The Daily Targum 2011-09-13

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 3 , N u m b e r 8







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Today: Sunny


High: 83 • Low: 63

Junior wideout Mohamed Sanu made impressive grabs throughout his 13-catch, 100-yard receiving game Saturday at North Carolina, proving he is healthy and dangerous.

U. sees drop in grants, rise in loans BY AMY ROWE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

While the University is offering students more financial aid this year than ever before, some are seeing a decrease in grants and an increase in loans to cover their tuition. The average aid package offered to undergraduate students on the New Brunswick, Camden and Newark campuses is $15,899 — up about $580 from $15,318 in 2010, said Jean McDonald-Rash, University director of Financial Aid. At the University, the number of students filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form increased close to 2,400 from 35,138 in September 2010 to 37,544 a year later, she said.

The most common types of aid offered to students are subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans, she said. More students every year are accepting loans to cover their tuition bills instead of declining them, a move that causes students to accrue debt after college, she said. “Across the country, more students are taking out more federal and private loans to finance their studies,” she said. “Increased enrollment does stretch the resources and somehow students end up with more loans.” School of Arts and Sciences senior Rebecca Soltys has seen her financial aid grants decrease over her years at the University. When she transferred to the New Brunswick campus her sophomore year, Soltys received a Tuition Aid

Grant (TAG), a Pell Grant and workstudy along with loans, she said. “In junior year, TAG was taken away. My mother is a single mom, and [the state] thought she made too much money,” she said. In her senior year, Soltys looked at her award letter to find she had no TAG, no Pell Grant or work-study and was left with subsidized and unsubsidized loans to pay her tuition. “After numerous calls, I got one scholarship for $1,500. As a whole, I got screwed,” she said. “I need financial aid, every student deserves it. It sucks that loans count as aid.” In the end, Soltys lost $5,000 from no longer receiving her $2,000 workstudy and $3,000 Pell Grant.



Congressman Frank Pallone, D-NJ, holds a meeting with student leaders on campus yesterday in the Rutgers Student Center.

Pallone turns to student leaders for Pell Grant input BY KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO NEWS EDITOR

Teaneck,” which took place in the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus. Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin and Deputy Mayor Adam Gussen, both University graduates as well as childhood friends, shared

Congressman Frank Pallone, D-NJ, visited the University yesterday to seek input from student leaders around campus about the status of Pell Grants, student loans and tuition costs. “I want students to be aware of the fact that even though we’ve made some progress — significant progress in the last few years — in increasing Pell grants, that now they are at risk,” he said. The Pell Grant program is a federal program that gives needbased grants to low-income undergraduate students and certain graduate students to promote access to higher education. The maximum amount that can be given through the grant stands at $5,500, but with the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, Congress is considering cutting it back by a few thousand dollars, he said. When Congress came into session in January, Pallone said Republican Party efforts to decrease government spending placed the grant as a target for significant reduction, but it ultimately did not succeed. What Congress eliminated instead were awards designated for those interested in taking summer courses. “If you were trying to accelerate and go to summer school, you couldn’t get a second Pell Grant to pay for summer school, which hurt a lot of kids,” he said. Debates over establishing a national debt ceiling added further changes to the program as well. Under the debt-ceiling bill, which passed into law in early August and takes effect next year, students in graduate or professional schools will start accumulating interest on their student loans while still in school, Pallone said. “You don’t have to pay it back, but you’re accumulating interest which is unfortunate,” he said. This alteration poses a particular difficulty for Dorothy Le, Graduate Student Association vice president for marketing, orientation and communications, who said student debt already dictates people’s life decisions. “When students graduate, what they are currently thinking about — and it’s been this way for quite a while — is that every decision you make is tied towards your student debt,” she said. Le believes the stress and psychological impact of paying back loans also affects an individual’s personal and professional relationships.




The number of University students who filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid increased by about 2,400, totaling 37,544 applicants. Students then settle their financial aid packages in Records Hall on the College Avenue campus.

INDEX UNIVERSITY Check page 3 to see what the SEBS Governing Council is planning for this semester.

OPINIONS Paul Krugman calls 9/11 a moment of shame for America.


Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin, right, and Deputy Mayor Adam Gussen talk to the University community last night in the Student Activities Center on the College Avenue campus.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 OPINIONS . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



Teaneck mayors discuss unity BY CHASE BRUSH STAFF WRITER

The mayor and deputy mayor of Teaneck — an IndianMuslim American and an Orthodox-Jewish American, respectively — came together last night to tackle issues concerning religion, tolerance

and coexistence in day-to-day civic life. Rutgers Shalom/Salaam, Rutgers Hillel, the Rutgers University Muslim Student Association and the Association of Indians at Rutgers (AIR) cosponsored the event, “Shalom/Salaam Presents: An Evening with the Mayors of


SEPTEMBER 13, 2011




Courtesy of Rutgers Meteorology Club




1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1

143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN ZOË SZATHMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS RYAN SURUJNATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


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SEPTEMBER 13, 2011


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Opposed to the bus shelters on the College Avenue campus, the SEBS Governing Council hopes to have ones on Cook campus designed to protect students from bad weather.

Council focuses on redesigning bus shelters, adding SEBS housing BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT

The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) Governing Council plans to continue the efforts it began last semester, including acquiring renovated bus shelters and priority housing for School of Environmental and Biological Sciences students on Cook campus. Zaid Abuhouran, who is starting his second term as the council’s president, hopes the designs for bus shelters change to provide more weather protection for students. “The new bus stop shelter on the College Avenue campus in front of the [Rutgers] Student Center doesn’t shelter students from the elements,” he said. “It’s just for show.” Abuhouran said the University’s Facilities and Capital Planning aimed to install the same type of structure at the Red Oak Lane and Biel Road bus stops on Cook campus, but both the

SEBS Governing Council and the Douglass Governing Council opposed the plan. “We think it would be good to have a thin perforated aluminum sheet to protect students from rain and snow,” he said. But Jack Molenaar, director of Transportation Services, believes the design serves its purpose. “The windscreen they are proposing creates problems because it takes up so much room,” he said. “One of the main reasons for the design is to accommodate the pedestrian traffic and the number of students waiting for the bus.” Molenaar said the design reduces damages and vandalism to bus stops. “People shatter glass at the bus stops and put up flyers and cleaning those up adds time, which is money,” he said. But Transportation Services and Facilities and Capital Planning are considering the councils’ proposal, Molenaar said. “We are looking to create a system that is easily detachable

SEBS Governing Council and not a stock design, so that you can plug in a screen or bench at the stops,” he said. Molenaar said the design also serves its purpose well for bus stops with heavier traffic. “If you take a look at the College Hall stop on Douglass, you can see how much room the screens take up and how much traffic there is at the stop,” he said. The council is also hoping to gain priority housing for School of Environmental and Biological Sciences students on Cook campus, another initiative started last year. “Nearly all School of Environmental and Biological Sciences classes are on Cook campus and people who research on the farms or greenhouses really need priority housing,” he said. Priority housing did exist for SEBS students three years ago,

but was removed because of a shor tage of housing, Abuhouran said. “Two years ago all priority housing in Cook campus ended, and we hope to bring it back for students in SEBS,” he said. The council believes priority housing is possible because of the construction of the residence hall on Livingston campus, said Lisa Izzo, SEBS Governing Council public relations chair. “The new dorms on Livingston should help in getting priority housing back for SEBS students,” she said. The council also seeks to create a distinction between vegetarian and vegan selections at the University dining halls. “Neilson and the other dining halls don’t distinguish between vegetarian meals and vegan meals, and we’re focusing to get that fixed for students,” he said. Izzo said another goal for the council this year is to bring Cook campus together.

“We are looking to have more events on the campus and to hold more events for the environmental sciences,” she said. During its meetings last year, the council spent time reforming its members and goals because it no longer represented Cook campus after campus-specific governing councils were abolished and responsibility was given to the Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA), Abuhouran said. “Before, the gover ning council used to oversee the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and Cook campus,” he said. “But we had to restructure because of the changes.” To accomplish all of these tasks, the council hopes to fill in vacant positions in upcoming elections, Abuhouran said. “We have quite a few vacant positions including three out of the four positions of University senator,” he said.

PROFESSOR WORKS TO MATCH BODIES WITH LOST 9/11 IDENTITIES While a decade has passed since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Mark Desire, a University criminal justice professor, continues to search for the lost identities of 9,000 badly damaged body par ts. Desire, who heads the World Trade Center’s Forensic Identification Unit at the New York City medical examiner’s office, and is now looking at the body remains, which were either dismembered or too small to be identified by the technology of that time, according to a University Media Relations article.

“Today, we are using more advanced methods developed specifically to help identify those remains previously impossible to do,” said Desire, whose team made 26 identifications in the past five years. The process for checking DNA samples is increasingly sensitive and more advanced than it was in the past, he said in the article. “The DNA analysis is made by comparing the genetic profile of the remains with victims’ personal possessions like hairbrushes and tooth brushes or from DNA samples provided by relatives,” he said in the article.

If Desire and his team make positive identifications, they notify the victims’ families if these families choose to be informed or if not, then send the bodies to be stored at the Sept. 11 Memorial Museum repository. Desire said his work helped multiple people, even those not directly affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “This has been a valuable lesson not only in the science of identifying remains but also in the importance of working together and sharing the knowledge with others that we have learned as a result of this tragedy,” he said in the article. — Ankita Panda



SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

UNITY: Organizations aim to host more interfaith events continued from front stories about their experiences growing up together as members of different ethnicities. “We met when we were 12 years old,” Hameeduddin said. “I used to get in trouble — he used to get in trouble.” Gussen and Hameeduddin said their relationship stems from a catalogue of commonalities longer than that of differences. “It turns out it’s very easy on the surface to point out the differences. He’s short, I’m tall, he’s brown, I’m white. … These are the obvious things,” Gussen said. “But the meaningful things in our lives are the things we have in common.” Hameeduddin said after serving on Teaneck’s city council, both he and Gussen were appointed to their present positions, which was the first coupling of an Orthodox Jew and a Muslim serving in the city’s civic positions. “[For some] it’s unheard of that this can take place anywhere in the world, or even America. … For us, we just look at it as part of our work,” he said. “In Teaneck, no one cares whether you’re Muslim or Jewish.” Zeke Pariser, president of Rutgers Hillel, said the aim of these organizations is to show

the community that coexistence exists at the University. “The student population got the impression that there’s this rift between Jews and Muslims out of the tension that arose from the Israel events,” said Pariser, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. He said international happenings that took place last year had a lot to do with pro- or anti-Israel movements, which is irrespective of Judaism and Islam. Both mayors acknowledged that their notoriety arose in par t from national coverage of events sur rounding the Palestine and Israel conflict, though neither claims to


be overly concer ned with such events. “One thing to remember is that there’s a big and often angry world out there,” Gussen said. “We can consume ourselves with the negativity of the rest of the world or we can commit ourselves to making it better here. We have to choose our battles.” Will Eastman, founder of Rutgers Shalom/Salaam, said the organization’s endeavors are inspired by cross-boundar y friendships like the one that exists between Hameeduddin and Gussen. “More important than diversity is realizing commonalities,” Eastman said.

Eastman said Shalom/Salaam’s mission is to bring Jews and Muslims together, primarily through community service and non-political gatherings. “We are working together and hosting events to highlight commonalities,” he said. Matt Cordeiro, Rutgers University Student Assembly president, said the event was a proactive way to kick off the semester. “What I think this event really represents is even through adversity we’re trying to move forward,” said Cordeiro, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. Pariser said the organizations hope to hold more interfaith events at the University.


Mayor of Teaneck Mohammed Hameeduddin, left, and Deputy Mayor Adam Gussen discuss the importance co-existance. The pair met when they were 12 years old.






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LOANS: Stafford loans to accrue interest in July 1, 2012 continued from front “It helped a lot, it was enough. My mom helps me but some people don’t have that,” she said. “I lost [coverage] for about three-quarters of tuition [per semester].” Beth Breslaw, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, has seen a $1,000 decrease in grants received from the state and federal government. “My TAG award went down this year. Loans have increased over the years as opposed to Pell Grants and TAG awards,” she said. “I’m assuming my loans would go up, that’s the only place that makes the difference. I don’t want to think about it.” Breslaw said cuts to grants and increased loans are an issue many students deal with. “It makes it hard to focus on things you need to focus on as a student,” she said. “I know people who were focused on their academics as freshmen, but when their aid gets cut in sophomore or junior year it means taking less credits or working jobs.” Soltys said loans, the most common type of aid offered at the University, are not ideal for everyone. “Students have to think, ‘Should I go into a massive amount of debt?’” she said. “You need credit to get loans and it’s tough for people. If [grants] keep being reduced, it’s more of a financial burden that students have to deal with and it’s not fair.” McDonald-Rash said federal allocations of work-study, Perkins Loans and Pell Grants have not increased or decreased from last year, with Pell Grants safe from cuts because of President Barack Obama’s administration. “There are strong concerns for how Pell will survive going forward — it’s not popular with Congress now,” she said. “A committee formed by Obama is looking at aid programs. It’s always a concern for them and the administration at the University because federal aid programs are an easy target politically.” Breslaw said cuts to these programs could cause a lot of problems for students. “It would be a significant financial burden on you or your family, it can be tough for people,” she said. “State aid increase was a lot lower than usual this year — it’s quite a pickle we’re in.” McDonald-Rash said the elimination of subsidized Stafford loans for graduate students during the debt healing might soon become a burden for undergraduate students. While subsidized loans do not generate interest, unsubsidized loans accrue interest starting July 1, 2012, she said. “My fear is for eliminating subsidies for undergraduate students, it increases indebtedness and most of our students use the Stafford loan program,” she said. “It’s a global financial aid issue that most students need to be aware of in my view.” McDonald-Rash advises students who receive financial aid from the University to stay informed. “It’s in their best interest to tr y and keep informed about what is happening at the federal and state level for student aid programs,” she said.




Sign up today for intramural sports. Choose from more than 30 leagues including soccer, volleyball, roller hockey and basketball. Register online at For more information contact Paul Fischbach at (732) 445-0462.


The fall semester on the Cook and Douglass campuses begins with a celebration to mark the new academic year from 4 to 7 p.m. at Passion Puddle on Douglass campus. Community Day typically attracts more than 1,000 students, faculty and staff. Students come together to enjoy live music, learn how to become involved in organized campus activities and share a barbecue. Join in on the fun at Community Day with live entertainment, barbecue and raffles for an iPod touch every hour. Bring a non-perishable food donation for Rutgers Against Hunger to get an extra chance. Student identification is required and the student must be present to win. Kick off a new year with old friends and meet new ones. For more information visit The Daily Targum is always accepting new writers. There will be a Writer’s Meeting at 9:30 p.m. in The Daily Targum Business Office, Suite 431 in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. All majors are welcome and no experience is necessary! For more information, contact Reena Diamante at or Ankita Panda at Verbal Mayhem, a student poetry collective, is hosting its weekly open mic on campus at 9:10 p.m. in Room 211 of Murray Hall on the College Avenue campus.


King Of The Couch Tournaments will host “LeGrand Bowl 2011,” a video game tournament for Eric LeGrand at 11 a.m. at the Busch Student Center. The tournament will have participants play Madden 12 and NCAA 12 on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Students can join the tournament for $10 with their student identification while non-students will pay $20. For more information visit or call (201) 981-3537.


Does your health add up? Find out key health indicators such as blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) at NUMB3RS. Health Outreach, Promotion and Education (HOPE) is hosting the event from noon to 3 p.m at Morrell Street on the College Avenue campus. Take a fitness challenge and learn more about portion control and calories. Sign up for free chair massage.


The Third Annual National Postdoc Appreciation Day Symposium, presented by the UMDNJ/Rutgers Postdoctoral Association, will take place in from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the West Lecture Hall of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. The symposium is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their work, attend career development panels and network with other researchers in the area. Registration for the event is free, and lunch is included for registrants. Postdocs, faculty, students and administrators are all welcome. For more information email Register online at


Health Outreach, Promotion & Education is hosting “Lollanobozza,” a karaoke and dance party featuring DJ Wallah, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Livingston Student Center. There will be free food and free games. Two iPad 2’s will be awarded. The event is Hollywood-themed and there will be prizes for best costume. All University students are welcome. For more information contact HOPE by calling (732) 932-1965 or visit


Do you have what it takes to be the next Rutgers Homecoming Idol? Upload your two-minute video to YouTube and then email your video link to and let the battle begin. Videos are due by 11:59 p.m. Contestants must be 18 or older to enter this contest. A group of semifinalists will be entered in Homecoming Idol’s online voting, scheduled from Sept. 29 to Oct. 3. The top contestants will be selected from that group and will compete at the Homecoming Festival on Oct. 15 on Busch campus before the football game.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to


SEPTEMBER 13, 2011




SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

INPUT: Students express concerns over education costs continued from front “I think it’s going to be one of the biggest mental health issues of our generation, and it’s really unfortunate because it not only impedes us from being part of our community but also being adequate family members,” she said. If the cost of higher education continues to rise, Residence Hall Association Executive President Frederick Whelply thinks it may discourage people from attending college all together. Whelply, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, has two friends who are unable to attend the University because they cannot afford the tuition. “That is a disadvantage against their family financially in terms of both tuition and the fact that that’s one less person who can actually have a job and would place that money on the table for them,” he said. Although Pell Grants may contribute a few hundred dollars, which is a fairly small amount relative to the costs of education, Whelply said the amount is still important because it can help cover other student costs. “When you’re coming in here you need to also think of the fact that its just not tuition, its more than that. It is those books, which for some students can range up to $700 or so,” he said. Whelply is also concerned with the rate of tuition inflation itself. While tuition only rose 1.8 percent at the University this year, other institutions face 3 to 4 percent climbs. “In 10 years, in 20 years when our children will have to go to college, can we financially be able to support them when you’re talking $100,000 for college tuition per semester?” he said. But Kyrie Graziosi, Douglass Governing Council president, questioned how the tough economic times coupled with decreasing state support have influenced the priorities of higher education. “It seems in the past few years that at President [Richard L.] McCormick’s annual address there’s always this language of how can we find creative ways to raise revenue,” said Graziosi, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. She believes there is a stronger focus on supporting sports programs, increasing enrollment and research than actual teaching. “It is concerning that this is now the language that we’re using to talk about higher education and these are our priorities,” she said. “We’re not necessarily talking about how can we improve the quality of educating our students.” Pallone said meeting with students is par t of his larger ef for t toward making education affordable. “The ability of students to afford college education and graduate school and professional school is getting to a crisis point,” he said. “Congress has to do something to make it easier to afford [education] because otherwise more and more students are simply not going to be able to do it.” Pallone believes that the government has made equal-opportunity education less of a priority, which may result in greater consequences for the nation in the future. “We need a well educated work force more than ever because we’re competing globally, so we need to reverse that,” he said.

EDISON TOWNSHIP PAYS $250,000 TO COP AFTER LAWSUIT The Edison trial — in which Joseph Kenney, a police of ficer with the Edison Police Depar tment, accused former Sgt. Alex Glinsky of racial discrimination — was settled yesterday with Edison Township ordered to pay Kenney $250,000. Glinsky allegedly berated Kenney for tr ying to rescue two men in a car accident because they were Indian, according to an ar ticle. Kenney filed a lawsuit against Glinsky and Edison Township after the incident, which happened on July 3, 2008. Shortly following the incident, the Edison Police Depar tment placed Kenney on a four-day administrative leave.

The trial featured arguments on both sides, with Edison Township’s attorney arguing that Kenney’s administrative leave was given in order to help him cope with the trauma of the accident. But after Edison Township agreed to pay $250,000 and not retaliate against Kenney, a 27-year veteran of the department, and his son, also a police officer, the case was considered closed. “You stand up for what you believe is right, and there is justice,” Kenney said in the article. “I stood up to the police administration. I was punished, and it was resolved in court in [my] favor,” Kenney said in the article. — Ankita Panda




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SEPTEMBER 13, 2011


Reserve objections for appropriate times W

hile the rest of America was coming together on Sunday in memory of the lives lost on 9/11, Paul Krugman was busy writing a blog entry for the New York Times that took a decidedly different approach to the day. The post, entitled “The Years of Shame,” asserted that the events that followed 9/11 were “deeply shameful.” What many see as a disaster that led to a time of great unity within the country, Krugman sees as a tragedy that was hijacked by various people for personal and political reasons. Krugman’s comments have caused an understandable commotion, which resulted in former Secretar y of Defense Donald Rumsfeld publicly announcing that he would be canceling his subscription to the New York Times. Of course, we live in America. Because of that, Krugman is allowed to say things like this. It should be the goal of all Americans to foster a dialogue between the opposing sides of any issue so all voices may be heard. However, this dialogue should ideally be a respectful one, and Krugman’s comments did not come across as respectful. To call 9/11 — one of the greatest devastations this country has ever seen, and hopefully ever will see — “an occasion for shame” is to disrespect all those whose lives were lost and all those who lost loved ones. Krugman’s comments may be largely directed at the “fake heroes” who he claims seized the tragedy, but his tactless way of making these comments effectively insults everyone. One could also argue that Krugman is committing the same transgressions that these “fake heroes” did. Is he not, in posting this blog entry on the anniversary of 9/11, seizing the memory of the tragedy to make his own point? Is he not ignoring the pain and suffering which accompanied the day, the great losses and terrible sorrows? As we stated above, we believe that the United States should be a place of dialogue and discourse. That being said, there is a time and a place for such dialogues, especially on issues as sensitive as 9/11. Krugman certainly chose the wrong time — the anniversary of the tragedies. He also chose the wrong place — an unceremonious blog post. Krugman, a public figure himself, should know better.

Obama must work with Republicans W

e published an editorial yesterday urging President Barack Obama to release more information about the American Jobs Act to the public. As things stood, it was a plan of action with a very vague support system in place. As if on cue, Obama’s administration did just that yesterday. Office of Management and Budget Chair Jack Lew outlined a plan whereby the administration would seek to raise $467 billion over 10 years, enough to pay for the $447 billion price tag of the jobs plan. The administration is looking to raise $400 billion by limiting itemized deductions for individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000. The rest of the money is to come from ending subsidies for certain gas and oil companies and by ending a tax break for owners of corporate jets. Yesterday, we were excited by the prospect of a new jobs plan, but nervous about the lack of information. In light of this new outline, we find it difficult to put any faith at all in Obama’s plan. In limiting deductions for the upper classes in order to pay for the act, Obama is essentially looking to fund some tax breaks by ending others. This will not go over well with Republicans, from whom Obama was hoping to gain support by putting lowering social security taxes on individuals and businesses. The members of the GOP have made it crystal clear that they hate the idea of any tax increases, especially on the rich. Obama can urge Congress to pass this act all he wants, but we do not foresee these new tax measures going over well with his adversaries, the Republicans. The other major problem with the act comes from the fact that the administration is mortgaging America’s future in order to pass it. The plan comes with a steep price, and the administration expects to pay for it over a decade. What, then, does the administration plan to do to pay for the upfront costs of this massive package? If Obama ever wants to pass the American Jobs Act, he’s going to have to play a little ball with the Grand Old Party, who have made it very clear that they are too obstinate to compromise easily, if at all, on any issue regarding taxes. We like the idea behind Obama’s jobs plan, but we think his methods of funding are going to derail the whole act. That will leave the country back at square one, and we cannot afford that right now.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “I need financial aid, every student deserves it. It sucks that loans count as aid.” School of Arts and Sciences senior Rebecca Soltys, on watching her financial aid grants decrease during her time at the University STORY ON FRONT


Students must hear harsh truth


att Cordeiro opinion) that fewer and doesn’t remind fewer will be able to pay me of a politician, them back. All signs point to let alone a student politician the bubble being burst — the kind who has planned inevitably: too much easy his political ascent since his credit, too much demand first day as an undergrad. and too few opportunities When I think of University for students to earn enough NOAH GLYN students traveling to money once they leave colTrenton to lobby state govlege. Cordeiro notes that ernment, I imagine creased suit pants, expensive “there is $1 trillion of student loan debt, and half has cologne and a father’s borrowed necktie. When we been accumulated in the past 10 years. … It is more met, Cordeiro, president of the Rutgers University than all the credit-card debt in the country.” Student Assembly (RUSA), was wearing shorts and The diagnosis may be correct, but Cordeiro a T-shirt. Which was good because I was, too. doesn’t offer any thoughts about remedies. This Cordeiro, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, does leaves me disappointed. not remind me of a stereotypical overachieving student I respect Matt Cordeiro. I think he will be a very leader. During our 35-minute talk, he impressed me as good president in the upcoming school year, but I a forthright and substantive student leader. don’t understand his priorities. One of Cordeiro’s biggest priorities for the He recognizes that college costs too much for upcoming year is to be the “voice of many individual students, but he the student body.” Not just the favors a program — Pell “I wish University student body, either. He is grants — that on the whole raises working to establish a statewide stutuition. He fights for the University all hardworking ... dent organization, which will lobby spend money more efficiently, students could afford to and advance student interests combut seems less concerned with mon among all N.J. college students. whether such improvements will to go to college.” A major student initiative, accordlower costs. He is fully aware of the ing to Cordeiro, ought to be an dangers of the student-loan bubble, effort to find and eliminate wasteful spending. but I am unsure of what he is willing or able to do to “Students have the right to challenge the University mitigate its effects on University students. [on spending],” he said. He articulated two conflicting sides of the same If students can compel the administration to save coin. On the one hand, students want to come to unienough money, will tuition be decreased as a result? versities like ours, and Pell grants and easy credit will Not necessarily, Cordeiro said. Lower tuition is a help them afford its tuition. On the other hand, when “possible byproduct” of pressuring the University to these third parties assume the cost of a college edulook for ways to save money. He argues that stucation on behalf of students, universities have less dents, in taking affirmative steps to influence the incentive to spend money wisely and reduce tuition. University’s daily operations, will make the Representing and respecting all the different University a better school. In this case, Cordeiro’s sides of the debate is normally the role of a diploemphasis is not on lowering tuition but on increasmatic leader. Only these are not normal times. The ing students’ involvement in the University. national unemployment rate is about 9 percent, and I asked him about Pell grants, a federal college the July 2011 unemployment rate of 16-24 year-olds tuition subsidy, which about 30 percent of the is twice that at 18.1 percent. University student body receives. While the proI wish all hardworking, dedicated and intelligent gram is popular among students, many argue that it students could afford to go to college, and I hope stumakes tuition more expensive by shoveling money dents do find jobs once they graduate. But who among into higher education. If enough students — particus really believes that such a scenario is likely? ularly those with superior qualifications — were Cordeiro understands these dangers, and as one unable to afford college and the nation’s schools person, perhaps there is little that he can do to stop couldn’t fill to capacity, tuitions would have to go the bubble before it inflates even further. I only down. The total college enrollment nationwide hope that the man who represents my friends and would then remain constant, but graduates could me will have the guts to tell us the scary truth about begin their professional lives with less debt. higher education. Cordeiro concedes that Pell grants have a part in Best of luck to Matt Cordeiro and the rest of the increased tuition, but argues that Pell grants “help new RUSA government. lots of people” and are “important for students.” He Noah Glyn is a School of Arts and Sciences senior is concerned, though, that a student-loan bubble is majoring in economics and history. His column, being inflated. More and more students are taking “Irreconcilable Differences,” runs on alternate Tuesdays. out college loans, and he worries (rightfully, in my

Irreconcilable Differences

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum Editorial Board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



Daily review: laurels and darts


.B.M.’s supercomputer Watson was famous last spring for appearing on Jeopardy and besting its human competition. Now, however, Watson’s sights have been shifted from fun and games to the real world — namely, health care. WellPoint Inc. will be using Watson’s incredible speed and extensive database to help make diagnoses and assign possible treatments to patients. We never thought Watson’s destiny would be health care. Sure, we heard all the vague talk of “technological progress” that surrounded his debut, but the lack of specificity in such discourse made it difficult for us to take any of it to heart. And, admittedly, we were a little angry with Watson when he sent Ken Jennings packing. All of that enmity and uncertainty is gone now that we’ve seen Watson’s technology used in a real-life role, especially one as important as aiding doctors in diagnosing and treating patients. We give I.B.M. and WellPoint Inc. laurels for working together to make Watson a real resource for the good of mankind. *




Someone, at some point in your life, probably told you “watching too much TV rots your brain.” While you may have laughed that off at the time, new evidence suggests that bit of folk wisdom is actually true. In a study conducted on 60 children, results found that children who were made to watch “SpongeBob SquarePants” before taking a mental function test did worse on the tests than those who did not watch the popular children’s television show. Does this mean “SpongeBob” should be condemned and removed from the air? Of course not. Parents and guardians need to monitor their children’s television-watching — something they should have been doing all along. Kids shouldn’t be parked in front of the television all day, regardless of what they’re watching. We admire the researchers responsible for this study, but we question just how necessary or valid the study is. That’s why we give the study a dart. There are better things to be researching.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011


COMMENT OF THE DAY “Open textbooks will help students keep their student loans smaller and help offset the increases in tuition. Keep up the good work.” User “bjones_y” in response to the Sept. 5th article, “NJPIRG tour raises awareness on cheaper textbook options”


In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum changed the policy regarding posting comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.


PA G E 1 2


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011


Today's Birthday (09/13/11). The year promises financial growth and stability. Consider an investment in your own education, and review investments in general. Shuffle your cards and see if you can play them a new way for greater benefit. Spend time tonight with someone special. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — is a 7 — With the moon in your Today is a 7 — Clean up any sign, you've got the confidence to misunderstandings with your face any challenge. Consider seempartner to create shared goals ingly crazy solutions that just might anew. Think outside the box work. Take it slow, and finish up. when confronted with any chalTaurus (April 20-May 20) — Today lenges. Get expert assistance. is a 7 — You're inspired and you Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — know what actions to take, so dive Today is an 8 — Jump into in. Work privately, and focus on action. You can be especially crecompleting previous commitments ative in your work now. Be open first. Unexpected brilliance results. for a pleasant surprise. You've Gemini (May 21-June 21) — got everything you need, so keep Today is an 8 — Schedule meetyour money in your pocket. ings today, and enjoy friends ... Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — group activities bring rewards. Today is a 7 — Confer with your Encourage someone else's crefamily. You're attracting love and ativity. New opportunities romance. A surprising developunfold. Guard against jealousies, ment spurs you to new ideas. and share gratitude. Choose for yourself. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — is a 7 — Don't be put off by first Today is a 6 — Solve a mystery appearances ... things aren't always by cleaning up messes and tying what they seem. Keep your house loose ends. Don't get off the clean to avoid upset. Travel later. train until it has completely Hang with friends when you can. stopped. If you do, expect conseLeo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today quences. Better to stay home. is a 7 — Romantic persuasion Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — works for you now. Your commu- Today is a 7 — Practice and study nity brings out the best in you. flourish now. Don't be afraid to An argument is tantalizing, if make mistakes. It's part of learnyou keep your sense of humor. ing. Communication allows romanTake notes for future reference. tic conflict to end before it starts. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6 — It's OK to quesToday is a 9 — Push forward to tion your purpose at this point complete projects, especially in time. Don't go against your those that have resisted complecore values. Encourage others to tion before. Your head's full of make bizarre suggestions. You'll ways to make money. Finish up know when it's right. old stuff to make way for new. © 2010, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



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Last-Ditch Ef fort

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SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

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ROOKIE: Highly touted

BURDEN: Dodd, Sanu

recruit proves worth to coach continued from back other golfers with a score of 214. The Pleasanton, Calif., native is no stranger to success and was a highly sought after recr uit out of high school, said head coach Maura Waters-Ballard. “She’s a great athlete,” Waters-Ballard said. Maxoutopoulis proved that quality right out of the gate. The rest of the team turned in a solid per formance, as well, in conditions that were less than desirable. Senior captain Lizzy Carl cracked the top 10, finishing tied for 7th with a 225. Junior Brittany Weddell, who finished tied for 11th, carding a 227, finished right behind Carl. Rounding out the scorecard for the Knights were junior Karen Cash and senior Elisa Mateer, who shot a 241 and 250, respectively. “Ever yone was ver y focused from star t to finish,” Waters-Ballard said. “They all played as well as I know they can. As a coach, it’s ver y satisfying.” WatersBallard knows the Knights KORTNIE are a MAXOUTOPOULIS work in progress and not an assemblage of talent that just blended overnight. “We’ve been building the team for the past few years, feeding of f each other,” she said. Another key to the golfers’ success was turning the poor conditions and soft greens into an advantage. “The greens were holding really well,” she said. “They were able to shoot at the pin.” A one-stroke loss is not easy for anyone to stomach, but Waters-Ballard knows that it is not the way to view the tournament. “Nobody wants to lose, especially by one stroke, but I’m ver y proud of my girls,” she said. The competition at the Bison Invitational was nothing to overlook, and indicative of what the Knights can expect to see for the rest of the season. “[The Bison Invitational] is a mid-dif ficulty level, and ver y prestigious in the Nor theast,” Waters-Ballard said. With the team star ting of f the year in impressive fashion, Waters-Ballard thinks it bodes well for the rest of the season. She also knows the conference is just as strong as it always is, with teams like Notre Dame and Louisville most likely headlining the field, similar to last year. The Knights placed sixth in last year’s Big East Championships behind the Irish and Cardinals. Rutgers returns to action in two weeks at the Princeton Invitational before hosting the Rutgers Invitational in mid-October. “My team can compete anywhere, even in the Big East Championship,” she said.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011


Mohamed Sanu took over punt return duties against UNC after fifth-year senior Mason Robinson tore his ACL in practice.


hard and prepare for our next game.” The Knights do not play connect on Knights’ last drive again until Sept. 24, so Sanu has to wait until he can add to continued from back his list of of fensive exploits. Sanu and Dodd nearly In the meantime, he can brought the Knights back expect to continue to work on on their final drive of returning punts, a role he took the game. on once fifth-year senior Dodd found Mason Robinson Sanu for three tore his consecutive com“[Mohamed Sanu] ACL during a pletions, bringRutgers practice made some great ing Rutgers to its after the team’s own 39-yard line season opener. plays for us, and and looked for Sanu said he so did some him again on felt comfor table the next play, in the position, other guys. But but the pass which he also fell incomplete. it wasn’t enough.” dabbled in as a The drive freshman with CHAS DODD eventually fizzled mixed results. Sophomore Quarterback after more than “I think it’ll three minutes, help in the long and the Knights term,” Sanu said never got the ball back again, of the loss to UNC. “We just down, 24-22. have to be able to build from it, “It was huge,” Dodd said of and take in the mistakes and Sanu’s contributions. “He all the good from it and flush made some great plays for it, and get ready for our next us, and so did some other opponent. Nor th Carolina is a guys. But it wasn’t enough, so ver y good team, came out and we’re just going to have to played ver y hard, and they just keep coming out, working got the best of us.”


SEPTEMBER 13, 2011



COACH: Four RU players boast international experience continued from back


Sophomore forward Jonelle Filigno leads the Scarlet Knights with five goals this season and played for the Canadian National Team over the summer in the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

For many of the five Canadian players at Rutgers, the same reaction may hit close to home. Four of the five, including Filigno, Woeller, freshman Amy Pietrangelo and senior Karla Schacher, boast experience playing for the Canadian National Team in some capacity. And aside from Filigno, whose hometown of Mississauga, Canada, lies near the American border, the rest of the group, along with junior Maija Savics, are no closer than about 550 miles from their native towns to Piscataway. So what caused the influx of world-class Canadian players to join head coach Glenn Crooks and the Scarlet Knights in New Jersey? For Filigno and Woeller, former assistant coach and the Canadian National Team’s former goalie, Karina LeBlanc, made their decisions much easier. “I really wanted to come play in the NCAA because it’s a great place to play soccer and develop,” Woeller said. “One of the old assistant coaches here, Karina LeBlanc, she’s from Vancouver, where I’m from, and I trained with her with the national team. She sort of brought this place to my attention.” LeBlanc played for the Canadian National Team since 1998 and proved to be a standout in net for the Canadians in the 2003 Women’s World Cup and in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Her time coaching at Rutgers proved to be instrumental in grabbing the attention of most of the Knights hailing from Canada.

LeBlanc relayed Crooks’ coaching mentality and attracted strong players all over the field, solidifying the attack with standouts like Schacher, Filigno and Pietrangelo, and the back line with Woeller. Filigno leads the team in goals scored (5) and points (11) through seven games this season, and Pietrangelo is tied for second in points (4). Woeller continues to captain the defense, and the Knights continue to shut teams out, posting three clean sheets this season and two in a row entering Friday’s Big East opener. Schacher also provided unparalleled stability as a midfielder over her Rutgers career, accumulating 18 goals and 155 shots before tearing her ACL earlier this season against No. 6 UCLA. “I think it starts with the culture we’ve created, which is the players,” Crooks said on how he attracts players. “When players come to visit us, they love the personality of the team because they’re great kids. But they also see there’s a high level of commitment to be the best — not to be good, but to be great.” And with so many high-level Canadian athletes as parts of the Knights’ culture, being competitive year in and year out in Big East play has been a little bit easier. New Jersey still has its roots with the program and still provided its own fair share of athletes, an expectation from Rutgers as the State University of New Jersey. But make no mistake, the Rutgers-Canada connection is a vital part to the program’s success. “Over the past five to six years the program has taken major steps forward,” Crooks said. “I know where the program is headed.”



SEPTEMBER 13, 2011





utgers women’s soccer goalkeeper Emmy Simpkins earned recognition yesterday on the Big East Weekly Honor Roll. Simpkins earned the honor for the first time after the Scarlet Knights went 2-0 last weekend on the heels of Simpkins’ pair of shutouts. The two clean sheets moved the Concord, N.C., native to seventh all-time in the category with eight at Rutgers. Simpkins ranks second in the league in goals against average and save percentage and is tied for second in shutouts.




wide receiver Hakeem Nicks said he suffered “some type” of knee injur y on Sunday at Washington, but it is likely not serious. Nicks’ injur y follows up former wide receiver Steve Smith’s free agent signing with the NFC East rival Philadelphia Eagles, as well as a slew of injuries to the team’s defense. Nicks and the Giants lost, 28-14, to the Washington Redskins in the teams’ season openers, when the New York offense struggled to consistently move the ball. Nicks, a North Carolina product, emerged last season in his second year in the NFL as an offensive threat.



Serena Williams $2,000 for her outburst against the chair umpire in her 6-2, 6-3 loss against Samantha Stosur in the women’s singles championship match. The penalty is a small sum considering Williams’ earnings for her play at the Open, where she received $900,000 for finishing in second and a $500,000 bonus for a total of $1.4 million. The 13-time major champion also received a hefty fine from the U.S. Open in 2009, when a profanity-laced tirade led to an immediate $10,000 fine followed by an $82,500 fine from Grand Slam committee member Bill Babcock.

KANSAS CITY CHIEFS safety Eric Berry is done for the season after tearing his ACL during the first quarter of his team’s season-opening 41-7 loss to the Buffalo Bills. Bills wideout Stevie Johnson put a block on Berry in the third offensive play of the game, when it appeared Johnson deliberately dove at Berry’s knee. Chief’s head coach Todd Haley would not label the hit as “dirty,” but Johnson was defiant of his intentions on his Twitter account. “I’LL NEVER CHEAPSHOT A PLAYER ON THE FIELD!” Johnson wrote. “Last I checked a cut block was legal!”

With the Rutgers men’s cross country team competing in its first event of MEN’S XC the seaRUTGERS 273 s o n , h e a d NINTH PLACE coach M i k e Mulqueen was not sure what he would get out of the Scarlet Knights. “We’ve only been together since Sept. 1, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect,” Mulqueen said. “It was your typical first race — some good, some not so good.” The team finished ninth overall on Saturday at the Fordham Fiasco and Follies. With a total of 273 points, the Knights placed nine runners in total and one in the top 50. Leading the way for the Knights last weekend was sophomore Chris Banafato with a time of 26:41.25. Banafato’s finish was good for 28th overall in the race and a No. 1 finish for Rutgers. “He was real tough. He ran really, really well,” Mulqueen said. “He had a real good first race.” Princeton, collecting 26 total points, won the men’s five-mile race. Navy came in second with 41 points and Yale rounded out the top three.

The four th-place finisher was Penn, followed by Fordham and NYU in a tie for fifth, then Rider, New Jersey Tech, Rutgers and Quinnipiac. Princeton placed back-to-back finishers in the top two. Donn Cabrel took first with a time of 25:30.37, and Eddie Owens finished second with an effort of 25:42.43. Cody Rome of Navy, who posted a final time of 25:44.00, finished in third place. The Knights ended up with three other racers finishing in the top 100. Freshman C.J Defabio’s time of 27:47.05 was good for second on the team and 72nd overall. Sophomore Curtis Richburg and senior Benjamin Forrest followed Defabio. Other Knights placing in the event included Steven Burkholder, Brian Wells, Anthony Horton, Thomas Bragen and Ben Horel. Mulqueen believes there is room for improvement with his team as it heads into its next race. “We have to close the gap. We can’t have a minute break between our first and second guy,” Mulqueen said. “We were just a bit too far apart than we needed to be. That’s the main thing we need to work on.” Rutgers looks to do just that on Saturday as it travels to Holmdel, N.J., to compete in the Monmouth Invitational.


Senior Benjamin Forrest finished fourth on the team in Rutgers’ ninth-place finish in the Fordham Fiasco and Follies.


SEPTEMBER 13, 2011



Princeton outlasts Rutgers in four sets in finale BY PATRICK LANNI STAFF WRITER

With Binghamton crowned champions of the Rutgers Invitational Tournament, the finale VOLLEYBALL featurPRINCETON 3 ing the RUTGERS 1 Rutgers volleyb a l l team and instate rival Princeton became slightly less meaningful, but three times as thrilling as the point-for-point rivalr y match proved to be nothing short of a slugfest. With the match tied at 23, ever yone in attendance anticipated another thrilling ending, but the Tigers killed the next two points after a Scarlet Knights timeout and broke their three-game losing streak to Rutgers with a 3-1 win. “I was proud of the team to come back, but when you’re down, 0-2, its tough, especially when it’s the last match of the tournament,” said head coach CJ Werneke. With the match notched at 25, freshman Sofi Cucuz successfully converted an assist to put Princeton on the hot seat. Winning the set off a Princeton error, the Knights forced a fourth set as the College Ave Gym erupted. “We had it in our mind that we weren’t going to lose,” said senior captain Hannah Curtis. With momentum on their side in the fourth set, the Knights continued to battle. Back and forth, the Knights and Tigers exhibited their heated rivalry, as neither team led by more than two points throughout. With their fifth straight point, the Knights were temporarily


Sophomore Sheridan Taylor (2) recorded a career-high 18 kills against intrastate rival Princeton and 30 kills overall at the Rutgers Invitational Tournament, but the Knights went just 1-2. off the hot seat, but a timely Princeton kill put them right back in the fire. Facing their sixth match point, Jennifer Palmquist of Princeton hit an attack off the pole, resulting in a Rutgers point. Trailing by 1, sophomore Brittany Bozzini swung through a set from junior

Stephanie Zielinski. As both teams celebrated a cr ucial point, it was Rutgers that got the line call, the point and a chance to play on. With a chance to silence the Knights and the crowd, the Tigers placed a well-executed attack, sending Zielinski sprinting to the edge of the gym to

track down the ball. Hitting over her shoulder, Zielinski placed a set for sophomore Sheridan Taylor, who tipped the attack to a gap in the Princeton defense. Trailing, 24-20, in the third set and facing a 3-0 sweep, sophomore Tif fany Regmund drove an attack straight to the

feet of the visiting Tigers. Junior Kelsey Ross followed with a booming ser ve that resulted in a Princeton error to bring the Knights within 3. Adding to a career night, Taylor delivered her 14th kill, as the Knights successfully warded of f their third consecutive match point. As the Rutgers Invitational came to a close, the Knights found themselves with a 1-2 record after falling to Princeton and Binghamton, but beating Howard. With junior Allie Jones nursing a shoulder injur y, Werneke found ways to highlight his underclassmen. Taylor earned her first alltournament team recognition, as the sophomore from Manhattan Beach, Calif., recorded a career-high 18 kills versus Princeton and 30 kills overall. “She’s doing whatever we ask her to do. Ask her to play middle, she’ll do the best of her ability. Ask her to play right side, and she’s been productive there,” Werneke said. “A great kid to have in your program, and I’m glad she played the way she did. Now everyone knows what she’s capable of.” Along with Taylor, Bozzini and Regmund played to their abilities, rounding out the Knights offense. Cucuz delivered 21 kills in the weekend tournament and showed signs of a promising future at opposite hitter. The Knights test their 5-7 record at home on Tuesday against Lehigh. With four games left in their out-of-conference schedule, it is the Knights’ last home match before the start of the Big East season.


With more than 30 teams par ticipating in this year’s Fordham Fiasco and Follies at Van Cor tlandt Park in Bronx, N.Y., the Rutgers women’s cross countr y team looked impr esWOMEN’S XC sive in RUTGERS 147 its seas o n FOURTH PLACE debut. The Scarlet Knights finished fourth overall with a total of 147 points. The strong start impressed head coach James Robinson, who was happy with the results of Saturday’s meet. “They did well, they competed well, and I was happy with that,” Robinson said. “We took care of business and attacked the race.” Six Knights placed in the top 50 competitors, with sophomore Brianna Deming finishing 19th overall, the highest for any Rutgers runner. Her time of 18:49.35 was a personal best for last season’s team MVP. “My time this year was faster than last year, so I was

happy with that,” Deming said. “I finished hard, which was good.” Deming left an impression on Robinson with her race, as well. “She started where she left off last year as our team MVP,” Robinson said. “She did great.” Junior Anjelica Brinkofski was the second Knight to cross the finish line, placing 21st overall with a time of 18:58.28.

JAMES ROBINSON Junior Victoria Pontecor vo finished with a time of 19:28.20, good for 39th overall and third on the team. Other runners placing in the race include freshmen Allison Payenski and Felicia O’Donnell, sophomores Ashley Decker t, Rashmi Singh and Darina Dinov and senior Kelly Flannigan.

“As a whole I think we did pretty well,” Deming said. “We came in four th, but we were up there with some pretty good teams.” Princeton won the team title with 34 points, followed by Yale, Penn, Rutgers and Sacred Hear t. Rounding out the top 10 were 6th-place finisher Quinnipiac, Fordham, NYU, Delaware and Rider. Yale’s Millie Chapman won the individual 5K race with a time of 18:03.63, with Melissa Salerno placing second with a time of 18:05.87 while running for the New Balance Club. Rounding out the top three was Yale’s Jacque Sahlberg with an ef for t of 18:10.52. While the team was happy with its per formance, Robinson was most excited about seeing the Knights finally compete for the first time after a solid of fseason. “They had ver y good positive energy,” Robinson said. “We were missing a couple of ladies, but the ones that did compete did a great job.” The team looks to build on its success when it travels to Holmdel, N.J., on Saturday to participate in the Monmouth Invitational.



SEPTEMBER 13, 2011



The North Carolina defense stopped Rutgers on four consecutive goal-line plays Saturday in Chapel Hill, N.C., but the Knights could take issue with the ruling on De’Antwan Williams’ second-down run. The junior appeared to score on television replays, but Greg Schiano never heard if it was reviewed.



With three practices during the bye week before preparation for Ohio begins, the Rutgers football team can expect some shuffling across the offensive line. The pass protection that plagued it last season improved through the first two games this season, but a running game that was supposed to be rejuvenated by a pro-style of fense has been anything but. The Scarlet Knights averaged 3.3 yards per carr y in their opener against Nor th Carolina Central, then 0.04 yards per carr y Saturday against North Carolina. “The of fensive line and the running backs have to better fit together for the plays,” head coach Greg Schiano said Sunday on the Big East coaches’ conference call. “We have to see things the same way and we need to have the right reactions out of our running backs. A lot of that is a trust thing. Your r unning backs need to trust their training and trust the play, and when there are breakdowns, it gets harder to trust it. It all goes hand in hand.” Schiano would like one of his three running backs — junior De’Antwan Williams, sophomore Jeremy Deering and freshman Savon Huggins — to take hold of the position, but he will continue to split carries until they do. Now his focus is on finding the five best offensive linemen.

Schiano did a lot of shuffling Saturday, when sophomore left tackle Andre Civil temporarily left the game due to cramps, but these changes will likely be less dramatic. Sophomore David Osei, who showed vast improvement from Week 1 to 2, will likely remain at center, according to Schiano, although senior Caleb Ruch is an option. True freshman Kaleb Johnson received Schiano’s praise since the offseason and has yet to play, but that could change as soon as next week’s game against Ohio. While he has yet to debut, the Jacksonville, Fla., is still unlikely to redshirt. “He’s going to get a ton of work this week,” Schiano said. “He’s been getting the secondteam reps, so he’s a guy we think has a bunch of potential and we just need to get him more experience before we can put him in a game.” The running back picture could become clearer in the practice week — although Schiano said Sunday he had not neared a decision on who would carry the load. Huggins, who only had two first-half carries and seven total for no yards Saturday, was not injured in Chapel Hill, N.C., Schiano said a day after the 24-22 loss. “The running backs need to phase together with the offensive line and read it right,” Schiano said. “We have to learn there’s nothing wrong with a 2yard gain, because sometimes those turn into 10-[yard gains].”



hear from the Atlantic Coast



Sophomore center David Osei, who has experience at right tackle, is likely to remain at center after showing improvement in Rutgers’ second game, according to head coach Greg Schiano. Conference or NCAA after a questionable ruling went against Rutgers on Saturday on the goal line. Williams appeared to score from two yards out, but the of ficials ruled him down at the 1-yard line and the play was not over turned. Televisions in the coaching booth were out, so of fensive coordinator Frank Cignetti could not see the replay. “I won’t hear anything from the ACC or the NCAA. Ever y

play is reviewed in college football. That’s the assumption. That’s what we live with,” Schiano said. “As far as the TVs being out in the press box, from my understanding they were out both in our box and in Nor th Carolina’s so, you know, equal playing field. That’s the way it goes.”




nation in turnover margin and takeaways two weeks into the season after intercepting three

passes and recovering two fumbles against North Carolina. “If you can disrupt the ball, you’ll get your share of turnovers,” Schiano said. “That’s been our big focus for the past 11 years and we’ve generally done a pretty good job of that. Last year, there were a lot of things that slid off. It feels good to get back to getting them again because it certainly gave us a chance in that football game — a chance we let slip through our hands.”


PA G E 2 0


SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

Sanu bears offensive burden against Tar Heels BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR


Junior wide receiver Mohamed Sanu caught 13 passes against North Carolina on Saturday for 119 yards and a score. Sanu now has 20 receptions and two touchdowns on the season after suffering through an injury-hampered 2010 campaign.

With just one play, Mohamed Sanu showed he belonged. In between four Nor th Carolina defenders on Saturday, the Rutgers football FOOTBALL team’s prized of fensive weapon leapt into the air and hauled in an acrobatic touchdown with just one hand. The score brought the Scarlet Knights within two points of UNC, the eventual victor, but proved Sanu was finally at full strength following an injur y-plagued 2010 campaign. “Just from a spectator standpoint, he made some of the most incredible catches I’ve seen in a long time,” said head coach Greg Schiano. Sanu pulled in 12 more passes on the day, including another highlight-reel grab or two, giving the South Brunswick, N.J., native 20 catches through just two games. He is on pace to rack up 140 passes on the season. But other than Sanu, who caught more than half of Dodd’s 25 completions Saturday, no other Knight emerged as a complementar y weapon. Junior Mark Harrison dropped a sure touchdown pass after beating a UNC defender downfield and freshman Brandon Coleman managed just one reception, albeit on a crucial 4th-and-long play. Junior Tim Wright caught his first career touchdown pass in the fourth quarter, but compiled just 19 yards as the Knights’ second-leading receiver. “We’re going to fight no matter what the situation is,” Sanu said. “I feel like we came out, we played hard. We had a couple miscues, but we have to execute on those miscues that we had.” Despite Sanu’s productive day against the Tar Heels, one crucial play evaded him and the Rutgers offense. With the ball on the UNC 2-yard line following junior safety Duron Harmon’s third interception of the season, of fensive coordinator Frank Cignetti opted for a play-action pass. Pinched in to the of fensive line, Sanu beat the UNC defender of f the line of scrimmage, but he and sophomore quarterback Chas Dodd could not connect to tie to score at 7. “I was running toward my angle and — I don’t know if Chas was hurried up — the ball was thrown a little behind me,” Sanu said. “I looked up and I saw it going this way, and I tried to catch it, but I just couldn’t bring it down.”


Rookie tops field of 80 at Bison Invite

Former coach attracts talent from Canada BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ




Nearly 2,600 miles separated Rutgers women’s soccer sophomore Jonelle Filigno and junior Shannon Woeller during their high school careers, WOMEN’S SOCCER and both were well removed from playing soccer in New Jersey. In fact, Filigno admitted to having very little knowledge of Rutgers prior to paying a visit to the Banks. “To be honest, I didn’t even know what Rutgers was, as bad as it sounds,” Filigno said. “My dad had known a little bit about Rutgers, but I didn’t even expect to come here. My dad convinced me to come on a visit and just to see what it’s all about.”

The Rutgers women’s golf team did not disappoint in its opening tournament, the Bison Invitational, in Lewisburg, Pa. Behind freshWOMEN’S GOLF man Kortnie RUTGERS 907 Maxoutopoulis, the Scarlet Knights finSECOND PLACE ished second in the tournament to host school Bucknell by one stroke with a 54hole total of 907. On a soggy, rain-soaked course, Maxoutopoulis star ted her Rutgers career of f with a bang, taking home the individual title and finishing ahead of 79



Junior back Shannon Woeller, a native of Vancouver, Canada, started at back for Rutgers since arriving on the Banks in 2008 as a freshman.


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