The Daily Targum 2010-10-25

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Volume 142, Number 38







1 8 6 9

Today: T-Storms


High: 72 • Low: 58

The Rutgers football team fell to Pittsburgh on Saturday, when the Panthers’ offense went off for 41 points behind Jon Baldwin and Dion Lewis.

U. professor addresses plagiarism accusations BY RYAN FLOOD STAFF WRITER

University of Zagreb graduate student Krešimir Petkovi and New York University Professor Alan Sokal accused RutgersNewark Depar tment of Political Science Professor Frank Fischer of plagiarism. The allegations stem from a 70-page report produced by the two accusers who spent 50 to 100 hours researching,

according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. The report, titled “Some Probable Instances of Plagiarism in the Work of Professor Frank Fischer,” cites passages from Fischer’s work. The two claim to have found 19 instances of plagiarism in a total of five books. The allegations began after Critical Policy Studies, a jour nal Fischer co-edits,


LIVINGSTON HOUSING PROJECT BREAKS GROUND TODAY The University is set to begin construction of the Livingston housing project today. Parking lots around Livingston campus will most likely be closed due to construction, said Gregory S. Blimling, vice president for student affairs. The 650,000-square-foot project will include 25,000 square feet of retail space on the first level and apartmentstyle living for 1,500 students. “It’s the single largest project the University has ever taken on,” Blimling said. He said the project is not only beneficial for the University but for the local job market as well. “At the peak of this, there can be as many as 400 people on that job,” Blimling said. The Livingston Dining Commons — a 58,000-squarefoot, multi-stor y dining facility — is also under way. The $30.5 million project is scheduled for completion in 2011 and will be located adjacent to the Livingston Student Center. The new Livingston Student Center, Livingston Dining Commons and student housing are all part of the University’s “Vision for Livingston Campus,” a $20-million project. — Ariel Nagi



Athletic Director Tim Pernetti announced the “Eric LeGrand Believe Fund,” to support the football player who suffers paralysis from the neck down after a game against Army. The funds will assist his family with any medical bills.

Trust fund to support LeGrand family BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR

PITTSBURGH — Rutgers football player Eric LeGrand received an outpouring of support at the grassroots level in the week after becoming paralyzed from the neck down. Athletic Director Tim Pernetti announced Friday the formation of the “Eric LeGrand Believe Fund” — a trust that gives anyone interested in supporting LeGrand, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, and his family an opportunity to do so. “Because of the outpouring of support, I think people are anxious to

know what they can do and where they can direct it,” Pernetti said. “I would expect there would be quite a bit of support for this.” The trust was formed in conjunction with PNC Wealth Management, and all donations, which are not tax deductible, will go directly to the LeGrand family. The trust allows the LeGrand family to use the funds at its own discretion so it can cover medical bills or needs the family may have due to LeGrand’s injury, which he suffered making a tackle Oct. 16 against Army. “I think the LeGrand family did a terrific job in how they set this thing


A Mason Gross School of the Arts professor created a jazz ensemble that helps the community.

OPINIONS New NFL rules fail to recognize the nature of the game as the reason behind many of the latest football hits.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 IN FOCUS . . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK SCOTT TSAI



Alumni celebrate excellence at award ceremony



up, because it allows them the most flexibility in dispersing funds for both Eric’s recover y and their family needs,” Pernetti said. While Pernetti’s announcement, which the NCAA allowed, moved the fund to the forefront of visibility and is the means through which the LeGrand family will accept direct donations, there are also other fundraising efforts throughout the University community. School of Arts and Sciences junior Erica Bowden started a project that will sell red and black

Alumni accept awards at the Rutgers Excellence in Alumni Leadership Awards Friday at the Rutgers Vistor Center on Busch campus. The event was part of a two-day alumni conference.

The University celebrated its alumni Friday night with the Rutgers Excellence in Alumni Leadership Awards, honoring individuals young and old for their achievements following graduation. The event, held in the Rutgers Visitor Center on Busch campus, was part of the annual Alumni Leadership Conference for the Rutgers University Alumni Association, a two-day conference where leaders of alumni organizations from around the country return to campus for practice sessions and leadership training, said Jennifer Boscia-Smith, director of Alumni Communications. “The Alumni Leadership Awards program is to honor outstanding volunteers in different areas of service, like service to the University, service to their local community, and chartered organizations that have produced innovative programs,” she said.

But James Rhodes, chair of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, said this event was particularly special for University alumni. “There are certain award ceremonies that take place throughout the University, but this one specifically targets alumni who ser vice Rutgers University and our alumni body,” he said. Rhodes and Donna Thornton, vice president for Alumni Relations, acted as the evening’s award presenters and introduced two new awards adopted into the program. “Tonight we take another step forward as we grow our volunteer recognition program to include two new awards underscoring alumni excellence, the Rutgers Spirit Award and the Richard P. McCormick Award,” Thornton said. University President Richard L. McCormick welcomed alumni and presented the evening’s first



OCTOBER 25, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Source: Weather Channel TUESDAY HIGH 74 LOW 63



TODAY Isolated t-storms, with a high of 72° TONIGHT Scattered t-storms, with a low of 58°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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OCTOBER 25, 2010


PA G E 3

Campus walks to raise domestic violence awareness BY LUCIE LOZINSKI CONTRIBUTING WRITER

In remembrance of Krystal Skinner, a Rutgers-Camden senior murdered by her boyfriend in 2008, the Undergraduate Social Workers Organization and the Henderson Apartment Board hosted a series of events on Saturday to raise awareness and funds for a scholarship in her name. “Basically our goal was, as a [resident assistant] staf f, we really wanted to show the ladies of Henderson that they can make a difference and bring this critical issue to attention,” said Julia Freire, an apartment assistant at Henderson, which is on Douglass campus. The School of Social Work and the USWO started an annual 5K walk to raise money for the

Kr ystal Skinner Memorial Scholarship Fund, USWO President Toni Kiger said. The scholarship will allow more students to achieve their goals in social work and justice, she said. The USWO raised $6,300 Saturday, and funds continue to come in, said Kiger, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. In the past year and a half, the organization has raised just under $40,000 at walks they hosted in Camden and New Brunswick. “We started [the walk] to not only have a scholarship in her name, but to promote social issues surrounding domestic violence at the same time,” Kiger said. About 150 people came to the walk, which took participants down College Avenue, through Voorhees Mall and back up College Avenue. About 200 peo-

ple, including residents from Henderson Apartments on Douglass campus, attended the day’s events, she said. Kiger said she and the other members of USWO were excited about the event’s turnout. “We’re a really close-knit organization, so it was fun and really awesome to see the support,” she said. Students from Camden who wanted to help or participate traveled by bus to New Brunswick, she said. Daniale Simmons, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said she participated in the walk to support the apartment assistants’ work and the scholarship fund. “The most important thing I’ll take from today is that it’s never the victim’s fault,” she said. Following the walk was a performance by Scream Theater, an

educational improvisation group on campus, which was Simmons’ favorite part of the day. “The Scream Theater performance touched on issues we don’t articulate or necessarily notice,” she said. “It focused on the idea that if you’re not a part of the solution, you’re part of the cause.” Simmons said she also took domestic violence prevention tips from the performance. “There was a lot of promotion, [like] information about counseling on campus or people to call if you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation,” she said. She hopes the event makes students more aware of support services available at the University. “I hope that the walk and day dedicated to Kr ystal open up students’ eyes to the prob-

lems that occur and show them that there are resources on campus if they need them,” Simmons said. Freire also said she learned tips about preventing domestic violence in real life. “The experience was really rewarding,” Freire said. Henderson residents and guests gathered at night for a screening of the 1991 thriller “Sleeping with the Enemy,” during which viewers proved knowledge of lessons learned during the day’s activities by shouting comments and advice to the victimized main character. Freire said although Skinner’s death was tragic, the day’s events brought hope. “It is a sad situation,” she said. “But you saw her family there so filled with hope that other people would be able to prevent it.”

49K STUDENTS MAY LOSE FINANCIAL AID GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS Thousands of students in New Jersey are in jeopardy of losing state tuition grants and scholarship money for the fall semester, according to an ar ticle. Because of a new one-page financial aid form required by the state, 49,000 students may lose this money if the page is not turned in by the Nov. 15 deadline, according to the article. For low-income students, this could mean a loss ranging from $100 to $10,000 in grant or scholarship money. The Higher Education Student Assistance Authority is in the process of gathering the information from these students as quickly as possible

because of the quickly approaching deadline, according to the article. “Students required to report the additional information were sent numerous e-mail notifications, mailed letters and more than 85,000 calls were made to those who failed to respond,” said AnnMarie Bouse, spokeswoman for HESAA, in the article. HESAA also opened more phone lines and expanded its hours to help those families who did not provide the information through the online application, Bouse said. This is the first year students are required to fill out additional financial information in order to receive Tuition Aid Grants or NJ STARS scholarships, according to the article.

The state said of the 276,000 college students asked to fill out the additional financial information, nearly 227,000 have responded, according to the article. But HESAA said they are not sure how many of the remaining 49,000 are enrolled in college and actually need the financial aid, according to the article. “It is important to note that historically, approximately 10 percent of applications remain incomplete throughout the academic year,” Bouse said in the article. Students who do not respond by March 15 will also lose their state tuition grants or scholarships for the spring semester, according to the article. — Devin Sikorski



OCTOBER 25, 2010




Local band Dinosaur Eyelids performs at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum’s “A Knight at the Museum.” The event took place Saturday night to Sunday morning as part of “The Big Read,” a series showcasing material related to issues dealing with water.

FUND: Pernetti commends cooperation, support of NCAA continued from front wristbands reading “Eric LeGrand” and “52 Believe.” Wristbands are $5 and available Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the front steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. Steve Ostergren, manager of the apparel store Scarlet Fever, is also leading a fundraising effort by selling LeGrand shirts at his Somerset Street store. The store is selling two shirts: a red one with LeGrand’s No. 52 on the front and back with “Keep Chopping” above the back numbers and a white one with LeGrand’s No. 52 and the word “Believe” — the mantra the Rutgers football team adopted. The Scarlet Knights will wear “Believe” stickers across their helmets for the remainder of the season. In their first game after LeGrand’s injury on Saturday —


a 41-21 loss to Pittsburgh — they received support from Pittsburgh, as well. “This league has been great and this whole nation has been great reaching out and I can’t thank you enough,” head football coach Greg Schiano said. “Another week has gone by and another game has been played and Eric is still in the same situation. Nothing has changed.” Pernetti declined to update LeGrand’s condition — who suffered a spinal cord injur y at the C3-C4 level — but did say he spent time with LeGrand, who was in “good spirits” before Pernetti left Hackensack University Medical Center for Pittsburgh. The University insurance policy covered LeGrand’s medical expenses to date, and it has a lifetime maximum benefit of $20 million. “The NCAA policy that we par ticipate in as it relates to these types of injuries is comprehensive and covers about as broad a reach of things as it

can,” Pernetti said. “For this type of injur y, it covers not only in all medical expenses, but the potential of home remodeling. You name it, it’s par t of the policy as it relates to the injur y.” But the establishment of the “Believe Fund” is expected to significantly ease the financial burden of the LeGrand family, and one of the aspects that Pernetti is most pleased with is the cooperation from the NCAA. The fund allows University staff members the ability to contribute to the trust. In combination with the community movement to suppor t LeGrand, Pernetti expects the trust and support to continuously grow. “The most important thing for ever ybody was to move as quickly as possible to get something set up for Eric and his family,” Pernetti said. “As this evolves, I imagine there will be a variety of ways in which people can assist the family in Eric’s recover y.”


The University’s insurance policy covered LeGrand’s medical expenses to date, but the creation of the “Believe Fund” is expected to ease any financial burdens the LeGrand family is faced with.

Alumnus Ken Schmidt, who was unable to attend the awards ceremony, was the recipient of express pride in U. service the Old Queen’s Tribute Award. “At Rutgers I received so continued from front much more than a great academic education,” Schmidt said award, the Richard P. McCormick through a video recording. “I Award, in honor of his father, who learned so much about life, much was a University faculty member of which served me so well later for 40 years and served later as on. When I needed Rutgers, dean of Rutgers College. Rutgers was there for me.” “I am really touched that the Schmidt said as a way to pay Rutgers University Alumni back the University for all the great Association has chosen to honor things he achieved or received, he my father in this most meaningjoined the Dean’s Advisory ful of ways by naming an award Council for Rutgers College and for him that recognizes a dean or served on the Board of Overseers faculty member who has given for a number of years. outstanding service to the alumHe is also finishing up his ni of Rutgers,” McCormick said. three-year term as chair, and is Alumna Linda Stamato currently ser ving his second received the Richard P. term on the Board of Trustees as McCormick award and said she vice chair. was elated and humbled for being Carol Herring, president of the chosen as the first recipient. Rutgers University Foundation “I knew Richard P. and whom Schmidt referred to as McCormick, and I worked with his “partner-in-crime from the him during the last few years of Foundation,” received the award his life on the Task Force on on Schmidt’s behalf. Undergraduate Education. He “He was a terrific chair, supwas a stellar, wonderful guy,” portive and thoughtful, a great said Stamato, co-director of the sounding board for ideas, and a Center for Negotiation and great source of ideas and one of Conflict Resolution at the the best problem solvers I have Edward J. Bloustein School of ever worked with,” she said. Planning and Public Policy. “I Alumni William Bauer and his feel quite moved that I was chowife, Barbara Bauer, were both sen and that I am here tonight to awarded the Walter H. Seward receive it.” Rutgers for Life Award. Alumnus Tyler Richendollar “You’re applauding because received the Rutgers Spirit Award, you’re surprised I can get up which honors here,” William exemplary volunBauer said in teer service by an “[The University is] response to a alumnus or alumna standing ovation. who graduated a great learning The theme of within the past five and research William Bauer’s y e a r s . was “ever Richendollar, who institution that we speech changing, yet etergraduated in 2006, take so much pride nally the same,” was one of three which he used as a alumni who in being alumni.” transition to make received the some obser vaaward. CHARLES CHURCHILL tions about how “It’s enlightenUniversity Alumnus the University ing to know that changed during [the University] his 72 years of service. really cares about their alumni “Rutgers is now a large and and that they’re willing to honor important research university, its somebody who’s only 26 years [more than] $400 million in supold. I find that to be really wonport is evidence of its excellent derful,” he said. “I’m glad that reputation … but it’s also about they think I reflect or represent high-quality people [who] are alumni spirit.” involved in making Rutgers a One of the winners for the great university,” he said. Ernest E. McMahon Award Barbara Bauer said she was was the Rutgers University honored and happy to be invited Food Science Alumni to share the award with her husCommittee, which was repreband. She added their mutual sented by alumni Mukund love for University athletics was Kanwe and Laura Rokosz. The what they considered the best award honors an alumni event and most appropriate way to or program displaying creative express their devotion and programming excellence. thanks to the University. Kanwe said their event, “Our assistance comes in the “ReConnect with Rutgers Food form of scholarship funds and the Science,” had a fantastic financial support of new athletic response in April, which was facilities,” she said. “The training due to the committee who put rehabilitation center bears our the event together. name and we are very proud that “When you put the right peoit does.” ple in place, you can do anyAlumnus Floyd Bragg, the thing,” Rokosz said. 2009 winner of the Walter H. The other awards presented Seward Award, said the recipiwere the Scarlet Oak ents did very well and were worMeritorious Ser vice Award for thy of their awards. ser vice extending beyond a “I think this is promising for specific area, the Block R the future because this is going Award for volunteer involveto inspire a lot of people to try to ment with chartered organizaachieve the awards themselves,” tions and University partners, he said. and the Edward J. Bloustein Alumnus Charles “Chip” Award for community ser vice Churchill and winner of the outside the University. evening’s Block R Award said it is Two of the evening’s most events like this that make him prestigious awards, the Old proud to be part of the University. Queen’s Tribute Award, which “[The University is] such a honors service at the highest great learning and research instilevel and representing the tution that we take so much pride University within the state, and in being alumni and supporting the Walter H. Seward Rutgers for the Alumni Association,” he said. Life Award, which honors a life“We want the RUAA to succeed, time connection to the be successful, and they certainly University, were the final awards are moving forward.” of the evening.


PROFESSOR: U. says it cannot comment on issue


OCTOBER 25, 2010


continued from front rejected an ar ticle by Petkovi, Fischer said. “I was pursued after a journal I co-edit rejected an essay, based on the review process,” he said. The report includes copies of e-mails sent between Petkovi and Fischer, and Petkovi and Sokal. “These e-mails give alternative insight into the chronology of the events that preceded the assembling of this document,” according to the report. In the cor respondence between Petkovi and Fischer, a point of contention comes through. “This falsification of your experience with Critical Policy Studies and accusations of plagiarism are serious stuff. They would be grounds for lawsuits against you were they to appear in print,” according to one of Fischer’s e-mails to Petkovi cited in the report. The repor t also includes instances where other authors have questioned Fischer’s citations. Sixty academics from universities around the world signed “There is a letter in no official T h e Chronicle of statement until H i g h e r after the Education arguing that investigation. ... Fischer did I welcome that not plagiarize investigation” but his work was poorly FRANK FISCHER cited. Rutgers-Newark “This is at Department of Political most a misdeScience Professor meanor of literar y style, admitted and regretted, and finding 19 instances of it in five books does not appear particularly remarkable,” according to the letter. A letter from Maarten Hajer, a University of Amsterdam professor of political science and public policy who was allegedly plagiarized, defended Fischer’s writing techniques. “On my part, I can only add that I, as one of the alleged victims in this case, have always been ver y pleased with the fact that Frank thought it appropriate to invest so much in tr ying to convey the essence of what I was tr ying to say,” Hajer said in the letter. According to the University’s Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism is the representation of the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic work. To avoid plagiarism, all sources must be cited properly. The University refused to comment on the matter. “Because this is a University personnel matter, we are not able to comment,” said Helen Paxton, director of Communications at Rutgers-Newark. Fischer is waiting on the results of a University investigation into the accusations and maintains that he did not plagiarize. “There is no official statement until after the investigation,” Fischer said. “The University is required to conduct an investigation in such cases, which does not mean that I am presumed guilty. I welcome that investigation.”


The Rutgers Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team hosts a tournament against several universities around the country Saturday at University Park on Busch campus. The University of Connecticut took home the first place title.



OCTOBER 25, 2010


PA G E 7

Organization brings jazz to the Banks for cause BY CHRIS ZAWISTOWSKI STAFF WRITER

On the sur face, Saturday night’s per formance by the Vic Juris Quar tet seemed like any other jazz concer t. Audience members tapped their feet and listened intently as the quar tet traded licks of f jazz standards and tracks on their newest album “Omega is The Alpha” at the Lotus Studios in Highland Park. Yet this was not just any jazz concert. It was jazz played for a cause. The show is just one of several on the docket for the fledgling Jazz on the Banks organization, a nonprofit group that is working to promote jazz in Central Jersey and provide cultural, educational and performance oppor tunities for the area’s student musicians. “My dream with Jazz on the Banks is that all of the students in Central Jersey schools and eventually all of New Jersey [will be] exposed to the music at a young age,” said Conrad Herwig, artistic director for Jazz on the Banks. The inspiration for the organization came to Herwig 10 years ago when he became involved in the Midori Foundation. As part of the foundation, formed by the world-renowned Japanese violinist Midori Goto, Her wig performed at several New York public schools, some of which had their entire music programs cut.

“Kids and parents would come up and say ‘This is the first concert in this school in 20 years,’” said Her wig, a jazz studies professor at Mason Gross School of the Arts. “And they were tr ying to rebuild and start a band program.” Remembering the rejuvenation and excitement the concerts bought, Herwig thought a similar program should be established in the Central Jersey area, helping to expose young children at an early age to “America’s classical music.” Things came to a head when he met and teamed up with local jazz aficionado Eric Weinberg over the summer to begin planning for Jazz on the Banks. In hopes to turn the Lotus Studio into a space for concer ts and other community events, Weinberg, who owns the building, was attracted to Her wig’s vision for the organization and loved the idea of bringing world-class music to Highland Park. “The idea that you could come to Highland Park and hear a band that was a good as any jazz band playing in the world that given night was a wonderful idea,” Weinberg said. A dedicated core group of planners soon emerged, including Weinberg’s longtime friend Arnie Baum of Westchester, N.Y. Jazz on the Banks was created by September, kicking things off with a concert by


Vic Juris, a Mason Gross School of the Arts professor and guitarist for the band, performs Saturday at the Lotus Studios in Highland Park.


Anthony Pinciotti is part of the Vic Juris Quartet, which performed Saturday in Highland Park. The show will support Jazz on the Banks, which aims to provide opportunities for student musicians in Central Jersey.

Her wig and the Latin Side at Lotus Studios. And though only officially founded a little over a month ago, Jazz on the Banks has star ted to work toward its goals of assisting the area’s student musicians. The “Backstage Pass for Kids” program started under Her wig in 2005 as a project to conduct free jazz concerts in area schools and has now come under the umbrella of the organization, giving elementar y and middle school students the opportunity to see and hear a live concert performed by Mason Gross jazz faculty and students. More than 3,000 students in six Franklin, Piscataway and New Brunswick schools have already participated in the program, which Her wig hopes will soon be expanded to bring area students to the University to hear Mason Gross jazz ensembles at Nicholas Music Center on the Douglass campus. “It’s about building the jazz audience as well as making students aspire to a college career,” he said. “I think that [younger children] really relate to hearing the college students.” Jazz on the Banks will also establish a scholarship fund in memory of the late Mason Gross jazz trumpet professor William “Prof” Fielder to help a high school trumpet player attend the Rutgers Summer Jazz Institute, Herwig said. The group also star ted a “Jazz Giving” program that encourages area residents to donate rarely used instruments for distribution to area school systems, he said. Steve Dillon of Dillon Music in Woodbridge is making necessar y repairs free of cost. “I always feel it is good to suppor t the ar ts,” Dillon said of his par ticipation in Jazz on the Banks. He noted that programs like this are more important with the continued funding cuts to music and the arts. Herwig also envisions a Jazz “Hipcats” program, which will


teach younger elementar y school students about the genre and River Jam event, an all-day jazz concert featuring University faculty, alumni and students at the recently renovated Boyd Park in New Brunswick. Though still in its infancy, Jazz on the Bank’s model has proved so successful that Baum is trying to replicate it at the University of Connecticut, where his son studies jazz saxophone. “It is like a win-win,” Baum said. “On the one hand it’s promoting the music and you are bringing in really high-level talent to a local community … and then the bonus of it all is that whatever money is left, it all goes to kids.” As part of their monthly concert series, Jazz on the Banks will host the Jewish Jazz Ensemble

featuring jazz flutist Mark Weinstein and bassist Mike Richmond, a part-time lecturer with the Mason Gross School of the Arts, on Nov. 20. A holiday concert is also planned for Dec. 11 featuring the Scarlet Knights Jazz Trombones. Learning to love the music and embracing the jazz culture of improvisation will help students no matter where they go in life, teaching them to think on the fly and always look outside of the box for ideas, Her wig said. “If we get this kind of creative thinking going, then we are not rubber stamping our kids,” he said. “We are making them creative individuals and that’s the most important thing, whether or not they become a jazz musician or any kind of musician.”



PA G E 8

OCTOBER 25, 2010


Allow equal voting rights for residents


nlike U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents do not have the right to vote. Just like U.S. citizens though, these green card holders pay the same taxes and live in the same neighborhoods and, often enough, are just as involved in politics. Portland, Maine, residents will vote Nov. 2 on a proposal to allow legal residents who are not U.S. citizens to vote in local elections, according to The Washington Post. Portland is not alone, as it follows the steps of cities like San Francisco and Chicago who have already loosened the rules or have begun considering the same idea. The town is showing a progressive attitude that can only benefit its residents. It is the residents who decide on this matter, and it is they who are affected by this potential change. These non-citizens hold down jobs, pay taxes, own businesses and volunteer in the community, and it is only fair for the people of Portland to allow them to vote in local elections. “We have immigrants who are playing key roles in different issues of this country, but they don’t get the right to vote,” said Claude Rwaganje. Rwaganje moved to the U.S. due to political strife in his native Congo. Opponents who criticize this push to allow non-citizens to vote argue that it will devalue the meaning of citizenship. Yet these permanent residents have been paying taxes since their arrival in the U.S. Waiting for the ability to become citizens only delays their involvement in local politics. And if these residents are just as involved in society as citizens, they must have the equal opportunity to elect officials who will — as soon as they are elected — affect citizens and non-citizes alike. If we are as accepting as our nation advertises to the rest of the world, there should be an opportunity given to functioning members of society to make political decisions. With numbers hovering miserably low in most elections across the nation, U.S. citizens have shown a less-than-enthusiastic attitude in their political opinions. At the very least, giving local noncitizens the opportunity to vote will bring up participation. Permanent residents, no matter their citizenship status, are members of mixed communities, and they must have the ability to make decisions within these communities. If the State Department has deemed them “good enough” to live in the U.S., why limit their right that can increase their quality of life along with the current political participation?

New NFL rules fail to tackle problems


fter one of the most brutal and violent weeks in football, the National Football League has decided to crack down on dangerous helmet-to-helmet tackles by suspending players and fining them following post-game reviews. Granted there are the more violent players in the game, but the NFL has taken this one step too far with a rule that will only lead to increased suspensions but unaffected in-game tackles. It is no secret that football has a violent, tackle-based nature and that is part of what we love about it. It would be nice to have a game filled with the same familiar intensity and big hits, but without the career-ending injuries. Therefore fining the flagrant helmet strike by Patriots’ safety Brandon Meriweather in last Sunday’s game may have been a step in the right direction. On the other hand though, while repeat offenders should be fined and suspended, the NFL must take into consideration the gray area between a dangerous, egregious tackle and an unintentional hit leading to an unfortunate injury. In the milliseconds before a tackle, anything can happen. The violent nature of the game creates the problem of punishing the wrong player. A tackle may seem worthy of the new $50,000 fine, while in fact, it is the result of a precision-unlucky maneuver. The nature of this problem is within the structure of the NFL. Players are well-paid, highly-trained professionals who get into the game to hit or to run away from these rough hits. They are super stars because they are good at what they do, and that skill is being tough and handling the punishments of the game. Players understand that and continue with the game. After Cleveland Browns’ wide receiver Joshua Cribbs suffered a concussion last weekend due to a hit by Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison, all he had to say was — “He plays to knock people out.” “Wouldn’t you want a linebacker like that on your team? I mean, honestly, a guy that you know is going to play and try to knock people out — try to knock the key players out of the game?” Cribbs said. While all this is happening, the NFL is making money off “Crunch Course” and “Moment of Impact.” “Big Hits” DVDs may be the hypocrisy of the century — in the sports world at least. For those who come out on Sunday and Monday to make thousands of dollars per game, these rules won’t change anything. And while repeat offenders should be fined and suspended, the nature of football is to blame, and to limit that intensity would mean taking away the game itself.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “If we get this kind of creative thinking going, then we are not rubber stamping our kids.”

Conrad Herwig, artistic director for Jazz on the Banks and Mason Gross School of the Arts jazz studies professor, on teaching his students improvisation STORY IN IN FOCUS


Reform waivers avert disruption


McDonald’s also made s President Barack headlines recently for Obama’s administhreatening to drop its tration moves to roll skimpy “mini-med” health out the first batch of reforms insurance coverage, which in the Patient Protection and covers up to $2,000 per year Affordable Care Act, the in health expenses, to its new health care law, it faces 30,000 hourly workers a momentous task — effectBO WANG because it can meet neither ing positive change for the the 85 percent medical health and well-being of millions of Americans while avoiding disruption of the expense requirement nor the restrictions on annual health care system and paradoxically leaving many dollar limits for insurance coverage. When the health insurance exchanges are set up currently covered Americans without insurance. Already the reforms are being met with consid- and subsidies put in place, the McDonald’s threat erable outcry and opposition from employers, to would hold as much clout as the nutritional content insurance companies, to the Republicans and tea of its coronary-inducing Big Macs — that is to say, partiers. Much of this backlash is meritless and sim- none. These underpaid employees would then be ply an attempt to protect an exorbitant bottom line able to buy affordable health insurance from the or stir the political pot right before the midterm exchanges and get subsidized according to the level elections. But the staggered and rapid implementa- of their salaries. To help offset the amount the taxtion of the PPACA created legitimate concerns for payers are paying for these subsidies, McDonald’s disruption in the coverage of employees and chil- would be charged a $2,000 penalty for each worker dren, and the administration has made the right to whom it does not offer health insurance. Until the exchanges and subsidies are put into decision to grant temporary exemptions to certain effect, the administration has little choice but to grant stakeholders to prevent this from happening. The new health care law contains many provisions temporary exemptions, which it did earlier this month to the tune of one-year waivers to 30 that kicked in on Sept. 23 of this year. corporations, including McDonald’s. Among these provisions include the “The goal of this Another big area of contention requirement for insurance comparegulation is to limit has been the ban on denial of covernies to cover the children of policyage to children with pre-existing holders until the age of 26, restricthe amount that conditions and, more specifically, a tions on annual dollar limits for insurthese companies can ban on increased premiums for this ance coverage of beneficiaries and a sicker group of children. Before this ban on denial of coverage to children allocate for hefty regulation was implemented insurwith pre-existing medical conditions. The rest of the law will be put executive bonuses.” ance companies wielded the power to cherry-pick their policyholders, into effect gradually through 2014, thus naturally choosing the healthiwhen the last set of provisions — notably the availability of health insurance er, less costly individuals over those who had condiexchanges, the insurance coverage mandate and tions such as heart disease, asthma or cancer. But with the insurance coverage mandate set to subsidies for individuals and families with limited go into effect several years down the road, insurfinancial means — will be implemented. While this staggered, now-and-later approach to ance companies have rightly argued that a coverimplementation allows some early benefits to be age denial ban at this time would incentivize famiextended to the wary American public just in time lies to wait to buy coverage until their children are for the November elections, the front-loading of pro- ill, driving up costs for all policyholders and making visions threatens to disrupt the health insurance it cost-prohibitive to cover children in general. Only market because the stabilizing counter-provisions after the coverage mandate is put in place will families have no choice but to buy coverage, regardless are to be implemented much later. For example, starting next year large insurance of health status. Indeed, several major insurers have already companies will be required to spend at least 85 percent of the premiums they collect on medical-relat- stopped issuing child-only policies altogether, which ed expenses. The goal of this regulation is to limit they are permitted to do since they are not discrimithe amount that these companies can allocate for nating against any subgroup of children. Faced with hefty executive bonuses and other administrative the prospect of this disruption in the children’s insurcosts. While this new requirement has successfully ance market, the Obama administration recently forced many insurers to trim the administrative fat announced that they will allow insurers to charge and focus more on patient care, it has forced others, like the Principal Financial Group, to exit the health SEE WANG ON PAGE 9 insurance market altogether.

Doctor’s Orders

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



OCTOBER 25, 2010


Develop general education through study of languages Letter FRANÇOIS CORNILLIAT & ETHEL BROOKS


e are writing in protest against The Daily Targum editorial last Tuesday, “College curricula need concentration,” inspired by the State University of New York at Albany’s recent decision to close its programs in French, Italian, Russian, classics and theater. We are appalled by the editorial’s endorsement of a brutal measure that has serious implications for the quality of education at SUNY-Albany and for academic values in general by its casual disregard for those humanities programs it doesn’t deem “major” and its wholesale embrace of short-term budgetary constraints as the deciding factor in a public university’s long-term curricular decisions. Worst of all is the rationale offered to justify these positions, namely that universities ought to “concentrate” their curricula.

WANG continued from page 8 higher premiums outside of the open-enrollment period to cover children with certain medical conditions, as long as it complied with state law. Again, this disruption is only a valid concern until the individual coverage mandate goes into effect in 2014. So why didn’t Obama raise concerns about this potential for disr uption before the PPACA was passed? His health policy wonks must surely have raised the specter of these hurdles during the review process. Simply put, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi already had a hard enough time passing the bill in the House of Representatives as is — imagine a White House-approved laundr y list of the health reform’s potential shortcomings on top of all this. So, sure, politics came into play here, but without politics, there is no policy, no matter how beneficial it is. Also, while both reformbackers and opponents have — legitimately — pointed to the issuance of these exemptions as signs that the administration is turning its back on its earlier promises and appeasing the greedy employers and insurance companies, the sheer complexities of the health care system and the need to ensure that it runs smoothly during this transition period necessitate a certain degree of flexibility. As Dr. Thomas Zeltner, the former Swiss secretar y of health put it, “Reforming the health care system is like fixing an airplane that is in the air. It’s repairing an engine at full speed, and you’re not allowed to let the airplane crash.” Through a combination of firmness and targeted exemptions, the Obama team will optimize its chances of guiding the new health care law and the millions of Americans who depend on it to a soft and steady landing.

Bo Wang is an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy sixth-year student and former president of the Pharmacy Governing Council. His column, “Doctor’s Orders,” runs on alternate Mondays.

The editorial asser ts that schools do not stand to lose anything when they cut “nonprofitable courses”— “as long as the major humanities departments remain intact.” Are we to understand that “major humanities departments” should produce profitable courses? Or that the humanities are acceptable even though they may not be profitable, as long as they reach large numbers of students? In either case, it would be useful to know where to draw the line between major and disposable, not to mention what makes some of the humanities worth preser ving in the first place. But such nuances are not the editorial’s concern, as is made clear by its remarkably crude conclusion — although “humanities are needed” (how? by whom?) and their disappearance is “alarming” (why? to whom?), they can be taught elsewhere (in private schools?). Apparently “we,” public schools, do not need them –– and the current budget crisis

provides an opportunity to start getting rid of them, as illustrated in the starkest fashion by the SUNY-Albany case. What makes this argument truly alarming is its premise: “College curricula need concentration.” The editorial even suggests that high schools need it too, so we

“No one is forced to choose, because there is a choice, a vast array of possibilities.” should, at least, streamline college. What goes out the window there is far more than a cluster of small programs in “non-profitable” fields. It is nothing less than the distinctive trait of American higher education, shared by many colleges and universities irrespective of their pedigree and objectives, whereby undergraduate students may work in different fields at once

–– chemistry and Latin, biology and Baudelaire — if they are so inclined. No one is forced to choose, because there is a choice, a vast array of possibilities. In universities built on such a model, students may declare double, even triple majors, or combine a couple of distant minors and take a few courses outside any declared specialty. Whether they value the “general notion of intellectuality” that the editorial seems to despise, such students do in fact benefit from the principle of general education that comprehensive universities — as opposed to trade schools — seek to embody while also fostering appropriate specialization. It is distressing to see a Targum editorial call for a world where no spirit of general education subsists (the ver y notion is not even understood anymore) with each college selecting its own subset of specialties so as to blindly concentrate on them. Worse, this illiberal logic seems entirely dictated by “today’s economic atmos-

phere” and the law of the budget axe, without so much as a word of resistance in the name of what a ver y large, varied, creative public university like this one actually stands for. The committee’s faculty members hail from a wide variety of departments within the School of Arts and Sciences — together, we form one of those committees whose task is to make sure that education at the University remains liberal in the true sense of that term. Our specific charge is to help develop the teaching and study of foreign languages — large, small, even dead — across the curriculum, as a crucial component of general education, critical thinking and cultural understanding in, as the editorial puts it, “the world following college.” François Cornilliat is a School of Arts and Sciences French professor and, along with Ethel Brooks, an associate professor of women’s and gender studies, is the co-chair of the Foreign Languages Advisory Committee.



PA G E 1 0

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

OCTOBER 25, 2010


Today's birthday (10/25/10). On the public side, show your power this year by pursuing social and career activities with single-minded purpose. On the family side, relax into recreational mode and share interests with any children in the picture. Luck supports both avenues, so go for it! To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 5 -- Today is all about adapting your own communications to the needs of others. Use fundamental language to reveal a hidden opportunity. This contributes. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 5 -- You perceive a problem with cash flow. Someone long-distance contacts you with an opportunity that promises to resolve it. Make a bank transfer. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is a 6 -- People at work get stuck concerning an old concept. As you think about it, you see a way to transform the difficulty into an opportunity. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Make mental adjustments, if you want things to go smoothly. Then tell the person in charge what you've discovered. A golden opportunity emerges. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Keeping your objective in mind is only half the problem. The other half involves convincing group members that you know what you're talking about. Use plain facts. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is an 8 -- You've done the required research. Now you need to discuss the results. You discover opposition. Take time to firm up support for your plan.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is a 6 -- You might discover you'd rather be anywhere but work today. Take a mental health day if you can. If not, have a long lunch or extra break. Just breathe. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 7 -- You really want action now. The name of the game is change, and you're both banker and Dungeon master. Use your dragon fire if needed. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is a 5 -- A key person lays down a set of objectives. If you know what's good for you, you'll go along with their plan. Don't leave home without your wallet. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 5 -- A group leader notices a problem that could stall progress. Think about it, and then re-state the problem in the form of an answerable question. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is a 7 -- Others convince you to make changes for yourself. At first, you feel insulted but quickly realize how much you'll gain. Accept the opportunity. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is an 8 -- Apply yourself from morning to night for marvelous results. A family member helps out by providing something delicious to keep you going.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


OCTOBER 25, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

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Answer: Saturday’s Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #12 10/21/10

Solution, tips and computer program at

THE (Answerstomorrow) Monday) (Answers Jumbles: UNCLE GAMUT TEPID PATIO GYPSUM GASKET MARTYR Jumbles: RUBBER What thename warden themagician repeat offender — Answer: Another for gave a great — Answer: A SUPER TIME “OUT” A “DUPER”



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OCTOBER 25, 2010

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OCTOBER 25, 2010


TOMATOES: Rutgers’ opening-drive success fizzles continued from back The Panthers were in fieldgoal range to start the game before Rutgers defensive tackle Charlie Noonan read a screen play and intercepted the pass to give the Knights their first possession. Rutgers (4-3, 1-1) responded with an eight-play, 49-yard drive in which Martinek ran the ball three times for 10 yards, including a pitch from the 1-yard line for a touchdown. “That drive we ran the ball,” said true freshman quarterback Chas Dodd. “We had good success running the ball. We made plays, I think that’s the main thing. The rest of the game, we didn’t make the plays that we needed to make.” After the first drive for the Knights, the offense succumbed to the Pittsburgh pass rush and failed to put together another successful drive until a late, meaningless touchdown pass. Pittsburgh (4-3, 2-0), particularly defensive ends Brandon Lindsey and Jabaal Sheard, beat Dodd into the ground with five first-half sacks. Dodd, star ting his third straight game after taking over for Tom Savage, had his worst game in his brief tenure with Rutgers. The 6-foot Byrnes High School (S.C.) product completed eight of 19 passes for just 62 yards, taking six sacks and throwing an interception. “It was rough,” Dodd said. “They have some great players on that d-line and we just have to go out this week and work at it and make sure we correct the things that we messed up on.” The offensive line continues to be the top concern in Piscataway, with the mix-matching on the right side not improving since the additions of redshirt freshman Antwan Lowery and sophomore Devon Watkis into the rotation. After giving up 15 sacks in the last two games, the sack total for the Knights is a Big East-worst 37 in seven games. “It star ts with me,” said fifth-year senior center and team captain Howard Barbieri. “I’m the leader of the of fensive line. I have to do a better job of leading these guys. The of fensive line isn’t really a position. You have a responsibility. If you don’t do your job, someone could get hur t. We’re lucky we didn’t get someone hur t [Saturday].”


Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage (7) and tailback De’Antwan Williams (34) entered the game late for the Scarlet Knights after Pittsburgh’s lead was well in hand. Savage completed two of three pass attempts in his first appearance since injuring his hand against Tulane.

NOTEBOOK: Starting quarterback job remains open continued from back sack on his second play back after injuring his hand Oct. 2 against Tulane. The Cardinal O’Hara (Springfield, Pa.) product’s first drive ended with a punt, but he found the end zone on his second series, connecting with sophomore wideout Mark Harrison for a 27-yard pitch and catch. “Obviously I’m not happy now that we lost, but I’m looking forward to keep working and getting back out there,” Savage said. The 6-foot-5 signal caller finished the game 2-for-3 for 46 yards on two drives, while Dodd went 8-for-19 for 62 yards against the Panthers’ first-team defense. The Scarlet Knights’ of fense looked the best it had

all season in Dodd’s star ts, but with Savage healthy and back on the field and a bye week before the next Wednesday night matchup against South Florida, the quar terback debate might reopen. “It’s going to always be [week-to-week] — whoever gives us the best chance to win,” Schiano said.



“I was able to grab it out of the air.” Noonan returned the interception 25 yards, giving the offense a short field for its opening-possession touchdown drive. The St. Joseph’s Prep (Philadelphia) product shr ugged of f Graham’s tackle attempt, switched ball hands and cut across quar terback Tino Sunseri to pick up extra yardage, taking him back to his high school days when he played fullback. JEREMY

defensive line made a surprising, but strong start to its first game without junior Eric LeGrand. DEERING JUNIOR KICKER Fifth-year senior San San Te handled captain and defensive kickoffs for the second consecutackle Charlie Noonan intertive week, taking over a duty cepted a screen pass on Pitt’s usually reser ved for senior opening drive that bounced out punter Teddy Dellaganna. of the reach of Pitt sophomore Te said it was a gametime running back Ray Graham. decision before last week’s con“I read the screen to the test against Army, but that he running back and I think he kept the role in Pittsburgh. just bobbled it,” Noonan said.

Dellaganna’s punting struggles raised concerns about the Templeton, Calif., native’s ability to handle kickoffs. On two possessions when Pitt pinned Rutgers inside its own 20-yard line, Dellaganna failed to get his punts past midfield with a 24-yarder and 30-yarder. “There were a lot of reasons we played on a short field,” Schiano said. “Those were two tough punts.”



Jeremy Deering played his most significant role operating the Wildcat package after taking four snaps out of it against Tulane. With sophomore Mohamed Sanu limited by a foot injury, Deering had five carries for 25 yards and four handof fs to freshman tailback Jordan Thomas for 40 yards. Sanu took one snap and rushed for a yard.



OCTOBER 25, 2010


Salmon nets two as Rutgers earns first Big East win BY A.J. JANKOWSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

The Rutgers men’s soccer team headed into this weekend needing a win to stay in postseason conMEN’S SOCCER tention, but his3 t o r y RUTGERS 0 w a s SYRACUSE against the squad, which had not scored a goal on the road and was winless in the Big East. The Scarlet Knights rewrote the histor y books Saturday by throttling the Orange, 3-0, in Syracuse. “If we lose this game against Syracuse, then they go six points ahead of us and there is basically no catching them,” said senior captain Yannick Salmon, who responded with two goals against the Orange. Salmon upped his team-high goal total to six for the Knights (4-9-1, 1-6), including what proved to be the game-winning tally in the 12th minute on a shot just inside the 18-yard box. Taking an early lead is something head coach Dan Donigan harped on all season long, but Saturday marked the first time Rutgers tallied a goal in the first 15 minutes of play. “We really haven’t played with a lead all season,” said Donigan, who earned his first Big East win at the helm of the Rutgers program. “It was something a little different, especially being on the road in a must-win situation. The guys had the right attitude.” Despite not having much experience playing with a lead,


Senior captain Yannick Salmon notched goals five and six on the year to lead the Knights past Syracuse in what was deemed a must-win game to keep their postseason hopes alive.

Rutgers stuck together despite a flurry from Syracuse at the end of the first half. “When we scored first, we really didn’t know what to do. We were so surprised,” Salmon said. “The first 15 minutes we were playing really well, but the last 15 minutes of the half we really had to hold on. But once we fought through that we were able to move forward to take control of the game.” The Knights doubled their advantage in the 52nd minute,

when junior for ward Ibrahim Kamara buried a pass from classmate Nate Bourdeau. Bourdeau, from Baldwinsville, N.Y. — just minutes from Syracuse — notched a pair of assists in his return to upstate New York. Salmon added the insurance marker in the 72nd minute, when he found himself on the finishing end of a corner kick service from freshman midfielder Brennan McNicoll.

The win ser ves as a statement to the rest of the Big East that the Knights may be devastated by injuries, but they are not going down without a fight. “One of the big things is to get your team to fight for you, no matter what the circumstances,” Donigan said. “I’ve said all season long that we can’t complain about this team’s work ethic and the competitive level that these guys have.”

The Knights played with just three substitutes, as injuries have marred the team all season long. But that is not how Rutgers sees it. Instead, it is just another way for the team to prove its resiliency. “It’s just not in our character [to give up],” Salmon said. “Our coaches always talk about how when times are tough, you see people’s true character. We just want to show them that we do have a lot of character. We do have a lot of spirit and that even if things aren’t going well for us, we are going to work through it.” With the victor y over the Orange (2-8-5, 0-4-3), the two teams are deadlocked for the final spot in the Big East Tour nament with three points apiece. Rutgers holds the tiebreaker over Syracuse, and DePaul sits just below the two squads with two points. The Knights host the Blue Demons in the regular season finale on Oct. 30, at Yurcak Field. Rutgers travels to South Florida before that game for a midweek showdown with USF. Although the Bulls sit two spots ahead of the Knights in the standings, Rutgers has the confidence going forward that it can score on the road and compete in the Big East. “We have been unlucky in the past four games, so hopefully [Saturday] night was the breakthrough,” Bourdeau said. “We’ve showed this year that we can play with basically anyone. We’re going there to get a result and find ourselves a way into the Big East Tournament.”

Late surge carries seniors to sweep in final home weekend BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT

Bucknell made it clear from the opening whistle that it would not roll over for the Rutgers field hockey team, no matter the circ u m FIELD HOCKEY stance. But 3 RUTGERS t h e 2 Scarlet PRINCETON Knights got hot with less than 10 minutes before the final horn blew, snapping of f three goals en route to an emotional 3-0 victory on Senior Day. “I was so impressed by our attacks. I thought we stayed really poised and we didn’t get frustrated,” said head coach Liz Tchou. “When you get frustrated, your performance can go down. It’s how you keep each play going — your attitude for each play — and I thought our kids were just continuing to tr y and figure things out.” Icing the game for the Knights (8-10, 2-3) was freshman for ward Gia Nappi, who posted her best performance of the season. The Fairfield, N.J., native made a run at the Bucknell (611) goalkeeper with less than two minutes left in regulation, sneaking one low to score her fifth goal. The freshman also tabbed two assists in the game’s final 10 minutes, the latter to fellow freshman Lisa Patrone on a breakaway and the other at the 60:34 mark to junior back Christie Morad.

With offensive contributions from Nappi, Patrone and Morad, the Knights sent the duo of senior co-captains off on the right foot. “Jenna [Bull] and Heather [Garces] have been such a great pair of seniors,” Tchou said. “They’re great leaders. They don’t just lead to lead. They empower others to lead and bring out their best and that’s what I absolutely love about them.” Though the Knights made it look easy to end the game, it was not so easy for much of the contest. As the clock continued to wind down in the second half, the Bison attack jumped up a notch. With 11:40 left on the clock, Bucknell posted its fifth penalty corner of the game –– the fourth of the second half –– to create yet another scoring opportunity. The shot went wide off a block and Tchou’s squad responded, quickly getting the ball moving the other way. The Knights matriculated the ball downfield, executed their passes and just two minutes later tallied the game’s first goal. “We didn’t start off too good, but I think [the team] showed us they would do whatever it took to get us a win,” Bull said. “It was pretty cool to beat a team, 30, in our last home game.” Both teams struggled offensively for some of the first half and much of the second half of play. The Bison outshot the Knights, 10-6, for the game and blanked the squad’s attack in the

first half, as Tchou’s of fense failed to record a shot or penalty corner in the period. In the midst of its struggles, the team never got down and made adjustments on the fly to match up better with the opposition. For Tchou, it was something special to watch. “It was great to watch them out there problem solving,” Tchou said. “That’s probably the most rewarding thing as a coach — to watch them make their own decisions and figure things out and communicate it out on the field and want it so bad.” The Knights posted their first shutout of the weekend by blanking Columbia (8-6), 2-0, Friday on the Banks. Junior midfielder Bridgette Sands earned her first goal of the year off an assist from junior forward Nicole Gentile, who scored the game’s other goal. The goal and assist bumped Gentile up to 21 points for the season and gave the Jamison, Pa., native her 10th score this year for Rutgers. Both shutouts this weekend marked the fourth time in five games in which the defense and freshman goalkeeper Sarah Stuby stole the show. Stuby made eight saves in front of her home crowd, improving the Knights’ home record to 6-4 and giving the walk-on her fourth shutout of the season. “Sarah Stuby made incredible saves in there that really helped us get out. It’s unbelievable,” Tchou said. Rutgers competes in its final game of the season next


Freshman forward Gia Nappi had a hand in all of Rutgers’ goals Sunday, scoring one and assisting on two others in the win.

Saturday against No. 4 Connecticut. Tchou noted early in the practice week that two strong performances were essential to establishing the momentum needed to take down the Huskies and make the Big East Tournament. While the squad came out of the weekend with two wins, there

is still room to improve, according to Garces. “I think this game just kind of showed us we have to step up not only in the second half, but the first half,” the for ward said. “We have to star t of f strong and not just rely on our second half. I think we have a good chance here.”



OCTOBER 25, 2010


Knights earn bye with emphatic wins BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR


he Rutgers volleyball team lost, 3-0, yesterday to Connecticut (3-16, 1-7) at Gampel Pavilion in Storrs, Conn. The road match was the Scarlet Knights’ second of a four-match road swing. UConn won in straight sets by scores of 25-21, 29-27 and 2523, respectively, to upend the Knights (9-13, 1-7). Sophomore Stephanie Zielinski recorded her 10th double-double of the season with 23 assists and 13 digs on the afternoon. Senior Caitlin Saxton and sophomore Alex Jones each notched 12 kills in the straightset Big East defeat. For more coverage, see tomorrow’s edition.


The Rutgers women’s soccer team came into last weekend on the fringe of the Big East Tournament, having not earned a victory since an Oct. 3 win over Providence. The Scarlet Knights (10-8-1, 5-51) not only clinched a spot in the WOMEN’S SOCCER tour nament folLOUISVILLE 0 lowing a RUTGERS 3 2 - 0 weekend, but earned a first-round bye and the No. 3 seed from the National Division. Head coach Glenn Crooks’ team takes on No. 2 seed West Virginia on Oct. 31 in Morgantown, W.Va., in the Big East Quarterfinals. The Knights paved their way into the tournament yesterday, when they erupted for three second-half goals en route to a 3-0 rout of visiting Louisville (10-8, 4-7). “Without the victories, we might not even be playing again this year,” Crooks said. “There’s so much going on and then with the seniors [yesterday]. The seniors did a great job. You look at

the weekend and we knew what we needed to do. It’s nice because we feel like we’ve played quality ball like this against some opponents and didn’t come away with a result.” Despite the fanfare surrounding Senior Day, the first half with the Cardinals ended inconspicuously in a scoreless draw. The Knights had one of their best opportunities of the half in the 35th minute, when senior captain Gina DeMaio dribbled along the right endline and found junior Jasmine Edwards in the box. The San Diego native sent a short cross that just evaded sophomore April Price on the left side of the box. Price also sent a left-footed shot that forced a diving save Louisville goalkeeper Taylor Vancil as the first period elapsed. The Knights forced five saves from Vancil in the half. The Knights ended the first stanza with nine more shots than the visiting Cardinals, who struggled to muster an offensive attack against a solid Rutgers backline. Sophomore keeper Emmy Simpkins continued to see limited action in the process, registering just one save in 45 minutes of play.

As per usual, freshman Samantha Perretty replaced Simpkins in net in the second half for Crooks. Junior captain Tricia DiPaolo served as the team’s catalyst, tallying the first Rutgers goal in the 61st minute on an assist from midfielder Gina DeMaio. “Ever since we moved [DiPaolo] into the midfield, she’s been all about it,” Crooks said. “I’m really enjoying looking at the goal scorers. Trish has worked so hard to get back.” DiPaolo’s goal was her second in as many games. “Every weekend playing I get more and more comfortable,” DiPaolo said. “I’m becoming more dangerous and more comfortable dribbling at players … opposed to playing one- and two-touch.” It took Rutgers less than three minutes to get on the scoreboard again, thanks to a header from Price on a one-touch cross from DiPaolo. Price’s goal tied her for the team lead and marked the least amount of time between Rutgers goals this season. Junior Ashley Medcalf capped off the Knights’ scoring in the 81st minute with her second tally of the season.


Knights’ wideout Kenny Britt made a splash in NFL news yesterday, hauling in seven catches for 225 yards and three touchdowns as his Tennessee Titans defeated the visiting Philadelphia Eagles, 37-19. Britt sat out the first half of the game due to his involvement in a bar fight just two days prior to the game. He is now just the third player since 2000 to post 225 yards and three receiving touchdowns in one game.



basketball coach Jamie Dixon played the role of good Samaritan this weekend after pulling over to aid passengers whose car had flipped over onto a guardrail. Dixon sustained an injured hand and was treated by an onsite ambulance before leaving the scene. The accident took place on I-279 in Pittsburgh. The Big East tabbed Dixon’s Panthers as heavy favorites to win the conference this season.



Junior captain Tricia DiPaolo scored goals in consecutive games this weekend en route to earning a team-high five points with the help of an assist on April Price’s header against Louisville.

Rutgers started the weekend Friday with a 2-1 victory over visiting Cincinnati. The Knights dominated play for the match’s first 85 minutes before the Bearcats’ first corner allotted the team a late goal. Moments later, the Bearcats (8-91, 2-8) earned another corner before the Knights put the match to rest, earning a berth in the Big East Tournament in the process. DeMaio started off the scoring in the 13th minute, when a deflected shot found her left foot. The Herrman Trophy candidate took on touch with her left boot before putting a finesse shot in the top left of the net. DeMaio was at ease in the midfield all evening, sending in cross after cross with a lot of space to maneuver. “That’s kind of how we scouted [Cincinnati],” DeMaio said. “Coach [Crooks] said that in the midfield we would be able to turn and go at them. I wanted to really take advantage of that [Friday] because I thought that during the season I could have done a better job of it, but I was happy with it [Friday].” DiPaolo added her second goal of the season just three minutes later. Junior Karla Schacher sent the ball into the box, where DiPaolo capped off the mad scramble in front of the net with the Knights’ final tally. The two goals marked the first time since a season-opening win over Stony Brook that the Knights scored twice in a match’s first stanza. “When we can come out here and get things done early, we relax and get fresh legs in the game — things like that,” DeMaio said. Rutgers outshot Cincinnati, 14-4, by halftime and earned four corners in the process. Despite registering 26 shots — the team’s second-most on the season — the Knights could not manage a second-half goal, keeping a Bearcat team with just two Big East wins in the match. “We have to play a more complete game,” Crooks said. “What we have to ask is, ‘Why didn’t we put [Cincinnati] away?’ That’s a problem. I knew we were going to come out and play well [Friday] — you could just feel it. We have to carry that same feeling.”


another No. 1 team in the AP Top 25 poll for the four th consecutive week. Oregon claims the top spot, as Oklahoma falls to No. 11 after losing to Missouri. Ohio State was the top team before the Sooners, after taking over for Alabama. Boise State, Auburn, Texas Christian and Michigan State round out the top five. West Virginia dropped from the rankings after losing to Syracuse, which was the highest ranked Big East team at No. 29 with eight votes.



starting quarterback Brett Favre reportedly admitted to leaving voicemails to a former Jets hostess during his time with New York. On the other hand, Favre denied sending the former hostess lewd photos that surfaced earlier. Favre told investigators that he left phone messages for Jenn Sterger, a Jets employee when Favre quarterbacked the team in 2008 to a 9-7 record.

KNIGHTS HONOR LEGRAND BEFORE KICKOFF WITH LOUISVILLE The Rutgers women’s soccer Ever yone is praying for team sported No. 52 Eric [LeGrand’s] recovery.” Posters in support of LeGrand WOMEN’S SOCCER LeGrand s h i r t s hang outside Yurcak Field in prior to its matchup yesterday Piscataway, where the Knights against Louisville. went 2-0 this weekend. The Scarlet “First and foremost, Knights held up five the thing on our minds fingers on their right is … Eric LeGrand,” hands and two on Crooks said. We’re just their left hands to siggoing to focus on that nify LeGrand’s numfor now. The girls are ber during the very concerned. It was national anthem hard on all of them against Cincinnati because a lot of them and the Cardinals. ERIC LEGRAND know him quite well.” The team put up a The Knights also poster of LeGrand in the team’s donned pink uniforms, shoelaces locker room yesterday prior to and gloves Friday night in supits 3-0 blanking of the port of the “I’m a Breast Cancer Cardinals, said head coach Fighter” theme set up by team Glenn Crooks. alumnus Shannon Evans. “[LeGrand is] one of us,” The event aimed at raising Crooks said. “That’s why you community awareness about have to appreciate everything breast health and breast cancer SCOTT TSAI you have, every moment you prevention. The Rutgers women’s soccer team donned shirts with Eric LeGrand’s have. It’s one of those things athletically that has ups and downs. — Tyler Barto No. 52 in warmups, one of many ways they honored LeGrand.



PA G E 1 6

OCTOBER 25, 2010


1 7 7

2 7 7

4 Final 3 21 7 0 10 17 41

ROTTEN TOMATOES Pitt shreds RU’s defense for 27 second-half points as Dodd’s fourth-quarter magic runs out at Heinz Field BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT

PITTSBURGH — For the Rutgers football team’s opponents, the third FOOTBALL time was the charm. A f t e r Connecticut and Army surrendered four th-quar ter leads against the Scarlet Knights, Pittsburgh answered the call and stomped on Rutgers on Saturday to close out a 41-21 victory at Heinz Field. “Some days you just get whooped,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “When everything goes wrong, that’s usually the result. The first half, it didn’t all go wrong. The second half, everything kind of went wrong.” Dead-locked at 14 to start the second half, true freshman running back Jordan Thomas lost a fumble at the 26-yard line and things spiraled out of control from there. Pitt quarterback Tino Sunseri threw a quick touchdown pass to break the tie and kicker Dan Hutchins kicked a field goal to help the Panthers go up by 10 going into the fourth quarter, when Jonathan Baldwin and Dion Lewis turned the loss into a blowout for the Knights. Baldwin made three spectacular catches, including a touchdown grab with cornerback David Rowe blanketing him. Lewis, who burned Rutgers for the second straight season, ran for 130 yards and a touchdown. “He’s definitely going to be on my fantasy team when he gets to the League,” Rowe said of the 6-foot-5 Baldwin, who finished with 139 receiving yards on five catches. “My hat goes of f to him. He’s just an incredible player.” As Schiano said, things were not nearly as out of control in the first half. In fact, Rutgers appeared to be in control for much of the game’s first 30 minutes. The Knights channeled their emotions in their first game without Eric LeGrand alongside them into a key turnover and an expertly executed first offensive series to take a 7-0 lead.



Pittsburgh junior wide receiver Jon Baldwin made a trio of highlight-reel grabs Saturday as part of his five-catch, 139-yard performance, including a 23-yard, one-handed grab and a 45-yard touchdown catch, where he overpowered Rutgers cornerback David Rowe.

BIG EAST SCORES South Florida Cincinnati




Syracuse No. 20 WVU

19 14

Connecticut Louisville

0 26




Total Yds 203 513

Pass 108 307

Rush 95 206

EXTRA POINT The number of sacks yielded by the Rutgers offensive line one week after Army sacked freshman quarterback Chas Dodd eight times. The Pitt defense sacked Dodd six times in Saturday’s contest and brought down sophomore Tom Savage once for a five-yard loss. Rutgers only managed one sack on Pitt quarterback Tino Sunseri.



PITTSBURGH — Although the Rutgers football team’s starting quarterback situation remains a week-to-week decision, both freshman Chas Dodd and sophomore Tom Savage saw snaps Saturday against Pittsburgh. Dodd made his third consecutive start, but gave way to Savage with the game out of reach in the

fourth quarter of his first loss as a starter. “We just wanted to give Tom some playing time,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “He practiced some this week, while last week it was very limited. I wanted to make sure he got some snaps in the line of fire.” Savage was under fire from the outset, as Pitt got to him for a


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