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Lyle Spencer, President R. G. Derickson, FirstVceP. A. T. Humbles, Secretary Dean Phillips , Treasurer

Sam Gracy, Vice Pre s. East W. F. Merrigan , Vie Pres. Central Lou Cook, Vice Pres. West irecto ,D WalceMzr Directo Ritch e B g l ,

Larry Decelles, Director Howard Henson, Director Roy Van Etten , Director



The fourth annual TARPA convention is history and it was the best ever. About the only complaint we heard was that there simply wasn't time to do all the fun things available and visit with all the old friends who showed up. Lyle and Dorothy Spencer really did a superb job of planning and arranging for the large turnout. * * * * * * * * * * PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We all owe Dave Richwine a vote of thanks for all he has done for us in the past 2i years. I certainly appreciate it, and let's not forget all the secretarial work his wife, Vi, has done. Harry Mokler reported the TWA Retired Pilots Benefit Foundation is about to become a reality. Tax exempt status is almost a certainty in the very near future. Roy Van Etten reported that we are getting much closer to obtaining the initiative for pilots , who have their own funds in the "B" plan to have a choice on how their funds are invested. We are growing larger at a rapid pace. A. T. Humbles' last report was a membership of 775. This year we should all mount a recruiting drive and really work to get all active pilots over 50 in our organization. Those pilots still actively working who are members and those who are non-members should be made aware that a TARPA convention is a fun thing. Besides the business meetings, there are a lot of other activities and always the socializing with old friends they may not have seen for a long time. They would enjoy TARPA and if they have questions about retirement, I am sure we have members already retired who can calm any fears and answer any questions. In a recent issue of TARPA TOPICS, Dave included a questionnaire. He received one reply. During the convention this questionnaire was again distributed. We received 56 replies. That is much better. I will repeat the printing of the questionnaire in this issue. We all have to be active in our organization if we are going to get the results we want. It only costs 200, even if you want to give us H---.

As you all know, we have an AWARD OF MERIT for persons who have made an outstanding contribution to Commercial Aviation. At the present time, the AWARD is limited to TWA employees or former employees and is not restricted to flight deck crew members. If you know of anyone who fits this criteria, please advise the AWARDS CHAIRMAN, Ed Betts, 960 Los Lomas, Pacific Palisades, California 90272. Any nominations you submit must be accompanied by a resume ' substantiating the nominees contributions as outstanding.

Lyle A. Spencer * * * * * * * * * * CONVENTION CHAIRMAN'S REPORT First, I want to express my thanks to the many volunteers who. helped so much to make the 1982 convention a success. They were Roy Van Etten for golf, Reg Plumridge for tennis, Louise and Leon Vestal for bridge, my wife Dorothy, Mary Lusk for photography, Ole Olson, Moe Hansen and all the volunteer bartenders for the Hospitality room and last, but not least, the wives who helped so much at the Registration desk. STATISTICS Members attending Number at banquet Rooms used Golfers Tennis Bridge Fashion show

155 300 136 at the Tropicana. The remainder were local residents and people staying at other hotels. 60 men and 20 women 14 men and 9 women 4 men and 24 women 73 women - there would have been more, but space was limited.

Elsewhere in this issue is a list of those actually attending. I believe everyone had a good time, the weather was beautiful and those attending the shows reported them excellent. The 1983 convention will again be in Las Vegas, either the first or second week of May. Lyle Bobzin, the Convention Chairman, will make the decision on the hotel and actual dates depending on when he can get us the best rates. Make your plans now so we can see each other next year.

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Just a note: Some members joined TARPA during the convention and failed to pay for the banquet. A check to our treasurer, Dean Phillips, for $18.00 per person would be appreciated. A pair of ladies sunglasses in a red case were left over after the convention. If the owner will drop me a note at the following address, I will mail them. Lyle A. Spencer 5886 El Parque Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 * * * * * * * * * * * THANK YOU! Our fourth annual TARPA convention is one that I will not soon forget. While each of our other conventions has been a memorable event, and each a little better than the last, this one reached a new high on several counts. We had more members and their wives present, there was more activity available than anyone could possibly handle in the limited time allowed, we had more time for socializing than ever before, and the banquet setting and program were outstanding. It was also a genuine pleasure for me to report real progress in our relations with the TWA MEC and the resulting achievement in the areas of passes, insurance, B plan representation, and the newly formed TWA Pilots Foundation. Perhaps the most satisfying of all was the obvious blending of old factions and opposing interests wherein differences appear to be forgotten or fading and a new and beautiful camaraderie emerging, which has been a prime and ultimate objective of TARPA from its' very beginning. Helping to get TARPA off the ground has been a lot of work and a real challenge, but it has also been fun and I have enjoyed most every minute of it. While every ship must have a captain, it will not run without a crew and serves no useful purpose without passengers. So, to all of the Association Officers, Directors, Committeemen, and others who have given of both your time and counsel and to all of the members who have supported our joint efforts, I want to say it would not have been possible without you. For the warm expressions of appreciation that you have given me personally for my part in TARPA, and for the autographed envelope and its' contents, I am deeply grateful. Lastly, Vi joins me in thanking you all for your very nice gift. We had thought about using it for some new tennis equipment but, on second thought, maybe lessons would be more appropriate!

You have a great slate of officers and directors for the coming year and, if you give them the same support that you have shown in the past, TARPA will continue to grow and serve even better the purpose for which it was founded. Thanks again.

Dave Richwine * * * * * * * * * * * ACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS At their May 4th, 1982 meeting in Las Vegas, the TARPA Board of Directors took the following actions: 1.

Finalized and approved the agenda for the General meeting of the membership.


Approved a policy whereby the widows of cockpit crew members who died prior to January 1, 1980, are eligible for honorary membership in TARPA.


Proposed certain By-Laws changes to be submitted to the convention for approval.


Approved a policy which would permit members to bring guests to the annual meeting with the understanding that, where there are limitations on facilities and activities, members will have precedence.


Reviewed a proposal by member Meredith Moffett for certain bank-by-mail services, and deferred action thereon pending final determination of our tax status.


Discussed at length the selection of the time and place for the 1983 convention and agreed to hold another meeting to finalize same prior to leaving Las Vegas.


Modified the rules governing the AWARDS program. * * * * * * * * * * *


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ACTIONS OF THE BUSINESS MEETINGS Reports were made by the Secretary, A. T. Humbles and Treasurer Ray Craft. Ray says we are solvent, having about the same amount of money at the end of April as we had last year, this despite higher costs for mailing and publishing the newsletter. A. T. read the minutes and also reported that we have acquired lots of new members. NOTE: As of May 29th, A. T. reports we have 775 members.

Changes in dues structures: A change was made in the dues structure. Basic membership remains at fifteen dollars per year. Any member who joins in the first four months of a year will be charged the full fifteen dollars; those joining in the second four months would pay ten dollars and those joining in the last four months, five dollars. Additionally, those members living outside the continental United States will pay twenty-five dollars dues to make up for additional mailing costs. As in the past, Honorary Members pay no dues. Widows whose husbands died before January 1, 1980 are automatically eligible for Honorary Membership. * * * * * * * * * * * Ed Betts reported that the TWA Yearbook type publication is nearing completion and that for anyone who is interested, it is a good book, but rather expensive. * * * * * * * * * * * "Wolly" Wollenberg brought greetings from the Seniors Club. By the way, "Wolly", who does fine art work, has promised us a cover for a future issue of TARPA TOPICS. * * * * * * * * * * * Terms changed for Directors and Vice Presidents, as the members voted to make the term of office for all Vice Presidents and Directors three years. This was done to provide some continuity. * * * * * * * * * * * * AWARDS COMMITTEE:

Walt Gunn announced that the TARPA Award - 6 -

of Merit would be presented to three nominees this year. The awards will be presented at the banquet. Committee members O. R. Olson and Ed Betts were present. Member Arkie Ainsworth couldn't be with us. * * * * * * * * * * * Vern Lowell reported on the pension trust fund. Although his report, along with his briefcase, was stolen in the Miami Airport, Vern reported from memory that there was, in his opinion, too much churning of funds. He was critical of Morgan Guarantee in particular. * * * * * * * * * * * Roy Van Etten was introduced as the Retired Pilot observer on the MEC Retirement Committee. Roy reports a good relationship with the committee. Roy says that the best way to predict your "B" fund amount for July is to multiply the amount of your present check by 92.517. * * * * * * * * * * * Wayne Haggard was introduced and explained contract changes that will affect Retirees. A new insurance program which includes a Medicare supplement plan is available and you have by now probably received a mailing on it. Wayne also reported that company dental insurance is being continued for pilots retiring after May 1, 1982. Wayne also announced the improvements in pass privileges that came about as a result of changes in company policy that occurred during pilot contract negotiations. * * * * * * * * * * * Vern Lowell asked for the floor and announced that he observed that all except one member of the original committee that had negotiated the first trust annuity agreement with TWA were present in the room. He noted that he, Dave Kuhn, John Carroll and Bart Andregg were on the original committee and only Bart was not present. * * * * * * * * * * * Ray Flannery of the MEC Retirement Committee was introduced. Ray said that he feels sure that with the new retirement committee, they will be able to monitor and control the funds much better than in the past. He also thanked Roy Van Etten for his help on trust fund matters. The meeting passed a resolution thanking Wayne Haggard, Ray Flannery and Roy Van Etten for their efforts and extending them a vote of confidence . * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry Mokler reported on the newly formed TWA Pilots Foundation. This has been a very demanding task for Harry, both in time and tact. Harry reports that the MEC is very much in favor of the Foundation and that response from the company is very good. This is one project that we will all need to support. Those who built the industry for those of us who came later surely deserve our help if needed. You will be hearing more from Harry about how you can help. * * * * * * * * * * * NEWSLETTER NEEDS INPUT TARPA TOPICS Editor asked for input from more members. Ed Betts, Dave Kuhn, Phares McFerren and Ole Olson are doing good work, but we need more participation by other members if we are to maintain quarterly publication and improve our newsletter. TOPICS needs articles about anything that helps us maintain our identity and pride as cockpit crew members; anything concerning your hobbies, interests and accomplishments. Longhand, inexpert typing or cassette recordings are welcome. Cassettes will be returned to you after transcription. * * * * * * * * * * * Paul McCarty presented a paper explaining "B" Fund performance since its' beginning. This study shows a marked contrast between the first fourteen years and the last thirteen years. Paul's study is printed elsewhere in this issue. * * * * * * * * * * * Election of Officers: Nominating Committee Chairman O. R. Olson presented a slate of Officers and Directors. There were no nominations from the floor, so the secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot electing the new slate submitted by the Nominating Committee. New Officers are: Lyle Spencer, President

R. G. Derickson, First V.P.

*A. T. Humbles, Secretary

Dean Phillips, Treasurer

*Sam Gracy, V. P. East

W. F: Merrigan, V. P. Central

*Lou Cook, V. P. West DIRECTORS East Wallace Mazer *Ritchie Beighlie

Central Larry De Celles *Howard Hansen

* Indicates those serving another . term.

West *Roy Van Etten *C. H. Pahl

DENTAL INSURANCE Due to many inquiries on the subject, an effort has been made to find a dental insurance plan that could be made available to TARPA members either on an individual or group basis. The situation in a nutshell is that dental insurance, generally speaking, is a loser for the insurance company. Fewer and fewer companies are writing it at all, and those that are have made it so expensive with deductions, exclusions, and high premiums that buying it is, for all practical purposes, merely a matter of exchanging dollars. However, a Dental Health Care program entitled "DENTICARE" was introduced at our recent convention and is designed to greatly reduce the high cost of dental work. You should be receiving a pamphlet of complete explanation about it in the very near future. It should be pointed out again that TARPA does not sponsor or endorse any of the various medical insurance or health care plans available including this dental plan. We do, as a service to our members, bring to your attention for your personal consideration, plans that we feel may meet your needs. * * * * * * * * * * * MEDIGAP INSURANCE In response to the many queries from our members over 65 as to what to do about Medicare Supplemental Insurance, please be advised that the Florida Department of Insurance has recently issued an excellent comparison study on this matter entitled While it does "MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE SHOPPERS GUIDE". not cover all items involved, it does compare the major ones, including costs, of 50 different commercial policies, and does so in easy-to-understand and follow terms. You may obtain a copy by writing to: Bill Gunter State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner St. Petersburg Service Office 412 12th Avenue N. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 It should be noted that, while similar in some respects, none of the policies listed in the study pay the full Part B doctor differential that the RAPA (Hartford) policy does. More information on the RAPA policy can be obtained by writing to: Alexander and Alexander P. O. Box 558196 Miami, Florida 33155 (continued)

Be sure and identify yourself as a member of RAPA. (All TARPA members are automatically members of RAPA). D. W. Richwine, Chairman, Insurance Committee * * * * * * * * * * * HOW HAS THE B PLAN FARED? The sole purpose of the B Plan is to serve as an instrument to receive and invest Company and Member contributions for the purpose of providing income to the Members after retirement. This study covers the period December 31, 1954 (one month after the birth of the Plan) to March 31, 1982. The objective being retirement income, there can be no better yardstick for measuring the success of fund asset investments than RETIREMENT INCOME PER UNIT OF INTEREST. What is the trend? Has income per Unit increased - decreased - or remained static? The report is computed on MONTHLY RETIREMENT INCOME PER 100 UNITS held by a retiree. The number of Units held in individual retiree accounts will vary widely - but every retiree holds some multiple (or fraction) of 100 Units. Unit value is determined at the end of each calendar year. a "Payment Year" is used, the For retirement income purposes, A Payment Year is the twelve income being adjusted quarterly. months from April 1st of any year, to March 31st of the following year. Monthly income for the first quarter is determined by the Unit value at the end of the prior year (December 31st). This income level is adjusted quarterly depending on the Index of Change in fund value as of the end of March, June, and SeptemThus it closely follows fund investment experience throughber. out the year, as opposed to Unit value determined only once, at the end of each calendar year. In Payment Years 1972 and earlier, income adjustNOTE: ment was made semi-annually. The graph on Chart #1 portrays monthly income for each 3 or 6 month period of the 27 Payment Years 1955 through 1981. Starting at $83.33 per month and ending at $183.96, the income ranged from a low of $72.23 to a high of $208.21. The dotted line indicates Consumer Price Index referenced to the 1954 level. (continued) - 10 -

You will observe the general trend in the first half of the period, 14 years 1955 through 1968, was one of increasing Starting at $83.33, it exhibited a fairly steady climb income. ending at $170.66. This is slightly over double the initial income. Total income for the 14 years was $18,800.52. This is the same total as would have been received if the initial $83.33 per month had been increased at a constant annual compound rate of 3.8491% throughout the 14 years. In the second half, 13 years 1969 through 1982, there were large fluctuations in income. Starting at $171.36, the monthly income ranged from a low of $90.38 to a high of $208.21, ending at $183.96. Total income for the 13 years was $24,001.47. This is the same total as would have been received if the initial $171.36 per month had been decreased at a constant annual compound rate of 1.5516% throughout the 13 years. Over the entire 27 years, total income was $42,801.99. This is the same total as would have been received if the initial $83.33 per month had been increased at a constant annual compound rate of 3.134% throughout the 27 years. On Chart #2, the solid line on the graph traces the actual year-end Unit values for the 27 years December 31, 1954 to December 31, 1981. The dotted lines trace the "mean effectrate of change in Unit value" which produced the actual ive total income received in: (a) the first 14 years; (b) the last 13 years; (c) the entire 27 years. In terms of "mean effective annual rate of return on investment", our experience has been: (a) (b) (c)

1955 through 1968, 6.9646% 1969 through 1981, 1.4030% 1955 through 1981, 6.2280%

Our 27 years experience thus far is less than half what will be the total period a pilot can expect to be participating in Eventually it will span about 60 years of his lifethe plan. time - about 35 to 40 years as an active pilot, followed by 20 to 25 years (possibly longer) as a retiree. Make no mistake, this is a long term program in which you have every reason to maintain a deep and abiding interest. Unlike the games in the casino here where you can drop out at will when you are ahead, or leave the game for a time when your luck is waning, you are in this game from start to finish. The full amount of your accumulated Company contributions are riding on the next roll of the dice. You have limited options on Member contributions (if any) prior to, but not after retirement. (continued) - 11 -

There is no magic formula (or tooth fairy) which will instantly convert 35 or 40 years of poor investment return during the active pilot years into a pot of gold upon retirement. Low fund investment return in the earlier period positively assures a lower level of retirement income. Periodically someone chooses to select a short time frame (obscuring the remainder) to impress the Members of a "dynamic" performance. There are short periods of "dynamic" performance. There are also periods of very "dismal" performance. Over longer periods the two extremes blend, presenting a rather bland overall performance. Paul McCarty * * * * * * * * * * * Paul McCarty says that he is going to start work on a new directory which will have more information in it than the present one. He is printing it on slightly larger pages and says that the printing should be better for this issue. This is a big task and one of the more important ones in TARPA. It is great that Paul takes the time to do this for his fellow TARPA members, but then Paul has always served his fellow pilots with many hours of work. We don't have a mailing date, but you should receive it soon. * * * * * * * * * * * dues.

A reminder for those of you who have forgotten to pay your Treasurer Dean Phillips would like to hear from you. * * * * * * * * * * *

A couple of our committee Chairmen, Bill Dixon of Fringe Benefits and Phil Hollar of Alcoholic Counseling, were unable to attend the convention. We are sorry that we missed their company and their words of wisdom. * * * * * * * * * * * THE SAUSAGE PRINCIPLE: People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either one being made. * * * * * * * * * * * PARKER'S LAW: clean to the bone.

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes * * * * * * * * * * *

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By Reg Plumridge

The TARPA 1982 Tennis Tournament at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas on May 4, 5, and 6 was a social, The athletic, exhausting success. affair was a round-robin format with the tournament director, Reg Plumridge, attempting to pair every male with every female in the mixed doubles play. Needless to say, it was impossible to pair every male with every female due to the limitations of time and tennis courts - - we used two outdoor courts and three indoor courts for four hours of continuous play each day. The following players (in more or less alphabetical order) participated in some great tennis and good all around fun. Tommy and Teresa Anderson, John Carroll, Ginny Converse, Larry and Phyllis Girard, Clancy Green, Ted Hereford, Ken Hippe, Dick and Alice Long, Leo and June McFarland, Walt Moorhead, Ruth Plumridge, Dave and Vi Richwine, Hank and Adrienne Sturtevant, Bob Stuffings and Virginia Sarazen, a guest of Leo and June McFarland. Reg - keeping score

Don Lundberg showed up the second day and managed to entice a couple of "old guys", Ted Hereford and Reg Plumridge, into playing singles on and off all morning. The last day's play started at the unheard hour of 8:00 A.m., so we lost John Carroll, Walt Moorehead and Bob Stuffings, who might have been too active at the previous night's cocktail -.arty! Observed peeping in on the action occasionally were spectators Doris Stuffings, Bobbi Phillips, Hal Sherwood and "Dud" Kravitz. On May 6th at the banquet, the following awards were presented: June McFarland and Ted Hereford. (Incidentally, Ted Runners up: should have gotten an award for the liveliest "monkey glands" he was the oldest tennis player in the tournament and one of the most active, staying on the courts the entire tournament. I shouldn't say oldest - I should say "most senior"!!!) (continued) - 13 -

The 1982 TARPA Tennis Champions are Adrienne Sturtevant and Larry Girard. Larry is seen at the left talking with Leo McFarland. Sorry that no picture of Champion Adrienne Sturtevant was available. And so another TARPA Tennis Tournament passes into history - a most enjoyable, successful affair. And so said all of us!

At the right: Vi Richwine, spectator Bobbi Phillips and Alice Long (From left to right)

* * * * * * * * * * * BRIDGE By Louise Vestal With Lyle's help, we had a successful and fun two-day bridge tourney. "Grand Slam" Doris Stuffings was the big winner of $50.00 with Bennie Lou Chakerian close behind. Louise Vestal and Alice Strickler were "also rans", for third and fourth. We each dug into our pockets and came up with $95.00 for prizes. 'Til next year! * * * * * * * * * * * THE KENNEDY CONSTANT:

Don't get mad - get even!

* * * * * * * * * * * - 14 -

CAROLE LOWELL AND JOHN F. PHILLIPS TOP GOLFERS By Roy Van Etten In the two day golf tournament played at the Tropicana Country Club, Carole Lowell was low gross scorer for the ladies and John F. Phillips was the winner of the men's low gross trophy. Low net for the ladies was scored by Virginia Webb and it was good to see that Roy Brister's hand had healed so well from his accident last year that he captured low net for the men. The Calloway award went to George Porter. All winners were presented with trophies. In the closest to the pin contest, Toni Tiseo for the ladies and Bob Early for the men won a nice prize. Each was -)resented with a wood donated by Bob Wetzel. the Las Vegas custom club maker (Classics by Wetzel). We really appreciate Mr. Wetzel's generosity. * * * * * * * * * * * TARPA CONVENTION, TROPICANA HOTEL AND COUNTRY CLUB, MAY 4-7, 1982 Names of those persons actually attending are listed below. If any names have been omitted, it is because they failed to register at the registration desk. Adams, John O. and Lib Adickes, Robert and Helen Anderson, Tom and Teresa Beck, Dick and Lou Beck, Thomas E. and Diane Beighlie, Ritchie and Shirley Betts, Edward and Donna Beucher, Chas. L. Bissonette, Riley Bobzin, Lyle D. and Rita Boqua, Edward Z. and Katherine Boxberger, Jerry and Lana Brister, Roy L. and Esther Brogdon, Jim and Marge Brown, Joseph A., Jr. and Eliese Brubaker, R. E. and Kathy Buck, Robert N. Burrell, William E. and Teddy Butler, Lee and Jeanne

Carlson, John A. and Helen Carroll, John Carter, Dean A. and Kathryn Chakerian, Bennie Lou Clark, John E. and Ruth Clay, A. J., Jr., and Jo Converse, Ginny Cook, Louis G. and Lorraine Craft, Ray and Martha Daehlin, Joseph O.Davis, Sylvia Charles and Davis, Rusty and Jean De Celles, J. L. and Betty Deitchman, Bill and Dorothy Derickson, R. G. Dill, Charles S. and Martha Dobberteen, John L. Dowling, Carl and Marguerite Doyle, Dick and Elke Duvall, George C. and Joyce Dyer, Chic and Thelma

Earley, Robert J. and Ginny Ellington, H. F. and Maxine Evans, Keith and Donna

Manning, Robert F, and Audra Manning, M. J. (Tex) and Margo May, Thad and Janet Mattke, Cleo and Peg Merrigan, Bill and Cathaleen Meyerholtz, Dave and Betty Miller, Dean W. and Alice Miller, William and Dorothy Moffett, Meredith J. and Lee Mokler, Harry and Fran Montgomery, John Morehead, C. W. (Walt) and Anne Morris, Max and Phyllis Mueller, It. B. and Pamela Murphy, Art

Fiser, Jesse A. Fisher, Gil and Kay Flannery, Ray and Lee Garrett, Ruby and Beth Gerling, Rog and Judy Gilbert, Stewart B. and Lois Girard, Larry and Phyllis Green, Clancy and Betty Gunn, Walter H. Gwin, Bob Haggard, Wayne L. and Judy Hansen, Howard A. (Moe) Harpster, Jack and Marie Harrison, Bill and Mary Headstrom, Al and Dee Hendrix, James M. and Claire Hereford, Ted Rippe, Ken and Nell Hoesel, Charles (Chuck) Hoffman, J. E. (Ed) Hubbard, Lloyd E. and Margaret Humbles, A. T. and Betty Hylton, Leonard I. and Frances

Mccarty, Paul and Marj McCombs, J. S. and Jean McFarland, Leo and June McFerren, Phares and Edith McKnight, Robert and Susan Neumann, Harold and Inez Nichols, H. E. (Nick) Nixon, Clyde and LaVon Olson, Orville and Carol Olson, V. J. and Phyllis

Ives, Larry and Connie Jenkins, F. E. Johnson, Gordon Kachner, Hal and Jean Kallina, Ed and Evelyn Keiser, W. L. (Bob) and Betty Kennedy, John J. and Mary Ellen Kiefer, O. O. and Frances Kirby, Albert T. and Sylvia Kleiner, Dick and Helen Koughan, Jack and Jean Kravitz, Irving Kuhn, Dave and Emily Lachenmaier, Bob and Dorothy Lein, John and Daniele Long, Richard P. and Alice Lowell, Vernon W. and Carole Lusk, Al and Mary

Parsley, Russ Peterson, Wendell F. (Pete) Pettigrew, Bruce and Mildred Phillips, Dean L. and Bobbi Phillips, John F. and Anne Plumridge, Reg and Ruth Polizzi, James J. and Barbara Porter, George and Nancy Powk, John E. and Ina Pyle, John H. and Marion Quinn, Jack and Nancy Ramsey, Neuman and Mickey Rice, Charles C. and Katie Richwine, Dave and Vi Rodgers, Mel and Maydene Ruble, Dick and Kay Ruege, Frank and Louise Runkle, Billy B. and Helen (continued)

- 16 -

Searle,, George B. Shaver, Marge Sherwood, Hal and Adele Simpkins, Roy and Rita Solomon, Jasper S. and Bonnie Spencer, Lyle A. and Dorothy Stanton, James E. and Virginia Strickler, Charles D. and Alice Stuffings, Bob and Doris Sturtevant, Hank and Adrienne Tate, Billy M. and Jane Thrush, Margaret Tiseo, Chuck and Toni Tomlinson, D. W. and Peg Townsend, W. E. and Alva Tunder, J. R. and Kalita

Vail, Ernest D., Jr. Vallee, Jim H. and Doris VandeVelde, Albert and Mary Van Etten, Roy W. Vestal, Lee and Louise Voigts, Busch and Lucille Webb, Joe M. and Ginny Wheeler, J. W. and Doris White, Charles and Ella Widmayer, Ted and Jane Wirth, Howard and Lillian Wollenberg, A. W. (Wolly) and Edna Young, Ben L. and Didi Youngblood, Korky

* * * * * * * * * * * * Send your dues checks to new TARPA Treasurer Dean Phillips, 7218 Onda Circle, Tucson, Arizona 85715. * * * * * * * * * * * *


When in doubt, mumble.


When in trouble, delegate.


When in charge, ponder. * * * * * * * * * * *

The TARPA AWARD OF MERIT Plaque with the complete list of those honored now hangs in the Council 3 Office in Kansas City. Upon the official installation, there was a ceremony with Walt Gunn presiding. We have some pictures that we received too late to print in the last issue of TARPA TOPICS.

Captain Walt Gunn, Chairman of TARPA's Awards Committee, presents the AWARD OF MERIT plaque in a ceremony at ALPA Headquarters office in Kansas City, with Art Prestia and Jack LeClaire looking on. EDITOR'S NOTE: We are not happy about the quality of some of our picture reproductions. We are trying to get a fix on our problem. Please bear with us a while longer. (continued)

- 18 -

The event was attended by a group of distinguished members. Check the list below.

Max Callahan, Chairman, St. Louis ALPA Council, Back Row: Homer Stoltzfus, Arky Ainsworth, Ernie Glaeser, Walt Gunn, Jack LeClaire, Gail Storck, Busch Voigts, Don Thomson, Harold Neumann, and Bob Murphy. Seated:

Dick Schmidt, Ole Olson, Art Prestia, Ray Dunn.

* * * * * * * * * *

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Tommy alongside the Northrup GAMMA, which served as his over-weather research "laboratory".

Captain D. W. "Tommy" Tomlinson, recent TARPA "Award of Merit" recipient, is probably one of American aviation's most colorful personalities. Best described as an adventurer, he has been a Naval Officer, aviator, pioneer, daredevil, barnstormer, engineer, airline executive, researcher, airline pilot, author, and even the subject of a comic strip which helped to inspire many of us to seek our careers in aviation. More specifically, he graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1917, and served as co-pilot and observer on anti-submarine patrol and convoy duty during World War I. He received his formal flight training from the Navy in 1920, followed by a two year period as a flight instructor. He bought his first airplane, a Curtiss JN4D, from the Army at Rockwell His spare time from 1922 to 1925 was spent Field, California. barnstorming his Jenny, a Curtiss SEAGULL, and F boat. In the fall of 1925 he flew his JN4D west bound across the continent to San Diego. The trip took 49 air hours. He was assigned to Navy Fighting Squadron Six, and later became its' commanding officer. He was the leader of the Navy's famous stunt team, the "THREE SEAHAWKS", which competed with the Army's "THREE MUSKETEERS" at the National Air Races in San Diego in 1928. - 20 -

The leader of the latter was killed trying to duplicate Tommy's inverted flight act at 50 feet. Later in 1928, he was ordered to NAS Anacostia to head up the Navy's Test Section. He resigned from the Navy to commence 12 years of airline work. He served as Vice President Operation for MADDUX AIRLINES, and later went to work for TWA, where he served as co-pilot, captain, assistant to the president, member of the company technical committee which included Jack Frye, Charles Lindgergh and others, and flew the airmail. He also did the high altitude and stratosphere research work for which he became internationally famous and served on the DC-1 development committee. He later became Chief Engineer for TWA and its Vice President of Engineering. In June, 1941, he was recalled to active duty with the Navy. He served as C. O. of the Naval Air Reserve Base at Fairfax in Kansas City, Kansas, and as C. O. of the Naval Air Station at From 1943 until Olathe, Kansas, while it was under construction. the end of the war, he was Commanding Officer of the PacificAlaska Division of the Naval Air Transport Service, which operated a huge fleet of both land and sea planes from the west coast of the United States throughout the entire Pacific area, including New Zealand, Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines, the entire Alaskan chain and later, Okinawa and even Japan. This far-flung Navy airline operated both scheduled service and special missions such as a fleet of especially outfitted hospital planes for evacuating wounded. Captain Tommy was considered to be the undisputed expert on air logistics in the Pacific and was fre q uently consulted by the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific theater, Admiral Chester Nimitz and his staff on such matters. He closed out his Navy Career as Deputy Commander for the Berlin Airlift and retired in 1951 with 30 years of service. Following retirement, Tommy divided his time between the FLYING T ranch in Springdale, Arkansas, and some of the great fishing spots in Mexico. In recent years he has spent much of his time just travelling about the country visiting family and friends. He is a loyal friend. In February, 1982, at the age of 84, he remarried and immediately set out on an 11,000 mile automobile trip to introduce his lovely new bride, Peg, to family and friends. He now makes his home at the WESTHILL RANCH, Hayfork, California. * * * * * * * * * * * EVANS' LAW: If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you just don't understand the problem. * * * * * * * * * * *

REMARKS BY BUSCH VOIGTS IN PRESENTING HAROLD NEUMANN THE AWARD OF MERIT From Jennies to Jets, 1926-1982; ten years barnstorming 1926 to 1936. Thirty years with TWA, retired May 17, 1966, age 60. Fourteen years of retirement, still flies his monocoupe called "Little Mulligan." Racing #40.

Harold Neumann and "Little Mulligan" Harold always liked competition, has a room full of trophies, and plaques, all the way from plowing contests, horse shoe pitching, air racing, aerobatic flying and conservation farming from the county agent of Johnson County, Kansas. Following are just some of his accomplishments: 1.

First license signed by Orville Wright, July 30, 1929, #384.


Rated Number One racing pilot in 1935, having won the (continued) - 22 -

Thompson Trophy race at Cleveland, Ohio. 3. Appointed to the OX-5 Hall of Fame, 1970 4. Holds Paris-New York record of 6 hours, twenty-three minutes on a regular TWA scheduled flight. 5. Has picture of racing plane and write-up in Smithsonian at Washington, D. C. 6. In his barnstorming days, he was known as the champion Balloon Buster and is listed as such in the Smithsonian. 7. Holder of high speed inverted flight record in Howard "IKE", 300 miles an hour. 8. Did skywriting for Chevrolet 1930-35 and still does for TWA over Royal's Stadium. 9. Still takes part in sport acrobatics with Monocoupe; still pitches horseshoes, still active in farming, with his own airstrip. 10. Listed in Who's Who in Aviation. 11. Life magazine had a review of his flying career. 12. They had "Harold Neumann Day" at Atchison, Kansas in June, 1979. The Governor of Kansas declared the day "Kansas Harold Neumann Day" as well. 13. Neumann tree is planted at Amelia Earheart National Park at Atchison, Kansas. 14. Served as Master Chairman of the TWA pilots. 15. Harold is a member of the following: TWA Seniors, TARPA, EAA, OX-5 Aviation Pioneers, Silver Wings, International Aerobatic Club, Aerobatic Club of America, Antique Aircraft Association. Harold is the oldest pilot in Aerobatic contests at 76 years. The best thing that ever happened to Harold is to have had Inez as his wife for over fifty years. She is a wonderful person and, as our minister put it, "She is a good woman". It is a pleasure to present this plaque to Harold Neumann.

- 23 -

DAVE KUHN'S INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ABOUT BOB BUCK Hello, you beautiful people. I am glad that happy hour has put you in a festive mood. When Walt Gunn asked me to say a few words to you, I advised him, truthfully, that I suffer from brain damage. He said, "Go ahead, Dave, no one will know the difference". Some thirty five years ago, I read a book, "Life Begins at 40". It did give me solace and comfort at that time. Now I am looking for a sequel on "Life After 70" - Golden Years, they say. I may have to write that book myself, and with all due respect to Masters and Johnson - with few exceptions - the action is not in this age group. Walt wanted me to say things about Bob Buck - but first things first - a bit about Arkansas. We in Arkansas still boast of the finest funerals in all the states. They are social affairs. Neighbors take enough food to the home of the deceased to founder the survivors. They conduct fair deal services "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away'". That is a fair deal! We in Arkansas have noticed no depression. Our unemployment is constant at 25% in good or bad times. The cut back in school lunches did cause some problem at first, but then they reverted to my school days. The kids would take a hammer and a can full of hickory nuts to school and survive. The New York TIMES recently likened Arkansas to an "intellectual waste land" said the folks there were ignorant. That may be so, but the TIMES failed to mention that the Razorbacks turn out good athletic teams --- track, baseball, basketball, and football at Arkansas are hard to beat. The Texas Longhorns, fresh from beating Oklahoma in football and ranked #1, came to the Ozarks - results Texas 11, Arkansas 42. Lou Holtz, the Razorback coach, says that he has boys that can do anything with a football except autograph it. The TIMES may be right. Now about Bob Buck - I call him "Risky Bob". He came with Transcontinental and Western Air in the mid-thirties, shortly after I did (DC-2 days). There was a company pilot's union all pilots attended the meetings. If word got out that any pilot was leaning toward ALPA he was furloughed permanently. With the help of Danny Medler, Jimmy Roe, Sonny Boy Hall and others, we survived. - 24 -

Bob Buck did everything in the aviation industry a pilot can do - and perhaps some things he should not have done. His flying career started early - at age 16 he set the coast to coast flying record that stood until faster planes came along. He married a pretty gal named Jean and begat a son and a daughter, who are begatting also. Now it's Grandpa Bob. He did much work in ALPA before going to top management as Chief Pilot. He aided in the settlement of the Stratoliner dispute. He and Speed Hagins borrowed a Black Widow airplane from the Air Force and flew through thunderstorms to tell what happens. Speed says he did the flying and Bob did the telling. He appeared before Congressional committees for various reasons. Always with an eye for a well turned ankle, he ran around with movie celebrities. He and Jean would stay with the Tyrone Powers in Brentwood where we lived. Emily (my wife) and I were invited there to see some of Ty's pictures. On the Riviera golf course we had good days and bad days. Some days Bob would lose it. He retired from TWA in 1974 with a fair monthly retirement check. It might have been more but for the "fail safe concept controversy" ---ALAS! After retirement he stays busy - ensconced in Aviation's Hall of Fame, writes books and articles - big in sail planes consultant for IATA (whatever that is) and much more. So briefly, I have given you a thumbnail sketch of Risky Bob. To sum it up, he is "Defender of the Faith, Champion of Democracy, Friend of the Working Girl and one hell of a man with a stick and throttle". * * * * * * * * * * * MORE ABOUT BOB BUCK The following additional information about Bob Buck was submitted to TARPA TOPICS by Dave Richwine. - Editor Everyone knows some things about Bob Buck. Some people know a lot. I doubt if anyone is aware of all the aviation involvements in his career which has probably been as long, if not longer, than any one in the business, continuously spanning the period from his early teens on into his retirement years. Set forth below are some additional facts about him that have come my way: (continued) - 25 -

- He set a speed record from New York to Havana in 1931 and received a personal greeting and citation from President Hoover for that accomplishment. - Set a speed record from New York to Mexico City. - Set a WORLD type speed record from Burbank to Columbus, Ohio, in 1937. - He did aerial survey work for an archeological expedition in Yucatan and Central America in the middle thirties. - He was a crew member on the Boeing 707 "Polecat" which flew over both the North and South poles in one of the last great flight adventures in 1965. - Following his stint as System Chief Pilot for TWA, he served as the pilot's representative during the arbitration of the 1946 pilot strike. - In 1972 he was selected as TWA "Captain of the Year". - He was awarded the AIR MEDAL by the Air Force for his thunderstorm and weather research work. - He received the ALPA AIR SAFETY AWARD in 1963 for his meteorological research and work on all weather flying. - He received an AWARD OF MERIT for his work on the FAA "Administrators Technical Advisory Group", which was involved in supersonic research and which led him into flight involvements with the Concorde. - One of his most coveted awards was a special one given to him by the Flight Safety Foundation for his book, WEATHER FLYING. - He was a member of the IFALPA Supersonic Study Committee. - He was an advisor on the President's Supersonic Study Committee. - He served on two NACA subcommittees. - He is currently serving on two active ICAO Committees. -- He was a member of the well known FAA. AIR SAFETY - 26 -

ADVISORY GROUP of 1975 which rode the cockpits of all classes of airliners and whose final report has become a classic study of what's wrong in today's flight crew environment. - He has been a regular contributor to the READER'S DIGEST for many years. In addition to his several books, he has written articles for a number of aviation magazines, and has been Assistant Editor of AIR FACTS. - Since retiring, he has served as a consultant to aircraft and electronics manufacturing firms. - A QB and member of both the SOARING SOCIETY of AMERICA and the AERO CLUB of France, Bob Buck is truly a pilot's pilot, dedicated researcher, master achiever, and lifelong contributor to CommerIt is most fitting that his name cial Aviation. should be on the TARPA AWARD OF MERIT plaque.

- 27 -

DAVE AND VI CELEBRATE FORTIETH Among the gala events of the spring season in our part of Florida was the celebration of Vi and Dave Richwine's fortieth wedding anniversary on April 25. The scene was the Imperial Point Clubhouse in Largo, Florida, where nearly one hundred people enjoyed cocktails, dinner and dancing. The festive occasion was attended by old and new friends, including a school friend from Dave's Rockford, Illinois, Junior and Senior High school days. TWA was well represented by Alva and Bill Townsend, Peggy and Horace Lewis and Jo and Al Clay. The clubhouse was beautifully decorated and the music and buffet of top quality. * * * * * * * * * * * SOUTHEAST SENIORS MEET AT MADEIRA BEACH, FLORIDA

On May 11, 12, and 13, the Southeast Seniors of TWA enjoyed a convention and get-together at the Gulf front Ramada Inn on Madeira Beach, Florida. TARPA member Bill Townsend is president of the group and arranged an interesting and enjoyable convention. The young lady in the picture is a member of the staff of the Inn.

Southeast Seniors President Bill Townsend, ready to preside at the luau.

There was golf at the Bardmoor Country Club for those interested and on the last night there was a luau, where everyone had a good time and Master of Ceremonies Bill Townsend presented the prizes to the golf winners, and a large number of door prizes to the rest of us. At present, plans are to return to the same location for next year's Southeast Seniors meeting.

* * * * * * * * * * * GREEN'S LAW OF DEBATE: Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about. * * * * * * * * * * * - 28


Among the smiling faces seen at the Southeast Seniors were Ed Kallina, Roger Don Rae, and Evelyn Kallina. * * * * * * * * * * * SECRETARY OF TARPA CONSIDERING A NEW CAREER Many people are content to live a life of ease in retirement, others want to stay busy running a business, or doing volunteer work. Others want to start on a new, glamour type career. Our secretary is the latter type. While he hasn't received much encouragement on his selected new career, I am sure he will continue to hang in there and his efforts will be crowned with success in the modeling business. We are printing a letter that he received from one prospective employer. He is not discouraged by it. We understand he is going to try Cosmopolitan next. * * * * * * * * * * *


- 29 -

February 15, 1982

Mr. A. T. Humbles Rt 2 Box 152 Belhaven, N.C. 27810 Dear Mr. Humbles: We wish to thank you for your letter and pictures which we recently received. However, we will regrettably be unable to use your body in our monthly Centerfold. On a scale of between 1 and 10, your body was rated minus 2. The rating is done by a panel of women ranging in age from 65 to 75 years. As you may already know, this represents the average age of the American Woman. We did, in fact, attempt to have our panel of experts in the 25 to 35 year old age bracket rate you, but we could not get them to stop laughing long enough. Should the taste of the American Woman ever change so drastically that they would consider you for the Centerfold, you will be notified by this office. In the meantime, however, "don't call us, we'll call " you .

Playgirl Magazine VP:jj

- 30 -

Retired Airline Pilots Association 6600 S.W. 126th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33156 • (305) 665-4919

MAY 1982


Last week Senator Pete Domenici (R., NM), chairman of the Budget Committee, gave up on his bill to reduce social security benefits. Thanks for all your letters. However, we must remain alert for any new efforts to chop benefits. STATUS OF PENSION PLANS Perhaps it is timely that we re-examine our retirement benefits and the security of these benefits. One carrier has filed for court protection under the bankruptcy act. Several other carriers are encountering financial difficulties. When a notice of Intent to Terminate a plan is filed with the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) it must state whether or not there is sufficient funds to provide the guaranteed benefits. The court will appoint a Trustee (it may be the PBGC) to administer the plan and its funds. Funds will be distributed in accordance with the terms of the plan, under prescribed priorities (see chart). Benefits will be paid to participants beginning at normal retirement age, out of the assets held in trust. PBGC funds are used to supplement plan assets in order to pay all benefits in the guaranteed categories (1 through 4). The maximum amount guaranteed by the PBGC is adjusted annually by the same percentage as social security. The maximum amount for pilots retiring at age sixty (actuarially reduced) in 1981 was $822.08. This would be further reduced if an annuity other than single life were elected. It is suggested that you become aware of your plan and its financial condition. This information is available from your company retirement section and your ALPA R&I Committee. ERISA disclosure and reporting section requires that you be furnished with this information. INTERLINE TRAVEL PRIVILEGES A special RAPA Committee has been charged with seeking a reaffirmation of ALPA policy (Board 1972) as it pertains to travel privileges for retired pilots. This policy provides for pass privileges for retired pilots and their immediate families, at least equal to that of the active pilots shall be included in contract openers in each successive contract negotiation within the industry. These privileges are provided for under Public Law 86-627, 86th Congress, H. R. 4049 dated July 12, 1960. The ninth annual RAPA Convention will be at the Konover Hotel on Miami Beach, December 1-4, 1982. An optional 7 day Caribbean cruise will follow the convention. More details will follow. Make your plans now! - 31 -

Defined Benefit "A" Plans



PLANE TALK "THE " DAY WE ARE PROPERLY READY preparation were completed on July 8 F when the service of Transcontinental Air OURTEEN months of intensive


ager of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia; Mr. J. L. Maddux, President of Maddux Air Lines, and Mrs. Maddux, and Lieut. D. W. Tomlinson, Vice President of Maddux Air Lines. A crowd which filled the huge Penn-

Colonel Paul Henderson, Vice President of T A T, presided at the ceremonies which were broadcast over a radio hook-up. Among the speakers were Miss Earhart; Mr. Elisha Lee, Vice President, Fin Pennsylvania Railroad; Dr. John H. ley, Editor, New Y o r k Times, and Hon. Grover Whalen, Police Commissioner. On the station platform a white ribbon secured to the train and the platform was parted when the starting signal came from Colonel Lindbergh, and Miss Stone formally inducted " T h Airway Limited " into service. Miss Betty Brainerd of the Associated Newspapers, held the end of the ribbon aboard the train.

Transport, Inc., was formally offered to the public. Inaugural flights by two planes departing from each of the T A T terminals at Columbus and Los Angeles. At the controls of the first east bound plane was Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, chairman of the technical committee of T A T and aeronautical adviser to the Pennsylvania Railroad. In Los Angeles on the afternoon of July 7. Colonel Lindbergh, seated in the office of Governor C. C. Young of California, pressed a button fwhic lashed a signal across the continent to a huge bell in About fifty persons int h e Pennsylvania station, cluding officers and directNew York. At the tap of ors of t h e Pennsylvania the bell the wheels of "The Railroad and T A T, and Airway Limited," a new officials of other aviation train of the Pennsylvania, companies, accompanied the began to move, carrying its train on its inaugural trip first load of passengers to Colonel Lindbergh was at the controls of the "City of Los Angeles" on its inaugural in addition to those who the plane connection at Port flight from the western terminal of TAT. were to transfer to the Columbus. plane at Port Columbus. Simplicity itself marked sylvania station witnessed the ceremonies Many telegrams of congratulation adthe ceremonies in which Colonel Lindin New York before the first departure dressed to General W. W. Atterbury, bergh took part. Only a few persons of the new train. President of the Pennsylvania and Mr. witnessed the event. Among them were Mrs. Lindbergh; Governor Young; Mayor The City of New Y ork, one of the C. M. Keys, President of T A T, were received during the ceremonies and aboard John C. Porter of Los Angeles; Mr. J. fleet of T A T ships placed in the station, V. Magee and Major C. C. Moseley, was christened by Miss Amelia Earhart, the train. They came from high governVice Presidents of T A T; Mr. H. W. Assistant to the General Traffic Management officials, governors, mayors, editors Beck, Western Traffic Manager of T A of T A T, and "The Airway Limited" and men interested directly in the promoT; Mr. R. K. Rochester, General Manwas christened by Miss Dorothy Stone. tion of commercial aviation. 33



Photographer Mary Lusk and husband Al. The hard working Spencers Dorothy and Lyle.

Judy and Wayne Haggard

Director Ritchie Beighlie with wife Shirley Kathleen and Bill Merrigan with new Vice President Russ Derickson. - 35 -


Jim and Marge Brogdon

Jo Clay and Betty Humbles

Ted and Jane Widmayer

The Spencers at the head table

Frances and Leonard Hylton

Lee and Jean Butler 36

Jack Kennedy, Larry Girard and Bob Buck Roy Van Etten and Ray Flannery They could have danced all night!

Vi and Dave Richwine

The Money Men Ray Craft and new Treasurer Dean Phillips

Fran and Harry Mokler

Moe Hansen - 37 -

Dean Miller and Joe McCombs

Bill Merrigan and John Carroll

Lyle Spencer, Walt Gunn and Jim Stanton

- 38 -

Ruby Garrett Lloyd Hubbard Bill Townsend and John Montgomery

Business Session Lyle Spencer, A. T. Humbles, Dave Richwine and Ray Craft

Captain Tomlinson with his Award of Merit Plaque

Tommy and Peg Tomlinson

Lorraine and Lou Cook

Award of Merit honoree Harold Neumann with Dave Richwine

Bush and Lucille Voigts With Inez Neumann, Harold's 'ever-lovin'!


GRAPEVINE Well, Fellow TARPANS, we are now able to report - after a period of recuperation - that on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May, at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, your organization put together another BIG ONE and a GOOD ONE - the annual TARPA convention. Although the convention will be reported in more detail by others in this issue, we beg your indulgence as we relate some of our own observations and experiences for the particular benefit of those who could not attend. After a year of planning and hard work, Convention Chairman LYLE SPENCER and his tireless and patient Dutch wife, DOROTHY, with the help of ROY VAN ETTEN, REGGIE PLUMRIDGE, LOUISE VESTAL, LYLE BOBZIN and many others, put together another TARPA social, business, golf, tennis and hospitality program that provided as much activity as could be absorbed by ordinary humans in a 72 hour period. Between scheduled events, of course, the gambling casino and the nighttime dinner-and-dolly shows offered their own special appeal. Las Vegas, in fact, lived up to its' convention-town and Fun City West reputations so magnificently that our leaders have decided already to go back again in 1983! The obvious delight of many TARPANS, as they met and greeted each other, especially in the atmosphere of the hospitality room, convinced us again that there really are "no friends like old friends". As someone said, "This is unbelievable! I see guys who weren't on speaking terms years ago, now slapping each other on the back and jawing away like long-lost brothers". But that's what TARPA is all about good fellowship and friendship - and away with any lingering negative feelings. These are the years for peace and serenity. TARPA was formed to promote that condition. It was gratifying, also, to see so many who were attending their first TARPA convention, including several EAGLE members: EDDIE BOQUA, IRV KRAVITZ, ROY SIMPKINS, BOB MUELLER, JIM

- 1 -


WHEELER, HAL SHERWOOD, BOB STUFFINGS, JOHN CARROLL, CLYDE NIXON, CHUCK BEUCHER, JOE DAEHLIN, BILL DEITCHMAN, BILLY RUNKLE, and DON LUNDBERG, with apologies to those we missed. The most welcome sight of all, perhaps, was WENDELL (PETE) PETERSON, whom we once inadvertently reported as having Gone West! We also counted six former TWA Chief Pilots on the guest list. Their support is appreciated and we consider it a compliment to TARPA endeavors. For the record, the hospitality room in three afternoon sessions, A cover charge of one dollar served approximately 500 visitors. was collected from each patron for unlimited consumption. Volunteer bartenders, at various times, were MOE HANSEN, BUCK BUCHANAN, LEON VESTAL, RUBY GARRETT and LEO McFARLAND. They acquitted themselves well as they held their battle stations! The banquet, attended by 300 TARPANS, was held in the terraced Fountain Room of the Tropicana. This dinner theatre was the main show room when the Tropicana was built by "Bugsy" Siegel in 1957. It was an impressive setting for our large group. After the dinner was served, the "Award of Merit" program, honoring three of our own famous TWA pioneers, D. W. (TOMMY) TOMLINSON, 85; HAROLD NEUMANN, 75; and ROBERT N. (BOB) BUCK, 68, came off with an appropriate mixture of dignity, humor, respect and emotion. As Master of Ceremonies, WALT GUNN, Chairman of the Awards Committee for the past three years, performed his duties with his usual easy proficiency. Individual introductions of the three honored guests were handled by long-time pilot friends of the award recipients; DAVE RICHWINE for TOMLINSON; BUSCH VOIGTS for NEUMANN; and DAVE KUHN for Seeing each of these six esteemed veterans of TWA at the BUCK. microphone and hearing his own words, so well chosen, was a moving experience - a rare moment of living aviation history. The crowd responded with applause and cheers - and even some tearsafter each man spoke. We consider this event to be one of the high points of TARPA's accomplishments up to this time. It was surely one hour in our life that will always be remembered . * * * * * * * * * * * ARLIE NIXON'S gone and done it again! Got married recently to a lady named Lisa. Doggonit, Arlie, if you'd just brought her to the convention we could have arranged a good, old-fashioned hellzapoppin shivaree! Anyway, we all missed Arlie's cherubic face and figure and his effusive sense of humor. We have openings for bartenders next year, Arlie. * * * * * * * * * * * - 2 -


FLOYD HALL, in a letter to A. T. HUMBLES, has applied for TARPA membership. He says, "Even though I left TWA, much of my life and a lot of my heart was always with the TWA pilots. The $15.00 is not particularly for dues, but I want to pay my share of TARPA TOPICS. I hope you will continue to send it to me". Welcome aboard, Floyd. Your many TWA friends will be happy to know that you are "back home". * * * * * * * * * * * HUGH GRAFF came within three votes of becoming an Independence, Missouri, City Councilman this spring. Hugh received 13,549 votes; his opponent, 13,552. Independence people should be made aware that they just missed electing one of the most honest and talented gentlemen available anywhere. * * * * * * * * * * * RICH FLOURNOY, in a note to A. T., says that he has passed up becoming an engineer after age 60 "because it didn't seem to be the right thing to do, dollar-wise. Sorry to miss Las Vegas, but I'll make the next one". * * * * * * * * * * * CLIFF ABBOTT, LEE FLANAGIN and GEORGE PRICE have all had surgery in recent weeks. All are recuperating in normal fashion, according to Parky's reports. * * * * * * * * * * * LARRY DE CELLES, TARPA's new Central Region Director, and his wife, BETTY, will spend the summer in Park City, Utah, where they have a condominium. Larry retired last December, and is already busy on several personal projects. * * * * * * * * * * * GEORGE HINTON'S bride, AMY OPEDISSANO HINTON, has been named "Logan Lady of the Year" at Boston's Logan Airport, where Amy is TWA's Customer Service Representative. Congratulations, Amy! * * * * * * * * * * * HAL BLACKBURN has addressed a missile to ORFUL R. OLSON, with a salutation of "Sir Grapes", in which he says that "as much as I hate to squander 200 to get in my 20 worth, I would like to congranulate (sic) DAVE RICHWINE and the whole staff for the January TARPA TOPICS. To quote the whole: "Thank you and congranulations DAVID RICHWINE and staff - and the troops who volunteered the poignant remembrances - and to the superb ED BETTS (don't let him let up!)".


"Furthermore, hope ya-all read Dave's letter to the Editor of AVIATION WEEK, January 4th issue. A masterpiece!" Thank you, Blackie. Consider it done. Your friend, Orful. * * * * * * * * * * * HERB OTTEWILL is having cataract surgery and hoping that an implant will restore his First Class certificate. He says the old J-3 is still able to get airborne and his Porsche 911 was 15 in May. Gas station kids sometimes ask him why an old man is driving such a hot sports car. Herb tells them he wasn't old when he bought it, and he and the 911 are just growing old together. Herb adds, "The most important agenda item at Las Vegas will be Dave's replacement. While he'll be a tough act to follow, there is certainly a wealth of talent to choose from". You are correct on all counts, Herb, and you may sleep well; the ship is still in good hands. Good luck with the implant! * * * * * * * * * * * GIL FISHER is President of the Leawood, Kansas, Lions Club and will direct activities of that organization until July, Gil is also active in his church and sometimes goes out 1983. on speaking assignments for TWA Marketing in Kansas City. * * * * * * * * * * * LLOYD W. OLSON and ROBERT M. (BOB) LARSON have moved into the TARPA EAGLES category, both having reached their 75th birthdays during the past year. * * * * * * * * * * * ED EATON writes from Bradenton, Florida, an interesting letter to A. T. in which he mentions several memorable experiences of the early days. He sent along a December, 1940, article about JIM POLIZZI and ART DUNLOP'S night landing in a DC-2 in a farm field near Greensburg, Pa., "Hampered by motor trouble", as the account says. They had dropped flares to illuminate the landing site. The only damage was to a propeller blade. Jim and Art will have no trouble remembering the experience, you can be sure. Ed also recalls a time in 1945 when his ICD (Intercontinental Division) crew changed two engines on a C54E in two days at Roberts Field in Liberia, Africa. The field had been decommissioned and there was no help. BRUCE PETTIGREW will chuckle now as he is reminded by Ed of a Boeing 307 night landing at Natal, Brazil, in 1942 or '43, when the tower neglected to tell (continued)


him that several truckloads of gravel had been dumped in the middle of the landing runway. Ed says, "They wiped the gear off, of course, but later flew it to the U. S. as a fixed-gear airplane". Thanks, Ed. We'll forward the papers you sent along to Ed Betts for the growing Betts Archives. * * * * * * * * * * * JIMMY ROE passed away on March 30 at his home in Arizona. Our only information is that he died of natural causes. * * * * * * * * * * * ROBERT W. (BUD) RICE passed away March 8, 1982, at his winter home in Port Charlotte, Florida. He had been on disability retirement since 1970. He is survived by his wife, Pat, who is now in South Haven, Michigan. * * * * * * * * * * * TED MOFFITT died on March 2, 1982. Ted started with TWA in 1929 and had been retired many years. The May 12 issue of the SKYLINER carried a full story on Ted's career. * * * * * * * * * * * BONNIE JANE GARRETT, 57, RUBY GARRETT'S younger sister, died here in Kansas City on May 8. Bonnie had lived with cerebral palsy since birth, but devoted her life to improving the lot of other afflicted people. At the memorial service, several close friends described her as a woman of great intelligence and wit; a writer, lecturer and organizer; interested in literature, music, theatre, ballet and movies; all in spite of her own muscular and speech difficulties. She reviewed books for the Kansas City Star for many years. One friend said of her, "She was a real character, a gal with gumption, perseverance, and humor". Ruby has another sister, Rachel, who lives with her husband and children in South America. Sleep well, Bonnie. * * * * * * * * * * * BART ANDEREGG, that grizzled survivor of many ALPA wars, has joined TARPA and advises that he has completed three TWA flight engineer schools, the 707, 747 and 1011. If not as a flight engineer, this must surely qualify Bart for a rating as a professional student. Welcome to TARPA, Bart! * * * * * * * * * * *


WALT GUNN somehow found, in far away California last year, the Porterfield aircraft in which he made his first solo flight in 1940. He had it restored in Santa Maria and flew it back to Kansas City during convention week. The first hop was through Apple Valley and up to Henderson, southeast of LAS. After three days at the convention, Walt flew the plane back up to his Lonejack, Missouri, farm by way of old Green 4 (INW, ABQ, AMA, ICT) and "LJK". Distance, 1500 miles; elapsed time, 15 hours; average speed, 100 mph; fuel consumption 3 1/2 gph . Lonejack is known to have cows take over the runway. Be careful, Walt, the runway may be slippery. * * * * * * * * * * A current list of TARPA EAGLES, as provided by A. T: CLIFF ABBOTT EDDIE BOQUA FRANK BUSCH HARRY CAMPBELL RUSS DICK LEE FLANAGIN




If you are over 75 and not on the list, please advise A. T. * * * * * * * * * * * Word comes from LYLE SPENCER by way of BUCK BUCHANAN, who had received a letter from DUTCH HOLLOWAY, who wrote: "Pleased to get word of my old friends you were with at the Las Vegas convention. Should you see any of them again, please extend my best. I am now 86 years old and getting along quite well. My trip to the Hawthorne hospital you mentioned was for a back condition that did not last long. Thank you for your cordial letter. Best wishes, Dutch". (Box 1734, Hawthorne, Nevada 89415) * * * * * * * * * * * Letter to DAVE RICHWINE from Captain "Tommy" Tomlinson: "Simply cannot find words to fully express my appreciation of receiving from TARPA its annual Award of Merit and of your most kind introduction. Never in my life have I felt more honored, the award coming from a fabulous group of experienced airline pilots, truly my peers. Peg and I took great pleasure in meeting and talking with all hands, and their ladies. It pleased me especially to see again you and, Wendell, who were with me in the Pacific, and Harold and Busch, my choice co-pilots of DC-3 days. (continued) 6



Would have written sooner, but came down with a miserable cold about May 9th. Now, at long last, we have reached that state of an equal strain on all parts. Our best wishes to you, your charming wife, and TARPA. Sincerely, Peg and Tommy" * * * * * * * * * * * Some of our readers (those who are still reading) may be curious about our extra-curricular activities in Las Vegas, so with your permission. . . .With our patient and durable Arkansas redhead in tow, of course, we made several nighttime forays along the strip to see some of the unique Vegas attractions. Tuesday night, we saw the ageless Folies Bergere review in the dinner theatre at the Tropicana. Ooh, la, la! On Wednesday night, with JANE and BILLY TATE, JUDY and ROGER GERLING, BETTY and DAVE MEYERHOLTZ, and KATHLEEN and GIL FISHER, we saw the Bob Newhart show along with the Fifth Dimension musical group at the Riviera Hotel. Up, Up and Away! Dr. Hartley is a funny fellow. Following the Thursday night banquet, we enjoyed the raw and raucous humor and music of "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" at the Desert Inn. We laughed through this one with VI and DAVE RICHWINE, HELEN and BOB ADICKES and ALICE and DEAN MILLER. At the end, Bob performed a bit of Las Vegas stage-type magic of his own - he made the $240. check disappear. (Thanks, Bob. Same time next year?) Staying an extra day (Friday) allowed us some loafing time and a chance to visit at poolside with CLAIRE and JIM HENDRIX and MILDRED and BRUCE PETTIGREW and with unwinding ex-Prez DAVE RICHWINE. That evening, at the suggestion of a perspicacious (yes he was!) cab driver, we went to the MGM Grand Hotel and marveled at that matchless musical extravaganza, "Hollywood Jubilee", which is a take-off on the 1930's-1940's "Broadway" movies and filled with the beautiful Kern-Berlin-Gershwin music of that time. They even sink the Titanic in the middle of a field of icebergs on what must be the biggest stage in the world. If you've seen it, you'll understand. If you haven't, remember it next year. Prices for Las Vegas dinner shows are from $35.00 to $50.00 per person, plus taxes and tip. Late shows are $15.00 to $30.00, plus the extras. Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis are likely to cost extra. The price usually includes two or three drinks. At 2:30 A.M., to finish off the evening, we joined the night people in the Tropicana lounge and kibitzed the various "busi- 7 -



At 4 o'clock we had breakfast. ness" transactions taking place. At 5 we got in bed. We were up at 8 and airborne at 1100, on our way, exhausted by happy! We expect to see you all there again in '83. In the meantime, wear your seat belts and drive with patience. * * * * * * * * * * * From a letter to OLE dated June 1, 1982, Jim Hermann, 477 Park Lane, State College, Pa. 16801, writes concerning his father: "On May 22, 1982, Captain Jack Hermann died of heart failure. He will be severely missed and warmly remembered by those who knew him". * * * * * * * * * * *


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Last issue, we reported on Larry Girard's retirement party which was quite an event. Unfortunately we received the pictures that went with the GRAPEVINE story too late to print, but we have them now.




Captain Tomlinson prepares for another high altitude flight in the Gamma.

Captain D. W. Tomlinson was appointed Chief Engineer of TWA in 1936. He headed a new department that was responsible for development of new planes, engines, and conducting flight and ground tests to advance safety in flight operations. Announcement of the new department marked the beginning of a research program that would provide the basis for future longrange transport aircraft. Captain Tomlinson, during the years to follow, not only provided the data for transport design but contributed a wealth of research information for engine supercharging, design, high altitude flying techniques, weather forecasting procedures, and requirements for cabin pressurization.

NOTES FROM YOUR SECRETARY On the reverse side is an application blank. May we extend a cordial invitation to those receiving this to join us? Dues are $15.00 per calendar year, however, for new members it is pro-rated as follows; first four months is $15.00., next four months is $10.00 and the last four months which are September, October, November and December it is $5.00. May we suggest for those joining the rest of this year that you also pay for 1983 then you won't have to be reminded, it will save us bookkeeping and postage. You can fill out as much as you wish, we just thought a more comprehensive application form nn file would help our editors, mailing list, directories, publicity etc. Members feel free to send one in as we don't have anything on some of you but your address. Also, help us get more members for there are still a lot out there we would like to have join us. The Treasurer, Dean Phillips, advises there are some who still have overlooked paying their 1982 dues. Following are some notes from Dean's letter to me; Bob Allman wrote that all's well with him. Bob Cummings sent a similar message and a newspaper clipping about the experimental aircraft he built-- a four year project. Associate Member, Capt. Dave Lehrer, 7834 E. MacKenzie, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 has been off for a year and one-half with a back and spinal problem that caused paralysis of the legs for several months. He is now able to walk and is progressing slowly. Sounds cheerful and is looking forward to getting back under full power." I'm sure he would enjoy hearing from old friends. E. W . Chrisman retired at 60 Oct. 3, 1981. Back to your secretary, please remember to give me your address changes for with our bulk mailing it causes a lot of extra work and expense. The U.S. post office usually will not forward but destroys the mailing and sends me the correct address, if they have it, along with a dun for 250. I would like to add my thanks to Dave Richwine for the fine job he did for us the past two years as our President and to his lovely wife, VI, for her work and support. Also, Ray Craft for his fine work as our treasurer the past year. The convention was most enjoyable!

A.T. Humbles, Secretary



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