Volume 142, Number 56
1 8 6 9
Today: Sunny
High: 50 • Low: 34
The Rutgers football team travels to Cincinnati this weekend to take on the Bearcats in a meeting of the Big East’s cellar dwellers that is vital to the Scarlet Knights’ postseason hopes.
Online courses accommodate high enrollment BY DEVIN SIKORSKI ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
belittle us, the Black Panther Party, to me, is one of the greatest organizations in American history during that time.” Jennings, who joined the party at age 17 just a week after graduating from high school, said he was inspired to get involved with the party because of its ideals and sense of camaraderie. “What really got me interested in the party was the 10-point program,” he said. “It wasn’t the guns or anything, because I was born in the South. When you’re born in the South, you grow up with guns.” After reading “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” and hearing the messages of
As enrollment numbers increase steadily year after year, the University is turning to online courses to continue providing a quality education while dealing with a budget crisis. Philip J. Furmanski, executive vice president for Academic Affairs, said online courses provide major benefits to students — reaching out to those unable to come on campus and expanding the dimensions of a classroom. “If you only have a classroom that can hold 30 people, you can get the same class online and get 40 people,” he said. “That is one of the virtues of online courses, and allows us in effect to increase our enrollments without putting more stress on our physical facilities.” But the point of an online course is not to generate revenue for the University, Furmanski said. Rather, it provides students with an online-learning experience to enhance life-long skills. “I think what is going to be increasingly important is the ability to continue to be educated online,” he said. “I think therefore it is very valuable for all of our students to get experience with online courses.” Furmanski said there is a misconception of online courses as easier than face-to-face courses, but if an online course is well done, it can be rigorous and just as educationally valid as a course in a classroom setting. “This doesn’t just mean sitting in your pajamas and watching a video of somebody giving a lecture,” he said. “They actually learn at least as much as the students who take the conventional course with lectures and seminars.” School of Arts and Sciences senior Neepa Rana said although she never took an online course, her roommate completed an expository writing hybrid course at the same time she took the class in a conventional setting. “We both got the same grade and we both had the same writing style,” she said. “[But] she could work on it when she wanted and could submit it online and be
Former Black Panther Billy Jennings talks to a crowded room last night at Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus about his experiences with the Black Panther Party. Jennings joined the party at age 17, a week after he graduated from high school.
Former Black Panthers share stories with U. BY COLLEEN ROACHE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Say the word “panther” and some may think of a large cat, others may think of the Carolina football team and for others, the word may evoke the memory of Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton and a revolutionar y movement that changed America’s history in the 1960s. Hundreds of people attended “Original Black Panthers Speak,” a discussion with former Black Panthers Emory Douglas and Billy Jennings, and learned more about the latter definition last night in the crowded conference rooms of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus.
Douglas, revolutionary artist of the Black Panther Party and later its Minister of Culture, designed many aspects of the party’s newspaper. Jennings, who worked with both co-founders, Newton and Seale, created publications for the It’s About Time Committee, which aims to preserve the party’s legacy and offer information about social justice issues. The event was sponsored by the Center for Historical Analysis and the Department of History at the University. “To become a Panther is to really work hard,” Jennings said. “Besides having to deal with the police department and different agencies of the government trying to shut us down, trying to raid our office, trying to
LGBT community remembers lives lost BY ANDREA GOYMA STAFF WRITER
Despite the rain and wind, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community and the Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities gathered at the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus to light candles in remembrance of those who lost their lives due to transgender-related deaths and crimes. The vigil was held yesterday evening in observance of Nov. 20’s national Transgender Day of Remembrance. “I hope [this vigil] will enable students to think about why we have a disproportionate number of transgender or perceived-to-betransgender students killed each year, and that it will also encourage others to think of ways they can disrupt the climate of transphobia,”
said Jenny Kurtz, acting director for the Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities. Because Transgender Day of Remembrance falls on a Saturday this year, the Center for Social Justice Education decided to hold it on a day more accessible to students. “Obviously, we are a couple of days early. Due to students’ schedules, we thought it was more important to have the vigil on a day students would actually be on campus,” said Paul DeStefano, a graduate assistant in the Graduate School of Education’s College Student Affairs program. The vigil is held in remembrance of lives, reported and unreported, that have been lost. “There has been a huge level of unreporting — for a variety of reasons — this year in anti-transgender
INDEX UNIVERSITY A sex educator visits the University to encourage open sexuality.
OPINIONS The GOP filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have combated gender discrimination in the workplace.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SCOTT TSAI / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children hosts an evening of poetry and jazz at the Red Lion Cafe in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Last night’s event was held to raise funding for the March of Dimes.
SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
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NEIL P. KYPERS . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR ARIEL NAGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS JOVELLE ABBEY TAMAYO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS NANCY SANTUCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE AYMANN ISMAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA RAMON DOMPOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS A.J. JANKOWSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS EMILY BORSETTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY NATALIA TAMZOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT COLLEEN ROACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS DEVIN SIKORSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Lydia Eck, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Anthony Hernandez, Matthew Kosinski, Vinnie Mancuso, Jillian Pason, Olivia Prentzel CORRESPONDENTS — Reena Diamante, Sam Hellman, Joey Schulhoff SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Andrew Howard, Jeffrey Lazaro STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT J OSHUA C OHEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B USINESS M ANAGER P ATRICK M C G UINNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ARKETING D IRECTOR L IZ K ATZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O PERATIONS M ANAGER S IMONE K RAMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ONTROLLER P AMELA S TEIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A SSISTANT M ARKETING D IRECTOR A MANDA C RAWFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . C LASSIFIEDS M ANAGER TAMMER IBRAHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT ASSISTANT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES — Steve Jacobus, Allison Montellione, Nina Rizzo, Steve Rizzo EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS — Jennifer Calnek
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PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Alyssa Jacob, Felicia Lurie, Corey Perez, Molly Prentzel, Mike Sieberg
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
PA G E 3
Teams battle for prizes during 23rd Trivia Bowl BY AMY ROWE STAFF WRITER
A three-man team comprised of Senior Dean of Students Mark Schuster, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences senior Michael Maniscalco and School of Ar ts and Sciences senior Andrew Germek took top prize at Wednesday’s 23rd annual Trivia Bowl. “I am shocked and awed [to win],” Germek said. Rutgers Recreation hosted the competition in the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center annex, and drew in more than 100 teams of University students, faculty, alumni and their friends and family. Teams were tested on their knowledge of several categories like sports, popular culture and histor y. The game was carried out in a jeopardy-like format with Paul Fischbach, associate director of Rutgers Recreation, emceeing and asking questions he and University alumni Kevin Switek and Mike Dobiesz formulated. Prizes were given out to individual team members, those with winning raffle tickets and the top three teams. “It’s mostly about having fun and bringing the community together,” Fischbach said. “We had a few alumni and a high school student win prizes.” First-place prize was a $50 Visa gift card, a $15 iTunes gift card, movie tickets and an Eric LeGrand “Believe” shir t for each player. Fischbach was inspired by things he read, watched or saw in current events for most of this year’s questions. “I never know if I’m asking questions that are easy or hard,” he said. “I asked a question about the Chilean miner
earlier and no one got that, [despite the rescue] being a huge deal.” During the game, Fischbach asked each three-member team a series of questions from a certain categor y, with values ranging from $200 to $1,000 for two rounds. “The lower-valued questions are a lot easier than the higher ones,” said Nicole Tirri, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. “You could miss some of the easy ones but catch up by answering the harder ones [correctly].” Teams answered the questions by filling out an answer sheet for each category, and student runners dressed in referee shirts collected the sheets and looked for cheaters, Tirri said. “We rely on the honor system,” she said. “We have to watch everyone to make sure they aren’t looking answers up on their cell phones.” The Rutgers Recreation staff tallied up the answers, said Jessie Yannette, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. Yannette said she enjoyed refereeing over answering trivia questions. “The questions are hard,” she said. “It looks like everyone is here to have fun.” After the second round, students waited while the scorers calculated the points to determine the 11 teams who would go on to the final round. A “speed texting” challenge occupied the players during this time, which entailed texting “My momma always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you’re gonna get,’” the fastest. Rutgers Against Hunger volunteers sold student-made 9inch pies at the event to raise money for local food banks, Fischbach said.
A team of University students answers trivia questions to win prizes such as a $50 Visa gift card or a $15 iTunes gift card during the Trivia Bowl Wednesday at the Cook/Douglass Recreation Center annex.
Jay Friedman, a sex lecturer, encourages students to be more open about sex and noted intimacy can involve more than just intercourse Wednesday at the Cook Campus Center.
Sex educator promotes sexual freedom BY ANASTASIA MILLICKER CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Talk of sex and food attracted attendees to the Cook Campus Center’s Multipurpose Room Wednesday for sex educator Jay Friedman’s lecture, “The J-Spot — A Sex Lecturer Tells All.” With more than 400 students at the event, sponsored by the Rutgers University Programming Association, Friedman promoted outercourse and gave students the opportunity to become more open about sex through videos and comedic antics. “We try to have a different sex-related program each year, and we thought Jay would be per fect for the student body because he does not discourage sex,” said RUPA Ar ts and Culture Committee Vice President Sarah Shaw, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior. During the lecture, Friedman said intimacy involves much more than intercourse. “Outercourse is an opportunity to recognize that your most important lovemaking tools are not between your legs, rather between your ears,” he said. “It is your brain, eyes, mouth and the ability to speak more openly about sex.” In America, sex education is a controversial issue, which leaves many students without quality information, Friedman said. “Most questions I have gotten have been because of misinformation and ignorance we have in our society when it comes to sex, but it is not our fault,” he said. “We live in a countr y that promotes open communication about sex, [but] does not provide quality, comprehensive sex education in schools. That’s why I do my job.”
Friedman compared the American approach to sex to the European approach. A middle-school sex education tape that would be considered taboo in America would be normal to middle-schoolers in Belgium and Denmark, he said. While many audience members seemed shocked at the great detail the video went into explaining sexual organs and sex, School of Ar ts and Sciences junior David Buckelew said he was not surprised. “In England you can open a newspaper and find a topless actress on the second page and people will recognize her for her upcoming talent and then continue to read the sports section,” Buckelew said. “They have a much more casual approach overseas.” Friedman expressed his concern for the negative view of sex in American culture and encouraged audience members to take on a different perspective of what is considered normal in today’s society. “In the U.S., when a woman has her first sexual encounter, we say she lost her virginity. In Europe, when a women has that same experience, she is said to have her sexual debut,” Friedman said. “Now isn’t that a far more positive connotation?” Eleftheria Lekkas, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore, was a sex educator to her peers in high school and said she enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of the audience. “America definitely needs to open up their eyes to continued sex education,” Lekkas said. “Teen pregnancy is up, abortion is up, and it is important we learn about other countries that seem to have sex education down.” Throughout the lecture, Friedman encouraged people to
become active in their sex lives through self-discover y and communication with their partners in an effort to help eliminate the social stigmas behind sex. “Sex does not equal death, rather sexual ignorance equals death,” Friedman said in opposition to those who protest against sexual activity. Education is the first step toward eliminating stigmas, Friedman said. “Most sex lectures I’ve been to spoke focused on abstinence, which is unrealistic for ever ybody in today’s society, so the ‘J-Spot’ lecture was ver y informative and unlike any lecture I’ve attended before,” said Alana Millich, a RUPA member and School Of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore. Friedman is not only a sex educator, but also a gastronaut who is not afraid to mix his culinar y expertise with his sexual knowledge. He hosted a question-andanswer session during the lecture in which he encouraged audience members to shout out some of their favorite foods to be analyzed in relation to sex. One audience member shouted out “watermelon.” “What does watermelon teach us about sex?” Friedman said. “With watermelon we have seeds, and we are left to question ourselves, ‘Are we going to spit or swallow?’” Friedman did not have a favorite sexy food in particular, but found the more adventurous the food, the more erotic the person. “Chef Masaharu Morimoto from Iron Chef thought the sexiest food had white truffle in it,” he said. Friedman examines the relationship between smell and sex in his columns for the Seattle Weekly website.
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
DECLINE IN MURDERS DECREASES STATE’S OVERALL CRIME RATE A decreasing murder rate helped drop New Jersey’s overall crime in 2009, according to an article on There were 320 murders in the state last year, a 15 percent decrease from the previous year and the lowest since 2000, when 288 were reported. New Jersey’s Uniform Crime Report, an annual report by the state police, also found that in 2009 criminals stole less cash and fewer cars but more jewelry and furs, according to the article. Homicide victims were also most likely to be killed on a Monday, but least likely on a Thursday, and the summer saw more violent crimes than the winter. On the average day, there was one murder, 32 robberies, 39 aggravated assaults and 352 larcenies, according to the article. Essex County had the highest
STORIES: Jennings says members train for six weeks continued from front Seale and Eldridge Cleaver when he moved to Oakland, Calif., Jennings wanted to become a Panther himself, a process he said took dedication. “You just couldn’t walk into the organization and say, ‘I want to be a Panther,’” he said. “There was a six-week training period.” While training to become a part of the party, Jennings learned much about political issues and the party’s viewpoint on them. “I had never heard the word ‘imperialism’ before I joined the Black Panther Party,” he said. “That was one of the words the Black Panther Party introduced to the community.” The party ran schools, organized programs to distribute free meals and ran clinics — two of which still exist — to help the sick, regardless of their ability to fund care, factors Jennings said drew him to the organization. “We merged nutrition and education together,” he said. “No one had done that before.” Jennings said while the countr y was at war in Vietnam, there were issues of injustice that needed to be addressed right at home. “There certainly wasn’t any freedom here,” he said. “We [didn’t believe] that we should go fight for this country and there wasn’t any freedom here. You could wear the uniform in Vietnam, but when you came back to America, bad things might happen to you.” Following Jennings’ talk, Douglas presented a slide show of artwork he drew in the ’60s and ’70s, as well as pieces he did more recently.
murder, hitting 117 in 2009, followed by Camden County, which had 40. Attorney General Paula Dow said while the lower crime rate provides hope for the state’s future, law enforcement will have to continue working to keep crime down. “While I am encouraged by this downward trend in the overall crime index and violent crime, law enforcement will have to continue to work even harder and smarter, especially during this economic crisis facing our state and nation,” Dow said in the article. Aside from New Jersey, crime has also dropped in the countr y, according to the ar ticle. The nationwide violent crime rate fell to 4.3 last year from 4.6 previously.
“This artwork is not ‘me’ art, it’s ‘we’ art. It came out of the struggle and the politics at that time,” Douglas said. “It just happened that I was the one who interpreted a lot of it during that period.” Drawings of the party’s symbol, a black panther, helped mobilize illiterate black voters, he said. “The panther became the symbol when blacks in the rural south went to the place to vote, they knew to vote for the black panther,” Douglas said. Many of Douglas’ pieces portrayed policemen and other agents who oppressed blacks as pigs, an expression of blacks’ animosity toward authority at the time. “This is how we began to define the police at that particular time,” Douglas said. “There were a lot of rebellions, a lot of riots in the ’60s. Black people [were] being abused by the police when they came into the community, particularly young black men [were] shot.” Like Jennings, Douglas expressed the idea that the battles at the time should have been fought domestically, not overseas. “The Vietnamese weren’t calling us a cause of unemployment. The Vietnamese weren’t a cause of inferior education. … The Vietnamese weren’t calling us ‘nigger,’” he said. “So our fight was not in Vietnam.” Panthers continue to influence today’s world, Douglas said. “A lot of people don’t know that the only race [President] Barack Obama ever lost was against a Black Panther,” he said. “[U.S. Rep.] Bobby Rush was a Black Panther.” There are several issues the Panthers fought against that continue to afflict the black community, Douglas said.
“If you’ve been convicted of a crime, you can be subjected to slavery,” he said. “That’s on the books.” Black Men’s Collective President Quadeer Porter said he, as a black leader on campus, was inspired by the party’s perseverance in the face of adversity and enjoyed the event overall. “Huey Newton talked about how the capitalistic society was pretty much taking over America, and things need to happen,” said Porter, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “This pretty much solidified his ideologies, and everything that I’ve read and studied about pretty much came alive today — from the artwork to the depth and intellect these men have in their ’60s. They’re still sharp.” Porter said he would like to see more events of this nature at the University and hopes that next time there will be a larger venue. Rob DiMatteo, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, had seen the event advertised, heard his professor talking about it and wanted to feed his interest in political terrorism and international law. “I’m a senior now. I’m about to graduate. I just feel like these kind of lectures and events are important,” he said. “I skipped class to come today.” School of Arts and Sciences senior Courtney Sample had studied the Black Panthers in class and came out to see what she had read about in person. “It’s so important, and it’s so pivotal in our society,” she said. “A lot of the programs that we know today, like the free lunch program the government supports now, originated in the Black Panther Party. It was seen as a militant organization, but that militancy only lasted seven months. The rest was based on community-service-oriented programs.”
A crowd gathers in the conference rooms of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus last night to hear stories from former Black Panther members Billy Jennings and Emory Douglas.
New Jersey’s violent crime rate was even lower, down to 3.1 in 2009 from 3.3 in 2008, according to the article. Andrew Karmen, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, said while the numbers are dropping during the recession, there is still a connection between crime and the economy, according to the article. Most crimes are committed by poor people against poor people, Karmen said in the article. “It’s not as simple as someone gets laid off and goes out and robs a bank,” he said in the article. “It takes years perhaps for someone to be ground down enough for despair to set in.”
COURSES: Online classes
— Ariel Nagi
Novak acknowledged online courses have become attractive assist non-traditional students during a time when the University is struggling with unfavorable budget cuts. continued from front “They have provided another over with it. It was more convenopportunity for the University to ient for her.” serve additional students and to This convenience factor is serve additional special populaone of the key benefits for online tions, like non-traditional adult courses, which Director of students,” he said. “That certainSpecial Projects for Academic ly helps in terms of generating Affairs Richard Novak said is a revenue for the University.” major reason for its popularity at But as Furmanski noted, the the University. purpose of online courses are not “At Rutgers we know that to generate extra revenue but to more and more students are provide students with educationworking. They are trying to jugal benefits while keeping the gle very busy work schedules University as a competitor in and school schedules,” he said. higher education, Novak said. “Online learning provides a con“Of our peer institutions, over venience factor that helps them 90 percent are doing exactly the with their very busy lives.” same thing,” he said. “So for Online courses also provide Rutgers to be perceived as competaccessibility for many non-tradiitive in the higher education landtional adult students who are scape, we need to be in the game unable to come on campus — a just like all the other institutions.” population Novak said is a major Novak repeated a well-concommitment for the University. structed online course could be “We probably have more rigorous, with many faculty and non-traditional adult students in students noting it is more work our off-campus locations and in when compared to a conventionour online courses than we al course. have on campus,” he said. “It “Even though it is more work, makes it easier, more convenfaculty and students also report ient and more that it is a very accessible for rich experience,” these students.” said. “It’s just “It makes it easier, he To prove the the realization more convenient increasing poputhat it is not just a larity of online and easy and more accessible quick courses at the way to get University, for these students.” college credit.” Novak said there School of RICHARD NOVAK were 3,200 stuEngineering senAcademic Affairs Special dents in online ior Sean Quinn Projects Director courses in fall of said after 2009 and 4,435 enrolling in an this semester. online class for “The number of online coursthe first time this semester, the es offered and the number of stuonly reason he would take dents who are taking online another one is because they courses have increased dramatiseem much easier than a face-tocally over the last few years,” he face class. said. “We have pretty much been Quinn said the reason he seeing double-digit increases finds the class easy is not each year.” because the material is simple, Director of Scheduling and but he is able to get around cerSpace Management Arun tain requirements, speaking of a Mukherjee confirmed a steady time-log feature where an increase of online courses and instructor can see how long a said it is rapidly growing, espestudent reads posted material. cially in recent years. “I basically just have to sit at “I see most of the increase an computer, open a reading doccoming in the last two years, ument and leave it open for about starting in fall of 2008 in online 30 minutes, scroll down and click courses,” he said. “There on a link,” he said. was really only a handful Although he finds online before that.” classes to be helpful for offMukherjee added another campus students, the concept reason for increased enrollment of academic integrity is severewas because of the expanding ly hindered. number of classes and depart“It is the question of how ments going online, but he was many people are actually learnunsure if it connected to the ing and how many people are just budget situation. printing out the pages and leav“It certainly helps in terms of ing the browser open so it looks scheduling that we don’t have to like they are reading,” he said. look for a classroom,” he said. “[This system] is completely rea“So the more courses online help sonable, but I think it could be our classroom situation.” implemented better.”
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Council strives to meet pharmacy students’ needs BY TIFFANY KATEHAKIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Pharmacy Governing Council met Tuesday at the Busch campus center to discuss initiatives that will serve both students and the New Brunswick community. To bring staff and students closer, the council deemed November “What’s on Your Mind Month,” during which pharmacy students can suggest action plans for the department and submit them to the heads of the department, faculty and deans. These suggestions and questions will be addressed during the “Open Forum” on Jan. 27 in the Center Hall in the Busch Campus Center. Priya Amin, internal vice president of the council, helped create the forum as a two-part platform for students to voice their concerns directly to faculty and have them answered. During the first part of the discussion, deans and faculty first address the pre-selected questions and concerns students had submitted during the month, she said. Students then have the chance to ask questions to the deans and faculty at the forum. “I made it into a discussion and the questions have already been submitted to the deans and faculty so they can give an answer to those questions,” said Amin, an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy graduate student. “After that we have other students that may have questions on
Pharmacy Governing Council the spot they’d like the deans and faculty to answer.” Despite the pre-selected questions, Council President Andrew Zullo said the second part of the “Open Forum” is hectic because students ask questions on the spot. “That is when there is usually more tension,” said Zullo, an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy graduate student. Although there may be conflict between students and faculty, these events have proven successful for students in the past, said Bhavini Parikh, vice president external of the council. Students’ concerns have helped create change in the curriculum and when courses are offered to be able to make the program more easily manageable to all its students, said Parikh, an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy sophomore. Aside from addressing student concerns, the council is also making an effort to help the community through a Student Health Care Alliance Providing Education and Support event, Zullo said. The initiative is a collaborative effort between the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, the Robert Wood Johnson Medical school, the Rutgers-Newark College of Nursing and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
The Pharmacy Governing Council discusses ways to help pharmacy students ease academic stress by creating entertaining events that fit their schedule during their meeting Tuesday at the Busch Campus Center.
Jersey’s Physician Assistant Program, he said. Students and faculty go to Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick to educate residents on issues such as substance abuse, depression and poor nutrition, Zullo said. They try to target issues they know will be problems within the particular community. “Different schools will focus on the strengths of what they want to talk about during their session,” Parikh said. The council also discussed the challenges of the
old-fashioned buildings where its classes are held. “Our building has not been updated in 30 or 40 years,” Zullo said. “Our classrooms in that building seat 120 students, but a typical pharmacy class is now in excess of 200 students. So we cannot utilize our own school, unfortunately.” Zullo explained that pharmacy students are forced to take classes all over campus in various buildings, such as the Allison Road Classroom building or Hill Center on Busch campus,
thereby creating a distance and lack of unity among students of the school. But he said there is a plan in the works for a new pharmacy building. “Tony Calcado, vice president for Facilities and Capital Planning, is considering renovating the William Levine Hall [on Busch campus] as the new school of pharmacy building,” Zullo said. The Pharmacy Governing Council meets ever y other Tuesday at the Busch Campus Center.
U. TEAM MAKES FINALS OF COLLEGE FED CHALLENGE A five-student team from the Economics Department at Rutgers-Newark will head to Washington, D.C., on Nov. 30 for the second year in a row as national finalists of the College Fed Challenge. The team took the top spot earlier this month in the regional level of the competition, a contest for undergraduate college students inspired by the workings of the Federal Open Market Committee. At nationals, the team will represent the New York Federal Reserve District and face off against other schools such as Northwestern University, Lafayette College and Bentley College. This trip marks the third time within five years a RutgersNewark team has advanced to this level. Rutgers-Newark Economics Department Chair John Graham coaches the team, and two members of this year’s team are veterans from last year. — Kristine Rosette Enerio
Students and visitors listen as Dr. Wise Young discusses the benefits of stem cell research during his lecture “Stem Cells: The Inevitability of Cures,” last night at the Busch Campus Center. The event was sponsored by the American Medical Students Association and Student Society for Stem Cell Research.
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
The Center for Race and Ethnicity is co-sponsoring a screening of the film “My Name is Albert Ayler” by Kasper Collin. The documentary features the story of Albert Ayler, a famous jazz saxophonist, and will begin playing at 6 p.m. in Room 105 of Voorhees Hall on the College Avenue campus. A question-and-answer portion with the director will follow the film. The University organization Helping Others Prepare for Eternity will be hosting an event called “The Jewishness of Jesus.” The event will run from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Room 411 ABC of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.
“The Dangers of Beauty” event will begin at 8 p.m. in the main lounge of Bunting-Cobb Residence Hall. During the event they will present information about the dangerous effects of chemicals and aluminum as well as a five-minute clip of a video from The Story of Stuff Project regarding the cosmetics industry. At the end they will distribute care packages to attendees including a box of chlorine-free tampons, aluminum-free deodorant and organic lip balm.
The Rutgers Taiwanese American Student Association collaborated with Pi Delta Psi for the eighth annual “TASA Free-style,” based around the theme of dreams. Held last night in the Busch Campus Center, the event featured celebrity guests, including singer Jason Chen and violinist Jason Yang.
LGBT: Conference aims to celebrate different backgrounds continued from front
The Responsible Drinking Happy Hour event will run from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Cook Café of the Cook Campus Center. Responsible Drinking Happy Hour was established to unite the community in a social, relaxing and familiar atmosphere while emphasizing the importance of responsible drinking. They are held on the first Friday of every month during the semester. Come meet old friends, colleagues, staff or make new friends. There will be food and music and sodas are free. Written by Mason Gross School of the Arts graduate student Lisa Huber, Mason Gross production Egyptology tells the story of a gay parent who tries to reclaim her child when her partner leaves her for a man. The play will run until Dec. 11 in the Philip J. Levin Theater on the Cook/Douglass campus. Tickets are $25 for general admission, $20 for University alumni and employees and $15 for University students. For more information call (732)-932-7511 or visit
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
violence,” Kurtz said. “The hope is that we come together and grieve for the losses of the community, as well as energize the community to make some concrete changes.” DeStefano said when someone is part of a marginalized minority, it is easy to lose another cultural or ethnic identity. “One thing the mainstream population does is it assumes all LGBTQ-identified people are the same because we identify as LGBTQ,” DeStefano said. “It is sort of like saying that because I am Korean, all Koreans are the same. We are not, and neither are the members of the LGBTQ community.” There will also be an extensive display of the names of those lost, as well as information and handouts about LGBTQ issues within the campus center, Kurtz said.
The conference is for LGBTQ youth, their allies and their supporters to come and reflect on the issues facing the LGBTQ community, Kurtz said. This year’s forum topic is working with and supporting LGBTQ students of color.
“It’s imperative for everybody to be aware of the issues facing the LGBTQ community.” JESSICA ROSNEY School of Arts and Sciences Junior
The goal this year is to celebrate the fact that people come from dif ferent backgrounds, races and ethnicities, DeStefano said. “Topic discussions include … being an activist, navigating cultural differences and being an ally, students advocating about
their rights and religious diversity within the LGBT community,” DeStefano said. Jessica Rosney, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said it is important to remember the people who have died or been murdered for who they are because society has not fully accepted them. “It’s imperative for ever ybody to be aware of the issues facing the LGBTQ community,” she said. The University is also hosting its Seventh Annual New Jersey Gay-Straight Alliance Forum, which will take place Saturday at the Douglass Campus Center. The New Jersey chapter of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and HiTOPS, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote adolescent health and well-being, are sponsoring the event, in addition to the Center for Social Justice Education, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Jessica Rosney, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, stands in front of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus in rememberance of the lives lost due to LGBTQ-related deaths and crimes.
PA G E 8
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Week in review: laurels and darts
epublicans in the Senate successfully filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act on Tuesday, an act which would help to remedy instances of wage discrimination stemming from gender bias. It is not surprising to see Republicans and Democrats unable to work together toward any goal, but ending gender discrimination in the workplace is too important an issue to get caught up in games of party versus party. At least, it should be too important of an issue. Instead, the GOP decided that disagreeing with the Democrats takes precedence over making any significant strides in social justice. We are sick of seeing the leaders of our country act like particularly petty middle school students. Therefore, we give the GOP a dart for choosing to filibuster a bill — a bill that has the potential to bring about more gender equality — only because Democrats backed it. *
If Facebook is going to be an integral part of everyone’s life in modern society, the website should at least be used for productive purposes every once in a while. That is why Huntington Beach, Calif., Councilman Devin Dwyer deserves a laurel for his proposal that the names of people arrested for drunk driving be made public via the city’s Facebook page. A public list of offenders is already available on the city’s website but, in all honesty, very few people take the time to visit their city’s official webpage. In contrast, almost everyone logs onto Facebook at least once a day. By posting the names of drunk drivers on Facebook, the city is making it easier for citizens to access the information. It is also far more likely that citizens will take the time to look at the list. Hopefully the city will enact Dwyer’s proposal. If the list is made as readily available as possible, the social stigma attached to being a publicly recognized drunk driver may very well make people think before they get behind the wheel. *
Recently struck by a car, 14-year-old Luis Jovel Jr. from Clarksburg, Washington, D.C., is now a quadriplegic suffering from permanent brain damage. As if that were not tragic enough, the police officer that struck him received nothing but a $185 speeding ticket and state officials refuse to make any comment on whether Officer Jason Cokinos was disciplined further. What Cokinos did was more than just speed. He essentially ended a young boy’s life. This seems like a blatant abuse of police authority. If anyone else had struck the boy, he would have faced dire consequences. It is obviously suspicious that Cokinos was found not guilty of negligent driving. And if injuring a 14-year-old that badly is not negligent driving, then what is it? The state should disregard Cokinos’ status as a police officer when it comes to judging his crimes. For not delivering proper justice, the Montgomery County District Court and the Montgomery County Police Department both receive a dart. *
University Professor Scott Glenn recently received the title of 2010 New Jersey Professor of the Year from The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. A marine and coastal sciences professor, Glenn has a long list of impressive accomplishments under his belt, including involvement in the University’s trans-Atlantic glider project. The University needs more professors like Glenn, who not only actively conduct important research but engage with their students as well, helping them to grow in their respective fields. Glenn should also be recognized for his leadership abilities, as he has had a major role in making the University’s Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory one of the foremost names in ocean observation. We give Glenn a laurel for all of his achievements as a researcher and as a role model. *
It is understandable that Principal Jeffrey Szymaniak wants to do all that he can to prevent and discourage bullying. As the principal of Whitman Hanson Regional High School in Boston, one of his jobs is ensuring student safety. That being said, banning students from wearing pink shirts at an upcoming pep rally because pink shirts can lead to teasing seems like the wrong way for Szymaniak to be going about his duties. Anti-bullying measures should aim to discourage the act of bullying itself. Szymaniak’s decision to ban pink shirts suggests that it is the victim’s fault he was being bullied because his clothing choice spurred the bullies on. Following Szymaniak’s logic, schools should begin banning glasses, nerdy kids, gays, any sort of quirks a student may have and so on — after all, aren’t these some of the reasons why students are bullied? Effective anti-bullying measures should begin by encouraging students to lovingly accept diversity, not by discouraging students from engaging in activities that may lead them to be bullied. We give Szymaniak a dart for seeming to not understand how to properly prevent bullying.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “What does watermelon teach us about sex? With watermelon we have seeds, and we are left to question ourselves, ‘Are we going to spit or swallow?’” Jay Friedman, a sex educator, on how food can teach people about sex STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Safety, privacy both compromised
which we are willing to here is a popular compromise either. mythos surroundSubmitting to Big Brother ing airport securiis double ungood, and so ty: racial profiling, are unsafe air ways. abysmally long lines, the I have seen images from idea of arriving at 8 a.m. for these scanners — enough a noon flight just in case and making sure you have PATRICK DANNER people with access to Google have. Frighteningly only enough toothpaste to enough, many were docbrush your incisors. It contored to include skin tone and shading, making sists of standing behind an octogenarian who, for them incredibly graphic. Truthfully, the actual the sake of him, cannot figure out how to collapse images are not that graphic. They are not pornohis granddaughter’s stroller. And now there’s this graphic. The full-body scanners emit low-level supposedly optional full-body image scanning, rays that are calibrated to pick up things we don’t introduced to expedite the security process while want on planes like pocketknives, guns or that maintaining — if not, improving — the safety of pair of toenail clippers that in 2003 would get you our airports. a body-cavity search. They aren’t calibrated to Today these scanners can be found from centerfold setting. Even the attractive example Atlanta to Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, was turned into a textbook image, a gray outline Denver and 34 other airports throughout the of a woman without truly distinguishable detail. United States. They have gone international, Let’s face it, being transformed into a naked being installed in Saskatchewan and Toronto, gray blob and having that image transmitted to Rome, London, Seoul and eight other airports an isolated room to have an officer radio back scattered throughout the continents. “no bombs here” — why does ever ything seem Many opponents to the idea see it as a window like a pun here? — is preferable to the annoyed into a gross invasion of privacy — a pseudo-1984stranger who will be required to esque move by the government a side-boob when you forsimilar to that of the USA Patriot “This is not simply grope got to take 27 cents from Act of yester year. Several oppoyour pocket. nents have declared the scanners a debate of which In the end, I believe this can be and the accompanying images peris more valuable.” done well and tactfully. Airports ver ted. These claims stop just now are opting toward scanners short of predicting a new wave of produced by Rapiscan, which creTranspor tation Security ates far less detailed images than those from the Administration-themed pornography with charL-3 scanners, which have been unequivocally acters of hot TSA officers and hot airline passenturned down. With those scanners and with gers, pulled into interrogation when it is discovtrained professionals working according to ered that, as a man passed through the scanner, guidelines, our privacy will be far less violated he was harboring a massive weapon — interpret than a mandator y second-grade physical. as you will. Who do we blame? We can blame the radicalMany supporters of the measures cite the leftist-authoritarian government, the militaristicopposite — though equally per ver ted — unethical-Big-Brotherly TSA. We can blame the extreme. Many believe that in order to fly, all terrorists, the airports or just technology. Maybe passengers should be required to consent to the we can blame the employees on the other end of scan. I could write 800 words on the irony of the the screen, watching us and violating our privacy. idea of forced consent but instead I’ll just say Maybe we can do all this and refuse security this — really? measures en masse. Which reminds me, opt for I will concede that the authorities have attemptthe bus this Wednesday — I am. ed to placate both sides of the issue. Airports will Thus, denizens of the airways, let us take a give passengers the opportunity to bypass the drink of victory gin, travel the airways — invaded scanners if they submit to a physical search or not — and have a double-plus-good because that may seem less invasive than the Thanksgiving among the proles. scanners. Again, really? The problem here lies in the debate itself. Patrick Danner is a School of Arts and Sciences This is not simply a debate of which is more valusenior majoring in English and minoring in able — safety or privacy — because both are Italian. His column, “Stoop Musings,” runs on always compromised as soon as we step into an alternate Fridays. airport. The debate has to weigh the extent to
Stoop Musings
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Students retain freedom of choice Letter BILAL AHMED
have chosen to write this in the wake of recent events as an individual and a University student rather than on behalf of any group. The last three and a half weeks have been stressful and during them I have entertained many labels. I was first told that my role as an activist was greatly diminished by not having the correct sexual and ethnic orientation to express my disdain. Par ties entirely separate from University of ficials then told me that that I was irresponsibly attempting to provide suppor t for Hamas and trigger an international incident. And now, ever yone who enjoyed a recent event hosted by BAKA: Students United for Middle Easter n Justice have been told by the author of a Wednesday letter in The Daily Targum, “Holocaust denial industr y af fects wide range of people,” that their suppor t of Norman Finkelstein is equal to endorsing a denial of the Holocaust. In shor t, during the last three and a half weeks I have been labeled through insult as a Pakistani, homosexual, terrorist/terrorist supporter and now a Holocaust denier. The humble idealism, which I enjoyed while assisting in planning these events, has been
tainted with over whelming frustration. I feel my mouth filled with the ashes of bitterness and I am annoyed by the immature and vicious allegations thrown at me. However, like ever yone who has experienced these tactics before, I must move on. We as students and activists must remember in moments such as these why we have chosen — and it remains a choice — to undergo the process of
“Labels will remain lables, and words will remain words.” expressing academic freedoms, which often feel like a burden. It may be hurtful to hear our names associated with hateful labels such as terrorist, but we must move on. It may be irritating to be forced to combat unfair media portrayals and individuals aggressively accusing us of being aggressive, but we must move on. It may feel as though the forces that allegedly militarize and dictate human society are too stubborn to allow for global peace, but we must always seek to move on. I became an activist after watching footage of American GIs bitterly smoking cigarettes next to the burning corpses of Vietnamese civilians. I became involved with the Israel-
Palestine conflict when I grew to understand the nature of human shields and that the size and strength of the Israeli militar y machine make this strategy especially terrifying. And as such, despite the over whelming temptation to embrace apathy, I must move on. What would I say to those who are dead and continue to die in the face of flawed policy and questionable international conduct? That I apologize, but my pride prevents me from speaking out? That I am sorr y, but I must lay low for the sake of preser ving my reputation? That I must evacuate to seclusion from politics, and I send my deepest regrets? There is no ill treatment that we experience in this nation that will compare to the injustices we protest and will continue to protest thousands — or even dozens — of kilometers away. Labels will remain labels, and words will remain words. They are not helicopter gunships. They are not unmanned drone attacks piloted from Texas. And they are certainly not jingoist accusations of hateful attitudes accompanied by racism and lethal force. Pretending other wise is not only ignorant — it is obnoxious. Bilal Ahmed is a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior majoring in Middle Eastern studies with a minor in political science.
22 29 22
Monday, Nov. 22nd
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Today's birthday (11/19/10). Consider your personal direction daily, and post your favorite possibility on the mirror. Major changes affect your personal style. A complete wardrobe change may be in order as you take on new responsibilities. Allow yourself to dream big. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 6 — What seems gloomy in the morning cheers up if you make an effort. You can change the way the wind blows, if you want to. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — A close associate places demands on your time and energy today. Put your own ambitious plans on the back burner and pay attention. It's not about you today. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 6 — Hard work accompanied by intelligent thinking produces unique results. Then you must find a clever way to enroll others. This is the challenge. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 6 — Finances prevent a perceived obstacle to your creative process. With a little examination, you discover ways to get materials without breaking the bank. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is an 8 — Try not to demand change, even though you know it's necessary. Present a logical argument, as well as a variety of choices. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — If you narrow your focus too quickly, you miss some exciting possibilities. Maintain an open point of view, and record the choices for later use.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — To be effective, remain within your own boundaries. Use tension or stress as an indication of which direction not to go. Choose the path of least resistance. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — You need fun today, regardless of what coworkers require of you. Joke around while handling serious matters. Notice where exuberance meets practicality. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — Take extra time today to clarify what remains to be done on a project. That way, you can mull over possibilities over the weekend and be prepared. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Independent actions boost your self-esteem. Others need to remain in the loop. Refine the logic. Take notes and share them as you go along. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — Keep your head down, focusing on your task. Let others handle their own problems. They’ll learn from it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — You won't get all the info you need today. Develop questions that will elicit what's missing. You'll feel quite productive this way, correctly so.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
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” (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: ORBIT OPIUM FLORAL BROGUE Answer: When the aging model dyed her hair, she got to the — ROOT OF THE PROBLEM
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NOVEMBER 19, 2010
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NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Knights face daunting ordeal with ’Canes BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
utgers field hockey team captain Jenna Bull earned a spot on the 2010 Longstreth/ NFHCA Division I All-Mid-Atlantic Region Second Team yesterday, which was announced by the National Field Hockey Coaches Association. The senior tallied two assists and a goal this season for the Scarlet Knights but did most of her work in the midfield by shutting opposing offenses down. The Ontario, Canada, native also secured a spot on the AllBig East First Team for her play this season.
Rutgers head men’s basketball coach Mike Rice preaches an uptempo attack while also taking an opponent MEN’S BASKETBALL out of its comfor t MIAMI AT zone. RUTGERS, B u t SUNDAY, 2 P.M. those two ideologies come to a head on Sunday, when the Scarlet Knights (1-1) welcome Atlantic Coast Conference challenger Miami (1-1) to the Louis Brown Athletic Center. “Against Miami, we can’t run up and down,” Rice said. “We can’t have a ton of possessions — not to the point where it’s got to be 43
possessions for the game for us to win. We still have to fast break to score points. We pick and choose when we fast break.” Head coach Frank Haith’s team matches wits with North Carolina Central tonight before heading to the Banks. The Hurricanes, picked to finish eighth in the ACC, come into Sunday’s matchup on the heels of a 72-68 loss to No. 19 Memphis. Miami sophomore Durand Scott and junior Malcolm Grant combined to score 38 points in the nationally-televised defeat. Scott, a Rice High School (N.Y.) product, and Grant, a Brooklyn native, return to the New York metropolitan area for the 2 p.m. contest. Scott earned Miami’s first ACC-All Rookie First Team
selection in his rookie season. But the biggest matchup nightmare for the Knights comes in the form of 6-foot-10, 303-pound center Reggie Johnson, who posted a double-double against the Tigers. The Knights’ success Sunday largely lies in their ability to prevent Johnson from wreaking havoc in the paint, as well as keeping the 2009-10 ACC-All Rookie Second Teamer off the boards. “We’ll try a couple of different things,” Rice said in terms of defending Johnson. “Whether it’s digging in the post, double-teaming in the post, fronting the post — we’re going to throw the kitchen sink at not just Johnson, but their whole frontline.” Miami offers the Knights the first of many games in which they
Rutgers men’s soccer team earned Third Team All-Big East honors for his play this season for the Scarlet Knights. The senior forward led the team in scoring this season with six goals, as the Knights went 31-1 in games that Salmon scored. The Westbury, N.Y., native earned Big East Offensive Player of the Week honors four different times in his career and ends his time on the Banks with 12 career goals.
percentage during the 2010 MLB season, Seattle Mariners pitcher Felix Hernandez won the American League Cy Young award. Hernandez posted a 13-12 record for his club this season with a 2.27 ERA. He edged out Tampa Bay Rays pitcher David Price and New York Yankees ace CC Sabathia by earning 21 of 28 first place votes.
BASICS: Rutgers begins stretch against top offenses continued from back Seven players combined for six sacks in addition to six quarterback hurries, as two linebackers, two defensive backs and three defensive linemen got in on the action. “That’s what we do: We go after the quarterback,” said senior linebacker Antonio Lowery, who had half a sack. “That’s us, we have a swarming defense. That’s what our job is to do and that’s what we want to bring to every game, every week.” The task will be magnified in the next three weeks, when Rutgers faces Cincinnati, Louisville and West Virginia, ranked Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in total offense in the Big East. While the Bearcats average 409 yards per game, they are also turnover prone. The Knights lead the conference in turnover margin at pluseight, while Cincinnati sits last at minus-10. The game tomorrow presents an opportunity to combat the Bearcats’ high-powered attack with takeaways and the nation’s fifth-ranked third-down defense. “Ball security has been their biggest issue,” Schiano said. “They’re str uggling in that area. That can negate a lot of
Senior point guard James Beatty is responsible for defending the Miami backcourt of Durand Scott and Malcom Grant, who combined for 38 points in a loss to No. 19 Memphis.
positive plays.” With Cincinnati there are plenty of positive plays. There are some new faces, with quarterback Zach Collaros replacing Tony Pike and wideouts Armon Binns and D.J. Woods stepping into bigger roles in place of Mardy Gilyard. And Rutgers knows the big-play potential of the Bearcats. “Playing against Tony Pike and that offense last year, they were scoring at will against us,” Lefeged said. “I don’t even know if they punted in that game. It seemed like they were scoring on every drive.” Pike and Gilyard led the show in a 47-15 win at Rutgers Stadium, but Binns and Woods combined for nine catches and 112 yards. Tailback Isaiah Pead, who also returns, averaged 5.9 yards on eight carries and found the end zone once. With playmakers remaining at skill positions, the biggest change in the Bearcat offense is with the 6-foot dual-threat quarterback Collaros replacing 6-foot-6 Pike. And the challenges presented are not just pass or scramble, because the junior who leads the Big East in individual total offense uses his legs to buy time downfield. “Big arm, can make all of the throws, very mobile and a very good thrower on the run,” Schiano said. “Not mobile just to get away
will be the undersized opponent, as the Hurricanes’ roster includes five players who stand at 6-foot-8 or taller. But Rutgers’ first two contests featured the Knights as the highprofile team with a target on their backs. When Miami hits the hardwood on Sunday, the roles will be reversed. “Coach Rice is definitely huge on our preparation before games,” said senior forward Jonathan Mitchell. “We’ll just come in with the same focus. [The Fairfield win] is over with. We took care of business at home and now it’s time to move forward to an ACC team that’s going to come in here and try to win one on the road.” The matchup at the RAC marks the first contest between the two schools since 2004 — Miami’s last year in the Big East before opting to join the ACC with Boston College and Virginia Tech. The Hurricanes own an 8-4 advantage in the short-lived series, but the Knights won two of the past three meetings between the former conference foes. The game also features the first Rutgers opponent from a “Big Six” conference — not named North Carolina — since a Nov. 28, 2009 loss to Florida in Atlantic City. “That’s what I came to college for,” said freshman guard Mike Poole. “That’s what I came to the Big East for — to play the top teams, the top ‘Big Six’ conference teams — and I’m just ready. I want to practice for [Miami] right now.” Like Rice, Haith gained publicity in basketball circles for his ability to recruit, evidenced by his luring New York City talents Scott and Grant to Coral Gables, Fla. But unlike the seventh-year head coach, Rice’s resurrection of a Division I program is still in the infant stages. “I love this,” Rice said. “You have to realize what your strengths and weaknesses are. When you play Miami, you’re going to realize what your weaknesses are in a hurry. I love it for my team and the fans like it in bringing back some energy to this building.”
Senior linebacker Antonio Lowery leads the Knights with 82 tackles this season and forced two fumbles and recovered three.
from the rush, but mobile and keeps his vision down the field. He hurts people with big plays on the scramble.” Rutgers faces a complicated task against Collaros and Co., which forces opponents to walk a fine line
with their pressure. In a team effort, the Knights will need help from their offense, but the defense will attempt to do what it is accustomed to. “We just go out there and play Rutgers football,” Lefeged said, “Rutgers defense.”
This week we tried something a little different. Instead of a typical NCAA ‘11 SIM simulation of “NCAA Football 2011,” we did it twice — once with Chas Dodd as the quarterback and once with Tom Savage. With Dodd taking snaps, the Scarlet Knights lost, 30-15, to the Cincinnati Bearcats. Dodd finished the game 19of-44 passing for 210 yards, one touchdown and one interception. With Savage as the starter, the Scarlet Knights reigned victorious, sneaking by the Bearcats, 28-26. Savage completed 16 of 20 passes on the day for 220 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions. Receiver Mark Harrison caught six balls for 119 yards and two touchdowns. For Cincinnati, quarterback Zach Collaros was the common theme as an offensive threat. Collaros averaged 270.5 passing yards in the two games and threw three touchdown passes without turning the ball over once. The Daily Targum’s weekly simulation is 6-3 this season, mis-picking the games against Tulane, South Florida and Syracuse. — Sam Hellman
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Rushdan delivers winner to escape with victory BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ CORRESPONDENT
There is no other way to put it: The Rutgers women’s basketball team got away with one last night against Princeton. After building a 13-point lead to end the first half, the Scarlet Knights WOMEN’S BASKETBALL d i d PRINCETON 53 e v e r y thing to RUTGERS 54 l o s e their home opener, but amid the fouls, turnovers and general miscues, guard Khadijah Rushdan knocked down the game winner, allowing the Knights to escape the Louis Brown Athletic Center with a 54-53 win. “The look was to see my options and tr y to drive,” Rushdan said of the Knights’ final possession. “The shot was what I had, so that’s why I took it.” With just 12.2 seconds left on the clock following a Princeton miss by for ward Niveen Rasheed, head coach C. Vivian Stringer took a timeout and gathered her troops with the game on the line. Junior point guard Nikki Speed brought the ball up court, passing it off to Rushdan around midcourt. From there, the Wilmington, Del., native pulled up from about 15 feet out and knocked down the shot with about four seconds left, sealing the team’s first victory of the season. Rushdan finished 4-for-10 from the field and led the team with 13 points while attacking offensively and getting to the free throw line, something she failed to do in the team’s first two games. “We wanted to try to attack them inside and get them in foul trouble,” Rushdan said. “Just to get free points from the free throw line — I think we went twice against Stanford — and we’ve been struggling that past
Junior guard Khadijah Rushdan led the Scarlet Knights in scoring with 13 points, none more critical than the two she made on a jumper in the game’s final seconds, giving Rutgers a 54-53 win over Princeton.
weekend so it was definitely a concern for us.” Rutgers faced its first deficit of the second half at the 11:05 mark, leading to a battle in a game that appeared to be a blowout. The Tigers rallied behind a 14-point run starting with 15:36 on the clock to pull ahead of Stringer’s squad. Junior for ward April Sykes finally laid the ball up with 11:01 on the clock to end the Knights’ scoring drought. Sykes went just 4-for-13 from the field — ending the contest with nine points — and down the
stretch the Starkville, Miss., native never saw the floor for Stringer. But it was not because the forward was struggling. “It wasn’t because [Sykes] was struggling, because for that matter Erica [Wheeler] was struggling just as bad,” Stringer said. “It was, ‘Who are you going to put in between the two strugglers?’ That’s really what it came down to.” The Knights turned the ball over seven times in the second half, with three coming in the game’s final three minutes. Sophomore Monique Oliver
played much of the second half with four fouls. To compensate for the foul trouble, Chelsey Lee carried the Knights down low, finishing with 11 points and eight boards. And luckily for Rutgers, the Tigers missed four layups in the final five minutes, allowing Rushdan to notch the game winner. Still, Princeton did its best down the stretch to seize a victory. “I think it was just the fight of the kids,” said Princeton
head coach Cour tney Banghart. “We had 22 points going into halftime and that’s like ridiculous for us. From the field, even on the game, we shot 23 percent from [the 3point line] and our two starting guards were both above 40 percent last year. The kids just never stopped.” The Knights built a comfortable cushion heading into the locker room at halftime, following a 10-3 run starting at the eight-minute mark to pull away from the Tigers. After a jumper by Wheeler, the Tigers came away empty in their next six possessions, turning the ball over three times and missing three shots. Wheeler tabbed five of the Knights’ points during the run and was perfect from the field in the half, finishing with eight points and two 3-pointers. While Stringer’s squad thrived from beyond the arc in the half, getting to the line proved to be another common trend, as well. The Knights went 5-for-5 from the charity stripe, a far cr y from their past two games, when the group went 0-for-2 against Stanford and 5-for-9 against California. But heading into their next game against North Carolina A&T, the Knights must clean up their second-half performance if they hope to make it two in a row against last year’s MEAC conference champions. “I thought we were in a good rhythm at first and then we star ted to play to create situations on our own,” Stringer said. “All of a sudden we star t hesitating — throwing the ball up — and the next thing you know, we star t forcing shots and struggling. When we do that it makes the shooters look bad.”
Wheeler keeps rolling after scoring success in Cali BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Guard Erica Wheeler built on an impressive California trip with another scoring boost off KNIGHT the bench NOTEBOOK in the Scarlet Knights’ 54-53 victory last night over Princeton. Wheeler, a 5-foot-7 sophomore from Miami, dropped eight points on 3-of-7 shooting from the floor. “A great spark,” said junior guard Khadijah Rushdan on what Wheeler brings of f the bench. “She’s not necessarily concer ned with herself, not thinking, ‘I get to star t because I’ve been shooting it well.’ She loves being that extra energy.” Wheeler has just four career starts — all coming last season — but averages 28 minutes per game through three games this season off the bench. In the first half alone, Wheeler scored eight points on a perfect 3-for-3 shooting clip in 11 minutes but fell off in the second half without scoring a bucket and turning it over seven times on the game. “She can play,” said head coach C. Vivian Stringer. “I think [she and junior for ward April Sykes] are playing ver y
well, last they body
much better than all of year, so I hope that won’t worr y about anyelse.”
Simmons saw her most significant playing time to date, scoring a career-best four points in 16 minutes. Simmons str uggled early on, committing three turnovers in her first five minutes, but calmed down after that and did not commit a turnover in her last 11 minutes.
floor at the Louis Brown Athletic Center for the first time this season after beginning this year’s campaign on the West coast. A total of 2,518 fans were in attendance for the first home game in Stringer’s 16th season at Rutgers and 40th as a head coach. “It was exciting to be playing on a brand new floor,” said junior for ward Chelsey Lee. “It was always great to open up home and ever yone’s cheering for you.”
LEE WORE NO. 52 FOR THE game to honor paralyzed Rutgers football junior defensive tackle Eric LeGrand. Lee’s numberchange from 34 to 52 is a permanent change for the season.
Sophomore guard Erica Wheeler led all bench scorers in her 24 minutes of play with eight points, all of which came in the first half. The Miami native turned the ball over seven times. “We came in together freshman year,” Lee said. “As freshmen, we lived together the whole summer, so we got to know each other pretty well over the past two years. I’m not a football fan, but when I went to the games I made sure
I talked to the games.”
Knights is the 15th win over instate rival Princeton in 16 games between the two schools.
up next for the Knights (1-2). Rutgers has a chance to even out its record as the heavy favorite, but A&T is no joke, winning the MEAC and making it to the third round of the NIT last season with a 23-11 overall record.
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
GAME 10: Nipper Stadium, 7:30 p.m. TV: SNY RADIO: 1450 AM FAVORITE: Cincinnati by 14
QB uncertainty hangs over Cincy trip BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
For the first time this season, there is no official starting quarterback or even a leader to get the starting nod, with just one day standing between the Rutgers football team and kickoff. True freshman quarterback Chas Dodd struggled mightily in the first half last week against Syracuse and took the bench in favor of sophomore Tom Savage for the second half. Since then, neither quarterback separated himself in practice, and neither is the starter as of yesterday’s meeting between the media and head coach Greg Schiano. “I think I know,” Schiano said. “We practiced them both. They may both play. All those are options. I want to talk through with the staff. We have some time now. I’ll probably go back through and watch some of the games. I have a bunch of hours here to maybe watch the practices and just tr y to figure out what kind of game it’s going to be with their defense.” Through nine games, the Scarlet Knights (4-5, 1-3) took the field with Savage as the starter four times and Dodd as the starter on five occasions. Savage went 2-2 as the starter and lost his starting spot after a series of injuries he suffered against North Carolina and Tulane. Dodd started off with a blast, winning two straight, leading two fourth-quarter comebacks and earning Big East Offensive Player of the Week. But the freshman from Byrnes High School (S.C.), then lost three games in a row and has not thrown a touchdown pass in the month of November. “I think they’re both good enough to win games,” Schiano said. “There is no doubt in my mind of that. I really think it’s more of what [works] right now because we’re in a little bit of a spot. We’ve had a bunch of injuries, and we’re trying to win a game here.” Cincinnati’s 47-15 trouncing of the Knights last season is a game most members of the team want to forget, but it was a special game for Savage, who took his first college snap. Savage, coming as a highly touted recruit from Cardinal O’Hara
PASSING CMP YDS TD INT. AVG. 3 123.2 C. Dodd 55.9% 986 5 3 86.8 T. Savage 51.8% 521 2
CMP YDS TD INT. AVG. PASSING Z. Collaros 60.7% 2,139 20 6 267.4
RUSHING NO. YDS TD LNG AVG. 59 309 4 91 M. Sanu 5.2 J. Martinek 83 277 4 35 3.3 RECEIVING NO. YDS TD LNG AVG. 41 398 2 29 M. Sanu 9.7 M. Harrison 25 441 4 52 17.6 13 259 1 46 19.9 J. Deering TKL SCK 1 82 64 1.5 1 59
A. Lowery J. Lefeged S. Beauharnais
INT 0 1 0
Sophomore quarterback Tom Savage made his collegiate debut against Cincinnati last season, going 15 for 23 for 135 yards and a score.
High School (Pa.), came in at halftime after then-starter Dom Natale threw three interceptions in the first half. Savage completed 15 of 23 passes for 139 yards and his first career touchdown. “It was unbelievable just going out there and playing,” Savage said. “That was in the past, and we have a good Cincinnati team we have to worry about now. They’re a great defense. I mean, it’s Cincinnati. You always have to prepare for them. We haven’t beaten them in a while, so we have to go out there and just play.” Offensively, the Bearcats (3-6, 1-3) boast the most dynamic quarterback in the Big East in Zach Collaros, who leads the conference with 2,139 passing yards and 20 touchdowns. But first-year head coach Butch Jones is ver y concerned with the problems presented by the Rutgers defense.
“[Rutgers is] probably the best defense to date that I’ve seen on film of creating turnovers and stripping the ball, and we all know the problems that we’ve had hanging onto the football,” Jones said. “That’s going to be a great challenge. And you look at their third-down defense, their overall first downs allowed, they’re playing like a typical Greg Schiano football team on defense — tough and physical.” Defensively, Cincy has 18 sacks this season and four interceptions. Junior linebacker JK Schaffer leads the team in tackles with 85. “They’re really athletic,” said junior left tackle Desmond Stapleton. “They have high motors and they can just get to the ball. It’s tough to describe, but they’re just a good team. You can tell that from the tape.”
SCHEDULE Sept. 2 Sept. 11 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 8 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Nov. 3 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 Dec. 4
Norfolk State FIU N. Carolina Tulane Connecticut Army Pittsburgh South Florida Syracuse Cincinnati Louisville West Virginia
RUSHING I. Pead J. Goebel
NO. YDS TD LNG AVG. 7.2 96 696 2 80 6.6 29 191 3 28
RECEIVING A. Binns D. Woods M. Barnett I. Pead
NO. 57 48 22 20
YDS 826 775 292 111
J. Schaffer R. Johnson M. Bomar
LNG 62 69 69 25
AVG. 14.5 16.1 13.3 5.6
TKL SCK 85 1 55 1 53 1
INT 1 1 0
TD 9 7 2 0
INJURIES Questionable — RB J. Rains, RB D. Williams Out — WR V. Hazelton, LB A. Delisi
INJURIES Out — WR Q. Pratt
W, 31-0 W, 19-14 L, 17-13 L, 17-14 W, 27-24 W, 23-20 L, 41-21 L, 28-27 L, 13-10 7:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. TBA
SCHEDULE Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Sept. 25 Oct. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 30 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Dec. 4
Fresno State Indiana State North Carolina St. Oklahoma Miami (OH) Louisville South Florida Syracuse West Virginia Rutgers Connecticut Pittsburgh
L, 28-14 W, 40-7 L, 30-19 L, 31-29 W, 45-3 W, 35-27 L, 38-30 L, 31-7 L, 37-10 7:30 p.m. Noon TBA
Key Matchup Rutgers defense vs. QB Zach Collaros The Scarlet Knights struggled at times against the last dual-threat quarterback they faced in B.J. Daniels and should have their hands full against Zach Collaros, who leads the Big East in total offense for an individual with 274.1 yards per game.
MOHAMED SANU Wide Receiver
CHAS DODD Quarterback
Sophomore 6’-2”, 218 lbs.
Junior 6’-5”, 285 lbs.
Junior 6’-6”, 290 lbs.
Senior 6’-5”, 304 lbs.
Junior 6’-4”, 290 lbs.
Sophomore 6’-7”, 310 lbs.
Sophomore 6’-6”, 258 lbs
Sophomore 6’-3”, 230 lbs
Freshman 6’-0”, 197 lbs
Senior 6’-1”, 215 lbs
Junior 6’-0”, 215 lbs
DAVID ROWE Cornerback
JOE LEFEGED Strong Safety
Junior 6’-0”, 196 lbs
Senior 6’-1”, 205 lbs
Sophomore 6’-1”, 215 lbs
Senior 5’-11”, 180 lbs
MANNY ABREU Linebacker
Senior 6’-3”, 250 lbs
Senior 6’-2”, 274 lbs
Sophomore 6’-3”, 270 lbs
Senior 6’-4”, 260 lbs
Junior 6’-3”, 245 lbs
Sophomore 6’-2”, 230 lbs
Senior 6’-2”, 225 lbs
PA G E 1 6
NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Rutgers finds typical defensive success through pressure with season on line, bowl berth in question BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR
There is no question it takes a team effort to win a football game. But for the Rutgers football team, a team effort means some contributions from the offense, maybe a few FOOTBALL special teams points and a whole lot of defense. That typical defense was absent for the first two games of the Scarlet Knights’ threegame losing streak, but with the exception of a final, costly drive against Syracuse last weekend, it returned in a 13-point showing against the Orange. “It was something coach [Greg Schiano] talked about during the week, that we have to get back to playing Rutgers football,” said senior safety Joe Lefeged. “We gave up 50-some points in two games, which you don’t see too often from Rutgers’ defense.” It was actually 69 points against Pittsburgh and South Florida, which combined for 819 yards, five passing touchdowns and three on the ground. The Knights had three takeaways and two sacks in those games. Against Syracuse, the defense had the same number of takeaways and three times the number of sacks as its previous two losses. It was a return to Rutgers defense.
KNIGHTS GAMEDAY For the second straight season, the Knights do not have an announced starting quarterback entering their matchup with Big East opponent Cincinnati. pg. 15
Senior safety Joe Lefeged recorded half a sack and recovered a fumble last weekend in the Scarlet Knights’ 13-10 loss to Syracuse at Rutgers Stadium. “We played our defense last week,” said sophomore safety Khaseem Greene. “We gave up 13 points, so that wasn’t good. But you definitely look at the defense last week and think, ‘Wow, that’s how Rutgers defense is supposed to be played.’”
The Knights recovered two fumbles and intercepted a pass, but the biggest change was the presence in the backfield.
The Rutgers men’s basketball team faces a difficult task defending against Miami’s talented backcourt in Sunday’s 2 p.m. matchup with the ACC foe at the RAC. pg. 13