Farley Classroom Dedication at Timberlake Biological Field Station This summer we celebrated the dedication of the Farley Education Building at the Timberlake Biological Field Station. A new classroom gifted from the
John and Lillie May Farley family will expand undergraduate and graduate research opportunities in everything from aquatic and plant ecology to herpetology and ornithology. Area school children also find the station a special place for learning. John W. Farley and Lillie May Reid shared a microscope in Lula Gough’s Botany class at John Tarleton Agricultural College in the 1930-31 school year. It was while sharing a microscope that romance began to blossom that started a life-long marriage and deep love for Tarleton. Decades of fellowship ensued between the Timberlakes, Johansons, and five generations of Farley family members at the river campground. This friendship and their passion for education and Tarleton motivated the Farley family to establish the Farley Education Building at the Timberlake Biological Field Station in honor of the families’ relationship that began some 100 years ago. The Timberlake Biological Field Station was established in 2015 to advance environmental research, engage students in scientific discovery, and promote stewardship of the natural world. Learn more: https://www.tarleton.edu/timberlakeranch/index.html
Dedication of the Farley Education Building 3