The Daily Targum 2010-09-23

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Volume 142, Number 16







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Today: Sunny


High: 83 • Low: 61

While most students roam around campus are plugged in to music, some are creating their own sound. Inside Beat zooms in on these local hip-hop artists on the rise.


DREAM Act fuels discussion



Book questions stereotypes of single women


A book written by two University professors delivers a multifaceted view about single women as a demographic, tracking their plight from the 19th century to struggles yet to come. History Professors Virginia Yans and Rudolph Bell’s book “Women on Their Own” is the product of five years of work, which began at the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis as a study of single women. It has since evolved into an anthology with passages from members of the University’s faculty, as well as from colleges across the country. “In the United States, the number of single people is increasing substantially, and these are not just widowed people or involuntarily single people, but it also includes people who decide not to marry,” Yans said. She said many women today have made the choice to be single. “In the past, bachelors have had an accepted lifestyle, but now we have more and more women who are electing not to marry and singleness is a specific status,” Yans said. The professors’ definition of being single does not just take into account whether someone has married yet. “In a sense, you’re looking at whether or not a person can marry,” Yans said. “Also there are gay people who are not allowed to marry. Now, you have this highly complex group of people under a rubric called ‘single’ that don’t really identify with each other as a group.” The authors target single women and men and encourage them to be aware of such biases in legislation toward married couples. The book is also a way of persuading


Students debate the DREAM Act, which would allow children of illegal immigrants to become citizens through college or military service, last night in Frelinghuysen Hall.

The Latino American Womyn’s Organization held a debate last night on the College Avenue campus in order to critically look at both the benefits and downfalls of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act. The audience of the debate, held in the lounge area of Frelinghuysen Hall, heard the viewpoints of two University students in favor of the DREAM Act, with debaters against it absent. The DREAM Act would allow children of illegal immigrants an opportunity to obtain citizenship if they have completed either a college education or served in the military for two years. Political Chair of LAWO Lesley Pairol said the purpose of the debate was to allow people who are either for or against the DREAM Act to voice their opinion, saying she hoped to


MCCORMICK TO HOLD ANNUAL ADDRESS University President Richard L. McCormick will hold his eighth annual presidential address tomorrow at 1:10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. McCormick will highlight the accomplishments of University faculty, students and administrators during this past year, according to University Media Relations.

Topics to be discussed include the impact of dwindling state suppor t for higher education, the University’s goal to generate growth in New Jersey, and the University’s commitment to increase the geographic diversity of its student body and to ser ve nontraditional students ef fectively, according to University Media Relations.

McCormick will also discuss the University’s commitment to of fer more international experiences for students, according to University Media Relations. There will also be a question and answer session. — Ariel Nagi


Dispute heats up in Congressional race BY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO UNIVERSITY EDITOR

Two candidates went headto-head last week during the race for one of the seats in the House of Representatives of the 12th Congressional District, which covers parts of Middlesex County. In a Trenton press conference last week, Democratic incumbent Rush Holt criticized his challenger Scott Sipprelle for a newsletter his opponent published that suggested a reduction in unemployment benefits to below minimum wage. But Sipprelle said the information was taken out of context. He clarified that this idea would only apply to extensions of benefits for those who ran out. “[Holt] has been not only taking the statements out of

context, but distorting and, in fact, fabricating statements,” said Sipprelle, an investment banker from Princeton. Sipprelle expressed discontent with the media’s coverage on the back and forth in the election thus far and thinks there are other issues to focus on. “We need to figure out how to create high-paying jobs,” he said. “That’s what I really wish journalists and people who are writing articles would talk about.” Sipprelle launched his campaign with the intention of talking about issues that matter to people but thinks that Holt’s campaign has a different agenda. “Mr. Holt is seeing fit in all of his media outreach and voter communications to do nothing but trash Scott Sipprelle,” he said.



INDEX UNIVERSITY A project aims to teach New Brunswick middle school girls about leadership skills.

OPINIONS KFC pays college women $500 to wear sweatpants with “Double Down” on the back.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14


Sophomore linebacker Steve Beauharnais started the final three games of last season on the strongside for the Rutgers football team, but this year he transitioned to the middle, where he makes the calls and checks as the quarterback of the defense. See BACK for full story.

SPORTS . . . . . . BACK




SEPTEMBER 23, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club FRIDAY HIGH 90 LOW 65



TODAY Sunny, with a high of 83° TONIGHT Mostly clear, with a low of 61°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

GUEST LECTURER INITIATES PROJECT CIVILITY Project Civility will kick off its two-year, campus-wide initiative Wednesday Sept. 29 with a public lecture featuring P.M Forni, an advocate of civil behavior. “No society can survive it if does not have a substantial amount of goodness,” Forni said in a University Media Relations press release. Forni will moderate a panel discussion, “What does Civility Do for Us? Respect, Restraint and Responsibility in Public and Political Life.” The panel will include philosophy Professor Ruth Chang, Executive Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Douglas Greenberg and others. Project Civility aims to instill a sense of social understanding and respect at the University, according to the release. The project also intends to lessen antagonism through peaceful communication. Forni will also offer an interactive workshop for University professional staff and students involved in Residence Life, during which he will provide tools to build a respectable community, according to the release. Forni has been a professor at Johns Hopkins University for 20 years and was the co-creator of the John Hopkins Civility Project in 1997. The Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Undergraduate Education are sponsoring the project. — Reena Diamante


PA G E 3

NJ history goes digital for high school students BY RASHMEE KUMAR CONTRIBUTING WRITER

It may often seem like major historical events are beyond the University’s reach, but one project brings a local feel to national affairs. The Electronic New Jersey project, a digital archive that compiles primary source material for secondary education, is developing three new lesson modules — “Civil Rights at Rutgers in the 1960s,” “Title IX and Women’s Athletics at Rutgers” and “U.S. Senator Clifford Case and the Issue of Executive Power” — that relay historical events from a New Jerseyan’s perspective. The project’s co-directors William Fernekes and Thomas Frusciano, along with six Hunterdon Central Regional High School social studies teachers, selected documents for the modules from Special Collections and University Archives during two weeks in July at the Scholarly Communication Center in Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus. Students at the high school can relate to these lessons more than schoolbooks, which tend not to involve places near them, University Archivist Frusciano said. “We have materials that document something that took place in their area, so it’s closer to home,” he said. “Textbooks only give a summary treatment, so

this is a way of amplifying it and events and Rutgers histor y,” making history more alive.” Frusicano said. “[Since] I am the The website offers 10 modules University Archivist, I deal with ranging from “The American the history of Rutgers and docuRevolution” to “Social Protests of mentation of that history.” the 1960s and 1970s” — all of Fernekes chose HCRHS social which are presented from a New studies teachers Keith Dennison, Jersey perspective. Ken Kotcher, Adam Leonard, “By making local connections Laura Sproul, Sharon Sweeney between New Jersey content and and Lindsay Warren to work on major historical topics and themes the latest modules. in U.S. history, students are more “[I chose the teachers for] interested and their high-quality motivated to examscholarship, ine these key ideas strong work ethic “It’s our way as part of their U.S. and deep interest of contributing history courses in in both New middle and high what we have here Jersey history and school curricula,” the specific topics and what we know.” for this phase of said Fernekes, HCRHS supervisor the project,” THOMAS FRUSCIANO of social studies. Fernekes said. Electronic New Jersey Project The documents To develop the Co-director and photographs project, two teachare in the process ers took on each of being scanned to go up on the topic and were responsible for website, Frusciano said. finding suitable archival materials The modules will include con- to go along with learning activitemporar y accounts of civil ties, he said. rights activism, memos and “The teachers are going to interviews on Title IX implemen- field test these modules with tation at the University and let- their classes to get feedback,” ters and speeches by former Frusciano said. “They’re going Sen. Clifford Case among other to come back at least one time materials collected from Special during the fall to talk about the Collections and University results, so we’re looking at the Archives, Fernekes said. end of this year to go live with “My role was to identify a lot of the modules.” the source material. Two of the Sweeney, who worked on the three modules that are being “Civil Rights at Rutgers” module, developed are based on Rutgers said her students enjoy learning

through the Electronic New Jersey modules. “It brings a unique New Jersey perspective to the table as part of the larger picture of what’s going on in American society,” she said. “The units are interactive, so the students are engaged and not bored with learning.” Fernekes, Frusciano and a number of school districts across the state established the Electronic New Jersey project in 1997 with grants from the New Jersey Historical Commission. “[Electronic New Jersey] was based on a project that one of my students had done for one of her classes,” Frusciano said. “She did a study of historical primar y source material in secondar y education, which led to thinking how we could develop this into an actual project through the Internet.” He said it is important for the University to be involved with secondar y education through these kinds of projects. “It’s an example of how Rutgers ser ves the state,” Frusciano said. “It’s our way of contributing what we have here and what we know to secondary and elementary schools.” The project’s development is made possible by a $10,400 grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, administered by HCRHS, according to the University Libraries’ website.


SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

DISPUTE: Sipprelle wants less relying on minimum wage continued from front When it comes down to it, Holt does have other things he wants to focus on, said Chris Donnelly, a spokesman for Holt. “I can tell you Rep. Holt very much wants to focus on the issues,” Donnelly said. “He knows people are struggling and knows people out there need help, and that is what he wants to focus on.” Donnelly said Holt wishes to pay attention to policies that will put citizens back to work and help those who are struggling. But to do so, Holt needs to shed light on Sipprelle’s policies, which he thinks could potentially hurt working-class people and people within the district, Donnelly said. Regardless of whether his policies are truly detrimental, Sipprelle’s proposition to lower benefits is just one aspect of a larger plan to create more high-paying jobs in America, a plan he has been centering his campaign around. “I’ve addressed this issue with all sorts of initiatives to … create more incentives for companies to relocate jobs in America as opposed to outside,” Sipprelle said. He is aiming to give job creators incentives to expand their


businesses rather than contract- Donnelly said. “We had two indiing them or closing their doors. viduals with us [at the press conBy encouraging expansion, ference] who have been unemthese businesses would in turn ployed but are currently looking create jobs, Sipprelle said. for work.” “The government cannot solve He said unemployed citizens those problems. The government do not need Sipprelle to lower does not create jobs,” he said. their already low benefits. “Jobs are created by people who “I think the issue really is that are risk takers, who commit capi- the unemployment benefit is not tal to expand or start a business.” a lot of money, and I think people This philosophy stems from with unemployment are strughis own experience as an gling as is,” Donnelly said. “There investor, Sipprelle said. He spent are people with unemployment his entire profesthat are trying to sional career keep their house.” investing money Janice Fine, a “Can’t we agree in entrepreneurs University Labor that people should Studies with ideas for and business growth. Employment get paid more “Frankly, I Relations assistant for working than think that busiprofessor, said as ness common of July 1, the state not for working?” sense is in very minimum wage is scarce supply in $7.25. SCOTT SIPPRELLE Washington Economic poliRepublican Candidate today,” he said. cies calculate that In response to the cost of living in Holt’s attack, Sipprelle asked New Jersey for a family of four one question. would require an income ranging “Can’t we agree that people between $49,572 and $57,144, should get paid more for work- Fine said. ing than not for working?” “With automatic cost of livSipprelle said. ing adjustments, [the Minimum But Holt believes the goal of Wage Advisor y Commission in Sipprelle’s policy is not only to New Jersey] determined that reward workers but to give unem- the current minimum wage was ployed people incentives to work insufficient to support a family as well, Donnelly said. in N.J.,” she said. “[They] actu“Unemployed workers don’t ally proposed that the minimum need further incentives. They are wage be increased to $8.25 out there trying to find jobs,” an hour.”


T H E DA I LY TA R G U M Fine said 1-in-5 families cannot make ends meet and are below the poverty line. Despite the numbers, Sipprelle said he does not want any more people living on minimum wage. “I want more people on real wages that come from employment and focusing on ways to get people the opportunities to earn much more than the livable wage,” he said. While both sides may agree the bottom line is that Americans are unemployed in large numbers, Holt has a different approach to the problem. “Congressman Holt has actually been a very vocal sponsor of online training programs, of extending unemployment benefits,” Donnelly said. “Rush has been out there working hard to get people back on jobs.” Such efforts include sessions for small businesses across the district that inform them of available help as well as incentives they have for hiring unemployed workers, Donnelly said. “I think the headline is that America is in a jobs crisis,” Sipprelle said. “It’s not just the people struggling to sur vive on unemployment benefits. It’s college graduates coming out and facing generational destr uction because they’re not seeing the same oppor tunities that I had coming out of college.”

Biden talks future of science in America BY YASHMIN PATEL CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Vice President Joe Biden hosted a roundtable meeting at the White House Tuesday with six presidents from leading research universities to discuss how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will affect the future of America. “Science is back in the White House,” Biden said. The Recovery Act provided more than $18 billion for scientific research through the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, according to The White House. The Recovery Act, which Biden called an investment in the world’s brightest minds, supported university research programs and has helped boost the American economy. The portion of the Recovery Act funds that has supported research projects alone is responsible for more than 50,000 jobs thus far, he said. The funds provide for advancement in scientific research as well as economic growth, Biden said. “It’s not just about the scientific advancement of tomorrow,” he said. “It’s about actual economic growth today.” Biden said the future of health care and energy production lie in America. President Barack Obama’s administration made these investments because it believes that its economic future will grow from ideas that are incubating at universities, he said. The United States is ranked eighth in the world in research and development and can no longer afford to lag behind the other countries, Biden said. A study conducted last year shows research and development is a factor that goes into determining how competitive a country is, he said. The study found the United States was ranked No. 40 out of 40 while China was ranked No. 1. It also shows that the United States has done less than any other country to improve their position in the last decade, Biden said. “This is unacceptable,” he said. “If we don’t put our researchers in researches and developments to make us more competitive, economies are going to continue to invest overseas, jobs are going to continue to be shipped overseas, and the U.S. will not be able to lead the 21st century remotely in the way it did in the 20th century.” University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann said investing in the university’s program helps tackle scientific problems that lead to new discoveries and will help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. “The stimulus funding has created new knowledge and new jobs that are truly life-saving and life-improving,” she said. Research funded by the Recovery Act led to breakthroughs in Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and many other diseases, according to a White House e-mail.




SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


SEPTEMBER Students United for Middle Eastern Justice will host “Gender in the Middle East and its Diasporas” from 7 to 11 p.m. in Trayes Hall in the Douglass Campus Center. The event will feature a panel of five speakers, including Director of Women and Gender Studies at Montclair State University Fawzia AfzalKhan and Raja Salloum, ArabAmerican mental health clinician at the Mental Health Assocation in Passaic County. There will be a question and answer session following the panel. This event is free and open to all. Food and refreshments will be served. Direct all questions to


University President Richard L. McCormick will make his annual address at 1:10 p.m. during the University Senate meeting. This year’s address with be held in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus and will focus on important challenges facing the school in the year ahead. At the conclusion of the speech, McCormick will take questions on any university topic.


The Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey will host a kickoff symposium, “Cutting Edge Technologies for Understanding Complex Human Diseases,” in the Life Sciences Building on Busch campus. The audience will include students, faculty and professionals from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries who are interested in learning more from worldrenowned scientists using innovative technologies to further our understanding of the hereditary basis of complex human diseases such as autism, cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Registration is free but required. For more information contact Karima Ravenell at (732)-4451027 ext. 40058 or

Rutgers Students for Environmental Awareness aims to raise awareness about environmental issues in a way that is enjoyable and fun for our members and the students we reach out to. We are committed to creating environmental change in both the Rutgers and New Jersey communities by developing awareness campaigns and going above and beyond for the sake of the public and of the environment. Interested in joining? Come to our weekly meetings, every Monday at 9 p.m. in the Merle V. Adams room in the Cook Campus Center, or e-mail us at


To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to


Students share an outdoor lunch at yesterday’s annual Douglass picnic on the College Hall grounds. The event, sponsored by Douglass Residential College, worked to foster a sense of community throughout the campus with food and live music.



SEPTEMBER 23, 2010




Two debaters, Jorge Casalins and John Aspray, advocate for the DREAM Act, claiming it would have no adverse economic impact.

ACT: Audience did not voice

Patel asked the debaters what the University community needs much opposition to DREAM Act to do to help the DREAM Act pass at the state level. “What I would urge is for stucontinued from front dents on individual campuses to provide students with two dif- put pressure on leaders at the University ... to implement an inferent viewpoints. “The event is part of a week- state policy here at Rutgers,” long event of spreading informa- Aspray said. “At Rutgers, there is tion [on the DREAM Act] but sort of a vague policy. There is no today is the opportunity for those clear path for [undocumented] who are against it to say why,” students entering Rutgers.” Casalins added to Aspray’s said Pairol, a School of Arts and statement, saying it is not so Sciences senior. The two debaters in favor of the much an issue for undocumented DREAM Act, Jorge Casalins and students to enter the University John Aspray, started the discus- because they are already here sion off by explaining their reasons and pay out-of-state tuition. “That’s not what we’re lookfor the act to pass in the Senate. Casalins, a School of Arts and ing at. But what we are doing is Sciences sophomore, said the urging our Board of Governors DREAM Act is needed for the to change the way they deterstate because of the high popula- mine in-state and out-of-state tuition,” he said. “To determine tion of illegal immigrants. where you live, “New Jersey is you simply the No. 6 most “We shouldn’t have require a report populated undocucard. We are urgmented immito wait for the ing [University] grant state, yet we aren’t among the DREAM [Act] to get P r e s i d e n t [Richard L.] 10 who have inpassed for us McCormick to state tuition [for undocumented to take a step in the take a stand and urge the Board of immigrants],” said right direction.” Governors to Casalins, political change [the polichair of the Latino JORGE CASALINS cy].” Student Council. School of Arts and Sciences The University’s “So it is actually Sophomore policies on who long overdue and receives in-state we shouldn’t have to wait for the DREAM [Act] to tuition reflect New Jersey get passed for us to take a step in Administrative Code 9A:5, which requires that individuals be domithe right direction.” He said the DREAM Act actu- ciled in the state for 12 months ally does more than he hopes to before becoming eligible for in-state tuition, according to the University accomplish at this point. “We’re asking for a simpler admissions website. To be considered domiciled in premise which is just to allow students who have been paying taxes the country, one needs to be a to get the subsidy that they right- legal citizen. Although the chairs for fully deserve,” he said. President of the Roosevelt debaters in opposition were left Institute Bhavin Patel along with vacant, some of the students in Neil P. Kypers, editor-in-chief of attendance voiced their concerns The Daily Targum, moderated to the panel. One member of the audience the event and challenged the debaters on how the DREAM Act asked how undocumented stuwould not only help undocument- dents would affect financial aid if ed immigrants but also how it the DREAM Act passes. Casalins said he is actually affects New Jersey. Aspray, chair of Rutgers strongly against providing undocUniversity Student Assembly umented students with financial Internal Affairs Committee, reit- aid and showed opposition erated the conclusion of the toward doing so. “My financial aid comes from Office of Legislative services for the federal government,” he the state. “[They] put forth that there said. “What we are asking for is would be no adverse impact on to give the opportunity to get the economy to allow undocu- the in-state tuition that their mented students to acquire in- taxes have subsidized and that they have paid for.” state tuition,” he said.



U. group inspires young girls through literature BY JACQUELYN ALVAREZ CONTRIBUTING WRITER

For middle school girls facing troubles, a program at the New Brunswick Free Public Library can offer a place of rest. The library and the Institute for Women’s Leadership at the University partnered to create the Bee Real Project, a safe zone of literature-based discussion between middle school girls and University women. Now in its second year, this year’s program began Sept. 21 as a combination of a book discussion and a mentoring program, said Camille Thompson, the young-adult librarian who supervises the project. “The book is used as a vehicle to start conversations on self-confidence and other issues facing middle schoolers,” Thompson said. “The Secret Life of Bees,” written by Sue Monk Kidd, is the book that the project was named after, she said. The discussion this year works around the novel “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros. The book is a good fit because it tackles concepts that deal with cultural identity and sexual issues, Thompson said. “The House on Mango Street” is broken up into vignettes — brief literary descriptive scenes — as opposed to chapters. During each session, the group discusses a particular vignette and then participates in arts and crafts projects and interactive activities afterward, said Daphne Dupervil, student leader of the project. “The goal of the program is to get these girls to think about being leaders entering high school,” Thompson said. Literary analysis is also a main target, she said. “While discussing the book, students will reflect on their own lives and identities while increasing their literacy and social study skills,” according to a New Brunswick Free Public Library press release. Other topics they plan to discuss include body image, sexuality, coming of age, secrets, leadership, character and role models,

said Dupervil, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. Dupervil inherited this project from its previous initiator Vanity Jenkins, a University alumna. As a second-year scholar in IWL, it was necessar y for Duper vil to take on a social action project. The Elizabeth, N.J., native said she can relate to these girls because of where she grew up. These are kids with energy and ideas, but lacking a certain level of proficiency, Dupervil said. This group tries to encourage literacy. Aside from Bee Real, Dupervil worked with Girls Educational & Mentoring Services, a program for girls between 12 and 21 years old who had been commercially trafficked and forced into prostitution. She feels this experience makes her adequately equipped to aid these girls in their transitions to adulthood. “I feel like since I’ve been a mentor in other after-school programs, I’m interested in women’s rights, adolescent and women’s health issues,” Dupervil said. She hopes that by creating these relationships, more girls will be able to succeed academically despite the low proficiency and economic status of New Brunswick. The mentors assigned to the girls in the program will stay in contact with them in between meetings of the project, Dupervil said. The hope is that they will create a relationship where the girls can confide and ask advice of their mentors. The program is provided free of charge to all members, Thompson said. They are planning to set up a table during back-to-school night at the local schools to encourage more participants to come out, Dupervil said. The Bee Real Project is still seeking mentors to join. “Overall, [the goal] is to create a mentee/mentor relationship because some students slip through the cracks,” Dupervil said. Dupervil hopes that the project will extend until the end of the year past November. Bee Real meets ever y other Tuesday in the basement of the librar y.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010



BOOK: Authors say being single affects business world continued from front those students interested in policymaking to consider whether the government’s approaches toward single people are discriminator y, such the marriage benefit on income tax. “There are lots of government policies people don’t know about that favor married people over single people,” Bell said. Being single may also be detrimental in the business world, Yans said. “I believe that corporation favors married persons over single persons, and that’s discriminator y,” she said. “In fact, if there are more and more single people who are not enjoying family status — that kind of policy is highly discriminator y.” Looking to change public policy was not the professors’ only motivation behind performing research on singleness. “The scholarly implications of the work are to sharply move historians and literar y critics in the direction of seeing single women positively, as having chosen their singleness or doing ver y well at making the best of it,” Bell said. The benefits of being single are often overlooked, he said. “Many people may be aware of studies done by sociologists saying “Being a that married single woman people are generally hapis always seen pier while sinas a struggle.” gle people suffer from SAMIRA PAYDAR depression School of Arts and and health Sciences Sophomore issues,” Bell said. “We were looking to take a more positive view on singleness.” The work also aims to empower women specifically by exposing and contradicting popular stereotypes about single women, particularly single unwed mothers, who Bell said are looked at as morally inferior. School of Arts and Sciences first-year student Shantae Bedassie is familiar with such stereotypes but does not subscribe to them. “They’re on welfare, uneducated and have a lot of children from different fathers that they can’t care for,” she said, recalling stereotypes about single moms. “I don’t believe these stereotypes are true because, growing up, my mother was single and she raised me and my younger brother alone, and I ended up here.” Samira Paydar, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said single women are oftentimes seen as incomplete, but this is not the truth. “Being a single woman is always seen as a struggle, but she is completely capable of working by herself,” she said. “She doesn’t need a man.” The professors hope the book, which was printed in paperback in July, will bring their studies to prominence at the University and beyond. “That’s why they put it on paperback,” Yans said. “It’s a hot, new topic and a hot, new subject matter. It’s topical.” The professors also founded a website that Yans described as an interactive bibliography of major works on singleness.


SEPTEMBER 23, 2010




PA G E 1 0

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


KFC ads demean college women T

he word “Juicy” has long graced the rear ends of college girls across the nation. It has objectified women for years now, and while there has been opposition to this new fashion, Kentucky Fried Chicken hit back using its Double Down sandwich. The company is offering college women $500 each to wear fitted sweatpants with “Double Down” in large letters across their behinds, according to USA Today. The only valid reaction to this is — how embarrassing. Those girls who choose to be humiliated for a few bucks go against anything women’s rights advocates have accomplished. Girls who agree to wear KFC’s humiliating advertising attempt are, simply put, embarrassing themselves and women in general. The reality is there are places for female objectification, but that is their purpose. Hooters, for example, may put women on display and may be criticized by many, but at least its purpose is clear. Hooters is a restaurant one can choose to go to. In the case of the KFC ads, women — mostly college-aged — choose to walk around campuses shamelessly promoting a fast-food chain. Here it isn’t nudity that is embarrassing. It isn’t even as much the fact that these girls choose to do it for the $500. It is mostly the words “Double Down,” the fact that KFC has placed an ad on someone’s behind and the fact that these people spend their day parading in front of classmates and professors alike. KFC has taken a big step toward lowering its standards, and it brings along the college women who choose to sell themselves out. Putting oneself in these women’s shoes proves to be the strongest argument against KFC’s rotten tactics. Walking around in front of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus exposes these girls to everyone — professors, colleagues and classmates. It takes a girl with very little self-respect to put herself on display in this manner. The entire idea of doing this is lowly. KFC and the Colonel have been portraying a more family-style fast-food dining that upholds old Southern values. This era seems to be over. The Colonel has turned into a creepy curmudgeonly fellow who uses the younger, more inexperienced generations of women who seem to have lost their selfrespect. It is ultimately the fault of those who agree to this $500 proposal, and it is their bodies that are on display. It is embarrassing and humiliating. And most of all, it is a complete reversal of anything women’s rights advocates have done in the past century or so.

Privacy disappears with GPS tracking P

rivacy still has its place in public places, but perhaps not for long. According to, “the Obama administration has urged a federal appeals court to allow the government, without a court warrant, to affix GPS devices on suspects’ vehicles to track their every move.” This is simply another move that seeks to re-establish the Patriot Act, albeit under a supposedly liberal administration. It appears then that President Barack Obama hasn’t brought on as much change as he has revitalized past policing priorities. It is an understatement to call this an invasion of privacy. In the eyes of the government and more accurately, the Justice Department, anyone could be a “suspect.” The only line between a suspect and an innocent subject is the court warrant. If that line were erased, we would have no buffer between federal officials and us. This opportunity to track whomever is “under suspicion” is simply imposing on our rights as citizens. “The administration said Monday that Americans should expect no privacy while in public,” reports the website. What else can the administration do to limit our basic rights? Right now authorities need a warrant to use GPS to track suspects’ vehicles. Without the warrant, we all become suspects — at least when it comes to public spaces. If warrantless tracking is allowed, it would put in doubt our entire trust in the federal government. Public places would simply no longer be “public places.” There would become government-targeted and monitored spots where the administration can do whatever it wants. The case of GPS tracking isn’t anything new. Yet in this case, the government has taken it a step further. Who knows what can be done with the information that the GPS supplies authorities? A U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said that a person “who knows all of another’s travels can deduce whether he is a weekly churchgoer, a heavy drinker, a regular at the gym, an unfaithful husband, an outpatient receiving medical treatment, an associate of particular individuals or political groups — and not just one such fact about a person, but all such facts.” The court was hearing a case of a cocaine dealer who was targeted by authorities without a warrant. It’s true. Using today’s technologies and the power that a government has over us, one can pinpoint every step a person takes. It is a terrifying prospect, but it might just come true. If it does, privacy is one thing we will lose.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “We were looking to take a more positive view on singleness.” History Professor Rudolph Bell on the book, “Women on Their Own” STORY ON FRONT


Facebook facilitates friendships The W Soapbox

hat if we didn’t then — poof — technology have Facebook? might have even saved a What if the life. I write letters; I’m cerhuman race was somehow tainly not opposed to it. But deprived of the few social proponents of the letter media websites that keep who look back on a past of us talking to each other letter-sending they never ever yday? No more picJOE HERNANDEZ lived, inventing nostalgia to ture tagging or friend defend a modern novelty, requests. Kiss status have no good reason to put updates goodbye. What if — you might want to down the utility of Facebook. If there’s a thing, sit down for this one — we had to do all our and people like that thing, you’ll be associated socializing in person or over the phone? The with the people who like that thing if you like that popular opinion that we’re addicted to Facebook thing, so it’s cool to deny liking that thing. When is probably true in a lot of cases. According to Facebookers tell you they don’t like Facebook, NPR, Internet users spend more time on don’t buy a word of it. Facebook than any other site. But the other popThe notion that the website changed social ular opinion that Facebook is bad for society is interaction also contributed to the Facebook’s ill debatable at best. I’m all about the unpopular repute. But socializing on the Internet has not opinion; I think Facebook has been good to us. replaced socializing in person. This is a weird But a group of people — users even — still give and common complaint. Users don’t get together it a bad rap. on a Friday to see a movie on Facebook, or throw The smear campaign is an inside job. a toga party through Facebook or have a board Obviously self-defeating Facebook meeting via the company’s groups like “I Hate Facebook” Facebook. Instead, the website “Online socializing often facilitates real-time social show the kind of paradoxical selfloathing that is expected of some You’re throwing a kegger makes interpersonal activity. users. An embarrassed faction of this weekend and asking 50 Facebookers will update their stacontact easier.” friends to come at 10 p.m. and tuses in one breath and badmouth bring $2 each. It’s easier to make society’s dependence on technolo50 mouse clicks than 50 phone gy in the next, quietly leaving themselves out of calls. In this sense, social interaction on the equation. The “necessar y evil” defense invariFacebook is also generally brief: A wall comment ably follows. I am sure most of us have been here, an invitation there, the “liking” of a status. guilty of this one time or another, but it’s really From my experience, the marginal socializing on annoying. A guilty pleasure is something you Facebook leads up or adds to real interpersonal don’t publicly profess to love because you are contact — it doesn’t replace it. afraid of what other people who don’t necessarily If we didn’t have Facebook, social interaction love it will think of you. This is another reason might have a different face but not necessarily a why Facebook is poorly viewed. Users project an better one. Online socializing makes interpersonimage of themselves on their profiles that reflects al contact easier. It also makes users more conthe way they want to be seen rather than how scious of their social life, recognizing parallels they really are. It is a kind of selective autobiogbetween the virtual side and the real one. Talking raphy. Considering the limits and purpose of on Facebook doesn’t mean you don’t have to talk Facebook, this is almost unavoidable. But being in person, but rather calls your attention to the ashamed of enjoying and using the website is gravity and realness of saying what you said to shameful. The first step is acceptance. We proud your friend’s face. It’s a buffer. And I’m conFacebookers are here for you. vinced that, for most people, the relatively new I like to think of a Facebook message like a letwebsite hasn’t greatly affected, negatively or poster but faster. It accomplishes the same end, yet itively, how they act among friends. It has put us opponents question its usefulness, as well as its more in tune with our web of contacts and made coolness. We don’t insist on using the Pony talking with them easier and more efficient — Express to send packages, so why do people insist maybe even fun. Unless you’re a misanthrope, I on mailing letters in place of sending e-mails? You think it’s a pretty good idea. can say in a Facebook message what you would write in a letter and it reaches your audience Joe Hernandez is a School of Arts and Sciences faster. If your message happens to be something senior majoring in English and Spanish. His collike, “Don’t eat that spoiled meat in the freezer,” umn, "The Soapbox," runs on alternate Thursdays.

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



PA G E 1 2

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


Today's birthday (9/23/10). Loyalties to partner and co-workers pay off this year in the form of lifetime associations. Everyone benefits through shared beliefs that support imaginative work and social activities. You value the opinion of an older ally more with each passing day. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 5 -- Today you spend time dealing with the people involved, rather than the work. Use your talents to help each person reach their potential. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is a 7 -- Use today for planning in every area of your life. Set aside time in the next few days to begin the actions you've come up with. Allow it to unfold. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is a 6 -- Take advantage of the opportunity to exercise imagination without pressure for concrete results. Think it through to the logical end. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 5 -- You find yourself at crosspurposes with other family members. It's all talk and very little action today. That's okay in the larger scheme of things. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 5 -- You and a partner develop imaginative possibilities for using available resources. Happiness comes from developing viable choices. Then draw one from a hat. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Today you discover that you have more irons in the fire than you realized. How to get it all accomplished? Prioritize based on intuition. Keep or change promises.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Where romance is concerned, X marks the spot. Leave clues for someone to follow. The two of you will laugh out loud before day is out. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is an 8 -- You need to multitask to accomplish your personal goals while completing something at work. Spark one idea with magic and polish off another. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is a 7 -- Animal magnetism provides unique ideas for a creative home project. It could involve building a doghouse or redecorating the bedroom. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Today is a 6 -- Train your mind to take note when you have a million ideas. You may not be able to communicate all of them immediately. So save some for later. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is a 7 -- At first, all you can see is a huge mess. Imagine that things find their own place. All you have to do is carry them. Do it on automatic. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is a 7 -- Creative efforts produce more cash now. Don't let yourself wander off task with imaginative ideas. Stick to the plan and build a strong foundation.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




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SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2010


Coach’s decision puts senior on track BY MIKE KUPERSHTEYN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Senior Nick Miehe was the most decorated member of the Rutgers MEN’S XC m e n ’ s cross country team last year. Miehe won the Metropolitan Championships in a time of 25:45, 19 seconds ahead of the secondplace finisher. The first-place finish marked the only time a Scarlet Knight accomplished the feat last season. Miehe hopes to build on last year’s success and achieve further progress in the sport he cherishes. “This year I’d like to run a smart race and really pick up the pace in the second half of the race,” Miehe said. “A Rutgers runner has never won two Metropolitan Championships, so it would be a nice accomplishment.”

Miehe, however, did not plan to become a runner at the outset of his athletic career. “I started [running] my freshman year of high school just so I could do something in the fall because I was a basketball and baseball player,” the Elmwood Park, N.J., native said. “After being all-county that year I gave up the two other sports for running and did it year-round.” The transition from basketball to cross country, however, was not completely Miehe’s decision. “I was kind of torn because I enjoyed both and I grew up playing basketball, so I just had to get used to the idea of not being a basketball player,” he said. “[My] basketball coach was also a cross countr y coach from another school and he cut me purposely my sophomore year just so I’d have to do track.”

But Miehe also boasts his talents on the track and ser ved as a key distance runner for the Knights during his career. The senior competes in the 4x800 distance medley for his squad and during the 2009 indoor season placed third in the 3,000-meter event at the Metropolitan Championships. Miehe improved his times ever since he dedicated himself to running and the senior doesn’t take breaks or shortcuts to better his times. “I actually prepared [this summer] by training as a triathlete, and I switched my running to more of a forefoot-running style,” said Miehe, who plans to continue competing in triathalons after his Rutgers cross-countr y career is over. “I also star ted wearing shoes called Vibrams and since I

star ted wearing them, I dropped my 5K personal best from 15:24 to 14:41.” And even though cross country is a sport driven by individual performances, each meet still represents a team competition, and every runner has to perform up to expectations as well. “The team is very young, so we’ll get better ever y meet,” Miehe said. “Overall, I think we’ll have a very good championship season. We have a really good nucleus and just need to bring runners three, four and five a little closer to Kevin [Cronin] and I.” This year, Miehe and fellow senior Cronin plan on “tr ying to guide the freshmen down the right path, because it’s ver y difficult when you first come into college and you’re put in a dorm situation.”


utgers women’s soccer head coach Glenn Crooks named Fred King as the program’s director of Soccer Operations. The position’s duties include organization of team activities and off-the-field player development. Prior to coming to the Banks, King served as a volunteer assistant coach for Harvard’s men’s soccer team. With King on the staff, the Crimson went 12-4-2 and earned an NCAA tournament birth.



golfer Jim Mrva received the Players Golf Association Golf Professional of the Year Award — the highest honor available for professional of the PGA. Mr va graduated from Rutgers in 1972, and at age 60, becomes the 57th recipient of the award. He was also inducted into the Western New York PGA Hall of Fame in 2007.



student-athlete reinstatement staff ruled yesterday that North Carolina defensive back Kendric Burney must serve a six-game suspension, while teammate Deunta Williams must sit for four games. Each must also pay money to a charity of their choice, as the committee ruled Bruney and Williams must pay $575.19 and $450.67, respectively. Rutgers squares off with North Carolina Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in Piscataway.





Michael Vick the team’s starting quarterback, the Philadelphia Eagles received a number of calls concerning the availability of quarterback Kevin Kolb, according to a senior team official. Kolb started out the year as the squad’s starter at quarterback, but after injury forced him out of the Eagles’ week one loss against the Green Bay Packers, backup Michael Vick assumed the starting role. Vick threw for 285 yards and two touchdowns last Sunday against the Detroit Lions.

THE CALIFORNIA STATE Athletic Commission decided yesterday to suspend the license of UFC middleweight contender Chael Sonnen after drug tests indicated Sonnon used steroids prior to his loss to Anderson Silva. The ban will keep Sonnen from competing in California for a year and will also keep Sonnen from earning a rematch against Silva anytime soon.

GILLETTE STADIUM, the home of the New England Patriots, will retain its name through the 2031 season. The Proctor & Gamble Co. decided to keep Gillette’s name on the stadium and worked out a deal yesterday with Patriots ownership. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed to the media.


SEPTEMBER 23, 2010



Freed serves as a midfielder makes her home at Kent State as for La Salle and started 13 a forward. games at the position for The program entered the seateammate faces Noda for ’Cuse Explorers last season. son as back-to-back MidAs a senior in high school, American Conference champions continued from back however, Rutgers appeared on and seeks a third title this year, thing for her, but she is leading the radar of with Hoffman conthe team really well.” schools recruiting tributing in her “We get to compete forward role. The co-captain, however, also Freed, who in the considered playing for the likes end chose to play For Noda, the against each other, opportunity of Drexel, Bucknell and for La Salle. to American, making Rutgers one of “It would have support each other play one of her forjust four programs she highlightbeen fun [to play teammates and also get to beat mer ed as possible destinations. with Freed], but I only comes once a “Obviously, when you’re trythink the chance year, when her up on each other ing to be recruited by a Division I to branch out and squad clashes a little bit.” sport you have to realize that it experience differwith Schraden and kind of becomes your life,” Noda ent schools was a Big East rival SHELBY SCHRADEN said. “You’re signing up to have good oppor tuniSyracuse. Syracuse Senior Forward really good time management ty,” Noda said. Schraden, a because you have to balance a “Also, just to senior this seagood education for your future meet new people and get the son, is a for ward for the while also playing a sport that you chance to learn from other Orange, which last week dislove. You have to realize it’s a big good players.” mantled the Knights on the challenge and sacrifice almost, Hoffman rounds out the Banks by a 5-1 mark. but the rewards are great.” Allentown gang’s juniors and “It’s ver y rewarding to be playing against my fellow teammates [and] to be competing for the same championship,” Schraden said of playing against Noda. “It’s rewarding to be competing against each other like we were competing with each other years ago.” Though the loss was a bittersweet reunion with her one-time accomplice on the field, Noda can still appreciate playing against one of her good friends. “It’s really nice to see good Division I players coming from your area,” Noda said. “It’s always nice to play familiar faces.” Still, field hockey is not something the group can enjoy forever. Noda realizes that past the collegiate level there are not many opportunities to shine in the sport. But through field hockey, these four women are able to continue their dreams, and all the while are able to make their native Allentown proud of their accomplishments. “It’s so rewarding to know that we’re all continuing our dream,” Schraden said. “We get to compete against each KEVIN APODACA other, support each other and Junior Mackenzie Noda registered two assists in her career, also get to beat each other up a one coming last season in a 3-2 win against St. Joseph’s. little bit.”




Senior linebacker Antonio Lowery is the only player with more tackles than Steve Beauharnais this season, with 15 takedowns.

ROLE: Beauharnais ranks

“That’s why coach rooms us together in the hotel when we’re getting ready for the games. He second on team in tackles knows that Jimmy knows everything — he knows the defense continued from back inside and out. If I need anything, I don’t have to hesitate and just coach [Bob] Fraser,” come to him.” Beauharnais said. “You’re calling Lower y is one of three elder the plays, you’re in the middle — linebackers who helped bring it’s a big difference.” Beauharnais into the fold last It has yet to affect the perseason, and it was his late-seaformance of Beauharnais, who is son injur y that gave second on the team behind Beauharnais an opportunity to Lowery with 14 tackles. He also start the final three games on has a sack and a fumble recovery. the strongside. The results suggest the transiAs the Saddle Brook, N.J., tion is going smoothly, and head native continues to learn middle coach Greg Schiano agrees. linebacker, and “He’s doing a therefore the good job — it’s a entire defense, lot. It’s hard to be “Year in and year Lower y insists a middle lineout, we have a Beauharnais’ backer,” Schiano should be said. “Ever yone smart guy at middle focus his own job. talks about the Except that job quarterback, ‘Oh, linebacker — that’s requires he knows they have to do all the tradition everything. this’ — they do, “ O b v i o u s l y, but the middle around here.” you have to know linebacker does STEVE BEAUHARNAIS what you’re too before they doing — that’s even get the play. Sophomore Linebacker No. 1. After you “The quarterknow what back gets the call. you’re doing, it’s just a domino The Mike linebacker gets the call ef fect,” Lower y said. “He then he has to wait for the makes sure all the checks are offense to line up before he can right, the calls are right — he’s set the front, make the adjustgrown up so much.” ments. I think he’s done a really Just two games into his midgood job, but certainly he’s going dle linebacker career, to get better and better with the Beauharnais is still growing. more experience he gets.” And he is still watching Rutgers Beauharnais is still learning, middle linebackers other than and because of that, he turns to just Dumont. the same middle linebacker he “You see Devraun watched during the early stages Thompson and how he used to of his switch as he first learned make plays. Coach Fraser tells the position. me how well he played middle “The guy I watched at middle linebacker and knew the linebacker the most, believe it or defense,” Beauharnais said. not, was [fifth-year senior] “Year in and year out, we have Jimmy Dumont,” Beauharnais a smar t guy at middle linesaid. “He knows where to line up backer — that’s the tradition all the time, and I still ask him around here.” questions in the meeting room.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010



SEPTEMBER 23, 2010




Sophomore April Price earned her first start of the season Sunday against then-No. 5 Boston College. Price assisted on a late RU goal.

LINEUP: Second straight ranked opponent awaits Knights continued from back “All of [DiMartino’s] shots came with her left foot, right?” said head coach Glenn Crooks. “She’s a dominant left-footed player. I know the greatest players in the world — they have dominant sides and somehow work it out to get there. So we have to give her a lot of credit, knowing going in that her left foot is dominant and she still gets those shots off.” Rutgers plays its second straight ranked opponent on Friday, when No. 19 Georgetown visits Yurcak Field for a Big East showdown. The Hoyas (7-2, 1-0) have plenty left in the barrel, with an offensive attack that features five players with three goals or more. Rutgers, by comparison, has only one three-goal scorer — redshirt freshman Jonelle Filigno. “I tend not to look at statistics because they kind of scare you a little bit,” said sophomore forward April Price. “That is a little bit of pressure, but we’re up to it.” Price, a Mechanicsville, Va., native, grew up just 90 miles from Georgetown, which recruited her briefly. Price earned her first start of the season last Sunday against Boston College and assisted on senior Kelsey Dumont’s goal in the 90th minute. “I thought it was average. I know I could have done things better,” Price said. “We kind of gave up after [Boston College] scored two goals and I know that we can’t do that and just play through it.”

Rutgers needs some ratcheted up intensity against the Hoyas, who lost back-to-back games against No. 2 Stanford and No. 11 California-Santa Clara. Intensity, in fact, is just what the Knights offered up at practice this week in preparation for Georgetown and Sunday’s matchup at Villanova (5-4, 0-1). “We need to come out with more tenacity. I guess that’s the word of the week,” Price said. “We need to have more courage with the ball I guess and … not overestimating our opponent, but just playing level with them. We made sure we came out with a lot of energy at every practice this week. We made a conscious effort to do that.” Villanova struggled out of the gates this season, but rebounded with three consecutive victories, including a result over then-No. 16 Wake Forest. The Wildcats have their own pair of sharpshooters in sophomore Heidi Sabatura and junior Katie Ryan, owners of five goals apiece. Villanova’s scoring depth though drops off after the talented pair. Only three other Wildcats own goals on the season. Meanwhile, Crooks remains focused on the play of his struggling Knights. Despite two tough decisions last week, the cupboard is not bare for the 2010 Rutgers squad. “I’m not [disappointed with the effort], I’m disappointed with the results. Three of the four halves of soccer weren’t bad,” Crooks said. “And last weekend [at the Nike Invitational] was a real positive weekend, so I would say we’ve been moving in a positive direction. I just think the first half [against Boston College] set us back a little bit.”


Redshirt freshman Jonelle Filigno leads the Knights with three goals on the season. Georgetown has five players with at least three tallies.



SEPTEMBER 23, 2010




In the wake of Edmond Lar yea’s season-ending knee injury, redshirt freshman Paul Carrezola will get his best opportunity at playing time. The tight end was listed as the Rutgers football team’s secondteam fullback but is a natural tight end and will play in more of an hback role for the Scarlet Knights. The 6-foot-2, 235-pounder is used to blocking, but head coach

SET FOR MORE TIME AT FULLBACK Greg Schiano said Laryea started the first two games for a reason. “Pretty good,” Schiano said, when asked how Carrezola is as a blocker. “Is he as good as Edmond? No, or he would’ve been the starter.” As a natural tight end out of Neshaminy High School, Carrezola is in for an adjustment, although he would not be the first Rutgers tight end to make the switch. Last season, Shamar Graves appeared at h-back for the Knights.


Junior tailback Joe Martinek has 34 carries and amassed 137 yards through the first two games of the Scarlet Knights’ season.

UFC CHAMP SET TO HEADLINE FUNDRAISER The Rutgers wrestling team will be holding a social and fundraiser on Oct. 9 at Connolly Station in Belmar, N.J. The event goes from 2 to 8 p.m. and allows guests to meet current Scarlet Knight coaches and


wrestlers, along with alumni. Special guests include UFC lightweight champion Frankie Edgar. Tickets cost $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Food will be served as well as live music, a 50/50 raffle, an auction and “plenty of wrestling talk.” People seeking more information can call (732) 740-8760 or e-mail Interested readers can also checkout for more information. Rutgers finished with a 194-1 record last season and seven Knights qualified for the NCAA Tournament. — A.J. Jankowski

Sophomore tight end D.C. Jefferson said there should not be much of a transition. “It shouldn’t be that bad for him,” Jefferson said. “All in all, with the tight end and the fullback, the blocking schemes that we do are pretty much the same. It’s not something he’s not used to, so I believe he’ll be able to go out there and get it done.” Carrezola has one catch for six yards, which came on true freshman Chas Dodd’s lone pass attempt in fourth-quarter mop-up duty against Norfolk State. Carrezola’s new role should not impact the passing game, but rather the ground attack, in which Rutgers used Laryea as a lead blocker. “It affects us a lot because Edmond was a powerful guy that could come out, make blocks and open up running lanes,” Jefferson said. “I have all the confidence that Paul can step up and do the job as well.”

JUNIOR STARTING tailback Joe Martinek practiced yesterday, but his status for Saturday’s game against North Carolina is still in doubt. “It’s going to be a game-time decision,” Schiano said. “He’s hobbling around, so if he feels better when it comes closer to game time, we’ll see.” An injured ankle complicates matters for the Hopatcong High School product, as it severely limits his range of motion and ability to make cuts. “If he’s an offensive lineman, he can play,” Schiano said. “Except his game is about cutting, moving and reacting on a dime. I don’t know if he’s going to be able to do that.” Schiano expressed confidence in true freshman Jordan Thomas’ ability to step in and Martinek


Redshirt freshman Paul Carrezola made one catch for six yards as a tight end but will play fullback in Edmond Laryea’s absence. echoed that sentiment but did not hide his disappointment at having to sit out and watch. “I’ve seen those guys constantly getting better and doing everything they can,” Martinek said. “That’s encouraging to see. But any time you have to sit out and watch — to not be at full strength — it’s very frustrating.”



coach Butch Davis sounds ready to head to Piscataway and play without the 12 Tar Heels that were suspended through the first two games. “We’d love to get them back,” Davis said yesterday on the ACC

coaches’ conference call. “As of right now, the team that we played with against LSU and last week [against Georgia Tech] is the team that’s preparing this week against Rutgers.” Schiano is taking the same approach in Rutgers’ preparation. “I’ve kind of been going on that,” he said. “We’ve studied all the guys — we have years of tape on them, so we’ve studied all those kids. If they get injected into the game plan — we’re not going to talk about their players until they’re listed. If they come back, we have to be ready and give our guys a scouting report on their individual talents.”



PA G E 2 0

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Junior draws on high school tradition for Rutgers BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT


Junior Mackenzie Noda anchors the backfield for the Scarlet Knights, serving as the central back in the squad’s defensive scheme. The Allentown, Pa., native has one career goal, which came last season against West Chester, a team the Knights face Sunday in Piscataway.

Becoming an NCAA Division I athlete is a hard enough feat to accomplish. But for four Allentown, Pa., natives, developing into FIELD HOCKEY some of the select few who occupy collegiate field hockey teams was just a matter of tr ying out a sport they enjoyed. The foursome got its first taste of field hockey back in the sixth grade, and eight years later earned athletic scholarships to play the sport the four friends love. Rutgers back Mackenzie Noda is one of four Division I Allentown products, along with juniors Amanda Hoffman (Kent State) and Becca Freed (La Salle), as well as senior Shelby Schraden (Syracuse). It is clear the four are bonded together through their love of the game, but what may be even more enduring is the connection they share as graduates of William Allen High School. “We all started in middle school, [but] in sixth grade you couldn’t really play in games,” said Noda. “We kind of just got a feel for it and then as we got older and considered playing in high school, it got more serious and we started playing outside of school.” Noda, a two-time all-star in the Lehigh Valley Athletic Conference in high school, enters her third season with the Scarlet Knights with one career goal while contributing mainly in a defensive role. As a junior, Noda is one of three captains for the Knights and, according to head coach Liz Tchou, thrives in the role. “[Noda] has improved so much,” Tchou said. “She’s such a hard worker and being a captain this year as a junior is not an easy


Unranked RU grips for deep Hoyas lineup

Beauharnais assumes role as signal caller





The big guns came to play against the Rutgers women’s soccer team last weekend, when the Scarlet Knights (5-4, 0-1) dropped both of their deciWOMEN’S SOCCER sions to Seton Hall and then-No. 5 GEORGETOWN AT Boston College. RUTGERS, Highly touted FRIDAY, 5:30 P.M. players — forwards in particular — led the Pirates and Golden Eagles in back-toback Knights losses, which saw Rutgers drop from the top 25 for the first time since the end of the 2008 season. Seton Hall’s Kaitlyn Ritter, the Big East’s Rookie of the Week for Sept. 13, scored the only goal in Rutgers’ 1-0 loss last Friday in South Orange, N.J. Meanwhile Boston College’s Victoria DiMartino and Kristie Mewis entered last Sunday’s contest at Yurcak Field with a combined 12 goals and nine assists. The Golden Eagles’ dynamic duo imposed their will and left Piscataway with an assist each and 13 shots. “I’ve played against a lot of great players — I know [DiMartino’s] one,” said junior defender Julie Lancos. “I’ve heard her name growing up and she’s a great player, there’s no doubt about that. It’s a good challenge.” Despite busting out the big guns, DiMartino and company did not leave the Knights in awe.

Although Steve Beauharnais is the second-youngest starter on the Rutgers football team’s defense, he has no problem with raising his voice. FOOTBALL According to senior linebacker Antonio Lowery, the sophomore middle linebacker does not have a choice. “I tell everyone, ‘He’s the quarterback of the defense,’” Lowery said. “Imagine Tom Savage not being vocal. You have to be. You have to be vocal to get everyone aligned.” In just his first season as a full-time starter and second year with the Scarlet Knights, the 20-year-old Beauharnais has a new responsibility: Make the checks, make the calls, make the plays. The latter almost appears to come naturally to the 6-foot-2, 230-pounder. After earning a special teams role in his first year on the Banks, Beauharnais made a splash in the rain-soaked field at Army, where he blocked a punt, scooped it and went 11 yards into the end zone for a score. Two games later, the St. Joseph’s (Montvale) product made his first start in an effort to add speed to defend South Florida quarterback B.J. Daniels. On USF’s second drive, Beauharnais recorded his first sack. Beauharnais finds the plays, but he is attempting to perfect his new responsibility. “It’s been a learning process, but that’s why I meet with coach [Tem] Lukabu and



Sophomore Steve Beauharnais is second on the team with 14 tackles and has a sack and a fumble recovery through his first two games of the season at middle linebacker.


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