The Daily Targum 2011-04-25

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 1 3 1






Today: T-storms


High: 71 • Low: 56

The Rutgers men’s lacrosse team fell, 12-2, to No. 4 Syracuse on Saturday in Connecticut. The Knights remain winless in the Big East Conference.


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Although the Facebook event page sets a non-University-supported “Ragefest 2012” for April 20 of next year, about 6,600 people already say they plan to attend. Through the event, coordinators hope bring back Rutgersfest with a new, more secure identity.

Plans begin for student-led ‘Ragefest’ BY AMY ROWE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

It only took a few minutes after reading University President Richard L. McCormick’s email about the cancellation of Rutgersfest for School of Arts and Sciences first-year students Hamer Farag and Barry Woletz to create a “Rutgersfest 2012” Facebook event. But after the threat of legal repercussions for using the trademarked event name and University logo, Farag changed it, and “Ragefest 2012” was born. “[Rutgersfest] was an event that helped us relieve the stress of a long school year,” Farag said. “It’s really upsetting the [administration] canceled it.”

University administrators officially cancelled Rutgersfest, the annual end-of-the-year concert and carnival sponsored by the Rutgers University Programming Association (RUPA), last week due to violent activity that took place in New Brunswick after the concert. The event, which has about 6,600 guests who say they are attending, is an effort on behalf of its coordinators to keep tradition alive and continue what Rutgersfest was without the concert, said Anthony Flotterton, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. “It’s a day for us to enjoy celebrating here and to show school spirit,” he said. Despite the name and the slated date for the event, April 20 of next year, the event is not all about partying.

“We’re trying to bring back Rutgersfest with a new identity — a more secure identity,” Farag said. The Ragefest coordinators — which besides Woletz, Farag and Flotter ton include School of Arts and Sciences first year Joe Goldstein and School of Engineering first years Daniel Moritz and Daniel Rico — believe their event will be a success because it is planned for students by students. Farag said Ragefest would not have as many incidents involving students who do not attend the University because the Facebook event is closed and only University students can join.



INDEX UNIVERSITY As part of a seminar, students design virtual art that can be viewed through a phone application

OPINIONS A new provision to the 9/11 health care bill may require FBI screening of 9/11 responders.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . 9 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK




Medha Patkar, an Indian social activist, explains how corporations took advantage of Indian citizens and land for development at a public talk Friday night in the Busch Campus Center.

The University student body elected School of Arts and Sciences junior Matthew Cordeiro as the next Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA) president over his competitor Ross Kleiman, a School of Engineering junior. Cordeiro won by a margin of 259 votes. “We [Rutgers United] want to make a positive change working for students. I think students made the right choice,” said MATTHEW Cordeiro, who is CORDEIRO currently the RUSA vice president. He and the other elected students will assume their new titles this Thursday. The second annual external Rutgers United Student Assembly elections for the upcoming 2011-2012 academic year came to a close Thursday night after two days of online voting. Yousef Saleh, RUSA president and RUSA E l e c t i o n s Committee Chair, said Cordeiro played an important role in this past RUSA board and believes THOMAS Cordeiro will conNICHOLAS tinue to serve the student body to the best of his ability. “There are some things you can only learn through experience,” said Saleh, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. “I know he’ll do well … and continue to fight for students.” Saleh said although the RUSA gavel may look light, it carries a lot of responsibilities. “The student body wins at the end of the day,” he said. “In the past year [alone], Matt Cordeiro was a big part of the ‘Budget Teach-In,’ the ‘Walk into Action’ and the formation of a statewide student union, and he has been very active with the student body.” The closest race was for vice SCOTT SIEGEL p r e s i d e n t between Rutgers United’s Thomas Nicholas and Scarlet Knight Party’s Anthony Weigand, with Nicholas winning over Weigand by one vote, Saleh said. “This is the second year of the open democratic election,” he said. “We’ve had [one-vote wins] when we had a closed elections, but we haven’t had this happen before on such a large scale.” Nicholas, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, said he was shocked but appreciative of his victory.



APRIL 25, 2011




Source: The Weather Channel




1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1

143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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APRIL 25, 2011


PA G E 3

Smartphone application serves as space for art exhibit BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT

A growing smartphone applications market inspired University students to hold an art exhibit this week in a virtual realm through augmented reality. Six student groups of the “Art and City Design” seminar created virtual landscapes, sculptures and murals that could be viewed through the Virtual Public Art Project (VPAP) channel on the iPhone and Android application the “Layar Reality Browser,” said Andrew Zitcer, the seminar’s teaching assistant. “Each model is placed with GPS coordinates, so you go to the location, use your phone’s camera and interact and view the [artwork] with the magic of your phone,” said Zitcer, a graduate student in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. One group in the seminar, M2DB, has their exhibit at the Remsen Avenue firehouse off George Street in New Brunswick, which is in an urban area in the process of redevelopment, said Sharanya Durvasula, a M2DB member. “The building is being repurposed into a community center, and our group designed a mural to reflect that,” said Dur vasula, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. One of the students in the group made a mural of a woman with bright-colored hair voicing a famous Spanish proverb, said Nicola Mammes, M2DB project leader.

“We hope it will serve as an anchor to the community,” said Mammes, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. M2DB’s project also has a brightly colored “tattoo” on the street that was created to bring people to the firehouse, she said. “The firehouse is a beautiful building, but it’s on Remsen Avenue,” Mammes said. “A lot of students don’t wander into the area, and we thought the tattoo would be a good way to draw them in.” Mammes said although working with the technology has been difficult, it was still an interesting experience. “I worked with geographic information systems and interactive mapping to gain planning experience,” she said. “My part of the project was to plan why this art should go here.” Other groups took an architectural approach and some students chose to create virtual sculptures, Zitcer said. “The project being displayed at Passion Puddle [on Douglass campus] is two sculptures that are somewhat avantgarde,” he said. Durvasula said none of her teammates considered the project an entirely virtual experience. “We started off with practical boundaries, but the project opened up, and we didn’t have to abide by certain rules, like gravity,” she said. Dur vasula said the sculptures in Passion Puddle are the most interesting because they defy reality.

“The sculptures are floating, and you can physically walk through them and view them from the inside,” she said. “As an ar tist, it is really interesting to create things like this.” One of the class’ objectives is to learn about ar t and the public interest, Zitcer said. Each of the six groups aimed to create some mural or sculpture the public could see. “The project was so that the students could have real interaction with people who can see their ar t and also so that they could have public input on the final design,” he said. The course is cross-listed in both the Mason Gross School of the Arts and the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Zitcer said. “It’s the first time that has ever happened, and it’s good bringing together students from both fields,” he said. After seeing an art exhibition in Philadelphia using VPAP, Zitcer contacted the individual who created the channel. The creator turned out to be Christopher Manzione, a Mason Gross School of the Arts alumnus. Manzione star ted his first VPAP show by placing two of his sculptures in 14 dif ferent countries around the world in major cities, Zitcer said. Manzione said the technology is a good substitute to creating 3-D models because 3-D printers are expensive. “I’ve seen an architectural company do something similar by placing a vir tual


By using a smartphone application, viewers of the VPAP art exhibit could see a dragon by Passion Puddle on Douglass campus.

model on site, and I think the technology will continue to grow,” he said. Manzione said while the practical uses of the Layar application and VPAP channel are beneficial, bringing attention to

them was an intriguing and unique experience. “I try to popularize the exhibits mostly online using Facebook and Twitter,” he said. “The art requires a smartphone, so I think the audiences are similar.”


APRIL 25, 2011



RUTGERS UNIVERSITY STUDENT ASSEMBLY SPRING 2011 ELECTION WINNERS President Matthew Cordeiro Vice President Thomas Nicholas Treasurer Scott Siegel At-Large Senators Kristen Clarke Stacey Milliman Christine Honey Morgan Sills Richard Garzon John Connelly Mark Bittner Donggu Yoon Joseph Cashin Busch Campus Class of 2012 Representative Augustine Onwubuya Busch Campus Class of 2014 Representative Shaban Hani Busch Campus Senator Sam Berman College Avenue Campus Class of 2012 Representative Jill Weiss College Avenue Campus Class of 2013 Representative Jean Rodriguez College Avenue Campus Class of 2014 Representative Molly Magier

RUSA: Number of voters did not increase this election continued from front “I want to thank them for their support,” he said. “Everybody is happy for Matt, and we’re ready to make a difference next year.” Nicholas said one of his first pieces of legislation as RUSA vice president would be toward the termination of the $7 transcript fee. “In addition to the initiative to make Rutgers more handicap accessible, I would like to advocate for terminating the $7 transcript fee,” Nicholas said. “We want to hit the ground running.” Although Kleiman, who ran under the Scarlet Knight Party, did not win, he would be considered an ex-officio for RUSA under the new constitution. “I reached out to Matt and will be meeting with him to discuss the implementations of policies such as active communication with students and taking care of some other internal issues in the assembly, such as ensuring a successful turnover between academic years,” he said. As an ex-officio voting member of RUSA, Kleiman would be able to continue his work on multiple fronts at the University, including working with students, faculty and the administration on lowering textbook prices. Cordeiro said although Kleiman did not win the presidential position, he still ran a good campaign. The election this year did not increase in the number of voters, despite the two-day voting period, Saleh said.

College Avenue Campus Senator Nathan Gwira Cook Campus Class of 2012 Representative Gianna Santelli Douglass Campus Senator Kathryn Rose Yabut Douglass Residential College Chasity Uzuegbu Livingston Campus Class of 2012 Representative Mikey Leviss Livingston Campus Senators Joe Fontana Aamir Lalani Off-Campus Representative Pavel Sokolov Joel Salvino Ryan Bondar Sonia Szczesna Hajar Hasani Julian Fensterheim Melany Cruz Alfonsina Hernandez Off-Campus Senators Renee Coppola Spencer Klein

“The voting percentage stayed about the same, but I guess the people who vote care about RUSA and the entire University,” he said. “Next year, [Cordeiro] may want to change it up and change it up on people’s platforms.” The voting period did come with some appeals, according to the RUSA election results publication. Michael Alter, a Scarlet Knight senator-at-large candidate and School of Arts and Sciences junior, was disqualified from the election when he sent out an email to the presidents of sports clubs promoting School of Arts and Sciences sophomore Scott Siegel as treasurer, according to the RUSA elections report. In the email, Alter allegedly told the presidents that Siegel, who is a member of the RUSA Allocations Board, would be able to work with the board to get favorable funding for sports clubs if elected as the next RUSA treasurer. This action violated election guidelines since it implied a quid-pro-quo agreement involving the use and dissemination of student fees that is not content-neutral, according to the repor t. Cordeiro said RUSA is planning on using the summer as an opportunity to organize. “The Rutgers United movement is getting together, and we are going to make use of the summer as a platform to get things ready,” he said. “We are starting to get things together now that elections are over, so we will be ready for the fall.”



APRIL 25, 2011


Students teach NJ residents energy efficiency methods BY LIZ TAYLOR CONTRIBUTING WRITER

While some forms of energy remain unsustainable and expensive in the United States, University students from the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group’s (NJPIRG) Energy Ser vice Corps devoted their Earth Day to teaching homeowners how to save money on their energy bills. NJPIRG and AmeriCorps sponsored the campaign on Friday to educate and engage communities on the issue of energy efficiency, said Stefany Farino, an NJPIRG intern. Students split into pairs and spent more than two hours in Highland Park, going door-to-door and offering tips on ways to conserve energy by keeping aware of energy leakage in household appliances and offering to weatherize homes, said Farino, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student.

“We do simple things like weather stripping, caulking the windows and insulating pipes, and we also tell them at the end how they are wasting energy and how they can do simple things to fix it,” she said. Farino said the weatherization is simple and beneficial, because it conser ves energy and reduces the energy bills of community residents. The Energy Ser vice Corps’ objective was to educate enough people to attain a bigger, semester-long goal of educating 300 homeowners or tenants and 500 school children as well as weatherizing 25 homes, Farino said. Carl Johnson, Energy Service Corps campus organizer, said the organization surpassed their goals on Saturday morning as a result of Friday’s efforts. Visiting Highland Park residents on Friday was the group’s third ser vice day project of the

semester, she said. The group held a weatherization day project in the past where it weatherized 20 houses and has also gone to a middle school to teach sixth graders about energy conser vation. The Energy Service Corps focuses on three initiatives — weatherizing homes, teaching kindergarten to 12th-grade students and educating adults, she said. To accomplish their goals, participants in the Energy Service Corps at the University meet once ever y week, apart from other NJPIRG meetings, to discuss and plan ways to educate the community, Farino said. Some Energy Service Corps members said they were motivated to volunteer their time, because they wanted to send a message to the community to stop wasting energy. Omar El-Dakkak, an Energy Service Corps member, said he became conscious of taking care

of his environment after taking an environmental science class and understands the financial concerns of energy. “Hopefully, it will make people more energy conscious of how much energy they are actually wasting,” said El-Dakkak, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student. “I think the incentive to save money will motivate people to do it.” Naghem Al Yassiri, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore, said based on past experiences, she thinks the Energy Ser vice Corps’ ef for ts could af fect community engagement. “Even if it’s something small, like changing a light bulb, it can still make a huge difference,” she said. “You never know, maybe they’ll pass it on to a friend or a family member and tell them to try it.” Before educating people as a group, Energy Ser vice Corps

members do so on an individual level. Al Yassiri said she found herself exchanging facts about energy efficiency in her conversations with others through those experiences. She said she would ask people if they knew that if they unplug their appliances when they’re not using them they can save almost 40 percent on their energy bill. “Some of them would not know, and some of them would know and star ting telling me more information,” she said. “So it’s not only educating them, it’s also educating me as a person.” Farino said after becoming a part of the Energy Service Corps initiative, it is not difficult to make an influence on the community. “We train people on the spot so they can do it, which is the best part about Energy Ser vice Corps,” she said. “Anyone can do it if they get trained.”

UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS TO JOIN ARTS AND SCIENCES HONORARY SOCIETY University professors Gregor y Moore and Thomas Banks were elected for membership in the American Academy of Ar ts and Sciences, a prestigious honorar y society that provides for independent policy research. Both professors specialize in string theory, a part of physics that aims to provide an understanding of nature’s basic forces and fundamental particles, according to a University media relations news release. The forces include gravity, electromagnetism and those responsible for the stability and deterioration of atomic nuclei.

Moore, who along with Banks is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University, focuses on mathematical physics, with an emphasis on string theor y, M-theor y and gauges in his research. Banks researches theoretical elementar y particle physics, cosmology and superstring/M-theor y. Banks and Moore are among 212 new members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, who will contribute to studies of science and technology policy, global security, social policy, American institutions, the humanities and education, according to the release.

“It is a privilege to honor these men and women for their extraordinary individual accomplishments,” said Leslie Berlowitz, academy president, in the release. “The knowledge and expertise of our members give the academy a unique capacity — and responsibility — to provide practical policy solutions to the pressing challenges of the day.” The two new additions join 16 other University faculty members in the academy, according to the release. Banks and Moore will be inducted at a ceremony on Oct. 1 at the academy’s headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. — Amy Rowe


RAGEFEST: Organizers

“People are going to drink and have to go to the hospital, so they want to limit admission for event have to be prepared for that.” But University spokesman E.J. Miranda said Ragefest would continued from front receive no such support. “We want to bring back “The University has canceled Rutgersfest, that’s why we Rutgersfest, and Rutgers will not made the event closed to stufund or support a similar event,” dents who don’t come here,” he said. he said. “[We don’t want] other The Ragefest coordinators people ruining it.” thought there were many flaws Goldstein said he is more with the planning of Rutgersfest. on board for bringing “I thought it was extremely Rutgersfest back and believes poorly organized,” Farag said. the end-of-the-year celebration “The concert was ridiculous. Half would be incomplete without of the people there weren’t a concer t. Rutgers students.” “I still think we Moritz said should have the the problem with “If we want concert and outsiders coming implement some to Rutgersfest is funding from solutions to the their lack of the school, problems,” he respect for said. “Students the University. it would be can only bring “Rutgersfest one or two was open, everyhard to launch.” guests. It should one knows when it DANIEL MORITZ not be free and is, and some are School of Engineering open to the not coming here to First-Year Student public, just visit anyone,” he for Rutgers said. “Because students.” they were showing Because Ragefest was just up [for after the concert], they created, the coordinators do showed no respect for the school. not have a set idea for what the We pay for our surroundings and day would exactly entail. But we respect them.” they plan to sell Ragefest TAll of the Ragefest creators shir ts and hold events and agree the ultimate goal is to fundraisers throughout the bring Rutgersfest back to school year to possibly fund the University. a musical act for the day, “We will get something back Farag said. in [the next] four years,” Farag “Some schools don’t pay for said. “If it turns out to be sucthe people performing at concessful — and we have a good certs. Each [student could] pay feeling it will — maybe the to see whoever is performing,” administration will see and bring Moritz said. “If we want funding [Rutgersfest] back.” from the school, it would be hard Moritz said a year off from to launch.” Rutgersfest might do the To avoid the violence of this University some good. year’s Rutgersfest, Farag said the “A year of f from Rutgersfest event would need some support. is a good idea. It will let the “We still need the support of hype die a little bit,” he said. the administration and New “We can have Ragefest and Brunswick itself,” he said. then Rutgersfest.”


APRIL 25, 2011



Bryan Hansen, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, plays guitar for a group of University students Friday night at the RutgersZone in the Livingston Campus Center for the Rutgers University Programming Association’s open mic night.



APRIL 25, 2011





Rutgers Liberty in North Korea will present “Sounds of Liberty II” at 7 p.m. at Trayes Hall in the Douglass Campus Center. The event is free with food and entertainment. “Sounds of Liberty II” will feature A4EFFORT, Janice Kim, A Little Affair, Zay Tate and Jason Min among others. Attendees can learn more about the crisis in North Korea. Donations are welcome. Douglass’ Social Justice House is sponsoring a panel titled “Ingredients For Change: A Panel Discussion About Food Justice” from 7 to 10 p.m in the Bunting-Cobb Lounge, located in Woodbury Residence Hall, 49 Dudley Rd. Our panelists include: Charlie Huebner, a Rutgers alumnus and grass-fed cattle farmer from Hopewell, N.J., Rutgers Gardens Director Bruce Crawford, Mary Ann Schrum, director at the farmer’s market at the Rutgers Gardens and John Leary from New Brunswick’s George Street co-op. Contact if you have any questions. The Environmental Science and Engineering Club will host an Environmental Career Fair from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Cook Campus Center Multipurpose Room B. It will host companies from environmental fields that are looking to hire college students for internships and full-time jobs. Contact Anthony Lopez at with any questions


The New Jersey Blood Ser vices will be collecting blood from University students in the lobby of the Louis Brown Athletic Center (RAC) from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m on the College Avenue campus. Anyone, from students to University researchers and staff members are encouraged to donate their blood. In order to schedule an appointment, please call 1-(800)-933-2566 or visit spx. For more information on the event, please email Rutgers Marketing at or call (732) 445-3342.


The Rutgers University Programming Association (RUPA) is hosting a Hot Dog Happy Hour from 3 to 7 p.m. on Morrell Street next to the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Stop by and take some free samples of hot dogs from across the United States. The Center for Cultural Analysis will hold “Practice, Politics and the Everyday” where speakers Richard Bernstein, professor at the New School for Social Research and Brinkley Messnick, a professor at Columbia University will offer perspectives for understanding the relationships between social practice and political possibility. They will also talk about the political boundaries that exist in the Middle East, United States and North Africa. For more information about the lecture, please contact Curtis Dunn at or at (732) 932-8426.


The University will hold Rutgers Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. where students and their families will have the opportunity to engage in festivities on Busch, Cook/Douglass and the College Avenue campuses. Busch campus will feature many science-related demonstrations, an Engineering Open House where students could learn about ongoing science projects at laboratories, Scarlet Knight Way for sports lovers and a Virtual Visual of Livingston where students can monitor Livingston campus’s construction progress. The College Avenue campus will explore the impact of culture on the University by hosting cultural events by the Asian Cultural Center and the Center for Latino Arts and Culture, among others. In addition, students can participate in a Huckleberry Finn reading marathon or attend a series of writing events at the Plangere Writing Center. Among other activities on College Avenue include a tour of Alexander Library. Douglass campus will feature activities that include a plants sale, tours through the Rutgers Floriculture Greenhouse. Dining Services chefs will also reveal cooking secrets and healthy eating advice to students who wish to see. For more information, please contact the Campus Information Services at or at (732) 445-4636.

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APRIL 25, 2011

PA G E 9

Residents highlight Sierra Leonean culture through festival BY JEFF PRENTKY STAFF WRITER

In celebration of the 50th Independence Day of Sierra Leone on April 27th, about 1,500 people gathered Saturday to engage in Sierra Leonean cultural activities, like painting native portraits and discussing their country’s history. The Sierra Leonean Community of New Jersey collaborated with the Hamilton Street Business & Community Corporation (HSBCC) to hold the event, which took place at Naaman Williams Park in Somerset, N.J. “We are all citizens of the world, and that is what America is all about,” said Efren Dato, executive director of HSBCC. “We belong to an immigrant country and everybody’s welcome as long as we

believe in the rule of law, pursuit of happiness, liberty and equality.” Dato explained the history, colonization and independence of Sierra Leone, a name that dates back to 1462 when the Portuguese sailor Pedro da Cintra dubbed the country Serra de Leão, meaning Lion Mountains, he said. The celebration began with a parade at noon from Highland Avenue to Hamilton Street in Somerset, where Franklin Township Mayor Brian Levine rode on a float and later spoke in the park. “The enthusiasm and the excitement, the spirit of the people of Sierra Leone, especially those that live here in Franklin Township, is beyond description,” Levine said. The cultural program in the park featured speakers, artistic

exhibits, ethnic group performances, children’s activities and ethnic foods. Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, D-17, and Union County Freeholder Mohamed Jalloh were chosen as Grand Marshals for the event. “Fifty years of independence means responsibility,” Chivukula said. “You have chosen the United States as your home. It’s a great home for all of us. Let’s work together toward peace and prosperity for all the world.” Jalloh said part of what makes America unique is that people can maintain their heritage, culture and histor y, making the United States more of a salad bowl than a melting pot. “In a melting pot, things come together and they lose their uniqueness and you don’t know what’s what or who’s who. That’s

not what happens in the United States,” he said. “You have a mix of anything you can think of with different colors, textures, flavors and they come together.” Jalloh praised the diversity and acceptance of cultures throughout the country, especially in New Jersey. “It’s a beautiful thing ... it’s something that is certainly beautiful about America and it’s something that’s extra special to New Jersey,” he said. “When I go to other states I don’t quite experience the same thing as we do here in New Jersey.” Mariatu Sesay, a Jersey City resident and an executive member of the Sierra Leone Online Club — a support group for Sierra Leoneans and a sponsor of the event — also described the importance of the occasion. “We’re all so proud to live to see this day, because in the next 50 years

some of us might not be here,” she said. “But this is history and we’re going to live to tell the story.” Attendees included families from New Brunswick, as well as families from states like Maryland. Pavi Jalloh, a Somerset resident, said she was proud of the large turnout and that the event was a collective effort. “[The festival’s] an opportunity to collectively celebrate something that we’ve all worked so hard for over the years,” Pavi Jalloh said. While Manny Harding, a New Brunswick resident, agreed the event signified unification of the American Sierra Leoneans, he said the country could do more to recognize small minorities. “[The festival] means a lot to the country as a whole, not me alone,” he said. “The country has come a long way, but we’ve still got more to do.”

VETERAN HONORED WITH DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS 66 YEARS AFTER SERVICE IN WAR At a ceremony at Woodbridge Town Hall last week, 89year-old World War II veteran Walter Lemiska received a Distinguished Flying Cross medal. During his time as a torpedo bomber over Japan, Lemiska flew over cities and attacked airfields in 21 different missions, according to an article. Lemiska only needed 20 missions to apply for the medal. The veteran, who now has four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, won separate honors for two difficult missions he was on. But when Lemiska applied for a Distinguished Flying Cross medal 66 years ago,

navy officials denied his request and said he had already been recognized enough for his accomplishments. “I said to them, ‘You mean because I went on two more hazardous flights, I don’t get this?’” Lemiska said in the article. Lemiska reapplied for the medal this year, but when asked to reproduce a copy of his flight record, he was unable to do so, according to the article. In response, Lemiska’s daughter and son-in-law contacted Lemiska’s former pilot and retrieved their father’s flight log.

The former pilot looked back at his service with mixed feelings that represent both good and bad times. “It was a good experience,” Lemiska said in the article. “I don’t know if I’d have wanted to go through it again.” State Sen. Joseph Vitale, D-N.J., presented the award to Lemiska last week and said that while he regrets it was done so late, is happy for Lemiska. “Only 66 years late, but as they say in the Navy, better late than never,” Vitale said in a statement in the article. — Ankita Panda



PA G E 1 0

APRIL 25, 2011


9/11 bill provision disrespects responders


ou would think the federal government would herald 9/11 first-responders as heroes. They did, after all, come to the nation’s aid during one of the darkest and most devastating moments of American history. Instead, these people had to fight for their right to receive treatment for the various ailments many of them suffered as a direct result of getting involved in 9/11 clean-up and rescue operations. Unfortunately for these heroes, that isn’t where the insult ends. Now, as the 9/11 health bill is being fiercely debated in Congress — a debate which should not even have to happen in the first place — Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., has added a provision which would make it so anyone seeking medical care through this bill would have to first be screened by the FBI for any possible ties to terrorist organizations. If that sounds downright crazy to you, that’s because it is. As stated above, these men and women should be treated as national heroes, and it’s a shame they aren’t. This provision merely adds insult to injury by suggesting that these brave people who risked their lives almost without taking the time to think about it could be connected to the same kinds of people who are responsible for the tragedy in the first place. We think John Feal, a construction worker who worked at Ground Zero, said it best when he told the Huffington Post, “It’s comical at best, and I think it’s an insult to everyone who worked on The Pile and is sick and suffering from 9/11.” It could perhaps be that this provision is just another move by politicians to avoid helping out citizens with their often unbearable health care costs. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it won’t certainly be the last. Whatever the case is, the fact remains that people like Stearns actually have the gall to look national heroes in the eyes and suggest, “You risked your life for this country. Now, let’s make sure you aren’t trying to destroy it.” Does anyone actually think that some of the responders could be involved with terrorist organizations? Frankly, we find that sort of notion to be bordering on lunatic conspiracy theory. It’s an outright shame that there has even had to be a debate about whether the federal government should provide these responders with health care. Politicians should have jumped at the chance to repay these brave citizens. Instead, not only are people actively fighting against giving them health care, but some are suggesting that they may be terrorists themselves. Our hearts go out to all of the police officers, firefighters, construction workers and others who are about to be slapped in the face yet again by the very same nation they put their lives on the line for.

Alert consumers of tracking feature


our iPhone is tracking you. No, really, it is. The device constantly collects information on where you are and stores it in an unencrypted file, meaning that it is relatively easy to access. Once this information came to light, people started to get understandably upset. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., and Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., are two public figures who have raised a bit of a ruckus over the fact that Apple is apparently tracking customers, as both of these politicians have publicly called out Apple and Steve Jobs, demanding answers for the tech company’s oddly Orwellian software. It isn’t unusual for devices such as iPhones and Androids to keep track of where their users are. Not only that, but these devices also offer their owners the option to turn off the tracking feature so the device no longer records their whereabouts. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem here. It isn’t the tracking that we find upsetting in this situation. Rather, it’s the fact that it took national news coverage for many people to find out that their smartphones were keeping a record of this information. It’s one thing to include a global positioning system in a phone so that users can take advantage of it and apps can utilize it. It’s another thing to do so without warning users in advance. In fact, it’s just creepy. What Apple should have done is been upfront with all device users. That would have solved all of their problems. Instead, what the public gets is a phone that covertly tracks them, thereby infringing on their privacy. Also, if the phone is going to track users, the least Apple could do is keep the data a little more protected. As it stands, it is relatively easy for people to access the data, and we are not comfortable with that at all. So, tech companies, take note of Apple’s failure here. Consumers, make sure you’re aware of exactly what your getting yourself into before purchasing these gadgets. While smartphones can make great accessories to anyone’s life, you run the risk of putting yourself into an awkward, uncomfortable position if you don’t educate yourself before buying.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “We are all citizens of the world, and that is what America is all about.” Efren Dato, executive director of the Hamilton Street Business & Community Corporation STORY IN METRO


Project Civility selects essay winners


ongratulations to the driving yourself. Be specifProject Civility Essay ic. Choose your conContest winners! text. Define your terms. How First Prize: Kendall La would civility, chosen as a way Paro, School of Arts and of living, change the world MICHELLE J. BRAZIER Sciences senior around you? Second Prize: John W. A reading panel of faculty, Connelly, School of Arts and Sciences sophomore staff and students evaluated the student essays Third Prize: Zehra Ali, School of Arts and using criteria in the following six areas: theSciences senior sis/argument, organization, supporting evidence, Honorable Mention: Jade McClain, School of originality, engagement and presentation. The readEnvironmental and Biological Sciences junior ing panel selected a first, second and third-prize Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Taylor, School of winner, and two honorable mentions. We are proud Arts and Sciences sophomore to present their work and congratulate them all. Over the next five days, The Daily Targum will Sincere thanks to The Daily Targum, former feature in its Opinions section the writing of these Editor-in-Chief Neil Kypers and current Editor-infive Rutgers undergraduates who are being recogChief Mary Diduch for their support and sponsornized for their submissions to the Project Civility ship of this essay contest. Thanks, as well, to Emily Essay Contest, co-sponsored by The Daily Targum, Ryan, education manager and our contact with The The New York Times and Project Civility at Rutgers. New York Times, and the members of the essay Project Civility is a two-year inicontest reading committee for their tiative, launched in fall 2010, and for and investment in “How would civility, enthusiasm sponsored by the Offices of Student this contest. Affairs and Undergraduate Finally, the University is indebtchosen as a way Education at the University. The ed to Kathleen Hull and Mark of living, change the Schuster, the founders and co-direcoverarching goals of Project Civility have been to promote a universityworld around you?” tors of Project Civility at the wide dialogue and to focus our University, for focusing our attenattention on civility in the context of tion on the ways we interact with our culturally and racially diverse research universione another. If we cannot start by examining what ty. Our local efforts have dovetailed, quite synchrowe do to and with one another every day — as our nously, with the broader calls of our political leaders student essayists have articulated in their own ways to embrace the vital connection between civility and — we will have no understanding of how and what democracy. Consider the stated aspirations of the we would like to change. I hope that you will ponder co-founders of Project Civility: “We aim to shed light these essays — whether or not you agree with the on what civility is and what we can each do to make viewpoints they share — as they provide a daily, our society (both within and without Rutgers) weeklong, look into a few student perspectives on reflect our ‘better selves.’” the New Brunswick campus. These five essays repThe essay contest was an invitation for resent the many submitted by University underUniversity undergraduates to join the conversation graduates, all of whom took the time to think and and shed their light on our community. Last fall, as write about their own perceptions and experience of one element of the Project Civility initiative, undercivility in their daily lives. I hope, after Project graduates in New Brunswick were invited to Civility at the University has faded away, that the respond to the following essay prompt: How would idea of civility — the aspirations and challenges civility, chosen as a way of living, change the world civility presents to us — will linger. I hope that those around you? of you who have thought about what you would like We start with the premise that civility is more to change in the world around you, and those who than manners. It is more than etiquette. It is a way begin to think more as a result of these student voicof being, of living in the world, a way of having relaes, will continue to do what you can to make the tionships with others. But what does this mean on University a place you want to be. any given day? What would a way of life predicated Now: on to the essays! on civil behavior look like? Or consider — are there Note: The views expressed in these essays are times in life when civility is not the choice to make? those of the student authors and do not represent What are the alternatives? the opinions of any other faculty, staff or students This essay prompt asks you to approach the broad involved with Project Civility at Rutgers or its coquestion above in light of your own experiences, in sponsors. For more information on Project Civility, particular, at the University — with your roommates, go to your friends, your instructors, your classmates, at the Michelle J. Brazier is a senior executive associate library, in the dining halls, at the student centers, in in the Office of Undergraduate Education. your classes, traveling around campus on the buses or

Project Civility

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



APRIL 25, 2011


Look to elders for inspiration on living life fully Letter JOO KIM t my local Borders the other day, I picked up a book called “How to Build a Fire: and Other Handy Things Your Grandfather Knew.” Realizing that I may someday want to know how to build a fire to possibly impress a lady friend while camping, I picked the book up on a whim. What really struck me was what I found in the table of contents. Of course there were chapters on how to build a fire, how to catch a fish, how to paint a room and how to make beef jerky, but as I scanned further down the list, I saw titles like “Soldiering On: How to Be Brave,” “How to Write a Love Letter,” “How to Make a Toast,” “How to Protect Your Home” and a few other things that really took me by surprise. The author Erin Bried had written about some really wonderful


things that I realized would actually take a lifetime of rich experiences to learn. It occurred to me that over the years, all our grandparents have earned those skills like merit badges. As I stood there browsing through some of the chapters, I began to think about my own grandfather, whom I love dearly with all my heart. Throughout all the time we have spent together during my 22 years, he has always been so full of stories that didn’t seem to be much more than stories. But somehow, picking up this rather whimsical book actually triggered memories of some of those precious stories and the possible meanings behind each of them. He once told me of the time Japanese soldiers invaded his high school in Korea, and how they rounded up the students to take them god-knows-where, and how he and his friends had escaped by climbing a fence

around back. Another time, I tried to learn more about his mysterious past by asking him how he met my grandmother, from whom he seems inseparable, and how he came to prosper as South Korea’s economy developed and other such unanswered questions. With a strange expression that betrayed what must have been nostalgia, he told me of how he had met my grandmother in her youth while he was starting a business with some friends. As I listened to the stories, I had been incredulous not only of the fact that my sagely grandfather had once been a young man, but also of how he had experienced what seemed to me like ancient history. As the book got me thinking, I imagined how scared he must have been during the war and how brave he was forced to be in order to survive those dangerous times. I began to wonder what kind of romance my grandparents

had built in their youth and throughout their lives to be such a solid team 60 years later. What my grandfather shared was a simple tale of a life lived to the fullest. One repeating theme was that there were always obstacles and challenges, but none that weren’t to be met head-on with perseverance and integrity. Hearing those stories about the old days from my grandfather, I get the sense that for him and my grandmother — and the rest of his generation — working hard and doing the right thing is simply how they’ve always lived. Like my own grandparents, our fathers’ fathers all over the world are quietly and often humbly living among us. They have worked and fought through world wars, depressions and baby booms, and now they are with us to witness the development of things like global outsourcing and online dating. It’s hard for us to show love or even simple

respect to these magnificent men and women disguised as old folk because it’s just too easy to take them for granted. But reflecting on my own life experiences filled with easy entertainment, social media, get-rich-quick scheming and more first-world problems than ever, I wonder if I’m somehow missing the point of it all. Dan Rooney, the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, writes in his memoir, “In those days growing up on the North Side, we didn’t think about your skin color or your accent or what church you went to. What mattered was that you lived up to your word, pulled your own weight and looked out for your friends.” Rooney, speaking like a grandfather, captures in just a few words the profoundly simple ethic of hard work and dignity that all of us would do well to remember. Joo Kim is an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy graduate student.

Continue to be civil in everyday lives


f our world ran on civility, nothing would change.

It already runs on civility. Does this sound overly optimistic? Calculate every human interaction you had today. Most people walked past you without incident, most cashiers rang you up correctly, most cars held tight in their lanes and most colleagues saw you and smiled. Unremarkable, yes, and forgettable. So forgettable that you may not have noticed any of it until now. I played this little game with myself. In minutes, my long day transformed into a welcoming committee of people waiting to perform some simple, civil act for me so I could continue with my life. My roommate left extra coffee in the pot. A bus stopped so I could cross the street. A man yelled after me that I dropped my scarf. A stranger held the door. My professor asked me how I was. I seemed to ask for nothing and get everything. But this cheery pattern was soon tested. There was a fiasco in the bathroom of Murray Hall, with 20 women jammed up in line, all trying to make it to class, and only one stall with toilet paper. And yet somehow, it was a room full of smiles and knowing looks, with everyone taking turns informing the newcomers and passing down bunches of toilet paper to anyone who missed the memo. If they had been rude and irritable, it might have stuck in

At the University, my mind, but as in every school, ever yone’s basic we like to study the decency made a bare-bones processsmall enough es that make us who impression to KENDALL LAPARO we are. Evolution recall at the end of smiles apologeticalthe day. Civility ly and concedes that self-interest populated doesn’t stick out. It’s everywhere. our planet. Economics shrugs and tells us I am taking a risk. You had a terrible that greed fuels our capitalist machine. It is day. You are a cynic. A stranger cut you off an enticing cop-out, the idea that we have to and flipped you off on Route 18, and you — in some way — be “bad.” Egotism is natuwill not believe me. The world is a mess. ral. Self-love inevitable. We fight wars, we yell racial slurs, we don’t But maybe some days — today, for say, “Excuse me.” You see all these things example — we can reflect on our day and and “civility” doesn’t even cut it anymore. try: Caring is natural. Altruism is inevitable. You need respect, understanding and symWe take our skills, proclivities and enerpathy. You need, say it, love. gies and hand them out freely to family, But your cynicism reinforces my point. friends, neighbors and strangers. We put Any person who looks around and sees a them toward jobs which permit society to lack of civility already believes in civility. function, we lend them to people who ask Recognizing a problem is the first step to for help, and we offer them to the people we changing it. If what you see around you love without a second thought. I will take upsets you, then you are one less person my house as an example, not because my contributing to the problem. house is in any way extraordinary, but I am taking a risk when I say, “Nothing because it is ordinary. We are eight normal would change.” There are a few things that college students. We quibble over who hasI would love to change about the way peon’t taken the garbage out. Even now, thinkple interact with each other, and a healthy ing about the unclaimed pile of dishes in the dose of civility would certainly help. But I sink makes me wonder just how civil any of believe negative human interactions are us really is. However, if I step back from the the exception, not the rule. They are just petty things, I actually live with a group of more memorable, and they make a better normal, average people who exhibit extraorstory. In reality, we already survive on dinary acts of human kindness on a daily civility in the giant web of human dependbasis and never think of getting anything in ence that we call “society.”

Project Civility

Daily review: laurels and darts


s students, we’ve come to expect professional conduct from our professors. Of course, this isn’t always the case, as evidenced by the actions of University of Iowa Professor Ellen Lewin, who sent an email to the school’s college Republicans group which simply read “F-- you, Republicans.” According to Lewin, the email was in response to the group’s announcement of “Conservative Coming Out Week.” Lewin found the declaration of the event offensive, because it seemed to belittle minority groups. While this may or may not have been the case, Lewin is a professor. It is her duty to act maturely and responsibly when interacting with students. If the event truly offended her, there were many better ways for her to go about it, instead of firing off such a childish and profane missive. We give Lewin a dart.





One of the hottest topics in America these days is illegal immigrants and how our nation should deal with the problem of illicit entry into the country. Unfortunately, these sorts of debates often neglect a very important aspect of the whole issue: Illegal immigrants are people and they deserve respect. The Mercer County Community ID program, started by the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, is a great program because it does not fall into this trap. Instead, it treats all residents, legal or illegal, equally. Anyone can apply for a community ID, and they are accepted by many official government organizations in Mercer County as proof of identification. Since the cards do not disclose citizenship status, illegal immigrants can apply for them. Regardless of how one feels about illegal aliens, these people still deserve the right to be able to identify themselves when they need to. Therefore, we give the community ID program a laurel for acting as a great first step toward legal citizenship for many of these people.

return. I genuinely believe that each of them makes the world a slightly better place, and they do it in their spare time — just for fun. One organizes Dance Marathon for the Embrace Kids Foundation, another works with at-risk youth, another organizes an environmental film festival and keeps us all recycling, another feeds stray cats, another devotes half his life to taking care of his mom, and three of us are currently putting together a concert for Rutgers Against Hunger. Those are just the obvious examples, which overshadow the smaller acts of sharing food and offering rides. I don’t think we are alone in our need to contribute. So my presumptuous prescription for our community, from no position of authority, is that I don’t have one: Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep in mind, however, that “keep going” is a far less static directive than it may sound. Staying the same is, counterintuitively, a continual process. Living a life ruled by civility requires constant action — action you already do — and an alert mind you already have. Civility is already the currency of our daily lives, but unlike currency, you have an infinite amount to spend. So look around you, and use it well. Just like you have been. Kendall LaParo is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in English with a minor in music. This essay placed first in the Project Civility Essay Contest.

COMMENT OF THE DAY “This is how lazy and incompetent officials handle problems. Instead of doing something constructive, they just cancel events.” User “lea,” in response to April 21st’s letter “Do not let outsiders ruin our school’s events”

VOICE COMMENTS ONLINE AT DAILYTARGUM.COM In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum changed the policy regarding posting comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.


PA G E 1 2


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

APRIL 25, 2011


Today's Birthday (04/25/11). Enjoy a complete makeover. You don't have to be a star to feel like one. Sometimes all it takes is a new frame of mind. Keep your friends close. They can teach you new perspective. There's no need to have enemies at all. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Celebrate. Heed the voice is a 9 — Your charm is captivating. of experience. Discipline is Say the magic words, and ask for required. Draw upon hidden what you want. Collect an old resources. Others are saying nice debt. Work starts to pay off. Accept things about you. Provide excellent another assignment for a bonus. service. Store away extra provisions. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Postpone expenToday is a 7 — Welcome a loved sive socializing. Patience and one's assistance, and pay it forcourtesy are worthwhile pracward. It's a good time to start an tices. You're the stabilizing influadventure you've been wanting. ence. Share the love with others The more you learn, the more ... and invite them on a picnic. you value true friends. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is an 8 — Communication Today is an 8 — Continue your is key and so is intuition. Keep studies, and, with a loved one's working towards your goals, encouragement, your career takes even if at times it feels like off like a rocket. Focus on skills there's no progress. Don't give that provide profit. Wear your up. Do what's required. power suit, and gather riches. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is an 8 — Break through Today is a 7 — Listen to what the myth of the "starving artist." your partner wants, and see how You can be creative and make you can fulfill it. You have the money at the same time. Invest self-discipline to make things hap- in love. Use your imagination. pen. Accept their gratitude. What Study what you love. comes around goes around. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is Today is a 9 — New information a 7 — Be thrifty and patient, and changes your choice. The more your respectful past treatment of precision, the more profit. Your others earn you kudos now. Keep common sense comes in handy. furthering your education, no Keep the energy flowing, and matter your age. Inquire among practice steadily. Money comes in. friends for opportunities. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today Today is a 6 — You may not is a 7 — Rearrange things for think so, but you're looking greater efficiency. Write in your good. Keep feeding your inner journal. Stay on track with the help good wolf, so that it's louder of a friend. Stand up for what you than the bad one. Follow intuknow is right. Shift expectations. ition and the map. Trust love. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



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Last-Ditch Ef fort

Get Fuzzy


APRIL 25, 2011

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




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APRIL 25, 2011

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APRIL 25, 2011


WEEK: Knights cannot convert on faceoff conversions continued from back of 16 faceoffs to give Rutgers possession and allow scoring opportunities. But the Knights failed to capitalize on those opportunities. “Chris Mattes was terrific, as he has been all year,” Stagnitta said. “We just did not take advantage of his performance.” The Knights also failed to capitalize on a number of manup oppor tunities throughout the game. Scott Klimchak found himself in front of the cage when the Orange were down a man in the first frame, and junior Mike Diehl had a similar shot on goal in the third. Both goals were denied by Syracuse netminder John Galloway, who holds the record for most wins in NCAA history with 55 in 61 starts. The weeklong break from real game action between the Knights’ last contest and their matchup with the No. 4 team in the nation could be blamed for the stagnancy of the Knights’ offense, but Stagnitta does not see that as the source. He sees it for what it is: an all-around bad day against a skilled team that undoubtedly took advantage. “I don’t think that hurt us at all,” Stagnitta said of the weeklong preparation. “Could it have? Yeah, you might be able to look at that and say, ‘Yeah that’s it.’ But we just looked ner vous. We picked a bad day to have a bad day, that’s for sure.”


Junior attack Will Mangan accounted for 50 percent of the Knights’ scoring output with his goal Saturday against No. 4 Syracuse. Mangan and senior attack Kory Kelly scored Rutgers’ only two goals against the Orange in Connecticut.



APRIL 25, 2011


LOYOLA: Early second half goals force RU timeout continued from back kind of a sense of urgency and at that point things didn’t go very well for us.” Gavin put Loyola ahead, 6-3, with two consecutive free position shots seven minutes into the second half before Rutgers called a timeout to stop the Greyhounds’ momentum. “They were definitely placing their shots a lot better than they did in the first half, which is something that we weren’t doing,” said senior midfielder Marlena Welsh. Rutgers led, 3-2, with 9:28 remaining in the first half after a Welsh free position shot. Welsh got fouled on an Ali Steinberg free position shot that went wide. Loyola led, 2-1, before Rutgers turned the ball over with a crease violation. Loyola cleared the ball down the field only to have it saved by sophomore goalie Lily Kalata. Rutgers then cleared it for a Welsh unassisted goal on the right side to tie the game, 2-2. The Knights got on the board 10 minutes into the game, when Marino bounced it in inside the eight-meter arc after causing a turnover on a bad Loyola pass. But even though it was close in the first half, Rutgers looks to improve its shooting and put its game together for all 60 minutes heading in its final two bouts — star ting tomorrow against Villanova. “We need to focus on our shooting more,” Welsh said. “The last two games are Big East games, so we have to win them. That’s our plan — to win.”


Senior attack Katie Marino gave the Knights their first goal of the game Saturday against No. 6 Loyola and added another tally later in the Big East Conference contest. Rutgers has just two games remaining on its regular season schedule with the loss.



APRIL 25, 2011


Weather affects seedings, times BY PATRICK LANNI CONTRIBUTING WRITER

For a certain period of the it WOMEN’S TRACK day, seemed Mother Nature would cut the Rutgers women’s track and field team a break for the first time in three weeks. But as the rain cleared from Princeton’s Weaver Track and Field Stadium, the automatic timing system was temporarily damaged and the meet was delayed. Once the meet resumed, the Scarlet Knights continued to be af fected by the timing and seeding system. Among those affected were 100-meter competitors Tylia Gillon, Jamie Walker and Brittni Rodriguez. Gillon’s second-place performance represented the meet coordinator’s mistakes. The 100-meter dash, which usually features preliminar y heats with the top six or eight competitors advancing to a final heat, ran as six heats, with the fastest time from any heat winning the competition. The seeding, which is usually arranged by a competitor’s fastest performance of the season, was also altered. Gillon’s season-best time of 12.07 should have qualified her first in the fastest heat against three-time Big East 100-meter champion Trisha-Ann Hawthorne and teammates Rodriguez and Walker. Instead,

Gillon was placed in the second heat. “Unfortunately I wasn’t with the girl who got first place and is undefeated,” Gillon said. “It would have been a little better, but even being in the second fastest heat, I was really happy with my second place. I was satisfied.” Beyond the questionable seeding, head coach James Robinson explained that his and several other coaches’ hand timings were significantly faster than the of ficial

“As a senior, you look to them to provide leadership and example, and [Courtney Sample] is doing that.” JAMES ROBINSON Head Coach

timing system. “The time system was of f the whole time because those 100 times were fast,” Robinson said. “I timed the race four times over, [so] me and a couple of other coaches … agreed that [Hawthorne] ran close to 11.30 hand timed and other competitors were much faster.” Hawthorne’s of ficial time was 11.82 and Gillon’s was 12.21, which Robinson claimed was much closer to 12.0.

Gillon’s second place in the 100-meter dash was the highest among all Knights on the track, but sophomore Ekene Ugboaja matched that place in the field with a second-place finish in the triple jump. Her jump of 39 feet marks a career best and puts her in a good position for the Big East Championships. Robinson called senior Cour tney Sample’s 400-meter hurdle performance the “best overall performance.” “An outstanding per formance [from the second heat as well] for her,” Robinson said. “As a senior, you look to them to provide leadership and example, and she’s doing that and has come along way.” Sample joined the Knights as a sophomore and improved tremendously as her final season nears completion. Her time in the 400-meter hurdles puts her in the top six in the Big East and qualifies her for the ECAC meet. Robinson will look toward Sample, senior thrower Natalie Clickett and junior javelin thrower Alex Kelly for their leadership, experience and consistency as the team heads to Villanova in two weeks for the Big East Championships. Clickett is coming of f a fourth-place finish in the shot put, where she battled heavy rains, and a third-place finish in the discus. Kelly comes off of a third-place finish in the javelin.


Mickenzie Alden, left, and Mandy Craig were two of three senior Knights honored Friday at the RU Softball Complex.

SENIOR DAY CEREMONY MOVED UP DUE TO WEATHER CONCERNS The Rutgers softball team moved Senior Day ceremonies to Friday because of the impendSOFTBALL ing rain the following day, honoring three seniors between games of a doubleheader. Seniors Mickenzie Alden, Mandy Craig and Jen Meinheit received a slew of gifts from their teammates in a bittersweet farewell to the RU Softball Complex, losing both ends of the doubleheader. The underclassmen hit the field early, dressing up the dugout with streamers, and lined up for a standing ovation as the senior trio went through the line and hugged each teammate.

LOSS: Batting order puts

“That was a nice moment,” Craig said. “It was unexpected because I thought it would be [on Saturday], but I’m glad we got it in. It was really good of our underclassmen to pull out all the stops for us. It was really nice of them.” Alden had two hits in seven at-bats on the day, including a two-run triple in the first game. Craig went hitless in Game 1 but drove in three runs on two hits in Game 2. Meinheit did not play because of a knee injur y earlier in the year, but she said she feels fine after successful ACL surger y last week in New York. — Sam Hellman

DePaul padded the score late and won, 9-4. “Most of the stuff that we’re up double-digit hits vs. DePaul seeing are plays that we’ve worked on,” Nelson said on continued from back what went wrong. “It seems Compliments of Lindley’s like we get a little bit tight in 11th and 12th home runs of the close situations. That’s a differseason and a blast by sophoence. DePaul has been to more catcher Kaci Madden, the regionals a number of times. Knights scored four runs in the They’ve been there before and third inning and five in the we haven’t. Once we get to that fourth. point, we’ll be OK. “ Junior centerfielder Lindsey The pair of losses — rain Curran and sophomore second cancelled Saturday’s planned baseman Jen Game 3— did Harabedian comnot hur t the “Losing like that bined for another Knights (18-25, seven hits to 6-8) in the Big is kind of rough. become the third East standings. team all season to We really battled. R u t g e r s put up double digremains in sevWe really hit their enth place, with its on the Blue Demons’ pitching the top eight pitchers hard. staff. The other two qualifying for We just fell short.” t schools, Texas and h e Louisville, have a Tour nament, MANDY CRAIG combined 74 wins but needs a Senior First Baseman this season. strong finish to “It’s something make it back-toto be proud of, but back years in we really wanted to come out and the postseason. win,” said senior Mandy Craig, Last-place Villanova (15-28who drove in three runs. “Losing 1, 2-14) hosts the Knights on like that is kind of rough. We realWednesday before they finish ly battled. We really hit their the regular season with a pitchers hard. We just fell short.” three-game series against The Blue Demons pounced Pittsburgh (28-14, 7-6). early in the first game on freshFour or five wins should guarman starter Megan Williams. antee a playoff spot for the Williams gave up six runs — Knights. Three wins puts them on four earned — in two innings the bubble and anything less likebefore exiting. ly means an end to the season. Senior Mickenzie Alden “We’ve only got [five] helped Rutgers battle back games left, so our fate is in our with a two-run triple in the bothands as far as the Big East,” tom of the second inning, but Nelson said.



APRIL 25, 2011






Inclement weather changed the Rutgers football team’s Saturday scrimmage at Rutgers Stadium to a practice in the Bubble. A week after the Scarlet Knights’ defense dominated a rainy scrimmage, the move allowed more even competition during situational settings. “As the head coach, it’s always hard because you want both sides to win,” said head coach Greg Schiano. “The whole practice was good — the giveand-take. When you’re doing well, that’s what it’s like — one side isn’t dominating.” Sophomore quarterback Chas Dodd completed just three passes in last week’s scrimmage but was more onpoint inside the bubble. A slightly under-thrown pass provided the highlight of the afternoon, when redshirt freshman wideout Brandon Coleman pulled in a touchdown on the goal line. Tightly covered, Coleman reached around his defender to get a hand on the pass, bobble it a few times and make the grab. “I’m not going to lie, that does bring energy to the team — that ‘Wow, big play,’” Coleman said. “But when that play’s over, you still have to chop the next play, whatever it is.” Schiano, who is helping defensive backs coach Jeff Hafley in the secondary, spent the live situations on the offensive sideline. “Since I was over there working with the offense, I loved it,” Schiano said. “If I was on that [defensive] sideline, I wouldn’t have liked it.” The Knights will have their second spring scrimmage Tuesday before the ScarletWhite game on Rutgers Day Saturday ends the spring season.


Junior defensive tackle Scott Vallone returned to full participation a week after injuring his ankle during the Knights’ first scrimmage. “I was impressed that he pushed through,” Schiano said. “I know it hurts a lot, but he wanted to be out there. It was a little worrisome. I was afraid he could get hurt worse. It’s great to see him out there, especially because when I was standing over him out on the field [last week], I was worried it could be worse.”




Mason Robinson continues to impress at cornerback in his first spring on the defensive side of the ball. The former running back worked his way into a three-man rotation with junior Brandon Jones and sophomore Logan Ryan and continues to improve as he learns the defense. “He’s starting to understand everything,” Schiano said. “He has as good feet as anybody we’ve ever had. He can stop on a dime. He mirrors routes. Knowing what to do, that’s what gives you confidence. He’s going to be good. He’s going to be a big, big contributor.”


Word on the Street


Chas Dodd, above, struggled in Rutgers’ first scrimmage against Mason Robinson and the defense, but rebounded in practice.

T HE B OSTON C ELTICS finished a sweep over the New York Knicks yesterday in the first round of the NBA Playoffs. The Celtics easily handled the Knicks at Madison Square Garden with a 101-89 victor y. Knicks for ward Carmelo Anthony led all scorers with 32 points. The Miami Heat were unable to complete a sweep of their own, as the Philadelphia 76ers took Game 4 at the Wells Fargo Center, 86-82. LeBron James scored 31 points and grabbed seven rebounds, but a Lou Williams 3-pointer with 8.1 seconds remaining ensured the series returned to Miami.


competition remains incomplete until senior Joe Martinek’s return in training camp, but a trio of Knights is working out at the position now. Sophomores Marcus Thompson and Robert Joseph, and freshman Michael Burton all receive snaps and touches in the new pro-style system. “[Burton] tries to do what we ask him to do. He may not have the ability to do everything we ask, but he’s a talented guy,” Schiano said. “He’s competing for the starting fullback spot now. Joe will come back and that will add to the competition.”


Top marks highlight RU’s well-rounded weekend BY LIZ SWERN STAFF WRITER

The Rutgers men’s track and field team traveled south on Route 1 MEN’S TRACK last weekend to compete at the home of

their N.J. rival, Princeton, at the annual Larry Ellis Invitational. The Scarlet Knights participated in two days of competition at Weaver Track and Field Stadium and left with many top performances. Junior thrower James Plummer was one of those top


Junior James Plummer moved to third nationally in the discus after throwing 198 feet 3 inches at the Larry Ellis Invitational.

he Rutgers baseball team returned from Pittsburgh this weekend on the wrong end of a three-game series sweep. The Scarlet Knights’ Big East opponent outscored them, 15-3, in the series, and shut them out with 4-0 and 3-0 victories in a Thursday doubleheader. The teams were scheduled to meet Friday, but rain delayed the game a day, and Pitt took the finale Saturday, 8-3. Senior outfielder Michael Lang reached base five times and fell a home run short of a cycle. For full coverage, see tomorrow’s edition.

performers in the discus throw. Plummer won with a mark of 198 feet 3 inches — more than 30 feet ahead of the runner up. “I have been gradually getting better and better each week,” Plummer said. “My technique keeps getting better and better and that makes you throw far.” After this weekend’s meet results, Plummer moved up to third in the country in the discus. The South Toms River, N.J., native also took seventh place in the shot put. His best mark was a throw of 51 feet 9 inches. In the field events, junior Adam Bergo took home second place in the high jump with a mark of 6 feet 11 inches. He also placed sixth in the long jump with a leap of 22 feet 9 inches. Sophomore teammate Chris Wyckoff tied for second in the pole vault with a mark of 16 feet 3 inches. On the track, the Knights rounded out with more top performers. Senior sprinter Aaron Younger competed for the first time this season after battling groin injuries. He opened with the 400-meter intermediate hurdles and placed seventh out of 50 competitors. Younger finished with a time of 53.62 seconds, qualifying him for the Big East Championships in two weeks.

The Franklinville, N.J., native encountered problems when the meet delayed and his groin tightened up before the race. “I couldn’t get to full speed, so I wasn’t even out of breath after the race,” Younger said. “It’s still good though, cause it shows I’m in shape.” Junior Steve Werner finished ninth overall in the 200-meter dash. His time of 21.95 seconds also qualifies him for the Big East Championships. In the 4x400-meter relay, the Knights placed fourth out of 30 teams. The relay, composed of Werner, freshmen Karon Purcell and Corey Caidenhead and junior Kevin Brown, finished with a time of 3:14.03. “For the relay I split 47.3 [seconds], which is a personal record,” Caidenhead said. “It could have been a 46-high, but I got out slow. I need to work on my start because I have the speed and strength.” Caidenhead also ran a leg in the 4x100-meter relay with Werner, Bergo and senior Tyrone Putman. The relay finished eighth overall with a time of 42.80 seconds. “We ran without really working on baton exchange,” Caidenhead said. “With more work and a nice day we can take off one more second to place in Big East’s.”


Flyers and Buffalo Sabres are headed to a Game 7 in the first round of the NHL Playoffs. The Eastern Conference opponents played a pair of over time games this weekend, which they split. The Flyers won yesterday, 5-4, on a Ville Leino goal.



team safely returned to Philadelphia yesterday after a tornado in St. Louis forced travelers to evacuate the airport. The plane the Owls were scheduled to fly on blew over with winds estimated at more than 100 mph. Winds tore off part of the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport roof. Temple bussed back to Philadelphia, where it plays Tuesday against St. Joseph’s.




drop out of the English Premier League title race yesterday, when it lost, 2-1, against Bolton. Wanderers midfielder Tamir Cohen entered the game in the 85th minute and headed in a corner kick to put Arsenal nine points behind Manchester United with four games remaining. It was the Gunners’ first loss in their past 17 EPL contests. They play Manchester United on May 1, but the Red Devils’ May 8 matchup with Chelsea will have greater title implications.



PA G E 2 0

APRIL 25, 2011

Rutgers fails to capitalize versus Loyola BY JOSH BAKAN STAFF WRITER

On paper, it looked like Loyola dominated the Rutgers women’s lacrosse team in its 15-6 win. As the No. 6 team in the nation, that domination would have made sense, too. But the Scarlet Knights (8-6, 2-4) had many opportunities on Saturday at Yurcak Field, where WOMEN’S LACROSSE they simply could not capitalize off their LOYOLA 15 opportunities against RUTGERS 6 the Greyhounds. In a nine-goal win, the Greyhounds (121, 5-1) only generated a 29-24 shot advantage. “We should not be scoring six goals on 24 shots,” said head coach Laura Brand. “You put the momentum in the other team’s favor when you don’t put the ball in the back of the net. There’s absolutely no excuse for that game to be 15-6.” Loyola did not pull away with the lead until the second half, when it created a 12-3 scoring advantage in the period. Greyhounds attack Ashley Cahill capped the Loyola scoring at 15-5 with 32 seconds remaining. Mercy rules would have enacted if the goal did not occur in the final two minutes of the game. “They have attackers that take pride in their responsibility. They shoot the ball very well,” Brand said. “They are a very high-scoring team and if you play defense for that long, you’re going to break down at some point.” Senior attack Kristen Anderson scored after rebounding a shot that bounced off the high post to break up a streak of six consecutive Loyola goals and put the score at 13-5. Before that streak, attack Katie Marino scored her second goal of the day inside the eight-meter arc to break a Loyola streak of four consecutive goals to start the second half. Before Marino’s shot, another Greyhound made a run of her own. Loyola senior Grace Gavin gave the Greyhounds a firm lead in the second half with four unanswered goals to add on to her 52 goals this season. “We got pretty frantic [in the second half],” Brand said. “We were trying to see what we



Junior Chris Mattes, right, won 12 of 16 faceoffs for the Knights on Saturday against No. 4 Syracuse, but Rutgers could not capitalize on his efforts. Mattes owns the highest faceoff winning percentage in the nation.

’Cuse dominates despite RU’s week of prep BY VINNIE MANCUSO STAFF WRITER

Rain awarded the Rutgers men’s lacrosse team an entire week of preparation for its MEN’S LACROSSE matchup with No. RUTGERS 2 4 Syracuse — a matchup that could SYRACUSE 12 not only give the Scarlet Knights their first Big East win, but also halt a fivegame skid that is dangerously close to spiraling out of control. But a lowly offensive outing by the Knights (5-7, 0-3) Saturday at Connecticut’s Rentschler Field only kept a giant zero in their Big East win column and tallied another loss to their streak with a 12-2 defeat.

“We have been a good offensive team for about a month now and just were not today,” said head coach Jim Stagnitta. “The guys we usually count on offensively just didn’t show up today. They looked ner vous out there. We were tentative, we did not attack the cage, we put the ball on the ground a lot and we just gave it to them.” The Knights’ young offensive weapons, which were consistently productive the entire season, went cold against the Orange’s highly regarded defense. Redshir t freshman Scott Klimchak, who leads the team in both goals (21) and points (32), failed to register a single point. Scott’s twin brother, Matt, who found the back of the net in ever y game since he returned from a knee injur y, also failed to put points on the board.

Sophomore Duncan Clancy, who trails Klimchak in points by only one and leads the squad in assists, added his name to the list of offensive Knights who ended the day without a goal. “The young guys struggled out there. They looked ner vous,” Stagnitta said. “Some of it was bad decision-making and some of it was flat out fundamentals — passing and catching and the easy stuff.” Beside the Knights’ two goals from junior Will Mangan and senior Kor y Kelly in the first and fourth frames, respectively, junior Chris Mattes offered a lone bright spot for Rutgers’ offense. Mattes, who has the highest faceoff winning percentage in the nation, won 12


Knights blow lead late to cap doubleheader loss to DePaul BY SAM HELLMAN CORRESPONDENT


Senior third baseman Brittney Lindley hit her 11th and 12th home runs of the season during the Knights’ series over the weekend with Big East juggernaut DePaul.

Losing hurts. But for the Rutgers softball team, two losses Friday against DePaul hurt more than usual. Not because it SOFTBALL was Senior Day not because it DEPAUL 15 and dropped the RUTGERS 10 Scarlet Knights below .500 in the Big East, but because they had the best team in the conference on the ropes and they let them off the hook. Leading by four runs with nine outs remaining, the Rutgers bullpen and defense let the Blue Demons force extra innings. And after multiple chances to walk off victorious in the second game of the doubleheader, the Knights surrendered five runs in the 10th and fell, 15-10. “There were mistakes across the board,” said junior third baseman and captain Brittney Lindley. “This loss doesn’t

fall on any one person. There are a lot of things we could have done better.” Five errors and defensive miscommunications allowed DePaul to tie the game with four unanswered runs through the sixth and seventh innings. Rutgers put runners in scoring position with a chance for a walk-off in both the seventh and ninth innings, but failed to bring a runner home. In the top of the 10th, DePaul closed the door with a fiverun inning off Abbey Houston, who surrendered seven earned runs in the game. “We made too many errors and that let them in the game,” said head coach Jay Nelson. “We just didn’t execute. That’s the thing — we have to do a better job of executing on defense.” Before the late collapse, the Knights were in command of the first-place team in the Big East after the best two-inning stretch any team had against DePaul all season.


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