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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016
President Obama confirmed as U. commencement speaker AVALON ZOPPO MANAGING EDITOR
President Barack Obama will be addressing graduating seniors at this year’s 250th anniversary commencement in May, according to a White House press release. “This is the first time in Rutgers University’s history that a sitting president has agreed to speak at commencement,” said Rutgers President Robert L. Barchi. Barchi said Obama’s decision is a “testament to the enthusiastic efforts of Rutgers students, faculty, staff and alumni.” He also said the decision was a proof of the efforts of members of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation, who in 2013, began sending messages to the White House urging him to speak at the University. “Rutgers prides itself on its commitment to diversity and has been recognized as one of the most diverse universities in the nation,” SEE SPEAKER ON PAGE 4
The United States President Barack Obama confirmed on Thursday morning that he would be the Class of 2016 commencement speaker, which will take place at High Point Solutions Stadium on May 15. EDWIN GANO / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER / NOVEMBER 2015
Students decry sexual violence during march NIKITA BIRYUKOV ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Speaking to a crowd of onlookers bearing signs decrying sexual violence, Cassandra Grod recounted her rape. “It started off innocent,” the Rutgers School of Social Work junior said. “(We were) walking around waiting for the movie to start. He told that he had to charge his phone in his car, and before I knew it, I was pinned down in the back of his seat while he was tearing at my clothes trying to get them off.” Grod was one of roughly 200 students that gathered Wednesday night for “Take Back the Night,” a march and “speak out” dedicated to eradicating sexual and gendered violence, held to support victims, draw attention to and prevent future violence. “My assailant eventually let me go, but apparently, he followed me home and proceeded to stalk me as well, going through three phones just to try to get a hold of me,” she said. “He followed me into my nightmares and into flashbacks, and I had no idea that this would be the start of one of the most difficult journeys I would ever endeavor.” It was a journey that she undertook mostly on her own, she said. Even those she told of her rape offered little assistance. She said this made her feel even more alone,
which was made all the worse by those who blamed her for the rape. “I did what you were supposed to do. It was a well lit area — he tried to rape me in the middle of a public parking lot. There were people walking around. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them saw,” she said. “It felt like I was in a glass box screaming, but no one was listening.” Only when she reached out to counsellors at the Office of Victim Assistance and Violence Prevention (VPVA) did her situation start to improve. VPVA, a campus organization that provides confidential counselling to help victims deal with the aftermath of violence, has held Take Back the Night for three years. The third annual march, organized primarily by Women Organizing Against Harassment, garnered more widespread support than its predecessors — over 25 student organizations co-sponsored this year’s event. Even the University’s administration put its weight behind the march. “Tonight is just one step, but we have to continue this work, we have to continue it publicly, on campus, off campus and throughout the community to truly make a difference,” said Felicia McGinty, vice chancellor for Student Affairs. “By being here tonight, each SEE MARCH ON PAGE 4
Millennials discuss origin of modern language terms SAMANTHA KARAS CORRESPONDENT
really think about the potential consequences of every bill they pass in their committees,” he said. “In today’s government, we have kind of fallen into a system where Congress tends to pass laws with only passing thought (as) to how they could violate constitutional rights.” Though some of the links are easier to see than others, all of the topics at the conference can be traced back to constitutional rights in some way, the School of Arts and Sciences senior said. “For example, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary will be talking about gun rights, which
“Bae,” “on fleek” and “Netflix and chill” are all modern phrases with one common source. All three words are a par t of ever yday slang used by millennials, ser ving the purpose of language commonality for younger people and a way of confusing older generations about the topic of conversation. Slang has always been a part of the human language, said Kristen Syrett, assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics and Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, and it serves a couple of purposes. “One (purpose) is that it helps to establish our identity as a particular generation, and as a particular cultural group,” Syrett said. “And that happens whether or not we consciously decide to perform that function.” Millennial slang is an extension of that function and it serves as a way for a group of individuals at a particular point in time — at a particular point in the evolution of language — to find a way to express themselves that defines who they are as distinct from other groups, she said.
The Rutgers University Model Congress will introduce high school students to parliamentary procedure during the annual conference. CHLOE COFFMAN / ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR
Rutgers Model Congress prepares for conference SAMANTHA KARAS CORRESPONDENT
Every year, high school students from the tri-state area and around the country gather for a four-day simulation of Congress, where they learn what it is like to be a part of the most powerful governmental body in the United States. The Rutgers Model Congress has a different theme every year. This year’s theme is “Protecting Constitutional Rights,” – a really important topic for everybody in the country, said executive director Michael Fine. “Essentially, we’re trying to have the students at the conference