The Daily Targum 2010-09-13

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Volume 142, Number 8







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Today: Mostly sunny


High: 77 • Low: 58

The Rutgers football team forced five turnovers in the first half in Miami against FIU on Saturday, but the offense struggled and needed a fourth-quarter comeback to win.

Obama urges end of partisanship, hopes for better economy BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

President Barack Obama held a press conference Friday from the East Room of the White House, targeting the economic and political problems that face not only the country but his administration as well. Obama’s opening statement focused on the different economic perspectives splitting the Democratic and Republican parties, saying their views do not exactly coincide. “Instead of tax cuts for millionaires, we believe in cutting taxes for middle-class families and smallbusiness owners,” he said. “Instead of letting corporations play by their own rules, we believe in making sure that businesses treat workers well and consumers friendly.” Obama exemplified the fracture in political views between Democrats and Republicans by noting a Republican blockade on the Small Business Jobs Act. He said the bill would allow small businesses to hire more employees and receive tax cuts, which would allow for much-needed job creation. “This will help small businesses upgrade their plants and equipments and will encourage large corporations to get off the sidelines and start putting


President Barack Obama is advocating for the Small Business Jobs Act, which he says could potentially boost job creation.


Site offers money for GPA betting




University band Calico performs at Theta Chi fraternity’s Dance Marathon benefit concert Friday on Mine Street. Other artists performing included Maurer and the Turds, Running Late and The N Result.

The way Ultrinsic Motivator Inc. works is similar to a sports book — except students bet on themselves. A new website,, allows students at the University, along with students from 36 other colleges across the nation, to wager on their grades. “The idea is to take ulterior motivation and turn it into an intrinsic wealth of knowledge of learning,” said Jeremy Gelbart, the company’s co-founder. Students first establish academic goals they would like to

achieve, like a certain grade in a course or a certain semester grade point average. Ultrinsic users then agree to contribute to a monetar y incentive, while Ultrinsic also agrees to contribute to the incentive. If students meet their goals, they may collect total winnings after submitting an official copy of their semester transcripts to Ultrinsic. But if a student fails to meet his goals, Ultrinsic retains his contribution to the incentive, and he receives nothing. “Let’s say you’re taking a course, Calculus. You want $200 if you get an A-minus or higher. So based on your incentive, we’ll contribute $100 to the incentive.

If you get an A-minus or higher, you get your $200. And if you don’t get the A-minus, we keep your $100,” Gelbart said. An algorithm on the website determines the amount of money Ultrinsic will contribute to the incentive, University Ultrinsic Ambassador Jordan Lieber said. The calculation is based on several factors, such as the student’s GPA, schedule and difficulty of classes. Gelbar t and Steven Wolf are the masterminds of Ultrinsic and star ted the company almost three years ago, Gelbar t said. The idea came



Some wore r unning shoes, others wore militar y boots. But with bib numbers pinned to their clothes, 161 students, veterans and their families arrived together at the starting line for the third annual Rutgers Army ROTC “Run for the Warriors” 5K race. The r un, which took place Saturday morning at the Rutgers Football Stadium on Busch campus, benefited Hope For The War riors, a civilian, nonprofit organization that helps soldiers injured in Iraq or Afghanistan and their families. “We star ted this event three years ago in an ef for t to bring awareness to the soldiers who were wounded and paid the ultimate sacrifice,” said Lt. Col. Kenneth Patterson, commander

and program director of the ROTC, in his opening speech. During the opening ceremony, Patterson introduced guest speaker Greg Trevor, a 9/11 survivor and senior director of University Media Relations. In accordance with the ninth anniversar y of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Trevor’s speech focused on his recollection of the braver y of the men and women who sacrificed their lives to save more than 25,000 people. “On the morning of Sept. 11, I personally witnessed the best of humanity under the worst of conditions,” he said. “This nation was united as though we were all part of one single family, supporting one another as we struggled to cope with the magnitude of this horrific tragedy.” Trevor went on to speak about


INDEX METRO A new effort by a state organization aims to increase the public’s voice in government.

OPINIONS A Penn. University decides to ban Facebook for a week as a social experiment.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 8 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK RAMON DOMPOR / ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

Veterans, their families, members of the ROTC and more than 150 students participate in the “Run for the Warriors” 5K race in memory of 9/11, Saturday on Busch campus.




SEPTEMBER 13, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Source: Weather Channel TUESDAY HIGH 77 LOW 54



TODAY Mostly sunny, with a high of 77° TONIGHT Partly cloudy, with a low of 58°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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SEPTEMBER 13, 2010


PA G E 3

U. community walks for local cancer institute BY LIZ SWERN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Hundreds of people weathered the rain and came out for the eighth annual “High Speed Chase for the Cure 5k Run/3K Walk” yesterday morning on Livingston campus. University students, along with the Rutgers University Police Department, teamed up with local businesses and citizens to walk, run and raise money for the Cancer Institute of New Jersey Foundation. “Having ever yone from the Rutgers community come out — the students, the sororities, the fraternities, Rutgers Police — is really great,” said Leanne Kochy, director of Special Events for CINJ Foundation. “It’s great to see a turnout like this so early on a Sunday.” University police of ficers started the race in 2003 as a way to honor a colleague, who in December 1999 lost his battle with cancer. It has since turned into a community-wide ef for t involving people of all ages. “Personally, this kind of stuff hits home for me. I have friends who have had cancer,” said Julia Porpora, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. “I like to know I can help out in some way.” The race both promotes cancer awareness and benefits cancer research to help search for a cure, according to the CINJ Foundation website. Aside from research, it raises funding for treatment


Stew Webster, a 24-year-old New York City resident, finishes in 25th place yesterday morning at the “High Speed Chase for the Cure 5K Run/3K Walk” on Livingston campus. and community outreach at CINJ. Proceeds also go toward assisting cancer patients with financial needs brought on during treatment, according to the website. This includes medications, supplies, transportation

to and from CINJ on treatment days, as well as other necessities. “I love running races and 5Ks for causes like this to help out,” said Katrina Heinig, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “It’s a really good cause.”

Runners, walkers, children and adults gathered in front of the Louis Brown Athletic Center on Livingston campus before the race to lace up their sneakers and loosen their muscles. Par ticipants were entertained with free music from a

disc jockey and short speeches of appreciation from representatives from RUPD and CINJ. Rutgers football head coach Greg Schiano also turned out for the event. By the start of the race, the CINJ was on target to reach their goal of raising $50,000, Kochy said. Par ticipants ran a USA Track and Field cer tified course and finished right in front of the doors to the athletic center, according to the website. Highland Park, N.J., resident Trevor Rudge, 24, won the race in about 18 and a half minutes. “It’s cool to see ever yone out here so pumped up on a Sunday morning to go run for a cure,” said Sally Park, a runner and School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. For some students, it was not their first year participating in the event. A number of groups come out year after year to suppor t the CINJ Foundation’s cause. “[My fraternity, Alpha Zeta Omega, has] been doing this race for a few years now. It’s a good cause. I love that people come out and actually race, too,” said Andrianna Guo, an Er nest Mario School of Pharmacy junior. “Last year, a r unner from our team actually won.” For those who were unable to attend the run, they can still support and give to the Cancer Institute of New Jersey Foundation by donating at



SEPTEMBER 13, 2010


FIRE BLAZES ACROSS THREE BUILDINGS A multi-alarm fire in an Orange, N.J., apartment complex broke out Sunday morning and spread to three other buildings, forcing dozens to evacuate. No injuries have been reported, said Mayor Eldridge Hawkins Jr., in an article. Fire departments from nearby communities such as West Orange, Montclair, Millburn and Roseland came to help Orange firefighters with the blaze.

VETERANS: Donations before 5K race reach $6,931 continued from front the University community and its dedication to helping others. “Through the years, the women and men who make up the Rutgers community — students, staff, alumni, faculty and friends — have consistently and generously donated their time and talent to help those in need,” Trevor said. “This is especially tr ue of the commanders, staff and students of the Rutgers ROTC. There is a special place in my heart for the ROTC.” Cadet Christa Bonham, a firstyear student, said she decided to join the ROTC in order to heal fallen soldiers. “I want to be a nurse in the Army,” she said. “[The soldiers] help us so much and defend us, so why not help them? They have no one to defend them, so if they get hurt or anything, that’s what I want to do.” Following the opening ceremony, par ticipants gathered at the star ting line as members of motorcycle group Rolling

After burning for several hours, it was finally brought under control at around 4 p.m. but by 6 p.m. was still burning, according to The Associated Press. Although the cause was not immediately known, authorities believe the fire began on the top floor of the Lincoln Avenue apartment building.

Thunder led runners around the course. Based in Somer ville, Rolling Thunder is an organization that raises awareness about POW/MIA soldiers. Starting on Scarlet Way, the track looped back to the stadium. Suppor ters cheered and shouted words of encouragement as runners approached the finish line. The run’s winner, School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Michael Obsuth, clocked in at 16:58, according to race results on Obsuth, a member of his high school’s track team for four years, heard about the race from a friend who is in the ROTC. Though he joined the race to continue his passion for running, Obsuth said supporting servicemen is important. “[Being here] shows that you actually care about [the veterans] and that you actually want to go out and give physical respect — to show that you’re there,” he said. Donations prior to the race amounted to $6,931, according to the Hope for the Warriors’ website donations page.

At least 100 people were evacuated from the scene and the gym of Orange High School was opened as a temporar y shelter. It is unclear how many residents would be allowed to return to their homes.

— Kristine Rosette Enerio

JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO / PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR allows students to earn cash by betting on their GPAs. Users contribute money to the monetary incentive. If they lose the bet, the site keeps the money. The site is offered to 36 other colleges.

SITE: First-year students could win $2,000 in GPA bet continued from front to mind when Gelbar t was a student at the University of Pennsylvania. “Steven and I were hanging out on a Sunday. I had an exam the next day and I didn’t want to study,” Gelbar t said. “He said ‘If you get an A on the exam, I’ll give you 100 bucks,’ and if I didn’t get an A, I’d have to give him $20. I studied, and I got an A and 100 bucks.” Although the incentive is money, there is an even greater meaning to the website, said Lieber, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “Ultrinsic is not all about the money,” he said. “The whole money side of it is just a decoy for the real essence of Ultrinsic. Students don’t have that incentive to concentrate on [what happens] 10 years into the future. This is instant gratification.” There is a unique option for first-year students on Ultrinsic, Lieber said. If first-year students wager $10 and maintain a 4.0 GPA for their entire career, they will receive $2,000, he said. The company also formulated a referral system, Gelbart said. A student can refer Ultrinsic to an unlimited num-

ber of other individuals and can receive a 5 percent bonus of any money their friends make, he said. One of the beauties of the system is that it rewards students for improvement as well, he said. Gelbar t recognized that there are already other forms of motivation for students, like future success, but said the present is often more rousing to students.

“Games of skill are not gambling. Only games of chance are gambling.” JEREMY GELBART Ultrinsic Motivator Inc. Co-founder

“If you get a 4.0 [GPA], and you do well, you get a good job. We know that,” he said. “It’s the short-term that people don’t necessarily recognize.” University Ultrinsic Ambassador Joshua Goldberg believes money has always been a great motivator for everyone. For example, there is a difference between someone else putting money to pay for school than putting down his or her own money, Gelbart said.

“If students are given the choice between studying and going out, having $50 of their own money on the line could be the extra motivation they need to study,” said Goldberg, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. Although some have made such claims, the Ultrinsic ambassadors do not feel providing students with a financial incentive is a form of gambling or briber y. “When students get rewarded by a certain grade, it’s completely based on skill,” Gelbart said. “Games of skill are not gambling. Only games of chance are gambling.” Lieber feels the situation is no dif ferent than paying for tuition. “You pay tuition. You think you can do well, you can get a degree and get a diploma,” he said. “If you don’t, you lose that money. Is that gambling?” Gelbart believes University students will be able to gain something more meaningful than just money through Ultrinsic. “They’re going to have an oppor tunity and they’re going to learn,” he said. “They went to class and studied for it and wouldn’t have known that material if it weren’t for the incentive. Now they’ll love it and they’ll learn to enjoy learning, and get the most out of school they can.”


SEPTEMBER 13, 2010

OBAMA: President says partisanship stops bill’s passing continued from front their profits to work in our economy,” he said. “And I’m proposing that all American businesses should be allowed to write off all the investments they do in 2011.” Obama said the first step is to end a month-long standoff between a select few of partisan Republicans, which continues to hinder the passing of the bill. “I realize there are plenty of issues in Washington where people of good faith simply disagree in principle,” he said. “This should not and is not one of those issues.” Dean of the School of Management and Labor Relations David Finegold said the bill being held up in the U.S. Senate would provide the job creation the country desperately needs. “I think right now the high rate of unemployment is one of the biggest challenges we face as a country, and I think it’s a shame we’re not doing more to try and address it,” he said. “I think both tax cuts and also the $50 billion proposed infrastructure investment are good measures in that direction.”


Finegold said since coming structure, decreasing from 10 perinto office, Obama’s administra- cent to only 2 percent of GDP, tion faced opposition from the Finegold said. Republican minority on almost Associate Director of the every single policy. Eagleton Institute of Politics John “It’s interesting that even Weingart agreed with Finegold on though Americans seem to be very the resistance of the Republican concerned about unemployment Party when dealing with Obama’s from the polls, the Republicans are policies, which he said would help doing well in polls reinvigorate the with their blocking Democratic Party. strategy,” he said. “I think what “I think The Small he was trying to the Republican Party do was both Business Jobs Act is not the only bill developed a strategy restate and clarify looking to improve his policy objecof not working the nation’s econotives that would be my and unemployhelpful with the Democrats.” politically ment rate, to Democrats in Finegold said, conNovember,” he JOHN WEINGART necting the proEagleton Institute of Politics said. “I have no Associate Director posed goals of the doubt he sincerely bill with the $50 bilwould like to see lion investment in those [policies] the nation’s infrastructure. accomplished but recognizes the “It is clearly designed to create bill is very unlikely to pass before jobs by including people in infra- Election Day.” structure projects,” he said. “But it Obama and his administration is also an effort to address what I can not only fulfill their policy think all the researchers and both goals because of the Republican parties who are not on the very minority, but they are also unable extreme side agree is a huge infra- to bring the necessary teamwork structure problem we have.” needed to do so, Weingart said. In recent years, a shift occurred “[Obama] admitted in the in the amount of gross domestic press conference to being frusproduct the nation spent on infra- trated that he has not been able to

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M bring that bipartisanship atmosphere,” he said. “I think the Republican Party developed a strategy of not working with the Democrats, and they have been successful at stopping a huge number of appointments that the president tried to make.” Although the Republican minority proved to be a handful to Obama’s administration, the economy itself proved to be just the same, Weingart said. “I think that the country’s economic problems are proving more serious and more difficult to address than they had seemed to the Obama administration when they took office,” he said. “So to say what any given policy proposal would do is a judgment call.” But Weingart said the only way to solve this economic problem is for Obama to focus on recapturing not only American voters but members of his party as well. “I think the key for Democrats is to try to mobilize a good percentage of voters who were so enthusiastic or at least willing to support Obama two years ago,” he said. “If the president can be as successful in energizing more Democrats, the party can probably cut its losses and win races that now it looks they might lose.”

CALENDAR SEPTEMBER Applications and complete information for Turfgrass Scholarship Program are available on the Center for Tur fgrass Science website at The completed application form is due today and must be signed by the student’s advisor and include a copy of transcript.


Independent dance artist and researcher based in Auckland, New Zealand, Cat Ruka is performing at 8 p.m. in the Loree Dance Theater on Cook/Douglass campus. As a young indigenous woman, Ruka uses her dance artistr y to investigate her ongoing and everchanging relationship to the advent of colonization. She is interested in how the process of making and performing dance can become a decolonizing act for herself and for other indigenous women, thereby claiming the dance-making process as a tool for social and political change. Admission is free and no tickets are required.


A free screening of James Cameron’s “Avatar” will start at 6 p.m. in the multipurpose room of the Cook Campus center as part of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Community day. Various groups in the University are sponsoring the screening, including the Rutgers University Programming Association and The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences International Program. Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity will be hosting a date auction to aid the victims from the massive flood in Pakistan. The event will begin at 7 p.m. in the Livingston Student Center Multipurpose Room. In light of raising public awareness, a representative from the Islamic Relief Foundation will deliver a speech on the organization’s behalf. Come bid on eligible singles for a good cause.


Helyar House on Cook/Douglass campus is hosting an ice cream social as a fundraiser for Give Kids the World Village. Give Kids the World is a nonprofit resort in Central Florida that makes magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families by providing them a week-long, cost-free vacation. It is priced per serving just like any ice cream parlor and all the proceeds will be sent directly to the Village. Thomas Sweet on Easton Avenue has kindly donated supplies for the event. Ice cream will be ser ved at 5 p.m. at the Nicholas Hall Cof feehouse on Cook Campus.


The Rutgers Entrepreneurial Society will host “The Sexy Side of Entrepreneurship,” an exposition showcasing music, fashion, art and enter tainment featuring a variety of industry experts at 7 p.m. in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Hor d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served.


To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to



PA G E 8

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010

Council to increase citizen participation BY ANDREW SMITH CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The New Brunswick City Council is making a call to service to all its citizens, aimed at increasing public interest and involvement in local government. With the adoption of a new resolution, the first New Brunswick Call to Ser vice Summit is scheduled to take place on Oct. 19 at the Middlesex County Administration building. The resolution, which the council adopted unanimously on Sept. 1, creates an annual New Brunswick Call to Ser vice Summit and is a joint effort with the Citizens’ Campaign’s Jersey Call to Service. The statewide Citizens’ Campaign, established in 2004, works to mentor new leaders, according to the group’s website. Their Jersey Call to Service initiative seeks to inspire citizens to participate in government leadership in a nonpartisan manner. “The summit will hopefully give people a ver y good understanding of how they can get involved with what their local government does and the tools that they would need to do that,” New Brunswick City spokesman Bill Bray said. “With that knowledge in hand, there will hopefully be people who are going to step up and want to volunteer their time and become par t of the great American experiment of democracy.” The summit is designed to help people get involved in volunteer boards and commissions with municipal government, Citizens’ Campaign

spokeswoman Heather Taylor said. Training sessions and education on subjects like writing and presenting proposals, ser ving on boards and spreading the word about government news will be among the summit’s themes. “What we’re really trying to do is create a culture of service, which we’ve gotten away from for a long time,” Taylor said. “That’s the whole mission of Jersey Call to Service — to get away from this culture of corruption and move into a culture where people are giving back and getting involved.”

“If you want to get things done and you want to be active, make sure it’s not political.” RON TANKIEWICZ Citizens’ Campaign County Chair

With resolutions like this being passed in Livingston and other towns, the creation of the summit is not unique to New Brunswick, but it is part of the Citizens’ Campaign’s ultimate goal of creating a culture of service through participation in boards and oppor tunities of becoming citizen legislators, Taylor said. “We have done this because it is another tool we have at our disposal to, at least for one day, focus attention very pointedly at volunteer ser vice,” Bray said.

“Certainly, the hope is that more people will learn about the various different functions of local government and opportunities that are there for them to get involved both in small part and in more involved levels.” Ron Tankiewicz, Middlesex County chair of the Citizens’ Campaign, said the organization moving away from politics is a means to moving closer to its goals. “I think one of the points we want to emphasize with local citizens is if you want to get things done and you want to be active, make sure it’s not political,” Tankiewicz said. “We want to present our point of view in terms of what’s right for the local community, and we offer ways to present that to local councils.” Although the resolution was only recently passed, Mayor Jim Cahill has been receptive to the Citizens’ Campaign since at least June, hosting the Jersey Call to Service Summit this past summer at the Hyatt, Tankiewicz said. With more than 1,000 participants in attendance, the response piqued the interest of local government officials, and with the assistance of Harr y Pozycki, chairman of the Citizens’ Campaign, the resolution passed, Bray said. “Mayor Cahill was supportive of having the Call to Ser vice here in New Brunswick, and we worked with the folks over there at the Citizens’ Campaign to set up a time, date and place to make it,” he said. “Then once that was arranged, we sent the resolution to city council to formally adopt it.”


Aredia and Zometa medication users are suing Novartis, above, because the company allegedly failed to list the medicine’s risks.

Patients sue corporation for risky drug side effect BY JOSHUA M. ROSENAU STAFF WRITER

The first case in a mass litigation against Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation for allegedly failing to inform customers of the risks associated with two of the firm’s cancer drugs will begin next Monday in Middlesex County Superior Court. The question before the court will concern the safety of Aredia and Zometa, medications Novartis developed to treat cancers of the bone, according to court documents. Plaintiffs in the case allege that the drugs in dispute caused cells in the bone of the jaw to die unnecessarily. “Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a condition in which part of the jaw bone is no longer alive and cannot regenerate itself due to a lack of blood supply,” according to the website of Osborn Law, a firm representing a group of plaintiffs. Hundreds of patients from New Jersey and across the country already filed suit. “I’d say there are approximately 550 plaintiffs in the federal tort, and probably 150 in the state [tort],” said John Vecchione, the attorney representing Jane and Allen Bessemer of Monmouth County. The Bessemers will be the first of the plaintiffs on Sept. 20 in the mass tort to go before Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Jessica Mayer, Vecchione said. “As a direct and proximate result of using Aredia and Zometa, Jane Bessemer suffered severe pain and suffering, discomfort and disfiguration through osteonecrosis of the jaw,” according to the official complaint. The disease disabled Jane Bessemer so that she can no longer eat normally, according to the complaint. Allen Bessemer is suing to recover costs he paid in providing for his wife’s care, according to the complaint. He is also seeking damages for pain and suffering. Medical professionals classify Aredia and Zometa as bisphosphonate drugs, which contain high concentrations of phosphorus, according to the suit. One line of argument within the Bessemers’ suit asserts there is a historical link between phosphorus and a disease of the jaw, and the manufacturer should have considered this history. “Novartis knew or should have known of the disease phosphorus

necrosis of the jaw or ‘phossy jaw,’ which appeared in the 1800s in persons mining white phosphorus and persons working in white phosphorus match factories,” according to the suit. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Aredia for sale in 1996 and Zometa in August 2001, according to, an online pharmaceutical journal. After doctors and medical researchers warned the company of the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with Aredia and Zometa, Novartis decided to add a warning label to the drugs’ packaging in 2004, according to the complaint. Also at issue in the suit is Novartis’ redeployment of Zometa in treating diseases other than cancer. “This includes attempting to have [Zometa] approved for treatment of osteoporosis and in seeking approval to market the drug for osteoporosis [by] changing the name of the drug to “Reclast” or “Aclasta,” according to the complaint. Ten million people in the United States have osteoporosis, according to the website of the National Institutes of Health. The plaintiffs argue that Novartis renamed the drug in order to avoid consumers associating it with Aredia, Zometa and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Novartis currently markets Reclast in television advertisements as a once-a-year intravenous injection for osteoporosis. The role of advertising has been an important part of the trial. The court already ruled that the Bessemers would be prevented from making references to advertisements for Aredia at trial, according to an online press release from Hollingsworth LLP, the law firm representing Novartis. “Before offering any testimony or mention of Zometa advertisements, the court will require a proffer from plaintiffs. Plaintiffs are precluded from implying that [Novartis] inappropriately influenced articles published in the magazine that Ms. Bessemer saw,” according to the Hollingsworth LLP website. As a large multinational pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis has offices in East Hanover, N.J., according to its website. Neither Novartis, nor the attorneys representing the company, responded to requests for comment.



PA G E 1 0

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010


Study faces failure


ric Darr, the provost at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, is a man that is easily depressed by Facebook and the mischief it brings along. He was watching his 16-year-old daughter click frenetically through her and her friends’ Facebook pages while keeping up several conversations on her iPhone. He was so amazed he designed a study or a social experiment based on his students at the university by pulling the plug on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and AIM for one week. We disagree with this decision, not because of our generation’s obsessive nature — especially when it comes to Facebook— but because Darr plans to ask his students to write a mandatory paper as part of this spontaneous study. Information technology officials at Harrisburg will block connections to these four popular sources of evil for not only students but faculty and staff as well. The provost’s assumption that students will not find a way around this ban is naïve. Many students own iPhones and Blackberries, where Facebook still remains just a click or swipe away. In a more scientific argument, this study will then fail. The provost’s hopes for a personal experiment gone right will absolutely dissolve. The subjects of the study will simply not comply — as much as Darr would like. In addition to this failure to examine all options of accessing the entirety of the Internet, the study itself is unethical. The provost should have asked the students to “participate” in his experiment. Instead, unhappy students will either boycott the mandatory ban and following essay or skew the results in rejection of the provost’s demands. Another way of going about conducting this study could have been to keep it all a secret. We are just as intrigued as Darr is to see the results of a Facebook-free community, but there are better methods. Keeping it a secret would yield better results simply due to the fact that the subjects would have no idea that they were a part of a social experiment. The addition of the essay then would have been unnecessary — just as students would like. As a student newspaper, we don’t like the idea of imposing pointless requirements on students, and this is no exception. An intelligently conducted study that does not disrupt classes and does not take up students’ busy schedules would have been all right, but this case misses the mark.

RUSA lacks experience


f you happened to be one of the few students who attended the first meeting of the Rutgers University Student Assembly you may have noticed something discerning. The newly restructured body chose to use its first meeting to pass a number of bills, some of which were very significant. One of them puts RUSA as a plaintiff against the state of New Jersey in a suit to allow for Election Day voter registration. Part of this bill allocated $100 to help with court filing costs. There was debate focusing around the money and if the body should approve an optional fee whose only purpose is to show solidarity among the plaintiffs in the case. Unfortunately, it was the first bill on the agenda and it only proved that the body is too “fresh” to truly understand parliamentary procedure. The bill was called to a vote before anyone could motion to open a speaker’s list, which allows for discussion of the bill. Similarly, a question was raised about voting for the money allocation separately. This is a very possible procedure, yet the person who explained the procedure received less than friendly reactions from some members of the body. After much bumbling with the new iClicker voting system, both aspects of the bill passed separately and quickly. Because of this spedup, unified vote, we fear that members of RUSA are still learning the rules of parliamentary process. While there is no question about the enthusiasm of the leadership of RUSA to effect change in the community it may be safe to say they are jumping the gun. The body is completely new and, for the first time, democratically elected. Yet it seems the enthusiasm is not supported by an educated body on the practices and procedures of RUSA. While some members, or a large number of them, are familiar with parliamentary procedures, there are those that are not. This is a new experience for everyone at the University. Before the body starts making decisions to take legal action against the state it is necessary for all the members to understand the procedures involved with passing bills and how to effectively be heard. It seems that RUSA has become an organization controlled by the Rutgers United party. They won the majority of voting positions on RUSA in the previous election and are tackling their issues by hiding them among other bills that benefit the student body, like the one to get syllabi online early for a class. The Rutgers United agenda is simply not always representing the issues the student body wants tackled by their representatives. Granted, there is a significant lack of student participation, but the student government should operate with the main goal of helping the students it represents. The “founding fathers” of the new RUSA wanted to create a more involved and transparent organization for direct student representation. Unfortunately, the lack of student participation effectively allowed for a one-party coalition government that has yet to find its footing.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “If you want to get things done and you want to be active, make sure it’s not political.” Ron Tankiewicz, Middlesex County chair of the Citizens’ Campaign, on getting involved in community leadership STORY IN METRO


Health reform helps primary care


and specialty. Having a maluring the health practice insurance plan does care reform not provide total peace of debates earlier this mind though, because the year, one of the key issues of standard policy limit of $1 contention had been the million is only half of the averneed for medical malpracage payment awarded in the tice reform, with the debate largely centered on the savBO WANG top-10 percent of medical malpractice judgments every ings on defensive medicine year. While physicians take precautions through that would be generated from such a change. increased vigilance and defensive medical proceRepublicans and others in favor of malpractice dures, which have potential side effects of their own, reform often cited estimates that defensive medithe fact that the world of medicine is more gray than cine — extraneous tests and procedures that physiblack and white prevents even the most renowned cians perform on their patients to reduce the likeliand skilled physicians from missing an occasional hood of missing a diagnosis and later being sued for diagnosis or prescribing an incorrect treatment every it — can cost the country as much as $200 billion so often. And even when they do everything correctper year or roughly 10 percent of total national ly, physicians are still not immune from lawsuits — health care expenditures. On the other side, according to a 2006 Harvard study, 40 percent of malDemocrats and opponents of this reform cited much practice cases do not involve a true medical error. lower figures and repeatedly brought up McAllen, While all physicians are affected by the financial Texas, which in 2006 still ranked as one of the top burden of the current malpractice environment, prihealth care guzzlers per capita in the country mary care physicians are especially hit hard because despite the state placing a cap on non-economic they have to balance this heavy medical malpractice damages three insurance premium with the higher years earlier. While medical malpractice “There is no question overhead costs and administrative burdens compared to specialists, in reform was ultimately left out of the that there exits addition to the ever-decreasing reimreform bill amid heart-tug strategies employed liberally by both sides, a shortage of primary bursement rates. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the issue is worth revisiting, not the care physicians.” more than 26 percent of solo practileast because our representatives tioners — mainly primary care missed one of the main reasons why physicians — said in a recent survey the current medical malpractice systhey closed or are considering closing their practem needs to be overhauled. It is not the savings on tices. Nor should it come as a shock that more than defensive medicine but the need to ensure that the 50 percent fewer medical students are going into the field of medicine — and especially the primary care primary care setting today compared to just over 10 setting — continues to attract and retain the brightyears ago. As a result of this reduced supply of genest scientific minds for the promotion of national eral practitioners, timely access to care has become health and well-being. an increasing problem in this country, as evidenced There is no question that there exists a shortage by the finding that only 42 percent of annual visits for of primary care physicians, which include family newly arising health problems are made to patients’ doctors, general internists and pediatricians, in this personal physicians compared to 28 percent of visits country with the projected deficit for family doctors being made to the emergency department. alone reaching 40,000 by 2020. And with the expanSome critics claim the impact of malpractice litision of insurance coverage under the health care gations on the current and projected shortage of reform bill, this shortage can only be expected to physicians in our country has been blown out of probecome more significant over time. A myriad of facportion, pointing out that the number of claims tors is contributing to this situation, including the today is relatively the same as they were more than low pay and prestige associated with the primary 20 years ago. While the number of claims has care setting, as well as the problem of paying off indeed held relatively constant over the years, the those $150,000 to $250,000 medical school bills. average amount awarded per judgment or settleHowever, the current tort system is also playing a ment has risen 65 percent during this same period major role in exacerbating the problem. of time. And unlike the more experience-based auto Under the current malpractice system, physicians insurance rating system, where if someone makes a are forced to protect themselves by purchasing medical liability insurance that can cost as much as SEE WANG ON PAGE 11 $200,000 annually depending on geographic location

Doctor’s Orders

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



WANG continued from page 10 claim, his individual insurance premiums go up, medical malpractice insurance premiums are more based on claims in the geographic location and specialty. So a large number of physicians are paying every time a settlement is awarded. And even when medical malpractice suits are not successful, physicians still have to spend

a countless number of hours with their lawyers and in court during dragged out, multi-year processes, thus losing a significant amount of income while depriving their patients of needed care. In terms of fixing the medical malpractice system, I am strongly in favor of the evidence-based strategy that was advocated by Gail R. Wilensky, economist and senior fellow at Project HOPE, in a March article in the New England Journal of Medicine. In her article, Wilensky proposed that physi-

cians and hospitals that adhere to patient-care guidelines developed by national medical societies, such as the American Diabetes Association, should be immune from liability unless there is criminal wrongdoing involved. These guidelines are often based upon many years of experience and extensive research and serve as the best approach we have of utilizing the art of medicine to tackle a particular condition. Their use in reforming the medical malpractice system is also a better alternative

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 to the random payment caps that are in place in several states. While we have relatively few goldstandard guidelines to work with for the moment, an increasing amount of research is taking place in this area, spurred by $1.1 billion in federal commitment under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for comparative effectiveness studies. In the meantime, we should make full use of the guidelines that are available. The adoption of this proposal would significantly lower


insurance premiums, thus helping to reduce the exodus of primar y care physicians and buckle the downward trend in the number of medical students who choose to go into this setting. In the end, it will be the patients that benefit. Bo Wang is an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy sixth-year student and former president of the Pharmacy Governing Council. His column, “Doctor's Orders,� runs on alternate Mondays.



PA G E 1 2

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010


Today's birthday (9/13/10). Your imagination knows no bounds. During the coming year, you put it to work for you in career, partnerships and recreational activities. No more boring trips to the same old places for you! Travel becomes a resource for healing and entertainment. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21--April 19) -Today is an 8 -- Focus your efforts on understanding the mechanics, and you can't go wrong. Work with an associate to place all the puzzle pieces. Taurus (April 20--May 20) -Today is an 8 -- You get ever ything done in your mind but then must execute it in the material world. All your imagination leads to worthwhile results. Use your vision as a blueprint. Gemini (May 21--June 21) -Today is an 8 -- Your heart's desire leads you to helping a partner satisfy a longtime dream. You've both taken different roads to arrive at perfect agreement. Cancer (June 22--July 22) -Today is a 5 -- Interaction with an unusual person provides new insight into a work issue. At first, it seems much too strange, but then the idea grows on you. Leo (July 23--Aug. 22) -Today is an 8 -- You have plenty of ideas about how to spend your hard-earned money. Tr y not to break the bank as you decide which creative ideas to pursue. Then go for it.

Virgo (Aug. 23--Sept. 22) -Today is an 8 -- Somehow you know exactly what to say and what choices to make. Others may only see the practical results. The answers just come to you with ease. Libra (Sept. 23--Oct. 22) -Today is an 8 -- You can use scraps from other projects and still get a lot done. Wait a day or two before spending money to take advantage of a sale. Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) -Today is an 8 -- The benefits of your personal input cannot be overestimated now. Others simply don't have your information or expertise. Stay in the conversation. Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 21) -Today is a 9 -- You can elevate the mood of even the gloomiest participant by creating the right atmosphere. Rearrange spaces to achieve better energy flow. Capricorn (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) -Today is a 7 -- Ideas have been floating around among your associates long enough. Grab hold of one or two and run with them. Get the ball really rolling. Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18) -Today is an 8 -- Imaginative ideas bubble up like water from a spring. Refresh your thinking, and put some of them into action. There's plenty to run with.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


SEPTEMBER 13, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

GRACIT Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: Saturday’s


(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: ABYSS CHAFF THEORY THRASH Answer: When the junkman got paid, he said it was — TRASH CASH


Solution Puzzle #3 9/10/10

Solution, tips and computer program at

DID YOU KNOW? Scarlet was made the of f icial school color of Rutgers University in 1900. Students initially sought to make the school color orange. The Daily Targum f irst proposed that scarlet be adopted in May 1869.



PA G E 1 4

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010

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NOTEBOOK: FIU’s QB rotation does not affect Knights continued from back The 6-foot-4, 302-pound right guard came in for junior Caleb Ruch in the first quarter, and the two continued to split time throughout the remainder of the Knights’ 19-14 victory. Lowery made his collegiate debut against Norfolk State, but it was late in the game once the score was out of reach. The former defensive lineman transitioned to the offensive side of the ball in the spring, when a hand injury limited his practice time. “We saw all along that he was getting better,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “He had that little time when he was out with the hand, so that set him back a little bit, but I think he can be a really good player.”




Cristobal would not announce a starting quarterback entering Saturday’s matchup, but both Mississippi State transfer Wesley Carroll and senior Wayne Younger played significant minutes. “We knew they had two quarterbacks, but we didn’t know which one would start, so we had to prepare for both,” said senior cornerback Brandon Bing. “It didn’t affect us. One can run a little bit more, but other than that we just had to do our job.”



tailback Kordell Young returned to the field for the first time since missing more than two weeks due to personal issues. The third-down back’s first touch was a dump-off pass he took for seven yards. The West Deptford, N.J., native did not receive any carries, but he missed a key block in the fourth quarter, when sophomore quarterback Tom Savage got a pass off but was drilled. “I thought he did a good job for his first night back,” Schiano said. “He’ll only get better and we’ll make sure we take care of him and keep him healthy.”


Redshirt freshman offensive lineman Antwan Lowery played significant minutes against Florida International after only appearing late in the game in the Knights’ season-opener against Norfolk State.


to find rhythm in ugly victory continued from back After the game, Lefeged said he could not remember a better individual performance in his life. “It was something that we saw on film,” Lefeged said of the blocks. “The coaches put together a great gameplan, they blocked just how we expected them to block and we executed.” The same can’t be said for the offense, which was admittedly unprepared and flustered by the FIU outlook early in the game. Despite the Golden Panthers’ five turnovers, they still trailed by just six at halftime after Rutgers barely moved the ball and needed a pass out of the “Wild Knight”


Carroll got the nod and Bing intercepted his first pass of the game, cutting in front of the intended receiver and returning the pick for seven yards. But Carroll got his revenge against Bing, burning the corner for a 40-yard pass that jumpstarted FIU’s 96-yard touchdown drive in the first quarter. Carroll threw for his second touchdown — a 17-yard pass — on the Golden Panthers’ first drive of the second half, after which Younger came on. The three-sport high school teammate of Rutgers junior cornerback David Rowe finished the game 5-of-10 for 38 yards, but FIU could not find the end zone with Younger. Carroll went 12-of22 for 166 yards, with two interceptions and two scores.

Cornerbacks Brandon Bing (23), Logan Ryan (11) and linebacker Antonio Lowery, back, reach for a loose football on one of five Florida International turnovers from the first half.

ESCAPE: Offense unable

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010

from Mohamed Sanu to sophomore tight end D.C. Jefferson to reach the end zone. “It was the home opener and you know they’re going to throw the kitchen sink at you,” said junior right tackle Art Forst. “You want to be ready for everything, but the reality is the whole team just needed to take a deep breath.” Rutgers surrendered the lead on a mismatch pass to the halfback in the second half, but managed to put Florida International away after Lefeged’s second blocked kick and a touchdown run by Sanu out of the Wild Knight. On the ground, Sanu had 44 yards on nine touches. The rest of the offense had 32 rushing yards on 29 attempts. The passing game was not any better. Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage, who was more upset by

his performance in the locker room than any game in his career, completed only half of his passes, throwing for just 72 yards and airmailing an illadvised throw to Sanu that led to an interception with the game still in contention. “It was a tough outing,” Savage said. “We went in sort of blindfolded. We didn’t know what they were going to run and we planned for one thing and they ran the exact opposite. We had to do it on the move.” Schiano said after beating Norfolk State that he was always happy to win an ugly game and use it as a learning experience. Rutgers (2-0) went through the same experience in Miami. “It’s great for the team, but as a quarterback, as a competitor, it’s not what you want,” Savage said. “I’m just as disappointed as anyone else.”


SEPTEMBER 13, 2010



Rutgers sputters against pair of ranked opponents BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT

Taking on two of the nation’s best teams is a tough draw, and although the Rutgers field hockey FIELD HOCKEY t e a m 1 strugRUTGERS g l e d 8 t h i s MARYLAND weekend in its trip to Mar yland, head coach Liz Tchou remains confident the team is continually improving. “There were pockets of time when we were playing really well and controlling the game, but

you can’t have certain players going for it and others tentative,” Tchou said. “You’ve got to get every player on the same intensity level.” No. 2 Mar yland (4-0) trounced the Scarlet Knights (15) 8-1 yesterday, marking the second loss for the team in its weekend road trip. The youth-laden squad again got of f to a slow star t and within the first 12 minutes of the game, faced a 3-0 deficit. Senior co-captain Heather Garces put the Knights on the board 58 minutes into the game, but by then the damage was done.


Sophomore goaltender Vickie Lavell was the early-season starter for the Knights but split time this weekend with freshman Sarah Stulby.

Slow starts, an ongoing issue for the squad in nearly every game this season, are something Tchou addressed and hopes to turn around as the season progresses. But improving on the field each week is no substitute for winning, and Tchou made that very clear. “It’s something we just keep working on,” Tchou said on the team’s slow starts. “We’re not going to take these losses as moral victories. We played better and that was the positive aspect of the game, but we lost.” Rutgers lost, 3-1, in Saturday’s matchup against American (2-2), after surrendering all three goals in the first half of play. The team’s lone goal in the contest came from Chelsea Rota on an assist by Cornelia Duffin. Although the stat sheet may not reflect it, the Knights hung in with the Eagles every step of the way. Tchou acknowledged that at least two of the goals were preventable, particularly American’s first goal 2:54 into the game that barely dribbled into the cage. “Our game against American was the best game we’ve played up to this point,” said Tchou. “We pretty much stayed within the game plan throughout the game and that was really nice to see.” The team just could not sustain its attacks in either game, as the challenge of taking on ranked opponents resulted in another tentative performance from Tchou’s young team. But after facing the highest ranked foe the team plays this season, the Knights gained crucial game


Junior midfielder Christie Morad registered two shots this weekend at the Terrapin Invitational. Morad currently leads the team in points.

experience, albeit in a disappointing effort. “We’re starting to figure things out throughout the game and starting to make changes,” said senior co-captain Jenna Bull. “Hopefully going into our first Big East game next weekend we’ll be able to take it to them and make a statement.” Sophomore Vickie Lavell and freshman Sarah Stuby split time in the cage for the Knights in each game. The team allowed 11 goals combined in the road trip and Tchou identified that the goalie

competition is still working itself out. For the weekend, Stuby made five saves and allowed six goals, while Lavell, the team’s starter at the beginning of the season, made two saves and gave up five goals. “I think they’re both working really well together,” said Bull. “They’re both competing for that starting spot like everyone else is and every week is a new start for that.” The Knights return to the Banks on Saturday for the team’s Big East opener against Syracuse at the Bauer Track and Field Complex.

RUTGERS’ RECRUITING PROSPECTS, COMMITS HAVE BIG WEEKENDS The Rutgers football team ered the No. 11 prospect in played in Miami on Saturday New Jersey, according to night, but there was still rea- son to The third member of St. FOOTBALL keep an Peter’s triumvirate, safety eye on Rutgers Stadium. Sheldon Royster, scored the St. Peter’s Prep (Jersey fourth touchdown for the vicCity) took on St. Joseph’s tors on a 55-yard punt return. Prep (Philadelphia) in Royster, the state’s No. 7 Piscataway with St. Peter’s prospect, is also being recruittaking the game, 35-7, behind ed by the Knights and consida Scarlet Knight verbal com- ered close with the program. mitment and a pair of highly Another Rutgers committouted recruits. ment, Florida running back Running back Chevelle Buie, also Savon Huggins had a big weekend. carried the ball 18 Buie and Cocoa times for 205 yards High School — and three touchRutgers cornerdowns, including a back David Rowe’s 58-yard scamper alma mater — travon the first play eled to Abilene, from scrimmage. Texas, and took’s No. down USA Today’s KEITH 57 prospect in the No. 4 program. LUMPKIN nation nar rowed The game was his list of schools tied at 10 entering to Rutgers, Florida, Nor th the fourth quarter, but Buie Carolina, Notre Dame rushed for two touchdowns in and Pittsburgh earlier in the final seven minutes to earn the week. a 24-21 victory over Abilene. Huggins ran behind The 5-foot-7, 153-pound Rutgers’ most recent com- tailback’s three touchdowns mitment, of fensive tackle came on a 78-yard pass, a 75Keith Lumpkin. yard run and a 35-yard run. The 6-foot-8, 295-pound ranks Buie lineman offered his verbal the No. 5 all-purpose back in commitment to Rutgers the countr y. head coach Greg Schiano last Thursday and is consid— Steven Miller



SEPTEMBER 13, 2010



The Rutgers football team’s defense stayed true to its mantra and swarmed the football in Miami on Saturday, forcing five turnovers and blocking two punts on special teams to set up the Scarlet Knights’ 19-14 win over FIU. PHOTOS BY: ANDREW HOWARD / SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER


SEPTEMBER 13, 2010



Knights battle weather, Peacocks to first victory BY A.J. JANKOWSKI

said. “But he never came out so I had to go around him and that’s what happened.” Amid heavy rain and less than In goal, Donigan went with stellar field conditions, the junior Adam Klink after starting Rutgers men’s soccer team Southern Methodist transfer f o u g h t Kevin McMullen in the season’s MEN’S SOCCER Mother first two games. ature Klink responded with a clean 0 N ST. PETER’S as well sheet, making four saves and 2 as St. looking strong on his feet, despite RUTGERS P e t e r ’ s the conditions. and came out victorious. The “You never know what’s going Scarlet Knights defeated the to happen [in these conditions],” Peacocks, 2-0, on a dreary after- he said. “You’ve got to be ready noon yesterday at Yurcak Field. for everything and you’ve got to The win marks the first of the be sure with your moves because season for the Knights (1-1-1) everything is moving faster.” after a come-from-behind 2-2 While the shutout is credited draw Friday against Delaware. It to Klink, the Chesapeake, Va., is also the first win for Rutgers native gives credit to his during the Dan Donigan era. defense and the rest of the time “It wasn’t a pretty game. The as well. conditions were tough, but to “I love the four guys in front of come away with a 2-0 win against me,” Klink said. “Even the midSt. Peter’s is good,” said fielders, too. It’s a whole team Donigan, who spent the past nine defense. I just think our backs are seasons at the helm of Saint phenomenal. They block such a Louis’ program. “It’s tough for high amount of shots and they both teams to play in the rain and shut guys down so I don’t have to the slop and these conditions. do too much.” We’re happy.” In the first game of the weekRutgers drew first blood end, under the lights on Friday against the Peacocks (1-3-0) in night, the Knights conceded two the 33rd minute, goals to Delaware when senior capbefore coming tain Yannick “I love the four guys back in the final Salmon headed a minutes to in front of me. Even 13 per fect cross draw even. from midfielder The tying goal the midfielders, Nye Winslow into came from too. It’s a whole the right corner Salmon in the of the net. 90th minute on a team defense.” Salmon’s tally free kick just outmarked the secside the 18-yard ADAM KLINK ond goal in as box. The ball Junior Goalkeeper many games for struck the Blue the Westbur y, Hen wall of N.Y., native. Salmon netted defenders and squeaked into the the game-tying goal in the lower-left side of the net past the 90th minute Friday against the hapless goalkeeper. Blue Hens. “It doesn’t matter to me as “Yannick is a leader of this long as it gets in,” Salmon said. “I team,” Donigan said. “He’s an picked out the right upper 90, but emotional leader. He’s a physical it completely went the opposite leader. He’s a talented leader. We way. I just started running [in celneed him to get involved and get ebration] right after.” his touches. When he’s not, then Rutgers fell behind by two it makes things that much harder scores in the 53rd minute, for us.” when Demar Stephenson found Salmon’s goal against St. space between the Knights’ Peter’s was a painful one at that, back line and drilled a low line after he suffered a cut on his drive from just outside the 18 head late in the Delaware contest. that eluded McMullen and “It’s still a little swollen and it found the back post. hurt on the goal, but it’ll be OK,” Down two, Rutgers looked to he said. another captain to jumpstart its The insurance goal came in counter. Andrew Cuevas, a the 90th minute, when North defenseman, headed a brilliant Brunswick High School product feed from midfielder Robbie Ibrahim Kamara found space McLarney into the Delaware net. behind the Peacock defense and The goal — Rutgers’ first of took his time, dribbling past the season — came in the goalkeeper Carlos Suarez. match’s 77th minute. The tally Calm, cool and collected, was also Cuevas’ third goal via Kamara deposited the ball into header in two seasons. the empty net. “It’s my thing I guess,” said The goal is the first on the Cuevas of his knack for scoring year for Kamara, who led the with his noggin. “Everyone on Knights in tallies last season. the team calls me Big Head. “I saw the keeper and I was Robbie is usually the guy waiting for him to come out and I who serves me those balls. I wasn’t going to go around him. I guess we just connect and find was going to chip it,” Kamara each other.” ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR


Teammates surround senior captain Yannick Salmon (top) after his 90th minute goal forced a 2-2 tie against Delaware on Friday night, two days before junior goalie Adam Klink recorded a clean sheet against St. Peter’s in his first start of the season.




SEPTEMBER 13, 2010


Rutgers shows strides as tourney hosts BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT


he Rutgers women’s soccer team traveled to Portland, Ore., this weekend to participate in the Nike Invitational. The Scarlet Knights defeated Washington by a 1-0 score on Sunday, after falling in dramatic fashion, 2-1, to No. 4 Portland. The total attendance at the Portland match was 3,103. It was the largest crowd Rutgers played in front of since the stat started to be recorded. For full coverage, see tomorrow’s edition.




team hired Hilary Tyler to be the program’s new assistant coach. Tyler, a standout at both Iowa and Colorado State during her playing days, returns to her native New Jersey after a twoyear stint as a graduate assistant at St. Lawrence. She boasted an 18-11 record in her senior season at CSU and twice earned All-Mountain West conference honors.



the FIBA World Basketball Championship yesterday, beating Turkey, 83-64, to earn the gold medal. As he did the entire tournament, for ward Kevin Durant put on a show, dropping 28 points in the contest to propel Team U.S.A. Durant was the tournament’s leading scorer. Lamar Odom added a double-double, scoring 15 points and snatching 11 rebounds.




performance at the BMW Championship, Tiger Woods fell short of the cut for the FedEx Cup finale. Woods is not eligible for the Tour Championship for the first time in his career. He missed the tournament in 2006 when he cut his season short and in 2008 when he withdrew due to knee surgery. His next tournament will be the Ryder Cup.

THE FIRST SUNDAY OF the NFL season kicked off with plenty of surprises. The defending AFC Champion Indianapolis Colts fell victim to the upstart Houston Texans by a 34-24 score. Arian Foster led the Texan attack, torching the Colts on the ground with 231 yards and three touchdowns. Fantasy football owners lucky enough to grab Tennessee’s Chris Johnson were treated to 142 yards rushing and two scores. THE


bracket of the U.S. Open between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal was postponed until today. The match, originally set to take place Sunday afternoon, was delayed because of inclement weather that hit the Northeast. Djokovic reached the finals by defeating Roger Federer on Saturday in a five-set marathon match. Nadal, the top seed in the tournament, had a much easier path to the finals, defeating Mikhail Youzhny in straight sets.

The Rutgers volleyball team hosted its first Rutgers Invitational since 2005 at the College VOLLEYBALL Avenue TCU 3 Gym. T h e RUTGERS 2 Scarlet Knights welcomed three high-caliber teams for an experiment to gauge just how much they changed in the past couple of years. There isn’t anything more satisfying than good results in a test run. The Knights dropped a five-set game to TCU by two points, won a five-set match against George Mason and swept Princeton to finish second overall. “This [weekend] says a lot,” said head coach CJ Werneke. “We’re able to compete with the best. I told the team after in the locker room there’s nobody in our conference better than [TCU]. So if we can go five with them and continue to make the improvements, there’s no reason we can’t compete and take every team in our conference.” Even the loss to TCU spoke volumes about a team that had but two wins in the entire season two years ago. TCU not only made the NCAA Tournament last year, but won its way to the Sweet 16. In layman’s terms, losing by two points to a squad like TCU signifies incredible growth. It wasn’t apparent that Rutgers would even be able to compete with the Horned Frogs. Also undefeated at that point in the tournament, TCU beat Princeton 3-1 and then swept George Mason earlier that Saturday afternoon. In the first set against the Knights, TCU took an early lead and never looked back to win 25-15. Perhaps sooner than expected, Rutgers was hard-pressed to figure out what was going on before things got out of control. “Sometimes I feel like if we start to pass badly or things don’t go our way we start to crumble a little bit, but we always tend to pick each other up,” said sophomore Kylie Orr. Rutgers battled back in the second set to win a ridiculous 3129 set, looking nothing like last


Senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton was one of two Scarlet Knights to earn All-Tournament honors at the Rutgers Invitational, where she registered a double-double in each of the Knights’ matches. year’s team. “To come back and say we’re not just going to roll over — that would have been the easy thing to do,” said senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton. “I think that would have been what we would have done in years past, but now I think we have this confidence about us that says, ‘Even though this team is physically better than us, if we play our game and do what we need to do we’re going to come out successful.’” The second set wasn’t the only time Rutgers’ composure was tested. TCU built an advantage similar to its first set to the tune of a 25-16 third-set win, and the Knights then fought back to take a 25-16 win of its own, forcing a fifth set. But TCU took an early lead and would not yield more than two points on the Knights’ end for a close 15-13 victory. “[The game was] a roller coaster for our team, but I mean TCU’s a great team. They went to the Sweet 16 last year,” Werneke said. “They put a lot of pressure

on us, our passing broke down … when that happens against a good team, it’s tough to fight back, they’re not going to give us anything, and we didn’t earn it.” Despite everything, the weekend’s sole loss still proved to be progressive. Rutgers shook off its losses and battled back to almost take down a national-tournament caliber team. “The level it takes to go from being a good team to a great team, we’re a little inconsistent right now,” Werneke said. “It’s our own game. Without a doubt, year three is the ‘learn how to win’ year. That’s the goal and that’s what we’re going to be working toward.” If the rest of the weekend meant anything, that goal is pretty close to being realized. A sweep of a Princeton team, one that has a history of making the NCAA Tournament, earlier that afternoon was impressive to everyone on the team. “When it mattered, we played well,” Werneke said. “Toward the end of each game we really exe-

cuted and played our game, and when it mattered we were able to finish them off.” Werneke’s idea applied to Rutgers’ game against George Mason as well. In a game not too unlike the TCU struggle, the Knights traded sets with the Patriots but were able to take a fifth-set victory to the tune of 15-10. “I think this weekend shows how far we’ve come and how far we’re going,” Saxton said. The Encinitas, Calif., native notched a double-double in every game of the tournament, as well as in Tuesday’s game against NJIT. “I’m proud of myself because as a senior I have to be a leader out there,” Saxton said. With one weekend invitational left before the start of the conference schedule, Werneke could not be more elated. “[This is] exciting. To be a part of such a great tournament with such high level of competition and to respond the way we did, hey, you know what? The future’s bright.”



PA G E 2 0

SEPTEMBER 13, 2010



1 3 7

2 10 0

3 0 7

4 6 0

Final 19 14


Despite five first-half takeaways, Knights need fourth-quarter comeback to take game on road in Miami BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT

MIAMI — With the way Florida International pushed the Rutgers FOOTBALL football team to its tipping point Saturday in the second game of the season, it is clear that head coach Mario Cristobal learned a lot from his former boss Greg Schiano. The FIU defense completely confused the Scarlet Knights for the majority of Rutgers’ ugly 19-14 win, and the Golden Panthers’ offense put together more than its fair share of big plays. It’s just too bad for Cristobal that he did not pay more attention during Schiano’s ball security drills in practice. In the first half alone, FIU turned the ball over five times — three fumbles and two interceptions — and there were two blocked punts on a career night for senior safety Joe Lefeged. The defense and special teams units helped the Knights grit out its second straight win and head into the bye week undefeated. “When you create that many takeaways and block punts — that was what we needed,” Schiano said. “I just told our guys, ‘When you have a young football team, nothing is going to be easy.’ … A guy like Joe, who is an experienced guy, coming out and doing what he did is exactly what we needed on the road.” Senior cornerback Brandon Bing started things off with an interception on the first play from scrimmage. Lefeged and senior linebacker Antonio Lowery combined for three forced fumbles and two recoveries in the half, with senior defensive end Jonathan Freeny falling on the other. Lefeged also picked off a pass from starting quarterback Wesley Carroll after an in-the-air adjustment by junior cornerback David Rowe on a tipped ball. Lefeged’s final stat line in Miami was: Six tackles, two forced fumbles, a 29-yard interception return, two blocked kicks and a pass defense — stats a safety can expect through half of a season, not just one game.



Senior safety Joe Lefeged returns his second-quarter interception for a 29-yard gain on one of three takeaways he played a part in. The Germantown, Md., native also forced two fumbles and blocked two punts to set up the Knights’ game-winning touchdown.


USF Florida

Texas Southern Connecticut

KEY STATS 21 24 OT 14 38

3 62





Total Yds 172 371

Pass 96 204

Rush 76 167

EXTRA POINT The Rutgers football team forced five Florida International turnovers in the first half on a pair of interceptions and three fumbles. After the takeaways, the Knights started three drive on FIU’s side of the 50yard line but were only able to convert the takeaways to 10 points on the offensive side of the ball.



MIAMI — Chances are Antwan Lower y would remember this game, no matter what happened. But that the redshirt freshman offensive lineman received the most significant playing time of his young career in front of about 60 family members and friends in his hometown of Miami made the Rutgers

football team’s game against Florida International all the more special. “It was probably the best time I had playing football,” Lowery said. “When coach [Kyle] Flood told me I was going in, I knew I had to put everything aside and I knew I had to go play for my family, my teammates and everyone who helped me get to this point.”


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