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Taroona Community Association

November 2016

Taroona News Circulation 1450, distributed to your letter box by over 30 volunteers.

Email: taroonacommunitynewsletter@gmail.com

Taroona Community Association news


Hello Taroona folk. It’s been a wild, cold and wet spring sprinkled with the occasional warmish day tantalising us with a taste of summer.


Excitement is building in the community with the Taroona Art Trail to be held very soon on Saturday, 19 November. The event is sponsored by the Taroona Environment Network with a core committee of creative and inspired women who have dedicated many volunteer hours to organising this inaugural event. Not only will there be the coastal art trail to walk and enjoy but there will also be a vast range of activities on offer throughout the day into the evening. Check out the full program contained in Taroona News. On the following Saturday, 26 November the AGM of the TCA will be held at the Taroona Bowls Club (also known as the Bowlo). I invite you to join us for the meeting followed by Barefoot Bowls and a BBQ. The committee is on the lookout for a couple of new committee members. Our committee meets once a month. If you’re interested in local issues – community, development and sustainability – please consider coming along.

Wed 2

Taroona Gardening Forum, Uniting Church Hall, 1 Taroona Cres, 7:30pm Sat 5 Taroona Sippers and Purlers, Taroona Lounge Bar, 2.30–4 pm Sun 6 TEN Working Bee, Taroona Park foreshore to Niree Parade, weeding. Meet bottom of Taroona Cres/ Ashtons Lookout, 10am–12noon Fri 11 Remembrance Day service, Taroona Ex-Services Club Rooms, 10:25am Sat 19 Taroona Art Trail event, Taroona Beach, Taroona Park and various other locations, 10am-10pm Sat 19- Gingerbread house workshops. Sat 26 Taroona Baptist Church, various dates and times (see advertisement) Sun 20 Taroona Gardening Forum, Northern Midlands garden visits Sat 26 Taroona Community Association Annual General Meeting, Barefoot Bowls and BBQ. Taroona Bowls Club, 4.30 pm Sun 27 The Swiftsure Regatta, Living Boat Trust, Franklin, from 10.30am

December Sat 3

TCA members at the Bowlo hard at work compiling the Taroona News In the October 2015 issue of Taroona News we tabled the idea of building a shed for Taroona and sought interest from the community in growing this idea. We however received little response and, with limited resources for such a sizable project, have decided at the current time to maintain the group focus on the Chiton St Ayles Rowing Skiff, supporting community events and the newsletter. The conversation around this idea will be continued in the future. Hope you enjoy your ramble through the News. See you at the Art Trail. Jill Hickie , Co-Chair, TCA

Taroona Sippers and Purlers, Taroona Lounge Bar, 2.30–4 pm Sun 18 Taroona Ex-Services Christmas Lunch, Taroona Bowls Club, 12:00pm Sun 18 Carols on the Lawn and BBQ, St Lukes Anglican Church, 5pm

Taroona Community Association: AGM+ The TCA AGM will be held at the Taroona Bowls Club at 4.30pm on Saturday 26 November. The meeting will be followed by a session of Barefoot Bowls and a BBQ. Come along to catch up with what’s happening in the Taroona community. We’d love to see you there!

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 2 – November 2016

Taroona Coastal Rowing Update all levels of experience, novelty events and even an obstacle course. This is a delightful day of genuine old world fun. •

The St Ayles Skiff International Regatta 18-19 February 2017 will be the second southern hemisphere regatta for the class and include crews from Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands not to mention our mates across the ditch in New Zealand and mainland crews. Australia is likely to be well represented with some 15 StAyles community rowing groups already established and growing. In breaking news, Cygnet are also expecting to launch their second skiff towards the new year.

A final thank you to the Tasmanian Community Fund who made our attendance at such events easier through their generous grant for our trailer, all-weather cover, and materials for competition oars that will make the competition weep in envy! Happy rowing & sailing For any information on the above events please call Damian Devlin on 0400875528

Shall we wax lyrical over wild weather? In a notable break in Tasmania’s lashings of weather of recent times, last Saturday’s seas were finally friendly enough to get the summer rowing season off to an inspiring start. True to her Outer Hebrides heritage, the skiff coped well as wind and sea gathered excitement. Perhaps the strenuous yet absorbing and relaxing qualities of rowing come from the immersion & observation of wave, posture and timing and watching out for your crew. Not to mention the friendly banter, striking scenery and wildlife which also enhance the experience… so I’ll mention them anyway – it’s great to be back on the water! Forthcoming events include: •

Steamboats on the Huon – On 20 November, The Wooden Boat Guild invites steam, sail and rowing craft for a leisurely cruise from Franklin to Huonville. Commencing 10.30am at Franklin & followed by a BBQ lunch (by booking).

The Swiftsure Regatta – On 27 November at Living Boat Trust, Franklin from 10.30. It includes the launch and naming of Tasmania’s fifth St Ayles Skiff, as well as events for

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 3 – November 2016

News from the Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade The Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. This is a great testament to the community spirit in Taroona. We should all be very proud. Much has been happening at Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade of late. Tristan Roberts and Sam Scandrett were recently awarded with a Tasmania Fire Service Volunteer Medal for 10 years outstanding service. Both have been stalwarts of the brigade and have mentored many a new recruit. Simon Cooper stood down as First Officer after five years in this role. The brigade has flourished under his leadership. Not only is membership at an all-time high, the brigade is highly regarded across the Tasmania Fire Service for its competence, commitment, and comradeship. Stephen Watchorn was elected as the new First Officer by brigade members. Other members elected to the brigade leadership team include Tristan Roberts, Paul Robinson, and Sam Scandrett. It is with regret we farewell Arthur McHugh who has retired from the brigade after 11 years of service. When pagers go off signalling an incident in our area, more often than not Arthur was one of the first to arrive at the station. He will be missed.

Second Officer Tristan Roberts (left) and Fourth Officer Sam Scandrett (right) were each awarded the Tasmania Fire Service Volunteer Medal for outstanding service. Check out the Tasmania Fire Service website www.fire.tas.gov.au for advice on bushfire preparedness.

Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade was recently awarded a $5000 Commonwealth Government grant under the Strengthening Communities program. This much-needed boost to brigade finances will be used to replace old equipment and buy better personal safety gear. Early indications are that we will have a normal bushfire season. A combination of high fuel loads and record-breaking temperatures means we cannot be complacent. Taroona residents are urged to prepare for the upcoming bushfire seasons by clearing gutters, reducing fuel loads on their properties, and updating their bushfire emergency plans.

Taroona Tennis Club

Flames of Fear

The facilities at the Taroona Tennis Club are about to be

Taroona residents may be interested in

significantly improved. The surfaces of courts 1, 2 and 3 and

the upcoming publication of Flames of

the net posts are to be replaced. Weather permitting, the work

Fear, a book which covers the 1967 Bushfire

should begin on 11 October and take four to six weeks to

Disaster which affected Taroona. The

complete. During this time there will hopefully be access to one

book includes unpublished photographs

or two courts. The contactor is very understanding and realises

of homes burnt down in Taroona as well

that tennis players need their game!

as telling the stories of several residents

As summer approaches tennis becomes even more appealing.

affected by the fire.

The Taroona Tennis Club offers many opportunities to play and

Flames of Fear will be available in mid-December and can be pre-

new members are always welcome. Secretary Diane Balding

ordered at http://wellingtonbridgepress.com.au/flames.php

is happy to provide information and can be contacted on

– Roger McNeice OAM, former Chief Officer of the Taroona Fire

6227 9232.

Brigade and founder member of the Taroona Apex Club.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 4 – November 2016


The Taroona Baptist Church Christmas fun event is on again!

POSSUMS PLAYCENTRE – ENROLMENTS 2017 Possums Playcentre is now accepting enrolments for 2017. Please enrol online at www.possumsplaycentre.org.au or phone 0418 390 432.

POSSUMS PLAYCENTRE NEWS The children at Possums Playcentre have been learning about Tasmanian and Antarctic birds. In September, they enjoyed being part of the inaugural Australian Antarctic Festival. Their colourful painted penguins joined many others from Tasmanian and mainland schools to form an amazing rookery near Mawson’s Hut Replica Museum. Our next community art and craft experience is creating birds from natural materials to be part of the Taroona Art Trail on 19 November. The children from Possums have been working in collaboration with wonderful local Taroona artist, Rosie McKeand. Possums Playcentre will also have a cake stall at the Taroona Art Trail. We hope to see you there! We have had fun digging in our patch at the Taroona Neighbourhood Garden and adding some interesting rock creatures and a scarecrow to the garden.

Come and join us for a creative occasion to remember

Start your festive season for 2016 by creating a

Gingerbread House

A wonderful time to embrace the spirit of Christmas, enjoy some Christmas entertainment and wonderful company and make your own edible masterpiece!

Everybody is Welcome Book now as places are limited for each session. Please bring a jacket as air conditioning will be set on COLD to help set the icing

Dates Saturday 19th November @ 2:00pm Sunday 20th November @ 2:00pm Tuesday 22nd November @ 7:00pm Saturday 26th November @ 2:00pm Cost is only $25 per Gingerbread House Kit

A big thank you to Nell Smit for teaching us about seed germination and to the

A pre-paid booking is required by 11 November

TNG members for our invitation to their Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Art Trail day.

Payment is to be made by Bank Transfer, Cheque or Cash.

Construction and decoration materials and refreshments provided Location: Taroona Baptist Church 124 Channel Highway, Taroona 7053 Book online at moodle.dyndns-home.com/gingerbread or email Evelyn on evelyn.meerding@gmail.com or phone Mobile 0417 104 046 or 6227 9121

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 5 – November 2016

In case you have missed it until now, scores of local residents have now spent hundreds of hours exploring their creativity, sharing their skills and enjoying themselves as they design and construct submissions for the Taroona ART Trail. From Mary’s Grange will come a Giant Sea Dragon; from Y space, a geometric recycled book sculpture; and Sippers and Purlers have been busy knitting and crocheting their unique installation. Norwood residents have fashioned light catching garden décor. Community art and sculpture workshops, led by local artists, have engaged children, oldies and everyone in between. Local artists will reveal their works on the day. On 19 November these creative efforts will come together with over 20 separate submissions exhibited over the Taroona Foreshore.

Prizes Prizes include: •

The Taroona Art Prize of $1000

People’s Choice Award – Pennicott Wilderness Journeys Voucher

Awards and Prizes for children, youth and community submissions: $200 Artery Voucher, $100 Taroona Lounge Bar Voucher, passes for Lady Nelson Cruise, Book Shop Vouchers, Bolt and Run, Jimmy’s Skate and Street and more.

Be sure to vote for the People Choice Award on the day as you go on the self-guided art trail walk. On Saturday 19 November we will celebrate Taroona’s natural and cultural biodiversity with performance artists, guest speakers, theatre and plenty of hands-on pop-up activities, and community workshops. Express your creativity with beach raking, rock balancing and add to the labyrinth. Learn more about the Taroona Coast by joining the Coastal Discovery Trail tour or the bird photography workshop. Plant a native, go for a row in the Taroona skiff, swim to Alum Cliffs and back with the TOSSAS, or join in the skate competition and Skate Park Art event. Residents, friends and visitors are invited to come, connect and walk the Art Trail and share lunch with friends at PICNIC IN THE PARK, where refreshments and food will be available. Meet special guest Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia in the afternoon at the Mad Hatters Tea Party in the Community Neighbourhood Garden. The evening will feature fire sculptures, fire dancers, a Playback Theatre performance, a night walk with bat expert Dr Lisa Cawthen, or sign up for a late night Astro photography workshop with Kelli Nalder. We look forward to seeing you all on the day. Join in the fun by volunteering! Contact Jane Howard on 0450 317 890 janehoward@hotmail.com For further information go to: http://taroonaarttrail.weebly.com

Alum Cliffs connection to Taroona opening soon The final connection of the Alum Cliffs Track, Kingborough’s iconic coastal walk between Kingston Beach and Taroona, is nearly ready to be opened. The track was originally built in 1988 as part of the Bicentennial Celebrations and follows the superb cliffs along the Derwent River from the Shot Tower south to Kingston Beach via the historic Brickfields site. Soon the track will continue from the Shot Tower north through pristine bush to Wandella Avenue, at the southern end of Taroona. Walkers can catch a bus at Baringa Road, or continue to the beach via a connecting path down to Hinsby Beach. Kingborough Council has continuously improved the track, including a re-routing of the track to avoid a steep and unstable cliff.

Councillor Flora Fox, President of the Kingborough Landcare Advisory Group, with two local residents at the Wandella Avenue, Taroona, eagerly awaiting the opening of the track.

In announcing the development, Flora Fox, President of the Kingborough Landcare Advisory Group, warned residents that, although the track is nearly complete, it is still being constructed and and is not yet open to the public. She looks forward to the opening by Council later this year and congratulated Taroona residents and members of the public for their patience in “persevering with this important and spectacular coastal walking link between Kingston and Taroona.”

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 6 – November 2016





Skate Park Art Labyrinth Creation Weaving sculpture workshop with Gwen Egg

Taroona Skate Park Taroona Beach Park Taroona Neigbourhood Garden

11:30 AM

Swim to Alum Cliffs with TOSSAS

From Taroona Boat ramp





Welcome Ceremony Welcome to Country: Aunty Brenda Taroona Art Prizes Announcement Costa Georgiadis, Mayor Steve Wass Peter Gee Music performances Art Trail Walk

Bring your own picnic or order at the Picnic Basket Food Stalls and BBQ


1:00 1:00-1:30 1:00-2:00 2:00 2:30 2:30-3:30 3:00 3:00-3:30 3:00 3:30 4:00-4:30

Guided Walk: TEN Discovery Trail The Art of Beginning Gardening Stencil and Vinyl Art: Rory Dick Native Planting with BJ Carving in Stone Talk: Helmet Schwabe Beginners Yoga with Jill Hickie Guided Walk TEN Discovery Trail The Art of Beginning Gardening Sandcastles Stone balancing Zero Waste Taroona: Oberon Carter

Boat Shed Taroona to Hinsby Taroona Neigbourhood Garden Skate Park Taroona Beach Park 2 Niree Parade Community Hall Boat Shed to Taroona High Taroona Neigbourhood Garden Taroona Beach End of Hinsby Beach Scout Hall


4:00 5:00-6:00 6:30 8:00 8:45 9:30-10:30

Mad Hatters Tea party with Costa Capturing birds (on camera) with Mick Brown Coastal Tales/ Playback Theatre Beach Fire and fire sculpture/Twirlers Bat Walk with Dr Lisa Cawthen Astro Photography Workshop: Kelli Nalder

Taroona Neighbourhood Garden Taroona Beach Park Scout Hall Taroona Beach Scout Hall Niree End of Taroona Beach


Throughout the afternoon

St Ayles Rowing Skiff Henna Tattoos Body Art Yarn Bombing Chalk Drawing Rock Wrapping Sand Raking Mandala Making Twisting bracelet Rope making Pop-up storytelling


Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 7 – November 2016

Taroona Scout Group: Venturing to Cradle Mountain

Taroona Venturers shelter in the Baden Powell Memorial Lodge. Once again the Taroona Scout Group Venturers had a great adventure to Cradle Mountain, staying at the Scout Association’s Baden Powell Memorial Lodge located on the track to Crater Peak. The Memorial Lodge was constructed by the Scout Association’s North West District following many trips by the 1st Devonport Senior Scouts to the area for bushwalking & skiing in the 1950s. Planning was initiated on 1 November 1955 and the Lodge was officially opened on 26th March 1960 by Lord Rowallan, then Governor and Chief Scout of Tasmania. The Lodge commemorates the 50th anniversary of Scouting (established in England in 1907) and is maintained for the training of mountaineering and snow-craft.

including fog, rain, sleet, snow, wind and thunderstorms, the more hardy managed to venture out to scale Crater Peak on the second day in solid rain (with tracks forming small creeks). On the third day the weather was not quite as threatening. Though initially setting out only for a short walk to Crater Lake, after a check on the Bureau of Meteorology weather radar, the group decided to scale the steep Marions Lookout and completed the loop back to the Lodge via Marigold Valley and Crater Peak. Our efforts were rewarded by spectacular views of Cradle Mountain and Barn Bluff.

Whilst the trip was met with all weather conditions possible,

If you would like any information concerning the Taroona Scout Group or are interested in youth membership or a leader role please contact either Mike Green on 6227 9139 or Janet 0400 297 646.

TCA Memberships due

We Are Walking!

The $10 annual TCA membership subscriptions are now due. You can either renew or join up as a new member by paying directly into the TCA bank account (Taroona Community Association BSB 067102, Account Number 28011079) or by delivering or mailing a cheque or payment to Ann Parrott, TCA Treasurer, 11 Jenkins Street. If using direct deposit , please provide your name in the deposit details and email communityassociation@taroona.tas.au to notify of the transaction.

Taroona Walking Group is a community fitness initiative aimed to promote healthy living and exercise in a supportive and accessible way. The Taroona Walking group has been walking weekly this year rain, hail or shine on Wednesdays 6.30 – 7.30pm and we welcome new walkers. It’s a great opportunity to meet a new group of friendly people and exercise. This group encourages everyone to exercise regardless of fitness level, age, location or ‘busy-ness’. There should always be time to exercise, and if you happen to be free, or can make yourself free on Wednesday’s 6.30pm–7.30pm please Get Up and GO walking with us.

The Taroona Community Association would like to thank Rendell Ridge for freely donating his time to perform the TCA audit.

Meet at the Taroona Community Hall 6.30pm sharp and follow us on Facebook Go Projects – Walking Group. If this initiative interests you, and you’d like to find out more, please email Louise at goprojects101@gmail.com.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 8 – November 2016

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies About IMAS The University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) has facilities in Taroona, Hobart and Launceston. The Taroona facility, located at the end of Nubeena Crescent, is the hub for the Fisheries and Aquaculture program, with aquarium facilities, a worldleading Experimental Aquaculture Facility (EAF), the Institute’s vessel fleet and diving facilities, all located on-site. The Taroona facility houses 65 staff and 20 PhD students. At any given time around half of the PhD students are international students and around 20% of the staff and students live in Taroona. IMAS is actively involved with the local community and regularly hosts students from Taroona primary and high schools. During Science Week 2016, over 300 students from Taroona High and Primary visited the IMAS site. Students were shown through the EAF, the dive store and provided with scientific presentations and demonstrations to stimulate interest and inspire the next generation of scientists!

New pump station In order to continue the research work at Taroona a new seawater pump station is required. The facility currently draws seawater from a pump station located at the southern end of Crayfish Point. The existing pump station no longer provides a secure seawater supply. The University therefore intends to build a new seawater pump station on land purchased from Taswater at the end of Nubeena Crescent. The University intends to submit a development application to Kingborough Council for this project in November. The new pump station will be built largely underground. It is expected that construction will commence in June 2017 and be completed in December 2017. During construction it will be necessary to close the foreshore walking track to ensure public safety while the construction occurs. The University apologises for any inconvenience that this may cause and every effort will be made to minimise the period of closure. More information on IMAS can be found on their website: http://www.imas.utas.edu.au

Bowls Club fun

Want to play croquet?

The Taroona Bowls Club was established in 1961, amidst a beautiful bushland setting in Taroona Park within walking distance of the beach. It’s a great family friendly venue with counter meals served on Friday evenings, or play Barefoot Bowls socially on Wednesday evening. The bar is open daily from 3.30pm. Pay only $2 for a social membership to enjoy these facilities. The club is also available for booking as a function venue with catering available.

Are you looking for a pastime that combines gentle exercise,

If you’re interested in playing bowls competitively, join up as a full member. Coaching is available to learn how to play. Competition is played on Wednesday and Thursday, with mixed teams playing on Saturday. It’s a great way to socialise, enjoy an outdoors sport and meet new people. Junior members are also welcome. Contact Paul Martin to book a function or to join: T 6227 8243, E taroonabowlsclub@gmail.com

strategic thinking and social interaction? Taroona residents can find all this, playing croquet just down the road in Lower Sandy Bay at the Sandy Bay Croquet Club. We play two versions of the game: Association Croquet and Golf Croquet, with opportunities for both social and competitive play. To arrange an introductory “come and try” session, you can email Taroona resident Tim Sprod (the club secretary) at sandybaycroquetclub@gmail.com. In March next year, the lower green of the Taroona Bowls Club will be hosting part of the Australian Association Croquet Championships – a chance to see the best players from around the country in action.

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Knitting and Sipping at the Taroona Lounge Bar

Page 9 – November 2016

Taroona Gardening Forum

We welcome you to our knitting/crochetting Sipping and Purling group which meets at the Taroona Lounge/Bar, on the first Saturday of each month, excluding January, from 2.30 to 4pm. We share our creative work and knitting ideas and knit for some needy people too. For more information, thestoddarts@gmail.com

The Taroona Community Association would like to thank Clive Roper for supplying a fine photo of the Shot Tower to grace the new Taroona Boundary signs.

The Taroona Gardening Forum meets at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except in January and July) at the Uniting Church Hall, 1 Taroona Crescent, Taroona. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 2 November, when John from Fork in the Road, will give us a talk on some of the latest gardening developments. We share knowledge about plants, soils and gardening, regularly have guest speakers and presentations, and usually have plants or gardening items for sale. Highlights of the year are the organised garden visits and trips whilst in July and December we enjoy Member Lunches. The next trip is on Sunday 20 November to the Northern Midlands to visit two gardens.




Our monthly newsletter notifies members of the upcoming meeting agenda and future field trip details.


Whether you are an experienced gardener or a novice, new members are always welcome. If you’d like more information please contact Peter on 0412 110 161 or taroonagardenforum@ozemail.com.au or visit our website at http://taroona.tas.au/gardening-forum.

STARTING TUESDAY JANUARY 17th Taroona Hall 3–4pm. Cost $8.00 per session Sau Chan was an instructor with Adult-Ed for many years and now takes classes around Hobart. She teaches Tai Chi Chi Kung a variation with 18 movements focusing on energy enhancement. The one hour+ lessons to relaxing music include warm-up exercises, Tai Chi movements, relaxation and meditation, therapeutic self massage and breathing exercises – all to help improve and maintain your flexibility, balance and focus. No booking required. Just come along and try it out! Wear loose or flexible clothing, and be there 10 minutes before start Any enquiries phone 0419481186 or 0400206013

TEN WORKING BEE On the first Sunday of every month, working bees are held from 10am–12 noon. Everyone is welcome. Tools and training are provided. Cuppa afterwards. ! *If inclement weather (e.g. very strong winds) a working bee may be cancelled. In this event, the working bee will be held the following Sunday, unless otherwise advised. Refer to TEN website: www.ten.org.au ___________________________________________ NOV 6

Taroona Park foreshore to Niree Parade


Meet bottom of Taroona Cres/Ashtons Lookout

Taroona Community Association Newsletter

Page 10 – November 2016

You're invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus with Taroona

Philadelphia Bakers Sourdough Bread & Pastries, Coffee SUNDAY 18TH OF DECEMBER 2016

Shop 6a, 148 Channel Highway, Taroona (Taroona Shopping Village)


Taroona Christmas

Celebrating Christmas with St Luke’s Anglican Church, Taroona

173 Channel Highway, Taroona (parking via Coolamon) Sunday 18th – Nine Readings & Carols, 8:45am Sunday 18th – Carols on the Lawn, 5pm Free BBQ + 6pm Carols Christmas Eve – Kids Christmas, 6pm Christmas Day – Communion Service, 8am

Fresh from 7am – 3:30pm, Tue – Fri.

Taroona Community Association Inc. Shared Presidency: Secretary: Treasurer/ Public officer: Editor: Committee: Email:

Jill Hickie, 4 Devon Walk, Taroona, 6227 8544 [ Mark Joseph, 33 Seaview Avenue, Taroona Janette Power, 8 Earlwood Court, Taroona, 6227 8387 Anne Parrott, 11 Jenkins Street, Taroona Liz Haywood, 43 Hinsby Road, Taroona, 6227 9593 Alison Phillips, Roger Kellaway, Dal Andrews, Damian Devlin communityassociation@taroona.tas.au

The committee meets on the first Thursday of the month ers!hip (Feb–Dec). Contributions to the Taroona website can be Meemb w sent to Deirdre Brown at taroona@taroona.tas.au du no Membership of the Taroona Community Association is $10 and payment can be made by direct deposit into the TCA’s bank account BSB 067102 and Account number 28011079. Please email us to notify of deposited funds. You can also deliver or mail payment to 11 Jenkins Street.


Newsletter contributions: taroonacommunitynewsletter@gmail.com Newsletter deadline dates for 2016: 21 November

We have a pile of sawn firewood. You’ll need a ute or trailer to collect it from 129 Channel H’way.

Advertising: 1 column x 2cm deep = $10, 1 column x 4cm deep = $20

Ring Mike on 0439 315366 to confirm.

Bayside Meats Fine Food Butchery

Fresh seafood daily. Large range of homemade, gourmet sausages 628 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay Ph/Fax: 6225 1482

This issue of Taroona News has been printed with the support of the offices of Senator The Honourable Lisa Singh and Mr Andrew Wilkie MP, Independent Federal Member for Denison. Disclaimer The Taroona Community Association accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained herein and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. The listing of a person or organisation in any part of this newsletter in no way implies any form of endorsement by the Taroona Community Association of the products or services provided by that person or organisation. The Taroona Community Association accepts no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience by any person resulting from information published in this newsletter.

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