The Daily Targum 2009-11-17

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Volume 141, Number 55







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Today: Sunny

Redshirt junior Dominick Russo pinned four people on his way to winnning the heavyweight

High: 57 • Low: 39

championship bracket at Brockport, propelling the wrestling team to a third-place finish.

Poor campus lighting sparks safety concerns BY ARIEL NAGI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

When walking around at night on the University’s suburban campuses, some students may constantly look over their shoulders, take their headphones off and keep a close eye on their surroundings due to a lack of lighting in areas. Many of the street lights on Cook and Douglass campuses are either not working or there are not enough lights for the campus to be well-lit, specifically on the path behind the Eagleton Institute of Politics and around Hickman Hall, said SEBS/Cook Council President David Sorkin. “This increases the risk because those areas now become target areas [for crime],” said Sorkin, a Cook College senior. The Rutgers University Police Department is aware that students voiced concerns about broken

lights and the lack of lighting overall, he said. RUPD Sgt. Michael Rein said the department has received concerns about the lighting on campus, but not for any specific areas. “Some of the problems are [that] the lights are heat sensitive so when the light gets too hot, it shuts itself off and then regroups,” Rein said. This could lead to misperceptions of broken lights, since they are located throughout campus, he said. Busch Campus Council President Shaival Shah said there are also several areas on Busch that are poorly lit, specifically behind the Silvers Apartments and the engineering field. “Because Busch is a very suburban campus, there are a lot of dark spots on the campus. These dark areas definitely increase crime. You can’t see what your surrounding



Some students walking at night in poorly lit areas, such as the Douglass Campus Center and Jameson Hall, above, worry that inadequate lighting on University campuses may attract crime and pose concerns for student safety.

Committee to bridge communication gap for city, students BY ARIEL NAGI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

A large portion of New Brunswick is composed of University students, which is why the city and University are working

to implement a committee that would bring students and city residents together. The Rutgers Student Advisory Committee will include University representatives and city representatives, and would meet regularly



University community members can drop old cell phones into boxes designated on campus as a part of the Verizon Wireless program UHopeLine. Funds collected from recycled cell phones will assist victims of dating abuse.

to discuss issues going on in the city and University, City Spokesman Bill Bray said. “We’re looking to formalize a community … to deal with issues to cross the boundaries of town and gown,” Bray said. “It’s very important to keep

Verizon Wireless has formed new bonds with University campuses to expand UHopeLine, the phone-recycling program that raises knowledge on dating abuse awareness by providing phones for those looking to escape abuse, according to a University Media Relations Web site. The new program will have drop boxes set up in participating college campuses where anyone can donate old cell phones from any phone service provider. UHopeLine first teamed up with the College Avenue, Douglass and Busch campuses at the University, but now four more campuses — Newark, Camden, Livingston and Cook — have joined the cause, according to the site. “Rutgers University … has many students that we are hoping are willing to donate,” said Associate at the Corporate Communications Department for Verizon Wireless Terri Stanton. “We have expanded our program earlier this year to reach out to as many students at our first participating college as possible.” Last year, the College Avenue, Douglass and Busch campuses donated more than 6.5 million phones and raised $7 million dollars to fund groups that are trying to put an end to dating abuse, according to the site. Nearly 20 percent of teens stated that their partner has abused them, according to the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline and Association. Dating abuse is a growing problem in teen relationships that can be stopped by involving more of the University student body, said Gerald Massenberg, assistant chancellor for Student Life at the RutgersNewark campus. “This is a program I wanted to add to the Newark campus to associate the Rutgers student body with in order to help survivors of abuse,” he said. To learn more about UHopeLine or to donate a phone, please call 1-800-2 JOIN IN. Anyone with knowledge of dating abuse can call the domestic violence help hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. — Chloe Wiskow

the dialogue between the city and the community. There are a lot of things the city does that impacts the students and [there are things] the University does that impacts the city.” Bray said the committee was proposed because when the city

began working closely with the University, new issues would come up since the University population is not static, and students come and go in a short period of time.


New housing to alter image of Livingston BY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO STAFF WRITER

The changes seen on Livingston campus in the past year are only the beginnings of a complete transformation the University has planned. Residence Life hosted a town hall meeting last night in Lucy Stone Hall on Livingston campus to give students the opportunity to view the new plans — which include three new residence halls holding 1,500 beds primarily for graduate students — first-hand from Luis Bernardo, a design partner with Design Collective and one of the main architects of the master plan. “One of the things [Design Collective] found [when working with other schools] … is most of the time when you do student housing it’s because you need it desperately. It doesn’t matter where it goes, it’s just housing,” Bernardo said. “This campus is completely different. [The University] actually views the housing as an opportunity to transform this campus, to make this campus a place where people want to be 24/7.” The project, set to begin early next fall and end around August 2012, will cost about $140 million, he said. Only 15 percent of the campus is utilized now, but by the time the plan is finished, 23 percent of the campus will be used, Bernardo said.


Students with 1 or greater credits can register for Spring 2010 classes tonight from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

INDEX UNIVERSITY Forty-six percent of students who participated in a Livingston Campus Council survey complained of bug infestation problems.

OPINIONS A man in Texas crashed his million dollar car into a lagoon after bending over to pick up his fallen cell phone and was distracted by a low flying bird.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



NOVEMBER 17, 2009



WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Rutgers Meteorology Club FRIDAY THURSDAY HIGH 60 LOW 41 HIGH 61 LOW 51


TODAY Partly Sunny, with a high of 55° TONIGHT Partly Cloudy, with a low of 37°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOR TS ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY HEATHER BROOKHAR T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE AR THUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS CAGRI OZUTURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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NOVEMBER 17, 2009


PA G E 3

Urinal flies infest Livingston residence halls BY GREG FLYNN CORRESPONDENT

Shake around the shower curtains in the men’s room of the basement floor of Quad Three, House 32, on Livingston campus, and a few moth flies will dart out and stick to the shower wall tiles. After conducting a sur vey of Livingston residents in October, bug-related complaints swarmed the Livingston Campus Council, said council member Yousef Saleh. Out of the 106 people sur veyed, 46 percent had bugrelated issues, said Council External Vice President Mike Bruno, who put together the statistics for the survey. University Housing remains responsive and aware of pest activity and frequency when it is reported, said Associate Director of Housing Operations Steve Dubiago via e-mail correspondence. “Service is delivered in timely fashion, typically within eight hours, by an external professional service provider,” he said. Moth flies could be found last Tuesday in at least three Quad bathrooms. Quad resident Chris Wilbert said he usually sees four or five moth flies flitting about the showers on the basement floor of House 16. “There’s bugs in the shower and every time I go in there, they are all flying around,” said

Wilbert, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. University Entomology Professor Michael L. May identified three bugs from the Quads collected by The Daily Targum as moth flies from the psychodidae fly family. May referred to the Bug Guide Web site Adult moth flies are often found

i n public washrooms, according to the site. Female moth flies lay 30 to 200 eggs in the organic gelatinous film lining drains. Once the eggs hatch 32 to 48 hours after being laid, the lar vae squirm around in the organic sludge that forms on inner surfaces of drains and sewage pipes until they pupate nine to 15 days later. The pupa stage lasts 20 to 40 hours. An adult moth fly lives for about two weeks. May said spotting moth flies, nicknamed “urinal flies,” is not uncommon. “In fact, the place that I see them most frequently is perched on outhouses and urinals,” he said. “The ones you are likely to find in [the] men’s room are just a nuisance by their presence but they don’t swarm around people or anything like that.”

The North American species of psychodidaes are not harmful and do not carr y disease, May said. “If they perch in toilets and urinals they may, just by contact, spread bacteria or unpleasant things, but they’re not particularly dangerous in that way,” May said. “They don’t, for instance, lay their eggs in feces.” He said gauging how moth flies might positively af fect their environment or human welfare is difficult. “You could say, as a first presumption, that there is some ecological value to almost anything because there’s probably something that eats them,” May said. “If we suddenly exterminated all the psychodidaes, who can say what would happen?” According to the Bug Guide Web site, larvae of moth flies help purify sewage in industrial sewage treatment plants. Wilbert said the bugs do not inflict any physical harm but their presence is still not welcome. “They’re flies but they’re still gross,” he said. “They carr y germs and you’re trying to get clean in the shower.” Residents are encouraged to report bug inquiries directly to their campus housing office or online through the University’s work order system, Dubiago said. “The need for our residents to contact us is important to assist us, identify and rectify bug activity as timely as possi-

ble,” he said. “Our operation utilizes a detailed Integrated Pest Management Program, which deters away from random spraying of chemicals, including pesticides, but focuses on inspection, monitoring and pest prevention in combination with a variety of pest management tactics including treatment.” The University aims to take a long-term approach, maintain healthy facilities and minimize risks to people and the environment, Dubiago said. “Overall, regarding our pest management program, we estimate a reduction of all bug ser vice calls by 15 percent compared to one year ago,” he said. Bruno, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said he heard complaints about bugs in the showers, but the majority of the surveys mentioned other pests. Ladybugs, stinkbugs a n d moths in residence hall rooms continually cropped up in survey results, he said. In past months, increased populations of ladybugs and stinkbugs have been reported throughout New Jersey and in many other states, Dubiago said. During the fall season, ladybugs and stinkbugs search for a protected nook to settle into for winter hibernation.

“The bugs usually congregate at windows and door ways of buildings, tr ying to weasel their way inside towards warmth,” he said. “This year, University Housing and its residents have experienced the same increased level of activity as homeowners, property managers and other building operators.” It appears that activity is now on the down-slope, he said. Some residents are less creeped out by the crawlers than others. School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Chelsey Dzinski, a Quad resident, said she did not mind the ladybugs lounging in her room at the beginning of the semester and they disappeared as the weather grew colder. If her polka-dotted roommates return in the spring, Dzinski will not be troubled. “I don’t really think about it,” she said. “They don’t really bother me as much as some other people I know.” Multiple students interviewed in the Quads said they had no insect issues. “I have had absolutely no problems with bugs. I have heard complaints about other people having bugs, but I have not had any problems,” said School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Han Du, a Quad One resident.



NOVEMBER 17, 2009

SAFETY: RUPD reports lighting issues to U. facilities continued from front is,” said Shah, a Rutgers College senior. “It brings perfect opportunities for one to engage in crime.” Rein said although RUPD receives the reports for lighting issues, they are not responsible for fixing them. “The police department doesn’t maintain lights, that’s [University] Facilities,” Rein said. “They do the installations [and] maintain the lights.” Rein said he does not know of any attempts to improve poorly-lit areas, but it is the responsibility of RUPD to report lights that are

CITY: Changing student body prompts proposal of committee continued from front “The problems that always seem to be present is that the population we’re dealing with is constantly changing,” he said. “We may have [to] deal with one set of students, and then they graduate.” The committee would help eliminate the problem of a transient population, he said. “The thought of having a standing committee can alleviate that turnover,” Bray said. The committee would be composed of 16 members, he said. Eight of the members would be from the University, with five being students, one representative for the Rutgers University Police Department, one representative for Rutgers Residence Life


out to Facilities for repair. “New construction typically comes with new lighting, which improves areas,” he said. University Facilities and Capital Planning could not be reached for a comment at press time. Rutgers College senior Javeria Hussaini said many students might feel unsafe, especially those who have night classes on any of the darker campuses like Cook and Douglass. “It’s really dangerous when you walk to the bus stop when you have classes at night,” Hussaini said. “There’s a lot of crimes that happen on college campuses.” Rein said he understands that walking around at night in a dark campus may pose potential crime

risks, but it is not the number one factor contributing to the amount of crimes on campus. “While darkness doesn’t contribute to criminal activity, it certainly doesn’t hinder it, and it works to create a disadvantage to individuals,” Rein said. People also face disadvantages from being out at night and not making safe decisions, such as walking around alone or being distracted while talking on cell phones, he said. Shah said the council plans to address these concerns by conducting a safety walk with RUPD, where they would walk around the campus together and point out unsafe areas. RUPD does come to campus council meetings to address the concerns of students, Rein said.

“But the police department itself … cannot fix the lights,” he said. Rein said like all machines, the lighting fixtures are imperfect and can break. Circuits break or water gets into the fixtures, causing problems. “Overall, the lighting on campus is good and there’s not an overwhelming number of areas that are poorly lit,” he said. He said when the depar tment receives a report, it most often comes from areas where people should not be or on paths that are not designated walking paths. Rein did not say which areas these are. Students should visit for more safety

tips, Rein said. If a student wishes to report a broken light, he or she can contact RUPD or University Facilities directly. RUPD is involved in the construction process of new buildings and makes recommendations about lighting and poorly-lit areas to mitigate poor situations before they exist, Rein said. Either way, criminal activity on campus cannot be directly contributed to poor lighting. “I can’t personally speak [of] the reason why people do things, and maybe the criminal takes the poor lighting as his opportunity, [or] maybe that’s just a coincidence,” Rein said.

and Housing and one representative from the University administration, which would be selected by University President Richard L. McCormick. The other half of the committee would consist of city representatives, mostly designated by Mayor Jim Cahill with advice and input from the City Council, Bray said. There would be two city residents and one representative for the mayor, one representative for the New Brunswick Police Department and one representative for the Department of Policy, Planning and Economic Development. The Housing Code Official/Fire Official and New Brunswick Parking Authority would each have one representative. According to the Rutgers Student Advisory Committee proposal, a City Council representative would be selected by the council.

Although a plan on how the students would be appointed to the committee was not discussed yet, Bray said it would probably be best for students to determine who they want to represent them, whether it is through an election or another method. The city is hoping to get student feedback on how they think the student representatives should be appointed. University students said the committee would help establish a closer relationship between the city and the University. School of Arts and Sciences senior Haris Abbasi said the new committee is a good way to tackle the concerns students have with the city as well as the concerns the city has with the University community. “A lot of decisions [the city makes] affects us,” Abbasi said. “Most of New Brunswick is made up of students.”

But the students should be able to have a say on who they want to represent them, he said. “There should be elections. It shouldn’t be [a decision based on] a select number of students; it should be the whole student body,” he said. Traci Ballou-Broadnax, an employee of the Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center, said a committee addressing the needs of the city and University is an important par tnership the University needs to establish, especially for organizations like the one she works for, which works directly with the city to aid people who have disabilities. “I don’t think it could ever hurt,” she said. “The city could get what they need from the University, and the University could get what they need from the city.”

University students with disabilities would also benefit greatly from the committee if some of the concerns they have can be voiced directly to the city and University administration, Ballou-Broadnax said. “Disabled college students have needs to be addressed and heard,” she said. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Joseph Piarulli said the committee is a good way for both the city and the University to get direct feedback about concerns each party may have. He hopes the committee would address issues affecting students and the city such as the economic crisis, academic concerns and overall concerns with projects going on in the city and on campus. “Students are the ones directly affected the most [by these issues],” Piarulli said. “They’re the ones who face these things everyday.”

— Chris Zawistowski contributed to this article

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Sigma Sigma Rho sorority dances at the cultural charity show “Zamana-Witness the Revolution,” hosted by the Association of Indians at Rutgers. This year, all proceeds will support Karuna, a group that promotes women empowerment. Last year, AIR raised more than $10,000.

PROFESSOR DIES AFTER BATTLE WITH CANCER University Professor Emerita Hilda Hidalgo, 81, lost the battle to pancreatic cancer Nov. 8 at her home in Gainesville, Fla., surrounded by her partner Cheryl Lamey and her sisters Elia and Zaida. Hidalgo was a distinguished professor at Rutgers-Newark and active in community organizations in the Newark area. She began her career at the School of Social Work in New Brunswick and continued at the Public Administration Department at RutgersNewark. Hidalgo also worked as the assistant commissioner of education for the state of New Jersey. “She was my mentor,” said Olga J. Wagenheim, a longtime friend and colleague of Hidalgo. “I loved her and admired her greatly. She was an incredibly generous person who inspired us to find the best within ourselves.” Wagenheim said Hidalgo’s contribution to the community distinguishes her. Hidalgo co-founded Aspira of New Jersey, La Casa de Don Pedro and the Puerto Rican Congress — three organizations that promote the empowerment of Latinos and Puer to

Ricans, Senior Public Relations Specialist Carla Capizzi said. Hidalgo was also the co-founder of the United Community Foundation, Newark Urban League and the United Community Corporation, Capizzi said. She chaired the first Puerto Rican Convention of N.J. and served as vice president of the New Jersey Chapter of National Association of Social Workers. She created a master’s program in public administration at the University and was an active member of gay rights groups Equality Florida and Friends of Wild Iris, Wagenheim said. “Hilda has been a role model that I have tried to emulate since we first met back in the early 1970s,” Wagenheim said. “She nurtured my social conscience, counseled me and always made sure I wasn’t slacking off on my volunteer work.” A New Jersey memorial service for Hidalgo is scheduled for early 2010. Donations in her honor can be made to Haven Hospice, 4200 NW 90th Blvd., Gainesville, FL 32606. — Abira Sengupta

NOVEMBER 17, 2009



NOVEMBER 17, 2009


T H E DA I LY TA R G U M working in conjunction with Design Collective. “The electricity for this increase campus use by 8 percent project is going to come largely from Rutgers’ solar farm, continued from front which is one the largest solar [panel] installations anyThe three residential halls, to where in the United States,” be built along Joyce Kilmer and Hor witz said. Rockefeller Avenues, will be A hotel, which will be used comprised mostly of two to four mainly for conferences and trainsingle bedroom apartments ing programs, is also part of the complete with a living room and plans and will be connected to kitchen, he said. the School of Business and The goal is to create a “street Continuing Studies, Blimling wall” that will create a comfortsaid. The details of the hotel are able and safe sense of enclosure, still underway. he said. Some students are concerned The buildings will have multiabout the new plans for ple uses, Bernardo said. The Livingston campus. ground levels of the buildings Livingston Campus Council will feature retail stores geared representative Vaibhav Verma toward students’ interests. said he is unsure about There will also be reading the over-commercialization of rooms, lounges, recreation facilithe campus. ties, a graduate student center, “Livingston’s good because classrooms and other state-ofit has its own central communithe-art facilities, he said. ty, and if it’s commercialized, There is a possibility of a twotoo much that might be somescreen movie theater, said Vice thing that might be lost in the President for Student Affairs process,” said Verma, a Gregory S. Blimling. School of Ar ts and Sciences These amenities seek to first-year student. create more common space But he said the increased throughout the campus where plans for comstudents can feel mon space a greater sense “This construction should be to of community, preser ve the Bernardo said. project will sense of com“The thing essentially give munity the that’s important is campus prides. that the common Livingston a pulse. The project space goes from the front of the It would put the ‘living’ has been in discussion for building all the back on Livingston.” several years, way to the back and the with glass on both YOUSEF SALEH University has sides, so when Rutgers University Student Assembly met with variyou’re driving Treasurer ous groups to down Joyce collect inforKilmer [Avenue], mation, Blimling said. it’s going to look like you’re see“A number of people have ing right through the building. … worked on residence halls This is a rare opportunity,” he before,” he said. “We brought said. “This is something we’re them all together and put really excited about.” together a top notch design The buildings will also be team to really bring together all made of different materials and the information knowledge we will vary in height to suit the difpossibly could to make this ferent preferences of student really an outstanding residence environments, Bernardo said. hall project.” “It’s like a little village,” he said. Council representative “Every side is a little different.” Chrissy Dixon is worried about All the existing buildings on the increased construction. campus are made of the same “I love ever ything that they dark brown brick and are unaphave planned, but the only pealing to many students. The downside is that there will be use of more glass will also create perpetual construction on a more aesthetically pleasing Livingston for years to come,” environment for the campus, said Dixon, School of Arts and Bernardo said. Sciences first-year student. “One of the things that the Hor witz said student conmaster plan envisions is a much cerns about noise have not yet more uplifting palate of materibeen taken into account. als. What you’re going to see is Rutgers University Student an architecture that’s uplifting Assembly Treasurer Yousef and uses much more lighter Saleh said he thinks Livingston colors that almost float,” will become the most popular Bernardo said. place on campus. Courtyards will connect the “I wouldn’t be too worried buildings and the campus, about over-commercializing emphasizing the environmentally Livingston because this confriendly characteristics of the struction project will essentialcampus, he said. ly give Livingston a pulse,” said Developers also want to incorSaleh, a School of Ar ts and porate Livingston campus’ ecologSciences junior who also ser ves ical preserve into the plan by on the council. “It would put extending a greenway through the ‘living’ back on Livingston.” the spine of the campus, said Alan Horwitz, a senior project manager — Mary Diduch contributed to with Fletcher Thompson this article Architects and Engineers, who is

HOUSING: Project to



NOVEMBER 17, 2009



The Pharmacy Governing Council meets at 6:40 p.m. in the Busch Campus Center Room 122. They hold bi-weekly meetings. The Douglass Governing Council meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Trayes Hall A of the Douglass Campus Center. Ever considered doing research in chemistr y? Learn about research from peers at 8:30 p.m. in the Wright Rieman Auditorium on Busch campus. Hear a panel of successful undergraduates tell how to get into research, survive the trenches and live to tell the stories. Learn about approaching professors, getting funded, receiving research credits and much more! Food and refreshments will be provided. Contact rutgerschemistr or visit for more information.


The Museum Store expands into the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum’s lobby for its annual “Holiday Boutique,” where tables are filled with an array of gift merchandise with something to please every shopper. Specialty items include limited woodblock prints by Karen Kunc, hand-carved ebony vessels from Mozambique, raku pottery, jewelry by regional artisans and children’s books based on original illustrations in the Zimmerli collection. All proceeds from the Museum Store and the “Holiday Boutique” support the programs of the Zimmerli. The boutique will be open during museum hours everyday until Dec. 23.


The Unplugged Rutgers Board Game Club will be having its weekly meeting at 7 p.m. at the Busch Campus Center Room 174. Come by to meet new people, chow down on food and try some board games that you have never seen! They play everything from chess to “Last Night on Earth,” a zombiesurvival horror game.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to

6 20 20 23 20

PRIZES TO BE ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK Past prizes have included Devils Tickets, dinners, concert tickets, and Gift Certificates.







PA G E 8

NOVEMBER 17, 2009


Drive without distractions D

riving while distracted is always a dangerous task for any driver to partake in. Cell phones, and all the technology that one can use while on one single device, are a large distraction; many drivers cannot resist the temptation to type while mobile. This is a serious problem because of the careless accidents their use can cause. You are not able to focus properly on the road, and although it is hard to see your phone light up with a message of some kind or show that someone is calling you — the urge to open the phone should be fought. There is no reason to endanger your life and the lives of others on the road, just to check if your friend said hi. According to MSNBC, a third of teens ages 16 and 17 have texted while driving, and 48 percent of teens ages 12 to 17 say they have been in a car when the driver was texting, according to a new survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Obviously, the numbers show that these mobile devices are controlling a teen’s ability to drive safely. But is it is not teens and younger drivers who find themselves distracted. The Associated Press reported one of the 15 Bugatti car owners in the country crashed his million-dollar car into a lagoon because he dropped his cell phone. The owner, Andy House, stopped paying attention to the road, and when he looked back up, a low-flying pelican startled him. His cell phone was the major cause of this accident, and this man even has car enthusiast and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to commiserate about his very expensive loss. Although some might argue that it was actually the bird that caused House to crash, the fact still remains that if he never bent over to pick up the phone in the first place, he might have been more aware of his surroundings. Although no pelicans are flying around College Avenue to distract drivers, students are guilty of checking their phones, as well as participating in other distracting activities while driving. There are those who change clothing, look at iPods and even study while behind the wheel. This is dangerous because of all the pedestrians walking around campus, and also to the driver themselves. We should all try harder to stay off the phone while driving, so there is more focus on what is going on around us. This will keep accidents down to a minimum, as well as provide safer place for pedestrians on campus to walk around.

Stop campaigning, start improving


t has been two weeks since Election Day. While most New Brunswick residents were hoping that the battle between wards and the at-large system of government would be over, Empower Our Neighborhoods, the group campaigning in favor of wards, is far from done with the fight. It might be time to throw in the towel and come up with new ideas to better the city. Final results of the election were not released until Nov. 7, four days after the election, due to a number of provisional ballots that needed to be counted. The results depicted a close race, with the antiwards votes succeeding pro-wards votes by 82 votes, according to unofficial voting results. There were 2,474 “no” votes versus 2,392 “yes” votes. EON is petitioning for a recount. There were a lot of issues for students at the voting stations. Many were told they could not vote because of voter registrations and many provisional ballots had to be filled out. But still, no matter if the election was lost by a landslide or lost by a small margin, losing is still losing. Students and residents alike were getting tired of hearing about the issue while the campaign was going on. While they have every right to ask for a recount, pushing the wards matter further will only annoy people more and turn people off from civic engagement. They should, instead of using up more time and money on something that cannot be fixed, work to now utilize the current system of government. They should try to work better with the City Council. They should also stop worrying so much about politics and focus on the entire city as a whole. Community projects and service could be beneficial to everyone living in New Brunswick, and EON should use their resources to help others and not just themselves. Trying to fight the election result any more would just be beating a dead horse. Accept the fact that the at-large system is here to stay and alter your attitude about changing things completely. There should be work on one thing at a time. Maybe just a change in attitude and the way the current City Council is handled now will give the most change, and satisfy at least a few more people with the way things are run.


“The place that I see them most frequently is perched on outhouses and urinals. The one’s you are likely to find in [the] men’s room are just a nuisance by their presence, but they don’t swarm around people or anything like that.” Michael L. May, University entomology professor, on the bug issue STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Job hunt: Passion for profit Unfair and D Unbalanced

or the college graduate withaniel Ahn is a out real motivation who can University alumnus lick stamps for fundraising who presents an letters? With that said, three interesting profile. A mathepoints as to why Wall Street matics major who described was the best option: dropping out of Rutgers 1. Motivation rarely Business School as “the best matches idealism. It’s easy to decision of his life,” he later ERIC KNECHT be idealistic — it doesn’t went to work for Citi as an require much thought, it’s investment banker after gradpopular among your circle of friends (since you likeuation. Below, I asked him to justify why making ly hang out with people who share the same general money should trump the idealistic career choices beliefs you do) and rarely do you find yourself truly many of us find attractive as undergraduates: committed to an ideal for the long-term. I wouldn’t Eric Knecht: Dan, I generally wouldn’t trust your say motivated people laugh at those who aren’t, but opinion on subjects that go beyond Immanuel Kant there is a difference between those with the drive to or paintball, but today I’m feeling a bit anxious. reach their aspirations and those without, regardless Being undecided as to how to spend the next few of profession. Why does the Wall Street professional years — and possibly more — may have been fashwith millions in the bank still work? Because the ionable for the first three-quarters as an undergradwork is challenging and interesting. This doesn’t uate, but nearly halfway through senior year, it mean you can’t take time off to find out what interbegins to get nerve-racking. Over the past few ests you or otherwise broaden your horizons, but it months, I’ve felt my stomach sink when contemdoes mean you should understand whether you plating having to work full-time, particularly doing choose something because it’s easy, popular and something mind-numbingly dull. Of course, the makes you money, or because it interests and chalconverse of this is joining the ranks of those who lenges you. Everybody is chaltravel for a year “figuring things and interested by different out” while going massively into “The question I throw to lenged things, and that challenge often debt. But I’m going to be honest — the next time I hear someone you then, is whether it’s drives your motivation. Your reasons for working at a nonprofit boast about their aspirations to worth it to work straight shouldn’t be to avoid materialism work for a non-profit, eschew the the rat race — there’s no materialism of our country, and out, make money and sell and draw then, only a push from the help those who are in need rather than “selfishly” worry about how your soul to the bank ...” other side. Like I said, regardless of profession, the combination of much savings they can accrue, I motivation and idealism can might just pour some steamingexhibit itself in wonderful ways. hot fair trade Starbucks coffee on them. At the end 2. Greater impact of contributions. There are rare of the day, we all just need jobs. cases where jumping straight into the world of nonThe question I throw to you then, is whether it’s profits out of college can be truly impactful (and by worth it to work straight out, make money and sell that, I mean it would be hard for another person to your soul to the bank; or rather, is the idealism I’m replicate your contributions). But look at all the making fun of here really worth a second look? Do major nonprofits: Who sits on their boards? Who bankers laugh at everyone who thinks they can makes up the executive management teams? Forget make a difference without a dollar in their savings the funding aspect of it, since arguably the extreme account, or do some of them regret not having tried concentration of wealth is what’s causing the their hand at something off the beaten path before extreme levels of philanthropy, but look at who prolocking themselves to a desk? In the spirit of debate, vides the manpower for these organizations: lawyers, I expect three independent points of analysis as to MBA grads and typically personally successful and why you chose to head straight for Wall Street. motivated individuals. Who is more impactful: the Daniel Ahn: Eric, I think the question you really scientist with a lucrative research job who is donatasked is: “Because I’m scared and confused about ing some of his time to nonprofit AIDS research or graduating and having to join the real world, the intern who picks up the coffee? The consultant should I just find a nonprofit that needs warm bodwho made his money and now helps design the ies and will take me?” The first thing is to drop the Teach For America training methods or the college “right now” attitude and realize that it takes a lot of graduate without motivation or the attitude to suchard work to get anywhere worth going. Ask yourceed? Not to say that they don’t play their roles or to self what’s more useful: the civil engineer with 20 years of experience who can go to a Third World SEE KNECHT ON PAGE 8 country and help build wells and irrigate farmland

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



Targum wants you


Thursday n early between 5 February, and 9 p.m. to The Daily discuss availTargum elects able posian entirely new t i o n s . editorial board Training for to serve the JOHN S. CLYDE these posiUniversity tions would community for start immediately. next year. These students will shape As the editor-in-chief of the the future of the Targum for years to Targum, I could not be prouder of come while learning valuable and the work the 141st editorial board highly-marketable skills such as has done this year. Every desk on news reporting, sports writing, copy the paper has worked tirelessly to editing, videography, photography, provide the most timely and relepage design, Web site design and vant information to the community. management. These students could In addition, the paper has made be you. great strides improving its multiFounded in 1869, the media content and the design of Targum is one of the oldest and The Targum’s most prestigious college newsmultimedia content rivals that of papers in the United States. many professional papers. Drawing Members of the paper’s awardon the strength of University stuwinning editorial board are dents and their desire to learn eager to pass along their expethese highly marketable skills, I am riences and skills to the next confident that the quality of the generation of interested stuTargum will continue to improve. dents in a real world working environment. If you are interJohn S. Clyde is the editor-inested in getting involved or chief of The Daily Targum and a ser ving on the next editorial School of Arts and Sciences senior. board, please come to the He welcomes comments and quesTargum’s editorial office at 26 tions at Mine St. today through

From the Editor’s Desk

KNECHT continued from page 8 underestimate their importance, but, for the latter group, unless they have the right motivation and attitude to make their current position the first rung in the ladder, what’s their lasting impact? 3. Selfishness is good and natural. This isn’t meant to be some ludicrous Ayn Rand rant, but an appeal to the way humans behave. Tragedy is more relevant when it’s closer. An obituary is nothing but an obituary unless you knew the person. If the apartment you lived in with your parents was on fire, you’d make sure they were safe before you went back for the neighbors. You fight for universal health care in the United States when millions of people still suffer from iodine deficiency (I mean, really! How much does it cost to distribute salt?). What do you think about professors during the Vietnam War who gave As to otherwise poor students to keep them out of the draft? What’s wrong with making sure you have enough to provide for your own before looking out for others? This is natural, instinctive behavior. I knew one individual whose pay easily puts him in the top 1 percent in the U.S. He also donates not only money but significant amounts of time to charitable organizations. He loves his job and can support his family. If the pay wasn’t there, I can’t see him changing jobs (although he might not dedicate as many hours). I can’t find fault with what he does. Eric Knecht: You present the dichotomy of wealth and passion as being largely overlapping, as if to suggest that bankers join firms because they are in love with Excel documents and PowerPoint presentations. And do bankers really work long hours so they can save the world later on, rather than simply to buy themselves an unnecessarily expensive ride to work? In reality, when deciding what path to pursue, the thinking calculus is very rarely “How can this career put me in a position to make meaningful contributions to society 20 years out?” On the contrar y,

careers are usually a deeply personal choice where you have to decide whether you can ever be content doing the work for a protracted period of time. If you cannot, it is unlikely that you will endure the job long enough to do anything impactful anyway. Moreover, for most people, finding something that intersects their passion with profitability is so rare that they are forced to make a decision one way or another. If everyone was as passionate about financial statements as you, this would not be the case, but for the average person they are left with a stark choice: money or contentment. Acquiring wealth doesn’t appear so difficult if you can coerce yourself to pursue corporate law, but teaching American history to high schoolers is fulfilling and quite fun as well. Under your analysis, one should always opt for law given these two options, with the understanding that they can have a larger impact in the long run via financial contributions, or possibly just a technical skill set. But if they can derive greater happiness from teaching, and make a meaningful — albeit smaller — impact on the lives of individual students, then I’m not sure the path of wealth is the obvious choice. With that said, if personal happiness is the primary determinant, then who is to tell the overzealous undergraduate who wants to teach English in Zimbabwe that he or she is making an unwise decision? Even if they are only able to donate $1 to AIDS research, that should not be an argument for them to work in a job they are unsatisfied with. I should point out, however, that with an unemployment rate of more than 10 percent, it wouldn’t be difficult to convince myself that just about any job is meaningful these days. Eric Knecht is a Rutgers College senior majoring in economics and history. His column, “Unfair and Unbalanced,” runs on alternate Tuesdays. He welcomes feedback at Daniel Ahn is a Rutgers College Class of 2007 alumnus and former investment banker for Citi. He currently works at an asset management firm in New York City.

NOVEMBER 17, 2009




PA G E 1 0

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Stephan Pastis

Today's Birthday (11/17/09) Look back on previous successes. Then move forward with renewed hope and optimism. You're definitely on the right track. Keep up the good work by showing empathy for others. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 6 — An older person provides information that drives your efforts. Travel plans include shopping for the best fares. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — The facts win arguments only when you present them in creative ways. Develop two arguments beforehand. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 7 — Practical statements produce the best results. Recall happier times when you were sure of personal values. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — An older person provides just the memories you need. Dig deep into your heritage. You find substance there. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — A sibling or friend offers you a delicious opportunity. Think ahead to at least next week to see if it fits with your plans, and then say yes. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — Change is in the air. It seems like revolution, but actually, the opportunity is practical in nature.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 5 — An older person supplies just the data you need to resolve a long-standing issue. You take off on a new emotional path today. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 5 — A dream provides solid information about how to proceed. No one else needs to know where you got the idea. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is an 8 — Do you wish that you could take off by yourself and leave everyone else to their own problems? You can, if only for an hour. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 5 — Be ready when private conversations result in a green light for imaginative action. Create your own job description. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — Recent communication pays off big. Creative opportunities come your way. Philosophize with a friend. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — Use your talents to handle a practical matter. The opportunity is fresh, so start fresh and love every minute.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


NOVEMBER 17, 2009 11

Pop Culture Shock Therapy



Non Sequitur





Charles Schultz

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

NARIFA Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: A Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #18 11/16/09

Solution, tips and computer program at

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: BASSO TUNED MODEST TYCOON Answer: When the tipsy caveman got home, he was — STONED AND STONED



PA G E 1 2

NOVEMBER 17, 2009

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NOVEMBER 17, 2009


Burmeister heads better showing BY MELISSA FALICA STAFF WRITER

Muddy, harsh running conditions are becoming more common by MEN’S XC the race RUTGERS 395 PTS for the Rutgers 17TH PLACE men’s cross country team. But poor conditions did not stop it from bouncing back from a less than impressive showing at the Big East Championships. At this weekend’s NCAA Regionals, the Scarlet Knights placed 17th out of 28 teams, compared to their 12th-place finish out of 14 teams at Big East. Weather was not the only similarity between the two races, as graduate student Taylor Burmeister continued his success and again led the Knights across the finish line. Burmeister finished 33rd overall with a time of 33:00.6. “He’s been clutch,” said junior Kevin Cronin. “This last race was probably his greatest race of the season and it came at a perfect time in the season.” Cronin finished 69th overall with a time of 34:03.3, 10 spots behind fellow junior Nick Miehe, who clocked in at 33:52.7.

Senior Michael Crum, sophomore Ben Forrest and senior Andrew Morris rounded out the Knights’ scoring, finishing 105th, 143rd and 155th overall with times of 34:42.7, 35:50.6 and 36:09.4, respectively. “Nick and I at the front were better, Taylor at the front was awesome and the guys in the back definitely performed better too,” Cronin NICK said. MIEHE Despite their success, lingering injuries kept seniors Simon Gordonov and Brett Salmon from competing. Although he ran, an illness prevented senior Jayram Sataluri from performing his best. If Gordonov, Salmon and Sataluri were at 100 percent and all able to run, Burmeister said the Knights would have definitely placed higher. “We were only about 10 points away from the 16th place team, so I think with those guys, we would’ve finished even higher,” he said. As for Burmeister leading RU across the finish line once again

this weekend, he credits the length of the race, which was 10K compared to 8K, in that result. Burmeister said his best races have always come as the seasons wind down. “It always takes me a while to get into shape and I always hit my peak at the end of the season,” he said. For some of the Knights, Saturday’s IC4A Championships marks the end of the fall season and for others, the end of their cross country run at RU. Besides Burmeister, who is in his last year of eligibility, the team has five seniors who will possibly be participating in their last race. This could all factor into the performance of the team this upcoming weekend, especially for those not returning next year. “I want to go out on a high note, and I’m sure all of the other seniors do too,” Burmeister said. With the momentum from Regionals and the fact that the IC4As are held at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx — where RU has had great success this year — the Knights have a good chance at ending on that high note. In September, Cronin won the Fordham Fiasco at Van Cortlandt, and Miehe won the Metropolitan Championships there in early October.

Robinson likes effort in regionals BY TYLER DONOHUE STAFF WRITER

The Rutgers women’s cross country team wrapped up its season in a WOMEN’S XC strong RUTGERS 426 PTS way at t h e 14TH PLACE NCAA M i d Atlantic Regional Saturday in Princess Anne, Md. The Scarlet Knights finished 14th out of 27 teams at the meet, which Villanova won. RU ran for an average time of 23:45 in the 6k race. Head coach James Robinson was pleased with the results. “I think we ended up with a good placing. We beat about five teams that were ranked ahead of

GOLD: Knights take third at Oklahoma Gold Tournament continued from back get frustrated and that is when I push the pace.” Junior Bill Ashnault and redshirt senior Lamar Brown also reached the finals. RU dropped only two opening round matches, and both of those came when the Knights’ wrestler was faced off against a higher ranking opponent. “The depth of this team is a huge plus for us,” Goodale said. “It’s always about the next guy in. [Redshirt freshman] Jesse Boyden couldn’t go today because of an illness and [junior] Michael Cucinotta stepped right in and won two big matches for us.” After finishing ahead of two nationally ranked opponents, the Knights should see their stock rise in the rankings. “The rankings really don’t concern me right now,” Goodale said. “We have some great opportunities coming up for us and we got to focus on each one at a time. I will just let the rankings fall where they may.”

us going into the weekend,” Robinson said. “It’s a very good end to the season.” The Knights and their opponents dealt with the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida. The course was predominately muddy, which made traction an issue for the competitors. “It was pretty difficult for the runners to get solid footing with the storm leaving the course in bad shape,” Robinson said. “But they worked through it.” Sophomore runner Kelly Flannigan finished off the season the way she started it, leading RU to the finish line. Flannigan finished in 36th place overall with a time of 22:40 to pace the team. “It has been such a phenomenal season for Kelly,” Robinson said. “For her to lead us in every

single race this fall is a remarkable accomplishment.” Two freshmen followed Flannigan. Jennifer Spitzer and Lindsay Bertulis placed 75th (23:39) and 88th (23:53), respectively. Junior Asha Singh and Sophomore Marina Vineis rounded out the RU’s top five. The regional meet will be the final of the team’s fall season as they did not qualify to send any runners to the NCAA Championships. Robinson said the Knights showed progress in their last run of the year. “The team did a very good job of improving throughout the season, from beginning to end,” Robinson said. “With so many young runners it’s great to see that they stuck with the training and reached a level of consistency.”


The Rutgers men’s basketball team counts on sophomore Patrick Jackson to step up as an offensive option this season.

RECRUIT: Jackson nets 15 points in serious minutes continued from back “Pat is an extra weapon on our team this year,” Rosario said. “He’s got a lot of experience from his first year into now and Pat’s an important player on this team because coach needs Pat to rebound and he needs Pat to show him he can rebound. [Hill] knows Pat can shoot the open shot. I think Pat showed a lot of intensity, rebounding, hustling and doing what coach asked him to do.” Although he does not admit it, Jackson flew under the radar this summer with all the attention focused on the six new faces that joined the Knights. All Jackson did was continue to work on his game — quietly. He was RU’s leading scorer during its trip to Spain over the summer. “I always felt like if I kept working everything would fall into place,” Jackson said. “I definitely think it’s important to develop a third guy. Last year we struggled a little bit with scoring, we obviously had Greg and Mike,

but if we could develop another threat it would make defenses guard three threats on the floor.” As much promise as Jackson showed Saturday, he may not need to be that third option every night. Rutgers does have junior transfers James Beatty and Jonathan Mitchell, both of whom have the ability to score points. “I think what makes this team different is there are a lot of guys who can step up,” Hill said. “On a given night you can pick five or six different guys to be that complimentary guy to Mike Rosario and I think that’s going to make Mike a heck of a better player.” Do not make any mistake about it Rosario, who finished with 17 points, and Echenique, who hauled in a workman-like double-double (13 points, 10 rebounds) are still the focal points of this team. But a third option on any given night makes things a whole lot easier. “I feel like on this team any night somebody can contribute on the offensive side,” Echenique said. “I think we have a pretty deep team and at any time anyone on the team could come up big.”



NOVEMBER 17, 2009







he Rutgers women’s basketball team is set for a 7:30 p.m. tip-off tonight against intra-state opponent Kean at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. The Scarlet Knights are coming off an 81-66 season-opening loss against No. 2 Stanford. “We don’t have a right to disrespect anybody, believe me,” head coach C. Vivian Stringer said. “We’ll probably think that ‘Man, we’re not too bad, we could have gotten Stanford,’ and that’s what scares me. I don’t want to be upset, but I’m sure I will be with Kean.”

THE RUTGERS MEN’S basketball team announced a food and ticket package for the team’s upcoming tournament in Atlantic City. Fans planning to attend the Legends Classic can purchase a day pass and a food voucher online for only $10. OAKLAND


closer Andrew Bailey and Florida Marlins’ left fielder Chris Coghlan were named AL and NL Rookies of the Year yesterday. Bailey, a Voorhees, N.J., native and Paul VI high school standout, recorded 26 saves with a 1.84 ERA, while Coghlan hit .321 with nine home runs for the Fish.



guard Allen Iverson and the Memphis Grizzlies agreed to part ways yesterday after Iverson had taken a 10-day leave of absence from the team. Exacerbated forward Stephen Jackson was traded by the Golden State Warriors to the Charlotte Bobcats yesterday. Incensed running back Larry Johnson said he expects to sign with the Cincinnati Bengals some time by the end of the week.

The Rutgers football team lost another third-down running back to season-ending surgery. Junior tailback Kordell Young will miss the remainder of the season after injuring his knee Thursday against South Florida. An MRI determined Young would need the third knee surger y of his career, although this is the other knee. “It’s unfortunate, but he’ll be back and he’ll be a huge part of our offense again,” said freshman quarterback Tom Savage. “He’s come back from it before and I’m sure he’ll do it again.” Young carried the ball nine times for 28 yards and caught seven passes for 48 yards. But he was most valuable in his ability to block in the backfield and his injury forces head coach Greg Schiano to tinker with the running back repetitions. “It definitely has an effect,” he said. “He was the best [at picking up blitzes] without a doubt. The great thing that Kordell could do is he really could understand protections and could scan, which are things that are done in the NFL that not a lot of college backs do very well.” Junior tailback Mason Robinson served as the thirddown back to start the season, but injured his knee in the opener against Cincinnati. Now Young will undergo yet another rehab, this time alongside his roommate.



home Big East Special Teams Player of the Week honors for the second time this season after blocking a punt and forcing a fumble against USF. The senior cornerback is one of two players to earn that distinction twice. He is also one of two players in the nation to return a kick for a touchdown and block a kick this year. “Devin over the course of his career has been a tremendous playmaker,” Schiano said. “Whether it is blocking punts, whether it is a flyer on the punt team, returning kickoffs or play-


Junior tailback Kordell Young, center, left Thursday’s game against South Florida with yet another knee injury. An MRI determined that Young will have knee surgery for the third straight year. ing corner, he has really been a guy that we have matched up on best receivers and done things like that and he has come through every time. I don’t know if there is a defensive or special teams player playing better than him in the entire country.” In addition to McCourty, freshman wideout Mohamed Sanu and junior linebacker Antonio Lowery earned Big East honor roll awards.




might practice in the Bubble Thursday to simulate the conditions of the Carrier Dome. The Dome presents the toughest road challenge of Savage’s career although he

played in the Alamodome in San Antonio for the U.S. Army AllAmerican Bowl. “I’ll ask the older guys about [the Carrier Dome] because that’s what I do before every road game,” Savage said. “It’s a little different [in a dome]. The ball flies the way you want it to, though.” Rutgers won each of its last six road games, dating back to last season. “I think one of the things that our kids do a very good job is they are very business-like with these road trips,” Schiano said. “We enjoy each other’s company and it is fun to just be 100 guys going of coaches and players and we are all together. But we know what we are doing. We don’t change a lot.”

STREAK: Rutgers takes down WVU in conference meet continued from back also registered her first career win in the 200-yard breaststroke, touching the wall in 2:22.16. But Kuras once again stood out among the underclassmen. She swam the final leg of the 200-medley relay team that bested West Virginia by 1.04 seconds and paced the Mountaineers’ Shaunna Purtell and Rachel Burnett to place first in the 100 and 200-yard freestyle. “Brittney’s a pretty special swimmer,” Warner said. “She won a couple of races in events that we really needed her. She’s extremely versatile and that really helps our team. We’re able to have her swim in a lot of different places depending on what we need.” RU benefited from the absence of some of West Virginia’s best swimmers, including three-time defending 100-yard freestyle champion Kayla Andrews, Warner said. Nonetheless, Warner said the Knights have fought through their share of injuries. Junior Kirsten




starred as point guard for Duke, he was a blue-chip quarterback recruit. One of the top quarterbacks in the class of 2005, Rutgers had interest in Paulus, but it was not reciprocated to the team that just earned its first Bowl berth since 1978. “He didn’t have a great deal of interest in Rutgers,” Schiano said. “We scouted him and I believe we offered him a scholarship. I think everybody in the country probably did. He went to play basketball and then later on we recruited his little brother who went to North Carolina so we are familiar with the Paulus family.” Fontana is out for the year after offseason knee surgery and sophomore Michaela Nilsson has yet to compete this year due to illness. Improvement in longer events has been a focus for Warner’s group, and he was happy to see some growth in that area. “We did a little bit better,” Warner said. “You wouldn’t really know it so much by the points on the board, but Kim Case and Hailey Weniger — those are the two seniors that we are really counting on — and they’re getting healthier and training better.” Like Kuras, Whetstone swam as part of the 200-medley relay team and took home two individual wins in the 100- and 200-yard backstroke. RU’s other seniors were on point as well. Jackie Klein continued a fine senior campaign with a first place showing in the 200-yard butterfly, while Saunders took care of the diving equation once again, staking her claim to the top spot in the one and three meter dives. Two weeks after being named the Big East Swimmer-Diver of the Week, senior Shayna Longacre captured the 100-yard breaststroke title with a time of 1:05.60.



NOVEMBER 17, 2009






Rutgers disrespected in rankings



Senior libero Jamie Godfrey, left, and the Rutgers volleyball team concluded the season with a pair of defeats on the road.

Pair of sweeps finalizes Werneke’s second season BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT

After completing the majority of its best season in years, the Rutgers VOLLEYBALL volleyRUTGERS 0 b a l l t e a m PITTSBURGH 3 p r e pared for one final weekend of conference play. And despite getting swept at Saturday at West Virginia and Sunday at Pittsburgh, head coach CJ Werneke was satisfied with the turnout. “We had some opportunities that we didn’t take advantage of and that’s indicative of a young program and a program that’s trying to reestablish ourselves in a very tough conference,” he said. Taking advantage of opportunities was the story of the weekend — in the first and second sets against both Big East opponents, the Scarlet Knights kept the scores close until the very end. Werneke said Sunday’s sets against Pittsburgh were well played, considering the Panthers’ third-place ranking in the conference. “We knew [Pitt] was a little more physical than we were,” he said. “It came out to more physical play to more finesse play, and we hung in there and competed with the third-best team in the conference.” RU fell in the first two sets with scores of 25-21 and 25-18. After a 10-minute intermission, the Knights set out to try to set

up a comeback, but fell in the final set 25-21. “We had some opportunity that we didn’t capitalize on,” Werneke said. “A good team like Pittsburgh capitalizes when they have to.” Junior outside hitters Caitlin Saxton and Katie Groff led the team Sunday with nine kills each. Setting up most of the Knights’ kills was freshman Stephanie Zielinski, who had 28 on the day. Facing the Mountaineers the day before, the Knights had a real opportunity to clinch their fourth conference victory of the season. The 3-0 final is deceiving — the first two sets were won by a two-point margin. “I thought the first two sets were ver y competitive. One swing here and one swing there, and we’re going into the 10minute intermission up two games to zero,” Werneke said. “At this level, the mental psyche of being able to battle back, especially at the end of the season — that’s the big difference here.” With the score as close as it was, momentum was clearly on the side of whomever won the first two sets. “If we’re up 2-0, I think we win 3-0,” Werneke said. “Because we’re down 2-0, the result was we got down early and didn’t have enough to rally in the end. … [We came out] kind of flat in the third set, and when you’re down 14-4, that’s tough to come back from.” RU ends its season 10-19 overall and 3-11 in conference play — a far cry from the team’s two-win total from last year.

uite a few positive things happened in Thursday’s 31-0 South Florida beatdown. Greg Schiano evened his Rutgers head coaching record at .500, the Scarlet Knights became Bowl-eligible for the fifth straight season and despite no Bowl Championship Series computer or coaches poll ranking, the Associated Press put Rutgers at 25 in its latest poll. But RU is still getting shafted. Why is a 7-2 BCS conference team, whose only two losses came to No. 5 Cincinnati and No. 9 Pittsburgh, ranked behind an 82 Conference USA team that is coming off a loss to a mediocre Central Florida team — a worse directional Florida than RU just spanked — in all the latest polls. If the “Rutgers to Big 10” rumors have any validity to them, the primary reason has to be Bowl tie-ins. Since Notre Dame effectively steals the Gator Bowl from the Big East every season — even if it only has seven wins — it becomes slim pickings for a 10-2 Big East team to go anywhere special unless it gets traded out. The 2006 Knights missed a trip to the Orange Bowl because James Townsend never learned how to catch a football, and the 2008 team missed it by one drive. The end results were the Texas Bowl and the Bowl — neither on ideal days, time slots or television networks. Since Notre Dame locks up the Gator Bowl bid with one more win and Pittsburgh and Cincinnati are going to finish 1-2 in the conference, the best-case scenario for a 10-2 Rutgers team (assuming it defeats West Virginia) is the Meineke Car Care Bowl against an Atlantic Coast Conference foe — assuming no trade out. The worst-case scenario at 102? Pick your poison. Anyone want to make a trip to Birmingham, Detroit or Toronto against another Ball State or St. Petersburg team to face a Conference-USA juggernaut? Didn’t think so.

THE GOOD Both basketball openers — Rutgers men’s basketball head coach Fred Hill Jr. said he wanted to run an up-tempo offense. The Scarlet Knights only got six fast break points, but all signs point to an improved team from last season. RU was energetic, cohesive and has the most raw talent of any unit Hill put out in his four years on the Banks. A seven-point win over Marist is far from impressive in itself, but the wheels are churning in the right direction — for now. Why should a women’s basketball loss be considered good?


The RU Chop Squad produced a successful “RU” in the student section, which held its form for the majority of the first half. Well, the Knights competed with No. 2 Stanford and actually had a better offensive output Sunday than against the Cardinal a season ago — with a much more talented and veteran-laden team.

defeat, finishing the careers of a number of record holders and one of the most successful classes in the program’s history.

Spelling — Good job, Rutgers fans. With the help of countless aides handing out T-shirts and directing students where to go — and of course the red and white tape on the benches — you successfully created an R and a U that was clear enough to look pretty darn impressive on national television. You learned how to spell. The next step is learning how to count. Games last for 60 minutes.

South Florida’s hype — Once again, leave it to Rutgers to prove the Bulls to be the fraud they are. The Scarlet Knights have been the superior team four years running and shows it every time. It’s a shame the media loves vaulting USF into the top 25 every season after one stunning upset, only to be let down by some embarrassing defeat mere weeks later. Linebacker Kion Wilson’s 18 tackles made no difference after his big words earlier in the week. That zero on the scoreboard spoke for itself.

THE BAD McCourty doubters — There aren’t many better cover cornerbacks in college football — let alone one that is the best defender on his team and should be in the running for Special Teams Player of the Year than Devin McCourty. If the combine-freak genes carry over from his twin brother Jason, the Knights’ leading tackler is going to work his way right into Day One. End of the line — In case you were living under a rock for the past two months, the women’s soccer team made the NCAA Tournament despite a myriad of injuries that decimated the core of the team. The long road finally came to an end in South Carolina Sunday with a 1-0


RU’s next two opponents — I hope nobody willingly sat through Saturday’s game between Louisville and Syracuse. It was an abomination. Louisville won 10-9 with a late touchdown — the first in nine quarters for a team that hadn’t won a Big East game since last October. Louisville had just 151 yards against the Big East’s lastranked defense. The game featured 98 penalty yards, 14 punts and the two embarrassments went a combined 6-for-25 on third down. Rutgers should beat these two by about a combined 142-3. — Matthew Stein accepts comments and criticisms at

Monsoon conditions cut season’s final race short BY TYLER DONOHUE STAFF WRITER

Mother Nature changed things up Saturday for the Rutgers CREW crew team in the final race of its season. At the Foot of the Charles Regatta in Boston, relentless rain and driving winds forced officials to cut the race length from 3.1 miles down to 2.3 miles. The elements not only played a key role on the racecourse, they

presented a substantial challenge to the Scarlet Knights in their fourth regatta of the fall. “It was certainly the worst conditions I’ve ever rowed in,” said senior captain Tori Rowlands. “By the time the race went off, we were in a downpour and there was already an inch of rain in the boat.” RU sent out three four-person boats for the regatta, which placed 21st, 33rd and 40th, respectively, in a field of 49 boats. Brown won the regatta.

The Knights were ready for the trying weather conditions, Rowlands said. “We were mentally prepared for [the weather] because we have practiced in those kinds of settings,” she said. “Physically, it was tough. We were all drenched and it was extremely hard to stay warm.” Last November, RU participated in the Foot of the Charles for the first time in team history, finishing 25th overall. Rowlands credits the amount of work her team put in leading

up to this year’s regatta as the reason for improvement. “A lot of our rowers have stepped their game up over the past few weeks,” Rowlands said. “Many have made phenomenal strides in their technique and this team has continued to grow more confident.” With a three-week lull between its third and fourth races of the season, the Knights had plenty of time to tune up for their season finale. RU was able to undergo rigorous endurance

training, as intra-squad competition heated up. By capping of f their year with a solid performance on the rainy Charles River, the Knights aim to build off the momentum garnered from a hard-fought 2009 season. “It’s been awesome to see people competing so hard within the team and making each other better rowers,” Rowlands said. “The fact that there has been so much energy at the end of this fall season is great for this program.”



PA G E 1 6

NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Russo wins gold with four pins at Brockport BY ALEX JANKOWSKI CORRESPONDENT

The Rutgers wrestling team went into Saturday’s Brockport Gold Tournament wanting to prove that the WRESTLING Scarlet RUTGERS 120.5 K n i g h t s c o u l d THIRD PLACE compete against some of the best in the nation. They did just that, and when their bus pulled out of Brockport, N.Y., they also had a new tournament champion among them. Redshirt junior Dominick Russo pinned Edinboro’s Chris Birchler in the finals of the heavyweight bracket and propelled RU to an impressive third-place finish. “I sat and watched our guys stay with the best wrestlers in the country,” said head coach Scott Goodale. “We kept ourselves in the tournament and in matches all day long, and it’s an overall great day for us. For Russo, this is his first tournament win and it could not have come against a better opponent, having lost to No. 7 Birchler twice last year. “I knew that I was better than him, even after the losses,” the Netcong, N.J., native said. “All I had to do was go move-for-move with him and I knew I would win.” Russo — the 14th ranked heavyweight in the country — improved to 5-0 on the year, with all of his victories coming courtesy of pins. The road to the finals was not an easy one for Russo, Goodale said. “He was in all good matches,” the third-year coach said. “His


Sophomore Dominick Russo, top, won the heavyweight bracket at the Oklahoma Gold Tournament by pinning Edinboro’s Chris Birchler in the final. Russo earned four pins along the way as the Scarlet Knights finished sixth overall with 120.5 points. semifinal match against [No. 17] Corey Morrison of Ohio State could have gone either way. But D.J. is such a talented wrestler and he was able to score the pin.” The Knights finished the day with 120.5 points. This placed them third behind No. 3 Ohio State and tournament winner No. 17

Oklahoma, but ahead of teams such as No. 12 Edinboro and No. 20 Kent State. RU wrestled strong all day long, recording 12 pins as a team and sending four wrestlers to the finals in their respective brackets. The most impressive run at the tournament for the Knights

came in the 125-pound weight class, where redshirt freshman Joe Langel used his unique style to confuse opponents and score big bonus points for RU. In the quar ter finals, Langel defeated No. 14 Nikko Triggas of Ohio State in a 7-1 decision and then Justin Forrest by a score of 4-

1 before falling in the finals to No. 11 Eric Morrill of Edinboro, 3-2. “My style is very non-traditional. We call it ‘funky,’” Langel said. “I use a lot of different moves that most wrestlers don’t use and it keeps my opponents guessing. In the end they


Knights push ‘Third recruit’ impresses in first start home streak to 11 straight BY KYLE FRANKO



The Rutgers swimming and diving team entered Saturday’s meet against West Virginia with history on the SWIMMING & DIVING line. The Scarlet WEST VIRGINIA 125 Knights had not lost a home conference RUTGERS 158 meet in 10 years. Make it 11. Freshman Brittney Kuras and senior captains Cat Whetstone and Erin Saunders led the way in a convincing 158-125 victory over the Mountaineers. The Knights took most of the suspense away early for the second week in a row by capturing seven of the first nine events. “This was a good step in that direction,” said head coach Chuck Warner. “Our girls are learning more and more about how to take care of themselves, how to stay healthy, and that’s just so important in a season that’s six months long. The consistency of our team is pretty good.” RU won 11 of the 16 events in total, with freshman Melanie Gaffey setting the tone right away with a victory in the 50-yard freestyle. Redshirt freshman Taylor Zafir



Sophomore forward Patrick Jackson got his first career start for the Scarlet Knights against Marist and responded with 15 points in 27 minutes.

Ever ybody knows Mike Rosario and Gregory Echenique. They were the highlyrecruited players tasked last season with returning the Rutgers MEN’S BASKETBALL men’s basketball program back to respectability. But in a rugged conference where the Scarlet Knights have not won more than three games under head coach Fred Hill Jr., they need help. Patrick Jackson provided that assist Saturday. Hill gave the lanky 6-foot-6 forward the first start of his career, and Jackson responded with an impressive 15 points. “I was hoping so, but I didn’t expect it,” Jackson said when asked if he expected to start. “I just go out and make sure I work hard every day in practice, and I was hoping [to start] and that’s what happened.” Jackson scored 10 of his 15 points in the first half, keeping the Knights even with Marist while Rosario struggled to find his rhythm. The Brooklyn native hit a three-point basket to open the scoring in the second half sparking a 9-2 run that gave RU a doubledigit lead. “I felt relaxed,” Jackson said. “I felt real good in warm-ups and the day prior to the game so I was letting it come to me and if I felt I was open I was going to shoot.” Jackson’s performance impressed Rosario.


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