The Daily Targum 2011-04-12

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 1 2 2







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Today: Rain


High: 57 • Low: 45

The Rutgers baseball team lost its second Big East series of the season this weekend, when it dropped two of three games against South Florida in Tampa.

U. officials commend RUPD work at accreditation hearing BY AMY ROWE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR


Two assessors listen to a Rutgers University Police Department member speak about the RUPD last night at a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies hearing.

A small crowd of University of ficials praised the Rutgers University Police Depar tment (RUPD) at a public hearing last night in Winants Hall on the College Avenue campus as par t of the assessment process in the depar tment’s ef for ts for accreditation. Two assessors, Chief of Police Kim Crannis of Blacksburg, Va. and Lt. Kenneth Rogers of Mississippi State University’s Police Depar tment, moderated the hearing and will formulate the repor t for the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), which decides to recommend RUPD for accreditation, Crannis said.

“The hearing is intended to provide interested University members an opportunity to comment on the agency’s compliance with its own standards,” she said. Although no one present at the meeting expressed disapproval, Steven Keleman, director of Office of Emergency Management at the University, spoke about his work relationship with the RUPD. “[The RUPD] is a ver y progressive department that gives a face for [themselves] and public safety through community outreach,” he said. “We need this relationship with our municipal partners because it helps for large event planning. When working at football games, they learned [my department’s] daily procedures and were subsequently able to respond with us.”


RED hosts evening of events for disability awareness BY CHASE BRUSH STAFF WRITER

Students bowled blindfolded and raced using wheelchairs last night during the University’s first Disability Awareness Day, an event hosted by Rutgers Empowering Disabilities (RED), to celebrate Disabilities Awareness Month. Representatives from disability advocacy organizations and New Jersey Metro Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society gave lectures on disabilities while RED performed skits about awareness in the Multipurpose Room of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.

“Disabilities are an extra obstacle that students have to overcome, and there was no organization that ser ves disabled individuals before, so we wanted to spread awareness as one of the University’s few disabilities groups,” said Vera Kiyanchenko, vice president and co-founder of RED. RED aims to empower those with disabilities at the University and in the community, and provide them with sources of inspiration and motivation, said Kiyanchenko, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. Kiyanchenko said about 900 University students suffer from mental and physi-

cal disabilities, and there is a lack of organizations dedicated to serving that student population. There are about 56 million disabled Americans and only 18 percent earn college degrees, according to RED’s informational pamphlet. The number of full-time gainfully employed disabled is only a little more than 20 percent. “We are for tunate to have speakers who will be presenting on different disabilities, who possess a disability as well,” RED president and School of Arts and Sciences junior Mital Gajjar said in the RED pamphlet.



Ms. Wheelchair N.J. Santina Muha speaks to attendees of the celebration of Disabilities Awareness Month last night in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus.

NJUS hopes for large turnout at Walk into Action BY MARY DIDUCH

INDEX UNIVERSITY NJPIRG initiates a campaign to stop subsidies on corn and soy, which they claim leads to obesity.


The Interfaith Earth Day celebration, held on Sunday in honor of the April 22 holiday at the Sacred Heart Church in New Brunswick, started with its fifth annual Neighborhood Cleanup followed by an Eco-Symposium, where volunteers and guests enjoyed performances, activities and a

Members of the University’s sector of the New Jersey United Students (NJUS) may have to counter a drear y weather forecast and traditional student apathy to yield a large turnout tomorrow for the first “Walk into Action.” The rally, which will call for increased funding for higher education in the state, is set to take place at 2 p.m. on Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus. “Rain or shine, it’s definitely going to happen,” said Matthew Cordeiro, a coordinator of the event. Ten other public universities in the state, including William Patterson University and The College of New Jersey, will hold similar events on their campuses. “We’re hoping that it’s a ver y energetic rally that students can come together and have a unified voice,” said Beth Breslaw, NJUS member.




Local children sit around a table potting plants as one of many workshops available Sunday at the Interfaith Earth Day celebration held in the Sacred Heart Church in New Brunswick.

City residents, organizations honor Earth Day with ‘green’ activities BY ANDREA GOYMA CORRESPONDENT

The Raíces Cultural Center and the Interfaith Coexistence Project of greater New Brunswick collaborated for a day of performances, children’s workshops and community activities for an early celebration of Earth Day.

OPINIONS Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif., compared the current political climate to the Civil War.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 8 IB EXTRA . . . . . . . 11 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 12 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 14 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 16 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK

Students with 12 or more degree credits can register for classes from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.




APRIL 12, 2011




Source: The Weather Channel




1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1

143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Josh Bakan, Lisa Cai, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Vinnie Mancuso CORRESPONDENTS — Matthew Canvisser, Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyma, Sam Hellman, A.J. Jankowski, Anastasia Millicker, Tabish Talib SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Ashley Ross, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano

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PRODUCTIONS M ICHAEL P OLNASEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P RODUCTIONS D IRECTOR E D H ANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C REATIVE S ER VICES M ANAGER GARRET BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIGHT PRODUCTIONS MANAGER PRODUCTIONS ASSISTANTS — Rocky Catanese, Alyssa Jacob, Felicia Lurie, Corey Perez, Molly Prentzel


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APRIL 12, 2011


PA G E 3

Campaign aims to sever link between subsidized farming, obesity BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT

With its goal to end the negative impact of federally assisted farming, New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) launched yesterday its “Stop Subsidizing Obesity” campaign at Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. NJPIRG’s campaign focuses on ending federal subsidies of corn and soy to large factor y farms, as NJPIRG campus organizer Katr yn Fraher said this causes production of cheap unhealthy foods consumers choose over healthy choices. “This amount of consumption has contributed a lot to the obesity epidemic, which has quadr upled in the last 40 years,” said Gideon Weissman, program associate for NJPIRG. The abundant production of corn leads to a greater production of corn syrup, allowing unhealthy food to be sold cheaper than healthy alternatives, he said. “[Subsidies] make it cheaper to sell Twinkies instead of carrots,” Fraher said. Ankur Chauhan, event organizer, said consuming these products could lead not just to obesity but also to other health issues. “When these children grow up, they won’t have a lot of

nutrition in their body, which means that they will have a lot of deficiencies,” said Chauhan, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. “Deficiencies in their eyes, liver and other organs will cause problems for them in the future.” Chauhan cited the danger of having too much sugar, like high fructose corn syrup, in a diet. “Too much sugar can lead to hear t disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,” he said. During NJPIRG’s launch, people played a version of the game “The Price is Right,” and members collected signatures to garner more public suppor t and raise awareness on the issue, Fraher said. “I plan on going to med school and if I can help control this issue now, then it won’t proceed any further when I become a doctor,” Chauhan said. Weissman said he did not believe there were any strong arguments suppor ting subsidies on agriculture. “Subsidies had a use when they were first implemented 30 to 40 years ago, but now they’re just overused,” he said. Weissman said the argument suppor ting how subsidies help small farmers was incorrect. “Ninety percent of agricultural subsidies go to big facto-


Katryn Fraher, NJPIRG campus organizer, teaches Mariel Quintana, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, about the effects of subsidized farming yesterday on the College Avenue campus.

r y farms and not to local farmers,” he said. Fraher said she recognizes buying food is a personal choice but believes many people do not have that option. “If somebody cannot afford healthier food, of course they’ll buy the cheaper food, which unfortunately is unhealthy,” she said. Chauhan said people should understand where their money is going. For instance, Fraher cited wasteful subsidies given in past

years, like when Domino’s Pizza received $12 million to adver tise their cheesier pizza. “These subsidies are federal subsidies, it’s basically taxpayer money,” Chauhan said. “It’s being used to allow Oreos to be cheaper than bananas.” Weissman said he believes cutting subsidies would be more beneficial than cutting spending on what people need like federal Pell Grants and food and water inspections.

“The recent budget compromise, H.R. [House Bill] 1 included some cuts, but it’s not enough for us to be happy,” he said. Weissman said the timeliness of discussion in Congress about reducing government spending benefited NJPIRG’s cause. “The campaign makes sense right now because we want to cut spending,” he said. “We have a great oppor tunity to cut these unhealthy subsidies right now.”


APRIL 12, 2011

CITY: Volunteers clean up total of 1.97 tons of garbage continued from front home-made meal, said Lorena Gaibor, program director for Unity Square Partnership. “[More than] 200 volunteers participated in the fifth annual Neighborhood Cleanup, where Unity Square community residents, Rutgers student organizations and community partners participated to help clean all 37 blocks of Unity Square — from Livingston Avenue to Commercial Avenue and from Welton Street to Sanford Street,” Gaibor said. Donna Caputo, recycling coordinator for the City of New Brunswick, said volunteers picked up approximately 1.6 tons of trash and .37 tons of bottles and cans for a total of 1.97 tons of litter. “I’m ecstatic because it’s our fifth annual [cleanup] and it’s our biggest to date,” Gaibor said. After the cleanup, guests and volunteers participated in the Eco-Symposium, where various churches, temples and mosques

came together for the second half of their Earth Day celebration, she said. “The Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble, the Raicitas Youth Program students and the New Brunswick Rainbow Children’s Choir began the day with Earth Day [themed] songs,” said Cantor Anna Ott of the Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple. The Rainbow Children’s Choir, established by Ott and Ben Berman, choir director of the First Reformed Church in New Brunswick, performed with the Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble for one of their songs, said Francisco Gomez, Raíces cofounder and musical director. “We performed a chant for Osain, a force of nature that deals with sustainability and the earth,” he said. “We played with the Batá, sacred drums of the Lukumí people in Cuba, which have turned into a folkloric instrument but are still used for religious purposes there and here.” Students involved in the Raicitas Youth Program, which also performed, learn all forms of Caribbean dance, songs and drumming, said Nicole Wines, Raíces co-founder and co-director.

U NIVERSITY “[The students] then have opportunities to show what they’ve learned to the community.” At the symposium, different community organizations set up information booths and presented workshops revolving around Earth Day themes, Gaibor said. University alumna Ellen Maughan and her daughter

“This planet is a living, breathing planet and it needs us to take care of it.” DONNA CAPUTO New Brunswick Recycling Coordinator

Shana Oshinskie, 12, both volunteered to help with the gardening workshop, where children picked and planted their own vegetables or other plants. “[I] started working on our community garden here with [Gaibor] and the Unity Square Revitalization project, [so] volunteering here is a natural outgrowth,” Maughan said. “This is a great activity for the kids to learn

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M about where their food comes from and how to keep the earth clean.” Barbara Falk from the Anshe Memorial Temple held a workshop that taught guests how to clean with more natural products like lemon, baking soda and salt. “I fill up a spray bottle with white vinegar and water and it wipes out tarnish, soap scum and mineral deposits,” she said. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Mike Griffith attended to raise awareness for the issues supported by the organization Food and Water Watch. Griffith said he learned the practice of “fracking” — a process companies use to break up rocks to access natural gas reservoirs but may have negative effects on local water. Zakiyia Forbes, founder of The Lounge Society, sold certified organic soaps, lotions and oils at the Eco-Symposium. “I started The Lounge Society to raise cultural awareness for the arts and humanitarian efforts,” Forbes said. “So we work with other socially responsible small businesses and artists to showcase a number of products that are both good for the community and the individual.”

Rabbi Rebecca Epstein from the Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple said the idea for the Earth Day celebration started back in November when she gave a sermon at the Interfaith Thanksgiving service. “In the sermon, I proposed that we have an Earth Day celebration and it blossomed into this,” she said. “I’ve always had a passion for the environment and wanted to plan something with our interfaith group that we could all do together.” New Brunswick residents Itzel Lopez, 9, and her cousin Mixtzy Luna, 10, said they learned fun ways to keep the Earth clean at the event. “I’ve been potting plants, making flowers from newspapers — a lot of different activities, and it’s so much fun,” Lopez said. Caputo said Earth Day should be celebrated every day to help maintain the planet. “We’re all so fortunate to live on a beautiful planet but this planet is a living, breathing planet and it needs us to take care of it,” she said. “Doing it once a year is wonderful but we need to do it ever y day.”

NJUS: Facebook event page

campus. University faculty and staff a part of the Union of Rutgers Administrators-American Federation of Teachers intend to discuss the salary freezes over the years. William Ryan, a teaching assistant in the Department of English who also taught English at a public high school, plans to attend tomorrow’s “Walk into Action.” “The current attack on teachers’ unions and public education in general is pretty troubling,” he said. “I’m all for [the rally].” Tazeen Shiliwala, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said she is considering attending as well. “At least [the government will] hear our voices. At least we’re saying something rather than being quiet and letting them do what they want to,” she said. Shiliwala said the cuts to financial aid this year affected her ability to buy textbooks. “I usually get extra [money] for books, but I didn’t, so I had to pay from my own pocket for my books,” she said. “There’s a lot of readings to do and they’re a lot of books, and it’s hard to get all the books when you don’t have the money.” Cordeiro said he has not yet heard any opposition to the movement. “I think that is indicative that we’re doing the right thing,” said Cordeiro. He said many student organizations, such as Rutgers Students Against Sweatshops, have also joined the cause and provided funding for the campaign, which cost about $800 to $1,000, mostly for printing costs. The day after the rally, NJUS representatives from each of the 12 member schools will meet with an adviser from Gov. Chris Christie’s office to discuss improving state dedication to higher education and increasing state funding. “This is why the ‘Day of Action’ is so important, because the more students that come out gives the students there more leverage,” Cordeiro said. “We can say, ‘Hey, students do support us.’” Christie said in his budget proposal this year he would maintain the level of funding for higher education. The state last year cut aid to the University by 15 percent. “If we really care about this state’s future, we have to fund the future and invest in education,” Cordeiro said.

projects 500 people to attend continued from front Cordeiro said he is hoping for about 300 students to join tomorrow’s rally at the University and about 1,000 total across the state. “Right now, we’re really focusing on outreach. The really big thing is getting people to the rally,” Cordeiro said, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. Sam Brusco, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, said he has seen the publicity for the event on the side of buildings and in many University classrooms. Though he supports the cause, as it was difficult for him to pay for school this semester, he is not sure he will attend. “I might go to it,” he said. “[Class] is kind of important, with finals coming up, but I have been thinking about it.” On the event’s Facebook page, more than 500 people expect to attend the Voorhees protest, which will feature student speakers as well as speakers from local unions. Although the event will take place in the middle of the day, when many students are in classes, Cordeiro said he is not concerned there will be a low turnout. “If people do one thing this year, they definitely need to come out,” said Cordeiro, who is also vice president of the NJUS-supporting Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA). “It will be a really awesome and empowering event, and the more students that come out, the more empowering it is.” Joy Stoffers, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student who plans to graduate a year early to save money, said she supports the cause but will not rally tomorrow. “I have too many school-related things I can’t get out of. … I think that a lot more people are ambivalent. It’s probably going to be a 50-50 split,” she said. Cordeiro said some professors are taking their classes to the event, offering extra credit for attendance or not marking absences. “We’ve had tons of professors supporting [our cause],” he said. Breslaw, also a RUSA representative, said the rally would piggyback off a speak-out at 11:30 a.m. on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue



APRIL 12, 2011


Group devotes day to uniting diverse campus BY ADONNIS GARVIN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The Black Student Union (BSU) celebrated its 35th Annual Unity Day last weekend to connect a community of diverse backgrounds. Though the BSU ser ves to represent the black student body on campus, the event on Saturday behind the Paul Robeson Cultural Center on Busch campus focused on embracing people’s dif ferences, said Charnaye Ward, BSU treasurer. “This is an event for all students of all races, not just black students. It’s a chance for students to reach out to different organizations and bring together people of dif ferent cultures,” said Ward, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore. She said Unity Day is a sacred event that embodies what BSU stands for — bringing people together. Ashley Otto, BSU secretar y, said Unity Day admission was free of charge because it was a way for BSU to give back to the community and allow ever yone to par ticipate. “Unity Day is impor tant because not only does it allow you to sample the diverse groups of Rutgers, it also gives you a chance to enjoy and witness the hidden talents of your peers,” said Otto, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore. Dif ferent greek and nongreek organizations set up


California rap artists Kendrick Lamar and School Boy Q perform during the 35th Annual Unity Day behind the Paul Robeson Cultural Center on Busch campus. The event, hosted by the Black Student Union, also featured the performances of student dance teams and local artists.

tables and BSU members encouraged students to venture through each to lear n more about the organizations. “Events ser ve as a great way for [organizations] to appeal to the student body. With my organization being a year old, this is ver y impor tant to us,” said Donyea Bradley, an Omega Epsilon Rho sorority member. “It allows us to suppor t BSU as well as showcase dif ferent cultures and meet new people.” Juleen Burke, West Indian Student Organization (WISO) secretar y, said she attended the

event to promote the group’s upcoming events, as well as network with other students. “With all the current controversy surrounding the school lately, this is the per fect time for us to come together,” said Burke, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. “It’s a chance for us to rise above the media scrutiny.” The event opened with Bradley, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, singing the Negro national anthem, called “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” Many student organizations performed on stage including

greek stroll, step dancing teams and traditional dance groups. Aspiring local rappers performed original pieces and local entertainment groups, like the Jam Steppers Drill Team of girls ages 10 to 12 from Plainfield, displayed their routines. Califor nia rap ar tist Kendrick Lamar also performed with fellow group member School Boy Q. Jerome Cabble of Plainfield said he enjoyed the enter tainment throughout the day. “We’re all about tr ying new things and performing for new crowds. Being here for Unity

Day gave us that chance,” he said. “It’s something positive for the youth and we’re all about that.” As Unity Day came to an end, students joined for dancing. Matthew Snell, president of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, said he felt the unity during that moment shared among attendees. “Unity and different cultures enhance the college experience,” said Snell, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. “If we’re united it makes for a better university and helps us to learn to work together in a global environment.”



APRIL 12, 2011


HEARING: CALEA to see CHRISTIE REJECTS BILL REGARDING SCHOOL DISTRICT SPENDING PRACTICES Gov. Chris Christie vetoed three pieces of legislation yesterday afternoon, including a bill that would require school districts to spend money saved from renegotiating teachers’ contracts. Christie said the legislation for the issue was too vague and might discourage school districts from tr ying to save money by renegotiating contracts before they expire, according to an ar ticle. The governor pleaded with N.J. teachers last year to take pay freezes and increase their payments for health benefits. Many districts refused to take the pay freezes, suggesting that even if all members agreed to the sacrifice, it would not be enough to prevent layoffs, according to the article.

EVENTS: Attendees play games to understand disability continued from front “Our goal is to enhance our understanding of disabilities and express acceptance for their nature and struggles.” Speakers of the evening included the Office of Disability Ser vices Assistant Dean Clarence Shive, Co-adjunct Professor of American Sign Language at the University Charlotte Karras, Metro Chapter of the MS Society board member Jacqueline Jackson and winner of Ms. Wheelchair N.J. Santina Muha. “Most of the time, the people that attend these events are already aware of the problems facing [the] disabled,” Muha said. “I think professors, athletes and students are the ones who would benefit most from these things.” Muha, who was confined to a wheelchair at age 5 after she was involved in an automobile accident, thought the event

“Unlike the situation facing the state which prompted the legislation, this bill is not limited to a one-year concession in the middle of a collective bargaining agreement for the sole purpose of preventing layoffs due to a fiscal crisis,” Christie said in a news release. Christie proposed a few changes to the legislation, including giving the school board the final deciding factor in staff sizes, allowing provisions to be used during times of economic crisis and limiting the agreement to use savings to maintain staffing for one year, according to the article. The legislation now has the option to vote to accept Christie’s changes to the legislation or make the rewritten bills law.

was a great opportunity for students to get outside their comfort zone. “You have to [see] yourself in someone else’s shoes or wheels or whatever you might call it,” she said. The event hosted a series of games intended to simulate the experience of living with a disability, which included blindfolding to simulate visual impairment, charades to simulate speech disorders and actors per formed skits to emphasize the effects of disabilities, she said. “I can spread awareness through these events by letting people know that anyone can achieve anything despite disabilities,” Kiyanchenko said. RED hosted another event where students raced wheelchairs to spread awareness for spinal muscular atrophy and to raise money for the National MS Society, she said. “Our mission is to raise awareness about what people who have disabilities go through,” said Delicia Henricks, RED arts and entertainment coordinator.

— Anastasia Millicker

Henricks, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences sophomore, said she was inspired to work with RED while in high school, after she worked in a hospital and gained exposure to patients with disabilities. “I was able to work with disabled individuals, but I wanted to do more than volunteer for a few hours,” she said. RED was organized last semester and is now recognized as an official University organization that spreads awareness for those with disabilities, Kiyanchenko said. The organization hopes to continue hosting the event and make Disability Awareness Day an annual occasion, she said. “We are planning additional events including ‘Jeopardy’ night, yoga-thon, hospital visits and more disability awareness events for the upcoming semester,” Kiyanchenko said. — Anastasia Millicker contributed to this story.

if RUPD meets 464 standards continued from front Keleman also mentioned awards the University’s President Richard L. McCormick has given the RUPD over the years, including one for their “RU Safe” program, which educated students about safety through a game-show format. “I’ve had the honor of working with RUPD and sharing that reward,” he said. Mark McClain, director for Environmental Health and Safety at the University, expressed how thankful he was for the RUPD’s help around 9/11. “There were a tremendous amount of security measures that changed,” he said. “The RUPD helped to evaluate our security, suggest changes and then evaluate how those changes worked.” McClain said he has worked with dif ferent levels of the RUPD, from dispatchers to the Detective Bureau to the Chief of Police, which gives him a broad view of what the department does for the University. “They are innovative and look for new technologies, how to do things better,” he said. “They are critical of themselves and that’s important.” Philip J. Furmanski, executive vice president for Academic Af fairs at the University, thanked the CALEA assessors for spending time at the University and expressed how seriously the University takes the accreditation process. “It’s impor tant for you to know that RUPD fits in with our University’s mission,” he said. “We strive for four A’s — assessment, accountability, alignment and accreditation — throughout all of our depar tments. The RUPD has already implemented changes crucial to the accreditation process.” Furmanski also said he wants the RUPD to become the elite of policing agencies, as it would be the 12th

in New Jersey to become CALEA-accredited. “It speaks to the level of support, function and activity of the RUPD,” he said. “It evolved from a security force into a full-fledged police department. If you went to any police department in the state, I’m sure they’d hold RUPD to a very high regard.” Crannis and Rogers also assessed the division of the RUPD on the Newark campus Sunday and will assess the Camden division today, said Rhonda Harris, chief of the RUPD. “They’ll look through their public safety building, examine areas like the evidence room, to see if the department is actually doing what they say they’re doing in their policy,” she said. Harris said she is excited about the accreditation process and feels similar sentiments from other officers. “It’s exciting, it’s good to see every officer in all of the departments excited, too,” she said. “I’m very optimistic.” Crannis said the hearing went well compared to other hearings she has experienced as an assessor. “At some you get no response or just a handful,” she said. “It’s about who comes. I see some offduty personnel and some state officials here. Also, if the media is present, it speaks volumes.” After over-viewing the components of each department to see if the RUPD complies with the CALEA’s 464 standards, Crannis and Rogers will write a report and after another hearing with the RUPD in July, a commissioner from CALEA will make a recommendation for accreditation, she said. “We learned a lot about the mutual aid cooperation of the departments and their neighboring municipalities — they work a lot together,” Crannis said. “Rutgers University is in a unique situation as it has six bordering municipalities. Working together [smoothly] can be a challenge, but the RUPD does an exceptional job.”


Regulator declares Japan power plant still static THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

quickly once the reports are released, Jaczko said. On the 50-mile evacuation WASHINGTON — The top zone for U.S. citizens in Japan, U.S. nuclear regulator said yesterJaczko called his March 16 recday he will not change a recomommendation “pr udent” and mendation that U.S. citizens stay said it was based on projections at least 50 miles away from Japan’s for continued deterioration at crippled nuclear power plant, even the plant. The Japanese governas he declared that the crisis in ment had set a 12-mile evacuathat country remains “static.” tion zone, and the U.S. decision Gregory Jaczko, the chairman raised questions about U.S. of the Nuclear Regulator y officials’ confidence in Tokyo’s Commission, acknowledged in risk assessments. an interview that the month-old “I’m still very comfortable” crisis in Japan has not yet stabiwith the decision, Jaczko said. lized. But he said conditions at Asked whether he set up a the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant double standard — one for have not changed significantly nuclear plants in foreign counfor several days. tries and another for U.S. plants, “We describe the situation where a 10-mile evacuation zone as static but not yet stable,” is the current standard — Jaczko Jaczko said. said no. “It hasn’t really changed too “I wouldn’t say that’s a contramuch in the last few days,” he diction,” he said, noting that the added, but it will be weeks or 10-mile U.S. evacuation zone even months before the plant refers to emergency planning is stabilized. prior to a nuclear disaster. If The March 11 earthquake events warrant, a larger evacuaand tsunami knocked out power tion zone can be created. at the Fukushima plant and reac“Ultimately, decisions about tors have been overheating ever protective actions (in the event of since. In Japan on Tuesday, the a nuclear disaster) are made by Nuclear Safety Commission of state and local authorities,” he Japan raised the severity rating of said, not the NRC. the crisis from 5 to 7, the highest On another topic, Jaczko said level and on par with the 1986 he believes spent fuel can be Chernobyl disaster. stored safely either in pools or in Progress in stabilizing the dry cask storage. Sen. Dianne complex comes slowly most Feinstein, Ddays, or not at all, Calif., sent Jaczko as tremors and a letter yesterday radiation repeated“We describe the urging the NRC ly halt work. situation as static to establish reguAnother aftershock that would yesterday briefly but not yet stable.” lations encourage plant cut electricity to GREGORY JACZKO operators to the plant and halted Nuclear Regulatory Commission move more quickwork while techniChairman ly to store spent cians took cover, fuel in dry casks, but did not endanrather than in ger operations, pools that must be kept cooled. according to Japanese officials. Feinstein cited a 2006 study The Japanese government, by the National Research Council meanwhile, added five communiindicating that dry cask storage ties yesterday to a list of places systems have inherent safety people should leave to avoid longadvantages over spent fuel pools. term radiation exposure. A 12Jaczko disputed that, saying mile radius has been cleared both methods are safe. around the plant already. The United States has not had Jaczko said the most imporan accident involving spent fuel tant job at the plant still is keepin decades, and spent fuel at coming water in the spent fuel pools mercial U.S. reactors “continues to cool the highly radioactive fuel to be safe and secure,” even withrods, reducing the threat of a out a designated site to store meltdown and a catastrophic nuclear waste, Jaczko said. The release of radiation. Obama administration has abanJaczko, who traveled to Japan doned plans for a nuclear waste last month, said the NRC has dump in Nevada, prompting begun a two-pronged approach sharp criticism from some lawto review the safety of the 104 makers in both parties. commercial U.S. nuclear reacJaczko declined to speculate tors in the wake of the Japanese on whether the Japanese crisis crisis. A 90-day review should would cause a slowdown in be completed in June, with a planned expansion of U.S. another report expected by the nuclear reactors backed by end of the year. President Barack Obama. “We want this to be a very Jaczko said the NRC has “a very systematic and methodical robust system” to license reacreview and make sure we identitors that takes into account a fy all the important issues, and wide range of factors. that we work with a sense of “Ultimately safety rests with the urgency and speed to address (plant operator),” he said. “It’s our those issues in the appropriate job to make sure they get there.” way,” he said, adding that he If the NRC considers plants expects the reviews to result in unsafe, it will take corrective recommendations for significant action, up to and including shutregulatory changes. ting down plants if necessary, “Fundamentally, I expect that Jaczko said. there will be some things we will Three U.S. nuclear power want to change and need to plants — in South Carolina, change as a result of what comes Kansas and Nebraska — need out of this 90-day review and increased oversight from federal longer-term review, based on regulators because of safety events in Japan,” he said. problems or unplanned shutA task force made up of highdowns. But Jaczko said all 65 U.S. ranking NRC staff is conducting nuclear plants in 31 states are the two reviews, and the fiveoperating safely. member commission will act


APRIL 12, 2011



PA G E 8


APRIL 12, 2011

Panini joint to open today on Spring Street BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT

For students who crave flatgrilled Italian sandwiches, New Brunswick’s newest establishment on Spring Street, The Panini Place, could help satisfy their needs. The restaurant, which opens today, will serve from a menu of 25 different paninis. The Panini Place owner Deon van Rensburg decided to focus on paninis because they were the most popular item from his previous venture. “I had a café in Warren and even though we had lots of things on the menu, the paninis were the best selling items,” said van Rensburg, a University alumnus. The panini-only menu had a test run at the shore in Belmar last summer and proved successful, van Rensburg said. “We decided that the restaurant should be open all year round and [we] found a home for it in New Brunswick,” he said. The restaurant was scheduled to open yesterday but did not because one of the inspectors did not show in time, van Rensburg said. He said it is difficult to open a restaurant but thinks its location and menu will help it succeed. “In reality it’s hard to open up a business in any economy but there are benefits of being a commercial establishment in New Brunswick,” van Rensburg said. Jack Grossmann, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, said he thinks opening a restaurant


New Brunswick’s panini-exclusive restaurant opens today at 1 Spring St. The eatery, which has opened in other locations such as Warren, N.J., will serve 25 varieties of paninis to customers. in this economy was an illadvised investment. “If I’m struggling for money, I’m not going to go out and eat,” he said. Grossmann believes an allpanini menu is foolish. “If I loved paninis, I might go there and eat, but you’re just restricting yourself by creating that type of menu,” he said, “Even a burger place has more than just burgers.” But employee Jack L yons disagreed with Grossmann and identified with van Rensburg’s vision of success

that the establishment had a great location. “There are a lot people in the area, we have students and the [Essex County] Courthouse is right next to us which is great,” he said. L yons also appreciated the name of the establishment, which was inspired by forgetful customers at van Rensburg’s short shore venture. “At the shore, the restaurant was called the Epicurean Marketplace, but people kept forgetting the name,” he said. “People kept saying ‘the panini

place’ and Deon [van Rensburg] adopted the name.” Lyons said he liked the atmosphere of the restaurant, which is one of the reasons why he chose to work there. “I was walking by the restaurant and looked inside and thought ‘a new place to eat, that looks cool,’” he said. Later he found an ad online on Craigslist about The Panini Place and remembered it was the restaurant he noticed, Lyons said. Brian Li, an employee at the restaurant who applied to work there through the online ad,

thinks the restaurant is aesthetically pleasing. “The atmosphere is very caféand bakery-like, and the restaurant is very colorful,” he said. Li thinks the menu would bring in health-conscious customers since they bake their bread daily and use fresh ingredients. “Healthy food alleviates the mind and is very refreshing,” he said. Li said the establishment could help University students in coming weeks. “Good food is better for students when they’re studying and cramming for finals,” he said.

NJ GOVERNOR’S WIFE VISITS EDISON SCHOOL TO PROMOTE AUTISM AWARENESS Gov. Chris Christie’s wife, Mar y Pat Christie, visited Woodrow Wilson Middle School’s cof fee shop in Edison Friday morning to promote April as “Autism Awareness Month.” The first lady spent the morning drinking tea and making conversation with the 12 students, all of who were autistic boys, according to a article. These students run the coffee shop by taking orders, serving beverages, operating the cash registers and handling the marketing and cleaning up of the business, according to the article. The boys received nearly $2,000 from selling coffee, tea and other café products so far. Mar y Pat Christie said in the article she was impressed with how the boys are running the coffee shop and believes that such a business is one step toward helping autistic students survive in the real world. “This is an amazing coffee shop. It’s amazing to see the life skills these children are learning and it’s amazing to see the success they are having,” Mary Pat Christie said in the article. Mar y Pat Christie ensured that students put napkins on their laps when they sat down to eat, according to the article. “I was shocked and a little nervous, but she was nice,” said Justin Galanti, a seventh-grader who works at the coffee shop. Mar y Pat Christie said it is important she raise awareness for autism, so residents and school officials can create more programs like the coffee house for autism students. “I have a good number of friends that are faced with the challenge of having an autistic child,” Mary Pat Christie said in the article. “This is something that our society needs to be aware of.” — Ankita Panda



APRIL 12, 2011


Piscataway village reflects 18th-century life BY CLIFF WANG STAFF WRITER

Piscataway’s East Jersey Olde Towne Village, located within Johnson Park, gives visitors a glimpse into what life was like in a typical 18th- and 19th- century American community. Its collection of original, replica and reconstructed historical buildings have come from throughout New Jersey and is dedicated to teach the history, way of life and traditions of the people who once lived in the region, said Anna Aschkenes, executive director of the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission. Aschkenes said the village is unique to all historical N.J. sites for two reasons. “First, it is a collection of 18thand 19th- century structures that represent the Raritan River Valley,” she said. “Secondly, in our restoration plans we have found adaptive reuse for the structures — some are interpreted based on their collections that are a snapshot of its prior existence.” The village was the vision of ophthalmologist Dr. Joseph Kler, who loved American history and wanted to create a village of structures, which reflected the history of central New Jersey, Aschkenes said. The East Jersey Olde Towne Village became incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 1971 and today, is home to 11 structures, she said. One of the historic buildings inside the village is the Indian

Queen Tavern, which was built in the early 1700s and operated as a tavern during the American Revolution, said Michael Moran, an East Jersey Olde Towne Village volunteer. “The Indian Queen Tavern really serves as a window into what life in New Brunswick once was,” said Moran, who gives guided tours on the weekends. Taverns served many functions in the 18th- and 19th- century such as a place for food, rest, entertainment and social gatherings, he said. Historical figures such as John Adams and George Washington spent the night at the Indian Queen Tavern over its long history. “Benjamin Franklin was once forced to share a room with John Adams after finding that most of the inns in New Brunswick at the time had been filled,” Moran said. By the 1790s, the tavern was under the ownership of James Drake, who operated a ferr y between New Brunswick and Highland Park. After going through multiple name changes and owners throughout the years, the building was moved to its current location when it was threatened by a road-widening project. Another building within the village is the Williamson Wheelwright shop, which was originally located along the Brunswick-Princeton Turnpike, now Route 27, Moran said. “The blacksmith and wheelwright provided ser vices for horse-drawn transportation,” he said. “The large room of the shop


The East Jersey Olde Towne Village in Piscataway includes a collection of houses, inns and other buildings. Historical figures like John Adams and Benjamin Franklin frequented the village.

was ver y typical because it allowed equipment and horses to be easily moved around.” Visitors can also visit the Smalleytown School, which was built by a man who wanted to ensure his 17 children got an education, Moran said. Sometimes parents paid for their children’s education by bar tering firewood, he said. Students who contributed the most firewood could sit closer to the front of the classroom and the fireplace. “It was also not uncommon for misbehaving students to receive punishment,” said Moran, who showed visitors a round paddle with a hole in the middle. Visitors to the village can also tour a church that is tied to the early European settlers of

Dutch and French Huguenot heritage and visit the residences of colonists during the 1700s such as the Vander veer House, he said. Christina Wu, a first-generation immigrant from Taiwan, brought her son to the village hoping it would immerse him in the history and give him an idea of his country’s past. “I wanted to bring him here because it’s so impor tant to know the roots and histor y of your countr y and really learn about those who came before you,” Wu said. “We can always learn so much when we look back in the past.” University graduate student Mai Piwtocatsky said histor y buffs would appreciate what the village has to offer.

“This town has so much histor y from the colonial times through the Revolution, and it’s so wonderful to see all the preserved buildings,” she said. “I think the tavern really shows you how the region really was back then and how the people lived their daily lives.” Piwtocatsky said her and her husband, William, said they are history-lovers and were amazed at how they just recently discovered the village. “You really couldn’t guess what New Brunswick looked like back then from the way it is now,” William Piwtocatsky said. “It’s great how they were able to restore and recreate the buildings and surroundings because sometimes people lose sight of history, and it’s important not to.”


APRIL 12, 2011





New Brunswick Restaurant Week is already underway and will end this week on April 16. Twenty-seven participating downtown restaurants are offering discounts, promotions and prix-fixe menu prices for lunch and dinner. For more information, contact City Market at (732) 545-4849 or visit For information on restaurant offers and menus, contact the restaurants directly. New Brunswick Board of Education will be having its monthly meeting to discuss the affects Gov. Chris Christie’s budget decisions and how they will affect the school district. With Christie’s funding, the board will decide how to allocate these funds toward the district’s schooling programs and appliances, such as kitchen stoves. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at New Brunswick High School.


First Reformed Church on 9 Bayard St. will host “Downtown Lunchtime Recitals” featuring Frederick Urrey and Daniel Swenberg. The performance begins promptly at 12:15 p.m. and includes lute solos, works for voice and the orbe and German Lieder. Admission is free. For more information, visit


Crossroads Theatre will host “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry through May 1 with performances at 8 p.m. and with Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday matinees. Marshall Jones, Crossroads-producing artistic director will be directing the performances. Tickets cost $50 and may be purchased online or at their box office at 7 Livingston Ave. For more, visit


New Brunswick Public Library is hosting a two-day book sale, selling thousands of books along with videos, CDs, DVDs and more. The Friends of the Library book sale will be in the Carl T. Valenti Community Room April 15 from 1 to 7 p.m and April 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information on the event, please visit


Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission and the Folklife Program for New Jersey will present the Palaspas: Traditional Filipino Palm Weaving Workshop with Samahan Cultural Heritage, Eastern Seaboard, Inc. at East Jersey Olde Towne Village at 1050 River Rd. in Piscataway from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The workshop is offered free of charge but advanced registration is required. Attendees will learn how to create special folk craft. To register, please contact the commission at (732) 745-4489 or 711 via the New Jersey Relay Service. Historically Black College and Universities College Fair, Inc. will host a “Knowledge is Power Community Walk.” The walk begins at 8 a.m. and ends at noon in Buccleuch Park. The event is rain or shine with a minimum of $20 registration fee for individuals. The money raised will go toward funding educational programs to inform students about financial aid, applying to college and providing scholarships. For more information, visit Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble will demonstrate parts of the Yoruba religion through Orisha rhythms, dances and chants. The ensemble will perform at the Hub City Teen Center at 411 Joyce Kilmer Ave. from 4 to 7 p.m. Orisha drum, dances and song are a tribute to forces of nature and demonstrate the belief of the interrelationship of the physical and spiritual oneness of all things. Admission is free. Attendees will view clips from the film “Rumba en Havana con Yoruba Andabo” and discuss music, dance, history and evolution of the tradition. For more information, please visit FlyHigh Entertainment presents City of Stars, featuring a special performance by Markice “Kesan” Moore. The concert will be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at New Brunswick High School on 1000 Somerset St. Part of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Tickets cost $10 to $15. For more information, contact Brando at (201) 640-6794 or


Gerald Steichen will conduct a musical salute to John Williams, writer of movie music soundtracks including “Jaws,” “Star Wars” and “Schindler’s List,” at 3 p.m. at the State Theatre at 15 Livingston Ave. Tickets will range from $20 to $65 with group discounts available for groups of 12 people or more. For more information, visit

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video games edition E X T R A

Bioware | C

Mass Effect 2




As the final DLC for Mass Ef fect 2, there’s a lot to be expected from Arrival, especially since the DLC, Lair of the Shadow Broker was such a hit. Unfortunately, it does not live up to that expectation, but it gives more of the same that made Mass Ef fect 2 great. The mission starts out with Admiral Hackett contacting Shepard with a request to rescue a Dr. Kenson. It is up to Shepard to break into the prison where she is being held captive, bring her to safety and find out why she has been arrested by the Batarians. At first, this seems like an interesting plot, but as the player continues to play

through this roughly two hour mission, it never achieves the atmosphere and the wow factor that was seen in the Lair of the Shadow Broker — granted, Arrival costs only $6.99. The problem with the plot is not that it is bad, but that it is mediocre. It takes place in a prison, but does not tell a stor y as grand as Jack’s prison escape in Mass Ef fect 2. It also takes place in an asteroid base and, as cool as that sounds, the base is plastered with the same corridors and rooms that were seen previously in Mass Ef fect. Without interesting set pieces, the plot never lifts of f the ground. Since the DLC is mainly played solo, the plot would have been more meaningful if it allowed Shepard to bring his or her fellow squad mates,

The 3rd Birthday Square Enix | B+


After 11 years, Aya Brea is back in what should be the third game in the Parasite Eve series, a sequel series to the book by Hideaki Sena. However, due to apparent licensing issues at the time, this is not officially part of the Parasite Eve franchise. Instead, this is a side-story that might as well be a sequel. Confused? Prepare for the game that is The 3rd Birthday. The game takes place years after the events of Parasite Eve 2 and stars Aya Brea, who is now part of the Counter Twisted Investigation (CTI). She is mankind’s only hope in combating new enemies called the Twisted through the use of her body-controlling ability known as Overdive to change the past. Using Overdive, players can influence the battlefield by strategically placing various types of troops in advantageous spots to attack enemies from multiple sides. In addition, players are able to use Crossfire, which allows all NPCs hiding behind cover to simultaneously fire upon an enemy’s weak points. At the same time, players are capable of using a variety of guns along with using Liberation, which allows Aya, herself, to teleport and fire energy shots while retaining her ability to Overdive. While the gameplay is absolutely outstanding, the story is absolutely horrid in comparison to the previous games of the franchise. Additionally, the plotline is short and has ludicrous requirements for what is essentially fan service, most notably the infamous “Shower Scene.” In order to view it, the player has to complete all the achievements of one level. To freely watch it at any time, the player has to complete the game 50 times. That’s right, 50 times of beating the same game over and over again, then viewing the same scene 10 times to change the angle of the scene. Despite its shortcomings, the gameplay is easily worth the cost of the game, or at the very least a rental. Even though this is not the best game, it is a good step for the franchise and proves to players that the Parasite Eve entity is still strong.


so that they could experience the closing chapters of Mass Ef fect 2. There are three good things about this DLC. The voice acting is as superb as always. Shepard, Dr. Kenson and Admiral Hackett’s voices are well done. The gameplay, which consists of a third person camera and the ability to use guns and biotics on the fly, is still action packed and keeps the adrenaline going. Lastly, it ties up Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3. For anyone who is hooked to the overall Mass Effect storyline, this is a confirmation for what has already been seen in the trailers. It is nice to actually see the plot of Mass Effect 3 hinted at in the end. With that in mind, the main purpose of this DLC is to prepare the player for the upcoming sequel. This is a noble idea, but its execution is lackluster.



PA G E 1 2

APRIL 12, 2011


Extremism cannot bring moderation I

n the past, we here at The Daily Targum have joined the chorus of voices calling for bipartisanship instead of polarization in politics, and we still stand firmly by that opinion. That being said, sometimes even the people calling for moderation go overboard in their expressions. Take, for instance, the comments of Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif., in an interview with reporter Dave Bryan, in which Brown went as far as to say that the nation has not been as divided as it is now since the Civil War. While we agree that the nation is indeed far too divided, we think that Brown is painting a needlessly extreme picture of the facts. In a strange way, Brown is perpetuating exactly the kind of division he is attempting to combat with these remarks. Brown is correct in saying “We are at a point of civil discord” and that “it is not trivial.” However, Brown needs to remember that, during the Civil War, people were literally fighting each other. Sure, the bickering among politicians seems to have hit a fever pitch, and perhaps it has, but we’re doing pretty well insofar as no one is taking up arms or threatening to secede yet. Once that sort of thing starts happening, we’ll gladly reconsider Brown’s remarks. For now, we’re comfortable with asking him to calm down and reconsider. In resorting to a Civil War comparison, Brown is exaggerating the size of the chasm that separates the liberals from the conservatives. This sort of exaggeration only serves to sway people’s perceptions, encouraging them to see the gap as larger than it really is. These people then proceed to act accordingly — resulting in a real-world widening of the very chasm that Brown is posing as a serious threat to America. We do not doubt that Brown had the best intentions when he called attention to the size of the political canyon. Rather, we suspect that he merely found himself unwittingly swept up in all of the polarizing rhetoric that led to the gap in the first place. If the country is to overcome polarization and really bring about a more moderate state of affairs, citizens and politicians cannot resort to extreme calls to action. Such calls run exactly counter to the task of bringing the country together. Instead, we’re going to need rational, thoughtful discourse. It may not be very flashy or exciting, but it’s the only path to the center that actually works.

Repeal ban to aid HIV patients T

he medical field comes with a lot of tough choices, and we certainly don’t envy the people who have to make them. It takes tremendous courage and a strong sense of ethics in order for doctors and other medical professionals to successfully deal with all of the issues that arise. One of the current debates in the medical field is the question of organ transplants for patients with HIV. As it stands, HIV-positive patients have a difficult time receiving organ transplants, which is understandable considering the complications involved in performing such surgeries on these patients. But some experts are considering a somewhat drastic change to organ transplant guidelines, which could provide a possible boon to HIV-infected patients who find it difficult to obtain organs. These experts are pushing for the repeal of a ban on donating and transplanting HIV-infected organs, as well as organs with other imperfections. If the ban is repealed, organ donors with HIV-infected organs would only be able to donate to patients who already have HIV. No one not already suffering from the disease would receive HIV-infected organs. Given this proviso, we feel this is a great idea. On first glance, it may seem like a form of discrimination. Rather than receiving normal, healthy organs, HIV-infected patients would be receiving less-than-perfect organs. But it is not like the current regulations guarantee that HIV-infected patients are receiving good organs. On the contrary, many medical authorities decide not to give these organs to HIV-infected patients, because of the complications that are possible with the transplant surgery and because the organs will most likely be destroyed by the virus regardless of the transplant. Instead, these medical authorities usually choose to give organs to patients who have a high chance of surviving the transplantation. Allowing the donation and transplantation of less-than-perfect and HIVinfected organs gives HIV-positive patients a better shot at receiving organ transplants. While these organs are not the best possible organs, they at least offer the possibility of an extension of the patient’s life that the patient may not have a chance at otherwise. In an article published yesterday in The New York Times, Dr. Dorry Segev, the transplant surgery director of clinical research at Johns Hopkins University, stated, “We have a huge organ shortage. Every HIVinfected one we use is a new organ that takes one more person off the list.” We agree with Dr. Segev. Sometimes, you have to do the best you can with limited resources.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “[Subsidies] make it cheaper to sell Twinkies instead of carrots.” Katryn Fraher, NJPIRG campus organizer, on government subsidies for food STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Support The Daily Targum Commentary A

fter reading yesterdespite the 10 to 12-hour day’s column days that many of these “Improve The student editors put in on Daily Targum,” I agree top of their course load, wholehear tedly with the not ever ything goes of f STEVEN WILLIAMSON author that the quality of without a hitch. the columnists has gone But before people down. You see, back in my day, the op-ed section begin swarming like sharks as the author does, I was a place where some of the top minds at the would encourage them to go beyond his University and in the student body engaged in approach of armchair umbrage and actually go spirited and respectful debate. Now, it appears it’s in and write an article, or edit one, or take a phonothing more than a forum for columnists like the tograph or bother the sports desk. I know the author to throw temper tantrums when they do Targum is always looking for new blood and new not get their way. ideas. Don’t just sit back and casually insult a The proof is in the pudding. Would a paper group of your peers who work tremendously with such an “institutional bias” even bother to hard — if you have a problem then I challenge run such a column that points out its perceived you to go in and prove yourself. Hey, maybe flaws? Or that attempts to personally attack an you’ll even enjoy it. entire editorial board by calling them lacklusWriting letters to an opinions section is a fanter? Excuse me while I adjust my tastic way to engage both the tinfoil hat. University community and the “The [Daily] Targum newspaper that represents it. But If you listen to enough people like the author, you get a very a longwinded rant that draws a is a place interesting view of what The Daily tenuous connection between a Targum actually is. In the aggrebr utal beating of a German where students ... gate, I’ve been told that the college student and the policies can come in Targum is a liberal rag full of radiof a student newspaper seems a cal right-wing propaganda, hellbit excessive. and contribute bent on bringing down — or estabConventional wisdom would to something great.” tell the author not to bite the hand lishing — some sort of new-world order while simultaneously placatthat feeds him — can you imagine ing — or infuriating — student the recourse that would befall government. Everyone has their own opinion, but him if he were submitting an acidic column like man, those Targum folks sure are suffering from this to any other publication? Other editors some crazy identity crisis. would drop him like a habit, and instead of penThe Targum is not a perfect paper — I don’t ning “Gods Go Begging,” he would go beg God think anyone on the editorial board would argue for a job. But I don’t expect the editorial board at with that. But it is not supposed to be — if the the Targum to do anything like that in the slightauthor is looking for an ideal publication on camest. It is not because they agree with what he pus then I suggest he start his own where he isn’t wrote or that they enjoy being insulted by somea self-admitted member of a “small pool of poorly one whose only responsibility is to submit one qualified candidates” for a columnist position. column ever y two weeks — the answer is much The Targum is a place where students — any simpler than that. student, regardless of age, creed or political perThey’re simply too professional. suasion — can come in and contribute to someSteven Williamson is a student at Rutgers thing great. Not ever y article is going to be School of Law-Camden and a former editor of The uncovering the next Watergate, and some may Daily Targum. even have spelling errors — gasp. The fact is that

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



APRIL 12, 2011


Engage in debate instead of resorting to attacks Letter CONNOR MONTFERRAT


esterday’s column, “Improve The Daily Targum,” has once again proven that Democrats look to arguments and childish bickering rather than proposing solutions or consensual argument on controversial issues. Founded in 1869, the Targum is the second-oldest collegiate newspaper in the United States.

It is one of the least biased types of media on campus, and I have seen plenty of large influxes of democratic biases. We do not need to improve the opinion pages in the Targum. What we need is a solid student voice and agreement on campus. The column from April 6, “Renovate public school system to combat crime,” addresses how the public school system is deeply flawed. It is failing American youths, and it is more evident in the black community.

Those involved in the controversy between BAKA: Students

“[The Daily Targum] is one of the least biased types of media on campus.” United for Middle Eastern Justice and Rutgers Hillel should

look to last month’s “Stand Up for Peace” program. About 250 students came together on March 5 for a “Stand Up for Peace” program at the Douglass Campus Center featuring two comedians, one Jewish and one Palestinian. Students arguing like this on campus are examples of why political leaders still need to act on making treaties or peace compromises. What good does constantly attacking the other party on campus do, except show that we are

just like our party leaders? Let’s separate ourselves from party politics and religious or racial disagreement. I have no reason to conform to the rest of the party ideals or other issues because I believe in a higher cause for peace and agreement on campus. Connor Montferrat is a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore majoring in criminal justice and political science with a minor in economics.

Writer issues apology

Support diversity of taste in entertainers Letter DANIEL SWARTLEY-MCARDLE


icole “Snooki” Polizzi was brought to the University on March 31 to, in essence, make fun of the way she and the rest of these popculture “stars” make their money. What I find rather interesting is there is such extreme push back from other students, members of the University’s administration and now absurdly from members of the N.J. legislature. I wonder what right any of these groups have to investigate bringing this comedy group to see fans. If anything should be blamed, it isn’t and shouldn’t be Rutgers University Programming Association, but rather the sheer demand for having these stars. I’ve never watched an episode of “Jersey Shore,” but I certainly know what it’s about. I’ve heard professors, colleagues, co-workers and other students reference such things as “fist pumping” and the “hair blowout.” As much as we might decry the fact these people are famous, they penetrated the essence of popular culture and have now become part of the vernacular of daily life. This is completely ironic that we are at the University, a school known for being a beacon of

openness, diversity and equality. many lectures, presentations and When that support is needed the conferences that my student fees most, to stand up for its students paid for and I believe this is my and say we are adults who can right. Many would and do find make decisions, even controver- the field of biology quite boring. sial ones, that support evaporates. While I do not agree with them, Instead, we are told we don’t it is their right to feel that way. I know what we should be doing don’t care that I don’t personally and are treated like small chil- like “Jersey Shore” or Polizzi, dren. Now the administration is but she has a right to exist. She saying this was a “learning exer- has a right to be brought to the cise,” and we have learned a valu- University if the students want to able lesson. I find this completely attend the show she will be perridiculous we have forming at. to make an apoloPeople are “Commencement wrongly gy at all, either to comparthe administrais about celebration ing the fee paid to tion, or the the booking and and a joyous spirit m a n a g e m e n t N.J. legislature. We, the that hanthat is a once-in-a- company University studled the event dents, are the with the payment lifetime event.” ones that tradigiven to critically tionally deteracclaimed author mine what we want. We look to and Nobel Laureate Toni the administration to help us Morrison. This is the worst achieve our goals and needs. We attempt by the press to increase look to the administration and readership I have seen in a long professors to help us gain our time. Not only is this comparifoothold in our respective fields son very wrong on its surface, and follow our ambitions to it’s wrong at the center of the become active members of socie- debate. Polizzi was a comedy act ty. Since when does doing that brought to campus to make stumean we give up our First dents laugh. Morrison is the Amendment right to like what commencement speaker we want and to use what we pay brought to campus to congratuin student fees — a very small late the graduating class for portion of tuition — to bring who their hard work and dedication, we want to campus. I’ve attended which lead them through their

In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum has decided to change the policy regarding the posting of comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to say hateful things to one another and about the writers of the pieces they are commenting on. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.

long nights of studying, their highest highs, their lowest lows and the daily monotony to come out on the other side with a degree. Commencement is about celebration and a joyous spirit that is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Schools typically try to bring very well known people to be the commencement speaker to mark this amazing feat of graduating. This is comparing apples to barrels — completely different events with vastly difference experiences about what they are. We as common human beings should be supportive of our different tastes, experiences and cultures. We need to stop being so critical about why people might like authors, movie stars, politicians, clothing brands, music groups, religions and pop culture icons. See it for what it is — a vast melting pot of different people. This, while certainly different than what our founding fathers imagined, is what they helped build our countr y for. Daniel Swartley-McArdle is a graduate student majoring in biology and is a graduate student representative to the Rutgers Board of Trustees. This letter will also run in the Rutgers-Camden student newspaper, The Gleaner.



would like to issue an apology to those who were offended by some of the statements I made in yesterday’s column “Improve The Daily Targum.” I chose my words poorly and did not mean to denigrate columnists, writers and editors who work diligently to bring a large paper to the student population on a regular basis. It was only my hope that more diversity would be pursued in the opinions section, particularly by way of female and minority columnists, and I was merely attempting to encourage this. I am sorry if that was not made clear to all audiences and hope that those involved with the Targum were not offended. Bilal Ahmed is a School of Arts and Sciences junior majoring in Middle Eastern studies with minors in political science and African, Middle Eastern and South Asian languages and literatures.

COMMENT OF THE DAY “As someone who recently applied to Grad School in the sciences, I can honestly say the seven-buck transcripts were the cheapest part of the process.” User “Elon Weintraub” in response to the April 5th article, “Students oppose charges for transcripts”






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PA G E 1 4


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

APRIL 12, 2011


Today's Birthday (04/12/11). Your passion is your strength. Keep it alive. Challenge yourself creatively. Invite friends to support you in your adventure. It's easier to move forward when you have someone to lean on in difficult times. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today Today is a 7 — Love's a comfort is an 8 — Your friends love to when money's tight. For the next talk, and they're saying good couple of days, it's time for love. things about you. There's plenty Be open to change. Your luck is of work and there's more comchanging for the better. You'll be ing. Make your dreams come ready to make commitments true. Take time for yourself. soon. Trust your intuition. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Give respect Today is a 7 — For best results, and gain it. You're very persuastay close to home. Old friends sive now, in love as well as in offer great new ideas. Graciously business. Use your good luck for accept the gifts you been given. the good of the community, and Consider an outrageous but increase your reputation. seemingly unprofitable request. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is an 8 — You have the Today is a 7 — Suddenly everyworld on a string and you know it. thing starts making sense. Send Use the information at your finout requests for funding, a raise gertips to solve problems to your or marketing promos. Use this amazement and that of others. heightened focus to take on new Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — skills and responsibilities. Today is a 6 — Look beneath Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today the surface, but don't dig youris an 8 — Okay, now you've got self too deep. Trust your intuyour mojo back! Your brilliant ition, but not that negative voice ideas spark meaningful conversain your head. Attract luck tion. Lead by inspiring, rather than through change. ordering. Abundance is available. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today Today is a 7 — Romance is in is a 7 — Expect brilliant converthe air (whether you like or sation. Lead without demandnot). Take advantage, and reining. Anticipate cost overruns, vent old partnerships or develop and let your friends provide new ones. Trust your imaginafood. They are your true inspira- tion, and give up expectations. tion. Enjoy a blissful connection. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today Today is a 9 — You're facing a lot is a 7 — It's okay to be quiet and of work, and it's good. Find new lost in thought. It may feel like sources of revenue. Make sure the world is on your shoulders, your paperwork is in order, and but you're about to complete try your luck. Somebody apprecisomething, and it will be worth it. ates your wild and crazy side. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



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APRIL 12, 2011

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




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Sophomore attack Duncan Clancy led the Knights with three goals and an assist, but fired a shot wide in the final minutes.

LOSS: RU fails to capitalize

knowing that if we put together a complete game, I think we can beat almost anybody. We still on late Marist penalty in loss haven’t played an entire game to continued from back the best of our ability.” Rutgers had a tall mountain to The last-second shot by climb exiting the locker room Kelly occurred after a gameafter halftime, as the Red Foxes tying oppor tunity by sophoquickly scored the first two goals more Duncan Clancy went of the half, extending their lead wide of the net with just 27 to 9-4. seconds left on the clock. But the third period belonged Of ficials whistled Marist for a to Rutgers, with freshman Jack slashing penalty seconds after Mathews scoring just his second Clancy’s shot, giving Rutgers a goal of the season, followed by man advantage. two goals from But an errant Clancy. pass by redshirt Ultimately, it freshman Matt “It’s ...demoralizing was too little, too Klimchak forced knowing that late, in a scene the Knights into with missed desperation mode. if we put together filled opportunities and “We rushed the a complete game, defensive mispass,” Stagnitta takes that are all said. “We had the I think we can beat too familiar to play all set up, and Stagnitta and Co. Matt rushed the almost anybody.” “We just conpass and threw it tinue to make the DUNCAN CLANCY over the kid’s same mistakes Sophomore Attack head, so that defensively, and made that last-secon of fense we ond play neceshad some opportunities down sary. It was a shame it came the stretch and we missed down to that.” them,” Stagnitta said. “I just The last-second chaos of the wish we made people earn game occurred after a surge things, and we are just not from the Knights offense, which doing a good job of that.” was stagnant throughout the And with the offensive profirst half, to bring itself within ductivity in the fourth quarter, one point. the Knights know it is possible Clancy, who ended the game for them to be a top team. leading the Knights with a hat Stagnitta just hopes they can trick and an assist, found the put together a full game in time back of the net with just more for Rutgers’ next matchup than five minutes in the fourth to tonight at 7 p.m. against end the rally and bring the intrastate rival Princeton. Knights to within a goal. “It’s just tough, it really is. “We finally put it together on We are just a tick off ever y offense in that fourth quarter,” game.” Stagnitta said. “We’re so Clancy said. “I know that’s what damn close. It’s just got to be for our offense is capable of doing. four quarters.” Obviously it’s very demoralizing


APRIL 12, 2011



APRIL 12, 2011



CORNERS: Ryan makes


Sophomore cornerback Logan Ryan arrived in Piscataway as a highly-touted prospect out of Eastern High School and was rated four stars, according to

“I just think I’m playing consistently right now,” Ryan said. nine tackles in freshman season “I’m studying more film and just doing my job. It’s all continued from back about consistency.” The 6-foot, 196-pounder Abdul Smith transferred to showed that consistency against Temple and Dar rell Givens stiff competition. Thomas is moved to safety, while Ryan arguably the fastest player on the gradually worked his way team. Fifth-year senior Mason into first-team repetitions as a Robinson looks like he could nickel back. have played cornerback through He played in 11 games and his first four seasons. made nine tackles, quietly But Ryan steadily goes about going about his job — not makdoing his job. ing plays, but not “Everybody is giving them competing out “I can’t make every here,” Ryan said. up, either. “I think I did since I’ve play, but I want to “Ever well last year,” been a freshman R yan said. “I do my job. When a here I’ve been in think I did the competition at play presents itself cornerback. It’s job that they asked me to do. something I’m this year, I want to not Obviously they tr ying to think make that play.” didn’t ask me to about because I’m do too much, but used to it.” LOGAN RYAN I think I did my Ryan stood out Sophomore Cornerback job well.” enough in pracAs the season tice settings the went on, Cooper past two years to began to overtake Ryan in the work his way onto the field. pecking order. But in his 11 games, he often The junior transitioned went unnoticed. from wideout to cornerback That was not a bad thing for last spring, and quickly a freshman cornerback, impressed head coach Greg Schiano said last season, but Schiano with how quickly he this year Ryan wants to take on picked it up. two new roles. Cooper began this spring on One is that of the elder the first team with Jones, with statesman, the other is becomRyan working behind them. ing a playmaker. But with the depth at corner“I’m watching so much film back, they received equal repetinow that I’m trying to make plays tions in a fair race. when they’re there,” Ryan said. “I Through the first few praccan’t make every play, but I want tices, Jones stood out as the best. to do my job. When a play presRyan was right behind him, ents itself this year, I want to Schiano said. make that play.”



APRIL 12, 2011

BOTTOM: Sweeney RBI answers first-inning USF runs continued from back


Sophomore righthander Tyler Gebler allowed one earned run in 7 2/3 innings Friday against South Florida, where he struck out a career-high six batters in the Rutgers loss.

Hill’s lineup pushed three runs across in the contest of f seven hits, three of which belonged to sophomore shor tstop Pat Sweeney. Junior righthander Nathaniel Roe, who took his first loss in three starts, allowed four runs to cross in the opening frame, but Sweeney responded in the top of the second with a tworun single. The Knights scored just one more run in the final seven innings of action, giving them their second Big East series defeat of the season. “We need to star t hitting more consistently,” said Sweeney, who star ted 14 games this season in the absence of sophomore shor tstop Steve Nyisztor. “Our pitchers are doing a great job of picking up the hitters.” Game 2 turned in one of the Knights’ more productive days from the plate this season, as 10 hits led to an 11-6 victory. One of the key cogs of the scoring output was the lineup’s ability to tack on runs early in the contest — something that evaded the squad in the series opener. Thanks to a bases-clearing triple by junior third baseman Russ Hopkins in the opening inning, the Knights ear ned their first lead of the series, eventually giving them their first win. The lineup registered just three hits in the ballgame just one day earlier, making Game 2’s hit total equivalent to Games 1 and 3 combined. The Knights threatened in each of the first two innings of Game 1, advancing baserunners to third base in both frames.

But both scoring opportunities went for naught, as Hill’s lineup rallied to push a lone run across in the eventual 13-inning 2-1 loss. “Pretty much all year we’ve been a completely different team when we’ve scored runs early and been up in the game early,” Hopkins said. “I think it shows our younger guys to stay confident and that we can play with these guys.” The 13-inning loss in the opener marked the third loss in four tries for the Knights in extra inning contests this season, with two of those losses featuring sophomore righthander Tyler Gebler on the mound. In a season-opening, 11-inning 2-1 loss to then-No. 18 Miami and Game 1 against South Florida, Gebler went 13 2/3 innings while allowing just one earned run. There is no doubting the righthander settled into his role as the team’s ace nicely so far, but the difficulty of dropping yet another tightly contested game still stings as it did to start the year. “It puts a little pressure on us when we get into those late innings and we’re not hitting,” said Gebler, who recorded a career-high six strikeouts in the no-decision outing. “We panic a little bit. We’ve got to stay calm in those games because we know we can play with them. Those are the kind of games we have to start winning.” With Hill unable to predict the team’s direction through 30 games this season, Hopkins — one of the team’s captains — has a different way of foretelling a turn in the team’s fortunes. “When it gets hot, Rutgers gets hot,” Hopkins said. “It’s been cold the last couple weeks, so we’re going to turn it up. This is where you’ve got to separate the men from the boys, so we’ve just got to take it one game at a time.”


Junior righthander Willie Beard last won on March 15 in a 7-3 game against Old Dominion.

KNIGHTS HEAD TO NEW YORK TO FACE FORDHAM The Rutgers baseball team gets its two-game midweek road trip under way t o d a y, BASEBALL w h e n the Scarlet Knights pay a visit to the Bronx to take on Fordham. The Knights are just 3-2 thus far this season in midweek contests, suf fering upsets to the likes of Wagner and in-state Princeton. After dropping two of three contests to Big East foe South Florida over the weekend, the Knights start their quest to get back to .500 against an 18-13 ball club fea-

turing a trio of hitters with plus-.300 batting averages. Likely getting the starts for Rutgers in the contests is junior righthander Willie Beard, who is 2-1 on the year with a 6.41 ERA. The Spotswood, N.J., native last saw action on Saturday, when the Knights bested South Florida, 11-6, to even the series at one game apiece. Beard pitched two innings while allowing four hits and one earned run in the relief appearance. — Anthony Hernandez


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Rutgers Stadium and the surrounding area on Busch campus will host a handful of athletic events on April 30 for Rutgers Day, featuring the Scarlet-White Game.

FORMER, CURRENT KNIGHTS SET TO PARTICIPATE IN RUTGERS DAY EVENTS The Rutgers Athletic Department announced a full day of events yesterday for Rutgers Day. Rutgers Day will include the traditional Scarlet-White spring football game on April 30 at 3 p.m., at Rutgers Stadium, followed by an autograph session. Prior to the Scarlet-White game, Scarlet Knights alumni will play in the first Believe Bowl. The alumni will hold an autograph session from noon to 12:45 p.m. Among the NFL players attending and signing autographs are Gary Brackett and Eric Foster

from the Indianapolis Colts, Kevin Haslam and Tiquan Underwood (Jacksonville Jaguars), Ray Rice (Baltimore Ravens), Brian Leonard (Cincinnati Bengals), Jamaal Westerman (Cincinnati Bengals), Devin McCourty (New England Patriots), Jason McCourty (Tennessee Titans), Jeremy Zuttah (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), Ryan D’Imperio (Minnesota Vikings) and Kevin Broth (Oakland Raiders). Additional players could be added to the list of attendees. The Believe Bowl begins at 1 p.m. at Rutgers Stadium, as two teams of Rutgers football letter-

winners play an exhibition flag football game. Participants in the Believe Bowl intend to raise awareness and suppor t for paralyzed defensive tackle Eric LeGrand and Rutgers Spinal Cord Injur y Research. Admission to both games is free, but fans are encouraged to donate to Rutgers Spinal Cord Injur y Research during the game. More than 10 athletic events will occur on Busch campus from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Rutgers will hold an equipment showcase from 10 a.m. to 2

p.m. on Scarlet Knight Way, where fans will have an opportunity to pick up and try on different equipment that Rutgers athletes use during games. The Student-Athlete Advisor y Committee (SAAC) will host a mini combine on the Rutgers E athletic fields, where children can participate in a variety of skill events similar to the ones that NFL prospects endure during the NFL Combine. The winners will be recognized during halftime of the Believe Bowl. The SAAC will also sponsor a face-painting booth along with several other children’s events

and interactive games. Events and interactive games will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Rutgers Kids’ Zone on Scarlet Knight Way. The Rutgers men’s soccer team will face Lafayette in an exhibition contest at 11 a.m. on the Busch Campus Recreation fields. The cheerleading and dance team will hold a clinic and perform from noon to 2 p.m. outside Rutgers Stadium. More information on Rutgers Day is available at — Josh Bakan



APRIL 12, 2011


Tartacoff finds role with Rutgers as undersized receiver BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR

J.T. Tartacoff admits it is easy for him to get lost among his fellow wide receivers. Juniors Mohamed Sanu and Mark Harrison are the top two wideouts FOOTBALL and stand at 6-foot-2 and 6-foot-3, respectively. Classmate Tim Wright joins them after tearing his ACL in the summer and adds another big body at 6-foot-4. Redshirt freshman Brandon Coleman towers over them all at 6-foot-6. Meanwhile, Tartacoff checks in at 5-foot-11. “I’m a little guy. I’m not one of the bigger guys, but I’m fine with that,” he said. “I’ve learned to play around that. I use my size to get around defenders and I’m one of the quicker, faster guys. I’m more of an in-and-out guy, coming through the middle.” But his size does not stop Tartacoff from getting up for passes. In his collegiate debut last year against North Carolina, Tartacoff climbed the ladder to pull in a 16-yard catch and convert on a third down. It was one of two receptions on the season for the Montgomery High School (N.J.) product, who is building a reputation as a shifty, sure-handed receiver across the middle. “I think he’s quick, he’s trustworthy,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “There’s going to be a lot of places, no doubt, where he fits in.” Wide receivers coach P.J. Fleck has a better idea of where Tar tacof f fits into the of fense because it is the same place the former San Francisco 49er occupied. The 5-foot-10 Fleck ranks among the receiving leaders in ever y categor y at Northern

Illinois, where he coached before joining Rutgers last winter. Since his arrival, he worked with Tartacoff on embracing and perfecting the role of a smaller receiver. “It’s a blessing,” Tartacoff said. “He taught me so much about my game because his was so similar to mine. He demands perfection and is tough on me, but he’s the greatest coach I ever had. He’s made me such a better player since I got here.” Tartacoff spent the offseason catching passes from sophomore quarterback Chas Dodd while working with Fleck and other wideouts in the Bubble, he said. Along with cornerback, wideout has arguably the deepest competition for playing time, with seven receivers legitimately fighting for spots. “Ever ybody wants to play — that’s why you come here. You want to play Division I football and get on the field,” Tar tacof f said. “Ever yone’s friendly and you never wish anyone to screw up, but you have to go out there and perform. You have to go out and make plays to make yourself stand out from the rest of the crowd.” Standing out might be difficult for the undersized Tartacoff, but he has the experience of appearing in nine games on his side. After redshirting last season, Coleman has yet to appear in a college game. Similarly small wideout Quron Pratt appeared in just seven games last season. The 6-foot sophomore’s only catch occurred in 2009 against Texas Southern. “It’s not totally brand new to me. I know what it is to grind in a game,” Tartacoff said. “I know that intensity and I can handle myself in that. I know what it takes to play at this level, and I just have to reach that and stay there consistently.” Moore led the Huskies to 90 straight wins and two national championships. Moore is the second straight Huskie selected first overall in the WNBA draft, after Tina Charles was selected by the Connecticut Sun last year.


Word on the Street


onnecticut men’s basketball guard Kemba Walker declared for the NBA Draft. UConn coach Jim Calhoun advised the junior to forgo his senior season after Walker led the Huskies to their third national championship. Walker averaged almost 24 points and five assists per game this season to lead UConn to a 32-9 record. Walker can retur n to UConn until he hires an agent. With an NBA lockout looming, there is a chance Walker could return. If Walker returns, the Huskies have a chance to return all of their starters from their championship season.



basketball star Maya Moore was selected first overall in the WNBA draft. The four-time All-American will begin her WNBA career as a member of the Minnesota Lynx. In her collegiate career,


Carl Lewis announced that he will run for New Jersey Senate. The N.J. native announced his bid yesterday to represent his hometown of Willingboro. This is Lewis’s first bid for elected of fice. He registered to vote in New Jersey yesterday and was previously registered to vote in Califor nia and Texas. The 49-year-old is a member of the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame and was inducted last May into the New Jersey Hall of Fame.



the independent Nor th American League signed former Major Leaguer Jose Canseco to be a manager and a player. Yuma struggled with attendance in recent years, so it hopes signing the hitter who owns 462 home runs will put fans in the seats. The Scorpions also named twin brother Ozzie Canseco as bench coach and hitting coach. League President Kevin Outcalt also said that adding the Canseco brothers to the Scorpions should help the league attract the Spanishspeaking community.


Wide receivers coach P.J. Fleck made 176 catches for 2,162 yards in his career at Northern Illinois before a brief stint in the NFL with the San Francisco 49ers. Tartacoff is doing it in a new one of the smaller receivers in in situations that they’re able offense, but one he believes he the crowd. to make plays. Whether it’s the can excel in. “It gets wide receivers open. run game or catching passes, The new pro-style system, It opens holes,” Tar tacof f said. we’re able to get in the end according to Tar tacof f, can “It makes plays and it makes zone and put points on help him stand out, even if he is things happen. It puts people the board.”



APRIL 12, 2011


Rookie coach targets team improvement BY JOEY GREGORY CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Late into his rookie season as head coach of the men’s golf team, Chris Mazzuchetti continues to find things to MEN’S GOLF be happy about with his young team. Rutgers placed 11th this weekend at the Princeton Invitational in what Mazzuchetti said was a very strong field. Leading the way for the Scarlet Knights was freshman Doug Walters, who finished with a 222, placing 22nd out of 69 players. Sophomore John Fagan also finished in the top 30 after shooting a 225. Senior captain Chris Frame followed Walters and Fagan with a 228, and freshman Jonathan Renza finished with a 238. Dillon Corbo, who usually provides the fifth score for the team, withdrew from the tournament. “Even though the placement wasn’t there, there was still a lot of good to take away,” Mazzuchetti said, reinforcing his view that the season is not about numbers. The players performed much better and the scores have been more consistent, he said. The Knights needed that consistency since the best four

scores count for the team, and Rutgers only had four players rather than the usual five. “Knowing they only had four players, the guys really pulled together and stayed focused,” Mazzuchetti said. Up next on the schedule is the Big East Championship — the biggest tournament of the spring season. Individually, each player has their own mechanical aspects to work on, but as a team, Mazzuchetti is focusing on his group’s mental preparation. “The guys need to stay focused on one shot at a time, easing into the round,” he said. The reason for this mentality is to help prevent one small mistake from affecting the rest of the round and turning a good score into a poor one, he said. Mazzuchetti does not want his team to try and save its round or lose it on one hole. “I want my team to take their improving scores and use them as positive momentum moving forward,” he said. And after fighting poor conditions, including wind, rain and even snow all year, the team hopes that sunny Florida provides conditions in which they can score significantly better.


Sophomore Asha Ruth finished second in the long jump Saturday in the Rutgers Invitational, where she competed unattached from the Scarlet Knights because she is redshirting this season.

Trio of redshirts excel unattached BY PATRICK LANNI CONTRIBUTING WRITER


The women’s track and field team proved resilient enough to withstand the loss of three key athWOMEN’S TRACK l e t e s throughout the spring. Asha Ruth, Kelly Flannigan and Nwamaka Okobi are all redshir ting this season, but competed in Saturday’s Rutgers Invitational as unattached athletes in order to retain their eligibility. A runner-up at the Big East Championships last season, Okobi has been a pivotal member of the team. Okobi won both the long and triple jump in Saturday’s competition with jumps of 5.64 meters and 11.75 meters in the long jump and triple jump, respectively. Freshman Emily Vargas and sophomores Ekene Ugboaja and Shantal Athill held their own and showed signs of improvement in Okobi’s absence. Finishing just behind Okobi in the long jump was Ruth, a sophomore. The Maryland native competes not only as a jumper, but also as a member of several relays and an individual competitor in the sprints.

As a freshman, Ruth competed at the Big East Championships in the long jump and as a member of the 4x100-meter relay team. Long jumping a career-best mark indoors at the Princeton Relays, Ruth placed second behind an unattached Okobi with a leap of 5.69 meters. An exciting per formance gave the sophomore the confidence for a big per formance at the Big East Championships before a hamstring injur y sidelined her for the rest of the season. Ruth returned to action Saturday to take second in the long jump competition behind Okobi. A mark of 5.55 meters was encouraging for Ruth as she continues to heal and train. Flannigan returned to competition at the Sam Howell Friday Night Races meet in Princeton, N.J. Competing in the 500-meter r un, Flannigan recorded a time of 17:38.82 — good for 12th overall. The Connecticut native competed in her first 1,500meter run since last May on Saturday, placing four th overall with a time of 4:49.19. The leader of the Knights’ distance team, Flannigan has been one of the best distance runners for the Knights since her arrival in 2009.

Her career best of 4:31.55 in the 1,500 at the 2010 Outdoor Big East Championships was good for third among sophomores. In Flannigan’s absence, sophomores Anjelica Brinkofski, Victoria Pontecorvo, Stephanie Krausser, as well as freshmen Brianna Deming and Rashmi Singh control the Knights’ distance squad. The Rutgers Invitational showcased the depth of the Knights’ squad, as many season and personal bests led Rutgers to a strong showing on its home track and field. Natalie Clickett continues to lead the Knights with senior leadership and standout performances. Her performance in the shot put and discus were good for first place in both events. Even with the absence of Ruth, the Knights’ sprinting team continues to showcase their depth and talent. With wins in the 100-, 200- and 4x100meter dashes, the Knights will rely on those athletes come championship season. Another strong field for the Knights is the 400-meter hurdles, as junior Danai Lendor leads freshmen Vanessa Arientyl and Victoria Clark. Lendor’s firstplace finish was a great performance for the Knights.



APRIL 12, 2011




Freshmen Vanessa Petrini, left, and Stefania Balasa continued their strong rookie seasons this weekend, when they beat their Georgetown opponents. Petrini also played in the No. 5 singles slot against Villanova on Sunday, and won that match, 6-0, 6-2. Balasa won two doubles matches teamed with junior Morgan Ivey.

Knights split weekend entering only match on campus BY MATT CANVISSER CORRESPONDENT

The Rutgers tennis team shut out Villanova, 7-0, on Sunday, marking the Scarlet Knights’ eighth TENNIS sweep RUTGERS 7 of the season, VILLANOVA 0 but it w a s more impressive considering they were less than 24 hours removed from losing to Georgetown for the first time since 2000. “We didn’t really get over the loss, but we put it in the back of our minds,” said junior Jennifer Holzberg. “We couldn’t let it keep us down. We just pushed through it and improved upon what we could. We were still upset, but we refocused, got back to playing the way we usually play.”

The Knights (14-5, 6-3) learned that all good things must come to an end the hard way this weekend, when the Hoyas snapped their eight-match win streak with a 4-3 win on Saturday in Washington, D.C. “On that day Georgetown was the better team. They played strong consistent tennis,” said head coach Ben Bucca. “We were disappointed because we were really focused on running the table to ensure our best possible seed at the Big East Tournament. The Knights dropped the doubles point to Georgetown, something they did in each of their losses this season. Holzberg and senior captain Amy Zhang lost in the No.1 spot, 8-3, as did junior Leonora Slatnick and freshman Vanessa Petrini, 8-2, in the No. 2 position. “I don’t know if it’s something we did wrong,” Holzberg said. “Teams are gunning to

beat us. No one thinks of us as a rollover team. [Georgetown] played really well — they played hard and aggressive tennis. We did all we could.” Petrini rebounded to win her singles match in the No. 6 spot for one of the three Knights singles victories. The other two wins came from junior Morgan Ivey and freshman Stefania Balasa, who also teamed up to win in the No. 3 doubles slot. “Vanessa and Stef are consistently winning,” Holzberg said. “It has gotten to the point that we can almost depend on them to bring home a win for us in these close matches.” Ivey, Balasa and Petrini each notched their second singles win of the weekend in the sweep of Villanova. The Knights overpowered the Wildcats and the closest contests were Zhang’s 6-2, 6-3

singles win and an 8-3 doubles win by Slatnick and Petrini. The Knights do not have time to dwell on either the Georgetown loss or the Villanova win as they return to action tomorrow in their season finale against Connecticut. It will be the first match the Knights play on the Rutgers campus this season, and Zhang will be honored with a Senior Day ceremony. “Amy had a career at Rutgers that can only be described as outstanding,” Bucca said. “She was All-Big East for the past two years and hopefully this year will make three. She was named Big East Scholar Athlete for tennis and won many other awards. Couple that with a GPA over 3.9, and she is really the model of a consistent, outstanding, accomplished athlete. And we’re all hoping she can extend her career home record to 29-0 on Wednesday.”

The Knights are determined to play their final game on campus despite an increasingly gloomy weather forecast. If the weather does not cooperate, the match will move to Tuesday, April 19, to ensure Zhang’s career does not need to end off campus. “It’s really important to all of us that we finally get to have a match on campus,” Holzberg said. “It’s Amy’s last match and she wants to go out with all of her friends coming to watch. The whole team will be pumped to come out and play for her on Wednesday.” The Huskies enter the match riding a three-game losing streak, most recently losing to West Virginia, 5-2, last Sunday in Storrs, Conn. The result against UConn will determine the Knights’ seed in the Big East Tournament on April 28, in South Bend, Ind., after their 15-day break between matches.



PA G E 2 4

APRIL 12, 2011

Ryan emerges as young leader among corners BY STEVEN MILLER SPORTS EDITOR

Logan Ryan is still figuring things out. His résumé is underdeveloped and he still hangs on ever y word from secondar y coach Jef f Hafley. FOOTBALL But that does not stop the cornerback from giving out his own advice. Because in a cornerback competition seven players deep, Ryan is one of the most experienced. Three of the corners switched from the of fensive side of the ball in the past year, and three are younger than the Rutgers redshir t sophomore. “I’m looking at Logan Ryan for help,” said sophomore Jordan Thomas, who led the team in rushing last season. “He’s a leader and he’s been playing corner so much longer than I have. He’s really helped me a lot in the learning process.” It is a strange feeling for Ryan, who played in all but one game last season. As a highly-touted redshir t, he looked at former Scarlet Knight Devin McCour ty as an example. As an emerging redshir t freshman, Ryan learned under David Rowe. Now he is tr ying to earn a star ting spot at the most contested position, and he is suddenly the experienced, older corner. Ryan just is not that experienced. And he is not that old, either. “It is strange, but it’s a role I’m tr ying to take on,” Ryan said. “There’s a lot of new guys and young guys that ask me and [Marcus] Cooper or Brandon Jones for advice or any questions they have, so I’m just tr ying to step into it slowly.” Ryan’s whole career was built on slow, steady progression. He ar rived as a four-star recruit with a pair of other coveted cornerbacks.



Sophomore shortstop Pat Sweeney went 3-for-4 and drove in two runs Sunday in the Scarlet Knights’ 7-3 rubber match loss to South Florida. Sweeney started 14 games this season in the absence of classmate Steve Nyisztor.

Series loss leaves RU in bottom of Big East BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

The Rutgers baseball team’s pair of meetings with South Florida over the past two seasons yielded two extremes BASEBALL for the Scarlet Knights — one year RUTGERS 3 left them atop the Big SOUTH FLORIDA 7 East and the next left them scratching to stay out of the bottom of the conference. Unfortunately for the Knights, the reality of this year’s tale features the latter scenario.

Finishing with a win in just two of their past five contests, Rutgers now stands six games under .500 after dropping two of three contests to the Bulls in Tampa, Fla., leaving many, as well as head coach Fred Hill, wondering when the squad will hit the ground running. “It’s hard to tell [where we’re heading],” Hill said. “We win one day, lose the next. We hope right now that we have enough experience where we can tr y and put things together and go on a nice run.” After sweeping the Bulls a season ago when the two squads met up, the Knights

earned their 13th, 14th and 15th victories in a span of 18 contests, propelling them to first place in the Big East. But just a year later, a series with South Florida left a dif ferent taste in the Knights’ mouths. The Knights (12-18, 4-5) had their shot to earn their second straight Big East series victory in the series rubber match on Sunday, but a ninth-inning rally came to a close after senior right fielder Michael Lang struck out with two men on, sealing a 7-3 defeat.


Another rally falls short in one-goal loss BY VINNIE MANCUSO STAFF WRITER


Senior midfielder Kory Kelly had a shot to tie Saturday’s game against Marist in the final seconds, but goalie Brendan Price saved the attempt to preserve the Red Foxes’ 10-9 victory on their Poughkeepsie, N.Y., campus.

The Rutgers men’s lacrosse team found itself in a situation Saturday against Marist almost identical to the end of its one-goal defeat to conferMEN’S LACROSSE ence rival St. RUTGERS 9 John’s in the Big City Classic. MARIST 10 After rallying to narrow the Red Foxes’ lead to one, the Scarlet Knights exited a timeout with just seconds left on the clock and a man advantage hoping to even things up. But the results were identical, as well, as senior Kor y Kelly’s shot found only the inside of Marist goalie Brendan Price’s stick as time expired for a 10-9 defeat. Needless to say, head coach Jim Stagnitta is sick of last-minute rallies that fall short. “We have to play four quarters,” he said. “Just like we did the last couple of games, the kids fought back and played hard, but it’s just too little, too late.”


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