Volume 141, Number 52
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Today: Mostly cloudy
High: 52 • Low: 42
First appearing as a miniseries 26 years ago on NBC, ABC has taken over with a new story line for the show "V." Inside Beat takes a look at and compares the old and the new shows.
New health care bill may improve student coverage
Campus Identity
Some of these traditional aspects include student activism, multiculturalism and a diverse range of academic departments ranging from the Department of Africana Studies to the Department of Sociology.
If the health care bill passes in the Senate, following the House of Representatives, students may see wider and more comprehensive coverage. Under the reform plans, students would be required to have coverage, said Director for the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy Joel Cantor. There will be national standards for what is covered and a choice of plans with higher and lower cost sharing at different premium levels. “It is likely that the plans available after reform will be ‘better’ than typical student plans now,” Cantor said. “The details matter and are complex.” Even if the bill passes this year, coverage expansions will not kick in until 2013, so a student now will not be able to see the benefits until they graduate, he said. Students can expect medical coverage with their first jobs, whereas in the status quo, they would not get coverage or would have substandard coverage, Cantor said. “With the reform, the [students] would get affordable coverage, though affordable is in the eye of the beholder. But it would be much better than what they could afford before the reform,” he said. “[Health care coverage] depends on the situation of the student and by state. Details matter a lot.” There are a lot of moving parts currently in the University health system and limited plans will not be allowed, he said. The coverage packages will be more comprehensive, and there will be higher annual maximum benefits.
Although changes to Livingston campus are underway, including a new student center set to open in January, students think the campus still maintains its original characteristics and unique atmosphere with departments that emphasize multiculturalism.
Livingston retains traditions despite changes BY ARIEL NAGI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Commonly stereotyped as the campus only first-year students identify with, the Livingston community agrees the campus is filled with rich diversity and uniqueness, even
INDEX SPORTS After receiving several awards on the season, seniors Erin Guthrie and Jen Anzivino are ready for Duke in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
UNIVERSITY Get rid of your prescription drugs anonymously and legally Saturday at a DEA-coordinated dropoff. UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
without the renovations and construction under way. Campus Dean Lea Stewar t said although the construction has changed the atmosphere of the campus, Livingston still has some of the same qualities it had when it was established 40 years ago.
U. trusts text messages in emergency situations BY ARIEL NAGI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Of the many methods to reach out to the University community in the event of a critical emergency, University affiliates say they are confident the emergency text message notification system is one of the best. While some University affiliates may have concerns about the effectiveness of the notification system, most say it’s one of the most effective ways to relay emergencies, since most students carry their cell phones at all times. “Rutgers implemented the emergency text notification system in April 2007 to complement the methods we already used to disseminate urgent information to the students, faculty and staff,” said Emergency Management Director Daniel Pascale via e-mail correspondence. “It is used only in the event of critical occurrences, such as major weather events that force the cancellation of classes or imminent threats to the safety or security of the campus community.” The University uses several other methods to reach out to the community and communicate in the event of an emergency, he said. These methods were in use before they launched the text message system. “Text messaging works very well, but it is just one of many methods Rutgers utilizes,” Pascale said. “These
include e-mail, University Web sites, RUtv, campus radio, local media, messages on the NextBus LED signs at bus stops and even door-to-door notification.” Emergency Management runs campus-wide tests every month, he said. The last test was conducted on Oct. 22. In addition, frequent small-scale internal tests are conducted throughout the year, and the University community is notified about the tests through e-mail, Web site alerts and RU-Info Facebook alerts. Emergency Management staff is able to keep track of how many people on campus are receiving the text message, Pascale said. The number of messages, as well as the rate per minute at which they were sent, is calculated during the campuswide test, Pascale said. During the most recent test, 84 percent of the University population subscribers received the text. “On the most recent test that we conducted, more than 29,000 of the approximately 35,000 subscribers received the test message within 15 minutes,” Pascale said. “Messages were sent at a rate of roughly 20,000 per minute.” The message delivery rate, which is a function of the cell phone provider’s local capacity and overall load, was 2,000 text messages per minute, he said. School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Tahia Haque said although she
Career Services Specialists Doug Ricci and Tina Vance Knight teach students how to dine properly at business lunch and dinner meetings at “Dining Etiquette” last night in Busch Dining Hall.
Students with 45 or greater credits can register for Spring 2010 classes tonight from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
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The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, circulation 17,000. The Daily Targum (USPS949240) is published Monday through Friday in New Brunswick, NJ, while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. No part thereof may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the consent of the managing editor. Display and classified advertising may be placed at the above address. Of fice hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Postmaster: Send address corrections to The Daily Targum c/o Business Manager, 126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. EDITORIAL DIRECTORY: 732-932-2012 Editor-in-Chief x110 John S. Clyde Managing Editor x101 Angelina Y. Rha BUSINESS DIRECTORY: (732) 932-7051 Business Manager Katie Gattuso x600 Marketing Director Steve Jacobus x604 Advertising Classifieds Productions
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141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS EDITOR MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS EDITOR ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN EDITOR MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT EDITOR MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS EDITOR ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY EDITOR SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY EDITOR HEATHER BROOKHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO EDITOR LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE EDITOR DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA EDITOR RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN EDITOR KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT EDITOR JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE EDITOR ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE EDITOR MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR CAGRI OZUTURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Matt Ackley, Bryan Angeles, Katherine O’Connor, Taylere Peterson, Nancy Santucci SENIOR WRITER — Steven Williamson CORRESPONDENTS — Bill Domke, Greg Flynn, Steve Miller, Chris Melchiorre SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER — Bryan Angeles, Brendan McInerney, John Pena STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Angelica Bonus, Nicholas Brasowski, Aimee Fiscella, Jodie Francis, Jennifer-Miguel-Hellman, Maya Nachi, Isiah Stewart
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT K ATIE G ATTUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B USINESS M ANAGER S TEVE J ACOBUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ARKETING D IRECTOR L IZ K ATZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O PERATIONS M ANAGER S IMONE K RAMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTROLLER P AMELA S TEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A SSISTANT M ARKETING D IRECTOR S ARA B USOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C LASSIFIEDS M ANAGER TAMMER IBRAHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ASSISTANT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES — Sagar Agrawal, Jateen Chauhan, Pat Mcguinness, Chelsea Mehaffey, Amanda Solomon CLASSIFIEDS ASSISTANTS — Kristine Enerio ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTS — Laura Avino, Justin Chan, Liliya Dmitrieva, Minh Nguyen
PRODUCTIONS M ICHAEL P OLNASEK . . . . . . . . . . . E D H ANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GARRET BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JONATHAN ZIPF . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Dan King, Corey Perez, Mike Maroney, Kelsey Schwartz
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
PA G E 3
State, U. empty medicine cabinets to prevent drug abuse BY COLLEEN ROACHE CORRESPONDENT
An increasing amount of students are using prescription drugs without a prescription, some even becoming addicted, and the state of New Jersey is ready to do something about it. Operation Medicine Cabinet New Jersey, the nation’s first statewide prescription drug disposal program, will collect unused, unwanted or expired medications for disposal Saturday and raise awareness of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs. More than 400 municipalities statewide will participate from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Graduate Student Lounge in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. “You’d be surprised how many people go over to family, friends, relatives’ [homes] … and what’s available to them? The medicine cabinet,” said Douglas Collier, public information of ficer for the state division of the Drug Enforcement Administration. The New Jersey Division of DEA, leading the initiative with the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General and the Par tnership for a Dr ug-Free New Jersey, will take standard dr ug-discarding measures to
Old stores of unused and unwanted prescriptions in a family member’s or friend’s home become the first source for an addict seeking drugs. Saturday’s program will attempt to lower the amount of available drugs.
handle the collected medication, Collier said. Eighteen percent of New Jersey college students said they have used prescription drugs without a prescription, according to a 2008 Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey survey of 499 students. About 5 percent said they had been addicted to a prescription drug or had taken a larger dose than was recommended.
Officials hope this program will lower rates of prescription drug abuse, which have generally been on the rise, he said. Seventy percent of people who abuse prescription medications obtain them from a friend or family member’s medicine cabinet. Rutgers University Police Department Capt. Kenneth Cop said the department looks forward to participating in the program and hopes that any stu-
dents who want to get rid of unwanted prescription drugs will bring them on Saturday, though abuse is not really an issue at the University. “[The department’s participation] is in no way reflective of a campus problem,” Cop said. Some students doubt OMCNJ will lower rates of prescription drug misuse, including School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Rebecca Soltys.
Young people who intend to misuse drugs will still find what they seek, she said. “Honestly, I don’t think [it will have an effect]. You can get prescription drugs just by looking in someone’s medicine cabinet.” Soltys said. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Trevor Wilkerson agreed that those who misuse drugs will continue to do so. “If they want to use them, they’re just going to keep using them,” he said. Although Collier acknowledged the doubt of skeptics, he disagreed with their conclusions that OMCNJ will not work, mostly because the elimination of the medicine cabinet as an “access point” and the anticipated increase in awareness will yield less abuse. Education and awareness, as well as dialogue between law enforcement and parents and their children will help the DEA achieve its goals, as it did when ecstasy use was a problem during the late 1990s, he said. “We’re being proactive with this. That’s the good thing about it,” Collier said. Students interested in finding out more about OMCNJ can visit the program’s Web site at www.operationmedicinecabinet
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NOVEMBER 12, 2009
LIVINGSTON: Many programs founded on campus continued from front “That whole culture still exists today. Some of them exist spiritually on Livingston and some of them still physically,” Stewart said. “The culture of independence, the culture of making things happen [and] the culture of being a united student body is still very much the same today.” Livingston campus is the place where many academic departments started, including the Department of Journalism and Media Studies and computer science, and it was also the birth of student activism on campus, she said. It is also home to the Rutgers Business School and part of the School of Social Work. “Livingston campus is [a] place where great ideas start,” Stewart said. With the construction of the campus under way, more students and visitors will be attracted to the new Livingston campus that will
include a new, expanded student center, a residence hall with more than 1,000 beds and a new walkway with a fountain, which is already completed, she said. “It’s going to be absolutely phenomenal. The fact that we have a fountain, a new walkway … [and] a new student center ready to open in January, is going to have a big impact on the feeling of the campus,” Stewart said. “We feel like a really small community right now.” School of Arts and Sciences junior Giselle Pisani said Livingston would become one of the most beautiful campuses with the renovations coupled with its rich cultural identity. “The construction that has been going on has made Livingston aesthetically pleasing,” Pisani said. School of Arts and Sciences junior Anthony Onwuzuruigbo said the expansion of the student center would encourage more students like him who just take classes on Livingston to stick around for a few more hours in the student center.
U NIVERSITY He said the overall renovation of the campus would convince more students to live on the campus as well. “I think that the expansion of the Livingston Student Center will make the campus more lively, and it may prompt more students to want to live there, because right now, that’s the last option in terms of choosing housing,” Onwuzuruigbo said. Stewart said this year and in the previous years, the campus is mostly made up of first-year students. But this may not only be due to the fact that Livingston campus does not have any apartments like the other campuses or the notion that people do not want to live there. Stewart said a lot of first-year students and upperclassmen choose to live on Livingston because the campus has a reputation of being friendly and community oriented. “We’re a friendly, independent community where ever yone knows each other,” she said. Stewart said this stereotype, which she believes is true is
T H E DA I LY TA R G U M many ways, is largely due to the large number of student organizations on campus. Organizations based on Livingston campus include the Korean Drummers, the Liberated Gospel Choir, the Livingston Theater Company, the Latin American Student Organization and more, she said. “The student organizations are probably some of our proudest components of the campus,” Stewart said. Livingston College graduate Robert Drucker said the student organizations on campus are different than the student organizations on other campuses. This could be because many of the Livingston organizations are based exclusively on interest rather than academic credit, like the living-learning communities on other campuses that must be taken for credit, he said. “Livingston organizations, unlike the other campuses, are not really affiliated with academic departments and credit,” Drucker said. “The organizations
are just founded because somebody [said] ‘I want to do this.’ They’re really student-run.” He said the Livingston Theater Company, a performing arts student organization, is not a part of an academic department, like other theater organizations on campus that are affiliated with Mason Gross School of the Arts. Stewart said the Livingston Theater Company along with the Korean Drummers, the Liberated Gospel Choir and The Core, an independent radio station based on the campus, add to the uniqueness of Livingston. “One of the exciting things about Livingston campus is if you walk around, there is always music,” she said. Stewart said overall, the campus is going to come across a number of issues during the construction period, but in the end, the campus will continue to retain all of its distinct cultural and academic aspects. “We’re going to have some challenges in the next few years,” she said. “But once that construction is finished, it’s going to be spectacular.”
COVERAGE: Bill allows
Holodak sees it as a way to get the Republicans to make a case against states’ rights. “The public option is very vital for competition for insurance [companies] and to reduce the costs to individuals. It remains to be seen what the Senate does; the whole bill could change,” said Holodak, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “It’s incredibly important that we have nonprofit-based involvement in health care choices. It’s not the same format that the companies are involved in.” Others believe the Senate should scrap the whole idea. “The health care bill is more beneficial only if you want higher taxes and more regulation,” College Republicans Vice President Noah Glyn said. “College students who want to get jobs want jobs with medical insurance. But firms may be less inclined to hire people because they won’t want to pay these fees to have mandated insurance.” He said it is also unreasonable for him to pay the same for insurance as others. Instead of passing this bill that passed in the House by a small margin, the Senate should be opening up the market between states, allowing individuals to buy their own insurance from other states so competition drives the costs down, he said. “They should lower the tax for individuals. Employers are not taxed for offering their employees health insurance,” Glyn said. “With the current system, you’re always going [to] spend more because it’s someone else’s money rather than your own money.” Cantor said the Senate Finance Committee bill, which is the best indication of where the Senate is moving, costs $829 billion throughout 10 years, as opposed to the $1.2 trillion House bill that is on the Senate floor. “[The reason it’s less is that] it spends less on expanding Medicaid to low-income people and less on subsidies for private or the public coverage on exchanges for medium income, which are people whose incomes are up to four times of low-income people,” he said. The plan does not add to the deficit, Cantor said. It is financed by cutting it somewhere else in the budget or reallocating resources. He said health care costs are a huge problem whether there is health care reform or not. “The health plan will not add to the deficit, but it may add to it in a 20year window from now,” Cantor said. “There are lots of ifs, and it largely depends on whether health care costs can be brought under control.”
students to stay on parent’s plan continued from front “If you have something catastrophic happen, your insurance won’t run out, whereas it would now,” Cantor said. “One of my graduate students had the Rutgers plan. He unfortunately had appendicitis and it burst. His out-of-pocket cost tens of thousands; that won’t happen in post-reform.” He said the maximum age young adults could stay on their parents’ plan will be 25 or 26 uniformly, depending on the plan, Cantor said. Right now that age is 30, but under specific prerequisites. Employers do what they want now, but under the reform they will have to offer coverage without contributing to the premium, Cantor said. “Staying on as a dependent on a parent’s plan is likely to be a comparatively inexpensive option for many,” Cantor said. “Graduate students or married students may be eligible for public subsidies to buy a plan that would make coverage more affordable. Those dependents still on their parents’ taxes probably would not be eligible for subsidies.” He expects the bill that just passed the House to be different than what may ultimately pass. “There is uncertainty about the public option. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the Senate should include a public option with an opt-out,” Cantor said. “Those who support the public option say ‘no way’ to the opt-out.” He said if there is a public option in the plan it would provide less coverage. “It’s a battle that the left-leaning legislators, who said a robust public option is necessary, lost,” Cantor said. “It’s in the grinder now, so I don’t think we will be seeing the final bill that will be debated until a week or two.” Some think the opt-out is a politically motivated move. “The opt-out system may help the bill to pass, but it depends on where you’re living,” said Alex Holodak, president of the Rutgers University Democrats. “Under the opt-out system, the states will have to decide whether to opt-out or not. The Republicans are very selective about that, so it brings the Republicans to argue against states’ right to choose whether to adopt the public option or not.” The danger with the opt-out system is it will water down the bill to make it not even worth it, he said.
RESEARCHERS CONSIDER GROWING CONCERNS IN WEB SECURITY University computer scientists are working on a way to make Internet security questions harder to crack. “We call them activity-based personal questions,” said Danfeng Yao, assistant professor of computer science, according to a University Media Relations press release. She said sites could potentially ask questions like, “When was the last time you sent an email?” and “What did you do yesterday at noon?” Funded in part by grants from the National Science Foundation, Yao’s work is testing how resistant activity-based questions are to “attacks,” or when an intruder answers questions correctly. An intruder can then gain access to personal information like online shopping or banking.
Yao said early studies reveal that questions about recent activities are easy for legitimate users to answer but harder for potential intruders to guess. “We want the question to be dynamic,” she said. “The questions you get today will be different from the ones you would get tomorrow.” University doctoral student Huijun Xiong and visiting undergraduate student Anitra Babic will be presenting the group’s preliminar y results in a workshop this week at the Association for Computing Machiner y Conference on Computer and Communications Security, according to the release. — Heather Brookhart
VOLUNTEERS GRANT ‘WINTER WISHES’ TO CITY CHILDREN To make the holiday season a bit brighter, the University Winter Wishes program recruits students and staff to “adopt a child’s winter wish” by buying a Christmas gift for an underprivileged preschool student. The Student Volunteer Council coordinates the community ser vice program along with the Office of Early Childhood Education of New Brunswick, said Lorna Adu-Gyamfi, Ser vice Day coordinator. In its second year, the program allows children to ask for anything, with some even requesting basic necessities like a toothbrush. “It’s one reason we do this. Parents don’t have enough money for a toothbrush,” said Adu-Gyamfi, a Livingston College senior. “Some kids ask for gloves or a scarf. Shoes are a big one.” Volunteers choose the child whose gift they plan to buy after reading the child’s wish. “It allows a personal relationship [since] no one is obligated,” Adu-Gyamfi said. The personal nature of the Winter Wishes program distinguishes it from other toy donation projects. “A lot of clubs do toy drives. [This process] is a little more unique than collecting toys,” she said. “You can even meet the child you bought the gift for.” The program was a huge success last year, Adu-Gyamfi said. One boy was so happy to
receive a wrapped present that he did not even open it. “The littlest gift means so much to them. That’s rewarding to know that just giving someone a simple thing as a wrapped present made him so happy,” she said. But spending money to volunteer is not a requirement. Those interested in volunteering without spending money can attend the “Wrapping Party” on Dec. 2, where volunteers wrap the children’s gifts, or the “Winter Wishes Party” on Dec. 5, where the children receive their gifts. Volunteers should be people who want to help out and mingle with the children, AduGyamfi said. Bilingual speakers are in great demand since many children and their parents speak Spanish as their first language. Prospective volunteers can sign up in the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus or the Livingston Student Center. Volunteers spend a minimum of $20 on gifts to ensure fairness for all children involved, she said. Gifts are due at 4 p.m. on Nov. 30. “I encourage ever yone to come out,” AduGyamfi said. “This opens your eyes to New Br unswick. It gets students outside the Rutgers bubble.” — Justine D’Souza
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
EMERGENCY: Texts LOCAL COMMUNITY DANCES AWAY THURSDAY NIGHTS TO SALSA BEAT Dressed in their finest, gentlemen don sports jackets and ladies come dolled up in dresses and 3-inch heels ready to dance the night away at the Perle Nightclub and Lounge’s “Salsa Thursdays.” College students, lawyers, firefighters and amateur or experienced dancers can all be found dancing to the Latin rhythms of salsa, said Gabrielle DiMarco, spokeswoman for “Salsa Thursdays.” The event recently moved to Perle, an upscale nightclub located on 13 Paterson St. in New Brunswick, after a successful year at the 360 Lounge, she said. “‘Salsa Thursday’ attracts a very diverse crowd,” DiMarco said. Men and women aged 21 to 60 come to the event from all throughout the tri-state area, she said. “[Perle] has a friendly and lively atmosphere, and regulars always attend to see friends and meet new people,” DiMarco said.
The night begins at 9 p.m. with a complimentary salsa lesson given by University dance instructor Dany Joshua, who organizes “Salsa Thursdays,” she said. Anyone attending the event for the first time is encouraged to participate in the complimentary lesson to familiarize themselves with basic salsa steps, DiMarco said. A salsa dance party follows the lesson, which goes until 1:30 a.m. and is led by Joshua and DJ Ricky Venezuela. Once a month, a salsa orchestra performs live music for the club, and at midnight, professional dancers are known to occasionally showcase some of their routines, DiMarco said. Regular admission for “Salsa Thursdays” is $10, but mentioning Dany Joshua at the door will lower the price to $8, DiMarco said. — Maggie Blaha
reach 20K subscribers per minute continued from front did not receive a test text message during the last campus-wide test, she plans to make sure she subscribes to begin receiving the messages because communicating via text message is the best way to reach out to students. “Obviously, if something happens, we always have our cell phone with us,” Haque said. “[The emergency text message notification system] seems ver y legitimate.” But some students are worried about the effectiveness of the emergency text message notification system. Although Emergency Management runs campus-wide tests every month, some students said they did not receive a test text message. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Stephen Antisz thought he subscribed to receive the text message notification when he updated his phone number in the University directory, but never received a message. “I updated my number like six months ago, and I never got [a test text message] but everyone else I know did. I don’t know why,” he said. Haque said if students are concerned about their safety on campus, they should take the necessary steps to make sure they are subscribed to receive the text message. “I’m sure people who want to get the test text would go out of their way to get it,” she said. School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior Shakira Williams said she received her test text message last month and felt secure about her safety on campus. “I think it’s a good idea,” she said. “It’s an easy way to get in touch with students in case of an emergency and it’s fast.” Haque said in the event of an emergency, students would best respond to a text message that would tell them how to find their way to safety, rather than hoping they were on their laptops to receive an e-mail or check a Web site. Pascale said the text messages would provide emergency precautions and procedures to follow depending on the type of emergency, in a quick and to-thepoint way, because messages are limited to 160 characters. “Every situation is unique, so the exact message would depend on the nature of the emergency,” he said. “In general, the message is brief and may be used to alert the community to a specific event, direct individuals to proceed to or avoid a specific location or advise them where to find additional information.” School of Arts and Sciences junior Jazmine Gray said the short text messages are a good way to notify students quickly and easily about evacuation or precautionary procedures. “It’s at least an attempt at some form of notifying students,” Grey said. “If anything, it wouldn’t be harmful, so it doesn’t hurt to attempt it.” To receive the text message, any University af filiate can apply by providing their cell phone information at http://www.personalinfo.rutge For more information about emergency procedures to follow or about the text message notification system, visit
The Newark Lincoln Bicentennial Conveners Committee and the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Foundation will present an important civic conversation entitled “The Humane City: Race, Ethnicity and Freedom in Urban America.” The town hall meeting, moderated by Newark’s own James O. Horton, will bring together a respected panel of educators, historians and journalists to explore what it takes to build a compassionate city where the challenges of diversity and social justice are confronted daily on the streets, in the schools and along the halls of power. Taking place from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Newark Museum, panelists will discuss what it takes to mobilize a city’s great physical, financial and intellectual resources for the good of its people.
“Emerging Directions in African and African-American Diaspora Studies” will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Winants Hall on the College Avenue campus. In the 40 years since the birth of Black and Africana Studies, the now expansive interdisciplinary field has transformed the academy. Recognizing this year as a major milestone in African and African-American scholarship, scholars across disciplines from the University and beyond come together to offer insights on today’s challenges and possibilities while also considering the road ahead. To attend the conference, please e-mail the Center for Race and Ethnicity at The Unplugged Rutgers Board Game Club will be having its weekly meeting at 7 p.m. at the Busch Campus Center, Room 174. Come by to meet new people, chow down on food and try some board games that you have never seen! They play everything from chess to “Last Night on Earth,” a zombie-survival horror game.
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
PA G E 8
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
Choices come with costs
erhaps the two most pressing social issues in American politics are health insurance reform and abortion. Both have been passionately debated for decades, and the proponents and opponents on each side care relentlessly about their opinion. While Congress now debates whether health insurance should be a right for Americans, it has already been determined that a woman’s right to choose is in fact constitutional. However, Congress must make sure that no health insurance publicly funded under a public option or government subsidy can pay for an abortion. This is not an abortion rights or anti-abortion stance; rather, it is a logical perspective on how to pass health insurance reform. The alternative position would result in no change in health care and civil unrest among those who would rather face prison than fund an abortion. While a woman may have the right to choose whether or not she can abort her fetus, the burden of paying for such a procedure should not be allotted to the American taxpayer. In May, for the first time since the Gallup Poll started asking questions on abortion, the majority of Americans, 51 percent, found themselves to be anti-abortion. This sets a resounding precedent that the American people would be unhappy if abortions are covered under health insurance reform. While abortions are the only forbidden medical procedure in the bill that just passed the House of Representatives, this clause was not instituted as a shot against the liberals. Blue dog Democrats — moderate to conservative leaning — would not have signed legislation that allowed federal funding for abortions, which would have effectively killed the bill that only passed the House by three total votes. Twentysix blue dogs voted for the bill, which is equivalent to 50 percent of the blue dogs in the House. Allow federal funds to sponsor abortion, and this bill is non-existent. The government has, in the past, forced taxpayers to fund programs they deem morally wrong, but abortion is a different issue. For those who are anti-abortion, an abortion is an act of murdering a potential life. They argue that since every person is entitled to the Constitution’s unalienable rights, those who cannot protect themselves should also be included in that body of law. It would be cruel and inconsiderate for Congress to pass a bill that would put many Americans through the agony of partaking in a practice they deem similar to murder. While liberals will argue that this will infringe on the rights of women to abort their fetuses, they must accept a victory in the form of new health insurance policies. While the conservatives fight day and night to stop a government takeover of the health insurance industry, and the left is relentless in allowing federal subsidies to pay for abortions, Congress may actually pass a bill that takes a little from both conservatives and liberals. Neither party wants each other to perform sweeping change without at least considering the opinions of their opponents. Perhaps the debate over abortion can open up widespread dialogue on other issues in this bill as well. The Republicans despise a public option and most of the Democrats do not want to a pass a health insurance bill that does not possess a public option. However, maybe the debate over abortion will open up the eyes of Democrats who ponder whether governmentrun health insurance is more complex than just another free-market competitor. If a government option is included in health insurance reform, should those who use tobacco not be treated with federal funding for tobacco-related diseases? If you are above a certain level on the body mass index scale, should government funds not cover weightrelated injuries or sicknesses? These are questions that the Democrats should answer before passing the bill. While it is obvious that insurance coverage needs to be reformed, the government must make sure that it does everything in its control to prevent further intrusions into the lives of Americans. This brings up the quintessential problem with government programs: At what point does the government go too far in dictating how individuals should live their lives? While no further constraints on access to a potential public option or subsidy have emerged, that does not guarantee that four or five years down the road a future Congress cannot institute more restrictions. For instance, in order to cut costs to health care coverage, Congress could potentially outlaw or heavily increase taxes on tobacco or foods over a certain amount of calories — all in the name of cutting costs and looking out for the American people. There is a point where government has gone too far. The latest Gallup Poll conducted in late October over health insurance reform found that 50 percent of Americans think a bill should include a public option if it is passed. However, when asked whether or not a public option should be passed along with proposed cuts in Medicare, 61 percent of respondents opposed the public option. According to a Gallup Poll released on Nov. 9, 48 percent of Americans would advise their Congressional representatives to oppose any health care legislation at all. If Congress decides to include federally-funded abortions under this piece of legislation, expect that number to increase and health insurance reform to stumble into the abyss. Abortion is a choice, and under the Constitution, women are allowed to have this procedure, yet just because it is a choice, it does not mean the taxpayer should pay for it.
“I want to train with this girl, I want to train with the best because I want to be the best.” Redshirt freshman soccer goalkeeper Emmy Simpkins on why she wanted to come to the University and play with senior Erin Guthrie STORY IN SPORTS
From excuses to practical uses
Lists are your friends: It t’s here. The signs are can be scar y to lay bare ever ywhere: Santa is at every task you have ahead of the mall and you’re in you in one place, but unless search of some Adderall. you can get that big picture The end of the semester of what you have to do, it’s stress of papers, group projimpossible to figure out how ects and exams often precludes the joy of the holiday LARISSA KLEIN you’re going to do it. Don’t skip class to get season. Face it, this is colwork done: Even though lege, and the procrastinators you might have to crank out long-term projects in far outnumber those syllabus-loving, calm, happya short amount of time; it’s unwise to ditch classgo-lucky individuals who are on top of all their es, especially coming down this final stretch. assignments. Maybe next semester — or the Believe it or not, your professors are ver y likely semester after that or the semester after that — to expect that you have been using their syllabi we’ll finally have the foresight to prevent this and that you have ample time to complete the frantic sprint to finish mounds of work, but for work they assigned. So, they are still teaching now we’ll have to settle for finding a workable classes and covering material that you are methodology for getting through the next several responsible for knowing. I hate to say it, but to weeks of horror. devote the hour and 20 minutes that you should Year after year, I’ve watched my dad turn into be spending in class to working on an assignment a ravaged recluse around tax time, and my brothis ver y rarely fruitful, because er’s panicked rush to submit his we procrastinators are always college application materials “You might have to crank looking for ever y excuse to promade me ver y thankful I was Which bring us to… not in his position. Of course, out long-term projects in crastinate. Stop justifying bad decihaving done this finals freak-out before, I should have been a lita short amount of time; sions: If you’re not in class because you thought you might tle more sympathetic knowing it’s unwise to ditch be able to get some work done, my time of stress would be just around the corner. classes, especially coming what happens when you are offered an invitation to Brower Unfortunately, that epiphany down this final stretch.” Dining Hall or even if you get a where I discover my inner motiphone call from your mom? The vation to manage my time more fact of the matter is you are likewisely and get my work done ly to take it, because, hey, you wouldn’t have ages ahead of deadlines does not seem as if it’s been working on your paper had you gone to going to happen. Yet I have somehow found a class anyway, so you might as well take this way to repeatedly navigate the muddle of end of break and resume your work later. It is a backthe semester tasks successfully without losing wards logic of course, but it is all too commonly my mind, resorting to drug-induced study sesused as justification. Notice though that this sions or any form of cheating. So let me propose innate ability of a procrastinator to turn anything some techniques, from one procrastinator to into a valid reason to not get your work done now another, for making this highly unpleasant has real value. Put that persuasive brain of yours process more bearable. to real use defending the thesis on a paper you Prioritize: Remember those syllabi your profeshave due. sors so thoughtfully provided on day one of the Make outlines for your papers: In the same semester? Perhaps it would have been wiser to folway a list is an appropriate jumping-off point low them to the letter all along, but being that when it comes to starting to wade through all there is nothing we can do about that now, pull this work, there is a way to parse through tons of them out and start working through them. It is not research and incoherent ideas when it comes too late to get back on track with months of readtime to write a paper, and that is with an outline. ing. Certainly, it won’t all get done, but get 50 percent of the assignments under your belt and you’re SEE KLEIN ON PAGE 9 in a much better position come finals.
Definition of Insanity
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
KLEIN continued from page 8 You may think that the outline was something taught to you in elementar y school through high school as some sort of torture device to waste your time. I bet you have thought that now you are in college and no one is watching over your shoulder, you can go about constructing this paper any way you please — I know I did. But think this one through. Why make things harder for yourself? You already have enough to worr y about. The last thing you need is to stretch your paper writing into the laborious stages of editing and re-editing because your argument or your structure doesn’t make sense. Not only do you save yourself time in the long run, but if you start a paper with this step, you make it easier to write the paper in pieces as you find yourself with free time, rather than in one terribly long sitting. We did learn how to outline for a reason, and I suggest you don’t make the mistake of writing a paper without one in order to figure that out. Take advantage of your resources: In case you have forgotten, we have a number of libraries across this campus. Don’t forget our libraries have a Web site with tons of online databases for your researching pleasure. There are also learning centers with tutors galore who understand the pressures and problems you might be going through. But you may find that your best sources for help are your classmates and friends. Ask the people who sat next to you all semester if they would be interested in meeting to go over class notes before the final or dividing up the readings and formulating one comprehensive study guide. Even if you have never spoken to them, now is the time to start. It is not unusual to find that many of your classmates are in the same position you are, and instead of suf fering through this stress alone, you have the ability to lessen it for each other. You don’t need Adderall or No Doze to make this happen. Yes, this can be an incredibly tr ying time in the semester. For many of us, our term papers or our finals are one of two grades we will receive for an entire course and can make or break our grade, but you still have time to stack the odds in your favor and do all you can to make sure you have something more to show for the past few months than your parking citations and Halloween photos. It’s mind over matter.
Larissa Klein is a School of Arts and Sciences junior majoring in English and art history. Her column, “Definition of Insanity,” runs on alternate Thursdays. She welcomes feedback at
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
Stephan Pastis
Today's Birthday (11/12/09) This year you're challenged to increase your earning potential. Mental activity seems to be the way to go, at least at first. Later, you realize that your position within a group makes all the difference. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — A glorious opportunity arrives early in the day, and you feel your energy shift towards romance. Follow traditional ideals. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Emotions move in a harmonious direction now. Confirm that shift with definite words. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 5 — What you feel early in the day shifts as you take a more balanced view of the facts. Reserve discussion until later. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — Pay attention to body language as well as words. The body delivers more than half of the message. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — If you get an early start, by day's end you'll have finished your work, started a new project and satisfied your emotions. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 5 — Self-esteem grows as you address surprises from your partner. The two of you actually are on the same track.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 5 — Gather your thoughts carefully before contacting others. Make sure each person knows his or her own boundaries. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 5 — Take care of household chores today. A quick trip to the store may be necessary. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — Open your mind and heart to an associate. Listen to the words, but also pay attention to the impact. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Bring your emotions to work and pump up your effort. A deadline looms, but you can make it, all by yourself. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — Keen awareness of financial matters puts you in the driver's seat. Choose purchases that will last. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 5 — Words take on a life of their own. Never think you've found the last or the best ones. Go for peace, balance and harmony.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
NOVEMBER 12, 2009 11
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
Charles Schultz
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek
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(Answers tomorrow) AFTER MILDEW WHITEN Jumbles: PILOT Answer: The golddigger snubbed the handsome partygoer because he wasn’t — WORTH HER “WILE”
PA G E 1 2
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
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Senior Jenifer Anzivino (14) earned First Team All-Big East honors. She scored two goals on seven shots this season.
SENIORS: RU travels to South Carolina for first round continued from back and Guthrie will leave at the end of this season is already being felt. “Erin’s my hero and I committed here because of Erin” said redshirt freshman Emmy Simpkins, a Concord, N.C., native backing up Guthrie in goal this season. “I came here Erin’s freshman year to watch her play, and right away I just thought, ‘I want to train with this girl, I want to train with the best because I want to be the best.’” Simpkins is living proof of what Guthrie, Anzivino and the entire Knights senior class gave to the RU women’s soccer program. And she is the first to say how instrumental Guthrie has been to her development both on and off the field.
“Erin is an amazing player but she’s an even better person,” Simpkins said. “No words can sum up Erin; she’s the center of this team. She’s the jokester, but she’s the serious one. And Erin has gained her respect not just from the awards and honors and national accolades that she’s gotten, but from the person that she is.” Though Guthrie and Anzivino both have professional careers awaiting them after college, both realize how unique their time at RU has been. Both will have those memories in mind Friday night against Duke in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. “I’m just going to miss this routine that I’ve been in. I’ve enjoyed it for the last four years of soccer,” Guthrie said. “I’m going to miss all of the friends I have here and just the environment everyday. So that’s just a little bit of extra motivation this week because I don’t want to see all of this end.”
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
TOURNEY: Russo may face sixth best in nation continued from back chance to pick off some guys nice and early and maybe improve my rankings.” Melde said there are not many differences in preparing for a tournament, compared to a dual meet. “I always treat every match the same no matter who the opponent is,” he said. “During warm-ups, it’s important to remember that if you stick to your game plan, you will win.” Whether they are from the four ranked schools or the other four schools participating — Army, SUNY Buffalo, Liberty and SUNY Brockport — there are national ranked opponents in every weight class. To advance in this tournament, energy must be conserved due to the fact that wrestlers may be involved in five matches in one day. “I want to see how our guys respond to wrestling four or five times a day,” Goodale said. “If they advance then they have to stay focused longer and that can take its toll on a wrestler.” Ohio State, the nation’s thirdbest team, boasts a nationallyranked wrestler in all but one weight class, and senior Mike Pucillo is the top ranked wrestler in the 184-pound weight class.
he Rutgers-Louisville matchup on Nov. 27, the day after Thanksgiving, will kick off at 11 a.m., Rutgers Athletics announced yesterday. ESPN2 will broadcast the game from Papa John’s Stadium in Louisville.
rescued the mother of former MLB pitcher Victor Zambrano after she was held captive for three days. The 56year-old was only of fered food once. In 2004, the New York Mets traded Scott Kazmir for Zambrano, who went 10-14 with a 4.42 ERA in two-and-a-half seasons with the Mets. Kazmir is a two-time All Star with a 3.83 career ERA.
Redshirt junior Dominick Russo, top, the nation’s 12th-ranked heavyweight, could face the only ranked wrestler ahead of him in the Brockport Gold Tournament, Edinboro’s Chris Birchler. Rutgers’ seemingly best chance at capturing an individual title in Brockport is in the heavyweight bracket. Redshirt junior Dominick Russo is ranked No. 12 in the country; the only wrestler ahead of him in the tournament is senior Chris Birchler of Edinboro, who stands at sixth in the nation.
With a team that has the ability to pin at every weight class, the extra team points earned for pins can go a long way in a tournament format. “You have to take advantage by getting bonus points [in tournaments],” Goodale said. “We will use the points from the top scorer
in each weight class, but pin points and advancement points will really help in the long run.” The Brockport Gold Tournament marks the only tournament for the Knights until after Christmas, when the team travels to Chicago Dec. 29 for the Midlands two-day tournament.
Cincinnati Bengals’ Chad Ochocinco sent deodorant to members of the Baltimore Ravens, head coach Mar vin Lewis stopped the wide receiver’s plan to send gifts to their next opponent. Ochocinco wanted to send mustard to the Pittsburgh Steelers prior to their meeting at Heinz Field.
an agreement to return with the Seattle Mariners for his 22nd season in Major League Baseball. Griffey hit 19 home runs and drove in 57 runs while hitting .214 last season. EXER -
$3 million player option to remain with Boston Red Sox yesterday. Although the Sox did not pick up the team option on 37year-old catcher, Varitek wants to stay in the city where he played 13 years.
THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Gold Glove recipients were announced yesterday and three teams have two representatives. Jimmy Rollins and Shane Victorino of the Philadelphia Phillies received their secondconsecutive awards. Orlando Hudson and Matt Kemp represented the Los Angeles Dodgers and Adam Wainwright and Yadier Molina won for the St. Louis Cardinals.
W ASHINGTON W IZARDS guard Randy Foye sprained his ankle midway through the second quar ter of Tuesday night’s game loss to the Miami Heat. The Villanova product was the 2006 Big East Player of the Year and led the Wildcats to the Elite Eight of the NCAA Tournament, where they lost to eventual champion Florida. Rutgers junior transfer Jonathan Mitchell was on the Gators team.
Targum’s Sports Editor Matthew Stein chats with the Harry Potter fanatic about Tootsie Pops, dunking his entire arm in the rim and reffing Cheer-Dance basketball games ... Matthew Stein: How often do you get to read Harry Potter? Hamady N’Diaye: I used to read a lot, but with basketball and all, I kind of fell back a little bit. I have all the books, but I haven’t gotten the chance to read them all.
NOVEMBER 12, 2009
The Rutgers men’s basketball team has not reached game one, and the injury bug has already bit them. Senior center Hamady N’Diaye hyper-extended his knee in the Scarlet Knights’ first scrimmage and has been limited in his participation since. “[I feel] pretty good, just had a knee thing going on but nothing big,” N’Diaye said. “It happened last week during the scrimmage, and I got back on the court [yesterday]. I can’t stand just sitting on the side — I can’t do that — so I’m feeling really good right now.”
Head coach Fred Hill Jr. said he isn’t sure of the seven-footer’s availability for the Saturday’s season opener against Marist. “[N’Diaye] is day-to-day,” Hill said. “He practiced a little bit [yesterday], didn’t go very long, but we will get it evaluated every day and he will be a game time decision [vs. Marist]. I expect him to play, I just don’t know how long.”
THE KNIGHTS PREPPED FOR the season with a pair of scrimmages against Iona and Siena. “I think we’re getting much better,” Hill said when asked of his impression of the scrimmages. “I thought we did some really good things. We didn’t have Mike [Rosario] in either scrim-
MS: Which character are you most like? HN: I would say Harry, duh, but Hermione is really one of my favorites. She’s half-blood and kind of rejected by some people. She’s got the skills to be better than everybody.
MS: Are you brave enough to name You-Know-Who? HN: Yeah. Oh yeah. No doubt. I won’t get in trouble for that. MS: OK, so is Seton Hall your Voldemort then? HN: Yep, you definitely got it. MS: What would be in your Room of Requirement? HN: I don’t think I should mention that! But probably my house — that home, nobody else should see but me. MS: Let’s switch gears, how do you fit in the beds on campus? HN: You know I’m African, I can fit anywhere! I fit pretty good though, it’s kind of tight for my height; I think it’s exactly 7 feet. I just have to bend a little bit. Sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable when you’re trying to get all straight and everything with the pillows, but yeah I deal with it. MS: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? HN: Whoa. I know that question, I feel like I have the answer right on the tip of my tongue. MS: There is no right answer. HN: I say five.
MS: How would they … HN: I don’t know, it just gets to Mohammed sometimes. I’m not even going to get to the last name, I’ve heard so many things where I was just like ‘Yeah, my name is not spelled with an ‘ou.’” MS: Now you were reffing the Cheer-Dance game at Scarlet Tip-off — can you ever see yourself doing that? HN: No, not a career in that. That was a lot of fun though; I wish we started a couple of years earlier so I could’ve done that four times. MS: What about actually cheering or dancing? HN: Eh, I’m kind of too big for that. I would rather just get cheered. MS: You ever get a dunk contest started up out of nowhere? HN: We used to do that actually, my freshman and sophomore years. My freshman year, everybody said I used to fly out of the gym, I was jumping everywhere. Now I tell the freshmen that once you get older those types of things start to change. You can’t fly as much as you want to. I’m probably going to restart that after practice soon, just to have fun with people.
mage and [N’Diaye] got hurt 10 minutes into the first one.” Rosario missed both scrimmages with sore ankles, Hill said. The sophomore guard practiced yesterday and will be ready for the season opener. “I would have liked to be more healthy, to have Mike and [N’Diaye] in both scrimmages to get a truer look at some of the things we’re trying to do,” Hill said. “Because of that we played some guys a little bit out of position. … I wish we could have got through it healthy, but I loved the first three weeks of practice, and the last 10 days have been a little bit mixed and matched and that just doesn’t help you move forward.” Freshman center Brian Okam is also recovering from an ankle sprain he suffered during the Knights’ Scarlet Tip-off at the College Avenue Gym.
MS: What position would you play in Quidditch? HN: Keeper. No question.
MS: What’s the worst anybody ever pronounced your name? HN: (Sighs). Let me think, there were so many worst ways. People got to the point where they even called me Mohammed.
Rutgers coach Fred Hill Jr. said senior center Hamady N’Diaye is day-to-day with a hyper-extended right knee.
“Best Bar Scene in Central New Jersey” New Jersey Monthly
“Best Martini List in the State” Zagat Survey
MS: What’s the best nickname someone’s given you? HN: I got used to “H,” but people used to call me “A-Freak-A.” Like Africa. MS: What’s your favorite place to play on the road? HN: Hmm, I gotta draw a map. No, no, noooooo.
MS: Which was your least favorite? HN: Providence, no doubt. For the past four years we’ve been going out there, and for the past four years — I don’t know, there’s something about that Friar walking around the court, and they call your names, ugh! It always gets my spirits down, I don’t know why.
decided on a starting five yet for Saturday’s game against Marist. “Right now I’m very comfortable with all 11 guys,” Hill said. “Right now Brian’s a little bit behind with his injury, but with any of the other 10 guys I’m comfortable putting them out there.” The fourth-year head coach did say that there are still some positions up for grabs, most notably the point guard spot. “They’re neck-and-neck right now and it’s good to see,” Hill said of the competition between juniors James Beatty and Mike Coburn. While Hill knew what he was getting in the junior college transfer Beatty, he’s been impressed with the job Coburn has done adjusting to the role of point guard. “Mike Coburn’s played his ass off,” Hill said. “We talked about it last year — the adjustments he’d have to make to his game — if he wanted to be the point guard and he’s had a hell of a preseason. He’s played extremely well.”
MS: I know you have a couple of tricks up your sleeve. HN: I do, I do. I love the arm in the rim, that’s my favorite one I think. I have my whole arm going in there, but I’m holding it for the next level.
MS: What was that last one? HN: Syracuse, definitely not. Villanova, no. Pittsburgh it is. I was just amazed by their fans, the Zoo was intense and everything, I was really shocked.
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NOVEMBER 12, 2009
Two All-Big East seniors prep for Duke Ranked foes await Knights in Brockport Gold Tourney BY CHRIS MELCHIORRE CORRESPONDENT
Jen Anzivino couldn’t even remember if she was an All-Big East soccer player last year. For the record, the Rutgers women’s soccer team’s senior WOMEN’S SOCCER back was a secondteam All-Big East selection in 2008. Last week, Anzivino was named to the 2009 All-Big East first team — an honor that caught her completely off guard. “It’s a great honor and it’s something I’m really proud of,” Anzivino said. “But I just wasn’t expecting it because I really wasn’t thinking about postseason awards at all.” For Anzivino and fellow senior Erin Guthrie, who won the Big East Goalkeeper of the Year for the first time this season, playing soccer was never about awards — although there have been plenty of them. As they head into the final stretch of their college careers this weekend, Guthrie and Anzivino aren’t defining their time at RU by the awards that they won. For the two key members of one of the best defenses in the country, being a Scarlet Knight is about more than just what happens on the field. “When I start to look back on my years at Rutgers, the one thing I’m definitely going to miss is just the team,” Anzivino said. “These girls have become like a family to all of us and it’s going to be so weird not being a part of it anymore.” Just yesterday, she was named the MidAtlantic winner of the Academic Momentum Award given by the National Consortium for Academics and Sports. The award goes to the top students in each region of the country. Randi Larson, the Knights’ academic advisor, said that Anzvino was deserving of the award. “[Anzivino] is a true example of how hard work and dedication can lead to success,” Larson said. Guthrie and Anzivino, both senior captains, cite that off-field dedication as the biggest reason why their team is coming off its strongest four-year stretch in program history. And both point to it as the biggest
Erin Guthrie, green, credited off-field dedication as the main reason for her success this season. The senior goalkeeper won the Big East Goalkeeper of the Year award. reason why they both find themselves on this year’s All-Big East first team. “[Erin] has performed at a consistently high level since her arrival at Rutgers, and this award is the culmination of years of sacrifice and dedication to her sport. Erin is one of the most respected leaders in the history of our program,” said Rutgers head coach
Glenn Crooks. “Jenifer is perhaps the most talented player in our program. She was the best back I saw in any match this season. She is that good.” Though their final statement at RU is far from made, the legacy that Anzivino
After a successful beginning to the dual meet season — a 43-0 thrashing of Sacred Heart — the attenWRESTLING tion of the Rutgers wrestling team BROCKPORT GOLD shifts to its first TOURNAMENT, tournament of the SATURDAY, 10 A.M. season, the Brockport Gold Tournament Saturday at SUNY Brockport. The Scarlet Knights (1-0) look to improve upon its results from last year’s Gold Tournament when they placed seventh out of the nine teams. Half of the teams RU will face are ranked in the top 20 in the nation: No. 3 Ohio State, No. 12 Edinboro, No. 17 Oklahoma, and the Golden Flashes from Kent State head into the weekend ranked at No. 20. “We are going to be wrestling some of the best teams in the country,” said head coach Scott Goodale. “This is going to be a good test to see where we are at as a team early on. I want us to finish in the top four this weekend.” The top two RU wrestlers in each weight class compete in the tournament, meaning that all non-redshirts on the roster participate, Goodale said. As a Knight who earned a starting role through tournament wins early last season, sophomore Trevor Melde is excited to face some of the nation’s top wrestlers in this tournament. “There is a chance that I could be facing [No. 2 in the nation] Reece Humphrey from Ohio State,” the Hewitt, N.J., native said. “I’m looking forward to the test and the
History on Rutgers’ side when WVU comes to town BY KEVIN O’ROURKE STAFF WRITER
The résumé of Rutgers swimming and diving head coach Chuck Warner is impressive. In compiling a winning SWIMMING & DIVING p e r c e n t age of over WEST VIRGINIA AT . 7 0 0 , RUTGERS, Wa r n e r SATURDAY, 1 P.M. led the Scarlet Knights to top-three Big East finishes in eight of his 12 years at the helm. Perhaps even more remarkable, though, is the way Warner’s teams thrive at home. RU has not dropped a conference meet on the Banks in 10 years. But to continue that streak into 2010, the Knights have to be at their best Saturday when they host West Virginia. “We are definitely going to be the underdog,” Warner said. “They really have a good team. It’s going to be quite a challenge for our girls to stay in the meet and certainly to win.” The Mountaineers are primed to make a run at the top of the league after finishing a spot behind RU in fifth place at last year’s Big East Championships. Led by reigning Big East Swimmer of the Year Morgan
Redshirt freshman Taylor Zafir swims the individual medley and breaststroke events for the Knights. Zafir missed most of her true freshman season after arriving as a highly-touted breaststroker. Callaway and three-time defending 100-yard freestyle champion Kayla Andrews, West Virginia has been buoyed by a stellar freshman class.
The Knights employed a similar formula for success in their convincing dual-meet victor y over Villanova and Connecticut two
weeks ago. Senior Shayna Longacre carried RU en route to earning recognition as the Big East Swimmer/Diver of the Week.
Fellow seniors Catherine Whetstone and Erin Saunders chipped in with wins in the 100yard backstroke and one meter dive, while freshmen Taylor Curado, Melanie Gaffey and Brittney Kuras turned in solid efforts as well. The Knights need continued contributions from the group’s 17 underclassmen as the season progresses, Warner said. “We’re really pleased with the girls that we have that are freshmen,” he said. “We knew they would be pretty good but they’ve been even better, perhaps, than we thought.” An added advantage for the Knights this weekend could be the two-week layoff from their last competition. Warner said the group used the time to recuperate and work on improving in longer events. Fresh off several record-breaking performances, Longacre is excited about RU’s prospects against WVU and knows that the outcome could carry over for the duration of the fall. “If we do well with West Virginia … it will give us confidence, and hopefully it will set us up for some good races at Harvard and then continue on for the rest of the season,” she said.