The Daily Targum 2010-09-27

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Volume 142, Number 18







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Today: Rain


High: 70 • Low: 64

The Rutgers football team fell 17-13 to the Tar Heels of North Carolina on Saturday at Rutgers Stadium after jumping out to an early 10-0 lead.

UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ADDRESSES COMMUNITY Protest leads to calls for resignation

McCormick looks toward future at U.





A dramatic walkout during University President Richard L. McCormick’s eighth annual address to the University community led to calls for an apology or resignation of the Rutgers University Student Assembly parliamentarian. Jorge Casalins, RUSA parliamentarian and Latino Student Council political chair, interrupted the address Friday in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue Campus. “You hold in your hands the destiny of thousands of people who came here who deser ve an education,” said Casalins, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, 20 minutes into the address. “We want to know



University President Richard L. McCormick discusses a $1 billion fundraiser that will launch Oct. 13 to generate more revenue, called “Our Rutgers, Our Future.”



University students and union members call for recognition and raises Friday on the College Avenue campus. The rally took place one hour prior to the eighth annual presidential address to the University community. To read the full story, see PAGE 4.

Facebook CEO donates $100M to Newark schools BY COLLEEN ROACHE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

Republican Gov. Chris Christie and Democratic Newark Mayor Cor y Booker, along with Facebook Founder and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg, are putting politics aside in the pursuit of a common goal — improving Newark’s public schools. The Harvard-educated Zuckerberg announced Friday on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” that he would be giving a $100 million startup grant to the school district to establish the Startup: Education foundation, with hopes that others will match it. The businessman said he chose to give the money to Newark because he believes in Christie and Booker. “I find people who are really good leaders and invest in them,” Zuckerberg said on the show. Zuckerberg, who said it would be impossible for him to have such success without a good education, wants to see others have the opportunities he has had in life.

“Every child deserves a good education, and right now that’s not happening,” he said. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said he was glad to see something being done in Newark, where about half of students drop out of high school. In a nation that once led the world in college graduates but now ranks ninth in the world, improving education across the nation is key to advancing America globally, he said on the show. “We have to educate our way to a better economy,” Duncan said. “We all have to be part of the solution.” Booker said the problems in Newark are not isolated to his city, and they will affect the fate of the country. “This crisis in education in Newark is the crisis in education in America,” he said on the show. “We cannot have a superior democracy with an inferior education system.” Although schoolchildren in Newark recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily,


The University must look to the future in order to get through this period of historic transition in the nation. This was the message University President Richard L. McCormick focused on during his eighth annual address to the University community Friday at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. “We can and will move successfully through the transition into a new era of even greater achievement,” McCormick said. “Doing so will require sacrifice and will demand decisions that are not always easy or popular.” One of the unpopular decisions McCormick referenced is the budget freeze. “We did not make this decision lightly … but we believe shared sacrifice hews to the Rutgers spirit and is more humane than the alternatives we have before us,” he said. McCormick highlighted some of the alternatives in his address, pointing to furloughs in Illinois, Wisconsin and Mar yland’s state universities. In an effort to ensure the University is doing all it can to curtail costs and prevent any more financial hardships, McCormick pointed to three budget alleviating measures: increased enrollment, energy savings and strategic investments. “The steps we are now taking, and others like them, will serve Rutgers well in the future,” he said. In an attempt to better the University’s future economic outlook, a new $1 billion fundraising campaign called “Our Rutgers, Our Future” will launch on Oct. 13.



INDEX UNIVERSITY The Society of Professional Journalists wins an award for its work.

METRO Volunteers walk to raise awareness for children in foster care.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . 10 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 12 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 14 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 16 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK CATHERINE DEPALMA

New Brunswick families come together at the Raritan River Festival yesterday at Boyd Park in New Brunswick. Proceeds will be donated to the Beez Foundation for brain cancer. To read the full story, see PAGE 11.




SEPTEMBER 27, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Source: Weather Channel TUESDAY HIGH 76 LOW 61



TODAY Rain, with a high of 70° TONIGHT Rain, with a low of 64°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Rafael Cabrera, Anthony Hernandez, Matthew Kosinski CORRESPONDENTS — Reena Diamante, Bill Domke, Sam Hellman SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano

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CORRECTIONS In Friday’s University story, “LGBTQ welcomes new members at reception,” the group was incorrectly identified as having created a “gender neutral” restroom at Demarest Hall. The Office of Residence Life and student advocates were responsible for its creation.


SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


PA G E 3

Panel provides insight on Middle Eastern women BY NATALIE FLYNN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

To clear misconceptions of women in the Middle East, BAKA: Students United For Middle Eastern Justice and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, held a five-person panel discussion Thursday to educate University students. “Gender in the Middle East and its Diasporas” featured influential women speakers, who attempted to paint a clearer picture about the problems that surround them here and abroad through poetr y, personal accounts and a short film. “It is a great venue because the concentration is always on the Middle East,” said panelist Maysa Abou-Youssef Hayward, head of Middle Eastern Studies at Ocean County Community College. “It is time for us to talk and redefine the image.” The discussion became heated during the question-answer session when a non-student member of the audience ignited tension with a statement about stoning, a human rights issue in the Middle East to which all five women of the panel are fiercely opposed. Fawzia Afzal-Khan, director of Women and Gender Studies at Montclair State University, said the practice of stoning is barbaric and should not be permitted under any condition. “We need to wage a jihad against violence in all its forms,” Khan said. Golbarg Bashi, a University professor of Middle Eastern and Iranian Studies, spoke


Five influential women clear misconceptions about Afghan women and share their experiences as Arab-Americans at “Gender in the Middle East and its Diasporas” Thursday in Trayes Hall in the Douglass Campus Center.

about the image of Middle Eastern women in the West. Bashi said the West sees the situation as white men rescuing brown women from brown men. “We want to seek a politically active voice for marginally recog-

nized minorities on campus,” said Shehnaz Abdeljaber, the outreach coordinator for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Aside from the controversial topic, panelists also focused on what it is like to be an Arab-American.

The women tried to show that not all Arabs are the same and that they are a group as unique and diverse as any other. “A lot of people think that all Arabs are Muslim and all Muslims are Arab,” said Raja

Salloum, a mental health clinician for Arab-Americans at the Mental Health Association in Passaic County. The discussion ended with readings from Zohra Saed, a doctoral candidate at The City University of New York Graduate Center, focusing on the inner thoughts and feelings of Afghan women. Jessica Melo, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior, said she attended the event because she is always open to lear ning about areas where she lacks knowledge. “It was a very informative session that aimed to combat the traditional stereotypes of the Middle Eastern world, with its array of sources and even controversial moments that enhanced the dialogue,” Melo said. Hoda Mitwally, public relations of ficer for BAKA, star ted planning the discussion in June with other members of the executive board. “I really wanted our audience to see how complex and multi-faceted gender is in the Middle East,” said Mitwally, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. BAKA, a student group since 2005, stands for Belief, Awareness, Knowledge and Activism and is concer ned with promoting awareness of the cur rent issues in the Middle East, Mitwally said. “We allow people the right to feel comfor table to express their marginalized points of view regarding the Middle East,” she said.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Students, union rally for raises BY JOSHUA ROSENAU STAFF WRITER

Students and faculty protested the University’s financial policies Friday on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus before the annual address of University President Richard L. McCormick. The rally served as a platform for speeches by leaders of the University’s labor unions and the Rutgers University Student Assembly. Most of the speakers hit on topics like the faculty wage freeze and the rise in fees and tuition passed to students. “The raises were due to the people who were the best teachers and the best researchers on this campus,” said Adrienne Eaton, president of the Rutgers Council of the American Association of University Professors-American Federation of Teachers. “So the people who were hurt the most were also the most high performing.” The University’s denial of raises will likely make it harder for the University to retain and attract high-quality faculty and staff who may find a better job elsewhere, she said. For students here, that is going to have consequences in

the classroom, as there will be consequences for the research program and the reputation of the University, Eaton said. “If all the other state colleges paid the raises, Rutgers, who gets more money, should be able to pay the raises. It’s a bunch of junk,” said Charlesetta Bynes, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 1761, which rep-

“Jersey roots, contract breach — that is what’s going on.” BHAVIN PATEL Roosevelt Institute President

resents clerical, office, laboratory and technical workers at the University, according to its website. Union members at the rally collected student signatures for a petition requesting that the University “honor the negotiated agreements by paying salary increases” and “make available a clear explanation of the administration’s priorities.” The University’s unions are trying to establish a modicum of fair-

ness, said Rutgers Business School Student Counselor John Muth. “We have so many administrators at [the University], dozens, scores, that are earning [$200,000 to] $400,000 a year, and they are begrudging people who are earning [$30,000 to] 50,000 a year an opportunity to get their raise,” Muth said. Rather than investing in the human resources of faculty and staff at the University, Joseph Dwyer, vice president of the AAUP-AFT, argued that the administration has opted to invest in buildings, dining halls and other brick-and-mortar projects around the campus. “Because they don’t believe in this Rutgers community, they squeeze us as hard as they can,” said Dwyer, citing stalled contract negotiations and the persistently contingent nature of the employment of adjunct and supplementary staff by the University. Rutgers University Student Assembly Vice President Matt Cordiero also spoke at the rally, offering his dissent of the University’s fiscal policy from a student’s perspective. “Over the summer, all the people who make the University run were denied a wage increase they


Students and faculty rally over the decision to freeze union raises Friday in front of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus.

were promised. So now we are getting less education for our higher tuition,” said Cordiero, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “That doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t know why I am paying more and getting less.” Bhavin Patel, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, criti-

goals now we have to work to achieve them.” Casalins disagreed, arguing the Casalins’ actions inappropriate University can adopt their position. “It is a technicality that is easy continued from front to hide behind, and we are working to expose it,” he said. Casalins actions resulted in the — it’s a yes or no answer — will Student Representative to the Board you support in-state tuition for of Governors Jonathan Nycz to call them? We cannot wait until the for an apology or resignation. end. This is a pressing issue.” Nycz, a School of Engineering A lack of an immediate response senior, said as a member of from the president prompted RUSA, it was unacceptable to act Casalins, and a group of students, to that way during the address. walk out with fists raised. “He should issue a formal apol“If he is not going to listen to ogy to the president and board us, I won’t listen to him either and members at the meeting and if he neither will we,” said Casalins, refuses to issue a formal apology, immediately before the walkout. he should resign,” he said. “He Amid three prior interruptook a relationship RUSA is trying tions, which were dealt with by to build with the administration security, Chair of the University and threw it out the window with Senate Paul Panayotatos asked these comments.” for questions to wait until the end Casalins does not agree with of the address and also comNycz, since he shares a position mented on the student’s actions. on two groups. “Why are you trying to alien“My actions ate the body that were not on behalf is sympathetic to your cause,” said “It is a technicality of RUSA,” he said. “This was not an Panayotatos, a that is easy to ever yday situaUniversity profestion. This was sor. hide behind, and political action by Casalins had we are working the political chair an answer. of the [Latino “Although they to expose it.” Student Council].” do support it, we R U S A need them to take JORGE CASALINS President Yousef a more active Latino Student Council Saleh said he stance,” he said. Political Chair would not call for Casalins said Casalins’ resignathe action was nection since he was not acting in the essary because the students were capacity of RUSA parliamentarian. tired of being denied an audience “Jorge is the political chair for with the president. the Latino Student Council, and “Without our action on this is part of the advocacy that he Friday, he would not have does,” said Saleh, a School of Arts addressed it at all,” he said. “We and Sciences senior. “He has freewould have asked him in the pubdom of speech, and although I do lic forum, but he would have not agree with the methods, I am given us the same run around.” not going to stop him.” During the question-andSaleh considers what hapanswer session, McCormick pened a part of the learning addressed the concern over inprocess and that, if necessar y, state tuition for illegal immigrants he would like Casalins to make expressing the University supclear which group he ports the Development, Relief and was representing. Education for Alien Minors Act “Even though we support the and would support any resulting in-state tuition act and the DREAM legislation in New Jersey. Act, we don’t support the way they “It will have to be solved within [acted],” Saleh said. “RUSA as an the context of the government of organization does not support the New Jersey and of the nation,” way the protest was carried out.” McCormick said. “We share the



During the question-and-answer session, students and faculty bring up different issues ranging from a cap on enrollment to the recent salary freezes for faculty members.

FUTURE: McCormick says U. needs to invest in buses continued from front “Some have said we should not be star ting a campaign in such bleak economic times — I say we must,” McCormick said. Despite the positive messages, a number of audience members interrupted the president’s address demanding he take a stance on the issue of providing illegal immigrants in-state tuition rates and eventually staging a walkout. During the question-andanswer session a student, who identified himself as Ernesto Guevara, demanded McCormick take a moral stance on the instate tuition issue. McCormick responded by saying the University will join the students in advancing the DREAM Act and any resulting state legislation. This did not satisfy the questioner who demanded McCormick take a personal moral stance. “It must be obvious to you that I am standing here as a president of Rutgers whose moral commitment to diversity and opportunity over 247 years can

not be doubted by anyone in the room,” McCormick said. The issue of tuition was dropped, as “Guevara” was the only representative left to speak after the walkout. Joan Morrell, a RutgersNewark neuroscience professor, challenged the impetus that the state funding is not there for the pay freezes at the University since it only accounts for about 5 percent of the budget. “How in good conscious can you say that the reason that you cannot pay the raises … is due to cuts in state funding,” Morrell asked, followed by applause. McCormick said the University made tough decisions in an effort to curtail losses for all. “We collectively have a responsibility for the years ahead for Rutgers and some of those choices will not be easy or popular, and I freely acknowledge this is one of them,” he said. Others chose to focus on personal issues, like not receiving transfer credits and still others brought up issues surrounding increased enrollment. Steven Lee, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior, asked McCormick if there was a potential for an enrollment cap in order

to ensure necessary resources are available for students. “We are not looking for a hard cap on enrollment although we do recognize, as I said, we cannot enroll our way out of this crisis,” McCormick said. “We are looking to target enrollment increases with respect to cer tain disciplines … and that probably means other [disciplines] will decline in enrollment.” The University is constructing new beds on Livingston and Busch campuses to curtail residence hall overcrowding, and also needs to invest more in the bus system, he said. Josh David, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, asked what the University would do to improve the aesthetics around campus to attract more students. “The shabbiness of some parts of our campus is a shame,” McCormick said. There are areas where investments are being made, he said. The upgrade of the bus shelter on College Avenue and additions to Livingston improve the beauty around campus. “Those are just some examples of investments we’re making in the beauty of the place,” McCormick said. “I don’t think it is superficial or spurious or irrelevant to our academic goals.”

cized the administration’s decision to deny raises to faculty and staff, especially since the unions last year volunteered to forgo raises. “Jersey roots, contract breach — that is what’s going on,” said Patel, president of the Roosevelt Institute.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


U. journalism society earns regional award BY EDEN MESFUN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The University’s chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, named the 2010 Campus Chapter of the Year, will be recognized for its achievement Sunday in Las Vegas. After competing against 28 chapters in the Northeast Region, the nation’s largest region for the SPJ, the University’s chapter beat out top journalism schools like those at Boston University and Syracuse University. The awards ceremony in Las Vegas will feature staff from the national organization and participants from the United States and Canada. “It took years and years to get to this point,” said adviser Ron Miskoff. “I am glad we got some recognition for it. To see an organization grow like that is a very satisfying feeling.” Luther Turmelle, regional director of SPJ, found the chapter’s collaborative session on censorship in Sierra Leone with the Rutgers University Association of Black Journalists pivotal in naming it the region’s best chapter.

FEMALE SUSPECT ASSAULTS VICTIM, STEALS WALLET A strong-arm robbery and simple assault occurred Saturday around 1:37 a.m. in front of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. The suspect approached the victim from behind in the walkway outside Tinsley Hall on the College Avenue campus where she snatched the victim’s wallet out of her right hand, said Lt. Leonard Safko of the Rutgers University Police Department. The victim then chased the suspect, who fled on foot toward Brower Commons, and retrieved her property after catching the suspect. With a closed fist, the suspect knocked the victim to the ground and regained control of the wallet. She then ran through the Bishop Quad toward George Street. The victim was treated and released at a local hospital for her injuries. The suspect is described as a collegeaged black female, standing at 5 feet 5 inches tall. She also had gapped front teeth and her hair in a bun. She was wearing a tan fitted T-shir t and matching shorts. Those with information or were in the area at the time are asked to contact RUPD Sgt. Eric Nielsen at (732)-9328025 or (732)-932-7211. — Kristine Rosette Enerio

“They brought in a journalist from Africa who talked about how different it is practicing journalism in a particular countr y,” Turmelle said. Overall, a chapter’s work will reflect its commitment, he said. “An individual chapter is only as good as what they put into it,” Turmelle said. The chapter competes regionally against other local chapters by submitting a report to regional directors like Turmelle. All regional award nominations are at the discretion of its regional director. To apply for the award, a chapter must submit a report of its activities ever y spring, which also grants it voting privileges in the organization. “The one chapter goes on to win the national award, given out each year at the annual convention,” Turmelle said. The University’s chapter, a division of a national organization that promotes diversity and focuses on ethics and crisis in journalism, was not always successful in the past. Miskoff recalled periods during which it suffered from a lack of organization and low membership.

SPJ President Travis Fedschun also recalled such times. “Some people were elected into positions, and they later realized they couldn’t perform to the best of their abilities,” said Fedschun, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “Last year our vice president just dropped out, and we had to scramble to get our replacement.” Sur viving executive board members revitalized the program and boosted active membership. The first meeting of the year attracted 40 people, whereas an average of 10 people attended meetings in previous years, Miskoff said. Online media like Facebook and Twitter were also helpful in attracting members, Fedschun said. SPJ members felt the recognition is well deserved, he said. “It is great to be acknowledged for all the hard work we have done for something that is not within the School of Communication and Information committee,” Fedschun said. The chapter attributes its current success to past students. For example, Tom Carr, secretary of

the SPJ recognized the work of alumna Jessica Parrotta, who graduated in the spring as treasurer of the SPJ. “She had the lion’s share of the work,” said Carr, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “I think she was the one who propelled SPJ.” Carr also commended Miskoff’s handling of SPJ events. “He really was the driving force behind the programs we run and the contacts we have,” Carr said. In an industr y where having a job depends on having connections, SPJ’s status can make the dif ference between getting hired or staying unemployed, which is significant for students like Fedschun. Executive board members feel the SPJ offers a route to success. Carr, who is majoring in journalism and media studies and art history, hopes to become an art critic. Fedschun is an intern at News 12, and Secretary Abira Sengupta is an intern at “The Rachael Ray Show.” “One thing you notice is everyone has SPJ,” he said. “SPJ is nationally known and recognized.

This is a university standard that’s out there.” The organization’s connection with professional journalists encourages a better understanding of the journalism industry and provides students with networking opportunities through event sponsorship. “I met the 2010 Pulitzer Prize winner for investigative journalism,” Carr said. “I got to meet people, and they are not just photographs on a piece of paper.” There are many oppor tunities for students in SPJ — the largest journalism organization in the United States, Miskof f said. “It’s an umbrella for all journalists,” he said. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re [interested in] radio, TV, online or newspaper. It’s very universal.” Although the chapter is a resource for networking, Carr said he also appreciates the opportunity to make friends. “I did not care about the award,” he said. “What was nice is we all became friends. These are people I otherwise would not have known.”



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010




STOMPING FOR SKA The opening band Waffle Stompers, a New Brunswick group, opened the show Friday night. The band includes University alumnus Ted Moore as well as five other members.






SEPTEMBER 27, 2010




Students skank and mosh to the sounds of local music group Waffle Stompers and well-known ska band Reel Big Fish Friday in the Multipurpose Room of the Livingston Student Center. The Rutgers University Programming Association’s sold-out concert ran for two hours and attracted 555 students.






SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

NEWARK: Booker hopes

Booker plans to support good teachers and schools while credonations will better education ating a system of accountability among members of the Newark community in an effort to continued from front improve education in the city. Booker said its words do not “I see the greatness in ring true — liberty and justice [Newark],” he said. “I think do not exist for all without Newark is going to change the access to paradigm for [education].” an education. Booker also announced the Duncan mirrored creation of the Newark the sentiment. Education and Youth “If [children] don’t have a Development Fund, a nonprofit good education, they’re not realorganization that aims to match ly free,” he said. Zuckerberg’s grant and raise Christie said he will give an additional $50 million to Booker authority over ser ve youth in Newark, accordN e w a r k ’ s ing to a Facebook schools, and the release. “If we as a nation press two will work Steven Barnett, together to keep pulling left and a professor of choose a new E d u c a t i o n right, we will never Economics and superintendent for the district. Public Policy at the move forward.” “I’m commitGraduate School of CORY BOOKER ting to changing Education, said the schools in Zuckerberg’s donaNewark Mayor the city where I tion alone is not was born,” enough to fix Christie said on the show. Newark’s existing school system. Restoring hope in Newark “If the funds are used to prois a step toward ridding the vide direct ser vices rather than city of dr ugs and violence, guide change, it will have no he said. more ef fect than throwing a “It’s about the children,” pebble in a pond,” Barnett said Christie said. “Children don’t via e-mail. “We will see a splash believe tomorrow can be better followed by a few temporar y than today.” ripples on the surface, but no Booker agreed that children, real change.” not politics, should be at the cenThe cost of running Newark ter of the discussion on educaPublic Schools is more than $1 tion. Having government offibillion annually, not all of cials and teachers unions blame which is included in their $940 one another will never produce a million operating budget for solution, he said. this school year, and the dis“If we as a nation keep pulling trict has suf fered a $42 million left and right, we will never move reduction in state aid, forward,” Booker said. Barnett said.

U NIVERSITY Zuckerberg’s gift of $100 million works out to be $20 million over the course of five years, less than 2 percent of the annual cost of Newark’s schools and less than half the cut in state aid, he said. Still, Barnett said there are ways to use the money to make a lasting difference.

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M He said it should be used to create and endow a center for developing better learning and teaching continuously at every school level, which would monitor quality and guide changes in instruction, he said. Also, an investment in new, high-quality early childhood centers can give children a head start at an early age.

“If more of Newark’s children enter kindergarten with skills and knowledge comparable to those of their more advantaged peers in the suburbs, the Newark Public Schools will be more likely to succeed in keeping them on a path to higher achievement, high school graduation and higher education,” he said.


Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to discuss his reasons for donating $100 million to Newark Public Schools.





Rutgers Students for Environmental Awareness aims to raise awareness about environmental issues in a way that is enjoyable and fun for our members and the students we reach out to. We are committed to creating environmental change in both the University and New Jersey communities by developing awareness campaigns and going above and beyond for the sake of the public and the environment. Interested in joining? Come to our weekly meetings, every Monday at 9 p.m. in the Merle V. Adams Room in the Cook Campus Center, or e-mail us at! Author Steve Lerner will be discussing his newly-released book “Sacrifice Zones: The Front Lines of Toxic Chemical Exposure in the United States” at 4:30 p.m. in the Special Events Forum of the Civic Square Building in downtown New Brunswick. Lerner is the research director at Commonweal, a nonprofit that focuses on environmental and health issues. Lerner’s talk is the first lecture in “The Space of Democracy Lecture Series.” The series focuses on how people are connected with and responsible to those who live in distant places. For more information about the event, please contact Tickets are on sale for this year’s Homecoming Comedy Show online at The show on Oct. 2 will feature Craig Robinson of “The Office” and “Hot Tub Time Machine,” and Donald Glover of “Community.” Visit for all ticketing and event information. Looking for accurate nutrition advice from someone in the know? Kappa Omicron Nu, Nutrition Honor Society, is offering individualized nutrition advice sessions free of charge. Appointments can be made during the hours of 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays and 9 to 11 a.m. on Thursdays. Please e-mail to schedule an appointment or for additional information. Please include your preference of day and time when inquiring about an appointment. Rutgers Recreation will be hosting a blood drive from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Livingston Recreation Center. For more information e-mail


The Daily Targum will be holding a writers meeting at 9:30 p.m. on the fourth floor lounge of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Assignments will be given out and other business will be discussed during the meeting. All those interested are welcome. There is no experience necessary. Rutgers Recreation will be hosting a dodgeball tournament from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center. Interested teams should register as soon as possible with Sue Beaudrow at (732)-932-9178 because space is limited. Canned goods will be collected from all teams and proceeds will benefit Rutgers Against Hunger.



“Responsible Drinking Happy Hour” event will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Cook Café in the Cook Campus Center. “Responsible Drinking Happy Hour” was established to unite the community in a social, relaxing and familiar atmosphere while emphasizing the importance of responsible drinking. They are held on the first Friday of every month during the semester. Come meet old friends, colleagues, staff or make new friends. Free food, music and sodas will be served.


A 5K run will be held at 9 a.m. in the Heylar Woods adjacent to Rutgers Gardens on the Cook/Douglass campus. The race will benefit the Frank G. Helyar Woods and the Rutgers University Ecology and Evolution Graduate Student Association. To register and for more information, please visit


The annual Fall Research Mixer will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Cook Campus Center. This event will give students the opportunity to meet with faculty and discuss possible research projects. Whether looking for paid research assistant positions, research projects or senior honors research opportunities next semester or in the summer, this event can help students of multiple needs. Attendees will have an opportunity to hear faculty describe their projects and meet individually with them. Light refreshments will be provided. Those who plan on attending, please reply to Joan Jones by Oct. 7 at


The Cook Leadership Breakfast meeting will start at 7:30 a.m. in Multipurpose Room C at the Cook Campus Center. The theme for this meeting will be “Come Meet your Advisor.” Those with any questions regarding courses are free to attend. Friends are welcome.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010



PA G E 1 0


SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

Volunteers walk to support children in foster care BY SEHAR MOGUL CONTRIBUTING WRITER

More than 200 people walked about three miles in the rain Sunday morning, as part of the Foster and Adoptive Family Ser vices Foundation’s third annual “Walk for Children in Foster Care.” The goal of the walk, which began in Buccleuch Park in New Brunswick, was to raise awareness of and money for foster children in New Jersey. At least four dif ferent groups from the University signed up to volunteer and walk in the event. “We couldn’t do it without the support we get from Rutgers,” said Janis Nietzer, chair of the walk and president of the FAFS Board of the Directors. About 30 members of the Sigma Chi fraternity walked and volunteered at the event.

Brian Letz, a member of Sigma Chi, said it is important to raise awareness of foster children and their needs throughout the University. Through this event, Letz said he learned of FAFS for the first time. “I didn’t even know that there was a charity for foster children,” said Letz, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. Fellow Sigma Chi member Bart Blachnio also discussed the need for awareness of such a cause. He said he could relate to the children because he comes from a single-parent home. “We just like to come out and suppor t any cause,” said Blachnio, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “But when I learned about what this was and I thought about how I could relate to their situation, I really realized how important it is to know about it.”

Grant Shea, a member of the Mu Beta Psi music service fraternity, was a volunteer at the event. “When Rutgers students get together, they can do a lot,” said Shea, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “An event such

“They don’t see the wonderful work or how wonderful the children are.” ROBIN LANG Foster Care Counseling Project Director

as this really raises awareness about things that people don’t even know about.” Mu Beta Psi has been volunteering at the event since it began three years ago, Shea said. He spoke about the

impor tance of raising money for the FAFS to suppor t programs like the “The Backpack Program,” which provides foster children entering new homes with backpacks full of supplies like journals, stuf fed animals and pajamas. Three previous walks the FAFS held last year raised $25,000, Executive Director of FAFS Mary Jane Awrachow said. The goal of this walk is $10,000, Nietzer said. The money raised at the walk will be used to fund FAFS programs like “Fostering Wishes for Children,” which provides children with things that state grants do not, such as toys, dance or swim lessons and contact lenses. Robin Lang, director of the Foster Care Counseling Project in the University’s Center for Applied Psychology, has worked closely with FAFS for more than 10 years. Lang’s

group of undergraduate and graduate students from the School of Social Work volunteered at the event helping with the sign-in process. People do not hear about the positive events in the lives of foster children enough, Lang said. “What people hear about are the horrible things,” she said. “They don’t see the wonderful work or how wonderful the children are.” There are about 8,000 foster children in New Jersey and about half a million in the countr y, Awrachow said. “Even if people can’t donate and just walk, it’s really important, because it raises awareness about foster children,” she said. The event was important because it brought together a variety of people for a single cause, Awrachow said. “All different types of people volunteer,” she said.

Community health fair provides free screenings, information BY CANON CARSON CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Tents and tables filled with free samples and literature concerning health care crowded Neilson Street Saturday at the Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church’s annual community health fair. The church teamed up with Saint Peter’s University Hospital from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to give the public free health screenings and tests. This is the first year the church and St. Peter’s University Hospital partnered. “[The fair’s goals were] to keep people healthy and to reach out to people who may not have insurance,” said Annie Massimine, a registered nurse at St. Peter’s University Hospital. Such ser vices offered were screening for blood pressure, glucose levels, body mass index and cholesterol. “The health fair is so [the community] can get free screenings,” Blight said. “It’s free for anyone to get tests done and talk to professionals.” The fair this year focused on health care disparities and the lack of health care available to underprivileged people. “Health disparities are a big issue, especially in this community, and we want to help,” said Linda Blight, the fair’s chairperson and a Mount Zion church member. Blight is a member of the Praise and Healthy committee, which formed in 2002 and focuses on health care in the church and community. “We will be accepting a community ser vice award from Rober t Wood Johnson University Hospital this Thursday,” she said. Mount Zion has held free health fairs in the community for eight years and hosts about two to three fairs per year, Blight said. This fair marks the first collaboration between the church and St. Peter’s University Hospital and many of the com-

munity health events are made possible by grants from companies, said Kathleen Iannauzzo, a registered nurse at St. Peter’s University Hospital. “When we do these fairs in New Br unswick with faithbased organizations, it’s through a grant we received from Merck,” said Iannauzzo, who works with St. Peter’s University Hospital Community Mobile Health Ser vices. The fair accommodated for non-English speakers, Iannauzzo said. “We also provide translation ser vices and financial ser vices,” she said. “That way those who don’t speak English can be tested. The financial ser vices are to talk with them about insurance and how to still receive health care.” But care does not end at the fair, Massimine said. “We don’t only treat, we follow up,” she said. “That way if something is wrong, we can get them treated and make sure they are seeking the help they need.”

A man who Massimine tested at previous fairs and health events in New Brunswick was able to walk up to the table, and the two conversed like old friends. “You kind of develop a relationship with people you see,” she said. Helping and educating those who do not have insurance was a key goal in the health fair, Massimine said. “In times like today with the economy, people don’t have insurance. This is helping people in their time of need,” she said. At other health fairs, St. Peter’s University Hospital educated and screened for breast cancer, prostate health, stress management, sun safety and smoking, Iannuzzo said. The fairs tr y not to leave any health issue unchecked and unnoticed. After the fair, the church opened their doors for two hours for Feed the Hungry, where they invite those who are less fortunate to eat a free meal.



Monica Clear, left, and Nora Glowinski, registered nurses at Saint Peter’s University Hospital, perform free health screenings for attendees Saturday at the Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church annual community health fair.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Duck race raises cancer, environmental awareness BY DENNIS COMELLA STAFF WRITER

The 30th annual Raritan River Festival drew in local residents Sunday to Boyd Park on the banks of the river. People of all ages enjoyed music, environmental tents and a rubber duck race organized by the Beez Foundation, a nonprofit charity organization that raises awareness about brain cancer. Race participants donated $5 toward the foundation, and the owner of the winning duck won a cruise. ALL PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE DEPALMA

Local residents waddled over to Boyd Park yesterday on the Banks of the Raritan River in New Brunswick to enjoy a rubber duck race and learn more about environmental ef for ts at the 30th annual Raritan River Festival. Organized by the nonprofit charity organization the Beez Foundation, the duck race star ted in 2001 to raise money for pediatric brain cancer research. Joe Giardina, the foundation’s founder, said the organization has donated more than $150,000 to cancer research. Giardina and his wife established the Beez Foundation in honor of their late daughter Jennifer Beisswanger, who died of brain cancer at the age of 22. Brain cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer and the second most common cancer in children, which is why research is important, Giardina said. Visitors donated $5 to the foundation to enter a duck in the race, and the owner of the first duck to cross the finish line won a cruise. This year marked the fourth race, which made a comeback after three years due to the recent renovation of Boyd Park, Giardina said. As par t of the campaign, Giardina created Duck Land, where children par ticipated in activities by spending “duck bills.” “We decided that everything we do will be a family event,” he said. “We feel we’ve done pretty good for helping the kids out.” Another important message at the festival was to keep the environment clean and healthy, including the Raritan River on a local scale. “There aren’t that many cities along the river that appreciate the river or have access,” said Bill Schultz, the Raritan Riverkeeper. “New Brunswick is one of the few towns that really seems to appreciate the river.” Schultz said to keep the environment clean and the ecosystem healthy, for both people and wildlife. “We talk for the fish and sue polluters,” he said. The New Brunswick Environmental Commission also pitched a tent where environmental organizations were able to speak to the community about various topics, such as renewable power, recycling and going green. “We’re trying to teach people not to litter and to recycle as much as possible,” said Donna Caputo, the New Brunswick Bureau of Recycling coordinator. Spectators of the event, such as East Brunswick resident Nadine Taranto, were able to enjoy a variety of local music, including rock, ska, reggae and hip-hop. “It’s so great to be able to sit outside where ever ybody can have fun,” said Taranto, who came to the festival with her family. Although Taranto said her children came to see the rubber ducks at the festival, and they also wanted to come for the cause. “That touched our hearts,” she said. “The vote [to come here] was unanimous.”



PA G E 1 2

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Dirty campaigns leave voters doubtful


emocrats are playing dirty with midterm elections coming up and their numbers are suffering under a Republican offensive. It appears as though they have nothing to brag about, forcing them to focus on their rivals’ faults from years ago. We understand the importance of negative ads and the Democrats’ need to use them, but with candidates zooming in on the less-than-important aspects of their rivals’ lives, we disagree with this tactic. According to a New York Times article, Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) called her Republican rival, Tom Ganley, a “dishonest used-car salesman” who has been sued for fraud, discrimination, lying to customers about repairs and overcharging them. She also warned voters, “You’ve heard the old saying, buyer beware!” This brings us back to offensive campaigns against Gov. Chris Christie’s weight. These tactics are widely used, yet they remain unethical. The fact of the matter is a given candidate has nothing to offer but tasteless jokes and insults against their opponents — although, we hope no one will listen to them. The ugly truth is that voters will zoom in on a candidate’s past flaws, and they will vote against them. Campaigns should be about personal accomplishments and plans for the future. If we do not follow this, candidates will soon revert to bringing out their rivals’ report cards and whatever misdemeanors they can find from years past.


Free antibiotics hurt patients Unwarranted protests I Doctor’s Orders work for no one


he eighth annual address to the University community this Friday was emotionally charged after a series of interruptions to University President Richard L. McCormick’s 50-minute long speech. Barely four minutes into the address, a Latino student stood up and demanded McCormick’s backing of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants attending the University. Security escorted him out. Another student stood up three minutes later and supported the same cause. The question is: Why alienate yourselves from an official body that supports your cause? University Professor Paul Panaytatos appropriately asked this after the third interruption to McCormick’s speech. He also informed students that there will be sufficient time at the end of the address for questions and answers. The truth is that these outbursts of revolutionary thought hardly accomplish anything. After these two protests, a group of 30-or-so Latino students stood up and walked out of the Multipurpose Room in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. This only makes the situation worse for those who actually require in-state tuition if they were to stay at the University. Now after borderline scandalous walkouts at the president’s address, people will think twice about backing the Latino students’ cause. The University Senate and McCormick himself, expressed support for the cause, but the truth is that they are unable to directly change the situation. It is up to federal and state officials to allow illegals to attend the University as instate students. We are a major state university, backed by federal and state funding, and we will hardly risk that for a group of students who disrespect our president. There are just better ways to go about achieving the Latino students’ goals. Those students who walked out simply come off as ignorant and disrespectful — with no regard for their cause. In-state tuition for illegal immigrants won’t just be accomplished through a simple act of rebellion. The students’ ignorance shone through even at the end of the address. A man who presented himself as Ernesto Guevara — also know as “Che Guevara” — asked McCormick for a “yes” or “no” answer to the question, would you, personally, give our cause moral support? McCormick of course attempted to answer as well as he could when the student again interrupted and asked — “yes or no.” In this act of complete disrespect, the cause is easily lost. Asking the man who from the beginning supported these students’ goals is impractical, to say the least. Now past supporters and possible new supporters will question the methods of these students. It isn’t the 1970s anymore and no one is fighting for racial freedoms. Now is the time for tactical action and one through somewhat bureaucratic methods. The University and its main officials cannot do anything without the approval of state or federal authorities. Ernesto Guevara and his troops cannot do more than alienate their supporters. He cannot do more than disrespect our president with this uprising. These protesters have made Latino students look bad and have hurt their cause. “Yes or no” is not the answer they should be looking for, rather; they should be working on achieving what they want through diplomatic means.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “We talk for the fish and sue polluters.” Bill Schultz, Raritan Riverkeeper, on keeping the Raritan River clean STORY IN METRO

f you have been near a patients wither away. The pharmacy at your local economic cost of this crisis supermarket lately, is currently estimated at $4 then chances are that you billion per year, but no price have heard about the tag can be attached to its newest advertising tool for physical and emotional toll. these stores: Free antibiSimply put, we already get otics. The concept is simple BO WANG enough antibiotics from the enough. The pharmacy meat we eat; there’s no need absorbs a small financial loss on the antibiotics, to add to that by freeloading at the local pharmacy. but more than makes up for this loss through your In addition to causing resistance, antibiotics other purchases around the store. In the process, also cause many side effects, most of them rare, it may also convince you to transfer your prescrip- but all of them unworthy of the risk if the drugs tions over from its competitors. On the surface, are unnecessary. Take amoxicillin for example. this quid pro quo appears to be a win-win situation Many who have taken this medication have expethat gives patients more access to medications rienced some degree of upset stomach, which is a while bolstering store sales. While this strategy common side effect of this drug. But a look at its does make certain drugs more affordable, it also package insert reveals the following non-exhaushas great potential to hurt patients. tive list of additional side effects: Agitation, aneFirst of all, free antibiotics — or in a more gen- mia, anxiety, changes in behavior, colitis, confueral sense, free anything — promotes moral hazard sion, convulsions, diarrhea, dizziness, hives, and overuse, leading to resistance and unnecessary hyperactivity, insomnia, liver problems and jaunside effects. Imagine that you just got a sore throat dice, peeling skin, rash and tooth discoloration in and mild fever. What would you normally do? I think children. It should be emphasized that these side a fair assumption would be to get a ef fects are quite rare, but the bit of extra rest and rely on your length of this list alone should con“This contribution vince you that these drugs are not own immune system and possibly some over-the-counter medications without their risks and should be is contingent on to relieve the problem. If the symptaken prudently. the pharmacist toms do not seem to get better after Besides promoting over-medicaa few days, then you might pay a tion and the associated complicahaving access visit to your doctor to get a check-up tions and side effects, free antibiotand prescription. to a patient’s entire ic programs also lead to significant With the advent of the free gaps in health care deliver y medication record.” through the fragmentation of a antibiotics programs though, you might very well be more inclined to patient’s medication records. make that doctor’s visit earlier and Under normal circumstances, skip the natural defense step altogether. And while patients tend to get all of their prescriptions from this program does not cover all the antibiotics on a single pharmacy. Not only is this arrangement the market, the inclusion list is quite comprehensive logistically convenient for the patient, it also and provides up to a 14-day supply of many of the allows for optimal care by allowing the pharmacist most commonly prescribed ones — including amox- to ensure that the drugs being prescribed are icillin, cephalexin and Cipro. So chances are that appropriate given the patient’s drug regimen, your prescription will be covered. allergies and other health information. But by rushing to antibiotics as the first-line soluThe extensive didactic and clinical training that tion at the first possible sign of illness, you are suball pharmacists go through enables them to detect jecting your body to antibiotic resistance, which drug interactions, inappropriate doses and other occurs when the bacteria mutate in ways that makes potential medication errors and work with the them more resilient to medications. Antibiotic patient’s physician or nurse to rectify the situation. resistance has become more and more of a public For example, if a patient is allergic to penicillin, he health burden in recent years, aided by its pervasive should not only avoid amoxicillin — an antibiotic in use in raising livestock as well as its general overthe penicillin class — but possibly also cephalexin use in society. Staph infections — which were large- and certain other drugs as well. ly treatable with penicillin in the past — are showing While pharmacists can contribute significantly to increasing resistance against these drugs and a patient’s well-being, this contribution is contingent newer antibiotics as well. Clinicians today often find on the pharmacist having access to a patient’s entire themselves depleted of all treatment options due to resistance and can only watch helplessly as their SEE WANG ON PAGE 13

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Hollywood focuses on Muslim stereotypes Letter ROWAIDA ABDELAZIZ


wake up on Friday afternoon to experience mixed emotions of relief and anxiety. Relief that it is finally the most anticipated day of the week but anxiety knowing in the back of my head that I have tons of work to do over the week — the myriad of readings, mathematical calculations, papers — all under the pressure of enjoying a good weekend. Truly mission impossible. As I walk out of Neilson Dining Hall on the Douglass cam-

WANG continued from page 12 medication record, which is not easily accessible between different pharmacy chains. Therefore, if a patient usually gets theophylline — an asthma medication — from the local Rite-Aid and decides to take advantage of ShopRite’s free antibiotic program by getting a 14-day supply of erythromycin at the store, neither the pharmacist at Rite-Aid nor his counterpart at ShopRite would be aware of the other drug being taken unless the patient told them this information. Unfortunately, either due to neglect on the part of the pharmacist to ask or on the part on the patient to tell, this exchange often does not occur, and the interaction that results between these two drugs — which causes an increase in the level of theophylline in the body — can provoke abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, and ultimately, a lengthy and bitter litigation process. Widespread adoption of electronic health records, as mandated by the new health care law, will help to confront this issue through more comprehensive and accessible medication and health records, but we are still many years from reaching that point. So while these free antibiotic programs popping up in a supermarket near you are laudable in increasing accessibility, the bottom line is that they pose more harm than good to society. Contrar y to what is implied by these gimmicks and professed by some economists, health care is not a commodity — getting your prescription is not the same thing as buying, say, a DVD. If you picked up “Pineapple Express” and realized that it did not suit your taste, then the worst that can happen is that you lose a couple of hours of your life and about $20. If you get an antibiotic that was either unnecessar y or that interacted with one of your other medications, then you risk life-threatening complications. In medicine, the clinical ser vices and judgments provided by health care professions are as impor tant — if not more so — to optimal patient care as the drug itself, and tr ying to commoditize health care prevents them from being rendered appropriately. Bo Wang is an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy sixth-year student and former president of the Pharmacy Governing Council. His column, “Doctor’s Orders,” runs on alternate Mondays.

pus back to my room, I grab a copy of The Daily Targum. I love reading and not only that, I was once editor of both my high school paper and literary magazine, so reading the Targum takes me back to memory lane. As I skimmed through the paper because of the tight timing I have in between classes, a column happened to catch my eyes — “Film promotes military agenda.” After reading the column about how films focus on the stereotypical Arabs being portrayed as terrorist in most movies and, of course, the exotic belly dancer and snakes, I felt a sense of joy.

The column made me realize that Arabs and Muslims weren’t the only ones coming to this conclusion. As both an Arab and

“So yes, make that two of us, please prove us ... all wrong.” Muslim here at the University, I thought that only other fellow Arabs and Muslims realized what Hollywood was doing and unfortunately there is nothing

we can do about it. But I did also realize that the University must truly a diverse and well-educated community filled with intelligent people for a non-Arab, nonMuslim to realize the numerous attacks Hollywood has been making against our culture, and yet, this prestigious countr y breeds freedom and no racism. Go figure. But said columnist has proved me wrong. So thank you, and I agree with your last statements saying “So with ‘Buried’ only two weeks from its full release in the wake of innumerable racially charged conflicts —NYC’s Mosque, Iran

Afghanistan, Turkey to name a few — history has turned perfectly into Islamophobes. In ‘Buried’ we will mostly likely see Arabs again in the same Hollywood stereotype: Greedy, lustful, coldblooded and, ultimately, fundamentally inept. And although doubtful I am, please Hollywood prove me wrong.” So yes, make that two of us, please prove us — and the rest of the Arab and Muslim community in the States — all wrong. Rowaida Abdelaziz is a School of Arts and Sciences firstyear student.



PA G E 1 4

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Today's birthday (9/27/10). You feel the need to expand and/or use personal resources in new ways this year. You develop intelligent plans that hold promise of success based upon your own best efforts and not on the promises of others. Cultivate an alternate income source. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 6 — Unless you agree on details with someone close, you both end up fussing with neither one of you happy. You may have to go more than halfway. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 5 — A male in your environment is anxious to provide for you. Let him supply food and drink while you continue to work. Don't interrupt the idea flow. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 5 — You need to take care of practical matters before taking on any team activities. That way there's no stress buildup. Clean something. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — You could spend the entire day considering a gift for someone special. Or you could join the group, get down to business and get the job done. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 5 — A female associate inspires your passions through an invitation. Make sure you understand the appropriate dress code. Then you can relax and enjoy the company. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — Invite people over for some serious fun. You choose the game. Give someone else the opportunity to plan the menu. Use paper plates.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Instead of frantically sorting through possibilities, take direct action. Physical movement reduces stress and allows you to reach a conclusion. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — A female tells you how to achieve greater comfort in a relationship. Don't fuss about the facts. Just follow her advice for best results. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 5 — Everyone puts their heads together to revise previously completed work. You're comfortable with just watching. Serve drinks and treats. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Your need for creative expression gets fulfilled through a group activity. At first you doubt this could be possible, but give it a chance. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 7 — Plan a romantic moment. Keep all the details secret until you're sure about the venue and the guest list. Trust someone with experience to help. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — A couple you haven't seen in a long time issues an invitation for quite soon. Shuffle your schedule and make reservations immediately.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

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Solution Puzzle #6 9/24/10

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” (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: SKULK LUNGE MEASLY CACTUS Answer: What the pianist sought when he studied the music — THE “KEY” TO SUCCESS



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SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

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NOTEBOOK: Pair of freshmen record first catch continued from back and not for the defense — it’s a loss for all of us.” But when the offense’s potentially game-winning drive ended with a red zone interception, the defense gave Rutgers another opportunity to win. A pair of stuffed North Carolina runs and timeouts set up third-and-two on UNC’s 15yard line, where junior cornerback David Rowe stepped up and brought Jheranie Boyd down in

the backfield to force a punt and give Rutgers a shot. The second game-winning effort ended four plays later with the ball on the ground. “Our goal on that series was to go and get the offense the ball, so when we did that, we felt really good,” Greene said. “We felt like we had a really good chance.” Greene’s interception had all the appearances of a gamechanger, trailing by one in the third quarter, but the ensuing drive went nowhere, allowing UNC to get the ball back and tack on three points for the final 17-13 scoreline.



Sophomore middle linebacker Steve Beauharnais’ recovered fumble — it was forced by Rowe, who stripped Boyd — was also wasted at the end of the first half. All of Rutgers’ first-quar ter points were set up by defensive plays. The Knights stuffed UNC’s attempt on fourth-and-one on its opening drive, which led to a San San Te field goal. Senior linebacker Antonio Lowery then got the ball right back when he recovered a fumble and returned it to the UNC 20-yard line. The Knights turned to the Wildcat to pound it in for their lone touchdown.


True freshman J.T. Tartacoff saw the first action of his collegiate career Saturday and hauled in one catch for 16 yards.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


J.T. Tartacoff made his collegiate debut on the Knights’ opening drive Saturday, and his first catch could not have come at a bigger spot in the fourth quarter. As Rutgers pushed to take the lead in the final minutes, the offense was forced to convert twice on third-and-long and once on fourth-and-long before Savage’s interception ended the drive in the red zone. On the second long thirddown conversion, Savage found Tartacoff for a 16-yard gain that moved the sticks. “I thought that was a tremendous catch on a big route late in the game,” Schiano said. “He went up and he got that thing, and that’s what Division I receivers do.” Tartacoff impressed early in training camp before injury sidelined him. The 5-foot-11 wideout traveled to Miami two weeks ago for the Florida International game and did not play, but said as he earned more reps in practice this week he realized he would see time. “No doubt I was excited. It was my first collegiate catch, but it really doesn’t matter if we


Sophomore safety Khaseem Greene recorded an interception in the third quarter as the Knights trailed 14-13 and returned it 14 yards.

can’t pull out the win and get in the end zone,” Tartacoff said. “I’m happy I made the catch, but I’m going to take this experience and learn from it as we get ready for Tulane.”



lone true freshman to make his first reception, as Jeremy Deering accomplished the same feat in the first quarter. Deering played each of the past two games and was targeted a handful of times, but did not make his first catch until sophomore Mohamed Sanu looked his way out of the Wildcat.

It was the first completion that did not go for a touchdown for Sanu, who is now 3-for-8 in his career through the air.



lineman Antwan Lower y made his first career star t at right guard. Lower y received significant time in Rutgers’ last game against Florida Inter national and bumped junior Caleb Ruch from the star ting lineup against UNC.




Dumont led the Knights out of the tunnel with the axe.


SEPTEMBER 27, 2010



BATTERED: Martinek

“I think looking back in retrospect that against FIU that was the thing that allowed them to win that sees minimal time with injury ball game,” said UNC head coach Butch Davis on the Wild Knight. continued from back “They had struggled with some of Schiano said “I know he’s in a littheir conventional offensive things tle pain right now and we’ll see that they had tried to do in that where it goes.” particular ball game. They had The Rutgers running game scored their winning touchdown mirrored Savage’s ineffectivewith that and you had to kind of ness through the air. thing that with two weeks to get An unhealthy prepared.” Joe Mar tinek at D e f e n s i v e l y, “We’re going r unning back Rutgers did not get was detrimental on UNC to remember this. pressure the ground game, quarterback T.J. forcing tr ue Yates, but still held You have to learn freshman Jordan him to 204 passing from this and Thomas and the yards and picked Wild Knight him off once. stick together. ” formation into Rutgers (2-1) the limelight. also held the Tar CHARLIE NOONAN Thomas put up Heels (1-2) below Senior Defensive Tackle 68 yards on 11 100 rushing yards, touches, but the but the offense Wild Knight dominated the offencould not put up enough points to sive gameplan for the Knights. support the defensive effort. Sanu ran the ball 15 times for “We’re not going to pretend just 41 yards and threw a pass out like this loss didn’t happen,” said of the formation. defensive tackle and team captain Rutgers averaged just 2.4 Charlie Noonan. “We’re going to yards per carry as a result of the learn from this. We’re going to Wild Knight and conventional remember this. You have to learn running game. from this and stick together.”


pair of former Rutgers football standouts returned to New Jersey yesterday, playing up the Turnpike from their former home on the Banks at New Meadowlands Stadium. Wide receiver Kenny Britt hauled in two catches for 26 yards and a touchdown in the Tennessee Titans’ 29-10 win over the New York Giants. On the defensive side of the ball, Jason McCourty recorded four tackles and an interception as the Titans surrendered just 271 yards of total offense. JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO / PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

North Carolina quarterback T.J. Yates amassed 204 yards through the air on 22-of-30 passing with one touchdown and one interception.

THE FC GOLD PRIDE bested the Philadelphia Independence, 4-0, yesterday, giving the Pride its first Women’s Professional Soccer Championship in the team’s second year in the league. Former Rutgers goalkeeper Erin Guthrie is on the Pride’s roster and earned her first minutes in goal during a 4-1 victory against the Independence earlier this season. The Pride finished in last place in the WPS league last season.



Phillies failed to clinch the NL East yesterday, falling to the New York Mets, 7-3. The Phillies came into the game needing just one win after their division rival Atlanta Braves lost, 4-2, to the Washington Nationals. Phillies starter Cole Hamels endured a rare rough outing, allowing five runs and losing his fourth game to the Mets this season. Hamels allowed a total of four runs in his previous six starts. The Phillies take on the Nationals tonight in game one of a three game set, hoping for a Braves’ loss combined with a win to clinch the division.



continued through the first three weeks of the 2010 NFL season. The Atlanta Falcons defeated the defending champion New Orleans Saints, 27-24, in overtime, upsetting a team that began last season 13-0. The Kansas City Chiefs stayed perfect in the AFC West, trouncing the San Francisco 49ers, 31-10. As for the Dallas Cowboys, a team hyped to be a Super Bowl contender, the ship is not yet taking on water. The ‘Boys beat the previously undefeated Houston Texas, 27-13, a squad that upset the Indianapolis Colts in Week 1.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Top 25 welcomed an unfamiliar team to its list following the weekend of college football action. Nevada snuck into the 25th spot in the AP poll, marking the first time since 1948 that the Wolfpack got into the national discussion. Nevada takes on UNLV Saturday and welcomes Western Athletic Conference rival and No.3 Boise State on Nov. 26 for the final meeting between the two squads as conference foes.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Untamed Wild Knight keeps Savage out of sync Buffalo Soldier A.J. Jankowski


hances are that when Tom Savage awoke yesterday morning, he was in a fair share of pain. Bruised ribs top the list, but for the sophomore quarterback, whom North Carolina sacked five times, hurried numerous times and hit a countless number of times, the pain is more than skin deep. Rutgers entered the season boasting a signal caller with more experience at the position than anyone else in the Big East. Savage was “the guy” — no ifs ands or buts about it. But in Saturday’s demoralizing 17-13 home loss against North Carolina, the sophomore was not under center for 25 of Rutgers’ 69 offensive plays. Still think he’s “the guy?” Granted, Savage sat out for three of those plays due to the aforementioned rib injur y while true freshman Chas Dodd replaced him and threw two incompletions. But the rest of those plays operated under the Wild Knight package, and therein lies the problem: Identity crisis. The formation that pits versatile wideout Mohamed Sanu at quarterback first hit the scene

in last season’s loss to Pittsburgh and found great success in a win over Louisville, as well as a bowl victor y over Central Florida. But aside from the four-play drive that resulted in Sanu’s 10yard touchdown run in the first quarter, the Wild Knight brought marginal success at best. In 22 plays, the Wild Knight netted a total of 66 yards. That’s a three-and-out. And when the formation was inef fective on first and second downs, Savage came back into the game and took a beating while attempting to conver t on long third downs that he didn’t even force the of fense into in the first place. For any quar terback — let along a true sophomore carr ying the weight of a state university on his shoulders — it’s impossible to find a rhythm. “That’s an oppor tunity for you to get to the sideline, catch your breath, fix up and get ready to go back in there,” said head coach Greg Schiano about whether Savage’s constant exits out of the game af fect his rhythm. “We have studied a lot of Wildcat teams. I don’t think it af fected Arkansas when they were doing it really well.” The Razorbacks used the Wildcat when superstar Darren McFadden ran the ball for them from 2005 to 2007. In McFadden’s senior year, the Wildcat offered a triple threat because defenses had to be ready for McFadden, a speedy

Felix Jones and the bruising Peyton Hillis. All three running backs are on NFL rosters. The Scarlet Knights ran this package Saturday with the versatile Sanu, an inexperienced Jordan Thomas and an injured Joe Martinek. Sanu gained 30 yards on nine carries in the first half, but that success was hardly duplicated after halftime. The Tar Heel defense keyed in and teed off on the Wild Knight package in the second half, with Sanu only mustering 11 yards on six carries. With Sanu playing wide receiver, quarterback and running back, it’s only a matter of time before the pounding he takes catches up with him. Perhaps it already has, but he is just following orders. “I just have to stay in the moment and know my job and do my assignment,” Sanu said. The Knights relied on the Wild Knight for one third of their of fense against the Tar Heels. That percentage either has to grow substantially or decline. Pick one or the other. The formation can either lead to a gimmick play that you see in the latter par t of a game or it has to be a team’s whole of fense. “I mean, if coach says that’s what works, then that’s what works,” was all Savage could muster in the locker room after the game. If you make the Wild Knight the main cog of your offense, then Savage’s name becomes as


Sophomore wideout Mohamed Sanu lined up at quarterback for 22 of 69 offensive plays on Saturday in the Knights’ loss to UNC.

forgettable as Casey Dick’s. While playing second fiddle to the Wildcat at Arkansas, Dick put together a quarterbacking career that included 34 interceptions and 63 sacks. It didn’t matter if Dick found a rhythm, because the Arkansas offense ran through McFadden. Things should be a little different here on the Banks. Don’t hand the reigns of the of fense to Sanu, give them

back to your star quarterback so that Savage can recover mentally and then go on to distribute to Sanu and the rest of the team’s weapons. Tame the Wild Knight before defenses shut it down completely. — A.J. Jankowski is an associate sports editor for The Daily Targum and accepts comments, criticisms and witticisms at


SEPTEMBER 27, 2010



Salmon hurt in loss to Marquette BY A.J. JANKOWSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

The Rutgers men’s soccer team opened Big East play Saturday by dropping a 1-0 decision at Yurcak Field to Marquette. The loss snapped the Scarlet Knights’ four-game unbeaten streak MEN’S SOCCER and is 1 t h e MARQUETTE 0 team’s RUTGERS first loss at home. To make matters worse, the Knights (3-2-1) might have lost much more than just the game. Midfielder Yannick Salmon, Rutgers’ leading goal scorer, went down awkwardly early in the second half, clutching his right ankle and did not return. Early indications from head coach Dan Donigan were not good, however he does not know how long he will be without the star player. “I haven’t spoken to the trainer and I haven’t spoken to Yannick, but obviously it’s something not good,” Donigan said. “He’s a tough kid. For him to not go back in the game, it must be pretty serious.” The Westbur y, N.Y., native said he is “going to be fine” while limping off to the locker room following the game. Salmon’s injur y came less than 10 minutes before the Golden Eagles (2-3-2) got on the board with the lone tally of the game. The goal came when Calum Mallace found space down the right wing and delivered an accurate cross into the box. The ball found its way past the outstretched head of junior defender Andrew Cuevas and right

onto the head of Marquette’s Chris Madsen. The forward propelled the ball into the net and right past the helpless Adam Klink, the Knights’ goalkeeper. “We just weren’t marked,” the junior goalie said about the goal. “You can place blame on just one person — I mean I place blame on myself, I should have sorted it out better.” Madsen’s speed gave Rutgers fits all game long. The forward let a total of five shots go with three of them on target. The defensive line played all game without outside back Chris Edwards, who missed his second straight game with a bad hamstring. The team greatly missed the senior’s speed and experience. “We try and deal with setbacks as much as we can,” said senior captain and defender Paulie Calafiore. “Having Edwards back there helps so much, not just with his speed and knowledge of the game, but with his experience and his heart.” Rutgers maintained possession for much of the second half after the goal, but was unable to generate enough quality scoring chances. Set pieces gave the Knights the most opportunities to draw even, with the team taking a total of six corner kicks in the second stanza. However, none equated to goals. “Corners are tough,” Donigan said. “If you look at the percentage of how many are taken that equate to goals, it’s not a ver y high percentage. [Marquette] has a couple of big boys that they are able to get back on restart situations.” The Knights’ best chance to tie came with less than 20 min-

utes to play, when conver ted midfielder Br yant Knibbs saw his point-blank shot from inside the 18-yard box rattle of f the post. The rebound gave substitute Todd Webb a look on goal, but the freshman’s header went high and wide, allowing Marquette to earn a goal kick. Since moving to the midfield halfway through last Sunday’s match against Hartford, Knibbs has arguably been Rutgers best offensive player. The Pine Bush, N.Y., native looks comfortable on and off the ball, taking a total of six shots against the Golden Eagles — two on target. “We give him the freedom to roam around and get a feel for where he’s positioning,” Donigan said. “I have the confidence to tell him to push forward. He knows what I mean. Knibbsie just has a very good feel for the game.” The loss to Marquette ends a five-game homestand for the Knights on a sour note after winning the past three games. Rutgers opened the homestand with a 2-2 tie against Delaware. The Knights hit the road for a Wednesday matinee with Temple in Philadelphia before traveling to Cincinnati for another Big East match on Saturday. “I just said to our guys that we got to bottle up this loss and use it to harness the energy for the rest of the season,” Calafiore said. “Nobody likes to lose. You just got to take this feeling and when you have any doubt you have to pull it back out and remember what it felt like and push yourself so you don’t let it happen again.”


Senior midfielder Yannick Salmon, top (8), went down with an ankle injury in Friday’s 1-0 loss against Marquette. The loss also marked the first of the season for junior goalkeeper Adam Klink.


TAYLOR BECOMES SIXTH COMMIT TO RICE’S 2011 CLASS For as short as the Rutgers men’s basketball MEN’S BASKETBALL t e a m is on scholarship players this season, first-year head coach Mike Rice is making sure that will not be the case in Year 2. Rice received his sixth commitment for the Class of 2011 on Saturday, when shooting guard Mike Taylor offered his verbal commitment. Taylor joins’s No. 12 recruiting class in the nation, which was already boosted with the addition of Jerome Seagers since the rankings came out. Taylor never hid his desire to play with friends and Rutgers commits Kadeem Jack, Derrick Randall and Myles Mack — all from the New York area. The group was four of 12 basketball recruits to attend Saturday’s football game against North Carolina, and it was at the game that Taylor committed. “The three guys — Kadeem, Derrick and Myles — were already going there, so I wanted to make it four,” Taylor said. “We can do some big things in the Big East. “It may not be in our first year, because we’re still young and won’t know what to expect, but maybe in our second year. Patience is a virtue, and we’ll be patient and make it happen.”

Jack is the headliner of the group and ranked No. 33 in the nation by Rivals. He will play with Randall this season at South Kent (Conn.) after transferring from Rice in New York. Randall played with Mack last year at Paterson Catholic. The opportunity to make an immediate impact and do it together is what sold Taylor on joining the Scarlet Knights. “It’s not one player,” Taylor said. “One player can win a game, but one player can’t win a tournament. “We see there’s no one really there, so we can step in right away and have an opportunity to make plays.” And before Rice even coached a game for Rutgers at the Louis Brown Athletic Center, he already won six battles for coveted recruits. Former Rutgers coach Fred Hill Jr. recruited the 6foot-3 guard before his April resignation, but Taylor said he never seriously considered Rutgers as a destination before he met Rice. “I’ve never seen him coach at Rutgers, obviously, but he’s been in the [NCAA] Tournament year after year,” Taylor said of the former Robert Morris head coach. “I’ve watched his teams in the Tournament and I know how his teams can play.” — Steven Miller



SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


Late goal gives RU first winning streak since ’08 BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT

Every team struggles at times and every team can battle to win come gameday. Resiliency, however, is something few squads possess. While t h e FIELD HOCKEY Rutgers RUTGERS 2 field hockey W. CHESTER 1 t e a m battled through adversity during its first eight games, it flaunted its resiliency this weekend. The Scarlet Knights (3-7, 11) completed their first weekend sweep of the season yesterday, defeating West Chester, 21, and ultimately gaining momentum entering the heart of Big East play. Despite a slow first half, head coach Liz Tchou’s squad put together an overall dominant performance, holding the Golden Rams (3-6) to just two shots while tallying 12 of their own. “To have 12 shots and seven of them on cage is a testament to how hard the forwards have been working and finally reaping the benefits of being able to finish,” Tchou said. Basking in much of the glory was forward Nicole Gentile, who posted her fourth and fifth goals of the season to lead her team to victory in West Chester, Pa. The Jamison, Pa., native recorded a total of four goals for the weekend, with her last being the game-winner with just 26 seconds remaining on the clock. The junior struggled through the first eight games of the year, but if the last three contests are any indication of Gentile’s play down the stretch, a non-existent Knights offense may now be reborn.


Junior forward Nicole Gentile leads the Knights in points this season with 10, including four goals this past weekend in wins over Villanova and West Chester.

For Tchou, it all started last week on the practice field. “We put [the team] under a lot of pressure,” Tchou said. “We were on [the team] really hard in the beginning of the week, showed them video and said, ‘We need to play our style of hockey throughout the game.’ Their attitudes were so great.” But there is still room for improvement for the young Rutgers squad. Although the Golden Rams only put one shot on cage for the

game, they were able get on the board first, scoring just a minute into the second half. After an initial shot on goal and save by Vickie Lavell, the Knights failed to clear the ball from the circle and West Chester capitalized. Falling behind is something of an Achilles’ heel for Tchou’s squad this season and preventing early deficits is something the team still works on. “When Vickie makes the initial save, we have to be able to

get the ball out the circle,” Tchou said. “We’ve been struggling a little bit being able to really gain control of possession of the ball and being able to get it out. That definitely was a preventable goal.” Making up the first leg of the two-win weekend for the Knights was a 4-2 victory Friday against Villanova. The win over the Wildcats (2-5, 0-2) marked the first Big East win for Rutgers since the team bested Georgetown, 3-0,

on Sept. 26, 2008, in College Park, Md. For seniors Jenna Bull and Heather Garces, the victory was long overdue. “We definitely came together,” Bull said. “I think today’s game definitely shows that we’re going to do whatever it takes until the last second of ever y game to make sure that we’re playing together and winning these games together moving for ward.” After a scoreless first half, when the Wildcats outshot the Knights, 4-3, Gentile and company came storming out of the gates. The junior recorded her first of five goals this weekend just four minutes into the second half, then beat Villanova goalkeeper, Megan Goelz, low to earn her second tally. Sophomore Carlie Rouh and freshman Gia Nappi assisted Gentile on her two goals. Nappi added her own goal later in the half, while fellow freshman Lisa Patrone scoring her own unassisted tally to propel the Knights to the win. With the odds stacked against them, the team accomplished what it set out to do. “After we won on Friday we made a pact as a team that we were going to be on a winning streak,” Garces said. “Ever yone is stepping up as a team and it’s working to our advantage.” And following a disappointing 2009 campaign and a bumpy start to this year, Tchou noted the significance of the win for her lone seniors. “The first thing I did was go up and hug Heather [Garces] and Jenna [Bull],” Tchou said. “This was huge for them and for our program.”

Defensive breakdowns sour roller coaster weekend BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

Never did Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of WOMEN’S SOCCER g r a v i t y RUTGERS 0 describe t h e VILLANOVA 1 Rutgers women’s soccer team’s 2010 season so well. The Scarlet Knights (6-5, 1-2) fell, 1-0, to Villanova yesterday in Villanova, Pa., despite outshooting the Wildcats (6-5, 1-2) by a 1510 margin. “Later on there were a couple of breakdowns, mostly in the area of just losing possession,” said head coach Glenn Crooks, whose team failed to score first for the fourth time in six games. “[Villanova forward] Katie Ryan got behind our back four, which was one thing we noted in pregame. She had good pace and she was a good finisher.” The match’s lone goal came in the 37th minute, when Ryan took a through-ball at the top of the 18-yard box and put it past Rutgers freshman keeper Samantha Perretty. Ryan, a Wayne Valley High School product, tallied her sixth goal of the year on an assist from Heidi Sabatura, a Lawrence, N.J., native. Perretty made her second start of the season yesterday, while regular netminder Emmy Simpkins recovered from a concussion she suffered a week ago against thenNo. 5 Boston College.

The Parkland, Fla., native stopped four shots on the afternoon, giving her seven saves in her first two career starts in a Rutgers uniform. Rutgers stepped its offensive pressure up a notch in the match’s final 30 minutes, when the team fired seven shots and took four corner kicks. “I wouldn’t say we played a complete game — not at all,” Crooks said. “I think that’s a challenge for every team, but that’s par t of the disappointment. We played with much more urgency over that period of time now that we were down a goal. That’s when it becomes more psychological.” The Wildcats managed just one shot during the same timeframe. Junior Karla Schacher gave the Knights their best opportunity of the match in the 63rd minute, when her header hit the post. Fellow captain Gina DeMaio offered up a shot with 11 seconds left in the match. The delivery veered wide left of goal, reinforcing the idea that what goes up must always come down. “At the end we just didn’t have enough time,” Crooks said. “If there was more time left on the clock, then maybe we would’ve had it. That’s why you have to play that way from the outset. It just hasn’t happened the last three games.” The Knights began the weekend on a high note with a 1-0 win over No. 19 Georgetown, marking the first time since Sept. 13,

2009, that Rutgers defeated a ranked opponent. Perretty earned a shutout in her first career start after getting the official nod Friday morning from Crooks. “[It’s] amazing. We came off a two-loss weekend and we needed a win, wanted a win,” Perretty said. “We came out with whatever we needed [Friday]. We had a good week of practice and this is just what we needed.” After a lull in play through the match’s first 20 minutes, Crooks opted to replace half of his back four by inserting freshman Tori Leigh and sophomore Lindsey McNabb. “Everyone stepped up when we needed people to step up,” said senior defender Allie Hambleton, who played all 90 minutes in the victory. “As you can see, we have a really deep bench. Everyone who came on the field [Friday] really contributed, especially in the back.” McNabb got into the action early when she sent a header just over the crossbar on a corner by DeMaio. “Obviously tonight things weren’t going well. We made some changes and it made all the difference,” Crooks said. “The match turned on that. We all know Julie [Lancos] and Rhe [Sleiman] got subbed for and they’ve been starters ever y match of the year. It just wasn’t going their way [Friday night].” Rutgers’ sole goal came on another DeMaio corner, when

a redirected ball found the foot of senior midfielder Ashley Medcalf. The Waipahu, Hawaii, native sent a shot that deflected off of the crossbar and landed just inside the net in the 23rd minute. Medcalf’s tally, the second of her career, marked the first Rutgers goal in the first half since a 2-1 loss on Sept. 10, against then-No. 4 Portland.

“Conference play is about the points,” Crooks said. “We always talk about that. Georgetown — I’ve seen them a couple of times — they’re a quality team. They’re deserving of their top-25 ranking. [Head coach] Dave [Nolan] has built a very nice program. I just think in many ways we grinded it out. It wasn’t great soccer all the time, but I think we worked very hard.”


Senior midfielder Ashley Medcalf scored her first goal of the season Friday night against No. 19 Georgetown, her second career tally.



PA G E 2 4

SEPTEMBER 27, 2010


1 0 10

2 7 0

3 7 3

4 3 0

Final 17 13

BRUISED AND BATTERED Savage under constant pressure, injures ribs as offensive line surrenders five sacks in loss to Tar Heels BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT

Going into the final drive of the game, Rutgers quarterback Tom Savage had a chance to erase the majority FOOTBALL of a brutal afternoon against North Carolina. Fresh off an interception on a ball that — if accurately thrown— would have given the Scarlet Knights the lead, Savage and Rutgers started with the ball on the UNC 34-yard line, needing four points to tie the game. The drive ended on the 38-yard line and the game ended 17-13, in favor of the Tar Heels. Savage locked in on sophomore receiver Mohamed Sanu twice on the final drive for incompletions, threw a third incompletion and took a sack. Even worse for Savage, he hurt his ribs at halftime and is not a definite to play next week. “It’s frustrating when you know you can do it,” said Savage, who had to talk the coaching staff into going back in the game in the first place after a second-quarter hit did damage to his midsection. “It’s frustrating when you’ve made these throws before, especially when guys are open.” Savage finished with another sub-par performance, completing 16 of his 29 passes for 150 yards and two interceptions. Savage missed true freshman receiver Jeremy Deering twice on would-be touchdown passes and took five sacks as the offensive line has yet to provide its sophomore adequate protection. “I know he’s hurting right now,” said head coach Greg Schiano on Savage. “But you know, that’s what the great stories are made of; When you lead your team back, limping, everybody wants to write about those when they work. “When they don’t work, hey, it didn’t work. That’s as far as I can go. There wasn’t anything more than that.” Schiano said he has no more news on Savage’s ribs in yesterday’s conference call, but he did not expect Savage to participate in yesterday’s walk-through. “[Injured ribs] are very uncomfortable, really a lot of pain,”



North Carolina sacked sophomore Tom Savage four times in its 17-13 win over the Scarlet Knights on Saturday at Rutgers Stadium. Savage finished the game 16-of-29 through the air with a pair of costly interceptions.






No. 22 W. Virginia No. 15 LSU

14 20

No. 8 Oklahoma Cincinnati

31 29

Buffalo Connecticut

21 45



Total Yds 295 244

Pass 204 157

Rush 91 87

EXTRA POINT The number of all-purpose yards for true freshman Jordan Thomas against the North Carolina defense. The Endicott, N.Y., native ran for 27 yards on eight carries and hauled in three receptions for 44 yards. Thomas put the Knights in scoring position in the first quarter after gaining 37 yards on a swing pass out of the Pistol formation.



For as much as it tried, the Rutgers football team’s defense could not create momentum that would translate to the offensive side of the ball. The Scarlet Knights defense did its part, for sure, but no number of stops or takeaways could translate to points for sophomore quarterback Tom Savage and company.

Rutgers finished the game with two fumble recoveries, two stopped fourth-down conversions, an interception and a four-point deficit. “If it was winning defense, we would have won the game,” said sophomore safety Khaseem Greene, who intercepted UNC quarterback T.J. Yates in the third quarter. “We’re a family here. It’s not like it’s a loss for the offense


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