Volume 141, Number 11
1 8 6 9
Today: Showers
High: 82 • Low: 59
Sophomore midfielder Stefanee Pace has returned from a torn ACL injury to help the Rutgers women’s soccer team to a 5-1-1 record and the No. 17 ranking in the country.
GOVERNOR INITIATES RELIEF PROGRAM FOR UNEMPLOYED STATE RESIDENTS Although the economy seems to be turning around, many Americans are still unemployed. Gov. Jon S. Corzine announced the nation’s first state initiative to help assist outof-work New Jerseyans back into work while simultaneously encouraging business growth through added labor yesterday at the New Brunswick One Stop Career Center located on Jersey Avenue in New Brunswick. “By providing for families and for businesses during these challenging economic times, we are balancing the needs of the present with the promise of the future,” Corzine said. The Re-Employment Training for Unemployed Residents of New Jersey to Work program supports businesses that hire those who have exhausted their unemployment insurance and are still unemployed. The businesses will be compensated up to $5 per hour with a maximum of $2,400 per newly-hired employee, according to a press release. Conversely, the employer must pay at least $15 per hour and retain the employee for at least six months. More than 40,000 unemployed in New Jersey will receive notice this week of the new job potential, according to the release. Corzine wrote to Congress last week asking for added benefits for those who have or will soon lose their unemployment insurance. The United States Finance Committee met yesterday to discuss this issue. “These are the tools necessary to provide New Jersey families with a strong economic foundation and the ability to provide their children a stable and secure future,” Corzine said. “I believe this is the right thing to do for New Jersey.”
South Brunswick resident Vishakha Gandhi speaks with Gov. Jon S. Corzine yesterday about his new
— Sara Gretina
unemployment program and how it may aid her family, as three of five members are out of work.
Faculty diversity not on par with student demographic BY MARY DIDUCH ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
While the University’s student body is recognized as one of the most diverse in the nation, the same cannot be said of the com-
position of the University’s faculty — and the school is seeking ways to diversify. “We need to do better,” said University President Richard L. McCormick. “Ever y time we recruit a faculty member [we try]
to increase the likelihood or at least the possibility that the person appointed will be an individual of color.” White full-time faculty members composed 71.4 percent of the University’s 2,002 full-time faculty
members during the 2008-2009 academic year, according to a report of the number of full-time faculty and staff by race/ethnicity and gender for the New Brunswick campus. Last academic year, there were 67 black faculty members, about 3.3
percent of the entire full-time faculty in New Brunswick, according to the report. About 12.1 percent were Asian American, 2.3 percent Hispanic and 10.6 percent foreign.
INDEX OPINIONS Edison residents are upset by the eXXXotica New York porn convention coming to town, even though sex surrounds society in everyday popular culture.
ONLINE Howard U. marching band rocked Rutgers Stadium during Saturday’s football game. Check out an exclusive audio slideshow on our Web site. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
Computer labs remain open during the final examination period, but some students would prefer the 24-hour labs all semester long. U. administrators say this idea is not feasible.
Lack of demand, finances for 24-hour computer labs BY JOE BEGONIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER
With students struggling to find a quiet common area to study — especially during midterms and finals — the lack of 24-hour computer labs and libraries at the University can pose a large inconvenience to some. Students have voiced this as a growing concern because of their
schedule demands, the difficulty of finding quiet areas and reliance on the labs for computer access. “Rutgers is an academic university first, and by not offering a 24-hour computer lab, they are really doing the student body a disservice,” said John Dere, a School of Arts and Sciences junior.
G.O.Y.A. Project President Marian Pho (center) and PR representative Dianne Ode speak with students at yesterday’s SEBS Community Day on Cook campus. President Richard L. McCormick and Executive Dean Robert M. Goodman welcomed students at the event that featured free food, entertainment and organization information.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Rutgers Meteorology Club THURSDAY HIGH 63 LOW 55
TODAY Showers, with a high of 68° TONIGHT Showers, with a low of 54°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS EDITOR MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS EDITOR ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN EDITOR MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT EDITOR MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS EDITOR ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY EDITOR SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY EDITOR HEATHER BROOKHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO EDITOR AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE EDITOR LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN EDITOR KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT EDITOR JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE EDITOR MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR CAGRI OZUTURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Matt Ackley, Bryan Angeles, Bill Domke, Katherine O’Connor, Nancy Santucci SENIOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Steven Williamson SENIOR WRITERS — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Bill Domke, Greg Flynn, Deirdre S. Hopton, Steve Miller, Chris Melchiorre, Ariel Nagi SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER — Bryan Angeles, Brendan McInerney, John Pena STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Angelica Bonus, Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Aimee Fiscella, Jodie Francis, Jennifer Miguel-Hellman, Maya Nachi, Mike Shanahan, Isiah Stewart
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT K ATIE G ATTUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B USINESS M ANAGER S TEVE J ACOBUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ARKETING D IRECTOR L IZ K ATZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O PERATIONS M ANAGER S IMONE K RAMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTROLLER P AMELA S TEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A SSISTANT M ARKETING D IRECTOR S ARA B USOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C LASSIFIEDS M ANAGER TAMMER IBRAHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ASSISTANT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES — Sagar Agrawal, Jateen Chauhan, Pat Mcguinness, Chelsea Mehassey, Amanda Solomon CLASSIFIEDS ASSISTANTS — Kristine Enerio ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTS — Laura Avino, Justin Chan, Liliya Dmitrieva
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Benjamin Horowitz, Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
NJPIRG announces new energy program
PA G E 3
New Jersey Public Interest Research Groups Student Chapters representatives are making their rounds around campus to explain the organizations’ plans for the semester. At the SEBS/Cook Council meeting Monday, Campus Organizer Sarah Clader, School of Ar ts and Sciences senior Kate Hubschmitt and Cook College junior Nicole McCann introduced themselves to members and explained NJPIRG Student Chapters’ new organizational structure. “It’s different from last year, where each campus had all five campaigns [of NJPIRG Student Chapters],” McCann said. “This semester, we’re starting where each campus has their main area for the campaigns. So, Cook is going to be the Energy Service Corp campus.” The Energy Service Corp will focus on kindergarten through 12th grade education, community education, energy auditing and weatherization of homes. “It’s great that they come and talk to the councils; I think it’s a great way to get their knowledge out there, because then we can send it to all of the other people in our major, people that we represent,” said Cook College senior Gregory Sun, who serves as the Major Representative for Biotechnology, Chair for the Academic Affairs Committee and the Sergeant at Arms for the council. “It’s just great that they’re actually telling us about this so we can actually help them out.”
SEBS/ COOK COUNCIL Hubschmitt and McCann said NJPIRG are set to work on four other campaigns this semester, which are open to students from any of the five campuses. “Our campaigns are the New Voters Project, Water Watch, Hunger and Homelessness, Global Warming Solutions and Energy Ser vice Corp,” said McCann in her presentation. “We really just want to establish good relations with everyone.” Council President and Cook College senior David Sorkin said the council is interested in all of the campaigns, but they are especially interested in the New Voters Project and in environmentally directed projects. “I hope to definitely work with them [to attract new voters] up through the registration deadline on Oct. 13, because that’s just something all campuses should be involved in,” Sorkin said. “Personally, I am more interested in climate. I worked with NJPIRG last fall on the Campus Climate Challenge, so that’s what mainly interests me personally.” NJPIRG Student Chapters representatives will host their kickoff event tonight at 8 p.m. in Trayes Hall B in the Douglass Campus Center. All five campaigns of NJPIRG Student Chapters will be represented, and all members of the University community are welcome.
The Biomedicial Engineering building on Busch campus has a new sculpture to adorn its exterior. The sculpture was made of multi-sized recycled pipes, which give the impression of 3-D velocity.
New Jersey Public Interest Research Group Student Chapters is launching their campaigns of ser vice and political activism this week at the NJPIRG Kickoff Event at 8 p.m. in the Douglass Campus Center, Trayes Hall B. All students are invited to attend to find out how to get involved. Game Night is to help incoming first-year honor students meet their mentors and make sure the transition from high school to college is going smoothly. It is hosted by the School of Arts and Sciences Honors Program and will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Graduate Student Lounge on the College Avenue campus.
Gay Jeopardy will be in a game format with questions surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenderrelated issues, culture and history, etc. The event is hosted by Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Allies of Rutgers University from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
The Unplugged Board Game Club will hold a club meeting every Friday at 7 p.m. at the Busch Student Center in room 174.
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
FACULTY: U. works to retain diverse teaching body continued from front McCormick said the University President’s Council on Institutional Diversity and Equity created a manual of best practices for department chairs, deans and search committee chairs to use in conducting a search for qualified candidates of color. Another initiative aims to recruit minority faculty in groups in a cluster-hiring initiative, as studies show faculty members with similar academic interests come and stay at a university longer, he said. Several cluster-hiring initiatives are running on the Newark campus in urban entrepreneurship, on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses in Caribbean studies and on the Camden campus in traffic studies, McCormick said. Another tactic is improving faculty retention rates. “The ver y best deser vedly have opportunities to move on,” McCormick said. “We have to encourage them to stay here.” Rutgers Business School firstyear student Lap Nguyen opposes favoring candidates of color while hiring. “Personally, I think that you should just give the job to whoever’s qualified, minority or not minority,” he said. “[The University is] going to face the same problems the government did when they started pushing for affirmative action. It’s not
going to work; they should just hire the qualified teacher and not worr y about the ethnicity or creed of professors.” Political Science Assistant Professor Alvin Tillery, a specialist in affirmative action and racial and ethnic politics, thinks this is an important initiative. “A diverse faculty certainly enhances the research and education of all at the University,” he said. Graduate student Harshad Bhavsar said the University needs more diversity in professors.
“Personally, I think that you should just give the job to whoever’s qualified, minority or not minority.” LAP NGUYEN Rutgers Business School first-year student
“I think it’s good because it’s good to get a better exposure to the world around students’ cultures, and I think it would help them to educate them,” he said. This lack is a national problem, and the University is more diverse than other institutions, McCormick said. “This is fairly near the top of the pile,” he said. “Most universities don’t even do as well as we do, but we have to do better.” Tillery said half of graduate professors are women, but in terms of racial and ethnic diversi-
ty, the University could improve. “I think that Rutgers has long been in the forefront in trying to achieve faculty diversity … but I see there is a need for more diversity,” he said. One reason for a lack of minority professors everywhere lies in societal perceptions, McCormick said. “I think the most important reason is too few kids of color in America grow up imagining themselves as college professors,” he said. “The ver y best of them are encouraged to pursue and they do successfully pursue careers in business and law and medicine.” McCormick said professors are encouraging minority students who show strong capabilities to consider careers in academics and presenting themselves as positive role models. “Rutgers, like every institution, has a responsibility to swell a pipeline of kids of color, young men and women of color heading to academic careers,” he said. Livingston College senior Jasmine Greene has mixed feelings about the initiative. “I’m undecided on that just because I feel like you should be hired based on your qualifications, but also, there’s a need for diversity, any kind of diversity,” she said. Greene said she would not want to work or learn in an environment with the same type of people. “If I’m working somewhere, I don’t want to be the only type of person,” she said. “I would need other people to share other experiences and points of view.”
Performers, fundraiser feed ailing soup kitchen BY AMBER MAURIELLO CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Instead of staying in tonight or studying, University students can get live music, entertainment and prizes at a charity fundraiser for New Brunswick soup kitchen Elijah’s Promise. Rutgers College senior Audrey Augustave organized the first-ever “Creative Blend of all Fields of the Arts” to raise funds for the soup kitchen, which has been struggling due to the nation’s economic crisis. “With the decline in the economy, they cannot provide as much as they used to,” Augustave said. The event, which begins tonight at 7 p.m., will be held at the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus. Attendees can either pay $3 at the door or donate three, non-perishable food cans, she said. With the entry fee and raffle, Augustave is striving to raise around $1,000 and make the fundraiser an annual event. “It only takes three cans of soup to see a conga drum performance. Why not?” said Rutgers College senior Joseph J. Higgins III, who is scheduled to perform at the event. The fundraiser will feature raffles, rappers, live bands, poetry
COMPUTER: Little success with 24-hour lab test continued from front But the situation may not have an immediate remedy. The University does not have any plans to have a 24-hour library or computer lab, said Vice President for Student Affairs Gregory S. Blimling. The cost to run them is too much and the demand is not high enough. Many students have noted that during the closed lab hours, the lights are left on, even though no one is in or allowed in the rooms. “I don’t understand it at all,” said School of Ar ts and Sciences senior Zain Patrawala. “If you are going to leave the lights on, what’s so hard about hiring one person to leave them open?” The University has experimented with a 24-hour library in the past, but it was not a success. “We monitor the situations and we’ll try to be as responsive as possible, but we did look very carefully at a number of those areas when the hours were extended; virtually nobody came,” said Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip J. Furmanski. The issue for students isn’t so much computing needs as much as it is for studying.
and more, Augustave said. Many University events are geared toward specific demographics or one specific interest. “I wanted different talents to attract different racial demographics,” she said. “I wanted to bring them together.” She said University students should care about the soup kitchen, as Elijah’s Promise has been helping the community for many years. “If New Brunswick is not flourishing as a town, then it is inevitable that Rutgers students will be affected,” Augustave said. “[At] Rockoff Hall, for example, you see a lot of the local New Brunswick people that don’t have a lot, asking you for money, so it does directly affect us as Rutgers students.” She said students could show support by coming to the event, donating or creating awareness. “By spending a tiny bit of money, you can help Elijah’s [Promise] cover its costs and provide more ser vices,” said Ryan Acquaotta, an event performer. “Which in these times could mean the dif ference between eating and star ving for someone.” Visit for volunteer opportunities and more information.
“We found that students really didn’t need the labs for the computers, so much as they needed a quiet study area,” said Director of New Brunswick Computing Services Frank Reda. “The labs aren’t ideal for studying, it can be difficult to spread out your books and bringing a drink isn’t allowed.” During midterms and finals, the computer labs and libraries are occasionally left open for 24 hours, but that does not quell the disappointment and frustration of students who are very involved in their studies year-round. “I know friends of mine at other schools have 24-hour labs,” Patrawala said. “Where else do you hear of students getting kicked out of the labs at two in the morning?” Other large universities in the area impose closed library and lab hours on their students. Penn State, Princeton and Monmouth universities have libraries that close between 11 p.m. and midnight, although Penn State does offer a 24-hour computer lab and study rooms. Some students are simply upset that money is one of the big deciding factors in preventing 24hour labs and libraries. “We pay them so much money for tuition already, and the rates went up this year,” said Sidanii Bell, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “Can you really put a price on someone trying to further their education?”
STUDY ABROAD FAIR TO EXPLORE, EXPLAIN PROGRAMS For students who don’t want to wait until after graduation to travel, Stephen Reiner t and the Study Abroad Program staff are working to make it possible for University students to see other parts of the world while working toward their degree. The Study Abroad Fair, which will run from 2 to 5 p.m. today at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus, will feature representatives from approximately 50 different programs. “Our objective is to publicize to as many students, faculty and members of the University community all of the opportunities available through the Study Abroad program, so they can understand the program and all that it offers,” said Reinert, dean of the Study Abroad program. “We have semester–long programs, year–long programs and summer programs.” The University has partner agreements with universities in countries all around the world, Reinert said. Schools with agreements are less costly to students than those without. In such cases, the normal tuition fees for international students would apply. For those worried about the affordability of studying abroad, Reinert said their normal financial aid can be put toward studying abroad and there are other scholarship opportunities through different University departments. Students can study in locations including but not limited to the United Kingdom, France, Spain, India, Italy, Germany and Guyana. “We are always expanding the program,” Reinert said. “By this time next year, we will have five more locations available in Latin America.” Marcela Caro, marketing coordinator of the Study Abroad program, said that in addition to the information tables, there will be art and entertainment from around the world, including tango lessons for all interested attendees. — Deirdre S. Hopton
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Police serve warrants in Grad student’s homicide THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MIDDLETOWN, Conn. — Police raided the apartment yesterday of a man they call a person of interest in the slaying of a Yale graduate student. Two search warrants for DNA and other physical evidence were served at the apartment of 24-year-old Raymond Clark III in Middletown. No charges were filed against Clark, who police said would be released after they obtain the evidence they need from him and his apartment. Clark, dressed in a tight-fitting white shirt, was handcuffed and escorted out of the apartment building and into a silver car. Neighbors leaned over the apartment buildings iron railings and cheered as police led him away. New Haven Police Chief James Lewis did not describe Clark as a suspect. He said police were hoping to compare DNA taken from him to more than 150 pieces of evidence collected from the crime scene. “We’re going to be making sure there’s not other suspects out there,” Lewis said. Investigators began staking out Clark’s home on Monday, a day after they discovered 24-year-old Anni Le’s body hidden in the basement of a research building at Yale’s medical school. She had vanished Sept. 8. Clark shares the apartment with his girlfriend, Jennifer Hromadka, whom he is engaged to marry in December 2011, according to the couple’s incomplete wedding Web site. Middletown is about 20 miles north of New Haven. Neither the couple nor Clark’s parents returned repeated telephone calls yesterday. Clark moved to Middletown from New Haven six months ago, and shares the apartment with his girlfriend and three cats, according to former neighbor Taylor Goodwin, 16.
“I never really talked to him much, he was just some guy,” Goodwin said. It was unknown how long Clark worked at Yale or his duties. Clark’s super visors at Yale would not comment. Le worked for a Yale laborator y that conducted experiments on mice, and investigators found her body stuffed in the basement wall of a facility that housed research animals. Authorities had been tightlipped since Le was reported missing Sept. 8, just a few days before her wedding day. Police say they have ruled out her fiancee, a Columbia University graduate student, as a suspect but have provided little additional information. Officials had promised yesterday to release an autopsy report that would shed light on exactly how Le died. But then prosecutors blocked release of the results out of concern that it could hinder the investigation. Investigators usually have reasons for keeping information secret during a criminal probe, said David Zlotnick, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches law at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I. Secrecy helps police confront possible suspects with littleknown evidence about a crime and makes it harder them to fabricate a cover story. “Having that information secret or private helps the investigators know, first of all, what buttons to push on the person, and it makes sure they haven’t tainted the investigation,” Zlotnick said. Le’s body was found Sunday, the day she would have been mar ried on New York’s Long Island. Her remains had been crammed into a wall recess where utilities and cables r un between floors.
PA G E 8
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Generation XXX S
ex is ever ywhere. Whether it is on your computer screen, on-demand on your television, in adver tisements for condoms or personal lubricant, there really is no escaping the natural act that living things par ticipate in. No one wants it staring them in the face all the time, but with the way society has become, it is pretty hard to ignore. Adver tisements for non-sexual products like clothing, shoes and electronics usually have super skinny, big breasted, half-dressed models showing of f the products that are supposed to be the object of interest in the ad. Sex sells. It is a well-known fact, and you don’t see many people complaining when commercials for condoms or KY are on their television screens. With all this sex surrounding society in ever yday life, it is hard to believe that people from the other wise quiet town of Edison, N.J., are throwing a fit — for the second year in a row — about the eXXXotica New York convention being held in the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center. This convention brings together the biggest porn stars, adult enter tainment companies and adult product venders to our ver y own state — only a few towns away from us here at the University. Last year, there was no dif ferent reaction when the porn convention came to town. After being kicked out of the original location in Secaucus, eXXXotica New York did not receive a warm welcome to their new home. Residents were ver y upset that the three-day convention — which features seminars like “Creating Successful Amateur Porn” and “Are Women More Hardcore than Men” — and also stage shows like “Strip for Pain,” “Family Feud with the Vivid Girls,” as well as a few other live per formances done by the adult film stars attending. Last year 18,000 people attended the convention, and this year they are expecting at least double that. Convention goers who want to purchase films, toys or just meet their favorite stars can pay $125 for a three-day pass or $50 for one day’s entr y. It’s outrageous to think this type of porn extravaganza could be going on in a quiet town in New Jersey as opposed to some upscale gentlemen’s club in a big city, or somewhere where more people who find it acceptable, but the producers and creators of this convention paid the money to the Expo Center, and that is where they will stay. It is understandable that residents are upset, as they were promised last year by town of ficials that this event would not occur again in their town. Imagine their surprise when adver tisements for the convention sur faced with Edison written all over them again. The question is, though, which demographic of people are more upset about this than others? Because sex is so mainstream in popular culture and society in general, one would think that it would not be a big deal. There is a por tion of people out there who feel this type of thing is immoral and are of fended by it, then you have other groups slapping each other high-fives and jumping on the porn bandwagon, and then there are those who simply could not care less about this even being held. One has to wonder: what exactly is the big deal? The convention is being held in a large building. Nothing will be going on outside of the center. It is also a ticketed event. This is not something that is just open the public and ever yone is openly exposed to naked bodies and dildos. If you want no par t in it, you do not have to be. So why are people complaining? The ones who have issues are those who are in denial about what American culture has become. Porn is so easily accessible in this day and age, that you do not need to go to a convention to get it. If they are worried about what their young children are being exposed to, they are going to have to lock them in their rooms, draw the blinds and keep anything media-related away. Ever y day, people are wearing less walking down the street and showing public displays of af fection more often without worr ying what they are exposing to the public. This is especially so for younger teenagers these days. The way information circulates around schools, your child does not need to see a porn convention advertisement to learn about what adult enter tainment is. There are girls who want to be seen as porn star-esqe so boys will pay more attention to them. It’s sad, but that is the way culture has become. Pop stars and porn stars can be one in the same at this point. Edison residents have the right to be irritated with the town for allowing the eXXXotica New York convention to be held, but at this point in time, they just have to get over it. There is no stopping the business. It is controversial, but still a money-producing market. High ticket prices and consumer sales that go on at the event will bring in a lot of revenue, and the town of Edison is also making money of f of the convention being held. There is not any stopping the adult enter tainment industr y from coming to town — so residents can embrace it or ignore it — but it will not go away.
“Can you really put a price on someone trying to further their education?” Sidanii Bell, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, on lack of funding for a 24-hour computer lab STORY ON FRONT
Racism alive in new form
parts. I personally find it t seems as though exceedingly frustrating American society canwhen I am automatically not completely eradigrouped into a categor y cate feelings of racism, a skewed worldview with roots JENNA GREENFIELD that defines me as narrowminded racist. that can be traced back to In a similar vein, the douthe ver y founding of the ble standard in the accepted language and behavior nation. Even in the early 1500s, European settlers of blacks when contrasted to whites in regard to felt a distinct sense of supremacy over the Native racism today is alarming. Black Americans can get Americans who had inhabited the Americas largely away with speaking much more openly about via the Bering Straight years prior to the European whites, while if a white person is to make a racial refexpeditions. Jumping approximately 350 years later erence pertaining to a black person, they are almost in American history submerges one directly into instantaneously labeled as an avid racist. It seems as the sweat of the Civil War — an imbroglio between though whites often have to practice circumlocution citizens of a nation teetering on the edge of tearing when addressing an issue of race — lest they be too apart — with the issue of enslaving black blunt, forward or unwittingly offensive. Americans a heated contributing factor. Kamau Kambon, bookstore owner and affiliated To deny that black people were outrageously disfaculty at the North Carolina State University elucicriminated against in our nation’s past would be dates my point. The C-SPAN broadcasted words of absolute absurdity; white citizens literally purKambon have been generally overlooked by chased them as if they were commodities rather American society. Addressing a panel on Hurricane than living, breathing human beings. To attempt to Katrina media coverage at the expunge this blemish on our past Howard University Law School, would be both highly insulting Kambon exhibited alarming and entirely unjustifiable to the “To deny that black claiming that “white oppressed. White supremacists people were outrageously effrontery, people want to kill us.” He probelieved themselves to be of paramount rank, but they were actualdiscriminated against in ceeded to go on a near eightminute rant, traducing whites and ly proving their nescience of the our nation’s past would declaring that the only plausible incisive fact that all men are truly to the “problem” was to create equally regardless of the be absolute absurdity ... ” solution expurgate the world of whites. I amount and type of melanin that can soundly guarantee that if a their body produces. white man were to make such hosThat being said, America has tile remarks regarding the ideation to eradicate the come a long way since the days of the Civil War. world of blacks, he would be met with large volumes Distance from the scene of the crime should not of uproar, strike and odium. But you have probably make us as a nation forget our error of ways, but we never heard of Kambon, and so I rest my case. should in no degree harp on what has come to pass. While Kambon’s racist remarks have earned As a nation, we have risen above the former seemhim no penalty, Don Imus’ discriminatory comment ingly-interminable issue of unequal rights and undecost him his livelihood. Hosting live from MSNBC, served discrimination. Of course, every generalizaImus bumptiously called the Rutgers women’s bastion comes hand-in-hand with its anomalies. White ketball team “nappy-headed hoes.” For his denigrapeople do exist who still believe themselves to be tion of the black women on the team, Imus was preeminent; racism has not been completely abortfired. If it was justifiable to oust Imus, why then do ed, but abated. the exceptionally offensive words of Kambon go Paradoxically, in present-day America, it seems largely unnoticed? as though some black people refuse to let go of the The erstwhile struggle between blacks and racism that plagued their ancestors, channeling whites in America trickles into modern social their resentment toward white citizens in what is issues, maculating what should be a harmonious easily identified as racism. While I obviously will existence. If we could collectively dissolve our difacknowledge this feeling is certainly not running ferences and instead focus on the grounds of our rampant, I have had firsthand encounters with it. A shared humanity, American society would have a far number of black Americans are all too ready to more sanguine future. assume that whites still harbor feelings of superiority toward them. Heavy with baggage from the past, Jenna Greenfield is a School of Ar ts and some cannot seem to shake off the notion that they Sciences sophomore. are being looked down upon by their white counter-
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
Newspaper debate about newspapers Letter ERIC KNECHT
n yesterday’s opinions column of The Daily Targum, “Not trash, just white trash,” Brian Canares boldly defended the merits of The Centurion as providing the only “true alternative to the accepted belief structure on campus.” He painted the paper as a heroic defender of conservative thought, and I was almost moved. Almost. In using my Sept. 7 article as a point of departure, however, Canares misconstrued what I was commenting on regarding the nature of The Daily Targum, and specifically those on campus who criticize it. When I (half-jokingly) warned students not to launch yet “another newspaper, particularly one where they trash the type of writing found here, yet don’t write very insightful articles themselves,” I had two underlying arguments: First, at some point here on campus you will invariably hear students criticize the writing found in this newspaper. They may take up issue with grammatical errors, or simply the nature of certain stories that seem curiously unimportant to them. Yet, most people fail to recognize that as an entirely studentrun newspaper, there is nothing stopping them from changing it. This newspaper would be improved exponentially if the op-ed page was booming with students who wanted to take issue with many of the points being raised, and could take a moment to do so
insightfully. It would be quite a boon to this paper if students were challenging each other for spots as columnists and making a space in the paper a competition between those who can articulate themselves the best — rather than simply those who are most willing to do it. Even more importantly, this newspaper is routinely criticized as having a blatantly liberal bias. Liberal, yes; biased, no. This paper can obviously be nothing more or less than a reflection of the student body. Accordingly, this is an admittedly liberal campus. If the Targum were to “correct” this bias, it would mean screening countless left-leaning articles and allowing every conservative piece to be printed in order to create something closer to a “balance.” This would just make for poor editing and would not depict what the student body was thinking. It then follows that if conservatives want their views better represented, they should submit meaningful pieces. Conservatives — I urge you to take out a column, write a letter, ask for a position and/or do something to improve this newspaper and spark actual dialogue instead of simply trashing it. I may then actually find something meaningful to respond to in letters such as these. That was my point, but thank you Canares for allowing me to clarify. Eric Knecht is a Rutgers College senior majoring in economics and history.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Be accountable for own free speech Letter EHUD COHEN
n a recent editorial that ran on Sept. 13, The Daily Targum staf f argued that what you write or post on personal Web sites is protected by the First Amendment right to free speech and, as such, “it is unfair for people to hold what you write on your personal Web sites against you, especially because it is not a professional site. If it has nothing to do with a job then there should be no penalization for your opinion on a cer tain matter.” While the Targum may have good intentions, this idea is simply wrong. It is well within the rights of ever y person, company and even government to hold what you freely say or do against you, especially when these actions are done in public, which the Internet is. Social networking sites are no more private than notes passed between classmates. At any point in time that note can be picked up by someone else and read, shared and copied for all to see. Free speech, including on the Internet, is a guaranteed right of ever y person, but it does not guarantee that what you say or do is in the right or that you can’t be held accountable for such. For example, one cannot yell “fire” in a crowded theatre or “bomb” on an airplane and expect to be protected by freedom of speech. As well, defamation of any kind
can and will be held against those who freely choose to do so. This is not to say that people shouldn’t express their opinions, but there’s no reason that those opinions can’t be held against them in court, at a job inter view or in public office. Anyone making an opinion on a matter should be able to defend it. Other wise they shouldn’t be making an opinion at all. Similarly, whether one chooses to post, for example, racist, anti-Semitic or hateful comments online or in a public park makes no difference to those who hear or read them. Those kinds of opinions simply aren’t acceptable in today’s world, and if the one who said these things happens to be a public figure or a student looking for a job, he will likely be held accountable for those opinions and could lose his job for them. The Targum noted “judges, certain civil servants and journalists … have to be able to do their jobs objectively and should not compromise that objectivity. They can lose their credibility if they do. But to think they do not have an opinion on a certain topic is unfair.” While this is true and it is unfair to think they do not have an opinion on a certain topic, that opinion should be held to themselves and to their personal, non-public circle of friends. A judge who has expressed strong personal opinions about abortion should probably not reside over an abortion rights case. Likewise, a reporter who openly supports one side of
an issue should probably be the last to cover said issue. This is extremely important, as personal opinions can sometimes weigh so heavily on a story that journalistic integrity comes into question. Opinions made in public should be left to those on either side of the conflict, with the reporter as neutral presenting both sides. As for those who post on Facebook, Myspace or Twitter and claim that due to their privacy settings all their information and opinions are protected, they are sadly mistaken. It needs to be made clear: Everything posted on the Internet is available to the public, even things you wish to keep private. The American Civil Liberties Union recently made a Facebook quiz application to drive that point home. With each question in the ACLU’s privacy quiz, you’re shown that everything on your profile and your friends’ profiles, privacy protected or not, is available to them — though of course, the ACLU is a trusted organization with a privacy policy that won’t use this information, unlike the thousands of other quiz developers. Thus, it behooves our generation to realize that the Internet is not divided into personal, locked diaries for us all to use. Everything we say or do on it is public. We are all accountable for our actions, good or bad, and our actions on the Internet are no exception. Ehud Cohen is a School of Engineering sophomore majoring in computer engineering.
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Stephan Pastis
Today's Birthday (09/16/09) Your sweetheart could make a startling revelation this year. It's something along the lines of a plan to quit smoking. Provide encouragement however you can. Abandon your old belief that this could never happen. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is an 8 — You're lucky in love, so say what's on your mind. This works best with people you know rather than strangers. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — It's a good night for romantic conversation. Decide what you want to build together. Start by reviewing old plans. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 7 — Relax while you can. The pace will pick up soon. Make sure you stick to the routine to avoid tangles. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — You're anxious to get going, but hold back just a little. The thing that looks so wonderful now may be disappointing. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Your work is very productive now. This is due to your many ideas about how to run things smoothly. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — You're under pressure to complete a task you promised to handle. An old method will work again on a new problem.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — Your energy shifts from "me first" to helping others. Use personal power to get things done. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — Actions speak louder than words when it comes to romance. Pay attention to your psychic vibes. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 9 — Do what you love and love what you do. You have the energy to handle details and keep the big picture in mind. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Go for the gold in the romance department. It's there for the taking. No pressure. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — You have ideas percolating in the back of your mind, but they're not ready for prime time. Hold off until tomorrow. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — Remember yesterday? Same song, second verse. Compassion is your strongest ally now.
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2009
Baker, Knights to face first test at home BY MELISSA FALICA STAFF WRITER
From the moment her aunt and uncle handed her a racket at the age TENNIS of three, Caitlin Baker has excelled at tennis. Growing up in Altoona, Pa., Baker, now a senior with the Rutgers tennis team, showed her dominance by accumulating a high school singles record of 90-7, leading her team to a 48-0 mark in conference play while being named an All-State selection four times. Yet tennis is not the only thing Baker has interest in, as she has a passion for law and is part of the Rent Control Board of New Brunswick. When originally introduced to it by head coach Ben Bucca, who is a lawyer for the board, Baker thought it would be a great opportunity to jump on. “I’m trying to go to law school so I’m interested in all kinds of law, and he told us that he was open and asked me if I was interested and I said ‘absolutely,’” Baker said. “So he kind of got me in the door there.” Baker is the sole student representative on the board and has the power to vote on cases and issues. “It’s cool to be in a position of power and being able to decide things,” she said. “We get to hear cases and vote on how we think it should go depending on whether the landlord isn’t that great or if the tenants are just complaining a lot.”
Baker said another perk from the job is helping out tenants who are in need and making sure that they are taken care of. Her drive to help also extends to the courts where she looks to assist her teammates in any way she can. “I really want to be able to help them not only with tennis but with anything, whether it be studying or getting around places,” she said. As for the start of the fall season, Baker said that the team’s hard work over the summer and last year’s record pushed them to take things to the next level. “It made our team hungrier for more,” she said. “We definitely want to go beyond what we did last year and show everybody that it was not just a fluke.” The Scarlet Knights scrimmage Long Island University today and Bucca said that the whole point of the match is to give the girls a chance to compete. “We’ve practiced hard and now we want to have the opportunity to compete because no matter how hard you practice, there’s nothing like competition,” he said. Bucca also sees the scrimmage as an opportunity for the team to prepare itself for the upcoming Brown Invitational and USTA Invitational. Baker not only wants the scrimmage to help prepare the team, but also to help freshman Michelle Green gain confidence in her play. “Being the only freshman, I know she’s really nervous and I
PACE: Redshirt freshman rebounding after missed season continued from back
Senior Caitlin Baker and the Scarlet Knights hope to ride the momentum from a strong spring campaign into the fall season. know she’s worried about where she’s going play on the team,” Baker said. The match against LIU is an opportunity to help boost confidence and strengthen the Scarlet Knights’ level of play, as LIU has proven to be tough in past competitions.
“We played them at the USTA tournament last year and I remember playing a doubles match against them and we barely won,” Baker said. The scrimmage will be held at 1 p.m. today at the RU Tennis Complex.
to just to let go and play. And it is slow in the beginning with just tr ying to get my legs back and being game fit. Just getting back in shape is the biggest thing.” Pace’s coaches knew getting back in shape would be her biggest issue coming into the season, but it is something that is becoming less and less of a factor each day. “She’s getting better all the time,” said Rutgers head coach Glenn Crooks. “Coming back from a major injur y, she really hadn’t competed this summer — if at all. So coming in, we knew it was going to take some time. But Stefanee has become a proven goal scorer, and she’s finishing in big moments for us.” One of those big moments came Sunday in RU’s 3-0 win over Arizona. After a crushing 2-1 loss to San Diego two days earlier, the Knights were eager to come out and put that loss behind them. Three minutes into the match, Pace accomplished that task and gave her team an early 1-0 lead. “That was exciting,” Pace said. “Coming off a loss, we needed that … Hopefully, I can keep this going and not fall from where I am now. I just have to tr y to stay on top.”
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
DEMEANOR: RU gets back to winning under Bataille
knows our games well, someone who has just gone through what we’re doing right now. He pretty much knows what it
continued from back that — to the point where our program can be considered the best in the country.” Bataille brings those high expectations to the helm after serving two years as a volunteer assistant under Ballard, who will oversee the men’s program while continuing to coach the women’s team. The 2006 graduate said that his experience at the University as a player and student helped him easily relate to the players. Senior Jimmy Arbes agreed. “It does a lot for us,” Arbes said. “Just having someone who
“[Bataille] knows what it takes to win tournaments, individually and as a team.” JIMMY ARBES Senior golfer
takes to win tournaments individually and as a team.” Over the last two winters, Bataille learned first-hand what it takes to succeed on golf’s highest level through his time
competing on professional tours in Florida. There, he was able to go up against some of the best players in the world, including several future Ryder Cup participants. During the spring and summer months, Bataille made more connections within the New Jersey golf scene by working as a golf professional — first at Metuchen Countr y Club and then at Trump National, rated as one of the top 100 courses in the world by Golfweek Magazine. These experiences go a long way toward validating the message Bataille gives to his players, in spite of his calm demeanor. “The kids know that when I speak something I don’t say it to hear myself talk,” Bataille said. “I’m saying it with a purpose.”
Targum’s soccer beat writer Kyle Franko chats with the sophomore midfielder about his decision to attend Rutgers, improvement from last season and his pick for the upcoming World Cup finals in South Africa ...
Kyle Franko: First thing. You’ve been a little banged up; how are you feeling fitness wise? Robbie McLarney: I feel pretty good, but I’m just starting to get back into form. I feel like I’m starting to get back to full strength and I think I’m doing pretty good. We did some hard running yesterday, but everything is going well. KF: You have a nice Irish name. RM: I’m half Irish, half Italian. My mom is Italian and my dad is Irish. KF: Did your heritage have any influence on you choosing soccer over another sport? RM: It didn’t really have that big of an effect on me. I’ve always just played as a kid and I just love it, so I’ve been playing my whole life. KF: You’re from New Hampshire, so what brought you down here? RM: Basically it was soccer. I knew a bunch of the guys on the team — almost everybody before I came down here, so it was a pretty easy decision for me. KF: How did you get to know everyone prior to coming here? RM: Most of it was through youth stuff like ODP (Olympic Development Program) and regional stuff. KF: What have you learned about the team through these first four games? RM: I’ve learned that we have to mentally prepare better. I think we can do it because we have a great group of guys with a lot of talent. I just think we need to come to play and come to play for a full 90 minutes. KF: Coach talked about you being one of the guys that have to step up in the midfield. What’s the biggest difference between this year and last? RM: I think we’ve got more mature and we have more experience all around the field. I think last year we had a lot of inexperience, myself included, and I think it took some getting used to and now that we’ve matured a little bit we are going to be more successful both this year and next year. KF: What about for you personally? RM: I think the same thing. I’ve gained a lot of experience from last year, having played in a lot of games [as a freshman]. I think I’ve settled in pretty nice and everything is going good. KF: Now the fun part begins. What club do you support? RM: I like Liverpool. I follow Liverpool, but they are off to a slow start this year. KF: Any particular reason why? RM: My favorite player is [former Manchester United and Ireland international] Roy Keane, but I’ve always liked Liverpool and wherever Roy Keane was at. KF: Finally, since we are in a World Cup year, who do you like this summer? RM: The United States. KF: Really? RM: Yeah.
Most Rutgers football fans remember the image of Jeremy Ito pointing up at an ESPN camera following his 2006 game-winning kick against Louisville. Last season, San San Te, then a redshir t freshman, proved his reliability for the Scarlet Knights despite the pressure of filling Ito’s sizable shoes. This season, coming in as the incumbent starter, Te possesses improved skills and a stronger confidence level. During the 2008 season, Te connected on 12-of-17 field goals and 45-of-48 extra points. While he was not disappointed with his per formance, Te worked to improve himself as a player leading into his second season as the starter. “I feel like I’m a completely different player,” Te said. “I worked hard in the weight room and on the practice field.” In addition to his physical and technical improvements, Te has improved the mental side of his game. Following summer practice, Te questioned his confidence in his own mind. However, following the first two games, he believes it is no longer an issue. “I have really improved my confidence, even since summer practice,” Te said. “Just making kicks in live games has been great.”
FREENY: Defensive line wants to be stronger presence continued from back easier and the overall defensive job a lot easier, if you get pressure on the quarterback.” As the defensive line works to improve the pass rush for Florida International, a team with big-play ability in the hands of receiver T.Y. Hilton and quar terback Paul McCall, the unit prepares for something familiar. FIU head coach Mario Cristobal was a former assistant at RU under head coach Greg Schiano, and his schemes on offense are eerily familiar to Freeny. “They’re a lot like us in a lot of dif ferent w a y s because some of the coaches came from h e r e , ” Freeny said. “Usually when a — Jonathan c o a c h Freeny leaves, he’s Junior Defensive End going to find something to take with him that he liked. It’s not surprising that they took so many things because that’s what you’re supposed to do, learn from others.” Despite the first meeting between the two schools and the added intensity of the master-student matchup of Schiano and Cristobal, Freeny said that Schiano is the same old Schiano. Intense. “Ever y week, Coach Schiano is intense,” Freeny said. “He’s a competitor and I don’t think it matters who he’s going up against.”
The one issue that remains unresolved is the new wind patterns that the enclosed stadium will present later in the season. Te, along with head coach Greg Schiano, is uncertain how the new stadium will play, but he is undeterred. “It hasn’t been that windy yet, but that scoreboard is pretty big, so it can only help,” Te said. The patterns have yet to affect the kicking game, however, as both games have come with fairly moderate winds.” The wind hasn’t influenced the kicking game yet, but Schiano said it will be factor as the season moves along. “We haven’t had any real wind yet to see,” Schiano said. “Even though it was rainy the other day, it was still. The Cincinnati game the day before it was windy, but then the day of the game it was still. It’ll be interesting, though, when it’s gusting.”
both senior Tim Brown and freshman Mohamed Sanu have excelled at wide receiver through the first two games. The two have a combined 22 catches, 341 yards and a touchdown, but there has been zero production at wideout behind the two. The only other catch by a wide receiver was made by senior Julian Hayes, and he followed that with two drops and a false star t in the next two possessions.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
“I think we have some receivers that are coming on,” Schiano said. “We have to get them touches. They are not going to force things to happen. Let them get in there and get their feet wet and they will progress.” After junior Mason Robinson went down with a season-ending leg injur y, freshmen Marcus Cooper and Tim Wright are the two poised behind the starters on the twodeep with chances to play.
the Scarlet Knights’ 54-34 win over No. 17 Pittsburgh at Heinz Field last season, an RU game will not appear on television. The Big East Conference officially announced Monday that Rutgers’ (1-1) and Maryland’s (1-1) Sept. 26 matchup in College Park, Md. has been officially set for 3:30 p.m. and will only air on ESPN360 as a part of the live stream. Although available on, the game will also air on RUTV and in all campus centers, said RUTV Assistant Director of Broadcast Operations Brent Smith. Smith said that RUTV has yet to decide on a channel to broadcast the game, but it will likely air on channel 60.
Caleb Ruch is a “long shot” to play against Florida International after a leg injur y
Sophomore kicker San San Te converted on 12-of-17 field goal attempts in his first season as the Knights’ kicker. Te is 3-for-4 this season with a long of 30 yards. he sustained against Howard, Schiano said. Sophomore safety Pat Kivlehan, who also hur t his leg against Howard, does not appear much more likely to play.
Junior r unning back Kordell Young, however, has gotten better throughout the last two weeks and may take the field Saturday for the first time this season.
Underclassmen pave way for future success BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT
The air simply feels different in the College Avenue Gym these days.
The Rutgers volleyball team may be several games shy of a winning record, but when compared to VOLLEYBALL last year’s final record of 2-22, 3-7
Sophomore middle blocker Hannah Curtis (left) is second on the team in kills with 83, and is also second in blocks this season.
is a breath of fresh air. This can be partially attributed to the success of this year’s slew of underclassmen, five of whom found themselves in the season opener’s eight-player starting rotation. Head coach CJ Werneke has high hopes for the youthful team this season. “They’re ver y physical, and coming in with a lot of experience, but they have to learn the college game,” Werneke said. “What they naturally do that got them here isn’t enough.” The Scarlet Knights received early season accolades from, giving this year’s group of freshmen honorable mention in its annual recruiting rankings. Ten games into the season, the underclassmen have already let their presence on the team be known. Freshman Stephanie Zielinski and sophomore Kallie Pence are the top two leaders on the team in service aces, with 283 and 106, respectively. Zielinski, considered one of the team’s top recruits as an UnderArmour Second Team All-American, is also third on the team in digs with 84.
The team statistics for blocks are dominated by underclassmen as well, with freshman Alex Jones leading the team with 23 and sophomore Hannah Curtis with 13. Curtis is also second on the team in kills with 83. In addition to an impressive performance on paper, Curtis was named to the Nor th Carolina State Classic AllTournament team last weekend, something Werneke found ver y impressive. “[Hannah is] coming along,” Werneke said. “Getting her more accustomed to the pace of the game at this level has paid off.” And the season only gets more interesting from here on out. The team has not recorded more than three wins since it closed out its 2006 season at 5-20 — only a .200 winning percentage. The Knights sit at .300 for this season and come off their most recent weekend with a .500 performance. “They’re figuring things out, and the more they figure out, the better they’re going to be,” Werneke said. “Now they have to embrace the changes we’re asking them to make and — for the most part — they are.”
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Midfielder back on ‘Pace’ after ACL injury New coach BY CHRIS MELCHIORRE
brings cool demeanor
In 2008, Stefanee Pace laid down on the soccer pitch with an all-toofamiliar feeling before her freshWOMEN’S SOCCER man year of college. No stranger to injur y, Pace had already been sidelined with two major knee problems. It was not the pain itself that was bothering her the most at that moment. She knew that feeling in her left knee meant that her freshman year of college soccer at Rutgers University had just gone out the window. “At that point, I was distraught,” Pace said of the ACL tear in her left knee that kept her out all of last season. “It was hard knowing I was going to have to sit out my freshman year.” Eighteen months and two knee surgeries later, Pace is not only back with the Scarlet Knights, but the midfielder is currently second on the team in goals with two and second on the team in points with seven. Pace partially credits her success this season to her knee injury last year. “I look back now, and I’m actually really happy I was able to sit out last year,” she said. “Just because watching last year … meant a lot to me. We had so many injured players last year that we never really felt like we weren’t a part of the team. It really felt like we were just a regular part of the team.” The experience of being with the team through ever y game, including last year’s Sweet 16, helped make the mental transition
“Experience-wise, I’m a sophomore, but this is my freshman year just as much as a normal freshman. Just coming in with ner ves and being afraid to make mistakes. You have to just learn
One thing about Jason Bataille stood out to Director of Golf Maura Ballard during his time on the Banks as MEN’S GOLF a player. It was not his 2004 Rutgers Invitational title. It was not even the job he did as captain of the 2005 team, which reached the NCAA Championship for the first time in 20 years. It was his composure. “He was probably the most steady player I’ve ever coached and he always kept his emotions in check,” Ballard said. “I never really knew whether he was playing terribly or playing great. He was just really level-headed.” Only two weeks into his first season as the Rutgers men’s golf coach, Bataille’s even approach is paying dividends. The Scarlet Knights opened the season in style by winning the Rutgers Invitational for the first time since 2004. Bataille believes the victor y is a sign of things to come. “I don’t think there’s any limit to what [Rutgers golf] can become,” Bataille said. “There’s been nor thern schools like Minnesota who’ve actually won a national championship; and of course there’s nothing wrong with trying to get to a status like
After suffering an ACL tear that sidelined her from her freshman season, redshirt freshman Stefanee Pace is second on the team in scoring with two goals. The midfielder has also recorded an assist. to college soccer easier for the Kearny, N.J., native. “Just to be able to watch gives you experience,” Pace said. “You learn what preseason is like; you know what the season is going to be like. You can get used to your school work. I really don’t have to
deal with all of that now. I’m used to it now, so it’s not too hard to juggle.” Despite what her numbers say, the physical adjustment to playing soccer again has been hardest for Pace. “I look at it as this is my freshman year,” Pace said.
Sack-leader Freeny unconcerned with D’s struggles BY SAM HELLMAN ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Junior defensive end Jonathan Freeny (99) has served as a backup this season, but still has two sacks and eight tackles on the young season. RU’s defense only has three sacks this season, with George Johnson recording the third.
Jonathan Freeny may stand out statistically in the Rutgers football team’s first t w o FOOTBALL games of the season — the junior pass rusher has two sacks and eight tackles as a backup — but he is not the least bit satisfied with his play or with the play of the defensive line. Freeny’s two sacks came against Howard, and the team’s only other sack this season came in the opener when senior defensive end George Johnson delivered a hit on Cincinnati quarterback Tony Pike. “I know we can be better than this, but we’re already showing improvement,” Freeny said yesterday after practice. “The only way to improve it is to just keep working at it ever y day and just tr y to get better at the little things.” The Scarlet Knights’ defense gave up just seven points and 264 yards last week against Howard after surrendering 45 points and 564 against Cincinnati. But the competition against Howard — a Football
Championship Subdivision team with a 1-10 record last season — was certainly of a different caliber than that of Big East opponent Cincinnati. Despite the change in competition level, Freeny still believes the line has taken strides in the right direction. “I’ve seen a definite improvement from Cincinnati to Howard,” Freeny said. “We don’t really base it off of our opponents, we just base it off ourselves. Even if we played Howard the first week, the score would have been a lot closer than what it was last week. We just have to improve every week.” The pass rush, Freeny said, is essential for any defense to find success, and he is not concerned about the lack of production through two games. “It’s not concerning because as long as we keep working hard at it and doing what we have to do, eventually the sacks will come,” he said. “It’s most definitely a point of emphasis. “Every game you want to get pressure on the quarterback because when you make quarterbacks uneasy, it makes the [defensive backs] job a lot