The Daily Targum 2009-10-26

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Volume 141, Number 39







1 8 6 9

Today: Mostly sunny


High: 61 • Low: 45

The Rutgers football team beat Army and the rain Friday night as freshman quarterback Tom Savage picked up his first career road win in a 27-10 decision.

Hundreds to counter anti-Semitic protest BY JOHN S. CLYDE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Sigma Delta Tau members perform a “Waking up in Vegas” theme dance, securing first place in the “Derby Days Lip Synch.” Zeta Tau Alpha sorority was named the overall Derby Days winner. Check out PAGE 4 for photos from last week’s events.


Sisters of five sororities in the National Panhellenic Conference and brothers of the Iota Psi Chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity danced the night away Saturday at the “Derby Days Lip Synch” to raise awareness for a variety of philanthropic organizations.

In honor of its 22nd annual Derby Days “On the Banks” weeklong fundraising event, Sigma Chi fraternity and Delta Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Delta Tau and Alpha Chi Omega sororities concluded Derby Days with performances at a lip synch. The event raised $34,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network and Huntsman Cancer Foundation — both

of which are Sigma Chi’s philanthropies — and for each of the sororities’ philanthropies, said Derby Days Director Gregory Smith. Half of the proceeds raised by each sorority go to their individual philanthropies and the other half goes to the Children’s Miracle Network, he said. “It’s not only having the sororities


When picketers from the Westboro Baptist Church arrive on the Banks Wednesday at 8:45 a.m., Rutgers Hillel plans to greet them with a sea of red. The Jewish student organization is joining with other organizations around campus to counterprotest the Kansas-based antiSemitic, anti-Catholic and anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, which is scheduled to picket outside Hillel House for 30 minutes. “In the face of this kind of assault, we will not stand idly by,” said Student Board President Hilar y Neher on behalf of Hillel. “We join with our brothers and sisters at Rutgers — across ethnic, religious and gender lines — to condemn the blind hatred spewed by these people.” Neher said anyone is welcome to join the Hillel event as long as they work to make it safe and do not bring offensive signage that will provoke the group. “The event will likely consist of songs and readings from different students and student groups on campus,” Neher said.

At press time, about 2,400 people have indicated they will attend the counterprotest on Hillel’s Facebook event, which is not the only event on Facebook. Hillel plans to gather outside of their building, located at 93 College Ave., at 8:30 a.m. and is encouraging people to wear red University apparel in solidarity. Students began to organize counterprotests after the news of the protest was published, Neher said. “At that point, we realized that Hillel had a choice,” Neher said. “Either we could close our door and go about business as usual with many dif ferent disjointed groups of students protesting outside our building, or we could make the decision to act in hopes not only of combating the message of hate, but of unifying our campus in a way that has not been done in a long time.” The Rutgers University Student Assembly unanimously approved a resolution at their Thursday night meeting, supporting Hillel and calling for students to unite against hate speech.



INDEX UNIVERSITY Today’s section highlights the different ways in which the University gave back to its neighboring communities over the weekend.

OPINIONS A man was arrested for indecent exposure while walking around nude in his own home at 5:30 a.m. Does he deserve jail time or has society gone too far? UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3

The Iota Psi chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity at the University kicked-off its 22nd annual Derby Days “On the Banks” last Sunday with a week of monetary and non-monetary competitive events among six sororities. As the largest greek fall fundraiser, half of the funds raised by each sorority benefits the Children’s Miracle Network at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Huntsman Cancer Foundation — the fraternity’s philanthropies. The rest will benefit each sorority’s philanthropic organizations. “The most important thing about this event is that I know they did it to raise money for all these great causes,” said Derby Days Director Gregor y Smith. “Not only that, I know ever ybody had fun, and I hope this helps bring the greek community together a little bit as well tie in the Rutgers community.”

Senate passes report despite controversy BY ARIEL NAGI AND CAGRI OZUTURK STAFF WRITERS

CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK


of Derby Days held in various locations throughout campus. The greeks put on their thinking caps Wednesday night at the Jeopardy/Charity Information Night in Scott Hall on the College Avenue campus and Sigma Kappa won first place, Smith said. Sisters of each sorority bid on the brothers of Sigma Chi at the Brother Date Auction Thursday night in Voorhees Hall of the College Avenue campus. Numbers picked out of a hat indicated the points going toward each sorority’s total and funds bid on each brother was counted toward charitable donations, Smith said. Zeta Tau Alpha won first place. — Ariel Nagi


U. delays deciding if federal policy that bans men who have sex with other men from donating blood is discriminatory

OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12

The field event competition on Sunday featured an obstacle course, a relay race and a tug-of-war, said Smith, a Rutgers College senior. Sigma Delta Tau sorority won, earning a total of 2000 points. The week continued to unfold Monday with “Penny Wars,” a highly competitive game where sororities collected pennies to count toward their overall points as well as their total money raised, Smith said. Zeta Tau Alpha won the war, set up on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. Any silver coins, dollar bills and checks thrown into any of the teams’ jars were counted as negative points but still counted toward charitable donations, Smith said. Sorority sisters signed the brothers’ T-shir ts on Tuesday’s “Sign-a-Sig,” a non-monetar y event

Confusion, controversy and heated debate filled the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers-Camden Campus Center during Friday’s University Senate meeting. After deliberation on whether barring men who have sex with men from donating blood violates the University’s nondiscrimination policy and if blood drives should be banned if it does, the

Senate split the report and tabled the statement regarding whether it violates the policy. The rest of the repor t passed unanimously while about seven senators and members of the public spoke against the controversial single sentence, which stated “policies of barring blood donations of men who have sex with men is not a discriminator y practice that violates Rutgers’ nondiscrimination policies.”



Eight-year-old city resident Freddie Rameriz, right, plays a game of darts at “Monster Mash” on Saturday at the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center. More than 1,000 children participated in the Halloween experience sponsored by 75 organizations. See UNIVERSITY on PAGE 5.


OCTOBER 26, 2009



WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of the Weather Channel TUESDAY HIGH 61 LOW 52



TODAY Mostly sunny, with a high of 61° TONIGHT Partly cloudy, with a low of 45°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

141ST EDITORIAL BOARD JOHN S. CLYDE . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ANGELINA Y. RHA . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR CAITLIN MAHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS MATTHEW STEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOR TS ANDREW HOWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY MATT STEELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN MARGARET DARIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MEGAN DIGUILIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS ADRIENNE VOGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY SARA GRETINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY HEATHER BROOKHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO LAUREN CARUSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENTS AMOS JOSHUA SANCHEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE DAN BRACAGLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY CARISSA CIALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE DESIGN KYLE FRANKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS SAM HELLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPOR TS AMANDA RAE CHATSKO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY TOM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT JOHNATHAN GILDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE ONLINE MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACTING ASSOCIATE NEWS CAGRI OZUTURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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OCTOBER 26, 2009


PA G E 3

U. walks to honor memory of murdered student BY BRETT WILSHE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Krystal Skinner’s ex-boyfriend stabbed her to death in March 2008 in her Lindenwold, N.J. home. A Rutgers-Camden senior, Skinner’s unharmed 2-year-old son was with her body when police entered the house. More than a year later, her memor y is a powerful impetus to domestic violence awareness. To recognize October as domestic violence awareness month, the University’s Undergraduate Social Work Organization sponsored a 5k walk Saturday, where about 150 walkers donated money to the Kr ystal Skinner Memorial

Scholarship Fund before embarking from Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus to Buccleuch Park with a banner in hand. “Kr ystal was so bright and vibrant,” said DuWayne Battle, University School of Social Work’s Baccalaureate Program director. “This event is really about celebrating her life.” Battle, who created the scholarship fund, said this walk is the fourth fundraising event. While USWO raised about $7,000 before this event, it must reach $100,000 before the University will recognize the scholarship program. A total of $9,364 donations was counted near the end of the walk.

The official color of domestic violence awareness, purple, adorned the activists’ outfits. Tethered balloons, banners and tables of food welcomed a growing crowd of students, philanthropists and social workers while two DJs played music. Members of the Skinner family were present at the event, including her mother, two aunts and her son. Skinner’s aunt, Theresa Johnson, said she was encouraged by the turnout and support. “I feel very good,” Johnson said. “Krystal is with us today. She would be happy to know that she’s still working through other people.” Skinner received her baccalaureate in social work

posthumously and was only two months from graduation when she was murdered, USWO Vice President Sara Afayee said. “Krystal was a social worker like us,” said Afayee, a Livingston College senior. “It’s ironic that domestic violence knocks on our own doors.” Johnson said domestic violence is an issue that often gets ignored, and that alone makes it very dangerous. According to the Bureau of Justice, 1,181 women died because of domestic violence in 2005 in the United States alone and one in three women will suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime. The event was also in honor of Letizia Zindell, a former University

student. Zindell’s ex-fiancé murdered her in August, said President of USWO Eileen Marra, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. Several speakers, including Battle, gave thanks to everyone who came and expressed optimism for the memorial fund. A number of partnered organizations were present, including Women Aware, Inc., Rutgers Sexual Assault Services and Crime Victim Assistance and Voices of 9/11. Marra said the organization is planning more fundraising events for the spring, including more walks and a concert benefit. For information on USWO or how to donate, individuals can email Marra at

‘Day of Service’ produces variety of donations for local community BY JUSTINE D’SOUZA CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Students took a break from studying Saturday to make quilts and jewelr y to supporting a variety of causes at the third annual “Scarlet Day of Ser vice.” Held at the Livingston Recreation Center, the service day attracted more than 250 student volunteers, said Program Coordinator for University Student Involvement Heather Mullendore. “We’re building relations and learning about needs of the community,” Mullendore said. Volunteers had the choice of either working on campus or off campus. On campus, volunteers made surger y dolls with

Project Sunshine, a nonprofit organization that provides free recreational, educational and social programs to children facing medical challenges, said Bead the Cure member Rosemarie Dizon. Participants also made jewelr y with Bead the Cure, an organization that makes and sells jewelr y for breast cancer research organizations, and quilts for Quilts for Kids, a nonprofit organization, Dizon said. Off campus, volunteers cleaned up parks including Johnson Park in Piscataway and volunteered at senior citizen homes for organizations such as Rutgers Gardens and Arc of Somerset County, Mullendore said. Participants visited food pantries in New Brunswick such as the

Trinity House, and mentored teenage students in Bridgewater. “[There was] landscaping and cleanup work,” Mullendore said. “Some people worked with teenagers. They told them what college was like.” Volunteers helped move furniture at the New Brunswick Public Library, and they cleaned up the After School Drop-In Center in Highland Park, Mullendore said. They finished painting the youth group lounge and set up the social hall. Keynote speaker Tara Abbott from Arc of Somerset opened the event by recounting success stories of people who learned about different volunteer pathways and what a profound influence volunteering had on their lives.

“What I am getting at is there is a variety of volunteer oppor tunities out there,” Abbott said. “Anything that you are doing is making a difference.” Students could participate in ser vice projects individually, but some took part in group work. Fraternities, sororities, student organizations and residence halls composed most of the groups. Dizon said she was pleased with the large number of volunteers this year. “Personally, I think this is a good way of giving back,” said Dizon, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “It’s a different means of service.” She said there was more help available this year.

“We had to get an extra table. More [volunteers] turned out than we expected,” Dizon said. Dean Shull, a board member of Quilt for Kids, said the event was a success, and he plans to come back for the next “Scarlet Day of Service.” “Everybody loved what they were doing,” Shull said. The “Scarlet Day of Ser vice” was a success because departments and students came together to help the community they all live in, Mullendore said. Potential volunteers are always welcome for next year’s day of service, she said. “We do this event ever y October. Look out for advertisements,” Mullendore said. “There are lots of community oppor tunities on the … Web site,”



OCTOBER 26, 2009





As the largest greek fundraiser this semester, six sororities competed in various events for Sigma Chi fraternity’s 22nd annual “Derby Days.” Top left, sorority members sign the shirts of Sigma Chi brothers at Tuesday’s “Sign-A-Sig” event. Top right, a Sigma Chi brother dances at Thursday’s “Brother Auction.” Left, Zeta Tau Alpha — the overall winner of Derby Days — performs an army-themed dance at Saturday’s Lip Synch event in Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus. Bottom left, Sigma Chi brothers dress as girls and perform a dance to Cobra Starship’s “Good Girls Go Bad” before the winners were announced. Below, Derby Days Director Gregory Smith leads Sigma Chi brothers and sisters of various sororities in a game of “Jeopardy.” All proceeds raised for Derby Days will benefit local charities. MAYA NACHI/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER





OCTOBER 26, 2009


Families consider U. event ‘graveyard smash’ BY JUSTINE D’SOUZA CONTRIBUTING WRITER

More than 1,000 children dressed up in Halloween costumes, played games and won prizes at the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center Saturday during the sixth annual “Monster Mash.” “In the first hour, we had [more than] 200 children,” said Matt Zielinski, coordinator of special programs for University Residence Life. “Monster Mash” was originally a Cook College event, but when the schools combined, the Residence Hall Association, Cook/Douglass Residential Campus Council and Cook/Douglass Residence Life took it on, said SEBS/Cook Council President Steven Le. “When Cook/Douglass Residential Council first took on ‘Monster Mash,’ we had about 27 organizations, and when we did it for the second time, we had 43 organizations. This year, we put in a lot of hard work and got 75 organizations,” said Le, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomore. Representatives from greek life, SEBS/Cook Council, residence halls, the Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Club, Galvanizing and Organizing Youth Activism at Rutgers and many other organizations also participated in the event. Activities included — but were not limited to — a mummywrapping contest, a henna tattoo

station, face painting and various crafts. One of the more unique activities was the Cook Apar tment Government’s version of mini-golf. “The Cook Apar tment Government took the time to make an actual mini-golf station,” Le said. “[The] Latin American Student Organization used the racquetball court and transformed it into the ‘Tunnel of Terror and Treats,’ where the kids had to go through a haunted tunnel. Rockof f Hall Government [taught] the kids to do Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ dance.” “Monster Mash” transformed the Halloween tradition of collecting candy into awards for the children. “Instead of just receiving candy, [the kids] have to earn it, so that gives them a sense of accomplishment,” said Katzenbach Residence Hall Government Treasurer Deepa Balavijayan, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student. Volunteers garnered a similar sense of accomplishment. “There was a benefit of providing children with a place where they could enjoy the essence of Halloween without the dangers of going door to door in a dangerous area,” said Ashwini Dhokte, a volunteer for the Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children and a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. A distinguishing factor of “Monster Mash” was the broad range of participants.


Ahjae La’Boo, 6, from Monmouth Junction, fishes for pumpkins and skulls at Saturday’s sixth annual “Monster Mash” at the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center. The bash is held for children to experience Halloween fun in a safe environment as opposed to a potentially dangerous urban neighborhood.

“For the past six years, this was exclusive to New Brunswick. We’ve extended it to children of Piscataway, Highland Park and North Brunswick. We’re definitely glad [the kids] had fun tonight,” said SEBS/Cook Council Vice Chair Alex Menillo, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore. Planning for the event began in June, Le said. “I contacted a lot of schools. We put up a lot of flyers in residence halls and had a huge Facebook group,” said Vice

Chair of Douglass Campus Shalini Sinha, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. Parents appreciated “Monster Mash” for bringing the family together at no cost. “[We came] so that we can go out and just have fun … on a budget,” said Cynthia Fountain, a local resident. “A lot of things cost a lot of money, which we don’t really have.” New Brunswick resident Fred Ramirez expressed happiness because his children won free

books from the G.O.Y.A. project’s activity table. When asked if he and his family would attend “Monster Mash” again, he said, “Absolutely. 4,200 percent.” For those who missed this year’s “Monster Mash,” there is still a chance to get involved next year. “We love doing it. It’s really rewarding to give back to the community,” Menillo said. “It’s the greatest feeling to see all the smiles on kids’ faces.”



PROTEST: Organization to demonstrate at 12 NJ locations continued from front “RUSA suppor ts Rutgers Hillel, as well as the Jewish community as a whole in addition to [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender], Catholic and other communities targeted by the Westboro Baptist Church’s messages,” said RUSA Chair Werner Born, reading from the resolution. Neher said Hillel was very grateful the RUSA passed the resolution. “It shows a great deal of support and helps us in our aims of

CHARITY: Zeta Tau Alpha named 2009 Derby Days winner continued from front compete to raise money for philanthropy, but it’s a way to establish relationships among the five sororities,” said Smith, a Rutgers College senior. “Everyone is out to win, but everyone knows the reason we put on Derby Days is because it’s always a success and we’re raising money for all of these really great philanthropies.” Zeta Tau Alpha was the grand winner of Derby Days, raising the most money and gaining the most points in the weeklong string of competitions, Smith said. Jamie Dinardi, Zeta Tau Alpha “Derby Diva,” said the organization was excited to win because they did not participate in Derby Days last year. She is glad they are able to suppor t the Children’s Miracle Network and their philanthropy, the Breast Cancer Research Network. “We just hope to help out in any small way possible,” said Dinardi, a School of Arts and Sciences senior.

OCTOBER 26, 2009


uniting the University community,” Neher said. About 10 protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church, which is known for protesting at funerals of American servicemen, are expected to protest outside Hillel, said Shirley Phelps-Roper, a member and attorney for the group. The group is scheduled to protest at 11 other New Jersey locations on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to their Web site. Prior to coming to the University, the group is scheduled to protest outside New Brunswick Public High School. There is some concern about the size of the event at the University, and New Brunswick police officers will be present,

said RUSA Legislative Affairs Chair John Aspray, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. He said many places chose not to counterprotest the group, but that is not the sentiment among many at the University. Born, a School of Engineering senior, encouraged members of the community to remain calm. “It’s important for ever yone to know that these people make all their money by suing people,” Born said. “If you do go to this event, if you participate in anything that goes on that day [it’s impor tant that you remain peaceful].” Students should avoid talking to the members of the Westboro Baptist Church because these

efforts will not change the group’s opinions, Born said. “Some time ago at Rutgers, there was a similar instance where a group came to protest gays and lesbians on campus and [the University] to something very similar to this,” Born said. “[The University] told the group that anyone wearing jeans was ignoring [the group].” Other religious groups around campus have also voiced their support of Rutgers Hillel and opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church. “Jesus was not someone who would want people to be bantered and to be called names and to be told that ‘God hates you,’” said Community Group

Coordinator for Campus Crusade for Christ Sarah Nitchman, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior. “For me, that’s totally the opposite of what Christianity is all about and to see groups like the Hillel being targeted in that way, with this totally negative, unloving methodology, it just nauseates me. … It’s just not right.” Campus Crusade for Christ wants to support Hillel and all of the groups targeted to show that the University is united against the message of the Westboro Baptist Church, said Co-President Andrew Yassa, a junior in the School of Engineering.

The sisters worked hard to raise the most money and on their lip synch performance, Zeta Tau Alpha sister Amanda Abramo said. “We really, really wanted it,” said Abramo, a Mason Gross School of the Arts junior. “We practiced so hard — like ever y night.” Sigma Delta Tau won firstplace in the lip synch after performing their “Waking Up in Vegas” theme. Alisa Purifico, Sigma Delta Tau “Derby Diva,” said the lip synch was meant to be fun, but all the hard work put into it was mostly an effort to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network and their philanthropy, Prevent Child Abuse America. “We’re really hoping to just bring our sorority together and really just gain spirit,” said Purifico, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “When we’re up there dancing, all we’re really doing is thinking about all of the children we’re helping, and all the girls feel the same way.” The lip synch opened with the emcee of the night, Kaitlin Clutter, an elected spokeswoman for the Children’s Miracle Network.

Kaitlin, 9, who is battling spina bifida, said she was thankful for the organizations’ support. “I’m really, really excited,” said Kaitlin, who was elected as the only spokesperson for the network in the state. “I think it’s going to raise a lot of money for the children in the hospital and to help everyone.” She announced the sororities in the “Captain and Diva” dances, where each “Derby Diva” performed a dance and lip synch duet with a Sigma Chi brother. Themes ranged from “Grease” and Michael Jackson to Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” song. Sigma Kappa took home the first-place title for the “Captain and Diva” dance. School of Arts and Sciences junior Chatoia Martin said the event was fun and supported a good cause. “This is my first [time attending an] event like this,” Martin said. “I’m just really excited, and it’s going to be a great time.” School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior Samuel Lopez said he enjoyed the per formances and was pleased with the motive of the organizations.

“I thought it was wonderful how all of these people got together for such a great cause,” Lopez said. “I was just reading Kaitlin’s story, and I think it’s really touching and it makes people aware.” Delta Gamma “Derby Diva” Erin Gloor said she was glad Kaitlin was able to attend the event. “It brings [her] out to a college campus and it’s a lot of fun,” said Gloor, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “[The children at Children’s Miracle Network] are always in the hospital, and coming to see the performance would actually help them out a lot.” The sisters of Delta Gamma ran onto the stage with their race car theme, dressed in racer jackets and dancing to songs like “Crash” by pop artist Gwen Stefani and “Shut up and Drive” by singer Rihanna. Delta Gamma’s philanthropy is Service for Sight, an organization that helps provide glasses, Braille books and more services for the visually impaired and the blind. Sigma Kappa “Derby Diva” Victoria Scott said she is glad the series of events brought the greek community together. “It definitely raises awareness around the campus,” said Scott, a

School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior. “Everyone saw what was going on [during the week], and I just hope that we raised enough money to make a difference.” Sigma Kappa, dressed in army attire for their army-themed performance, stomped their way across the stage as they performed dances to various songs. Alpha Chi Omega “Derby Diva” Jill Boden said the event was a success. “I definitely had a good time and I know all the sisters did as well, especially during the lip synch,” said Boden, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior. “We had a great time choreographing.” Although the organizations last year raised more than $40,000, a greater amount than this year, Smith said the different donations will still be greatly supported. “Overall, I think Derby Days is going out with a bang regardless of how much money we made,” he said. “We may not have topped the years past, but there’s still thousands and thousands of dollars that were donated to people who really need it.”

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OCTOBER 26, 2009

REPORT: Senators argue policy discriminates gay people continued from front “The [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] community and, more broadly, [men who have sex with men] know that the Senate will abide to Rutgers nondiscrimination policy in regards to sexual orientation,” Rutgers University Student Assembly University Affairs Chair Ben West said. Advocates and beneficiaries of blood donations will continue having blood drives because the Senate also affirmed that they are a vital service, and the ban in place is a federal — not a University — ban, West said. After the sentence was defeated in vote, Student Activities Committee Co-Chair Kevin Wild motioned to reconsider the sentence so he could explain the findings of the Senate but the motion failed. Wild said he was upset that he was not allowed the opportunity to respond to the concerns raised. “What upsets me more is that the Senate took no stance on the matter,” said Wild, a University

College-Newark senior. “If the senators who voted against the findings of the report were so against our committee’s findings, then they should have at least chosen to amend the report to reflect their views.” The Senate’s function is to advise the University’s central administration of whether the practice violates the University’s policy and not whether the practice itself is discriminatory, he said. The nondiscrimination policy itself mandates nondiscrimination in benefits and services of its educational programs. “Some of the objections to the report’s and committee’s finding that the practice of the [Food and Drug Administration], which was the primary subject of the charge in this matter, is not a violation of Rutgers’ nondiscrimination policy were based on misunderstandings of the Senate’s function and authority,” Executive Secretary of the University Senate Ken Swalagin said. Some members and students attending the meeting argued the policy goes against the University’s nondiscrimination policy because it discriminates against gay people by not allowing men who have sex with men to participate in blood drives on campus.

U NIVERSITY “Men who have sex with men share one thing in common, a sexual orientation towards men, and therefore the ban violates our nondiscrimination policy,” said West, a Rutgers College senior. “The Senate took the right steps by keeping blood drives on campus and by acknowledging that the

“I don’t see how anyone can argue this is discriminatory without scientific evidence ...” LOUIS SASS Graduate School of Applied Professional Psychology professor

FDA’s ban on blood donations from [men who have sex with men] is against our nondiscrimination policy.” Board of Trustees Student Representative Josh Slavin said the sentence should be removed because it is a clear indicator of a violation of the University’s nondiscrimination policy. “It seems like such a fine distinction to make … to say that’s

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M not a violation of the policy,” said Slavin, a Livingston College senior. West said it is clearly a violation of the policy, since discriminating against men who have sex with men is discriminating against anyone of that sexual orientation, including homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people. “Men who have sex with men is a group of people with the same sexual orientation,” West said. “They’re all sexually oriented towards men.” Although this motion will not allow men who have sex with men to participate in blood drives, he is glad it was brought to the Senate’s attention, he said. “A lot of students were in opposition to it,” West said. “A few were for it, but most were in opposition.” About 220 students sent emails to him opposing the motion arguing it is clearly a violation of the nondiscrimination policy, he said. The Senate argued the policy follows the federal policy on blood donor restrictions, noting the largest numbers of blood donors who carr y the human immunodeficiency vir us are men who have sex with men.

Louis Sass, a professor for the Graduate School of Applied Professional Psychology, requested that the Senate table the motion to be discussed in greater detail at the next meeting, in order to acquire more adequate statistics and facts that men who have sex with men have a higher chance of spreading HIV. “Personally, I don’t see how anyone can argue this is discriminatory without scientific evidence [about the prevalence of HIV in men who have sex with men],” Sass said. Swalagin said it was not the intent of the Student Affairs Committee to assert that the FDA’s policy is nondiscriminatory, which it clearly is. “The absence of a statement in the report which condemns or criticizes the FDA policy could … be viewed as implicitly condoning the policy, which was not the intent of the [committee],” he said. “It remains the responsibility of the [committee] to now further respond to the issue, but it seems reasonable to expect that a statement explicitly criticizing the FDA policy and the grounds for that criticism would be a valuable, germane and timely addition to the [committee]’s further response.”

RUSA ATTEMPTS DRESS CODE RESOLUTION Racism, gender discrimination and the lack of a professional fashion sense all took a beating at the Rutgers University Student Assembly meeting Thursday in the Visitor Center on Busch campus. A resolution to implement a “business casual” dress code for the assembly’s biweekly meetings was authored by Vice President Payal Patel, an Ernest Mario School Of Pharmacy sophomore, and RUSA representative Sean DeDeyn, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. Amended to a suggestion instead of an implementation, the resolution ultimately failed and went back to the executive committee. “Not everyone can afford to buy the clothes that will be required at these meetings,” said Latino Student Council representative to RUSA Braulio Salas, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “We don’t want to put off other students that may want to join our organizations by seeming too exclusive.” The resolution authors argued the assembly could not be taken seriously if they are to appear lax in how they dress. A resolution supporting the tabling of the University Senate charge regarding the blood donation policy against men who have sex with men was also passed with unanimous consent. Another resolution passed, condemning the visit from the Westboro Baptist Church and a call to all students to wear red on Wednesday in solidarity against the protesters. RUSA was invited to have a catered meeting at the Visitor Center by University President Richard L. McCormick, said RUSA Chair Werner Born, a School of Engineering senior. — Cagri Ozuturk



PA G E 1 0

OCTOBER 26, 2009


Blind exposure N

ext time you brew your morning cup of coffee make sure you keep your pants on. A 29-year-old Virginia man was charged with indecent exposure Thursday morning when he walked downstairs in only his birthday suit at 5:20 a.m. to make coffee, according to Fox News. Eric Williamson, who does not deny the nudity, happened to catch the eye of a mother and her 7-year-old son walking down a nearby path, who then called the police. A Fairfax County Police spokesman said officers arrested Williamson for indecent exposure because they believe he wanted to be seen in the buff. Williamson, who has since moved out of the home, said he was stunned by the allegation of bad intentions, explaining he didn’t think anybody would have seen him at such an early hour. Police have been going door to door, handing out flyers and canvassing in an attempt to find out if anyone else had seen him in the nude. Is this taking it too far? What does not count as a crime these days? Apparently not much. While Williamson, the father of a 5-year-old girl, should probably be more conscious of his surroundings, he should not be held responsible for bearing it all even before the rooster crowed. The residence was suburb-based, but even in a town like New Brunswick, where pedestrian traffic is heavy, there’s a simple solution: close the curtains, it could easily curtail such incidents. The original purpose of clothing was to protect you from the elements, so they’re not entirely necessary in the home. But even at 5:20 in the morning, you can never be certain you are alone. But what if Williamson happened to be a female? The exposure likely would not have warranted a call to the authorities or unintentional exposure would still be a consideration. Police say they would not have looked into the situation of inadvertent exposure was a possibility. Williamson, who continues to maintain his innocence, plans to meet with a lawyer to fight the misdemeanor charge. If convicted, he could face up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine. The final verdict — shut the blinds.

Co-ed evasion P

rinceton University’s recent policy revision to allow co-educational housing for upperclassmen has sparked some interest here at the University. While students can live in the same housing unit or residence hall in on-campus Rutgers housing, the units are single-sex. Princeton’s pilot program looks appealing at first glance, but it could cause more trouble than it’s worth. University Housing and Residence Life may have used the housing shortage as an excuse to evade the question at hand: Is a co-ed policy going to be a consideration in the near future for the University? College students should generally be capable of conducting themselves as adults, but this is easier said than done. If couples apply to live together, there is no telling if they will still be together during move-in. Not to mention, should a mid-semester break up occur (we’re in college — it’s nearly inevitable), the responsibility to find additional housing for displaced students post-relationship failure should not be placed on the University’s shoulders. Some students think conflicts between mixed-gender roommates are more severe and more difficult to settle than those of same-gendered roommates, but this is not necessarily true. Have you ever seen a catfight? They can be downright vicious. Another argument against co-ed housing is that it promotes pregnancy and domestic violence. Realistically, having the sexes separated does not deter couples from engaging in sexual activities. It’s a given that having your own room would make it easier, but there is no policy that restricts somebody from sleeping in a member of the opposite sex’s bed. Should the University ever approve co-ed on-campus housing for incoming first-year students, parental reaction would be unfavorable, at the least. College is — on the surface — about adjustment, branching out and meeting new people. While not every student would opt to live with their significant other, those that do may not fare as well in the college setting. Some parents already have trouble sending their children off to college knowing the pressures that already exist. Adding in a roommate of the opposite sex will not exactly alleviate these concerns. One suggestion is a revised policy awarding the option of co-ed oncampus housing as a privilege for upperclassmen. Select residence halls could be used as a pilot, comparable to Princeton’s program, to see if it has a chance at success. The policy may even attract more students to apply to the University. Is there even a demand on campus for co-ed housing? Many students are happy that they are actually granted housing that doesn’t involve the word “displaced” or a shuttle to a Somerset hotel. Still, all students have the opportunity to find off-campus co-ed housing close to the University no matter their class year, even though it is difficult and expensive. Princeton’s program will likely be criticized — the only question is whether the criticism is constructive or disapproving. For now, the University does not look like it will be following suit any time soon, but it should not be out of the question.


“It’s ironic that domestic violence knocks on our own doors.” Sara Afayee, Undergraduate Social Work Organization vice president, on the murder of Krystal Skinner STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Hate has many sources T

tough questions. Does hate he past week has speech run deeper than seen numerous speech that is intentionally ar ticles about the used to harm others? Is the visit that the University will defining aspect of hate soon receive from the infaspeech the malicious intent mously anti-Semitic, antithat lies behind it or is it the Catholic and anti-gay malicious effect that it has Westboro Baptist Church BEN WEST upon its subjects? Does hate Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. outspeech include speech that is side Rutgers Hillel. used loosely and uncritically, even jokingly, in conAt first, I was hesitant to address this topic, as it versation but which is both insensitive and diswas clear that so much has already been said, but paraging to its subjects? And what about the false upon examining The Daily Targum and the numerassumptions that lie behind hate speech and may ous counter-protests that have been planned on exist even when hate speech is not articulated? Are Facebook, I realized that a very broad point regardthese assumptions not as dangerous, if not more ing hate speech on campus has been entirely overdangerous, than the speech that follows? looked in our ongoing dialogue about the subject. There is a reason that I ask about the relevance of But before I make my point, I would like to applaud the intent that fuels hate speech, the effects of hate Hillel for its tireless efforts to send a unified message speech and the assumptions that underlie hate against hate to the protesters and to the community at speech. Depending on what we regard as relevant, large, and to highlight the importance of the diversity we too may all be guilty of perpetuating hate, either that the University embodies in a manner that is both through our intentions, through the effect of our peaceful and positive in nature. I also would like to speech or actions or through the assumptions that encourage every University student to follow the lead we hold, share and pass on to others. If we see the of Hillel and the Rutgers University Student intention of, effect of and assumptions behind speech Assembly, which have both worked to encourage stuas relevant, we should begin to examine our speech dents and supporters to wear the University’s scarlet more critically. color on Wednesday as a sign of soliIt is extremely doubtful that any darity against a group who, through “Depending on members of the University’s relatheir extreme actions, seeks to provoke in others the hate that they themwhat we regard as tively progressive community use hate speech with malicious intent, selves exude. relevant, we too as the members of the Westboro Having applauded the efforts of the Hillel and RUSA, I would like to may all be guilty of Baptist Church do; but it is not uncommon to overhear insensitive move for ward and begin a more far-reaching and perhaps contro- perpetuating hate ...” and sometimes hateful phrases that have a malicious effect on the subversial dialogue about hate speech jects of the speech or see inconsidat the University. erate and untrue assumptions go unquestioned. I think that we can all agree that hate speech can Examples of speech that is hateful in effect are be defined as a term for speech — verbal, written plentiful at the University. Many students still use and symbolic — that is directed toward a person or “retarded” and “gay” as synonyms for “stupid.” No group of people with malicious intent. The goal of matter how mindlessly these verbal tools may be hate speech is to defame an individual or group of employed, the equation of these words with stupidpeople, either because of membership in a particuity implies that those who are mentally handilar social group or because of unalterable biological capped are idiots and suggests a total disrespect trait. We know that those who use hate speech toward members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and attack race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, relitransgender community, whose social identity, gay, gion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender is being called stupid. “No homo” is jokingly used identity, disability, language ability, ideology, social by men in our University community to tell other class, occupation, appearance and mental capacity men that sexual advances are not welcome, yet it as liabilities and flaws that can be justly ostracized. also perpetuates the stereotype that gay men do This is the type of hate speech, speech behind consistently seek to prey on all men that they see, which lies a malicious intent, that the University will while also suggesting that advances made by one stand united against on Wednesday. But to be fair to ourselves and those around us, we must delve deepSEE WEST ON PAGE 11 er into this subject matter and ask ourselves some

The Red Lion

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



OCTOBER 26, 2009


At-risk groups first to receive H1N1 vaccine Letter MELODEE LASKY & KATHLEEN GAIONI


embers of the New Brunswick Campus community should know Rutgers Health Services and Rutgers Occupational Health in New Brunswick continue to offer the swine flu nasal spray vaccine. We have not yet received the injectable vaccine.

WEST continued from page 10 man on another are laughable. It is also not uncommon to hear jokes about the appearances of others. But saying that somebody looks like “trailer trash” or looks “ghetto” may also be a classist statement. By ridiculing the appearances of others, one chastises another for not meeting one’s standards for superficial appearances while also showing ignorance to the socioeconomic factors that may prevent somebody from not looking like “trailer trash” or “ghetto.” Assumptions are just as dangerous as speech. Earlier this

The next clinic will be held tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Cook Campus Center. Supplies are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, firstserve basis to people in the following at-risk groups: faculty, staff and students under the age of 24; health care and EMS personnel; children between the ages of 2 and 17 living in University housing or attending day care on campus; and parents and caretakers of infants under age 6 months.

Please note that the nasal spray vaccine should not be taken by pregnant women, those older than 49 or younger than 2, those with serious medical conditions such as asthma or a weakened immune system, who must wait for the injectable vaccine. Persons with a history of severe, life threatening allergic reactions to eggs should not receive either H1N1 vaccine, injection or spray. Instead, they should contact their physician to discuss other options for preventing the flu.

The vaccine is offered on a voluntary basis and is free of charge. Please bring your RUID. More information about the H1N1 vaccine is available at nation/. If you have any questions or concerns, you may wish to consult your private physician, who can also administer the vaccine. Influenza activity continues to increase across the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, vaccination

is the single best way to protect against influenza illness. The University’s goal is to vaccinate all interested faculty, staff and students in the priority groups. You can find more about H1N1 and University-specific information at

year, a Targum opinions letter [“Rutgers shouldn’t get caught in open-admissions trap” pointed out that the University provides many] remedial courses. Behind this statement lies the assumption that these courses symbolize that the University has lowered its standards and now accepts anybody who can read “See Spot Run.” What this assumption overlooks is that such remedial courses undoubtedly benefit many who have do not hail from schools that enable their students to become proficient in ever y subject area. While these courses are sure to help many students who may have not tried hard enough when presented the opportunity to become proficient in particular

subject areas, they also help many students who have not had the opportunity to become proficient in some subject areas. Another example of a false assumption going unquestioned was exposed last week, when the Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate introduced a recommendation that said that the Food and Drug Administration’s ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men is not against the University’s nondiscrimination policy, which includes sexual orientation. Behind this recommendation stood the dangerous assumption that men who have sex with men constitute a group of people who do not share a natural sexual orientation, but who

voluntarily engage in a risky behavior. This assumption has been used in the past to justify far more extreme actions against these men. Luckily, the Student Affairs Committee’s assumptions were successfully challenged by students and University Senators, who realized that the only thing that men who have sex with men have in common is a sexual orientation, regardless of whether or not they identify within the gay, straight or bisexual communities. As we stand united against the Westboro Baptist Church, we need to question the intent of, the effect of and the assumptions that underlie our speech. Other wise, we too may be responsible for perpetuating

ignorance and hate on campus. A good first step to do this would be by attending “Pretty Scar y Language Program” sponsored by Delta Lambda Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho and Sigma Iota Alpha tomorrow from 9:10 to 11:30 p.m. in the Graduate Student Lounge of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. This event will examine how the things that we say affect ever yone around us, whether we realize it or not.

Melodee Lasky, M.D., is the executive director of Rutgers-New Brunswick Health Services. Kathleen Gaioni, M.D., is the director of Occupational Health.

Ben West is a Rutgers College senior majoring in political science. He is also chairman of RUSA’s University Af fairs Committee. He can be reached at


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PA G E 1 2

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

OCTOBER 26, 2009

Stephan Pastis

Today's Birthday (10/26/09) This year is a bit difficult at first. Consult a teacher to resolve a problem instead of letting it fester. Imagination provides just what you need to increase your income now. Buy some new power clothes. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — The name of the game today is passion. Arrange your environment and your attire appropriately. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Notice how easy it is to fall into step with a female friend. The two of you take off in a whole new direction. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is an 8 — Your energy is running away with you. A female can help you get more centered and grounded. Ask for suggestions. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — If you've been doing your homework, you needn't sweat the details. Everything falls into place for the two of you. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Forward movement is impeded by emotional resistance. Who's resisting? Check that out with your partner. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — You know what you want. Find out what your partner wants. See if you can add two and two to get four.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is an 8 — Go for broke. The gods are on your side, and so are other people. Go out to dinner to celebrate! Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — You see that someone else is suffering. Lift that person's spirits with nourishing ideas — and food. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is an 8 — You see a way to transform a problem into an elegant solution. A female provides just the right touch. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 7 — Others can accomplish a lot more than you can today. Don't worry. You'll get your work done in plenty of time. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — Choose your actions to appeal to both male and female. Guys want action. The ladies prefer elegance. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Everybody loves a lover. Polish your romantic act and make progress in every work and social situation.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


OCTOBER 26, 2009 13

Pop Culture Shock Therapy



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OCTOBER 26, 2009



With 101 receiving yards Friday against Army, senior wide receiver Tim Brown surpassed his previous season high.

KNIGHT: Defense limits triple option to 197 yards BRYAN ANGELES/ SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The Rutgers defense, below, stifled Army’s triple option attack and gained 329 yards of total offense as true freshman quarterback Tom Savage, above, recorded his first road win in the 27-10 victory.


NOTEBOOK: Harrison nabs first catches of career continued from back “There’s a reason [Harrison] is in there,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “He’s shown enough in practice that he deser ves a chance, and if he can continue to play like this in games, he’ll keep getting more touches.” Harrison pulled in one more pass to finish with 48 yards. The Stratford, Conn., native is behind Brown, Sanu and junior Julian Hayes for receptions by RU receivers this season, but Hayes has not established himself as a reliable compliment to the starters. “He went out, stayed focused, did his job and ran his routes,” Brown said. “He showed we can rely on him and that he can make catches.”



cornerback David Rowe looked across the line, he also looked up 10 inches.

The 6-foot Rowe covered 6foot-10 Army receiver Alejandro Villanueva throughout the game. The Army senior converted to wideout after playing guard last season. “I always brag about jumping highest on the team and Florida basketball being better than Jersey basketball,” said Rowe, the Cocoa, Fla., native. “Tonight I had the chance to show off my jumping ability.” Army’s freshman quarterback Trent Steelman targeted Villanueva five times in the Black Knights’ triple option offense, but could not record a completion. In the fourth quarter, Rowe nearly intercepted two passes to Villanueva, but the 283-pound receiver knocked the ball out of Rowe’s hands. “I thought David played phenomenal,” Schiano said. “He had a couple of interception oppor tunities and ever yone was yelling at him. But [Villanueva] is 280 pounds and he is ripping at the ball. Certainly I want him to catch it, but that was a great job.”




continued from back from 17 yards out for a touchdown and RU gave up four plays of 20 yards or more on the ground. “That was just great execution by them,” said senior linebacker Damaso Munoz, who led RU with nine tackles. “Their offense is deceptive, but if you stay true to your keys, it’ll put you in the right place.” RU’s defense managed to limit the scoring by Army, despite 197 total yards on the ground, by continuing to force turnovers. Munoz fell on a fumble early and junior defensive end Alex Silvestro also recovered a fumble in the third quarter after a solid hit on the ball carrier by senior George Johnson. Redshirt freshman safety Khaseem Greene recovered a third fumble moments later adding to the defense’s threeturnover day. “That’s our M.O. — we swarm the ball,” Munoz said. “When it comes down to it, we play harder than the team we’re playing. So if we do that, we’ll cause turnovers.” RU may have ended the game with 27 points, but the offense

was not in sync at times. Savage severely overthrew senior tight end Shamar Graves and Tim Brown on the same drive when both were open for potential touchdowns, forcing the offense to settle for a field goal. “Right went it left my hands, I knew it,” Savage said on the incompletion to Graves. “I started stepping backwards and I just knew it. I said ‘I hope he makes a heck of a catch.’ Right when it happened, coach just told me to settle down and forget about it and move on.” Martinek continued to pick up steam as the game closed out, gaining 79 of his 139 yards in the fourth quarter. His two touchdowns bring his season total to a career-best seven. Prior to the fourth quarter, the Hopatcong, N.J., native had just 3.8 yards per carry on 19 attempts, and he lost the ball on the Army two-yard line with a chance to completely ice the game with eight minutes to go in the fourth quarter. “We pounded the ball like we planned all week,” Savage said. “That’s what our game plan is. We have two of the best running backs and one of the greatest offensive lines in the country, so that’s all we needed to do in these conditions.”


to break his career-high in receiving yards for a season. He did better. The Miami native caught four passes for 101 yards, putting him on pace for 1,205 yards on the season. Entering the season, there were concerns RU would be unable to replace Kenny Britt’s production. If Brown continues on his pace, he would finish just under Britt’s total of 1,371 yards from last season. “Any chance I get, I just make plays for the team,” Brown said. “I feel I have answered questions just by going out, playing hard and catching the football.”




Lovelace had his most productive game of the season in the same place he played the best game of his career. Returning to the stadium where he ran for two touchdowns and 82 yards in 2007, Lovelace completed his first pass of the season, a 33-yarder to Brown. Lovelace also operated out of the Wildcat with junior tailback Kordell Young.


Matched up against 6-foot-10 Army wideout Alejandro Villanueva, cornerback David Rowe nullified all five pass attempts thrown his way.



OCTOBER 26, 2009


Second-half surge spells RU’s demise BY KYLE FRANKO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR


Sophomore midfielder Nate Bourdeau had two of the Scarlet Knights’ four shots in Saturday’s 2-0 loss to conference rival Louisville.

Bob Reasso has said many times MEN’S SOCCER that it is 0 dif ficult RUTGERS to win 2 on the LOUISVILLE road. So when the Rutgers men’s soccer team traveled to Louisville Saturday night, it was going to take a massive effort to get any type of result. For 45 minutes the Scarlet Knights looked like they might have a chance to steal a point until the eighth-ranked Cardinals showed their class and dominated the second half en route to a 20 victory at Cardinal Park. “I thought we were good in the first half, but there is a reason why they’re the No. 8 team in the country and they showed it in the second half,” Reasso said. “It was their senior night and they’re a veteran team that is powerful, strong and aggressive. They haven’t lost at home all year and they have 11 shutouts, so you have to give them credit because they’re a very good team.”

Louisville (11-2-2, 6-2-1) broke the deadlock in the 58th minute when J.T. Murray’s pass was volleyed into the net by Paolo DelPiccolo. RU (7-8-0, 4-5-0) pushed players forward in search of an equalizer, but it was never able to threaten a stout Cardinal back line. Louisville goalkeeper Andre Boudreaux did not have to make a save in the second half and kept a clean sheet for the 11th time in 15 games. Louisville forward Colin Rolfe iced the game in the 81st minute when he doubled the Cardinals’ advantage. Gerardo Chavez broke loose on a counter attack and his cross found Rolfe on the edge of the six-yard box. All Rolfe had to do was guide the ball past sophomore goalkeeper Alex Morgans. “They wore us down a bit in the second half,” Reasso said about his team getting outshot 121 after halftime. “They are a team that fights hard and is very physical, and I thought we matched them in the first half, but they just wore us down in the second half.” The Knights had early opportunities to take the lead, but soph-

omores Nate Bourdeau and Gaetano Panuccio but could not hit the back of the net. “We’re not at the same point as Louisville yet,” Reasso said. “We’re still a young team and this was an experience we have to learn from. This is the type of game that’s going to make us better in the future. “We came out flying in the first five-to-10 minutes and could have had one or two goals. But that’s the way this game is, because if we get one there it changes the whole complexion of the game. Now they are chasing the game and it puts us in a much better position, but it will always be tough to win on the road and [Louisville’s] a very good team.” Despite the loss, RU still controls its own destiny for a place in the Big East tournament. St. John’s knocked off Cincinnati, keeping the Knights three points ahead of the Bearcats while South Florida beat Villanova, leaving RU just one point adrift of the Wildcats. The Knights host Villanova Wednesday and USF Saturday to close out the regular season.

Knights shut out by UConn on Senior Day BY STEVEN WILLIAMSON SENIOR WRITER


he Rutgers women’s basketball team held an open practice for its fans yesterday afternoon at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. “We feed off the fans; the fans give us support and make us want to play harder,” said senior forward Myia McCurdy. “By them showing us support it makes us happy, and we just want to satisfy them.”



Kuras led the Rutgers swimming and diving team to a successful opening weekend at the SWRC Invite. The Scarlet Knights secured first place finishes in all four relay events. Kuras recorded individual victories in the 100and 200-yard freestyle as well as the 100-yard breaststroke and 200-yard individual medley.



golf team closes out the first half of the year Monday at the Farleigh Dickinson Invitational. Following this tournament, the Scarlet Knights will not compete again until they begin their spring season in March. In their last competition on Oct. 10, the Knights finished third in an 18-team field at the Rutgers Invitational.




Baseball news, the Cleveland Indians named former Washington Nationals manager Many Acta to manager yesterday and the St. Louis Cardinals named slugger Mark McGwire the team’s hitting coach.



Sam Bradford will undergo season-ending shoulder surgery.

After honoring its seniors prior to Saturday’s match against Connecticut, the Rutgers field hockey FIELD HOCKEY t e a m CONNECTICUT 3 g o t down to 0 busiRUTGERS ness in its attempt to upset one of the top teams in the nation. Though the Scarlet Knights stayed within striking distance for most of the contest, the No. 7 Huskies came out on top, picking up a 3-0 victory. “I’m so proud of our girls,” said Rutgers head coach Liz Tchou. “The last couple of weeks we’ve been playing better and better, and we’re actually peaking so it’s really cool to see them playing all together and playing with a purpose to what they’re doing from freshman all the way up to seniors.” Senior forwards Sarah Dunn and Brittany Bybel nearly converted on several shots in the second half. It appeared Bybel had scored on a corner attempt when the ball found the back of the cage, but the goal was waved off by the officials. Both Dunn and Bybel finished with two shots on the day, with classmates Jessika Hoh, Chelsey Schwab and Kristen Johnson rounding out the rest of the attempts for the Knights. Freshman goalkeeper Vickie Lavell stonewalled UConn’s leading goal scorer Loren Sherer on a wide open opportunity and added several diving saves to help keep the Knights in the thick of the contest. Lavell allowed no goals during regular play — the Huskies’ three scores all came on penalty corner opportunities. “It’s exhilarating. I went in and I was a little ner vous, but once things star ted going and ever ything star ted flowing it felt good,” Lavell said. “It’s nice to go in and know that no one is looking at you as a


Senior Kristen Johnson, left, and the Rutgers field hockey team fell to Connecticut by a 3-0 margin on Senior Day. The Scarlet Knights held the Huskies scoreless for nearly 50 minutes between goals. freshman; they’re counting on you to play up to ever yone else’s standards.” Rutgers held UConn (15-2, 41) scoreless for nearly 50 minutes in between their second and third goals, but could not muster any offense on the day and the three goals by the Huskies were more than enough.

“To be honest, sometimes you get to this point in the season and you find that the morale is not where it should be, but I’ve never had a group like this who struggled with wins and losses so much but still was so into practices and playing well for one another,” she said. While sporting a 2-15 record and still searching for its first con-

ference win heading into a matchup with Syracuse Saturday, Tchou said her team’s determination has never wavered, something she attributes to her six departing seniors. “[Our drive is] a testament to the seniors and their leadership and what we’ve gone through in the last four years together,” she said.



OCTOBER 26, 2009


Pirates swashbuckle Rutgers in Big East sweep BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT

The Rutgers volleyball team continVOLLEYBALL ued to 0 struggle RUTGERS in Big 3 E a s t SETON HALL p l a y Saturday, falling to Seton Hall in three sets with scores of 25-29, 25-23 and 25-20. The loss marks the fifth straight for the Scarlet Knights and the sixth straight sweep of the team in Big East play. It also drops the team to 8-15 overall and 1-7 in the Big East. “I think we came out a little late,” head coach CJ Werneke said. “I think both teams were ver y similar and matched up well; we just couldn’t play defensively or get any stops.” Getting stops against the Pirates was not just difficult; the Knights had to contend with one of the best games hitting percentage-wise of the season. Over three sets, the Pirates put up percentages of .485, .389 and .436 — something that the Knights simply could not contend with. But RU fixed some of the errors that have been haunting the second half of its season, resulting in a 19-point score being the lowest of three sets. “We didn’t have as many hitting errors,” Werneke said. “We eliminated some of the


Outside hitter Caitlin Saxton (10) had another strong performance this weekend against Seton Hall. The junior recorded 13 kills and 10 digs for her eighth double-double of the season. unforced errors, but unfor tunately when we fix something then something else doesn’t go our way.”

The lack of errors against the Hall actually helped the Knights’ play tremendously. After a rusty .111 killing percentage in the first

set, RU responded by posting consecutive .333 percentages, enabling the squad to keep much closer to the Pirates (9-14, 3-5).

Junior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton continued her strong play, registering 13 kills and 10 digs for her eighth double-double of the season. She leads the team in kills this season with 291. “She’s been what we really wanted her to be,” Werneke said. “It’s pretty remarkable to see her sustain that level of play day in and day out, even when teams know that she’s one of our best player and they’re looking to stop her and they can’t do that.” The defeat puts the Knights in a large hole for the rest of the season. RU has to win out against the rest of their Big East opponents to reach the .500 mark in conference play by the end of the season. But as optimistic as one could be, with Big East powerhouse Notre Dame still on the schedule pulling even for the season seems highly unlikely. Still, Werneke wants his team to stay with the original gameplan in hopes that the Knights can put a strong finish to a season that fizzled to almost nothing after the strongest start in five years. “I think we have some important matches coming up and just continue to stick to the plan,” Werneke said. “At this point last year we were 0-7. We didn’t get our first Big East win until the third to last weekend. We’re just going to continue to focus on playing well.”

Conference expected to be challenging once again BY STEVEN WILLIAMSON SENIOR WRITER

NEW YORK — Thirteen postseason berths in 2009, two teams in the WOMEN’S BASKETBALL N C A A National Championship and a squad that went a perfect 39-0 last season en route to its fifth national title in the past decade.

Welcome to women’s basketball in the Big East Conference. After last year’s perfect campaign, Connecticut was unanimously selected by the coaches to repeat as conference champion this season. The Huskies’ junior All-American Maya Moore was also named Preseason Player of the Year. The coaches picked Rutgers, entering the year with a lineup


Connecticut junior forward Maya Moore, right, was a unanimous selection as the Big East Preseason Player of the Year.

devoid of center Kia Vaughn, forward Heather Zurich and guard Epiphanny Prince, to finish sixth. “When you lose everything at one time, it is difficult,” said Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer in a statement. “We have faced challenges before but none like this, losing both the interior and the perimeter.” Stringer did not attend the event due to a death in the family, and was replaced by associate head coach Carlene Mitchell. “As coach Stringer preaches, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish,” Mitchell said. “We’re a great team right now. We might not have the names that everyone is used to us having, but were really excited about this group we’ve been able to put together.” Playing in the Big East is not something the team plans to take lightly. “From top to bottom, the league is extremely tough. Think about it: The Big East had teams win both the NCAA Championship and the [Women’s National Invitation Tournament],” Stringer said. “And to top that, we had two teams compete for the national title. That is amazing and speaks volumes to the parity of the league.” As one of three seniors on the Knights’ roster, senior guard Brittany Ray is ready and willing to take on. “I had glimpses of [the role] last year; coach Stringer just wanted to know where the leadership was coming from now,” Ray said. “I’m familiar with it, so I’ve been a much more vocal leader on the cour t and I’m extending myself to all the underclassmen.” Despite her former teammates’ off-season departures, Ray

and her squad are determined to go out and prove that RU is still a force to be reckoned with. “It’s a ver y big year for us, because we sort of have a little chip on our shoulder right now,” she said. “People have their doubts, but we just want to go out and exceed ever yone’s expectations.” But no one receives a bigger trial by fire this year than new Cincinnati head coach Jamelle Elliott. Having played on UConn’s 1995 title team and serving as an assistant coach for the Huskies since 1997, Elliott is all too familiar with the rigors of the Big East. The newcomer receives her conference baptism in January against national runner-up Louisville. “Well, welcome to the Big East, right? Welcome rookie,” Elliott said. “I’m in the best conference in the country and that can be a good or a bad thing. Not many people can say they have a head coaching opportunity in the Big East, but at the same time that can be looked at as ‘Wow, she has her work cut out for her.’” Despite losing some of its top players to graduation in the offseason, the conference still features some of the biggest names in the countr y in UConn’s Moore, Tina Charles and Tiffany Hayes. Notre Dame, tabbed as second in the preseason rankings, sports two preseason All-Big East selections heading into the year, as well as freshman Skylar Diggins, who was named Preseason Freshman of the Year. “I think ever y year [the conference loses] really good players who become pros, and yet ever y year we have new players who are going to become pros. It’s a constant stream of good talent coming in and good tal-

CONFERENCE’S BEST BREAK DOWN BIG EAST The Daily Targum’s associate sports editor and former women’s basketball beat writer Sam Hellman takes you inside Big East Media Day with a look at what the best of the conference thinks about the 2009-10 season. “There are some really good players that graduated that have to be replaced. ... After you get past us and Notre Dame — who everybody thinks are top10 teams in the country — three through 12, you’re probably not going to separate them very much. In that respect, getting through our league this year is going to be a bitch.” — Connecticut head coach Geno Auriemma on the difficulty of the Big East “Kia Vaughn, in my opinion, is the one that we really struggled with because she’s just a force down low. It’s funny. After our last game I told her, ‘You had a great career, but I’m sure-as-Hell glad you’re leaving because I don’t want to see her anymore.’” — West Virginia head coach Mike Carey on Rutgers’ loss of Kia Vaughn Check out for more. ent leaving,” said Notre Dame head coach Muffet McGraw. “I would see this as a year where we’re going to take seven, eight or even nine teams to the NCAA Tournament.”



OCTOBER 26, 2009







The Rutgers men’s basketball team hosted its annual Scarlet MEN’S BASKETBALL T i p - O f f last night in front of a few hundred fans at the College Avenue Gym. The Scarlet Knights ran through several practice drills before breaking down into a scrimmage. Here are seven observations from last night’s outing: 1. Head coach Fred Hill Jr. called this the most athletic team he’s had since he took over. That’s true. “Coach told us from the beginning that he wants to be a running team,” said freshman forward Austin Johnson. “We have to


be in the best shape of our lives because he wants us to get out and run and wear teams down.” 2. Sophomore for ward Gregor y Echenique improved both his inside and outside game. 3. Freshman forward Dane Miller is still raw, but has some serious hops. 4. Johnson does too, and he’s a more polished player. “A lot of times people don’t get to see the stuff that goes on behind the scenes and I know it hasn’t been a great three years under coach Hill, but I feel like this is the year, with everything we’ve done in the weight room, that this is going to be a better year,” Johnson said. 5. Senior center Hamady N’Diaye hit the gym in the offseason and bulked up. It will serve him well in the rugged Big East.

“I feel like [I’ve gotten bigger]. I’ve been working on it a lot,” N’Diaye said. “I not only worked in the weight room, but on my game as well and those things go together, and I feel like it’s really going to come together this year.” 6. Junior for ward Jonathan Mitchell has championship experience after two seasons at Florida and finally got on the court after sitting out last year under transfer rules. The Knights need him because he might be the most consistent shooter they’re going to have on the floor. 7. Sophomore guard Mike Rosario is still a streaky shooter, but he’s the engine that drives this team. The Knights open the season Nov. 14 against Marist at the Louis Brown Athletic Center.


Counterclockwise, from top right: Hamady N’Diaye, Muhamed Hasani, Austin Johnson and Dane Miller, Gregory Echenique and N’Diaye, Hasani and Mike Rosario



PA G E 2 0

OCTOBER 26, 2009


1 17 3

2 0 0

3 3 7

4 7 0

Final 27 10


Despite putting forth just 60 rushing yards in the first three quarters, sophomore running back Joe Martinek, left, and the Scarlet Knights took over to pull away from Army in the fourth quarter. Martinek finished with 139 yards on the ground and he scored his sixth and seventh touchdowns of the year, the highest total since Ray Rice in 2007.

KNIGHT AND DAY Rutgers rebounds from disappointing loss to Pittsburgh by running over Army in Savage’s first road victory BY SAM HELLMAN ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

WEST POINT, N.Y. — The conditions could not get much worse for Tom Savage in his first road start as a Scarlet Knight. With the rain pouring down, temperatures in the 40s and his FOOTBALL starting left tackle benched for the start of the game, the true freshman quarterback had his work cut out for him against Army. A 32-yard strike to freshman wide receiver Mark Harrison quickly changed that as Savage led the Rutgers football team



down the field for an early go-ahead touchdown and a lead that the Scarlet Knights never relinquished. “I felt like I took a step today getting a ‘W’ in that first away game,” Savage said after a 27-10 win over the Black Knights at Michie Stadium. “When I was walking out there, I kind of got the chills a little bit because I had never been in an away game and it just didn’t feel real for me.” Savage finished the day at a 50 percent passing clip and totaled 164 yards. “I think Tom played well,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “He moved in the pocket well and that’s a ver y good defense. They [entered] ranked 17th in the country. They


South Florida No. 20 Pittsburgh

14 41


Louisville No. 5 Cincinnati

10 41


Connecticut No. 22 West Virginia Akron Syracuse

do some different things [defensively], and I thought Tom had a good outing.” RU (5-1, 0-2) first got into the end zone — without the help of junior left tackle Anthony Davis, who was late to a team function and had to start the game on the bench — on a four-yard run by sophomore running back Joe Martinek. “I think he ran well. There is no doubt,” Schiano said. “Joe’s a strong guy, so as the game goes on, defenses wear down.” The Knights’ defense followed suit by doing what they do best — swarming the ball. After forcing a three-and-out against the Black Knights’ (3-5) triple option attack, true freshman linebacker Steve

24 28 14 28


Beauharnais got a lick on the Army punt protectors and blocked the punt, returning it 11 yards for a game-deciding score at the end of the first quarter. The touchdown marked the fifth defensive score of the season and the first of the Saddle Brook, N.J., native’s career. “I blocked it, I was looking for the ball, which was right there in front of me,” Beauharnais said. “And instincts just took over.” Though RU gave up just 10 points, the husky running ability of Army and the triple option found success against the Knights. Army freshman Lonnie Liggins ran the ball in




Total Yds 329 213

Pass 196 16

Rush 132 197

EXTRA POINT The number of defensive touchdowns the Scarlet Knights have through seven games this season. Freshman linebacker Steve Beauharnais’ blocked punt and touchdown return was the team’s fifth of the year after a trio of pick-sixes by Ryan D’Imperio, Antonio Lowery and David Rowe and a fumble recovery by George Johnson.



WEST POINT, N.Y. — The search will continue, but the Rutgers football team might be closer to finding its third wide receiver. After earning the most playing time of his young career against Pittsburgh last week, freshman wideout Mark Harrison made his first catch Friday night against Army. “It was amazing,” Harrison said. “I’ve worked my butt off in practice

and I’m just trying to take one day at a time, keep working hard and keep moving forward.” On third-and-14 in the first quarter, Harrison cut across the middle and caught a pass at his ear for a first down and some extra yardage. The 32-yard reception gave him the most productive game this season for any receiver other than senior Tim Brown and freshman Mohamed Sanu.


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