The Daily Targum 2011-09-08

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 3 , N u m b e r 5







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Today: Rain


High: 82 • Low: 67

From movies to fashion to music, Inside Beat takes a look at the best and worst that summer 2011 had to offer.

Dining Services selects from within for new director BY REENA DIAMANTE UNIVERSITY EDITOR

In Joseph Charette’s office in Records Hall on the College Avenue campus, a giant lamp adorned with a collection of event buttons sits as evidence of his 22-year presence as the associate director of Dining Services. It is the same office where he will formally work later this month as the University’s new executive director of Dining Services. After a national pursuit that began in last October, Vice President of Student Affairs Gregory S. Blimling and his search committee chose Charette among four final candidates to replace Charles Sams, the current executive director of Dining Services. Sams plans on retiring at the end of September, Blimling said. “Joe’s experience, his great depth of knowledge about dining service, his very successful record as the associate director of Dining Ser vices, his knowledge of Rutgers University and how we work with him in the institution made my decision very easy to hire him,” he said.


Incoming Executive Director of Dining Services Joseph Charette, center, cuts an opening ribbon at the Scarlet Latte Tuesday on the College Avenue campus. He will assume the job later this month.

Blimling said the position of executive director of Dining Services could be more complex than people realize, as it takes an astute business mind to manage the $70 million dining operation with no financial support from the state or University. “Every nickel that they spend in Dining Services is self-generated room. He is operating a very large business with multiple franchises, multiple campuses, 365 days out of the year,” he said. “Just because students are gone doesn’t mean Dining Services close down.” Dining Services operations include not only the dining halls, but also catering for special programs and summer conferences, franchises on the different campuses and concessions for athletic events among others. “I am amazed at the depth of his knowledge about various kinds of food service operations and about what is necessary to make those operations successful,” Blimling said. Charette joined the University in March 1989 and worked alongside Sams,


RUPD ups frequency of crime alerts



under 30 in favor, while 35 percent of seniors aged 65 and older supported gay marriage, he said. “Younger people, in general, grow up in a world that tends to be more accepting of gay marriage and racial issues, yet people 65 and older clearly oppose gay

Despite the slew of crime alerts during the spring and summer semesters, the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) said crime has not risen on campus. The number of crime alerts so far this year is 13 compared to a total of 14 in 2010, said A/Lt. Michael Rein of the RUPD. “Crime hasn’t gone up but crime alerts have, and the reason for that is because the University police department works hard to provide real-time information for the community so that they can better prepare themselves,” Rein said. “We want the community to be more alert.” Rein said the RUPD has been more prepared to report crime alerts in 2011 as the University attempts to keep its students informed. According to the 2007 to 2009 Public Safety Crime Statistics, the number of reported robberies during that period decreased from eight to three, burglaries were down from 103 to 62, and aggravated assault had risen from five to 11. “Crime is an ongoing thing, it didn’t start with Rutgersfest — it may have just brought it to some people’s attention,” Rein said. The reason for the increased flow of information to students, especially regarding break-ins and muggings, could be attributed to cooperation between RUPD and local authorities of towns neighboring the University. “We work hand-in-hand with the New Brunswick Police Department, and it’s not just New Brunswick — it’s Piscataway, Highland Park, East Brunswick, Edison and North Brunswick,” he said. “We work with them on a daily basis, information sharing — their detective bureau with our detective bureau.” The consistent crime numbers are equally spread across the University campuses, with both public and private properties being burglarized and no singular area having a disproportionate amount of crime. “We work with [the surrounding municipalities]




The Melillo Brothers perform original songs at last night’s Vegan Coffee House at the Cook Campus Center. The Rutgers University Programming Association hosted the event and invited students to enjoy vegan treats and acoustic music.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . 9 PENDULUM . . . . . . . 11 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 12 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 14 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 16 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



The latest Eagleton Poll shows New Jersey voters are marginally more supportive of legalizing gay marriage compared to past years, with more than half of those polled in support of gay marriage. Polled voters showed their stance on gay marriage with 52 percent in support, 32 percent in opposition and 16 percent unsure, said David Redlawsk, director of the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll and a professor of political science. But given the choice of civil union or gay marriage, 58 percent of those polled prefer the alternative. “Polling doesn’t tend to tell why attitudes have changed over time, but New Jersey is a revealing ripple state — despite its Republican government, attitudes have been relatively moderate,” Redlawsk said. The percentage of voters who suppor t gay marriage has slightly risen, but the number of voters who opposed gay mar riage has dropped significantly, he said. At the same time those who either refused to answer or are unsure increased. There seemed to be consistency among young adult and older voters with 77 percent of voters

80 70 60

57% 56%

61% 52%

50 40 30 20 10

64 years and older

The University’s self-reporting absence application leaves room for easy abuse.


50 to 64 year-olds



30 to 49 year-olds

METRO The National Musical String Co. served as the largest maker of musical string instruments.

Eagleton poll shows rise in NJ support for gay marriage 18 to 29 year-olds



Percentage of polled N.J. voters who support same-sex civil unions as an alternative to gay marriage TAYLERE PETERSON / MANAGING EDITOR

To d a y, T h u r s d a y S e p t e m b e r 8 , r e p o r t t o y o u r M o n d a y c l a s s e s .






Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club




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143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN ZOË SZATHMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS RYAN SURUJNATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Alissa Aboff, Lisa Cai, Jessica Fasano, Mandy Frantz CORRESPONDENTS — Josh Bakan, Vinnie Mancuso, Tabish Talib, Aleksi Tzatzev SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Ramon Dompor, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Ashley Ross STAFF VIDEOGRAPHER — Jose Medrano

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PA G E 3

Group honors lost student’s devotion to teaching ANDREW SMITH STAFF WRITER

To honor the memor y of Sergio Coutinho De Biasi, the Graduate Students Association (GSA) held an informal memorial ser vice Tuesday evening in the Graduate Student Lounge on the College Avenue campus. De Biasi, a doctoral candidate in the Depar tment of Computer Science, committed suicide on Aug. 11 to the surprise of ever yone involved in the GSA, said GSA President Reshma Nayyar. “There were no signs. Ever ybody is in a state of disbelief,” she said. “Sergio was working with so many different people from the GSA on so many dif ferent things. There were plans in progress to do things, and that’s why ever yone is so shocked.” To help cope with the loss, the GSA organized the

memorial to grant those close to De Biasi an opportunity to speak about their feelings and fr ustrations, said Nayyar, a graduate student. The ser vice opened to a crowded room of faculty, graduate students and staff at 7:30 p.m., and featured a slideshow comprised of photos and music De Biasi had taken and composed, respectively, said Michael Littman, chair of the Depar tment of Computer Science. Along with Littman, scheduled speakers included Rodrigo Franco Toso, a close friend of De Biasi, and Bahman Kalantari, De Biasi’s Ph.D thesis adviser. Kalantari, who is also a computer science professor, spoke on his work with De Biasi and explained the practical and theoretical nature of the graduate student’s developing thesis while also giving

some insight into After the schedhis personality. uled speakers, De Demonstrating De Biasi’s friends and Biasi’s passion and colleagues shared str uggle for personal their insight into connections, Kalantari his mind. described the matheAline Ramires, De matical concept of Biasi’s girlfriend and Voronoi diagrams, a graduate student in where the vertices of a the Department of SERGIO polygon are closer to Physics, spoke about its originating point De Biasi’s struggle COUTINHO than the originating for perfection and batDE BIASI point of an tle against isolation. adjacent polygon. “He wanted to change the Kalantari said the space that is world,” she said. “He wanted to closer to each individual than to change the way he taught and he anyone else is the Voronoi region. was not just saying that.” “If one is physically close to Michael Marcondes Defreitas, many people, then one’s a graduate student in the Voronoi region is small and Department of Mathematics, said there isn’t a lot of space to he wanted to celebrate the calmove around,” Kalantari said. “I iber of Sergio’s work and dedicabelieve Sergio was a person tion to teaching. who wanted to be close to all. “I think Sergio was a genius, This was perhaps the most con- and he was probably the first one flicting part of Sergio’s gradu- I ever met,” Defreitas said. ate studies.” “Ever ything he did and

everything he put his mind to was just way off the charts.” As a member of the GSA, De Biasi was particularly vocal about the struggles with loneliness and pushed for events to help bring students together, Nayyar said. De Bisasi also produced commentary on similar subject matter in the aftermath of the Tyler Clementi suicide. Among some of his efforts to bring people together were barbeques, as demonstrated in a video shown during the ser vice and intense dedication to helping the GSA whenever possible, she said. In addition to the ser vice itself, representatives from the Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program and Psychiatric Ser vices (CAPS) and various counseling ser vices were present, offering counseling for those struck particularly hard by the loss of De Biasi.

ALUMNUS ILLUSTRATES 9/11 EMOTIONS THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY Weeks and days after 9/11, University alumnus Jonathan Hyman captured histor y through a camera lens taking more than 20,000 photographs documenting private grief and public expression. Photos of billboards, barns and tattoos are featured in the collection being displayed at the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Ar t Galler y in Manhattan during the “9/11:Visual Response on the Street” exhibition. The exhibition composed of 60 photographs by Hyman runs through Oct. 8 focusing on “vernacular memorials” displaying pain and agony metaphorically representing the shadow of the fallen tower, according to the Rutgers Focus feature. “Since September 11, 2001, I have been traveling the countr y with my camera ever y day,”

Hyman said in the article. “My goal is not just to take the pictures, but also to contextualize the vocabular y people are using.” Images include patriotic symbols of an American flag enfolded around the trunk of a birch tree and firefighters tattooed with the names of fallen firefighters on their backs. “I began to see this on the very day of the attack, when I went to pick up my daughter from preschool,” Hyman said in the article. “I noticed signs by the side of the road: ‘We will prevail.’ Or ‘It’s time to kick some ass,’ or just flags that people had left.” Hyman has guest lectured at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and in 2006, he spoke as a visiting artist in the Department of American Studies.

When it came time to prepare for the exhibit of the photos commemorating the 9/11 attacks, Hyman reached out to Jeffrey Wechsler, fellow alumnus and curator for 34 years at the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum. Wechsler received his master’s degree in art from the University in 1977, and said he enjoys the artistic energy and photographic master y in Hyman’s photographs. “While the imager y is documentar y in essence, the aesthetic qualities are evident,” Wechsler said in the article. “Jonathan is careful to include surrounding structures, objects, and instances of human reaction to offer a deeper and experiential context to the main subjects.” — Anastasia Millicker

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Researchers tune into finding hit song formula Two graduate students analyze 40 years of top music charts to discover why some melodies seem to last for decades BY TIFFANY KATEHAKIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Writing a hit song may not seem like an easy feat, but two University graduate students have taken steps closer to solving the myster y as to what makes a song popular. Shaun Ellis and Tom Engelhardt decided to do their final project for Information Visualization, a class they took in the fall of 2010, on tr ying to uncover similarities in popular songs. “What makes people like certain music over others is the balance of familiarity with the element of surprise,” Ellis said. “I think that is par t of the voodoo of writing hit songs.” They analyzed data from the Billboard Hot 100 charts from 1960 to 2010 with the database of Echo Nest, a music intelligence company that analyzes music content and extracts information by using machinelistening technology. Then they ran it through Tableau, a program able to analyze

the data in a variety of ways. “We released a data set with a million songs and [Ellis and Engelhardt] started analyzing all the audio stuff that we provided against each other to see how you can find some trends in hit songs,” said Tristan Jehan, co-founder of Echo Nest. The duo looked at characteristics including beat strength, temp stability and overall tempo of a song. “Gathering data was not easy,” Ellis said. “[We] had to write a program that would quer y the Billboard charts and take that info to a database and quer y the Echo Nest data by song title and pull the metadata about the songs to store it in the database.” Ellis and Engelhardt researched 50 percent of the top hits from 1960 to 2010. “Other students used existing data sets but we pulled something new by mashing them together,” Ellis said. “The Billboard database only allows you to request 50 songs at a

time and not in order — they were randomized. For any given week we could only take half of the music on the top 100.” But that did not hinder their

“What makes people like certain music over others is the balance of familiarity with the element of surprise ...” SHAUN ELLIS Graduate Student

understanding of the data. Among their findings they noticed songs written in key of C, G and D were more prevalent in pop music. Also, over the years pop songs have progressed to become more danceable, louder and longer. Another important factor in analyzing the data of pop music of years past was the change in government regulation of the media.

“It turns out the Telecommunications Act of 1996 went into effect at this time so companies could buy up radio stations and put their own playlists on the air,” Ellis said. “We think there is likely a correlation with this but you’d have to do more research.” Ellis and Engelhardt created bubble charts to display their findings. These char ts took large quantities of data and analyzed the information using different characteristics at the same time. Anselm Spoerri, the professor who taught the course, believed Ellis and Engelhardt had a unique approach to a popular topic. “When I saw the work that they had done for the final project of the class, I thought that this could be something others could be interested in,” he said. “It took hit songs and used different data sources to analyze this topic in a deeper way.” Spoerri was right. After Ellis and Engelhardt posted their project online, bloggers interested in the topic took notice,

and in June 2011, the stor y was picked up by NBC New York. Despite their newfound press coverage, Ellis pointed out that he does not believe there is one specific formula that could be attributed to all hit songs. “If you mean, could you program a machine to write a hit song, then no,” Ellis said. “However, if you mean, can you determine the ever-changing structure and common attributes for popular music, then certainly.” Ellis, who is also a musician and songwriter, said one of the most important characteristics to a song remains the human connection to the music on an emotional level. He believes listeners need to be engaged by a song from the ver y beginning in order to listen to its entirety. The most important factor in picking out a winning song could be that balance of familiarity and uniqueness. “It’s [good to have] a catchy riff or an interesting beat to make them interested,” Ellis said.







There will be a change in destination class day. Students should attend Monday classes. Ever thought of singing collegiate a cappella? Come out and audition with The OrphanSporks. The group is looking for some talented singers and beatboxers, who do not mind getting down and goofy. Come and show your stuff. Auditions begin at 9 p.m. in the Rutgers Student Center Room 411 AB. Come prepared with a verse and chorus of a contemporary song, that showcases your voice best. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email For more info, check out, or look at videos on YouTube to see what they are about. Come join Rutgers Hillel for “Pastries, Pizza and Parsha” from 9 to 10:30 p.m. at 93 College Ave. in New Brunswick. Each session we will have Torah study with various yummy food and have a stimulating discussion about the Torah and other Jewish passages.


Come to the Involvement Fair to sign up for a variety of student organizations from 3 to 7 p.m. on Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus. Today is the last day to drop a class without a “W” grade via WebReg or in person at the Undergraduate Registrars Office at the ASB Building Room 200B on Busch campus.


Today is the last day to add a class.


The fall semester on the George H. Cook and Douglass campuses begins with a celebration to mark the new academic year from 4 to 7 p.m. at Passion Puddle on Douglass campus. Community Day typically attracts more than 1,000 students, faculty and staff. Students come together to enjoy live music, learn how to become involved in organized campus activities and share a barbecue. Join in on the fun at Community Day with live entertainment, barbecue and raffles for an iPod touch every hour. Bring a non-perishable food donation for Rutgers Against Hunger to get an extra chance. Student identification is required and the student must be present to win. Kick off a new year with old friends and meet new ones. For more information visit


King Of The Couch Tournaments will host “LeGrand Bowl 2011,” a video game tournament for Eric LeGrand at 11 a.m. at the Busch Student Center. The tournament will have participants play Madden 12 and NCAA 12 on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Students can join the tournament for $10 with their student identification while non-students will pay $20. For more information visit or call (201) 981-3537.


Health Outreach, Promotion & Education is hosting Lollanobozza, a karaoke and dance party featuring DJ Wallah, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Livingston Student Center. There will be free food and free games. Two iPad2’s will be awarded. The event is Hollywood-themed and there will be prizes for best costume. All University students are welcome. For more information contact HOPE by calling (732) 932-1965 or visit


The exhibit, “Perspectives Through the Lens: Soviet Art Photography in the 1970s-80s,” ends today in the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum on the College Avenue campus. This collection presents a selection of more than 60 photographs from the Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection of Soviet Nonconformist Art by Francisco Infante, Vladimir Kupriyanov, Boris Mikhailov and Aleksandr Slyusarev, four major Soviet artists working with photography in the ’70s and ’80s.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to





POLL: Religion does not serve as large deciding factor continued from front marriage more than the younger generation does,” Redlawsk said. A trend seen among all age groups is the support of same-sex civil unions as an alternative to gay marriage with 57 percent of 18 to 29 years-olds, 56 percent of 30 to 49 year-olds, 61 percent of 50 to 64 year-olds and 52 percent of those 65 and over, he said. “Civil union is the halfway point to same-sex marriages,” he said. “To many, marriage has a religious meaning behind it, so civil union fits the bill just fine as an alternative to gay marriages.” Redlawsk said the type of religion someone practiced was not a large deciding factor. Instead, how often a person attended religious service served as a stronger indicator than affiliation. “We asked what religion they practice and how often they attend service and focused on how often they attend service,” he said. “Those who attended service were least willing to support gay marriage.” Knowing of someone who is gay or lesbian increases support for gay marriage, but those with a gay family member were less supportive of civil unions than they were of samesex marriages, Redlawsk said. “About two-thirds of people know of someone who is gay or lesbian while one-third of people do not. That is up from previous years, but few feel that same-sex marriage is a top issue for the state,” he said. Redlawsk said people do not see gay marriage as an important issue but those who have a gay or lesbian friend are a little more willing. “People are fine with civil unions, which are legal in New Jersey — not so much gay marriages, but there seems to be little likelihood of immediate change in New Jersey,” he said. Norman Rogers, 47, of Tuckerton, N.J., said that he is glad there is a larger percent of people supporting same-sex marriage. “My brother is homosexual, and he and his partner went out of state in order to get married,” he said. “The fact that they couldn’t do that in New Jersey is sad.” Rogers said despite his Roman Catholic background’s leanings toward being unsupportive of gay males, his brother holds a position of leadership in the church. “I support my brother wholeheartedly and I wish he could some day walk down the aisle in the church. But as for now he is content lecturing and he receives a lot of support in the church community,” he said. Josephine Gonzalez, 32, of New Brunswick said both her parents frown upon civil unions and same-sex marriages. But she freely supports it. “It has a lot to due with age. My grandfather or even my father would be very disappointed if either my sister or I were gay,” she said. “Meanwhile, I teach my kids acceptance by all standards.” Neha Desai, a School of Engineering first-year student, said she supports civil unions but thinks marriage is a significant religious event. “Marriage holds a religious sanctity between men and women, and civil unions are still important but not religious,” she said. The Eagleton Institute poll sampled 615 registered voters from both landline and cell phone households from August 9 until August 15 and collected a sample with a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percent for the full sample.


COLLEGE AVENUE ACCIDENT LEAVES CAR DAMAGED Traf fic slowed last night on College Avenue when a collision occurred around 6:20 p.m. at the intersection of Stone Street and College Avenue. A black Jeep V-6 was turning left from Stone Street onto College Avenue when it struck a green Honda Accord traveling straight on College Avenue.

Kendall Young, a Piscataway resident, had just dropped his girlfriend off at the New Brunswick Train Station when the middle-aged man driving the Jeep struck the side of his vehicle. Neither driver was injured, but there was significant damage to the bumper and front of the Jeep as well as denting on the side of the Honda.

“I had the right of way. I’m ver y upset about it. My car was totaled,” Young said. “What’s the rush for? There are college students crossing ever ywhere.” The Jeep driver had no comment.

— Amy Rowe






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DIRECTOR: Charette hopes to build on past success continued from front who acted as the director of Brower Commons. Sams was named the executive director of Dining Services two years later, and Charette continued to work by his side. “Shortly after that I came into this office as the associate director of Dining Services, so he and I have been working together for pretty much the whole 22 years,” Charette said. As the associate director, Charette worked in the capacity of the executive director when Sams was not available. On a day-to-day basis, their responsibilities were split into different segments. Operations in the dining halls, a major bulk of the business, as well as staff positions such as the facilities manager, sanitarian and county super visor reported directly to Sams, he said. For Charette, his responsibilities included working with food buyers, concessions, catering and cash operations.


“We started looking around Through a friend in Colorado, all of these cash operations that Charette landed a job opening up the University was the fran- an Italian restaurant in Fort chisee or licensee for,” he said. Collins, Colo. “None of that existed when I After starting the restaurant, was brought into this position. other individuals asked him to That was one of my main open up their restaurants, and responsibilities, to develop the later he managed Bennigan’s cash business.” franchises in the Southwest Examples of the cash opera- until he was transferred back to tions include the Dunkin Donuts the East. and Sbarro in the “In the last Livingston Student two and half “We think Center, he said. years I was Blimling said working for Joe Charette what people may not them, I was is that person know about Charette here in New is his extensive Jersey,” he who can help us experience in restausaid. “I startrant management ed looking for maintain the and retail food ser vsomething success we have.” ice management. that had a betCharette, a Cook ter quality of GREGORY S. BLIMLING College alumnus who life, someVice President of Student Affairs double majored in thing that environmental sciseemed a little ence and agricultural science, bit more stable. I winded up said he did not plan on working in coming here to Rutgers because the food service industry. I went to school here.” With the original intent to Charette has stayed in the study environmental law in University ever since, because Colorado, he said he worked at he said he cares about students two restaurants in Washington, and hopes to provide them with a D.C. and gathered experience better dining experience than he working alongside quality chefs under went during his underbefore moving out west. graduate years.

T H E DA I LY TA R G U M Although Charette said he is sad to see Sams — a coworker who has collaborated with him on many different projects — retire, he remains pleased with his friend’s career. “[Sams is] leaving right now with everyone very proud of their new dining facility, and reviews have been fantastic,” he said. “I’m happy he can leave on his terms, on the top of his game.” Blimling said he is confident that Charette could enhance and add to a flourishing and constantly improving dining operation. “We think Joe Charette is that person who can help us maintain the success we have through his imagination, creativity and strength in entrepreneurial areas that we can build on under our current successes with Charlie Sams,” Blimling said. Charette said in a way his job as associate director prepared him for this future title. “I’m looking forward to trying to give folks here at the University what it is that they need to be successful in their programs and I want people to be very proud,” he said. “We want to be the best.”

ALERTS: Both genders experience equal victimization continued from front day-to-day, because someone who is going to victimize people and property doesn’t discriminate based on it being a Rutgers building, New Brunswick building, city resident or a college student,” Rein said. RUPD could not identify any one group being targeted more than another in terms of age or sex. Both female and male University students are at equal risk, and first-year students are statistically as victimized as upperclassmen. “We remind everyone to take the same precautions to protect themselves, [although] sometimes we send out alerts to a certain building if we think they are really the only ones who have the potential to be victimized,” he said. “But we don’t discriminate based on race, gender, color, ethnicity.” In addition to informing students of crimes occurring in the area, RUPD attends all first-year orientations to present information pamphlets on training classes offered by the Public Safety department. “The police department offers very good training classes from personal safety [like] the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) class,” Rein said. Despite keeping students informed more, some found the crime alerts to be insufficient. Raana Sheikh, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said she took more precautions following the increased frequency in crime alerts, but felt they could improve still. “I wouldn’t walk alone at night. But I think the crime alerts are so vague, that they don’t do anything‚” Sheikh said. “I think they could do more.” Rishi Mattoo, a School of Business sophomore, agreed with the University’s move to increase students’ awareness and precautions. He said the RUPD could not do much more than it already does and believes officers do their job by alerting students of dangers around campus. “I was more conscious when I was walking alone past 11 p.m., because I was living here during the summer, so I made sure if I was walking out late, I was with somebody,” Mattoo said. “It doesn’t matter how strong you are [if] you are getting bounced.” He said some students have less exposure to some of the crime situations prevalent in the New Brunswick area. “I guess [first-year students] are less safe, because you grow from experience, and they have less experience,” he said. “They have less experience than upperclassmen who are more careful.” Vivian Tsai, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, said she was surprised at the crime alerts sent out during the summer, but did not change much of her routine. “They made me remember to lock the doors,” she said. The RUPD is in the process of a major system upgrade, so students will soon be able to search police data such as crime numbers and crime alerts more easily, Rein said. Despite the RUPD’s alertness, Rein advises all students to continue to be cautious, to walk in well-lit areas, carr y a cell phone and when possible, walk in groups.




PA G E 9

Building remembered as largest strings manufacturer in country BY CHASE BRUSH STAFF WRITER


When Thomas Nelson Jr., Alexander Paul and George Emerson pooled their efforts and passions for musical string manufacture in 1897 to create the National Musical String Company (NMSCo), they had little idea their work would one day serve as the largest manufacturer of string instruments in the nation. The New Brunswick company operated out of a 40,000-squarefoot central factory building located at 120 Georges Rd. until early 1979, according to the building’s nomination form for the National Register of Historic Places. It specialized in the production of musical strings for violins, cellos, guitars and banjos as well as harmonicas. “By the first decade of the 20th century and for many years thereafter, [NMSCo was] the largest plant in the world devoted to musical strings,” according to the form. But Morris Kafka, a member of the New Brunswick Historical Association, said he would not consider the NMSCo’s industrial success unique of its time. “These businesses were all over the city, and it’s what made New Brunswick wealthy in the mid- to late-19th centur y,” he said. Despite NMSCo’s prolonged success, the company was ultimately sold in 1979 to the Kaman Musical String Company, moving business to Connecticut, according to NMSCo records. Local architect Ben DeKamp built the building to accommodate the processes used to manufacture string instruments, Kafka said. “The brickwork itself has that distinctive color that we see

in this region and is typical of Civil War-era industrial buildings of which there are precious few in the New Brunswick area,” he said. Following the move of NMSCo’s business operations, the factory experienced a period of episodic vacancies and ownerships, and was used as a rental space for small businesses, Kafka said. “Sometime in the late ’80s, I actually went in and had a par t made for a dresser I had,” he said. The building was nominated and added to the National Register for Historic Places in 1982, he said. The NMSCo building has served no identifiable purpose over the past few years. Robert Belvin, director for the New Brunswick Free Public Library, said he is concerned the building will be demolished in the future. “It’s been a building without purpose,” he said. “And old buildings without a purpose tend to vanish.” Bristol-Myers Squibb, a nearby biopharmaceutical manufacturer, is just one of many players that could ultimately determine the building’s fate, Kafka said. “It looks like Squibb is everexpanding toward the building,” he said. “Squibb maintains their properties well, but I don’t think they would want an eyesore next to their complex.” Kafka, who is an expert of the preser vation of historic buildings, said there is an economic engine that drives preservation, but many people overlook that fact. “If I bought a building and planned to make condominiums, and I didn’t know it was historic, I might order up some nice new


Built in 1897 to create the National Musical String Company, the 40,000-square-foot factory still stands at 120 Georges Rd. in New Brunswick, N.J. The building has switched ownership over the years.

stucco in whatever trendy color of the day is, and put in big picture windows and balconies that might not reflect the style of the building,” he said. Often, there are additional remunerations that go along with preserving historic places, Kafka said “There are benefits to it in terms of the tax structure,” he said. “If I knew that the same building was historic, and I knew there were historic tax rehabilitation credits available through the state, I would be very careful to save whatever I could to retain its appearance.” The Pioli Properties, LLC, plans to purchase and convert the factory into a mixture of residential and retail space, said Janice Larkin, assistant to North Brunswick’s Mayor, Francis “Mac” Womack. The North Brunswick Zoning Board approved a resolution on

February 17, 2011 to renovate the NMSCo building to provide retail and commercial space on the first floor and 24 apartments on the upper floors, she said. A beauty, hair and nail salon, a shoe store and an art galler y are among the businesses that will occupy the first floor, Larkin said. “It is a building that retains a high degree of historical integrity, looks to be str ucturally sound and could probably re-happed for any use,” Kafka said. Larkin hopes the proposed renovations would strive to preser ve the historical significance and Civil War-era style of the factor y — which, for Kafka, is essential. “It’s the most logical way to preserve a building,” Kafka said. “If [the owner or potential owner is] informed about the historical impor tance of the building,

they’re able to make choices that will preser ve the most important elements.” Belvin, who is one of the caretakers of the Henry Guest House on Livingston Avenue, said he is well accustomed to historic buildings, which are given to misuse and neglect. “If it’s used, it establishes a constituency … if it’s vacant, there’s nobody that’s involved and then it comes tumbling down,” he said. In the end, Kafka hopes the NMSCo building — whatever it is ultimately used for — will be preserved and used again in the future, he said. “It’s an important part of our history,” he said. “People anywhere can live in ordinary, newlooking buildings. There are only so many old buildings around, and generally they will attract people who want to live and work in them.”





Local townships prepare to honor 9/11 victims Middlesex municipalities to hold tribute services to remember victims, survivors, armed services BY ZACH BREGMAN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

All across Middlesex County, townships and organizations are coming together Sunday to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Most cities, like New Brunswick, are hosting a tribute or memorial service for the victims, as well as for the first responders and armed services who dedicated their time in the aftermath. A special ceremony in Boyd Park off of Route 18 in New Brunswick at 1 p.m. will honor the memory of the 75 Middlesex County residents who were killed during the attacks as well as the survivors, the volunteers and military personnel who served after the attacks. In addition, the New Brunswick Elks Lodge will

donate a flagpole and present a plaque as part of the ceremony in Boyd Park. Mike Mahoney, treasurer of the New Brunswick Elks Lodge, contacted the city to team up for a memorial similar to one the University held in 2001 in the days following the attacks. “We wanted to follow up on the remembrance held on Livingston Avenue back in 2001, which Rutgers was involved in, where the names of 37 alumni of Rutgers who were killed were read off in honor of their memor y,” he said. The ceremony, “A Day of Remembrance,” stresses the message “yesterday, today and tomorrow,” and will include a sermon from a clergyman about moving on, Mahoney said. Many charities will be present at the ceremony, taking donations and conducting blood drives.

The University will also be involved since the dance club will perform and the University’s Army ROTC will be present at the memorial.

“We also simply want to say ‘thank you’ and ‘welcome home’ to soldiers back from duty.” EMMA RILEY Army ROTC Volunteer

The New Br unswick Elks Lodge 324 is hosting a pancake breakfast that begins at 8 a.m. on Sept. 11 to raise money for the Army of Hope foundation, a program that donates personal supplies to militar y

personnel who need them and offers financial assistance to families of wounded or killed ser vice personnel. The breakfast costs $10 for adults, $5 for kids and children under 5 years old receive free admission. In Piscataway, the University’s Army ROTC is holding the Run for the Warriors 5-mile race in collaboration with the Hope for the Warriors foundation, a nonprofit organization that assists wounded U.S. service members and their families. Emma Riley, who is working with the Army ROTC for the event, said the race attracts a large crowd of people in support of soldiers’ efforts. “[We’ve been] holding this event for four years now and the turnout for the race is often 400 people,” she said. “[We wish] to ensure the care of

wounded soldiers and tr y to accomplish this through outreach to Rutgers.” She said they also hoped to bring awareness about the contributions soldiers give. “We also simply want to say ‘thank you’ and ‘welcome home’ to soldiers back from duty,” she said. In East Brunswick, the Marine Corps League will participate in a parade where members carr y the flag and bag pipers trail them while playing patriotic music, followed by their own volunteers. A 10-year anniversary memorial will also be held in East Brunswick for residents who were killed on Sept. 11, said Karen Kecskes, the recreation supervisor for community services in East Brunswick. “We want to honor those residents of East Brunswick and their memory,” she said.

EDISON TRIAL CENTERS ON RACIAL DISCRMINATION, BIGOTRY An Edison court is presently hearing a case that brings forth the issue of racial slurs. During an incident on July 3, 2008, police officer Joseph Kenney rescued two victims of a car accident, when his sergeant, Alex Glinsky, allegedly berated him for caring to two people because they were Indian. Kenney is suing Glinsky, the Edison police department and the township, according to an article. Kenney, 60, said in the article that Glinsky and other officers reprimanded him for helping the two victims, whom they disliked for being Indian. “[Glinsky] said ‘Joe, why did you go in the car? They’re nothing but dirty filthy … Indians,’” he said in the article.

In response to the incident, Kenney said that the police department suspended his pay and charged him with insubordination for reporting Glinsky’s comments. Theodore Campbell, Kenney’s attorney, said that officials discriminated against Kenney for doing the right thing and standing up for his ethics. “[Kenney] did the right thing in pulling people out of the car and did the right thing is speaking out about Glinsky’s actions,” he said in the article. But Eric Harrison, the attorney for Edison township, said in the article that Kenney’s insubordination charge had been dropped and the

police department only placed Kenney on an administrative leave to heal from the trauma of the accident. Harrison said in the article that officers asked Kenney to take time off to control his anger after an incident in which he told then-Edison police Director Brian Collier that he wanted to “kill” Glinsky. As the trial continues, Harrison continues to argue that Glinsky did not make the offensive statement that he is being accused of. Glinsky has since retired. — Ankita Panda





What do you think of the new campus buses?


STEVEN DEFEO SAS SENIOR “I don’t ride the buses, but I think they’re hazardous to my health as a pedestrian. I feel like the drivers this year are impatient. The buses also seem to come in droves, doesn’t seem like effective scheduling.”

“The announcements bother me, I think they’re unnecessary. They should stop using them in a couple months after students are used to it.”

ANKUR DWIVEDI SAS GRADUATE STUDENT “The announcements are too loud. It sounds like screaming.”




Sources: Timothy Stokes, First Transit Spokesman and Jack Molenaar, Director of Transportation Services





The number of years the Academy Bus Company served the University

The number of universities First Transit serves in the United States


The percentage of bus fuel that comes from biodiesel


“The new drivers don’t know what they’re doing. I haven’t gotten to one class on time. I’ve started driving my car around campus.”

DUSTIN HALL SAS SOPHOMORE “I like that I get to know exactly where I’m stopping.”

LINA TRUONG SCHOOL OF ENGINERRING SENIOR “There are a lot more seats on the buses now, but as time goes, they should turn off the announcements.”


It doesn’t make a difference to me —23%

I liked the old ones better —31%

I think the new ones are great —42% I never ride the bus —4%

I think the new ones are great


I liked the old ones better


It doesn’t make a difference to me


I never ride the buses



Which dining hall do you think is best? Cast your votes online and view the video Pendulum at



PA G E 1 2



Reporting absences requires honesty I

f you’ve been on MyRutgers lately — or read yesterday’s issue of The Daily Targum — then you’ve probably heard about the new Self-Reporting Absence Application (SRAA). In short, the SRAA is an application that allows students to report their absences online to the Student Information Management System (SIMS), which will help professors keep track of the absences. The SRAA is an interesting idea, and it could bring about some excellent benefits, like allowing SIMS to keep track of absence statistics and letting professors rest a little easier when it comes to keeping tabs on attendance. However, the SRAA will only bring about these benefits if students act like responsible adults. By virtue of the University’s impressively large size, students here are used to being largely left alone by the school. The burden of getting in touch with professors and administrators usually rests on the students. However, most of the instances wherein students need to contact University personnel are pressing matters — for example, disputing charges on a term bill, lowering a meal plan or talking to a professor about grades. In these situations, there is actual motivation for students to open lines of communication. But in the case of reporting absences, the same level of motivation does not exist. Most students just figure their professor will catch their absence when they call role, and if the professor doesn’t take attendance, that’s all the more reason to not go to class in the first place. Not only is there a lack of motivation for students to use the SRAA, but there is also the obvious possibility of abuse. Say a student decides they don’t want to show up to class, so they use the SRAA to report their absence and cook up a fake illness. Suddenly, the truant has documentation of a “legitimate” absence. Who’s going to spend time investigating such claims? The SRAA is predicated on an unspoken honor system. The administration fully expects students to be responsible and use the SRAA the way it is meant to be used. In some ways, it is actually kind of flattering that the University thinks so highly of its student body, even when said students sometimes prove them wrong. It is the job of every student to use the SRAA appropriately. Only then will the application be elevated from “interesting idea” to “highly useful program.”

Mandatory drug tests invade student privacy


magine walking into your first day of college and being asked to urinate into a cup. It may sound like a strange scenario, but for students at Linn State Technical College — the only public technical college in Missouri — it’s a very real one. The school recently enacted a measure whereby all new students are required to submit to a drug test. If a student fails the test, he or she will have 45 days to pass another one. If this whole program sounds unnecessarily invasive, that’s because it is, especially for a public college. According to officials at the school, the tests are a safety measure. At Linn State, some students routinely work with heavy machinery as part of their course loads. Administrators see the mandatory drug tests as a way to hopefully prevent any serious injuries as a result of irresponsible behavior. This is certainly a concern that the school needs to take seriously, but their preferred method of dealing with said concern is too extreme. Even the students who do not work with machinery are subject to the drug tests. In choosing to administer mandatory drug tests to all new students, Linn State is unquestionably invading their privacy. It is a textbook example of unlawful search and seizure, and we are shocked that so many administrators at Linn State are in support of the measure. Students attend colleges to receive educations. They do not pay thousands of dollars in tuition to be treated like criminals, and they should not have to deal with such undue suspicion from the very people who are supposed to be supporting their academic careers and encouraging their continued growth as individuals. It is especially disconcerting to see these measures being taken at a public college. As a manifestation of the state government, Linn State should seek to uphold all aspects of the law — including the constitutional right to privacy. If Linn State were a private college, it would have more freedom to enact a program like this — although, even in that case, we would be unhappy to see it happen. But Linn State’s status as a public educational institution should prevent it from prying so needlessly into the lives of its students. Take a moment to think about what would happen if the University were to pull something like this. We’re willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of students would express their dissatisfaction quite loudly, and we hope Linn State students do the same. College students are adults — let them monitor their own personal responsibility.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “If you mean, could you program a machine to write a hit song, then no.” University graduate student Shaun Ellis, on whether or not there is one specific formula for writing a pop song STORY IN UNIVERSITY


Free speech applies to everyone


ur First his speech, claiming it was Amendment grants inappropriate for him to us four unalienable urge voters to “take out rights as Americans — the those son-of-a-bitches [sic]” freedom of press, the freein reference to the tea party. dom to public assembly, the However, none of these punfreedom of religion and, of dits seemed to care when course, the freedom of Sarah Palin’s website had CODY GORMAN speech. Our freedoms allow crosshairs over Gabrielle us a certain level of comfort Gifford’s name for senators and ease when communicating our thoughts and to “take out,” or when Ted Nugent appeared at a beliefs. There are certainly some limitations on free concert saying things about President Barack speech. The United States has laws against slander Obama and Democratic senators that frankly, I can’t and libel, wherein the speaking party may be put into print — and yes, I do realize the irony of arrested or punished if the statement is made with that last statement. Even abroad, many countries malicious intent, deliberately false information or with free speech are being pressured into censorthe intent to defame the person. One needs only to ship. British Parliament is under constant pressure look at Supreme Court cases like New York Times from a growing Conservative Muslim population Co. v. Sullivan to see how free speech can be into censoring anything negative about Islam or the scathing without defaming or malicious. Gitlow v. Prophet Muhammad. While the three instances I’ve New York is another case that shows how free brought up range from personal, to political, to relispeech can be limited if it is dangerous to the state, gious, they all march under the common banner of or seditious in matter. “I’m offended.” And I’m sick of it. In Tuesday’s column in The Daily Targum titled Had ever y American had this attitude, the “Protect Real Freedom of Speech,” Declaration of Independence would the author mentions a school faculty never have been written, for fear of “Everyone in this member who made remarks about angering King George; nor would him on Facebook. While the U.S. troops have entered World War country has the right remarks made were arguably inapII by storming Normandy, for fear it propriate for a faculty member to to be offended would offend the European front make, they were made on a third that they needed help; nor would by anything.” party site and were out of the slavery have been abolished, nor University’s jurisdiction. The author the Civil Rights Act passed, for fear also mentioned a Facebook status of offending land-owning white from a student, which supposedly threatened viomales. Same-sex marriage is still outlawed in the lence against him (the author). While the post in majority of the states because of the hysteric beliefs question did not threaten violence, it may also have of a group of desert tribes in Bronze Age Arabia. been considered inappropriate. I have even received negative comments, dirty The author has every right to be offended and looks and scathing critiques for my works, particseek remedy. I do find delectable irony, however, in ularly one last year in which I supported the burqa the spectacle that has become our protection — or and niqab ban in France, but I understand that’s lack thereof — of free speech. Instead, it’s been subthe First Amendment at work. I have the privilege stituted with “pretty free” speech. By this I mean and honor of sharing my opinion every two weeks that free speech is tolerated, but frowned upon if it’s for The Daily Targum, and I appreciate critique, negative. While any author is free to be offended by good and bad, of my work. Those who disagree critiques of his/her work, writing style, political or with me have also called me religiously insensitive, religious views, it is simply not acceptable to censor anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, anti-Republican, etc. that free speech to curtail the author’s offense. Remarks like this are one of the prices of free Everyone in this country has the right to be speech Americans are supposed to endure — offended by anything. However, what can be considwhile we have the right to voice our grievances, we ered offensive is a fickle, grasping-at-straws attempt do not have the right from others’ grievances to make objective a sense that is utterly subjective. about us. The movement to censor free speech is surprisThere is a bold difference between someone ingly growing. After James Hoffa’s speech at the being offended by something and something being White House, Republican pundits exploded onto the SEE GORMAN ON PAGE 13 scene, decrying the horror of images of violence in

The Tuning Fork

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.





Support truthful Drinking age should be lowered reporting in Egypt Letter Letter

all the University’s very own Fulbright-Egypt grantees in the ROWAIDA ABDELAZIZ 2010-2011 academic year, working and living in the cities of Mansoura, t was a Tuesday afternoon Zagazig and Ismailia respectively. during the spring semester, Together, these young and brilliant and all I can remember is my talents bring together what is phone constantly vibrating during known as The Delta Project, a projclass. It was being overloaded with ect that utilizes multimedia journaltexts, emails, instant messages and ism to document Egypt’s historic every single social media outlet upcoming fall and spring elections possible. “Something was happenexclusively from the viewpoint of ing back home,” I thought to the Delta region. The goal of the myself. “Something is happening coverage is to provide a layer of in Egypt.” I quietly slipped out of descriptive context that ranges over class and exited the building. everything from Muslim and Suddenly, my lungs grew tight, Christian relationships, women’s and I realized that something felt rights or lack thereof and most different in the air. importantly, the notorious notion of Little did I know that it was Islam and democracy. Tuesday, January 25, 2011, on The Delta Project is an excellent which the world was about to step toward a unique and in-depth witness a third-world countr y perspective on the changes in make history. Egypt. Since the It had been six booming of the years since I moved “It is key for us newly coined term, from Alexandria, “Arab Spring,” Egypt, the native ... to applaud countries within the country of my herand appreciate Middle East are itage from which finally getting the my parents emigrathard work.” attention they need. ed 25 years ago. For once, it has Since then, I’ve nothing to do with the War on been in constant contact with everyTerror or the oil exchange. thing and everyone in Egypt. Phone However, the adequate quality of calls were made twice a week, this ongoing coverage — or lack emails were exchanged often, Althereof — is an ongoing process Jazeera was bookmarked as my that requires proper recognition, homepage, and an Arabic satellite sufficient dedication and a supportdish was installed in my home. ive audience. The Egyptian people Despite my multiple outlets leading have spoken, and their voices have back to home, being updated on the been heard, but the fight does not revolution was nothing less than end here. There’s more fascination frustrating, and once connections with what the Egyptians are prowere cut off, it was simply terrifying. ceeding to do — continuously setMany lessons were learned durting precedents of bringing down a ing the 18-day revolution. This Arab dictator, bringing change and bringnation proved to the world that giving hope. ing up was not an option, unity Supporting projects like The brought love and togetherness withDelta Project does not only show in the people, change would sweep support for the Pharaoh Land, but over the pharaoh land and — most also portrays a different perspective importantly — the Middle East on the country from within and finalbadly needs more quality journally without American or European ists. And just like that, the demand interference. As the demand for real for Arabic-speaking journalists skyjournalism increases, and more peorocketed for the first time. This ple are speaking up across the time, they weren’t needed for terglobe, the need for honesty, freerorist translations. Al-Jazeera’s viewdom and justice has not been higher ing rates also jumped, and people in years. As today’s youth and around the world demanded more. tomorrow’s future, it is key for us to Their thirsts were not quenched recognize the struggle and to because of the lack of proper coverapplaud and appreciate hard work. age from the Western media. People needed to know what was Rowaida Abdelaziz is a School going within. Eric Knecht, Nicholas of Arts and Sciences sophomore. Hilgeman and Megan Larcom are


GORMAN continued from page 12 offensive. What may offend some may be welcome to others. As Americans, we have the constitutional right to delve into conversations that challenge us, force

us to grow and adapt or leave us with a sour taste in our mouths. All of this is guaranteed by our Constitution, and if you’re offended by it, I’m not sorry. Cody Gorman is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in political science and Middle Eastern studies, with a minor in history.

COMMENT OF THE DAY “Maybe a coloring book isn’t the best place to discuss such topics, but the facts are the facts.” User JeffinSC in response to the Sept. 1st editorial, “Teach children facts, not dogmatic hate.”


In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum changed the policy regarding posting comments on our website, We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.

JACOB NIEMAN lcohol, amongst the oldest of intoxicants, is alive and well on the Banks of the Old Raritan — and just about everywhere else in the world. It is a wonderful thing when used appropriately, complete with some slight health benefits and a nice little buzz. As an intoxicant, though, it is strictly regulated here in the United States and elsewhere. The United States has some very tough drinking laws. For starters, the drinking age is 21 years old, higher than anywhere else in the world. Laws regarding the sale, purchase and consumption are becoming tougher and tougher every day. The U.S. drinking age is higher than the drinking ages of many developed countries for many legitimate reasons. In theory, it lowers the likelihood of young people drinking. However, in limiting the exposure of young people to alcohol, the United States has made the substance a sort of Holy Grail. It is now something that people strive for and want to obtain. The sad fact is that alcohol is an everyday part of millions of students’ lives, regardless of whether they are over the legal age or under it. Because of this, colleges and universities are in a very tough spot: Students want to drink. Going from party to party and bar to bar night after night is the prime pastime of many students. Many students are drawn to colleges, which have such alcoholheavy social scenes, and the University is certainly one of those schools that can provide such a scene. Walk down College Avenue on any given night, and you will see students searching for parties and hoping just to get in. The same can be said for football games and other large


events — drinking is a huge part of those experiences as well. While I was walking through just one small section of the parking lot during last Thursday’s football game against North Carolina Central University, I saw countless students getting drunk with little regard for anything else. There were many police officers who were doing their jobs, which is keeping people safe. They were spending little time examining the IDs of every person holding a beer, because, as any rational person knows, this is a daunting and almost unreasonable task at such an event. It would do very little besides distract them from the more pressing task of keeping people safe. Following this train of thought, it behooves the University to let these students drink, regardless of age. If the University were to crackdown on drinking it would have very little real effect. It would simply cause students to be hit with stiff fines for doing something that isn’t really a big deal. They aren’t hurting anyone nor are they doing anything morally wrong. Little can be done to stop underage drinking, and it is not in the best interest of students or the University to do so. On top of the daunting amount of effort it requires to strictly enforce the drinking age, doing so would actually harm the University in major economic ways. Students who are tailgating buy drinks, food and merchandise at football games and other sporting events. Such purchases are big money makers for the University in these tough economic times. Ending tailgates would make it even tougher to fill the recently expanded, 50,000plus-seat stadium. There are few ways to help resolve this issue. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would do nothing but help the University and help students by creating a better environment for regulating

alcohol. If we lower the drinking age, the tailgates and fraternity parties will no longer be the only sources of alcohol. Alcohol would be easier to access, and therefore we could do away with the “forbidden fruit” mentality that makes alcohol so attractive to students. Would it lower the actual consumption of alcohol? Almost certainly not. But it would change the way in which alcohol is consumed and the culture that surrounds drinking. There are economic benefits to a lower drinking age as well. The University could sell beer among the other drinks and concessions during games, which would bring in large mounts of money. Maybe, just maybe, such additional profits would help keep tuition stable, or at least offset some of the ridiculous costs for the athletic department — which has yet to perform to expectations. The University could also regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol in that new multi-million dollar stadium to an extent by limiting sales throughout the games themselves. Say, for example, no sales after the third quarter and none to anyone visibly intoxicated. These changes would by no means make the problem of excessive alcohol consumption disappear, but they would help bring it out into the light, which would only serve to benefit students and society. In fact, of all the schools in the Big East, only the University and West Virginia University do not sell alcohol somewhere in their stadiums — and West Virginia is now looking to change that. The only people who aren’t drinking, it seems, are not those who aren’t legally allowed to, but those who simply don’t want to. From my point of view, that number is horribly low. Jacob Nieman is a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student.


PA G E 1 4


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine



Today's Birthday (09/08/11). There may be a roadblock between you and a dream. Stay engaged, and listen for innovation. Dare to risk, if the prize is big enough. Hold your critical words. You need your team to function in high gear. You can win this game together. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Water provides Today is a 7 — Abrupt changes useful symbolism today. Flow occur at work, and you may have like a river, gently but with to call for reinforcements. power. Take the course of least Schedule time for romance. In resistance. Spend time splashing the end, love prevails. A quiet around with people you love. night at home is a treat. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — An opportunity to Today is an 8 — It's time to clean earn greater status opens up. Stay up house and pass on those attentive, and show your portfoitems you don't really need. Your lio. Be prepared to provide refertrash is someone else's treasure. ences. Listen to a dream. Give something a new purpose Gemini (May 21-June 21) — to double its lifespan. Today is an 8 — Adventure Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — awaits, so get your chores done Today is a 7 — You have the and go play! It doesn't need to power to solve any misunderbe expensive. Don't make a big standings today. Celebrate faildeal about it ... just go. Surprise ures, as they show specifically people, even yourself. what's missing for success to Cancer (June 22-July 22) — occur. Persistence pays. Today is an 8 — Search for Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — buried treasure, whether hiding Today is an 8 — Money is comin the budget as an unnecessary ing in (if you're willing to accept expense that can be cut, or a it), but also going, like the tide. resource that you didn't know Share the profits and invest wiseyou had. Seek and find. ly. Keep it moving. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 9 — Delegate to increase your Today is an 8 — Your glass is effectiveness. Let a partner drive, half-full now, and on its way to so you can sit back and relax with overflowing. Keep focusing on friends. Working with a great team abundance, and don't forget to shares the load. Listen to suggesshare so your cup doesn't run tions, and foster innovation. over. There's plenty. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — This train is Today is a 5 — You're under a about to take off, so hold on bit more pressure now. Look tightly. Work increases. Sudden twice to see if it's real or inventstops could happen, so brace ed. Saying "no" respectfully yourself and hold on for the might have more integrity than ride. It could be fun. a "yes" you can't keep. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



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SENIORS: Knights open season with scrimmage vs. NJIT continued from back that voice will come from the most obvious of players. “Like most teams here at Rutgers, our leadership will come from the seniors.” he said. “We have three quite accomplished girls in Jennifer Holzberg, Morgan Ivey and Leonora Slatnick. Each and every one of them brings the complete package. They are dedicated to this sport and have been everything I could have asked for in terms of leadership.” The season kicks off on Sep. 15 against NJIT and like every season, starting off on the right foot against their in-state rivals could help going forward in the season in many ways. “Our match against NJIT is just a scrimmage,” Bucca acknowledged. “But it’s always different when there’s an actual opponent on the other side of the court. It will certainly help to test where we are though two weeks into the season.” After the scrimmage come the real challenges, as the Knights compete with the country’s best in the Brown and USTA Invitationals, as well as the ITA Regionals. “With strong play through the entire fall season, we’ll be able to send a nice contingent of Rutgers players to the major championships.” Bucca said. “Hopefully we’ll be ready.”


Leonora Slatnick is one of three Rutgers seniors and returns after posting a 2-0 singles record last Spring season.






Senior defensive end Manny Abreu did not record a tackle versus NC Central, in his first game since moving from linebacker.

TASK: Abreu owns pair of

playing on the road against an opponent of this level. Not that losses to UNC during RU career you’re not going to play the young kids, but you need some men out there.” continued from back If there is an improvement in But the transition was not play from the Knights’ quintet of unprecedented, as Abreu and ends at UNC, do not expect it to Booker faced similar fates during occur because of experience, spring practice. Schiano said. “[Glaud], Booker and I all “Your experienced guys, I played linebacker before, don’t think you get a huge and now we’re improvement playing defensive from [Game] 1 end,” Abreu said. 2 because “Manny [Abreu] is to “Knowing what to they’ve made expect from the that improvea grown man. backside and from ment. It’s increNot that you’re not mental,” he said. the front side, it’s exciting. We know “But the young going to play the what to expect. We kids, for the first young kids, but you time, they now know the feel.” Abreu played what to need men out there.” know against UNC twice expect. What during his career they don’t know GREG SCHIANO in Piscataway, datis what the Head Coach ing back to a 2008 upgrade in comcontest Rutgers petition is going lost, 44-12, at home. to feel like. They’ll know it after A pre-existing injury slowed about a play or two.” Abreu’s progress during Week 1, Enter Glaud, who developed resulting in a short week of from a linebacker intent on preparation for NC Central and shedding blocks to an end an absent stat line. whose primar y concern is takBut Abreu’s activity against the ing them on. Tar Heels does not figure to be “I didn’t realize how hard abbreviated, as Schiano called for those guys work down there,” he a veteran presence on Saturday in said. “But after just getting used to a hostile environment. it, I’m getting my fight endurance “Manny is a grown man,” up. It’s just coming natural to me, Schiano said. “And you need using my hands. Whoever strikes men out there when you’re first is going to win.”


Junior defensive end Marvin Booker suffered an undisclosed injury against NC Central, leaving his availability in doubt at UNC.





ATTENTION: Jones occupies secondary’s time continued from back you apart. We just want to get him off point, make him start thinking about us and get his feet moving.” New York Giants wide receiver Hakeem Nicks and former New England Patriot Brandon Tate were part of the wide receiver corps in a 2008 loss, but now Rutgers’ secondar y must deal with 6-foot-4 Biletnikoff Award candidate Dwight Jones. The senior led North Carolina last season with 62 receptions and 946 yards. “We didn’t play against Jones, but he almost had 1,000 yards last year, so he’s definitely a good player,” said senior safety David Rowe. “It’s basically probably just like playing our receivers.” Withers’ experience stems from the secondary, which he coached the past three seasons in Chapel Hill, N.C., while also serving as the defensive coordinator. After Rutgers simplified its offense last week against Football Championship Subdivision-opponent North Carolina Central, Withers finds himself looking at the

Pittsburgh offense new coordinator Frank Cignetti ran last season. “I think it’s more of an offense going back to what coach Schiano has done previously — running the football and play action pass,” Withers said. The Tar Heels gave the firstyear head coach a 42-10 victory in his debut last week, and he in turn gave the game ball to Schiano’s close friend, Davis. Withers has only a little more than a month at the helm, as UNC fired Davis just before the start of training camp, and little changed philosophically for the Tar Heels. “I think probably the biggest challenge was the offense getting to know my temperament,” Withers said. “Our of fensive line kids me all the time because our offensive line is right next to the secondar y room. They gave me a lot of crap the past two years about getting on those guys in that room, and they say, ‘Coach, we love when we hear you getting after those guys.’ “Now they get a chance to hear me get after them a little bit. It’s been a very good transition. We’ve had very little hiccups and it’s been fairly smooth.”






UNC interim head coach Everett Withers coached in the NFL with the Titans and Vikings before joining the Tar Heels’ staff.

exas A&M is planning to be the latest team to change conferences after SEC presidents voted to accept them as the 13th team in the conference. But teams like Iowa State and Baylor retained their right to sue the SEC and Texas A&M over the legality of the Aggies’ conference change. The SEC had received assurance from the Big 12 that they could accept Texas A&M as a member. What they did not know at the time they received approval was that that assurance applied to the Big 12 as a whole, not individual teams within the conference.

THE NEW YORK Giants added another starter’s name to the list of players who sustained season-ending injury. Starting middle linebacker Jonathan Goff’s season was over before it started after he tore his ACL upon colliding with a teammate on Monday during practice. Goff joins cornerback Terrell Thomas, linebacker Clint Sintim and second-round pick Marvin Austin on the list of players out for the season. The injury bug has opened doors to the field for players such as Mark Herzlich, one of the undrafted free agents to make the Giants’ squad. PEYTON MANNING


officially ruled out for the Colts’ season opener against the Texans, bringing his streak of 227 consecutive starts (including the playoffs) to an end. The 38-year-old Kerr y Collins will start in his place. Manning’s consecutive starts streak is the second longest of its kind, behind only Brett Favre. There is no word on when Manning will return.

STEPHEN STRASBURG did not disappoint in his first start in more than a year after undergoing Tommy John surgery. The 23-year-old righthander threw five shutout innings Tuesday night, throwing only 56 pitches and facing 17 batters. Most impressive was not his trademark 100 MPH fastball, but his control and skill. AS




looms, NBA players and owners met for more than five hours yesterday in Manhattan. There is no word on how much progress was made but the two sides will meet again today. The biggest issue remains how to divide the income generated by the NBA. NBA commissioner David Stern and NBA Players Union executive Billy Hunter both remain optimistic, stating that the season can still be saved. But the two sides remain silent about what was accomplished at the meetings, so visible evidence remains scant.







Eight true freshmen made their collegiate debuts last week against North Carolina Central, and running back Savon Huggins will likely continue to play the largest role of them all. Gary Nova will be the primary backup at quarterback, Kevin Snyder should earn more repetitions at linebacker and Huggins could emerge as the Knights’ workhorse tailback. RAMON DOMPOR / SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER







RU faces new set of challenges BY BRADLY DERECHAILO




Mike Mulqueen has seen a lot over the past 30 years as the Rutgers MEN’S XC men’s cross RUTGERS AT countr y BOSTON UNIVERSITY, h e a d SATURDAY, 1 P.M. coach. But one thing that has not changed is his appreciation for the hard work that goes into being a competitive and successful team. “I really like the preparation,” Mulqueen said. “I like what goes into preparing for championship meets — you know, the behind the scenes stuff.” The preparation for this year’s season began over the summer. One of the players looking to translate it into fall success is senior Ben Forrest. As a veteran leader, Forest says the offseason benefited the team immensely. “We had a great summer — got a lot of great miles and workouts in,” Forrest said. “The first couple of workouts we have had as a team we’ve looked really really good. Ever yone’s come back really strong.” Forrest will be one of the players Mulqueen will rely on this fall to help the Scarlet Knights achieve success in one of the most competitive conferences in the country. “Ben as a senior and as a leader has a lot of experience and has scored well on the Big East level,” Mulqueen said. Sophomores Curtis Richburg and Chris Banafato, along with newcomers Christopher Defabio and Anthony Horton, join Forrest. Another runner who generated a positive buzz is junior T.J. Bragen, who improved over the past year.





Sports editor Steven Miller chats with the Diamondbacks first-base coach about Fred Hill, his time with Baseball Tonight, and watching his son play for the Rockies ...


Senior Ben Forrest returns for his final season under Knights head coach Mike Mulqueen, a program mainstay. “T.J. had a good second half of the season and a good summer of training. He looks good,” Mulqueen said. While the Big East appears to be as competitive as ever this year, Forrest, an astrophysics major, likes the challenge the Knights are up against. “It’s difficult,” Forrest said. “I think running is one of the sports where you have to compete with yourself just as much as you’re competing with the people next to you.” One thing the Knights do not have to worry about is their academic success.

The Big East and NCAA each recognized Rutgers this year for its success in the classroom, something Mulqueen believes translates to success on the course. “I think the better the guys feel about school and the less worrisome they feel about schoolwork, they can focus on r unning more,” Mulqueen said. Rutgers looks to start off the season strong this Saturday when it travels to New York to compete in the Fordham Fiasco and Follies.

Steven Miller: What do you remember about playing for Fred Hill? Eric Young: One thing about Moose is he’s about discipline and doing things the right way, no matter what the conditions were. I remember us going out there in the cold, and it had snowed earlier in the day, and we used to take groundballs in the parking lot outside the RAC. We knew with the snow we would just get some work in the gym, hit, but not go outside. Moose being that tough coach, and when I say tough I mean you’re always going to practice and you’re always going to do it the right way, had us go out there and have a good practice. Playing football, I was used to playing in all conditions, but baseball? He just let us know we couldn’t let the conditions affect us mentally or physically. We all hated going out there in the cold snow, but he treated it like it was a sunny day. SM: And Dick Anderson coached football then, right? EY: Yeah, and he was another guy who was all about discipline. He taught me the difference between being hurt and being injured. There was one day in particular where we had a lot guys injured, and when you were hurt you wore a jersey with a cross across it for no contact. We had a lot of guys on the sideline and really couldn’t have a good practice. He called us all in together and was like, ‘How the hell do you think we’re going to practice if we have everybody on the sidelines? What’s going to happen on Saturday? Look, there’s a difference between being injured and being hurt. Injured means you can’t even come out here and do anything. Sometimes you have to play with a little pain.’ He went to each guy, and he knew what was wrong with you, but he went to each guy, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ I think it was my ankle. He said, ‘Oh really? Let’s go. Do what you can do and do it to the best of your ability.’ That was a great lesson. That followed me throughout my career. There were times my ankle hurt, my leg hurt, but I had to go out and play. SM: What was it like working on ‘Baseball Tonight?’ EY: It was a lot of fun, especially when you get on the set and the show is exciting. For me it was always about being informative, but making sure it was entertaining, as well, to keep the viewers interested. That gave me a different perspective from the media standpoint to see how guys operate. That was good to see how the media sees the game. Before I was a player, now I’m a coach, so I’ve seen three different aspects of how people watch a baseball game. SM: Do you like being back in uniform? EY: I really love this game so much. This is the closest to being back on the field, as a coach and eventually a manager. I know this is where I want to be. Watching kids succeed is just like watching my son, Eric Jr. SM: Do you like playing against Eric Jr. and the Rockies? EY: Of course. I get a chance to see my son. I wish we could play the Rockies 30, 40 or 50 times.









All signs point to Mohamed Sanu handling punt return duties Saturday for the Rutgers football team against North Carolina after Mason Robinson suffered a season-ending knee injury. The junior wide receiver returned 17 punts — and fair caught many more — as a true freshman, before Robinson took over the job last season. Without Robinson, head coach Greg Schiano said he would likely rely upon Sanu’s experience, although he also named sophomores Quron Pratt and J.T. Tartacoff and freshman Miles Shuler as options. Shuler lined up to receive a punt in the opener, but called for a fair catch. “It’ll probably be Mo,” Schiano said. “He’s the most experienced. But there will be other guys. We’re going to mix it up. There will not be one guy, probably.” While Pratt works on fielding punts with wide receivers coach P.J. Fleck every day before practice, he intimated he does not expect to fill the role against UNC. “I feel really good back there,” he said, “but I know Mohamed Sanu will do a great job.” Sanu averaged only 3.9 yards per return as a true freshman, with a long of 13 yards. He opted to call for fair catches on most of his return

opportunities — not necessarily a bad thing for a punt-block oriented special teams unit. “Fielding the ball [is the most important part of returning punts],” Sanu said. Robinson showed more of a willingness to take risks, which resulted in a 60-yard touchdown return last season against South Florida. Five USF defenders surrounded Robinson, but he squirted out of the crowd and went untouched to the end zone. He attempted a similar return in last week’s opener, but the North Carolina Central unit brought him down. “There’s a lot that goes into it,” Sanu said. “There’s the flight of the ball, if it turns over or not, if you have to run back for it, the wind conditions, how high it is and the situation.”



line, which did not allow any sacks against North Carolina Central, may remain intact if senior left guard Desmond Wynn continues his quick recover y from an apparent knee injury. Schiano appeared pessimistic early in the week, but Wynn was more involved in yesterday’s practice after redshirt freshman Betim Bujari handled most of the first-team repetitions earlier in the week. “There’s a chance [Wynn] might play,” Schiano said. “We

won’t play him unless he’s close to full-go. I think Betim has had a good week so far, as well. We’ll play that by ear.”



sophomore running back Jeremy Deering more of a workload against North Carolina after he had only two carries and a dropped pass in Week 1. The Leto, Fla., native’s experience as a Wildcat quarterback, wide receiver and running back make him a versatile option in offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti’s offense, which Schiano said he expects to see more of after last week’s bland sampling against Rutgers’ Football Championship Subdivision opponent.




Marvin Booker continues to do more in practice after suffering an undisclosed injur y against North Carolina Central. He will join a defensive end rotation with senior Manny Abreu and sophomores Michael Larrow, Ka’Lial Glaud and Marcus Thompson if able to play. “The good thing is we have a five-man rotation at the defensive end and R position,” Schiano said. “If Book can give us any help, he’ll be a fifth. He’s done some stuf f, but when I watch the tape I don’t see that pop. I think he’s


Junior wide receiver Mohamed Sanu will return to punt return duties after Mason Robinson suffered an ACL tear.

Coach cites goal of top-eight finish in conference BY BRADLY DERECHAILO CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Kelly Flannigan serves as the Knights’ lone senior.

The Rutgers women’s cross country team faces a daunting task this WOMEN’S XC season as it RUTGERS AT looks to BOSTON UNIVERSITY, remain SATURDAY, 1 P.M. competitive in the ever-challenging Big East. With the conference placing six teams in the Top 25 preseason poll, head coach James Robinson realizes what lies ahead. “We are tr ying to make our way into the middle of the bunch at this point,” Robinson said. “Right now for us, top eight would be our biggest goal this year.” Making the goal a reality lies within a team mixed with

youth and experience, as the Scarlet Knights retur n six upperclassmen. Lone senior Kelly Flannigan returns for her final season and takes on a leadership role once again. She believes the number of upperclassmen will help the team as a whole. “We have a great group of upperclassmen that will hopefully lead the team in being more experienced,” Flannigan said. Junior Jennifer Spitzer agrees. “Last year, we were all really young and now we are a year older and that much more experienced,” Spitzer said. Flannigan and Spitzer, along with junior Anjelica Brinkofski and sophomore Brianna Deming, the team’s MVP last season, will tr y to reach Robinson’s goal of becoming

competitive this year in the Big East. Also looking to contribute to this year’s team are two promising freshmen in Felicia O’Donnell and Allison Payenski, both of whom were sub-fiveminute 1,600-meter runners at the high school level. The Knights’ youth provides competitive depth, which the team has not experienced in quite some time. “Now we add to the mix two freshmen, which is exciting and brings our depth to about nine competitive kids, which is something that we haven’t had here in many, many years,” Robinson said. Assistant coach Jan MerrillMorin is also excited to see how this year’s underclassmen perform. “We have some new freshmen in. We have some sophomores

that have made some big jumps from last summer,” MerrillMorin said. “It’s going to help us round out to be a lot stronger team this year.” While the team keeps looking to improve on the track, one thing that seems to remain a constant for the Knights is their academic success. The Big East honored both the men’s and women’s teams last season for their success in the classroom. Flannigan, a public health major, believes both success in the classroom and in cross country go hand in hand. “When you’re doing well academically, it makes it easier to do well athletically,” she said. The Knights look to begin their season on a good note on Saturday as they head to the Bronx to compete in the Fordham Fiasco and Follies.



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Of all the praise Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano doled out toward North Carolina earlier this week, FOOTBALL perhaps none was more warranted than that directed at sophomore quarterback Bryn Renner. Countless Tar Heels are NFLcaliber players, according to Schiano, but Renner is a “Baby Brett Favre.” “I can see why [he’s called that],” Schiano said. “He’s mobile and he can make every play. Not a ball hit the ground on Saturday, which is — I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that in a college football game. He’s good, very good.” Renner completed 22-of-23 passes to North Carolina receivers, and James Madison intercepted the firstyear starter’s only incompletion. And it came as no surprise to UNC interim head coach Everett Withers. “I’ve seen it all summer to be honest with you,” said Withers, who took over for Butch Davis. “Nobody expects the ball not to hit the ground during a ballgame, but I’ve seen the guy light it up all summer. The thing that’s remarkable about the guy is he’s his own worst critic. He’ll complete a deep ball and be upset he didn’t make the right read or take his full drop. He’ll be yelling at himself about it.” Former Tar Heel quarterback T.J. Yates picked Rutgers apart for 425 yards and four touchdowns in their past two meetings — 44-12 and 17-13 UNC wins. The Scarlet Knights managed a combined three sacks in those two games, but after a nine-sack opener and Schiano calling a faster defense, pressure is the focus. “We definitely have to get after him,” said senior defensive tackle Justin Francis. “He’s a guy that if he sits back there, he’s going to pick



Junior defensive end Ka’Lial Glaud picked up his first sack at the position last Thursday against North Carolina Central, when three former linebackers, including Glaud, debuted on the defensive line. The Scarlet Knights face an offensive line Saturday that averages 319 pounds.

Carousel of ends prepares for tough task BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

The first time Ka’Lial Glaud played defensive line for the Rutgers football team, the junFOOTBALL ior felt like he lost 15 pounds of water weight. The former linebacker moved to defensive end after the first day of Scarlet Knights training camp, joining senior Manny Abreu and junior Marvin Booker, also former members of the linebacker corps. While Booker still feels the effects of an injur y he suffered in

the Knights’ season opener against North Carolina Central, the trio of defensive ends must now prepare for a North Carolina starting offensive line that averages 319 pounds. “They’re pretty good,” Glaud said of the Tar Heels’ o-line, which returns its entire left side. “They’re men just like we’re men. They’re pretty big guys, but I’m excited to play them.” At 6-foot-2, 230 pounds, and 6-foot3, 260 pounds, respectively, Glaud and Abreu face a daunting task on Saturday as part of a potentially fiveman rotation at defensive end.

The challenge appears even more taxing with Booker questionable to suit up against the Tar Heels. The result is likely a revolving door at defensive end, with Michael Larrow, who played defensive tackle last season, and Marcus Thompson, who spent the spring at fullback and last season at linebacker, also figuring into the equation. Defensive line coach Phil Galiano will monitor the unit’s substitutions, and they will likely be free-flowing at Kenan Memorial Stadium in Chapel Hill, N.C., said

head coach Greg Schiano. “We’re playing against the best offensive line we’ll probably see,” Schiano said. “They’re good. We better have some fresh guys out there. Now, we’ll have some fresh, young guys. Welcome to the real world. We’ll see.” Glaud earned his first sack as a defensive end a week ago against NC Central, but admitted he was initially skeptical about moving to the d-line from his spot as the firstteam middle linebacker.


Trio of seniors attempts to fill void of departed leader BY T.J. NAGY CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Senior Jennifer Holzberg returns after a 16-4 Spring season as the Scarlet Knights’ No. 2 singles player. She was also partnered with Amy Zhang, who graduated last year, on the top doubles team.

The Rutgers women’s tennis team is readying itself for yet another fall season. Whether it’s on the cour t, in the classroom or in the community, this TENNIS S c a r l e t Knights team continues to inspire head coach Ben Bucca as the fall season approaches. “We teach them to just do things the right way.” Bucca said. “People are inspired when given the opportunity to do something that interests them. It’s never been forced. It just seems to come natural to this team.” Unfortunately for the Scarlet Knights, the team will be without standout athlete, Amy Zhang, for the first time in four years following her graduation. Zhang finished her senior season with a 16-6 singles record and

earned a spot on the All-Big East team for the third year in a row. Zhang also won multiple scholastic awards, including being named the 2010 Big East Scholar Athlete of the Year. She was also one of only 90 people worldwide to be named a Gates Cambridge Scholar. There’s no doubt that Zhang’s presence will be missed on this team, but Bucca still has plenty of faith in his squad, which finished with a 16-7 record last spring and competed as a sixth seed in the Big East Tournament. “The freshmen are the key,” Bucca said. “Thankfully, there’s already been very positive interaction with the rest of the players of the team. There’s a very strong spirit right now.” When it comes to leadership, Bucca knows that with Zhang gone, a new person has to step up and be the voice for the team. Bucca said


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