The Daily Targum 2011-04-28

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 2 , N u m b e r 1 3 4






Today: T-storms


High: 73 • Low: 54

Inside Beat reads into which books bridged the international gap to make a splash on our hometowns’ silver screens.



A crowd of about 40 people outside of the Old Queens building yesterday chanted, “You can put us all in jail, but the students will prevail,” as part of the second “Walk into Action.” After two weeks of attempts to get University President Richard L. McCormick to meet student demands for lower tuition — among other things — with no response, students rallied on Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus and around Old Queens as part of “Walk into Action: Part Two.” The first “Walk into Action” had the support of hundreds of students, which was followed by last week’s Tent State University, where students wrote letters


Students begin the “Walk into Action: Part Two” rally for demands like lowering tuition and eliminating the new transcript fee in Van Dyck Hall on the College Avenue campus.

Byrne Seminar to examine human addiction CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Contrar y to popular belief, new groundbreaking genetics research now suggests that human addictions, from chocolate to alcohol, might actually be rooted in an individual’s DNA, proving that people pass on their eccentric addictions from generation to generation. To fur ther discuss this research, Andrzej “Andre” Pietrzykowski, an assistant professor at the University, is conducting a new Byrne Seminar


titled “Can Junk DNA Make Us a Junkie?”, which he said aims to teach students more about this discover y. The seminar, open to first-year students, exposes that “junk DNA,” once thought to have no apparent function, actually regulates molecular biological functions that determine one’s own risk for becoming addicted, Pietrzykowski said. Because of this new finding, many scientists believe that addicts are addicts for life, Pietrzykowski said. People cannot choose their addictions, and

these addictions affect the human brain permanently. “Addiction is not strictly limited to substance abuse but can also entail activity abuse such as gambling and sex addictions,” Pietrzykowski said. “The best [addicts] can hope for is to reach sobriety, because the nature of addiction affects the brain’s chemistr y in an irreversible way,” he said. “Once someone becomes an alcoholic, for example, he or she will have to fight every day for life to avoid contact with alcohol and thereby prevent relapse.”

Since genes play an enormous role in passing over addictions, addicts must generally develop a strong will to avoid the substance or activity in question, because it is unlikely they will be able to participate in a non-excessive way, Pietrzykowski said. Addiction could go beyond substance abuse to hit areas such as gambling, Pietrzykowski said. Therefore, all students and young adolescents should be aware of what they could do to stifle an addiction from getting out of hand.



METRO Middlesex County women in domestic violence relationships call a Middlesex County hotline for counseling and support.

OPINIONS President Barack Obama may have produced his birth certificate, but birthers are not satisfied.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . 8 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 NELSON MORALES / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



1 8 6 9




APRIL 28, 2011

Students take demands to Old Queens

U. activists continue to ‘Walk’



The Vibe Santiago Latin Jazz Quintet performs classic Hispanic music like merengue and salsa yesterday on the steps outside Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. The Central and South American Alliance sponsored the live show, which also featured free food and refreshments.

Eleven University students of a larger group of protestors that set up camp in the third-floor landing of the Old Queens building early yesterday morning chose to stay behind after 5 p.m, when the facility closed. The group consisted of School of Ar ts and Sciences first-year students Taylor Westerlind, Renee Coppola and Molly Magier; School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomores Jorge Casalins, Jean Rodriguez and Sonia Szczesna; School of Ar ts and Sciences juniors Richard Garzon, Beth Breslaw and Timothy Cobb; and School of Ar ts and Sciences seniors Zachar y Ler ner and Bhavin Patel. They first arrived in the building around 10 a.m. as a group of more than two dozen with no intention of leaving until a list of demands, presented to the administration two weeks ago at “Walk into Action,” were met. As a result of their decision, President for Academic Af fairs Philip J. Furmanski said the student protestors could face legal and University disciplinar y repercussions, including suspension. “It is necessar y for me as a newly authorized of ficer of Rutgers University charged with responsibility in this manner to inform you that your former action constitutes a disruption, and it is in violation of both state law and University school disciplinar y hearing code,” Furmanski said Furmanski read the students Section 50.3.5 of the University policy, which states that any demonstration that interferes with the freedom of members of the academic community to go about their normal business constitutes a disruption and violates University regulations. Still, the 11 students present gave their names and agreed to accept the consequences for an overnight stay under the watch of two security guards. The group met with President Richard L. McCormick last Friday to discuss the demands and student representatives also delivered letters all last week during Tent State University, said Joseph Cashin, a spokesperson for the group. “What they’ve been still doing is … putting us off,” said Cashin, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student. “They’re not getting anything done, and these are reasonable demands that all students care about, and reasonable demands that they can take care of.” A University statement written last Friday confirmed the meeting, but said President McCormick is still studying the student’s requests and consulting with other members of the University’s administration. One demand asked that the administration issue a public statement in support of a tuition freeze, as well as an increase of funding to the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF).



APRIL 28, 2011




Source: The Weather Channel




1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1

143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN STACY DOUEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA JEFFREY LAZARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ROSANNA VOLIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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APRIL 28, 2011


PA G E 3

Christian group aspires to raise Jesus awareness BY RIDA AHMED STAFF WRITER

Fifty Coptic Orthodox Fellowship members hosted a miniature carnival with a Christian angle on Tuesday to celebrate “Jesus Awareness Day.” Members aimed to clear misleading notions about Christianity for about 450 people who attended the sevenhour event in front of the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus, said Mariam Nematalla, treasurer of the University’s Coptic Orthodox Fellowship. The decision to hold the event, part of “Jesus Awareness Week,” was made with the hope of reaching out to the greater University community, said Elizabeth Awad, president of Coptic Orthodox Fellowship. “The main thing is that we hope to get across to people who have misconceptions and are interested in learning about Jesus,” said Awad, a School of Engineering junior. Nematalla said the organization worked to make “Jesus Awareness Day” enjoyable for everyone. “Students can just come, have some food, enjoy the games and also end up learning about Christianity,” said Nematalla, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The carnival was set up with an inflatable jousting station, a dunk tank, an information table, stations with food and drinks. “Throughout the day, we also had a tent stationed in front of Morrell Street where goodie bags


Students dunk a costumed Satan on Jesus Awareness Day at Morrell Street on the College Avenue campus. Hosts of the event, Coptic Orthodox Fellowship, hoped to spread awareness about Christianity.

containing candy and introductory pamphlets about Christianity were distributed,” Awad said. She said the information table was an integral aspect of this event as it addressed any questions people asked concerning Christianity. “For students that wanted to learn more about Christianity, there were free pamphlets and Bibles provided to anyone who wished to take them,” she said. Nematalla said Coptic Or thodox Fellowship members

were looking for ward to eliminating any doubts toward the religion. “There are a lot of myths that people believe about Christians and Christianity which are not true,” she said. “We hope to clear them.” Awad said for example, there are certain misconceptions regarding the Holy Trinity. “Surprisingly, a significant number of people believe that the Holy Trinity includes God the Father, Jesus Christ — God the

Son — and St. Mary,” she said. “Due to this, many people also consider Christians as polytheists. This is a very wrong misconception, and we addressed it in the pamphlet.” Another fairly common misconception is that one person wrote the Bible, Awad said. “This is also wrong,” she said. “It was written by [more than 40] authors over a span of 1,500 years.” At the carnival, there was a display of Christian verses

plastered over the walls and behind each station. “The verses were there to publicly display central themes of Biblical teachings,” Awad said. “One such verse, ‘Let all that you do be done in love’ [1 Corinthians 16:14] is an example of a central Christian teaching.” The Coptic Or thodox Church is based on the teachings of St. Mark, according to the pamphlet. It is a support group for students where they can reflect on life and share experiences and advice. The theme of the event was to “find love, find purpose and find tr uth,” according to the pamphlet. A wide range of students of different ages and backgrounds visited, participated in the event and inquired about the faith, Awad said. “Christians, Muslims, Jews, agnostics and atheists came and participated,” she said. Eleanor Davies, a School of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said she belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and went to the event. “It was a good experience to have come out and learned different things about their church and faith,” she said. Banan Abdelrahman, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore, attended the event to show her support. “It is nice that all these students can showcase their beliefs and reach out through these kinds of fun interactive events,” she said.


APRIL 28, 2011

ACTIVISTS: Crowd moves to support ‘study-in’ continued from front each day with demands, including elimination of transcript fees for the first 10 requested and a one-year tuition freeze. “We had an unsuccessful meeting with McCormick on Friday and he basically laughed at us when we mentioned the transcript fees,” said Kristen Clarke, outgoing University affairs committee chair for the Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA). “[We’re rallying] to show he can’t laugh us out the door. We’re not going anywhere.” Clarke, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior, said the

DEMANDS: Officers to stay behind with students continued from front “Students want a tuition freeze, and we understand that McCormick and the administration cannot do that,” Cashin said. “So we are asking for them to come out and publicly support students and their want for a tuition freeze.” Another demand that Cashin said is an issue all students feel passionately about is the elimination of the $7 transcript fee. “On average, students have suggested the amount of transcripts they request are as little as five to three graduate schools, some as much as 20,” he said. The group of students then conducted research and found that the average junior or senior applies to five to 10 graduate schools, so the group is requesting that the first 10 transcripts are free, Cashin said. “We feel that $7 is way too much money for a separate piece of paper that students are actually going to have to personally deliver,” he said. Cashin said the University also should disaffiliate from the Free Labor Association that allegedly mistreats workers. “We have continuously presented to the administration over the past years, and they still haven’t acted on it,” he said. “The bottom line is it such a miniscule amount of money, and it is such a little amount we would still like them to disaffiliate from the Free Labor Association.” Students also asked for a public endorsement from McCormick for student representatives with voting power on


tuition for the upcoming school year would not be announced until July. If the University increases tuition 10 percent, that could amount to about $1,200 per student. “You could buy four iPads with that,” she said. Clarke said this is not just a University issue, but also one of state and national importance, as students at the University are among at least four others to organize such a rally. “[Two weeks ago,] it was statewide and organized by New Jersey United Students,” she said. “This is more spur of the moment because McCormick is refusing to speak with us. It’s awesome kids care to stay out here in the rain and tell him enough is enough.”

The march commenced on Voorhees Mall with a few student speakers, but the crowd soon moved to Old Queens in support of the students holding a “studyin” on the third floor, who were at risk of being arrested for trespassing around 5 p.m. when the building usually closes. “They occupied the entire floor, but the administrators are just ignoring them,” Clarke said. “We have people [up there] who are willing to be arrested.” The turnout of the rally fluctuated from its start at 2 p.m., as it simmered down after an hour because of the rain. But people took shelter under tents to maintain their support and other students went around to classroom buildings like Scott Hall and

the Board of Governors, which makes decisions on things like tuition, Cashin said. “Currently, there is a student on the board but there is no student votes so we would like public support from McCormick and the administration to give us three student voting members, one staff member [and] one faculty member each elected by their own constituents,” he said. Without students on the board, Cashin said the largest population of the University is neglected. “We feel that is wrong that students do not have a voting voice on the Board of Governors,” Cashin said. The student body would also like the University and McCormick to suppor t the contracts of the faculty and staf f, he said. “We understand that President McCormick is unlikely to give his personal endorsement while arbitration, but we would like him to honor those contracts from here on out,” he said Despite their actions, Vice President for Student Af fairs Gregor y S. Blimling told students the administration was unable to give them an immediate response. “The president is out of town, but he already began consulting with the appropriate University administrators about your [the protestors’] concerns, and he will respond to you when he has reached a decision about the issues on the list,” he said. No decisions were made at the time, Blimling said. “If you want to continue to discuss your concerns directly with the administration, the proper procedure is to contact me, and we can talk about these

issues next week,” he said, addressing the protestors. “If you refuse to leave, some other issues may occur.” But Cashin said students are present because they passionately care about these issues. Members of Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA) and the Rutgers United Student Coalition (RUSC) were present in the lobby area of McCormick’s office yesterday morning, said Jorge Casalins, RUSA parliamentarian. “We’re all about making change happen,” said Casalins, Latino Student Council political chair. “This is what you’re looking at for student government this year, these minds that want to make change for the University.” Cashin called what they were doing a “study-in” because of upcoming final exams. “We need to do a study-in to show the administrators that we are not going away,” Cashin said. The study-in remained private because of accessibility in the building, he said. “If we would have made it [the event] public, then it would have been an issue,” Casalins. Casalins said he was the individual in charge to speaking to the administration, explaining presence and what the group intended to do. “I came in and gave the list of demands, and I told them we’re here until those demands are met or we are forcefully removed — whichever comes first,” Casalins said. The Old Queens building was locked in around 1:10 p.m. Students were not allowed to enter the building and media had to be escor ted by University of ficials.

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M Murray Hall on the College Avenue campus chanting, “Keep Rutgers public” and playing bongo drums. “I’ve been hearing about the campaign, and it affects every student. The priorities for tuition are wrong and [funds] to any space can be cut,” said Mar y Ann Thomas, outgoing volunteer coordinator at the Women’s Center Coalition and a College of Nursing senior. “We’re going to fight until the administrators take us seriously.” Chris Reale, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, attended both rallies and was disappointed with the turnout. “I think [rallying] is more effective than voting, but this is disappointing,” he said. “At the first one, it was still maybe only 1

percent of students at this University who showed up.” Matt Cordeiro, RUSA president-elect, was happy with the student turnout at the rally. “I think it’s a great turnout. This many people here shows the students are really trying,” said Cordeiro, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. He said he hopes the rally will let administrators know that students are serious about rising tuition costs. “Students really do care. They’re committed and really want this to be seen through,” he said. “Hopefully we can compromise with the transcript fee. If we get that victory, I’ll be happy. I think administrators work hard for the University, but we have to express [ourselves].”


Student activists rally outside the Old Queens building on the College Avenue campus for various demands. “Fear of repercussion as deemed unsafe for overnight opposed to fear of lack of action occupancy, which is in violation of leads us to what we do,” said State Uniform Fire Code. Bhavin Patel, outgoing RUSA rep“Rutgers has the responsibiliresentative and outgoing ty to comply with the law, advise University senator. you with risks and take reasonOther than legal and able actions to ensure your safeUniversity repercussion, Lt. ty,” he said. “For security and Leonard Safko of the Rutgers safety reasons, Rutgers will idenUniversity Police Department tify all students that refuse to said students were also advised leave this building in case of the building they occupied does emergency or for purposes of folnot have a sprinkler system and is low-up enforcement action.”



RAVI TO FACE ARRAIGNMENT ON HATE CRIME CHARGES IN MAY A former University first-year student who prosecutors say used a webcam to spy on his roommate’s samesex encounter will be arraigned next month on hate crime charges. Nineteen-year-old Dharun Ravi was indicted last week by a Middlesex County grand jury on 15 counts including bias intimidation and invasion of privacy for his alleged actions prior to the suicide of 18-year-old Tyler Clementi. Ravi also faces charges that he tried to cover his tracks by deleting tweets and text messages.

ADDICTION: Student hopes study helps others cope continued from front “Students who have a parent who has suffered from addiction should be especially cautious as studies have indicated that addictions have a 50 to 60 percent chance of hereditability,” he said. “If someone has a histor y of addiction in his or her family, that person must be ver y cautious.” Despite the arguably grim nature of this discover y, Pietrzykowski said such studies are a useful tool in understanding more about the human brain and its capabilities. “The greater our understanding of these mechanisms, the more likely it will be that we could somehow implement and manipulate them to devise a possible cure for addictions which will be more ef ficient than traditional therapies,” he said. One of Pietrzykowski’s students, Olivia Shasho, agreed that this discovery was important and said she hopes it will foster more open-mindedness in society,

The arraignment is scheduled for May 23 in New Brunswick. Clementi’s suicide brought national attention to issues of bullying and suicide among gay and lesbian youths. Ravi has since withdrawn from the University. His attorney has not returned calls seeking comment on the indictment. — The Associated Press

especially in how people respond to addicts. “I think it’s important to realize that addicts are, in fact, sick [because of their DNA],” said Shasho, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student.

“Hopefully this research can shed some light on how humans can overcome addiction altogether.” ERIKA KRUSE School of Arts and Sciences First-year Student

“The negative stigma behind addiction must be replaced by a more open-minded attitude and addicts should no longer be viewed as victims of some ‘selfinflicted’ injur y.” Shasho, who is considering medical school in her future, said this theory is one step closer to unraveling greater epigenetic mysteries. “I look forward to new development in epigenetic research

and am curious to see what future therapy for addicts will entail,” she said. “I find the novelty of the research quite exciting because I may even be able to implement the new treatments someday in my future practice.” After taking Pietrzykowski’s seminar, Erika Kruse, a School of Ar ts and Sciences first-year student, said she decided to apply and accept a position to work in Pietrzykowski’s laborator y where she could study genetics research in fur ther detail. “Addiction is something which is relevant to basically everyone,” Kruse said. “I enrolled in this seminar primarily because of my interest in genetics, but I have decided to take on the position in the lab because of this subject matter in particular.” Kruse hopes the study will motivate more students to monitor their actions and cope with inherited addictions. “College is a time where experimentation is expected and can be beneficial,” she said. “But there is such thing as unhealthy experimentation and hopefully this research can shed some light on how humans can overcome addiction altogether.”

APRIL 28, 2011



APRIL 28, 2011



Convocation to feature mock stock exchange bell BY JACK MURTHA STAFF WRITER

The Rutgers Business School plans to ring in new traditions during its New Brunswick undergraduate convocation on May 15 at the Louis Brown Athletic Center on the Livingston campus. Rutgers Business School administrators hope to sound a bell — similar to the New York Stock Exchange — during the ceremony, which will last for about two hours, said Daniel Stoll, Rutgers Business School-Newark director of Communications and Marketing. The school hopes to include selected students’ names on the bell. “Dean [Glenn] Shafer was talking about trying to inscribe a couple of students’ names who have high academic achievements on the bell,” he said. “We want it to be like the Stanley Cup — every year, there will be two new names.” Although Rutgers Business School is confident the bell would make its first appearance in this year’s convocation, Stoll said there is still unfinished business to be taken care of. There are concerns about who will carry the bell and who will ring it, he said. Such questions arose because of the limited time before the convocation. “It’s been kind of last minute, because we were told last minute that we could do something,” Stoll said. “Hopefully, we can create a tradition for students who excelled academically.” The bell will serve as more than a symbol of individual student success, said Anabel Damacela, Rutgers Business School-Newark secretar y, on behalf of the dean’s office. “We hope that this is a tradition that we’re building that inspires students to come together to show pride, not only for the academic unit, but [the University] in general,” Damacela said. “It’s also to unite [the University’s] campuses in New Brunswick, Newark and Camden.” Miniature versions of the bell will act as Rutgers Business School graduates’ noisemakers in the larger University commencement, which will be held that morning, said Niloufar Mahgerefteh, president of the Rutgers Business Governing Association. As with most schools’ noisemakers, the bells were carefully selected for RBS graduates.

“The bells are supposed to mimic the [New York Stock Exchange] trading floor bell, which is relevant to us, because we are about to enter the business world,” said Mahgerefteh, a School of Ar ts and Sciences senior. Rutgers Business Schools’ separate convocation will feature more than a budding tradition, but the smaller, intimate crowd will feature student involvement, she said. “Dean [Martin] Markowitz, the senior associate dean of the undergraduate RBS in New Brunswick, really wants to make the convocation an event with high student participation because he realizes how hard we have all worked to get to this day,” Mahgerefteh said. A Rutgers Business School graduate will present a professor with the Thomas Mott Award, which is given to outstanding business professors during the convocation, she said. Rutgers Business School students choose the recipient of the award. Graduates will receive a senior gift at the convocation, Mahgerefteh said. Celebratory music will play as well as a contribution from a Rutgers Business School graduating senior. “We’re having a brass quintet play throughout the ceremony called Majestic Brass,” she said. “The national anthem will be performed by a class of 2011 RBS graduate.” Mahgerefteh and Gar y Cohen, who received his MBA from the University in 1983, will also speak to graduates and their families at convocation, she said. Cohen is currently an executive vice president of Becton, Dickinson and Company, a medical technology company, Stoll said. He is one of RBS’s distinguished alumni. Despite the all-encompassing University commencement, RBS is striving to help its 2011 graduates enjoy a well-deserved day of celebration, Damacela said. She said the introduction of a potentially long-lasting tradition will remind graduates of a job well done. “[The bell] fits in so well,” Damacela said. “Especially with the recognition we’ve received lately — how well we, as a school, have been doing.”

STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS TO BE PUBLICLY DISPLAYED More than 400 undergraduate research projects will be put on display in the Livingston Student Center on Friday for both the public and the University to see. Although the seventh annual Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium will showcase research on a variety of topics, some projects feature ways to improve the life of residents who live close to the University, according to a University Media Relations press release. Such studies explore how households could cut down on their energy use or take a look at policies that affect immigrants in New Jersey. The symposium, which began in 2004, teaches students about basic research principles and techniques and then allows them to conduct their own studies under the guidance of faculty, according to the release. Originally, the event was geared more toward science work, but faculty from different disciplines have been thinking about how research fits in with their programs, Aresty Center Interim Director Greg Jackson said in the release. “We want to continue increasing our disciplinary diversity,” he said in the release. — Kristine Rosette Enerio



PA G E 8

MAN ON LIFE SUPPORT AFTER SHOOTING A gunman opened fire yesterday morning in a Plainfield store and “gravely injured” a 43-year-old Piscataway man. The man is now in critical condition, said Union County Prosecutor Theodore Romankow in an article. The shooting occurred sometime before 1 a.m. on the 1300 block of West 3rd Street, Romankow said in the ar ticle. The shooter, who remains unidentified, fired into the convenience store from the door way. Following his injur y, authorities took the victim to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick where doctors have put him on life support. This event was not the first violent activity to take place at the same convenience store, according to the ar ticle. Five people have been killed in Plainfield in this year alone. The Crime Stoppers anonymous hotline is offering a $5,000 reward to anybody who may have more information about the shooter and could lead to his arrest. — Ankita Panda

APRIL 28, 2011

Hotline provides help to Middlesex County women BY RYAN FLOOD STAFF WRITER

For women involved in domestic violence cases, Women Aware Inc., a Middlesex County organization devoted to ending familial violence, offers a 24-hour hotline where women are encouraged to express their problems to a counselor over the phone. Women Aware Inc. has been providing assistance to women in need for the past 30 years and continues to grow and adapt to the changes in the lives of the clients, said Bruce Naidof f, director of development at Women Aware. Although women of all backgrounds are encouraged to call in, Women Aware Inc. workers have noticed immigrant women, in particular, seek their help. “Large proportions of clients are non-English speaking, many Spanish-speaking,” Naidof f said. “More than half our staff is bilingual, and about 10 percent are trilingual.” The organization helps people from all types of backgrounds, including some with questionable immigration statuses, he said. Clients who seek the organization’s services range from women as young as 18 years old to women close to 90 years old. Naidoff said his organization helps ever y woman in crisis,

regardless of her immigration staNo matter how long the tus, because he feels that is the women stay or where they go — only way to ensure fairness. even if they go back to their abusMany clients are from lower- er — the organization makes sure income backgrounds, he said. that every woman knows how to They face homelessness, hunger ask for help, Naidoff said. and many are without job skills. “We let them know that the While Women Aware Inc. doors are open — we tell them it’s focuses mainly on domestic vio- not all or nothing, you can always lence issues, the organization come back,” he said. receives all sorts of calls, he said. Workers sur vey their clients Due to the current economy, periodically and perform an exit many families inter view if they are feeling are leaving, increased stress, Naidoff said. “Mathematically, which Naidoff Besides receivthere is a certainty ing calls from their believes can lead to increased hotline, the organiyou will know domestic issues. zation helps clients “We have someone affected.” referred to them seen an increase by local law BRUCE NAIDOFF in demand for enforcement agenDirector of Development ser vices across cies and town at Women Aware the board — 20 domestic response percent in the teams, he said. last few years,” he said. “There are a number of If need be, clients can be domestic response teams. We placed in the organization’s nine- work closely with local law bedroom, 24-bed facility to seek enforcement,” he said. “It is refuge from their issues at home, another avenue through which he said. our clients can get in touch “The safe house is a safe with us.” place, a confidential location Women Aware Inc. also takes with cameras, lights, locks — at note of the difficulties that chilthe same time, we try to make it dren might go through at home a warm and loving environ- with domestic problems and ment,” Naidoff said. offers them support, from toys to After leaving the safe house, counseling, he said. clients are looked after to Raahi Upadhyay, a School of ensure safety. Environmental and Biological

Sciences junior, said she believes the hotline will encourage more women who would normally never call to seek assistance. “I think they are useful and helpful,” she said. “Often people who are victims are afraid to talk.” Other students believe that programs like this, while useful, are largely dependent upon advertisement in order to keep working. “These programs are good for people suf fering from domestic violence,” said Joseph Albistur, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. “It sounds like a good idea to advertise, especially bilingually.” Other students feel the hotline gives people who have no other options a place to turn. “When people have nowhere else to turn, the hotline is there helping people,” said Amy Polk, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. The issue of domestic violence is not an uncommon issue and is one that Women Aware Inc. is fighting diligently to overcome, Naidoff said. “Depending on who is counting, national statistics repor t that 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 women will be a victim,” he said. “Mathematically, there is a cer tainty you will know someone af fected.”


Group to hold electric football day for kids BY CLIFF WANG

the metallic board. Depending on how the coach set up his players, the play will develop and it can To steer young adolescents take up to a minute or two to conaway from alcohol, the National clude, Campbell said. Council on Alcoholism and Drug Joe Greco, one of the coaches, Dependence (NCADD) of said that electric football will help Middlesex County is holding an kids interact with one another electric football day for young and build sportsmanship. adolescents. “I feel that so many of today’s Electric football, which is a children are alone staring at a tabletop imitation of real football, computer and playing video will take place on April 30 at the games,” Greco said. “What makes Hub Teen Center on 411 Joyce electric football special is that the Kilmer Ave., said Al-Karim kids will become more social and Campbell, a NCADD member. form bonds with one another The event will feature profes- while also enjoying the game.” sional players, coaches and clinics Campbell said many problems for all kids interested, and organiz- that occurred during his youth ers hope that all kids will catch were solved through a game of “the buzz” of electric football, electric football. Campbell said. “Instead of “With boregetting into “What makes dom consistently fights, we’d let one of the most the games settle electric football significant reathe issue,” he sons cited for special is that the kids said. experimenting Campbell will become more with substances, hopes that elecan activity that is social and form bonds tric football will long-term, [elecbe an important with one another.” tric football] part of other requires commityouths’ childJOE GRECO ment and stratehood as it was Coach gy and opens up for his. a door to other “I hope to youth and potencontinue to promote the hobby of tial mentors engaged in a pro- electric football. What happens is social activity,” said Steve Liga, you begin to make friends in the NCADD CEO. hobby and then it takes on a Campbell believes that electric greater meaning,” he said. football will allow the young playThe secret to succeeding in ers to work together for a cause. electric football is patience, he “Effective substance abuse pre- said. Children who can hone vention doesn’t just involve telling their skills will gain the most in youth what not to do and why,” he the longrun. said. “It also involves showing “If the youth can get back to youth fun and productive activities the games that required patience, that will engage them.” skill and strategy, then we will see Electric football is a strategic a greater change in the thought board game, where the coaches processing,” Campbell said. move each of 11 players, repreHe hopes to see more leagues sented by plastic footballers, into throughout New Jersey, and the position to play on offense while NCADD hopes electric football the opposition sets up the defen- will become an even bigger part sive 11, he said. of their teen center. “After seeing the setup, the “A key component to effective offensive coach will move a play- prevention is the consistent availer or two according to the rules ability of something better to do of the day and the defensive than drugs,” Liga said. “We are hopcoach adjusts,” Campbell said. ing electric football takes hold at the A button is then pushed and teen center, so it can become yet the players will go into action on another of the center’s pro-social STAFF WRITER


APRIL 28, 2011




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APRIL 28, 2011


Accept Obama’s birth certificate, move on


fter being hassled by citizens and politicians for years — especially members of the tea party — President Barack Obama produced yesterday his long-form birth certificate. Perhaps unsurprisingly, not even this could appease the cult of birther theorists. Donald Trump, for example, is now calling for Obama to release his college records. Why? Other, less prominent birthers are calling for the document to now be certified — a clear example of grasping at straws, but not a completely unexpected move. Still others are criticizing Obama for “blinking” in the standoff, citing it as a clear sing of weakness. That’s right: The people who were calling for Obama’s birth certificate are now the ones condemning him for doing what they asked in the first place. When will the madness end? To be clear, what Obama did in releasing his birth certificate was an act of giving into the mounting pressure from birthers. He did “blink” in the standoff. Honestly, we are a little disappointed in Obama for this. He successfully stayed steadfast in his refusal to entertain the birther movement for such a long time that his decision to finally acquiesce was a little disheartening. Come on, Obama. You’re better than that. You don’t need to lower yourself to their level. But Obama is not the one we should be condemning. The nation should be looking at the birthers and chastising them for wasting so much time and energy on their silly conspiracy theory. We should be especially critical of politicians like Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and the presidential aspirant Trump for getting hung up on Obama’s citizenship — which people have had proof of for a long time — when there were and still are far more important things to be worrying about. Here’s a suggestion for all of the people, politicians and Joe SixPacks alike who decided to attack Obama’s origins: If you want to criticize the president, please focus on actual aspects of his term instead of ridiculous conspiracy theories. Attack his policies and agendas, not his birthplace or his schooling. As for Obama himself, we’d just like to say that we hope this is the last time we see him catering to his opponents’ whacky demands just to shut them up. Obama, just like the birthers themselves, you have to focus on what’s important: Pulling America out of its current, nearabysmal slump.

Recognize value of traditional libraries A

s technology advances, print media suffer the consequences. Nowadays, everyone runs to the Internet instead of thumbing through books, newspapers or magazines. But for those of us who still enjoy or rely on physical texts, there’s always the library, right? College students and professors especially can vouch for the usefulness of books. Sometimes, Google is not enough: What you really need is a trip through the stacks. Unfortunately for students at the University of Denver, this is a luxury they will not have for much longer. The administration has decided to remove 80 percent of the books from Penrose Library in order to turn the space into an “Academic Commons,” where students can come to study or access digitalized databases. The removed books will be kept in a storage space off campus, and students will have the option to order specific books from the collection and have them delivered. The library shouldn’t just be for getting together to study and surf databases, though. A good University library should be a student’s gateway to a wealth of information that they would not be able to access otherwise. We think Annabeth Headrick, an associate art history professor at the University of Denver, said it best when she told Inside Higher Ed, “You would never ask a scientist to get rid of his or her laboratory. But that’s exactly what’s being done to us.” As of now, searching digital texts is not the same as looking through the physical stacks. With databases, you need to have one specific book, author or topic in mind. You don’t have the opportunity to wander through the sections and perhaps stumble felicitously upon something great, whether it be for leisure or research, and that really is dependent on the physicality of the search through the library. Such things rarely, if ever, happen with online databases. Sure, the school is giving students the option to order the books they need from the storage space off campus, but this again greatly limits the students’ options. They cannot order sections to browse. They will not have the ability to flip through the books before checking them out, to make sure that the texts are even worth their time. It really does rob humanities students of their version of a laboratory. The library collections of universities are important. They are important as resources for students and professors. They are important as historical objects. They are important because so much academia is based on these texts. An institution of higher learning should be concerned with learning first and foremost and that includes libraries.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “Many people also consider Christians as polytheists.” Elizabeth Awad, president of Coptic Orthodox Fellowship, on common misconceptions about Christianity STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Respect history of alma mater The Soapbox I

f you read your No alma mater written in University emails, the 21st centur y would you’ll have seen a begin with those two lines. recent survey asking if and But if the song’s practical how the alma mater might function is in its traditional be changed to better reflect value to our University’s histhe University’s stance on tory, then there is no reason JOE HERNANDEZ gender and family-based to change it. It expresses social beliefs. That’s a wordy things as they were, not way of saying that some of the higher-ups want to necessarily as they should have been. show that we do not discriminate against women or Although recent events have thrown the condithe non-nuclear family. A few of the song’s lyrics tion of tolerance among students into doubt, changhave prompted debate about amending the words of ing two words is not the best course of action. Debate the 1873 tune to make it clear that the University is about this has made me think about what changing not what it once was. But first, the lines in question: the words would really accomplish. Sure, we could “My father sent me to old Rutgers, / And resolv’d brag about it to prospective students’ parents, but that I should be a man.” would it reshape any attitudes? Would it change It is not hard to spot the problem. Can’t mom or minds? It is no coincidence that this issue has surstep-dad have sent me to college? And why couldfaced during Project Civility, a University-wide “dian’t they resolve that I be a woman or a transgenlogue” asking how we can improve personal interacder person, etc.? Does “man” here tion. Project Civility’s website uses even imply just the sex of the perforward-thinking verbs like “Our University’s son, or does it connote something “improve” and “better” to describe closer to “macho alpha male”? No its aim, a way of thinking that has not tradition should doubt that some of the values in penetrated the alma mater debate. If this song are less widely held today not be taken lightly.” the first two lines of the alma mater than they were in 1873. But, in my are uncivilized, then the focus ought eyes, the alma mater is only sexist to be on how to deal with that belief and old-fashioned if we mistakenly take it to repnow and in the future, not on retroactively erasing its resent the University’s current stance on social presence from our history. My college career has not issues. Rather, “On the Banks of the Old Raritan” been spotless or devoid of mistakes. But the only way embodies our history, our roots and our dynamic to learn from those mistakes — excuse the cliché — tradition, which has remained mostly the same is to remember they ever happened. but continues to change. Rewriting our alma mater — to me, a big deal — Asking that these lyrics be amended is as should also bear more importance than a multipleabsurd as requesting that Douglass Residential choice question on an electronic survey would College change its motto from “Inspiring imply. Not just that, but I wonder how many people Women’s Excellence” to “Inspiring People’s received the poll. No offense to present company, Excellence.” It doesn’t make sense. I’m the first but the student body alone should not be able to to admit that excluding women from Rutgers determine the course of our collective institutional College until 1970 was a bad choice. Unfortunate history with the stroke of an “enter” key. If it comes though it may be, the exclusion of the female sex to that, alumni, faculty and staff should all have a from our school is a historical reality, and changsay. The alma mater may not have a daily presence ing the lyrics of our alma mater does not wipe our in the lives of most students, but the University’s ethical slate clean — it just covers it up. The exishistory certainly does. Our University’s tradition tence and prominence of Douglass College should not be taken lightly. And while I hope the should undercut any doubts that remnants of survey was merely informational, it was far too easy institutional sexism remain. From 1918 on, the for students to vote for or against changing one of University has had an uninterrupted female presthe oldest and most integral parts of that tradition. ence on campus, but before then this was an allI wanted my last column to end on a lighter note, male college. The alma mater is a relic of that but I had to get in my last word on this while I still earlier period. could. I am not against change, just this change. From what I can tell, this debate seems to hinge You get the idea. That said, thanks for reading. on what everyone considers the function of the alma mater. If it is meant to represent the most upJoe Hernandez is a School of Arts and Sciences to-date version of the University’s collective social senior majoring in English and Spanish. His column, philosophy, then students have rightly protested. “The Soapbox,” runs on alternate Thursdays.

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



APRIL 28, 2011


Acknowledge all facets of headscarf controversy Letter NICOLE TUMA laughed when I opened this morning’s issue of The Daily Targum and looked at the editorial page. I saw a column, titled “Burqa, niqab ban makes sense,” a piece which concluded, “the headscarf and its associations saps Muslim women of agency.” Right next to this article was a Project Civility essay my roommate wrote. She is a smart, energetic and politically conscious woman who also happens to wear a hijab. Reading these two pieces side by side was hilarious. After watching in awe as my roommate spent the year chairing committees, organizing conferences, emceeing numerous events and addressing women’s issues at the New York City Council, the idea that her scarf “saps” her agency was eminently laughable. Their juxtaposition was also sobering, however. Why does anyone — the French government, a Targum columnist — feel they have the right to determine what my roommate — or anyone else for that


matter — should wear? The column states the writer is using the French ban as a forum in which to question the “untouchable” status of religion in contemporar y Western culture. Undoubtedly, the headscarf controversy is deeply concerned with determining the role of religion in a predominantly secular society. I would argue, however, that the religious aspect of this debate is not of primary importance. Rather, the writer’s belief that he is justified in supporting the French government’s ban of headscarves is evidence of deepset culturally hegemonic and patriarchal attitudes. One cannot construe the writer’s support of the headscarf ban as a simple attack on religion, because the reality is more complicated than that. Instead, he is effectively arguing that a specific cultural group’s definition of modesty — French or American, in this case — is the only definition of modesty. A Muslim woman who feels uncomfortable appearing in public without a burqa can be viewed as analogous to an American girl who feels uncomfortable

appearing in public wearing a bikini. Though neither is required to wear their chosen clothing, both feel more comfortable doing so. Few would argue that it is appropriate to arrest women for appearing on beaches in one-piece swimsuits. Is arresting a woman for wearing a burqa really any different?

“The controversy over headscarves is one with broad cultural implications. ” Even more insidiously, the writer’s position is an attack on a specifically Muslim view of modesty. I have a Christian friend who makes an effort to wear what she considers to be “modest” clothing. She only wears skirts and shorts of a certain length and limits the amount of skin visible at her neckline. Just like Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab, she dresses in accordance with a standard of modesty her religion dictates. The difference

is I have never heard anyone insist that my Christian friend should be forced to wear low-cut tops because her standards of modesty are a form of “religious enslavement” that threatens her ability to sexually express herself. This dif ference can be explained by Americans’ greater comfor t with traditional Christian standards of modesty. In attacking the practice of wearing headscar ves while ignoring other religious definitions of modesty, the writer is privileging one set of religious traditions over another. One could argue the Muslim standards are being singled out over those of other traditions because full-body veils limit women’s mobility. This is not a valid argument. If mobility is the real issue, why not ban high-heeled shoes? Heels limit women’s mobility at least as much as a burqa does. And yet, this proposition is generally received as absurd. Why is this? The dif ference between the two scenarios lies in the function of each clothing item. Whereas a burqa is designed to screen a woman from sight for

modesty reasons, heels are worn to sexually display the leg. The fact that heels are the more accepted form of limiting female mobility is symptomatic of a culture which privileges the male gaze. Obviously, all of this only holds true if women are able to freely choose to wear or not to wear headscar ves. Yes, forcing women to wear headscar ves can reasonably be defined as a form of religious enslavement. However, forcing women not to wear headscar ves while neglecting to similarly address other related religious and cultural practices is simply a way of privileging patriarchal Western values over those of other cultures and traditions. In limiting our discussion of these issues to the subject of the headscarf, we are choosing to limit the potential audience for the discussion. The controversy over headscar ves is one with broad cultural implications and should be treated as such. Nicole Tuma is a Mason Gross School of the Arts senior majoring in music with a minor in English.

Take simple steps to promote civility at University Project Civility I attend two schools. The first is the University, a prestigious school brimming with academics, athletes, altruists and all those dedicating themselves to personal advancement so that they may ultimately advance the lives of others. The other is also the University, a school with good intentions but infiltrated by ignorance, prejudice and ineptness at various levels of the academic hierarchy. The difference between the two is civility. Civility, if consciously adopted as a way of living, would revolutionize ever y aspect of life at the University. Classes, bus rides and oncampus activities would all be more pleasant if civility was the paradigm. It would not become a utopia, but if even a small percentage of the University population adopted civility as a way of living, it would be the impetus for massive restructuring of interpersonal relationships, increased productivity and the subsequent overhaul of how we conduct our daily business. Let’s explore these two Universities. If the latter is characterized by injustice, incompetence and even hatred, surely a simple thank you will not change those things. My teeth ache from clenching whenever an inconsiderate student pushes past me as he or she dashes to class. My fists ball themselves when raucous drunkards on the bus disregard my personal space as purses and bags mash against me and hair is flipped in my face. I have pitied the professor who stands hopelessly tr ying to raise his voice above the din of shuffling books and bodies 10 minutes before class ends. Wear y eyes roll unseen by the disgruntled employee who speaks to me as

though it is a the corner. I am waste of her time. grateful that I canRudeness, inconnot tell you about siderate behavior returning to my and disrespect apartment to find siphon away my that my valuables JADE MCCLAIN patience and comhad been stolen. I passion for others am grateful that I so that when I return to my apartment, I have never been pushed to the ground throw my book bag down and vent to my and beaten while walking back to my roommates about my miserable day. We apar tment. I am grateful that I was exchange places as I listen to them vent, never forced to have sex at a party with and with a slight scowl I begin my homea man I trusted. But there are students work, unaware that a little more resentout there who can tell you these things ment stains my heart. with heartbreaking detail. This is why We all have different civility must be a way of experiences as students life. We must make conhere. As an African“A civil University scious decisions to uphold American woman, I have the law, uphold the reputaalready exists. had a mostly positive tion of ourselves and the experience, but have seen University and encourage We simply have and felt the terrible stings others to do the same. to maintain it of incivility from time to Let’s revisit the first time. I recall furiously University, the University and take pride in it texting my friends when of potential and successnews of hazing by the for our own sake.” es. At this University, stuSigma Gamma Rho sorordents wait until class is ity appeared in The Daily finished to grab their Targum. I felt burdened with shame bags and depar t, making professors and embarrassment that a black sororiless resentful and more apt to lead an ty had been suspended at the engaging and amiable class. Cleaning University, joining the ranks of Delta staf f and bus drivers have a more perSigma Theta, another black sorority sonal connection and mutual respect that had previously been disbanded. I with students, prompting better perwondered what people would begin formance and more thoughtful actions assuming about black women at the by both. Students do not jostle and University. I hazed no one, and yet their trample each other on the way to class, lack of civility still affected me deeply. I but instead respect boundaries and also remember returning to my apartspace. Administrative assistants tr y ment and seeing that the bulletin board respectfully to assist people with their that I made for my residents had been problems. Roommates do not steal or torn down, crumpled and thrown into fight with each other because they seek

COMMENT OF THE DAY “My fear is that [personal injury lawyers] will be the ultimate winners and the taxpayers will be the losers.” User “lk34” in response to the April 25th editorial, “9/11 bill provision disrespects responders”

VOICE COMMENTS ONLINE AT DAILYTARGUM.COM In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum changed the policy regarding posting comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.

mediation before situations escalate. Safe and satisfied students per form better in their classes, and the University experiences a rise in the average student GPA. Does this sound like utopia to you? If it does, what does that say about this world and this University? The things that I have listed are not impossible things. These are simple things that we can all do. Obviously, incivility at the University was a big enough problem to create a two-year project. As a result, we should all make the effort to commit to civility as a way of living, from the way we treat President Richard L. McCormick to the bus driver to the new transfer student — one more thank you, five more minutes of hearing your professor talk, 10 more minutes to assist the lost freshman tr ying to find the Cook Campus Center, 15 minutes to walk your friend back to her apartment because it is late. What results might we get? One less disgruntled employee, one more class where a grateful professor dismisses you early, one more productive freshman, one less rape. It is in society’s best interest. I attend two Universities, one of civility and one of incivility. They are not separate entities — they are two sides of the same spectrum. A civil University already exists. We simply have to maintain it and take pride in it for our own sake. Jade McClain is a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences junior majoring in journalism and media studies. This essay was an honorable mention in the Project Civility Essay Contest.


PA G E 1 2


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

APRIL 28, 2011


Today's Birthday (04/28/11). Add new words to your vocabulary. The more you learn, the more you realize what you don't know. Open up to new experiences. Don't lose yourself in the fame game. Remember what's truly important, and give attention to grow that. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — that you already the perfect Today is a 7 — Creative change is thing to get the job done. possible. Time to bring it up to the Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is next level. Your partner may take a 6 — Send old stuff to the thrift the lead, and that may be a good store to free space up. In the cleanthing. Stick to your goals and keep ing and organizing, you discover experimenting with new ideas to something amazing you'd forgotten make your dreams come true. about that well repays the effort. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — You may as well Today is a 5 — Find comfort and feel good today. Look around and refuge from stress in an artistic appreciate! Take advantage of pursuit. Paint, bake, dance, renewed self-confidence and take read, write or create. Your partstrides in your career. Avoid being ner adds a nice touch, and the overwhelmed by breathing deep. fun process lightens everything. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is an 8 — Step into Today is a 5 — It's fine to hide greater leadership. Others will under the blankets with a flashlight support this. Be prepared for and your favorite book, although surprises, and a friend leads you you may be more comfortable sitto the perfect partner. Take time ting at your desk sketching your for peaceful movement. ideas or writing love letters. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — You're having Today is a 7 — Words come easifun, and this builds charisma. Co- ly today. Your communication workers get on board with your skills are appreciated. Check the idea. You know what you're talkplumbing or water runoff flow. ing about, so share it. Upgrade Discover hidden treasure as you equipment to fulfill the plan. improve systems. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — a 7 — Here comes the sun, and Today is an 8 — Productivity is it's just what you need. Brighten on the rise, especially if you work your workspace, air out bedding in team. Bounce ideas off each and take a moment for yourself other and don't get stuck. You to melt in the light. Let it drench have the capacity to start anew. you in a warm glow of expansion. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — You're making a Today is a 7 — Exert your will good impression. Turn up the heat without fanfare. You know how and choose. What kind of leader to make it happen, and others will you be? What kind of a differwill let you run with it. Discover ence will you make and for whom? © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



Happy Hour





Last-Ditch Ef fort

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APRIL 28, 2011

Pop Culture Shock Therapy




Non Sequitur




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Sign Up for the IAFLOFCI (OFFICIAL) Jumble Facebook fan club

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

CVATNA Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Ans: Yesterday’s



Solution Puzzle #44 4/27/11

Solution, tips and computer program at

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: WHARF PILOT STEREO TEMPER Answer: What he was when he brought home flowers for the Mrs. — A SWEET POTATO



PA G E 1 4

APRIL 28, 2011

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Freshman centerfielder Loren Williams led off Game 2 against Villanova yesterday with her first career home run.

’NOVA: RU fails to adjust in second half of doubleheader continued from back “She pitched a really good game,” Houston said. “She was throwing a lot more strikes. She was striking people out. She really was great minus one pitch.” In head coach Jay Nelson’s mind, the game’s problems came in the form of adjustments. “We just automatically thought that we were going to score a lot of runs because we started that way,” he said. “We didn’t make adjustments. We were down 0-2 a lot and we made a couple of mistakes. Our small game didn’t work at all.” The Knights (19-26, 7-9) remain in seventh place in the conference standings and control their own

BERTH: Bucca rests team

destiny. But the loss to ’Nova makes the situation this weekend dicey. The Panthers (28-14, 7-6) are a slot ahead of the Knights in the conference and Rutgers will need at least two wins — or one and a lot of luck — to make it to the postseason. “At seven wins, you have to pray,” Nelson said. “Hopefully we can bounce back and get to Pitt.” History is on the Knights’ side with Rutgers clinching against Pitt last season compliments of a gem by former ace Nicole Lindley. “I’m not happy with the split, but I’m happy we’re still in it and we control our own destiny,” Nelson said. “With our team, we could be eliminated or we could win the whole Big East Tournament. We proved by scoring 10 runs on DePaul that we can beat anyone. We just need everything clicking at the same time.”

always, followed by junior Leonora Slatnick and freshman Vanessa entering weekend in South Bend Petrini at No. 2, and junior Morgan Ivey and freshman Stefania Balasa in the No. 3 position. continued from back “Getting the doubles point will be crucial in each match. If we well if we play as we are capable can focus on doubles, I think it of playing.” will make all the difference in Head coach Ben Bucca also winning the match,” Holzberg took the Knights’ preparation for said. “The X factor will be playing the Tournament very seriously. as a team. We need to support He opted to give the team more one another on and off the court time off than usual in the weeks throughout the Tournament.” leading up to Big East to help No. 3-seed DePaul awaits the alleviate the wear and tear of a Knights in the second round long season. should they get past West “The Big East Tournament is Virginia. Rutgers and DePaul did hopefully four matches in four not meet in the regular days, which is someseason, but the Knights thing that we don’t see surely anticipate that throughout the year,” their second round Bucca said. “We need to match will be anything be in good shape with but easy. adequate rest. The chal“It should be a great lenge at Big East is not match. We didn’t play how well you’re playing DePaul, but we played on Day 1, but how well several common oppoyou’re playing on Days nents and the scores in 3 and 4. That’s how BEN BUCCA those matches were all 4you’re measured.” 3,” Bucca said. “We’re going into the The best way to measure how match with respect, but we know well Rutgers is playing will be its that we’re capable of beating them.” doubles performance, just as it This weekend figures to be bitwas all season. It is no coincitersweet regardless of how far the dence that the Knights’ overall Knights advance because it will be record and doubles record this their last with the Gates Cambridge year were both 15-5. Scholar recipient Zhang. “Our record replicated our perZhang, one of the most decoformance in doubles, and I suspect rated athletes in school history, that doubles will have the same will graduate this semester, leavimportance at Big East,” Bucca ing a void in the hearts of Rutgers said. “The bright side is that we’ve fans and in the tennis lineup. settled into our lineup. All of the “Everyone has great respect for ladies have gotten better and a lot Amy and I’m sure she really more confident in doubles play.” enjoyed her experience here,” Bucca shuffled his doubles Bucca said. “We both look at it like lineup in the Nos. 2 and 3 slots we’re right in the mix for this chamfor most of the second half of the pionship. She can be a leader for season before recently finding a this team this weekend. If everycombination to his liking. one plays as hard and effective as Holzberg and senior captain Amy, then we’ll be successful.” Amy Zhang occupy the No. 1 slot as

APRIL 28, 2011




APRIL 28, 2011


Relay teams rest with field athletes at Penn BY LIZ SWERN STAFF WRITER


Redshirt freshman attackman Scott Klimchak scored two goals against Villanova on Tuesday to boost his team-best total to 23. Klimchak also has 11 assists for 34 points on the season.

VICTORY: Complete game remains absent with two left continued from back “We were getting the shots that we wanted,” Clancy said. “But we usually put up way more than 18 shots a game, so that was very surprising to me.” The Knights now turn their attention to conference opponent Georgetown, which they welcome Saturday to Yurcak Field. A victory over the Hoyas gives the Knights a number of opportunities. First, they have the opportunity to finally put together a complete game — something neither the

offense nor the defense accomplished for a majority of the season. Second, the Knights have the chance to finally obtain a coveted Big East win — something that eluded them all season and landed them second to last in the conference, ranked ahead of only Providence. And lastly, Rutgers has the opportunity to end its sevengame tailspin, which is reminiscent of a six-game skid the Knights found themselves in at the end of last season. And with the Hoyas’ 5-7 record almost identical to their own, the Knights see this Saturday as their best chance to finally reverse their fortunes.

“Georgetown is a good team, but they’re definitely beatable,” Clancy said. “We know they are pretty aggressive on defense — they like to step it out. We just need to maintain our composure on both sides of the field and I think it’ll be a really good game, one that we can win.” With the Georgetown matchup as the penultimate game of the Knights’ season, Rutgers finds itself with a slim chance of bettering its league or conference standings by much. But at this point, they are playing for pride, and for that one marquee win. And they know they are so close to getting it.

The Rutgers men’s track and field team travels to Philadelphia this weekend for the oldest and largest MEN’S TRACK track and field RUTGERS AT competiPENN RELAYS, tion in THURSDAY, FRIDAY t h e United States: the Penn Relay Carnival. The Scarlet Knights are sending four men: juniors Adam Bergo and James Plummer and seniors Jeremy Pennino and Chris Bradley. Eyes are on Plummer in the discus throw, as he is ranked third in the nation in the event. “Let’s just say he’s the favorite to win,” said head coach Mike Mulqueen. “He’s confident and his training has been going great so far. But you get people from the South, the West, all over, so you never know.” The South Toms River, N.J., native had a stellar season so far, winning the discus at every meet he competed in this season. “I have a pretty good chance at winning. I won last year,” said Plummer, who is the No. 1 seed at the meet. Plummer is throwing in the championship division discus. The Penn Relays takes 48 college entries, with the top 12 competing in the championship division and the bottom 36 competing in the college division.

Representing the Knights in the college division javelin are Pennino and Bradley. Pennino hoped to bring his mark up this season to make it in the championship division, but fell short before this weekend’s competition. “I was really hoping to get to throw in the championship division my last year and have a shot at the gold watch,” Pennino said. The “gold watch” is the award given out to the winner of the championship division in each event at the Penn Relays. “My goal for this weekend is to throw close to a lifetime best and get ready for Big East [Championships],” Pennino said. The Big East and IC4A Championships are at the forefront of the Knights’ minds as they enter the weekend. Mulqueen is on the fence about sending the 4x400-meter squad to the Penn Relays. He plans to allow the members of the relay, as well as the rest of the team, to continue training through the weekend. “Penn Relays always come back every year,” Mulqueen said. “Big East’s and IC4A’s are much bigger in the wider scope.” A big part of that decision was senior sprinter and member of the relay, Aaron Younger. Younger battled an injury all season. “It’s a hip flexor thing,” Mulqueen said. “We’ve been discussing with the trainers and we think it’s best to train Aaron straight through the weekend into next week for Big East’s.”



APRIL 28, 2011


BRANDON COLEMAN Position: WR Height: 6”6” Weight: 215 lbs.


JEREMY DEERING Position: RB Height: 6’2” Weight: 203 lbs.


There are many ways to describe Brandon Coleman. From the time the redshirt freshman arrived in Piscataway, his sheer size was obvious. At 6-foot-6, Coleman is a tall, long wide receiver. Through 13 spring practices and a number of highlight-reel catches, Coleman is explosive. And Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano said he has “exceptional speed.” But for junior cornerback Marcus Cooper, there is an easier description. “He’s just a problem,” Cooper said. Coleman proved that this spring across from any cornerback he went up against. More than any other Scarlet Knight, Coleman stood out — making every routine catch and most of the difficult ones. He beat defenders with either his physicality or speed. And he went up for every catch with his size. “It’s an advantage, but only if I use it,” Coleman said of his height. “If I play low, then I’m the same size as the cornerback. If I use it the way [wide receivers] coach [P.J.] Fleck teaches me, then it’s going to be a big advantage for us.” All signs point toward it being an advantage. Coleman joined Rutgers as a four-star recruit out of Bishop McNamara High School (Md.). There, he earned a spot in the Under Armour All-American game. He also excelled on the basketball court. After telling college recruiters he wanted to focus on football early in his high school career, he admits he misses the hardwood. In his junior and senior years, the Accokeek, Md., native picked up another extracurricular activity — tap dance. “It was just because I wanted to try something new and do something fun. I wanted to step outside of my box,” Coleman said. “It was interesting, but I got good at it. At the beginning, one of the reasons I wanted to do it was to help with my footwork. After that, I realized how fun it was and a lot of my friends did it with me.” When Coleman arrived in the Rutgers locker room last summer, he heard some jokes from teammates about his tap career.

But he is not shy about it, and did not try to hide it. Instead, he focused on seeing the field from Day 1. “At first, I came in expecting to play. Going through the process of training camp, I realized it wasn’t my time and I wasn’t ready to play,” Coleman said. “The redshirt definitely did help me. I benefited from that, worked hard in the offseason and came back ready to play in the spring.” While Coleman said he was not ready to play, Schiano second-guessed his decision. Wideout Mohamed Sanu suffered an ankle injury early in the season and never fully recovered. In hindsight, Schiano wishes he had Coleman. Now that he has him, Schiano plans to take full advantage. “He looked pretty productive today, didn’t he?” Schiano said after Coleman scored two touchdowns in Saturday’s live settings. “He can be a really good player. He’s still a young kid, so consistency becomes the issue, but he’s been blessed with some great, great ability.” Coleman believes he improved upon that ability as a redshirt and in the offseason. “I really understood my role, which was to be a scout team player,” Coleman said of his responsibilities last season. “I did that to the best of my ability.” Now, his role is that of a playmaker in Rutgers’ new pro-style offense. He scored 10 touchdowns as a senior in high school, and he has multiple during live settings in the spring. Coleman has yet to make a big play in one of Rutgers’ two scrimmages, but he consistently out-ran and out-leapt defenders in practice. “I want to be anywhere on the field — wherever the ball takes us,” he said. “If it’s the end zone, we’re in the end zone. If we’re coming out, we’re coming out.” Coleman is willing to take on any role — just like he can take on any description. Tall, long, lean, athletic. Basketball player, tap dancer, All-American wideout. And he is a problem for cornerbacks, but one even they cannot help but watch. “He definitely has that wow factor to him,” Cooper said.


Redshirt freshman wide receiver Brandon Coleman impressed throughout the spring with his acrobatic catches and physical play.


Sophomore Jeremy Deering carried the ball 77 times last season out of the Wildcat for 352 yards, which ranked second on the team, and two touchdowns.


He cautioned after doing so, but after Saturday’s practice Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano likened sophomore running back Jeremy Deering to former Los Angeles Rams great Eric Dickerson. And after Deering turned a 10-yard run into a touchdown during the Scarlet Knights’ practice in the Bubble, it was not hard to see why. “I think he’s improved this spring,” Schiano said. “He’s knocking piles back now instead of getting blocked. If he gets out into the open, nobody’s catching him. Nobody on the team is going to catch him. I don’t know if that’s on the clock, but when he runs with the football, nobody gets him.” Deering tallied 16 receptions for 338 yards as a freshman for a team-high 21.1 yards per catch, while earning 77 carries out of the Wildcat and scoring on two carries. But the former wide receiver was not always a burner. Deering played mostly defense during his Pop Warner football days in Florida — a product of his physical development for his age. And when the Leto, Fla., native did see time on the offensive end, it was largely a blocking role as a tight end. Deering continued to juggle positions at Leto High School, where he lined up both under center and at wide receiver. He played his only season at tailback as a sophomore for the Falcons. So when Schiano approached Deering in the offseason about a move to behind the line of scrimmage, Deering naturally did not give the change much thought. “I didn’t really have any thoughts. I was just thinking about it, like, ‘OK.’ I didn’t really think about it too much,” Deering said. “I think I improved overall. I noticed a lot of things that I’m just getting more comfortable being there and running the ball and blocking, knowing who to pick up and things like that.” Although Deering showed spur ts of his ability at running back during the Knights’ first scrimmage — he took a handof f untouched for more than 50 yards out for a score — Schiano occasionally worries about the 6-foot-2 athlete’s pad level,

specifically staying low enough to avoid taking a beating from defenders. “I do [worr y], but remember how Eric Dickerson used to run? That’s who he reminds me of,” Schiano said. “I know some of the guys who coached him. I’m not putting him in Eric Dickerson’s place. You talk to some of the guys who coached him and they say, ‘We tried to get his pads down. We tried, we tried, we tried.’ After a while they said, ‘Forget it.’ I’m not ready to say forget it yet.” Deering’s transition to running back is one of a host of newfound duties for the sophomore, as he continues to get repetitions on various special teams units, as well. “He gives you a lot of flexibility,” Schiano said. “He does a lot of different things. He scores a lot of touchdowns.” Part of the reason for Deering’s emergence during the spring was the lack of a returning veteran presence, since senior Joe Martinek continues to recover from offseason surgery and prepares for a move to fullback. Freshman Jawan Jamison had to get used to the demands of Division I football and redshirted last season, while De’Antwan Williams is just beginning to see legitimate time in the Knights’ running back rotation as a junior. Combined with incoming freshman Savon Huggins, the program’s most highly-touted recruit to date, the Knights’ backfield will become increasingly crowded when summer practice breaks. Like the other changes Deering faced, the prospect of competition for carries does not faze him. “There’s competition everywhere, so you just have to compete,” he said. While Deering still has a way to go before his comparisons to Dickerson develop, he possesses the flashes of brilliance — both during his rookie season and the spring — that “Mr. Fourth Quarter” regularly displayed in his 11year NFL career. And none of those flashes were more prevalent than his spurt during the Knights’ April 16 scrimmage. “You see Jeremy. Jeremy just gets a crack and he’s gone,” Schiano said. “Nobody’s going to catch him. [Cornerback] Mason [Robinson’s] chasing him and he’s not closing any ground. Jeremy can really run.”



PA G E 2 0

APRIL 28, 2011

RU takes one game at ’Nova

LEGRAND TO JOIN BROADCAST BOOTH FOR SPRING GAME KnightVision’s broadcast of Saturday’s Scarlet-White Game will feature Eric LeGrand as the color FOOTBALL c o m mentator at the start of the third quarter. LeGrand joins Chris Carlin and Ray Lucas in the booth at Rutgers Stadium, where the Rutgers football team wraps up its spring practice schedule with a 3 p.m. kickoff. The 20-year-old, who is more than six months into his r e h a b from a paralyzing injur y he suf fered making a tackle, met with a group of m e d i a ERIC LEGRAND members on Monday for the first time. LeGrand is a criminal justice major, but may change that and wants to pursue a career as a sports broadcaster. “I miss [football] when I see my friends out there playing, but I know there’s a path for me,” LeGrand said. “I’ll always be involved in sports. ESPN is on in my house 24/7 until I’ve seen it all about seven times.” Action begins at Rutgers Stadium at noon when former Scarlet Knights in the NFL will sign autographs. After the 45minute session, they will join other former Rutgers letterwinners for the first annual “Believe Bowl.” The Believe Bowl is meant to raise awareness and support for LeGrand and spinal cord research. Former Rutgers quarterbacks Mike Teel and Ryan Hart will captain their respective teams in the flag football game, according to Rutgers Athletic Communications. — Steven Miller


after earning the Tournament’s sixth seed. The two teams met earlier this season in Morgantown, W.Va., and Rutgers won a 6-1 decision. “We need to take the match just as seriously as we did when we played WVU in the regular season,” Holzberg said. “We can’t take them lightly because we already beat them once, but I think we will do

The Rutgers softball team took a jump toward making the Big East Tournament yesterday, but immediately SOFTBALL followed RUTGERS 1 it with a step back. VILLANOVA 2 T h e Scarlet Knights received much improved performances from sophomore Abbey Houston and freshman Megan Williams in splitting a doubleheader with last-place Villanova. For Rutgers to make it in the top eight in the standings, pitching is key in the final series this weekend at Pittsburgh. “Before the week, we said we really needed to start throwing more strikes and we wanted to be better,” Houston said on a staff that last Saturday surrendered 24 runs. “We feel like we’re back on track and we need that.” Houston picked up the win in the first game of the doubleheader. She pitched a two-run complete game en route to a 4-2 victory. Junior right fielder Mikelyn Messina did the most damage offensively. The Prospect, Conn., native drove in two runs on two hits and scored a run of her own. The other run came compliments of an RBI single by senior Mandy Craig. But in the second game, the offense never showed up. Freshman centerfielder Loren Williams belted a home run on the first pitch of the game, but that was all Rutgers earned. The Knights lost, 2-1, despite one of Megan Williams’ strongest pitching performances of the year. Williams, from Richmond, Va., tossed a complete game and was untouchable with the exception of a home run by clean-up hitter and winning pitcher Molly Manning.




Senior Amy Zhang will play her final matches for the Rutgers tennis team this weekend, when the Scarlet Knights begin the Big East Tournament in South Bend, Ind., against West Virginia.

Rutgers targets semifinal Tourney berth BY MATT CANVISSER CORRESPONDENT

The road to the Big East Tournament was a long and winding one for the Rutgers tennis team, but its goal of a TENNIS trip to the semifinals WEST VIRGINIA is finally in AT RUTGERS, s i g h t . TODAY, NOON Rutgers begins the

final leg of its journey today in the tournament’s opening round against West Virginia at noon in South Bend, Ind. “Our goal as a team is to make it to the semifinals, but if we don’t, it will be more of a disappointment than a failure,” said junior Jen Holzberg. “We have had some really great wins, but making it to the semifinals would really make the end of our season so much better.” The Scarlet Knights (15-5, 7-3) drew No. 11-seed West Virginia

Hoyas offer chance for first Big East victory BY VINNIE MANCUSO STAFF WRITER

The Rutgers men’s lacrosse team is so close to being the team it wants to be. The young offensive unit proved time and again this season that it could put MEN’S LACROSSE the ball in the back GEORGETOWN AT of the net. RUTGERS, But the SATURDAY, 7 P.M. goals did not equate to wins, and with the Scarlet Knights’ 12-7 loss at the hands of Villanova on Tuesday bringing the team’s losing skid to seven, frustration is at an all-time high. “Obviously it’s been frustrating this past month or so with all the losses,” said sophomore attackman Duncan Clancy. “And obviously it was tough loss — Villanova is a good

team. They’re real good offensively and they proved that last night.” But according to Clancy, Rutgers’ offense got the shots it looked for. Those shots just did not get into the cage enough for the win — a theme that appears consistently for the Knights (5-7, 0-4). “On offense I thought we had a lot of good looks,” Clancy said. “We definitely could have finished a whole lot more, but we were definitely moving the ball a lot better than we were the last couple of games. I think a lot of the shots we took were high percentage shots. I don’t think their goalie made that many saves.” The Knights’ problem against the Wildcats was not the quality of the shots, but the quantity. Rutgers only recorded 18 shots the entire game, while Villanova trumped it with 35.



Sophomore attackman Duncan Clancy attempted one shot Tuesday night in a loss to Villanova, which outshot the Scarlet Knights, 35-18, in a 12-7 Wildcat victory at Yurcak Field.

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