Taroonanews june2015

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Taroona Community Association

June 2015

Taroona News Circulation 1450, distributed to your letter box by over 30 volunteers.

Email: communityassociation@taroona.tas.au

Taroona Community Association news


This issue of Taroona News is the largest to date and for good reason; there’s a lot going on in our little part of the world. This issue is a great snapshot of Taroona and celebrates the commitment, connections and enjoyment of our community.


Big news this side of the bends is the recent allocation of Tasmanian government funding to construct bicycle lanes on the uphill sections of the Channel Highway at Bonnet Hill, between Proctors and Baringa Roads. Congratulations to the Bonnet Hill Community Association and all involved in bringing this great achievement about so quickly. Our caring friends at Possums, who have nurtured many of our children for over 21 years, have been working hard to raise funds and increase enrolments. Again, the support from the community has been fantastic. Make sure you check out their Facebook auction on 14 June to help them reach their fundraising goals. Ratty, Mole and Badger continue to muck about in boats – the St Ayles Skiff to be precise – with weekly explorations of the Taroona coast and estuary. (I know we mention this project a lot but why not? It’s an amazing community resource that connects us with our place in an adventurous, fun and beautiful way.) Make sure you check out the wonderful Memory Wall that is now permanently attached to the Community Hall in Batchelor Way. A wonderful collaboration between the Taroona Scouts and the Ex-Services Club, the work is a simple and touching celebration across generations. Again, congratulations to all involved. A big thankyou from the TCA to the Taroona Baptist Church for honouring the work of the committee as part of their National Day of Thanksgiving. And finally, we recently received the revaluation of our house. It indicates how much our house is worth. But it doesn’t really. It just tells us how much the dirt and wood and timber and glass would cost to replace. The true value of where we live is to be found within these 12 pages. Mark Joseph, Co-Chair, TCA

Sat 13

Taroona’s Giant Book Sale, Taroona Shopping Centre, 9:00am

Sun 14 TEN Walkabout: Fabulous Fungi , Meet at the bottom of Truganini Reserve, Taroona. 10am–12 noon Sun 14 Possums Facebook auction closes 9pm Wed 24 Community Emergency Management public meeting, Taroona Bowls Club, 6.30 pm

July Wed 1

Sun 5

Community Emergency Management public meeting, Taroona Bowls Club, 6.30 pm TEN Working Bee, Schools bushland meet at old Archery Field, nearest the foreshore. 10am–12 noon

Sun 12 Taroona Gardening Forum Winter Luncheon Mon 13 Brown’s River History Group, ‘Plans to extend the Sandy Bay tram to Taroona and Kingston ‘, old Kingston Primary School, 3pm

August Sun 2

TEN Working Bee, Norwood Avenue foreshore. Meet at end of Seaview Avenue., 10am–12 noon

Wed 5

Taroona Gardening Forum, 7:30pm, General meeting, 1 Taroona Crescent. Guest speaker TBA

September Wed 2

Taroona Gardening Forum, 7:30pm, General meeting, 1 Taroona Crescent. Guest speaker TBA Sun 13 TEN Working Bee, Taroona Park - weeding. Meet at Taroona Park foreshore, 10am–12 noon

October Sun 18 TEN Walkabout: Creepy Crawlies, led by Simon Grove. 10am–12 noon

November Fri 6 Sat 21

TEN Walkabout: Feeling a little Batty led by Lisa Cawthen, 8-10pm Taroona Seaside Festival

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 2 – June 2015

Taroona Coastal Rowing Update

Since our last action-packed bulletin, we have continued to enjoy getting to know our coastline and, when conditions permit, have taken trips a little further afield. Somehow, places that we normally only look at from the armchair in the lounge room are now places where sand squeezes through our toes. Our recent trip to Mary Ann Bay Beach at South Arm was only a leisurely 40-minute row before we could see Taroona from the other side of the River Derwent. Cresting the bank behind the beach, the vista stretching from Ralph’s Bay across Lauderdale began to tickle the imagination. Talk of longer voyages, visiting Bruny Island or of re-creating the original route to Pirates Bay via the canals rekindled the sense of adventure so many of us crave. Speaking of adventure, an eminent committee of Chiton builders is currently putting the finishing touches to our safety and induction manual. Based on similar approaches used in Scotland and Cornwall, its focus is on personal & crew responsibilities, awareness, developing core and advanced coxswain skill sets and (in our case) giving back to the community that gave us so much. As the winter solstice approaches, opportunities for an enjoyable row have become less frequent than in summer, autumn and spring but we have still managed a row every two to three weeks. During the cool weather we will be resolving our governance arrangements with the TCA and a potential Australian St Ayles Skiff Association. We now have a Facebook page so we can simplify organising a crew or cancelling a row if the weather conditions are unfavourable and after rowing, members can post their photos. You can make contact either on Facebook (Taroona Coastal Rowing Group) or by emailing the Coordinator at damianmdevlin@gmail.com

As a winter warmer, Tasmania’s fourth St. Ayles skiff, the Bendigo Skiff, will be proudly launched by the Living Boat Trust at Franklin on 20th June. Skiff races and a swag of other fun including BBQ, Vinyl Dance Inferno, & bonfire are also planned in an event titled Dark BOFO (Boats On Franklin Oarfest) The fun starts at 12.30 and all are welcome. Warning – this could be fun – so put your PFD on NOW! Damian Devlin, Project Manager, Taroona St Ayles Skiff

Top: Rowing off Taroona Middle: A lot quicker than driving! Basil, Karin, Dal, John and Damian at Mary Ann Bay Beach, South Arm, only 45 minutes away. Above: Visit our Facebook page!

Community Exercise Program

movement program for our community. The activity would be held at times that suit busy lifestyles, so that everyone can be involved.

Who needs a little push to exercise? If given the opportunity to participate in regular exercise, would you take it?

I intend that this would be a minimal to no cost activity for the community. I am passionate about encouraging our community to get outside and be active regularly.

Especially in these colder months it’s increasingly harder to motivate ourselves to get outside and be active. Participating with others to keep you moving and motivated, makes it a social opportunity as well. I’m proposing a short-term, low impact

Please email me at goprojects101@gmail.com if you are interested in participating. Based on the interest received, a program may commence soon in our local community! Louise

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 3 – June 2015

13 September: Taroona Park - weeding. Meet at Taroona Park foreshore

WALKABOUTS FOR 2015 a bushcare/coastcare group supported by Kingborough Council.

If you’re new to Taroona, appreciate the bushland and foreshore, and like volunteering for your local community, TEN is a great group to join! We have monthly working bees at sites along the foreshore, and in the school’s bushland. We intersperse our working bees with occasional Walkabouts, led by local experts on a great variety of topics. We also have a very comprehensive website - www.ten.org.au - which gives information on Taroona’s Aboriginal history, European history, and our local plants and animals. If you’d like to know more about TEN, contact our chairperson, Gustaaf Hallegraeff, on 6227 9570.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW TREASURER After 18 years, Jemery Day has handed over the reigns to local resident Ruth Butler. Thank you Jemery and welcome Ruth!


Walkabouts are free events held seasonally, organised and hosted by TEN, to promote Taroona’s extraordinary flora, fauna and people history.

Sunday June 14, 10am-12 noon


Join Genevieve Gates (local expert in fungi, School of Plant Science, UTAS) at Truganini Reserve to find out! Please wear sturdy shoes and warm clothing. Bring wet weather gear and a camera.

Everyone is welcome to join us from 10-12 noon (usually the 1st Sunday of the month). Everything provided, including a cuppa after. No experience necessary. 5 July: Schools bushland, north of the gully – meet at old Archery Field, nearest the water


2 August: Norwood Avenue foreshore (Melinga to Seaview) - weeding, plant maintenance and rehabilitation planting following foreshore stormwater works. Meet end of Seaview Ave.

• Friday 6 Nov, 8-10pm

Brown’s River History Group The Brown’s River History Group has two functions. The first is to hold regular meetings with a speaker who looks at topics relevant to the people, places and processes that have shaped the region between Taroona and Tinderbox. Occasionally, the speaker covers a more general theme of local interest. The next three talks this year are

Meet at the bottom of Truganini Reserve, in Taroona

• Sunday 18 Oct, 10-12 noon ‘Creepy Crawlies’ led by Simon Grove

‘Feeling a little batty?’ led by Lisa Cawthen

newspapers have made a lot of previously impossible topics in local history now able to be attempted. The ‘local’ in local history can be interpreted widely. In terms of place it could be anywhere in Australia or New Zealand though Tasmanian topics have the most accessible off-line sources.

• Don Gregg on his work as Director of the Tasmanian Museum (June 15), • Roger Kellaway on plans to extend the Sandy Bay tram to Taroona and Kingston (July 13) and • Janet Stephens on the history of the Taroona Scout Club. A full list of speakers can be found at brgh.org.au. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month at 3 pm at the old Kingston Primary School in Hutchins Street. Everybody welcome. Members free, non-members a gold coin donation. The other is to encourage and assist members to undertake historical research. Recent developments in the digitalisation of

Tram 116 at Sandy Bay Beach in the late 1940s.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 4 – June 2015

Taroona Football Club News The Taroona Football Club has started the winter roster with all guns blazing in the senior and youth competitions. Player numbers are running at well over 200 and the teams are performing very well across all the competitions this season. We have added teams to our youth structure and even a new social men’s team – proving you can enjoy the game from 12 to 50 years young. The senior men’s team held a sponsors’ and old players’ reunion day on 6 June at our home of Kelvedon Park against Beachside. The women’s teams came together for a special day on 31 May to fundraise for the Jane McGrath Foundation. The day kicked off early morning with youth girls matches right through the day when the senior women played Olympia in the afternoon. Pink socks were the order of the day. The new training lights have been operating since April and have been a fantastic improvement to the facility at Kelvedon for players, while the plans for the spectator improvements and clubrooms are heading into the funding approval stage. The facility will greatly enhance spectator comfort and provide a wonderful community facility. The training lights

for the youth training centre at the Taroona High School are also progressing fast and we hope they will be installed very soon.

Training under the new lights

We have been actively seeking sponsors as we endeavour to invest in our facilities and in providing development programs for young players. We are investigating the potential to join the Miniroos program backed by the Football Federation of Australia for children aged 4-11 years. We want to become an accredited club and provide specialist coaching for children in our area who wish to be introduced to the game and have fun learning but ultimately participating in a physical activity. This fits into our ongoing desire to develop young players discover our great game. Remember that anyone in the Taroona community can become a member and enjoy the social aspect of the club without being a player or official and anyone is very welcome to come along and just watch any of the matches on offer on any weekend.

Taroona Football Club girls and women sporting their pink socks on McGrath Foundation Day, 31 May

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 5 – June 2015

Tony Lomas

News from the Taroona Fire Brigade: Winter 2014

Taroona Brigade members attend the Glen Albyn Estate fire Winter is obviously upon us. Now is a very good time, if you haven’t already, to ensure that your smoke detectors are operating properly by making sure that the batteries have been changed (although you should do that when day light saving ends and again when it recommences in spring). Remember only working smoke alarms save lives.

was a structural fire during a wedding ceremony at the Glen Albyn Estate reception centre. In addition, crews have attended incidents involving road crash rescues and motor vehicle accidents, a very large structural and vegetation fire at Gronigen Road in Firthside (as back up to Kingston) and a number of alarm calls (DBAs) at the local schools and the Shot Tower.

Another important winter fire precaution is to ensure that the chimney or flu of your open fire or wood heater is cleaned and kept clean. The Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade usually attends one or two chimney or flu fires each winter. They are dangerous, completely unnecessary and easily avoided. And the living room of the home always ends up a complete mess.

Training continues every week on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Recently 14 members of the Brigade requalified in the use of breathing apparatus and we are about to undertake refresher training in relation to both first aid and road crash rescue techniques.

Although the last fire season was unusually uneventful, Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade has been kept busy with a number of incidents over the last few months, the most unusual of which

Happily the membership of the Brigade remains stable and is at capacity. However if you are interested in finding out more about who we are and what we do please feel free to call in to training or contact me on 0458 089 075. Simon Cooper, First Officer, Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade

Community Emergency Management: public input invited Local community groups have recently been contacted, seeking members to volunteer in assisting the Kingborough Council to make an effective assessment of Taroona’s ability to respond and manage in an emergency situation, such as bushfire, flood, earthquake, etc. These matters are particularly critical for this community, as we have only one road in and out. The object is to assess what is already in place, identify gaps in necessary services and knowledge, and seek to fill any such. To this end, three sessions have been created to consult with the community and seek their localised knowledge. Representatives of emergency services and the Kingborough Council will be present, and discussion will be facilitated by Peter Fehre. The dates are 10 and 24 June and 1 July from 6.30 pm at the Taroona Bowls Club. Members of the public are very much invited – we need your local knowledge! – and this is also an opportunity for you to discuss your concerns and

contribute your ideas. Census and other pertinent information, along with refreshments, will be provided. More information can be sought from Ian Holloway, iholloway@kingborough.tas.gov.au . The local coordinator, on behalf of the Taroona Community Association, can be contacted at Elizabeth_Fleetwood@netspace.net.au

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 6 – June 2015

Taroona Gardening Forum

Taroona Neighbourhood Garden Members have enjoyed a productive summer and autumn in our Neighbourhood Garden, harvesting produce from their own family plots and from the two shared central plots. Our fruit trees are now mostly mature and we have had a good harvest of various fruits. Our garden infrastructure is developing too. Over the last three years, with assistance from a couple of grants and our own funds, we have been able to purchase a heavy duty mower and a brushcutter, and now a group of energetic volunteers keeps the site mowed, trimmed and tidy. We look forward to further developments and improvements to the garden this year. Thanks to a $1000 grant from the Feeding the Future, we will now be able to fund an irrigation system around the perimeter to water the fruit trees. Work has begun on installation at working bees, and will continue in spring. There is no need to be a member to enjoy our garden. Everyone is welcome to wander around and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and buzzing bees, and to sit on our new ‘railway platform’ style bench. There is a sandpit for small children to enjoy too. However we ask that non-members do not harvest fruit and vegetables, but leave them for the people who have worked hard to nurture them. We have a few vacant plots at the moment, so if you are interested in growing some vegetables and joining in the shared gardening activities, please see our website for more information about our activities and contact details. We give preference to Taroona residents. http://taroona.tas.au/neighbourhood-garden

The Taroona Gardening Forum meets at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except in January and July) at the Uniting Church Hall, 1 Taroona Crescent, Taroona. Our next general meeting will be on Wednesday 5th August. We share knowledge about plants, soils and gardening, regularly have guest speakers or presentations, and usually have plants or gardening items for sale. Highlights of the year are the organised garden visits and trips coupled with our social events in July and December. Our monthly newsletter notifies members of the upcoming meeting agenda and any field trip details. Recent outings have been to Bruny Island and the East Coast Native Gardens at Buckland. The next upcoming event will be our annual July luncheon on the 12th July at The Kingston Beach Golf Club. If you would like to attend, and it is a great opportunity to meet many of our members, please contact Peter either by phone or email at the addresses given below. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice, new members are always welcome. If you’d like more information please contact Peter on 0412 110 161 or taroonagardenforum@ozemail.com.au or visit our website at http://taroona.tas.au/gardening-forum. Taroona Gardening Forum members enjoy field trips at (from top) Hiba Gardens Bruny Island, the East Coast Native Gardens at Buckland and New Norfolk.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 7 – June 2015

Bonnet Hill Community campaign a success! Safety lanes to be constructed this year! On 2 June, members of the Bonnet Hill Community Association were delighted with the announcement from the State Government that the safety lanes over Bonnet Hill that BHCA members had campaigned so hard for over the past twelve months, will be funded this Financial Year with construction to start around October! This is an excellent result for both Bonnet Hill and Taroona communities, as so many residents are among the drivers and passengers of the 20 000 vehicles (including 220 buses and 1800 cyclists) who every week use this narrow, winding 5 km section of the Channel Highway. By agreeing to fund the construction of safety lanes on all uphill sections on this part of the Channel Highway, the State Government has committed to making this road a much safer one for ALL its users! This is the outcome BHCA has consistently sought from the State Government since the beginning of its campaign in May 2014. The State Government announcement was made on Bonnet Hill jointly by The Premier, Will Hodgman and the Minister for Infrastructure, Rene Hidding. Long-term supporter of the campaign, Speaker Elise Archer was also present at the announcement. In the State Government’s press release Premier Will Hodgman said: … improving road safety was a key priority for the Government, and the strong focus on vulnerable road users, including cyclists, was about saving lives. ‘That’s why in this Budget we are investing $5 million over the next four years to improve safety along popular cycling routes on State roads for all road users, starting with Channel Highway at Bonnet Hill, near Hobart. ‘We are absolutely committed to a safer road for all road users at Bonnet Hill, so we will invest over $1 million to extend a widened sealed shoulder, with new line markings, to the left hand side of the uphill sections of the Channel Highway for the 4.5 km section from Proctors Road to Baringa Road, with works expected to commence this summer. ‘While these works will create a ‘safer space’ for cyclists using the road around Bonnet Hill, they will also improve the overall functionality of the road and reduce crash risk for all road users.’

Speaker, Elise Archer, Minister for Infrastructure, Rene Hidding and Premier Will Hodgman pictured on Bonnet Hill after the announcement as cyclist Peter Cooper rides past. BHCA acknowledges the significant support given to the campaign by Taroona Community Association members and other Taroona residents, especially those who were among the 6000 people who signed the BHCA petition in 2014 and who attended the Community BBQ on Bonnet Hill in February this year. Mrs Wells also acknowledged the support of: •

the Kingborough Council, Mayor Wass, Crs Dean Winter, Richard Atkinson

Kingborough Bicycle Advisory Committee, Deputy Chair Rob Sheers and Cr Flora Fox who have been with the campaign from its inception a decade ago

Bicycle Tasmania Network

Scott Bacon MP who tabled the BHCA in Parliament in August last year

Most importantly, the State Government (Dept of State Growth, Offices of the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and the Speaker) for listening to the BHCA’s case and responding to its request in the 2015/16 Budget!

For further info: Facebook: Bonnet Hill Safety Lane Action Group, Taroona Community Association web page

House of Assembly Speaker and Member for Denison Elise Archer welcomed the planned improvements. ‘Having advocated strongly for these improvements since I was first approached as the local Member last year, I am pleased with this outcome which will mean our community can feel safe travelling this busy stretch of road, whether driving, cycling, catching a bus or walking, ‘ Ms Archer said. In a letter to all BHCA members this week after the announcement, Secretary, Bonnet Hill Community Association Rae Wells said: ‘This has truly been a team effort by many people and organisations over a long period of time. Together however in the past twelve months we have been able to achieve our ultimate goal ... a much safer road for all users of the Channel Highway over Bonnet Hill.’

Celebrating the good news at the State Government announcement were Speaker and Member for Denison Elise Archer; Rob Sheers, Deputy Chair, Kingborough Bicycle Advisory Council (KBAC); Richard Atkinson Chair,KBAC; and Rae Wells, Bonnet Hill Community Association.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 8 – June 2015

Taroona Scout Group: 100 YEARS HAND IN HAND & QUEEN’S SCOUT A special event was the Group’s attendance at the ANZAC Day service remembering 100 years since the landings at Gallipoli. Our attendance is a key part of the very close relationship we have with the Taroona Ex-Services Club. In recognition of the centenary of Anzac Day the Scouts and the Ex-Services Club mounted a ‘memory wall ‘ at the Community Hall. The concept is ‘100 Years Hand In Hand ‘ – a permanent feature acting as a reminder to our community of the great service given by our country men and women and the heritage that we share. The ‘memory wall ‘ comprises some 50 individual tiles each with a hand print and an item of significance such as a button, an ammunition shell, a coin or a badge. The ‘memory wall ‘ was unveiled by Cub Scout Isabella Pisano who gave an amazing opening voice to the significance of the wall. She was assisted by her great grandfather John Kerr an Ex-Services life member and World War 2 veteran. John related a very pertinent and moving tale about the huge importance of hands meeting across space and over time and the formation of long lasting relationships. In years to come the Ex-Services’ hand prints on our community will remain, along with our Scouts who will carry on their tradition and share their story. They will not only help identify the prints but perhaps conjure up memories, stories and reflections on our past. Thanks must go to our Scout Leader Emma Riseley who instigated and organised the ‘memory wall ‘, all those who assisted with making the tiles with fast set concrete, and John Lister who constructed the mounting. Each ANZAC day the Taroona Ex-Services Club awards one

Jamie Cox, Taroona Scout Group’s 31st Queen’s Scout is congratulated by Simon and Janet Stephens, with 2015 Spirit of ANZAC award winner Emily Ezzy (left) looking on. of our youth members the Spirit of ANZAC award. This year’s recipient was Emily Ezzy who was presented with her award by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Honourable Elise Archer. This award recognises the attributes of scouts that may normally go unnoticed, such as willingness, friendliness, a ‘Have a go ‘ approach and endeavour, to push themselves to try something challenging. Another congratulations goes to Jamie Cox who became our thirty-first Queen’s Scout. This is a huge achievement for Jamie that is recognised internationally as proof of his resilience, resourcefulness, and reliability. This is a very significant event for the Taroona Scouts as our last Queen’s Scout was awarded back in 2001. Jamie, along with parents Virginia Ford and Roger Cox and Venturer leaders Janet and Simon Stephens attended a ceremony on 8 May at Government house. The garage extension to the hall is progressing well and we are hoping to commence construction soon. If you have a photo of the old hall that was destroyed we would love to hear from you. A key part of Scouting is to be an active participant in community activities. To that end we had a BBQ on Saturday 11 April to support Council’s National Youth Week event at the Taroona skate park. Thanks to all those who supported our participation – the funds will help us to provide first class Scouting experiences.

Isabella Pisano gives a speech at the ANZAC Centenary Service, under the watchful eye of her great granddad, WWII veteran John Kerr, and Ex-Services President Ron Martin.

If you would like any information concerning the Taroona Scout Group or are interested in youth membership or a leader role please contact either Mike Green on 6227 9139 or Janet 0400 297 646.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 9 – June 2015

Another day dawns - Anzac Centenary Dawn Service The ANZAC Centenary Service commenced with a poignant pre-dawn march of 150. The service proper at the Taroona Park War Memorial attracted a crowd of over 400 . Representatives from Taroona High School and the Taroona Scout Group participated in the service. Army Sergeant Jason Holloway gave the ANZAC Address and professional tenor James Bourke gave a powerful rendition of the Recessional.

donated by the Taroona Scout Group, was unveiled by Life member, John Kerr and his great granddaughter Isabella. Apparently some of the attendees at the Service were so impressed with the Service, breakfast and displays that they conveyed their appreciation on one of Hobart’s Radio Talk Back Shows!

Bugler Will Maher, Pipe Major James Alpine supported the Service as did the 14 people who laid wreaths or floral tributes. Speeches delivered at the following gunfire breakfast paid tribute to the Taroona Ex-services Association committee in organising the event and the large group of volunteer,s including the Kingston/Taroona APEX club members who cooked and served the breakfast. The Ex-Services Association’s temporary exhibition of old wartime maps, pictures and memorabilia on loan from members was very popular. The raffle was a great success and Lil Lidster was awarded the prestigious meritorious certificate for outstanding and conscientious ANZAC Day assistance over 45 years. Emily Ezzy was awarded the Club’s Jackson Memorial Trophy, as a Taroona scout who has displayed true ANZAC spirit during the year. The ‘Hand in Hand Wall of Memory’, created, constructed and



Winner of the ANZAC Day raffle first prize Henry Johnstone (centre) with scout friends (from left) Kiri Bain, Asia Kantar, Alice Atkinson, Erena Kantar (hidden) and Anthea Kantar. The prize was a cake decorated in an Anzac theme and was contributed by Ex-services Club Vice President Martin Potter.


Top: Limbering up; Above left: TOSSA Peter ‘no wetsuit’ Gee approaches the outer buoy on the home leg; Above right: TOSSA CUP WINNERS Josh Raspin (1st Junior), Ray Winstanley (1st Mens Open) and Olivia Sanderson (1st Womens Open and TOSSA Cup Winner)

The 2015 TOSSA Cup was a great success with 23 swimmers braving the Derwent waters to swim from the Taroona Beach Boat Ramp to Alum Cliffs and return. Olivia Sanderson won the 2015 TOSSA cup at 28.10, Josh Raspin at

28.52 (1st Junior) and Ray Winstandlye 26.25 (1st Mens open). Peter ‘no wetsuit ‘ Gee came put in a sensational effort at 1.02.58. Well done to all swimmers ! Thanks to everyone who swam, helped and had FUN!

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 10 – June 2015

Taroona High School News School Community Working Bee

Share your part of the world with a Chinese guest In early August 2015 Taroona High School will welcome a group of 15 Chinese students into our School community. These students will be in Tasmania for eight days as part of an International Study Tour.

A working bee on Sunday 11 May saw school community volunteers and Taroona Environment Network members hard at work on the foreshore whipper-snipping, and removing blackberries and fennel. Teams were also busy in the Memorial Garden and turning circle, moving mulch, planting and watering. Thank you to all involved and a special thanks to Nicky Price for coordinating the day. Dog Control It has come to our attention that many local residents are unaware of restrictions around walking their dogs in public areas. We are particularly concerned about dogs on school property. In the spirit of being a good neighbour, and supporting locals who have walked their dogs here for a long period of time, we have erected signs advising people that they may walk their dogs outside school times, as long as they remove faeces.



Book sale 46th

We are looking for families who are interested in opening up their homes to host one of our Chinese visitors. Hosting an International Student, if only for a short time, can be an enriching and culturallyrewarding experience for you and your family. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Education Department’s International office on 6165 5727 or info@geti.tas.gov.au. Infrastructure funding for Taroona High School announced It was announced in the recent State Budget that Taroona High School will receive $2.1 million for critical upgrades to general learning areas, science labs and home economics facilities. The Minister for Education and Training Jeremy Rockliff said that the investment ‘means Taroona can provide state of the art facilities to meet increasing enrolments and growing interest in science and hospitality studies. These upgrades will help to shape a job ready generation that is prepared for endeavours in two areas of competitive strength in Tasmania; science and research, and tourism and hospitality. ‘ The capital works at Taroona will get underway in coming months and it is expected works will be completed in time for the start of Term 1 next year.

Saturday 13 June Taroona Shopping Centre Starts: 9:00am 1000s of books to choose from • Books for all ages Books for all interests • All good quality books Contacts: Frank Lawrence 6227 8012; Hugh Murphy 62278743; Tim Woolley 62273684 Another Kingborough Lions Club project

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

News from Possums Possums is a community-based nonprofit play centre, based in Taroona and managed by the parents of the children enrolled. We offer a quality, caring prekinder experience for 3-5 year old in a happy, safe and stimulating environment. This caring and nurturing approach helps to support the development of childrens’ self-esteem, confidence and independence. Due to increased running costs and lower enrolments this year, Possums Playcentre’s Committee and staff have organized a number of fundraising events to allow us to continue to provide a top quality program. We have been absolutely delighted with the amazing community response. Our Clothes Swap Night and our Ladies Champagne Night at the Taroona Hotel were sold out! It was wonderful to see past Possums Committee members and parents at these events. We would like to thank everyone who attended, our organisers and the Taroona Hotel. We are currently organising a Facebook auction as another fundraiser. The Facebook auction is now open and will close at 9pm on 14 June. If you would like to join in the bidding please look for the Possums Winter Auction on Facebook. We already have many great donations but if you would like to make a contribution to the auction please contact Jessica Schmidt via Facebook or talk to the Possums team. Possums enrolments are now growing, but there are still vacancies on our Wednesday and Friday sessions. Please phone 0418390432 or email possumsplaycentre@hotmail.com for more information.

Page 11 – June 2015

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 12 – June 2015

Carving Group

Taroona Baptist Church honoured the work of the Taroona Community Association in the local community at a National Day of Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 31 May 2015. A Certificate of Thanks along with a small donation towards the Association’s continued work in the community were accepted by Committee Member Elizabeth Fleetwood and Treasurer Tony Hughson. The Taroona Community Association through its projects the ‘Taroona News ‘ and ‘The Coastal Rowing Project ‘ has connected with and engaged the community, creating strong and lasting links and a sense of shared common values which have raised the social identity of the Taroona area. Our thanks to them.

The Carving Group continues to meet on the first Sunday of every month, at the Taroona Scout Hall, from 10am. We started with Sandstone Carving, and several of us are continuing that, but we have started to include other kinds – quick soap carving as an exercise in moving from a flat image to a 3D one, and soapstone carving, which is quite the opposite and can be a very hard material to mould. Simon Stephens kindly brought along numerous examples and pictures with the tools relevant, and was tireless in sharing his experience. I started, possibly too ambitiously, a statue to be hewn from a Hebel block, not a material I had ever handled before. It is not difficult to carve – the challenge is, again, imagining that 3D shape and not cutting away too much. It makes me really appreciate what went into creating something like Michelangelo’s ‘David’! We may not be creating in quite that league, but we are having great fun all the same, and at $10 it’s terrific value to learn something new and have a sociable get-together at the same time. Do join us – register with me on 6227 9029 or Elizabeth_ Fleetwood@netspace.net.au

Taroona Community Association Inc. TCA members Elizabeth Fleetwood and Tony Hughson (centre) with the Certificate of Thanks awarded by the Taroona Baptist Church community.

About the Taroona Baptist Church: The land for Taroona Baptist Church on Channel Highway was donated by Les Escott in 1951 and in 1952 the Taroona Baptist Fellowship was formed with the building being constructed in 1953 and its opening service was held on 2nd May 1953. Taroona Baptist Church now runs community events at Easter with an Empty Tomb decorating event, a music event with the local school in winter, an Ageing with Wisdom event in Seniors Week and our famous Gingerbread House Making events at Christmas. We are open every Sunday at 10am to warmly welcome you and we provide some pretty good coffee over morning tea each week.

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Shared Presidency: Secretary: Treasurer: Public officer: Editor: Committee: Email:

4 Devon Walk, Taroona, 6227 8544 [ JillMarkHickie, Joseph, 33 Seaview Avenue, Taroona Janette Power, 8 Earlwood Court, Taroona, 6227 8387 Tony Hughson, 22 Kelvedon Avenue, Taroona Tony Hughson Liz Haywood, 43 Hinsby Road, Taroona, 6227 9593 Alison Phillips, Roger Kellaway, Dal Andrews, Damian Devlin, Elizabeth Fleetwood communityassociation@taroona.tas.au

The committee meets on the first Thursday of the month (Feb–Dec). Contributions to the Taroona website can be sent to Deirdre Brown at taroona@taroona.tas.au Membership of the Taroona Community Association is $10 and payment can be made by direct deposit into the TCA’s bank account BSB 067102 and Account number 28011079. Please email us to notify of deposited funds. You can also deliver or mail payment to 22 Kelvedon Avenue. Newsletter contributions: taroonacommunitynewsletter@gmail.com Newsletter deadline dates for 2014: 26 September & 21 November Advertising: 1 column x 2cm deep = $10, 1 column x 4cm deep = $20 This issue of Taroona News has been printed with the support of the office of Andrew Wilkie, MHR, Independent Federal Member for Denison.

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