The Daily Tarugm 2011-12-13

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THE DAILY TARGUM Vo l u m e 1 4 3 , N u m b e r 7 0






DECEMBER 13, 2011

1 8 6 9

Today: Sunny


High: 47 • Low: 30

The Rutgers men’s basketball team recovered from arguably its worst loss of the season last night with a 81-66 win against Monmouth at the RAC.

Faculty outlines revisions for athletic funding

HOUSE FIRE BLOCKS TRAFFIC ON EASTON AVENUE A fire broke out on the second floor of a two-story house located at 204 Easton Ave. late last night. The fire blocked traffic on Easton Avenue, from Ray Street to Bartlett Street, and students and local residents filled the sidewalks surrounding the scene. About seven fire trucks from the New Brunswick Fire Department and other local municipalities responded to the scene. Robert Wood Johnson medical personnel and New Brunswick Police Department officers were also present. As of press time, officials were still working to put out the flames. Officials were unable to comment on the details of the fire or whether any individuals were harmed. But as of around midnight, no other houses nearby appeared to be affected. There were no flames visible from the front of the house, but they filled the back. Brandon Greco, a School of Arts and Sciences senior who lives across the street from the scene, said he got home at 9:50 p.m. and saw no flames. “I looked out the window 15 minutes later, and there were flames shooting out the window,” he said. School of Arts and Sciences junior Bobby Pojero went into Knight’s Deli, which is next door to the scene, to buy gum when he said a middleaged couple came in. He said the woman told the owner there was a fire in their house next door. — Mary Diduch



Some faculty from several departments in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences are taking steps to reform funding for the University’s intercollegiate athletic program. Through a resolution, the faculty are demanding an increase in transparency in the Athletic Department’s budget, a reduction of the University subsidy of the intercollegiate athletic program and call for the portion of student fees for athletics to a be put on a student referendum, said Mark Killingsworth, a professor in the Department of Economics, who presented the resolution to his department. Faculty members plan to present the resolution tomorrow at the School of Arts and Sciences public faculty meeting.





The New Brunwick Fire Deparment and other local municipalities work to put out a fire last night at a house on Easton Avenue.

Students to see changes to MCAT exam BY ADAM UZIALKO CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Because of a more comprehensive exam format, the preparation process for students taking the Medical College Admission Test in 2015 could change. Dr. Jeff Koetje, director of Pre-Health Programs for Kaplan Test Prep, an agency that offers preparation courses for the exam, said the new

INDEX UNIVERSITY A grant gives the University an opportunity to discover the connection between alcohol abuse and genetic makeup.

OPINIONS A controversial map, created by a University alumnus, divides up the Garden State by common stereotypes.

UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . 3 PENDULUM . . . . . . . 9 WORLD . . . . . . . . . 11 OPINIONS . . . . . . . . 12 DIVERSIONS . . . . . . 14 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . 16 SPORTS . . . . . . BACK



MCAT might include an upper-level biology section covering biochemistry or genetics and a focus on medicine’s psychological and social aspects. The exam would no longer have a writing session, but the proposed changes would lengthen the exam by 115 minutes, Koetje said. “The proposed recommendations would change a fiveand-a-half hour test into about

a seven-and-a-half hour one,” he said. Koetje said the writing section of the MCAT is not necessary because it does not adequately measure student performance. “Admissions officers that I talked to said that the writing section just wasn’t very informative on how well an applicant would perform,” he said. According to Kaplan Test Prep’s annual survey of med-

ical admissions officers, more than 73 percent of those surveyed said the proposed changes are necessary and will provide them with more accurate, comprehensive data when considering applicants. The survey also showed that nearly two-thirds of admissions officers believe pre-med curricula should be revamped to include



Tim Pernetti, University athletic director, released a letter Friday detailing the 2011-2012 sports budget.

State’s location increases risk of bedbug infestation BY RICHARD CONTE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Nestled between two major cities where bedbug infestations are common, N.J. residents are also experiencing bedbugs infestations. A 2011 Terminix ranking of the most bedbug-infested U.S. cities lists New York City as first in the nation and Philadelphia as fifth. University exper ts said the proximity to these cities puts New Jersey at higher risk. “New Jersey has more cases than most other states due to the high population density, urbanization and the presence of large numbers of multi-unit dwellings,” said Changlu Wang, an assistant extension specialist in the Department of Entomology. Despite the statewide outbreak, officials from University Housing said any bedbug activity at the University is handled rapidly. “Over the past few years, University Housing has not experienced bedbug infestations in our facilities,” said Steve Dubiago, associate director of Housing Operations. “However, isolated instances of bedbug presence have been confirmed, serviced and resolved.” Dubiago said the risk of a bedbug infestation is not isolated to University facilities.





University experts say New Jersey’s location puts the state at risk for outbreak. Although the University did not report any bedbug infestations, it has experienced some isolated cases on campus.


DECEMBER 13, 2011








1 2 6 C o l l e g e Av e . , S u i t e 4 3 1 , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N . J . 0 8 9 0 1

143RD EDITORIAL BOARD MARY DIDUCH . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TAYLERE PETERSON . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR KRISTINE ROSETTE ENERIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS STEVEN MILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPORTS KEITH FREEMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHOTOGRAPHY OLIVIA PRENTZEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESIGN ZOË SZATHMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSIDE BEAT MATTHEW KOSINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINIONS JILLIAN PASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY REENA DIAMANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIVERSITY ARTHUR ROMANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLINE JOSEPH SCHULHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIMEDIA NOAH WHITTENBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY TYLER BARTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS ANTHONY HERNANDEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE SPORTS RYAN SURUJNATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE INSIDE BEAT RASHMEE KUMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE COPY ANASTASIA MILLICKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS AMY ROWE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS ALEKSI TZATZEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSOCIATE NEWS


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS — Kristin Baresich, Chase Brush, Lisa Cai, Giancarlo Chaux, Mandy Frantz, Joey Gregor y, Cynthia Ho, Yashmin Patel, Rachel White CORRESPONDENTS — Josh Bakan, Vinnie Mancuso, Matthew Matilsky, Arjun Subramaniam, Tabish Talib SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Ramon Dompor, Jovelle Abbey Tamayo STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS — Conor Alwell, Jennifer Miguel-Hellman, Jennifer Kong, Nelson Morales, Alex Van Driesen

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©2011 TARGUM PUBLISHING CO. DIRECTORY The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, circulation 18,000. The Daily Targum (USPS949240) is published Monday through Friday in New Brunswick, NJ, while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. No part thereof may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the consent of the managing editor. Display and classified advertising may be placed at the above address. Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Postmaster: Send address corrections to The Daily Targum c/o Business Manager, 126 College Ave., Suite 431, New Brunswick, N.J. 08901.

CORRECTIONS In yesterday’s story, “Group pushes for Asian-American studies program,” Allan Isaac, a professor in the Department of American Studies, and Rick Lee, an instructor in the Department of English, did not march in the Dec. 7 rally.

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DECEMBER 13, 2011


PA G E 3

Researchers aim to link alcohol abuse, DNA with saliva sampling BY RINA MODY CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository strives to explore the relationship between excessive alcohol consumption and genetic makeup by using an unfamiliar method. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism granted the RUCDR a $10 million grant last month for its new way to purify DNA by testing saliva samples, said Jay Tischfield, chair of the Depar tment of Genetics. “In the past few years, surveys have shown that binge drinking has become ver y popular among college students,” said Tischfield, who is also

director of the Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey. “The current sur vey will consider more than just the environmental factors and will tr y to determine if the drinking was also af fected by any specific DNA sequences.” RUCDR received the grant to help with research for the National Epidemiologic Sur vey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, he said. While similar sur veys that consider factors such as age and ethnicity in relation to alcohol consumption have been conducted in the past, Tischfield said the current epidemiologic sur vey is unique because it collects saliva samples from all par ticipants.

Commissioned to pull DNA samples from saliva, RUCDR plans to use a new method that employs magnetic beads to extract the genetic codes, he said. The method is automated and ensures organization when dealing with more than 46,000 saliva samples. Once the DNA is purified, it will be studied to see if any patter ns exist between gene sequences and alcohol use, Tischfield said. The samples will then be distributed to DNA sequencing laboratories that will fur ther examine the DNA for the same links. “Alcohol abuse affects thousands of lives across the country,” he said. “This survey and the research we do will hopefully

lead to a better understanding of its causes and effects.” The sur vey is scheduled for distribution in Februar y 2012 through a general cross-section of the entire countr y to accumulate accurate results, Tischfield said. He said previous epidemiological sur veys were helpful in formulating treatment plans for those who suf fer from alcoholrelated illness. But Tischfield said there is hope that data collected in the sur veys will help establish future national policies and healthcare reforms. Rafael Bravo, a School of Ar ts and Sciences junior, said the sur vey is interesting because it shows how the

relationship between alcohol use and genetics has been long contended. “I think it has a lot more to do with nurture than it does nature,” Bravo said. “Anyone who consistently uses alcohol is more likely to become addicted to it because it’s a drug.” But Bharat Verma, a School of Ar ts and Sciences sophomore, said he disagreed, citing that genetics might play a larger role in alcohol abuse than previously believed. “So much of who we are is determined by our DNA,” Verma said. “The way we look and what we’re attracted to is determined by our genes. Why wouldn’t our propensity to consume alcohol also be determined by them?”

PROFESSOR CREATES APP TO HELP STOP RECKLESS BEHAVIOR A new app from University psychologist Edward Selby plans to stop self-destructive behaviors. Selby’s research showed crossword or Sudoku puzzles helped calm subjects and distracted them from binge drinking or eating, picking fights and reckless driving. App owners are encouraged to track their thoughts by typing them into the application, and when the program detects the person is about to embark in self-destructive behavior it suggests an alternative or opens a distracting game, according to Rutgers Focus.

“The hope is to teach people through computeraided therapy that they can use cer tain behaviors as soon as they star t to feel upset. They can take some time and do a puzzle online,’’ Selby, an assistant professor of clinical psychology at the University, told Rutgers Focus. The emotional build-up triggers a loss of selfcontrol, or an “emotional cascade” — a term Selby coined for the ef fect. This often resulted in destructive behavior when individuals concentrated on the negative feeling, according to the research.

“It has a flowing effect that gets bigger and bigger,’’ he said. Along with solving puzzles, users are encouraged to watch movies, exercise and socialize to help combat the problem, according to Rutgers Focus. But taking a walk or shower are ineffective and are actually conducive to more brooding, which can lead to self-sabotaging behavior, Selby said. “Things that encourage you to do a lot of thinking aren’t going to help,’’ he said. “What works is doing things that aren’t related to the problem, that get your mind off it.’’



RISK: Wang says holiday


season can up pest exposure

AAMC to review recommendations in February

continued from front

continued from front

“Homes, retail stores, health and daycare facilities, office buildings and hotels have been impacted,” Dubiago said. He also said bedbugs are not an indication of inadequate sanitation and are usually spread through excessive traveling. “People come and go from one place to another. You can easily catch bedbugs while traveling or staying at a hotel,” said Jeffrey White, technical director of Bed Bug Central, a Lawrencevillebased online resource. Bedbugs need five to 10 minutes to feed, which makes people more vulnerable to bites when they are asleep, he said. “Bedbugs stand a quarter-ofan-inch tall, live where people sleep, feed on blood and reproduce quickly,” White said. Wang said certain measures can be taken to avoid a bedbug infestation in people’s homes, such as not bringing used furniture inside, looking for signs of infestations in hotel rooms and avoiding unkempt furniture. “With holidays coming up, there will be more opportunities for people to encounter bedbugs or spread bedbugs along with people’s belongings,” he said. “Be alert when visiting other people’s rooms or moving into a new place.” Dubiago said it is much easier to deal with an infestation when it is caught early. “Early detection is extremely important and assists us in gaining control in an efficient manner in confirmed cases,” he said. “The University’s commitment to ser vice, an experienced and innovative pest-control contractor and teamwork all contribute to a resolution.” In the event of an infestation, Dubiago said University Housing inspects mattress encasement, beds, couches and implements low-impact treatment and traps to isolate bedbug activity. “In suspected and confirmed cases, we initiate an aggressive and state-of-the-art pest management program,” he said. The department also shares information about the status of any pest activity with the campus and community, Dubiago said. “Housing asks that any potential or suspected bedbug activity be reported to their campus Housing and Residence Life office early to help us help students eradicate bedbugs,” Dubiago said. Victoria Hutchinson, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, dealt with bedbugs at her permanent residence. “The home I lived at had [them] once and it was terrible,” Hutchinson said. “It took a whole year to get rid of all of them.” Julian Leal, a School of Arts and Sciences senior, said he hopes the University does everything it can to prevent an outbreak. “Rutgers should do ever ything in its control to stop a bedbug infestation from occurring,” he said. University Housing implements an extensive pest management program, Dubiago said. The program avoids the use of chemicals and pesticides and focuses on inspection, monitoring and pest prevention. “Our approach is consistent with industr y standards, and we remain at the forefront of best practice and innovation,” Dubiago said.

psychology and sociology to better prepare students to take the exam. This has pre-med departments nationwide scrambling to implement the changes, — which only 52 percent of admissions officers believe can be made in time, Koetje said. “These changes present some difficulties to schools regarding resources and funding,” he said. “There’s a lot of difficulty surrounding how much time there is to implement these changes.” Regardless of whether universities expand pre-med curricula to include psychology and sociology courses, pre-med students should have some knowledge of both fields and how they relate to a career in medicine, said Russell Schaffer, senior communications manager at Kaplan Test Prep. Shaffer said this includes students at the University, which produced 305 medical school applicants last year and ranks among one of the highest producers in the country. Cole Neal, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences first-year student, said these proposed changes were unexpected. “I wasn’t planning on taking any kind of psychology, so it’s

FACULTY: Resolution calls for student fee referendum continued from front While the University has increased its subsidies to the Athletic Department throughout the years, academic programs have experienced budget cuts from state government and the University administration, Killingsworth said. The Athletic Department and the University were unable to give further comment beyond a Dec. 9 letter from Athletic Director Tim Pernetti posted on the University Athletics Department’s website. The 2010-2011 budget for intercollegiate athletics was $59 million, according to Pernetti’s letter. “During fiscal 2010 — the last year for which complete figures are available — the University’s total subsidy to the athletic program was $26.9 million, 42 percent of the total athletic budget,” according to the resolution. Killingsworth said the University’s sports subsidy is composed of about $8.4 million in student fees while $18.4 million was from University discretionary funds. “If the academic programs were getting decent funding, people won’t care [about the sports budget],” he said. The Athletic Department announced in September its funding

starting to change what people were planning,” he said. “Who can take a test for seven-and-a-half hours? [It’s] crazy.” But Neal said he is willing to take on the extra work because it provides him with a chance to be more accurately represented to medical schools. Koetje said most pre-med students would take the proposed changes in stride. “These students aren’t going to be discouraged by the expansion,” he said. “They’re not going to give up their lifelong goal of entering medicine because of a few changes to the MCAT.” The MR-5 Committee, a subcommittee of the Association of American Medical Colleges, recommended specifics for the MCAT expansion, he said. Since the exam has not been updated since 1991, a full generation of doctors took the current MCAT despite vast changes in medicine regarding technology and science, as well as psychological and sociological aspects of relationships between doctors and patients, he said. The new MCAT aims to account for these developments that have come up within the past 20 years, Koetje said. While the proposed expansion is not official until members of the AAMC review the changes in February, Koetje said the recommendations would most likely be approved when considered. from the University’s discretionary funds for fiscal 2012 would be $1 million less than the fiscal 2011 figure, because of the subsidy’s increase each year, Killingsworth said. But even after the cut, the fiscal year 2012 — beginning July 1, 2011 and closing June 30, 2012 — subsidy paid via discretionar y funds and student fees will be $600,000 higher than the 2010 fiscal year, Killingsworth said. The University’s football program has spent $2.86 million more than it earned from ticket sales, sponsorships and other revenues, according to The StarLedger. This includes the $6.2 million the University paid on debt to expand the stadium, which is a part of the Athletic Department’s operating expenses. Pernetti told The Ledger that future financial reports would not include these debt payments as part of the program’s operating expenses. “When the expansion is paid off, the University will own [the stadium], not the football program, so it just makes sense,” Pernetti told The Ledger. Killingsworth said this statement is not true — the University owns the stadium already and the expansion will take years to pay off. “The only possible reason for taking it off the books now is to low-ball the true cost of the athletic program,” he said. “But that will be a complete fiction, because

DECEMBER 13, 2011




The Scarlet Knight competes in a dreidel-spinning competition at the RutgersZone during the “RutgersZone Channukah Party” last night in the Livingston Campus Center.

once it lands in whatever books … the University will have to use funds … to pay for the expansion.” Pernetti told Bloomberg that athletics does not make enough money to do without the University subsidies, according to the resolution. “The University investment in athletics, which continues to be approximately 1 percent of the overall University budget, has returned hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, positive branding, exposure and visibility for our great University,” Pernetti said in the Dec. 9 letter. Political Science professor Ross Baker, who has been teaching here for more than 40 years, supports the program. He told The Ledger that he has seen an increase in student enthusiasm for athletics and the University in general over the past decade, which brings more activity and business to campus. Killingsworth said there are other ways for the University to be seen in a positive light, especially through academic rankings. But the University’s ranks are falling. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the University lost its 2003 rank of 38th and fell to 59th in 2011, according to the resolution. “When it starts falling in the ratings, the school [needs] a little sense of priorities,” he said. Killingsworth said if the resolution were to be accepted by the

Board of Governors, the University administration would report annually to the faculty on its three-year plan for the athletic budget. “The first such report, to be presented no later than Feb. 1, 2012, would review the fiscal years 2011, 2012 and 2013, and would discuss, in particular, the projected University subsidy and student fee allocation for athletics in these years,” according to the resolution. The second demand calls to recognize that the athletic programming budget is unsustainable. “The University administration and the Board of Governors [will] freeze the dollar amount of the University subsidy for fiscal 2013 at the level planned for fiscal 2012, and [will] reduce the subsidy amount in every subsequent fiscal year … the subsidy is no more than $13 million,” according to the resolution. The last demand is to put the athletic program on a student referendum no later than March 1, 2012, and in the absence of a majority vote, these fee allocations will be eliminated completely by July 1, 2013, according to the resolution. Killingsworth said with faculty support of the resolution, he hopes the issues with athletic spending will be solved internally within the University. “Faculty are like sleeping giants … when they wake up, they will be heard and they will start to do something,” he said.






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Rutgers Shalom/Salaam and Project Civility welcome Newark Mayor Cory Booker yesterday at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Booker discussed the challenges of overcoming cultural adversity within the N.J. community.



Today is the last day of classes. Student-organized Rutgers Against Hunger is hosting its first educational program at 5:30 p.m. in the faculty dining room of Brower Commons on the College Avenue campus. The group is bringing in resources from The Community Food Bank of New Jersey and Elijah’s Promise to discuss the issues surrounding hunger in New Jersey and the hunger issues the residents of New Jersey face within each county. Donations at the door will be distributed to The Community Food Bank of New Jersey and Elijah’s Promise to help community members through the winter months. Guests can RSVP by emailing Women’s basketball plays host to Tennessee at 7 p.m. at the Louis Brown Athletic Center on Livingston campus. For more information email


The Of fice of Instructional Research Technology’s “Showcase 2011” plans to bring together faculty and staff from around the University to share novel uses of technology in academia from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Administrative Services Building Annex I on Busch campus. While sharing and learning about technology, cookies and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Charlie Collick, by emailing or calling (732)-445-8441.


The “Mini-MBA: Business Essentials Program” will offer an overview of the key concepts, tools and techniques that are required to succeed in today’s challenging business environment. The workshop will take place at 9 p.m. at the Janice H. Levin Building on Livingston campus. For more information, email or call (848)-445-5526. Reading days begin.


Fall semester final exams begin.

To have your event featured on, send University calendar items to

DECEMBER 13, 2011





How will you spend your reading days this semester?


DARLINGTON OMENI SAS SENIOR “I’ll probably spend my reading days studying hard, I’m trying to get all A’s.”

“Studying hardcore for finals and doing a lot of reading. I wish the reading days were a little bit longer. … I think two days to study is not enough.”




The number of days scheduled for exams


The number of libraries at Rutgers-New Brunswick


The time Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus opens in the morning during reading days.








RYAN BUIST SAS SOPHOMORE “Probably studying as much as possible and drinking a lot of coffee.”

CHENISE BRUMMELL SAS SOPHOMORE “Studying. But it’s hard because you have so much time on your hands — you know you should be studying, but you don’t want to.”

JENNA ZITO SAS JUNIOR “I have practice, and then I’ll probably spend them studying. I like having days off without the crazy schedule, but I also think it’s really hard to study for two days straight. I think it might be excessive at times.”

ONLINE RESPONSE Watching hours of movie/TV marathons — 8%

Catching up on all the lost sleep 13%

Socializing and relaxing with friends — 18% Studying and writing non-stop for finals and papers — 61%

Studying and writing non-stop for finals and papers


Socializing and relaxing with friends


Catching up on all the lost sleep


Watching hours of movie/TV marathons



Good luck on finals and enjoy your break! Cast your votes online and view the video Pendulum at


DECEMBER 13, 2011


PA G E 1 1

Death count rises as Syrian revolts continue THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIRUT — The death toll from Syria’s crackdown on a 9month-old uprising has exceeded 5,000 people, the top U.N. rights official said yesterday, as Syrians closed their businesses and kept children home from school as part of a general strike to pressure President Bashar Assad to end the bloodshed. Navi Pillay, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said at least 300 children are among those killed in the Assad regime’s attempts to stamp out the revolt, and that thousands of people remain in detention. Speaking at the United Nations, Pillay said she told Security Council members of the increase in deaths during an afternoon briefing, and said she recommended that the council refer Syria to the International Criminal Court, the permanent war crimes tribunal, for investigation of possible crimes against humanity. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, said Pillay’s briefing “underscores the urgency of the present moment,” and urged the U.N. Security Council to take concrete steps to bring the violence to an end. Assad has shown no little sign of easing his crackdown, despite mounting international pressure, including a recent spate of economic sanctions from the EU, the Arab League and Turkey, that are punishing the Syrian economy, a dangerous development for the government in Damascus. Now, the open-ended strike by Syrian businesses also takes direct aim at Syria’s already ailing economy. It is designed to erode Assad’s main base of support — the new and vibrant merchant classes who have benefited in recent years as the president opened up the economy. If the economy continues to collapse, Assad could find himself with few allies inside the country, where calls are growing by the day for him to step down. The authoritarian president is already struggling under inter-


Pope Benedict XVI aims to visit Cuba and Mexico early next year to spread faith among local Catholics. He hopes to influence citizens in traditionally Catholic regions to create new missionaries.

Pope to visit Cuba, Mexico THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI plans to travel to Cuba and Mexico before Easter next year, saying he hopes his visit will strengthen the faith and encourage Catholics there to seek justice and hope. Benedict confirmed his travel plans yesterday during a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica honoring Mexico’s patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe. The late Pope John Paul II made historic trips to both Cuba and Mexico. He became the first pope to visit Mexico when he landed in 1979 on his first foreign trip and he made a groundbreaking tour of communist Cuba in 1998. Benedict has visited Latin America once before — Brazil in 2007 — but the 84-year-old has focused his travel mostly in Europe, to both spare him from long trips and to focus his efforts on a continent where Christianity has fallen by the wayside. His decision to return to Latin America shows the

Vatican’s concern about cementing the faith in a region that claims about half of the world’s Catholics, but where evangelical Pentecostal movements are making major inroads. In his homily, Benedict said it was his responsibility as pope to help confirm the faith in such an important Catholic stronghold. He said he hoped the region would continue to create new missionaries who would help build a society “rooted in the development of the common good, the triumph of love and the spread of justice.” “With these wishes, and supported by the help of divine providence, I intend to make an apostolic trip before Easter to Mexico and Cuba,” he said as applause erupted in St. Peter’s Basilica. He said it was a “precious time to evangelize with a solid faith, a lively hope and ardent charity.” Mexico is second only to Brazil as the world’s top Catholic nation. The church in Cuba, meanwhile, has taken on a prominent role recently in negotiating the release of dozens of jailed dissidents.

national isolation and suffocating sanctions. It is difficult to gauge the strength of the strike because the regime has banned most foreign journalists and prevented local reporters from moving freely. But there were signs it was being widely obser ved in par ticular in centers of antigovernment protest: the southern province of Daraa, the suburbs of the capital, Damascus, the nor thwestern region of Idlib and in the restive city of Homs. The opposition wants the strike to remain in force until the regime pulls the army out of cities and releases thousands of detainees. “Only bakeries, pharmacies and some vegetable shops are open,” said one resident of Homs who asked that his name not be published for fear of reprisals. He said those stores stayed open because they sell essential goods. In addition to the strike, he said, security was tight in Homs on Monday with agents deployed at every intersection. The crackle of gunfire erupted sporadically. “There is a terrifying security deployment in Homs,” he said. Activists said a new round of clashes between Syrian troops and army defectors began Sunday with a major battle in the south and spread to new areas Monday, raising fears the conflict is spiraling toward civil war. The British-based Syrian Obser vator y for Human Rights says new clashes between soldiers and defectors were repor ted Monday in Idlib in the nor th, and that fighting continued for a second day in southern Daraa province. Four members of the security forces were killed as a result of the clashes there, the Obser vator y said. A day earlier, army defectors set several militar y vehicles ablaze in a prolonged battle in Daraa province. At least 16 people were reported killed nationwide on Monday, most of them in Homs, according to various activist networks.

Although Cuba under Fidel Castro never severed ties with the Vatican, relations between the communist government and the church were strained for decades. Tensions eased in the early 1990s, however, when the government removed references to atheism in the constitution and allowed believers of all faiths to join the Communist Party. John Paul’s 1998 visit to Cuba further improved relations, and top Vatican cardinals have made frequent visits to the island since then. Cuban Catholics will celebrate next year the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the image of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, Cuba’s patron saint. In Havana, Catholics were joyful at the news. “His visit to our country is a cause for pride and satisfaction, and it is an important thing for the revolution,” said 47-year-old Ramon Parte, who was paying homage Monday to an image of the Virgin of Charity that was on a nationwide tour.

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DECEMBER 13, 2011


‘Stalinism’ claims exaggerate truth


epublicans are stereotypically portrayed as being anti-regulation, and so it makes sense that the Senatorial right wing has been fighting President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray. The CFPB was created last year by the Obama administration’s financial reforms, and the bureau’s goal is to protect consumers from the sorts of financial abuses that led to the 2008 downturn. But the CFPB does not yet have a director, because Republican members of the Senate have filibustered Obama’s nominee, and so the bureau has not been able to really do anything. That is just the way that many members of the GOP like it — specifically, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who went as far as to call the CFPB “something out of the Stalinist era” on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Such rhetoric is a frightfully common tactic these days. When a GOP politician does not like something, they try as hard as they can to align it with the “bogeymen” of socialism and communism. It is borderline McCarthyism — albeit nowhere near as serious. The unfortunate thing is that, oftentimes, these accusations hold no water, but they still manage to scare the public into believing that any form of government aid or protection for the public is undemocratic or, worse, un-American. What, exactly, about the CFPB is so Stalinist? Graham says that the bureau’s major flaw is that it lacks oversight. There is one director instead of a board, and this, Graham feels, gives the director too much power. We understand Graham’s criticisms, but calling the bureau “Stalinist” is downright extreme and alarmist. Sure, the director will have a lot of power, but he will have that power in the same way that the U.S. president does. Is the presidency a Stalinist office, then? Meanwhile, as the GOP continues filibustering the nomination of Cordray, the CFPB sits idly by, unable to protect the people it was designed to defend. We must be careful to avoid a repeat of 2008’s economic fiasco, and the CFPB is an important instrument to have in place in order to do just that. What we need are politicians who recognize that regulation can be a good thing — that keeping a close eye on the economy is not automatic communism. The CFPB is not a sinister machination of an omnipotent “Big Brother” government. It is a response to the disaster that came about as a result of lax financial regulation.

Viral NJ map causes no serious offense


he U.S. media often casts New Jersey as a sprawling urban wasteland, overrun with those characters portrayed on hit reality TV shows like “Jersey Shore.” An outsider might think the typical N.J. resident is more likely to pump his fist than pump his own gas. Even worse, New Jersey is sometimes carelessly labeled “the armpit of America.” One would think these labels might wreak some serious havoc on our collective psyche, and maybe they do. Yet, New Jerseyans have an uncanny ability for taking things lightly. We’re used to generalizations, which explains the impact a recent circulation of a controversial map of New Jersey that University alumnus Joe Steinfeld created. Steinfeld, it seems, has given New Jerseyans just another reason to laugh at ourselves. The map, which lays out the state’s stereotypes in a color-coded fashion, was originally posted on the social media site Reddit and shortly thereafter went viral. For the most part, it seems to have been pretty well-received. Yet with areas like Trenton labeled “Sad Black People and Corruption,” the image has undoubtedly offended some individuals who feel that their region was misrepresented. Elizabeth Mayor J. Christian Bollwage is just one of a handful of public figures who has objected to the map’s stereotypical nature. “It’s unfortunate,” Bollwage said, “that somebody has enough spare time to do something that is just going to inflame some people.” Inevitably, such broad generalizations will likely upset some people. We think the controversy over the image is a non-issue. Those of us who’ve grown up in places like North Jersey’s “Vast Wilderness of Rednecks and Retired Hippies” or South Jersey’s “Pineys ... Pineys Everywhere,” know at least a handful of individuals who fit the corresponding description. We realize, of course, that not every from these areas fit the stereotypes. Many of these communities, despite being labeled “Ghetto in the Woods” or “Friendly White Families” are in reality thriving and vibrant communities of many different people. But for the most part, Steinfeld seems to have gotten it right — and we cannot argue with a map that labels our own University stomping grounds “Drunk Rutgers Students.” The image’s success can be attributed to the fact that these labels — stereotypes though they might be — touch on our most deep-seated intuitions of the diversity and nature of our own state. Yes, on the surface the map is just another laugh — albeit at ourselves. But digging deeper, the map can be said to bring out New Jersey’s true colors. We are a melting pot, with diverse places and even more diverse people. Even in the most generalized areas, the map seems to touch on definite truths.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “Faculty are like sleeping giants … when they wake up, they will be heard.” Mark Killingsworth, a University professor in the Department of Economics, on a resolution addressing athletic funding at the University STORY ON FRONT


Obama shows weak command


letter to Congress saying hat is the stor y the allegation the ATF had about drug car“sanctioned or other wise tels, AK-47’s, knowingly allowed the sale dead Americans and the of assault weapons” to susObama administration you picious people was false. have heard almost nothing Unfortunately, the Justice about? That would be the Department went through Bureau of Alcohol, AARON MARCUS formal procedures last Tobacco, Firearms and week to withdraw the letExplosives’ gun walking ter from Congress, after revelations that it was program called “Operation Fast and Furious” full of inaccurate statements. When Holder was that sent U.S. weapons into the hands of drug asked on May 3 when he heard about the operacartels in order for the U.S. government to track tion, he said he couldn’t give an exact date but their movement. Only the federal government probably in the “last few weeks.” However, in fumbled the program and lost track of the October it became clear through documents weapons, which resulted in the death of a U.S. obtained by CBS that Holder had known about border patrol agent and perhaps hundreds of the program by July 2010 at the latest. Mexican nationals. Why have Eric Holder and the The basis for that plan was that Obama administration been uncoopgun stores in the United States “There is a severe erative in helping Congress with would sell weapons to people with investigation? Why have they potential ties to drug car tels lack of leadership their made false statements, ignored hard throughout Central and South evidence and changed their story America. The ATF would then track coming from our time and time again? These are questhese guns so they could keep tabs executive branch.” tions that not only members of on the movement of the cartels and Congress should be asking, but the hopefully make a takedown of a American public as well. It became major cartel. When Border Patrol evident last week that one of the reasons they are Agent Brian Terry was murdered, two of the guns not complying with Congress is because the ATF found at the scene of the crime were sold in a U.S. tried to use “Operation Fast and Furious” to make a gun store to a man who the ATF had under surcase for gun regulations. That’s right, the governveillance. The two AK-47’s were sold to the man in ment was selling weapons to criminals with ties to order to track where they would end up. They drug cartels in order to make a case against lawended up at the scene of a dead American. abiding American citizens purchasing firearms. While the mainstream media has been leer y This doesn’t seem out of the norm for Democratic to discuss the serious implications of this failed Party principles — to have the government do federal program, Congress has for weeks gone something, screw it up and then use it as evidence through committee meetings tr ying to get to the to create more regulations. bottom of what really happened. The problem is When answering the greater problem as to why that the Obama administration, and Attorney the White House has refused to comply with General Eric Holder in particular, have withheld Congress, I believe the answer is much simvital information about the botched program. pler. The White House and Obama in particular Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., asked Holder last had no idea it was going on in the early stages of Thursday why out of the 5,000 pages of emails he the program. This may vindicate their involvesubmitted to the House Judiciar y Committee, not ment with the botched plan, but it represents a a single email was from his account. Matthew greater problem from America’s current presiBoyle at the Daily Caller said Issa has subpoedent. There is a severe lack of leadership coming naed and made official requests for many of the from our executive branch and even more of a disemails Holder has withheld from Congress, and connect in how the Obama administration runs if Holder continues to dodge requests he could the government. Whenever you run anything, be held in contempt of Congress. whether it is a company, state or country — or When the revelation about “Operation Fast and Furious” hit the general public last SEE MARCUS ON PAGE 13 Februar y, the Justice Department sent a formal

Marcus My Words

Due to space limitations, submissions cannot exceed 750 words. If a commentary exceeds 750 words, it will not be considered for publication. All authors must include name, phone number, class year and college affiliation or department to be considered for publication. Anonymous letters will not be considered. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. A submission does not guarantee publication. Please submit via e-mail to by 4 p.m. to be considered for the following day’s publication. Please do not send submissions from Yahoo or Hotmail accounts. The editorials written above represent the majority opinion of The Daily Targum editorial board. All other opinions expressed on the Opinions page, and those held by advertisers, columnists and cartoonists, are not necessarily those of The Daily Targum.



DECEMBER 13, 2011


English department fails to address racism Letter ELIZABETH BRAXTON his letter, written together by students in the “Race, Ethnicity and Inequality in Education” class at the Graduate School of Education, is meant to express our collective outrage over the act of racism that took place in a University class in the Department of English. We are angry that the faculty has not taken the matter more seriously and wish to demonstrate our support for the students pushing this issue into the light. In a graduate class dedicated to writings on race between the Civil War and the Harlem Renaissance, an email was sent by a white doctoral student — an instructor within the department — to the students in class whom she perceived as white. This email invited “her fellow non-racist racists” to a private, guilt-free viewing of 1946 musical “Song of the South” in her home, where together they could engage in celebrator y mocking of stereotyped 1940’s images of southern blacks. This was an event hosted by a “ragtime/minstrel loving fool” who was due “for some rollicking Disneyfied Ole Darkeyism.” The postscript read, “If you do come, hooch is most welcome, as are strawhats and other Darkeyisms. I might even buy a watermillyum if I get enough interest.” It specified who invited guests should bring, given that “I might yell racist things at the TV.” The author of this email articulated the hope that the experience would be a “communion with her shamefully preferred era of Disney.” One would hope that, for those who harbored a sentimental love of old Disney films, a critical viewing of “Song of the South” in a graduate-level classroom might prompt feelings of reflection, discomfort, re-evaluation, change;


MARCUS continued from page 12 even hold a leadership position in politics — you make it your business to know about potentially devastating proposals. This is the underlying problem with the Obama administration — a lack of leadership and lack of understanding about how to run the executive branch. “Operation Fast and Furious” cost the life of an American and hundreds of

that it might engender a deeper examination of the ways ideology — and its companion, brutality — have been used to deprive blacks of power, privilege and assets throughout our history as a nation. Instead, this student chose to send an insulting, damaging and racially offensive email inviting half the class to a whites-only party celebrating “Song of the South.” That some other white students in the class voiced enthusiasm about the party is disturbing, painful and indicative of the larger presence of ignorance and discrimination students of color must endure in higher education. That the other students receiving the invite remained silent must have been equally horrifying. Silence in the face of overt racism could mean anything: Discomfort? Acquiescence? Complete agreement? But beyond its intended meaning, silence represents a terrifying complaisance when the environment is changed to one of threat and danger to students of color. At best, this silence demonstrates a failure on the part of the University to prepare students to recognize and challenge discrimination and injustice. This racist email, and the other students’ reactions to it — including their silence — have now shaped the learning environment in their classroom, in much the same way as the depar tment’s failure to act appropriately has shaped the environment beyond the classroom. A few professors scolded the writer. However, no one in the depar tment publicly acknowledged the racist, discriminator y nature of the email. This was a moment when faculty could have made clear the seriousness with which they regard the critical topics they discuss in the courses they teach. A meaningful and important discussion could have taken place that may have changed or engaged people. Instead, an uncomfortable topic was largely

Mexicans, and it is faulty leadership like this that has also led to the demise of the U.S. economy and our standing in the world. We will have a chance to change this failed course of leadership in less than a year, and almost every candidate is a better choice than the president in the White House now. Aaron Marcus is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in political science with a minor in history. His column, “Marcus My Words,” runs on alternate Tuesdays.

avoided, and the feelings of the student who sent the email were prioritized above the pain of students of color, breeding resentment and misinformation about what was wrong with the email in the first place. Thus far, the only way in which the incident has been addressed was through a panel discussion on race organized not by the English department, but by the students who were the victims of the email in the first place. The forum, while a courageous act by students who were undoubtedly feeling hurt and vulnerable, did not address the specifics of this incident, and the discussion remained highly abstract. It is critical to realize that while mistakes cannot be

“It is only a matter of time before suffering comes to the surface.” undone, they can be honestly recognized and sometimes remedied. Late is better than never — it would be heartening to see concrete actions taken by the department in order to educate and reconcile those involved in this specific incident. That said, an institution of higher education is a reflection of the issues that are happening in the world, and this incident contains lessons for all of us in our roles as students, professors, deans and human beings. The mere fact that a situation like this occurred in the 21st century and in a place of learning is evident of the work still to be done. It is important that we as true educators stand firm in taking these incidents seriously and maximize the opportunity to make these teachable moments, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Moreover, we must challenge our students, peers and very own faculty members to critically think about the relationship between theory and practice and the influence of history on our present world. It is necessary that we challenge others, but more importantly ourselves, which can be the most difficult task. The muted faculty reactions to this email are an unfortunate reflection of the ways systems silence some and not others. It is only a matter of time before suffering comes to the surface, and when it does, it must be dealt with. The University has experienced an avoidable tragedy in the past year with the death of Tyler Clementi. Proactively addressing issues of discrimination and harassment and engaging our communities can create an open and honest dialogue to join together a divided University. We call on the University to create this open dialogue. We ask, what better time and place to engage in meaningful, intellectual dialogue surrounding the very issues that have kept us from recognizing one another as human beings? We are surrounded by an abundance of resources: historians, political scientists, activists, change agents, inquisitive and passionate students, and future leaders. We urge the University community to ensure that the silenced voices be heard and for us to look deeply into what has occurred. As Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living,” and it is necessar y that issues of racism, classism or any “ism” for that matter undergo serious critical examination. We often focus on the “intention” behind incidents that occur, and although it may provide context, it does not change the outcome or the impact on the community. The recent incident brings to light the racially-based hostility that still exists within the University and suggests the need for the University to take a more

proactive role in engaging our entire University in building a space in which racism is directly addressed. In an email sent to the University community on Dec. 1, University President Richard L. McCormick issued a statement reaffirming the University’s policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment. The memo stated, “Rutgers plays an important role in shaping New Jersey’s future by contributing exceptional leaders, research, and new ideas. To realize our vision for the future, we are committed to providing a supportive and collaborative social environment, and a community dedicated to respecting and valuing diversity. The elimination of discrimination and harassment is one necessar y step toward a more hospitable environment in which the open exchange of ideas is encouraged and members of all groups feel welcome.” Acts of racism have no place in our University community, and we want to take this opportunity to publicly condemn the sending of these emails, to urge engagement in difficult conversations and attention to issues of justice and to make clear our expectations that the University will uphold its moral and legal responsibility to ensure a safe, non-discriminatory learning environment on campus. Elizabeth Braxton is a Graduate School of Education student majoring in college student affairs. Kevin Clay, Gozde Eken, Jocelyn Tejeda and Allyson Schieve are Graduate School of Education students majoring in social and philosophical foundations of education. Amanda Dillon, Eliot Graham, Kaitlin Northey and Sarah Stapleton are Graduate School-New Brunswick students majoring in education. Darrell DeTample is a Graduate School of Education student majoring in social studies education. Jean Sung is a graduate student in the Graduate School-Newark majoring in urban studies.

COMMENT OF THE DAY “OWS is a symptom, the expressions of which can be debated. Its causes are dangerously ignored.” User “Patrick De Haan RC ’82” in response to the Dec. 11 editorial, “Occupy Wall Street class comes too soon”

VOICE COMMENTS ONLINE AT DAILYTARGUM.COM We believe the comment system should be used to promote thoughtful discussion between readers in response to the various articles, letters, columns and editorials published on the site. The Targum's system requires users to log in, and an editor must approve comments before they are posted. We believe this anonymity encourages readers to leave comments that do not positively contribute to an intellectual discussion of the articles and opinions pieces published. The Targum does not condone these sorts of personal attacks on anyone. We think the best way to prevent the continued spread of hateful language is to more closely oversee the comment process.


PA G E 1 4


Horoscopes / LINDA C. BLACK

Pearls Before Swine

DECEMBER 13, 2011


Today's Birthday (12/13/11). Your wings are itching to fly. Your nest is comfortable, but a glass ceiling is dissolving, giving way to new freedom. Love and communication flow with the greatest of ease, so resolve issues and get your message out. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Love and creToday is an 8 — Get your projativity are all around you. Merects completed earlier, because cury goes direct this evening, you'll want to party later. Your which is perfect for clear comfriends want your attention. munications. A romantic dinner Lines of communication are could entice. suddenly clear. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Shop only for the Today is a 9 — Focus on your things that you or others really goals. A new source of cash need. Confusion diminishes develops. The work routine setnoticeably over the next few tles in for the next few weeks. weeks. Old friends offer great You're gaining respect. Send new ideas. out invoices. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Send off the Today is a 7 — Get in touch with paperwork for a raise in funda distant loved one. Your charming. You can solve the puzzle. ing personality can keep you out You have especially keen underof trouble. Love's less confusing standing and research skills now. for the next few weeks. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Don't blend Today is an 8 — Chaos reigns, romance with finance. Take one so you may as well just flow with step at a time, especially where it. Review the financial plan. money's concerned. Have faith Brainstorming productivity soars in your own imagination. Try for the next month. Home something different. investment pays. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — is a 9 — When in doubt, tell Today is a 9 — Your partners yourself, "It's getting better all and the experts in your network the time." Confidence and inspiare your hidden assets. Focus on ration are yours with the moon abundance, even if it's not obviin your sign. ous. Trust your imagination. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — There may be a Today is a 9 — The work pace conflict between career and is hopping, and barriers dishome. Review your priorities. solve. Good fortune seems to Everything works out if you find you more often over the don't panic. You end up next few weeks. Brilliant innoearning confidence. vation arises. © 2011, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.



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DECEMBER 13, 2011

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DECEMBER 13, 2011

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CHALLENGES: Five meets to prep RU for Champs continued from back



n the latest men’s college basketball AP Poll, Syracuse jumped up to No. 1. Former No. 1 Kentucky dropped to No. 3 after a lastsecond loss on Sunday to now No. 18 Indiana. The Hoosiers were unranked at the time of the game. Louisville and Connecticut join Syracuse as the three Big East teams in the top 10. Other Big East representatives include No. 11 Marquette, No. 15 Pittsburgh and No. 16 Georgetown. Among ranked teams, Illinois made the biggest jump, climbing up five spots to No. 19.

THE NEW YORK JETS continue their late-season playoff push without starting safety Jim Leonhard. In Sunday’s 37-10 victor y over the Kansas City Chiefs, Leonhard tore his right patellar tendon after Chiefs wideout Steve Breaston tackled him following an interception. It is the second right leg injur y he sustained in two seasons. Leonhard broke his right leg, last season after colliding with teammate Patrick Turner, also ending his season. Once the swelling subsides, he will have surgery to repair the tendon. Safety Brodney Pool replaces Leonhard. Pool also took Leonhard’s place last season when he went down.




end for two head coaching tenures in the NFL. The Miami Dolphins said goodbye to Tony Sparano while the Kansas City Chiefs par ted ways with Todd Haley. Assistant head coach and secondar y coach Todd Bowles will take over in Miami for the remaining three games. Kansas City’s defensive coordinator and former Cleveland Browns head coach Romeo Crennel is in line to take over for Haley.



is changing locations for the upcoming MLB season. Former Chicago Cubs third baseman Aramis Ramirez signed a three-year, $36 million deal with the Milwaukee Brewers. Ramirez was with the Cubs since the middle of the 2003 season and joins a club that will be down on power compared to recent years. Power-hitting first baseman Prince Fielder chose not to re-sign with the Brewers and National League MVP Ryan Braun will most likely serve a 50-game suspension for violating the league’s substance abuse policy.

Honey all contributed to the Knights’ success on the boards. Spiniello looks for his divers to continue their success moving for ward. “The divers had a great first half,” Spiniello said. “We’re looking for the divers to continue with their strong per formances and get the team excited.” Before the Big East Championships begin in Febr uar y, Rutgers will compete in five dual meets beginning with a Jan. 15 matchup against Bucknell. The Knights then face James Madison and Richmond on the road before returning to campus on Jan. 28 to host Rider and Fordham. Following the team’s final dual meet, the Knights earn a two-week break from competition before the Big East Championships. Spiniello sees the dual meet stretch as an impor tant time when the Knights can compete and get ready for when they

arrive in Pittsburgh for Big East competition. “I want to be competitive in all of these meets,” Spiniello said. “Our goal is to swim and dive to our capability during those meets and get ready for the championships.” The Knights finished seventh out of 11 teams at last year’s Championships, something Spiniello’s undefeated team wants to change in his second year as head coach. By all accounts thus far, the Knights are in good position to do so. “We were seventh last year and we want to be better, period,” Spiniello said. “We want to be a better team than we were last year, and I believe we are on our way.” The Knights’ unblemished record has Averill and the rest of the team excited to continue the push for a better per formance once Februar y arrives. “It’s motivating,” Averill said. “Ever yone is going to enjoy their time at home, but at the same time, continue to work hard and then come back ready. Februar y is just around the corner for us, and we want to do well.”

DECEMBER 13, 2011



Junior Carissa Santora won both the 1- and 3-meter dives for the Scarlet Knights at this year’s Princeton Invitational.



COACHES: Stringer, RU embrace competitive challenge continued from back Some coaches look at games like this and worr y about facing a power ful opponent. Stringer embraces it. “Any time we have an oppor tunity to play someone that has been consistently there and has proven themselves to be at the highest level, we have to rise to the challenge,” she said. “I really love games like this. It’s like a chess match.” One question remains: How do you play against a team with the experience and skill of Tennessee? The Knights do not plan on changing anything. They simply want to cover every facet of the game as best they can. “We’re not going to change what we do. We’re going to

continue to do the things we’ve done for the last nine games,” said senior guard Khadijah Rushdan. “As long as we stay within our element and take care of the little things, I think we’ll be fine.” Save for the loss to Miami, the Knights had their way with their opponents, outscoring them by double digits in seven of nine victories. One factor is their control of the paint, a luxury they will not enjoy tonight. The Lady Vols are equally strong underneath the basket. They average better than 11 more rebounds per game than their opponents. “They’re a great rebounding team … so it’s definitely going to be key for us to be able to get back in transition and make sure we box out,” Rushdan said. “It’s a faster game, one of the fastest we’ll be playing, and one of the better rebounding teams we’ll be playing.”

Another strength of Rutgers is its depth. Tennessee has it, as well. The Knights boast nine players who average double-digit minutes. So do the Lady Vols. The final key to Rutgers’ success is its defense, which needs to be on point, as well, if the Knights plan to come out on top. “We pride ourselves on defense. Ever ybody knows Rutgers for their defense,” Rushdan said. “For us not to have that in order would just throw us all off.” No matter how tough the Lady Vols may be, the Knights want to do the same thing they have all season, especially with Stringer’s famous 55-press. “It’s ver y impor tant that we’re able to just get out and run and play our game against them and we can continue to be just as effective,” Rushdan said. “We may not be executing in the half court too much, but you can definitely count on us pressing 94 feet.”

DECEMBER 13, 2011



Senior guard Khadijah Rushdan is one of two Scarlet Knights to score 20 points this season for head coach C. Vivian Stringer.


Head coach C. Vivian Stringer brought in the highest-ranked freshman class this season since the program’s highly touted 2008 recruiting class.

JOHNSON EARNS ALL-AMERICA HONORS named true The Jacksonville, Fla., freshman of fensive tackle native committed to Rutgers Kaleb Johnson to the on National Signing Day last Second Team Freshman year in a final three that All-America squad yester- included Louisville and d a y , Miami. He helped lead FOOTBALL making Edward H. White High School him the Rutgers of fensive to the Class 4A state playoffs lineman to gain the honor and blocked in an offense that since now-San Francisco averaged over 200 yards rush49ers lineman ing per game. Anthony Davis in He was ranked 2007. Davis was the No. 3 offensive a first-round pick guard in Florida, in the 2010 before transitioning NFL Draft. to tackle at Rutgers, The 6-foot-4, and was a three-star 2 9 8 - p o u n d recruit according to Johnson saw his and first action in a KALEB Rutgers uniform At Rutgers, he is JOHNSON when he star ted part of an offensive at right tackle line that helps the against Ohio after sitting team average nearly 100 out the first two games of rushing yards per game and the season. 245 passing yards per game. Since then, Johnson startThe offense was also tops ed ever y game for the in the conference in fourth Knights. In those 10 games, down conversions and Rutgers earned a 7-3 record. ranked fifth in the conferHe expects to start on ence in sacks allowed with Dec. 30 against Iowa State in two and a half per game. the New Era Pinstripe Bowl, which will air on ESPN. — Joey Gregory


Freshman wing Betnijah Laney leads all Knights’ freshmen with 8.4 points per game but faces her biggest test against Tennessee.



DECEMBER 13, 2011




Freshman guard Jerome Seagears, right, shot 55 percent from the field in the Knights 81-66 victory against Monmouth last night in Piscataway, yielding the freshman 12 points. Rutgers and head coach Mike Rice, in his second year at the helm, extended the team’s all-time unbeaten streak against Monmouth to 8-0 with the win.

WIN: Miller sparks Knights on both ends of court in win continued from back The driving force was junior wing Dane Miller. Miller put together his most complete performance of the season, leading the Knights on both ends of the court. He produced a put-back dunk on one possession and followed it with a blocked shot on defense. He dunked on an alley oop. He dunked on a pass and transition. And he did so nearly at will. But his low-post blocks were as authoritative. “When he does that, we’re going to be a very hard team to

RUTGERS EARNS ACADEMIC HONOR The Rutgers women’s soccer team earned the NSCAA College WOMEN’S SOCCER T e a m Academic award, making the Scarlet Knights one of 571 women’s teams honored for academic excellence. To be eligible for the award, a team must hold at least a 3.0 grade point average. Pacing the Knights was junior back Shannon Woeller, who maintained a 3.97 GPA en route to being named to the NSCAA Scholar All-East Region Second Team. On the field, the season did not go exactly as head coach Glenn Crooks scripted. The Knights (8-8-3) battled through a number of injuries before qualifying for the Big East Tournament. The Knights lost, 1-0, on the road against Providence. It marked the 12th consecutive season the team advanced to the conference tournament. — Staff Report

beat,” said freshman guard Eli Carter. “That’s a gift, what he does.” The Rochester, N.Y., native finished the contest with 13 points, 11 rebounds and seven rejections. “I had a phone conversation with my grandmother today,” Miller said. “She told me to play hard and just keep playing. So from here on out I decided to play hard, and it clicked.” Miller said following Rutgers’ tough two-game stretch, the entire team needed to become leaders. He did not mind taking the reins last night, when he and Carter willed the Knights to a victor y. Carter led Rutgers with 21 points on 7-of-9 shooting, showing the scoring touch that

attracted Rice during the spring recruiting season. The outburst was a career high for Carter. “It got me in a rhythm, but it gave our team a little bit of intensity,” Carter said. “We started pressuring the ball, playing harder, getting after it on defense and just playing basketball.” Carter and the Knights offense matched its first-half output in nearly six minutes’ less time. Prior to Rutgers’ 51-point second half, it scored only 137 points in its last five halves. The Knights’ moving parts were part of the reason, with versatile freshmen Kadeem Jack and Malick Kone sidelined. Rice returned to a three-guard starting lineup with Carter, freshman

Myles Mack and sophomore Mike Poole. Miller began at the four position while sophomore Gilvdyas Biruta started at center in place of junior Austin Johnson. The shake-up provided enough offensive luster for at least one game. “I made them uncomfortable,” Rice said of the team’s practices following two losses. “And I threw different things at them. They responded. … It was a good weekend to get things out and toughen that team up.” The guards’ production masked the frontcour t’s modest outing. Freshman Jerome Seagears responded to the demotion with 12 points and a 55-percent shooting clip from the field.

But after coming off the bench, Johnson fouled out without scoring a point. Freshmen Greg Lewis and Derrick Randall continue to be works in progress whose output does not necessarily show up on the stat sheet. And without Jack or Kone, Biruta remains the only consistent frontcourt scoring threat. But with three guards and a wing on the court, it will not be the focus. “For us to be nine games in and for Coach Rice and the coaching staff to feel like we’re not buying in … it kind of clicked in,” Miller said. “It was a lot of running in those three practices, so we had no choice. We didn’t want to lose this game and then have practice on Tuesday and just keep running. We’ll probably run anyway.”



DECEMBER 13, 2011


Freshman class shines at Rutgers BY JOEY GREGORY STAFF WRITER


Freshman guard Eli Carter carried the Scarlet Knights in the first half of play against Monmouth with 15 points, finishing the contest with a career high 21 points on 7-of-9 shooting in the team’s 81-66 bounceback win.

Freshman sparks offense in career game BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

The Rutgers men’s basketball team found itself trailing by as many as 10 points before one of its freshmen took up KNIGHT the firsthalf scorNOTEBOOK ing load. G u a r d Eli Car ter finished a transition pass from junior wing Dane Miller, conver ting a foul shout and sending the Scarlet Knights into the locker room with a 3-point halftime lead. He led the Knights in the first half of their 81-66 win against Monmouth with 15 points last night at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. Car ter went on to notch a career-high 21 points in the win. Following a timeout with less than eight minutes in the first half, Car ter lifted Rutgers with back-to-back

3-pointers to bring it within 2 of the Hawks. The former Brewster Academy (N.H.) guard is second on the team with 10.3 points per game and leads the Knights with 8.9 shot attempts per game in his first season. He shot 4-of-5 from the field in the first 20 minutes; propelling Rutgers out of the funk it suf fered of fensively midway through the half. Prior to Car ter’s pair of 3pointers, the Knights scored only 9 points in more than 12 minutes against a lowly Hawks team. Behind Car ter, they finished the half with 21 points in less than eight minutes of play.




pair of familiar foes last night in Monmouth’s Will Campbell and Mike Myers Keitt, who they played against in the Jersey Shore Basketball League. Rutgers’ nine players who suited up in the Belmar sum-

mer league faced Campbell and Myers Keitt in their season opener, falling 104-85. The Monmouth duo paired up with former Florida Gator and Christian Brothers Academy product Dan Werner in the summer league. Senior guard Mike Kuhn also attended the Lincroft, N.J., high school. Campbell and Car ter both have souther n New Jersey roots, as Campbell finished out his high school career at Paul VI while Car ter played his first two seasons at Life Center Academy. Campbell and Myers Keitt combined for 17 points on 5-for-16 shooting in the contest.

He also registered a pair of steals and facilitated Rutgers’ transition offense. Miller entered the matchup with a team-leading 10 blocked shots on the season. He also ranks second on the team with 5.1 rebounds per game. He often matched up against Monmouth’s Andrew Nicholas, a former Rutgers target who took 9 firsthalf shots.






to 8-0 against Monmouth in a sparsely contested series dating back to 1984. The Knights boast a 40-3 record all time against Nor theast Conference opponents. They defeated Monmouth by 23 points last season before last night’s 15-point margin of victor y.

in the first half with three blocks and seven rebounds in his best defensive per formance of the season. The trio of swats moved Miller to No. 11 in the Rutgers histor y books in the statistic.

on Dec. 17 against Stony Brook at Madison Square Garden as part of the MSG Holiday Festival. Big East foe St. John’s takes on St. Francis (N.Y.) in the other matchup.





Fordham women’s basketball head coach Stephanie Gaitley cited the depth of the Rutgers WOMEN’S BASKETBALL w o m e n ’ s basketball team as a big factor in the Scarlet Knights’ victory last week over the Rams. Eight of the other nine teams the Knights faced this season likely had similar thoughts. The reason for is a highlytouted freshman class, which ranked No. 3 nationally by ESPN Hoopgurlz. The newfound depth allows Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer to substitute consistently throughout the game and keep her starters fresh. The last time Stringer had the luxury of a highly ranked class, they failed to live up to expectations. That group is this year’s senior class, and they are working hard to make sure this year’s class does not force history to repeat. “We try to push them as far as we can, so when they’re out there, they feel comfortable,” said fifth-year senior guard Khadijah Rushdan. “For them to be able to be in there at crucial moments and really feel comfortable is extremely important.” In practice Stringer runs the five freshmen against five upperclassmen, tr ying to give the younger players time against more experienced players. “There probably won’t usually be five freshmen out there when it comes down to it in crucial situations, but if they can get through it together — when they have upperclassmen out there — it should be that much easier,” Rushdan said. More important to Stringer than the production of the five freshmen is their work ethic and effort, of which she approves. “They really try,” she said. “They work hard. I don’t have a problem with anybody — just give me your greatest effort. I love their effort. I love their enthusiasm.” On more than one occasion this season, the Knights sported a lineup consisting of all five freshmen. Younger, more inexperienced players might be uncomfortable without an upperclassmen safety net — but not this group, Stringer said. “They’re not scared of anything. They may not know a play, [but] they’ll still go out there and try to rebound and score and play just as hard as they do,” Rushdan said. “That’s one thing that I really enjoy about them — that they don’t give up, and they play hard regardless.” Although many expect greatness out of the freshmen, nobody expects per fection, especially Stringer. “They’re going to make mistakes,” she said. “I might talk about turnovers, and when you push the ball as hard as they do, that’s going to happen.” From a player standpoint, the biggest advantage of the freshman class is the other players can go all-out and not have to worry about conserving their energy for later in the game. “In past years, we haven’t really had the depth,” Rushdan said. “We can really go 110 percent and know that the five that came in are just as good as the five that went out.”



DECEMBER 13, 2011


Knights welcome new era with Levine at the helm BY VINNIE MANCUSO CORRESPONDENT

The Rutgers gymnastics team entered uncharted territory last season on the Banks. Last year’s team broke the school GYMNASTICS record for victories in a season with a 19-8 record and notched its highest finish and score — fifth and 193.625, respectively — in the East Atlantic Gymnasts League Championships.

With the achievements came change. As the program she built reached new heights, 25-year head coach Cr ystal Chollet-Nor ton announced her retirement. Now in his first year, former assistant coach and now head coach Louis Levine plans to build upon last season’s successes. “I have got some pretty big shoes to fill. Cr ystal turned this program into what it is,” Levine said. “We just have to keep working hard because


Sophomore Luisa Leal led the Scarlet Knights in all-around competition last season with a 38.68 scoring average.

there are still places we can improve. We are looking forward to a great season.” Helping Levine settle into his role are a few familiar faces. Juniors Danielle D’Elia and Jenna Zito and sophomore Luisa Leal all return this year after their record-setting 2011 campaign. The three gymnasts earned ber ths to the NCAA Regionals, marking the first representation for the Scarlet Knights since 2007. As an assistant coach, Levine had the oppor tunity to work closely with the Knights before. He now looks for ward to being their leader. “The girls have been working really hard to get ready for what is sure to be a great season this year,” Levine said. “I can tell we are going to return to what we had last year, just power gymnastics.” Bolstering the lineup are four incoming freshmen who could compete for a spot in all four events. Anastasia Halbig, Emma Hof fman, Kayla Mercado and Sara Skammer are all-around per formers more than able to continue the trend of rookie success at Rutgers, Levine said. “All of our newcomers are all-around athletes capable of earning their spot,” he said. “They are really going to help add depth to the team, help bring us to a better place.” The Knights face challenges of f the bat with back-to-back conference opponents. They open their season at home Jan. 7 against EAGL opponent New


Senior Nicole Schwartz paced the Knights on the balance beam last season, scoring 9.154 points per competition. Hampshire before hitting the road against West Virginia. New Hampshire finished second last year in the EAGL Championships. For a team in the middle of a significant transition, Levine feels the early challenges are the measuring stick for the rest of the season. “We always feel the biggest challenges for us are our conference opponents. Those first two meets will be some of the hardest,” he said. “I think

it’s a good thing to star t of f the year like that. It gives us a chance to test out where we stand.” As the Levine era approaches for the Knights, the firstyear head coach emphasizes that challenges and last year’s record-setting season aside, he strives for improvement. “All we want is to get better day by day,” Levine said. “We are just looking to build of f of what we have already accomplished.”

Trio of first-place finishes paces RU at Princeton Invite BY PATRICK LANNI STAFF WRITER

The Rutgers men’s track and field team began its 2011-2012 indoor season Saturday with t h r e e MEN’S TRACK first-place finishes at Princeton’s New Year’s Invitational. Senior Adam Bergo claimed two of the top finishes, earning victories in the high jump and triple jump for the Scarlet Knights. Clearing 6 feet, 10.75 inches in the high jump, Bergo felt satisfied with his first place jump, but was not 100 percent sold on his per formance. “It went well, but it could’ve went a little bit better,” Bergo said. “I really wanted to hit 7 feet in the first meet, so I have to iron out a few things there.” Jumping a personal-best 49 feet, seven inches in triple jump, the Plainfield, N.J., native credited the accomplishment to his competitive nature. “I wouldn’t have [achieved my personal best] if it wasn’t for my teammate, [senior] Tyrone Putman,” Bergo said. “He jumped before me, and when he went 49 feet, it really got me going, got me amped up. It really gets me excited for the competition we’re going to have the rest of the season.” Putman’s jump of 49 feet, three inches was good for second in the competition. Bergo and Putman were the only competitors to surpass 49.2 meters in the event. “It definitely felt ver y good to [resume competition],” Bergo said. “Coming of f the

summer and finishing the season at nationals, I just really wanted to get back on the track to get the ner ves out.” A similar stor y for most of the athletes, the Knights found success getting the ner ves out during their early season tune-up. Sophomores Hamer Farag and Karon Purcell finished first and second, respectively, in the 1,000-meter run. Farag clocked in at 2:35:04, only a hundredth of a second ahead of his classmate. Three Knights fell short of adding to the team’s top finishes. Sprinters Steve Werner and Corey Caidenhead contributed second place per formances in the 300- and 600-meter runs, respectively. Wer ner, a senior from Newton Square, Pa., finished in a time of 35.13 seconds, half a second behind Princeton’s Tom Hopkins. The sophomore Caidenhead won his heat in a time of 1:21:19, but Delaware State’s Tariq Devore, who finished in 1:20:27, out-placed him. Jumper Corey Crawford also added a second-place finish for the Knights in the long jump. The sophomore leapt 23 feet, nine inches, and fell shor t of Princeton’s Hopkins by less than three inches. Senior thrower James Plummer saw his first action in the shot put this season. Placing third, the South Toms River, N.J., native recorded a throw of 51 feet, six inches. Plummer won the discus at the IC4A championships last spring, but indoor meets do


Senior Adam Bergo earned two of the Knights’ three first-place finishes at the Princeton Invitational Saturday at Princeton. The Plainfield, N.J., native won the long jump and triple jump events. not feature the event. Still, Plummer continues to improve on his second event. Junior pole-vaulter Chris Wyckof f also finished in the top three for the Knights’ field team. The junior cleared 15 feet, two inches for third place in the competition.

The team hosts its own tri-meet on Jan. 6, as the Knights look to continue their success from their season opener. Following the Rutgers TriMeet the Knights compete in five more meets before taking par t in the Big East

Championships on Feb. 18 in the Bronx, N.Y. Though the New Years Invitational marked the team’s first meet of the season, the Knights still have plenty of time to build of f of their trio of firstplace finishes.



PA G E 2 4

DECEMBER 13, 2011

Hall of Fame coaches meet in key matchup BY JOEY GREGORY STAFF WRITER

It is not often that two coaches at the top of their spor t come together to battle. But that is exactly what happens tonight, when WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Pat Summit and the Tennessee TENNESSEE AT Lady Volunteers RUTGERS, pay a visit to the TONIGHT, 7:30 P.M. Louis Brown Athletic Center. Summit is the all-time winningest coach in college basketball histor y and the only college basketball coach to eclipse the 1,000-win mark. Rutgers women’s basketball head coach C. Vivian Stringer is third all-time in wins for women’s college basketball with 872, second among active coaches, and is on pace to move into second place next season. As committed as both coaches are to winning, they share a lot of histor y together and remain good friends to this day. But do not expect their friendship to af fect how hard either tries to earn the victor y. “Pat and I are great friends and we go back a long way, but she wouldn’t spare me. Believe me, she’s coming here to win,” Stringer said. “But when it’s time to play, we’re going to work and we’re going to prepare as best we can.” Nostalgia aside, the game is a clash between two highly ranked teams. Each enters the game expecting to win. The Lady Vols (4-2) arrive tonight ranked No. 7, four spots ahead of the No. 11 Scarlet Knights (9-1), who look to defend their per fect home record. One of Tennessee’s four wins is against No. 9 Miami, which is responsible for the only Rutgers loss this season.



Junior wing Dane Miller throws down a dunk last night in the Scarlet Knights 81-66 win against Monmouth at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. Miller scored 13 points in the bounceback victory and posted a season-high seven blocks.

Miller spearheads RU’s bounce-back win BY TYLER BARTO ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR

Rutgers head men’s basketball coach Mike Rice spent the majority of the Scarlet Knights’ MEN’S BASKETBALL contest last night MONMOUTH 66 against Monmouth as their cheerleader. RUTGERS 81 He clapped through their

turnovers. He withheld grimaces during rough defensive sets. And he stayed calm through a 12-minute stretch of only nine points. The suppor t paid of f as the Knights ran away from the Hawks in the second half of an 81-66 win at the Louis Brown Athletic Center. “It’s not me against them — it’s us,” Rice said. “I have to look at what I’m doing and make some adjustments, as well.”

The resounding win came on the heels of consecutive last-minute losses, the last of which Rice admitted to having a lack of connection with his roster. Rice and the Knights (5-5) were on the same page at the RAC, where Rutgers put together a 51-39 second-half advantage over the Hawks (2-9) for its first win since Nov. 28.


Knights embrace challenges as second half approaches BY BRADLY DERECHAILO STAFF WRITER


Senior swimmer Trisha Averill continues to lead the Knights in the pool, breaking a school record in the 200-yard breaststroke and winning Big East Swimmer of the Week.

With the first half of the year in the books, Rutgers head swimming and diving coach Phil Spiniello is pleased with the way his team SWIMMING & DIVING per formed and looks for ward to what remains in the season’s second leg. “We’re of f to a great star t,” Spiniello said. “We’ve laid the foundation for what we want to achieve in the second half, and our goal is to swim and dive to the best of our abilities then.” The Scarlet Knights are 6-0 thanks to the way the team bought into Spiniello’s ideals, the head coach said. With wins against Big East-foes Georgetown, Seton Hall and Villanova, Spiniello noticed a difference in the way the team is per forming compared to this point last season. “The team is really buying into our vision,” Spiniello said. “They are motivated to be one of the best teams in the Big East.” The team’s strong season came to fruition as it united through the past year. One of the team’s standouts is senior captain Trisha Averill, who already took

home Big East Swimmer of the Week honors and recently Rutgers Student-Athlete of the Month for November. At last weekend’s Princeton Invitational, the veteran broke the school record in the 200-meter breaststroke with a finishing time of 2:15.23. “I’ve had a lot of acknowledgments lately, and it’s really nice that someone from the swim team was recognized as Athlete of the Month,” Averill said. “It’s an urgency to do well because it’s my last season.” Spiniello is grateful to have such a successful leader as a member of the program. “Trisha is a pleasure to coach,” Spiniello said. “Her work ethic is great and she leads by example. She really cares about not just her success, but the program’s success as well.” Another strong par t of the program is the per formance of the divers. Junior Carissa Santora captured titles in both the 1-meter and 3-meter dives this season. Along with Santora, junior Katie Kearney, sophomores Valentina Gordon and Nicole Scott and freshman Nicole


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