The Daily Targum 2010-09-09

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Volume 142, Number 6







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Today: Mostly sunny


High: 74 • Low: 54

Networks continue to add show after show to viewers' nightly programming. Tune into Inside Beat for guides on what shows to watch, DVR or just plain skip.

Soldier travels nation to inspire veteran students PERSON OF THE WEEK BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

It was just a routine day in late October for Spc. Bryan Adams. “I was on a regular mission that day. The mission was called an OP, which are obser vation posts,” said Adams, a Rutgers-Camden junior. “We were basically supposed to go out to abandoned buildings and over watch an area of town that had a lot of violence.” Adams and his reconnaissance team reported their findings and were ordered BRYAN to return to base. But there was no transADAMS portation available to pick his team up. “We developed our plan to walk back to our base, which was probably about a mile. We started moving back through the city, and we were cutting through people’s backyards,” Adams said. “We got to a point where we couldn’t cross any further and we had to get onto the street.” As Adams and his team moved into the street, Iraqi citizens began to disperse. “When people started clearing out, I had this gut feeling that something was about to happen,” he said. “I took probably about five more steps and I just heard a loud pop.” The loud pop Adams heard was gunfire and in an instant, he physically knew something was wrong. “It felt like somebody tried to kick my leg out from underneath me and that’s when I put two and two together,” he said. “I realized that we were getting shot at and I had been hit.” Adams was shot in the leg but didn’t fall down. He and his team started running in search of shelter from the spray of bullets. “They opened up on us and the whole time I was running, there were bullets flying past my feet. They waited until we were behind a 6-foot concrete wall so we couldn’t go any further,” he said. “When the bullets hit the wall, I could feel the concrete going into my mouth.”




First-year students Sean Ryan and Thomas Chen participate in a first-year seminar, “Control of Gene Expression in Yeast,” yesterday on Busch campus. The University this year is offering 75 Byrne Seminars.

Seminars reach out to inspire 2014 class BY COLLEEN ROACHE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

New students may find the first days on campus a bit daunting, but two programs — Byrne Family First-Year Seminars and First-Year Interest Groups — are just a few ways the University aims to make the transition a little easier. There is a record 75 Byrne Seminars being offered this year to first-year students, Byrne Seminar program director Kathy Hull said. “The Byrne Seminars offer, for people who are new to Rutgers, an opportunity to know a senior professor in a small class setting, and what I’ve found is that first-year students don’t realize what a precious opportunity that is,”

New NJ Transit cars provide peace and quiet for passengers.


PENDULUM Students share their opinions about the new LXc bus route.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 6 PENDULUM . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 RAMON DOMPOR / ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR


The New Brunswick Police Department is launching “Cops in Crosswalks,” a program that will put undercover cops on the streets to catch unsafe drivers violating pedestrian safety laws.




professor or even their classmates, Hull said. “A professor shares with the students his or her scholarly passion — the thing that they really love to think, write and teach about,” she said. Many students who do not get involved in such seminars may never find out who to reach out to or which resources to seek when the time to do research arises, Hull said. “A lot of times people don’t find those things out for a long time or maybe not at all,” she said. Andrew Vershon, a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry and director of the


New Brunswick becomes model for Atlantic City



SPORTS . . . . . . BACK

Hull said. “If you talk to juniors and seniors, they’ll say ‘How lucky is that?’” FIGS, on the other hand, allow upperclassmen the opportunity to run a small seminar on a specific topic for first-year students. Vice President for Undergraduate Education Barry V. Qualls said the goal is to get at least 50 percent of first-years involved in the programs. “It’s a great way for students to find an adviser among the faculty before they get anywhere near their majors, and I think that’s a great thing,” Qualls said. “I’m really grateful to the faculty. We’ve had a remarkable faculty interest.” Students in larger classes often do not get the chance to get to know the





After finding the state in another economic slump, Atlantic City officials, Gov. Chris Christie and the state legislature are seeking solutions to help spur the economy and redevelop the struggling city — and a large portion of their inspiration is coming from New Brunswick. The Christie administration took notice of New Brunswick’s redevelopment programs and referenced the city as an example of how urban revitalization and redevelopment can be successful. “Atlantic City is a critical part of New Jersey’s economy as a whole,” said Kevin Roberts, the governor’s deputy press secretary. “As a result, what we’ve seen over the last few years — the last decade even — is a decline in Atlantic City in its business, its gaming revenues and its tourism.” New Brunswick since the 1970s has built affordable, market-rate and




luxury housing and space for dormitories, offices, government buildings, research facilities and health care facilities, said New Brunswick city spokesman Bill Bray. “New Brunswick is a modern urban center and is one of the most successful examples of urban revitalizations in the nation and certainly the leader here in New Jersey,” Bray said. “In ever y neighborhood of this city, one [can] find successful redevelopment.” Two of Bray’s examples of successful redevelopment projects were the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and New Brunswick High School, which finished eight months ahead of schedule and $5 million under budget. Both projects were impetus for what the state called its “demonstration projects,” a new model for school construction.







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142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS EDITOR STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS EDITOR JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN EDITOR STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT EDITOR ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS EDITOR NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY EDITOR ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE EDITOR AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA EDITOR RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT EDITOR COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Rafael Cabrera, Anthony Hernandez, Matthew Kosinski CORRESPONDENTS — Bill Domke, Sam Hellman, Rinal Shah SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT J OSHUA C OHEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B USINESS M ANAGER P ATRICK M C G UINNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ARKETING D IRECTOR L IZ K ATZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O PERATIONS M ANAGER S IMONE K RAMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTROLLER P AMELA S TEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A SSISTANT M ARKETING D IRECTOR A MANDA C RAWFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . C LASSIFIEDS M ANAGER TAMMER IBRAHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ASSISTANT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES — Brett Cotler, Steve Jacobus, Allison Montellione, Steve Rizzo EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS — Jennifer Calnek

PRODUCTIONS M ICHAEL P OLNASEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P RODUCTIONS D IRECTOR E D H ANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C REATIVE S ERVICES M ANAGER GARRET BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIGHT PRODUCTIONS MANAGER PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney




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RU-tv unshelves historical University film footage BY CANON CARSON CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Large structures with brick or stone facades come to mind when University students hear names like Frelinghuysen or Voorhees. Members of RU-tv put a face behind the name of Demarest Hall on the College Avenue campus when they restored a 63year-old film interview with the residence hall’s namesake, former University President William Demarest. “Demarest Reminds Us” is just one of a series of restored video footage that focuses on historical University archives, said Brenton Smith, assistant director of Broadcast Operations for RU-tv.

Prior to this project, RU-tv restored a 1961 inter view with the 16th president of the University, Mason W. Gross. The specials feature the historic films in a modern context, Smith said. “We hear names like Demarest and McCormick all the time. By watching this film, Rutgers students can gain a better understanding of the fact that Demarest and McCormick are more than residence halls — they were real human beings,” Smith said. Demarest graduated from the University in 1883 and from 1906 to 1924 he served as University president. He was the first graduate of the University to become president.

STUDY SHOWS MONEY SKILLS HELP ERASE FINANCIAL SCARS Two instructors at the School of Social Work conducted a study that showed victims of economic abuse can better address their financial needs after taking a course on money management, according to a University Media Relations press release. Women who seek help for the abuse they experience might not consider the control of their finances by their abusers as abuse at all, a key assumption for the study, said Judy Postmus, assistant professor and director of the Center on Violence Against Women and Children, in the release. Postmus and Sara Plummer, an instructor in the School of Social Work, studied the impact of a curriculum designed by The Allstate Foundation’s Economics Against Abuse Program called “Moving Forward Through Money Management.” Plummer and Postmus surveyed 121 domestic abuse victims in 2008 and 2009 for the first round of the survey, 101 for the second and 93 for the third, at 15 sites in 10 states. They asked the victims about their abuse history, extent of their economic literacy and their state of economic self-sufficiency, according to the release. More than 90 percent of the participants were satisfied or very satisfied with the curriculum, and 88 percent of the participants set financial goals for themselves using what they learned, according to the release. Postmus and Plummer will begin a new study with another grant from The Allstate Foundation to show the impact of the financial literacy program on the lives of abuse victims and the extent to which survivors experience economic abuse. — Jovelle Abbey Tamayo

In the video, University histor y Professor Richard P. McCormick — father of current University President Richard L. McCormick — conducts a personal inter view with Demarest while visiting various familiar landmarks and buildings. The film of fers a brief histor y lesson on the University. Demarest served at a time when so many elements of the University today were first established, Smith said. He asked Mabel Smith Douglass to take the dean position of a school that now bears her name. “I think this ser ves to create a connection with the traditions of the University and lets people

realize that they are a part of something much bigger than they may have imagined,” Smith said. Senior Director of Campus Information Ser vices Matthew Weismantal, the motivating force behind the project, came across the film 24 years ago while working with the Rutgers College Program Council to help re-establish the Rutgers Winter Weekend at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. “We brought some films from the University Archives to present RU history, and this was the starring attraction,” Weismantal said. “After becoming involved with RU-tv, I thought this would be an excellent film to consider

for presentation under the Rutgers Retrospective series.” The task of film restoration is not an easy one considering film is highly sensitive, and it is increasingly harder over time to find the equipment necessary to play older films, Smith said. “There is always a danger with old documents that they will deteriorate and be lost to future generations,” he said. As part of the restoration, RUtv was able to add an interview with University Archivist Tom Frusciano about the new version of the vintage film. “There are many historical films in the University Archives, and we hope to do more digitizing for future use,” Frusciano said.



School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Wilfredo Benitez mans the “My Good Deeds Table” yesterday at the Busch Campus Center. Sponsored by the Student Volunteer Council, the table encouraged students to pledge commitment to service and good deeds in remembrance of 9/11.



SEMINARS: FIGS offer students chance to research continued from front graduate program in microbiology and molecular genetics, is teaching a Byrne Seminar entitled “Control of Gene Expression in Yeast,” for the fourth time this semester. “I’ve long believed in this whole process,” he said. “My goal is to get students involved in research, which is basically the idea behind Byrne — to get students interacting with professors early in their careers here at Rutgers.” At a large school like the University, Byrne Seminars familiarize students with their professors and what they do outside the classroom, such as research, Vershon said. During the first class meeting yesterday, students were already working with equipment in the laboratory. Students will build on yesterday’s lesson throughout the course, Vershon said. Vershon hopes students will gain an understanding of how important it is to conduct research in the lab in order to make discoveries. Though he does not expect them to come away with every skill they will need, Vershon wants to open students’ eyes to what is possible. “Too often students think science is memorizing a whole bunch of facts, and that’s really boring,” he said. The professor encourages students to get involved in the Byrne Seminars. “It is one credit, but it will expose you to things early in your career that many students will never get,” he said. “Take advantage of the opportunities. You go to a small liberal arts college, and you don’t have the breadth and the research.” School of Engineering student Mike Pellegrini, who plans to major in biomedical engineering, has been interested in genes and DNA since his first year in high school. He looks forward to making a connection with Vershon and learning the basics of doing research. He encourages his peers to also participate. “It’s one credit, and it’s pass/fail,” he said. “If you don’t do too well, it’s not going to hurt you, but if you do well, you get a credit.” FIGS also give students a great opportunity to learn about the University but from those who are closer in age, Qualls said.

“They learn about various possibilities for majors from upperlevel students teaching the FIGS, and I think that’s a wonderful thing,” he said. “You get to hear from your peers.” Rutgers Business School senior Anthony Rossi teaches a FIG entitled “Exploring Business.” “I think it’s something that freshmen should definitely get involved with and upperclassmen should give back,” he said. “Mentoring is really important, and it’s just going to make our school better.” Rossi said he wants to give students an idea of what the business school is like and what requirements they will need to fulfill to apply. He also emphasized the importance of networking. “It’s basically one of the most important things for landing a job in business,” Rossi said. “If you have relationships with professors or friends that work with and have ties to some of the biggest corporations in the world, then it’s an easy in for you.” He also sees his FIG as a way of honing in on his own public speaking skills and hopes he too will be able to learn from it. “When I get into the business environment, I’m going to have to deliver at meetings and presentations, so I wanted to get in front of a group of 25 kids and practice,” he said. Above all, he wants first-year students to enjoy their time at the University and ease the transition to college and possibly the business school. “I remember when I was a freshman I didn’t take this class,” he said. “I kind of regret it.” School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Greg Dodge said he would use the course to gauge his interest in business. “I’m interested in the business school, and I figured this will give me information,” he said. “Hopefully I can decide if I want to do business or not.” School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student Nidhi Thaker is taking both a FIG on health and medicine and Vershon’s Byrne Seminar, which was her first choice. She hopes to pursue a major that involves genetic research and said there are benefits to both courses. “The FIGs are taught by [student] instructors. That gives you [an idea of] what Rutgers is about,” she said. “Here you interact with the faculty. If you can, just take both together.”




Rutgers-Camden junior Bryan Adams, above in Iraq, spends much of his time advocating for the rights of student veterans and sharing his experiences around the country.

SOLDIER: Adams helps other veterans cope with war continued from front His team applied a tourniquet to his leg and hand to stop the bleeding. Adams could only describe the experience as terrifying. But as is the case with many veterans, the str uggle for Adams was just beginning. Adams, who toured Iraq from February 2004 to 2005, entered the University in 2008 and realized his experiences in Iraq made it difficult to assimilate in an academic community. “It’s hard to relate to someone who hasn’t been there when you have gone through an experience like that. It’s one that is so intense and overwhelming,” he said. “It’s a hard adjustment.” This is where Adams’ close friend, William Brown, comes into play. “I think one of the things that attracted us was the fact that we were both college students … and were both combat veterans,” said Brown, a Rutgers-Camden law student. “We were both kind of going through different stages of the transition period.” Since returning from the Iraq war, both Adams and Brown involved themselves in trying to help returning combat veterans deal with both mental and physical issues by telling their stories. “Bryan is an intellectual who is compassionate about his experiences in Iraq, as well as his experiences at Rutgers,” Brown said. “He uses his love of learning and his compassion to make a positive difference for veteran advocacy.” Adams is part of many veterans advocacy groups, in which he tours around the nation speaking to other veterans about his experience, Brown said. “He’s made trips out as far as San Francisco for meetings or Washington, D.C., where he meets with other college veteran leaders,” he said. “He’s also involved with [Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America] … which is the largest

nonprofit advocacy group for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.” Adams said he speaks for many other veteran advocacy groups, working as the New Jersey representative for the Student Veterans of America and is part of a veteran advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., called The Heard. “I travel the countr y and share my story with people and try to eliminate mental health stigmas that surround returning veterans while trying to educate them,” he said. Adams said by telling his story to veterans across the nation, it not only helps other veterans deal with the stresses of war but himself as well.

“It is amazing that this kid so shy growing up brought people to tears.” JANET ADAMS Mother

The efforts of Adams to help veterans have not gone unnoticed, being part of a groundbreaking public service announcement sponsored by the IAVA, he said. “I also won the Pat Tillman Scholarship a few months ago,” he said. “There are only 60 [given out] in the nation.” Adams’ effort to help other veterans deal with returning from war can be said to be part of his nature. After not being able to walk for two months during his rehabilitation, he decided to return into battle because his fellow soldiers needed support. “Two of our guys were already hurt from previous missions so our squad was really stressing out so I had to go back out there and help them out,” he said. Adams’ mother, Janet Adams, said her son has a passion for helping others and will go out of his way to do so. But she said it was not easy at first. “He was very bad when he first came back,” she said. “He just had a lot of issues from [post-

traumatic stress disorder] after he was shot.” She said Adams became angry due to people asking about his experience in Iraq but learned to channel his anger by speaking to other veterans. Janet Adams recalled hearing about her son speaking to people about his experiences, which made the audience emotional. “It is amazing that this kid so shy growing up brought people to tears,” she said. “I think he will be a household name in a couple years.” Director of Veterans Services Col. Stephen Abel said Adams’ story is like many combat veterans returning from war. “They served their country and now they are here at Rutgers and they are not going to be wallflowers. They are going to be actively engaged in the community and the University,” he said. “[Adams] has a particular agenda, [which] is to make sure that veterans receive educations … and I think that is a very worthy goal.” Abel emphasized Adams’ efforts by saying that both the University and New Jersey’s veterans are underrepresented. “The state of New Jersey ranks 35th on the list of states where veterans choose to receive a higher education,” he said. “So clearly one of Bryan’s goals is to increase the number of veterans here at Rutgers University.” Although Abel said his office has only been open for two weeks, they have clear-cut goals to make the University a hospitable environment for returning combat veterans. One of their goals is to create a first-year seminar for veterans at the University, which is similar to the seminar offered to incoming first-year students, he said. “The reading that I’ve done, put out by the American Council on Education, indicates that veterans who go through a seminar together with other veterans and were able to share their experiences and anxieties tend to perform better,” he said. “We are talking about creating a learning living community for veterans at Rutgers.”


MODEL: NJSEA loses about $30 million per year




continued from front The governor’s of fice released a report on July 21 titled “Report of the Governor’s Advisory Commission On New Jersey Gaming, Spor ts and Entertainment,” which ser ved as an outlined course of action for the economic recovery in the state. The Governor’s Advisor y Commission Chairman Jon F. Hanson and six other members of the panel evaluated the issues for most of the past year impacting the enter tainment, horse racing, spor ting and gaming venues. Aside from outlining the plan of recover y, the report also included some key principles of focus as dictated by Christie. According to the report, the Advisory Commission intends to consider the state’s long-term economic interests and make sure the state’s resources will benefit N.J. citizens. “Financial losses of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority must not be allowed to continue,” according to the report. The report made comments on the economic environment in New Jersey explaining that the state’s economy is in one of the worst recessions in recent histor y, beginning 2010 in a state of monetar y crisis. It also repor ted that the NJSEA, which controls gambling in Atlantic City, loses about $30 million a year. But despite all the problems plaguing Atlantic City, the administration maintains the notion that it is salvageable, Roberts said. “We’re not looking to take over Atlantic City,” Rober ts said. “We’re looking to set up a sort of gaming and entertainment district that would ser ve as part of a private and public par tnership to revitalize Atlantic City.” Glenn Patterson, director of the New Brunswick Depar tment of Planning, Community and Economic Development, said this is why all eyes are now on New Brunswick, and he is not surprised by the sudden attention. “I think New Brunswick is seen as one of the leading examples of urban revitalization in New Jersey,” Patterson said. “We’ve had a pretty successful track record in tr ying to do that here over the last 30 years or so.” Bray shared similar sentiments to Roberts and Patterson and said the key to New Brunswick’s success can be found over the last few decades in the public and private relationships that have developed. The city has partnered with several grassroots organizations, health care institutions, nonprofit groups, faith-based organizations, the county government and other outlets in order to help determine what is best for the economic and social prosperity of the city, Bray said. “It is because these groups can come together and share a vision and goal for New Brunswick that we can all pull in the same direction and move the city forward,” Bray said. “The secret to New Brunswick’s success is that everyone is rowing in the same direction.”

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Undercover officers strive to increase crosswalk safety BY PAIGE TATULLI CONTRIBUTING WRITER


The New Brunswick Police Department will work to make streets safe by posing as pedestrians while monitoring driver attentiveness.

Some drivers might ignore pedestrian safety laws, but some day they might just run into the wrong pedestrian. The New Brunswick Police Department is implementing “Cops in Crosswalks,” a safety decoy program that involves police officers going undercover as ordinary pedestrians crossing the street, city spokesman Bill Bray said. Any driver who fails to come to a stop for the undercover officer will receive a ticket from a uniformed of ficer near the intersection, he said. Violators can face up to a $200 fine and two points on their driving record, according to a NBPD press release. The “Cops in Crosswalks” program will increase pedestrian safety, NBPD Lt. J.T. Miller said. Many officers support the program, which currently has no launch date, and would like to be involved, he said. The $8,000 program is financed through federal funds, according to The Star-Ledger. But that is not the only way the city plans to improve pedestrian safety. The city has also installed “solar power feedback” signs,

which inform drivers of their speeds as they pass a marked zone, Bray said. Making drivers aware of whether they are exceeding the posted limit will hopefully keep them from breaking the law, he said. Crosswalks throughout the New Brunswick area were also redrawn to make both drivers and pedestrians more aware of their existence, Bray said. Better-marked crosswalks in school zones make streets safer for students. Major changes must also take place at the New Brunswick train station, which students and businesspeople alike use daily, he said. “The problem at the New Brunswick station is that pedestrians are haphazardly crossing the street,” Bray said. Sometimes people get dropped of f in a busy street by the train station, creating a risk for them when getting out of the car to cross the street, he said. The city will designate a pick-up/drop-off area to solve the problem, Bray said. The pick-up/drop-of f area will be located where the bike racks at the train station — now in a new place — once were.

The changes the city makes are important, but making sure people follow the rules is crucial as well, he said. Mike Clark, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said the undercover cop operation, as well as the other measures being taken, are necessary to keep people safe. “I don’t see any problem with police of ficers going undercover to stop vehicles that could potentially hit another person,” Clark said. The implementation of an operation like this would make crossing the street a lot safer for people, especially in school zones, he said. Erin O’Brien, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, experienced nearly being hit because drivers did not stop for her in the crosswalk. “I couldn’t even tell you how many times I’ve gone to cross the street and have had to jump backwards because a car comes speeding down the street,” O’Brien said. She hopes the changes in the city will serve as a wake-up call to drivers who repeatedly ignore the right of way law. “Hopefully all these changes will make a difference in the way drivers respond to pedestrians,” O’Brien said.




What do you think of the new LXc route? AQUAUS KELLEY


SAS SENIOR “I don’t really suffer from it. I have a vehicle. I park my car on Livingston so for me to say yes or no wouldn’t really make a difference to people who do suffer from it. But I’m not really a greedy person and I do know some people who do suffer from it.”

“It is too bad, especially for the community living in Cedar Lane. Everyone is facing this problem, especially the EE and the LXc are jam-packed, so it is very difficult for us.”

HARÁ UDDIN SAS SENIOR “I think the introduction of the LXc wasn’t really needed. I feel like the L bus really did a good job with taking everybody around all the stops that were needed on Livingston.”



SAS SOPHOMORE “I know people who live in Highland Park and how it affects them, but to me it really doesn’t matter. But if I ended up there I would be really pissed off.”

Source: University Department of Transportation Services


The number of stops on the new LXc route

The number of stops of the old L bus route

The number of on-campus bus routes during classes






SAMUEL AMES SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SENIOR “I don’t think it’s really a great thing because they have some places it doesn’t go to that the L bus used to go to. So instead I think they should have had the L bus run every 30 minutes.”

LOUIS BURGES SAS FIRST-YEAR STUDENT “I don’t really know what the L bus is because I’m a freshman.”


It’s smart. — 10% It doesn’t affect me. — 17%

It’s an inconvenience to students 68% who live in Highland Park. It’s inconvenient for students who live in Highland Park. — 68%

It doesn’t affect me.


It’s smart; the L bus wasn’t frequently used.


I sometimes used the L bus, but I can do without it.


I can do without the L bus. — 5%


How do you feel about undercover officers patrolling crosswalks to catch unsafe drivers? Cast your votes online and view the video Pendulum at



PA G E 8



Teachers unable to administrate


n Newark last Thursday, Brick Avon Academy held its first day of class. Founded by six former Teach for America recruits, the academy operates on a revolutionary philosophy. Rather than being run by a typical administration, it is run completely by teachers. The principal and both vice principals teach classes and all decisions regarding administrative affairs, such as staffing, budgets and school policies, are to be made by a panel of teachers elected by their co-workers. In theory, this is a great idea. Teachers are the workhorses of any school. They spend the most time with students, so they are generally more equipped than administrators to understand the issues students face. Also, teachers understand how the classroom works, which methods lead to success and which lead to failure. Without the hindrances that come from dealing with administrators who don’t quite comprehend classroom dynamics, teachers would be able to run their classes more efficiently and with better results. If it all seems positively utopian, that’s because it is. And, like all other utopian ideals, the idea of teachers running a school looks incredible on paper, but, in practice, some major roadblocks appear. Teaching and administrating are two very different fields. Do teachers really have the skills or knowledge needed to handle administrative affairs successfully? They may know what it’s like to work with students, but do they know what it’s like to create a budget? Or how to deal with disciplining co-workers? One wouldn’t pull an administrative assistant out from behind the desk, throw him in front of a class with no preparation and expect him to succeed. The same goes for the reverse. There’s also an issue of time: If teachers have to shoulder the added weight of administration, they may not be able to dedicate as much time to their students as they should. In such a case, the students would end up suffering, no matter how efficient the school’s curriculum is. Dominique D. Lee, one of the founding teachers at Brick Avon Academy, says of he and his founding partners: “It’s six passionate people who came together and said, ‘Enough is enough.’ We’re just tired of seeing failure.” Lee’s intentions are admirable, but he and the other teachers at the school may not be able to hold onto their passion in the face of administrative issues. The passion will be dimmed by the frustrations the teachers will inevitably face when they start delving into a world of budgeting, evaluations and school policy.

Quiet down, respect fellow passengers


he New Jersey Transit trains are rarely quiet. Businessmen going into New York City trading stocks loudly on their phones or obnoxious college students excitedly beginning their internships seem to always interrupt the silence, which the rest of us so often need. Chat-free coaches made their debut on Tuesday with whirring air-conditioners providing the only soundtrack. And while we agree with these upgrades, we also think that travelers should be courteous and respectful in every car regardless of its status. It should be common sense that keeps us from complaining to our friends on the phone while a complete stranger sits next to us in awkward silence. Yet, in reality, it turns out we do need these quiet vehicles. NJ Transit’s plans include two cars — one at the back and one at the front — on each of the 29 express trains between Trenton and Manhattan. It is absurd that we must designate these train cars as quiet, officials were right to implement this rule. It could only help get through the day in a less stressed-out fashion. Even before this new system though, ornery commuters enforced a de facto quiet car in the early hours of the day whenever “anyone … got on a cellphone,” said John Place, 48, a regular early commuter to Wall Street. In a New York Times article, James Weinstein, of NJ Transit, compared this new quiet rule to an earlier era when cigarettes were first banned. “There was some grousing, some concerns,” he said. “But eventually people abided by it, and respected it, and learned how to adjust to it. And I would suggest to you, as a former smoker, that keeping quiet is somewhat easier than not smoking.” Eventually then, commuters will have to make do with these changes although they are not the first of their kind. Philadelphia’s commuter trains and Amtrak are two of the successful examples of the “quiet car.” Of course, commuters will have to get there first to reserve a seat in the revered quiet car, but then again, trains have always been packed during rush hour and most of us are used to squeezing onto public transport. There should be common courtesy among regular travelers at least, yet that is not always the case. There should be the quiet car, but in an ideal world, we shouldn’t have to use it.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “When the bullets hit the wall, I could feel the concrete going into my mouth.” Bryan Adams, a Rutgers-Camden student and Iraq veteran, on being ambushed during the war STORY ON FRONT


Bullfighting culturally significant


Ernest Hemingway t’s hard to miss the called the bullfight a billboard-sized bull “tragedy,” and he was probsilhouettes that ably on to something. The appear along the roads of emotional responses a the Spanish countr yside. fight can provoke are yet These metal cutouts began another side of its artfulas an ad campaign for Andalusian sherr y, but the JOE HERNANDEZ ness. The first-time spectator will face an enthusiastic big bovine has slowly crowd, cheering for and wincing at the systematbecome the unofficial symbol of Spain, tapping ic killing of the animal. They are not simply bloodinto romanticized conceptions of the countr y as thirsty bystanders. At my first fight, I also feared some exotic Eden. Spain has a reputation as an the unpredictable outcome. It’s that uncertain old world haven of culture and passion, but that feeling that defines this microcosm of nature: doesn’t always jibe with what we think of as a Who will prevail, man or beast? A masculine modernized society. Now, the countr y rests in impulse for control is what drives the bullfighter, the tenuous position of having to justify bullfightbut the connection that lies in the empty space ing — a national pastime — to a disapproving between the gazes of the matador and the bull, world while defending itself as a for ward-thinkstanding face-to-face, is what creates the tragic ing nation. We say tsk tsk, and Spain is back at feeling of a good fight. This may sound romantic, square one. but writing about the brushstrokes inside the Legislators in Catalonia — a northeastern Sistine Chapel can’t begin to express the experiautonomous community of Spain — voted in July ence of actually standing under its roof. to end bullfighting in the region. Even after long Spain is no less safe for bullfightdebates, it’s unclear whether the ing. In fact the country enjoys a move was more about animal “Ernest Hemingway remarkably low murder rate. Violent rights or Catalonia’s separatist crimes touch off particularly emoambitions. In any case, the ruling called the bullfight tional responses in the Spanish signals that Spain is bowing under owing to the relative security they the pressure of the international a ‘tragedy,’ and live in. The story of a missing teen, community to wipe out the historic he was probably for example, will top news programs practice entirely. To go down withfor months, as such crimes are rare out a fight would be ironic. on to something. ” and taken awfully seriously. As a A vast number of the Spanish result, it’s baseless and wrong to say people still support bullfighting, if that the Spanish don’t care about the lives of the not for its tourism revenue, for its cultural imporbulls. The reverence they feel for bullfighting is little tance to them. Contemporar y Spanish bullfights more than a profound respect for death. Bullfighting are highly ritualistic and showy, including is one way they expose themselves to the reality of brightly vested matadors and a full brass band, death and come to accept it. Since the bulls are but they have not deviated greatly from their raised to fight, they are reared with a degree of care more humble, centuries-old precursors. The not afforded to countless other animals who are fight itself moves through three stages, where raised for specific human purposes across the globe. the bull is progressively weakened by stabbing The bulls are fed regularly and allowed to roam the and eventually killed with a single blow. If the ranch. In short, they are treated well. bull performs exceptionally well he leaves the No doubt some readers will protest that bullring alive and never fights again. But the event is fighting is a primitive custom, at best. If the bull sufmore than senseless tauricide, or killing of the fers unnecessarily, it’s inhumane. But to stop there bull. The corrida de toros (the running of the is to deny bullfighting even the chance of legitimabulls) is a uniquely Spanish art of action and cy. To stop there is to invite ignorance and impulsive poise, which, when done well, carries just the generalizations. Thousands of people support the right amount of beauty and danger. As the mataart of bullfighting and don’t think it’s cruel. It’s dor makes a pass, onlookers watch for the proxworth finding out why. imity of horn to vest, the true measure of his skill. It is a ver y real and physical display of man Joe Hernandez is a School of Arts and Sciences versus beast, nature in an idealized form. In a senior majoring in English and Spanish. His column, culture of factor y farms and slaughterhouses, “The Soapbox,” runs on alternate Thursdays. it’s as close as we can get.

The Soapbox

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



Good riddance outdated route Letter KIM CADENA


hile I understand the problems of those affected by the cancellation of the L bus, their plight is in no way unique. I too am a graduate student who must contend with the need to find parking — impossible — and the necessity of taking the bus — interminable. Department of Transportation Services was right to cancel the least used bus on campus and should redirect the resources saved into providing more buses

for other routes. I take the EE bus from the C-Town stop in downtown New Brunswick to the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus nightly and it is always jam-packed past the point of sanity or safety. If one of those buses were to get in an accident, many students would be seriously injured. DOTS should provide more buses on the EE and similarly crowded routes, not bring back a little used one. Kim Cadena is an Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy graduate student.

Change parking for commuter benefit Letter DHANENDHRA GOVENDER


do not understand why the commuters of Zone B have to suffer with parking at the Stadium West Lot on Busch campus. In all fairness, shouldn’t the commuters — who have to drive to class every day and then back home or to work — be given the parking spots closest to the buildings on campus in comparison to those who live on campus and therefore do not have to drive anywhere except for recreational activities? If the University’s aim is to become greener, then just by giving commuters parking lots closer to campus, it would eliminate the need for so many buses. But adding on a 30-minute commute for a one-mile distance deters students from actually going to class. I have experienced that personally and other commuters express the same feelings. Having Lots 66 and 67 on Busch campus open to Zone B pass holders meant a lot to us (the commuter community). If officials take the time to actually survey the commuters to see how they feel about the parking lot allocations, they would see that almost no one is happy with

the situation; we all just put up with it and consider it part of the “RU Screw.” There are many parking lots on Busch campus that never even come close to being full, yet we are not allowed to use those lots. I am not asking anyone to kick out the faculty since they as well have to commute every day. But I think that a more intelligent system should be used — one that allows students and faculty to share lots so that there aren’t any unused parking spaces. Maybe in the future, one would place faculty nearest to their working environment and then place the commuters nearest to the buildings where they attend classes. After all, how many residents use their cars ever y single day? The answer is definitely not as many as the commuters. So why should they park in the locations nearest to class? It just doesn’t make any sense to me nor does it to anyone I know. I think it is time for the University to realize that it has many commuting students and should try to implement an intelligent parking arrangement.

Dhanendhra Govender is a School of Engineering senior majoring in biomedical engineering.



Anti-Islamists spark controversy Letter SAMI JITAN


ncite. Polarize. Interpolate. Repeat. These are the steps used by the “Islamophobes” in the media to proliferate an agenda of fear and hate mongering. In the case of the Park51 mosque, constructing a place of worship next to the site of the 9/11 attacks is portrayed as a new seam tearing between Islam and the West. Preposterous. Step one: Incite. An arguably non-issue is narrated into a national fiasco. Effectively making a mountain out of a molehill, Glenn Beck propagates that a $200 million, bourgeois renovation is a “slap in the face” to the memory of those who perished. Actually the ill-named “ground zero mosque” is an attempt to reconcile nine years of anti-Islamic rhetoric — indeed to set in stone the hellish acts of a few do not incorporate the whole. Still, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin urges all “peaceful” Muslims to “refudiate” the building of the mosque. To no surprise, the first to answer to her beck and call was bikini-clad Miss “Hezbollah” USA — the embodiment of everything liberal and modern in Muslim America and the dismay of Anwar Al-Awlaki and feminists alike. Step two: Polarize. In 1993, eight years before the catastrophic events in New York City, Samuel Huntington dubiously

predicted “the clash of civilizations.” In his Foreign Affairs article Huntington divided the world into seven separate and distinct, homogenous civilizations — among them, the West and Islam. Are civilizations not a mixture of many different types of people, traditions, languages and religions? And what is homogeneity in the face of globalization? Islam is not monolithic. Huntington’s polarizing sentiments use singular versions of Islam to wedge a

“Will the moderates have to follow Palin’s example of a ‘peaceful Muslim?’” rhetoric between a religion and the West. And here lies the real and present danger: A genuine belief in the absurd fault lines. Step three: Interpolate. So one may assume, after reading Huntington, that Islam is Islam and the West is the West. On the contrar y, Islam is the most diverse religion in the United States. Moreover, Islam preaches respect toward People of the Book. Jews and Christians living together with Muslims in predominantly Muslim countries adaptively use words like “inshallah” in their everyday language while still retaining their own personal religious practice.

Furthermore, under the Mughal Empire, Muslims and Hindus in South Asia intermarried, shared traditions, language and food with relative peace. In truth, reactionary Islamists should not be a political party. It is no accident that protests against the New York mosque and support for the Arizona law SB 1070 are spearheaded by the same xenophobic hooligans — the tea party movement. But besides the ver y real possibility of per vasive hate-filled violence, I also worr y what Islam will mean after Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Cordoba House take over what it means to be a Muslim in America. Surely they will issue the status quo for what it means to be a moderate over a radical. After wards will moderate Muslims have to comply with problematic U.S. foreign policy? Will we moderate Muslims have to accept the secular mandates, the likes of France and Switzerland? Will the moderates have to follow Palin’s example of a “peaceful Muslim?” My right to peacefully dissent, to honor the fallen with rebuilding rather than Quran burning and to uphold the pursuit of truth and knowledge should not come at the cost of me superimposing questionable ethics over my own morals. Sami Jitan is a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior majoring in anthropology.



PA G E 1 0

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine



Today's birthday (9/9/10). Your favorite person faces big challenges this year. Get ideas from all group members for problem solving. Your attitude helps to lift spirits and maintain a more optimistic perspective. You still have time to pursue your own goals with flair. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 6 -- Someone close to you experiences a depressing moment. To shift the mood, offer alternative plans of action that they are blind to. Taurus (April 20--May 20) -Today is a 7 -- Someone begins the day in a funk. You can shift that by providing independent activities that emphasize personal strengths. Gemini (May 21--June 21) -Today is a 7 -- Today's actions take place in your mind's eye. The variety of possibilities seems endless. Come down to earth tomorrow after a night of dreams. Cancer (June 22--July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Your imagination carries you away, and that's all right. Today you hatch new plans and wait until later to put them into action. Enjoy the process. Leo (July 23--Aug. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Recall a dream or create one today as you seek excitement in a relationship. Doubt falls away as you move closer. Generate and amplify the energy to build it up. Virgo (Aug. 23--Sept. 22) -Today is a 6 -- Where relationships are concerned, you're on a roll this week. Continue that trend by working to balance your urge for independence with passion.

Libra (Sept. 23--Oct. 22) -Today is a 9 -- You begin to wonder what you were thinking when you started out. Don't be disheartened: just re-examine the logic to get back on track. Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) -Today is a 6 -- If you worry by yourself, you won't get your questions answered. Say what's on your mind out loud. Then listen. This provides an entirely new outlook. Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 21) -Today is a 7 -- Emails or calls leave you wondering if you want to be part of the group. Define the structure and plan first. Then make your decisions. Capricorn (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) -Today is a 6 -- Your imagination has been working overtime. You may have felt a bit depressed, but now your thoughts move ahead toward logical, harmonious outcomes. Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18) -Today is a 7 -- Urgent travel requires multiple changes of plans. Act with compassion, and take care of business. Handle crucial details yourself. Pisces (Feb. 19--March 20) -Today is a 5 -- After a few moments of pondering financial news, you shift into an imaginative sphere to create more expansive possibilities. Tell your partner.



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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

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A: Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #2 9/8/10

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OF (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: HAVEN ELEGY HANDLE MALICE Answer: What the apprentice did for the clockmaker — GAVE HIM A “HAND”



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STREAK: Knights face

The Knights take on No. 4 Portland on Friday in a virtual Portland, Washington in Invite home game for the Pilots. NCAA champions in 2002 and 2005, Portland (5-0) already owns continued from back two wins this season over teams The Mississauga, Canada from the “Big Six” conferences native got on the scoreboard — Wisconsin and Oklahoma for the first time with a tally State. Rutgers, however, is the over Fordham on Aug. 14, in Pilots’ first matchup against a the team’s final preseason ranked opponent. scrimmage. Filigno added Back for the Knights is sophoanother goal for good measure more outside back Shannon in the Knights’ first victor y of Woeller, who missed the past the year over SBU. four games while playing with “Filigno hasn’t been in a livethe Canadian National Team. game situation for a pretty good Woeller’s return significantly amount of time,” improves the Crooks said. “She Rutgers back four, “For us, you have got a few games in which couldn’t this summer with find a consistent to figure out how her club team, but first substitute at it’s not the same to win on the road. outside back. with what we’re “I think it’s The road was not doing here. I’d say great,” said freshout of the five man Tori Leigh, a problem for games Jonelle has who filled in as a us last year.” been ver y effecstarter during tive in four of Woeller’s hiatus. GLENN CROOKS them. One of them “Shannon does so Head Coach — it just didn’t go much for us in the as well for her.” back four. I’m just Following the Knights’ loss happy I got a chance to, you to Monmouth, the team’s most know, tr y to fill her shoes. glaring anomaly, Filigno Shannon’s a great player, so we’ll responded by scoring twice in be happy to see her again.” the next two games, including During Woeller’s absence, her first career game-winner Crooks utilized sophomore against Princeton. Maura McLaughlin, normally a For Rutgers (4-1) to succeed midfielder, at outside back this weekend at the Nike against Monmouth. Later Crooks Invitational in Portland, Ore., opted for sophomore Lindsey Filigno needs to maintain her McNabb as the first defensive offensive output against some sub versus Princeton. of the nation’s most high“With Woeller gone, we tried powered offenses. a couple of things,” Crooks said.



Redshirt freshman Jonelle Filigno registered seven shots on goal, including one that found the back of the net, against Bucknell. “Lindsey got rewarded for having a good week of practice. Every one of these players is told, ‘You can earn things through training.’ We have a large roster. We have depth.” After matching wits with a topfive power, Crooks’ squad does battle with Washington (3-1-1), who took down its first Big East team Sept. 3 when it trumped Syracuse, 4-0.

The trip west is the Knights’ first extended road trip of the season. “For us, you have to figure out how to win on the road,” Crooks said. “The road was not a problem for us last year and that’s because of the girls we have in the program. Many times on the road they become even closer because you’re together so often.”

KNIGHTS: Rutgers set

understanding of the impression left on the fan base after a solid performance at home for the first time. “Every home opener brings a level of excitement,” Calafiore said. “On the road, if things go bad, it takes a little bit more to pull yourself out of a slump. But at home, you’re fighting not only for yourself, but the name on the jersey and right there in the stands. Everybody wants to play hard for their home fans.” First on the docket is Delaware, which was picked this season to finish 10th in the Colonial Athletic Association. The Blue Hens kicked off their 2010 campaign with a win against Western New York school Canisius by a 3-1 score. However, Delaware fell in its second game of the year, 1-0, to Bradley, which is undefeated on the year. After Friday’s tussle with the Blue Hens, the Knights welcome St. Peter’s on Sunday

to play five straight at Yurcak continued from back


Head coach Dan Donigan will lead the Scarlet Knights at home for the first time Friday against Delaware at Yurcak Field.

Rutgers has to get its licks in during these five games, with the team not playing more than one game at a time in Piscataway for the rest of the season. “We are very optimistic going into these five home games,” said senior captain and defender Paulie Calafiore. “We know the opportunity we have in front of us and we just want to hit the ground running and leave nothing behind.” As a whole, the Knights are 5-2-3 in home openers since 2000, the most memorable being an 8-0 victory over West Virginia at the turn of the millennium. Rutgers defeated Delaware in its home opener in 2008 by a 2-1 score. For seniors such as Salmon and Calafiore, there is an

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Struggling to get started in the opener, the Rutgers football team stormed out of the gates in a 37-10 victory over Florida International in this week’s edition of The Daily Targum’s “NCAA ’11” simulation. True freshman running back Jordan Thomas broke a 65-yard touchdown run on the second play from scrimmage and did not look back, finishing with 115 yards and two touchdowns. Senior Joe Martinek put together another strong rushing performance with 104 yards on 27 carries and a touchdown. Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage struggled to find open receivers, connecting on just 16of-43 passes and throwing two picks. Sophomore Mark Harrison led all Rutgers receivers with five catches for 58 yards. FIU receiver T.Y. Hilton torched Rutgers for the second straight year with nine catches for 152 yards and a touchdown, representing the majority of the Golden Panthers’ 212 total yards. Defensively, senior linebacker Antonio Lowery had a great homecoming in Miami with 10 tackles and an interception. Senior safety Joe Lefeged added six tackles and two sacks. The Targum simulation is 1-0 this season and was 10-2 last season in correct win/loss predictions. — Sam Hellman

to Piscataway. Liad Amir leads the Peacocks with two goals in as many games after a 2-1 loss to Bradley and a 2-0 win over Hofstra. The homestand continues with contests against Long Island, Hartford and ends against Marquette — Rutgers’ first Big East matchup of the year. This home stretch won’t be deemed a success if the Knights do not show a vast improvement from last week’s game this Friday against Delaware — the only opponent on Donigan’s mind for the time being. “They are tough and more than capable,” he said. “They are coming in here against a Big East team and want to knock us off. We’ve got to expect a very tough game and that is what we are going to be ready for.” For immediate coverage of Friday’s game, visit The Daily Targum Sports Blog at





SWEEP: Knights host trio of NCAA Tourney-caliber teams continued from back Werneke believes if the team still focuses on basics and keeps game play simple and efficient, the Barn can be an intimidating place. “It doesn’t matter what you know about the other team if you can’t execute on your side of the court,” he said. “So early when you’re adding new people to the program, you spend too much time on [the other side], the wheels will fall off. We can really compete and win against those kinds of teams, and that’s the expectation.” Saxton specifically took a liking to the phrase “Not in ‘R’ Barn.” “The whole team’s really excited. We always knew we were going places,” she said. “We were rebuilding, but it never really showed up on the scoreboard. It’s just an exciting atmosphere to be in. We’re not done rebuilding, but things are starting to look up for us. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and be like ‘Oh, is this real?’”


he Rutgers softball team released its 2010 fall schedule yesterday, revealing the squad hosts two tournaments and plays a total of nine games for the season. The Scarlet Knights come off a 2010 season in which they made their first Big East Championship appearance in 12 years. The team plays its last game of the fall on Oct. 17, when it hosts the Alumni Game at the RU Softball Complex.



Junior setter Kallie Pence just missed a double-double Tuesday in the Scarlet Knights’ 3-0 win over NJIT, as she finished with 32 assists and eight digs.



announced yesterday that former Clemson star CJ Spiller is the starting running back for the 2010 season. Head coach Chan Gailey said the fact that last year’s starter Marshawn Lynch missed much of the preseason did not affect Spiller’s winning the job. The 2009 Heisman candidate rushed for 3,547 yards for his career, scoring 32 touchdowns in his four years as a Tiger.





Players Association still sit on opposite sides of the fence heading into the 2010-11 season. The current collective bargaining agreement between the two parties is up after this season, and due to the large number of issues that still need to be negotiated, a lockout is very possible next season. Although NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell remains positive a deal will get done, NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith stated yesterday that he “still feel[s] that a lockout is coming in March.”





restriction placed on New York Yankees pitcher Phil Hughes by the organization, the team plans on skipping him in his next start this weekend against the Texas Rangers. Hughes boasts a 16-7 record this season with a 4.29 ERA and is 20 innings short the 175inning limit the Yankees unofficially placed on the starter.



defending basketball world champion Spain, 92-89, in thrilling fashion yesterday earning a spot in the semifinals of the FIBA World Championships. Spain overcame an eight-point deficit and tied the game with just 25 seconds left in play. Following a Serbian timeout, Milos Teodosic knocked down a three-pointer with 3.1 seconds left on the clock, giving his team the lead and the win.



football coach Nick Saban announced yesterday that running back Mark Ingram is most likely going to miss the Crimson Tide’s game Saturday against No. 18 Penn State. The 2009 Heisman Trophy winner underwent knee surgery last week to repair an injur y sustained during the first week of practices.







When sophomore tight end D.C. Jefferson hits the field in Miami, he isn’t only playing his second career game in his home state, but he’s playing against a friend in linebacker Aaron Davis. Davis, who grew up in Jefferson’s hometown of Winter Haven, is in for a big surprise if he matches up against the Rutgers football team’s starting tight end on any running plays this year, seeing as Jefferson is about 15 pounds heavier than last season. “You know I’m going to try to connect with him, let him know

SET TO TAKE ON OLD FRIEND my presence out there,” Jefferson said. “I’m a lot bigger. I’m going to scare him.” Jefferson, who is now more than a year into his transition from quarterback to tight end, bulked up to 258 pounds in his 6-foot-6 frame and showed an improved knowledge of the position throughout camp. It translated to one big catch for 25 yards against Norfolk State. “As it has slowed down [on the field], it still needs to slow down that much more for him to be the player that he is capable of being and I can’t wait to see that,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “He has got it. D.C.

has got the tools. Believe me, he will get better because he really wants to get better. “He has only played the position for just over a year in his life. I think sky is the limit as long as he stays committed to what we are doing. There is no telling how good he can be. I have no reason to believe he won’t either.” Florida International does not mark the same homecoming for Jefferson as it is for other Scarlet Knights from the state, because it’s a four-hour drive from his home, but he still has 10 people coming to the game. “When I’m on the field, I’m thinking about football and nothing else,” Jefferson. “I’m just trying to focus on what I have to do. At the end of the day, when the game’s over, then I’ll focus on talking to my family.”



Former Rutgers defensive end Jamaal Westerman signed with the Jets as an undrafted free agent last year and made the squad.


the final “Hard Knocks” episode at yesterday’s practice, when former defensive end and New York Jets linebacker Jamaal Westerman visited practice and spoke to the Scarlet Knights. Westerman met briefly with reporters and said the tenor of his speech was about enjoying their time now and understanding how special college football is. “Even though he was before my time, it was really cool to see him,” said quarterback Tom Savage. “I watch him on ‘Hard Knocks’ all the time.” Westerman said he gets comments about the HBO documentary series all the time. “Ever ybody is talking to me about ‘Hard Knocks’ and stuf f,” Westerman said. “It’s fun, anytime you get a chance to show people an inside glimpse of what training camp


Sophomore tight end D.C. Jefferson had one catch for 25 yards Thursday after making 5 catches for 108 yards last season.

is like. If they had a ‘Hard Knocks’ for college, it would be great too because people don’t really get to see the ins and outs of things. I think it was a great show, a great time and the cameras kind of faded into the back as the weeks went on so I think they did a great job with it.”



against Florida International was one that Savage probably wants to forget. Savage suffered a concussion in the game on a big hit and had to miss the following week’s game against Mar yland. “They are a physical team, but that was just a freak play where I went down,” Savage said. “They hit hard and they’re aggressive. I know what to look

for now. … I’m not worried, but I’m going to try and slide a little bit earlier.”



running back Kordell Young practiced again after missing significant time dealing with personal issues. He will travel to Miami this weekend and is expected to play. “In my mind, as long as he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing, there is no decision,” Schiano said. “There’s a reason he’s our guy. Let me just make sure that he’s OK. He had a little break there, how’s he feel physically? I don’t want him to go into the game tired, so maybe he gets some, but not all [of the third-down plays]. He looked pretty good yesterday, though.”

Ranked opponenets await at Terrapin Invite BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ

our main game plan is just tr ying to connect better with each other and within the lines,” Bull said. Rather than being intimidated by big-name foes, many members of the team are chomping at the bit to square off against some of the nation’s best. For Rutgers, this weekend provides the opportunity to see exactly where the team needs to improve heading into conference play. “Coming off of a pretty close game with Richmond, everyone’s pretty pumped to go and see what we’re going to do with American and Maryland,” said junior captain Mackenzie Noda. “This weekend is really going to be the deciding factor of what we can actually do as a team.” The Knights face the Eagles on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. and battle Maryland at 2:00 p.m. the next day.


Being able to communicate on game days goes a long way in determining whether a team wins or loses. FIELD HOCKEY The youthful RUTGERS AT roster of AMERICAN, t h e SATURDAY, 1 P.M. Rutgers f i e l d hockey team is still figuring this fact out, but through four games this season, the team continually made strides. “The team got together and said, ‘Look, we need to keep working together, we need to keep communicating and getting everyone together on the same page,’” said head coach Liz Tchou. “Everyone wants to win.” In the team’s last game, the Scarlet Knights (1-3) finished one score away from coming back from a three-goal deficit against Richmond. Although the team lost, 3-2, the late-game surge carried into the practice week, just in time to help the team prepare for No. 20 American on Saturday. The Eagles (1-2) are also looking to rebound from a close loss after falling to No. 11 Louisville this past weekend, 2-1. Based on American’s first game of the year, in which they crushed Richmond, 5-1, the casual fan might be quick to write off the Knights’ chances for success this weekend.


Junior captain Mackenzie Noda started all four games for the Scarlet Knights so far this season. The Allentown, Pa., native has one career goal, but has not scored a point this year. the win column, Rutgers must Throw in the fact that the team But senior captain Jenna Bull improve on its consistency and faces No. 2 Mar yland (3-0) the does not put teams on pedestals. get off to a fast start to avoid next day and the road to a win “We use every game as a being down at half. seems even bleaker. measuring stick to see where we A lot of that consistency Add that the Terrapins are,” Bull said. “At the end of the comes down to the team’s lack outscored opponents 12-3 thus day, we can beat any team if we go of familiarity with each other, far this season, while the out there as a team and put everybut much of it arises from Knights surrendered 10 goals in thing out there.” the team’s tentativeness to their first four matchups, and To get past both American communicate, according to suddenly winning seems imposand Maryland in the Terrapin Tchou. “As of right now, I think sible to outsiders. Invitational and gain checks in

Sophomore goalkeeper Vickie Lavell will start Saturday in the weekend opener against American. Lavell allowed three goals on 11 shots last week against Richmond and was pulled from the game for freshman Sarah Stuby with 13:38 to play. “She was struggling,” said Tchou. “During the week, if you’re practicing hard you have a chance to play on the weekend. Every day I’m evaluating these kids to see how they’re performing and what their mindset is.”



PA G E 1 6


Knights open homestand against Hens

Freshman rides scoring streak into No. 4 foe





There is always an added excitement and urgency to perform in a team’s home opener and the Rutgers men’s soccer team is no exception. MEN’S SOCCER But a pair of games this weekDELAWARE AT end within the RUTGERS, confines of Yurcak SATURDAY, 7 P.M. Field can also ser ve as a powerful forgetting tool for the Scarlet Knights (0-1). “We hope to show, in front of our fans, that the last game was a fluke,” said senior captain Yannick Salmon, whose team fell, 3-0, in its season opener at Lehigh. “We are usually a good home team, so we have to make sure we get a win ever y time.” The Knights welcome Colonial Athletic Association foe Delaware (1-1) first under the lights Friday night before facing intra-state opponent St. Peter’s (1-1) on Sunday afternoon. These are two winnable games that can jumpstart this season and make memories from the rough night in Bethlehem, Pa., a thing of the past. “You’re 0-0 at home and you certainly want to get off on the right foot in front of the home crowd,” said head coach Dan Donigan. “If we can get two wins this weekend that would be fantastic — then we are at 2-1 and riding a two-game win streak. It would be beautiful. But any coach and any player will tell you, you’ve got to take one game at a time.” After this weekend, the Knights remain at home for three more games on a homestand that lasts until Sept. 24.

Redshir t freshman Jonelle Filigno admittedly didn’t expect the first five games of her Rutgers women’s soccer career to play out WOMEN’S SOCCER the way they have. Most soccer RUTGERS AT enthusiasts might PORTLAND, think Filigno, who FRIDAY, 10 P.M. injured her knee just seven minutes into the team’s first scrimmage last year against Montreal, would be happy with three goals in her first five career contests. If that was the case, they clearly do not know Filigno personally. “No, I envisioned one [goal] ever y game,” said Filigno, the former Canadian Soccer Association U-20 Female Player of the Year. “So I’m down two right now.” Filigno later said she was kidding, but she is not the only one placing high expectations on herself. Head coach Glenn Crooks didn’t anticipate Filigno’s long layoff to affect her goal-scoring output or ball skills at all. “I know the kind of player Jonelle is and that’s absolutely the kind of production [I expected],” said Crooks, whose No. 24 Scarlet Knights won two games in a row following an upset loss to Monmouth. “I’m sure she would agree with me that she should have a few more.” Filigno, like teammates Gina DeMaio and Ashley Jones, spent the entire offseason rehabbing from injur y to ensure a return for the Knights’ season-opening win against Stony Brook.



Senior captain Yannick Salmon, a Westbury, N.Y., native, started every game the past two seasons and has six career goals and 13 points, which all came in the 2009 season.


Rutgers hopes momentum from sweep carries into weekend BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT

It is happening. For a clearer picture on what exactly “it” is, just ask senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton, who led the Rutgers volleyball team to a sweeping victory VOLLEYBALL Tuesday over NJIT. “I always knew it RUTGERS 3 was going to hapNJIT 0 pen,” she said. “I always knew that this team had potential to be great. And it’s so nice to finally see the wins up on the scoreboard.” Of course, “it” could also mean the first winning record to last more than a day under third-year coach CJ Werneke. The Scarlet Knights finished out their second tournament weekend with a 2-1 record, losing only to Delaware, who only lost one match until then. With its record at an even 3-3, Rutgers took the turnpike a few exits north to Newark, where it swept NJIT with comfortable match victories of 25-21, 25-10 and 25-17. “We didn’t really know much about NJIT,” Werneke said. “It’s always nice to put our team in a hostile environment … and see how we respond.” The Knights are not simply taking wins with a full roster all the time. Tuesday’s 3-0 victory over the Highlanders was finagled without setter Stephanie Zielinski, responsible for 233 of Rutgers’ 302 total assists. The sophomore sat out the match with a mild concussion suffered from a previous practice, but is already cleared for further competition.

“Everyone’s learning how to play with confidence,” she said. “Instead of people trying to make their own and try to win the game themselves, they can trust their teammates and let them take the game too.” But whatever confidence the team is taking, Rutgers is going to need to hold onto it with everything it has, according to Werneke. The trio of teams attending Rutgers’ first hosted tournament in the College Avenue Gym since 2005 are no pushovers. “The three teams that are coming in are traditional NCAA tournament teams,” Werneke said. “We really don’t talk about that kind of stuff with our kids because we just see them as another volleyball team. We have three teams like those coming into our gym. It gives us an opportunity to see where we really stack up against those teams.” Werneke targets one team specifically, one that has faced the Knights three years in a row. “We got a bad taste in our mouth about George Mason,” Werneke said. “We’ve seen them two years in a row. Last year at NC State we had them. But one of their players took over the match and we didn’t respond to it. Obviously when you see an opponent for the third year in a row there’s always a little bit of extra juices flowing.” Rutgers took the first set away from George Mason last year in North Carolina but could not capitalize on the momentum and gave away three consecutive losses with scores as close as 27-25 and 25-23. However, with all the games in the College Avenue Gym the team hopes momentum can be maintained.



Senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton recorded her 16th career double-double in Rutgers’ 3-0 win against NJIT on Tuesday, registering 15 kills and 13 digs.

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