The Daily Targum 2010-10-26

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Volume 142, Number 39







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Today: Partly Sunny


High: 74 • Low: 56

Wristbands that will be on sale Wednesday and Thursday and T-shirts for sale at Scarlet Fever are just two of the ways the community is supporting Eric LeGrand.

U. reports 10 hate crimes during 2009

Study shows adderall use on campus BY DEVIN SIKORSKI




As students continue to tackle midterm examinations, many will seek refuge in University libraries to study so they can receive the best grade possible. But one study shows that some of these students may use Adderall, a drug used to help those with attention deficit disorder, commonly dispersed among college students across the countr y, with or without a prescription. Director for the Center of Alcohol Studies Robert Pandina conducted a study in 2007 focusing on the use of Adderall among University students who did not have a prescription for the medicine. Georgia Kouzoukas, a former University student working with the Center of Alcohol Studies, and Daniel

The missing form would not just af fect state tuition grants and scholarships for the fall semester, Bouse said. “Those students expecting an award for the spring semester only, must provide the required information by March 1, 2011,” she said. “Students who do not provide the necessary data will not be eligible for a [Tuition Aid Grant] award.” Bouse said the introduction of the new financial aid form actually helped rather than hur t students, as it saves students money.

Just weeks after the Rutgers University Police Department received a grant from the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office to combat hate crimes, an alleged act of bullying linked to a student’s suicide took place on campus. And while some have called the events leading to University first-year student Tyler Clementi’s suicide a bias crime — his roommate Dharun Ravi allegedly filmed Clementi’s encounters with another male without their knowledge — statistics suggest that such crimes are isolated incidents on campus. According to the 2009 RUPD “Safety Matters” repor t, a total of 10 hate crimes took place on campus last year, including claims of simple assault, intimidation and damage to proper ty. All were related to race, religion or ethnicity. A hate crime is “a criminal offense committed against a person or property, which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity/national origin,” according to federal law. Middlesex County Public Information Officer Jim O’Neill said overall, bias crimes are not a major problem for the county. “I can’t even recall any bias charges being filed this year,” O’Neill said. But First Amendment Litigator and Privacy Advocate Grayson Barber said regardless of safeguards against hate crimes, the state of the law makes discrimination legal, a fact she said is appalling. “In the United States of America at this time, it is per fectly legal to discriminate against homosexuals,” she said. “Since it’s legal to discriminate against gay people, it’s extremely unlikely that the crime against




Studies show that students on campus tend to use adderall, an attention deficit drug, to enhance their study habits. But studies also show it sometimes does the opposite.


Missing form delays financial aid for some BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

Although the fall semester is almost halfway done, some students at the University still have an outstanding balance on their term bill. The New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority is in the process of notifying more than 49,000 students statewide who did not fill out a new financial aid form that was introduced for the first time this year. If the form is not submitted before the Nov. 15 deadline, students’ state tuition grants or scholarships will be revoked.

AnnMarie Bouse, HESAA’s director of communications, said HESAA sent numerous notices over the telephone and through e-mail, attempting to notify students and financial aid administrators about the missing form. “We have sent students 15 e-mails, made more than 115,000 phone calls and sent 91,000 letters to students to obtain the four additional items necessary to calculate students’ eligibility,” she said via e-mail correspondence. HESAA is continuing to send information through e-mail and last week began another round of phones calls, Bouse said. To date, more than 232,000 students have responded.

Students react to housing project BY REENA DIAMANTE CORRESPONDENT

The University commenced its construction of the Livingston housing project yesterday, a major aspect of the vision for Livingston campus. The residence hall is expected to house 1,500 students and will consist of multiple mid-rise apartment complexes. Construction is scheduled to finish in time for the 2012 fall semester. As the parking lots around Livingston campus are closing off and construction machinery is moving in, students expressed a range of different reactions to the production. Some students believe new housing is the answer to the housing crunch, which in the past displaced more than 500 students off campus and into permanent living arrangements at the Crown Plaza in Somerset.

“Making dorms is better than staying at the hotels,” said Arsafa Mahmoot, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “They were so far away. It’s a good thing they are doing something productive.” Sung Moon, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said the old bus route between the hotel and the College Avenue campus was highly inconvenient. “It’s inefficient for people to ride a specific bus going to hotels and campuses,” Moon said. “If they’re in Livingston in a dorm room, they can just ride the buses fairly quickly.” Stephanie Ndupu, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, believes creation of housing on Livingston campus has been a long time coming. “I think it’s really good because Livingston is the one


INDEX UNIVERSITY A student wins first place at a hacking competition in New York City.

OPINIONS Google comes under fire after one of its Street View vehicles collected e-mails and passwords.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 PENDULUM . . . . . . . 7 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK SCOTT TSAI

Some students say construction of the Livingston Housing Project could make the campus more appealing, in addition to the construction of the new dining hall, above.




OCTOBER 26, 2010



WEATHER OUTLOOK Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club WEDNESDAY HIGH 75 LOW 50



TODAY Partly Sunny, with a high of 74° TONIGHT Partly Cloudy, with a low of 56°


126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

142ND EDITORIAL BOARD NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Anthony Hernandez, Matthew Kosinski, Jillian Pason CORRESPONDENTS — Reena Diamante, Bill Domke, Sam Hellman, Joey Schulhoff SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Joel Chokkattu, Jose Medrano

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OCTOBER 26, 2010

U. SCIENTISTS UPGRADE ELECTRON MICROSCOPES University scientists are working with Nion Co., a small Washington state company, to develop a state-of-the-art electron microscope that can produce an electron beam the size of a hydrogen atom — the smallest atom known. The microscope will be able to study the inner workings of materials that are important for creating new renewable energy sources, according to a U.S. News & World Report article. “To date, [the electron microscope] has not been capable of measuring the very small vibrations and wiggles important to how the material functions,” said Research Professor for Institute for Advanced Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology Philip Batson in the article. “The new microscope will be the first one capable of directly measuring the energy absorbed by these vibrational excitations.” As par t of the American Recover y and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the research is funded by a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation. — Kristine Rosette Enerio


PA G E 3

Student hacks way through competition School of Arts and Sciences junior takes first place in hacking competition for second year BY CECILY SMITH CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Like many college students, School of Arts and Sciences junior Ian Jablonowski spends many of his nights playing video games and listening to music. But with his win earlier this month at the second annual HackNY Hackathon, he opened more doors for himself in the New York technology community with start-up companies seeking him out in attempts to integrate him into their company, Jablonowski said. “A hackathon is a great way for computationally expert students to experience the difference between computational homework assignments and the experience of participating as part of a small team on problems of your own choosing,” said Chris Wiggins, one of HackNY’s founders. Hackathon is a 24-hour contest in which student contestants get together and hack or decode whatever information they can from par ticipating companies in order to make another of their own device, Jablonowski said. A group of start-up companies give the students their programs and the only rules are that contestants must use the data these companies provide. “The time constraint makes it even more interesting,” Jablonowski said. “There’s a really high energy. Everyone’s there all excited.”

The morning after taking notice as the this year’s Hackathon, projects became Jablonowski and his more elaborate.” competitors presented By age 13, their work in a lecture Jablonowski designed hall in front of a panel of his first website and judges, including had contributed to two founder of 4chan of former Microsoft Christopher “Moot” employee Stephen Poole and Dave Tisch of Cawood’s books, TechStars, a mentor“Halo 2 Hacks” and IAN ship-driven seed stage JABLONOWSKI “The Black Ar t of investment program, Halo Mods.” according to the University’s Wiggins was not surprised School of Communication and when Jablonowski took first in Information website. the contest for the second year in Out of 19 presentations, a row. Jablonowski won with his creJablonowski triumphed at last ation “Cockle Doodle Doo,” an year’s competition with his crealarm clock with the ability to ation of an application that used call someone and read them Twitter and Foursquare to deterthe news, remind them of mine the most “influenappointments and go through tial” person at a given place. the most recent posts on As a result, he spent his whatever websites they fre- summer with, a nine-perquent most. son company in Manhattan’s The project that took second Meatpacking District, to create place was a multiplayer mobile potential features that shor ten phone game featuring tanks, and links and allow people to easily third place was an application that track and swap Web links on connects individuals via text mes- various social networking sites, sage to a stranger when they are Jablonowski said. bored or lonely, according to the “I was impressed but not surschool’s website. prised that Ian won again,” Jablonowski, majoring in infor- Wiggins said. “From talking to mation technology and informat- his team at — his host ics, has had a knack for building start-up — I knew that Ian has things ever since he was young, the dedication, creativity and Cindy Jablonowski said. technical talent you find in the “When Ian was a small best start-ups and that leads to child he used to build amazing the most ingenious hacks.” configurations with Kynex,” Created by three computer she said. “He once built a scientists, HackNY is a nonhuge Ferris wheel that really profit organization intended to worked. I guess we star ted strengthen the New York tech

community by matching computationally and quantitatively exper t college students with New York City start-up companies, Jablonowski said. The organization’s main goal is to guide more graduates in computer science, math and other related fields into NYC technology star t-ups instead of Wall Street, according to the organization’s website. HackNY’s annual Hackathon was created in order to find students that the organization could help introduce into the city’s tech community. Through hosting the contest, the organization offers partnerships where students stay in New York University residence halls and are given internships at start-ups such as, the company Jablonowski interned with this past summer. HackNY works closely with the students, making sure they are prepared for the tech community they will enter into. “Part of HackNY is promoting us, getting us in [and] making sure people know who we are. They go out of their way to make sure we are at these events,” Jablonowski said. “It’s a ver y close-knit culture and it’s really hard to get inside, but once you’re in, you’re set.” Jablonowski continues to develop “Cockle Doodle Doo” in order to make it a real webapplication and will be presenting a public version of it on Nov. 2 at the monthly NY Tech Meetup.


OCTOBER 26, 2010



Rutgers University Programming Association will host a free night of pumpkin carving and painting in time for Halloween. The event will take place on the Douglass Woodlawn from 2 to 5 p.m. Many University Recreation Classes begin during the week of Oct. 25 and after. Registration for “Fast & Intense Training,” swimming, tennis, outdoor trips and personal enrichment courses will continue at For those who have questions email or call (732)-932-8204. Neil Stuart, former head of IBM Global Business Services’ Health Care, will explore various health care issues in his lecture “From Cure to Enhancement: What are the boundaries for sustainable universal health care coverage?” Stuart will talk about the boundaries for universal health care coverage that is sustainable. A progressively larger part of health care is not about saving or extending life but about helping people get more out of life. Many conditions that previously had simply been considered natural features of aging and human behavior are now seen as conditions that can be treated and medically managed. As questions grow about the sustainability of health-care spending in industrialized countries, more policy focus will be on the boundaries of universal entitlement and the role of health care in modern society. The lecture will begin at 4 p.m. in the Special Events Forum of Civic Square Building.


The Office of Community Engagement, Rutgers Against Hunger and Farmers Against Hunger is sponsoring “Gleaning” at the Giamarese Farm from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in East Brunswick. Harvested crops will be donated to Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen and the Franklin Food Bank to help provide fresh produce to the hungry, who often have a limited availability of fresh foods. Faculty, staff, alumni and students are welcome to bring their boots and gloves and lend a helping hand. The event is free but registration is required and limited to 30 spaces. Please complete and return the registration form by Oct. 13. Contact the Office of Community Engagement at (732)-932-2000, ext. 4211 for any questions, or e-mail Matthew Jelacic, assistant professor of Architecture at the University of Colorado, will be presenting a lecture, “Traumatic Urbanization and Its Consequences,” at 4:30 p.m. on the fourth floor lecture hall in Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus. Jelacic is working with communities to create affordable shelter for the Crow Nation in Montana and assisting in the reconstruction of schools in Haiti. He is also involved with projects using sustainable materials for sheltering displaced people. He was a partner in the firm Gans & Jelacic from 1996 to 2003 whose work included emergency relief shelters and school furniture for the New York City School Construction Authority. In his talk, he will explore the issues surrounding social and environmental justice in developing communities.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to

U NIVERSITY FORM: 600 U. students still have yet to respond continued from front “If the process was not implemented, the additional cost to the Tuition Aid Grant program would have run another $14.5 million, which would have resulted in reduced awards for students across the board of up to 14 percent,” she said. A list of 1,600 students at the University who were late on payment for the fall semester was used to find those who needed to file the new form, said Vice President for Enrollment Management Courtney McAnuff in an article. There are still 600 students at the University who have yet to respond. “It’s still a lot of people,” McAnuff said in the article. “There are going to be kids who fall through the cracks.” McAnuff could not be reached for additional comment at press time. Director of the Educational Oppor tunity Fund Program Eddie Manning said his organization knew about the new form before the end of last semester and sought to inform students as soon as possible. “We’ve been calling students reminding them. We’re just doing a lot of very proactive and assertive work to make sure they weren’t adversely affected by [the new form],” he said. “I can’t say it hasn’t affected any-

ADDERALL: Study shows users have lower GPAs continued from front Ogilvie, a University professor of psychology, also conducted the study alongside Pandina. The study asked 122 students if they ever used the drug Adderall, which can help control hyperactivity and impulse, and why they would use it and compared it to the use of other drugs such as marijuana and alcohol. According to the study, 11.9 percent of the students said they used Adderall while nearly 90 percent reported use of alcohol. Although the study was conducted in 2007, Lisa Laitman, director of the Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program for Students, said the use of Adderall among college students is still a national phenomenon not unique to the University. “This is a problem that exists on a lot of college campuses and there are basically two or three different ways college students use Adderall. One is a sort of performance enhancement, [which] would mean that someone is simply using Adderall to study better and stay up,” she said. “The other way, obviously, is to abuse the drug to get high.” The study also asked those students who used Adderall why they needed the ADD medication and found academic enhancement to be the main motivator. Students also said they used the medication for social reasons such as to enjoy a party or just to have fun. The study also showed a relationship between Adderall and having a grade point average above or below 3.0. Students using the medication had lower GPAs, according to the study. The study also showed 75.4 percent of students find the use

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M body [but] I would say that the effects of it have been minimized by the fact that we got on it very early.” The missing form affected some students because they left for summer vacation and might not have checked their e-mail, not because HESAA did not notify the students properly, Manning said. “I’m told that HESAA did a lot of e-mailing during the summer, [and] they sent loads of notices to students to let them know what was happening and what they needed to do,” he said. “But as is typically the case, some students don’t follow through the way they are supposed to.” Manning pursued the remaining students and said EOF was successful in making sure the students submitted the missing financial aid form. “So a small proportion of our students did get caught up in it, and it meant a delay for them. But once they got ever ything resolved for the most part, things fell into place,” he said. “We basically dodged that bullet.” Although many University students found no trouble with the new financial aid form, others were not happy with the new process. Bhavin Patel, president of the Roosevelt Institute, said after submitting and re-submitting the new financial aid form, his financial aid has yet to be cleared. “I’m hesitant to go over to [Financial Aid] because I already gave them the documentation,” said Patel, a School

of Ar ts and Sciences senior. “There is no solid procedure. I give it to them and [they] stamp it and they say, ‘All right, it will be taken care of. Have a good day.’ But then nothing is taken care of.” Patel said in order to attend classes in the fall semester, his parents had to supply an extra $3,000 because his $6,500 term bill needed to be paid in full with or without financial aid. “We had planned to pay for $3,500 because we were under the assumption that the state and the University were competent in regard in filing the required documentation,” he said. “We were wrong and we had to pay the extra money.” Patel said he does not understand why he will not see any financial aid for this semester because the state or the University lost his documentation. “Assuming my aid is processed, the $3,000 I had to pay wouldn’t be reimbursed … but would be applied with the aid for spring semester. So all of my aid would come in the spring semester,” he said. “This is assuming I get any aid at all.” Patel also said he does not see how the state is saving money because they are increasing the amount of employment needed to take care of financial paperwork. He added it was not just him who was affected by the new documentation. “For some people, their aid wasn’t processed and they paid too,” Patel said. “We are paying more when we can’t pay.”

of non-prescribed Adderall as socially acceptable while 93.2 percent find the use of marijuana as socially acceptable. The students who fall into these two categories usually do not have a legitimate prescription for Adderall, Laitman said. But she said this does not mean students who do have a prescription are not at fault. “There is a third group of people who may have a prescription. They may have ADD but they are not using it appropriately or they are selling it to friends,” she said. “It is actually a smaller group.” Because many students who take Adderall do not have a prescription, they do not know the risks of taking a stimulant drug, which can harm those with heart conditions or other health risks, Laitman said. “So that actually is a problem that has emerged with college students. They may not know they have a heart condition until they tr y Adderall,” she said. “When you use Adderall at levels that are higher than what is prescribed, you could also increase a number of these risk factors.” Many students use the medication to produce euphoric effects, which is not a healthy decision, Laitman said. “They get high when they crush it and snort it. It could have a lot of effects. It depends on how much a person is taking and there are also physical conditions,” she said. “That is actually one of the reasons people end up in hospitals.” When a student uses Adderall in such a way, it can produce a significant number of negative side effects, Laitman said. But she added that such a circumstance is not common. “Many people who are going to use Adderall to study are not going to have these negative side effects. But it does happen,” she said. “I do think there have been increases in hospital admissions for overdoses and for these nega-

tive side effects that come from using Adderall when you don’t have a prescription.” As the study shows, many students take the ADD medication in hopes of boosting academic performance. Laitman said data from other studies do not support this notion, and studies that have been done on students who use Adderall actually show their performance is not better than those students who do not. “In reality, a lot of times students who are taking [Adderall] are using other drugs and also may not have the best study habits,” she said. “They are sort of using it to play catch up and it doesn’t actually work very well.” Although using non-prescribed Adderall is dangerous for students with heart conditions, Laitman said the real concern focuses on the improper use of the ADD medication by students. “The real danger with using Adderall is when you mix it with other drugs like alcohol,” she said. “That’s when you increase the level of negative side effects so that’s when it gets quite dangerous.” School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomore Greg Nowicki said he has never used Adderall, but many of his friends have. “I do hear about people using it, I know people who use it, and I know people who think that it is a miracle drug,” he said. “They [use it to] get all their work done. I have no problem getting it done and I don’t have a use for it.” Nowicki said although he hears about many students using the medication, he is not sure if it is necessarily a problem at the University. “I know people use it when they have ADD symptoms, but some kids actually use it to their advantage when they don’t have [ADD],” he said. “The kids who do have it sometimes sell off their extras to people that don’t have it. Well, that could be a problem.”



OCTOBER 26, 2010


Virtual chat sessions offer new access to SCI advisers BY AMANDA ALCANTARA CONTRIBUTING WRITER

In an attempt to reach out to students in new ways, the School of Communication and Information Student Services launched this past Thursday its first series of group advising virtual chat sessions. “We realize that today’s college students gather information from all different sources,” said Kevin Ewell, assistant dean for Student Ser vices. “We need to use this knowledge in a more practical way.” The initiative is a way for the department to extend to students and provide them with another opportunity to gather accurate information in a timely fashion, Ewell said. The school has a large number of graduate students, who

are also full-time employees, and the virtual sessions give them a chance to participate and build connections with the Student Ser vices advising office as well, he said. One section in the chat, “Advising questions (Q & A)” allowed students to ask their questions privately. Students could also submit public questions in the “Social Chat” section. Dif ferent advisers assisted multiple students at the same time, including Undergraduate Student Ser vices Coordinators Marsha Bergman and Megan Ludlow. Jennifer Melara, a School of Communication and Information senior, thinks this virtual group chat is a good attempt at something new.

Melara said it can help the school regulate and communicate with more students, but she also worries this could lose the interpersonal aspect of advising. “It will no longer be face-toface,” she said. “It’s losing its interpersonal touch, which is ver y important, especially in a major such as communication.” But Ludlow said the live chat sessions should not replace inperson advising. “I would encourage students to still schedule regular appointments with their adviser to ensure that they stay on track,” Ludlow said. The main focus of the chats is to handle general questions before scheduling a meeting to address specific questions, she said.

In-person advising plays an integral part in the School of Communication and Information’s school-wide strategy for student ser vices, Ewell said. He found that those who par ticipated found the sessions useful, but most of the students who par ticipated were graduate students. Christina Lloyd, a School of Communication and Information senior, said the idea of virtual chats are beneficial for students because it enables them to communicate directly with an adviser. But she did not hear about the sessions and wondered if they are publicized enough. “I haven’t heard anything about it, which means that probably my roommate hasn’t heard anything about it,” Lloyd said.

But the department is doing more to reach out to students, Ewell said. “We will announce the time and date of the sessions on our website, through The [Daily] Targum and through our undergraduate and graduate program listservs,” he said. The school’s Master of Library and Information Science program has been using more sophisticated delivery methods, including virtual chats, to offer advising to students, Ewell said. “I think we can borrow from some of the resourceful tools that they have created,” he said. The Student Services office is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals, Ludlow said. “We want the students to feel that they have multiple avenues available to them,” she said.

CAMDEN LAW SCHOOL EXPLORES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ISSUES The Rutgers School of Law-Camden launched a new initiative to promote research and education in the field of information policy and law. Co-directed by Rutgers-Camden law professors Michael Carrier, Ellen Goodman and Greg Lastowka, the Rutgers Institute for Information Policy and Law focuses on the legal, economic and cultural implications of information production, distribution, consumption and regulation, according to a University Media Relations press release. “The law of information and intellectual property is a steadily growing field that is becoming more important with each passing year,” Lastowka said in the release. “RIIPL is our effort to get ahead of

the cur ve and address some of the most challenging issues that will only become more challenging in the future.” The RIIPL website will include papers, event announcements and video, blogs and other commentary, as well as links to relevant courses and other materials, according to the release. Goodman hopes RIIPL will help lead thinkers about information and innovation policy, according to the release. “We will leverage our location near centers of information production in fields such as journalism, pharmaceuticals and enter tainment, as well as Washington policymakers, also taking advantage

of Rutgers University strengths in communications and other related fields,” she said in the release. Goodman’s research focuses on the appropriate role of government policy, markets and social norms in supporting a robust information environment, according to the release. Lastowka’s research focuses on the intersection of intellectual property and new technology. Carrier’s research ranges across the fields of antitrust, intellectual property, innovation, pharmaceuticals and property law. Lastowka hopes the institute can showcase RutgersCamden’s strengths. — Ariel Nagi



OCTOBER 26, 2010


CABLEVISION URGES FCC TO RESUME FOX PROGRAMS FOR WORLD SERIES As the World Series gets closer, Cablevision asked the Federal Communications Commission yesterday to force Fox to immediately resume its programming. About three million tri-state Cablevision subscribers are in the 11th day of the blackout of Fox 5 and My9 programming because of a fee argument between Cablevision and Fox. As a result of the fight, News Corp., which owns both stations, pulled its regular series, news and sports programs in the fight over the fees Cablevision pays to carry the programming, according to an article on FCC spokesman Joshua Cinelli is worried viewers will be upset about possibly missing out on the World Series. “There is a concern on our part that the World Series starts on Wednesday and a

CRIMES: $5K grant goes toward 22 police departments continued from front Tyler would be considered a bias crime.” Regardless of their legality, when bias crimes are reported to the police, the department takes them seriously, RUPD Capt. Kenneth Cop said via e-mail. RUPD protocol in response to a bias crime includes apprehending the actor if appropriate, approaching the victim in a sensitive and supportive manner and providing medical assistance if necessary, Cop said. Police will protect the crime scene, collect evidence and individually interview witnesses, victims and defendants, he said. Officers may also request a detective response. Still, police cannot help if the victims do not come forward to report offenses against them. “It would seem that sometimes people can become a victim of a bias crime and not realize that they should be calling the police, or in some situations, people will think that it was a bias crime when it might not be,” O’Neill said. Robert O’Brien, University anthropology professor and cofounder of Queering the Air, a social justice organization, said even when students realize they are victims of a bias crime, relying on the police may not yield punishment for an offender, as such claims are often not taken seriously. “My understanding of the harassment … at Rutgers is that if you haven’t been shot or stabbed, you haven’t officially

number of people are going to be affected,” Cinelli said in the article. The FCC intends to review documents filed by both sides and discuss how the agency can inter vene, if possible, Cinelli said in the article. Stores and electronics companies are reporting a recent jump in sales of antennas and converter boxes that allow viewers to unplug their cable hook-ups and watch Fox 5 and My9 over the air, according to the article. “Once again, the gods have smiled upon us and we are blessed by the bad fortune and shortsightedness of the cable companies,” Richard Schneider, president of Antennas Direct, said in the article.

been harassed,” O’Brien said. “They’re underreporting.” Yet Cop said physical harm to a victim is not a requirement for an incident to be labeled a bias crime. “Victims of a bias crime are encouraged to report the incident to the Rutgers University Police Department, who will respond and conduct a thorough investigation,” Cop said. Penalties for a conviction of a hate crime in New Jersey are elevated by one category higher than the specified offense the defendant committed, Cop said. Penalties for hate crimes are serious and range from fines to imprisonment depending on the nature of the underlying offense, the use of violence and any previous convictions of the offender, he said. In addition to any criminal penalties, members of the University community found responsible for a hate crime are subject to disciplinar y action, which may include separation from the University, Cop said. But by implementing new programs with the grant from the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, RUPD can target preventing bias crime on campus in the first place. The $5,000 grant, which was also awarded to 21 municipal departments throughout the county, is to be used for bias crime prevention and education, Middlesex County Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan said. Funding for bias crimes prevention will be made available through money authorities seize from criminal defendants who had obtained proceeds through illegal activities such as selling drugs, Kaplan said.

— Ariel Nagi

“One of the goals of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office has always been to ensure the quality of life for all citizens of Middlesex County,” he said. “These funds will continue that goal, by helping to promote a strong bond between the police and the community.” When members of the Old Bridge community expressed concern about bias crime after the homicide of an Indian man, the prosecutor’s office looked deeper into complaints of violations in the area, exactly the type the office seeks to prevent across the county. At the University, the RUPD Community Policing unit is using the funds to develop an up-to-date bias prevention and diversity awareness training program that will be incorporated into presentations for the University community, Cop said. The Community Policing unit also conducted security sur veys of several Jewish centers on the College Avenue campus and scheduled special patrols in the College Avenue area to monitor these locations, which have been the target of vandalism and theft in the past, Cop said. But Cop said he has no plans regarding changing the focus of the grant in reaction to the recent events on campus, as the grant proposal was submitted in early September. Students can reduce their chances of falling victim to bias crimes by taking reasonable precautions like staying alert and aware of surrounding people and circumstances, limiting consumption of alcoholic beverages and controlling access to their residences, he said.


Some students believe construction on Livingston campus, like of the new dining hall above, could worsen parking.

PROJECT: Some think

Melissa Murano, a School of Arts and Science senior, is a comnew housing is more beneficial muter and understands the parking issues at the University. “Now that they are going to do continued from front this construction, it’s going to be campus that is most outdated,” more of a problem, and there’s Ndupu said. “There have been a going to be more traffic,” Murano lot of renovations at all the camsaid. “[People] stand in the midpuses, with the exception of dle of the road as you pass them, Livingston up until about two and you don’t want to hit them.” years ago when they started the Commuters have to park furmajor renovations.” ther back in the lot and faculty A new residence hall is one of has a priority when it comes to the main things that will really parking, Murano said. benefit students, she said. “They should just put a parking “The [quality of] dorms at deck,” she said. “It would save space Livingston are very poor,” Ndupu and they could add on to the presaid. “So I think getting a new existing space. That saves trees.” dorm area is excellent. Since we Some students believe the have a lot of parking space, I new project on Livingston will don’t think that’s an issue.” change the culture of the campus, Christine Jose, a School of Arts where a majority of its residents and Sciences sophomore, foreare first-year students. sees the new con“[Livingston] is struction posing a lot [quieter], but I “It’s going to be issues with comdon’t find it nearly muter students. interesting as more of a problem as “They should living at College have extra parking Avenue and and there’s going during the conaround older stuto be more traffic.” dents,” struction,” Jose said said. “If that Raaghib Quinn, a MELISSA MURANO becomes a probSchool of Arts and School of Arts lem, it’s going to Sciences junior. and Sciences Senior be annoying — “Everything is in just a temporary the same area — one since it’s going to take years you can get to know people. It’s to finish. like a small suburban community.” Isioma Chukwuani, a School of The construction can potenArts and Sciences alumna, sympatially attract students who are thizes with commuters who are normally not interested in losing a potential parking spot. Livingston as well as change the “Parking is a sticky situation way people view it, he said. at Rutgers. It’s really expensive,” “It’s a new building. Chukwuani said. “I do underObviously, its going to have the stand because a lot of people try newest renovations and nicest livto get parking on Livingston for ing experience inside the dorm,” commuters because it’s the Quinn said. “Livingston might cheapest. Eliminating an entire not just be the small [first-year] parking lot could harm comlowest quality dining hall campus muters who are trying to park.” anymore. It might just be more Chukwuani said if she had to well-rounded.” choose between keeping a parkDevesh Ramchandani, a ing lot and creating a residence School of Arts and Sciences hall, she would pick a new place sophomore, said the construcfor students to live. tion would add a greater appeal “I’ve honestly never seen the to the quiet and small nature of parking lot completely filled with Livingston campus. cars,” she said. “We do need “I’ve heard a lot of people say dorms, especially on Livingston. 2013 Livingston is going to be the We’ve been talking about there at place to live,” Ramchandani said. least being an apartment there. “The new student center, a new There aren’t any apartment dining hall, the dorms — it’s like dorms on Livingston.” a good package altogether.”



OCTOBER 26, 2010


How much do the midterm elections matter to you?

QUOTABLE ALIZA TAMMAM SAS SOPHOMORE “I haven’t been following the elections because I’m not really into politics.”

“I should be following [the elections], but I’m not. I don’t really have time to watch the news.”

JONATHAN QUANN GRADUATE STUDENT “I don’t vote. I think the country has one political party with two factions. If I were to vote, I would to keep the worst people out.”



MICHELLE SOTO SAS FIRST-YEAR STUDENT “I don’t feel like I’ve been really informed. I don’t feel like I’ve had enough time [to learn all the facts].”



The number of contested U.S. representative seats in New Jersey

The number of N.J. Senate seats up for grabs

The number of N.J. General Assembly seats open.






RYAN RAGOZA SEBS SOPHOMORE “State politics are important to me … I haven’t [been following the elections] but I should follow more.”

DANIELLE MARINO SAS SOPHOMORE “I think it’s important because it affects our University because of the budget. [Representatives] advocate for us.”

ONLINE RESPONSE It is not as important as others. —4%

Very much. It can change the majority party. —66%

Very much as it can change the majority party.


Not at all.


I only care about my district.


It is not as important as other elections.


Not at all. —25%

I only care about my district. —5%


Have you noticed any effects of the state budget cuts at the University? Cast your votes online and view the video Pendulum at



PA G E 8

OCTOBER 26, 2010


Google services contribute to public


oogle is creepy. Its creepy and its CEO Eric Schmidt isn’t denying it. But maybe its services and impressive customer satisfaction gives them reason for the continuous claimed invasion of privacy. The company admitted that its Street View cars accidentally took e-mails and passwords from people’s computers. According to the British Daily Mail, the search giant confessed to downloading personal data during its Street View project. And while the company may seem to be overstepping its boundaries, it does within reason, as it has developed massively helpful resources, and provides photos for future reference. We should embrace the technology. Not only is Google not the worst company out there, but it does in fact contribute to our lives. The Street View project provides people with practical information on a given street across the world — were it for a 16-year-old’s entertainment or a college student’s planning to study abroad. And when it comes to the controversial Google Books — along with its book-scanning techniques — the company has so far only served to preserve valuable information for generations to come. The Internet giant’s Gmail and Google Docs are two more pinnacles of useful modernity. Eric Schmidt’s policy “to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it,” may already sound terrifying enough to make us believe they have crossed it, but it is just another publicity sketch for the already mammoth company. There are many more corporations with worse business practices. Visa and MasterCard, albeit their large caliper and large international practices, are much more liable when it comes to identity theft and personal information hijacking. With millions of card-swipe operations daily, there is hardly a doubt that even Google’s personalized ads technology isn’t “dangerous” enough to beat the shaky credit card system. Google is massive and its potential to control even more of our lives is huge. But with Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin and Larry Page at the head of the company, we have seen only an array of controversies without any real implications. Its fleet of Street View cars is the least of our worries, and the services they provide more than answer people’s calls. And that is what we want — the biggest and best of corporations to give us the simplest of services in the online world. Google can be critiqued, but ultimately it is up to us to determine privacy and how safe we are on the Internet.

Wikileaks has right to publish information


e need unedited, uncensored information to reach us through fair sources. It seems like at the moment, there is only Wikileaks to touch upon this idea. According to The Independent, Wikileaks unveiled more than 390,000 secret U.S. military files on the Iraq war, in addition to 77,000 Afghan war documents, which were published earlier in the year. While Julian Assange and his team have been at the center of several controversies as of late, it is the public that asked for it. It is what we need, and it is the appropriate answer to the public’s need to know. A small civil war is lead in the offices of Wikileaks. A number of former members have questioned the website’s practices of targeting the U.S. military. They claim Wikileaks has lost sight of its founding principles of making available that which is important to the public. We believe though that Assange is simply following the trend of modern politics. The United States is fighting an unpopular war in Iraq, and people are calling for transparency on the matter. Wikileaks has provided it. It is the world we live in — we want to know the real nature of war, and Wikileaks provides it. The controversial website has one problem. Much of the information being leaked comes from anonymous sources. The website must be careful not to use illegal methods. It is up to the reader to differentiate between illegally obtained information and much more credible stories coming from cited sources. In an interview with The Independent, the Wikileaks founder Assange hit back at his former colleagues’ accusations, calling them “peripheral players ... spreading poisonous false rumors.” Even the website’s ability to receive user information has been suspended for the past four weeks, making any new user contribution impossible. Wikileaks needs to return to its relatively balanced nature and continue to provide us with the information, which no one else does. Internal conflict seems to be the least of their problems with governments around the world seeking Assange and his colleagues. The website is not about exposing solely U.S. conflicts. It exists to keep up with contemporary problems and to expose their truths to the public. It may seem as if Assange has been targeting the unpopular practices of the U.S. government, but as the government does, Wikileaks has every right to publish the information, although we wish sources were clearer and more credible.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “He once built a huge Ferris wheel that really worked. ” Cindy Jablanowski on School of Arts and Sciences junior Ian Jablonowski’s involvement with technology from an early age STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Vote ‘no’ in NJPIRG referendum


Heritage Foundation, a conhe Daily Targum servative think tank and editorial board lobby group had an optional along with a slew opt out on our term bill. of other University of fiProgressives on campus cials joined the bandwagwould be up in arms proon of progressives last claiming Armageddon is week asking students to upon us. vote in favor of continued AARON MARCUS Students, whether in funding for New Jersey favor of NJPIRG or against Public Interest Research Group. Perhaps someone can clear the air as to the organization should vote no on their referenwhy students should be forced to opt out — dum. The United States was founded on certain rather than opt in — of a fee that funds a pro- inalienable rights one of which is freedom of gressive lobbyist group in Trenton and speech. Donate to NJPIRG individually, but do Washington, D.C. The mantra “fighting for stu- not force students who know nothing about the dents” is rhetoric and a flat-out lie. If NJPIRG organization to be co-opted into supporting the fought for student interests they would not have group. It would be wrong for the University to lobbied D.C. on approving Obamacare, a bill mindlessly donate to a conser vative group since that has already raised premiums nearly 9 per- it would undoubtedly offend students in this cent according to the Wall Street Journal. They school. It is also wrong to mindlessly donate to a would not lobby Congress to ban private contri- liberal group since their agenda does not match butions to political campaigns, a clear violation the interest of the entire student body. The University’s participation in the PIRG fee of freedom of speech. They would cer tainly not program makes it evident what lobby Congress for fur ther redschool administration and ink spending so that by the time “It would be wrong the PIRG officials think of students. we graduate we have trillions of The University is banking on studollars to pay of f due to governfor the University pidity and laziness. Students who ment foolishness. to mindlessly know nothing about PIRG’s agenMake no mistake, NJPIRG da and do not question the fee and seems like a decent organization. donate to a students who don’t go through Their members troll our classconservative group.” ever y fee and tuition increase due rooms spewing about energy effito its time consuming nature. ciency and student rights, fightUnless you support universal ing hunger and ending corruption, but have you ever met any politico that has health care, energy policies that will cost millions of Americans their jobs and higher taxes do not supnot uttered those same words? NJPIRG is part of a larger organization called port NJPIRG. If students attend college to gain the Public Interest Research Group. Founded by knowledge and create decisions based on personal Ralph Nader in the late 1960s the group has encounters and beliefs why does our University spent millions of dollars lobbying for progres- promote donating solely to progressive causes? sive interests. PIRG is registered a 501 (c)(3), This goes beyond a professor telling you George W. with New Jersey specifically as a 501 (c)(4), Bush was a horrible president or that U.S. energy which in non-political terms make them a tax- consumption will lead to title waves hitting exempt lobby group. Their headquarters in New Manhattan. This is a university using their power to Jersey are across the street from the State raise tuition and fees and doing so on behalf of leftHouse and their “federal advocacy office” — aka wing interests. Students should not even be put in a lobbyist headquarters — are a mere two blocks situation to vote whether a fee for any lobby group should be optional on our term bill. It is outrageous, from the nation’s capital building. I implore students to become politically active and wrong and a slap in the face to both academic and lobbying at the federal or state level is a great way to political integrity. Raising tuition to pay for better student facilibecome involved. But why must students bear the brunt of progressive interests? The fact that we must ties and professors is one thing, but to allow choose whether to opt out of paying an NJPIRG fee rather than opt in is ludicrous enough. Imagine if the SEE MARCUS ON PAGE 9

Marcus My Words

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



OCTOBER 26, 2010


Do not blame dire state of education on teachers Letter DANIEL SEVILA


am writing this in response to the column written on last Thursday titled “Tenure damages education.” While I would agree that tenure is outdated, and it possibly allows certain teachers to “slack off,” the complete removal and implementation of a merit-based system is not the answer and can be quite detrimental to the educational process. Let me first address the columnist’s point, “Tenure eliminates the incentive to perform well … if teachers, their job guaranteed,

MARCUS continued from page 8 progressives to steal student money is just flat out embezzlement. At the ver y least the fee should be an add-on, where you check a box to donate not vice versa. These are the same people mind you who want corporations and wealthy citizens to have limits on contributions. Meanwhile, the vast majority of student money is spent on lobbying state legislators, additional fundraisers and, of course, lobbying at the federal level. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in 2000 on the case Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin v. Southwor th that the, “First Amendment permits a public university to charge its “In the case students an activity fee of NJPIRG their used to fund viewpoint is a program to facilitate clearly partial extracur ricto specific ular student speech if the interest.” program is viewpoint neutral.” In the case of NJPIRG their viewpoint is clearly partial to specific interest. The University is in blatant violation of the Supreme Court’s decision and yet they perpetuate this horrendous appropriation of money. PIRG has one goal and that is a dream shared with the rhetoric of President Barack Obama and soon-to-be former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — radically changing America. As long as PIRG has any sort of footing within the fabric of the University, any claim that University academia stands for diversity is a fallacy. Republican, Conser vative and Liber tarian students already have reser vations when it comes to adding insight in university classrooms. Many fear being blacklisted by professors and negative reflection in their grades. Only through a free exchange of ideas can diversity and impar tiality exist. PIRG only makes the situation worse. Vote “no” on their referendum and fight in the name of freedom to have them removed from the University and other universities permanently. Aaron Marcus is a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior majoring in political science and histor y. His column, “Marcus My Words,” runs on alternate Tuesdays.

slack off then the quality of education wilts and students suffer.” Yes, tenure allows for the possibility for a teacher to slack off and sadly some do, but this is not the case for the majority. A majority of teachers in New Jersey are wonderful and many have received awards for excellence and proficiency in their subjects. There are the few teachers that care little for the student and do hurt the educational system, but I stress to anyone reading this that those teachers are the minority. Taking away tenure because of what few teachers do is not only inconsiderate, but in a way selfish as well. Find these teachers and punish them, fire them, do

whatever one can to get them out of the school, but to remove tenure entirely is — as I said before — unnecessary. Rather, I would argue that we need to revise tenure and relook at how, and in what time frame, teachers get tenure. Tenure works to protect the teacher, more so than you know. Tenure helps to protect the teacher from the ever-present supervisor or administrator that is triggerhappy in firing teachers that do not agree with certain views. Now, I do feel sorry for people in those jobs who do not have tenure, but getting rid of a teacher halfway through the year because a supervisor does not agree with the teacher’s style of

education and getting rid of a salesperson in the middle of the year because of whatever issues are two completely different realms of important. While I will not use the customary conclusion that usually rants, “why don’t you become a teacher and find out how it is like,” I would rather end in a way that is open-ended and promotes discourse. I would conclude to never impose a merit-based system and that re-looking at tenure, rather then a complete removal, would suffice the public. I do agree with the concept of student-based evaluations of a teacher and that those

writings of students should factor into a teachers evaluation. However, the columnist seems to imply that they solve the problem of education in New Jersey, which is simply erroneous. I leave this parting thought with you: Is it the teachers that are truly destroying the education in New Jersey or are their other factors such as family, the home, economy or even the broader society? I eagerly await your reply. Daniel Sevila is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in history and political science and women’s and gender studies.



PA G E 1 0

Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

OCTOBER 26, 2010


Today's birthday (10/26/10). You achieve balanced results this year by focusing on a couple of areas: responsible partnership and your powerful desire for independence. Inspired creativity and luck go hand in hand to round out your formula for success. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is an 8 -- An older mentor or teacher suggests changes that both irritate and provoke your imagination. Allow time for multiple ideas to sort themselves out. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 5 -- Everyone you know is away from home now. You need to talk but may need to wait for the end of the day. Take care of business in the meantime. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is a 7 -- Antique materials for ancient design ideas are just what you need to bring your plan to fruition. There's no reason to re-invent what works. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -Today is an 8 -- Antiques or memorabilia capture your attention today. Reminisce with youngsters about times gone by, represented in pictures. Everyone laughs. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Circumstances begin to come around to your benefit today. If all the information is in, you don't have to do anything. Others apply the necessary pressure. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Your word carries more weight now. Consider how you'll mediate between doubts and pressures toward change. Invent multiple solutions.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is a 5 -- Recall your favorite vacation, and begin plans to duplicate it in the near future. A change of scenery does wonders for your attitude. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 7 -- Your subconscious knows what to do. One character in a dream delivers the central message. Separate that from the rest of the dream plot. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is a 5 -- The day starts out upside down. The wrong person is in control, at least, that's what you think. Reserve veto power for another day. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Today is a 7 -- You feel like you've had a responsibility dumped on you. Actually, it's a golden moment for you. Let your brilliance shine. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is an 8 -- Associates gather to celebrate an elder's life. Bring flowers or make a speech. Reminisce about your shared experiences to add a personal touch. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is an 8 -- Although you have a lot of irons in the fire, attention to household matters is needed. Call in an expert if you must. It saves a lot of time.



Happy Hour






Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


OCTOBER 26, 2010

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



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NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:

by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

YAIMDS Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer here: A Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #13 10/25/10

Solution, tips and computer program at

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: LOONY BLAZE LATEST ZIGZAG Answer: The driver won the road race because he knew — ALL THE ANGLES



PA G E 1 2

OCTOBER 26, 2010

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OCTOBER 26, 2010

TRUST: Wristbands for


Pittsburgh hung a sign in support of Eric LeGrand at Heinz Field for Saturday’s Big East matchup, where it also handed out similar stickers to the crowd and encouraged a moment of applause.


“I know a couple of people down here in Pittsburgh, of LeGrand available at Brower course my brother [Pittsburgh running back Ray Graham] told me and a couple friends of mine continued from back told me that they had a banner purchase wristbands for $5, with and that was really nice,” said all proceeds going to LeGrand. Rutgers sophomore safety Wristbands, already sold at Khaseem Greene, who roomed Colonia High School where with LeGrand prior to his injury. LeGrand played before Rutgers, “I definitely respect and applaud are available at Rutgers tomorrow them for taking the time out and and Thursday on the doing that.” steps of Brower Other tributes to Commons with more LeGrand so far dates to be announced, include No. 52 sticksaid junior Erica ers on the helmet of Bowden, who started ever y high school the wristband movefootball player across ment on Facebook. the Garden State. The As of yesterday Rutgers women’s socafternoon, Bowden cer team all wore Tsold 5,000 wristbands, ERIC LEGRAND shirts bearing No. 52 raising more than before Sunday’s game $20,000 with orders still flying in, against Louisville. she said. “We’re working on a variety of “It just shows the strength of things,” said Pernetti on future the Rutgers family that everyone tributes or benefits for LeGrand. has supported Eric like that,” said “We’re constantly overwhelmed senior defensive tackle and team by the support for Eric from the captain Charlie Noonan. “It’s also a University. There’s obviously a testament to Eric because everylot of good ideas out there, some one knows he’s a great guy, and I of which are even organized by know he appreciates all of the supoutside entities. When the time is port. We certainly do.” right, as these things are develBefore kicking off Saturday at oped and decided upon, we’ll be Heinz Field, Pittsburgh took able to let you guys know. There steps to voice its support as a uniwill be some things coming.” versity for LeGrand. Along with a The Scarlet Knights have large sign in the end zone for their first home game since the LeGrand, Pittsburgh athletics injury against Syracuse on Nov. passed out stickers to everyone 13, when a tribute is expected, that read “Pitt is pulling for Eric.” but not yet confirmed.



OCTOBER 26, 2010



utgers field hockey freshman forward Gia Nappi earned a place yesterday on the Big East Weekly Honor Roll, the conference announced. The Fairfield, N.J., native scored one goal and assisted on each of the Scarlet Knights’ two other scores in their 3-0 win Sunday over Bucknell. Nappi’s selection marked the second time the Big East named the freshman to the Weekly Honor Roll in her inaugural campaign.



Pittsburgh defensive end Brandon Lindsey (35) had three of the Panthers’ seven sacks Saturday against Rutgers, six of which came on freshman quarterback Chas Dodd. The outing brought the number of sacks allowed for Rutgers to 33 through seven games.

DEFEAT: Pitt defensive line works without Romeus continued from back time back there, we just didn’t have open field,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “When you’re committing resources to help on the protection, sometimes it closes some windows in the pass game. It’s a choice you have to make.” The help was more important this weekend because of the threat Pitt’s pass rush posed. Even without regular blitzes and defensive end Greg

Romeus, who led the Panthers with eight sacks last season, Pitt was continually able to get to the quarterback. The majority of their pressure came from defensive ends Brandon Lindsey and Jabaal Sheard, who combined for 10 sacks entering the game and increased that number by five. “It’s one thing when they just have great players,” said junior right tackle Art Forst. “Those two are both great defensive ends and it definitely makes your job more difficult when you go against two guys that can rush the passer like that.”

Forst was part of a unit that saw seven players log time against Pitt, as he split time with sophomore Devon Watkis at right tackle. Junior Caleb Ruch and redshir t freshman Antwan Lower y also rotated at right guard. Junior tackle Desmond Stapleton, who played banged up, junior guard Desmond Wynn and Barbieri held onto their spots at left tackle, left guard and center, respectively. But no one got to know Lindsey, Sheard and Co. as well as Dodd did. “It was rough. They have some great players on that

d-line,” Dodd said. “We just have to go out this week and work at it to correct the things we messed up on.” While Barbieri said offensive line coach Kyle Flood returned the unit to the basics in its preparation for Pitt, there is sure to be more of the same in the bye week before the Knights turn their attention to South Florida. Yet again, the offensive line is looking for answers. “Obviously it’s going to frustrate you. When you’re not doing your job, it would frustrate anyone,” Forst said. “You just have to look back at it and tr y to get better.”

ANSWERS: Weekend


Senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton led the team in kills Friday against St. John’s before tying for the lead Sunday in Storrs, Conn.

recording four service aces to 13 serving errors. “I don’t know why that hapsweep creates questions for RU pens,” Werneke said. “That’s a lack of mental focus and continued from back obviously something with their execution.” of concentration and focus, makWerneke said this ing every point matter. week would hopefully We didn’t execute at critprovide some answers ical times.” to the problems that Inconsistency is the are staring the Knights No. 1 concern now for square in the face. the coaching staff. “We’re just going Rushing toward the end to tr y to fix some of of a season that once the things that looked promising, plagued us all year,” hopes of making a posthe said. “One thing season tournament are CJ WERNEKE we’ll struggle in, then now dim. the other. Hitting Even this weekend, errors plagued us in both Rutgers notched eight service aces matches. If you go on the road to one serving error against St. and you let teams hit around, John’s but could not keep up the they play better than we do.” pace Sunday at Connecticut,






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general manager Brian Cashman fired pitching coach Dave Eiland days after the Yankees’ season ended with an American League Championship Series loss to the Texas Rangers. Cashman said the organization would negotiate a new contract with manager Joe Girardi, then address who will replace Eiland, who spent his entire coaching career with the Yankees.



quarterback Brett Favre has a stress fracture in his left ankle that could snap his streak of 291 consecutive games started. Favre played Sunday night against the Green Bay Packers, but limped around the field in the 28-24 loss at Lambeau Field. The 41-year-old had an MRI on Monday, when he wore a walking boot around the Vikings’ practice facility.



All-Star Allen Iverson signed a twoyear deal to play for Besiktas, a team in the Turkish pro league. After signing the deal, Iverson is expected to fly to Turkey next week to begin practice. At 35 years of age, Iverson is 17th on the NBA’s all-time scoring list with 24,368 points, but found himself without a team after leaving the Memphis Grizzlies after just three games. Iverson was the No. 1 overall pick in 1996 out of Georgetown.




candidates to fill the Toronto Blue Jay’s vacant manager’s spot, general manager Alex Anthopoulos finally decided to go with Boston pitching coach John Farrell. In his first managerial role, Farrell replaces Cito Gaston, who decided to walk away from baseball at this past year’s end. Farrell has a tough task ahead of him in trying to bring the Blue Jays to the postseason while competing in the same division as the Yankees, Red Sox and Rays. The Jays do, however, have plenty of weapons on their squad, including this season’s home run leader, Jose Bautista.



OCTOBER 26, 2010


Final exhibition meet yields 10 first-place results BY MATT CANVISSER CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The Rutgers swimming and diving team came out of the pool with some confidence this weekend, as it posted 10 first-place finishes at SWIMMING & DIVING the Sonny Werblin Invitational at the RU Aquatic Center. The Scarlet Knights faced off against Southern Connecticut and club teams — the Scarlet Athletic Club, the Jersey Wahoos and Somerset Valley YMCA — in their final exhibition meet before the start of Big East competition. It was a record-setting day for Rutgers diving, as senior captain Jen Betz broke the school record in the three-meter dive with a score of 313.80. Freshman Nicole Scott also took first in the one-meter dive with 284.32 points and finished second only to Betz’s record score in the three-meter competition. “Jen’s performance set the tone for the divers for the season,” said head coach Phil Spiniello. “She’s a leader by example. Every day she’s working hard with a smile on her face.” Junior Jacquelyn Ward, who won four races in the breaststroke and individual medley, led the swimmers. Ward took first place in the 100-yard and 200-yard breast with times of 1:08.01 and 2:24.31, respectively. She then went on to finish first in the 200-yard medley with a time of 2:08.05 and 400yard medley, where she touched the wall in 4:32.23 — five seconds ahead of her closest competitor. Junior Brianne Lindblad added two more first-place finishes for the Knights as she

clocked in times of 25.06 in the 50-yard freestyle and 2:08.08 in the 200-yard backstroke, while sophomore Taylor Curado chipped in with her own victory in the 100-yard butterfly with a time of 59.88. A bright spot for Spiniello was the per formance of the team’s freshmen, whom he said displayed a “good sign for things to come.” Rookie Emilie Kaufmann finished the 100-yard freestyle in 54.36, good for first place, while fellow freshman Courtney Sepich placed first in the 100-yard backstroke with a time of 1:00.23. “The whole team did well this weekend,” Spiniello said. “There were good swims from everybody. It was their first real competition against other teams. We saw some good starting points but also some good things to improve on. We need to work on starts, turns and paying attention to detail.” Rutgers’ exhibition season has now drawn to a close and the start of Big East competition looms on the horizon. As they move into conference play, the Knights will undoubtedly rely on the leadership of their captains: Betz and senior Kirsten Fontana. Rutgers kicks off the season next weekend against Connecticut, Georgetown and Villanova at the RU Aquatic Center. The meet will not only be the first of the regular season, but the first of Spiniello’s career as a head coach. “I’m very excited,” Spiniello said. “We’ve put in a lot of hard work in these past seven weeks in practice, now the entire team needs to step up.”


Junior Jacquelyn Ward won four races in the breaststroke and individual medley, including the 100- and 200-yard breast with times of 1:08.01 and 2:24.31, respectively.

Pitt takes Big East lead with second straight 40-point showing 4.) Rutgers (4-3, 1-1) — The Scarlet Knights earned some much-needed rest this weekend and next Wednesday travel to South Florida, where Rutgers has always had the Bulls’ number.


Losing, 41-21, to Pittsburgh on Saturday was tough enough for the Rutgers football team, but seeing FOOTBALL t h a t Syracuse pulled out a win MID-WEEK REPORT over West Virginia just made things worse. To Rutgers and the rest of the Big East, Syracuse’s win proved just how wide-open the BCS bid for the conference is this season. For the second time this season, no Big East team is ranked in the Associated Press Top 25 poll and Pittsburgh tops the conference standings despite already losing three games. If Rutgers had pulled out a win at Heinz Field, the Knights would be standing atop the conference, but fell to fourth place instead.

5.) Louisville (4-3, 1-1) — In the midst of Connecticut’s quarterback confusion, the Cardinals steamrolled the Huskies, 26-0, at PapaJohn’s Cardinal Stadium. Running back Bilal Powell continues to look strong with 105 rushing yards. Four field goals and two extra points for kicker Chris Philpott earned him Big East Special Teams Player of the Week.


1.) Pittsburgh (4-3, 2-0) — The Panthers are back. After some brutal performances against tough non-conference opponents like Miami and Notre Dame, Pittsburgh’s offense exploded in two straight Big East victories. Quarterback Tino Sunseri put together consecutive impressive games under center for the first time in his young career, setting multiple career-highs against Rutgers. In his past two games, Sunseri has 573 passing yards and seven touchdowns. Running back Dion Lewis had his first breakout game of the season as well, against the Scarlet


Pittsburgh quarterback Tino Sunseri was 21-for-27 through the air for 307 yards and three touchdowns in a 41-21 rout Saturday of visiting Rutgers, marking the second straight strong start for the sophomore. Knights. Lewis ran for 130 yards and team in the country. 3.) West Virginia (5-2, 1-1) — a touchdown, making the SunseriQuarterback Ryan Nassib Lewis duo the first since 2004 to go completed just five passes, but As good as the Mountaineers for 300 and 100 for Pittsburgh. the Orange ran for 188 yards in a appeared early on, they were just The Panthers have a great 19-14 win over the Mountaineers. as ugly against Syracuse. Head coach Bill Stewart is shot to go 3-0 in league play when ’Cuse linebacker Doug they host Louisville on Saturday Hogue earned Big East always due for at least one letdown at Heinz Field. Defensive Player of the Week game, so the challenge for the honors with 10 tackles, two Mountaineers is to make sure Syracuse was the only one. They 2.) Syracuse (5-2, 2-1) — A interceptions and half a sack. week after it appeared Syracuse Syracuse travels to struggling are still very much in it in the Big might be a fluke, the Orange Cincinnati this weekend with a East and travel to Connecticut on proved they might not be by chance to become bowl eligible in Friday night, when they should get sneaking out of Morgantown, W. head coach Doug Marrone’s sec- back on track. Va., with an upset over the No. 20 ond season.

6.) South Florida (4-3, 1-2) — No one is really sure how it happened, but the Bulls’ offense dropped 38 points in an eightpoint upset over Cincinnati. B.J. Daniels, who had zero touchdowns and five picks in his past two games, went wild en route to Big East Offensive Player of the Week honors. The sophomore accounted for 321 yards of total offense and four touchdowns. 7.) Cincinnati (3-4, 1-1) — No one is really sure how it happened, but the Cincinnati defense allowed lowly USF to drop 38 points in an eight-point loss. The defense needs to significantly improve for Cincinnati to even sniff a bowl game this season. 8.) Connecticut (3-4, 0-2) — The Huskies dismissed quarterback Cody Endres Friday for a violation of team rules. The Huskies put up a goose egg a day later in an embarrassing game against Louisville.



PA G E 1 6

OCTOBER 26, 2010

Panthers’ ends give RU o-line issues in loss BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR

As the sacks continue to pile up for the Rutgers football team, the offensive line is not attempting to offload the responsibility. After Pittsburgh posted seven sacks Saturday in the Scarlet Knights’ 41-21 loss, Rutgers’ total allowed FOOTBALL this season reached 33 — seven shy of last year’s number, accumulated over six more games, and five shy of the 2006, 2007 and 2008 combined totals. While Pitt’s secondary kept the Knights’ receivers under wraps, creating some coverage sacks and asking questions as to whether freshman quarterback Chas Dodd held the ball too long, center Howard Barbieri had a simpler view of the sacks. “As an o-line, every sack is on us. We have to take responsibility for it and it starts with me,” the fifth-year senior captain said. “I’m the leader of the offensive line. I have to do a better job of leading these guys.” Pitt sacked Dodd six times, making it 19 sacks on the 6-foot quarterback in his three starts, although the loss at Heinz Field marked the first time he appeared to hold onto the ball for too long. Although he recognized his role in the takedowns, it was impossible to ignore the continued struggles of the offensive line. “A few times I might have [held the ball too long], other times I was right on time and other times I might not have had any time,” said Dodd, who was 8-for-19 for 62 yards with an interception. “They showed us exactly what we had prepared for, and we didn’t do what we had to do by making the plays we should have made.” When Dodd did have time, Pitt limited his options. But the offensive line also limited his options, as the offense needed to use extra blockers and less routes to lend support to the struggling unit. “We tried to provide some help in different areas. It just didn’t work out. I thought they covered well. We had some



Scarlet Fever, located on Somerset Street, is selling two T-shirts with paralyzed defensive tackle Eric LeGrand’s No. 52 printed on them to benefit the Eric LeGrand Believe Fund, which Athletic Director Tim Pernetti announced Friday would support the 20-year-old and his family.

Community fundraisers to benefit LeGrand trust BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT

Within days of the spinal cord injury suffered by Eric LeGrand, the Rutgers community answered the call, FOOTBALL as did New Jersey and the rest of the country. Although there has been no update on LeGrand, who remains paralyzed from the neck down after injuring the C3-C4 level of his spine while making a tackle, the massive support across the country continues to rally around the 20-year-old Scarlet Knight. The “Eric LeGrand Believe Fund,” announced by athletic director Tim Pernetti Friday, already received significant

contributions, including a $75,000 donation from the New Jersey Nets, according to head coach Greg Schiano on the Big East weekly coach’s teleconference. “We spent quite a bit of time, really around the clock [last week], doing anything we could to support the LeGrand family and Eric LeGrand with everything he needs in his recovery,” Pernetti said. “We have been overwhelmed with the support we’ve felt from so many people.” The “Believe Fund” only accepts donations via mailed checks at the time, Pernetti said. But they hope to make more userfriendly forms of payment available in the near future. The mailing information can be found on

“This is a situation where all of the people who want to assist Eric LeGrand and his recovery will be able to do so,” Pernetti said. Multiple members of the Rutgers community independently set up other ways to support and aid LeGrand and his family. Scarlet Fever, a Rutgers fan apparel store since 1988, began selling T-shirts last week with all of the proceeds going to the fund. The store offers two different shirts — a red one with LeGrand’s No. 52 on the front and back with “Keep Chopping” above the back numbers and a white one with No. 52 and the word “Believe.” The shirts cost $15. Those wishing to support LeGrand can also


Consecutive losses leave Rutgers looking for answers BY BILL DOMKE CORRESPONDENT


Sophomore middle blocker Alex Jones (17) tied for the team lead in kills with 12 Sunday in a losing effort against Connecticut, which had lost each of its past 15 games.

Disappointment is the best word to sum up the weekend for the Rutgers volleyball team. It is not like the Scarlet Knights did not have the tools or the talent. They beat Seton Hall the weekend before. VOLLEYBALL But against two teams at the bottom RUTGERS 0 of the Big East barCONNECTICUT 3 rel in St. John’s and Connecticut, head coach CJ Werneke’s team could not muster one set win. “We didn’t play consistent volleyball,” Werneke said. “[In] the match against St. Johns, we had three times as many hitting errors than they did and we didn’t pass very well. We go on the road in the Big East and it’s tough to pick up victories.” Rutgers’ most recent game against Connecticut was supposed to be one of the easiest games this season. Despite a difficult five sets against Rutgers last year, the Huskies seemed to have lost all of their steam this season. After winning their first two games, they dropped the next 15. Their next win wouldn’t come until they swept Rutgers with scores of 25-21, 29-27 and 25-23. “[UConn] dramatically outplayed us,” Werneke said. “It’s when games were on the line [that] they made one more play than we did.”

Admittedly, the volleyball staff wished the team worked a little more at Connecticut. “I don’t know if we took them for granted,” Werneke said. “They were struggling and we didn’t take advantage of it. Anytime you have a team like [that], unfortunately our team didn’t respond.” Senior outside hitter Caitlin Saxton and sophomore middle blocker Alex Jones led the team with 12 kills apiece, and sophomore setter Stephanie Zielinski tallied her 10th double-double of the season. But there is more to the team’s success than double-doubles, according to Werneke. Zielinski’s choice of passing is under the microscope more so than ever now because most of the team’s offensive production is keyed by the Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., native’s efforts. “I would much rather have single-digit kills and single-digit assists with more worth,” he said. “We need to fine-tune some decision making. We’re still trying to challenge her and hopefully we can get it when it matters.” Things were worse the day before at St. John’s. Saxton, who led the team again in kills, almost didn’t hit double digits. Rutgers couldn’t score more than 22 points. Unforced errors plagued the team’s play on both sides of the net. “I wish I could [pinpoint the source of this],” Werneke said. “I think that it’s just a lack


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