the season, Rutgers put its firepower on full display, decimating the Bearcats 21-8 at Yurcak Field. “We came in just wanting to play hard and put our best, last effort in, for us and for the rest of the teammates we’ve been working with for so long,” said senior attack Meghan Flanagan. “I think we put everything together, we’ve been working so hard this season and everything clicked. It was good timing.” Ever y single senior scored on their Senior Day — including defenders Karie McGuire and Emily Penn, who recorded their first goals of their careers in their final game in a Rutgers uniform. Senior Faith Richards added her first goal since transferring from Virginia Tech. The trio was effective, scoring their three goals on only four shots. “Apparently I should have put them on offense more because they did a really great job and all had really nice goals,” said head
For the Rutgers men’s track and field team, the 2010 outdoor Big East Championships was winning time. The Scarlet Knights accumulated 112 team points and earned third place out of 14 teams. The showing MEN’S TRACK was the team’s best since 2005, when the Knights last won the conference championship. The team doubled its first place output from the 2010 indoor season with four titles this weekend at a rainy Gettler Stadium in Cincinnati. By earning its most impressive conference results in half a decade, the Knights helped expel the demons of seasons’ past, particularly the last indoor campaign. “The whole mentality was that it was ‘winning time,’” sophomore high jumper Adam Bergo said. “We’re done with sitting back and hoping other teams do badly. The main idea coming out here after last season was that it’s winning time. Our team was too good to be sitting in … fifth, sixth, or eighth.” Bergo, a two-time Big East champion indoors, won the high jump at Cincinnati for his third career conference title in the event. His 2.16-meter jump bested second-place finisher Tone Belt of Louisville, the previous outdoor champion. “That’s something I really wanted to do this year,” Bergo said. “It kind of solidifies your spot as a high jumper in the Big East. On top of it, I wanted to get those points for the team … that was the only thing on my mind yesterday when I was competing.” Fellow sophomore James Plummer followed up a first place showing at the Penn Relays last weekend by winning his Big East title in the discus with a throw of 56.24 meters. The Big East honors capped off the Toms River native’s accomplished season, which saw him set a facility-record at South Florida, good for seventh-best in the nation. “When he first came out at that meet at South Florida … he really set a tone for his season,” Bergo said. “He showed everyone that he’s not out here to play around. He hasn’t lost a meet since then. He’s doing well now, and all he wants to do is win.” Senior Bruce Owens captured the third individual title for the Knights by defending his title in the 200-meter dash. Owens improved on his 21.44-second championship time in 2009 with a time of 21.18 seconds this weekend. The Deptford High School product also earned points by finishing third in the 100-meter dash with a time of 10.56 seconds. The 4x400-meter relay, comprised of sophomore Kevin Brown, junior Aaron Younger, as well as seniors Steve Swern and Nii-Amon Robertson, capped off the first-place finishes by capturing the relay time in 3:07.50 — more than a second faster than rival Seton Hall. By and large, experience helped pave the way for the Knights’ most productive finish since 2005 at the Big East. No one from the last championship roster remains, so the team had its fair share of growing pains to reach this accomplished point. “Experience is definitely a big thing,” Younger said. “My freshman year when I came in every meet was like states. Every meet there’s always going to be someone who’s going to try to go for it. Now that I know how to do everything, I can walk into a meet and not go, ‘Who’s that?’ I have this confidence this year seeing what I’ve done. It’s definitely helped me a lot.” Younger, the defending indoor champion in the 500-meter dash, settled for third in the event this weekend after earning the event’s best time during time trials.
Nicole Lindley, the lone senior on the Rutgers softball team, pitched a complete game Saturday in a 5-2 victory, striking out three and allowing five hits in her 10th win of the season.
Senior Day rout ends season on high note BY STEVEN WILLIAMSON SENIOR WRITER
Senior attack Brooke Cantwell scored four goals and added three assists, four ground balls and eight draw controls against the Bearcats. Cantwell led the team this year in scoring.