THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 3 , N u m b e r 4 3
1 8 6 9
Today: AM Showers
High: 57 • Low: 37
The Rutgers men’s soccer team ended its regular season yesterday with a scoreless draw against No. 5 South Florida, finishing second in the Big East Red Division.
U. encourages faculty to team up with locals BY AMY ROWE ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
The Rutgers University Student Assembly recently passed a resolution that states the student body’s opposition to the city’s response to the shooting of Barry Deloatch, but some students feel they do not have the right to do so.
Students had mixed reactions to a Rutgers University Student Assembly resolution that publicly states the student body’s opposition to New Brunswick’s response to the Barry Deloatch incident. There are two calls to action specified in the motion that passed in an Oct. 20 meeting, said Matt Cordeiro, RUSA president. “There was a call into the investigation into the New Brunswick police force, and an investigation and need to trial of the officers who shot Barry Deloatch [in the] resolution,” said Cordeiro, a School of Arts and Sciences senior. The 46-year-old city resident was fatally shot on Sept. 22 during an alterca-
tion with the New Br unswick Police Depar tment. As a result, the NBPD and the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Of fice must review all complaints filed against the depar tment. But some students are concerned with RUSA’s resolution since it allows the student government to represent students in an area outside the University sphere. Gennesis Carrion, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior, said although she is not following the case intensely, she does not think RUSA has the right to speak for the student body on issues outside of the University. “RUSA does not represent the entire student body,” she said. “They represent the majority, but not all voices.”
Alliance works to expand Indian higher education BY TABISH TALIB CORRESPONDENT
A new partnership between the University and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India aims to help more people in India gain access to higher education. The India Center for Sustainable Growth and Talent seeks to increase the availability of higher education in India to 20 percent of its population by 2020, said David Finegold, senior vice president for Lifelong Learning and Strategic Growth — the University counterpart of the joint initiative. “India does have a shortage of teachers at all levels, but the one we’re pointing to is the shortage of faculty [at the graduate level],” he said. More than half of the Indian population is under the age of 25, and because of the influx of student population and the 2020 deadline, India needs an additional 1 million instructors, said Alison Price-Rom, director of Global Advancement and International Affairs.
“India has a rapidly growing population — a young, youthful country, a huge workforce and a large number of students need to be educated,” she said. The joint initiative will aim to work to increase the faculty numbers at Indian universities through teacher training and technology exchanges with the business community in the country, Price-Rom said. The collaboration’s first project was polling 1,000 current or former graduate students, asking whether they wanted to work in India or the United States after obtaining their degrees, Finegold said. Results showed that the majority of foreign Indian graduate students wished to work in India while only 8 percent said they would definitely work in the United States, he said. To see if this was unique to Indian graduate students, the joint initiative will also poll Chinese students who come to study at U.S. universities, Finegold said.
But Niti Patel, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student, said she agrees with the action to condemn the actions taken against Deloatch by the New Brunswick Police Department. “I think it was right to condemn the case,” she said. “He wasn’t armed, he didn’t have a gun, so what they did is wrong. There was no need to shoot him.” Rania Saleh, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, also said the actions of the police department in the Deloatch case were unjust, and that RUSA has the right to speak on behalf of the students. “What goes on in New Brunswick affects all of us in the University. I mean, we are a
The University will launch a series of initiatives to expand outreach to the city of New Brunswick in an effort to strengthen its relationship with the community. A chief goal in the outreach plan is funding more research grants for faculty members who will partner with a community member in areas that will benefit the community, President Richard L. McCormick announced last week in an email to faculty. McCormick enlisted a taskforce of community and University representatives, co-chaired by University Librarian Marianne Gaunt and New Br unswick Superintendent of Schools Richard Kaplan, to develop a best-practices model that faculty must follow when carr ying out their research. “A lot of expertise that our faculty has could be brought to the issues and needs in the community,” said Gaunt, vice president of Information Services. The taskforce surveyed the community’s needs and a finalized list of faculty research areas will be released in December, she said. Among the areas of research are wellness, landscaping, education and nutrition. “We asked [faculty] to submit grants to their areas of interest,” Gaunt said. “We’re hoping these actually develop longer term relationships with the community.” The first round of seed grants ranging from $2,500 to $25,000 will be awarded to faculty who will work within the bestpractices model by the end of the year, she said. To develop the guidelines for faculty to carr y out research in the community, the
INDEX UNIVERSITY Faculty and students participate in focus groups to discuss the SCI building.
OPINIONS The Justice Department wants to alter FOIA so it can deny the existence of certain documents.
UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 METRO . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WORLD . . . . . . . . . . 9 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 10 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 14 NELSON MORALES / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The Rutgers Intercollegiate Quidditch Team sells butterbeer and other Harry Potter-related goods to earn funds for equipment and traveling yesterday at Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus.
SPORTS . . . . . . BACK
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 0 1
143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN ZOË SZATHMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ANKITA PANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METRO ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA NOAH WHITTENBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS RYAN SURUJNATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS
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NOVEMBER 1, 2011
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Deans envision improved building for SCI students getting wireless connection, which makes me miss notes in the lecture.” But the solid walls of the SCI building were built before wireless communication was available, Schement said. “This creates a real challenge for electromagnetic waves to go through,” he said. Novick said there should be more space for study groups to support high-technological learning and life habits for students, and a space that reflects a sense of community. Some students shared Novick’s sentiments. “This building needs more updated computers and cameras for classes that cover broadcast journalism,” said Jihan Dempster, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. Other students think there should be a place where students can interact in a casual setting at the SCI building. “I have access to ever ything I need in order to learn, but I feel as though a bigger space is needed to hang out and socialize with students in the depar tment,” said Amanda Cordova, a School of Arts and Sciences junior. The administration is working on the architecture and settling on the place, size and costs for the project, as the altogether length of the West End Project remains unknown, Novick said. “Depending on funding, this project could take six or more years,” she said.
The deans of the School of Communication and Information are working to imagine a better home to enhance its students’ social and academic experience. SCI Dean Jorge Schement and SCI Associate Dean Karen Novick conducted focus groups last week with graduate and undergraduate students and continue to receive feedback on new SCI facilities. “As we continue making decisions about a need for a better building, we want to continue to have an open conversation, because we believe a new building should work for students, faculty and alums in order to represent Rutgers at its best,” Schement said. Administration met with Cannon Design, an architecture firm, to discuss the feasibility of an improved building, he said. “We are not building a new building as of yet — it is a study to figure out how much space will be needed and the location that is appropriate for such project,” Novick said. The feasibility study is a fourmonth long process, which will allow the administration to evaluate a better idea of the space and cost needed to implement the proposed project, she said. The West End Project — named after SCI’s address on the College Avenue campus — focuses on the space and location of the improved building, which
The School of Communication and Information may no longer be located on 4 Huntington St. in New Brunswick. SCI deans are speaking with architects to determine costs for a different space.
play a factor in fulfilling any plans, Novick said. “There were a lot of thoughts expressed as to what a new building should include,” she said. The administration would like to bring more of the school’s infrastructure together — which includes local news mediums such as WRSU radio station, RU-TV and Edison Archives — as well as creating a base for new classrooms needed for the College Avenue campus, Schement said. “West End Project was first discussed among faculty and administration in 2008, and it
MAGAZINE RANKS UNIVERSITY THIRD BEST SCHOOL FOR VETERANS The University ranks third out of more than 200 universities in Military Times Edge magazine’s annual “Best for Vets” survey for friendliness to student veterans. There are 926 enrolled student veterans at the University — more than double the enrollment since 2009, according to a University Focus article. The magazine evaluated four-year institutions in financial assistance, academic flexibility, campus culture and support services. The University ranked 21st last year in the survey, but no distinction was made between four-year institutions and two-year institutions or online schools, according the press release. Stephen Abel, whom the University hired last year to be director for the Office of Veterans Services, said the ranking confirms the effort the school is making. “My colleagues and I are proud of the commitment that Rutgers has made to student veterans,” he said in the press release. Teofilo Bodre, a former marine embassy guard and current student, said the changes have made a difference. “When I was applying here, it was before this office really got off the ground, and the difference between then and now is night and day,” he said.
may take years to be implemented and to be completed,” he said. The school is in the initial phase of the feasibility study and Novick said she expects it to be concluded by February. As SCI administrators continue their discussion with each other and Cannon Design, Novick said they encourage students to offer their input. “We took detailed notes during focus group meetings and students also emailed us,” Novick said. Tiffany Gonzalez, a School of Arts and Sciences junior,
expressed a demand for more classrooms, particularly during semester registration periods. “We need another computer lab because classes that require computers are closed quickly, which is ver y frustrating,” she said. Some student concerns included the connectivity of the wireless network. “There needs to be more outlets and wireless connection, especially downstairs,” said Megan Moccio, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior. “Sometimes I would tr y to reboot my computer in hopes of
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NOVEMBER 1, 2011
School of Arts and Sciences junior Katherine Clayton, left, and School of Arts and Sciences junior Clark Edmond recruit people to adopt a pre-school child’s wish and purchase a gift for the holidays yesterday in Livingston Student Center.
STANCE: Some believe NBPD acted unjustly in incident continued from front part of New Brunswick,” she said. “RUSA is the representation of the student body. We choose our leaders. “ Larissa Donatiello, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior, said the police of ficers involved in the case should have taken other actions before shooting Deloatch in the chest. But Donatiello said she thinks that as the student gov-
ernment, RUSA does have a right to act in the best interest of students, and that involves
“We are called to represent students outside the University sphere.” MATT CORDEIRO RUSA President
protecting their rights as citizens of New Brunswick. “So many people live off campus and there are so many people
that rounded up to make a difference. I feel as though they represent the majority of people, so I think RUSA has the right to do so,” she said. As part of the governing student body, Cordeiro said there is a need for the student government to be involved in af fairs surrounding the University area. “Lots of groups interact within the community and act outside the University scope,” he said. “We are elected, and with that election ability we are called to represent students outside the University sphere.”
Energy companies assured Gov. Chris Christie that at least 95 percent of N.J. homes would have power back on Thursday, he said in a press conference yesterday in Trenton. “If you are without power today, Thursday seems like a long time from now,” Christie said in an article. “Which is why we’re working to give the utility companies additional resources to get the situation resolved.” This past weekend’s snowstorm left about 360,000 homes without power as of yesterday morning, including 92,000 in Morris County and 83,000 in Bergen, he said in the article. The governor plans to speak with PSE&G and Jersey Central Power & Light presidents ever y morning this week, putting pressure on the companies if they fail to make progress. “Efforts to restore power to critical infrastructure and homes are moving forward as quickly as possible,” Christie said in the article. The New Jersey Department of Transportation will also concentrate on clearing local and county roads to help workers reach problem areas now that they have finished work on state roads, according to the article. Christie asked families to keep an eye out for fallen power lines yesterday as they went trick-or-treating. “Bring flashlights so you can see the ground in front of you,” he said in the article. NJDOT officials and NJ Transit also expect partial ser vice to resume Tuesday morning on the Morris and Essex lines, as well as the Montclair Boonton line, which was suspended due to down trees and wires, according to another article. Full service is expected to resume by the end of the week. “This is worse than any snowstorm we have ever had,” said James Simpson, NJDOT commissioner.
LOCALS: University to host faculty tour in December continued from front taskforce sought out members of the community to share their input. “We talked about a lot of issues and problems, the community has a different dynamic than the University,” Gaunt said. “There was more distrust on the community’s part about Rutgers — they felt research was being done on them rather than with them.” Gaunt said the community will offer University faculty to apply their research to a real world situation and partnering with community leaders will enhance their findings. “Both sides must trust and treat each other with respect and bring something to the table,” she said. “The community actually knows how things will work on the street.” Community members asked that faculty accepting the grants designate roles for those from the community who are involved with their projects and develop a way to report their findings. “There might be some sensitive things that come up as a result of research,” Gaunt said. “However, things are reported … even if some things reported are not the most favorable.” Gaunt said reports of findings could take the form of an article or a press conference with community members. The University will sponsor a faculty tour of New Brunswick in December to acquaint those interested in research with the issues and opportunities the community offers, she said. To improve communication between the University and the community, the University creat-
ed a booklet, e-newsletter and website to list opportunities and resources the University offers, McCormick said in the letter. Along with this, the University appointed Melissa Selesky, a 1985 University graduate and New Brunswick resident, as director of Rutgers-New Brunswick community relations, who will facilitate the userfriendly access of these resources and programs. “We’re intimately tied with the New Brunswick community and we’re going to be for a while — a great relationship with the community is of great importance to us,” Selesky said. “As a New Brunswick resident and long time employee of Rutgers, it’s an honor to serve in this position.” The city is looking forward to continuing the relationship with University faculty, said Bill Bray, city spokesman. “These sort of collaborations, whether it is for public policy or environmental planning, would certainly be welcomed here in New Brunswick,” he said. “We certainly would love to continue partnerships that we already have and we look for more opportunities to collaborate.” Since releasing the best-practices model, the taskforce disbanded. But Gaunt chairs the committee on Community Engagement in New Brunswick, which will serve as an advisory group for reviewing proposals for grants and communicating the best-practices model to faculty. “I think it’s really a wonderful oppor tunity, both for the New Brunswick community and for the University,” she said. “It’s [about] getting your arms around all the things that are being done and pulling it together to see progress in particular areas instead of all over the place.”
ALLIANCE: Price-Rom says Indian students help U.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
continued from front Vinayak Mahadevan, a firstyear graduate student from India, said his mentality was similar to the majority of those polled. “Everyone has got a certain level of motivation. Some people are motivated by their homeland and some people are motivated by money,” he said. “I am motivated by homeland. I want to make money but I also want to serve my country.” Finegold said Indian graduate students going back to their homeland did not mean the efforts of U.S. institutions were undermined. “I don’t accept the thesis that it is bad for the United States, because when they go back, we strengthen our global ties and can be productive for decades to come,” he said. Price-Rom said although students go back to India, it does not mean the United States does not benefit. “Many foreign students come to study in the United States at both the undergraduate and graduate level and although we are educating students for another countries workforce, they bring many benefits to our campus while they are here,” she said. Price-Rom said bringing foreign students is a goal in itself as it gives the University a representation of different cultures. “In the long term, due to the increasing globalized world, it benefits us eventually,” she said. Foreign graduate students do not come to abuse the system in place, Mahadevan said. “It’s not like I want to come to the United States and exploit the education level over here and go back to India,” he said. “I want to make sure that I actually do something good for whichever organization I am working for over here, make money and then go back.” The University attracts foreign students not only because of its large research capabilities, but also because of the varying ethnic communities in the surrounding areas, Finegold said. “One of the great strengths of New Jersey is how diverse we are and how global we are. Other places are more homogenous,” he said. Mahadevan said while he does not necessarily want to teach, he does plan to take his experiences here and increase advancements in India. “I want to be an entrepreneur back in my country where I still feel there is a scope of improvement in every field and I want to learn better things from the United States and implement them back home,” he said. Price-Rom said the teaching aspect could come to fruition in a variety of ways after students return. “They may go become practitioners for a while in the business world, but then they might go back and teach,” he said. “The teaching doesn’t have to be behind a podium, [it can be] dynamic with maybe projects within the community.” Mahadevan said while most foreign Indian graduate students feel the same way, more would stay if there were prospects for a good job, which is difficult in this economy. “Everyone is a talent and the United States wants to retain the talent, but you can’t retain it unless you’ve got the jobs,” he said. “I don’t know how [the United States is] going to handle it but if there are good opportunities for us I would love to work over here.”
A local Girl Scout troop hands out candy and other goods from the back of their vehicle to local children yesterday in the Sacred Heart Church parking lot on Throop Avenue as part of the Unity Square Partnership’s fourth annual Halloween event “Trunk or Treat.” Organizers saw more than 100 children who came to trick-or-treat from trunk to trunk.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
In honor of All Saints Day, the family of “Maria Esparanza,” a visionary from Venezuela, will talk about her visions and cause for Sainthood from 8 to 9:30 p.m. in room 174 of the Busch Campus Center. The Catholic Student Association will host the event. For more information contact Logan Murray at or at (732) 545–6663.
The Daily Targum is always looking for new writers. There will be a Writers’ Meeting at 9:30 p.m. in The Daily Targum Business Office, Suite 431 in the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. All majors are welcome and no experience is necessary! Editor-in-Chief Mary Diduch will attend the meeting to discuss editor positions for next semester. For more information, contact Reena Diamante at or Ankita Panda at As a student leader, acquiring the knowledge and skills in effective motivation are vital in organizational success. From individual empowerment to group inspiration, this workshop will delve into motivation how-tos. Students will learn methods to increase drive within organizations and their members and be challenged with new objectives in advancing towards their own self-development. Visit the Douglass Campus Center NJC Lounge from 7 to 9 p.m. to participate in one of the Student Professional Development Workshop Series.
The Rutgers Gardens Farmers’ Market takes place every Friday from noon to 5 p.m. until Thanksgiving. Purchase local fresh produce, pasture-raised meat, artisanal cheese, baked goods, flowers and more. Then take a stroll through the gardens and enjoy a picnic. Rutgers Gardens is located at 112 Ryders Lane, next to Hort Farm 2 and the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center. For more information TGIF! Now you can have some fun at another Responsible Drinking Happy Hour in the Cook Café from 4 to 7 p.m. your usual place to socialize with faculty, staff and friends or make new friends. Don’t forget to bring a faculty member, staff or friend along to join in the fun and your identification.
Visit the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum for free first Sundays of the month. Visit the museum from noon to 5 p.m. Admission is free to all the first Sunday of every month at the Zimmerli. Scavenger hunts are offered between 12:30 to 4 p.m. and tours for children and adults are available at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Visit Studio Z throughout the day for selfguided learning and creativity.
Join the Associate Curator of European Art of the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum Christine Giviskos, on a bus trip to the Neue Galerie and Morgan Library and Museum in New York City for two exhibitions of rarely seen European masterworks. The bus departs at 8:30 a.m. from the Sears parking lot on Route 1 in New Brunswick and returns by 5 p.m. The cost of the trip, which includes transportation, lunch and guided tours, is $115 for Zimmerli members and $125 for nonmembers. Please call (732) 9327237, ext. 611, or email to register.
To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
PA G E 7
Highland Park Halloween parade brings families together BY ZACH BREGMAN STAFF WRITER
Despite Saturday’s snowfall, many families spent their Sunday afternoon outdoors, riding horses and watching the Borough of Highland Park’s annual Halloween parade unroll before them. Festival activities were also held indoors at the Senior/Youth Center of Highland Park. Kim Perkins, the senior program coordinator at the center, said she was excited to see the turnout and watch as children showed of f their Halloween costumes. The parade is a long-lasting tradition that has been held in Highland Park, NJ for the past 10 to 15 years, Perkins said. It is sponsored by the Municipal Alliance, a network of volunteer organizations that work to prevent prevention of alcohol,
tobacco and dr ug abuse in their communities. The event, tailored to families and children across the county, featured carriage rides, cotton candy, snow cones, a costume contest, fortune telling and toys. “We had prizes that the best three costumes won, and this was sponsored by Over the Moon Toys,” she said. “We had Yellow Brick Road Preschool here giving a fortune telling kind of event.” Additionally, Perkins said event organizers kept children at the forefront of their minds when planning the event, providing tips and advice they hoped children could find useful. “In their goody bag, we gave Halloween safety tips so when they go out, they know what to look for,” she said. Perkins said that she, along with several other organizers from the Senior/Youth Center,
such as the Recreation/Arts Program Coordinator Andrea Costas-Baay, worked long hours to hold the event. Costas-Baay said children at the event had a variety of options to look forward to, in addition to the parade itself. “This year we started with the carriage rides,” she said. “[The children] came together, they did their crafts [and] ate their food.” Organizers also arranged Mad Scientist, an event where the children observed a scientist performing a myriad of tricks that Costas-Baay hoped was entertaining to all age groups. “They do it during all the seasons but this event was more tailored to Halloween” she said. “After Mad Science, we did the parade.” Children also had the choice of riding horses around Highland Park.
“We had horse and carriage rides and those were sponsored by Main Street, a community development organization here in Highland Park,” Costas-Baay said. Costas-Baay said organizations, including the Highland Park Police Depar tment and Over the Moon Toys, made the parade possible. “The police depar tment brought the popcorn machine and the snow cone machine, and Over the Moon Toys came and they did a craft table,” she said. Costas-Baay encouraged families and children to continue attending such events to familiarize themselves with their community and what Highland Park offers. “[Residents] have a place to come [here at] the Senior/Youth Center [and there are] activities
for the kids and [everyone can] do it with members of their community,” she said. Lori Davis, a lifelong resident of Highland Park who brought her children to the Halloween Costume Parade and Festival, said she attends the event ever y year. “I think it’s excellent for the kids because they’re young and they need this,” she said. “Halloween, I think, is for the children and it helps to bring us together as a family every year.” Davis said her children love the facilities offered and think the programs, such as horse riding, are a great way to bond with one another. “You had a horse and carriage and the kids loved that,” she said. “It keeps the kids doing something positive and keeps them active and it gives us parents a break too.”
ROOSEVELT CARE CENTER SERVES MIDDLESEX COUNTY RESIDENTS The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Middlesex County Improvement Authority and of ficials from the state, county and local levels introduced the Roosevelt Care Center in Old Bridge last week to more than 100 people. Of ficials marked the facility’s introduction with a Grand Ceremony to commemorate the completion of the 4-year-old project, according to an ar ticle.
The facility, funded by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, will operate under the Middlesex County Improvement Authority and will tailor to the needs of the senior population of Middlesex County. “Roosevelt Care Center at Old Bridge encompasses all the facets needed to deliver quality health care — a highly skilled … administration, a
per fect location to ser ve residents in southern Middlesex County and state-of-the-ar t technology to accommodate advances in health care treatments,” said Freeholder Director Christopher Rafano in the ar ticle. Leonard J. Roseman, chairman of the Middlesex County Improvement Authority said families could be rest assured that their loved ones are in good hands.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
PA G E 9
Libyan leadership council selects prime minister THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya’s interim leadership has chosen an electronics engineer from Tripoli as the countr y’s new prime minister. Abdel-Rahim al-Keeb was chosen yesterday by 51 members of the National Transitional Council and will appoint a new Cabinet in coming days. The new government is to run Libya in the coming months and to pave the way for general elections. Jalal el-Gallal, an NTC spokesman, says al-Keeb received 26 votes. He says the NTC wanted to form a new interim government after the fall of Moammar Gadhafi because its initial members started out as an impromptu group. NATO’s top official praised the alliance’s 7-month sea and air campaign in Libya — key in ousting longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi — saying the mission’s end yesterday marks the close of a “successful chapter in NATO’s histor y.” Secretar y-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who was making his first visit to Tripoli since the end of the civil war less than two weeks ago, also congratulated the countr y’s revolutionaries on their victor y and said they “helped change the region.” “You acted to change your histor y and your destiny, we acted to protect you,” Fogh Rasmussen said at a joint news conference with Libya’s interim leader, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil. “Together we succeeded: Libya is finally free.” Also yesterday, preparations were under way to choose a new Libyan prime minister who is to appoint a
government that will run the countr y in coming months and pave the way for general elections and the drafting of a constitution. Libya’s 52-member National Transitional Council gathered at an Islamic college in Tripoli to choose the prime minister from five candidates, of ficials said. The current prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril, has said he is resigning. NATO operations in the countr y officially end at midnight Monday Libyan time (2200 GMT, 6 p.m. EDT). Last week, the U.N. Security Council — which authorized the mission in March — ordered an end to all militar y action in Libya. Over the past seven months, allied air forces carried out 9,600 strike sorties, destroying about 5,900 militar y targets. An average of 15 warships were on station at all times of f the Libyan coast to enforce an arms embargo. “At midnight tonight, a successful chapter in NATO’s histor y is coming to an end, but you have already started writing a new chapter in the histor y of Libya, a new Libya based on freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law,” Fogh Rasmussen said. “We know it’s not easy. We know the challenges, and if you ask us for help in areas where we can help, we will.” NATO persevered during a months-long period of stalemate on the battlefield, when it appeared that Libya could become an Afghanistan-like quagmire. With the alliance airstrikes helping open the way, revolutionar y forces eventually captured Tripoli in late August, and brought an end to the war with the
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Libya’s interim leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil held a joint news conference two weeks ago to discuss preparation for the selection of the prime minister.
capture and death of Gadhafi on Oct. 20. Abdul-Jalil, who is the head of Libya’s National Transitional Council, thanked Fogh Rasmussen for the alliance’s suppor t. “NATO operations were successful, with the grace of God and the determination of fighters,” he said. “The strikes were accurate so that civilians were not impacted, the people of Libya can testify to this.” The end of the NATO mission clears the way for passenger flights to and from Libya. Transportation Minister Anwar al-Fitouri said that Libya’s four airports would resume operations Tuesday.
In recent weeks, some airlines had resumed limited ser vice, with planes landing at Tripoli’s Metiga militar y airport. Several flights carr ying Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia have taken of f from Tripoli’s main airport. With the Libya mission drawing to a close, spokesman Col. Roland Lavoie said NATO staff temporarily seconded to the headquar ters in Naples, Italy, for the operation are being reassigned to regular duties. The alliance concluded its airstrikes soon after Gadhafi’s capture and death on Oct. 20, but maintained regular air patrols over Libya. The operation’s critics — including Russia, China, the
African Union and others — have argued that NATO misused the limited U.N. resolution imposing a no-fly zone and authorizing the protection of civilians as a pretext to promote regime change. With the end of NATO’s Libya mission, the alliance has faced some calls to inter vene in Syria’s uprising. But Fogh Rasmussen said NATO has no intention to get involved in Syria. “I can completely rule that out,” he said. “Having said that, I strongly condemn the crackdowns on the civilian population in Syria. What has happened in Libya sends a clear signal to autocratic regimes all over the world — you cannot neglect the will of the people.”
PA G E 1 0
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
DHS respects local police departments
n the war on undocumented immigrants, the Department of Homeland Security is, perhaps surprisingly, not an omnipotent authority. In fact, according to documents which have recently come to light thanks to the efforts of a coalition in opposition to the Secure Communities program — which allows federal authorities to examine the fingerprints of people arrested by local police officers in order to detect undocumented immigrants — local police officers are not required to comply with detainers issued by the DHS. A detainer is a request issued by immigration authorities to police departments, asking those departments to detain suspected or confirmed undocumented immigrants. This is particularly good news for police departments in Cook County, Ill., Santa Clara, Calif. and San Francisco — three areas that have all stopped complying this year with detainers issued to them. It is also good news for police departments all over America because it means that the DHS does not have power over them. The job of local law enforcement forces is to protect and serve their communities. This does not usually include handling immigration issues, which are supposed to be the province of DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The practice of issuing detainers can put a drain on the resources of these local police departments by asking them to use facilities and manpower that could be put to better uses — i.e., apprehending and detaining violent criminals. If police officers want to get involved in immigration issues, they always have the option of reporting people to the ICE, just like any other average American. They should not have to work two jobs at once, that of local police and ICE agent. This also ensures that the state retains the power to police itself and enforce its own laws in the face of federal level pressures. If federal law required that police departments honor all DHS retainers, then the DHS would gain the unjust ability to overrule the judgment of local officers and put them to work for their own means. This is not the way our country is supposed to work. Sure, there are federal level authorities — but the states are not and should not be their slaves. The states have a certain level of their own power, and it needs to be respected at all times. Some critics may decry DHS’s lack of power in this immigration-related matter, but we think that things are exactly the way they should be.
Justice department restricts transparency
ver since Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law in 1966, the Freedom of Information Act has been giving United States citizens avenues through which to access important government information that may otherwise have been kept from the public. But, as with all good laws, someone has come along to tamper with it. The U.S. Department of Justice has proposed a change to FOIA which would allow the department to deny the existence of requested records if the records are considered part of an ongoing investigation and, therefore, too sensitive to release. If officially enacted, this rule would allow the Department of Justice to outright lie to the American people. Rather than just informing requestors that the documents they wish to obtain cannot be released, officials would be allowed to brush them off with the deceptive answer that those documents do not exist. Such a rule would set a dangerous precedent. By effectively sanctioning government lying, the rule would prevent exactly the sort of government transparency that President Barack Obama has always touted as good for the country. Now, though, his administration is sending mixed messages. While Obama tells us that we have a right to know what is happening at the federal level, the Department of Justice is telling us that we’ll be lucky if they decide to even let us know if the documents we want access to are the real documents. Allowing the government to lie to its citizens in any case can only breed corruption and abuse of power. Also, allowing the Department of Justice to lie prevents requestors from appealing their decision. If the department were to merely deny the release of a record, a person could appeal that decision in hopes of still obtaining the contested record. If, however, the Department of Justice denies the existence of the record, then there can be no appeals process. How could one fight for the release of a document if that document does not officially exist? It is true that FOIA has some flaws that need to be addressed — for example, it can take far too long for a release request to be granted. But, if the purpose of FOIA is to make the government more transparent, then the Department of Justice should be enacting rules, which make the request process smoother and easier to navigate. The problem with FOIA is not that it makes the federal government too open. Rather, the problem is that the government is not yet open enough. Enacting this rule would just close it further.
QUOTE OF THE DAY “What goes on in New Brunswick affects all of us in the University.” Rania Saleh, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, on RUSA’s decision to speak out on the case of Barry Deloatch STORY ON FRONT
Liberals perpetuate poverty
ing of the wealthy, wages and olitico’s recent accuincomes decrease, unemploysation that Republican ment increases, less money is presidential candidate pumped into the economy and Herman Cain sexually more people become subjectharassed two female employed to government programs ees during his tenure as head drummed up by Democrats. of the National Restaurant At this point, Democrats Association perpetuates the AARON MARCUS usually cry racism. They say mainstream media’s and libconservatives are looking to eral elite’s attempt to thwart hurt minorities for their own personal gain. These the rise of any conservative minority. They did the accusations sometimes hold water, especially in the same with Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and liberal Northeast. However, it runs into some grainy Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. This disproblems when black conservatives rise to promicrimination from the left is merely a last-ditch effort nence. You see, strong black conservatives scare the in their cyclical process of weeding out minorities liberal establishment because they force them to from conservative politics through deception, inflamactually bring real issues to the table. Yet, the matory false accusations and outright lying. Democrats try their hardest to avoid doing so. The basic difference between conservatives and libInstead, they call these black conservatives “Uncle erals is that conservatism is ingrained with strong Toms” and “Oreos” and lambaste them with personmoral codes that seek to lift the poor from poverty and al attacks, like the current one against Cain. These create a more prosperous society based on the pursuit types of attacks led Thomas to call his of happiness. Liberals, on the other nomination to the bench a “circus” hand, are concerned with expanding “Republicans seek and “a high-tech lynching … a mestheir own power. They do so by expandthat unless you kowtow to an old ing the size of government, forcing lowto expand the size sage order, this is what will happen to you.” income earners to survive on their false The liberal idea that conservatives philanthropy while falsely accusing of the economic pie, don’t care about minorities and the conservatives of looking out for the and liberals seek poor is blatant fiction. It is a myth rich and being racist. In American meant to conjure up support for failed democracy, the means of expanding to shrink it.” economic and social policies that perone’s power are in the hands of the petuate poverty and strengthen the electorate. What better way to expand Democratic base. Remember, it was conservatives one’s power than by expanding one’s voter base? who elected Rep. Tim Scott, R-S.C., in a primary over Democrats have waged a systematic war against the son of former Sen. Strom Thurmond, Paul conservatives in minority neighborhoods by ignorThurmond. It is conservatives who, despite having ing conservative attempts to alter the status quo. lower family income than the average liberal houseThe longest active war in the United States is not in hold, give 30 percent more to charity according to a Iraq or Afghanistan, but the War on Poverty initiatstudy by Syracuse University professor Arthur ed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. And Brooks. In the same study, Brooks found that those guess what? Poverty won. In the years leading up to who do not believe that “government has a responthe passage of the Economic Opportunity Act, sibility to reduce income inequality” give four times poverty as a whole was on a steep decline. Almost more in charity than people who do believe that idea. 50 years after the passage of the bill, the United Liberals want you to believe that they can help lift States’ poverty rate has remained relatively stagnate people out of poverty, but they have failed to do so. primarily due to the rise of the welfare state. Conservatives, on the other hand, seek economic This is exactly what Democrats want. Republicans prosperity for all and to end the cycle of poverty, and seek to expand the size of the economic pie, and liberthey have plans to do it. This is why liberals cower at als seek to shrink it. They want to take from those who the idea of strong conservative minorities, like Cain, earn in order to pay for their failed policies, and whenwho have a chance to change the status quo. Where ever someone attempts to reform the system, they call will liberal power go if poverty ends and prosperity them racist. This is why liberals despise the ideas of flourishes? What will happen to the Democratic school choice and welfare reform. If they can keep Party if dependency on government is unnecessary poor children in bad schools, the students have less of and individual work is rewarded? Think about what a chance of being successful, creating wealth and, the Democrats stand for the next time you cast your most importantly, leaving their voting bloc. If welfare ballot. Remember that a party that promises to give reform takes place and the goal of welfare recipients is the poor everything they need requires the poor to coming off welfare rolls and not staying on them, what maintain those needs in order to get elected. platform will the Democrats run in poverty-stricken districts? If unemployment benefits expire earlier and Aaron Marcus is a School of Arts and Sciences people are forced to find work, the Democrats literally senior majoring in political science with a minor in run out of a political platform. Think about it for a history. His column, “Marcus My Words,” runs on moment — the Democrats have an entire platform alternate Tuesdays. that revolves around people remaining poor. In the tax-
Marcus My Words
Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum editorial board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
America still requires serious discussion on race issues Letter ROGER SHENG
am unsure if yesterday’s column regarding race relations in America, entitled “Recognize infrequency of racism,” is a sincere opinion or an attempt to draw a response. First, the piece equates American society’s negative attitudes toward Hispanic and African-Americans in poverty with Caucasians in poverty. The author says the audience’s fear of running into a group of black people in a poverty-stricken neighborhood is not unlike the negative attitude of whites depicted in “The Jerry Springer Show.” He does not address the institutions that force minority groups into socioeconomic situations disproportionately. Scholars have documented how the criminal justice system still too frequently punish-
es minority groups differently. Not too much is mentioned in the column about the inequality present in the American education system, besides falsely painting affirmative action as the last vestige of racism in academia. The piece chooses to mention sleazy reality and talk shows rather than address how the media continues to systematically reinforce racial attitudes through biased news coverage and an iceberg of subtext in popular entertainment. However, what is more interesting is how the column frames racism in terms of fault and intent. The author implies that if one group of people is “inadvertently” shafted, it is not an issue of racism if the supposed perpetrator did not intend it. By that reasoning, if a large workplace never hires a Hispanic person, it is only a problem if management explicitly through instruction resists hiring Hispanics.
The question of intent encourages a person to look the other way rather than be self-critical and selfaware of the full ramifications of their actions. Speculating over true intentions as a racism barometer draws the issue away from the action itself. Focus on intent puts a human face on the offender rather than the offended and discourages people from coming up with solutions or looking at the bigger problem. An act can be racist on its own merits. The role of Asian Americans is one issue that is merely addressed in the column by illustrating the perception of Asian Americans in popular culture. What is not addressed is the fact that the Asian-American population is a very heterogeneous group that is living on the legacy of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese internment and the inevitable xenophobia that exists after the country’s wars with Asian
Daily review: laurels and darts
rime Minister David Cameron took a bold step this weekend when, while attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Australia, U.K., he announced that countries that ban homosexuality would lose British aid unless they started to practice tolerance. We are used to seeing politicians act as tepid people-pleasers who say what those around them want them to say. What Cameron did here was stand up for the values he and the people of the United Kingdom believe in, and there should be more politicians conducting themselves in such a manner. Specifically, we’d like to see some American politicians follow in Cameron’s footsteps. We’re especially fond of talking about human rights in the abstract here in the United States, but when we do put those discourses into practice, we always seem to end up taking the smallest of steps forward. We laurel Cameron for his actions. *
While the U.K. prime minister advocates for basic human rights, the United States’ own Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann is doing the opposite. When a student asked Bachmann at a campaign stop in Iowa how she would handle the children of undocumented immigrants in the country, Bachmann shot back that she would “not do anything” to aid them. “We do not owe people who broke our laws to come into the country. We don’t owe them anything,” she continued. Bachmann’s position on the children of undocumented immigrants is unfairly extreme, considering that it is the parents who broke the law. The children have no say in that. Bachmann’s stance is a little like convicting a child for murder because her parents killed a man in front of her. Therefore, we give Bachmann a dart.
nations. The column frames Asians as the one minority group that “made it,” despite the reality that some Asian Americans are recovering much more slowly than their Caucasian counterparts in the current economic situation. Today’s media culture broadly depicts Asians and Asian Americans as the impending threat, if not marginal or invisible. The constructed reality of Asian success fosters real anger and fear against real people, embodied in incidents like the Vincent Chin murder. The exaggerated cloud of Chinese or Indian hegemony ultimately hurts every American by distracting them from a more complicated issue. Most Asian-American activists and leaders are very aware that their stories should not merely be distorted and repurposed as an excuse to deny their fellow citizens social reforms. The need for a mature discussion on racism is
still very much a real need, considering how racialized and toxic our political rhetoric remains with respect to immigration, jobs, justice and terrorism. All Americans are poorly served by the current behavior of the media, which dumbs down and cheapens the question of race. Until media institutions willfully choose to approach the question of race seriously, responsibility lies in Americans to educate themselves on the subject with the abundant information which is already available. Ultimately, despite the nation’s insidious racism, the story of the continuing struggle to achieve equality and dignity remains a much more compelling American story. And it’s a story that does not exclusively belong in the past. Roger Sheng is a Rutgers College Class of 2009 alumnus.
COMMENT OF THE DAY “You clearly would not understand how I feel when I, a black engineering student, am leered at as if I were a criminal, only because I am in a majority white neighborhood.” User “MindedOne” in response to the Oct. 31 column, “Recognize infrequency of racism”
In order to better foster rational civil discourse, The Daily Targum changed the policy regarding posting comments on our website. We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.
PA G E 1 2
Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK
Pearls Before Swine
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Today's Birthday (11/01/11). Celebrate at home with people you love, and let them shower you with affection. Don't be afraid to return a compliment. Say what you have to say, but the gold is in how you listen. Fill your year with experimentation, for breakthrough discoveries. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is an 8 — A quiet, reflecToday is a 7 — Romance is a tive morning suits the mood and growing possibility for the next gets stuff done. It's a good time two days. Creativity and beauty to sell. Talk more in the afterplay a larger part than normal. noon. Your social life heats up Escape to a peaceful spot to get this evening. an idea to flower. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — Trust the Today is a 7 — Personal comfort friends that believe in you more must be considered today. Stay than you do. Launch your next close to home, and nurture yourproject, and enjoy the ride as self (saving money in the process). well as the destination. There's You can still be productive. fun ahead. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 9 — Money's not Today is a 7 — Review all logical everything, but it sure helps. steps, prepare everything in priDon't go around wasting what vate, and then make your deciyou don't have. Accept an invitasion. Celebrate with good friends, tion. You notice beauty in rangreat food and beautiful scenery. dom places now. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — The road to Today is an 8 — Focus on acceptance has denial and resist- finances to grow profitability. ance. It's all part of it. You can Avoid distractions that create find the necessary funds. Don't new work. Be inventive, and get blinded by reality or success. barter if needed. Trade services. Say "thank you." Get what you need. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — is an 8 — Spend some time Today is a 9 — You're on top of exploring new partnerships. It's your game and ready for a not always about you. Really listouchdown. Bring it on! Nothten to what others have to say. A ing can stop you now, in comfemale reveals a secret. It's getmunication, art or love, all of ting interesting. which are in perfect harmony. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — Don't get so busy that is a 5 — It's not the best time to you forget what's really imporpop the question ... or for romance tant. Your creativity is a plus. The in general. The mood's a bit flat. fewer words you use, the better. Focus instead on learning skills and Keep things focused and clear. practicing. Make your pitch later. © 2011, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Happy Hour
Stone Soup
Get Fuzzy
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Pop Culture Shock Therapy
Non Sequitur
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Head coach Dan Donigan’s team finished the regular season in second place in the Big East Red Division.
DRAW: Knights earn solid outcome vs. three ranked foes continued from back McMullen also notched a career-high 10 saves last week against St. John’s. The Knights offense also saw productivity similar to its matchup with the Red Storm, as senior forward Ibrahim Kamara led the attack with four shots. Kamara tallied the only goal last Wednesday against St. John’s to win it in overtime. And while none of Kamara’s shots turned into game-winners yesterday, the senior recognized how crucial it was to manage the tie against South Florida. “I think the tie is huge because coming into this game, we knew we were either going to win or tie. I’m really happy we succeeded and we did not lose,” Kamara said. “Everyone is still really enthusiastic about the way our season ended.” The South Florida matchup marked the third consecutive positive outcome for the Knights against opponents ranked in the
top 20. Rutgers managed another draw against then-No. 10 Louisville and then moved on to topple No. 11 St. Johns, 1-0. The Knights point to the results as they move into the postseason against the nation’s best. “You look at the games against Louisville and St. Johns, which were on the road against top-15 teams, and USF which was supposed to be at home but turned into a neutral site,” Donigan said. “Those are the games we need to build off of going into this postseason.” Thanks to their recent success against ranked opponents, the Knights take comfort in the knowledge they can play with any team in the country. Entering their first postseason since 2009, the confidence helps. “Our guys have the confidence now that they can play and compete and beat any team in the countr y,” Donigan said. “We just need to continue to show up and compete ever y day and ever y game, whether it’s a top team in the countr y or someone who is not in the rankings. That’s what good teams are able to do.”
Senior forward Ibrahim Kamara recorded a team-high four shots against South Florida in the Scarlet Knights’ season finale.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
WOES: Austin capitalizes on poor tackling in WVU’s win continued from back And then Austin reaped the benefits of a missed tackle for his final score of the contest, closing his day with 96 yards on the ground and 67 yards receiving. On all three plays, a number of Knights defenders failed to get off their blocks. But there were also players in position to make plays, Schiano said. “Good athletes are harder to tackle than average athletes,” he said. “We had people on them on all their big plays. We had people right there. Good athletes are hard to get down.” West Virginia ran for 210 yards in the win and relied on its ground game late to wear down Rutgers’ defensive unit. For junior defensive tackle Scott Vallone, the Knights’ poor tackling took him back to their 16-14 loss a week ago to Louisville. But he could not pin the issue down to any particular factor, identifying the Knights’ struggles as largely technical. “I don’t know to be honest. I couldn’t tell you,” he said. “We didn’t tackle well, like we did last week.” The loss was especially tough for fifth-year senior Justin Francis, who played against five former high school teammates. One of them was Smith. The defensive tackle led the Knights with 10 tackles in the contest, and for the greater part of the second half eyed an elusive first victory against the Mountaineers. But in only a 2:28-second span in the fourth quarter, the Knights relinquished their lead and Francis experienced a familiar feeling. Just like Smith, Austin and Alston, the opportunity slipped through the Knights’ hands. “It was challenging at the end of the day, but we could’ve done a lot better,” Francis said. “We could have done better.”
Freshman Andrew Buie and the West Virginia running backs accounted for 234 rushing yards against the Knights on Saturday in Piscataway. The Knights allowed 187 rushing yards to Louisville last week and are seventh in the Big East in run defense.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
PATH: Laney helps Knights
est Virginia filed a lawsuit yesterday seeking immediate withdrawal from the Big East Conference so it can join the Big 12. The lawsuit filed in Monongalia County Circuit Court alleges the Big East breached its contract with West Virginia by failing to maintain a balance between football-playing schools and non-football schools. The lawsuit asks a judge to invalidate the conference’s bylaws, including a provision requiring schools to give 27 months’ notice before withdrawing. The lawsuit cites that Texas Christian accepted a Big East invitation but switched to the Big 12 in October and did not have to honor the 27-month notice requirement.
golf team travels to Hawaii for the Rainbow Wahine Invitational. The Scarlet Knights are one of 12 teams participating in the two-day tournament in Kapolei, Hawaii. Rutgers comes off a thirdplace finish Oct. 23 in the Lehigh Invitational. Freshman Kortnie Maxoutopolis led the team with a tie for fifth place with a score of 152.
cornerback Justin Tyron underwent surgery yesterday for a broken arm. Tyron suffered the injury early in the Giants’ victory against the Miami Dolphins on Sunday, then exacerbated it by tackling Dolphins running back Reggie Bush in the fourth quarter on a punt return The ex-Indianapolis Colt signed with the Giants earlier in October, and his role in the defense grew in the team’s dime package.
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS manager Tony La Russa retired yesterday, three days after his team won the World Series against the Texas Rangers. The World Series win against Texas was the third of La Russa’s 33-year career. The manager guided the Cardinals to the title despite facing a 10.5-game deficit to the Atlanta Braves on Aug. 25 in the National League Wild Card race. La Russa retires third on the league’s all-time wins list.
THE NEW YORK METS announced they will move the Citi Field walls in by as many as 12 feet next season, lowering the height to eight feet and changing the color to blue. Citi Field placed last in the major leagues in home runs in its first three seasons with an average of 1.43 per game. The ballpark’s 3.78 ERA was the sixth lowest in the majors in that span.
excited to operate in the suffocating full-court press, she said. “It’s so aggressive. If I was fill shoes of injured forward on another team and it was coming at me, it’d be shockcontinued from back ing,” Betnijah Laney said. “It’s The 6-foot wing, ranked secso aggressive, it’s fast and I ond overall at the position by feel as if we’re going to get a lot ESPNU HoopGurlz, was as done from it.” well rounded as they come in Stringer is hopeful Betnijah her final season at Smyr na Laney’s consistent play will transHigh School. late at the next level in arguably Betnijah Laney the deepest basketball averaged 23.7 points conference in the and 10 rebounds a nation. But the longgame while also gettime Knights head ting it done defensively coach seemed more with 1.2 blocks and 4.4 confident than hopeful steals a contest. that the rookie will be A large par t of the fine in her first season Knights’ success in on the Banks. the post depends upon By her career’s BETNIJAH Betnijah Laney’s presend, Stringer may ence without senior ver y well look back at LANEY for ward Chelsey Lee, Betnijah Laney and who under went of f-season see success similar to that of shoulder surger y. Yolanda Laney. In losing Lee, Rutgers not Stringer could also see more. only drops its leading rebound“Yolanda was a two-time er from a season ago but Kodak All-American, and you also its front defender in don’t just become that wishing Stringer’s 55-press. and hoping,” Stringer said. Betnijah Laney, who plays “Her mom was a great player, the three and four for Stringer, and I suspect that Betnijah is figures to help compensate going to be ever y bit as great, if for both voids and is especially not better — if that’s possible.”
Head coach C. Vivian Stringer coached Betnijah Laney’s mother, Yolanda, when she played for the Hall of Fame coach at Cheyney.
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Knights avoid shutout, fall in final set to Hoyas BY PATRICK LANNI STAFF WRITER
The Rutgers volleyball team rallied from a two-set deficit Sunday against Georgetown, but dropped the fifth VOLLEYBALL and final GEORGETOWN 3 set to RUTGERS 2 lose, 3-2, to the Hoyas. The Scarlet Knights (8-19, 1-9) hosted the Hoyas (14-10, 6-5), but a leak in the roof of the College Avenue Gym forced the Knights of f their normal cour t and into the gym annex. “It is never ideal when you have a facility issue like we did, but both sides had to deal with it,” said head coach CJ Werneke. “It is unusual, but it didn’t really af fect the outcome of the game. What af fected the outcome of the game was our kids’ approach early on. That is something we need to figure out.” Despite the slow star t, the Knights found a way to rebound in the third and four th sets to force the decisive fifth set. Five five-set matches earlier this season prepared the Knights to go the distance with the Hoyas, but Sunday’s match was the first time the Knights
won back-to-back sets after trailing, 2-0. Trailing, 13-11, in the fifth set, freshman Sofi Cucuz bounced an attack off a wall of Hoya blockers. The ball crossed back over the net and dropped on the Scarlet Knights’ side, forcing match point. Werneke called a timeout to talk things over with his squad. “Even though it was matchpoint, there wasn’t much chaos or frustration with Sofi getting blocked,” said senior captain Hannah Curtis. “We believed we had all the power because of our [two-set comeback].” Out of the timeout, junior Allie Jones took junior setter Stephanie Zielinski’s pass and drove it past Georgetown’s middle blocker. Trailing by only two, the Knights moved a step closer as Georgetown outside hitter Alex Johnson missed her attack. With the Knights closing the gap, Georgetown head coach Arlisa Williams called timeout. High intensity had the Knights back in the match, but Wer neke needed to calm his squad. “CJ wanted us to settle down and rally back to win the game,” Cur tis said. But Georgetown’s Lindsey Wise landed her 18th kill and ended the Knights’ comeback chances.
Despite not making the play the team needed down the stretch, several players shined in the 3-2 loss. Freshman Alyssa Monka dug 11 balls and added three ser vice aces, but it was Zielinski who led the Knights defensively with 16 digs. The setter’s dig total coupled with 50 assists extended her Big East-leading doubledouble streak to 15 games. But Cucuz had the hot-hand of fensively, landing 22 of 40 attacks en route to a .400 hitting percentage. “Sofi works so hard in practice ever yday,” Cur tis said. “It was so awesome for her to get 22 kills and dominate.” Cucuz and the Knights found a way to respond after losing the first two sets Sunday, but it was not the same Friday night, as the Knights fell to Villanova, 3-0. “I think they set the tone right from the beginning,” Werneke said. “Villanova came in aggressive after coming of f a loss at home. We tried to prepare our team as much as we could for that this week, knowing that they were going to be coming in with a little bit of an attitude and a chip on their shoulder. Unfor tunately, our kids just did not respond. They were just a little bit too strong for us.”
Junior setter Stephanie Zielinski led the Knights Sunday with 16 digs against Georgetown in the Hoyas’ 3-2 victory.
RU women finish at No. 10 in conference BY BRADLY DERECHAILO CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Both the Rutgers women’s and men’s cross country teams CROSS COUNTRY e n t e r e d the Big East Championships with confidence they could compete this year, and left with 10th- and 11thplace finishes, respectively. Women’s head coach James Robinson believed his team could have finished higher, but understood the depth of competition the Big East provides. “I thought we did the best we could do,” Robinson said. “We were hoping top 10 and we placed 10th, so it went well. When the 28th-ranked team in the country [Connecticut] finishes seventh in your own conference, that shows the high level competition of the Big East.” Sophomore Brianna Deming crossed the finish line first for the Scarlet Knights, followed by junior Anjelica Brinkofski. Seemingly the one-two punch for the team all season, Deming completed the race 53rd overall with a finishing time of 22:15.0. Brinkofski followed with a final time of 22:25.0, placing 67th overall in the championships. In all, seven runners placed for Rutgers. “We did want to do better, but overall we were pleased,” Brinkofski said. “This was the best we’ve done since we’ve all been here. We accomplished top 10 and that’s what we really wanted to do.” Villanova left Louisville, Ky., with the women’s 6K title. The Wildcats’ 54 points beat out second-place finisher Providence and Georgetown, which finished third. Syracuse, West Virginia, Notre Dame, UConn, South Florida and Marquette all fin-
ished in front of the Knights in the 16-team event. Villanova’s Sheila Reid captured the individual title with a first-place time of 19:40.9. Teammate Bogdana Mimic followed with a time of 19:51.2 and West Virginia’s Kate Harrison posted a time of 19:52.7 to finish third. Sophomore Chris Banafato led the men’s 11th-place finish. His final time of 26:05.6 was good for 78th in the field. A pair of freshmen placed back-to-back for the Knights, with Chris Defabio and Casey Weiss finishing 85th and 86th, respectively. Like the women, seven men placed for Rutgers in the race. Villanova also took the men’s team crown in the 8K race. Georgetown came in second with a score of 94, and Louisville rounded out the top three with a finishing score of 96 behind Villanova’s 43. Syracuse and Providence completed the race four th and fifth, respectively, and Notre Dame, Marquette, Cincinnati, DePaul and UConn rounded out the top 10. Eric Finan of Cincinnati won the Big East’s individual title with a time of 23:17.7, which beat out the rest of the field by more than 10 seconds. Providence’s David McCarthy finished in second with a time of 23:29.3, and third-place finisher Matthew Hughes of Louisville finished third with a mark of 23:38.2. With both teams finishing among the bottom half of competitors, there is room for improvement as they prepare for the District II Championships on Nov. 12 in Princess Ann, Md. “We need to work on the middle of the race,” Brinkofski said. “We are good at the beginning and good at the end, but we just need to keep the motivation strong throughout the whole race.”
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Freshman quarterback Gary Nova turned the ball over four times in a loss to West Virginia on Saturday, but head coach Greg Schiano stuck with Nova as his starter and put the loss on himself and the defense, which allowed 41 points against Tavon Austin, above, and WVU’s high-powered offense.
Gary Nova will start again Saturday against South Florida, but the freshman quarterback and Rutgers head football coach Greg Schiano agree the turnovers have to stop. “If any quar terback turns the ball over there’s a short
EARNS START AGAINST leash,” Nova said. “I wouldn’t blame him if I keep turning the ball over. He has nothing to do but take me out.” Nova turned the ball over nine times in his past three star ts with a fumble, a botched snap and seven interceptions, but Schiano believes the positives outweigh the negatives.
“What I see is I see Gar y making some plays that I think give us a chance to win,” Schiano said. “We scored 31 points. Thir ty-one points is plenty of points to beat West Virginia.” One of Nova’s interceptions came on a Hail Mar y throw at the end of a 41-31 loss to West Virginia, which Schiano
said he does not count against Nova. Schiano’s issue came on Nova’s other interception, when he attempted to squeeze a pass into a tight space rather than throw it out of bounds under pressure. But the Mountaineers also had four near-interceptions they dropped. “You just have to learn that in college it’s a long game and it’s OK to punt. It’s OK to let the defense get a stop and get you the ball back,” Nova said. “In high school you think you can make ever y play. Here you have to throw it away and live for the next series.” Schiano spent Sunday night at the Hale Center watching ever y pass Nova and sophomore Chas Dodd made since the star t of the season. His conclusion: Nova is still the man for the job. “He’s rolled some digs in there and some deep balls that got dropped that are really big-time throws, and not only did it but did it under pressure,” Schiano said. “The thing he does ver y, ver y well is when he feels pressure he moves in the pocket. That’s where I think we’ve saved ourselves some sacks moving in the pocket, feeling the pressure and yet keeping his vision down the field.”
Redshirt freshman Betim Bujari took most of the snaps at right guard for the Scarlet Knights at Louisville, but spent Saturday on the sideline with an ankle injury.
of his team after two consecutive losses, Schiano responded quickly: “Angry, probably.” The Scarlet Knights had ever y opportunity to win at Louisville — where kicker San San Te missed a pair of chip-shot field goals — and led WVU last week by 10 at halftime. “Opportunity,” Schiano said. “That’s why I think they’re ver y angr y.”
Rutgers dropped from first place in the Big East and controlling its own destiny to fifth place with a 2-2 conference record. Connecticut took the Big East last season with a 5-2 record after losing its league opener at Rutgers. The result leaves Schiano thinking Rutgers still might have a chance, but it will need help. And it will have to find a way to solve Cincinnati. “How the heck do you know?” Schiano asked. “As much crazy stuf f that’s going on in this league, maybe a three-loss team wins it. Who knows?”
score any second-half points Saturday against West Virginia, but Schiano placed the loss on himself and his defense. “There were about 12 plays in that game where — whether it was a defensive front, secondar y or linebackers — where we just didn’t do what we were supposed to do, and that comes back on me,” Schiano said. “I’m the coach. I’m running the defense. And if the players don’t either know what to do or follow through and execute it, that’s my fault.” Schiano said his team is banged up after playing six consecutive weeks and entering the final third of the season, but there is nothing significant. Most players will wear black no-contact jerseys in practice and ease along throughout the week, but redshir t freshman guard Betim Bujari is a concern. Bujari was on crutches on the sideline last week with an ankle injur y. “Will he be ready?” Schiano said. “I’m not sure.”
PA G E 2 0
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Laney follows mother’s path under Stringer BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
Betnijah Laney had plenty of suitors to choose from throughout her recruiting process. But in choosing Rutgers, the No. 11 overall prospect according to ESPNU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HoopGurlz, gained something she could not at Kentucky, Duke or Notre Dame. By electing in April to play for the Rutgers women’s basketball team, the freshman wing stayed true to her family roots. “I’ve known her all my life. We played on the same AAU team [and] we’re just family,” said fifth-year senior guard Khadijah Rushdan, Laney’s cousin. “To have her under my wing and be able to look after her is a great feeling.” But Laney’s connection to Rutgers stretches beyond her relationship with Rushdan. The Clayton, Del., native’s mother, Yolanda Laney, played a par t in her decision to attend Rutgers as well. Yolanda Laney was a Kodak AllAmerican under Hall of Fame head coach C. Vivian Stringer at the tail end of Stringer’s 12-year tenure at Cheyney. In her four years playing for Stringer from 1980-84, Yolanda Laney led the team to four Sweet Sixteens, two Final Fours and one NCAA Championship appearance. When it comes to likenesses between the two players’ personalities, Stringer sees plenty. “The similarity between Yolanda Laney and Betnijah Laney is they are both extremely competitive — that’s No. 1,” Stringer said. “They’re both outspoken, they believe in what they believe in, and that’s a ver y special quality today when people are not so sure of themselves and are willing to change.” Betnijah Laney has as much potential to achieve prominence as her mother did in her playing days, Stringer said.
Junior goalkeeper Kevin McMullen saved four South Florida shots yesterday in the Scarlet Knights’ season-ending draw. The shutout was Rutgers’ third clean sheet of the season and its second in as many games after defeating St. John’s, 1-0.
Knights end regular season with USF draw BY VINNIE MANCUSO CORRESPONDENT
The way the Rutgers men’s soccer team feels about its 0-0 draw against No. 5 South Florida yesMEN’S SOCCER terday is all a matSOUTH FLORIDA 0 ter of perspective. For most peoRUTGERS 0 ple, ending the season at a neutral site because of inclement weather and not
earning the No. 1 spot in the Big East Red Division is a legitimate blow. But the tie game marked the seventh consecutive contest for the Scarlet Knights (9-53, 6-1-2) without a defeat. Entering their first postseason with a first-round bye since 1999, the Knights look for all the added momentum they can get. “It’s a little bit anticlimactic for us, but at the same time you have to look at the bigger picture. We are on a good little roll here going into postseason play,” said head
coach Dan Donigan. “On one side of it we are disappointed we didn’t get the win and get the division title. At the same time, there are more important things as the season progresses.” Junior goalkeeper Kevin McMullen paced the Knights defensively throughout the matchup with a shutout. The Blackwood, N.J., native denied South Florida (12-2-3, 7-02) four times to keep the Bulls scoreless.
Tackling woes continue for Rutgers’ revamped defense BY ANTHONY HERNANDEZ ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR
In Greg Schiano’s eyes, a combination of factors played into the Rutgers football team’s poor tackling in its 41-31 loss to West Virginia. The head coach pointed to the Mountaineers’ athleticism, as well as the wet field and icy condiFOOTBALL tions throughout the afternoon affair in Piscataway. But junior safety Duron Harmon saw things differently. “I really don’t think you can blame anything,” Harmon said. “It just comes down to getting the man on the ground and in certain situations when we needed it, we didn’t get him on the ground.” Harmon’s lasting image of the Scarlet Knights’ struggle to tackle came with less than five minutes remaining in the fourth quarter. Mountaineers quarterback Geno Smith dropped back and connected with Tavon Austin on a screen in Knights territory, and a number of defenders could not shed blocks on the play. An unblocked Harmon flew across the secondary, but missed Austin in the open
field, allowing the shifty wideout to run untouched for a 20-yard touchdown. The play gave the Mountaineers a 10-point lead and capped their 20-point unanswered scoring run in the second half. “The offense did what it had to do. They scored enough points for us to win,” said junior linebacker Khaseem Greene, who recorded nine tackles in the loss. “At the end of the day, we’ve got to stop the other team’s offense. I take my hat off to the [Rutgers] offense. As long as those guys score a field goal, touchdown, anything, if the score is whatever-to-zero, then it’s on us to protect a lead. “ The Knights offense went scoreless in the second half while the defense scratched its head on a number of big plays that cost the team its first win against West Virginia in its past 17 attempts. There was Shawne Alston’s 52-yard touchdown run up the West Virginia sideline early in the first quarter to give the Mountaineers their first lead. There was Austin’s 80-yard home run play along the Knights’ sideline later in the same quarter.
Junior safety Duron Harmon missed the final tackle in the Knights’ 41-31 loss to West Virginia, as Tavon Austin scored on a screen play late in the fourth quarter.