Volume 142, Number 34
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Today: AM Rain
High: 61 • Low: 44
Members of the Rutgers football team echoed Greg Schiano’s favorite words, “Keep chopping,” in the wake of Eric LeGrand’s spinal cord injury.
Advocates rally against marijuana regulations BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
TRENTON — Cancer patients and medical marijuana advocates in New Jersey held a demonstration yesterday, asking Gov. Chris Christie to repeal the recent regulations attached to the drug. Speaking on the steps of the New Jersey State House, Sen. Nicolas Scutari, D-Union, said he wants to work with Christie’s administration to make regulations that put the needs of patients first. “I want to see us move forward with legislation in a rulemaking process that is fair and accessible to patients to allow these very sick people to get the medicine that they need,” he said. “I hope the administration recognizes that these rules need to be amended.”
But Scutari said it would not work if the administration continues to treat marijuana as “a radioactive material.” “Last time I checked, no one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana,” he said. “We have much more difficult and much more strong medications available right up the street at the local Walgreen’s.” The demonstration also featured representatives from medical marijuana advocacy groups in the state. Anne Davis, executive director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in New Jersey, voiced support for Scutari’s effort to repeal the drafted regulations. “The regulations have a built-in design for failure by imposing a 10 percent limit on
Dan Savage, an openly gay columnist, discusses his website, which features videos of members of the LGBT community sharing their stories of bullying last night at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
Dan Savage may be battling the flu, but it did not take away from his fight against homophobia and the right wing at last night’s “Rutgers Responds: An Evening With Dan Savage and the ‘It Gets Better’ Project.” Savage, an openly gay columnist and founder of the “It Gets Better” project, spoke before an audience of hundreds last night at the University in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
Savage founded the YouTubechannel-turned-website with his partner last month after the suicides of several teenagers, who dealt with harassment at school, in the hopes of uplifting those who are struggling. “One of the things we thought about when we put it together was that bullied queer kids know what it is to be bullied,” he said. “We didn’t want to do a video where we recounted for 10 minutes what our bullying experiences were. … We wanted to talk about our lives now and how happy we are to be alive now.”
The site, which features testimonies from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults and their allies — including Bishop Gene Robinson, New York Gov. David Patterson and others — is dedicated to young members of the LGBT community. Its goal is to encourage them to live with the belief that the bullying will one day stop. Generally, not speaking out to young members of the LGBT community was the norm, as doing so would be seen by others as tr ying to recruit — or as New York
Some patients who qualify for medical marijuana disagree with the regulations because they feel it does not address their needs first.
U. competes to decrease energ y usage
INDEX UNIVERSITY The University received a video archive of Holocaust survivors’ testimonies.
Regulations on the growing and distribution of medical marijuana in NJ face harsh opposition.
Despite some initial confusion, a Universitywide energy reduction competition is in full swing. The “Campus versus Campus Electric Energy Reduction Campaign” is a competition designed to reduce energy consumption across all five campuses, said Thomas Papathomas, the Busch campus dean. The challenge is for students, staf f and faculty to all become more conscientious of how they are using energy. Originally set for March, there was some miscommunication over when it was going to take place, Papathomas said. But residents of all five New Brunswick campuses have been made aware and should see posters with the slogan, “Save a watt, save the world.”
All five New Brunswick campuses are competing in a challenge to reduce the amount of energy consumed on campus. Between the University’s three campuses, it spends $60 million annually on consumption.
OCTOBER 19, 2010
TODAY AM Rain, with a high of 61° TONIGHT Mostly clear, with a low of 44°
126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Anthony Hernandez, Matthew Kosinski, Jillian Pason CORRESPONDENTS — Reena Diamante, Bill Domke, Sam Hellman, Joey Schulhoff SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Joel Chokkattu, Jose Medrano
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OCTOBER 19, 2010
PA G E 3
Digital archive displays Holocaust testimonies BY LUCIE LOZINSKI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Captured on video, the voices and stories of thousands of Holocaust survivors are now accessible to the University community. As one of only 25 schools in the world to obtain the 52,000 inter views, the visual archive is a rare education resource, said Douglas Greenberg, former executive director of the testimony-collecting project at the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual Histor y and Education, before coming to New Brunswick. “The purpose is actually to advance the education of students,” said Greenberg, executive dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. The archive includes testimonies from survivors and other eyewitnesses from 56 countries and in 32 different languages, making it a rich educator in
histor y, language and Jewish studies, said Karen Small, associate director of the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life. “The testimonies focus on experiences related to the Holocaust as well as life before and after the war,” Small said. It is one of largest databases in the world, fully digitized and searchable by keywords, she said. “Any computer on the Rutgers network can access the archives, [whether in a] dorm room, classroom [or] library,” Greenberg said. People can search the archive for specific people, keywords or locations and then see a clip of video on that topic, said Rabbi Esther Reed, associate director for Jewish campus life at Rutgers Hillel. “It might be in the middle of an hour-long inter view, but the search engine will bring you to within a few minutes of the
keyword in their inter view,” Reed said. While faculty and even local public school teachers have the opportunity to search the archive and learn how to use it, the archive’s primary purpose is to benefit University students, Greenberg said. “When I came to Rutgers as dean, one of the things I hoped to do was to bring the archives here,” he said. Founded in 1994 to gather testimonies, the USC Shoah Foundation is a grant-funded project of Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation, which Spielberg started after he was inspired from directing the movie “Schindler’s List.” In addition to bringing the archives, Greenberg also led a seminar to acquaint faculty with the technology. He plans to use them in a Byrne Family First-Year Seminar during the spring semester. The Bildner Center is also trying to make the archives more
convenient for the University community, Small said. “The Bildner Center is organizing seminars, workshops and other events to bring the archive to the attention of Rutgers faculty, public school teachers and the broader community to demonstrate its value in teaching and research,” she said. Rutgers Hillel, an organization for Jewish undergraduate and graduate students at the University, is also helping to promote the archive’s importance, Reed said. “Hillel’s mission is to create opportunities for all Jewish students on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campus to deepen their connection to Jewish identity and community,” she said. Reed said the organization is thrilled with the accessible archive’s content and remarkable technology. Hillel has been sharing information about the archive with students, who are reacting enthusiastically, she said.
“One student was very excited about it. She wants to watch the interview of her grandmother, and I explained to her how to see it,” Reed said. Jewish and non-Jewish students have the ability to learn a great deal about the Holocaust through the testimonies, she said. “For some, it is personal — like seeing a video of your grandfather, or seeing a video of someone who came from the same small village as your grandmother,” Reed said. “For others, it is more academic — like learning about histor y, but from an inter view with a real person, rather than just reading about it in a text.” From the video clips she has seen, Reed said they include humor, songs and tears. “It is incredibly moving and beautiful, and anyone — Jewish or non-Jewish — who watches these video clips will be moved by them,” she said.
U. TO HOST CONFERENCE ABOUT SURROGATE MOTHERS The Rutgers-Camden School of Law will host a conference on Nov. 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to discuss surrogate motherhood. “Making Sense of Surrogacy” will feature two panel sessions of medical, legal and societal experts to focus on the challenges of surrogacy, according to a University Media Relations press release. The New Jersey Supreme Court case dealing with “Baby M” became the center of debates concerning surrogate motherhood in the United States, Kimberly Mutcherson, an associate professor at the School of Law and expert on reproductive law and bioethics, said in the release.
“A cross-disciplinary discussion about surrogacy is deeply needed at a time when cases involving surrogate mothers and intended parents wind their way through courts in New Jersey and the surrounding region with no clear template for how they should be decided,” Mutcherson said in the release. The first panel of the conference will examine the “Interdisciplinar y Perspectives on Surrogacy Arrangements,” according to the release. Margaret Marsh, executive dean of the Rutgers-Camden Faculty of Arts and Sciences and a nationally acclaimed expert on the history of reproduction, and Elly Teman, a
research fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for the Integration of Genetic Healthcare Technologies, are two of many speakers on the first panel. “Surrogacy Law and Ethics” is the second panel’s topic, according to the release. William Singer of Singer and Fedun LLC and Tiffany Palmer of Jerner and Palmer PC, among others, will discuss the topic. The Family Law Society, the Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy, the Women’s Law Caucus, and Law Students for Reproductive Justice at the School of Law will sponsor the event. — Reena Diamante
OCTOBER 19, 2010
STORIES: Some do not agree with Savage’s visit to U. continued from front gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino said “brainwash” — the youth, he said. But new media has made reaching out to those in need possible. “In the YouTube era, I was waiting for permission that I no longer needed,” Savage said. “I could speak directly to these kids.” During the event, co-sponsored by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities, Savage showed video clips from the YouTube channel, which ranged in content from the funny to the emotional and even a bit racy — but the message of hope was a common theme. “When a 13 or 14-year-old queer kid kills himself or herself, what they’re saying is they can’t picture a future with enough joy in it to compensate for the pain they’re in now,” he said. “We wanted to share our joy and not just our pain.” Often, he said, LGBT youth feel they have nowhere to turn, as even those they trust most may turn against them, which makes their situations unique. “Twenty-four-seven bullying is not a new experience for queer kids,” he said. “The bullied queer kid at school also invariably goes home to parents who also bully him, and then is dragged off to church on Sunday for bullying from the pulpit.” Such environments of intolerance are bred early on in the home, he said. “Their kids are watching mom and dad as they vote against the civil rights of gays and lesbians,” he said. “Their kids are listening to this rhetoric about gays and lesbian people and bi and trans people are a threat to the family, a threat to the institution of marriage, a threat to the planet.” Growing up in such hostile environments leads the gay teen suicide rate to be four to six times
Dan Savage, columist and founder of “It Gets Better,” shows several videos of testimonies regarding harassment and bullying toward members of the LGBT community. He hopes the United States will pass legislation addressing anti-gay bullying. higher than that of their straight counterparts, he said. “These kids, who are steeping in this anti-gay rhetoric and this bigotry, feel they have license to abuse these queer children because of what their parents are doing and what their preachers are saying,” he said. “We’ve seen the fruits of the religious right’s war against the rights of adult gays and lesbians — dead children all over the country.” To solve the problems and save lives, Savage said the nation should stop denying there is an issue and pass legislation that addresses anti-gay bullying and includes consequences. “An 18-year-old high school senior who walks into and beats a little old lady goes to jail,” he said.
“That same 18-year-old high school senior who goes into a school and beats a 13-year-old doesn’t even get suspended if that 13-year-old is queer.” Savage also encouraged victims to speak out, not only to school authorities, but also to police, who can file reports. “We’re not waiting for permission anymore,” he said. “We’re going over the heads of [those in] authority.” Still, there were those who did not welcome Savage’s presence on campus. Social justice organization Queering the Air in a statement called the selection of Savage as a speaker a “peculiar” one, as he has exhibited insensitivity toward people of color,
women and transgender people, among others. “‘It gets better’ is a seductive catchphrase. [Those] who are outside the charmed circle of heterosexuals and accepted gays and lesbians, desire social and economic justice and not platitudes,” the statement said. “We get better through community building and political action that benefits all. ‘It’ doesn’t ‘get better’ without a fight.” School of Arts and Sciences junior Tom Carr was familiar with Savage’s work and expressed criticism of his use of the world “faggot.” “I don’t think anyone should throw it around like that,” Carr said. Although he also did not support Savage’s use of transphobic comments, Carr was
still interested in hearing him speak. “I might not always agree, but I thought it would be a good event,” he said. Jessica Rosney, a School of Arts and Sciences junior and member of Queering the Air, wondered why the University used the money and effort it could have used to address LGBT concerns to bring Savage to campus. “I don’t like Dan Savage,” she said. “I used to read his column and follow his podcast, and he said some pretty dismissive and of fensive things toward even members of the LGBT community and people who are not thin or don’t have ‘gym bodies.’”
Institute teaches job skills for workplace The University may be the first college in the country to offer this kind of program, which exemplifies the goals of the Students may learn about a school as a whole, Ruben said. range of topics in class, but real“In graduate school, they world skills that lead to success teach you a lot about your disand advancement in the workcipline — if you’re a chemist place often cannot be taught. you learn chemistr y, if you’re a School of Communication and geneticist you learn genetics,” Information Professor Brent Bennett said. “But in the real Ruben coordinated the Preworld, a lot of what gets Doctoral Leadership you ahead is not based on Development Institute, which has the discipline.” worked to improve the set of skills Practicality was the main graduate students take away from focus for the types of skills their time at the University. that would be emphasized “I came to realize how within PLDI. Time manageimportant leadership and colment, negotiation, writing laborative skills are in so many grant proposals and managing aspects of university life,” work and home life are all the Ruben said of why he estabskills graduate students have lished the PLDI. “Like other been of fered in the program, faculty members, I have tried she said. to learn what I’ve needed to “As impor tant as the literal know on the job, but I also realk n o w l e d g e ized that this is obtained in classprobably not the es is, without the “We are hoping best approach.” knowlThrough the to bring expertise practical edge to succeed program, acceptin the work ed graduate stufrom all over world once we’re dents will be able the campus into given that diploto learn the leadma, a lot of us ership skills that one classroom.” [students] are can allow them to JOAN BENNETT going to fail,” succeed within Plant Biology and Pathology said Thomas their desired Associate Vice President Leahy, a School fields, he said. of Ar ts and Now in its first Sciences junior. year, the PLDI A similar 16-credit leadership Planning and Advisor y board development certificate program chose the participating educais available to communication tors based on recommendastudents in the School of tions from deans, department Communication and Information. chairs and graduate directors, Other departments at the Ruben said. University also have programs “We are hoping to bring like PLDI, Ruben said. expertise from all over the camPrograms similar to PLDI pus into one classroom where ought to be available to students they put their minds together of all ages and academic levels, and create something amazas these kinds of skills are essening,” said Joan Bennett, associtial to success in any kind of disate vice president of Plant cipline, Bennett said. Biology and Pathology in the Although the program is School of Environmental now only available to a select and Biological Sciences, from few accepted into the program, which the program draws Ruben hopes one day a more its instructors. expansive one will be available. The program offers students The goals for the program are opportunities they cannot receive lofty and ambitious despite in other schools, Ruben said. being in its infantile years, “PLDI is unique because it Ruben said. brings together doctoral students “We envision developing a from across the University to summer roundtable in study together. It also takes advanWashington, which will allow tage of the many talented faculty Rutgers PLDI doctoral students and staff leaders here at Rutgers, to meet with higher education and the many leadership-learning association and legislative policy opportunities provided by our unileaders,” Ruben said. versities,” he said.
Elinor Ostrom, joint winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009, will come to speak at 2:30 p.m. in Trayes Hall in the Douglass Campus Center. Philip J. Furmanski, executive vice president for Academic Affairs, will introduce her and a reception will follow the talk, titled. “Institutional Robustness: How Institutional Arrangements Facilitate or Detract from Efforts to Sustain Ecological Systems.” Ostrom is Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and Professor at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. She has developed a framework for understanding complex socio-ecological systems in the context of major environmental and political challenges.
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OCTOBER 19, 2010
OCTOBER 19, 2010
This would only make terminally ill patients suffer while limits upset patients in state waiting for a source of legal medicine that holds many beneficial elements for such continued from front patients, he said. “Marijuana is a safe, effective THC and three strains of medand inexpensive therapeutic ical marijuana [per grower],” agent. It should be available to she said. “The low THC of 10 any patient who can benefit from percent with a two-ounce-perit,” Wolski said. “No patient month limit on the patients should ever suffer needlessly, makes it useless for them.” and no patient should ever go to THC, tetrahydrocannabiprison for following the advice of nol, is an active ingredient in a doctor.” marijuana that causes its Two New Jerseyans who ef fect, with the body absorbqualify for medical marijuana ing the chemical within minalso attended the demonstrautes after smoking. tion, providing testimony as to Davis added the two-year why the drafted regulations are waiting period for additional unfair and hurtful. qualifications to obtain medical Jay Lassiter, a 38-year-old marijuana is irrational and is from Cherr y Hill, N.J., suf fers not the intent of the legislation from HIV, which he contracted when accommodating patients. 19 years ago. Lassiter opened “It takes compassion out of his statement by agreeing with the Compassionate Use Christie that gover nment is [Medical Marijuana] Act. The too big. patients, physicians and alter“I want the government out native treatment center appliof my medicine cabinet. There cants have all expressed disapis no room for Christie’s polipointment with the regulatics to come between myself tions,” she said. and my doctor,” he said. In conversations with doctors “That’s why I am here today, to from New Jersey, Davis said it is advocate on behalf of patients clear the administration is who suffer.” attempting to create an unworkLassiter then proceeded to able program for medical marihold up four days of medication juana, which will force patients to he is required to take for HIV, suffer longer. which he said amounted to “Gov. Christie publicly almost 40 pills. admitted just days ago that he “Ever y time I take these would not sign the bill if it meds, I say two litcrosses his desk tle prayers,” he while he was gov“I want the said. “One, I thank ernor,” she said. God that I’ve got “And I’m not congovernment out access to this and vinced that Gov. of my medicine number two, I say Christie is not God please let strongly influcabinet. There is these meds stay encing the down.” design for failure no room for Lassiter said in this program.” Christie’s politics.” he is lucky to In order to have access to provide regulaJAY LASSITER such medications fitting for Cherry Hill Resident tions, saying those patients there are many who are in need people in the state who do not of medical marijuana, Davis have such access and are dying. suggested the Department of He also said he does not need Health and Senior Ser vices, much marijuana to help build which drafted the legislation his appetite, which helps in subthat former Gov. Jon S. Corzine duing the HIV. signed in compliance with the “So the idea that if I’m going Compassionate Use of Medical to maintain a really healthy fitMarijuana Act, take their interness level and a robust ests into account when creating appetite, these are actually critnew regulations. ical components of me staying “We want to see compassion on top of this disease and keepin the patients’ rights be the ing my immune system really forefront of this program, and healthy,” he said. the regulations as drafted are Lassiter said those with terminot in the line with the legislanal illnesses have to nourish their tive intent of this bill,” she said. bodies by consuming all the calo“We demand that Gov. Christie ries they need. take action, work with the But Lassiter said others need Depar tment of Health and the medical marijuana for many Senior Ser vices and work with other purposes, noting the limit those patients.” of the THC and strains does not Ken Wolski, executive direchelp their situation. tor for the Coalition for Medical “This should have been in Marijuana in New Jersey, also effect long ago and every day the spoke out against the DHSS’ governor drags his feet for politidrafted regulations. cal purposes is a day that people “We feel these regulations in New Jersey continue to suffer,” are overly restrictive, burdenhe said. “So in the meantime, some and in some cases amend until Chris Christie can stop the law rather than tr y to enact dragging his feet for purely partithe law,” he said. “The san political purposes, I’ll be a Compassionate Use Medical criminal once or twice a week.” Marijuana Act is already the Lassiter added that Christie or most restrictive law in the the DHSS wasn’t thinking of nation, and there was no need patients’ needs and rather held for the regulations to make it his political aspirations in higher even more restrictive.” regard. Wolski said the coalition’s “We’re sort of pawns while his concerns with the regulations people figure out whether he include separation of cultivawants to run for president sometion facilities from alternative day,” he said. “If he’s got higher treatment centers, making political aspirations, and I believe physicians register for the prohe does, that means that those gram, delaying patient regaspirations become a factor in his istr y until alter native treatcalculus and every policy deciment centers are set up, and sion that he makes as it relates to limiting the content of THC New Jersey.” and strains available.
Cablevision, Fox conflict continues to third day THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — The dispute between Fox and Cablevision that left 3 million cable subscribers in the New York area without Fox programming over the weekend has stretched into its third day. Fox, owned by News Corp., and Cablevision Systems Corp. said talks yesterday morning did not bring a new agreement on how much Cablevision will pay to carry the network. The dispute has led to the highest-profile blackout over broadcast fees in years, leaving Cablevision subscribers without access to Sunday’s “When New York Giants game. broadcasters ... This type remove their of fight has become more signals, they common. Broadcasters hurt viewers in want more an attempt to money from gain business cable and leverage.” satellite providers so CHARLES they don’t SCHUELER have to rely as much on Cablevision Spokesman adver tising, which, as the recession illustrated, can be a volatile source of income. Cablevision and other subscription TV providers have resisted paying higher fees. The blackouts that sometimes result have started to draw attention from lawmakers and consumer advocates. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who chairs the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, pledged to introduce legislation intended to prevent broadcasters from pulling a signal when a retransmission agreement expires without a new one to take its place. New Jersey’s U.S. senators, Frank R. Lautenberg and Robert Menendez, sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski calling on the FCC to help speed negotiations. “We are deeply troubled that consumers are repeatedly being used as pawns in these programming disputes,” they said. Fox and Cablevision also traded recriminations. Cablevision spokesman Charles Schueler again called for binding arbitration to settle the dispute, a step Fox has resisted. “When broadcasters like News Corp. remove their signals, they hurt viewers in an attempt to gain business leverage,” Schueler said in a statement. Fox accused Cablevision of demanding “preferential treatment” and rejecting “the same fair terms that have been accepted by other providers in the market.”
ENERGY: Judging will be against last year’s consumption continued from front Between the New Brunswick/Piscataway, Newark and Camden campuses, the University annually spends $60 million on energy consumption, said Michael Kornitas, the energy conservation manager for the University’s Facilities Maintenance and Operations Utilities. Although the figure takes into account the entire University, it is still high, Kornitas said. Money saved on energy is money that can be used for other purposes. Each campus will be judged against their energy consumption last year, he said. Whichever campus cuts down its energy consumption the most will be the winner.
OCTOBER 19, 2010
University Facilities has a chargers, shut off a power team of four people that conduct strip,” he said. readings on the energy meters Students who are interested in throughout the University and learning more helpful tips can then calculate the energy con- consult the Facilities’ website, s u m p t i o n , Kornitas said. Kornitas said. “Students on The campus Cook campus are “By us reducing that reduces their especially interenergy, we use of energy the ested in doing all most will be they can to lessen are reducing awarded a trophy, their impact on the amount of said Matthew the environment,” Matsuda, College said Richard fossil fuels ... in Avenue campus Ludescher, the dean. The campus the United States.” Cook campus deans like the dean. “The camMICHAEL KORNITAS competition pus energy chalUniversity Facilities because it keeps lenge is just Energy Conservation Manager energy-saving conanother way they sciousness high. can help lower the Simple things can help cut carbon footprint of Rutgers.” down the University’s energy Although winning the top consumption, Kornitas said. prize would be nice, Ludescher “Turn out the lights when you said participating in the challeave your room, unplug your lenge is a reward in itself.
Papathomas said he hopes the competition will bring energy awareness outside of the University and that students spread the word to their families, neighbors and friends. “By us reducing energy, we are reducing the amount of fossil fuels that we are using in the United States. We’re reducing our greenhouse gas emissions,” Kornitas said. The University has begun to make energy changes that should become more apparent to students as they become more widespread, he said. “We’re working on programs to reduce the amount of electricity we use,” Kornitas said. “We ordered that every single light bulb through the University be replaced by the high-efficiency light bulbs.” The University will also add higher efficiency fixtures as well as install motion sensors, he said.
PA G E 8
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Marijuana laws serve necessary purpose
ew Jersey is ready to dispense medical marijuana, but the troubles with the freedoms of using the drug still remain. Sen. Nicholas Scutari, D-Union, is putting pressure on Gov. Chris Christie to repeal the regulations set for medical marijuana in the state. These regulations are largely reflective of Christie’s political views, and they are necessary during this first step in our state’s history in growing medical marijuana. It’s an innovative field and a few regulations of an experimental step are needed. No one has tried this before, and politicians and patients oppose the regulations put in place to control the growing and distribution of the drug. So why not control this first step? If New Jersey is to have growing facilities and distribution points for medical marijuana, they should be state-controlled. The regulations, drafted by the state’s Department of Health and Senior Services, provide four dispensaries to distribute medical marijuana to patients who need it. These dispensaries get their supplies from only two sources within the state. In order to receive the drug, patients must have a medical marijuana card or have permission from the DHSS. These regulations are needed if we are to lead the nation in legal and fair distribution of a substance carrying certain controversies alongside it. We have gotten this far in the process, and despite California’s much looser laws on the drug, New Jersey has the opportunity to make the legal transition much smoother. We should see how it goes under a tighter and less-risky government control. Christie and the DHSS do not want to see a massive uncontrollable influx of the distribution of the drug, and these regulations do in fact let them keep an eye on the situation. No one is saying that these laws and regulations will not evolve. Under the pressure of their opponents, the regulations will loosen. But in addition to that pressure, we need to see how medical marijuana will affect the state’s economy and legitimacy. New Jersey is innovative in its methods, but it still requires some guidance from the government. This is politics and Christie’s decision can only be defined as logical.
College curricula need concentration
o colleges really need degrees in the humanities? Are French, Italian, classics or theater departments viable parts of a university? The truth is — as long as the major humanities departments remain intact — a school has nothing to lose by cutting non-profitable courses. The State University of New York at Albany, a school of 18,000 students, decided this month to cancel its degree programs in French, Italian, classics, Russian and theater. Budget cuts and the relatively low numbers of students in those classes were the reasons behind the decision. In an ideal world, every university would be able to offer any class students want. The curriculum, however, would also allow students to concentrate on one or two subjects rather than requiring minimum credits and minimum numbers of classes in several disciplines before graduating. Perhaps some cuts in humanities then are good — not because loss of the departments signifies an opposition to the subjects, but because schools should be more focused and better at one major concentration. Even in high school, public at least, there is not the problem of over-saturation, but the mediocre immersion in all disciplines, when in fact, kids should be getting ready to concentrate on one and be immersing themselves completely. At our own university, we are required to complete 120 credits and each school has its own different expectations of the students. Completing several math and sciences, for example, does not make sense for an undergraduate student who plans on entering the spheres of publishing. It seems as if we attend the University in order to sustain a general notion of intellectuality, which neither works for the student, nor does it for the world following college. Eventually, after completing this very general education, we come out to find that graduate school is the place where studies are finally concentrated — as it should be. Ideally though, undergraduate classes should already be the means through which we are prepared to enter a specialization with complete and full knowledge. By no means do we advocate for the transformation of public universities such as SUNY-Albany into a trade school. But in today’s economic atmosphere, the school had to cut the programs, which made the least financial sense. Spending four years marching through courses on Baudelaire and Rimbaud seems fitting for some people, but if that is the case, there are plenty of other schools with better such programs and much more concentrated curricula. Humanities are needed, and their disappearance is alarming. Training in those areas, however, will be and is made available at more specific schools, and that is one thing we can accept.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “We have to go out there and play and just have fun. No choice. We have to for Eric.” Senior outside linebacker Antonio Lowery on playing despite junior defensive tackle Eric LeGrand’s injury STORY IN SPORTS
Re-evaluate war on drugs
he war on drugs in The illegality of the the United States drug trade also has will celebrate its adverse ef fects for the 39th birthday as a part of strength and purity of the official political vernacular drugs smuggled into the in less than a month. The countr y. Since there is ongoing prohibition of psyobviously no regulations chedelic drugs is now more the purity of cocaine, CODY GORMAN for than a centur y old. The batches of tainted or unsafe phrase has been used by cocaine often lead to sickpoliticians left and right who want to seem tough on ness and overdose. Due to the difficulty of smugcrime without much thought to its roots and the gling the drug into the country, dealers often commeans of “winning” this war. In the 39 years that the pensate for lack of supply by increasing the potenwar has been official, arrest rates have soared, pris- cy of the drug they offer. This is a deadly conseons have become overcrowded and tougher laws quence for many first-time or recreational users have been passed to ban drug trafficking and pun- who are led to overdose or death by being ignoish users. So the U.S. government is clearly winning rant of the strength of the drug they are injecting the war on drugs, right? into their system. The short answer is no. To begin with, the three Even worse, the current laws on drugs essenmajor drug law passages –– opium, marijuana and tially encourage gang warfare. As there is no way cocaine –– are rooted almost entirely in racist origin. to legally settle disputes for selling territories, rival Opium was outlawed in the early 20th century to drug gangs often engage in “turf wars,” which have close down opium dens and minileft thousands dead and even more mize contact between middle-class citizens endangered. “The outright whites and mostly Chinese immiWhile the amount of incarceragrant workers. Marijuana was outtions and arrests for drug possesbanning of drugs also sion have increased steadily, it is lawed out of fear of the Mexican migrant workers in the 1930s, withignored the two most important to note that again, the out full knowledge of the capacity for arrests are disproportionate to the fundamental laws in races of drug users. While blacks which the drug is used. Cocaine was outlawed in the 1980s and has since a capitalist society: comprise 13 percent of Americans drawn the most attention for punishand 13 percent of recreational supply and demand.” drug users, they represent 35 perment disparity among races. For example, until the Fair cent of arrests for possessions, 55 Sentencing Act of 2010, the 500:1 percent of convictions and 74 perpunishment rule was in effect to differentiate cent of prison terms. Drug possession is the between crack and powder cocaine. Basically, an fourth leading cause of arrest in the United offender would receive the same 5-year federal States. It continues to grow. imprisonment sentence for possessing 500 grams The thought that the growing number of arrests of powder cocaine as one would receive for 5 will deter possible dealers is also a logical fallacy. grams of crack cocaine. Why? Because powder For every drug dealer that is incarcerated, there will cocaine was used predominantly by upper-class be another person willing to take his or her place. white businessmen while crack cocaine was more And why not? The job is easy enough, there’s a conprominently used by impoverished inner-city stant demand and it’s statistically unlikely that a blacks. The new rule, albeit a step in the right dealer will be caught. Unless you’re black or direction, still holds an unfair 18:1 ratio of posses- Hispanic. In that case, you’re more likely to be sion for powder to rock form. involved in poorly-constructed drug trade, and as The outright banning of drugs also ignored such, are more obviously seen or infiltrated by the two most fundamental laws in a capitalist police and unfairly represented in the prison system. society: supply and demand. This drives the This creates a cyclical problem for lower-class international drug trade to be enormously prof- minorities, who are more prone to be arrested for itable. An amount of heroin purchased for $300 in minor possession or trafficking charges. The Pakistan, when smuggled into the United States, result is that families are torn apart; single mothcan sell for close to $290,000. Why wouldn’t drug ers addicted to cocaine have their children put peddlers be enticed to take part in an investment SEE GORMAN ON PAGE 9 that can have a 100,000 percent rate of return?
The Tuning Fork
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
GORMAN continued from page 8 into foster homes — a mess that can’t even be described in this article — and the children are raised with minimal structure and low outlook for upward progression. Once adults, the illprepared youth are sent into the world with bad education, little life structure and few prospects for self-advancement. As previously stated, drugs are easily available and in high demand in poor neighborhoods. With little oppor tunity elsewhere, many are driven to selling or addiction themselves, and the cycle begins anew. Part of the blame lies on the public, which demands statistics in incarcerations to increase to compensate for the obscene amount of money that is spent on the war on drugs (somewhere near the $30 billion range). Police are more prone to prosecute in poorer areas populated by blacks and Hispanics because it’s easier to find arrests there. It’s akin to hunting — a good hunter will go to an area populated by deer to kill a buck, not an area where one would be well-hidden or scarcely found. The worst part of the drug war is that the United States has the ability to help. Programs in Europe that offer a safe haven for drug users or even needle-exchange programs — where an addict can exchange an old needle for a new, sterile one — have shown
great success. It is even speculated that the AIDS epidemic would not have become an epidemic had intravenous dr ug users been able to cleanly shoot up. But since most of these drug users are minorities, AIDS became seen as the plight of the poor and filthy drug users and a fitting fate for those terrible criminals who use intravenous drugs. This outlook on drug users is in no way masked by elected officials. Former Chief of the LAPD Daryl Gates even stated in a Senate Judiciary Committee that casual users should be “taken out and shot” for “treason” in the drug war. This thinly-veiled racism evidences some of the true motives of the current drug war: put away minorities for good. America is not slowly losing the war on drugs; it is badly losing the war on drugs. Progressive programs exist to make drug use for users safe and clean, but American politicians are too concerned with seeming “soft on drugs” to attempt to use them. Our jails are crowded, our minorities profiled and our drugs outlawed to a point that not selling them is unprofitable. America needs more progressive policies toward drugs to prevent these things from happening. The war on drugs has taken enough of a toll on American society. It’s time to put it to rest. Cody Gorman is a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior majoring in political science. His column, “The Tuning Fork,” runs on alternate Tuesdays.
OCTOBER 19, 2010
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Today's birthday (10/19/10). You tend to overestimate your capabilities now. You have great luck, though, when you get in too deep and magically find an excellent escape route. To keep the stress level to a minimum, practice counting to five before you leap into action. Don't forget details. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — Create necessary down time for yourself. You need to think things through alone, without interference. There's time to share insights later. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 5 — Wisdom emerges from conversations among the team. Each person contributes ideas to improve the results. Capture their brilliance with notes. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 5 — The key to success today is to allow creativity to move between a variety of activities. That way, you have time for yourself and others. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — Keep ideas flowing among family members about vacation plans. Don't pin down the itinerary until later. New possibilities emerge. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — Don't measure imagination with a logical yardstick. Instead, allow each idea to grow at its own rate, free from restrictions. Bring them down to earth later. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — Talk seems cheap. In the long run, it proves to be the only way to accomplish your optimistic goal. Make sure the communication flows both ways.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — There's plenty of mental activity in your circle right now. They focus on emotional issues. Your thoughts pursue logic instead. Blend both. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — You need fun today, regardless of what coworkers require of you. Joke around while handling serious matters. Notice where exuberance meets practicality. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 5 — Circumstances require a major adjustment in your game plan. You want to satisfy everyone, but that's unlikely. Prioritize, and soothe feelings later. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Ideas fly around at light speed. Snag as many as you can, and take note for future reference. It's all valuable information you might want to remember. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — You benefit personally when others reveal their logical process. You understand what they want, and learn a new way of manipulating data. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Focus your feelings toward empathy. Others get bad news, and you can help them through a difficult moment. Assist with troubling phone calls.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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” (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: ROUSE SWAMP PUSHER INDUCE Answer: When the conductor proposed to the harpist, it was — MUSIC TO HER EARS
PA G E 1 2
OCTOBER 19, 2010
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OCTOBER 19, 2010
TRIP: Orange squander RU chances in Friday’s 1-0 defeat continued from back
Junior Karla Schacher played only 45 minutes in the Knights’ scoreless draw with St. John’s registering only one shot on goal. The forward took only two shots in the team’s 1-0 loss last Friday to Syracuse.
DeMaio and Woeller were two of four Knights to play all 110 minutes. A total of 19 Knights saw action in a contest that tested their physical and mental endurance. Rutgers’ match Friday at Syracuse (6-7-4, 3-4-1) took on a similar low-scoring appearance until the Orange’s Tina Romagnuolo tallied the match’s lone goal in the 86th minute. Despite taking just one less shot than the host Orange, the Knights registered three more shots on goal. “We were going up against [Syracuse’s] best that day as it turned out,” Crooks said. “That would’ve never been an issue had we finished our opportunities. Friday was all about missing very good opportunities.” Perretty took over for regular starter Simpkins in net in the second half and managed three saves, but also conceded the decisive score. Junior captain Karla Schacher, who came into the match with
three goals in the team’s past four games, led the Knights with only two shots. Schacher earned the team’s best opportunity on net in the 49th minute, when the Tofield, Alberta, native had a one-on-one with an Orange defender. Her shot went just wide of net. Despite the adverse results, Rutgers sits in sole possession of four th place in the Big East’s National Division after a poor weekend for Louisville, who dropped consecutive conference decisions. “Ever yone is stepping up,” Jones said. “[Owning our destiny] is a really big motivator to get us going to win.” The Knights take on Louisville on Sunday to close out the regular season after doing battle with Cincinnati. The team hosts its last two matches after enduring a tough four-game road trip. “We have to play with the same mentality, whether we’re playing at home or we’re playing away,” DiPaolo said. “We definitely have to come out and win the next two. The fact that [they are] at home helps.”
REHAB: Some recovery likely in all spinal cord injuries continued from back Taliaferro walked eight months later, but the higher vertebrae injuries can result in more loss. “The higher the injury, the more loss you have,” Young said. “[LeGrand’s] is actually ver y high. Generally, if you have a C3C4 injury, it affects your breathing and you’re likely on a respirator. But he should be able to get off the respirator — I know many people who had a C3-C4 injury who were able to.” The American Spinal Injury Association classifies spinal cord injuries into categories A, B, C, D and E. Although Young was involved in some discussions about LeGrand’s condition, he did not know the classification of the injury. The poorest prognosis is ASIA A, which accounts for 40 percent of the injured population and is a complete spinal cord injury that sees the patient lose all motor and sensory motion. ASIA C is the most common prognosis and often allows for walking. ASIA B patients have a 50 percent chance of walking, although that classification is rare, and ASIA C patients have a 90 percent chance of recovering to walk. “Almost ever yone with a spinal cord injury will recover something,” Young said. “If you’re in ASIA A and have a C3 injury, that means you may get back C4, you may get back C5. Now, C4 is the deltoids, C5 is the biceps. If he has ASIA B or C, he could have a recover y that includes walking. It all depends on how severe his injury his.” LeGrand received surger y Saturday night into Sunday morning to stabilize his spine. Young said he also received methylprednisolone — a highdose steroid that Young helped develop, along with the ASIA classification system, in the 1990s. The target time to administer the steroid is within the first eight hours of the injury, or even more preferably within the first three. LeGrand received it even earlier. The steroid improves recovery functions by an average of 20 percent. “The first question I asked when I heard he was injured was, ‘Did he get steroids?’ He did, which is important,” Young said.
Junior defensive tackle Eric LeGrand (52) and redshirt sophomore Scott Vallone celebrate a shared sack in the Scarlet Knights’ game against North Carolina earlier this season. In LeGrand’s absence, Vallone and the Knights said they will play and prepare just like LeGrand did.
CHOP: Schiano declines to offer daily updates on LeGrand continued from back and resting comfortably at Hackensack Medical Center, had yet to regain motion below his neck after suffering a C3-C4 spinal cord injury while making a special teams tackle. The 20-yearold from Colonia High School is –– at least temporarily –– paralyzed from the neck down. LeGrand received emergency surgery after the injury, and within 24 hours of Sunday’s announcement, unsubstantiated rumors spread on various Rutgers message boards that he managed to move his big toe and had some feeling in his hand. Schiano neither confirmed nor denied the rumors when asked yesterday during the weekly Big East coaches’ conference call. “I think it’s important that we stay away from daily updates and those kind of things because I think there’s so much information out there and a lot of it
misguided,” Schiano said. “Right now, when it’s appropriate, we will make an announcement if there’s any kind of change in his condition. But that’s not going to be a day-to-day thing.” Though tough for the team to transition, Rutgers stands five days away from traveling to Pittsburgh to resume Big East play –– without LeGrand. “It’s tough, but we know what Eric would do,” said sophomore defensive tackle Scott Vallone, one of LeGrand’s best friends on the team. “We know that Eric would just chop through it. “He’d make sure that he took care of his responsibilities, make sure he came to take care of his brothers, so we’re going to do it in his honor and make sure that we’re preparing and make sure that we’re not a hesitant team going out there. We have to make sure that we’re all guns blazing and ready to go.” Senior safety and team captain Joe Lefeged said that he has never seen a teammate injured to that magnitude and is not sure how to deal the ordeal.
Rutgers dealt with a similar situation in 2004 in the form of a car accident on Homecoming. “Just follow coach Schiano,” Lefeged said. “We’ve never been through something like this. He has. We’re just going to follow him and I’m going to do my best job just to relay the message to the rest of the team. He’s been through it and he’s going to help us get through this. We’re just going to follow the leader of this program.” The majority of the team has yet to visit LeGrand in the hospital after doctors suggested he get as much rest as possible. Sophomore safety Khaseem Greene, one of LeGrand’s roommates, was one of the few to visit his fallen teammate after the game. “You never want to see your brother like that, but at the same time I think I needed that,” Greene said. “Me and a couple of the guys that went up all needed that. I just told him I love him and to stay strong. He’s a strong kid and a fighter, and that was the message.” Between the multiple Facebook groups growing by
the second, a segment of Rutgers Athletics’ website devoted to sending LeGrand messages and the outpouring of support across the nation on message boards, team captain and close friend Charlie Noonan, among others, is thankful for the support. “It just shows what great fans we have and the people in the state,” the senior defensive tackle said. “It’s also a testament to Eric, because there’s not a person in [the Hale Center] that could say Eric is a bad guy or even rubbed them the wrong way once. Eric’s just a great guy.” Rutgers retains hope that LeGrand will join them on the sidelines again and remembers his presence, both as a dominant force on the field and a great friend in the locker room. “He has a presence to him,” Noonan said. “His smile. As soon as he walks into a room he can light a room up. He’s just a hard worker. I don’t have any sisters, but he’s kind of like a person you would want your sister to date. He’s a really good guy.”
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Comeback yields first Big East win BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT
A single adjective cannot begin to describe the scene in the College Avenue Gym on Friday night VOLLEYBALL during 2 t h e SETON HALL 3 Rutgers RUTGERS volleyb a l l team’s victory over Seton Hall. From Rutgers volleyball fans that followed the Seton Hall bench whenever it switched sides, to the shrill, barbaric screams of the Pirate volleyball team, to the successful propagation of RU chants, the atmosphere was nothing the Scarlet Knights witnessed in years. The Knights earned a comefrom-behind 3-2 victor y — their first over Seton Hall since 2004 and first Big East win of the season. “It’s great,” said head coach CJ Werneke. “It’s awesome. It’s a great feeling as a staff. I’m more excited for the players than anything. Again, it’s like the only match we talked about winning. Hopefully this catapults us into the future.”
The Hall threatened to take a typical 15-point fifth set and send it into a “win by two” scenario after cutting Rutgers’ lead to 14-13. But after about two minutes worth of meticulous volleyball, senior outside hitter Emma Chrystal smacked a shot into two Pirate defenders that went out of bounds to finish the game for the win. “[It was a] great swing from Emma,” Werneke said. “I’m just happy for Emma [who is] still battling some of that injury stuff. I’m so happy for her to have that kind of ending.” The rest of the last set was the most even time of the match after Seton Hall slowed down Rutgers’ momentum from the previous matches. Even after rushing out to a 4-1 lead, Rutgers managed to quell the surging Pirate offense with a 5-0 run of its own and kept the set even before Chrystal’s kill. The team maintained its dominance in part by remarkable play from sophomore setter Stephanie Zielinski. “She’s been searching for a little consistency especially when it matters and she really stepped it up,” Werneke said. “She found the hitters that were in the zone and
Sophomore middle blocker Alex Jones (17) sported the second-most kills Friday for the Knights in a 3-2 win over in-state rival Seton Hall.
put them to where they could do some nice things with the ball.” It wasn’t just her setting that propelled the Knights’ offense. Zielinski’s third 20-20 performance on the season also saw 21 digs to accompany her 46 assists. Add in four kills including a nasty twohanded spike and you have a Big East honors-worthy performance. “Last year we had so many fivegame matches and we won the majority of them,” Zielinski said. “We practice playing short games to 15 all the time. We knew we were going to win, and we didn’t panic at all.” The sophomore’s setting abilities were always the key to the Knights’ explosive offense, Werneke said. The second necessity for the same explosive offense was solid hitting from the entire team, led by senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton. The Encinitas, Calif., native swatted for 13 kills with a tenacity that, even when properly received by the Pirate defense, flew out of control and off the court. “Something just ignited in [Saxton],” Werneke said. “I wish I knew. It was exciting to see her just take over at times.” Senior outside hitter Katie Groff recorded 10 kills on the night, and sophomore middle blocker Alex Jones had the second most kills on the team with 11. In short, Rutgers was a welloiled machine. Unfortunately the same incredible level of play wasn’t there in the first two losses, especially in the second set where Seton Hall scored 20 of the first 26 points and Rutgers hit for a collective -0.107. “It’s huge especially in our sport — momentum,” Werneke said. “Who can carry it over from game to game and who loses it. Even though we struggled in Set 2 toward the end, we gained some of the momentum back.” From here on out keeping momentum is the name of the game for Rutgers. With the bottom half of the Big East schedule slated for the rest of the season, it is do-or-die time. “[I feel] amazing,” Zielinski said. “So happy. I’m so excited because I feel like this is really it and we’re going to go on a roll right now. We all have this confidence going into next game it doesn’t matter who we play.”
Weather conditions mar tourney BY ADHARR SHARMA CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Rutgers women’s golf team placed ninth at the Rutgers Invitational this past weekend with a WOMEN’S GOLF c o m RUTGERS 668 b i n e d score of NINTH PLACE 668 (347321). Fairleigh Dickinson University emerged victorious with a score of 642, winning by seven strokes over second-place Bucknell and 13 strokes better than third-place Siena. The Scarlet Knights posted one of the highest first-round scores, which hampered their run to victor y since their 321second round score was the third lowest out of the 21 teams competing. The Knights saw success in the play of senior team captain Jeanne Waters, who posted a total 160 (83-77) for both days’ play and tied for third overall in
individual performance, despite the blustering conditions on Friday that halted play. But the rest of the team lagged behind its captain. Sophomore Karen Cash finished tied for 40th with a 169 (87-82) score. Junior Elisa Mateer finished tied for 47th with a 170 (87-83), sophomore Brittany Weddell tied for 50th with a 171 (91-80) and junior Lizzy Carl finished tied for 56th with a score of 172 (90-82). Heading into the weekend, the team recorded a 308-350 victory over New Jersey divisional rival Seton Hall. During the head-tohead matchup, Waters finished first and 2-over 74 on the par-72 Rutgers Golf Course. Coming into this weekend’s play, the Knights looked to improve upon their third-place finish from last season’s Invitational and Waters sought to retain her individual first place crown. She tied for a tournamentbest five birdies last season
and led Rutgers to a 627 (316-311) total. This weekend’s tournament was marred by bad weather and play had to be stopped early on Friday because of darkness. The gusty winds and blistering cold had a huge impact on the performance of all the players, as witnessed by the best score of 330 in the first round by Boston College. The frustration and disappointment was evident on the athletes, as their shots got away because of the wind. Many could be seen rubbing their hands and bundling up in an ef for t to repel the nearfreezing conditions. All the individuals had very good second round scores, showing bounce-back ability after Friday’s bad weather conditions. Head coach Maura WatersBallard leads Rutgers to the Richmond Invitational on Nov. 1, when the Knights hope to rebound from this weekend and place amongst the top.
Freshman Valentina Gordon showed promise in the three-meter dive Friday in the Knights’ intrasquad meet.
Diving quartet finds comfort in more reps BY JOSH BAKAN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Comprised of a senior, a sophomore and two freshmen, the divers on the Rutgers swimming SWIMMING & DIVING and diving team face abrupt changes in their experiences and roles. Senior Jen Betz, a captain, saw a lot of potential in the group Friday at the team’s intrasquad meet. “As a whole, we did really well in the intrasquad meet,” Betz said. “There’s always room to improve, but I think for the beginning of the season we all have a really positive outlook and I hope that’s the way the season’s going to go.” The divers’ only loss from last season was a big one in graduate Erin Saunders, who was a captain. “She was an incredible diver and probably one of the best Rutgers has had in a very long time,” Betz said. “The loss made us all step up and realize we have really big shoes to fill this year. It makes us push ourselves harder to try and fill her role on the team.” With the loss comes two new additions for the Scarlet Knights — freshmen Valentina Gordon and Nicole Scott. “We’re excited about the freshmen because they double [the diving] team,” Betz said. “It’s exciting because they don’t know about our past program. It’s exciting to have that fresh outlook on our team. They’re ready. They’re motivated.” Betz sees having four divers as an advantage over last year’s squad, which only had three. “Having a fourth helps a lot because with such a small number of people, one extra person adds a lot,” Betz said. “The more the merrier. It makes practices more exciting and less stressful because you don’t feel like you’re carrying as much of the load.” Another advantage over last year’s team is that Gordon and Scott are platform divers, and platform diving has been added to the Frank Elm Invitational and the Princeton Invitational, upcoming events for the Knights. Along with the platform, Gordon is “really strong on the three meter,” Betz said. “She works really hard, and coming in,
I know she’s made a lot of progress already.” Scott also dives the onemeter and three-meter. She won the one-meter in the intrasquad meet. “She works so hard,” Betz said of Scott. “She’s made a lot of progress since coming here. Our coaches are really excited about having her dive.” Also on the team is sophomore Katie Kearney, who in the span of a year has gone from a freshman to the second-most experienced diver on the team. Her leadership role is very similar to last season, Kearney said. “Last year, we all kind of fed off of each other,” she said. “If I was having a bad day, Erin and Jen would help me out. If they were having bad days, I would help them out. It wasn’t necessarily a seniority thing. It was just that we were all there for each other. We were all teammates. “It’s not much different. We did lose Erin, so it’s a little different. She was my big sister. She was someone for me to look up to, but now I look up to Jen.” Kearney also has a lot of confidence in the freshmen. “The freshmen have great diving ability,” she said. “They’re a lot of fun. We’ll joke around during practices. It’s not always a serious vibe, and the freshmen definitely help that vibe.” Kearney also gives credit to head diving coach Fred Woodruff, who is in his 18th year with the team. “I think he’s an amazing coach,” Kearney said. “He’s always motivating us. He gives us a lot of insight into diving, so I love him as a coach. “ The divers have encouraged head coach Phil Spiniello so far. In the intrasquad meet where they did three dives off the onemeter and three dives off the three-meter, they did very well, according to Spiniello. “Although we haven’t had any meets yet, they bring a lot of excitement and enthusiasm,” Spiniello said. Spiniello was impressed by Gordon’s and Scott’s improvement on the platform. “Even though we rarely do the platform, it is very encouraging to have two members who can do it,” he said.
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Tourney berth remains possible for Knights BY A.J. JANKOWSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
utgers freshman quarterback Chas Dodd and senior linebacker Antonio Lowery each earned Big East weekly honor roll status yesterday, the conference announced. Dodd threw for 251 yards and two touchdowns on 18 completions, while leading the Scarlet Knights to their second-straight comeback victor y in the process. The Big East commended the L yman, S.C., native for the second week in a row. Lowery pitched in a careerhigh 19 tackles — the most by a Big East player this season — in the overtime win over Army and added a fumble recovery to his efforts.
coach Greg Schiano made changes to the team’s depth chart yesterday in the wake of the Knights’ recent string of injuries. Sophomore linebacker Ka’Lial Glaud replaces junior Manny Abreu, who suffered an injury in the win over Army at the strongside position. Redshir t freshman Isaac Holmes moves onto the twodeep at defensive tackle and fellow redshir t freshman Michael Larrow takes over as the first tackle substitution. The move comes after junior Eric LeGrand suf fered a spinal cord injur y against the Black Knights. Freshman Marcus Thompson returns to his original position as Glaud’s backup linebacker after moving to defensive end earlier in the season.
lacrosse team released its 2011 schedule yesterday, revealing matchups with four teams that qualified for the NCAA tournament last season. Head coach Jim Stagnitta, entering his 10th season on the Banks, leads the Knights in their first games of the season on Feb. 18 and 26, when the team welcomes Wagner and Manhattan to Piscataway. The Knights then take on 2010 national r unner-up Notre Dame on March 26 to start their Big East schedule. The Fighting Irish bested Rutgers, 10-8, last season in South Bend. The squad looks to improve upon its 5-8 finish last season after starting the year 4-1.
the Rutgers men’s basketball team’s game against Miami on Nov. 21, moved from 4 p.m. to 2 p.m., the program announced yesterday. The matchup will be televised on SNY, marking one of nine Rutgers games televised by the network this season. The Knights also have a total of eight games that will be nationally televised by ESPN, with at least four appearing on
No matter how down-and-out the Rutgers men’s soccer team may feel MEN’S SOCCER during RUTGERS 0 i t s sevenPITTSBURGH 3 game losing streak, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. With four conference games left, the Scarlet Knights still have an outside shot at making the Big East Tournament. But it is time they start helping their own cause. “We still have a lifeline,” said head coach Dan Donigan. “Other teams have been helping us out, but we need to help ourselves. So even though we are upset with where we stand in the conference and with our record, we still have a chance. It’s what we’re kind of living off of.” The Knights (3-8-1, 0-5) did not make strides Saturday afternoon, when the team came away from a conference matchup at Pittsburgh with a 3-0 loss. The Panthers (6-5-2, 1-2-2) earned their first Big East win of the season off of goals from two crosses and one penalty kick in the 27th minute. “We just lost sight of our attacking players and they found a soft spot in the seam and got into the 18 [yard box],” Donigan said. “[Junior Br yant] Knibbs was late on the tackle and took the kid down for the PK that made it 2-0.” A quick look at the Big East Red Division shows Rutgers in the basement, still winless in the conference. But three other teams are winless in the division as well, and they just happen to make up three of the remaining four opponents on the Knights’ schedule — St. John’s, Syracuse and DePaul. Although Rutgers is far from the top, it is by no means down for the count.
Senior captain Yannick Salmon, a Westbury, N.Y., native, has extra incentive to beat St. John’s, as the Red Storm recruited him.
“Any other year with a record like we have now, we would be far out of the playoffs,” said senior captain and leading scorer Yannick Salmon. “But a lot of teams are struggling this year just like we are. Things just aren’t going our way, but if we are at home and playing in a big game … that’s usually when we are at our best.” One bright spot in recent games has been the play off the bench from freshman forward Todd Webb. Although he has no goals or starts under his belt, Webb is second on the team in getting shots on goal, with five of his 11 strikes finding the target.
“Todd Webb has been a positive,” Donigan said. “He’s a young kid who has come into the program and has given us a little bit of a bright spot up top. Ultimately, again, you need more than just one guy to create and get things done for you. “[Our lineup] is what we have. That’s who we are.” And as tough as it may be for a freshman to grasp how lucky Rutgers is for remaining in the postseason hunt, the team’s captains are making no mistake about getting that point across. “It’s easy for a freshman to just give up and say, ‘Oh well, I have three years left,’” Salmon
said. “You’ve just got to remind them that time flies by in college. You might think you have three years left, but eventually you are going to be a senior like me.” And that message trickled down to both sides of the ball. “We’re just telling the young guys to stay locked in,” said senior captain and defenseman Paulie Calafiore. “They just have to keep their focus and help the team out as best as they can.” First on the docket for the Knights is St. John’s Wednesday night at Yurcak Field. St. John’s presents a perfect opportunity for the Knights to bounce back — a home game against a rival. “I haven’t beaten St. John’s since I’ve been in college,” Salmon said. “I was recruited there and I turned them down to come [to Rutgers]. I’m from New York too, so it’s a big thing for me to come out hard on Wednesday and get a win.” The Red Storm, picked to finish first in the Red Division, have not seen their season go according to plan and have not won since the Sept. 28 victor y at Yale. But to say that the Johnnies (6-5-2, 0-3-2) have a lack of momentum heading into the midweek showdown is a terrible mistake. St. John’s shut down the nation’s top-ranked offense in No. 5 Connecticut on Sunday night to the tune of a 0-0 draw. “They tied [UConn] 0-0 at their place. So I’m sure that they’re using that and it’s motivating them,” Donigan said. “They are fighting for a postseason spot as well. “It’s a great rivalr y — St. John’s and Rutgers. My guess is that it’s going to be one hell of a competitive game. Hopefully, we can do something to help ourselves and not rely on other teams.”
RU makes strides in conference despite loss BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT
New opportunities loomed on the horizon for the Rutgers field hockey team over the weekend, and while FIELD HOCKEY s o m e STANFORD 3 eluded RUTGERS 1 tS c ahr l eet Knights, others still sit at their doorstep. Head coach Liz Tchou and Co. squared off against No. 20 Stanford on Sunday in an effort to defeat a ranked opponent and push their winning streak to three games –– feats the Knights have not accomplished this season. In the end, the Cardinal (9-4) outlasted the Knights (6-10, 2-3) en route to a 3-1 victory on neutral ground, handing Rutgers its sixth loss to a ranked opponent during the 2010 campaign. “They [Stanford] were a really fast team,” Tchou said. “They executed very quickly on the field and I don’t think we’ve seen that kind of speed before in other games, which really kind of opened our eyes up to how intense and how focused you have to be for the entire 70 minutes.” The Knights cut the Stanford lead to 2-1 after senior co-captain Jenna Bull assisted junior Kat Rodziewicz for her second goal
this season with about 11 minutes to go in regulation. Not long after, the Cardinal displayed their speed. Senior for ward Katherine Swank tallied her second score of the game off a deflection from a long entry shot into the circle just 38 seconds after the Knights’ goal, icing the game. Stanford got on the board first with what was the first Cardinal shot of the game by midfielder Ogle Elise. The shot was deflected off the stick of forward Katie Mitchell at the 11:37 mark, giving Elise the assist and Mitchell the goal. The Cardinal held Tchou’s squad to just two penalty corners for the game, while posting five of their own and rattling off 11 shots. Though the Knights would eventually face a 2-0 deficit in the second half, Bull acknowledged the team was able to make some in-game adjustments and faced no lull from a win the day earlier. “I think the first five minutes or so we played our game,” Bull said. “We played really intense and tight on to them and had lots of pressure and they kind of made a couple changes. I think it took us a little while to kind of figure out how to get possession, keep possession, and work it around them. I think we managed to figure it out.” In a must-win Big East game Saturday, the Knights put aside
their losing road record to earn a 1-0 shutout victor y against Providence (4-11, 0-4) on its home field. The win pushed Rutgers up in the Big East standings, leaving the team in prime contention to secure a tournament berth. The lone Rutgers goal came 13:05 into the game, when junior Nicole Gentile scored her teamleading ninth goal of the season. The Knights failed to score another goal despite seven other shots and four penalty corners. The team faced pressure in the second half from an urgent Friars’ offense. But for freshman goalkeeper Sarah Stuby, a one-goal cushion was more than enough. The walk-on made five saves in the effort, but was quick to credit the whole team for the goose egg. “The entire team was a part of it,” Stuby said. “Ever yone was so dedicated to just keeping the ball out and so passionate. We wanted to win, we wanted to stay in the Big East and I think it speaks a lot for the team. We’ve improved so much over the season and now we’re getting wins and we’re really excited for it.” The shutout victory marked the second straight for the Knights, marking the only time this season
the team held opponents scoreless in consecutive games. Two defensive saves assisted Stuby in the effort, but Tchou noted the keeper has a vibe behind her defense. “She has improved ever y single game that she’s played,” Tchou said. “To us she’s pretty much on a roll right now when it comes to just being into the game and making great saves. Her timing on the clears are great and she’s just taking advantage of her opportunities and appreciating the opportunity that she’s been given.” The win over the Friars on Saturday launched Rutgers to four th place in the Big East for now, and with a number of huge games left on the schedule between conference opponents, it is too early to star t talking “tourney.” Still, the Knights seized a key opportunity and took a big step in car ving out a tournament spot, all the while providing motivation for the team to check off what it originally set out to do. “Everyone’s pretty excited,” Stuby said. “It’s been our goal all season to be able to even still have a shot at the Big East this late in the season. We’re just going to keep playing and hopefully we’ll do well in the tournament.”
PA G E 1 6
OCTOBER 19, 2010
Athleticism helps in long rehab process
LeGrand brings out RU’s chop
If there is anything working in Eric LeGrand’s favor, it is the same thing that put the junior defensive tackle in the FOOTBALL Hackensack Medical Center, victim of a spinal cord injury suffered during the Rutgers football team’s game Saturday against Army. LeGrand spent his time training to get downfield on kick coverage and make the sort of tackles that left him without feeling below his neck, but his workouts are only going to get tougher on the road to recovery. According to Dr. Wise Young, director of the W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience, his background in athletics can help. “I think what will help him is that he is an athlete, because the treatment that he does afterward will be very, very important to his recovery,” Young said. “He has to work very hard to recover. Recovery doesn’t come spontaneously — it requires a lot of work. Recovery takes time and I think because he is trained as an athlete, he understands what kind of work he needs and he’ll do well in rehabilitation.” LeGrand’s injury is at the C3-C4 level, which controls the diaphragm along with C5 and the upper-body muscles. Rutgers head coach Greg Schiano reached out to Penn State head coach Joe Paterno, who dealt with similar circumstances when former player Adam Taliaferro injured his spinal cord and required surgery on the C5 vertebrae.
The definition of the chop for Rutgers football players is to focus on the task at hand, do one’s job and never FOOTBALL stop –– regardless of what happens. If there ever were a time where the Scarlet Knights needed the chop, it is right now in the immediate aftermath of junior Eric LeGrand’s catastrophic spinal cord i n j u r y. There are at least six games left in ERIC LEGRAND the Knights’ season and everyone on the squad acknowledges that the only option is to keep chopping. That’s what LeGrand wants. “There is no choice at all,” said senior outside linebacker Antonio Lowery. “We have to go out there and play and just have fun. No choice. We have to for Eric. “The Eric situation is going to be in our minds, don’t get me wrong. We’re not just going to throw it out, but he wants us to go out there and have fun and play football. You cannot just go out there and shut it down. Nobody wants that. Nobody wants to just shut it down and not play Rutgers football.” Rutgers head coach Greg Schiano announced Sunday afternoon that LeGrand, though stable
Redshirt sophomore defensive tackle Scott Vallone, a classmate of junior Eric LeGrand and one of his closest friends, speaks to the media about how the Knights plan to respond to LeGrand’s spinal cord injury.
Knights salvage NY trip in draw with Johnnies BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
The Rutgers women’s soccer team came into last weekend needing four WOMEN’S SOCCER victories as RUTGERS 0 in m a n y ST. JOHN’S 0 games to lock up a berth in the Big East Tournament. Halfway through the stretch, the Scarlet Knights find themselves two games short of their goal. The Knights (8-8, 3-5-1) salvaged the weekend Sunday by earning a scoreless draw with St. John’s (6-8-2, 3-5-1) in Queens, N.Y. “I would say I’m disappointed with the attack, in terms of finishing mentality,” said head coach Glenn Crooks. “There were a lot of good things. That’s what we have to take into the next weekend.” Both teams registered a combined 37 shots in 110 minutes, but neither managed to put a shot in the back of the net. Crooks opted to utilize goalkeepers Emmy Simpkins and Samantha Perretty for the second straight match, but the two combined for just two saves.
“They’ve both done really well,” said junior captain Tricia DiPaolo. “They both have a good relationship and continue to push each other in order to do better.” Neither team was able to separate itself statistically in the first half, with each registering seven shots. The Knights managed to force two saves by Red Storm netminder Kristin Russell. Two Rutgers corner kicks in the second stanza gave the team legitimate opportunities to take the lead, but Russell remained strong in net. Sophomore back Shannon Woeller headed a corner from senior captain Gina DeMaio, but Russell stopped the effort in the 54th minute. Senior Ashley Jones took a shot on net off another DeMaio corner, but once again Russell refused to give in, registering one of her seven saves on the day. “We’re doing really well. It’s there [and] we just have to put it together,” Jones said. “We’re moving the ball well and working really hard. It’s just a matter of us finishing, putting balls in the net.”
Senior midfielder Gina DeMaio played all 110 minutes in the Knights’ scoreless draw Sunday with St. John’s in Queens, N.Y. The Parsippany Hills product sent in two key corners that nearly gave the Knights the lead.