Through a Norfolk Fenland Through a landscape rarely broken, through the rustling of the reeds, an echo of the skylark settles on the breeze The level dyke is flowing as the geese still have a gander at a harrier on high. The broken windmill silent like the sentinel within, the owl is only seen as darkness falls the fens The moonlight shadows creep across a watery fen and lowly heard the cattle herd grazing on the marsh, while whispering rodents keep an eye, on talons from the sky A heron swoops at morning above the misty land while creaks a wooden gate where ghostly cries the crow. Here once a pious people paid homage to their god now stands a ruined tower upon the sodden sod, where then the Marshman laboured across a Norfolk Fen and often from afar are echoes of them then. Ian Dinmore 01 April 2022