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Hardly a week goes by without mentioning the slushied kids from Fox's “Glee.” Inside Beat finds out why audiences of all ages are singing along.
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MSNBC host gives inside scoop to show BY RASHMEE KUMAR ASSOCIATE COPY EDITOR
Growing up, Rachel Maddow was heavily involved in social activism and did not see herself getting into news media until her friends dared her to walk-on for a radio show. Maddow, television host and political commentator, engaged about 600 attendees in an open dialogue yesterday morning about “The Rachel Maddow Show” and her views on politics and the media at an Eagleton Institute of Politics’ “It’s ALL Politics” speaker series event held yesterday in the Nicholas Music Center on Douglass campus. “When I really thought I was going to have a totally dif ferent life, it made something click for me, and it feels like a great privilege and a hoot to be able to broadcast [and] to be able to say stuff and have people listen, not because
A crowd of students, professors and other supporters march from Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus to Old Queens campus yesterday to bring their disapproval of the budget cuts before the administration. For more photos, see PAGE 6.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” speaks yesterday to about 600 people.
Hundreds of demonstrators who attended the New Jersey United Students’ (NJUS) “Walk into Action” yesterday marched through the gates of the Old Queens campus and into University President Richard L. McCormick’s office. The large crowd, which gathered to express their anger with the rising cost of and waning aid to higher education, came from Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus. Although only a small portion of the crowd managed to make it inside, their
Snooki visit inspires bill in NJ senate BY ANASTASIA MILLICKER CORRESPONDENT
Following the controversy surrounding Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s comedy show at the University on March 31, Sen. Joseph Kyrillos Jr., RMonmouth/Middlesex, will propose a bill that would give students a choice to pay their student fees at public universities. “Mandator y fees tacked on student tuition bills were used to pay a $32,000 speaking fee to a degenerate reality television star who offers neither useful advice nor any appreciable talents,” Kyrillos said in a statement. In the statement, Kyrillos suggests implementing a system of checks and balances so students’ fees do not go to waste.
“People were upset about the amusement decision and the amount they paid to have her perform, [so] the senator is trying to create better allocations in the future,” said Sarah Brennan, legislative aide to Kyrillos. Brennan said people were upset because the money people were paying for Polizzi could have gone toward higher education, especially in today’s economy. “I don’t think he’s against students having enter tainment but rather, this is a call for more transparency,” she said. “It’s not just for entertainment like Snooki — we’re using her as an example because it was controversial.
presence as well as loud chants from those left behind spurred McCormick to step outside. “Now I know you want me to say that there will not be a tuition increase next year. I cannot say that, because … the state appropriation that Gov. [Chris] Christie has set for Rutgers next year is a level budget. That’s better than a cut,” he said to the crowd. McCormick expressed support for the cause that brought everyone together and said he is frequently in Trenton lobbying for the things they demanded. “I’m doing my share to communicate these needs to our elected officials. And I’m really proud of you for being willing
to do yours,” he said. “Otherwise, together we can’t keep Rutgers public, which is exactly what we should be doing.” He encouraged the crowd to bring their issue to the state’s capital themselves, arguing that their appearance as constituents would send a stronger message to legislators. After McCormick’s response, ralliers headed back to where their march began in the morning — on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. Speakers from the American Association of University Professors
INDEX UNIVERSITY The Rutgers Business Governing Association will host five tables at Rutgers Day.
OPINIONS A TSA officer patted down a 6-year-old girl during a random security check.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 9 SCIENCE . . . . . . . . 11 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 12 ASHLEY ROSS / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Nicole Lee, president of TransAfrica Forum, presents yesterday in Civic Square in New Brunswick on the humanitarian assistance given to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy sponsored the event.
All students can register for classes from 6:30 a.m to midnight.
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APRIL 14, 2011
Source: The Weather Channel
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143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Josh Bakan, Lisa Cai, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz, Vinnie Mancuso CORRESPONDENTS — Matthew Canvisser, Josh Glatt, Andrea Goyma, Sam Hellman, A.J. Jankowski, Anastasia Millicker, Tabish Talib SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Nicholas Brasowski, Ramon Dompor, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Ashley Ross, Cameron Stroud, Scott Tsai STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano
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APRIL 14, 2011
PA G E 3
Association to table facts about five business majors BY YASHMIN PATEL CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Rutgers Business Governing Association will invest its effort in hosting five tables corresponding to the majors the school offers on April 30 at this year’s Rutgers Day. Each of its tables on Busch campus will provide information about the accounting, marketing, management and global business, finance and supply chain and marketing science majors, while giving students a chance to ask questions they may have about business, said Niloufar Mahgerefteh, president of the Rutgers Business Governing Association. “They will get a general understanding of what each aspect of business is and how they can relate it to their everyday lives,” said Mahgerefteh, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “We’re also there to answer questions about the Rutgers Business School.” At the accounting table, students will receive background
information and prepare for accounting through an equation laid out on a tri-fold poster called “Accounting for your Future,” said Ashley Yang, a Rutgers Business Governing Association member. “The accounting equation is assets equals liability plus stock holder’s equity,” said Yang, a Rutgers Business School junior. “Assets are going to be your future and then liability is like your responsibilities, and stockholder’s equity is your experience. Your future equals your responsibilities plus your experiences.” Aside from learning about accounting, the table will also have a jar full of coins, and students will have to guess the amount of coins in it to possibly win a prize. The finance table will have a stock ticker game where students can decide whether or not they should invest in popular companies that are household names, said Ceida Plasencia, a Rutgers Business Governing Association member.
“We have companies so people can learn more about other types of products that the companies offer,” said Plasencia, a Rutgers Business School junior. “They’ll have to mix and match the stock ticker to the company and learn about whether that’s the company to invest in or not.”
“[Students] will get a general understanding of ... how they can relate [business] to their everyday lives.” NILOUFAR MAHGEREFTEH Rutgers Business Governing Association President
Students interested in marketing can learn about branding through games and trivia at the marketing table. “We’re doing things like match the slogan to the brand, match the characters with the brand,
blindfold people and have them stick their hands into stuff and have them figure out what’s what based on their sense of touch,” said Nina Dudhale, a School of Arts and Sciences senior and Rutgers Business Governing Association member. At the management table, students will have the chance to develop their management abilities by discovering what kind of leadership qualities they have through a personal questionnaire, said Shuparna Kareem, a Rutgers Business Governing Association member. “People can come to our table and find out what their leadership style is,” said Kareem, a Rutgers Business School senior. “There are 20 questions — based on the number of points that they have, they have a certain task identity and relationship identity.” The supply chain table will show students the importance of being on time and meeting a deadline through the process of putting together a s’more, said May Chiu, a Rutgers Business Governing Association member.
Graham crackers, Hershey chocolate bars and marshmallows will be located at a dif ferent distributor, where students need to answer a question, she said. Students will move from one distributor to another, then to a retailer and finally to the customers. “They’ll have to reach that point by a certain time, so if they get questions wrong they have to stay in the same place,” said Chiu, a Rutgers Business School junior. “If they miss that deadline, then they can’t invest in their s’mores.” The Rutgers Business Governing Association chose to hold tables on the business school’s majors in the hopes of educating students about business as something they can potentially be a par t of, Plasencia said. “We want people to learn about the respective student organizations we have on campus and for students to learn about the majors so they can figure out if that’s something they want to do,” she said.
ORGANIZATIONS TO HOST ACTIVITIES ACROSS CAMPUS ON RUTGERS DAY Rutgers Day will feature activities and booths from more than 500 University organizations on April 30 spread across Busch, Cook/Douglass and the College Avenue campuses. Habitat For Humanity volunteers will demonstrate how to command the most power and accuracy with a hammer and critique those who wish to try on the College Avenue campus, according to the Rutgers Day schedule of events. Alternative Breaks will give visitors an idea of a day in the life of a person living below the poverty
line at its station on College Avenue, along with information on how poverty affects everyone, especially in New Jersey. Rutgers Student Bakers and Rutgers Against Hunger will have cupcake decorating on Busch campus, with proceeds from donations going to Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale and Rutgers Against Hunger. Those on a diet can donate a baked good to a homeless shelter in New Brunswick. The Food Science Club will be offering homemade ice cream on Cook/Douglass, where the
Society of Animal Science will also offer tours of the Cook farm and free refreshments. The A For Ef for t Improv Comedy Troupe will have improv games modeled after “Whose Line is it Anyway?” on the College Avenue campus. The University’s a capella groups Deep Treble and OrphanSporks will move around all three campuses throughout the day. — Amy Rowe
APRIL 14, 2011
HOST: TV personality says conservative views fascinate her continued from front they have to but because they can,” she said. Before signing on with MSNBC, Maddow said she made sure she was given complete editorial freedom. “I don’t want to be told that I can’t cover something,” she said. “I don’t want to be told that I have to cover something, and I don’t want you to tell me how to cover it.” A self-described “liberal with esoteric policy interests,” Maddow said while she has a point of view and an opinion, she does not use her show to promote her own agenda. As an openly gay news anchor, Maddow said she is sometimes accused of using her show as a platform to advocate gay issues. “Being openly gay may undercut any political impact of sympathetic coverage we give to gay political issues because I think people assume I’m only covering it because I’m gay,” she said. Maddow admitted she and her staff are notorious for making lastminute decisions, sometimes even while in the middle of the show. “If I change my mind up until the time we are on the air, and we will have guests sitting in the chair for the third block of the show [who already arrived on set], … during the first block of the show, we’ll send them home. That’s how bad I am at my job,” she said. Despite her assertive and sarcastic television persona, Maddow revealed she is not always that way off screen.
“I am a total grump and a depressive. You’re not going to believe this about me, but it’s true,” she said. “If the world has a silver lining, I am the deep, dark cloud within it. But I do love my job.” Maddow said while she does not understand the curiosity the public has with the Republican Party and the tea party movement, she is fascinated with conservative politics. “Very little attention is paid to the Republican Party’s future,” she said. “Republicans have a very, very, very wrong view on how to both get and keep political power that I think is driven by the conser vative movement. [But] the conservative movement and the Republican Party are two separate things.” Maddow said Pakistan is the nation the United States should be most concerned with. “I think we have a saturation for international news, and we have so many wars all the time that we have a sort of responsibility and an inclination to follow the war,” she said. “The war in Pakistan is secret, so it’s harder to pay attention to.” Maddow said Pakistan is the most anti-American place in the world, despite the billions of dollars the United States gives the country to essentially expedite the possibility of a nuclear war with India. “It is a disaster,” she said. “It’s not a disaster waiting to happen, it’s an extant disaster unfolding for the last 10 years, and we can’t get our heads around it.” While she would like to draw more American attention to the situation in Pakistan, Maddow said it could be difficult to make Pakistan resonate
U NIVERSITY among all of the United States’ other foreign obligations. “Rachel Maddow is somebody who is very popular, a little bit controversial and certainly talks about politics in a particular way. We thought she was an exciting addition to our program,” said Kathy Kleeman, senior communications officer at the Eagleton Institute of Politics. The Eagleton Institute of Politics invited Maddow through University alumnus Julia Nutter, who interned with Maddow her senior year and is now the production assistant on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” she said. “[Maddow] doesn’t go out and do a lot of speaking, so we were fortunate to be able to have that connection,” she said. Kleeman attributed the low student turnout to the fact that Maddow could only speak in the morning since “The Rachel Maddow Show” is at 9 p.m. weekdays on MSNBC. “We [also] learned that Rachel Maddow’s demographic skews a little bit old,” she said. Mike Tomaszewicz, a University alumnus, attended the event because he is an avid follower of Maddow’s show. “I like the fact that we’re listening to somebody who’s a Rhodes Scholar, somebody who has a Ph.D in political science,” he said. Meredith Kalman of Piscataway, N.J., said she believes Maddow provides a perspective no other news outlet provides. “I watch Rachel’s show every day, and I just think she talks about the things that nobody else talks about, the things that people ignore and don’t actually go out and advocate about,” she said.
Some Muslim students and groups held tables to provide the University community with the chance to learn about Muslim religion and culture. The event, held for Islam Awareness Week, will run outside Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus until Friday and features a variety of speakers.
Students start online greek aparrel company BY ADONNIS GARVIN CONTRIBUTING WRITER
With the continuing concern of unemployment rates in the countr y, some students were inspired to find alternative ways to earn a living after college. School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Anik Chadha and Rutgers Business School firstyear student Bill Hendrickson said they decided to take the entrepreneurial route. Chadha and Hendrickson launched, a website specializing in greek apparel to students at the University, in February even though plans for it began last semester. “We basically distribute clothing to anyone who needs it,” Hendrickson said. “We specialize in greek attire and have our own website.” Although the team has an office located on 46 Bayard St. in New Brunswick, the focus remains on the website, Chadha said. “We have a team of web designers and everything. We have final say of how it operates,” he said. With the main company headed in New York City, Chadha and Hendrickson handle schools all throughout central New Jersey. “We’re in charge of sales and marketing for the central Jersey division,” Chadha said. “In addition to the University, we serve schools like [The College of New Jersey] and Rowan [University].” Neither Chadha nor Hendrickson is part of a greek organization, but they saw fraternity and sorority involvement as an opportunity to create a market. “I saw people were paying high prices and there wasn’t much local competition. So I started supplying one fraternity here at Rutgers, Pi Kappa Alpha, and it took off from there,” Chadha said. Hendrickson said prides itself on giving discounts to students without sacrificing quality and service. “We’re all about speed of service, price and personality,” he said. Even with competing greek apparel stores in the area, Chadha and Hendrickson said they believe being students
themselves gives them an advantage, as other students in the community can relate to them. “We’re not business gurus or anything. I like to party a lot and have a good time and so does Anik,” Hendrickson said. “Basically, we’re normal Rutgers students who sell quality products for less money and with more efficiency.” Despite their young age, both Chadha and Hendrickson said they understand their market and products. Eugene Veltman, Pi Kappa Alpha president, said he is thankful for the company’s low prices. “Prices in the New Brunswick area were expensive and [Chadha’s] were significantly cheaper,” said Veltman, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “So we started doing orders and now we basically go to him for everything.” From this initial business arrangement, Veltman said he would recommend the business to anybody. “It’s quick, local and inexpensive, but most importantly reliable,” he said. As word about the company spreads throughout the campus, Oluwole Adeyomoye, a member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, liked the idea of a student-run greek apparel company. “I think it’s cool that students who go to school here run it,” said Adeyomoye, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “Even though I’ve never brought from there, I could see myself doing so in the future.” Contrary to stories of college entrepreneurs quitting school to build their company, like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, this business pair said they intend to finish school. “I just want to see where the company will take me, though I’m not sure what yet,” Chadha said. offers them a chance to explore their options while still remaining in school, Hendrickson said. “School is always a focus, but we want to expand, expand, expand,” he said. “We’re a few regular students whose mission is to provide quality clothing to the University community, it’s as simple as that.”
Guests eat a catered dinner yesterday at the Engineers Without Borders’ Second Annual Benefit Banquet, “Sustainably Designed.” Proceeds of the night went to EWB’s international water projects.
APRIL 14, 2011
APRIL 14, 2011
The crowd of supporters for “Walk into Action” met yesterday on the steps of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus, grew in size when it later moved to Voorhees Mall and then made its way to Old Queens campus to bring their message to University President Richard L. McCormick. Hundreds of students, faculty and other supporters came to protest tuition hikes and declining state aid to higher education. ALL PHOTOS BY JEFFREY LAZARO / ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR
APRIL 14, 2011
Demonstrators make their way into Old Queens to University President Richard L. McCormick’s office. McCormick delivered an impromptu speech for the crowd.
ACTION: U. community members come out to support continued from front (AAUP) and the University community came forward with grievances because of the past cuts to the higher education budget. John Aspray, NJUS cofounder, said students need a voice in the decision-making process here at the University. “New Jersey is experiencing a crisis in leadership and priorities when it comes to higher education, and we need to take back higher education,” said Aspray, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. The N.J. government funds 30 percent of higher education in the state and 20 percent of the University’s budget, said Richard Moser, a senior staff representative from Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters. “Where is money going?” Moser asked the crowd. School of Arts and Sciences junior Richard Garzon spoke on behalf of the Rutgers University Students Against Sweatshops (RUSAS) about the troubles of students with financial trouble at the University. “The true crisis here is not of money but rather a crisis of priority,” he said. “Students graduate college with an average of $20,000 in student loan debts.” Robert Duffey, a representative for Better Choices for New
Jersey campaign, said student labor and coalition need justice. “We need to give voice to better priorities, investing in things in higher education,” Duffey said. “The unions have made sacrifices, but the sacrifices from authority [members] are yet to be seen.” Candice Amich, a graduate student in the English department, said McCormick did not honor teaching assistants’ eight percent raise per year but instead froze the budget. “He froze the budget and our wages, yet they still manage to hire a new vice president and directors and such,” Amich said. Gary Rhoades, AAUP general secretar y, said although the crowd was small at the first rally in the morning, students across the nation are standing up for public education. “One thing we need to get straight — the state is not broke, the country is not broke, the University is not broke, the only thing that’s broken is the order of priorities,” Rhoades said. Rhoades said the future lies in today’s youth, and students must make the first step toward change. Student loan debt is higher than credit card debt nationwide, which is a sign that something is wrong, said RUSA Legislative Chair Dong Gu Doon. “There’s a crisis of priorities in New Jersey. We have hope though,” Doon said. “Statewide NJUS Day of Action is where
four-year public universities are standing together for higher education.” Some students, like School of Arts and Sciences senior Alex Howard, were encouraged to show up to the rally by their professors and instructors. “I do believe that there’s a lot of injustice going on,” Howard said. “I think it’s an important thing for people to stand up, even if they don’t know exactly where they stand because what’s going on right now, it’s kind of a travesty.”
“We’re talking about the possibility of resisting decades of this kind of stuff.” LARRY ROMSTED University Professor
But Amanda Smith, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, attended the rally with her 14year-old sister Elizabeth in mind. “I felt obligated to come because I’m graduating with $80,000 worth of debt, and I really hope that my littler sister doesn’t have to pay $100,000 to go here,” Smith said. Daphney Dupervil, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, was present to fight for more attention to the Equal Opportunity Fund (EOF), a program that helps those from under privileged neighborhoods pay for college.
“EOF is a dying population. I’m a graduating senior and [it’s] only because of EOF,” she said. “I’ve come from Elizabeth High School. We have the worst high school in the state. So graduating in four years is a big accomplishment.” While McCormick asked students to show up in Trenton for the cause, Duper vil suggested that the University provide buses to bring students over “Take us to Trenton with you, that’s what I call trying,” she said, in response to McCormick’s address. Larr y Romsted, a professor in the Depar tment of Chemistr y, was one of many faculty members who came to show their support. “I think public universities are being turned into private schools by essentially increasing tuition all the time … and they’ve been cutting down the amount of money that’s been coming from the state. I’m against it,” he said. As a person who taught at the University for about 30 years, Romsted has seen how the patterns of higher education funding increased class size but also decreased support staff. “Undergraduate organic chemistr y … has an enrollment of 1,000 students in it. It’s three lectures,” he said. “There are … recitations associated with those, which have as much as 30 or 40 students in them. They’re now up to being really huge recitations.”
Still, Romsted considers the rally — based on the turnout — a beginning, not an end, since it is fighting against a system that has been established long ago. “We’re talking about the possibility of resisting decades of this kind of stuff. That’s a big deal, not a little deal,” he said. “People have to think about what it means to give up on public schools and mostly what it means is that lower income people can’t afford it anymore.” John Connelly, an NJUS member, was happy with the turnout and feels the organization could only build a large crowd to indicate how voiceless students feel. “The idea of a movement is to keep moving. So we have to keep building, we have to keep lobbying the state House. We have to keep talking to administrators here on campus about student needs,” he said. “The fact that so many students showed up here today implies that so many students feel voiceless.” Connelly, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore, said it is up to students to make a change. “It’s our job as citizens, as students here at Rutgers, to help our administration and our elected of ficials do the right thing because they have a lot of impetus not to do the right thing,” he said. “We have to remind them there is a ver y good reason to do what’s good for students.”
APRIL 14, 2011
Sen. Joseph Kyrillos Jr., R-Monmouth/Middlesex, aims to propose a bill that would make student fees optional for public universities.
SENATE: Castillo says
spent until the end of the year,” she said. Castillo said if the student new bill could hurt 300 groups fees become an option on term bills, like the New Jersey Public continued from front Interest Research Group, it [I believe he is] just calling for would not only hurt RUPA but more transparency.” the more than 300 organizaMore information on the bill tions that receive funding from will become available in the RUSA allocations. coming weeks, as it is still being School of Arts and Sciences drafted, Brennan said. sophomore Rachel Hochhauser Ana Castillo, president of said she believes student fees the Rutgers University should be optional because they Programming Association go toward leisure activities (RUPA), said the bill would not instead of education. only hurt RUPA but ever y stu“If it is something educationdent organization on campus. al, it should be mandatory, but if Castillo, a School of Ar ts it’s not, then it should be optionand Sciences senior, said the al,” Hochhauser said. “I don’t option of paying student fees agree with the whole Snooki would be dif ficult to implecoming to campus and would ment, as it would be impossible have rather opted out of paying to keep track of for that event.” who paid. W a n H u i “We held a Guan, a Rutgers “If it is something lecture last Business School educational, it should first-year stunight with an author, so with dent, said if the be mandatory the bill, we student fees would need a were lowered, it but if it’s not, complete list of would be more then it should who paid their beneficial than student fees and mandating them. be optional.” who didn’t,” she “I think they RACHEL HOCHHAUSER said. “What hapshould be optionSchool of Arts pens if they didal because they and Sciences Sophomore n’t pay their stuforce people to dent fees and pay the fees even wanted to if they don’t attend the event? What would agree with the programming,” we do then?” Guan said. Another option brought up by Zaid Gallo, a Rutgers School several sources, including the of Business first-year student, Rutgers University Student said the per-semester fee is a Assembly (RUSA), was publishfair price to pay to bring big ing the reports online, but artists at Rutgersfest. Castillo said the problem with “That money goes toward that is some people might not be getting big names to the festifamiliar with the expenditures. val,” Gallo said. “We get 3OH!3 “None of our expenses are rather than a no-name DJ. hidden and can be found, but Although I’m not a huge fan of sending out a general report Pitbull, I’d rather have him would be difficult because … than DJ Fuzzy-Fuzzy, so I things can change, and we don’t think the student fees should know how much we actually stay mandator y.”
APRIL 14, 2011
PA G E 9
Poll shows divide over charter school expansion BY MORGAN MURRELL CONTRIBUTING WRITER
An Eagleton Institute of Politics poll conducted last Thursday found N.J. voters closely divided on whether charter schools should be expanded. Poll results show that while 44 percent of voters expressed approval for charter school expansion, another 42 percent voiced concern. Charter schools are publicly funded tuition-free schools of choice that operate freely from regulations of traditional public schools and often times specialize in particular curriculums such as mathematics or science. People who showed their support for charter school expansion called public school parents, educators and facilities inefficient, said Ruth Mandel,
director of the Eagleton Institute of Politics. “[People who support charter schools] want an alternative of quality education,” she said. “The public school argument, on the other hand, is if you want to increase the educational performance in public schools then the resources should stay in the traditional public schools.” Parental and teacher dissatisfaction of traditional public schools is primarily due to educational reasons including large class sizes, poor safety regulations and low academic standards, according to Although charter schools do not serve all students, especially those with physical and learning disabilities, they still provide a more specialized education system that some people prefer, said
David Redlawsk, director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling. “Founders generally establish charter schools for three reasons — to realize an educational vision, self-government and to serve a special population in the community, although most charter schools do not apply to all children’s needs,” he said. Votes from the AfricanAmerican population tended to be positive with the poll for an increase in char ter schools despite past negative responses toward other reforms, Redlawsk said. Mandel said many African Americans believe money taken from public schools and generated into new charter schools would bring a positive outcome. “There are so many urban areas with a predominantly
minority population where public schools have not been performing up to par, which ultimately affects the future of the students living in these areas,” she said. Redlawsk said he found this fact enlightening. “One of the most interesting findings is that blacks in urban areas are ver y positive in responding toward the idea and whites tend to have a negative response,” he said. Opponents of charter school expansion like Dawn Hiltner, New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) spokesperson, criticized Gov. Chris Christie’s possible increased funding for charter schools in the state. “It’s all a part of the governor’s agenda. He really wants to turn education into a business model — to make teaching a
competition instead of glorifying a teacher’s ability and skills,” she said. The vote for an increase in charter schools also depends on the enrollment system, known as a lotter y, which randomly selects potential student applications and generates the school’s waiting list, Redlawsk said. The lottery-based admission has caused controversy because of the children who do not get chosen and are left to choose another ultimatum, he said. “The reason the lottery exists is because there are more students and families who want to get in … more schools equal more spaces,” Redlawsk said. Christie has not yet finalized the decision to increase aid and expand char ter schools in New Jersey.
JUDGE ALLOWS TEXT MESSAGES TO SERVE AS EVIDENCE Superior Court Judge Bradley Ferencz ruled yesterday that 25 text messages sent between five teenagers accused of beating to death 49year-old Old Bridge resident Divyendu Sinha can be used in court as evidence following Prosecutor Christopher Kuberiet’s motion. The teenagers, Christopher Conway, 17, Julian Daley, 16, Cash Johnson, 17, Steven Contreras, 17, and Christian Tinli, 18, allegedly beat Sinha to death the evening of June 25, 2010 while Sinha was walking with his wife and two sons, according to an article. Many of the text messages that will be used in court were exchanged about 10 minutes after the incident between Conway and Daley, who bragged about their roles in the incident. Ferencz said he would also allow several Facebook entries to be used against the teenagers, according to the article. The texts and Facebook messages described what the boys should tell the police if ever caught. In response to Ferencz’s decision, Conway’s attorney Charles Uliano and Daley’s attorney Mitchell Ansell, said 10 of the messages between Conway and Daley were nothing more than teenagers bragging and should not be used as evidence of conspiracy. “It’s boasting by teenagers about an event that had already taken place,” Uliano said in the article. Ferencz reserved a decision on nine of the 10 messages referred to by Uliano, and said he does not believe the nine messages are reason enough to charge five teenagers of conspiracy, according to the article. Authorities determined that all five teenagers were under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident. — Ankita Panda
Local New Brunswick nonprofit organization coLAB Arts will host “Still Segues” to showcase movement in photography. The organization, located on Bayard Street, also features dance and theater shows as well as movie premieres.
Photo exhibit to depict movement BY LIZ TAYLOR CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Collaborative Arts (coLAB Arts), a nonprofit New Brunswick organization that features dance performances, art workshops and film screenings, will dedicate this month toward artistic movement in photography. The organization will debut its free, two-month-long exhibition, “Still Segues,” on April 22, which will feature emerging artists from the Rutgers Photography Club, said Theresa Francisco, co-curator of the exhibition. The opening will run from 7 to 10 p.m., at the coLAB Arts headquarters on the Third Floor of 49 Bayard St., in downtown New Brunswick, she said. As of now, the exhibition’s end date has not been fixed, but it will run through the beginning of May. For those who miss the opening of the exhibition, coLAB Arts will also hold a “Second-Look Reception” a week later on April 29, Francisco said. Both nights will feature wine and food as well as music by University lab techni-
cian Alex Denman-Brice and University students Jeff Deppa and Damian Kulikowski. The exhibition consists of the works of seven University students from the Rutgers Photography Club who sought to capture the ideas of movement and motion through their photographs, she said. Because the student photographers have different majors, Francisco said they would bring unique perspectives of motion to their works. “The exhibition is about movement and motion through the body, through activity, through nature, through different camera techniques, and one artist focuses on the absence of motion, showing a world without movement,” Francisco said. Skyla Pojednic, co-curator of the exhibition, will feature some of her own work in “Still Segues.” coLAB Arts chose the theme of movement for the exhibition because it was already a common factor in many of the submitted photos. “Movement comes from the photo by allowing for your eye to
physically move across the image because of how lines were [or weren’t] juxtaposed by the subject of the photo itself,” said Pojednic, president of the Rutgers Photography Club. Some of the photos focus on the movement of humans, while other photos focus on movement in nature, such as shots of halo arcs around the sun or shots that involve the Earth’s physical rotation, said Pojednic, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The Rutgers Photography Club has been preparing for the “Still Segues” exhibition since February, she said. Although the photos in the exhibition share a common theme of movement, the subject of the photos varies, reflecting the photographers’ different backgrounds and interests. Dan Swern, one of the founders of coLAB Arts in the fall of 2007, said his organization fosters a unique art scene in New Brunswick by promoting and exhibiting emerging local artists. “We create events for visual artists, dance artists and theater artists,” said Swern, a Rutgers
College alumnus. “Our focus is in presenting emerging artists — young artists specifically — introducing them to the New Brunswick and Rutgers community by providing them with a public place for their work to be seen.” Pojednic said coLAB Arts helps the Rutgers Photography Club because it allows the club to exhibit their photos for a long period of time. Francisco said coLAB Arts hopes to further develop an underground art culture in New Brunswick that attracts artists and art enthusiasts and is a viable alternative to the arts community in New York City. “We want to do outreach to bring in all types of artists that are in the neighborhood,” she said. “We want people who don’t know where to go to come to us so we get a foundation for artists to help them move up in the arts.” Francisco said coLAB Arts not only exhibits visual arts but also features events with poetry, theater, film, comedy and different kinds of writing that are free and open to the public.
APRIL 14, 2011
Crossroads Theatre will host “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry through May 1 with performances at 8 p.m. and with Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday matinees. Marshall Jones, Crossroads-producing artistic director will be directing the performances. Tickets cost $50 and may be purchased online or at their box office at 7 Livingston Ave. For more, visit
New Brunswick Public Library is hosting a two-day book sale, selling thousands of books along with videos, CDs, DVDs and more. The Friends of the Library book sale will be in the Carl T. Valenti Community Room April 15 from 1 to 7 p.m., and April 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information on the event, please visit
Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission and the Folklife Program for New Jersey will present the Palaspas: Traditional Filipino Palm Weaving Workshop with Samahan Cultural Heritage, Eastern Seaboard, Inc. at East Jersey Olde Towne Village at 1050 River Rd. in Piscataway from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The workshop is offered free of charge but advanced registration is required. Attendees will learn how to create special folk craft. To register, please contact the commission at (732) 745-4489 or 711 via the New Jersey Relay Service. Historically Black College and Universities College Fair, Inc. will host a “Knowledge is Power Community Walk.” The walk begins at 8 a.m., and ends at noon in Buccleuch Park. The event is rain or shine with a minimum of $20 registration fee for individuals. The money raised will go toward funding educational programs to inform students about financial aid, applying to college and providing scholarships. For more information, visit Raíces Cultural Center Ensemble will demonstrate parts of the Yoruba religion through Orisha rhythms, dances, and chants. The ensemble will perform at the Hub City Teen Center at 411 Joyce Kilmer Ave. from 4 to 7 p.m., Orisha drum, dances and song are a tribute to forces of nature and demonstrate the belief of the interrelationship of the physical and spiritual oneness of all things. Admission is free. Attendees will view clips from the film “Rumba en Havana con Yoruba Andabo” and discuss music, dance, history and evolution of the tradition. For more information, please visit FlyHigh Entertainment presents City of Stars, featuring a special performance by Markice “Kesan” Moore. The concert will be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., at New Brunswick High School on 1000 Somerset St. Part of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Tickets cost $10 to $15. For more information, contact Brando at (201) 640-6794 or
Gerald Steichen will conduct a musical salute to John Williams, writer of movie music soundtracks including “Jaws,” “Star Wars”, and “Schindler’s List,” at 3 p.m., at the State Theatre at 15 Livingston Ave. Tickets will range from $20 to $65 with group discounts available for groups of 12 people or more. For more information, visit
CoLAB Arts, a New Brunswick nonprofit organization will open its photography exhibit “Still Segues” at their headquarters on the third floor of 48 Bayard St. The exhibit will feature photographic collections from a range of photographers, including students from the RU Photography Club. The theme of the workshop is movement, and photographers will showcase ideas of motion in the photos. The exhibit will focus on movement in humans as well as in nature. Photographers will use their unique backgrounds to differentiate their galleries from one another. The exhibit, which will run from 7 to 9 p.m., is free and open to all members of the public and will continue until at least the beginning of May. For more information on the artists and “Still Segues,” please check or
To have your event featured on, send Metro calendar items to
APRIL 14, 2011
PA G E 1 1
Engineers to enter alternative fuel cars in competition BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ (AIChE) University chapter expects to win first place in the national Chem-E-Car competition this fall after winning four th last weekend at the regional level at Penn State University. “We’re going for gold, and we’re going to win,” said Ibrahim Akaba, a member of the University’s chapter of AIChE. The competition requires a team to create a car the size of a shoebox that runs and stops only through a chemical reaction, said Michael Edley, student super visor of the project. The team fell to No. 1 University of Mar yland, No. 2 University of Pittsburgh and No. 3 Bucknell University, according to the Bucknell University website. Akaba, a School of Engineering sophomore, said the hydrogen fuel cell car the team created won four th place because of a small problem with its constr uction that stopped it from traveling the full distance, but he hopes for victor y after an adjustment. The hydrogen fuel cell car is powered by splitting the protons and electrons of hydrogen atoms, said Edley, a School of
Engineering senior. The electrons then r un through the electrical circuit and the protons join up with oxygen atoms. “Thus, the only products are water and electricity,” he said. The stopping mechanism of the car is built around a flashlight, a photo sensor and a vile that tur ns the liquid from clear to dark purple in an iodine clock reaction, which causes the light to miss the photo sensor and stops the car, Edley said. “The reaction can be calibrated to turn purple at dif ferent times depending on how much potassium iodate we add, allowing us control over the stopping time of the vehicle,” he said. “This is impor tant because we do not know how far the car will have to travel until we are actually at the competition.” Edley said because there were so many students eager to par ticipate in the competition, the University’s AIChE chapter decided to enter two teams with two distinct car designs. “We decided it would be better to have about five people per car instead of 10 to one,” he said. The second car in the competition, powered by an aluminum air batter y, failed to move on to the next level of
competition but won the “Most Creative Drive System” award at the competition, said Linda Gao, a member of AIChE. The wheels pointed slightly to the left and could not be adjusted while the car was in motion, causing it to go out of the V-shaped boundar y line, Akaba said. “The car went much far ther than we expected, but it went out of the designated boundar y area, so it didn’t qualify,” said Gao, a School of Engineering junior. Gao attributed the per formance of the aluminum air batter y car to chance. “We had changed our motor just before the competition began, and it just all happened to work,” she said. Gao said the car was the only of its kind at the competition. The battery works when compounds in the charcoal and saltwater react with the aluminum foil. “The charcoal acts as a conductor and the aluminum, oxygen and water react to create aluminum hydroxide and power the motor,” Gao said. Akaba said he was proud of the aluminum air battery design. “We were the only one at the competition with this type of batter y and the cost to make it was lower than the hydrogen fuel cell,” he said. Akaba said most big car manufacturers are using
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers built two shoeboxsized cars running on chemical reactions for a national competition.
hydrogen fuel cell batteries as an alter native to gasoline, but believes they should be looking in other directions. “The aluminum air batter y our team is pushing is also a good alternative and is cheaper to make,” he said.
While the hydrogen fuel car is moving on to the national competition in the fall, many of its engineers are moving on, Gao said. “The seniors are graduating, so it will just be three of us returning to the national competition,” she said. “But we hope to recruit more people.”
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APRIL 14, 2011
TSA goes too far with precautions A
s the oft-invoked bit of Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom goes, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” This statement has been applied fiercely to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ever since the institution of stricter airport security measures last year, and enemies of these measures now have a great example of what can happen when they go wrong. At New Orleans Armstrong International Airport on April 5, Scott and Selena Drexel watched as a security officer patted down their 6year old daughter. Footage of the pat down has gone viral, and it is disturbing to watch. While it doesn’t seem the TSA agent searching the girl is doing anything maliciously, it is nonetheless highly inappropriate for an adult to touch a 6-year-old child in such a manner, no matter the situation. There’s security, and then there’s outright paranoia. The actions of the TSA in this case fall squarely in the latter camp. We understand that, in post-9/11 America, safety is a No. 1 priority, and that is completely acceptable. However, it is too often the safety measures taken are too extreme to be truly justifiable. Safety that comes at the price of near-molestation may as well not come at all. What makes this case all the more disturbing is the fact that numerous adults voiced how uncomfortable and humiliating these pat downs are. Remember John Tyner, the man whose, “If you touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested” threat to a TSA officer last year became a veritable slogan of the anti-enhanced pat down brigade? Think about it: If a 31-yearold male is uncomfortable with the security measures, how is a 6-year-old girl going to feel? This particular instance isn’t just embarrassing for the TSA but, because of the footage’s popularity on the Internet, it has also become an embarrassment to the United States. It speaks volumes about our country’s current state of mind. That is, everyone is a potential threat to society. We simply cannot go on living like this. Something needs to change. According to an official statement from the TSA on the pat down, the organization is “exploring additional ways to focus its resources and move beyond a one-size-fits-all system.” This is a good way to address any future incidents like this, but it will not lead to security measures that don’t rob people of basic human dignity.
Web courses cannot replace classrooms Online classes are growing. According to a U.S. Department of Education report, more than 1 million students from kindergarten through 12th grade took online classes in the 2007-2008 school year. Many students at the University and other colleges across America engage in them as well. But with the growing appeal of online classes comes a serious debate: Do Internet-based courses provide the same quality of education as their old-fashioned counterparts? While we think that there are benefits to online instruction, we do not feel that they can or should replace the physical classroom experience. At most, Internet classes should be used as supplements, not as substitutes. One of the major problems with online courses is the lack of interaction with a teacher or professor. This is detrimental on two levels. First, there is no teacher or professor to which students are accountable. As such, there is very little motivation for students to work their hardest and actively engage with the course material. With physical classrooms, the professor’s presence acts as a sort of goad. Sure, a student may think they do not need to go to class because they can learn the material on their own, but the threat of losing points because of absences spurs many of them to attend anyway. As it often turns out, students cannot learn everything on their own. Actually being present for class often results in a student learning more than they even thought there was to learn in the first place. The second level on which this lack of professors is detrimental is that it makes seeking help much harder for students. In traditional classroom settings, a student having a difficult time with material can approach their professor in person — that is what they are there for. When it comes to online classes, students often have nowhere to turn beyond Google, which usually just inundates them with a slew of useless sources that do not actually explain anything as well as a real human being could. When it comes to integrating the web with classes, we think the best way to go is the hybrid route, which uses online materials and coursework as supplements to an in-class experience with a professor. With this, students get the best of both worlds. Sacrificing desks and lecture halls for keyboards and web browsers is a risk that not every student can overcome. We are certain that there are students who have had good experiences with online classes, but we are also certain most students do not benefit in the same way from Internet courses as they do from the real thing.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “Although I’m not a huge fan of Pitbull, I’d rather have him than like DJ Fuzzy-Fuzzy, so I think the student fees should stay mandatory.” Zaid Gallo, Rutgers School of Business first-year student, on student activity fees STORY IN UNIVERSITY
Activists, have some respect The Soapbox S
ometimes I don’t students have causes. And know which side of that’s good. Even if that’s College Avenue I tr ue, it’s no excuse for ought to walk down. That unnecessar y hollering and may seem like a petty coninvasive goading. Keep cern, but it will really make your cause quiet, and the or break my mood on these people who want to participleasant spring days. See, I JOE HERNANDEZ pate will seek you out. don’t like being solicited. Unlike some of my conBut no matter where I go or temporaries who appeared what I do, I can’t get away. Clean-water petitions to on these pages recently, I’m not coming down the left of me, bake sales to the right and here I against the right of these people to do what they do. am, stuck in the middle. On particularly sunny That’s obviously not in question. Rather, their days these tables seem to emerge out of nowhere, choice to do it so abrasively baffles me. In my case, and the voices issuing from behind them, without the tactic is counterproductive. fail, are always way too loud. The peaceful silence Sure, maybe I would have signed your petition to is broken by someone urging me to sign this or save seals in the Arctic if you, your friend and your soliciting a donation for that. I’d have to skip class friend’s friend hadn’t verbally accosted me with the the whole semester through to avoid their headproposition. I like seals just fine. But now I’m angry quarters in front of academic buildand, since you’ve made me haphazings. It’s like being thrown into a ardly tear out my iPod earbuds in “Keep your cause really annoying episode of “The order to hear you, frazzled. Your in Twilight Zone.” people feel like they have quiet, and the people isnomaking This behavior even creeps way out. But I have no problem who want indoors to places like the Rutgers turning up my music and walking Student Center, where the road to off with a grunt. To me, that is not as to participate Subway is paved with unyielding rude as shouting at every stranger activists. The solicitor purposely that walks by. will seek you out.” takes his or her work inside, I may even support these causwhere it is quieter and more awkes, but I never stick around long ward for the passerby to avoid contact. Now four enough to know. This, you may say, is my problem. walls surround you and there’s no street to The jerk just walks by without making any eye concross or alley to duck into. This is how they get tact, but I know he hears me! That repellent attiyou. Not that they really care about you anyway. tude is exactly why I don’t stop at your table. The It isn’t your individual personality that matters mission of an organization is one thing, but a pack but rather what you can provide. Yes, for the of patronizing members is another. Just because I 32nd time, I voted in the New Jersey Public don’t buy a brownie from your bake sale, that doesInterest Research Group referendum. Please n’t mean I don’t want your magazine to go to press. stop asking. It means I don’t want to buy a brownie from your Soliciting in public for organizations and causbake sale, probably because you shrieked “BAKE es does not, from what I’ve seen, ever involve SALE!” as I casually passed your table. The people hateful or incendiar y speech. No First who want to buy brownies, or sign your petition or Amendment right is being pushed to its limit — donate to your organization, will do so. Catching although maybe the Founding Fathers should people off guard so they feel uncomfortable or have included a decibel-level clause. The content embarrassed by not buying or signing or donating of what’s being yelled at me is harmless, and I’m is, to me, bad form. Let folks do what they want. thankful for that. But this kind of behavior vioUse your inside voices. lates tacit norms of social interaction. Rarely in a Speaking of voices, I think the one in Kevin big city do you see this kind of stuff happening. Costner’s head in “Field of Dreams” was right: “If New Yorkers, especially, take the walk-don’t-talk you build it, he will come.” But there’s a catch: If you attitude to an extreme. But sidewalks, save for shout it in his face, he will get pissed off. Or maybe the occasional crazy, are normally adequate that’s just me. means of getting from one place to another without substantial hindrances. I get the feeling that Joe Hernandez is a School of Arts and Sciences the rampant soliciting is overlooked here senior majoring in English and Spanish. His column because this is a college campus. And college “The Soapbox,” runs on alternate Thursdays. Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
APRIL 14, 2011
Snooki’s appearance embarasses University Letter DARREN MONROE
ear University, I write to you as both an undergraduate alumnus (Class of 2005) and current graduate student in the University MBA program. I cannot express to you how disappointed I was upon hearing the news of Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s paid appearance at the school. This is a complete embarrassment, and the school’s claim that the tuition funds used were allocated for “entertainment” purposes is nonsense and simply misses the point. The bottom line is that $32,000 went to paying Snooki for
one night. This is absurd and inexcusable. I speak particularly for the undergraduates who work incredibly hard to pay themselves through college — I was one of them. I currently work full-time and take graduate classes at night. The fact that any portion of higher learning money would be spent to make an untalented reality star even richer is simply shameful. Let me also congratulate the University and the Rutgers University Programming Association (RUPA) on perpetuating this countr y’s unhealthy obsession with mindless reality television, which is no doubt making our youth dumber by the catfight. I don’t care if 100,000 peo-
Daily review:
ple attended the event — it would still be 100,000 people with their heads up their rear ends. There are a lot of things that are popular
“I am ... a self-paying student who knows when something is ridiculous and wrong.” among students that should not be encouraged and I think this is one of them. I know it has become almost cliché to say at
laurels and darts
Apparently, the state of New Jersey is pretty nice to its employees — nice enough, in fact, to spend more than $22 million a year on clothing allowances. It would be one thing if all of this money went to cover the costs of uniforms, but more than $3 million of it goes to workers who are not required to purchase uniforms. In the words of state comptroller Matthew Boxer, “It’s absurd.” There is no reason the state needs to be paying for its workers’ clothes. After all, aren’t employees given salaries so they can go out and purchase things like clothes on their own? We give the state a dart for this gross abuse of funds. *
The University last year had an all-time high of 11 Fulbright grant recipients, and it isn’t doing too shabby this year. So far, nine grantees have been confirmed. Needless to say, this is a great honor for the University, and for each of the students who received these grants. Anyone still sore over the Snooki incident can certainly take solace in this, as it is a sign that just because a reality star came to campus, that does not mean students don’t receive excellent educations at the University. We give all nine Fulbright recipients laurels for their great work and for making the University look pretty good right about now.
this point, but this is part of the reason why our students are being left in the dust by students of other countries who are more motivated and focused than their American counterparts. I just didn’t expect an institution of higher learning — and my alma mater, nonetheless — to contribute to this trend. Maybe I was wrong to want to go to the University in the first place to try to make something more of myself. I mean, despite this fancy degree, my chances of ever getting paid $32,000 to speak at an event are pretty slim — apparently even if I become a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winner. I am not a parent who is paying their child’s tuition or an old
school alum who is not with the times and is enraged over this misuse of tuition funds. I am 20 something years old, a working professional and a self-paying student who knows when something is ridiculous and wrong. I guess I just expected more out of my University than to play into this unintelligible pop-culture phenomenon. I expected that the University might be above the stupidity and thoughtlessness that is the “Jersey Shore.” I guess I was wrong — again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have homework to do. Darren Monroe is a Rutgers Business School graduate student.
COMMENT OF THE DAY “Every time I buy a Hallmark card (and I only buy Hallmark), I do so with the intention of writing all over the left interior page.” User “Right On” in response to the April 6th column, “Use cards to evoke emotion”
In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum has decided to change the policy regarding the posting of comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to say hateful things to one another and about the writers of the pieces they are commenting on. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.
PA G E 1 4
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
APRIL 14, 2011
Today's Birthday (04/14/11). It's up to you. You have a mission and nothing can stop you. You could do it alone, but it would be much easier if you inspire others to stand up for what they believe in. What difference will you make this year? To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — is a 9 — More work is coming over Today is a 6 — It's easy to get the next two days. Gain more than sidetracked today and to find expected. Break through the barridistractions to your goals. Do ers. Charm customers or clients. what you really need to do. Use your most persuasive appeal. Learning new tricks attracts Drive carefully over the bumps in new friendships. your love relationships. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — Stay out of a conToday is a 7 — The next two troversy, if possible. Question days bring romantic activity. your own judgment ... you don't Receive a new challenge from a have the full picture. Your loved one, then listen to your friends are really there for you. heart and accept or decline. Go The resources you need are near. for substance over symbolism. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 7 — It's not all about Today is an 8 — Stay close to you now. Dream big about a projhome. Get lost in organization ect that will benefit your commuand chores that brighten the nity and leave a mark. Future place with clean space. Clean generations will appreciate it. your closet or do some other Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — task that contributes only to you. Today is a 7 — After you have Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today fulfilled your responsibilities, is a 9 — There's a surprise at work take that trip that you've been that favors you. More money's com- considering. It doesn't have to ing your way, if you do the work. cost an arm and a leg. It all You're retaining what you focus on, works out in the end. so it's a good time for study. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today Today is a 7 — Paying attention is a 9 — Work now and play in a to detail works today. It's a good few days. Avoid distractions that time for financial planning, pull you from your core focus. today and tomorrow. Opposites Make hay while the sun is shinattract even more now. Stay on ing. Something new comes from your toes. a distant communication. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today Today is a 6 — You find it easier is a 9 — It feels right, and that to delegate, and your body really hunch could be quite profitable. appreciates it. Sudden changes The idea empowers you. Ignore a may want to push you back. pessimist, but read the fine print. Keep pushing forward. Review Invest for the benefit of all. the instructions again. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Happy Hour
Last-Ditch Ef fort
Get Fuzzy
APRIL 14, 2011
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
YTETWN Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
A: Yesterday’s
(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: BLUSH MINUS COYOTE LENGTH Answer: Saving your pennies could be considered this — “CENTSIBLE”
Solution Puzzle #41 4/13/11
Solution, tips and computer program at
The Targum first printed the Mugrat in 1927. The issue reported that a Rutgers Professor has been held in the county jail, charged with cruelty to animals.
PA G E 1 6
APRIL 14, 2011
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APRIL 14, 2011
Junior third baseman Brittney Lindley belted a grand slam in last weekend’s sweep over Seton Hall. In Rutgers’ last series with USF, the Knights’ all-time home leader went deep once.
CHANGEUP: Bulls offer daunting challenge with rotation continued from back little nervous and shying away from the strike zone before.” South Florida (27-15, 7-0) represents a new type of challenge for the surging Scarlet Knights, winners of their last six games. The Bulls have the toughest pitching staff in the Big East and are currently on top of the standings.
For comparison, South Florida held Syracuse to four runs over a three-game series. Against Rutgers, the Orange scored 23 runs in a five-inning stretch and 38 in a weekend. “Their pitching is tough,” said head coach Jay Nelson. “We are a very improved team, but we’ll see how improved [today].” The Knights (16-21, 4-5) need the big bats from the weekend to carry over to South Florida. Junior third baseman Brittney Lindley, also a member
of the Big East weekly honor roll, led the way with a grand slam, but the entire lineup was productive in a 22-run weekend. With sights set on a spot in the Big East Tournament, the Knights could jump from seventh to as high as fifth place or as low as 11th based on today’s doubleheader. “We have to get our bats back up to where they were and I know we can do that in practice,” Curran said of facing USF. “If we have a decent week of practice, I think we’ll be fine.”
Offer expires 4/18/2011
*Restrictions apply. Expires 4/30/11.
*Restrictions apply. Expires 4/30/11.
*Restrictions apply. Expires 4/30/11.
ICON: Ford earns trio of Rutgers players spot on roster continued from back While he dabbled in a number of dif ferent professions in the realm of spor ts, perhaps the Faa’s greatest contributions came in his ser vices to aspiring athletes in Jersey City.
A good friend to St. Anthony head basketball coach Bob Hurley, the Faa was a key advocate for support of local athletics in Jersey City and a respected judge of talent for athletics in the state. That is where players like Vasquez, a star catcher for the Knights until 2003, Pimentel and Lang come in. All three are Jersey City natives and all three can point
back to the Faa’s help for getting their shots to play baseball at Rutgers. “He helped us because of our relationship and helped us in the recruiting aspect of Jersey City players,” Hill said. “We would generally hear from him when he thought there was a player that could come here and help us, especially right off the bat. He was always on the lookout for us.”
Head coach Fred Hill built a close relationship with Ed Ford over his 28-year tenure with the Scarlet Knights. Ford helped players like Michael Lang, Evan Pimental and Alberto Vasquez get to Rutgers.
APRIL 14, 2011
While on the lookout, the most dangerous hitters in Faa saw something in Lang that recent memor y. no other program did, and dediThe Dumont, N.J., native hit cated himself to making the St. at least .317 in each of his four Peter’s Prep product a better seasons in Piscataway, but player. according to Lang, none of that When it comes to Lang, who would have been possible withdid not receive a scholarship out the Faa. offer after his senior season in “He taught me so much. high school, the Faa’s efforts Ever ything he said was of value proved crucial to getting him a — that was the thing with him,” chance to play for Hill. Lang said. “He didn’t BS you. “If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t He told you straight up what he be where I am at all — not even thought. He was just a real perclose,” Lang said. “He pretty son — he just said it how it is. much taught me how to hit in He’s a character — he was an high school. He got me to honest guy. He was just a real Rutgers. I wouldn’t be at upfront person, and if you didRutgers, I’d be at Rowan right n’t like it then too bad.” now if it wasn’t for him.” The Faa’s colorful personaliLang contemty is something plated playing recalled by anyDivision III basewho encoun“Everything [Ford] one ball at Rowan tered him. The before the Faa said was of value — longtime Jersey got him a tr yout icon could that was the thing City for Hill. often be spotted But even with him... he was with a wad of though Lang chewing tobacco just a real person.” on the side of his earned a spot on the roster, playcheek, with a MICHAEL LANG ing time did not quirky attitude Senior Right Fielder add up early and straightforon in his freshward approach. man year. Within the Through those str uggles, confines of the city, the Faa will Lang tur ned to the Faa likely always be remembered for advice. as one of the most influential “I would call him up and I’d spor ts advocates for those be like, ‘I’m not playing,’ and ver y characteristics. this and that, and he was the But for Hill, Lang and the one who got me through all rest of the Rutgers baseball prothat,” Lang said. “He gave me gram, the Faa will always have a advice on what to do. He was special meaning. the one who helped me through “I honestly remember him ever ything. He was a pretty big as one of the best guys I’ve ever part of my life.” met in my life,” Lang said. “One Eventually the stars aligned of the most willing [people] — for Lang, as he ascended ver y caring. He looked out for to a star ting role in right his guys more than anything. If field midway through his rook- you acted the right way with ie campaign. him and treated him well and From there, the rest is with respect, he treated you histor y, and Lang went on like a son. He was almost like a to solidify his spot in the father figure to me in certain lineup as one of the aspects of my life.”
APRIL 14, 2011
Coaches exude confidence entering Big East Champs BY JOEY GREGORY CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Junior Elisa Mateer and the Rutgers women’s golf team last competed two weeks ago in the Georgetown Hoya Invite. The squad had time to prepare for the Big East Championships.
With the Big East Championships three days away, the Rutgers men’s and women’s golf teams are about to find out if all their GOLF h a r d RUTGERS AT work will pay off. BIG EAST CHAMPS, Both SUNDAY - TUESDAY h e a d coaches are satisfied with the improvement they saw in their teams and believe they are strong enough for a showing that can exceed expectations in Palm Harbor, Fla. Ever yone on the men’s team worked hard all season and it just needs to translate to the course, said men’s head coach Chris Mazzuchetti. “It’s all about going out there and executing,” he said. And with the consistent development in his players’ games, Mazzuchetti believes the Scarlet Knights can and will do just that. “I expect the guys to have their best performance of the season,” he said. The field is wide open and strong, and the men’s team cannot wait to get out there and get going. “They are focused and understand the level of competition,” Mazzuchetti said. “They are really excited to get another round of competition.” Mazzuchetti is happy to see if his team reach the point in which everybody is on the same page and ready to take on the rest of the conference. As far as expectations go,
Mazzuchetti is not looking for specific scores, but will rather judge them by his own standards. “I don’t want to put a number on the guys,” he said. “I just want them to go out there and take it one shot at a time.” Something he believes will help the Knights is more favorable playing conditions, which were not ideal at many locations during the season. “We need to schedule more southern tournaments in the spring and more tournaments around here in the fall,” Mazzuchetti said. But no matter the conditions, he said he believes his team will be ready. While the men’s team is only a few days into its preparations for the Big East Championships, the women’s team and head coach Maura Waters-Ballard prepared for more than a week. The Knights keep improving and look like they can finish well ahead of several teams in the deep field, Waters-Ballard said. They can take advantage of the long layoff in between tournaments to work on their game so they are sharp once they arrive in Florida, she said. Waters-Ballard’s confidence in her team matches the amount Mazzuchetti has in his, and she believes any one of her players can turn in a big score that will put Rutgers ahead of a significant portion of the field. With both Big East Championships starting in just three days, the teams begin to get focused and take aim at their goals to exceed all expectations, self-imposed or otherwise.
APRIL 14, 2011
Word on the Street
ormer Rutgers receiver Kenny Britt was arrested after an officer saw him speeding in his hometown of Bayonne, N.J. Bayonne Police Chief Robert Kubert said Britt faces charges of eluding the officer, hindering apprehension and obstructing government function. The Tennessee Titan was driving his Porsche at 71 mph in a 50 mph zone, Kubert said. Britt first denied being in the car, then denied driving and then finally admitted he was behind the wheel, according to Kubert. The passenger in the car was also charged with possession of marijuana.
Junior Danai Lendor will compete in the 400-meter hurdles this weekend in the Metropolitan Championships on Livingston campus at the Bauer Track and Field Complex. The Lawrenceville, N.J., native won the event last weekend at the Rutgers Invitational.
RU looks to top Johnnies in outdoor meet BY PATRICK LANNI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
As the Rutgers women’s track and field team hosts the Metropolitan Outdoor Championships this weekend, t h e WOMEN’S TRACK Scarlet Knights RUTGERS HOSTS will tr y METRO CHAMPS, to mirFRIDAY, 1 P.M. ror the results of this year’s Metropolitan Indoor Championships. As the event moves outdoors, the Knights will tr y to outscore Big East foe St. John’s and claim first after falling five points shor t of the Red Storm indoors. The outdoor competition favors the Knights, as the indoor contests do not include the javelin and discus events.
Adding the 400-meter hurdles is an advantage for the Knights, as well. The addition of these events is crucial, as junior javelin thrower Alex Kelly and senior discus thrower Natalie Clickett have legitimate chances of winning their events. On the track, Danai Lendor also stands a chance to win the 400-meter hurdles. The potential 30 points would bolster the Knights’ score and give Rutgers a major advantage in the meet. Clickett is coming off a firstplace finish in the discus and shot put from last weekend’s Rutgers Invitational. Throws of 46 feet 3 inches and 150 feet 1 inch in the shot put and discus, respectively, put her well above competition. Kelly threw a season-best last weekend of 140 feet 9 inches, which placed her third overall behind two unattached competitors. Although the additional points will be more than useful, the
Knights still need strong performances on the track, as well. The Knights look for a repeat performance in the sprints, where they scored 39 points between the 60-meter dash, 200meter dash and 400-meter dash. The outdoor meet features the 100-meter dash instead of the 60meter dash, but the Knights will feature just as strong of a showing in the event. Junior Brittni Rodriguez leads the Knights in the 100-meter dash after a first-place finish at the Rutgers Invitational. Freshman Tylia Gillon and senior Jamie Walker will also contribute to the overall score. Gillon recorded the fastest 100- and 200meter dash times this season. A key member of several relays, Gillon participates in multiple events this weekend. The Knights distance team needs to repeat its indoor per-
COMMIT: Peele builds
formances for the Knights to take the meet. The 4,000-meter distance medley relay scored 10 points for the Knights at the indoor championship with a first-place finish. Another standout performance in the event will be crucial this weekend for the Knights. Sophomore Victoria Pontecor vo and freshman Brianna Deming added six and eight points, respectively, in the indoor meet with a third-place finish in the mile run for Pontecorvo and a second-place finish for Deming in the 3,000-meter run. Taking first in this meet would be a major step in the right direction for the Knights. After failing to score in the Big East Indoor Championships, the Knights can enter the outdoor championship meet with more confidence with another championship meet under their belt.
to an extended deliberation period for Peele, Candia said. relationship with RU coaches “The offers would have been coming in,” Candia said. “What kind of took people back were continued from back his academics. Looking at his transcripts as an early high “He’s an electrifying, exciting school kid, he didn’t do too well. athlete to watch,” said Candia, But right now at this point, he’s who cited academic concerns for on track and so he’ll be fine.” Peele’s modest recruitment as a Candia did not find out about junior. “It’s kind of like if he’s on Peele’s decision to comthe field, you’re going mit to the Knights until to look at him. He after Peele’s conversadraws attention.” tion with Schiano yesRutgers recruited terday, Candia said. Peele as an underPeele said he was classman at nearby excited about joining Linden, N.J., and the a deep wide receiver program established a corps guided by widerappor t with Peele outs coach P.J. Fleck, from the beginning of in his second season his high school career, RUHANN as the Knights’ posiCandia said. PEELE tion coach. Peele took several But Peele’s ability extends trips to Rutgers during his time beyond the sidelines, Candia at Linden, including participatsaid, as he can also return ing at the Badger Sports 7-on-7 kicks and punts, which he rouin the Bubble in March as a tinely did during his three seamember of the NJ Flash. sons at Linden. But if not for concerns “He’s a hard worker. He’s so regarding his academics, more competitive,” Candia said. “He programs likely would have can do it all.” offered the 170-pounder, leading
basketball team made another addition to its 2011 recruiting class yesterday, when wing Betnjah Laney signed to play with the Scarlet Knights. Laney is ranked the No. 11 overall recruit by ESPN HoopGurlz, and joins head coach C. Vivian Stringer’s No. 5 recruiting class. The class includes three players ranked in the ESPN HoopGurlz Top100 — No. 6 Briyona Canty, No. 18 Shaken Richardson and No. 51 Syessence Davis
FORMER NEW YORK MET Carlos Delgado announced his retirement from baseball, giving up on coming back from a hip injury. Delgado announced his decision yesterday at a news conference in his native Puerto Rico. The 38-year-old finished his 17year playing career with 473 home runs and a .280 batting average. The two-time all-star said he has not decided on his next step.
dragging on, Minnesota Vikings defensive end Ray Edwards is set to make his professional boxing debut on May 20 at a Minnesota casino. Edwards signed a two-fight contract. He will begin in a fourround bout against a yet-to-bedetermined opponent. Edwards is guaranteed $5,000 from the fight in addition to 50 percent of the gate proceeds from the fight at Grand Casino Hinckley.
guard Kobe Bryant is under review after appearing to mutter a gay slur toward referee Bennie Adams on national television after receiving a technical foul. After getting hit with the technical in a key Western Conference matchup with the San Antonio Spurs, Bryant stormed to the bench and yelled the referee’s name. He then appeared to direct a homophobic slur toward Adams while TNT cameras were still on him. Bryant since issued a statement saying his words should “not be taken literally,” and that his actions were due to “frustration during the heat of the game.”
APRIL 14, 2011
DE’ANTWAN WILLIAMS Position: RB Height: 5”8” Weight: 195 lbs.
JORDAN THOMAS Position: CB Height: 6’1” Weight: 205 lbs.
Midway through his second spring campaign with the Rutgers football team, De’Antwan Williams is a new man. Nicknamed “The Rocket” for his 83 career touchdowns and 6,909 rushing yards at Woodbridge High School (Va.), Williams has yet to blast off as a Scarlet Knight. Continually “in the mix” within a ver y crowded backfield, Williams struggled in Kirk Ciarrocca’s offensive scheme and only received legitimate action in games that were already decided. “I was more than frustrated,” Williams said. “I just wasn’t understanding things [in the old scheme] as well as I should, and now I can already tell I’m making great progress.” The best change for Williams in first-year offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti’s scheme is the increased role of the fullback. Whether it is fifth-year senior Joe Martinek, sophomore Marcus Thompson, injury-plagued Robert Joseph or walk-on Michael Burton that wins the starting job, Williams sees tremendous opportunities for himself. “That’s really exciting because there’s always holes,” Williams said. “Now I can just be myself, be a running back and make plays. “It all fits together. This offense is what I’m used to and it’s all coming together. That’s why every day goes so well right now. I’m familiar with the offense. I’m catching onto things faster because I’m more familiar with it. It’s all in my comfort zone. I’ve been around this all my life.” Through half of spring practice, Williams is making the most of his opportunity and catching head coach Greg Schiano’s eyes for the right reasons. “I thought Rocket ran the ball hard. He’s been doing that all spring,” Schiano said after last Saturday’s scrimmage. The once overcrowded backfield for the Knights is now full of opportunity. Martinek, Mason Robinson and Jordan Thomas are at new positions. Casey Turner transferred out, and Kordell Young is out of eligibility and moving on with his life.
Williams and redshir t freshman Jawan Jamison are top dogs by default, but that does not mean both are not taking full advantage of their chances in the spotlight. “I thought our running backs did a very good job of making cuts, and a couple of times defenders flashed in the backfield and they made great cuts and turned a potentially 2nd-and-13 into a 2nd-and-7,” Schiano said in reference to last Saturday’s 11-on-11. “That’s not the plays people write about or talk about, but those are the plays that win football games. Second-and-7 is a whole lot different than 2nd-and-13.” But the running back situation gets more crowded than an A bus around 1:10 p.m., when training camp rolls around. Converted wideout Jeremy Deering will be fully entrenched as a running back by that point and Savon Huggins enters the fray. Many consider Huggins, the highest-rated recruit in school histor y, the leader to hear his name called as a starter against North Carolina Central. But it will take more than recruiting accolades for Huggins to claim the spot if he wants it. Williams can tell you that. Before Jan. 28, which will become “Savon Day” in the near future if you ask any Rutgers fan, Williams was the highest-rated running back recruit to arrive at Rutgers. Ranked No. 7 in Virginia and No. 135 nationally on, Williams fell victim to the hype in his first training camp. He never surpassed the likes of Mar tinek, Young, Robinson and Jourdan Brooks. In Williams’ first two seasons, he received the brunt of his touches against Division I-AA opponents. He totaled 346 rushing yards and one touchdown. But with Cignetti calling the shots, Williams said he feels like he can be “The Rocket” again. “I’m an I-formation tailback,” Williams said. “With the patience and the reads, that’s what’s best for me. I like to run behind a fullback. It’s just like I can understand where to cut and where to run so much easier. It’s something inside of me, like an instinct or something. I’ve been doing it all my life.”
Junior running back De’Antwan Williams had a 100-yard rushing game largely in the fourth quarter as a freshman, but never saw regular carries for the Knights.
Sophomore Jordan Thomas led the Scarlet Knights in both rushing attempts and yards last season, when he became Rutgers’ primary back.
Jordan Thomas will always have his athleticism to fall back on while learning his new position at defensive back. But to the people keeping a close eye on him this spring, it is the sophomore’s mental toughness that gives him a chance to be great. “Jordan’s got boatloads of talent, speed, explosion,” said Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano. “He just has to continue to learn the position, and he’s doing that. He’s working hard at it. He’s very serious about football. It’s just a matter of time.” Thomas’ teammates at defensive back see the same thing. When they look at Thomas, they see plenty of potential and the right kind of football mind to reach that potential. “He has a lot of upside to him,” said junior cornerback Marcus Cooper, who converted from wide receiver last spring. “He has very good speed. He has very good feet and he has the will. That’s what’s going to carry him.” After leading the team in rushing last season and finishing fourth in total yards from scrimmage, Thomas’ move came as a surprise when Schiano announced it at a press conference prior to spring practice. For Thomas, the move just made too much sense. Thomas informed Schiano of his interest in defensive back during the evaluation period between the end of the season and the start of spring. Seeing local cornerbacks like Darrelle Revis and Antonio Cromartie on television and the success of the McCourty twins influenced his interest, he said. “Nowadays in the NFL, you see the taller corners and the faster corners becoming prominent,” Thomas said. “The wide receivers are getting bigger and stronger, so you need a lankier cornerback to cover them. I think it’s a perfect fit for me.” Through half of the spring and nearing the end of his freshman year of college, Thomas said he is happy and comfortable with his situation.
Enthusiasm does not begin to express Thomas’ thoughts on his new role. “I love the change,” Thomas said. “I love being on the defensive side of the field and being with coach Schiano and [secondar y coach Jef f Hafley]. It’s really cool. “It’s awesome covering these guys now. You joke around with them a lot, but it’s all about competition. It can get pretty intense since I was one of them last year. I love it.” But the transition is not easy. Thomas has no college experience on defense, but his speed and his teammates help him limit mistakes, he said. “The toughest part is just staying calm, cool and collected out there,” Thomas said. “At cornerback — that’s a really hard position. You have a lot of responsibility out there, and you have to be mentally tough enough to handle.” Thomas pointed to Cooper, who made the same change 12 months prior, and sophomore Logan Ryan as his biggest helpers. “[Cooper] is telling me just to calm down and be patient,” Thomas said. “I get on edge out there and I’m not always patient, and he keeps me calm. Logan really helps me with the scheme of the defense. It’s new to me — brand new. I’m starting to get used to it now, but a lot of that is because of Logan.” Cooper’s advice for Thomas is to not forget what he lear ned from his time on of fense, but to use it as an advantage. “Just use what we learned on offense,” Cooper said. “Use the tips he learned at receiver and at running back to gain an insight into what these guys are going to do against you.” Should Thomas’ transition take longer than expected, the Rutgers coaching staff has the option of redshirting him for the upcoming season. That decision would not come until late in training camp. A redshir t is a possibility, but between the lack of established depth at cornerback, Thomas’ blazing speed and his value on special teams, it becomes a tough decision for the coaching staff.
PA G E 2 4
APRIL 14, 2011
Linden High School (N.J.) wide receiver Ruhann Peele became the FOOTBALL first member of the Rutgers football team’s 2012 recruiting class when he committed late Tuesday night to head coach Greg Schiano. The 6-foot-1 wideout had another offer from Temple and drew considerable interest from Illinois, said Linden head coach Deon Candia, but Peele’s familiarity with the Scarlet Knights sold his commitment. “We talked about it for a long time,” Peele said of his commitment to Rutgers. “I just really thought it through and thought about it some more. I told [my family] about two weeks ago.” Peele cited the Knights’ coaching staf f and graduating players as the main factors in committing to Rutgers. Peele par ticipated in the Rivals’ Five-Star Showcase on March 12 in Oakland, N.J., where the wideout impressed enough to earn the combine’s MVP award at the position. Peele displayed an innate ability to get off the line of scrimmage against a talented defensive back group and made routine catches en route to winning the award. The wide receiver will join an already crowded receiving corps when he arrives in Piscataway next year, one that likely includes retur ning star ters Mohamed Sanu and Mark Harrison, along with the 6-foot-6 Brandon Coleman.
Michael Lang, above, walked onto the Rutgers baseball team after Ed Ford, who passed away Tuesday at age 65, introduced the St. Peter’s Prep product to Rutgers head baseball coach Fred Hill. Lang became a scholarship player and leads Rutgers in hitting.
Jersey icon leaves mark on Rutgers baseball BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Some knew him as a Major League Baseball scout, others as a high school BASEBALL baseball coach and even more for his efforts as a former columnist for The Jersey Journal.
But no matter how Ed Ford earned a place in the lives of the many he impacted in Jersey City, they all knew him by one name — “The Faa.” The 65-year-old died Tuesday after a long battle with health issues, leaving behind the many athletes, coaches and citizens within the Hudson County lines he touched.
But those lines never stopped the Faa from leaving his mark on Rutgers athletics, specifically to head baseball coach Fred Hill and the rest of the Scarlet Knights’ baseball program. “We had a longstanding relationship,” said Hill, who coached at Rutgers for 28 seasons. “I met Eddy when he was a scout for the
Chicago White Sox and had a lot of dealings with him at that time. He was ver y instrumental in tr ying to help the kids from Jersey City. Alber to Vasquez and [senior] Mike Lang and [sophomore] Evan Pimentel are all kids he steered our way.”
Freshman’s changeup solves midseason slump BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT
Freshman Megan Williams is the lone Rutgers pitcher with a winning record at 8-5, and all of her losses came in a 13-game losing streak. Since then, Williams won each of her three starts.
When freshman pitcher Megan Williams needed to make a change, she looked to her change. Williams came up on the short end five times during the Rutgers softball SOFTBALL team’s 13-game SOUTH FLORIDA losing AT RUTGERS, streak. In TODAY, 1 P.M. 17 innings pitched from March 18 to April 4, Williams went 0-5 with an ERA approaching 19. Then her changeup shook Iona and Seton Hall hitters out of their shoes and things turned around. On her path to a second honorable mention on the Big East Weekly honor roll, Williams won three games within a three-day span with a 0.82 ERA. “She’s definitely changed her attitude a lot and she’s so much fun to catch for,” said sophomore catcher Kaci Madden. “She always has something positive to
say during a mound visit and she’s a good kid. Her changeup is working so well right now, and that’s a pitch that she didn’t even have at the start of the year. She’s turning her game around.” In her three-game winning streak, Williams (8-5) struck out seven betters. Four came on changeups, including the final out of a sweep over Seton Hall. Quickly becoming an out-pitch for Williams, she did not even develop the pitch until earlier in the season by practicing it on her teammates. “In practice, sometimes she’ll freeze you,” said junior outfielder Lindsey Curran. “She got that working well [against Seton Hall]. Those hitters looked like fools.” Before Williams hit her rough patch, she started the season at 50. Her overall ERA is 5.62 going into today’s doubleheader against South Florida. “I feel a lot better,” Williams said. “I think I’m just more focused and more aggressive, whereas I was a