Volume 141, Number 30
1 8 6 9
Today: Mostly clear
High: 63 • Low: 38
The season-ending injury to leading goal-scorer Ashley Jones helped push the Rutgers women’s soccer team to a victory against DePaul. The Knights must now fill the void left by the injured junior.
H1N1 vaccine shortage stalls U. distribution
To encourage student voters to register for the Nov. 3 elections, University organizations team up with the New Voters Project at “Rock the Vote” yesterday from noon to 10 p.m. on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. Today is the last day for voters to register.
Report ‘prescribes’ public option to state BY ANDREW GOLD CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The prescription for the state may be an overall reform of the health care system. A recent report by New Jersey Public Perspective singles out America’s Affordable Health
INDEX UNIVERSITY The women’s rugby team maintains their spot on the top after Sunday’s game against New Platz.
OPINIONS Columist Brian Canares offers his views on how the Rutgers University Student Assembly can change for the better and live up to their fullest potential.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10
Choices Act, or House Resolution 3200, as the ideal bill for the state because it has a public option provision individuals could opt into. “Under this legislation, the federal government will pay more money to support N.J.’s health care programs that serve low and moderate income residents, freeing up more state
money for further expansion and improvement in our state’s health care system,” said Health Care Campaign Coordinator with New Jersey Citizen Action Eve Weissman. That public option is critical in New Jersey, where there has been
The federal government released the swine flu vaccine earlier last week for public distribution. The University has been approved as a vaccinator site, said Executive Director of University Health Ser vices Melodee Lasky in an e-mail sent out Friday to the University. But the University has not yet received its portion, she said. “At this time, we do not know when we will receive the vaccine,” Lasky said. “We are working closely with the New Jersey and Middlesex County health departments to ensure that we receive the 40,000 doses we requested, but it is important to note that it is likely that we will receive limited supplies initially with more to follow at intervals through December.” A lot of hysteria has surrounded the potential pandemic of the H1N1 virus this season, and controversy has followed its vaccine. “As with the seasonal influenza vaccines, the 2009 H1N1 vaccines are being produced in formulations that contain thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, and in formulations that do not contain thimerosal. People with
severe or life-threatening allergies to chicken eggs, or to any other substance in the vaccine, should not be vaccinated,” according to the Federal Drug Administration Web site. “Potential side effects of the H1N1 vaccines are expected to be similar to those of seasonal flu vaccines.” Regardless of side effects, the FDA approved the vaccine on Sept. 15, according to its Web site. The vaccine, which is available as a nasal mist or an injectable syringe, will be provided to people age 65 and younger first, according to the Centers of Disease Control Web site. “We could determine that younger people particularly did not have any built-in immunity and that some populations are really at risk,” said Beth Bell, associate director for Science at the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. People in high-risk groups, including college students, pregnant women and people with lung diseases, represent these populations, Bell said. The injectable syringe, which is composed of inactivated virus, is recommended for pregnant
JAZZ ENSEMBLE TO PERFORM IN MEMORY OF LATE TRUMPET PROFESSOR The Rutgers University Jazz Ensemble will celebrate the life of late trumpet professor William Fielder with a musical tribute tonight at 8 p.m. at the Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus. The University Jazz Trumpet Alumni and friends of William Fielder — including famous jazz musician Terell Stafford — will join the ensemble, which is free and open to the public, said Ensemble Director Conrad Herwig. The concert will be preceded by a memorial service at Kirkpatrick Chapel, 85 Somerset St. in New Brunswick at 5 p.m., and followed by “Jammin’ for Prof,” a special open jam session, at 10 p.m. at Steakhouse 85 at 85 Church St. in New Brunswick, said Mason Gross School of the Arts Dean George Stauffer in an email correspondence. Fielder died on Sept. 24 after a long illness. Better known as “Prof” to his students, Fielder joined Mason Gross in 1980 and remained on the faculty until his death, according to the school’s Web site. A world-renowned trumpet player, Fielder performed with some of the biggest names in jazz and popular music, including Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and B.B. King, according to the site. Fielder was also an accomplished classical trumpeter, performing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Civic Symphony and other notable orchestras and ensembles. But “Prof” was most prominent as a teacher, one who educated the present generation of great trumpet players, including Wynton Marsalis, Sean Jones, Terrance Blanchard, Terell Stafford and many others, Stauffer said. “Professor Fielder was a warm, patient, but also demanding professor,” Stauffer said. “He was a force within the department and the jazz program, and he affected the lives of hundreds of Mason Gross students.” DownBeat Magazine recently recognized Fielder’s accomplishments as a professor by inducting him into its Jazz Educators Hall of Fame, he said. — Chris Zawistowski
Despite approval as an H1N1 vaccinator site, the University’s request for 40,000 doses will only reach students in intervals through December. The federal government announced the vaccine distribution last week for national sites. Individuals under 65 years of age will receive priority.
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
SC&I acts as local field in global breast cancer battle BY AMBIKA SUBRAMANYAM CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Hundreds of thousands of women and men are diagnosed with breast cancer ever y year, and the Susan G. Komen For the Cure foundation acknowledges breast cancer aware-
ness month ever y October by running the Passionately Pink for the Cure program. Student Ser vices Coordinator for the School of Communication and Information Mar y Beth Hager brings the global movement to the University each year, asking
students and organizations to make donations. “This campaign is a way for anyone here at the School of Communication and Information to feel good about trying to rid the world of this terrible disease — both for men and women alike,” Hager said.
Running the campaign for the past five years, Hager said it initially started as a way to remember her family members who have passed away from the disease and those still struggling to fight it now.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Weather Channel WEDNESDAY HIGH 55 LOW 40
TODAY AM showers, with a high of 63° TONIGHT Mostly clear, with a low of 38°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOR TS ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY HEATHER BROOKHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS CAGRI OZUTURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Matt Ackley, Bryan Angeles, Bill Domke, Katherine O’Connor, Taylere Peterson, Nancy Santucci SENIOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Steven Williamson SENIOR WRITERS — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Bill Domke, Greg Flynn, Deirdre S. Hopton, Steve Miller, Chris Melchiorre, Ariel Nagi SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER — Bryan Angeles, Brendan McInerney, John Pena STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Angelica Bonus, Nicholas Brasowski, Aimee Fiscella, Jodie Francis, Jennifer-Miguel-Hellman, Maya Nachi, Isiah Stewart
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PRODUCTIONS M ICHAEL P OLNASEK . . . E D H ANKS . . . . . . . . . GARRET BELL . . . . . . . JONATHAN ZIPF . . . . .
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PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz
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CORRECTIONS In Thursday’s front page story “RU Dems endorse Corzine, register student voters,” the location of the Rutgers University Democrats was incorrect. The group meets Tuesdays at 9 p.m. in Hardenbergh Hall B4. President of the RU Dems Alex Holodak’s name was misspelled. In yesterday’s men’s soccer story, “Scoring drought reaches four games,” the player in the photo is Jake Grinkevich, not Alex Morgans
OCTOBER 13, 2009
PA G E 3
Women’s rugby tackles toward national championship goal BY COLLEEN ROACHE STAFF WRITER
If there isn’t anything the Rutgers Women’s Rugby Club is lacking, it is dedication. “I’d get a concussion before I let my team down,” said Branka Banic, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student who plays lock on the team. She’s never played rugby before, but she plans to stay with her “sisters” for years to come. A sense of camaraderie is just one factor that may have led to the success of the 30-member team thus far. The club is ranked first in its division, with a record of 4-0 within Division II in the Metropolitan New York Rugby Football Union, and second in the nation. The players are taking things one game at a time. “At the end of the day, if we win, we win. If we lose, we still played well,” said Assistant Coach Anthony Lanzano, who played rugby in college and is now in his sixth year of coaching at the University. Head Coach Michael Ross, a native New Zealander, has coached the team for two seasons after coming to the University from the Monmouth Rugby Club,
and does not hesitate to express pride in the team. “It’s just a great bunch of girls,” Ross said. “They’ve come so far in such a short, short time. Some of these girls have never played before, and they love the game so much. It helps to build momentum, and we take that momentum and that positive energy and try to convert that into winning games.” Ross said Sunday’s win against New Paltz on the Busch Club Field was a season changer. “In my six years here that was the best rugby game I’ve seen Rutgers play,” Lanzano said. Lynn Peachey, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, plays fly-half on the team. After transferring from Fairfield University with one year of play under her belt, Peachey joined the University’s team as a sophomore. As a senior, she provides an example to newer players. “It’s very important to have a good attitude and be positive and let the girls know that it’s hard work, but that it’s also a lot of fun,” she said. “It’s very rewarding, as we can see by this season.” Her goal is to spend her last season with the team at a national competition. Teammate Kristen Derewecki, a School of Engineering senior
and team captain, started playing during the spring of her sophomore year in attempt to find something a little bit different from field hockey and softball. She chooses to lead by example. “I have to do my personal best every time I step on the field, and I expect the girls to do the same,” she said. Derewecki, who plays fullback, said she provides encouragement and constructive criticism to her teammates. Liz Kelly, a Rutgers College senior who plays eighth man and inside center, is also a team captain and is working on integrating newer players. “They’re the future of the team, so we want to make sure that they’re into it,” she said. Kelly, whose sister also played rugby for the University, said her goals are to lead on the field, keep a positive attitude and keep games running smoothly — and, of course, make it to the national collegiate competition. Though some young women may be a bit apprehensive about joining the team, Ross encourages students to play. Practices are held Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Busch Club Field.
The top-ranked Rutgers women’s rugby club team plays Sunday against New Paltz on the Busch Club Field. Although their opponents fought hard, the home team took the game. “It’s a great sport for girls,” he said. “It’s one of the few spor ts where girls can play a really physical confrontation spor t within the confines of the rules.”
Lanzano said there’s no typical rugby player but they all have one thing in common: passion for the game. “It doesn’t take a big person,” he said. “It takes a big heart.”
position available
The Daily Targum is currently seeking a highly-motivated student in search of a semester of experience running an award-winning, independent daily newspaper. Responsibilities include working with a large editorial staff, as well as the business and production departments, developing the staff and being the face and voice of the paper to the public. Newspaper experience and journalism majors are encouraged, but by no means required. Management experience of some kind is a huge plus. Hours are from 5 to 9 pm, Sunday through Thursday. Training will start this semester, running through February 2010. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume, along with any questions to or call 732-932-2012 x110.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
SHORTAGE: Students
Lasky said the H1N1 vaccine and seasonal flu vaccines are very hesitant to receive vaccination similar, expect the former targets a different influenza strain, namely H1N1. continued from front Likewise, the H1N1 vaccine women, people with lung diswill cause the recipient to feel fluease and others who have comlike symptoms, just as the seasonpromised immune systems and al vaccine does. cannot handle being infected “I’m a little ner vous,” said with the live virus nasal spray, Vanessa Palka, a Rutgers College according to the senior. “I had CDC Web site. heard from my But many stufriend’s mom, “[Getting swine flu] dents on campus do who had never not seem to be conis going to gotten a flu shot cerned with vaccithat she happen. I just don’t before, nating themselves got really sick. this fall. want it to be me.” And I have got“I’m skeptical on ten the flu GRACE LEE the whole vaccine,” before. I think I School of Arts and Sciences said University alumwould know if I first-year student na Doris Wang. “I’m had the flu.” not sure if it is overRegardless hyped or how seriof popular opinous it is ... but I haven’t gotten the ion, some students said they flu vaccine the past few years, why will receive the vaccine when it this year?” becomes available. Tu Ho, a School of Arts and “I don’t want to get sick,” said Sciences first-year student, said Grace Lee, a School of Arts and the hype regarding H1N1 Sciences first-year student. “I’ve deterred him from considering heard of people [getting sick] in the vaccine. my area, so I feel I should get “A lot of people stretch [the the vaccine. [Getting swine flu] truth],” he said. “You need to get is going to happen. I just don’t your facts right.” want it to be me.”
OPTION: Provision may
option and New Jersey’s soaring debt, the public option is the equivalent of an alcoholic in rehab increase competition, choice attending a [fraternity] party.” The resolution was first procontinued from front posed in July in the House and is a particularly high increase in sponsored by several medical costs, according to the Representatives, notably Rep. report, “The Right Rx for NJ: John Dingell, D-Michigan, who is National Health Care Reform.” one of the longest-standing mem“It is absolutely essential that bers of Congress. we don’t just mandate coverage. All the health care bills in We need a system that is based Congress that have been proon people, not profit, and people posed have some basic provisions need to have a nonprofit-based in common, including a ban on entity to handle health coverthe practice of denying coverage age,” President of the Rutgers for individuals due to poor health University Democrats Alex and the requirement that almost Holodak said. “No one forces all American citizens be insured. you to use the post office or the The committee is preparing to VA hospitals.” vote on a bill sponsored by commitEmployer-based coverage in the tee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, Dstate has been decreasing since Montana, but many commentators 2000 and the number of uninsured see this bill as a compromise that people has been increasing at a rate lacks some of the most essential elehigher than the ments of effective national average health care reform since 1999, “The public option such as the public according to the option, according to is the equivalent report. A public the Senate Finance option, advocates Committee Web site. of an alcoholic in say, would But many believe it is rehab attending a the only bill that increase competition and choice, Republicans [fraternity] party.” many and slow rising and conservative NOAH GLYN medial costs. Democrats will College Republicans “It is imposvote for. Vice President sible to create a “We should let new entitlegovernment offer ment, decrease basic coverage, and the deficit and cover more peoit will introduce and encourage ple,” said Vice President of competition, which will bring down College Republicans Noah cost,” said Holodak, a School of Glyn. Arts and Sciences senior. Most Republicans have If the bill were to be enacted, opposed enactment of any kind of restrictions would have to be public option for ideological reakept to a minimum to ensure a sons as well as out of fear that pribeneficial effect for New Jersey vate insurers will be driven out of citizens, according to the report. business, ultimately resulting in Among the most important proless choice for consumers, said visions are an income limit set at Glyn, a School of Arts and 400 percent of the federal poverty Sciences sophomore. level for health insurance subsi“The only way to pay for such a dies, elimination of the Medicare plan would be through increased prescription drugs “doughnut taxes or decreased state governhole,” a tax surcharge on the ment spending,” Glyn said. “With wealthy and a public health the unlikelihood of the latter insurance option.
Secular morality finds permanent U. chaplain BY SHANE BRENNAN STAFF WRITER
Times may have been particularly difficult for atheists at the University, with no real establishment on campus. The first University Humanist chaplain Barry Klassel, one of four in the entire country, was appointed last spring by the University Religious Life Council. “Humanism is based on understanding the world not by looking toward gods but observing what goes on around us to reach conclusions,” Klassel said. “We all struggle and feel pain, so we must look toward each other for support.” The Humanist chaplain’s aim is unique and not duplicated by any other religious group, which is why other religious groups on campus did not see the appointment of Klassel as an issue, said Kerri Willson, associate director of student centers and programs. “The chaplains of the other religious sections came to the conclusion that a Humanist sect would be agreeable,” Willson said. Klassel compared the ideas of Humanism to evolution. “Evolution is a piece of a big puzzle for our survival. We have survived through our ability to understand and communicate with one another,” he said. “These are two characteristics which humanism is all about.” Gary Brill, a University psychology professor and Humanist, has worked with Klassel for the past five years in establishing a University Humanist chaplain. “The duties of a chaplain are flexible because each group has their own way of doing things. Barry talks with students, works with other groups and holds meetings,” Brill said. As a certified Humanist chaplain, Klassel has the legal right to
conduct marriages just like religious leaders do, Brill said. “He does for Humanists what a rabbi or priest does for their religions,” Brill said. The chaplaincy is intended for students looking for like-minded individuals with whom they may feel free to express themselves, Klassel said. “The chaplaincy is more permanent than anything we’ve ever had … We want to see each human being recognized their own potential,” he said. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore William Lopez said he is interested in the Humanists’ point of view. “It’s a practical concept,” Lopez said. “I’m not sure why anyone could associate it with a negative connotation. It seems pretty reasonable and could have a positive influence here.” The feature event of the month is a visit from Harvard’s Humanist Chaplain Greg Epstein, who will be discussing his recently published book “Good Without God,” on Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m in Hickman Hall on Douglass campus, Klassel said. “He’s well known throughout the Humanist community and it’s special to have him here at Rutgers,” he said. But the events are not exclusively aimed at Humanists, Brill said. Other members of the University community are welcome to attend. “We’re looking to not only serve the humanist community but the entire campus through social events and education events in order to promote awareness, because atheists are traditionally a discriminated group,” he said. Monthly meetings are held at the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Klassel said. This month’s meeting will be held tonight.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
THE DAILY TARGUM is seeking a highly-motivated student interested in running the daily opinions page. Responsibilities include layout and design, writing editorials, managing a roster of columnists and choosing illustrations letters to the editor for publication. Hours are from 5 pm to 9 pm, five nights a week. Term would start as soon as possible and run through February 2009. Interested candidates should send a short cover letter (no resume required at this time) along with any questions to or call 732-932-2012 x110.
The Douglass Governing Council meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Trayes Hall A of the Douglass Campus Center. The Busch Campus Council meets at 7 p.m. in Room 120 ABC in the Busch Campus Center. They hold meetings every other week.
A lecture will be held at the Scholarly Communication Center in Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus from 10 a.m. to noon with Joseph Turow from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. He will lecture on the topic “How We Should Think About Audience Power in the Digital World.” After this event is an informal discussion about digital technology, communication and education from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. outside the SCC auditorium. The next Global Initiatives 2009-2010 “Ecologies in the balance?” event “Thinking Through the Crises” will be a film screening of “Rising Waters,” followed by a discussion with the film director Andrea Torrice at the Alexander Library Fourth Floor Lecture Hall on the College Avenue campus. It will begin with a reception at 6:30 p.m., followed at 7 p.m. by the screening and director’s remarks. Join the Rutgers Society of Professional Journalists at the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus from 7-9 p.m. for a forum on the Open Public Records Act. Two experts will discuss the New Jersey OPRA to help students and the public obtain paper and electronic records that they need for assignments or any use. The event is free and open to the public.
Bhakti - The Higher Taste organization is holding an event at the Rutgers Student Center Multipurpose Room on the College Avenue campus called “Yoga for Life.” The program is a free yoga class with one of the very famous yoga instructors in the area, Yogi Charu. He has taught many in the past including Nicole Kidman, Jet Li, Maggie Q and Jane Campion, to name a few.
Dr. Peter Jutro, the deputy director for Science and Policy, will give a lecture called “Public Information or Mass Panic? The Thin Line in Communicating about Health and Ecological Crisis” from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the Scholarly Communication Center at Alexander Librar y on the College Avenue campus. This event will cover science, policy and ecological issues that are occurring throughout the world today. The Unplugged Rutgers Board Game Club will be having its weekly meeting at 7 p.m. on Friday in Room 174 of the Busch Campus Center. Come by to meet new people, chow down on food and try some board games that you have never seen. We play everything from chess to “Last Night on Earth,” a zombie-survival horror game, so feel free to stop by.
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
CLINTON AFFIRMS CONFIDENCE IN OBAMA’S GLOBAL DECISIONS WASHINGTON, D.C. — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she thinks President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because of “his attitude toward America’s role in the world.” “His willingness to really kind of challenge everyone ... restores a kind of image and appreciation of our country,” Clinton said in an NBC “Today” show interview broadcast Monday. Clinton said she didn’t think winning the award would have any effect on Obama’s deliberations over what to do next in Afghanistan, including the question of whether to send large numbers of additional troops into a country where violence has recently surged. “I think that the president makes each decision on the merits,” she said in the interview taped during her visit to Zurich, Switzerland. She said the Nobel award is “not going to influence” the tough decisions Obama faces on Afghanistan. “Every one of those deaths and all of the injuries of any our men and women in uniform weigh heavily on all us,” Clinton said. “I want to guarantee all your listeners that this process will result in a very well thought-out approach.” She said she recognizes some are demanding a precipitate withdrawal while others believe there should be a substantial infusion of forces. “Neither extreme is really focused on the situation, as we are,” Clinton told interviewer Ann Curry. Asked about speculation that, intentionally or otherwise, she now projects too low a profile in heading up the U.S. diplomatic establishment, Clinton called that charge “absurd” and said it is “so at variance with what I do every day.” “Maybe there is some misunderstanding which needs to be clarified,” she said. “I believe in delegating power … I am not one of those people who feel I have to have my face in front of the newspaper and TV every day … It’s just the way I am. “My goal is to be a very positive force to implement the kind of changes that the president and I believe are in the best interest of country, but that doesn’t mean it has to be me, me, me all the time. I like lifting people up.” — The Associated Press
OCTOBER 13, 2009
OCTOBER 13, 2009
U NIVERSITY BATTLE: Economy may hinder campaign progress continued from front About one-quarter of the net proceeds will go directly to breast cancer research and the other three-quarters will go to community-based education, screening and treatment programs, Hager said. Last year the campaign collected $410, with contributions from the Association for Women in Communications, the Public Relations Student Society of America, as well as other students and faculty, she said. AWC President Lindsey Sacks said the organization also plans to donate to the campaign this year. “We are a women’s group, and we want to help other women retain their strength by giving money to this cause,”
T H E DA I LY TA R G U M said Sacks, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The AWC will be holding a bake sale tomorrow from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the second floor
“It is extremely important to promote awareness ... for the cure because this type of cancer is becoming more common.” LINDSEY SACKS President of the Association for Women in Communications
of the School of Communication and Information building to aid the campaign. Many people know family or friends who have or had breast cancer, and the AWC would like to help them as much as they
can, Sacks said. Researchers are continuously finding causes of breast cancer that conflict with women’s ever yday habits, such as physical activity and birth control usage. “I feel it is extremely important to promote awareness and make money for the cure because this type of cancer is becoming more common,” Sacks said. Established in 1982, Passionately Pink for the Cure was founded by Susan G. Komen’s sister, Nancy G. Brinker, after Komen passed away from breast cancer. The foundation is now a leader in the global breast cancer movement, according to the foundation’s official Web site. This year’s campaign is off to a slow start, perhaps due to the troubled economy, Hager said. The campaign will accept any donation, no matter how small, and ever y cent will help.
PA G E 1 0
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Preemptive peace T
he Nobel Peace Prize committee’s choice of President Barack Obama for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize has done him no favors among the American people. It has called more people to question whether their president is really doing all he said he would during the election last year. Some can look at it as something to really push the policies or ideals Obama is tr ying for, which is a noble cause. But for this award to have any meaning, the president really needs to push for things, and America must join him in this cause. The prestigious award is normally given to those who have made great strides in creating peace around the world — something that someone has accomplished. The Nobel Peace Prize committee, which consists of a five-member panel appointed by the Nor wegian Parliament, has stated that they are awarding Obama for his “extraordinar y efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” The committee is stressing that its decision is based on his actual efforts toward nuclear disarmament as well as American engagement with the world relying more on diplomacy and dialogue. The confusion many people have with awarding Obama is that to them, he hasn’t really done anything worth praising yet. It is not like he stopped the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or even pulled all the troops out of Iraq. A recent “Saturday Night Live” skit portrayed the president going through a check list of his plans and saying how he has not done anything. There was a lot of hype and a strong expectancy for change when Obama took office, because that is the image his campaign created for the people. Instant gratification is usually what people want. But the bigger issue may lie in the American people themselves. They have to realize that major world conflicts cannot get solved instantaneously. These problems have been going on for years and cannot be solved over night. Many thought by electing Obama into office that instantly there would be no more war and ever yone would be happy, but that is unfortunately not how life works. The president has a lot on his plate since he took office. Nothing drastic can be done, and he can only take things one-step at a time. That being said, it is not like Obama has done nothing worth commending him for. He shelved a controversial missile defense programs in Europe, which helped stabilize a conflict with Russia that had been escaladed by former President George W. Bush. Russian President Dmitr y Medvedev said that the plan was a responsible decision and is helping foster dialogue between the two countries. He is also making an effort to cut wasteful defense spending. His stance on nuclear disarmament is a big step in creating peace around the world. We cannot ignore that these are steps toward peace and he is tr ying. At the same time, people also need to realize that Obama himself realizes that the award is being given to him without him having shown any real accomplishments in the peace department. The president was quoted as saying, “To be honest, I do not feel that I deser ve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize, men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.” He said, though, that he would “accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st centur y.” He is planning to donate $1.4 million to charity after he goes to Oslo, Nor way to accept the award in December. It was a preemptive move by the Nobel Prize committee, but hopefully it will act as a motivator for both the president and people in general to strive for peace. The award is not only given to those to accomplish making peace, but also to those to show initiative, which the president has done. Now, that does not go without saying that he has only been in the White House one year. A lot can happen in the next three years, positive or negative. Hopefully, this peace prize will be the motivator Obama needs to really push for things like getting nuclear weapons out of use. He needs to be more aggressive in making peace happen. We also must be a par t of this movement of change. We must go out and vote, be civically engaged, informed and continue to pursue volunteer ef for ts like the Peace Corps. We are a nation that draws strength from diversity; we should keep up communication between countries abroad and with people in our own countr y. Change does not come with just people in power pushing for change, but with regular people making an ef for t for peace. There was a lot of hope and passion to create change during the election, and now it seems as if the momentum is gone. The people that were caught up in the “Obamamania” have now moved to harsh criticisms of ever ything he does. People should pick up that spirit and momentum to create change again and be proud that we are able to have a change in attitude for the better. The prize was definitely given too early, and now the president has to prove himself wor thy of such an award, but it is not something he can do without the help of the American people also pushing for peace.
Enact meaningful changes T Pure
he Rutgers to clubs, but there are two University Student that stick out in my mind: coAssembly is great in sponsorship and food guidetheory but terrible in praclines. First, the majority of an tice. Last week, Eric Knecht organization’s budget comes wrote an article titled from its program line; this “Referendum on RUSA,” line is highly restrictive and where he questioned the mandates that allocations canBRIAN CANARES not be spent on another club’s importance of the organization. Like nearly everyone event. The only way to fund else, he condemned the upcoming retreat but did an event is then to use generated revenue. But not offer any constructive criticism. If the fundabecause most organizations do not engage in mentals of RUSA can be fully realized, I believe it money making ventures — as they shouldn’t — cohas some serious potential. They give us the opporsponsorships are very limited. As a result, groups tunity to voice our opinion and enact meaningful are deterred from co-sponsoring, because they canchange. Knecht, on the other hand, wants to rid the not make a meaningful contribution. This guideline student body of all possible means to combat the must be changed, as it creates an artificial barrier University bureaucracy. With that being said, the that keeps clubs from working with one another. An track record on RUSA has been abysmal. They adjustment in policy will not only help organizations have an arbitrary allocations process, no power cope with budget shortfalls, but it will also promote within the administration and concern themselves a greater sense of harmony on campus. with internal conflict. As assembly Chair Werner Secondly, student organizations can only purBorn has already stated, the retreat has been paid chase food at contracted University vendors. Using for and is set to take place Oct. 23 funds for outside restaurants is to 25. So, I want to lay out a few out of the question, unless each “The board never truly business signs an absurd $1 milissues that need to be addressed, before the ghost stories but after lion policy. There are liability understands each the marshmallow roast. The issues, of course, that need to be individual situation retreat should deal with these addressed, yet RUSA should take topics and be discussed in the folupon themselves to open up unless they take funding itaccess lowing order: to other vendors. The 1) Improving the allocations on a case by case basis.” University is always talking about system. At the end of every term, having a larger part in the comstudent organizations are munity, as it hosts an annual required to submit a form requesting money for the Rutgers Day event to make citizens feel better about following semester. The RUSA Allocations Board eminent domain. But this is one way to actually credecides the budget for every club. Funding is usuate sustainable growth within the area. RUSA does ally restricted to two events, six tournaments or 13 not need to paint at local schools to make up for the publication issues. Because these forms have very retreat — it just needs to pass impacting resolutions limited information, the board makes their decithat would truly benefit the New Brunswick area. sions based on these basic funding guidelines and Overall, improvements in co-sponsorships and food individual club aspects, such as membership and would greatly enhance student involvement. past expenditures. But for organizations such as the At this point, these two topics will have caused a Rutgers Debate Union, the team must go on more few internal fights. To make matters worse, former than six tournaments. In addition, they invest hours Internal Affairs Chair Kevin Nedza might interrupt of training into each debater and live by the philosthe event by telling everyone to opt out of their The ophy “quality over quantity.” RUSA needs to set up Daily Targum bill. Yet I am confident members will a system where organizations have the opportunity come to an agreement and Born and Chairman of to justify a budget with extra events or smaller memthe University Affairs Committee Ben West will be bership before the start of every semester. In order friends. So, RUSA members should take a break and to be effective, some clubs need to run four events, engage in a few trust falling exercises, as these next attend 12 tournaments or go on two $20,000 three issues will require a unified student assembly. retreats. The board never truly understands each 3) Accumulating more power on the Board of individual situation unless they take funding on a Governors. The most powerful student on campus case by case basis. Giving groups this opportunity should be the BOG representative. Presently, minimizes the appeals process, as organizations will RUSA is nothing more than a symbol to the be more properly funded. University. It gives students the illusion that they 2) Giving student organizations more liberty and SEE CANARES ON PAGE 11 choice. There are many policies that act as barriers
“It doesn’t take a big person. It takes a big heart.” Anthony Lanzano, assistant women's rugby coach, on the players’ passion for playing the game STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Writing style hinders message delivery Letter DOUG OSOBA
his is a belated response to the “Marriage decaying in society” column on Sept. 30. I recognize that the art of writing is not simple. At its easiest, when hypomanic or mildly drunk or — even better, both — the words seem to fall onto the paper like rain. At the other end of the spectrum, writing can become demonic — a winding trek through a desert of ideas or a troubling exercise of what you feel you can do versus when it is actually due. That said, there is a certain pain in reading the author’s column. I have never heard mention of “the sanction of mar-
CANARES continued from page 10 actually have a voice on campus, when in fact the administration quietly goes about their agenda. Eleven people — who are completely out of touch with the University — make decisions for thousands of students and faculty. RUSA needs to start presenting more proposals and less suggestions. It needs to lobby for an increased role in the decision making process. For instance, students know best about the minor infrastructure defects around campus. Doors are missing in stalls, pipes are leaking and windows remain broken.
riage,” at least not by anybody defending the institution. I doubt it was the writer’s intent to insult what I presume to be the “sanctity” of marriage, as she states elsewhere, but I do tend to get lost in the language she uses. She claims that marriage seems to be seen by many as “a feckless relationship that can be evacuated” when it becomes stressful. Add to this “ephemeral,” “embracement,” “frisson-filled” and “obnubilate” — a sample of the words peppered throughout her column — and I find myself wondering whether the writer is tr ying to impress the Merriam-Webster, shift+F7 crowd much more than she may be attempting to communicate with The Daily Targum’s readership.
The author also distances the reader through her style. She states “mainstream American media glorifies centralizing personal desires and goals, which simultaneously mocks altruism and, in effect, damages marriages.” This sentence is either redundant, nonsensical, teetering or hell, all three. This same leaden, overwrought style per vades her writing and, again, distances her from the audience that I believe she is tr ying to reach. The net effect of this is that the style trumps the substance, far outweighing any meaning she is trying to convey. It alienates the audience because it is overwritten and jumbled with words that are either misused or nearly archaic. It is quite plain that, by
using these devices, the writer is attempting to overcompensate for the lack of a clear, articulate argument and/or a lack of confidence in her own abilities. I can only provide the guidelines given to me. Write what you like, what inspires you, what you know. Keep your audience in mind. Do not even think of revising until a draft is finished. Use a thesaurus only when medically necessary — at this point, you probably have a large native vocabular y and a facility for rewording — and, if you do, check the word’s proper usage in the dictionary. If you have doubts about your work, ask a close, blunt, literate friend to critique, and, most importantly, read. This may seem an insane suggestion to the already-beleaguered under-
grad but read 20 or so pages a day of Anne Lamott’s “Bird by Bird,” an excellent, humorous resource about writing, or any of the works of H.L. Mencken, as close to a master of the written word as you’ll find in journalism — pungent, controversial and often hilarious to boot. To put it simply, you cannot know how to write unless you read. No sane person will state that quality writing is intuitive and easy. Like every other skill, it takes practice and study. Other wise, writing becomes a mindless chore like dusting and a pain and a bore to the reader who can just turn the page.
RUSA should slowly convince the BOG for an added role on small financial decisions. This will not only make the organization more relevant, but students will actually be stakeholders in the University. Thus, it will promote more involvement and activity in RUSA itself. 4) Enforcing resolutions. Last semester, a resolution was passed to ensure that all departments place a syllabi link in the schedule of classes. Some have posted the required synopsis on their Web site, but many have not published the syllabi. Resolutions will be deemed useless if no one cares to follow them. RUSA must find ways to enforce all of these laws, even if its members have to personally
do it themselves. In addition, it should expose violators of these bills via the Targum or West. It is important that these resolutions do not go unnoticed. There must be repercussions of such actions; other wise, RUSA will remain ineffective and hopeless, similar to the United Nations. 5) Stopping the inter nal bickering. Last year, we had to hear about RUSA and special interest councils, in which genuine representatives such as former RUSA Chair Chris Keating were personally attacked. This keeps students from ever coming to meetings in the first place. There is so much inter nal conflict that RUSA misses the whole point of itself. It is suppose to be
combating things like tuition increases or stadium expansions. It should not, on the other hand, be concer ning itself with the impor tance of the Asian Student Council’s vote or the financial transparency of the Targum. Members are all making real attempts to improve student life, so it is impor tant to look beyond the petty arguments. If this means climbing a few ropes on the weekend then so be it. RUSA just needs to come back unified with an intended goal and purpose. To RUSA: I personally do not know how to go about these issues, but that is why I am not in your position. All of you, especially the allocations board, have
been very helpful to my organizations and me. You are all dedicated members and I appreciate your hard work. But the system is broken and it needs to be revamped. You all have the knowledge and research capabilities to enact meaningful legislation. If these suggestions can be taken into deep consideration, I do not even care if you spend $40,000 on this retreat. Just make sure change awaits when you are done.
Doug Osoba is a Rutgers College alumnus from the Class of 2000.
Brian Canares is a Rutgers College senior majoring in history and political science. He is also president of the Rutgers Libertarians and vice president of the Debate Union. He welcomes feedback at
PA G E 1 2
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Stephan Pastis
Today's Birthday (10/13/09) Take time to remember previous birthdays when everybody was able to get together. Even if people are missing now, you can enjoy reminiscing. Drag out an old scrapbook and add new pictures. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — Passions flare. If you don't want to get burned, stand back and enjoy the scenery for just a moment. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — What looks like a grim commentary on romance in the morning becomes a delightful escapade after dinner. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 9 — Put on the Ritz and go out dancing! A little glamour goes a long way towards building romantic tension. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is an 8 — What you see today is what you get. Dress it up and you have something even better. Your partner will thank you. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — You feel like romance has dried up around the edges. You're tempted to soak it in alcohol. Don't. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — You're torn between fantasy and reality. Reality can be dressed up to look a lot more interesting.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Tried-and-true methods get you what you need now. Save your bright ideas for another day. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — Focus on the feminine. Ground your imagination in practical ways. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is an 8 — There's no need to talk today. Take care of business first, then pleasure. It's all good. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 7 — An older person re-enters your life. The relationship will be different. If your feelings have changed, say so. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — Sometimes the finishing touches are the most difficult. Today you must at least try. Apply a touch of glamour. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Other people come up with all the information they'd promised. Sort through it at your leisure.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
OCTOBER 13, 2009 13
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
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(Answers tomorrow) MADAM TOWARD NOVICE Jumbles: EVENT Answer: What the mobsters experienced when they went surfing — A CRIME “WAVE”
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OCTOBER 13, 2009
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OCTOBER 13, 2009
Struggling team aims to win for seniors BY STEVEN WILLIAMSON SENIOR WRITER
With four games remaining in the season, the Rutgers field FIELD HOCKEY h o c k e y t e a m finds itself at the tail end of a difficult campaign. Through 14 games, the Scarlet Knights have put together only one win, and are still waiting for their first victory. While the chance of improving their record to .500 has long passed, head coach Liz Tchou said the team still has something huge to play for. “I told them that they have to dedicate the last four games to the seniors — the seniors are playing very urgently,” she said. “They’re feeling the pressure and they look at our record and they’re feeling responsibility for that.” The Knights currently have five seniors on their squad, all of who were there for last year’s successful 14-6 campaign. Now, with the 2009 season coming to a close, helping the upperclassmen to another victory is priority number one. “Everyone else has to be able to perform around them because it’s putting pressure on the seniors to perform,” Tchou said. To be able to lock up a win, the Knights must find a way to finish on offense. A quick glance at the stat sheet would lead anyone to believe that the offense just hasn’t shown up this year, but that isn’t the case. For the majority of the season, the Knights have
With four games remaining, the Rutgers field hockey team wants to win for senior back Kristen Johnson (7) and her four classmates.
been there every step of the way, right up until the final execution. The opportunities to score have always been there. The difference in shots, when looked at over the 14-game span, is marginal, with opponents outshooting the Knights 208-160 — an average of two extra shots per game. The disparity in penalty corners is even more slim, with opponents being granted 85 this season to the Knights’ 83.
The problem has come with finishing on plays, with Sunday’s 4-0 loss to St. Joseph’s acting as a prime example. “I really thought we were going to finish today, and I thought we were going to get at least two or three goals in the first half and carry them into the second half,” Tchou said after the game. Tchou’s hopes should have been right on the mark. The Knights and the Hawks were neck-
and-neck through most of the first half before St. Joseph’s put up two goals late in the period. Another 35 minutes and two scores later and the Hawks were able to put another win in the books. In the end, it all came down to small turnovers, missed passes or turnovers in the offensive zone — all seemingly innocuous plays when they occurred but spelled doom for the Knights when combined. “We didn’t play well in the second half at all. It’s just really disappointing because in the first half we didn’t play too poorly,” Tchou said after Sunday’s game. “In the second half we overextended ourselves again.” The Knights have struggled in the second half of games this year, which makes putting up numbers in the first period even more important. The team has managed more shots in the first halves of game this year than the second half and overtime periods combined. Thirteen of the team’s 25 goals have come in the first half, with the other 12 coming solely in the second. As the season winds down, the team has to work on scoring early and execution so it doesn’t fall behind in games. RU has a full week of practice before Saturday’s upcoming game against Rider, in which they continue to work out the kinks. While the game against the Broncs is out of conference, it will be an important test run before RU takes on its final three opponents that include two ranked Big East teams and a Lafayette squad that is receiving votes.
MIEHE: Junior wins Mets as Knights take second place continued from back Miehe said the most important part of the race for him was challenging the middle section. “Most racers only focus on the first and last miles. I knew that if someone was going to beat me then he’d have to put it all on the line around the halfway mark,” he said. The Elmwood Park, N.J., native’s first place finish helped launch the men’s cross country team into second place at the Metropolitan Championships this weekend. Miehe’s teammate sophomore Kevin Cronin also placed in the top 10 in the race, coming in fifth with a time of 26:14. Graduate student Taylor Burmeister also placed in the race, finishing 15th. For Miehe, it was his previous knowledge of the course that gave him an advantage and kept him ahead of the pack. “I know every twist and turn on that course,” he said. “The biggest hill in the race, Cemetery Hill, is a hill that racers, myself included, usually take a break on. This time I challenged myself on the hill and was able to pull away.” Thirteen teams competed on the men’s side compared to the fourteen that ran on the women’s side. RU’s 63 points for the men and 60 for the women were enough to put both teams in second place behind Columbia, who ended the day with 45 and 21 points, respectively. For the women, their top finisher was sophomore Kelly Flannigan from Middletown, Conn., who finished second in her race with a time of 18:22.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
PUSH: LaBrocca making
INJURY: Crooks proud of
name for himself in year three
team’s ability to win for Jones
continued from back
continued from back
get complacent and that’s when their game drops a little bit,” he said. “I would say that I need to continue to get better because there is always going to be somebody coming for you and I just try and do my job. I try not to think about what other people think and just do what’s best for the team and try to win the game.” That type of attitude is something LaBrocca credits back to his college days when the diminutive midfielder — he’s listed at 5-foot-10, 165 pounds —had to grow up quickly in the rugged Big East conference. “[Playing college soccer] really addressed the aspects of my game that were lacking —especially the physical aspects of it,” said the 24-year-old Howell, N.J., native. “I’m not the biggest guy in the world, and that’s tough when you play in a conference like the Big East. When I was there, there was a huge physical presence and if I didn’t cope with that during my four years at Rutgers, I wouldn’t have survived.” “I had to learn to deal with that and play against bigger players. Now battling with people who were bigger than me is probably one of the things that I’m most comfortable with,” he said. While his time at RU helped prepare him for life as a professional, there were still adjustments the then-22-year-old had to make. “It was ner ve-racking,” LaBrocca said when he got the news he would be joining the Rapids back in 2007. “All of sudden I had to pack up all of my stuff and move somewhere I’ve never been and didn’t know a lot about. I’m with people who I didn’t know at all, so it was definitely nerve-racking.”
step up], everybody has done the job. It’s very satisfying in that way. And for that, I’m so proud of this team.” RU walked off the field Sunday as a team once again drastically altered because of injuries. Yet, through all of that change, the team’s mindset stayed the same, and it’s not changing now. “It speaks for itself,” Anzivino said. “Players just really want to get it done. We all want to win; we all feel we can win. So when someone goes down, we’re just going to keep rebuilding.”
Crooks watched his team live up to those words all season, but watching its performance Sunday took his feelings a step further. “For them to be able to recover from [Jones’ injur y] was incredible,” he said. “These are young ladies, they’re only 18, 19, 20 years old. I could barely recover from it. This is a special group and [Sunday] proved it. I don’t care what happens for the rest of the year.” With the odds continuing to stack higher and higher against RU, the game plan, the mentality, the attitude remains the same as it’s been through two years of fighting through injuries. Jones couldn’t have summed it up any better: “Just win the [expletive] game.”
Colorado Rapids midfielder Nick LaBrocca, left, got his start at Rutgers where he played for four years under coach Bob Reasso.
But he settled in quickly, something he attributes to rugged MLS veteran Pablo Mastroeni. The Argentinean-born 33year-old is in his 12th year in the league and has represented the United States in the 2002 and 2006 World Cups, respectively. “[The biggest improvement] I made was defensively. My first year I didn’t really play at all, and I took that as a time to learn the defensive midfield position from probably one of the best players to play that position in U.S. soccer and that’s Pablo Mastroeni,” LaBrocca said. “[Mastroeni] just leads by example. If I ever have a question I’ll talk to him or ask him about it. He’s been an awesome locker room guy and team player, and
just somebody you can really look up to and learn from.” The Rapdis sit on 40 points and can clinch a playoff berth with a win Saturday at F.C. Dallas. “Right now I’m focused at what the job is at hand, and that’s getting into the playoffs and hopefully everything will work out,” LaBrocca said. “We just have to go out and play fearless and everything else should take care of itself.” As for his former coach back in the Garden State, he couldn’t be happier for his former captain. “We are delighted with the success he is having and we’re really proud of him,” Reasso said. “He’s a Jersey guy and is representing Rutgers very well in the MLS.”
Junior forward Ashley Jones led the Scarlet Knights in scoring with eight goals prior to Sunday’s devastating leg injury.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Slatnick ousted in finals in last event of fall season BY MELISSA FALICA STAFF WRITER
The Rutgers tennis team ended its fall season yesterday with a TENNIS strong performance at the USTA Invitational in Queens. Out of the 36 combined singles and doubles matches, the Scarlet Knights went 22-14 on the weekend with five players advancing to semi-final rounds, one of whom made it as far as the finals.
After getting off to a bit of a late start this season due to injur y, sophomore Leonora Slatnick was the only Knight to reach the finals in a singles round flight, but fell to senior Emily Ellis of Brown 6-4, 6-1. “It felt good, especially since I’ve been working hard this summer and then I got injured at the beginning of the year, so that was a setback,” Slatnick said. “I really didn’t even think I was going to play at the USTA at first.”
Michelle Green qualified for the semifinals in Flight H Singles in the ultimate match of the Rutgers tennis team’s fall season.
Junior Amy Zhang and sophomore Jennifer Holzberg continued their doubles success from last week and made it to the semifinals in their doubles flight. Despite the fact that they lost 8-6, head coach Ben Bucca liked what he saw from the duo. “What this tournament did for Jennifer and Amy was lay the foundation for them to have confidence going into the regional championships, which are two weeks away,” Bucca said. Zhang also made it to the semifinals in Flight A Singles but lost to Columbia freshman Nicole Bartnik 6-0, 6-4. After being ill for the past few weeks, freshman Michelle Green made a lasting impression this weekend as she made it to the semifinals in Flight H Singles. “I was happy for Michelle to just be able to be playing on the cour t because she basically missed our competition at the Brown Invitational, missed a few weeks of practice and only practiced for one week leading up to the USTA Invitational,” Bucca said. Even though she, like Slatnick, lost to Brown’s Ellis 6-0, 6-4, senior Caitlin Baker thought Green’s run was nothing short of impressive. “Michelle was aggressive. She really pulled it together for the matches, and she didn’t even play at Brown so she really came through for us,” Baker said. Senior Christine Tran defeated Seton Hall sophomore Courtney Kilarski 6-4, 6-4 in the semifinals of the Flight D Singles second consolations.
Other notable performances from this weekend’s Invitational include a win by sophomore Maryana Milchutskey 6-3, 6-3 in the Flight F Singles consolation, a win by senior Katherine Arlak in the Flight E Singles consolation, and a win from the doubles team of Arlak and sophomore Morgan Ivey in the doubles Flight B consolation. Overall, Bucca saw the Knights’ performance as a motivating experience that shows just how talented they are.
“Ultimately, what this demonstrates is that we are solidifying ourselves as one of the top teams in the region,” he said. Baker was also proud of the way the Knights came out and played, and hopes that the spirit of the team carries over into the spring. “I hope that we just keep our overall fighting spirit with us and just come and take it to Syracuse with our first match of the spring, because we know that’s going to be tough,” she said.
Waters takes first in Rutgers Invitational
TURNOVER: RU has four defensive scores in ’09 continued from back defense already has 16 in total in 2009. Four vital bits of information, and four vital reasons for the Knights’ four wins thus far. And as Pittsburgh and the resumption of Big East play looms, it better stay that way. RU has not seen an offense of Pittsburgh’s caliber since Cincinnati came to town, and that didn’t exactly turn out the way head coach Greg Schiano would have liked. Against more powerful Big East offenses like Connecticut, South Florida and West Virginia, ever y outcome will fall squarely on the shoulders of the defense. “It takes all the pressure off the offense when there’s already points on the board,” said senior cornerback Devin McCourty. “I think that just gives our offense a chance to go out and play.” Luckily for the Knights, nabbing takeaways is the one aspect of football they excel at. Especially when returned for touchdowns, turnovers are an anemic offense’s best friend. “We’re competing with the offense,” said senior defensive end George Johnson. “We told them we’re going to tr y to score as many points as they do a game.” And they might have to. At this juncture in the season, the offense has not shown one iota of ability to win games on their own, let alone against tougher Big East competition. Tom Savage’s touchdown pass to senior Tim Brown was the first RU receiving touchdown since
Sophomore Leonora Slatnick was the only Scarlet Knight to reach the finals in the weekend’s USTA Invitational in Queens.
Senior linebacker and team captain Ryan D’Imperio, right, has one of the team’s four defensive touchdowns in 2009. the two connected against Howard a month ago. Against Maryland, two defensive touchdowns were all the Knights could hang their hats on until sophomore Joe Martinek scampered for a pair of scores in the final minutes. Against Florida International the week prior, a Ryan D’Imperio pick-six was the separating score. Rowe opened the floodgates against Texas Southern in the opening minutes. But one recurring trend stands above the rest: None of the opposition has the talent level or abilities of RU’s conference schedule in the upcoming weeks.
Against Pittsburgh, Connecticut, South Florida and West Virginia especially, turnovers will be at a premium to bail out an offense that has yet to find any semblance of offense. “That will certainly be put to the test with a 5-1 Pittsburgh team coming here that is very talented,” Schiano said. “I am glad that we are playing well on defense but we have to take it up a notch now.” The rest of the season depends on it. — Matthew Stein accepts comments and criticisms at
Homecoming weekend proved to be as fruitful for the Rutgers women’s golf team as it was for WOMEN’S GOLF the footb a l l RUTGERS 627 t e a m . T h e THIRD PLACE Scarlet Knights put on an impressive performance at home, finishing third at the Rutgers Invitational. After several disappointing finishes, the team rebounded and was able to achieve its best finish of the year. The Knights’ score of 627 was a mere 11 strokes off of tournament winner Boston College’s 616. “I think this was a really important weekend for us,” head coach Maura Ballard said. “This will really have our self confidence.” The biggest story of the weekend was the remarkable performance of junior team captain Jeanne Waters, who recorded her best day as a college athlete. Her score of 149 was good enough to tie with Farleigh Dickinson’s Michele Holzwarth for best in the tournament. Waters won a playoff to capture her first tournament win. She had been suffering with inconsistency as a result of mechanical issues, but her strong performance suggests that she has broken out of her funk through hard work in practice.
“I was thrilled with her play; she has been working really hard in practice,” Ballard said. “All her effort is really showing.” Freshman Brittany Weddell continued her strong season with another consistent performance. Her score of 156 was good enough for second on the team and ninth overall. The scoring for the Knights was rounded out by junior Daley Owens and sophomores Lizzy Carl and Kristina Lee. Owens finished third on the team and 19th overall with a 159. Carl and Lee tied for 28th overall with scores of 163, respectively. RU appears to be on the right track. Following a disastrous showing at Furman Invitational, they are on the upswing, getting progressively better in the Nittany Lion Invitational and now the Rutgers Invitational. With two weeks of f, the team needs to work to maintain the momentum they have been building. “There are some swing changes with Lizzy and Jeanne we will continue to work on,” Ballard said. “It’s really just about continuing to get better every time out.” RU returns to action Oct. 26 at the Farleigh Dickinson Invitational. With the success of this weekend, Ballard has a great deal of confidence in her team’s chances there. “I could definitely see another top three finish,” she said.
OCTOBER 13, 2009
ess than three weeks ago, every major Rutgers athletic team was going in the complete opposite direction. While the football team dealt with the loss of starting quarterback Tom Savage to a concussion, the rest of the Scarlet Knights were excelling on nearly all levels. The men’s soccer team sat in first place in the conference and the women’s soccer team was cruising with its own share of the lead. The volleyball team surpassed its immaculate win total from the previous two seasons combined and even the field hockey team got their first win of the season, a onescore nail biter over Sacred Heart. Now, Greg Schiano’s club is riding a four-game winning streak — albeit over Don Boscoquality opponents — and is feeling pretty good heading into the resumption of Big East play against Pittsburgh.
Yet for the rest of the squads on the Banks, the recent history has been bleak. The men’s soccer team was just shut out for the fourth consecutive game. The field hockey team has now been outscored by a 23-1 margin in its past four games and the volleyball team emerged victorious just twice in its last six contests.
THE GOOD Emotion wins out — The surpassed time was 66 minutes of game clock, but that must have felt like 25 seconds for the women’s soccer team after a whirlwind of pain, elation and realization came down on the Scarlet Knights. Sophomore Julie Lancos’ unreal 94th minute gamewinner did so much for this team on an emotional level, one that probably cannot be realized without looking at the big picture.
Rutgers lost its leading scorer, and sixth starter, most likely for the season with a sickening leg injur y early in the game. “Distraught” is the term head coach Glen Crooks used to describe his feelings in that moment, yet after a 10-minute period of unfocused soccer, the Knights completely blanked DePaul the rest of the way. Senior captain Jenifer Anzivino, fighting through tears even at the mention of Jones’ name, said after the match how difficult it was to get herself going again and help lead the Knights through the rest of the game, and how she leaned on senior goalkeeper Erin Guthrie for support shortly after the injury. On a complete side note: If I was a parent with a son or daughter and wanted them to idolize one RU athlete for the right reasons on the field, it would be Guthrie. She absolutely defines the term leader, through both example and voice, and is one of the best at that I have ever witnessed, on any level. How do I follow that up? — Um, Tom Savage looked pretty decent. Now that Rutgers is set to face real opponents again, like when Pittsburgh comes to town Friday, the aerial attack is going to be an integral part of the offense. So long as the Jabu Package is not. (My one dig on that this week…)
THE BAD Terrible — Dropping four straight games is one thing. Dropping four straight by a combined score of 23-1 is taking it to another level. Replacing Amy Lewis’s production was going to be hard, but it was hard to predict such an incredible drop-off for the field hockey team. RAMON DOMPOR/ ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR
Senior Erin Guthrie’s (1) leadership will be needed as the Scarlet Knights try to remain strong after the loss of Ashley Jones.
Really? — For a team that was sitting atop the Big East standings as recently as four games
Ex-Knight Jason McCourty (25) referred to his former school as the University of Rutgers during introductions on Sunday Night Football.
ago, the sudden decline in the men’s soccer team’s performance is stunning. Ever ything from goalkeeper mistakes to too many cards contributed to the Scarlet Knights’ four-loss stretch, in which they have netted a combined zero goals, but this looks nothing like the team that began the season 5-2.
THE UGLY Horrific injury — Without getting into too much detail, Jones planted her leg and was run into by a DePaul player. Crooks said Jones could not move at all. Not to rip people trying to do their jobs, but I was informed that the paramedics took their sweet time getting across the field to
where Jones was on the ground, and she probably could have been at the hospital getting treatment a good 10 minutes faster. It is Rutgers University — Paging Devin McCourty: Seriously? Your brother knows he did not go the University of Rutgers, as he said during introductions on Sunday Night Football, right? Also, Chris Berman: Did you really analyze the ridiculous touchdown catch last night by saying “Ray Rice, from New Rochelle, N.Y.?” Thanks, but should you not be saying Rice was from Rutgers? This school gets no love, except when they play Army of all teams for an ESPN primetime Friday night broadcast.
RU loses third straight conference game at Villanova BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT
It’s no question that the Rutgers volleyball team made some huge changes to its program in VOLLEYBALL the off0 season. RUTGERS It’s no 3 question VILLANOVA t h a t those changes have yielded tremendous benefits to the Scarlet Knights’ gameplay and overall record. And there’s also no question that, when it comes to conference play, RU is still scratching its figurative head. The Knights dropped their third straight Big East game in a 3-0 decision Sunday afternoon at the Jake Nevin Fieldhouse at Villanova. It was also the third consecutive Big East game in which the team was swept. “I thought we played pretty well, it’s just Villanova played well too, and I don’t think we played well when it mattered this time,” said head coach CJ Werneke. For a team where playing well when it matters has produced respectable results thus far this season, the Knights had difficulty keeping themselves in the
game once Villanova (14-6, 3-3) got started. The third set proved to be one of the closer of the three sets for RU. Keeping the score close for most of the set, Villanova would not be able to pull ahead by more than a couple points. RU then pulled within one point of the Wildcats at 22-21, looking to tie and take a set that could buy it some more time. But a serving error followed by an attacking error would give game-point to the Wildcats, who then promptly dealt the finishing blow to seal the deal at 25-21. If the third set was daunting, the second set was just a nightmare. The Knights were able to take an early lead in the second set but found themselves down after the Wildcats tied the game at five. At a 10-8 Villanova lead, the team went on a 12-1-point streak that left a bewildered Knights squad looking at a 22-9 deficit. RU then almost worked itself back into the game until the Wildcats regained momentum and sealed the deal 25-16. “Villanova came in hot, they got a little streak,” Werneke said. “We battled. At the end they went on a 10-point run.” Individually, junior co-captain Caitlin Saxton and freshman Alex Jones continued to impress as the
two led the team in attacking percentage with .250. Saxton notched 10 kills and Jones contributed five to the mix, along with three individual blocks. “It was good to see Caitlin have another solid game,” Werneke said. “Alex Jones has been Alex Jones all year. She’s done a good job as a freshman coming in, playing and adapting to this level, and she has played pretty consistently for us from the start of the year to now.” Coming off of an uplifting 3-1 win against Hofstra in the College Avenue Gym last Wednesday, the game against the Wildcats was seen as an important one if the Knights were to have a solid shot at a Big East tournament berth. But now at 8-11 overall and 1-4 in the Big East, RU must win a fair amount of games and come close to if not finish better than .500 in the Big East. This will be difficult for the Knights as they face co-Big East regular season champion Cincinnati Saturday and reigning Big East tournament champion Louisville the next day. While both games may be at the College Avenue Gym and the Knights are 2-1 at home, Werneke acknowledged that “without a doubt” the two power-
Junior co-captain Caitlin Saxton notched 10 kills for a .250 attacking percentage in the Scarlet Knights’ 3-0 loss Sunday to Villanova.
houses would be trouble upon arrival to the Barn. “We’re just going to have to pay attention to the details [in
order to prepare] — the small things,” Werneke said. “We just have to correct some of those issues to get us over the hump.”
OCTOBER 13, 2009
After a reprieve for an illness in which he had to watch his defense excel against Maryland from the sidelines, Charlie Noonan is back. The junior defensive tackle missed the 34-13 win over the Terrapins with an undisclosed illness, but returned to his starting role Saturday against Texas Southern and made a solo tackle. “It was really good to get in there and get some reps and get my wind back, so everything was good,” Noonan said after the game. “It felt awesome. It was sick. I hate to be out; it’s the worst feeling ever.” Noonan, who now has four career starts on the Banks, said he feels 100 percent better and that everything went OK during the game. “I got all of the rust out during the week at practice,” Noonan said. “I felt good out there. I wouldn’t say I was rusty.”
he Rutgers men’s soccer team concludes a stretch of three road games in seven days tonight with a matchup against No. 19 Brown in Providence, R.I. The Scarlet Knights (5-6-0, 3-4-0) are coming off a 1-0 loss at DePaul and haven’t scored in four consecutive games. “We have to put that last piece together,” said Rutgers head coach Bob Reasso. “Right now we’re not finishing — whether it’s confidence or whatever, we’re not getting the job done, and [finishing] is something we will go back and work on in training.” Sophomore for ward Ibrahim Kamara and junior midfielder Yannick Salmon both have a team-high four goals this season. Sophomore Alex Morgans makes his third consecutive start in goal for RU. The Knights are still stuck on nine points and sit at seventh place in the Big East Red Division. The match against Brown is a non-league contest. The Bears (6-0-4, 2-0-0) are coming off a 4-2 win over Ivy League opponent Princeton. First kick is scheduled for 7 p.m.
guard from Gill St. Bernard’s, offered a non-binding verbal commitment yesterday to play for the Rutgers women’s basketball team according to a report on Simmons averaged 26.2 points, 8.6 rebounds, 5.9 assists and 4.6 steals per game in her junior season. Scouts, Inc. rated her as the 11th best shooting guard in the country. The Jersey City native is part of the 2011 recruiting class.
Noonan continued to share reps with sophomore Eric LeGrand at defensive tackle after LeGrand emerged as a playmaker in the last two games. LeGrand has seven tackles, 2.5 for loss and a fumble recovery in the last two games as the RU defense continues to excel. “We missed a couple, but we got a good amount, and putting pressure on the quarterback is always key. If we can make him uncomfortable, that’s a plus for us,” Noonan said. “Coach [Schiano] says if we get them during the week, we get them during the game, and that’s really panned out to be true. We get them during practice, and they show up in games too.”
not pleased with the kickoff coverage against Maryland, head coach Greg Schiano was much happier with the play of special teams coverage and junior punter Teddy Dellaganna against Texas Southern.
“I thought it was a little bit better,” Schiano said. “Certainly, we won that battle convincingly. That is key. Kicks weren’t great all the time but to open the game we had the wind, and it landed on the 11. Teddy can do better than that — and he did do better than that. It all starts with the kick. If you get a good kick, it gives you a shot to have great coverage. We had the right guys on the coverage team and they are playing well. Now it has to be amped up a couple of notches here soon.”
2.5 yards per return on punts through the first five games of the season, freshman wide receiver Mohamed Sanu is still the guy, Schiano said. “Mohamed is the best punt returner we have on the team,” Schiano said. “One thing I never do is doubt a punt returner. It is the hardest thing to do in football. He has to go on his instincts. Quite frankly, in a game like [Texas Southern], he was swamped in what he was doing.”
After missing the Maryland game for an undisclosed illness, junior defensive tackle Charlie Noonan (96) started last week.
more days before game day against Pittsburgh Friday night on ESPN, but the team does not see the quick turnaround as an issue. RU has already faced a quick turnaround this season when the Knights took down Howard
45-7 just four days after falling to Cincinnati to open the season. “You get used to it,” said senior cornerback and team captain Devin McCourty. “Some things change and some things don’t. You get used to the schedule and you just do it.”
PA G E 2 0
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Jones’ injury inspires team to move forward Ex-Knight anchoring Colorado’s playoff push
“Just win the [expletive] game.” With tears streaming down her face, while lying on the ground, immobile because of a shattered right leg, WOMEN’S SOCCER those were the words spoken by Ashley Jones when she looked up at her head coach. That was her message to the Scarlet Knights before being taken off the field on a gurney in the 23rd minute of Sunday’s match with DePaul. The fierce leader of the Rutgers women’s soccer team, now officially out for the year with two compound factures in her right leg, relayed the message that’s got her team through moments like this before. “Just win the [expletive] game.” That was the message RU head coach Glenn Crooks delivered to his players at halftime. They were the only words spoken about Jones when the Knights went into the locker room down 1-0. Words weren’t necessary at that moment. The Knights had just watched their teammate, their friend, lying on their home field in agony for almost half an hour. They were still in shock, but they still had work to do. As hard as it was to regain their focus at that moment, the message was still clear to everyone in that locker room — just as clear as it was the four other times this season RU was forced to overcome a season ending injury to one of their starters. “Just win the [expletive] game.” Senior back Jen Anzivino understood it. But when she lined up to take a penalty kick in the 57th minute — with her team still down 1-0 — she had her doubts before netting the gametying shot. “I was a little worried; I didn’t know if mentally I could take the kick because I was so all over the place before hand,” Anzivino said. “But honestly, as I was getting up to take it, I thought, ‘Just get it in the back of the net, you’ve done this a million times. Do it for Ashley. We’ll get the second goal and we’ll go home.’” When sophomore back Julie Lancos finally scored the game-winner in overtime, the celebration that erupted on the field wasn’t out of surprise. It was the opposite: It was out of the sheer joy that came from being able to show everyone in attendance what the Knights have
somebody else is going to have to play some more minutes and make their own statement. And that’s what’s happened throughout this season. [Whenever we’ve needed someone to
Take one look at Nick LaBrocca’s resume and it comes as no surprise that the former Rutgers men’s socMEN’S SOCCER cer midfielder is a professional player. LaBrocca was a four-year starter, team captain and threetime All-Big East selection during his time as a Scarlet Knight from 2003-06, and following his senior season the Colorado Rapids made him the 35th pick in the 2007 MLS SuperDraft. “You could tell that Nick was the type of guy that was going to be a professional player from the moment he got here,” said 29-year Rutgers head coach Bob Reasso. “He was an engine, and the biggest thing that stood out was his work ethic. When he played he did the amount of running for two players.” Three years later, LaBrocca anchors the midfield of a Colorado team jostling for playoff position. Since he was inserted into the lineup at the beginning of the 2008 season, he has started 55 of 58 games, scoring four times. But just because he’s penciled in to the starting 11 on matchday doesn’t mean LaBrocca takes his place in the team for granted. “I don’t want to say that [I’m an established player]. When people start to feel like they’ve accomplished something, that’s when they
Senior Jen Anzivino, right, and sophomore Julie Lancos celebrate the Scarlet Knights’ 2-1 overtime victory against DePaul. The team dedicated the victory to injured forward Ashley Jones.
shown so many times before — that injuries weren’t going to stop them. They won that game for their teammate. But that final statement went beyond that. “We wouldn’t be where we are without Ashley,” Crooks said. “But this just means that
Miehe win Turnover margin key to success in Big East highlights O Mind of Stein weekend in Bronx BY ALEX JANKOWSKI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Junior Nick Miehe crossed the finish line at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx MEN’S XC with a RUTGERS 63 PTS time of 25:45 in SECOND PLACE an 8K run, a new personal-best by over 45 seconds. And for the first time in his college career, he crossed before any one of the other 125 runners. “I’ve always wanted to win a college race, and I’m so glad it came [at the Metropolitan Championships],” Miehe said. “This is our first big race of the year and it’s a great start for me and our team.”
Sophomore cornerback David Rowe returns his first career interception for a touchdown in the Scarlet Knights’ 42-0 shutout of Texas Southern.
ne more game, same old story. The quality of the Rutgers football team’s defensive showing this season has been mediocre in ritual, but unbelievable in opportunity. Aside from Saturday’s dominating effort against lowly Football Championship Subdivision Texas Southern, the Scarlet Knights still gave up far too many yards, still played very relaxed and had an unaggressive coverage and allowed teams like Florida International to regularly hit open targets over the middle of the field. Yet RU came out unscathed because of sacks and defensive takeaways. A lot of them. “Ever y great defense scores on defense and causes a lot of turnovers, and that’s what we’re tr ying to be,” said redshirt freshman safety Khaseem Greene. “We want to be known as one of those defenses where if we take the ball away from you, we’re going to score.” In what is now a recurring trend for a defense that abides by a bend-but-don’t-break scheme, timely turnovers carried the Knights’ slouching offense to a 41 record.
Chew on this: RU has forced a turnover in 11 straight games, dating back to an October meeting with Pittsburgh last season. The Knights won all of those games except this year’s season opener vs. Cincinnati. Sophomore cornerback David Rowe’s 56-yard interception return in the first quarter against Texas Southern marked the fourth straight game with a RU defensive touchdown. The Knights sacked the opposing quarterback for the 11th straight game, and now have 18 on the year after their seven against the Tigers. While it took until the eighth game of the year last season for the Knights to record one single takeaway against a Football Bowl Subdivision opponent, the