2022-2023 SCOPE CIMSA UNAIR as LEO for Incoming
2022-now MnD AMSA UNAIR as Member
HMI Komisariat Kedokteran Airlangga as Member
2023 STIMULATOR - Bakti Mahasiswa 2021 as Vice Coordinator of Material & Speaker Division
"Anesthesia" Dekan Cup FK UNAIR as Staff of Event
Anniversary-Nootropic AMSA UNAIR as Coordinator of Event
2022 MEDSPIN FK UNAIR as Coordinator of Public Relation
NLT AMSA Unair as Staff of Event
AMSA District 5 Project as Staff of Event
AMSA National Project as Staff of Publication and Public Relation
AURORA Exchange Fair CIMSA UNAIR as Coordinator of Event
FK Idol Dekan Cup as Vice Coordinator of Event
Anniversary-Nootropic AMSA UNAIR as Vice Coordinator of Event
AMSA UNAIR "Event of The Year" as Staff of Public Relation
Training New Trainer CIMSA Region 7 as Staff of Event
LEPROSY Sub-Committee APH AMSA UNAIR as Staff of Design and Documentation
2021-2022 Project for Newbies "LATERESPON"
CIMSA UNAIR as Project Officer
2021 Project for Newbies "Innervation" AMSA UNAIR
as Staff of Public Relation
Open House FK UNAIR Facilitator
MEDSPIN FK UNAIR as Staff of Event
RADIENCE - SCORA CIMSA UNAIR as Master of Ceremony & Staff of Event
SCLERA Bakti Mahasiswa FK UNAIR Speaker
Week of Happiness FK UNAIR as Staff of Event
Denteam FKG UNAIR as Staff of Equipment
DENTINE FKG UNAIR as Master of Ceremony & Staff of Event
BEM FKG UNAIR as Staff of External Relation
FKG UNAIR Peduli as Staff of Public Relation
2018 achievements.
SMAMDA CUP as Staff of Medical Division
TOP 3 SCOPE Local (2nd period) as LEO in charge
TOP 3 Central Publication (2nd period) as LEO in charge
TOP 3 SCOPE Local Authentic Activities (2nd period) as LEO in charge
TOP 3 Local Upgrading (1st period as LEO in charge
Best SCOPE Local on Finance (1st period) as LEO in charge
TOP 3 LEO for Incoming (1st period) as LEO in charge
Gold Medal of PKM-RE Poster Competition at PIMNAS 34 Universitas Sumatera Utara
Semifinalist of Biomedical Engineering Competition (BMEC)
Semifinalist Biology Competition OlympicAD
These are the words that constantly motivate me to keep pushing and exploring myself to improve. To begin, why CIMSA? Initially, I never thought CIMSA would be the right place for me. However, through my experiences as CIMSA UNAIR’s LEO In, I gradually had an epiphany–that CIMSA was the perfect place to develop myself into everything I have always aspired to be; a responsible, hard-working, and dedicated leader. “What exactly can I give to benefit others?” is a question that has always resounded deep in me; an intense desire to aid those around me yet with no outlet, yet CIMSA is the platform that has allowed me to actualize those dreams.
Greetings, CIMSA! My name is Tarissa Diandra Putri Wibowo, and I am currently a second-year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. Time flew by so fast and my term as Local Exchange Officer for Incoming has almost come to an end. My time as an LEO-In has shown me many things including meeting people from all sorts of socio-cultural backgrounds and taught me how to organize my local’s activities. Having said that, I still have much to offer and more to learn here at CIMSA. So here I am, declaring myself to be "Brave to Lead" by running for the position of National Exchange Officer for Incoming CIMSA Indonesia 2023/2024.
The main reason I'm interested in being a NEO In is that I want to play a bigger part in facilitating interaction between medical students worldwide. Knowing that I can interact with many people from other countries and learn about their diverse cultures is incredibly intriguing. My experiences during my term have not only equipped me with a sufficient understanding of organizing events, but it has also tremendously boosted my affinity for meeting new people from across the world. Through CIMSA, I have gained an abundance of friendships, knowledge, and unique experiences, and I find that those factors are what make the ups and downs of it all worth it.
I have faith in the process and give my whole self to the things I find interesting. I also pick things up quickly and take responsibility for my choices. I can say with pride that I consider myself the ideal candidate to lead SCOPE CIMSA and its members' closest friends, something that I have harbored aspirations for, ever since I felt firsthand the warmth SCOPE has given me. I intend to make everyone happy and satisfied with SCOPE through the unending help of friends, families, and the team. Even in a tiny way, "Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nations" can make a difference, and I intend to do my part to ensure it.
"Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nations' Health"
SCOPE C r medical students to gain insight regarding healthcare systems around the world by conducting professional exchange programs, capacity building, and activities, while also increasing the opportunity for all medical students to enrich their cultural understanding through the participation of more local committees.
1 Enhance the value of SCOPE CIMSA's facilitation of exchange programs by ensuring that it is according to the IFMSA’s standard.
2 Preserve the relationship within SCOPE CIMSA and foster an environment that is safe for development, as well as enhance the capability of its human resources to comply with its field of expertise.
3 Enhancing SCOPE CIMSA’s presence on a local, national, and international level by bringing in an extensive range of external stakeholders for forthcoming SCOPE CIMSA activities through broad communication.
4 Establishing a carefully planned and managed administration system within SCOPE CIMSA.
5 Preserve the consistency of SCOPE CIMSA's financing through meticulous planning and precise implementation.
Maximizing bimonthly meetings to enlighten LEOs with incoming hosting-related information and establish a LEOcentered platform for evaluating and discussing the current incoming hosting system.
Actively updating and reviewing CIMSA’s exchange conditions and exchange regulations to account for post-pandemic situations in Indonesia while overseeing their implementation at each local committee through ILBMR, LC Condition Update, and Incoming Database
Renew CIMSA’s Card of Documents with the inclusion of a Letter of Agreement
Closely monitor the administrative process to acquire the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in order to obtain a guarantor’s right for incoming students’ E-Visa together with CIMSA’s executive board
Conduct a monthly assessment to ensure each local committee’s readiness to host incoming students.
Emphasizing the importance of Academic Quality to the incoming students through organized Upon Arrival Training and an updated Letter of Agreement with the assistance of LEOs
Initiating a Faculty Roadshow with the goal of boosting incoming hosting agreements with each local committee through active involvement in advocacy with the board of deans, hospital supervisors, and international offices. Incorporate a Virtual Exchange for local committees that are currently unavailable to host and have very limited capacity for incoming hosting.
Assist and supervise each local committee's preparations for the initiation of the Public Health Exchange along with SCOPH. Revitalize Regional Social Programs in order to broaden the student's cultural awareness.
Supervising handover reports and providing post-handover guidance with VNI to ensure the quality of LEOs' understanding regarding their roles and scope of work
Visit each local committee to better understand each LC's working environment and to establish a good rapport with each member from the start of the term.
Ensuring the quality of NEC and their Team through standardized selection, thorough discussions with predecessors before them, and targeted handovers.
Optimize and supervise NEC Buddy implementation through bimonthly meetings and group chats based on the NEC Buddy Guideline alongside VNI
Carry out centralized and standardized capacity building in partnership with SCORE by holding PRET to enhance members' and LEOs' understanding of issues concerning SCOPE's scope of work.
Conducting 'SCOPE I'm in Love 3.0' alongside HRDC to reinforce bonds among members and increase their sense of belonging towards SCOPE.
Encourage members and LEOs to apply as Exchange Trainers with HRDC by organizing intensive classes prior to the training session and offering financial assistance in an effort to increase the quality of SCOPE's human resources.
(ID KPI S.3.5)
Hold at least three Team Official Meetings with NEC, one of which must be held offline during the term.
Optimize central publications by coordinating with VNE and MCC through trackers and Inter-NMO collaborations to boost SCOPE's public presence. Promoting Indonesia's cultural richness and SCOPE's quality as hosts for incoming students through an updated profile video in partnership with KEMENPAREKRAF.
Approach various professional medical organizations through LO GO in hopes of increasing recognition for SCOPE’s professional exchange program. Raise public awareness about ethical challenges in the medical field by collaborating with UNESCO, ALSA, and other possible organizations on World Bioethics Day. Seek collaboration with WHO and UHC2030 to commemorate Universal Health Coverage Day as part of an ongoing effort to promote equity in health care services.
Seek new potential collaborations with third parties to develop incoming kits alongside FnMC and VNE Develop SCOPE's current brand characters with SCOPE's MCC to increase SCOPE's presence in the public eye.
Approach several potential local committees that have yet to develop SCOPE, to assist them with the process of establishing SCOPE through comprehensive guidance with VNE and VNI. (ID KPI E.2.1.3)
Explore the possibility of collaborating with stakeholders alongside LOs to enhance SCOPE's existing Global Health Module.
Maximize the effectiveness of IFTTT and deadline tracker as a reminder platform for NEC and LEOs. Familiarize members and LEOs with integrated documents, internal regulations, and CIMSA's secure member portal with the help of SCOPE's Secretary.
Establish a centralized Memorandum of Understanding to be utilized by local committees to advocate for SCOPE's professional exchange program.
Propose changes to guidelines and procedures to account for the post-pandemic situation.
Plan and carry out SCOPE's expenditures for the forthcoming term in collaboration with SCOPE’s Treasurer and NEO Out.
Monitor and evaluate each local committee’s financial state with NEO OUT and SCOPE’s Treasurer
Holding a merchandise endorsement competition to increase member awareness regarding SCOPE merch, and design competition in order to find and develop new ideas for SCOPE's merch with LEOs, NEO OUT, and other NECs, especially FnMC
Supervise the allocation of local project grants through a detailed budgeting plan and execution as specified in the integrated FPA-AR