Bartlett Cocke Donation Names Constru “I graduated from Tarleton in 1993 with a degree in business. If there had been a construction science department back then, that’s something I would have been a part of.” The computer-aided design lab in the Engineering building at Tarleton State University was recently named the Bartlett Cocke General Contractors Construction Technologies Lab following a donation by the Texas-based general contracting firm. Bartlett Cocke’s support of the Construction Science and Management program has been spear-headed by Tarleton graduate Randall Jay, the company’s Vice President of Field Operations, who recognized great things in this program several years ago. The Construction Science and Management program began in 2015 and is part of the Engineering Technology Department. “In 2015 I heard Tarleton was developing a construction science department with plans to offer a degree in it,” Jay said. “I graduated from Tarleton in 1993 with a degree in business. If there had been a construction science department back then, that’s something I would have been a part of.”
New signage for Lab in Engineering Building
He contacted the university when he heard of the coming Construction Science and Management program, planning to involve his employer from an early stage. “We started going to career fairs in Stephenville in 2015. There
COST IMPACT PROGRAM MAKES FIRST AWARDS THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE PROJECTS SELECTED FOR FUNDING FROM THE COST IMPACT PROGRAM. This program is completely funded from external donations to the college. There were seven projects submitted for consideration and four have been selected for funding for a total of $7,144.76.
• Fei Wang (ENCS): Proposal title: Permeability Test Devices, a.k.a. Permeameters (ENVE 2311 Soil Mechanics & ENGR 111 Engineering Fundamentals);
The four projects are:
• Hoe-Gil Lee (ENCS); Proposal title: Consumables for 3D printer student projects (MEEN 2115 Engineering Computer Aided Manufacturing);
• Austin Davidson (student); Proposal title: Using ASME student competitions as a vehicle to enhance student educational experience, promote retention, and develop needed skills for future success;
• Haitham Abu Ghazaleh (ENCS); Proposal title: Support for IEEE Student Chapter Competition and Research Projects;
These projects were selected as top priority due to their impact on the educational experiences of our students.