THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 1 2 0
1 8 6 9
Today: Partly Cloudy
High: 54 • Low: 42
The Rutgers softball team rebounded from a previously poor showing at home to sweep Iona in dominant fashion yesterday at the RU Softball Complex.
RUSA stands against credit union move
Membership minimum to apply to greeks
Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA) members met last night to voice their disagreement over the closing of the Rutgers University Student and Alumni Credit Union (RUSACU) on campus. RUSACU signed a contract to merge with Af finity Federal Credit Union in July 2010, consequently consolidating their board of directors with Af finity, said Kristen Clarke, University Af fairs Committee chair. Their lease for their operating location in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus, which ends on May 20, was not renewed. Instead, they plan to move to an Affinity location in New Brunswick, she said. Clarke highlighted a resolution that calls for RUSA to oppose the move.
close to New York City, that included some ver y attractive possibilities,” he said. “Many of the faculty members have worked with or know the individuals and began the process of contacting people and feeling out if they were interested.” The committee decided the speaker should have a background in either dance or visual ar ts since the last two convocation speakers were actress Kristin Davis and musician Paquito D’Rivera, Minucci said. Mason Gross School of the Arts senior Maria Giancola said she is looking
Student Life’s student group policy could pose a threat to some fraternities and sororities next fall when the requirement for a minimum of 10 members is set to take effect. The policy was implemented after the Transformation of Undergraduate Education (TUE) in 2007, when individual colleges were eliminated and the Department of Student Life was established, said Kerri Willson, associate director of Student Involvement. Before, each undergraduate college had its own minimum number of members to be recognized as a student group. For greek organizations, the minimum was five people before they joined with Student Life, said JoAnn Arnholt, dean of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. “Now, for a number of different reasons, like budget and strengthening the chapter and the ability to participate in the community, we knew we would eventually move to the 10 number,” she said. But Dalmar Mohamod of the historically black fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, finds the policy unfair. “After graduation our chapter will have six members,” said Mohamod, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “We do a lot for the University, and it’s not right that we might be discharged due to this policy. It’s going to place a lot of strain on us to recruit people every year.” Bryan Wilson, Interfraternity Council president, said the chapters with less than minimum requirement of members should not be overly concerned. “There are about six [chapters] that have under 10 members currently, and they were notified this past fall,” said Willson, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “The policy goes into effect in Fall 2012, and we will provide ongoing support and resources to make sure they meet the member requirement.” Arnholt said despite this change, the TUE had a positive effect on greek life, doubling total membership of
Kristen Clarke, RUSA University Affairs Committee chair, stresses the importance of having the student credit union remain on campus.
Critic to speak at Mason Gross ceremony BY RASHMEE KUMAR ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR
Even as the Mason Gross School of the Arts Class of 2011 walks across the stage this May, it will still receive advice from a critic. The Mason Gross School of the Ar ts convocation, which will take place May 14 at the State Theatre in New Brunswick, will feature keynote speaker Peter Schjeldahl, the head ar t critic for The New Yorker, said George Stauf fer, dean of the Mason Gross School of the Ar ts. “I think as an art critic, he will bring an insightful viewpoint on the field and
be able to give our emerging artists some sound advice for their careers and their lives as artists,” said Tom Minucci, president of the Mason Gross Student Government Association, in an email correspondence. After compiling a list of possible candidates, the convocation speaker committee — comprised of Minucci, Mason Gross School of the Ar ts Associate Dean Dennis Benson and one faculty member from each depar tment — narrowed down the names, said Minucci, a Mason Gross School of the Ar ts junior. “[The choices were] notable people in their respective fields. Being so
Douglass celebrates Dean Jaquelyn Litt BY ANASTASIA MILLICKER CORRESPONDENT
For this year’s Douglass Founder’s Day, the Douglass Residential College (DRC) officially welcomed Dean Jacquelyn Litt into its family after she was appointed last summer to the position. The Voorhees Chapel on Douglass campus filled Wednesday morning with distinguished University officials like President Richard L. McCormick and representatives from women’s colleges throughout the countr y as they gathered for the celebration of Litt’s convocation. George H. Cook Campus Dean Richard Ludescher opened the event with a small speech about Litt’s positive attributes.
“As you all know, a wellknown sense of humor is not required of a dean. … There are few better ways to nurture and encourage the trust, affection and respect of undergraduates,” Ludescher said. McCormick took the stage after Ludescher and said he was delighted to welcome Litt as the new Douglass College dean. “She is a scholar of achievement, a leader of vision and conviction,” he said. “While each day she was here, we become more delighted and excited about the choice we made in asking her ser vice.” Douglass Gover ning Council President Pamela Chin agreed with McCormick and
INDEX METRO At a City Council meeting, residents discuss the Remsen Avenue Firehouse construction.
OPINIONS A study shows that Congress members taunt each other a quarter of the time in session. See if we gave them a laurel or dart.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 6 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 8 SEAN MACDONALD
Eddy Portnoy, left, a Yiddish language instructor at the University, joins Robert Mankoff, cartoon editor of The New Yorker, for an evening of “Cartooning Jewish New York” last night at the Cook Campus Center.
Students with 30 or more degree credits can register for classes from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 12 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
APRIL 8, 2011
Source: The Weather Channel
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Josh Bakan, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Vinnie Mancuso CORRESPONDENTS — Matthew Canvisser, Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyma, Sam Hellman, A.J. Jankowski, Anastasia Millicker SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Ashley Ross, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, circulation 17,000. The Daily Targum (USPS949240) is published Monday through Friday in New Brunswick, NJ, while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. No part thereof may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the consent of the managing editor. Display and classified advertising may be placed at the above address. Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Postmaster: Send address corrections to The Daily Targum c/o Business Manager, 126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
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APRIL 8, 2011
PA G E 3
Lack of parking spaces inspires ‘greener’ travel BY JADE MCCLAIN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
With Earth Day approaching on April 22, the University found a way to make transportation greener. The Commuter Transit and Parking Ser vices for RutgersNewark hosted its “Second Annual Cherr y Blossom Bike Ride” through Branch Brook Park Wednesday to encourage “green” commuting, said Brad Armstrong, parking of fice super visor. It served as a University initiative to overcome obstacles the increasing student population faces with limited parking spaces. “The direction of the University is to try to get the students and faculty and staff, as well, to commute ‘green’ and think about more responsible ‘green’ behaviors,” he said. “I implement programs that hopefully give students incentives to change their commuting mindset and bring about a new commuting culture.” About 30 students arrived at the starting point at RutgersNewark Bicycle Park, Armstrong said. “There is a lot of enthusiasm for the students to get on their bikes, get some exercise and fresh air, enjoy their environment and see that biking is a viable and sustainable means of commuting to and from the school,” he said. Campus police escorted the group to ensure all students safely crossed the intersection and handled general safety concerns to Branch Brook Park, where various speakers waited for them, he said. Speakers included members of the Branch Brook Park Alliance who discussed the park and the various recreational activities occurring there, Armstrong said. Representatives from the Essex County Sheriff’s Office were also present to assure the students the park was safe, he said. Newark police officers explained how they keep Newark secure despite staff reductions. Members of the Brick City Bike Collective spoke about general bike safety, he said. In addition to encouraging “green” commuting and the use of the University’s bike program,
Armstrong said the ride can also inspire students to become more involved in community activities in surrounding areas. He hopes the event expands and promotes bike riding on a larger scale, beyond saving parking spaces. Armstrong is considering future collaborations with the Brick City Bike Collective to help students become involved in some of the local events like the Tour De Newark. “A vision of mine personally is that I would like to see on the Rutgers-Newark campus a whole bunch of bike enthusiasts get together and form themselves a little bike club,” he said. Bike riders received a free lunch and giveaways, including backpacks, water bottles, helmets and ankle straps, before the trip to Branch Brook Park, he said. The University provided students who did not have bicycles with one of the 14 it owns and 10 it rents. Both rides were held during free periods for students so they did not need to miss classes, Armstrong said. Jaquil White, a RutgersNewark Business School sophomore, noticed the crowd on campus. “I remember seeing people bike riding earlier and hearing about biking for parking spaces,” she said. “I think it is a good idea to put a bit of decline in pollution and it would help with making room for parking.” Some University students saw positive benefits to the ride. Joshua Epstein, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomore, believed it would inspire people to use their bikes more, for both commuting and recreational purposes. “I bike to all of my classes ever yday because I enjoy the experience, and it’s a lot better than having to take the buses,” he said. Epstein said he would like to see the initiative spread throughout the New Brunswick campus, as well. “With our bus system and with the amount of students here at Rutgers, we could save a lot of energy by promoting bike riding and it would also be a lot of fun,” he said.
Students meet to bike ride through Branch Brook Park in Newark to promote enviromentally friendlier ways of transportation.
A panel of speakers discuss understanding the connections between genocide and poverty during “Honoring the Past, Building a Better Future” Wednesday night on Livingston campus.
Group links genocide, poverty BY ANDREA GOYMA CORRESPONDENT
Students from the University’s em[POWER] and Warm Heart organizations collaborated to host “Honoring the Past, Building a Better Future,” an event held Wednesday in which audience members jumped into a discussion on genocide and poverty. Divya Sonti, president of the University chapter of Warm Heart, said her group was motivated to hold the event with hopes to educate students on the problems faced by people in developing countries. “We wanted to host an event like this because I think there’s a difference between doing nice things for people and really understanding what’s going on in developing countries,” said Sonti, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. The panel discussion on genocide and poverty was held at Livingston Hall and featured guest speakers Alex Hinton, director of the Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights at Rutgers-Newark, Elizabeth Amaya-Fernandez, a University health education specialist and Greg Sullivan, program director of IRATE and Friends. Hinton said the most important lesson to learn in reducing poverty is to respect local knowledge. “Whenever you say development, you imply un-development, progress implies regression, civilized implies savagery. So when you use or think in these terms they imply the binary opposite,” said Hinton, a professor of Anthropology and Global Affairs at Rutgers-Newark. Established in Fall 2009,
em[POWER] is a student-run, nonprofit organization that focuses on the dilemma of landfill communities around the world, said em[POWER] President Henry Chao. Em[POWER]’s mission is to establish a methane-based power plant fueled by municipal waste in order to develop schools and community infrastructures in the landfill community, said Chao, a School of Engineering senior. “What we want to do is take organic waste that’s found in these landfills, collect them, put them in a biodigester and collect the methane produced from this waste, then use that to power an electric generator,” he said. Warm Heart, which was founded in 2008 by Michael Shafer, Professor Emeritus of political science at the University, is a nonprofit organization that also focuses on sustainable renewable projects. Shafer and his wife, Evelind Schecter, started the organization when they moved to the village of Phrao in Thailand, Sonti said. “What we’ve found going into this very poor community in northern Thailand is that there are resources, but the people don’t know how to put the pieces together to leverage it and that’s the role we’ve taken,” said Schecter, treasurer and CFO of Warm Heart. University alumna Tara DeWorsop, who left for Thailand after her graduation in 2008, is Warm Heart’s U.S. director and helped found Warm Heart’s Microenterprise Project, Sonti said. “It was definitely a challenge to let [the Thai government] know that we’re not there to tell the community what to do,” DeWorsop said. “It’s more about, ‘You identify the
problem and we’ll provide whatever skills and knowledge to help you.’” University Warm Heart chapter member Takmila Chowdhury, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said microenterprises are like small businesses that often help the Thai people learn how to build sustainable small businesses. “One of the things we’re trying to prevent [through microenterprises] is human sex traf ficking,” Chowdhur y said. “By helping them learn skills and do business, they’re providing money for themselves and their families, which puts children at a lower risk of being victims of sex trafficking.” All Warm Heart artisans are paid retail prices for the product they produce and receive half of the profits generated by Warm Heart sales overseas, said Sabrina Persaud, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences senior. The other 50 percent of the profits goes back to the Microenterprise Project to fund its programs, she said. Em[POWER] also held their second annual Students in Service competition, where one group of University students is awarded a $500 cash prize toward community development, Chao said. This year’s winners were Rutgers Thaakat member Ridah Mannan, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, and Thaakat Executive Director Uzma Bawany, he said. Their project “Raising the Roof” aims to help build five new 10-by-12 yard zinc-roofed homes for five families in Blama Peri, Sierra Leone, Chao said.
APRIL 8, 2011
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday that it rewarded the University a federal grant worth about $100,000 to initiate a bedbug educational outreach program. Over a 19-month period, 50 N.J. city residents will learn to deal with existing bedbug problems and ways to prevent future infestation, according to an article. “Bedbugs are a problem that hits all communities and they are a particular problem in New Jersey, where we have the highest population density in the country,” Judith Enck, EPA regional administrator, said on the EPA website. The University will be able to use the grant to create a model Integrated Pest Management program located in an affordable housing community in Jersey City. With this model, the University will focus on engaging the community, detecting bedbugs early on, learning non-chemical control practices and using insecticides with low toxicity levels, according to the EPA website. A University-conducted survey from February found five out of eight surveyed communities encountered heightened bedbug control costs between 2008 and 2009, according to the EPA website. Three out of 14 surveyed management teams said they could afford it. “The best way to fight bedbugs is to be educated on what does and doesn’t work and to find practical, lower cost ways of reducing infestations,” Enck said on the EPA website. — Reena Diamante
School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Erin Bartnett picks out clothes during Rutgers University Alternative Breaks’ clothing swap Thursday afternoon in the Busch Campus Center International Lounge. People who brought five pieces were able to take five away.
RUSA: Credit union service open to all University affiliates continued from front “[RUSACU] is the only one in New Jersey to recognize current Rutgers University students, alumni and other affiliates, especially students with current ages between 18 and 22, to give them a set hold on their financial process,” she said. A University student started the credit union out of his room in Clothier Hall on the College Avenue campus in the 1980s, and the National Credit Union Association recognizes the credit union, Clarke said. The credit union is open to anyone associated with the University. “Credit unions by far are 1,000 times better than banks,” Clarke said. “Banks make money by lending out money. But credit unions give money back to their users in the form of dividends.”
MINIMUM: University has 70 different greek chapters
RUSA co-adviser Lori Smith said more students should be encouraged to join the credit union as part of their best interests and is concerned a move off campus may discourage this. “[The first step toward keeping the credit union on campus is for] more students to join the credit union,” Smith said. “This would be of the students’ interest, and [they would] find it ver y convenient.” Josh David, a School of Arts and Sciences senator, said targeting parent associations could boost the appeal of the credit union because a lot of students consult their parents for financial support. “Something you might want to do is send out a pamphlet to inform students, to enhance the vitality of this organization,” said David, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. RUSA also discussed the future of the Rutgers University Programming Association’s (RUPA) activities planning.
Members addressed RUPA’s recent af fairs, including “Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s March 31 visit to campus. Kerri Willson, director of Student Involvement at the University, said she was concerned that $32,000 went not only to Snooki, but also toward agent fees, traveling expenses, overnight comedians, two performers and two different shows, among other expenses. She said the department wants students to have a balance of academics and leisure. “[We want] student-life programs that keep you out of the bars on Easton Avenue and let students have fun,” Willson said. Engineering Governing Council representative and School of Engineering junior Ross Kleiman suggested the University democratize large-ticket items such as high-priced artists and put them on a ticket for the student body to vote on in the future.
The University currently recognizes more than 70 different chapters in comparison to the 57 chapters recognized in 2007, with
Tempera said the increase in size would not have a negative effect on regulating policies and University codes. “I do not think having so many organizations will make it harder to keep track of proper behaviors,” she said. “Dean Arnholt and Assistant Dean Amy Vojta do a great job of making themselves available, providing educational resources about all University policies.” Elizabeth O’Connell-Ganges, executive director of Student Life, said the increase in greek organizations at the University proves to be positive, especially with the success of Dance Marathon. “You can look at the numbers and see the benefits,” O’ConnellGanges said. Fraternities and sororities contributed 31,000 of community service hours last year and more than $300,000 dollars in charitable donations this year, she said. “The numbers speak for themselves,” Arnholt said. “The positives definitely outweigh the negatives.”
continued from front sororities and fraternities in the past four years from 1,168 to 3,247 people. “It’s because we’re apart of Student Life now,” she said. “When TUE happened and the department [Student Life] was created, we came in about six months after the initial start, and it’s definitely the logical place for us to be.” Kristen Tempera, president of the Panhellenic Association, said another reason for greek life’s success on campus is the increasing number of first-year students and the greek involvement with the New Student Orientation this past fall. “The fact that the greek community has grown so much, I think students are more aware of our presence on campus and come out to seek more information,” she said.
“I think students are more aware of our presence on campus and come out to seek more information.” KRISTEN TEMPERA Panhellenic Association President
the number anticipated to rise with more student involvement, Arnholt said. “The more we have, the better,” she said. “The more we have, the more students find interest, [which] generates more students thinking about the possibility of going greek.”
CRITIC: Venue moves to
State Theatre in New Brunswick
continued from front
Rutgers University Pr ogramming Association will hold a trip to see “American Idiot” on Broadway with discounted student tickets. The bus depar ts from the Rutgers Student Center at noon and will leave at 9 p.m. after the show. Ticket cost includes the discounted student tickets and travel expenses, and costs $35 for students and $45 for faculty, staff, alumni and guests. Tickets are on sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Student Activities Center. For more information, visit
“Ear th-Size Exoplanets and Intelligent Life in the Universe” is the topic of the annual Henr y R. and Gladys V. Irons Lecture in Physics and Astronomy from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Physics Lecture Hall on Busch Campus. The speaker, Geof frey Marcy, is a professor of astronomy at the University of Califor nia at Berkeley. The Lecture is free and open to the public. For further information, see Ballroom Dance workshops will take place in the College Avenue Gym from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the upper gym, attendees will learn dances for weddings, rumba and swing basics. No experience is required. Participants can attend with or without a partner. There is a rotation system. For experienced dancers, there will be a foxtrot and swing workshop in the main gym. Register at or pay $8 at the door students with RUID and $15 without RUID. There will be a Ballroom Dance Party from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Brian Nash, recreation class instructor and head coach of the Rutgers Ballroom Dance Team, will play music for general ballroom dancing in the main gym of the College Avenue Gym. The event is $5 for students with RUID and $10 without RUID. Proper semiformal attire is requested. No jeans, T-shirts, sneakers or flipflops. For more information call (732) 932-8204 or email Ginormous Games featuring Hot Air Balloon Rides will take place at the Douglass Woodlawn from 5 to 8 p.m. depending on the weather. Crafts and games will be available while in line. Space and time is limited so rides will be given on a first-come, first-ser ved basis. Rain date is slated for April 25. For more information visit
Rutgers Empowering Disabilities hosts “Disability Awareness Day” at the Rutgers Student Center Multipurpose Room. There will be four guest speakers with different disabilities, including alumnus Jacqueline Jackson and Santina Muha, 2009 Ms. Wheelchair. There will be interactive obstacle courses to ‘experience’ disabilities, music and food. First 30 attendees will get a chance to enter raffle. Doors open at 6:30 and runs until 10:30 p.m. Proceeds will go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. For any questions contact
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
for ward to the opinions and advice Schjeldahl can offer the Class of 2011. “Schjeldahl is a relevant choice,” she said. “Some Mason Gross graduates might choose to pursue a career in art criticism.” Although the convocation is usually held in the Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus, the new venue was chosen to accommodate the school’s expanding student body and their families and guests, said Stauffer in an email correspondence. Departmental and school awards for academic and artistic accomplishments will also be presented and retiring faculty and their artistic accomplishments will be recognized, he said.
DEAN: Litt looks to past, future, present as inspiration continued from front gave brief remarks on behalf of the student body. “[Litt’s] past accomplishments as a founding chair of the University of Missouri’s women’s studies depar tment and her work with women’s studies at Iowa State University [and Allegheny College] show her commitment to women’s education,” said Chin, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. In response to McCormick and Chin’s comments, Litt said she is inspired ever y day by three things. “I look back on Douglass’ commitment to its remarkable histor y, I look ahead to Douglass’ connection to a rich
APRIL 8, 2011
The Scarlet Knights Jazz the University commencement, Trombones will also perform at the I can say that it will produce an event, Stauffer said. awe-inspiring, highly nuanced Following the ceremony, a and supremely artistic effect,” reception will be he said. held at the Civic Giancola said Square Building she will be attend“Every graduating in New ing both the class is unique … Mason Gross conBrunswick, Minucci said. vocation and the This is a class Like the Uni v er si t y-wi de School of commencement. of can-do artists Environmental “I’m looking who have followed forward and Biological to being Sciences graduable to share this their passions.” ates, Mason Gross experience with GEORGE STAUFFER students will have more of my family Mason Gross School a signature noisemembers and of the Arts Dean maker to distinfriends because guish them from the [Mason the rest of the Gross] convocagraduating class at the tion is a smaller ceremony where University-wide commencement we can only invite a limited on May 15 at Rutgers Stadium on amount of people, whereas the Busch campus, Stauffer said. [University-wide] commence“While [the noisemaker] is ment allows for unlimited top secret, to be unveiled only at guests,” she said.
The senior theses of Giancola and more than 30 other Mason Gross students are on display until April 15 at the Mason Gross School of the Arts Gallery in New Brunswick. “This art show is an opportunity for senior art students to display our individual talents and is both the conclusion to our time at Mason Gross and the beginning of our future in the fine arts world,” she said. The Mason Gross Class of 2011 has performed at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, danced at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater in New York, exhibited at the White Space gallery in Manhattan and appeared before 106.5 million viewers in a Super Bowl XLIV video with rapper Jay-Z, Stauffer said. “Ever y graduating class is unique … This is a class of can-do artists who have followed their passions,” he said.
Rutgers tradition and I look to and we continue her the present, to the remarkable policy today.” Douglass women on this camIn addition to Litt’s convocapus, tomor row’s leaders,” tion, audience members spent a she said. portion of the In terms of morning discussing what keeps her Mabel Smith “Dean Litt’s past motivated each Douglass’ legacy accomplishments and other influenday, Litt gave the example of tial DRC women. ... show her Mabel Smith “We hold commitment to Douglass, the today’s convocafirst dean of the on Founder’s women’s education.” tion New Jersey Day, which is College for marked each PAMELA CHIN Women, known spring by the assoDouglass Governing now as the DRC. ciate alumna of Council President “ M a b e l Douglass College Smith’s pioneerto celebrate the ing vision gave us a public victories of Mabel Smith women’s college and a legacy Douglass,” McCormick said. of ser vice,” Litt said. “Douglass Douglass traditions are focused on the future for almost as old as the institution, women’s college education, which was founded in 1918, battling the system that exclud- McCormick said. ed women from higher educa“The first graduating class tion in the state of New Jersey of 1922 gave us the Yule log,
the yearbook, sacred path ceremony and the Associate Alumnae Organization, all of which remain vital to the college today,” McCormick said. Audience members included DRC alumna Mar y Zimmerman Chyb, Douglass College Class of 1971, who said she was excited the University’s women’s college remains strong today despite former 1982 Dean Mar y Parkin’s belief that it would die away. “The home that I live in was built by my parents in 1968 and now and then it has changed over the decades. But then again, it is still my home and much has changed in our college,” Chyb said. Chyb said good for tune, hard work and brilliant leaders have made it possible for Douglass to be the college for women and the place where women learn to lead.
PA G E 6
APRIL 8, 2011
City council meeting shows residents divided BY ANDREW SMITH STAFF WRITER
To promote recycling and environmental friendliness, volunteers from the New Brunswick Environmental Commission are recruiting students to serve as block captains.
Group encourages students to clean city BY SAMIRA FARID CONTRIBUTING WRITER
In an effort to recruit more volunteers for its second annual “Stop. Think. Go Green.” program, the New Brunswick Environmental Commission is on the lookout for students who could serve as block captains. With the help of the Depar tment of Public Works, the commission created “Stop. Think. Go Green.,” a program that organizes cleanups with block captains and their neighbors, said Bill Bray, city spokesman. “[The program] is making residents aware of the different sources of litter and how they can change their own personal behavior to help reduce the incidence of litter,” he said. “Our public education program is teaching our elementar y schools about the need to put litter and trash in its place.” Although the program kicked off last December, members became active toward the end of March and are in pursuit of volunteers to become block captains, said Erin Connolly, a member of the New Brunswick Environmental Commission. Block captains are responsible for organizing and executing periodic mini-cleanups. Block captains are also in charge of reaching out to their neighbors and encouraging residents to help clean up neighborhood litter, Connolly said.
“We’re passionate about keeping New Brunswick clean, and my aim is to significantly reduce litter in our city,” she said. The Clean City Captain Program, established last year under “Stop. Think. Go Green.,” supplies residents with recycling bags, gloves, garbage bags and all kinds of other products and information to encourage a greener city environment, said Steven Haddens, a New Brunswick block captain. The program is growing steadily, and there is currently an organization at the University called Hub City Cleanup Crew, Bray said. “We started Hub Cleanup Crew through Rutgers because we wanted students to help pick up trash during the weekend,” said Haddens, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “After becoming official, we got a budget from the school.” Connolly started a Facebook page called, “New Brunswick Clean City Program,” to keep residents up-to-date with the progress of “Stop. Think. Go Green.” “We also distribute information to other neighbors who might not have participated to let them know how the block got cleaned,” Bray said. People can either volunteer for future cleanups or help by changing how they handle their trash, primarily reducing litter, Haddens said. That is one of the first things volunteers educate community members on while collecting garbage twice a week.
Haddens said he is pleased with the progress of the cleanups and hopes to clean up many different areas of the city. “The cleanup really doesn’t take very long, and so far [as of April] we’ve done four cleanups,” he said. “We started Hub City Cleanup through the school, so we do one every week.” So far, 27 people are involved with “Stop. Think. Go Green.,” Haddens said. “After cleanup, we give free pizza and soda for ever yone that comes and helps,” he said. “All the block captains are free to choose the day and time they want to clean up. Usually there are 12 to 15 students that come out.” To recruit more volunteers, the commission held a meeting in March to recognize the most successful block captains, Connolly said. “The environmental commission’s meeting was very successful and it allowed for more people to get on board and go ‘green,’” she said. Bray said the Hub Cleanup Crew’s cleanups, in which volunteers hand out litterbags to people in city parking lots ever y month, have impacted New Br unswick in the best possible way. “You would be amazed at the amount of impact something as simple as picking up red cups after a party will have,” he said. “All litter is manmade, and if we can change how people behave, we can eliminate it.”
Community members at last night’s City Council meeting were unhappy about several issues, including the Buccleuch Park sewage pump. The sewage pump renovation was opposed most strongly by New Brunswick resident Bruce Newling on several grounds. The City of New Brunswick reported no more space other than what the original pump currently occupies — a 378 square-foot region — will be used in the renovation. But Newling, who measured the ground himself, thinks the current pump occupies 203 square feet and therefore the city is using an additional 105 feet in the renovation. “The city has misrepresented its application to the state, and you can’t go forward with the public hearing tomorrow because of that fact,” he said. “You have advertised erroneous information. You’ve said there’s no diversion of land addition to what’s currently used, but there is additional land being used.” Thomas Loughlin, city business administrator, said the city employed a surveying company for the area and that he also measured it himself. Regardless, Newling argued that council members are not professional surveyors or geographers, as he himself was. The members of the council did not deny they had no professional experience in this capacity. Newling was also concerned that the underground tunnel system was not strong enough to prevent sewage from pouring into the river. Loughlin said the reason for renovating the pump was purely to avoid such discharge. “We are not ignorant of the storm store matter. It was a matter of a huge argument back in November as to where
the storm store system discharged,” he said. “It’s one of the reasons we’re building the pump station in the first place. It’s antiquated equipment. We don’t want discharge into the river.” Newling was advised to attend to the public hearing last night to express his concerns, as the council said this was not the appropriate venue to be expressing such concerns. Other issues of concern during the meeting included parking spot removals and additions, the approval of city property for a variety of activities and the Remsen Avenue Firehouse rehabilitation. The council, faced with passing a bond ordinance to authorize the $2 million appropriation for the rehabilitation of the firehouse and a down payment of $96,000, encountered concerns from Charles Renda, a New Brunswick resident. Specifically, Renda worried about the use of Community Square funds to alleviate debt and whether it was a necessity for the funds to go toward the renovation. “You had mentioned the fact that there was $825,000 coming in from Community Square that would be applied to this debt in the near future,” he said. “Is there anything in this paperwork or in the ordinance or in the bond issue itself that requires the money be applied there?” Council President Robert Recine addressed the concerns and said the council did not know if this was stipulated directly but would check. He also said it would be unlikely for the funds to go toward other projects. Among the approved ordinances at the meeting were the use of the Buccleuch Park pavilion for “Change your Mind Day,” an event sponsored by the So Shim Sa Zen Center, as well as several contracts for baseball field fences.
At the last City Council meeting, residents voiced concerns over the city’s handling of the Buccleuch Park sewage pump.
PA G E 8
APRIL 8, 2011
Week in review: laurels and darts
f it seems to you like Congress members spend far too much time bickering and far too little time getting anything done, well, according to Har vard University Professor Gar y King, you’re right. King conducted a study in which he searched for trends in the writings of Congress members. He found — perhaps unsurprisingly for some — that Congress members spend 27 percent of the time “taunting each other.” Yeah, we’re pretty upset by that, too. While we had a hunch that it was the case, seeing it in cold, hard numbers is just downright depressing. We give the Congress members d ar ts for wasting so much time. To think, we’re paying them. *
The University is such a large school with so many events occurring all the time that it’s incredibly difficult for students to keep up with what is going on. Often, this leads to people missing great events that they had no idea about in the first place. That’s why Thomas O’Malley, a School of Engineering junior, had the right idea to develop the “Student Event Finder.” The Facebook app collects events happening all over the University, as well as at other colleges, and presents them all to users on one page. This is just the sort of thing that Facebook should be used for — making staying connected to the world easier. We lau rel O’Malley for putting in the time and effort to make this app. *
Bill O’Reilly is, as ever yone knows, a perennial curmudgeon. The man never seems to have a nice thing to say. Even when he’s tr ying to dole out a compliment, he cannot do it without letting something nasty seep out, as evidenced by his comments about “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. O’Reilly called Stewart the “smartest of the left-wingers on television,” praising Stewart’s comments about the Obama campaign’s 2012 launch video. O’Reilly said, “You know, he’s smart to do that … even though his audience is primarily stoned slackers who vote left no matter who’s running.” We give O’Reilly a d ar t for being, well, kind of a jerk, even when he’s making an attempt at playing nice. Honestly, O’Reilly, if this is what you think a compliment is, perhaps it’s best to stick to criticism. *
Following the explosive reaction to the Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi debacle, School of Arts and Sciences junior Paul Tranquilli started a Facebook group entitled “College Avenue Freeze Out: Let’s Bring the Boss to Rutgers.” According to Tranquilli, “[The University’s] image is tarnished, and bringing someone like Br uce here will help people refresh their thoughts about Rutgers.” While we don’t necessarily agree that bringing Bruce Springsteen to the University will really change anything, we enjoy seeing students start grassroots movements in an attempt to incite change. For this, we give Tranquilli a lau rel. Even if we don’t think Springsteen is enough to combat the poor light Snooki cast on the University, we still think it would be awesome to have him come play. We’re hoping for the best. *
When Gov. Chris Christie isn’t out pushing reform of all stripes in New Jersey, he takes the time to stay in touch with the little people — including Jesse Koczon, the 5-year-old Old Bridge boy who became an Internet sensation when a video of him cr ying because he was “too small to be the governor” went viral. Christie’s response? He signed a proclamation Wednesday that made Koczon honorar y governor for the day. This is a pretty heart-warming stor y, and it speaks to the depth of Christie’s heart. Regardless of what you think of him as a politician, you have to admit: He has proven himself to be a pretty good guy. We give Christie a lau rel for paying attention to even the smallest residents of the state.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “You would be amazed at the amount of impact something as simple as picking up red cups after a party will have.” Bill Bray, city spokesman, on cleaning up New Brunswick
MTV— stop ruining remakes Frontlines D
Krasinski and his plethora of o you remember Jim faces? when MTV It’s about who picks it up launched its first and the way they handle the music video, “Video Killed show. If you’re taking somethe Radio Star” by The thing that is known to be Buggles? Neither do I, but I raunchy and controversial, hear it was an exciting TAYLERE PETERSON why would you put it on a moment in pop culture. channel where you cannot Well, The Buggles were a give it enough room to be dirty? British synthpop/New Wave band and their song Watching the MTV version of “Skins,” I couldn’t entered history in 1979 when MTV used the band’s help but laugh whenever characters’ f-words were to-be one-hit wonder (random fact: about 2 minutes bleeped out — that, and the actors had two modes and 57 seconds into the video, Hans Zimmer can be of talking, monotone and yelling. The essences of seen playing a keyboard). characters I love were dissolved into cheap The Limousines, an Indietronica band from American remakes with awful wardrobes and a lack California, released an album last year that included of believability. a single called “Internet Killed the Video Star.” And An example of a remake gone great and executed believe it or not, it’s a reworking of The Buggles’ correctly is Showtime’s launch of “Shameless,” a racy original song. show about a low-class Chicago family whose trouI don’t want to say the song is bad because I like it bles revolve around their alcoholic, mostly-absent and actually do think it’s more of an homage than a father. Although the characters are almost completerip-off, but it’s a great example of how Americans have ly derived from the British original, a habit of taking things already made the actors have run with the molds and trying to do it all over again, and “The essences and made them into real people. some people are really bad at it. In the case of “Shameless,” I have MTV is a prime suspect. of characters not seen the original and do not feel When I heard MTV was picking I love were dissolved the desire to — especially since its up “Skins” to be Americanized, pure eight seasons are virtually unavailhorror and rage flooded through my into cheap able unless bought, and I’m too poor. mind, body and soul. The UK version of “Skins,” which airs on a American remakes.” Showtime did a more than sufficient job, giving them the room to curse British cable channel called E4 in and drink profusely and swim in a the vein of HBO, may just be about pool completely naked. a group of college-attending teenagers who drink, It was announced last month that MTV plans to sleep around and consume drugs like water — but remake “Inbetweeners,” a popular British show it was the characters that made the series unforgetthat could be described as a wacky, clever teen sex table, not necessarily their outrageous actions. comedy. This isn’t going to go well, guys. The kind of character I’m talking about is the type Especially since other up-coming shows include that cannot be recreated, the one-in-a-million kind of “Teen Wolf” — really? Two movies weren’t people who can only be played by the actors that first enough? — and a revamp of “Beavis and Butthead.” slipped into them. And MTV thinks that a handful of So let’s review. Problem: Taking something once nobodies who can’t act could manage to pull off the great and making it crappy. Culprit: MTV. casual ease of personality actors like Joe Dempsie Underlying issue that would take another column to and Jack O’Connell had in playing Chris and Cook articulate: Our culture has a lack of creativity and (from Generations One and Two, respectively)? cannot think of its own ideas. I’m not saying it’s impossible to remake things Warning to MTV: If you dare try to pick up into equal or even better versions. I enjoy the U.S. “Misfits,” I will be furious. And it would tank, version of “The Office” with the kind of pleasure because there is nobody else on this planet as hilarsmall children experience when consuming their piliously crude and inappropriate as Robert Sheehan. lowcase of candy on Halloween: gleefully gluttonous. But NBC did it right. Yes, they took certain Taylere Peterson is a School of Arts and Sciences archetypes of characters from the British version junior majoring in journalism and media studies and threw them at American actors to run with. But and English with a minor in art history. She is the who cannot agree Steve Carrell plays an amazing managing editor of The Daily Targum. Michael Scott? And who isn’t in love with John
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
APRIL 8, 2011
University needs participation, not spectacle Letter ANDREW FOLTZ-MORRISON
ollowing the controversy surrounding Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s visit to the University, a group of students have undertaken a project to bring Bruce Springsteen to campus. The leader of this effort gave his reasoning in Thursday’s brief in The Daily Targum, titled, “Facebook group hopes to draw Springsteen to campus”: “[Our] image is tarnished and bringing someone like Bruce here will help people refresh their thoughts about Rutgers.” While I am a longtime fan of Springsteen’s music, this effort is completely misplaced. Replacing one N.J. celebrity with another misses the point entirely. The University should not judge the strength of its reputation on the names of the celebrities it can bring to campus. The effort to improve the school by bringing Springsteen trivializes the lessons we can learn from the controversy about Snooki into a shallow argument about
which celebrities are “better” for the school. Students have begun to ask questions about what Rutgers University Programming Association’s (RUPA) role is and what its relationship to the student body should be. I agree with the sentiment expressed in Thursday’s letter in The Daily Targum, titled, “Students must control events”: Having a student-run programming association can be a powerful catalyst for building a vibrant student culture. I also wholeheartedly agree with the author’s calls for further transparency within the organization. But I think the divisiveness of the Snooki controversy points to a larger issue, one that calls into question the structure of RUPA. Many students expressed the idea that they had little say in this decision about how their campus fees were spent. According to Monday’s brief in The Daily Targum, titled, “RUPA says 2,000 students asked for Snooki appearance”: “Before selecting a performer, RUPA members brainstorm ideas, analyze trends in campus programming and gauge student input while maintaining an
annual programming budget.” This resembles the work of a marketing department, not an organization that should be accountable to the students who pay its fees. Such an arrangement reduces most students to the role of consumers of pre-selected events. It’s unsurprising, then, that many
“We ought to re-examine the relationship between RUPA and independent student events.” students feel the work of RUPA does not reflect their interests, even if events like Snooki’s appearance are very well attended. RUPA is playing for popularity, not participation. If we want the University to have an interesting culture, then we should strive to build arrangements that foster student participation beyond sur veys
In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum has decided to change the policy regarding the posting of comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to say hateful things to one another and about the writers of the pieces they are commenting on. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.
and websites. Rather than trying to see which media figures do best in polls of student preferences, we should work toward a culture in which students work democratically to create art and events that genuinely reflect student life at the University. There are plenty of organizations that do this on campus, but they are not the focus of RUPA’s support. Students will feel more engaged if they and their peers can be direct participants in the cultural life of the University, not merely passive spectators of prearranged spectacles. The University touts itself as a culturally and intellectually attractive place to be, but a truly interesting university culture emerges from a focus on students and ideas. The more the University tries to simply bring in popular culture from outside, the more it loses its own distinctive identity as a school. While exposure to outside ideas is undoubtedly very important, the University must do more to promote student-generated arts and culture. It’s easy to lay blame solely at the feet of RUPA for these
shortcomings, but I think that oversimplifies the issue. If students feel alienated from the cultural events that happen at the University, then they should take a more active role in shaping those events. While I do believe that a democratic, student-generated culture at the University will ultimately be more interesting and rewarding for students, it will also require more work. I think the conversation sparked by Snooki’s visit can help us figure out a better way to organize the cultural life of the University. We ought to re-examine the relationship between RUPA and independent student events, and figure out how to best support a culture in which all students have an opportunity to meaningfully participate. This will help revitalize students’ perception of the University far more than any single celebrity visit. When that happens, the University will have a reputation it can take pride in. Andrew Foltz-Morrison is a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior majoring in philosophy and geography.
COMMENT OF THE DAY “Everyone complains about tuition prices, but when an opportunity to legitimately affect the decision-makers was given, almost no one showed up.” User “NLang” in response to April 7th’s “Laurels and darts”
PA G E 1 0
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
APRIL 8, 2011
Today's Birthday (04/08/11). It's all right to question your purpose, which will certainly be an interesting inquiry. Choose projects that are close to your heart, and go for them. You have much to gain, and nothing to lose. Give it a try. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — occur, so avoid tooting your own Today is a 7 — Accept a generous horn and focus on listening. offer. Get the facts to the right per- Keep communications clear. son. Reaffirm a commitment. Slow Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — and steady does it. Keep focusing Today is an 8 — Even with all of on your goals, even if they if they today's distractions, concentrate seem as far away as ever. Heed the on providing good service. Play voice of experience. by the rules, and accept another Taurus (April 20-May 20) — assignment for a bonus. This Today is a 7 — Accept a generboosts morale. ous offer. Count an awkward Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — moment as another learning Today is a 7 — Accept wellexperience. Don't let a minor earned acknowledgment. Predisagreement mess up all your pare for more than you think plans. Compromise. you can cover in the allotted Gemini (May 21-June 21) — time. This is the stuff that's been Today is an 8 — Pay attention to winning that recognition. kitchen or plumbing care. SoluSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — tions and new opportunities get Today is a 7 — Keep quiet about revealed in conversation with finances, but don't go into debt. others. Fulfill your promises, Use your whole mind and body. and money comes in. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — Keep planting Today is a 7 — Rules simplify those seeds and nurturing the things. You and a distant colsoil for a plentiful harvest. Postleague see eye to eye. If you stum- pone travel plans. Shift things ble, get up again. Don't fret about around. Keep the focus, even for the money. Two heads are better others easily distracted. than one to resolve an issue. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today Today is a 7 — Practice playing is a 7 — Old, high-quality stanby the rules. It pays off. Don't be dards show their value. Ask for too demanding in love today. Lisrecommendations, and keep a ten in and to the silence. Work stash in reserve. It's not a good behind close doors for efficiency. time to travel or to try a new Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — trick. Grab happiness from a Today is a 6 — Today is not a glimmer, and focus on it. good day for travel or work. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Expand in the direction of least Today is a 7 — Avoid making resistance. Get support from the the mistakes of another. Romangroup. Imagine the future. tic misunderstandings could Enjoy peaceful moments. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Happy Hour
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APRIL 8, 2011
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PA G E 1 2
APRIL 8, 2011
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APRIL 8, 2011
SKID: Coach cites shot, goal disparity as concern area continued from back “[If] you shoot 47 times, you have to score more than eight goals — simple as that,” Stagnitta said. “We have to finish our opportunities and get a little sharper on the offensive side of the ball for sure.” But that is not to say the Knights defense is completely without its own problems that need remedying. The defensive woes go back to the Knights’ 12-4 loss to No. 10 Army, a game that saw stretches of time in which the Black Knights seemed to score at will. “It goes back to a couple of things, defense being one of them,” Stagnitta said. “We make a couple of mistakes defensively a game, and our opponents always take advantage of them.” And despite the problems facing the Knights, Stagnitta and Co. know they have potential. The team got off to a torrid 4-0 start this season and hopes to get back to their winning ways. “It’s only a matter of time before it all comes together for this group. Things get better every week,” Stagnitta said.
“Everything that’s happened in the past week, it’s not for lack of effort, that’s for sure.” And hopefully things come together quickly, since the Knights ride a three-game losing streak that cannot continue if they hope to earn an NCAA Tournament bid, which eluded Rutgers since the 2004 season. “It’s one we have to get,” Stagnitta said Saturday’s game at Marist. “We just have to keep getting better, and I think we are capable of getting better.” But Stagnitta is not the only one who knows the Knights near a do-or-die situation if they do not pick up a win this weekend. “It’s a really big game considering we’ve lost our past three,” said junior midfielder Mike Diehl. “But I think we’ve finally learned from our mistakes. We’re really going to bring it to the practice field this week and Saturday we’ll be ready.” No matter the opponent this weekend, the most important problems that need fixing stem from the Knights’ own side of the field. “We prepare for these things, but our focus and our decisionmaking has to be better,” Stagnitta said. “Our focus and our preparation at the end of the day are the things we just have to get better at.”
Senior outfielder Mickenzie Alden drove in four runs in Rutgers’ second win against Iona yesterday, including a walk-off single.
WINS: Nos. 1 through 9 hitters register 22 hits vs. Iona continued from back “I think that performance was huge for her,” Sisco said. “Iona wasn’t too bad of a hitting team and she pitched them well. She’s going to be ready for this weekend.” Offensively, Rutgers was as dominant as it has been all season. The entire batting order produced in the doubleheader, combining for 22 hits in 51 at-bats. Sophomore second baseman Jennifer Harabedian was the only starter without a multi-hit day, but she made up for it with her first career home run. In the second game, outfielders Mickenzie Alden and Loren Williams caused the most trouble for Iona pitchers Sarah Jackson and Eileen McCann. Alden drove in four runs, including a walk-off single in the fifth inning, and Williams reached base three times from the leadoff spot. The freshman centerfielder stole four bags and moved to 14 steals on the season. “At home, you have to set the tempo on the field before you get an at-bat, so it’s up to our pitchers to get it started,” Alden said. “Our pitchers were outstanding today and we just kept hitting. It’s definitely a lot
better feeling when you’re up to bat and your pitchers are on fire.” The first game was competitive until the Knights put up five runs in the third and fourth innings with clutch hitting by sophomore Kaci Madden. The catcher drove in the first two runs of the game on a single and finished with three RBI. Madden also made the headsup play of the day behind the plate in the top of the third inning. With the bases loaded and one out, Madden forced a runner out at home and caught another runner napping on third base to end the inning and preserve the shutout. The three-game winning streak and pitching improvements bode well for Rutgers as it fights for an improved standing within the conference. In 11th place going into the weekend series with Seton Hall, the Knights could jump as high as fourth place with a sweep over the last-place Pirates. “We’re not going out there thinking about our record because we have the mindset that we need to win every game,” Curran said. “We’re going out there this weekend thinking we’re going to sweep Seton Hall and that’s it. That’s what we have to think, and that’s what we’re going to do.”
APRIL 8, 2011
Rutgers splits team up on eve of home meet
TRIP: Team enters weekend on heels of pair of road wins continued from back challenge is adjusting to different cour t conditions ever y week and to how fast or slow the courts are.” Rutgers traveled to Morgantown, W.Va., last weekend and defeated both Pittsburgh and West Virginia by indentical 6-1 scores on consecutive days. The Knights venture through the Big East landscape once again on Saturday to square of f against Georgetown at noon in Washington, D.C. “We have beaten Georgetown in the past, but they are having an exceptional year,” said head coach Ben Bucca. “This past weekend the score may have shown a decisive victor y, but the matches were ver y close and highly contested. Ever yone on the team expects the same thing when we play Georgetown.” The key to Rutgers’ success this weekend will be doubles, as is usually the case. The Knights were ver y inconsistent in doubles play earlier in the season but were nearly flawless during their eight-match winning streak. “Doubles has improved over the past month, for sure,” said freshman Stefania Balasa. “Winning the doubles point significantly improves our chance at winning the match as a whole and helps us go into singles with a bit less pressure.” Bucca experimented with the Nos. 2 and 3 doubles slots ever since the team’s Spring Break trip to New Orleans. Junior Leonora Slatnick and freshman Vanessa Petrini had marginal success in the No. 2 slot, winning one out of two matches last weekend in
Senior captain Amy Zhang led the Knights’ improved singles play, combined with their change in fortune in doubles. Morgantown, but Balasa and junior Morgan Ivey swept the weekend in the No. 3 position. “We played well in doubles — that was the consensus of the team,” Bucca said. “We’re definitely star ting to click, and the result is that it is showing in our record.” Doubles is not the only area where the Knights currently click, as Zhang led the singles charge for her surging squad. The captain has not lost a singles match since late Februar y and handled all obstacles in her path. “I feel like I’ve been playing pretty well,” Zhang said. “The conditions at the courts in West
Virginia last weekend were weird, so it was a little bit of a challenge playing there. I’m expecting to win both matches this weekend. Georgetown should be a tough match, but I am looking for ward to it.” Zhang and Co. are not afraid to display their confidence, but they earned that right on this long winning streak. As for their coach, he just wants to take things one match at a time. “We need to come out ready to play just like any other match,” Bucca said. “If we do that and play well, then we should be able to continue our winning ways.”
The Rutgers men’s track and field team is splitting up this weeke n d , MEN’S TRACK w h e n part of RUTGERS AT the team RU INVITATIONAL stays in TOMORROW, 10 A.M. state for t h e Rutgers Invitational and the other travels west to Phoenix for the Sun Angel Classic at Arizona State. “I’m excited to go to Arizona and get a chance to compete in really nice weather,” said junior sprinter Steve Werner. “It’s a very good meet, and it will be a great place for us to put up some good numbers.” This early in the outdoor season, the Scarlet Knights have been dealing with less-than-stellar weather conditions, like high winds and rain. The trip to Arizona offers those members of the team traveling a chance to compete in a warmer climate. “It’s all about chasing the weather, really,” said head coach Mike Mulqueen. “They run explosive events, and it’s good to get them out there in the warmer weather.” In addition to Werner, five other Knights are traveling west. Mulqueen also sends members of the team to Arizona to get a chance to compete against different teams and conferences. “With the competition’s location moving westward for the weekend, we should run into some guys we wouldn’t normally see until nationals,” said senior thrower Jeremy Pennino. “We’re hoping to perform big.” Pennino, along with throwing teammates senior Chris Bradley and junior James Plummer, hope
to use the higher level of competition as an opportunity to qualify for NCAA Nationals in the summer. The three throwers have already qualified for Big East Championships. The rest of the team will stay at Rutgers for its first home meet of the season at Bauer Track and Field Complex on Livingston campus. “It’s nice to compete at home two weeks in a row,” Mulqueen said. “About 600 athletes are expected and some alumni are coming back to compete.” The Knights host the Metropolitan Championships next weekend, which is a much bigger meet drawing more teams. Freshman runner Corey Caidenhead looks forward to the Rutgers Invitational as the first home meet of his collegiate career. “Overall, I feel it’s a blessing to perform in front of people who support you,” Caidenhead said. “It motivates you to do better. Having family, friends, alumni and fans watch us perform will make this home meet inspirational.” Also on the minds of the Knights is the upcoming Big East Championship meet in early May. Each meet before then is a chance to achieve a better qualifying time or mark. “The main goal of this weekend is to just get prepared for Big Easts and make sure we’re moving in the right direction,” Werner said. The Big East conference named Plummer Men’s Field Athlete of the Week on Tuesday after he won the discus throw at the Colonial Relays last weekend in Virginia. The Rutgers Invitational is this Saturday at 10 a.m., at the Bauer Track and Field Complex.
APRIL 8 , 2011
Word on the Street
ormer St. Patrick High School boys’ basketball coach Kevin Boyle stepped down yesterday from his position at the dominant Elizabeth, N.J., school. Boyle spent 23 years leading the Celtics, but will take over the same position at Montverde Academy (Fla.). He ran into problems last season with St. Patrick, which the NJSIAA investigated and barred from the playoffs due to illegal practices. Boyle made St. Patrick one of the “Big Three” high school basketball programs in the state, along with St. Benedict’s and St. Anthony. St. Patrick most recently produced Villanova guard Corey Fisher, North Carolina guard Dexter Strickland and Duke guard Kyrie Irving, who declared for the NBA Draft yesterday after one season. Senior forward Michael Gilchrist is headed to Kentucky.
Gamecocks suspended quarterback Stephen Garcia for the fifth time in his career due to “behavior that is unacceptable.” Head coach Steve Spurrier confirmed the suspension would last throughout the spring semester, and further action would be decided upon afterward. Spurrier would not go into details on what caused the suspension. The suspension for the troubled quarterback — his second this spring — is just the latest in a string of incidents since Garcia arrived at the school. Garcia released a statement on March 24, stating, “nothing bad is going to happen again.”
William “The Refrigerator” Perry had his one and only Super Bowl ring returned to him with the help of a 10-year-old boy named Cliff Forest. Forrest reached deep into his college savings to withdraw $8,500 to buy Perry’s ring, which was for sale in New York. The 10-year-old took a flight to Chicago to attend an autograph session and return the ring to Perry, who was recently diagnosed with GuillainBarre syndrome. The lineman and occasional goal-line running back, who led the 1985 Bears to a Super Bowl win, declined to comment on how his ring ended up for sale.
the NFL players’ union debate is far from over, the two sides agreed to continue talking but cannot agree as to where. A lawyer representing players suing the NFL wrote to District Judge Susan Richard Nelson, stating that the players are willing to reengage in mediation in her federal court in St. Paul, Minn. But the NFL sent its own letter proposing to resume talks more than 1,000 miles to Washington in the office of Federal Mediator George Cohen.
Junior tight end D.C. Jefferson caught only 10 passes for 166 yards and a score last season but figures to be more involved in new offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti’s pro-style offense, which will be predicated on the running game.
Jefferson focuses on off-the-field factors BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
At 6-foot-6 and 258 pounds, junior D.C. Jefferson has all the physical tools to be an imposing presence at tight end FOOTBALL for the Rutgers football team. So it is only fitting that Jefferson’s biggest adjustments occur off the field, where the Winter Haven, Fla., native works with firstyear offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti and first-year tight ends coach Brian Angelichio. “Personally, I think I’ve been doing pretty good,” Jefferson said. “I haven’t done the best, but we just have to get into our playbooks and get everything together. I just want to master the playbook, give myself the most opportunities and our offense the most opportunities to excel.” The former quarterback recruit now has a full year and offseason at tight end under his belt and has the potential to be a featured receiver in Cignetti’s pro-style offense.
But head coach Greg Schiano still wants to see more from Jefferson and the tight end unit as a whole during the spring, while the rest of the offense grasps Cignetti’s offensive formula. “Consistency,” Schiano said of his expectations for the tight ends. “We’re still not consistent with any area of the game, whether it’s footwork, pass receiving. There’s talent there — we just need to get more consistent.” In order to fulfill Schiano’s requirement, Jefferson regularly spends post-practice time with Angelichio working on footwork and getting off the line of scrimmage. Through four spring practices, Jefferson is a fan of Angelichio, who ser ved under the same capacity last season at Pittsburgh, along with Cignetti and defensive backs coach Jeff Hafley. “He’s a great tight end coach,” Jefferson said. “He’s very strict on our details and stuff and helps us out on the field so we can focus on it. He knows a lot of things that help us out.”
Jefferson caught a modest 10 passes for 166 yards and one touchdown in his first full season at tight end after converting from quarterback in 2009. The former Louisiana State commit juggled with a completely revamped offensive line last season, along with a pair of starting signal callers, including sophomore Chas Dodd. Jefferson has a “pretty good” relationship with Dodd, and the multiple offensive tackle rotations during the spring have not hindered his chemistry with the line unit, he said. “When everyone is in their playbooks, and we’re all at one, everyone syncs together,” Jefferson said. “So it’s just playing ball and having fun. Outside of football and stuff, we all mingle with each other.” The prospect of playing in a run-first offense — prompted by Schiano and directed by Cignetti — should open up passing lanes down the field for the physically imposing junior, but Jefferson will compete for
passes with a host of skilled wide receivers. The emergence of the middle tier of the Scarlet Knights’ receiving corps during the spring suddenly put receptions at a premium, and Jefferson is up for the challenge, he said. “I like the competition — it makes us play better,” Jefferson said. “I’m excited to be amongst each other, playing good, doing well. That’s what wins games.” Despite the expectations for the of fensive unit under Cignetti, Jefferson still has modest goals for himself to close out spring practice. Jefferson suffered nagging lower-body injuries throughout the 2010 campaign, and the prospect of focusing on a familiar gameplan — one similar to his true freshman season — is enough for him to tackle for the remainder of the spring. “I just want to see myself getting better ever y day,” Jefferson said. “I don’t want to be at a standstill.”
Rookie makes instant impact under Brand BY JOSH BAKAN STAFF WRITER
Second in the Big East in points allowed, the Rutgers women’s lacrosse team’s defense WOMEN’S LACROSSE f i n a l l y found success with a blend of experienced defenders and some who are new to the mix. One of the players who bridged the gap between the two groups was freshman Chelsea Intrabartola, who landed the starting job in the second game of her collegiate career. And the freshman defender is blending right in with the veterans. “I think it’s an honor,” Intrabartola said. “I feel privileged to be out there. I learn from them, and they give me advice every game and every practice.” Although the defender is just star ting her collegiate career, she transitioned more easily than most freshmen not only because of her skill, but also because of her
confidence playing with the Brand had a message for her Scarlet Knights. defense and the entire team after “It’s definitely a lot more an 11-6 loss last Friday to Notre competitive than anywhere I’ve Dame: be more aggressive. played before, but I tr y not to Many of the Knights took that think of it that way,” Intrabartola message to heart in their 19-9 vicsaid. “These girls are students tory over Monmouth earlier this just like me and athweek, especially letes just like me. I tr y Intrabartola. not to think of the “She did have a great competition level game against them and while I play.” really took to heart the By the numbers, it things that we were saylooked like ing in terms of being Intrabartola’s breakout more aggressive on game was on Tuesday defense, and we sent against Monmouth, that message to everywhen the Commack, body as a whole,” Brand CHELSEA N.Y., native caused INTRABARTOLA said. “I think she really four turnovers for a stepped up and took that career high. to heart.” But Intrabartola has been a Intrabartola not only consisconsistent defender all season, tently showed the heart to secure even when her production does a key role on defense, but she not show up in the box score. also showed the ability as a one“I think she did step up and on-one defender. start taking more chances than “She’s probably one of — if not she has been, but I don’t want to our best [one-on-one] defender,” discredit the job she’s done prior Brand said. “There have been very to the Monmouth game,” said few defenders that I’ve seen in my head coach Laura Brand. time here that can guard [Rutgers
leading scorer] Marley Welsh. She consistently stops her in practice.” When Intrabartola was recruited, she had more experience under her belt than just high school lacrosse. She participated in the Under17 World Championship in 2007 at Trent University in Canada and also served as a reserve player on the Long Island Empire team in 2008, which also included sophomore teammates Stephanie Anderson and Lily Kalata. Her experience up to that point helped Brand see Intrabartola’s potential to make an early impact when she recruited the defender to Rutgers. And so far, that vision holds true. “It always comes down to how confident they feel when they get here, and how well they blend into practice and really show what they can do,” Brand said of incoming freshmen. “She’s a smart defender and she understands team defense, so it didn’t take her too long to learn the system and learn how things are done.”
PA G E 1 6
APRIL 8, 2011
Knights earn pair of wins over Iona BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Junior pitcher Noelle Sisco brought her record to 4-5 on the season yesterday, when she picked up a Game 1 win over Iona. Sisco allowed just three hits, which all came in the third inning and struck out four batters in her first shutout of the season.
A different Rutgers softball team greeted the RU Softball Complex in yesterday’s doubleheader. SOFTBALL Twelve days IONA 3 removed from an embarrassing 23-0 RUTGERS 11 home loss to Syracuse, the Scarlet Knights gelled on both sides of the ball, run-ruling Iona twice in a sweep. Rutgers (13-21, 1-5) dropped the Gaels, 8-0, and, 11-3, in a pair of games that ended after five innings because of mercy rules. “This is the way we should be playing,” said junior Lindsey Curran, who had her first home at-bats of the season after a hand injury. “It feels good to beat up on a team. We’re a really good hitting team, and this is what we should be doing to teams all of the time.” Junior Noelle Sisco dominated the Iona hitters in Game 1 with her first shutout of the season. Sisco fanned four hitters and was perfect with the exception of a three-hit third inning. She advances to 4-5 on the season with the win. “I think our confidence started to build up [after beating Connecticut],” Sisco said. “We started to put it together then, and it kept going through this week. We’re definitely pitching better.” Freshman Megan Williams took her first step to winning back her confidence in Game 2, picking up a complete-game victory and allowing just two runs. Williams, who began the season 5-1, improves to 6-5 with the victory.
RU tries to end skid in Marist visit
Matches with Hoyas, ’Cats cap road trip BY MATT CANVISSER
With only three matches remaining on the schedule, the Rutgers tennis team reached the home stretch with an opportunity for one last TENNIS push up the Big East ladder. RUTGERS AT The Scarlet GEORGETOWN Knights conclude TOMORROW, NOON the road portion of their schedule this weekend with a pair of conference matches on Saturday and Sunday at Georgetown and Villanova, respectively. “I’m ver y confident about our standing in the conference heading into this weekend,” said senior captain Amy Zhang. “We are shooting for the sixth seed, which would be ver y advantageous at the Big East Tournament.” The Knights rose quickly in the Big East standings with five straight conference wins, but they all took place on the road. The team has yet to play a single match on the Rutgers campus, and this weekend will not be any different. “It has been tough. We would just love a home match where our friends could come,” Zhang said. “The biggest
Junior midfielder Mike Diehl and the Knights enter tomorrow’s road contest at Marist after three consecutive losses, two of which occurred during Big East play.
In the midst of a three-game skid — two in the Big East — the Rutgers men’s lacrosse team’s next game against lowly Marist may be what it needs to get MEN’S LACROSSE back on track. But head coach RUTGERS AT Jim Stagnitta believes MARIST the Scarlet Knights TOMORROW, 1 P.M. should be more focused on overcoming an even bigger obstacle: themselves. “We’re our own worst enemy. As much as anything else, it’s us that’s the problem,” Stagnitta said. “I still haven’t seen the team that came out and beat us by themselves. It’s still hard to convince me that we’ve played a team that you look at and you say, ‘OK, that team is that much better than our team.’” Stagnitta mainly refers to a Knights offense that is prone to missed opportunities and an inability to finish plays. In Rutgers’ latest contest — a 9-8 loss at New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., to conference rival St. John’s — the attack and midfield tallied a total of 47 shots on goal, 16 of which came in the fourth quarter alone.