TAT is looking for the following Buskers Musicians Caterers Street Artists Volunteers Sponsors If you are willing to get involved or lend a hand for this event please email us.
Skate!Park!ART!event!from!10!will!include!live! street!art!performance,!skating,!workshop!and! display!of!youth!art.! Get!involved!!
“As a young girl I used to spend most weekends at Taroona Beach with my family walking along the foreshore, exploring, climbing rocks, running amuck, adventuring and playing in the surrounding bush land.
CK* I D * Y ROR hop* ks w or
Fast track 15 years or so and frequent trips overseas and a long stint on the mainland of Australia, I found myself back in this little oasis with my own toddlers in hand, who now enjoy exploring the Taroona foreshore, climbing rocks, adventuring and playing.
Bring!a!t-shirt!or!bag! to! print!onto!with! original!stencil!art! supported!by!Rory! Dick,!award!winning! stencil!artist,!or! decorate!your!helmet,! skateboard!or!bike!with!hand!cut!vinyl!stickers.! COMMITTEE! Labyrinth for Taroona Foreshore
Sea Dragon Guardian Creating the new mythology An Intergenerational project with Mary’s Grange, Men’s Shed Kingston and community members, facilitated and dreaming by Helen Quilty, renowned local artist and resident. “Let us weave our creative magic to build a new dragon for Taroona, Paint his body, use rings and strings and other things.
He will wear a garland of seaweed and seashore bounty to be his mane. Jewell colours of glistening scales that sparkle in the rain. Our magic we will give him, a fearless roar and eyes that blaze like coals in the fire of his breath.” Helen Quilty FIRE CEREMONY BY THE TAROONA SCOUTS AND STORIES AROUND THE CAMP FIRE.
Interest has been sparked to create a permanent labyrinth on the Taroona Foreshore. To initiate this project Mark Healy, Magic Pathman and Judy Keen, local labyrinth specialist will be creating an ephemeral labyrinth. Everyone is encouraged to bring flowers to decorate the path while mosaic tiles will adorn the centre.
Ruth!Butler!! ! Margaret!James!! ! Nel!Smit!! ! Katree!Wilson!! ! Jan!Scott!! ! Jane!Howard!! !
Community!coordinator! Promotion!and!sponsorship! Event!producer! Workshop!program!and!graphics! Food!and!beverage!manager! Volunteer!coordinator!
Recently on one of these walks I mused there was something amiss. I thought about how wonderful it would be to have a community event celebrating this wonderful space and showcasing our unique environment to the greater community, like an 'open day' of the Taroona Foreshore. Once I got home, out came the butcher paper and scrambling together of pen to paper. Numerous word documents followed and after many conversations, discussions and ramblings, the Taroona Art Trail seed was planted……” Ruth!Butler! The!Art!Trail!has!now!blossomed!into!an!exciting!and! wide! spreading! celebration! for! all.! ! Commencing! this! year!and!expected!to!run!bi-annually!the!response!and! support! from! community! groups,! individuals! and! council!has!been!overwhelming.!
THIS!EVENT!WOULD!NOT!BE!POSSIBLE! WITHOUT!THE!GENEROSITY!OF!THE! FOLLOWING!PEOPLE!AND!ORGANISATIONS.! • Kingborough!Council! • Duncan!Kerr! • Andrew!Wilkie! • Scott!Bacon! • Betta!Milk! • Pennicott!Wilderness!Journeys! • Taroona!Lounge!Bar! • Imas! • Taroona!Community!Association! • Rotary!Club!Kingston! • Lions!Club!
Labyrinths are found to date back 2000years. Some scientific research has credited walking labyrinths with physical and mental healing and general wellbeing. In the future we hope to all be involved in creating a permanent site for relaxation, contemplation and meditation.
PRIZES AND AWARD $1000 Artist’s Prize Under 12’s Award Community Group Award
People’s Choice Award Youth Award Recycled Award
brought!to!you!by! TEN!
Special Edition – September 2016
Special Edition – September 2016
!!taroonaarttrail.weebly.com**************taroonaarttrail@gmail.com* Lorem Ipsum Celebration*Activities** Weaving!and!Stone!wrapping! Mandala!making!and!yarn!bombing! Sand!castles!and!Beach!Raking! Astrophotography!Workshop! Tree!Planting!and!Garden!guidance! Bat!walk!with!Lisa!Cawthen! Playback!Theatre! Skate!Park!ART!event!with!vinyl!and!stencils! Roaming!Buskers! Fire!Ceremony!&!Camp!Fire!Stories!! *
Picnic*Lunch*in*the*Park* Mad!Hatters!Tea!Party!! Food!and!Beverages! !
Trail and Celebration Program available on our website in October.
Circulation 1450, distributed to your letter box by over 30 volunteers
!“This%issue%of%the%Taroona%News%is%entirely%dedicated%to%promoting%the%forthcoming%Taroona&Art&Trail%and%community% celebration%on%19%November%2016,%organised%by%a%small%and%dedicated%group%of%residents%who%have%formed%the%Taroona% Arts%Trail%committee.%%% The%Taroona%Art%Trail%is%a%community%event%brought%to%you%by%the%Taroona%Environment%Network.%It%is%supported%by%a%range% of%local%community%organisations%and%by%Kingborough%Council%through%a%community%grant.%The%Taroona%Community% Association%is%assisting%this%initiative%with%help%for%event%promotion.%%Participants%are%invited%to%create%an% ephemeral%sculpture,%installation%or%artwork%to%share%with%the%community.%%It%can%be%inspired%by%the%landscape,%memories%or% new%experiences.%%It%may%be%a%shared%creation!%% If%you%want%to%know%more%about%how%you%can%be%involved%in%the%lead%up%to%the%big%day%–%read%on.%%You%can%also%go%to%the% Taroona%Art%Trail%website%%taroonaarttrail.weebly.com!!which%is%packed%with%information.%% Get%inspired%and%find%out%how%you%can%be%involved%in%workshops%and%create%a%sculpture%to%enter%into%the%event%and% participate%on%the%day.%%%%Be%sure%to%get%in%early!%–%Jill!Hickie!(President,!Taroona!Community!Association)
Join in our creative activities …with stone wrapping, face painting, henna, mandala making and sculpture weaving, or bring along materials to yarn bomb a tree or add your flourish on the day.
Workshop Program
Roaming buskers will entertain you and guest speakers will enlighten you.
Bring a rug and a picnic to share for the PICNIC IN THE PARK and don’t miss the Mad Hatters Tea Party at the TNG @ 4PM.
Entries!close!1!NOV!!!!!!Entry!form!available!on!our!website! Thank!you!to!Andrew!Wilkie!and!Lisa!Singh!for!your!support!in!printing!this!newsletter!and!thanks!to!Taroona!Community!Association! for!distributing!it!to!Taroona!Residents.!
Sat 10 Recycled plastic fish TNG Sun 11 Recycled milk carton planter boxes TNG
Thur 6 Recycled sculpture with Ritchie Ares Dona at Yspace Sat 22 Stencil art for youth Community Centre
Kids and Community
Sat 5
Mosaic Tiles for Kids with Robyn Hopcroft Sat 19 Weaving Sculptures with Gwen Egg TNG Sat 19 Astro Photography with Kelli Nalder @Taroona Foreshore
Information*about*workshops*and* how*to*book*is*available*on*our* website.**
An!outdoor!exhibition!along!the!foreshore!walkway!celebrating!the!environment,! artists!and!experiences!that!have!been!created!during!the!workshop!process.!! The!celebration!is!a!community!event!inviting!people!to!engage!and!enjoy! collaborative!art!experiences!reflecting!the!essence!of!living!within!the!Taroona! landscape.!