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Tarleton Engineering Graduates Speak at May TSPE Meeting in Fort Worth
Tarleton Engineering Graduates Speak at May TSPE Meeting in Fort Worth
A trio of Tarleton State University civil and environmental engineering May graduates presented their senior design projects at this
month’s meeting of the Fort Worth chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Karina Borisova, a civil engineering major from Brownwood; Shannon Lawless, environmental engineering, Garland; and Daniel Piña, civil engineering, Comanche, headlined the meeting. “Being invited to present the two-semester design project to industry professionals is an honor and a privilege,” said Dr. Kartik Venkataraman, the chapter’s faculty mentor. “It’s a great opportunity for them to showcase Tarleton’s civil and environmental engineering programs.” Karina, an honor graduate, moved to the United States from Russia as a high school freshman. Her civil engineering interests include water resources and structural engineering. She has completed two summer internships with TxDOT in Brownwood and joined Kimley-Horn’s water resources team in Las Colinas in June. Shannon graduated with presidential honors with summa cum laude recognition. Her environmental engineering interest areas are water resources, hydrology and hydraulics. In her most recent study she interpreted results from water tests on TCEQrecognized lakes in Texas with Dr. Venkataraman. She interned for two summers with the NRCS in 2019 and 2020 and has accepted a full-time position at Peloton Land Solutions to begin May 24. Daniel’s interest areas include transportation and water resources. He has accepted a full-time position with TxDOT in Brownwood. He plans to work toward his principles and practices of engineering license. Dr. Venkataraman noted that guest lectures, mock interview sessions, leadership training and scholarship opportunities highlight the benefits of TSPE membership. Visit the Department of Engineering and Computer Science at www.tarleton.edu/encs/ for more information.