Volume 141, Number 107
1 8 6 9
Today: Showers
High: 59 • Low: 42
The Rutgers baseball team ended Spring Break with a comeback win, capping a 6-2 road trip with nonconference games in Florida and Virginia.
Congress signs monumental health reform
Constitution links student government
A new constitution may soon bring change to the Rutgers University Student Assembly. After a town hall meeting on March 11, the RUSA legislative affairs committee presented a draft of the new constitution to the body and opened the floor for suggestions and concerns. Included in the draft is a provision to consolidate student government rather than have different councils, a move that gives students a stronger voice, said Josh Slavin, student representative to the Board of Trustees. The end of the formal campus councils is an effort to increase democracy in the student governing body and make it easier for students to get involved. “As [of] now, most RUSA members aren’t democratically elected,” said Slavin, a Livingston College senior. “A good number of them walked onto councils, the rest got elected in noncompetitive elections, and from there, they were either appointed or internally elected to RUSA and from there the executive board was elected internally.” According to the draft, elected RUSA members will represent the campuses on which they live the year following an election, which is currently not a prerequisite for representing a particular campus. Slavin said the changes would be for the better. “We have been using the term ‘restructuring’ this whole time, but it occurred to me we are not restructuring student government,” he said. “We’re streamlining it. We are taking the best parts of student government and [giving] them the tools to do a better job.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the health care reform bill Sunday as the vote passed Congress by a seven-vote margin, seeking to insure 32 million more Americans.
When many students at the University were just learning to walk, Mayor Jim Cahill was taking his first steps in New Brunswick City Hall. Now Cahill, who has held the office since 1991, is seeking the local Democratic Party’s mayoral nomination in the June 8th primary. A victory this fall would lead to his sixth consecutive term in office. Cahill announced his candidacy March 9 and said he looks forward to keeping up
the city’s traditions and making New Brunswick a better place to live. “Our city is so dynamic, always moving forward, always making progress because we work together, create partnerships and share a vision for our future that embraces meaningful change to make New Brunswick an even greater place to live, work and play,” Cahill said in a press release. “New Brunswick is always getting better. I look forward to working with our residents for an even better tomorrow.”
New Brunswick Mayor Jim Cahill, who has been the mayor since 1991, plans to create more jobs and housing if re-elected for his sixth term.
Campus to flaunt fresh facilities at U. gathering
One University professor is working with the UN to globally impact women’s rights.
OPINIONS Obama’s health care reform closes in on a monumental change in American politics. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK MARIELLE BALISALISA
Cahill seeks 20th year as city mayor
In a little over a year, Congress settled a multi-decade-long debate to pass one of the most significant pieces of social reform legislation with the potential to affect millions of Americans — all without a single Republican vote. The House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the bill, which would insure about 32 million more Americans previously unable to afford heath care, late Sunday night by a 219 to 212 vote. “For most Americans, this debate has never been about abstractions, the fight between right and left, Republican and Democrat — it’s always been about something far more personal,” President
In an effort to raise awareness about global sanitation crises, campaigners lined up in front of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus yesterday, failing to break a world record as the world’s largest toilet queue.
Left out of last year’s inaugural Rutgers Day, Livingston students and faculty are gearing up this year to show just how much the campus has to offer. Livingston campus will offer an array of activities for visitors this Rutgers Day, ranging from tours of the solar panel installation to a preview of the musical, “Tommy” by the Livingston Theater Company and music provided by radio station 90.3 FM The Core, said Lea Stewart, the Livingston campus dean. Although Livingston did not take part in the inaugural Rutgers Day last year, Stewart said Livingston Campus would prove to be a major attraction for this year’s Rutgers Day visitors and show the community where the campus is going. “Livingston is a great location for Rutgers Day events, and I’m pleased that we will be able to welcome everyone to our campus to see the results of
the recent construction as well as the plans for the future,” she said. Stewart said Rutgers Day provides a window to see what the University can do. “Rutgers Day is a wonderful opportunity for Rutgers to show off our research and teaching accomplishments and to demonstrate our value to the citizens of the State of New Jersey,” she said. Career Ser vices will also host a program on the campus called “World of Work,” that will allow Rutgers Day visitors to take part in activities that will help with job searching, résumé writing and career planning, said Richard White, director of Career Ser vices, in an e-mail correspondence.
MARCH 23, 2010
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Weather Channel WEDNESDAY HIGH 62 LOW 38
TODAY Showers, with a high of 59° TONIGHT Early showers, with a low of 42°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS EDITOR STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS EDITOR JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN EDITOR STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT EDITOR ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS EDITOR NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY EDITOR ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE EDITOR AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA EDITOR RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR BILL DOMKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR ALEX JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR MICHAEL MALVASIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Tyler Barto, Anthony Hernandez, Katie O’Connor, Chris Zawistowski SENIOR WRITERS — Matthew Stein, Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Catherine Carrera, Kyle Franko, Greg Flynn, Sam Hellman, Colleen Roache, Rinal Shah SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Dan Bracaglia, Andrew Howard
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MARCH 23, 2010
PA G E 3
Rights activist unifies women’s voices at UN BY KENDALL LAPARO CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Not every professor spends his or her time outside the confines of the classroom restructuring the agencies of the United Nations. But for internationally renowned women’s rights activist Charlotte Bunch, it is just the next item of business on her to-do list. In her many years as an advocate for women’s rights, Bunch, a professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and founder of the Center for Women’s Global Leadership at the University, has spearheaded a shift in the image of females around the world, said Meryl Frank, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. “Charlotte Bunch is an enormously important player in the women’s equality movement worldwide,” Frank said. “Her words ‘women’s rights are human rights’ made the simple and direct case for women’s rights around the world.” Because of Bunch and CWGL campaigns, the UN created dozens of programs and positions for reporters addressing the issue of violence against women and sexual violence in war and conflict, Bunch said. With the help of Bunch and the CWGL, women in more than 100
countries have created laws specifically outlawing domestic violence and rape — legislation that 20 years ago did not exist, she said. Despite these impressive achievements, Bunch said her work is far from over and believes that talking about women’s issues is only the first step. “We’ve been able to get more and more people to affirm that women’s rights are human rights,” she said. “A big challenge is to get that implemented, to make that a reality in women’s lives.” Bunch is working at the UN on a campaign called Gender Equality Architecture Reform that aims to combine the several smaller offices that currently handle women’s rights issues into one large agency. “Right now, the UN has at least three different agencies that deal with women’s issues, and they’re all pretty small and underfunded,” said Radhika Balakrishnan, a professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University and the executive director of the CWGL. “The GEAR campaign has been to try and get a new entity in the UN at a very high level.” Both Bunch and Balakrishnan said that a more powerful, unified agency would benefit women
across the globe in terms of both policy and funding. After three years of campaigning, Bunch said the new women’s agency would come to fruition as soon as this fall. The CWGL, which Bunch founded at the University in 1989, celebrated its 20th anniversary this year with an International Symposium on March 6 at the Hunter College Assembly Hall in New York City. The symposium brought together international women’s rights activists, from women fighting for sexual rights in the Middle East to women vying for economic rights in Europe and Africa, Bunch said. The event featured guest speakers, including Mar y Robinson, the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and panel discussions focusing on sexual and reproductive rights, the economy and the women’s rights movement as a whole, she said. Bunch felt the positive energy at the event defied the detrimental stereotype of the bitter, angr y feminist. “Unfortunately, I think that [the angry feminist] is one of
the media stereotypes that young women are afraid of,” she said. “We had several hundred women from all over the world really sharing positive experiences, strategies that have worked, as well as looking at challenges and problems.” Feminism does not insist that all women are identical, Bunch said. It merely brings often-overlooked women’s issues to the table. “Any kind of domination or oppression based on sex — but also based on gender, race, class —should never be institutionalized,” she said. “At its
simplest, I think that’s what feminism is.” But Bunch said she never lets the serious nature of her work get her down. Rather, she feels energized by the people she meets and the positive changes she has witnessed in her lifetime. “I feel like working with people who are trying to do something to make the world better, to make the world reflect what we care about, is really very exciting,” Bunch said. “Of course sometimes it’s hard, and you have backlash against it, but it’s the most rewarding thing I can imagine doing with my life.”
Charlotte Bunch, a women’s and gender studies professor, speaks at an international women’s rights symposium held in New York City.
MARCH 23, 2010
MAYOR: Cahill pledges to help expand local businesses continued from front Cahill said he hopes to continue to create more jobs and build more affordable housing units for all family income levels by assisting residents in starting or expanding small businesses and by attracting more employers to New Brunswick. “It’s all about improving the quality of life for all our residents in all our neighborhoods across the city,” he said. Cahill expressed pride in the city’s progress under his leadership. “Together, we have done remarkable things, accomplishing an unimaginable urban transformation in such a short time,” Cahill said. “We can, should and will do so much more, and it all starts with the help and support of the people on this campaign.” Cahill plans to continue pursuing the city’s vision of creating a more modern urban center to move forward in the global economy of the 21st century. His long-time running mates, city council members Joseph
GOVERNMENT: U. supports council consolidation continued from front Issues concerning off-campus students, who make up a large portion of the student body, also arose during the meeting. For these students, there will be 16 seats on RUSA — 12 representatives and four senators. John Aspray, chair of the legislative affairs committee, suggested that the off-campus students receive more Senate representation because of the demographic makeup of the University. “I understand you are trying to give everyone equal opportunity
Egan and Blanquita Valenti, are not seeking re-election and will complete their tenure at the end of this year on the New Brunswick City Council, according to the release. Egan will continue to represent the city as its representative in the State Assembly. “I thank the people of New Brunswick for their support,”
Egan said in the release. “It’s been an honor to be a part of the city’s revitalization that has taken New Brunswick beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.” Valenti plans to continue working with Cahill throughout his campaign. “I’m proud to have been a part of the team that helped to keep our city moving forward and always focused on the future,” she
said in the release. “I look forward to continue working with the mayor, both in government and this fall on the campaign trail.” Though Cahill’s team is happy with the city’s development, University students said there are still improvements to be made. Darsh Singh, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said city roads and traffic regulations should be Cahill’s top priority throughout this year’s campaign season. “The road situation is bad,” she said. “There [are] tons of potholes. … I think the ticketing people are crazy.” Singh, who is from Virginia, feels her out-of-state license plate makes her a target for New Brunswick Parking Authority officials, from whom she has received parking tickets in the past. “They know that I’m not going to go to court and fight it,” she said. Though he knows little about New Brunswick politics, School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Brett Krebs, said he agreed with Singh and hopes the mayor addresses similar issues. “[Cahill should address] the road conditions, especially on College Avenue,” he said. “… It’s awful.”
in student government, but you’re giving 46 percent of the population more opportunity to get involved,” Off Campus Students’ Association President Caroline Singer said. OCSA asked to have both elected and appointed representatives to RUSA in order to have representatives who understand the issues facing off-campus students, as some elected representatives will be disconnected from students’ concerns. “We have been ser ving as their voice,” Singer said. “We know what the people want. If you take OCSA out of RUSA, it will make the off-campus and commuter voice weaker.” Aspray, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, offered a solution
to the problem by allowing students to run for RUSA from the campus they reside on before the end of the school year. He said this would offer students moving off campus more opportunity by allowing them the chance to be elected as a campus representative. “Probably every meeting of the year someone comes up to me and asks how [to] get involved in RUSA and right now that is one of the biggest barriers of student government,” RUSA Chair Werner Born said. “It is not very fun to have to tell someone ‘I can’t just give you a spot. You have to go find one of these other organizations to get a spot.’” The new manner of organizing student government also makes it
“Together, we have done remarkable things ... in such a short time.” JIM CAHILL New Brunswick Mayor
PROFESSOR GRANTS FUTURE TO HISTORIC LECTURE SERIES Rutgers-Newark history Professor Clement Price helped ensure his place in school history over Spring Break, awarding the University with a $100,000 donation to establish the Clement A. Price Endowment for the Humanities. The endowment will be used to ensure the continuation of the Marion Thompson Wright Lectures Series that Price co-established 30 years ago with historian Giles R. Wright of the New Jersey Historical Commission, according to a University Media Relations press release. “Since I was a young professor, I have kept the tradition, that is part of my roots as an African American, of giving back to the community through civic engagement,” said Price, the Board of Governors’ distinguished service professor of history and founding director of the Institute on Ethnicity, Culture and the Modern Experience. University President Richard L. McCormick said in the release that this donation is another example of Price’s long-standing generosity and desire to improve the Newark campus and surrounding community. “This gift is everything that makes Clem Price such a treasure: Generous, focused on history, connected to students and the public, and determined to touch the future in a positive way,” McCormick said of the Newark resident. The annual Marion Thompson Wright Lectures Series is the largest Black History Month event in the Garden State, drawing thousands to listen to prestigious African and African-American history and culture speakers including Annette Gordon-Reed, Eric Foner, Sterling Stuckey, Spencer Crew and James Oliver Horton, according to the release. Price served as a member of President Barack Obama’s transition team, chairing the team for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Price was also named the 1999 Council for Advancement and Support of Education New Jersey Professor of the Year and was elected into the Rutgers University Hall of Distinguished Alumni in 2006, according to the release. — Chris Zawistowski
easier for administrators to know which body to reach when they need to speak with students. “When we all got together and presented our concerns and complaints as one, [the administration] responded a lot more effectively than when [councils] passed resolutions individually,” he said. Although the new constitution enforces some changes, there will still be informal meetings for students to come and voice their concerns in a much more comfortable setting empty of parliamentary procedure, Slavin said. Professional schools are exempt from this consolidation effort because of the nature in which they receive funds and how they fund RUSA, he said. They will
continue to function the same way, remain part of RUSA and retain the same number of representatives. “Right now, in this system, professional schools themselves have councils to advocate for their separate issues,” said Tom Minucci, a representative for the Mason Gross Student Association. “Each campus no longer has [its] governing council and needs support in RUSA. RUSA is here to mainly lobby [the School of Arts and Sciences] with the support and representatives of professional schools.” The constitution will be revised to incorporate concerns raised during the meeting, Slavin said. It will be put to referendum in April for the student body to approve.
MARCH 23, 2010
Association recognizes professor for cancer advocacy BY VANDAN UPADHYAYA CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Association of Community Cancer Centers awarded, on Friday Barbara Hoffman, a Rutgers-Newark legal researcher and writing instructor, with their 2010 Annual Achievement Award. Hof fman traveled to Baltimore for the ACCC’s annual national meeting to be recognized for her long-standing work and commitment in advocating the quality of cancer sur vivorship ser vices and education. “I am honored to be in the company of other people who had received the award,” she said. Director of Communication of the ACCC Don Jewler said
CALENDAR MARCH Students considering living in of f-campus housing can learn their rights as tenants at “Tenants’ Rights in New Jersey,” scheduled from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 410 of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. A guest speaker from the Housing Coalition of Central NJ will discuss topics regarding tenants, landlords, leases, security deposits and other issues regarding living of f campus. Visit r uof fcampus.r for more information.
The Rutgers Chemistr y Society will welcome a veteran of science demonstrations who will display many exciting experiments that can be used for events such as Rutgers Day and Outreach. The meeting will take place at 8:30 p.m. in Room A260 of the Wright-Rieman building on Busch campus and is mandator y for all members who signed up for the Outreach Program. Leo, the coordinator, will be going over the planned experiments as well as information regarding scheduling, presentations and transpor tation. If you cannot make it to this meeting, please contact him ASAP at Lgarber@eden.r or at (551)-206-8939. Editors from The Daily Targum will hold a writers meeting for current and prospective writers at 9:30 p.m. in the S-Lounge on the 4th floor of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. They will assign stories and answer questions about writing ar ticles. No previous writing experience is required, and anyone interested is welcome to attend.
Those who want to teach fun science projects and ar ts and crafts to middle school students are welcome to attend a Rutgers in the Community meeting at 9 p.m. in Room 112 of Murray Hall on the College Avenue campus. For more information, contact Sean Lo at
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
the award has been around for quite some time and in the past, notable figures received the same award. Part of her work includes her involvement with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, an advocacy organization that she co-founded. The NCCS was founded in 1986 and is the oldest sur vivorled cancer advocacy organization in the countr y, according to the organization’s Web site. The organization works closely with the ACCC on issues with advocacy and policies that needed to be addressed in Washington, D.C. “[I do this] for two reasons: I have a personal histor y of cancer, and I was long before I met the people who founded
NCCS, a plaintif f of civil rights attor ney in Philadelphia representing people with disabilities,” she said. As a BARBARA t e e n a g e r, HOFFMAN Hof fman was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, which added to her experience of living with sickness. “It made me aware of the kinds of issues people confront when they are diagnosed with an illness like cancer,” Hof fman said. A longtime friend and NCCS executive of fice holder Ellen Stovall said
Hof fman is a force to be reckoned with. “Barbara is ver y low-key and [a] modest person who will never seek out attention,” Stovall said. “This award is a wonderful recognition for her work. She is a scholar.” Aside from working with the NCCS, Hof fman is also the chief editor of three editions of the book “A Cancer Sur vivor’s Almanac: Char ting Your Journey,” Stovall said. The book ser ves as a guide to help sur vivors, friends, families and caregivers on topics like getting proper care and coping with the personal and social impact of cancer. It also of fers advice on financial issues and going through the processes with insurance companies.
Stovall describes the organization as being greatly enmeshed with Hoffman. “A lot of where the [NCCS] is going is places where Barbara has helped take it,” she said. Hof fman said she looks to the future of the NCCS with great optimism. “Many things that we have worked on and will continue to work on fall under the ultimate goal of providing quality cancer care for everyone who is diagnosed,” she said. Hoffman is also looking forward to seeing how current issues influence the activities of the organization. “With the major health care reform hopefully passed on [Sunday], it will be interesting as to how that shapes the future,” she said.
MARCH 23, 2010
CONGRESS: Bill gets
clear, specific language exactly what the provisions of this legislation are,” she said, adding through Republican opposition this includes the timing of many of the provisions. Some continued from front parts of the bill will take effect immediately, while others will Barack Obama said that night in be enacted several years down a speech. the road. The reform allows Americans Holden also said the bill is too to take part in a purchasing pool complicated. It was given only 72 of competitive insurers to choose hours to be voted on in the from, resulting in cheaper prices, House — not enough time to be Obama said. It also provides the thoroughly debated, he said. largest health care tax cut for “I feel like no Republican working families and small busivoted on it because they couldnesses in history. n’t even have read through It also extends Medicare covthat whole bill and the addenerage by about a decade and dums if they wanted to,” could potentially reduce the Holden said, adding that the national deficit by more than Democrats rushed into signing $100 billion over the next decade the bill. — or more than $1 trillion over Mandel said despite the 20 years, he said. confusing text, the passage of Director of Eagleton Institute the bill itself is a significant, of Politics Ruth Mandel said both historical achievement. immediate and long-term effects “This is a highly charged are difficult to predict due to the par tisan environment, but I economy and other outside think it’s impor tant that the forces, but college students can president of the United States directly benefit from some demonstrated that he could aspects of the bill. achieve something,” Mandel “The most important one I said. “I think we need to be think for students at this stage able to see evidence that it is is that they can stay on their possible for our elected offiparents’ health insurance until cials to take an action on an [the age of] 26,” Mandel said. important issue.” “That will have a personal She said impact on them.” debate is extremeR u t g e r s “The president and ly important, but University it is also beneficial C o l l e g e ... Pelosi have to take action, Republicans President Ron demonstrated that especially when Obama was camHolden said it is it is possible to paigning back in admirable that the bill would exercise leadership.” 2008, he made it clear — before the keep college stuRUTH MANDEL economic collapse dents and young Eagleton Institute of Politics — that reforming people on insurDirector health care was ance plans well one of his into their 20s. top priorities. “Although I “The president and [House disagree with the president on a of Representative Speaker lot of things, I do think that he Nancy] Pelosi have demonwants to fix the country and strated that it is possible to make the country a better place,” exercise leadership,” Mandel Holden said. said. “It involves determinaBut he said this is simply a tion, stubbornness, a willingshort-term gain, and problems ness to compromise and a comcould persist in the future. mitment to what they consider “It just seems a lot of the govto be an impor tant policy ernment will just take care of issue,” Mandel said. you and in America you have to But she said the poor econowork, and sometimes you fail my would prove to be the bill’s and sometimes you succeed, toughest test of success. Some and I think the government of the provisions — such as no should be giving the tools you lifetime limit — would be seen need to succeed and not just by most as positive. handouts at the taxpayers’ But if it turns out that if the expense,” Holden said. bill causes costs to soar, people to The Rutgers Democrats feel pressured to buy health care were unavailable for comment and the economy does not at press time. improve, people will no longer Obama said he knows this feel the same. vote will be subject to criticism, “It’s really tightly linked to analysis and predictions. how the economy fares in “But long after the debate the next three years,” fades away and the prognostiMandel said. cation fades away and the dust Mandel said the most settles, what will remain standimpressive part of the legislaing is not the government-run tion is not the text itself or its system some feared, or the staprovisions, but rather the cirtus quo that ser ves the intercumstances under which it ests of the insurance industr y, passed. The bill managed to but a health care system that reform a heated social issue incorporates ideas from both that has been debated in the parties — a system that works Capitol for decades. better for the American peo“As a president, he stayed ple,” he said. the course and against all odds, Obama said the bill is for won the nomination and won Americans who see increases in the presidency and once more, premiums they cannot afford in a sea of doubt and ver y during the economic storm, who stormy waters all around, he struggle to cover their child’s has stayed his course and once chronic illnesses and for small again reached his goal,” business owners forced to Mandel said. choose between insuring Obama said in his speech employees and staying open. that the vote reveals the govBut Mandel said much of the er nment’s ability to rise legislation is confusing and diffiabove politics. cult for the general public to “We proved that we are still a comprehend just how it will people capable of doing big affect them. things and tackling our biggest “The big challenge is challenges,” he said. explaining to the public in
CAMPUS: Dance shows, art creations to highlight event
MARCH 23, 2010
continued from front The program includes other University departments as well, White said. “Nearly 20 Rutgers depar tments or student organizations will be presenting programs and workshops,” he said. “They include Career Ser vices, the Rutgers Business School, the School of Management and Labor Relations, University Human Resources and the Center for Women and Work.” White said Career Ser vices would also run another program that features an activity that focuses on career building called “Career Village USA.” “We invite visitors to stop by our quaint village and stroll our career-related shops on Main Street,” he said. These shops include “Dr. Doug’s Health and Wellness Center” and “Dorothy’s Dress and Suit Shop,” which will teach par ticipants career skills like how to bring a positive attitude to work and how to dress for success, White said. He believes Livingston campus will be an important part of the New Brunswick festivities on Rutgers Day. “Livingston’s role in Rutgers Day is no more important than that of any other campus, but it is a big boost for the campus, which is slated to become the ‘professional campus’ of Rutgers-New Br unswick in coming years with the construction of new business, social work and education facilities,” he said. Livingston campus will also feature performances by the Asian American Cultural Center, including fashion and dance shows and paper plate art created by Master Cheng, Senior Program Coordinator Ji Lee said. “Last year there weren’t as many of the Asian American organizations present,” Lee said. “We’re tr ying to make a bigger presence to show people that we are here and active.” Winnie De Moya, president of the Livingston Campus Council, said the council is holding a “LLC Insider Tour,” which shows of f the newly renovated student center and planned dining and residence halls to visitors. “There is so much more coming to this campus in the future,” said De Moya, a Rutgers College senior. “The goal we have is to talk about the future.” Jenna Bauer, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said many people do not know about Livingston campus. “I feel like Livingston is left out of the loop in school events and conversations between students,” Bauer said. “Students just go there for class and that’s it.” Lee said Rutgers Day would help to change this stereotype and show just what the campus has to offer. “In the past, Livingston has always been neglected,” he said. “Since Livingston is in Rutgers Day this year, it showcases what this campus can do.”
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PA G E 8
MARCH 23, 2010
Health care reform comes at right time
e have come to a monumental step in our country’s history. President Barack Obama’s year-long health care haul has seemingly come to fruition, albeit under reform from both Democrats and Republicans. With the 219-to-212 vote on Sunday, the House has the final approval to the legislation that has troubled relations between the left and the right in the United States since the time of Teddy Roosevelt. And this progress of social politics could not have come sooner. Perhaps while still a bout of partisanship, and more specifically, liberal politics, the health care bill stands for all that is needed in the United States. The major problem is the fact that people have been progressively opposing the bill under Republican pressure, while at its core, the health care reform aims to sort out a problem that has been present in the U.S. for decades. People are ignorant. They are mad at the fact that a great part of their compatriots will finally get universal health care. Some even say that providing illegal immigrants with the same coverage is simply unreasonable. The truth is that only legal residents would receive the coverage that will cost a mere $938 billion over 10 years. According to the New York Times, the plan would also add 16 million people to the Medicaid rolls and would subsidize private coverage for middle- and low-income people. The cost would also be offset by savings in the Medicare system and taxes on high-cost employer-sponsored health plans. With the upcoming midterm campaign season, the GOP is simply trying to debase the Democratic government in power. With a unanimous opposition in the House of Representatives, Republicans are only sticking to their grassroots without a thought lent to the fact that this health care bill will help the millions of Americans that cannot afford insurance. They fight for the sake of fighting. Sen. Jim Bunning, RKy.,’s one-man filibuster is only one example of conservative theories straying from the ideals of American politics. After all, it may be the grassroots Republicans that have come out of touch with the ideals of a government taking care of its people. The proposed health care bill, which could be approved by the end of the week, would bring about a reform that has been required by the American people for decades. In this day and age, we are faced with a fiscally difficult future, but the fact that this bill will reduce deficits by $143 billion in the next 10 years must be a step toward a uninamous of the legislation. After all, we elected Obama — we knew what he was planning to accomplish and despite expected opposition from the right, he is bringing the much-promised change.
Name must remain for story’s sake
ender-specificity has reached the walls of Disney and its subsidiary, Pixar. “Rapunzel,” the Brothers Grimm fairytale, is to be renamed “Tangled” after Disney’s research proved that the title might be too gender oriented and may limit the number of boys who would want to see the movie. Since when is a classic fairytale subject to change because the business office of Disney Studios determined the financial loss would be too great? That is precisely the problem. Instead of retaining a well-known title for a classic tale, Disney has opted out for the fiscally safe path. According to a Telegraph article, Disney bosses believe that the title may have also been the reason for the poor performance of its latest piece, “The Princess and the Frog.” The movie would have fared better “if it wasn’t pre-judged by its title,” Mr. Catmull told the Los Angeles Times. The truth is that while the essence of a story may not be contained entirely by the title, the title still embodies a certain value, one that provides anything from reference to anecdotal mentions. “Rapunzel” is the name of the main figure in the story and while perhaps boys will not be the first in line to see the newest movie, the original title remains an important aspect of the tale. It is a smart business decision and that is all. But once these business decisions begin to taint children’s movies, if they have not already, they will only become reasons for entire remakes of classics solely for the moneymaking aspect of an artistic creation. Disney has already shelved “The Snow Queen,” based on the Hans Christian Andersen classic over fears that it may alienate boys. Why can’t boys watch what they are interested in? The studio is simply making the excuse that these classic stories might not reach both genders equally when, clearly, the only reason is their inability to make the expected profit. Boys will watch their Batman’s and Spiderman’s while girls will continue to play with Barbies, or should we make sure Barbies are appealing to both genders? After all, art is created, or should be created, for art’s sake. The financial reason for changing a classic fairytale must make way for the artistic originality of the author himself, no matter who holds the copyrights to the story.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “In a sea of doubt and very stormy waters all around, he has stayed his course and once again reached his goal.” Ruth Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Politics, on President Barack Obama’s achievements in health care reform STORY ON FRONT
Opinions require serious takes
who swear by “The Glenn henever my Beck Program.” friends post clips I tend to have more respect of the “The Daily for people who are completely Show” on Facebook, I usually straightforward with their keep my comments to myself. opinions, whether it is Rachel Recently though there has Maddow or Bill O’Reilly. Right been a sudden influx of these from the start, audiences video postings that have overBRIAN CANARES know exactly the agenda and taken my news feed. Maybe motive of the commentator. this can be attributed to the fact When people watch Glenn Beck, they understand that that I have added too many liberals in the past few years, he is going to call President Barack Obama a Fascist. but nonetheless, I find more and more people publicly He makes his biases absolutely clear. On the other displaying their love and adulation for Jon Stewart. So I hand, Stewart gives off an illusion of objectivism, espefeel like I have no choice but to write an entire full-length cially to the young and impressionable viewers — usuopinion about my beef with him. Hopefully this will give ally between the ages of 18-25. So, how does he do it? you a different perspective on the show, or just make you Stewart engages in a passive-aggressive approach in angry. Either way, I always enjoy both. which he uses sarcasm to make his point, without actu“The Daily Show,” which first started for the purally making an argument. For instance, he will merciposes of placing comedic value on politics, has slowly lessly attack a Fox News clip, and by the end, he will transformed to a completely bias left-wing television have presented nothing that stands on logic. There is program. People either see it as a legitimate source of no need to defend the merits of his own views, as he news, or the only source in which they receive objecsuccessfully shows the silliness of the other side. He tive information about relevant issues. As a result, this wins because Fox News is stupid. Other times, he may has propelled Stewart from the status of simple comewin his arguments by exaggerating the dian to “brilliant commentator.” Now superficial nature of his own position. do not get me wrong. I have no prob“... but I believe On the March 18th show, Beck made a lem with “The Daily Show” being on comment that progressivism leads to television. I will even admit that Stewart is just as fascism. Stewart then fired back in Stewart has his moments during interbad as people agreement by stating, “If you are proviews, where he appears that he could gressive, you are not naïve, or wellactually pass as a real political comlike Glenn Beck, intentioned stupid person, you are mentator. On the other hand, people metastasizing malignancy on America’s believe these few moments of legitiif not worse.” colon.” He places an extremely sarcasmacy translate to the rest of the show. tic slant to his own side to show why Consequently, it produces the same right-wingers are ridiculous to attack it in the first place. uninformed decisions about politics that shows like Thus, he successfully overcomes the attack on his ide“The Glenn Beck Program” perpetuate. ology, by implicitly conveying that conservatives are Most people will disagree with me, but I believe just plain old ignorant to liberal beliefs. These tactics Stewart is just as bad as people like Glenn Beck, if end up working so well, because the opposing side has not worse. For any of you who watched the March nothing to rebut. If they respond with more sarcasm, 18th episode of “The Daily Show,” Stewart made fun they look like tools. If they respond seriously, they look — as usual -— of Beck’s use of the chalkboard and like humorless tools. There is just no defense. subsequently took a shot at his ideology, “conservaFor the record, I love sarcasm. If I could not use it tive libertarianism.” First, I would like to state that I in my articles, then I would have just opted to be a am a conservative libertarian and do not believe that staff writer for the Targum. I only disagree with its Beck is a fair representative of this belief. Moreover, use when it becomes the only basis for arguments. I I do not think he and Fox News should be placed in think people, especially those who are relatively new the same context of the Tea Party movement. to politics, need to understand that Stewart — and Unfortunately, this is exactly what Stewart does. even Stephen Colbert — is just as partial as any other While simultaneously ridiculing Beck and associatnews source or political commentator. They are very ing his outrageous opinions with conservative funny comedians but should only be seen as such. All actions — such as the Tea Party movement — he I ask is that you take these types of shows with a grain artfully makes these extreme individuals represenof salt. Only then will you be able to make judgments tatives of Republican or Libertarian beliefs. In effect, absent of the anti-Fox News and Beck rhetoric. people who watch this show irresponsibly replicate these views on The Daily Targum opinions page. Brian Canares is a Rutgers College senior majorThey go on with their lives thinking they are fully ing in history and political science. His column, aware and more informed about politics, when in “Pure Rubbish,” runs on alternate Tuesdays. fact, these individuals are just as ignorant as those
Pure Rubbish
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
MARCH 23, 2010 9
Free speech on campus depends on who speaks Letter RICHARD CRAVATTS
n what is yet more evidence that universities have become, at least where campus free speech is concerned, as Harvard’s wise Abigail Thernstrom has described them, “islands of repression in a sea of freedom.” The University of California, San Diego has been undergoing collective apoplexy over some incendiary racial slurs made by students involved in an off-campus fraternity party and in a subsequent broadcast from the school’s radio station. The discovery of a noose and a roughly fashioned Ku Klux Klan hood on campus only helped stoke tensions and inflame rage at the perceived racism. Coinciding with celebrations for Black History Month, the Feb. 15 ghetto-themed party was advertised on Facebook as the “Compton Cookout,” with the suggested dress involving oversized T-shirts, gold chains, and other stereotypical wear of “thuggish” black men; women were advised to dress like “ghetto chicks” and be ostentatious, boorish and combative. Though black, Hispanic, Muslim and many white students and administrators immediately leveled blame at white fraternity members, Koala writers and other purported racists lurking on campus, it turns out that a comedian with the improbable — not to mention derogatory — stage name of Jiggaboo Jones, a black himself, had actually orchestrated the party for some 250 people as part of a promotional event, something he had done at other West Coast locations. But the damage had been done, and self-righteous mem-
bers of the UCSD campus stampeded on one another to profess their outrage, indignation and shock at the loutish behavior and “state of emergency” created by a small group of students involved at a private party held off campus. Members of the Black Student Union wasted no time in drafting a six-page memo for school officials, who eagerly embraced them, in which they itemized a veritable encyclopedia of demands by which, it was felt, the racist climate could be modified, with the “aim to move the university past hurtful incidents and improve the campus climate by enhancing diversity on the campus, in the curriculum and throughout the UC San Diego community.” Cries of “institutionalized racism” and a “toxic environment” at UCSD were heard. Because the union felt that blacks were being “racially demoralized,” those demands included, among others, establishing ethnic studies programs, “[rewriting] the Student Code of Conduct,” and, ominously, initiating a mandatory “diversity sensitivity requirement for every undergraduate student.” While calling for further investigation into the specific incidents that had sparked the outrage, and promising to identify and punish the perpetrators, embarrassed school officials also promised to increase efforts at diversity, pledged more minority faculty hiring and student enrollment, set up psychological counseling facilities, met with community leaders and state officials and even flew in Berkeley’s law school dean, Christopher Edley, to help arbitrate the situation. The president of the university’s Associated Students also took the breathtakingly audacious step, with the apparent approval of school officials, of not only closing down the student TV station
Council aids students Letter JOHN STEIN
he purpose of this editorial is to present to the University student body a description of what the University Affairs Committee has done thus far this school year. A mission of the committee and our general council this year was to research and bring forth any and all issues, complaints or grievances that the students of School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and those affiliated with Cook campus may have pertaining to a wide range of categories. Our first big step toward that goal was distributing and collecting surveys last November during “What’s on Your Mind Month.” The idea was very successful in that we received large amounts of feedback and started addressing the pressing issues. Thus far in the spring semester, we have also tabled at the Cook Campus Center in hopes of reaching out to students and receiving feedback. One of the major issues that we came across was the security on campus, in which members of the committee met with the Department of Public Safety officials numerous times and addressed the concerns we were met with. This led to a Safety Walk across the campus and also passing a resolution regarding the operation and maintenance of the Blue Light Emergency System. Our goal in the resolution is inform students about the sys-
tem and address any misconceptions regarding its operations and also the efficiency of using cell phones during emergency situations because of the Rutgers University Police Department’s ability to track the direct location of the call. We also are attempting to have RUPD keep a regular maintenance log available to the students. The other major resolution that our committee was able to pass was one opposing the opt-out option of the RU Book Fund and replacing it with a more student friendly opt-in policy. Our grounds for the opposition were based off the withholding of $500 of student financial aid for the first part of the semester of which many students were unaware. Also many students use their refund checks for such entities as rent and groceries for offcampus students and the ability to purchase textbooks from cheaper alternative sources. All of our resolutions are open to the public and if anyone has concerns they want addressed or to get more information about our council, our meeting are held biweekly on Monday nights in room 202 of the Cook Campus Center at 7:30 p.m. and the committee meeting held on the off week at the same time in the Cook Café of the Cook Campus Center. This letter was a collective ef for t on par t of the University Af fairs Committee of the SEBS/Cook Council.
but freezing funding for all 33 oncampus student publications, not just the offensive Koala. The danger of racist expression meant that all expression would be curtailed — at least until a way could be found to defund the offending publication and TV station. But, interestingly, in the past, UCSD officials have not sought to suppress or even condemn other inflammatory on-campus speech when it comes from other protected minority groups. Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali, for instance, the black former Nation of Islam member — convert to Islam and cheerleader for Hamas and Hezbollah, who has been a ubiquitous presence on
“When other groups ... are the object of offensive speech, no protection is deemed to be necessary. ” the UC Irvine campus — has also appeared at UC San Diego as a guest of the Muslim Student Association. Malik-Ali never hesitates to vilify and defame Israel, Zionists, Jewish power and Jews themselves as he weaves incoherent, hallucinatory conspiracies about the Middle East and the West. In a February 2004 speech Malik-Ali “implied that Zionism is a mixture of ‘chosen people-ness [sic] and white supremacy’; that the Iraqi war is in the process of ‘Israelization’; that the Zionists had ‘Congress, the media and the FBI in their back pocket.’” Malik-Ali used a Februar y 2005 event to proclaim that “Zionism is a mixture, a fusion of the concept of white supremacy and the chosen people. …You will
have to hear more about the Holocaust when you accuse them of their Nazi behavior,” he warned, after railing against Zionist control of the press, media and political decisions of the American government. Speaking from a podium with a banner reading “Israel, the fourth Reich” in May 2006, Malik-Ali referred to Jews as “new Nazis” and “a bunch of straight-up punks.” “The truth of the matter is your days are numbered,” he admonished Jews everywhere. At other Malik-Ali lectures, displays and posters regularly depict the Israeli flag splattered in blood and the Star of David shown to be equating a swastika, punctuated with numerous hysterical references to a “Holocaust in the Holy Land,” “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “Zionism = racism,” and the oftrepeated blood libel against Jews that “Israelis murder children.” But tellingly, no officials in the UC system have tripped over themselves to denounce Malik-Ali’s venomous speech and shut down those organizations that sponsored it and those publications that reported about it. They did not set up counseling sessions for Jewish students who might have been “intimidated,” “harassed” or made to feel “unsafe” on campus as a result of hearing that they were the new Nazis, that the Jewish state was the chief impediment to world peace, that Jews control the media and Washington, and that Jews, who are committing genocide on the innocent, long-oppressed Palestinians, deserve to be murdered. Campus leaders did not reach out to civic leaders and other external stakeholders to help heal the wounds that this hate speech may have caused within the Jewish student body, nor did they bring in high-profile experts who could moderate between Muslim student
groups and Jewish students made to bear these oppressive attacks on their religion and people. Mandatory “sensitivity” classes were not set up so that non-Jewish students could be forced to have positive attitudes toward Israel and Jews. And Jewish students did not submit a list of demands for oncampus Jewish art galleries, Israel studies programs, more Jewish faculty, special accommodations in recruiting and applications, or campus apologies and repentance for spewing forth hateful, insulting and odious speech. None of this took place precisely because campuses today have a startling double standard when it comes to who may say what about whom. Either because they are incompetent or want to coddle perceived protected student minority groups in the name of diversity, university administrations are morally inconsistent when taking a stand against what they consider “hate speech,” believing, mistakenly, that only harsh expression against victim groups needs to be moderated. When other groups — whites, Christians, Republicans, heterosexuals, Jews, for example — are the object of offensive speech, no protection is deemed to be necessary. So while campus free speech is enshrined as one of the university’s chief principles, experience shows us that it rarely occurs as free speech for everyone, only for a few. But if we want speech to be truly free, to paraphrase Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., then we have to embrace not only speech with which we agree, but also that speech with which we disagree, that speech that we hate. Richard Cravatts is the director of Boston University’s Program in Publishing at the Center for Professional Education.
PA G E 1 2
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
MARCH 23, 2010
Today's birthday (3/23/10). Invest your emotional power in relationships and independent work this year. You can handle both because you have the will to manage your resources skillfully. Spring into action with the season and never hesitate. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 6 — Don't try to think outside the box today. Just get the work done. Don't expect it to be fun. Your partner applauds your diplomacy. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Whatever balls you have in the air, keep them in motion. The flow of communication at work needs to continue. Increase intensity later in the day. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 6 — You feel boxed in when friends and neighbors make emotional demands. You'd rather stick to the practical cash decisions. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — Hard work today pays off. Don't avoid responsibilities. Smile even if you're not having fun. You can get through it. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Get in gear early in the day. Review your schedule and contact a professional who has the advice you need. Full speed ahead until quitting time. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — What starts out gloomy can turn to sunshine if you ride the horse in the direction it's going. Let someone else assert pressure.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — If you want to get anything done today, establish structure early. Consider all the angles before you reach the completion phase. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Perhaps the biggest challenge today is to bring imaginative ideas into the workplace and make them solid. Bring the new kid up to speed. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 5 — Assert your love in definite terms. State your feelings loudly and often. Others may take time to return the favor, and they may be hard of hearing. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 7 — One of your favorite people tells you how to run your life. Put them in charge of your appointment calendar only if you want changes. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — You get a lot more work accomplished when you dip just below the surface of consciousness to grasp creative images and language. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Get in the mood to break the ice at a social gathering. Others may mask feelings, so prime the pump by engaging them with questions about themselves.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
MARCH 23, 2010
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
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MARCH 23, 2010
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Rutgers head women’s track and field coach James Robinson was fully aware of the importance of capping WOMEN’S TRACK off the indoor season with a boom. That is why he has no problem attributing his team’s strong showing in Tampa, Fla., over the weekend to an unimaginable fourth place finish at the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Championships just weeks ago. “We talked about learning how to end the season on a great note, because that sets you up for a great outdoor season,” said Robinson. “To come out two weeks later and open up in this fashion is ver y, ver y encouraging.” The Scarlet Knights posted seven top three finishes at South Florida’s Bull Invitational, and saw three athletes finish first in their respective events, an encouraging early season mark. The team also made quick work with qualifying marks to start the season, achieving six ECAC qualifiers on top of ten Big East qualifying marks. Overall, the team put together a very balanced performance in Tampa. Senior Jessica Bandy won the javelin event with a hurl of 45.54 meters, while junior Nwamaka Okobi stood atop the podium in the triple jump with a leap of 12.35 meters. The junior also earned a fourth place finish in the long jump, her personal best. The feat gave her the second best mark in school history. However, of the 12 Knights in attendance, none shone brighter than senior Michelle Gomes. The sprinter’s 23.87-second performance in the 200-meter event not only topped her personal best and gave her a first place finish, but it also broke a school record that stood since President Ronald Reagan roamed the Oval Office. “When I looked up at that huge screen waiting for my time I was not sure how I had done, but when I saw 23.87 I could do nothing but scream,” said the team captain. “Breaking a 23-year old record is an amazing feeling.” Gomes also finished third in the 100-meter event with a time of 11.92 seconds to wrap up her historic weekend. But that was not enough for the resurgent Knights’ squad, as many other RU athletes also captured personal-best marks. Sophomore Kelly Flannigan finished fifth in the 1500-meter race, but cut four seconds off her previous personal best to run a 4:32.84. Also showing improvement was freshman Brittni Rodriguez, who ran a 12.12 in the 100-meter dash. Both runners snagged Big East qualifiers with their respective marks, another early encouraging sign for the young Knights. “It was a great way to start the season, it really gets the team rolling for outdoor,” Robinson said. The Knights sprint back into action this weekend in Raleigh, N.C., to compete at the Raleigh Relays, and try to make it three straight impressive meets in a row.
MARCH 23, 2010
MARCH 23, 2010
Senior midfielder Justin Pennington scored four goals in three games over Spring Break and tallied a goal in 13 of the last 14 games.
STREAK: Torrential rain not enough to stop Knights continued from back offensive team and the same things started to happen. We commit a couple penalties, hit a couple pipes and it goes from three goals to tied in a hurr y. We have to do a better job down the stretch of hanging on to the ball and making better decisions.” Against Penn State, the Knights faced more than one opponent. The game was played in monsoon-like rain and heavy winds and lightning delayed play for two hours. When play resumed, Rutgers outscored the Nittany Lions 4-1 to take control of the game en route to a 7-4 victory.
“I’ve been doing this for 26 years, and I’ve played in some bad weather, but never anything like that where it’s that consistent for that long,” Stagnitta said. Senior Gerhard Buehning and sophomore Mike Diehl each scored twice to lead the Knight attack. “It was real bad out there,” said Buehning, who had his 13game goal streak snapped in the most recent loss to Army. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a game that was that wet. It’s tough [after a delay] but we stayed pretty focused. It was nice to go back and change cleats, change pads and kind of dry off a little bit. But we just stayed focused and loose, and we were able to bring it when we got back out there.” Rutgers begins Big East play Saturday when the team flies to South Bend, Ind., to face Notre Dame.
Freshman goalie Rudy Butler (16) made 20 saves over three games during Spring Break, including a high of 11 against Penn State.
MARCH 23, 2010
RALLY: Bats heat up in Florida, scoring 46 against FIU continued from back
utgers men’s lacrosse attackman Kor y Kelly was named to the Big East Weekly Honor Roll yesterday after tallying eight goals and one assist. Kelly, a junior and the Knights’ leading goal scorer, helped propel RU to a 11 record over the same span. Six of Kelly’s goals came in a dramatic 10-9 victor y last Tuesday over Marist.
offensive tackle Anthony Davis rescheduled his workout for NFL scouts for March 30, according to a report from Davis left the Rutgers Pro Day on March 10 early because of an illness and a tweaked hamstring, said agent Sunny Shah. Shah told NFL organizations that his client would be available for positional drills, measurements and one-onone meetings.
center Jeff Carter will miss three to four weeks with a broken bone in his left shoulder. Carter, the Flyers’ leading scorer, saw a shot from Atlanta Thrasher Clarke MacArthur ricochet off his shoulder during Atlanta’s 3-1 victor y at the Wachovia Center. His streak of 286 consecutive games played streak snapped, Carter plans to be back in time for the playoffs, which start next month.
Roger Goodell plans to meet with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger regarding his alleged involvement in a sexual assault case in Georgia. Goodell already spoke with several NFL team owners about Roethlisberger, who allegedly assaulted a 20-yearold college student at a Milledgeville, Ga., nightclub. Another woman is suing Roethlisberger, claiming the Miami (OH) product raped her at a Lake Tahoe hotel in 2008.
first baseman Albert Pujols received an MRI and an antiinflammator y shot yesterday for tightness in his back. The 2009 National League MVP is expected to miss practice and Cactus League action over the next few days.
head coach Brad Childress said yesterday that quarterback Brett Favre can take as long as he needs to decide whether to return for the 20102011 NFL season. Favre signed with the Vikings on August 18 last year and then played three days later in the team’s preseason game against the Kansas City Chiefs. Childress visited Favre at his Mississippi home earlier in the month but claimed that conversation did not involve Favre’s potential return to the club.
Freshman pitcher Jerry Elsing earned his first two collegiate wins this Spring Break, the latter of which came against Old Dominion.
East schedule just about to start up.” It was the bat of Biserta that paced Rutgers all break long. The designated hitter went on a torrid pace, hitting a home run in eight of the last 10 games. None was bigger than in the win against FAU, where his tworun bomb accounted for the only runs scored in the 2-0 shutout victor y. For Rutgers, the win snapped a 12-game losing streak to the Owls and kept its confidence alive. “We had an off day in the first game against them so we knew we wanted to bounce back,” said Bistera, who was named the National Hitter of the Week because of his success. “That win was huge for us because we haven’t beaten them in so long.” Elsing got the nod in the shutout win, making his first collegiate start on the mound. He responded with five solid innings while surrendering only four hits and striking out three. Fellow
freshman Tyler Gebler preserved the win and earned his third save of the year by posting three straight outs in the ninth. “Our freshman relievers have been great this season,” Biserta said. “Our starters have done well too and we need them to stay strong. The hitting will always be there. Now we know that we can come back from any deficit. I don’t think there is any pitching out there that can shut our lineup down.” In the first series against FIU, the RU bats erupted, scoring a total of 46 runs. The scoring outburst was highlighted by a 20-11 victory to kick off Spring Break. The Knights followed that up by scoring 11 in the second game and 15 in the third. The last four runs in the final game against the Golden Panthers came off of an Anderson grand slam in the ninth inning that broke an 11-11 tie. In the eight games played over Spring Break, the Knights hit a total of 15 home runs. “Our confidence is soaring right now,” Elsing said. “We started off slow but we never lost focus of the bigger picture. The bigger picture is the Big East and we feel great going into conference play.”
MARCH 23, 2010
Plummer sets record at USF BY TYLER BARTO STAFF WRITER
The Rutgers men’s track and field team returned from the USF Bulls Invitational last weekend MEN’S TRACK with a pair of event victories, eight finishes in the top three and an encouraging effort right out of the gate of the spring season. Sophomore phenom Adam Bergo took first in the high jump with a 2.11 meter effort, good for an IC4A-clearing mark. The Westfield High School product also placed fourth in the long jump, recording a mark of 6.70 meters. The Scarlet Knights’ other first-place finisher was fellow sophomore James Plummer, who won the discus with an IC4A throw of 59.10 meters. His ef for t broke the facility record at the USF Track and Field Stadium. Plummer later captured second in the shotput with a 14.91meter throw. “We expected [Plummer] to throw far,” said associate head coach Kevin Kelly, in his ninth year on the staff. “To tell you that I knew he would throw as
far as he did I would be lying. It was a heck of a performance. Right now he’s the number two thrower in the countr y.” Senior Bruce Owens, forced to sit out the indoor season with eligibility concerns, placed second — and first among collegians — in the 200-meter dash, clocking in at 21.21 seconds. Owens also finished fourth in the 100-meter dash with a time of 10.63 seconds. The Wenonah, N.J., native, a staple of the RU track program, qualified for the IC4A Championships in both events. Fellow seniors Kyle Grady and Nii-Amon Robertson both performed well in the first outdoor meet of the season. Grady, unbeaten in the 60meter hurdles during the indoor campaign, took second in the 110-meter hurdles. Senior Tim Matlack clocked in at 15.73 seconds in the same event, good for fifth place. Robertson finished third in the 200-meter dash with an IC4A time of 21.35 seconds. He also took third in the 400-meter dash — and second among collegians — with a time of 47.76 seconds. Grady finished soon after in the same event, good enough for
a fifth place finish in his first 200meter performance. “The 200 was new for me [last] weekend,” Grady said. “I’ve been training hard, working hard with my spring coach. I think I’ll be running it again [next weekend].” The Knights placed two javelin throwers in the top three finishers, led by junior Chris Bradley, whose second place toss of 63.40 meters was good enough for an IC4A mark. Teammate Jeremy Pennino placed just behind Bradley in third with a throw of 62.52 meters, also an IC4A qualifier. “We had a small group down there,” Kelly said. “I thought we performed well. There wasn’t one person that didn’t have a positive impact.” Rutgers returns to the track Thursday at the Winthrop Invitational in Rock Hill, S.C., to take on the host Eagles and a loaded field. “We just have to continue doing what we’re doing,” Grady said. “It’s one of those things where it’s working. Almost ever yone who is competing had personal-bests indoors. Now we go into outdoors with a new perspective.”
Junior Joe Martinek, last year’s leading rusher, is the only tailback with experience participating in the Knights’ spring practices. “I think these receivers are Schiano ready to take a step,” Schiano seeks to toughen up young team said. “They are all young. We can put them in a bag and shake them up. I don’t know who is going to continued from back come out, other than Mohamed. A new name in the mix is 6None of them have a heck of a lot foot-4, 325-pound redshirt freshof experience.” man Antwan Lowery — a highlyBut the team’s youth and inextouted defensive tackle who folperience has Schiano excited, lows Wynn with a move to the although he admits there are areas offensive side of the ball. where there needs to be strides. “It will be a learning curve, we “They have no idea what it’s are not naïve to that,” Schiano said. like in a college football game … “It is good that we are doing it in the how hard it is, how tough it is to spring and he gets a chance to work out there and play at your highest at it. If he is as natural as I think he level for three and half hours,” will be, he will have a chance to said the coach, entering his 10th compete for playing time.” year. “We need to make sure they After Barbieri snaps the ball grow to understand that in these to Savage, the next step of the 15 practices.” process is an unknown. Junior tailback Joe Martinek is KNIGHT NOTE: the lone returning player in the Tem Lukabu returns to the RU backfield this spring, but Schiano staff as outside linebackers coach promised not to overwork the after leaving player development team’s leading rusher. Sophomore for Rhode Island. Lukabu’s return Mohamed Sanu is the only player moves Robb Smith from outside established at wide receiver — a linebackers to cornerbacks position where there is one senior, coach, a spot previously occupied one junior, seven sophomores and by Chris Hewitt. Hewitt now four redshirt freshmen. coaches the running backs.
Sophomore Mohamed Sanu is the only proven player at the wideout position, where there is one senior and 12 underclassmen.
MARCH 23, 2010
Knights take two-of-three in return to outdoors BY TYLER DONOHUE STAFF WRITER
Senior captain Caitlin Baker earned a singles victory against fifth-ranked Division II foe Barry and was on her way to another against Nova Southeastern before an ankle injury forced her to withdraw.
WIN AT DENVER SNAPS SPRING BREAK LOSING STREAK Although a two-game los- with two goals apiece in i n g the loss. WOMEN’S LACROSSE str eak Circumstances did not destroyed the No. 20 Rutgers improve for the team three women’s lacrosse team’s per- days later when it traveled fect record over Spring to Baltimore, Md., to open Break, the squad found a Big East conference play at way to rebound in its third No. 17 Loyola. The 18-6 straight road game drubbing the with an 11-8 victory Knights received over Denver. marked the Senior attack team’s first loss Brooke Cantwell to a ranked oppocontributed a seanent this season son-high four goals after beating of the Scarlet Cornell and Knights’ 11 against Princeton in BROOKE the Pioneers. back-to-back CANTWELL The win in games earlier Denver gave the this season. Knights their sixth win of the The Greyhounds took the season, and was especially wel- lead early and never looked comed after a frustrating pair back, going into intermission of losses that broke a perfect with a 12-2 lead. record at the start of break. Sophomore attack The first of Rutgers’ road Lindsey Watts led the team games proved a heartbreaker, with two goals in the fiasco. as head coach Laura Brand Rutgers finishes its fourSias’ team fell to Hofstra 10-9 game road trip at the Carrier in double overtime. Dome in Syracuse to return Cantwell and juniors to conference play. Marlena Welsh and Kristen Anderson led the Knights — Bill Domke
Like many of their college peers, members of the Rutgers tennis team ventured south to Florida TENNIS o v e r RUTGERS 5 Spring reak. NOVA SE 2 B But the Scarlet Knights were not there simply to say hello to Mickey Mouse or catch some rays on the beach — there was business to tend to as RU took on three opponents during its stay in the Sunshine State. Rutgers wrapped up its Florida matches with a 5-2 win over Nova Southeastern. Dominating per formances in singles play fueled the Knights. Senior Katherine Arlak, junior Amy Zhang and sophomores Jen Holzberg and Leonora Slatnick each gave up less then two match points in the win. The Florida contests marked Rutgers’ first foray outside in 2010 and head coach Ben Bucca was pleased with how his team responded to the unfamiliar setting. “The most important thing for us was being able to get acclimated to playing outside and dealing with the wind, sun and all those factors,” he said. “We did well in those conditions and it will help us as the season moves on.” Senior Caitlin Baker was also on her way to an impressive victor y before an ankle sprain derailed her. The senior captain held a commanding 6-0, 3-0 advantage before succumbing to the injur y and retiring from the match. It was an unfortunate turn for Baker, who recently played the best tennis of her career, according to Bucca. Two days prior, RU took on Barr y, the fifth-ranked team in Division II tennis. Despite impressive singles wins from Slatnick and Baker, the
Knights were swept in doubles play and dropped the match 6-3. The Knights opened up the road trip in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday by defeating Towson 70. Rutgers outmatched the Tigers in ever y facet during the sweep as Zhang and freshman Michelle Green won in straight sets. Though the Knights spent the first two months of the season indoors, Holzberg said the team was largely unfazed by the change of scenery in its first match outside. “It was kind of hard playing outside at first, but once we got used to the different setting it became an easy transition,” she said. RU heads back home to New Jersey fresh off the 2-1 road swing and now stands with a record of 8-4 on the season. With the second half of the season looming and a Thursday match with Princeton on the horizon, the Knights are happy with where they are in their progression. “We showed consistency but we need to continue practicing well because there are a bunch of Big East matches coming up,” Arlak said. “It’s going to require a lot of concentration on playing hard.” The trip also aided team chemistry, when RU was able to participate collectively in activities beyond the matches. “It was a lot of fun,” Slatnick said. “We’re very competitive on the court but it was nice to be able to relax with teammates and enjoy the trip.” Her coach agreed and said the time spent together in Florida could have a big impact for RU. “This team has exceptional camaraderie, so this just enabled them to have an experience together that I suspect they will remember for a very long time,” Bucca said. “They competed hard and won two matches so I’d certainly say it was a ver y rewarding trip.”
PA G E 2 0
MARCH 23, 2010
Late-inning rally caps off successful Spring Break trip BY ALEX JANKOWSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Down six runs heading into the top of the eighth inning on Sunday, it appeared that the Rutgers baseball team would end its Spring Break on a sour note. But seven runs and two innings BASEBALL later, the Scarlet Knights RUTGERS 8 defeated Old Dominion 8-7 to the three game series OLD DOMINION 7 take and finish off a successful road trip with a 6-2 record. “Our hitters were fantastic. There was clutch hitting all over the place,” said freshman reliever Jerry Elsing, who was credited with the win in the comeback victory. “Once we came back it helped me regain my composure and helped me focus on getting the win.” Elsing (2-0) sat on the bench and watched as his Knights (8-10) overcame a 7-1 hole courtesy of a basesloaded double by junior D.J. Anderson in the eighth and a go-ahead home run from junior Michael Lang in the ninth for the 8-7 lead. In the bottom of the ninth, Elsing shut the door on the Monarchs (11-12) allowing only one base runner and forcing a game-ending fly-out with an ODU runner on third. “I knew that if I kept going after him that I would get the out,” Elsing said. “I had great encouragement from the upperclassmen on the team all weekend long. They deserve the credit.” The comeback highlights a road trip that saw the Knights breathe new life into a season that was slipping by the wayside after a 1-8 start. “We had a very good Spring Break and a lot of things came together,” said head coach Fred Hill Sr. “We played in a couple of hitter-friendly ballparks and our guys took advantage. I hope this carries over and we can continue our solid hitting.” Hill now sits at 988 career wins, 12 short of the 1,000-victory plateau. The break began in Florida with a three-game sweep over Florida International and a two-game split with Florida Atlantic. The Knights then traveled north to Virginia, where they took two of three from ODU, the second of which came via the huge comeback. “To score seven in the last two innings and come back from six down is something special,” said junior outfielder Pat Bistera. “Our confidence is definitely up right now and it’s coming at a great time with our Big
Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage will participate in his first set of spring practices with the Scarlet Knights starting today, after the Springfield, Pa., native was limited to watching from the sidelines during last year’s spring quarterback competition.
Savage only certainty entering spring practice BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR
A year ago, Tom Savage was an interested bystander. The now-sophomore quarterback watched spring FOOTBALL practices while Dom Natale, Jabu Lovelace, D.C. Jefferson and Steve Shimko competed for the Rutgers football team’s starting quarterback spot — each in some capacity. When the spring practice season kicks off today, Savage is the guy for the Scarlet Knights: The undisputed starting quarterback named a leader on a young team by head coach Greg Schiano. “We haven’t been that young in a while, but I am excited,” Schiano said.
“I am not afraid of that. I think that is encouraging. We have a lot of young kids that have played, whether they started or played considerable roles, and now it is time to develop.” For Savage, development will come in understanding generic defenses, rather than learning team-specific ones on the fly as he did during the season. Entering the 15-practice slate concluding with the Scarlet-White game, Savage is not a concern — who will protect him and to whom he will give the ball is. The of fensive line depar ts three starters in Ryan Blaszczyk, Anthony Davis and Kevin Haslam and a fourth star ter, junior Desmond Wynn, will miss the spring after undergoing shoulder surger y.
The only certainty, according to Schiano, is that senior Howard Barbieri will play center. “We are going to tr y and put [Barbieri] in the middle of that thing and work out,” Schiano said. “We lost three guys that have played a lot of football here, but I am really excited about this group of offensive linemen. This will be a challenge, no doubt about it. Some guys haven’t played a lot, but I think there will be guys that will step up” Junior Art Forst returns, but could see a change from his usual guard position in a move to right tackle. Among the other expected starters are juniors Desmond Stapleton and Caleb Ruch.
Loss at West Point snaps three-game win streak BY KYLE FRANKO CORRESPONDENT
Junior attack Kory Kelly increased his team-high goal total to 15 over Spring Break, highlighted by a six-goal performance as the Knights outlasted Marist 10-9 at the RU Turf Field.
As Spring Break came to an end, so did the Rutgers men’s lacrosse team’s three-game winning streak. The Scarlet MEN’S LACROSSE K n i g h t s RUTGERS 8 dropped an 118 decision to ARMY 11 Army Saturday afternoon at Michie Stadium. Rutgers scored first, but the Black Knights took control of the game with a 5-0 run. The Knights (4-2) never brought the deficit down to fewer than three for the remainder of the game. Army (2-4) managed just 18 shots but scored on 11 of them and Rutgers’ freshman goalkeeper Rudy Butler made four saves. Junior Kor y Kelly scored twice to give him a team-high 15 goals on the year. Senior Justin Pennington got on the board with the game’s final goal to tally a goal in 13 of the team’s last 14 games.
Prior to the defeat at Army, Rutgers grinded out a pair of victories against Marist and Penn State at the RU Turf Field. Kelly paved the way in a thrilling 10-9 victor y over Marist with a sixgoal barrage. “All week at practice we were able to work on new plays that got me up on the perimeter instead of behind [the net],” Kelly said. “I was able to get my hands free and I always hope for a game like that.” Despite Kelly’s effort, the Knights found themselves in a frantic finish. Two late Red Foxes’ goals cut a threegoal lead to one with 20 seconds to play. Marist won the ensuing face-off, but Pennington stripped the ball away and ran out the clock. “Again, I think we showed some character and guys stepped up down the stretch,” said head coach Jim Stagnitta. “It wasn’t our cleanest and best effort. I was ner vous about this one because [Marist] is a ver y good