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Editor: A. J. (Al) Clay, Jr.

R. G. Derickson, President C. Ritchie Beighlie, First Vice President A. T. Humbles, Secretary Dean L. Phillips, Treasurer

December 1984 Officers and Directors of the Association D. W. Richwine, Vice President, East W. S. Cooper, Vice President, Central W. H. Johnson, Vice President, West John D'Albora, Director R. S. Hamilton, Director

Grapevine Editor: O. R. (OLE) Olson

Larry Decelles, Director K. L. Palmer, Director Wayne L. Haggard, Director Phil S. Hollar, Director

ABOUT THE COVER Captain H. H. (Dutch) Holloway The article in this issue by Captain Holloway was dictated to his niece, Luella A. Seibel. She sent it to Howard Hall, who forwarded it to TARPA TOPICS. In her cover letter to Captain Hall, she says: "He failed to include his stint in Ethiopia around 1947, at which time he helped to establish and became General Manager of the Ethiopian Airline". We're sure his experiences there would make interesting reading. The cover picture was taken in 1935 at Grand Central Terminal. Nope, the. prop ' s not bent!


Early in June, 1984, we were advised by the United States Postal Service that our application to mail at a special Third Class rate had been denied. We planned to appeal this decision, however, we were advised by Mark Segal, our Resident Agent in Las Vegas, that a social club is an organization type that is considered to be ineligible for a special mailing permit. As TARPA has qualified for Federal tax exempt status as a "Social Club" that bars us from eligibility for bulk rate mailing permit status. Hopefully we can find another avenue to ease up on our mailing costs. The 1985 convention will be June 4, 5 and 6 in Las Vegas. Lyle Bobzin has done an outstanding job is setting up our hotel, the Desert Inn, and sports activity schedules. Lou Cook and Sam Luckey investigated St. Louis, which was approved by the Board of Directors as the convention site for 1986. Sam Luckey is the 1986 Convention Chairman and has made arrangements at the Adam's Mark for May 27-30, 1986. Phil Hollar is the 1987 Convention Chairman and has already begun the footwork. Phil will come to the 1985 convention with a 1987 convention package for Board action, at which time the Board will select the site and date for 1987. At the invitation of A. W. Wollenberg, President of TWA Seniors Club, I attended their Board meeting on September 26, 1984 in St. Louis. The purpose of Wolly's invitation was to establish a closer liaison between TARPA and the Seniors. At this meeting a resolution was passed that the President of TARPA or his representative be invited to attend TWA Seniors Board meetings in the interest of promoting cooperation between the two groups. I believe this is a good resolution, that it will establish the liaison and cooperation we need and that this procedure will serve the best interest of both groups. I have invited Lum Edwards, the Seniors First Vice President, to attend TARPA's Board of Directors meeting on June 3, 1985. Dave Richwine asked to be replaced as RAPA liaison, but agreed to continue to serve as the TARPA insurance representative. In accordance with TARPA By-Laws and policies, Ed Hall was appointed the TARPA representative to RAPA, to fill Dave's vacancy. Accordingly, Ed will be TARPA's representative at the RAPA convention in Miami, November 28-30, 1984. Al Clay and I also plan to attend the RAPA convention. Rich Flournoy is the Chairman of the 1985 Nominating Committee President's message

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Working with Rich will be Sam Gracy, Don Hartman, Lloyd Hubbard and Bill Merrigan. Lloyd Hubbard is Chairman of TARPA's Award of Merit program. The deadline date for such nominations can be no later than 90 days prior to the convention, That would be March 4, 1985. Tom Kosta, Chairman of the TWA MEC Professional Standards Committee, sends some disturbing news about misuse of the Class 7R pass, and he enclosed one report which bears out his observation that there have been abuses. The failure of retired pass riders to list the R, or, as has happened, when the R is specified by the lister, and is somehow deleted or ignored, it leads to hard feelings between retirees and those still working, and at times, causes confusion. The company advises that instructions will be forthcoming that all Form 810's must be machine imprinted with the retiree's term pass. It is our responsibility to follow the rules when listing ourselves for a flight by telephone and with the proper follow-up at the airport whether the 810 is handwritten or by machine imprint. Any violations of the proper procedures can hurt us all. We know there are other carriers (both major airlines and feeders) who have a different concept for retiree passes. It is our hope that TWA will establish pass privileges for all retired TWA employees that are fair, equitable, and commensurate with industry practices. As many of you are probably aware, a Captain Dennis Maloney recently circulated a petition among TWA's active pilots advocating a settlement option which would provide a lump sum distribution of the Company's contributions to our Pilot's B Plan trust annuity, which are presently available only as monthly annuity payments after retirement. The latest information we have indicates that said petition had approximately 1500 signatures. On October 22nd, 1984, Roy Van Etten, Dave Richwine, and I met with Mr. Joe Koch in New York. Mr. Koch was our B-Plan actuary for many years prior to his retirement. The purpose of this meeting was to gather as much information and background on our B Plan as possible in order to assist us in protecting our interests if it becomes necessary to do so. I think that the above meeting with the actuary was quite successful and we will continue to research the facts and monitor the situation closely. We intend to be in a position to take whatever action may become necessary and open to us to protect our retired members if their interests should appear to be in jeopardy. GOOD NEWS FROM ROY VAN ETTEN. Roy advises us that the results of the third quarter are now in and the index of change is .98565 and, when the 3% adjustment is made, we will have a unit value of $29.79?, which means that on January 1, 1985, you will receive a pay increase of 4.962%. Roy joins us all in wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Russ Derickson President's message

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From the beginning of the Constellation's development in 1938 through the cannibalization of the derelict aircraft in 1968, the story of TWA's premier skyliner will be presented in this photo album of the times. "Fly the Finest" ... will present photographs rarely seen before. It will be hardbound and on quality paper. The book will attempt to do justice to the beauty of the Constellation and the spirit of TWA. "Fly the Finest". .. is in its early stages of composition. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the book or anyone with anecdotes or photographs that should be included in the work should contact: George Gayuski, 221 Eureka Street, San Francisco 94114 (415) 861-6160 -2-

CONVENTION NEWS FROM CHAIRMAN LYLE BOBZIN It is with great enthusiasm that I can assure the 1985 TARPA convention will be held at the DESERT INN HOTEL, COUNTRY CLUB and SPA. This is the premier location in Las Vegas, and I'm happy for the TARPA members that they will be hosted here. The Desert Inn can meet all of our needs right on the facility, a short walk from the lobby. The new spa and jogging track are the finest in Las Vegas. The golf and tennis club, close to the hotel, offers a fine restaurant and pro shop at the entrance to the golf course and tennis club, all a short walk from the lobby. The Desert Inn is centrally located on the strip with the Fashion Show Shopping Mall across the street, and an easy walk for all shopping. There are a number of restaurants in the area, all good, many with very attractive prices. The hotel is priced at $45.00 double or single, the golf at $19.00 all inclusive. Subject to adjustment for the current labor negotiations, it is capped at a maximum of $22.00. The tennis, bridge, style show are all gratis, as they were in '83. These rooms are normally priced at $105.00; the other options much higher. The dates are set for the week of June 3rd. The rooms are available before and after the convention dates, June 4th, 5th and 6th. The Board will meet Monday, June 3rd. More news to come. * * * * * * * * * * * * AVIATION MEDICAL BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTIONS Harvey Watt has for many years provided retirees with free Aviation Medical Bulletins. Now with the increase in the cost of providing the service, it is understandable that he can no longer provide the free bulletins. He is offering them to us at cost and sends this information about subscribing. "If a member would like to subscribe, he may write to us at Box 20787, Atlanta, Georgia, 30320, and give us his name and address. If he prefers, he may call us on our WATS line and give us the same information. (1-800-241-6103). The cost is $3.50 per year". Thanks, Harvey, for all the free copies over the years. * * * * * * * * * * * * A REMINDER FROM MEMBER ED HALL For those who may not be aware of it, retirees or their spouses

under age 65 and covered by the TWA Connecticut General group medical policy are eligible for reimbursement of 80% of their prescription drug costs. * * * * * * * * * * * * TERM LIFE INSURANCE FOR RAPA MEMBERS Beltran/Alexander and Alexander has a new term life insurance program for RAPA members and their spouses, the details of which were covered in the January, 1984 issue of TARPA TOPICS. (If you are a member of TARPA, you are automatically a member of RAPA). Most of us have what we think is the right amount of insurance, which is the amount we selected when we retired. However, time brings change and its possible that insurance needs have changed for some of us. The program is a direct billing plan and is for four year terms. For further information, contact Beltran/Alexander and Alexander, P. O. Box 558196, Miami, Florida 33255-9990. NOTE: A reminder that TARPA does not endorse any insurance plan or plans. We only provide information. * * * * * * * * * * * * "Please see me at once" memos from the chief pilot are distributed only on Friday after office hours. Len Morgan (VECTORS COLUMN) * * * * * * * * * * * * MURRAY'S RULE OF FOOTBALL: that's in there.

The wrong quarterback is the one

* * * * * * * * * * * * SPENCER'S LAWS 1. 2. 3. 4.

OF ACCOUNTANCY: Trial balances don't. Working capital doesn't. Liquidity tends to run out. Return on investments won't. ** * * * * * * * * * * _4


PENSION PLAN STATUS REPORT The following information was taken from the carriers' annual reports. This report is intended to show only the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits. For more complete information, each carrier's plan must be carefully analyzed. This data was compiled and supplied by Captain Oscar W. Cleal (REP-retired), Director-Retirement Trusts, Kidder, Peabody Co., Inc. Our sincere appreciation is extended to Oscar for his untiring and continuing work on behalf of RAPA and its member organizations. Company contributions to retirement plans can be greatly reduced by changes in the actuarial assumption of interest and return on investments, payroll reductions, furloughing and/or reduction of personnel, early retirements, terminations, and cessation of estimating future pay raises. Also several carriers (Eastern, Pan Am, and Republic) have deferred millions of dollars under IRS waiver provisions.

RAPA CONVENTION The Annual RAPA Board of Directors Convention will be held on November 28, 28, & 30, 1984 at the new Hilton Resort Hotel in Miami, Florida. Have you made your reservation for this outstanding event? See the RAPA August Bulletin for reservation forms for both the convention and the post convention cruise to the Caribbean. Also, all your members are cordially invited to attend the convention as well as the Caribbean cruise. Remember, your annual meeting is a good place to develope agenda items for this year's convention. Get these items in to the Secretary, Hal Hastings, ASAP. Also this year's convention will elect new officers for 1985 and 1986. Search your membership for persons and/or ideas for this up-coming election. RAPA is an organization for the benefit of all retired airline pilots. IT'S YOUR ORGANIZATION


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JULY 1984


In the past, we have encountered problems brought about by the underfunding of our pension plans. Perhaps, some of these problems may still be with us. Today, we are faced with a whole new set of problems brought about by the overfunding of our pension plans. This overfunding and balances far exceeding their obligations are due largely to the 1982 and 1983 bull market in equities. A 1982 survey by the consulting firm of Johnson & Higgins shows 368 large corporations overfunded by $38.8 billion. It is estimated that this overfundedness had grown to more than $55 billion by the end of 1983. In 1982, 14 pension plans of our member organizations were funded from 100 to 156A. Many corporate managements are panting with hot breath to get at these surplus balances in our pension plans. One of our member organizations has already had its com-pension plan terminated. This resulted in an overnight increase in the pany's assets of $35 million. In the past five years, 172 large firms have terminated their pension plans to recoup a total of $1.5 billion. Another 90 companies have applied for termination of their plans that are expected to yield more than $1.1 billion in recaptured assets. Now, along comes the Administration with proposed regulations to make it still easier for companies to terminate their pension plans to get at their surplus balances. These new rules would also include so called spinoffs. A company will terminate its pension plan, pay its retirees a lump sum settlement or buy an annuity from an insurance company. See previous RAPA Bulletins for comments on annuities. The RETIRED employee's lump sum payout can become a disaster, in some cases. For example, companies could use actuarial formulas that assume unrealistic returns from investments, etc. in computing lump sum payouts. He would also lose future cost of living increases and would expect to get smaller returns on investments due to less funds available for investment purposes. The ACTIVE employee vested in the new plan would be less likely to see his benefits grow as rapidly as in the old plan due to the lack of large cash surpluses for investment purposes. The ACTIVE employees, not the retirees, have the clout to stop this atrocious rape of our pension plans. As retirees, we have little or no voice in what happens to our pension and retirement benefits. Our strength can only come from the unity of all our retired employee organizations. The active employee unions and organizations have the negotiating capabilities to amend our pension plans to prevent management from raiding funds that belong to both the pensioner and the participant. RAPA urges all active and retired employees to contact their unions and organizations and ask for their help. Remember, the active employee of today will be the retired employees o f tomorrow.

FRINGE BENEFIT TAX As you know, we have sponsored and supported legislation that would lay to rest the taxing of fringe benefits. Finally, the House has passed a Bill which permanently bans the taxing of fringe benefits. However, the Senate passed a Bill that would only extend the present moratorium of not taxing fringe benefits. It is obvious that the Senate wants to keep open these options for additional revenues. These Bills are presently in a joint conference committee. We urge your members to make their views known in letters to their Representative and two Senators. Your pass and reduced rate transportation privileges and any company paid insurance benefits will certainly come under the gun. All retirees and current employees should write letters, make calls, and where possible make personal visits to their elected representatives in Washington. Let them know that you will support those who support you, SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE The rampaging increases in health-care costs are an issue that appears "too hot to handle" to most of our political leaders in an election year. With the upcoming presidential election there will be little or no action until after November 6th. However, you should watch for a flurry of legislation before the end of this session of Congress. Social Security and Medicare spending amounts to $261 billion of the total of $400 funding for the entire entitlement programs. Both of these programs have undergone surgery in previous sessions of congress that have left the beneficiaries carrying more than their share of cost cutting. Both Social Security and Medicare will be up for another "cost containment reform". See previous RAPA Bulletins for more detailed information on this subject. Now is the time to write those letters to your congressmen, before the damage is done. Tell them that you are tired of paying for the cost overruns-and the obese budgets of the bureaucracies. Presently, the Administration is looking at a $6 billion reduction in social security benefits. This is a drop in the bucket compared to some of the obnoxious and outrageous spending programs. Make your views known, if you fail in this effort you can be sure of losing some of your earned benefits. YOU earned these so-called entitlement benefits! TRANSCLUIE The Travel Company (Sunnyvale, CA) and Holland America-Westours had agreed to furnish us 50 cabins for this cruise. I was informed on July 2nd that these cabins were not available to us. The Travel Company blames Westours and Westours blames the Travel Company for the SNAFU. After a week of intensive investigating and negotiations we still do not have the cabins for our cruise. It is apparent that both of these companies "screwed up". There is a clear breach of contractual obligations. However, it is my considered judgment that the best recourse is to cancel this cruise. We are now in an excellent position to negotiate an attractive deal for a Spring Trans Canal cruise. We start negotiations next week. WHAT CAN WE SAY? WE ARE SORRY TO DISAPPOINT ALL OF YOU! -

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THE DAY BEFORE By Neuman E. Ramsey Most of you have seen the TV production, THE DAY AFTER. In some instances, a scaled down model of this is what confronts the Administrator of a family estate. My efforts will have only one purpose - to make the tax man scream "Where's the beef?" We are advised by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to take advantage of all that the law gives us, just as the IRS people are advised to take advantage of all that the law gives them. The two worst enemies of the estate administrator are: 1.

"My estate is not big enough to be concerned".


"I have a will leaving everything to my wife".

In a great many instances, neither of these is true: Your house, your farm, or any other assets you have, may have been purchased many years ago. Have you looked at the inflation of the last 30, 20, or even 10 years ago? The fact that you paid X dollars for these will remain your basis as long as you own them, but the next time they change ownership, heirs or otherwise, their value will be their value on that day. And as far as a will is concerned, you should ask yourself some important questions: When did you make your last will? Was it in the state in which you now reside? A will in any state is valid as far as the U.S. government is concerned, but don't overlook the fact that states may differ on their tax rates and requirements. The state can tie this up just as surely as the IRS. Perhaps this is a good time to discuss recent events. Not since the beginning of income, inheritance, and estate taxes has there been any law as significant as E.R.T.A., (The Economic Recovery Tax Act of September 11, 1981). For brevity, I shall compare some features as a: old law and b: new law. Marital Deductions Old law: Marital deduction was limited to one half the estate or $250,000, whichever was greater. To anyone other than a spouse, it was limited to $60,000. New law:

Unlimited marital deduction.

It sounds like a simple "I have a will leaving everything to my wife" covers everything! But let's take a closer look. Inheritance taxes, after deductions, begin at 30% and go up by brackets to 70%. So, in many instances, this may be an injustice to the heirs because of the "bracket creep". When the surviving

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spouse dies, this time without a marital deduction, the taxes on the gross estate, now of both spouses, may be greater than the taxes if each of them had paid on their half in the order of their demise, but it is not necessary to do either; The Unified Credit In all but very small estates, this provision of the new law (Effective January 1, 1982) is of greater importance than even the marital deduction. Whereas deductions are applied to the gross estate and then the taxes are computed, under this provision the taxes are computed and then the credit is applied. Here is the table: YEAR OF DEATH


1981 or before 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 and thereafter

0 $ 62,800 79,300 96,300 121,800 155,800 192,800

SIZE OF ESTATE EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL TAX $175,625 225,000 275,000 325,000 400,000 500,000 600,000

Please note that a wise use of both the marital deduction plus the unified credit results in making an estate entirely free of all federal taxes up to twice the amounts in the table above. Before leaving the subject of wills and the urgency of updating them, both as to time and place, I have one more thought. I predict that a recent Supreme Court decision is going to "cast a long shadow". This was the State of California vs. the Summa Corporation on the estate of Howard Hughes. There are three concerns: : 1.

The date of the will (or in the absence of one, the date of death) applies the tax rates to the laws in force at that time, regardless of subsequent changes in the law.


Why was California the plaintiff? At the time of Mr. Hughes death, the inheritance tax in California was a flat 24%, and between his demise and the settlement, this tax was eliminated as part of the tax revolt known as Proposition 13. The result was that California received $119,000,000, but after Proposition 13, they would have received nothing.


The State of Texas received $50,000,000 because Mr. Hughes registered to vote in Texas in 1924 and never superseded it anywhere. So, in changing states, there are many "gray areas" that can bite you. Here are some examples: Filing for Homestead exemption for your residence, voter registration, where your will was - 12 -

last made, even the address from which you filed your income tax return. Can you imagine the IRS, all 50 states or any court not leaning on this decision without fear of contradiction? Trusts A common misconception is "I have lost all control of these assets" This used to be fairly accurate, but under the "new law" it isn't even close. Hence the "Living Trust". They come in all sizes and colors. You are in the "left seat" during your lifetime, then your wife is there during her lifetime. So, always name an alternate trustee in your will, trusts, or any other arrangement. The statistics show that very few couples both die at the same time. The odds are much greater on the surviving spouse dying without any subsequent action. Now nobody is in charge until the court says so. While the residue of your estate may go where you intended, it may be after a lot of people have picked your bones. Within the family of trusts, my favorite is the "Qualified Terminal Interest Property", affectionately known as the "Q-Tip Trust". This is how it works. In both your will and your wife's, you split your assets in half. Each names the other as the trustee of these two trusts. Each names the one or more heirs to inherit their half, and the heirs actually own it when that spouse dies. As long as the first one lives, they each have sole custody of their trusts. They may change, revoke, or modify. When the first dies, the other receives all income, (and as necessary or desired, portions of the principal) from the others' trust. Thus, neither has taken anything from the other, except one: You have determined the ultimate destination of these assets. The surviving spouse gets the income but cannot modify or terminate these provisions. Under the "old law" the only way to totally escape taxability was that it then became the sole property of the survivor, to do anything they wished. Once, in a speech, I proposed this trust method, and one man, presumably a bachelor, said it sounded to him like I was trying to interfere with the standard of living of my wife's next husband. A very good observation! But my answer to that was: "Not so. I'm just making sure he gets his, one month at a time, just like I did." Another useful tool is the "Clifford Trust". Essentially it is the direct opposite of the above. In this one, the ownership remains with the donor and the total income goes to a designated recipient for a specified number of years, then the principal reverts to the owner. But it has a "kicker". It must be in effect for ten or more years, otherwise the taxes on all the income in the accumulated years, with interest and penalties, may be collected from the original owner. I think this is useful only to younger people than we.

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Under the "old law", any changes in your will, trusts, ownership, etc., within three years of death, was regarded as a "deathwish", so all taxability reverted to the status as of three years before. Under the "new law", changes can be made all the way through your last day, if you know when that's going to be. Gifts Under the "old law", each spouse could give $3,000 to any number of recipients each year, but under the "new law", the tax free limits are now $10,000 per spouse per year and can be given to anybody: children, grandchildren or somebody you just met in the bar! I think the best uncontested tax shelter is the Uniform Gifts to Minors. Let's say you have a son to whom you would like to make a capital contribution, as distinguished from Christmas or birthday. Not to be chauvinistic, let's say the son has a young daughter. To pass this amount to your son may be an injustice to him since he may be in a higher tax bracket than you. But you can give this asset to your granddaughter, with your son as "Custodian under the Uniform Gifts to Minors". Now you have effectively accomplished many things. You have given this to your son when his budget is strained to its greatest limits: when daughter goes to college. You have assured some, most, or all of a college education. This depends on how big or how long the plan is in effect. You may actually have nothing invested in this when you consider the taxes you or your son would have paid in comparison to hers. Example:

None up to $1,000 on earnings $121 on $3,400 $244 on $4,400, etc.

These are the pluses for the first and second generation, and Grandpa got the satisfaction of a job well done. That's what estate planning is all about. There are also some fringe benefits in this method. Note that you have effectively carried a life insurance policy equal to the gross amount, without anybody paying the premiums. It was also achieved without anybody doing anything drastic, like dying! Of course, the granddaughter may elect to walk down the aisle in a veil instead of a cap and gown. What a dowry ! Not everyone would choose to turn over a large sum to an 18 or 22 year old, with no restrictions. An alternative is the "Clifford Trust", already discussed. Set it up in your son's name, with his daughter receiving the income with little or no taxes. This also has maximum security. During the ten years (and one day, to be exact), neither can touch the principal. At this time the principal reverts to your son. Should you elect to use this method, in what soil should you plant the seeds? A good measurement is the old accountant's standby, the "Rule of 72". Simply divide 72 by the annual rate of - 14 -

return on anything and you know how long it will take to double. It's the mathematical result of "letting it ride". Example: 12% into 72 equals 6 years 10% into 72 equals 7.2 years 8% into 72 equals 9 years, etc. Actually, you can do better, since this formula is based on annual compounding. You can get daily compounding in money market funds, quarterly on dividends, and semi-annual on most bonds. Perhaps the best feature is that it has no minimum deposit, and anyone can add to it as funds become available. You may almost ignore your retirement funds, both A and B. They suffer from a terminal illness - they die when you do. But the illness is not hereditary! There is one item that is an estate matter. Many of us have a residual "paid-up" life insurance policy, but it was paid for by TWA and is fully taxable. You may also have the optional insurance available at group rates, for which you paid the premiums. This goes directly to the beneficiary and is tax free. (Refer to your Equitable statement). Many of us have flown the snows in favor of the sun belt. Since 1978, a once-in-a-lifetime profit on the sale of your principle residence tax free up to $125,000. It must have been your residence for three of the last five years, and the owner must be over 55 (or one spouse must be over 55, if jointly owned). Here are two opposing examples: 1.

You have a house for which you paid $50,000 many years ago. You sell it for $175,000. The profit is tax free if you take the exemption.


You sell the same house for $60,000. You may elect to pay the maximum of $2,000 in taxes.

In both these examples, you have used up your exemption if you've used any part of it. Do you want the $2,000 now, or do you want to keep the exemption in the kitty for future use? All of the above is a glance at the "big canvas". Now, let us consider some of the little items. These items may have little or no economic impact, but they can drive the administrator of your estate "up the wall". These may include: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Checking, savings, or money market funds Safety deposit boxes Titles to automobiles Club memberships, etc.

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Due to the advantage of the original states that had community property laws, "joint ownership" was a favored method. With the expanded marital deduction already discussed, this now has few advantages and may actually be a detriment. Many of us own two or more cars. Are they titled individually or jointly? I'm sure you're aware of some of the astronomical awards the courts have been handing down in injury cases, (the happy hunting ground of some lawyers whose fees are based on a percentage). The solution is to title one car to each. In the event of an award in excess of your insurance coverage, only the individual's assets are at risk. In joint ownership, total assets of both you and your spouse are vulnerable, not to mention the estate settlement. I was involved in an estate here in Florida where both cars were titled, registered, and insured in the husband's name. When he died, both cars became the property of the estate. In Florida, all auto licenses expire on the owner's birthday, which occurred shortly after the owner's demise. The widow was advised to rent a car rather than drive an un-owned , unlicensed, and uninsured car. She did this for two months, and this one item took more time and expense than those of far greater substance. I once told a client to go the one car, one spouse route and he said, "I'm not going to do that - she could sell her car!" How far you may choose to pursue any of these thoughts should depend entirely upon the relationship you enjoy with your "sweet patootie" or the "old battle ax", or whatever term of endearment you use. Always keep all your important papers in one place, usually a safe deposit box to which both spouses have access. Some don't do this and papers turn up everywhere - and some never do. There was an estate I thought had been concluded in 1982. In July, I received a letter from a friend of the deceased, enclosing a clipping from the local newspaper, advertising the deceased's farm for local auction for delinquent taxes. There was not, nor is there now any evidence in the deceased's records to show this ownership. In this area, there is no such thing as a final check list, so here are some concluding thoughts: 1.

Review your affairs with competent counsel.


Do this in your own town.


Do it NOW.


Review these things every few years or sooner, if there are substantial changes in the law. Think of it as the "ounce of prevention".

This dissertation is not meant to advise you on legal matters, but simply to alert you to the necessity of checking with those

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who are qualified. Remember, there is no "one size fits all". The great philosopher, Yogi Berra, said it best. Being compared to some famous batter of a bygone day, he said, "Our similarities are different". You can't take it with you, but you can put a forwarding name and address on the package, whatever its size. * * * * * * * * * * * *

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FOLLOWING YEARS OF FRUSTRATION OUR EFFORTS TO RESTRUCTURE THE ASSETS OF THE "B" PLAN HAVE FINALLY BORNE FRUIT. THE PILOT MEMBERS OF OUR INVESTMENT COMMITTEE, AL MUNDO AND CHARLIE WILDER, ALONG WITH JIM CARMACK, OUR INVESTMENT CONSULTANT, WILL DISCUSS THESE CHANGES AT THE BUSINESS MEETING ON MAY 9th. YOUR AWARENESS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD ENHANCE AND EXPEDITE THAT DISCUSSION. In the first half of 1983 we made lots of money. In the second half of 1983 we gave a good portion of it back. Your paychecks have reflected these swings. For the year as a whole the fund The performance of the individual money managers gained 12.9%. is as follows: MORGAN 21.6%



We opened 1984 with a unit value of $30.908 and, so far, our investment experience in 1984 has been a continuation of the losses suffered in the last half of 1983. The value of the unit at the end of March was $29.452 which means that your July check will be 4.712% less than you are presently receiving and 11.881% less than the fall of 1983. The good news is that all that bad news in the face of a booming economy demonstrated conclusively the need to restructure our "B" plan investments. The company and pilot members of the investment committee have agreed on the actions needed and implementation is underway. Our present managers Morgan, State Street, and Putnam will now become 100% equity managers and their fixed income assets will be used to employ three new firms namely: Meidinger Asset Planning Services, Inc., Mellon Capital Management Corporation, and Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, Inc. (which we will henceforth refer to as LOR). Meidinger will be our fixed income manager and will manage a GIC (Guaranteed Insurance Contract) Mellon will manage an S&P 500 Index Portfolio. LOR Portfolio. will manage a hedging operation which will place a predetermined floor under our equity assets. The LOR system will be tested on the S&P Index fund and on one half of the remaining equity As soon as we see positive results it will be extended assets. to all equity investments. The fund will be apportioned in the following percentages: State Street Putnam Morgan Meidinger Mellon LOR

27.72% 22.20% 21.42% 20.00% 6.20% 2.46%

You now have the broad picture in front of you. The meeting on

May 9th should fill in the gaps and answer your specific questions. I feel confident that we are headed in the right direction and that these changes, over a period of time, will greatly enhance the performance of the "B" plan. TWENTY NINTH ACTUARIAL VALUATION The Annual Actuarial Valuation meeting of the Trust Annuity Plan took place on April 18th. The following numbers are as of 12/31/83. Active Members 3326 Retired Members 992* Total Units Outstanding 2,253,361.616 Total Accrued Assets $671,503,176.29 Unit of Interest Value $30.908 *Includes 26 Joint Annuitants. For the past six years we have used the UP-1984 Mortality Table and our actual mortality experience has been about 72% of that expected - but, before you pat yourself on the back, our experience for the past two years has been 101% of that expected. Actual experience over the next several years should indicate whether an adjustment is necessary. There were no changes recommended at this time. "


So much for the "B" plan. The "A" plan has received much attention of late and I can think of no better way to dispel the misconceptions that have existed than to refer you to the excellent article* authored by Don Ulrich of the TWA MEC R&I Committee. It appears in the March issue of the LANCET. I would advise each of you to secure a copy of that article and file it away for future reference. Whenever things look gloomy, get it out and read it again. Those of you who attended last years convention should remember that Don attended on behalf of the R&I Committee. He has been invited to return for this years gathering. *** Enough of the serious business. It's time for golf and all the other social challenges that the convention has to offer. I am looking forward to seeing all of you once again. * A copy of the article by Don Ulrich follows Roy Van Etten's report.

Respectfully submitted ,

TWA Retired Pilots Committee - 19 -

The following article was copied from the March 1984 issue of the TWA Lancet the Flight Forum of the TWA MEC. TARPA gratefully acknowledges the source. The TWA Pilot "A" Plan Guarantee by Don Ulrich, TWA MEC R&I Comm. With the number of bankruptcies and pension terminations that have occurred during the past year or so, many members of the Pilot "A" Retirement Plan - active and retired alike - have expressed their concern about the security of their retirement income once they have retired, should the Plan subsequently terminate. Because of these concerns, the Retirement Board, including company members, recently met with The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States to examine the nature and security of retirement income paid to retirees that is based on the existing Croup Annuity Contract between TWA and Equitable. The result of those discussions, as well as the language of the Contract, confirms the understanding of the Retirement Board that an effective guarantee exists from Equitable although the Retirement Plan itself may be terminated. Without equivocation, Equitable said that it is at risk and is obliged to pay the monthly benefit under the terms of the Group Annuity Contract, irrespective of any attempt by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. to reallocate the underlying assets of those annuities for which notice has been given. How this guarantee works may be better understood by describing some aspects of the funding process. Each year TWA must contribute a certain sum of money, the amount determined by an actuary by some method he finds appropriate to the objectives of the Retirement Plan, which will provide, over time, the necessary monthly income for a member upon retirement. This money is placed in a variety of Trust Accounts for the exclusive benefit of employees. Several of these accounts are maintained by Equitable. Furthermore, these funds are Plan Assets and can only be used according to the terms of the Retirement Plan or, where applicable, the Group Annuity Contract. One of the accounts at Equitable is of particular interest. It is their general asset account known as Pension Account "A". Pension Account "A" is a pooled account, a name used to describe a very large fund comprised of assets from many pension plans. The assets attributed to the Pilot "A" Plan that reside within Equitable's Pension Account "A" are either committed or uncommitted funds. Only committed funds are used to provide retirement benefits for which a notice is given under the Annuity Contract.

When a member actually retires - normal, early, disability, or deferred - TWA reports to Equitable that this person indeed is retiring and will have an annuity commence on that date. The Equitable, upon receiving this report, transfers to the committed portion of Pension Account "A" uncommitted assets sufficient to provide a lifetime benefit to that individual determined by the Plan and form of annuity the retiree has chosen. As evidence to the retiree that these events have taken place, Equitable sends a notice to him promising to pay the income stated in the notice. When there are insufficient uncommitted assets in Pension Account "A" to provide this benefit, Equitable will obtain the required funds from the other Trust Accounts including the Separate Accounts it manages. If the Retirement Plan should terminate, the Retirement Board believes and Equitable insists, the committed assets in Pension Account "A" are not "Plan Assets" as defined by applicable regulations pertaining to plan terminations. An irrevocable commitment of funds has been made to pay retirement benefits to named participants according to the Group Annuity Contract between TWA and Equitable. Because this commitment is irrevocable, these assets are no longer "Plan Assets" subject to reallocation or benefit recalculation. Simply, Equitable owns the assets and Equitable assumes the obligation. The other assets in the various Trust Accounts, including Equitable's Separate Accounts, and the uncommitted assets in Pension Account "A", are "Plan Assets" with respect to the rules on plan terminations. They are, therefore, subject to the allocation and distribution priorities of ERISA. Although the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. may yet challenge the assertion that an irrevocable commitment has been made under the terms of the Group Annuity Contract, proposed regulations concerning irrevocable commitments of assets in insurance contracts are pending and should not adversely affect its status. There is no history that the PBGC has taken any action in cases where similar insurance contracts existed. Nevertheless, each retiree who has received a notice from Equitable that he is entitled to a certain retirement benefit described in that notice may enforce it against Equitable. That benefit should continue regardless of what happens to the Retirement Plan or, for that matter TWA. This is the guarantee that Equitable acknowledges. * * * * * * * * * * * *

- 21 -

The Active Retired Pilots Association of TWA

November 1, 1984 1985 DUES NOTICE TARPA dues for 1985 are $20.00 and are due and payable January 1, 1985. If you have a foreign mail address, add $10.00 for the extra mailing charges. Make your check payable to TARPA. A dues payment envelope addressed to the Treasurer is included for your convenience. Your 1985 membership card is in the envelope. Please fill in your name and the date you paid your 1985 dues. Retain for your records. Dues are not required of Regular Members who are 75 years of age or older before January 1st. Please let us know when you become 75 so our records will be up-to-date. There are no dues for HONORARY MEMBERS. To our Subscribers: Subscriber fees are $10.00 per calendar year. Add an extra $10.00 if you have a foreign mail address. If you have already paid for 1965 or do not owe dues, please disregard this notice. As of November 1, 1984, the following members have already paid 1985 dues: Bob Adickes Norman Anderson Jack Baker James Cochran Jerry Crockett Sam Dietrich J. R. Eads Bill Elsner Larry Fauci Dick Forristall R. W. Goldthrope Robert Hayes Bill Higgins Bob Kadoch Bob Kieper

Charles Lawson A. B. Lewelling Don McKenzie Albert Mitchell Jim Morgan Russell Myers Paul Olson Ralph Pusey J. J. Quinn John Richey John Stapler Ed Stroschein Al Thoralsen Chuck Tiseo George Toop

Herbert Traylor John Trice Claude Weaver Gene Weibel Jim Wheeler Elwood Wittle Bill Wintersteen Dub Youngblood Subscriber: Ronald Rubler

Thanks for your help and cooperation by paying your dues early. In case the return envelope is misplaced or lost, the Treasurer's name and address is listed below. Dean L. Phillips, TARPA Treasurer 7218 Onda Circle Tucson, AZ 85715 - 22 -

In Memoriam CAPTAIN GLENN E. BRAS died September 19 in Kansas City. He was a pilot for TWA from 1940 until his retirement in 1969. He was born in Okemah, Oklahoma, and had continued ranching interest in Oklahoma until recently. Glenn was 75 years old. He is survived by his wife, Mary, and two daughters, Jane and Susan. * * * * * * * * * * Retired CAPTAIN FRANK L. DUBBS died on September 29th after a lengthy losing battle with emphysema at the age of 66. Frank started out with TWA as a passenger agent at STL in January of 1941. During the war years he served as a Marine pilot, and in July of 1943 he and Heloise were married while he was based in Florida. Frank rejoined TWA on December 6, 1945 as a co-pilot and checked out to captain in 1953 while based at MKC. The family moved to LAX in 1959 where Frank flew as Captain on the Connies and jets, including the L1011, until he took early retirement in November of 1977. Glenn E. Bras

Frank is survived by his wife, Heloise, their children Susan Ludlow, Frank Dubbs III and Joanne Clark plus three grandchildren. * * * * * * * * * * * Frank L. Dubbs Retired FLIGHT ENGINEER ALBIN A. BRODECKY passed away on September 30th after a sudden onset of cancer, which lasted but two weeks. Al was born in Howells, Nebraska, on May 14, 1919. He and Doris were married in June of 1940 and moved to California in January, 1941. During the war years, he was a Douglas Service Representative for Marine aircraft, based at El Toro. From 1945 to 1949 he worked on the Hughes flying boat and on December 19, 1949 joined TWA as a flight engineer. He was based in NYC and SFO for a while, but did most of his flying out of LAX until he took early retirement in March, 1978. Al's interests were with antique farm equipment. He is survived by Doris and their daughter Judy, and one grandson. Albin A. Brodecky * * * * * * * * * * - 23 -

In Memoriam

CAPTAIN GOODWIN T. "TED" WEAVER died July 30, 1984. Ed Betts has written a tribute to Ted, which is in TARPA TALES, this issue, beginning on Page 9. * * * * * * * * * *

Ted Weaver

Retired CAPTAIN GEORGE S. FELT died on July 7, 1984. He was 73. * * * * * * * * * *

George S. Felt

CAPTAIN JAMES D. (DEAN) OFFICER, 73, passed away August 9 at St. Luke's hospital in Kansas City. He was born in Blythedale, Missouri, and had lived in Kansas City before moving to Paola, Kansas, in 1968. Dean retired from TWA in 1970. He leaves his wife, Iola Rose, and three daughters, Judy, Caroline and Bridget. * * * * * * * * * * Dean Officer

- 24 -

In Memoriam

Retired FLIGHT ENGINEER GEORGE L. WHITING died in August, 1984. He was 61 years old. George was a former superintendent of F/E's and was NY-INTL Flight Engineer of the year in 1972. George L. Whiting

* * * * * * * * * * * *

FRANK B. McGREGOR passed away on August 23rd at the age of 63. Frank started out with TWA in May of 1941 as an apprentice mechanic and during the company's ICD operation was a mechanic and inspector. He became a Flight Engineer on May 30. 1946, the same month that he and Lynne were married. They had three daughters, twins Peggy and Patty, and Nancy. Frank's interests were tinkering in the garage and one of his pet projects, which took two years, was building a replica of a 1920 Mercedes from a kit. In 1966 he was the domicile flight engineer of the year for SFO with a tribute to his ability to pass his brand of professionalism and excellent knowledge to new flight engineers. Frank Frank B. McGregor spent most of his flying career based at SFO although from 1980 until he had a triple by-pass operation in March of 1983, he was flying the 747 polar out of LAX. He suffered stomach complications and retired in May of 1984, and three months later passed away due to liver failure. He is survived by Lynne and their three daughters. * * * * * * * * * * * *

- 25 -

In Memoriam

PAUL J. JONES, 65 years old, died September 11 at the Bethany Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. Paul was a TWA Flight Engineer for 37 years before he retired in 1979. He was born in Argyle, Missouri, and is survived by his wife, Patience, and two daughters, Donna and Kay.

Paul J. Jones

* * * * * * * * * * * *

There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone. All that we give to the life of others Comes back into our own. - Author Unknown * * * * * * * * * * * *

LETTERS TO THE SECRETARY From DICK FORRISTALL: "It will be one year ago on September 1 that I flew my last trip with TWA. It was my last trip but I didn't know it at the time. I woke up next morning with an eye infection that grounded me for the next month. "Some of the best years were those spent as GMF at Kennedy. They were rewarding in that I got to know so many of our pilots on an intimate basis. They are a dedicated group and TWA can be proud of them." Dick adds that he'll try to make the TARPA Convention next year. * * * * * * * * * * * From Ray Terry, Box 144, Ossipee, NH 03864: RAY TERRY writes that he and his wife, Julie, are operating the Acorn Lodge in Ossipee, New Hampshire. This is in beautiful country in the White Mountains. * * * * * * * * * * * From WERNER ROMANELLO: Longtime Rome Dispatcher Werner Romanello is a new subscriber to TARPA TOPICS and I know that many of our members are glad to have a report on him. "As a very dedicated Flight Operations man, I feel honored and happy to still be in contact with the TWA pilots!" Werner adds that he elected to take early retirement when Rome Dispatch was shut down, and that he is now active in a spare parts business associated with general aviation. * * * * * * * * * * * From LYLE BOBZIN (and what TARPA is all about): Nick Nichols called me, said he'd heard Dutch Holloway was in a hospital in Ventura, California, but didn't know the hospital. I called Frank Busch, explained the situation, and Frank said he would take care of it. Frank called all the hospitals, located Dutch in the Californian, Ventura Convalescent Hospital, 4020 Loma Vista, Ventura, California 93003. Frank Busch has now gone to see Dutch at least every other day. After I called Al Lusk, Al and his wife have visited Dutch often. Frank reports Dutch is getting along well, unfortunately has lost the use of one leg, which is hoped to be a temporary ailment. The important point here is, this was all done in a matter of a few hours, from rumor to reality. Dutch was and is lonesome; now Frank Busch, the Lusks, and others are helping to remedy that situation. * * * * * * *.* * * * - 27 -

FROM CLEO MATTKE , 13147 Paint Brush Drive, Sun City West ,, Arizona 85375: "Enclosed find picture of me and one of my hobbies. I play in a polka band and Sun City Concert Band. Had not played for forty years, but do enjoy it very much. Two practices a week and various engagements throughout the year. All are charity and no check rides. Retirement is great! Glad I had so many years to practice it. (Retirement, not the horn.)" * * * * * * * * * * FROM JOE PETERSON: "I recently ran across a poem written by my Grandmother about 1945 and discovered in 1984 among her papers. The poem was intended for me, and is shared with you and our friends for its inspiration."

To one who flies above the clouds High in the distant blue The Christmas Star must gleam more bright Than other starlings do. As it once stood above for Him Who died for me and you, Then let it be your pilot Your life to guide more true. Mary Kelly Damron - circa 1945 * * * * * * * * * * * * Jim Brogdon says he is approaching Medicare age at the speed of sound and says he has enjoyed Dave Richwine's articles on supplemental insurance, and has eagerly sought information on the subject. He says others might be interested in more information on Medigap insurance and says Senior World publishes a - 28 -

supplemental insurance comparison guide which costs $2.00 and can be ordered from: Senior World Reprint P. O. Box 1565 El Cajon, California 92022 * * * * * * * * * * * * WHERE TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT RAPA MEDIGAP INSURANCE TARPA TOPICS gets an occasional inquiry about RAPA Supplemental Medical coverage and A. T. says he gets quite a few, so here's the address: Mr. Howard Wincele Beltran/Alexander and Alexander P. O. Box 558196 Miami, Florida 33255-9990 (305) 279-7870 * * * * * * * * * * * *

DEHAY'S AXIOM: Simple jobs always get put off because there will be time to do them later. * * * * * * * * * * * * MILES' LAW: Where you stand depends on where you sit. * * * * * * * * * * * * CORNUELLE'S LAW: Authority tends to assign jobs to those least able to do them. * * * * * * * * * * * * - 29 -

FORMER TARPA PRESIDENT HONORED A. T. Humbles received a note from his friend Charles Hutcheson of the FAA saying that an intersection in the DCA area had been named for John Ferguson, former President of TARPA. The USA TODAY building is a high rise building on the west bank of the Potomac. Because of many complaints about planes flying close to the building, John Ferguson drew up an approach procedure to solve the problem. The FAA approved and published the approach and named the outer fix FERGI for John.

* * * * * * * A special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CAPTAIN LEW GOSS, who will be 90 on December 26, 1984! * * * * * * * * * * * *

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I learned to fly at Chateauroux, France. It was a French school. The instructor knew no English, and I could speak no French. He managed to get along by slamming the stick from one side to the other. You could almost say I was batted into flying. The planes we flew at Chateauroux were the Caugron. They were a very primitive design, having been designed in 1911. They used warped wings for lateral control instead of ailerons. I soloed in four hours and twenty minutes, then went to the Caugron with Hone Rotary engines, which were lighter and much easier to handle. Had to spend about 25 hours to get my Brevet, which is a French word for license. You had to pass certain tests and then we were licensed as Military Aviators. From Chateauroux I went to the American Advanced School at Issoudon. There we were flying Nieuports. We started out on the 21 meter, and went to 19 and finally to 15 meter. The meter had to do with the square meters wing surface. The 15 meter were used for combat in the early stages of the war. At Issoudon, I was classified as a Pursuit Pilot. Pursuit was what they called Fighter Squadrons in those days. I was assigned to the 141st Squadron. Spad was a French fighter and very strong. It could not maneuver very well, but it stayed together. We were stationed at an airport just outside of Toul, France. We patrolled the Moselle sector of the front. Due to the long training period, I did not get out until the last few days of the war. As a result, I only had forty hours of offensive patrol before the was was over. After the war, we were sent to replace the 94th in Koblenz, Germany, in the army of occupation. We stayed at Koblenz for about six months and then came back to the United States. Koblenz is a very fortified German city. After returning to the United States, I was discharged at the Presidio in San Francisco, where I had enlisted. I wanted to buy a plane of my own. Earl P. Cooper, the old race driver, had bought a number of Standards. The Standard was a much better plane than the Jenny. They used a Hall-Scott engine that persistently caught on fire, so they side-tracked the Standards and concentrated on the Jennys, which used their own OX-5 engine. Cooper revised the Standards by revising the engine bed and putting the OX-5's in them. The plane I bought cost a little over three thousand dollars. I flew it to my home town of Bakersfield, California, where I had arranged for a flying field. I worked Bakersfield for a longtime, as business was very good. Paid for the plane in about six weeks. I went to Bakersfield in March of 1920 and stayed there until late June, when I flew back to Oakland, where I decided to put a different engine in my TARPA TALES


Standard. The engine was a Navy version of the OX-5. It had a half inch larger bore and two magnetos instead of one on the old OX-5, and put out 100 horsepower instead of 90. It made a much better plane. When the weather cooled off I started back down the valley, beginning at Lodi, and stopped at county fairs and other places. When I got back to Bakersfield I decided to go to Santa Barbara for the winter and used a small field they had at Santa Barbara. Business was very good. I had occasion to meet the Loughead brothers, Malcolm and Allan They were fine people. Malcolm had just invented the four wheel hydraulic brake. He had a stripped down car to demonstrate it. They also developed the molded wood fuselage that they used on all the planes until they started making all metal. The fuselage was used on several planes. The Loughead boys were very industrious people. They had built a two engine plane that they used for passenger carrying in front of the Biltmore Hotel in Santa Barbara. Allan Loughead later on became a good friend. At that time John Northrop, who later on became a designer and builder, was working for them as a draftsman. I stayed in Santa Barbara the winter of 1920 and part of 1921, then I sold my Standard and bought a flying boat. There was a large fresh water pond just south of Santa Barbara. I intended to carry passengers, but the pond was fresh water and the plane had considerable more draft than it would have in sea water, so the pond was not large enough. After I assembled the flying boat, I flew it to Catalina Island in April of 1921. Three men came down to meet me. I asked them who I might see about getting the flying concession there. They smiled and said they did not think I would need to look further. One was William Wrigley, who owned the island. The other was Patrick, who was the president of the Santa Catalina Island Company and D. M. Renton, who was manager of the island. I got the flying privilege at Catalina in 1921. It was a grand place. I had more fun and made more money than any time of my life. I got "Saturday rich" and thought I was in love and sold out which was a big mistake. After I left Catalina, I flew at various places like Balboa and Santa Cruz, but no place could compare to the pleasant surroundings at Avalon. I continued to work at various places until I went to work for Western Air Express in the summer of 1928. I was flying Fokker Tri-Motors between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Later the route was extended to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for a long time I flew the Tri-Motor between Los Angeles and Albuquerque. TWA, TAT and a small eastern outfit called Pittsburgh Air Navigation joined to make a company called Transcontinental and Western Air. We continued to fly to Albuquerque and later on we extended the route to Kansas City, using the Tri-Motor. TAT was using tri-motor Fords - all metal. They were a much better airplane, although slightly slower than the Fokker. We changed over to the tri-motor Fords. At that time the outfit was called Transcontinental and Western Air, which TARPA TALES


had very little meaning outside of the United States. When they became more extended they changed their name to TWA, and continued to fly to Kansas City and later on extended the flight to New York. I flew for TWA for 26 years until I reached the age of 60, which was mandatory retirement. During World War II a part of TWA joined the Air Transport Command. I flew about 70 ocean crossings while in that service. We would usually go from New York to Gander, Newfoundland, and then to Meeks Field, Iceland, and then on to Prestwick, Scotland. At first we did not fly westbound to cross the North Atlantic, so we continued our flight on to Marrakech, French Morocco; from there we went to Dakar, on the western bulge of Africa. From there we flew across the south Atlantic to the bulge on Brazil, which was Natal, or Fort Aliza. From there we went to Belem which is on the equator and right on the Amazon River. From Belem we flew to Georgetown, then on to Puerto Rico, on to Miami and back to Washington where I was stationed. Howard Hall, who was also a captain with TWA, originated the idea of pressure pattern flying, and we used that to fly westbound to cross the north Atlantic. Pressure pattern flying was made possible by the radio altimeter, which told the true altitude over the ocean. This, compared to the barometric altimeter, told us if we were flying into a high or low pressure area, each with their individual circulation pattern. We kept our position known by the newly invented Loran. Later on, when the traffic increased we had to stay on a given route which made pressure pattern flying a thing of the past. During WW II we made many trips. As the war went along in Europe we flew to Bermuda, then on to the easternmost island of the Azores, then on to Casablanca. From there we went to Tripoli and on to Cairo, which was usually our destination. On a few occasions we went as far east as India. When the war in Europe was over we changed our route to fly on to Paris, Rome and Athens. From there we went south to Cairo. When the Air Transport Command was finished, I went back to domestic domicile and flew the four engine Lockheed CONSTELLATION from San Francisco to Chicago non-stop. I did that the last five years I was with the company until I retired. This made 39 years of active flying before I retired. * * * * * * * * * * * * DC-3 ON INTERNATIONAL? WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT THIS MYSTERY? SKYLINER Associate Editor Anne Sanders sent Ed Betts an article (origin not stated) by Robert J. Saunders. Mr. Saunders is retired after a career with the RAF and various civilian operators. The article says that on Saturday morning, January 10, 1948,



Mr. Saunders was co-pilot on an RAF Dakota (DC-3) which took off from RAF Station Fayid bound for El Adam on the Libyan border. Engine failure resulted in the right engine separating from the wing, and causing a forced landing in the desert. The four man crew survived. They were chagrined when an airplane passing in the distance failed to see a flare which they fired. They were well aware that some crews downed in the desert were visited by thieves and murderers. They were pleasantly surprised when a plane suddenly swooped over the crash site. It was a DC-3 with TWA painted on the tail. The pilot, Flight Lieutenant Martin, recognized it as belonging to an American company "based at Cairo West", he said. After circling the crash site, the TWA DC-3 flew away and later the site was circled by the RAF. The crew was rescued about dark by a squad of Egyptian soldiers who thought from the report they got from the TWA DC-3 that the crew was American. Mr. Saunders continues: "That night on the roof of our hotel in the heart of Cairo, we toasted our friends in TWA who found us and were thoughtful enough to go back and drop supplies in case we were still there. We returned to the Canal Zone the next day and shortly arrived in England. "Over the years I've spoken to many TWA crew members, asking the name of that pilot. When I finally did learn his name, on a TWA flight from New York to Las Vegas in 1972, I was also told that he had died. I never had a chance to thank him - and now I find that I have forgotten his name." Assuming that Mr. Saunders is correct in believing that it was a TWA DC-3 that aided his rescue (and he ought to know), the story begs some answers. Do you know anything about a TWA DC-3 operation in Cairo in 1948? Could it have been a contract operation providing services for an oil company or other Egyptian based company? Finally, who were the pilot and co-pilot of the TWA DC-3? If you can add anything to this interesting story, please write your Editor. TARPA TALES



Pioneering The new Northrop Gamma, full streamlined and fast Had finished a test hop; completed at last. The first load of mail would be hers that day Over the transcontinental route of TWA. The weather was stormy throughout the course But the mail would go through: a matter of course. The motor was warmed and the pilot climbed in A race against time determined to win. The prop bit deep as he gave it the gun And it leaped from the ground with a charging run. Then clearing the mountains and heading east The ship leveled off and the speed increased; The god of wind saw this challenging steed;

And unloosed his wrath to stop such speed ; But regardless of effort combined with might, The plane continued its unerring flight. Six hours and a half of this terrific strain Found still as relentless, both pilot and plane. Then shortage of gas forced them to yield And replenish the tanks at the KC field. Six minutes were lost as shown by the log, And they were off again in a heavy fog. Fighting for hours with an iron will The ship controlled by a master's skill; No sight of land to check the course Fighting the storm with terrific force. The mail was carried for hours "blind," Still forging ahead; no thoughts behind. Then into the mountains; "hell's stretch" was gone,

The pride of the mail lines thundered on. Then Newark ahead, the race was won As the pilot eased down and closed the gun. Then landing smoothly; no bumps or shocks They taxied up to the waiting blocks. The mail was unloaded with the greatest speed To satisfy a growing public need. The pilot waited while the speed was checked Smiling when told the records he'd wrecked. To him goes no glory no crowds acclaim A service to man full worthy of fame. But again when that cry for more speed ' holds sway, The cry will be answered by TWA. C. C. Chamblin Maintenance Dept.

The Airplane's Gift to Humanity Thirty years from now—what a vista of thought opens before us. Idealism reborn — the God-given gifts of our great inventive minds spread for the benefit of all humanity. The airplane—television—new discoveries in science—these are the heritage of the children of the earth. The youth of tomorrow will get his economics and his geography from the cabin of an airplane flying ten thousand feet above the earth's surface and cruising at a speed of five hundred miles an hour. From this broad vantage point, you can not fail to be impressed by the unlimited natural wealth, unrolling beneath your eyes, in all its tremendous significance, in all its capacity to make a great nation self-sustaining. This is the gift of the airplane to humanity and the enlargement of man's sympathies, the greatening of his capacity to see big things in the big. The grandeur of our country can never be adequately sensed till one gets, not a bird's-eye view, but, an intelligent, awakened human-flight view of its superb extent, its unparalleled possibilities. Excerpt from Bank of America's Radio Program April 17. 1934 "Leaders of Tomorrow"


We thank G. R. "Parky" Parkinson for contributing this material and the "Last Salute to the Ford" from LINE SQUALLS of fifty years ago.



Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc. No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1934 Vol . 2

Last Salute to the Ford — Like faithful old fire horses, unshod and retired to a life of ease amid green pastures, a fleet of veteran tri-motored airplanes this month is facing retirement after almost a decade of active service on the mid-transcontinental airway between New York and Los Angeles. The airplanes are the all-metal Fords with which Transcontinental & Western Air, The Lindbergh Line, inaugurated the first coast to coast passenger service in 1929. Some of the veteran planes saw active service before that date on Maddux Air Lines between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Their retirement has been foreshadowed for a year or more by the appearance along the airways of the TWA Douglas Airliner, the latest creation in the world of aeronautics. Thousands of travelers made their first flights in the sturdy old Fords; thousands of air line mechanics have a real, almost personal affection for the 'tin Geese as they have been called. Sturdy, dependable and with thousands of miles of flying still remaining in them, they have never, of themselves, caused a serious accident or a fatality. Like so many man-made machines they have merely served their time and can no longer compete in matters of speed, comfort, passenger and cargo capacity and general all-round performance, with the younger, but already severely-tested Douglas Airliner with which TWA is now operating its coast to coast service.

The retired airplanes can look back upon a career of service not surpassed by any other vehicle of modern transportation. Although there were only about two hundred Ford tri-motor planes manufactured, their total flying mileage reaches into the millions: the total number of passengers they have carried must be close to the million mark. They saw service on every major airway in the United States and in many foreign countr ies. The hum of their three radial motors was familiar to city and rural dweller throughout the world. The Fords were, at times, adventurers as well as prosaic carriers of passengers, mail and express over the regularly established airways. They have explored the Polar regions and they have pioneered the aerial routes along the Equator and across the lofty Andes. Some, among them, have military records. They were fast flying machines in the early days of commercial aviation in the United States. Today, their cruising speed of 120 miles an hour has been (Cotinued on p 2)

(Contributed by G. R. 'Parky


' Parkinson)


2 exceeded by about 60 per cent by the larger, more comfortable Douglas. In its best days the Ford made the transcontinental crossing in slightly more than 24 hours; the Douglas today makes the same flight in less than 16 hours. Their capacity of twelve passengers was considered ample in 1929, and the noise of their three engines made conversation in the cabins difficult, almost i mpossible. Today, the Douglas Airliners carry fourteen passengers at almost 200 miles an hour and the two powerful motors of the Douglas make so little noise conversation is carried on in an ordinary tone of voice. Even on the earth, man and beast recognize the difference between Ford and Douglas. The Fords frequently frightened livestock and chickens with the roar of their motors while the Douglas with its "geared" propellers and sound-deadened motors passes overhead without notice. There was a total of 1275 horsepower available in the three engines on the Ford—powerful pieces of aeronautic machinery in those days. Today the Douglas has only' two motors but the total horsepower is 1420. The Douglas can fly, fully loaded on only one of its motors; the Ford could fly on two of its motors. Under favorable conditions the Ford could climb to an altitude of its about 16,000 feet; the Douglas, with contrl- supercharged engines and its lable pitch propellers, cruises normally at about 14,000 feet. In the Ford, the pilot had a few mechanical and navigating instruments to inform him of the plane's performance; his throttles were the only means he had of varying his cruising speed. In the Douglas the pilot has a vast array , of perfected instruments, each of which tell a specific story. He regulates his speed by several methods—increasing or decreasing his altitude, changing his



propellers from low to high "gear" (pitch) and increasing or decreasing the pressure under which the air passes through the carburetor. The Fords landed at one predetermined speed; the Douglas pilot, by means of the "air brakes" (sometimes called flaps), controls the landing speed within specific limits and needs much less area to make his landing. The Ford had a cruising range of about 500 miles at the outside; the Douglas can fly 1300 miles without refueling—a range sufficient to fly around any storm area. Although comfortable, according to the aeronautic standards of 1929, the Ford cabins were a bit cramped, particularly for tall passengers. The Douglas was designed for the comfort of the sixfooter who can stand erect with his hat on and not touch the ceiling. Passenger chairs in the Fords were adjustable to three positions; Douglas chairs are adjustable to any comfortable position and are reversible. The Douglas cabin is, in the truest sense, air conditioned. Today, along the TWA airway, the Fords sit shorn of their motors looking forlorn and forgotten outside the hangars from which they have been removed to make room for the more modern Douglas. Many a mechanic has been seen to slap a rugged Ford fuselage as if in farewell. Some have eulogized the old veteran in poetry. Enthusiastically received by passengers and air line personnel alike, the Douglas is prepared to carry on where the Ford left off, the lessons learned from millions of miles of flying being built into the able successor of the Tin Goose.

The driveway in front of the Kansas City Base is completed, marking the end of the mud and dust through which visitors had to drive or walk.





GOODWIN T. "TED" WEAVER By Ed Betts TWAers were saddened by the death of retired Captain Goodwin T. Weaver on July 30th this year. "Ted", as he was known to all of us, literally spent his entire adult life, a span of sixty four years, flying airplanes that varied from the surplus trainers of WW I to TWA's most modern Constellation. He was truly a pioneer in civil aviation, and a very important part of TWA's roots. Ted was born on February 17, 1899, in Indianapolis and attended the various school systems there, including one year of college. His best grades were in math and the sciences, and he was an adept craftsman with woodworking and repairing engines. Ted's first interest in aviation was using his talents to design and build model planes which, according to Ted, were good flying machines. He was all signed up and prepared for military duty in November of 1918, but the armistice was declared on the same day that he was to report, so he returned to a job in an engineering office. One Sunday in the summer of 1919 Ted rode his motorcycle to the local airfield to watch the airplanes perform that were owned by the Indianapolis Aerial Association. Their fleet consisted of two planes: a three place Avro with a 110 HP Le Rhone engine and a JN4C (Curtiss Canuck) with an OX-5 engine. At that time they were giving rides that would bring in as much as $15 for a ten minute hop. On one approach the Avro made a poor landing that tore off the tail skid and smashed a number of pieces in the wooden structure. Since it was a Sunday and no shop was open for repairs, the plane was lost for the day as well as its potential revenue.... except that Ted came to the rescue and offered to take the broken pieces home to his shop for immediate repairs. Ted soon had the plane in flyable shape and the company's president was so impressed that he offered him a job as mechanic with the same salary as his engineering job ($35.00 a week) plus flying lessons. Ted accepted. He soloed that summer and had the JN4C turned over to him as "his ship". Ted described his early barnstorming days as pretty rough, but it was fun flying and good experience, especially picking your own cow pastures or other suitable fields to land, as there were few airports. Disaster overtook the financially strapped company in the fall of 1921 when another pilot cracked up the JN4C, and on the same night, the hangar burned to the ground destroying the Avro. Ted purchased the wrecked plane for $300 and spent the rest of that winter rebuilding it. The following spring Ted was in business for himself with plane #1. Business was good and for the following four years the Weaver Air Service continued



to grow to a total of five planes in the fleet. The flying consisted of anything that would make a buck: stunts, wing walking, plane changing, car to plane changing along with passenger carrying, instruction and aerial photography. In 1924 Ted had plans of building his own plane that would be more adaptable for the work that they were doing, such as a split axle ship that could land and take off in deep weeds or grass safely. It was one of the first planes in the country that was built with steel tubing in the fuselage. Ted had it flying the following year, it was a success and he immediately made plans to go into production. He had lined up the needed financial backing and was near to setting up a plant when a series of fatal crashes that involved some of his pilot friends made it look too discouraging and maybe aviation wasn't that safe an occupation. Ted decided to quit the business and head for California. Ted's next career was with Standard Oil of California as a surveyor and draftsman, working in the rugged hills and terrain near Taft, California. It didn't take Ted long to visualize how much easier the survey work would be if they could coordinate with aerial maps. The company's Board of Directors was interested, but felt that aviation was too risky an adventure for them to be involved with, preferring to contract for such services. The company's chief-geologist, Walter English, was also interested and agreed to supply the financial backing if Ted would do the work. They formed the Continental Air mapping Company in 1927, which consisted of two war surplus DeHaviland DH-4's purchased from the U. S. Air Mail Service, leased hangar space at Rogers Airport on Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles (where the May Company store is located today) and an office for developing their film work, etc. The DH-4 was powered by a 400 HP Liberty motor which made it ideal for the mapping operation as it could climb to 18,000' in thirty minutes and have enough fuel for cruising for five hours, with a camera man plus his equipment that weighed 175 pounds. English quit his job at Standard to work full time with the mapping company, and by early 1928 Ted decided to split up and went to work for another aviation oriented company also based at Rogers Airport. In later years two other future TWA pilots also worked for the mapping company, "Hob" Hoblit and Eugene Gerow. Ted's new flying job was once again passenger hops, charters, instruction and movie work. He was among the small airforce of pilots hired for the filming of Howard Hughes' epic "Hell's Angels", flying a German Fokker D7. It was during this period that he met Atha (Dot) Corbell and they were married on July 16, 1928. In later years they had two daughters, Barbara and Pat, and in the next generation there are five grandsons. With the responsibilities of family life, Ted looked for a steady job in the flying business. TARPA TALES


Maddux Airlines had been flying out of the same Rogers Airport and on January 1st, 1929, had embarked on a huge expansion proram with a fleet of modern Fords as well as moving to the Glendale Airport. D. W. "Tommy" Tomlinson had been hired as the Vice President of Operations and was looking for experienced pilots. Ted's checking out on the tri-motor giant consisted of two takeoffs and landings with Tommy and he was all set to go to work, which officially was the date of his first trip on the line on April 25, 1929. At that time Ted was the 17th pilot on their seniority Ted's original pilot license was #6591 and signed by Orville list. Wright, his transport license was #2734. Maddux was, at the time, flying to San Diego and Caliente, Mexico as well as to the north to San Francisco. In late 1929 Maddux merged with the new TAT system (48 hours coast-to-coast, with night travel by train) and Ted was trans ferred to STL to fly the route west to Waynoka, Oklahoma via MKC and ICT. The next merger, between TAT-Maddux and Western Air Express to form T&WA, found Ted and Dot moving again, this time to Newark. None of the airlines had flown east of Columbus, so much work had to be done before operations began, including the survey work by Charles Lindbergh, John Collings, Bob Leroy and Ted. It was during this period that a close and lasting friendship was established between "Slim" Lindbergh and Ted Weaver. Ted flew the inaugural T&WA eastbound flight from Columbus to Newark; among the passengers was Amelia Earhardt. Another frequent traveler by air was Will Rogers, a very congenial passenger to have aboard and one of aviation's greatest boosters. It had been a practice started with Maddux by Tomlinson to have experienced pilots alternate one day in the office, acting as dispatchers to keep the pilots advised of weather forecasts and conditions, a day or two of flying the line and then a day off. T&WA also adopted this procedure and Ted was the first assigned to EWR, working in the operations office and flying the company's fleet of Fords and single-engine mail planes. Some of the stories of Ted's ingenuity are legends among the pilots of that era, such as how T&WA often had planes landing at EWR when ceilings were reported that forced all of the other airlines to divert to alternates. The Weaver's home just happened to be located directly under the northeast leg of the New Brunswick radio range that served the area, but was not located at the airport and was useless so far as an instrument approach because the pilot had no positive way of identifying his exact position (such as a fan marker, etc). Ted would be in the office talking to the pilot on the radio...Dot was outside of their house with the telephone and acted as the marker; the pilot would fly out the range leg until over the house and Dot would relay the information to the pilot via Ted. A procedure turn would be made and, when once again established over the Weaver house, the pilot would take up a pre-determined heading towards TARPA TALES


the airport and make a letdown. It worked, and on one occasion two Alpha pilots were low on fuel and considering bailing out when Ted talked both of them into trying the approach. When Major A. D. Smith left EWR to assume the head of the Mountain Division, in 1932, Ted assumed his former duties as head of the Eastern Region Division. This lasted until the infamous air mail cancellation in early 1934. This was the period when TWA made aviation history, first with the introduction of the prototype DC-1 and then with the production model DC-2. Jack Frye and company, including Eddie Rickenbacker, had made the headlines with a record-breaking flight across the country with the DC-1 on the eve of the mail cancellation. Jack Frye made even better time when the mail was resumed using the sleek Northrop "Gamma" Weaver was on duty for both flights with weather advisories, etc. When the DC-1 arrived in EWR, Ted had the pleasure of checking himself out in the new plane, and flew it westbound to Columbus on the return trip to MKC. Among Ted's hobbies in those years was photography and some of his color movies are one of a kind classics, such as Lindbergh piloting the DC-1 while Jack Frye is pumping the hydraulic handle to raise or lower the landing gear. 1934 saw the Weavers moving to MKC, with Ted a supervisor pilot flying the DC-2's west to ABQ, and a year later it was another move back to Burbank. This, however, didn't last long as Ted's expertise as a dispatcher was urgently needed to set up a new system of dispatching and flight planning (then called Central Control) at the company's MKC home office. T&WA had lost a DC-2, with Senator Bronson Cutting among the passengers, and preliminary investigation by the authorities had been critical of past dispatching procedures. T&WA adopted the new procedures, as outlined by Ted, long before they became mandatory by the CAA in 1938. These included signed releases where minimum fuels, alternates, etc., were agreed to between the pilot and the dispatcher. Ted was also among the first to receive a license for dispatching when this became a requirement in 1938. In 1944, after nearly fifteen years of management positions and a lot of "desk flying", Ted bid back to Burbank to fly the line, DC-3 flights to ABQ. For the next fifteen years it was fun flying for Ted, especially when the sleek new Constellations were introduced in the post war years. He was #3 on the pilot seniority list, behind "Mo" Bowen and John Collings, when he retired in March of 1959...one month beyond age 60, as it wasn't an FAA requirement at the time, just by ALPA contract. Ted retired from TWA, but not from flying as he soon bought a two place Cessna 140 that kept him busy with his flying for pleasure as well as keeping the plane airworthy. At one time when the plane needed a major overhaul, he dismantled the wings TARPA TALES


and towed it to his backyard where he practically rebuilt the plane from scratch. Even after Ted could no longer pass a flight physical, in 1983, he still continued to fly his plane as long as there was a qualified pilot on board. His total flying time was near 30,000 hours. As an instructor, Ted was among the best whether working with a new student in the air for the first time, or a seasoned airline pilot. He had a quiet, but authoritative manner that put the student or pilot being given a check at ease, and get the job done. He was also the influence that made a number of men take up flying as a career, such as a young Ed Flynn, who was a neighbor of Ted in 1937 in Kansas City, took up flying with the CPT and joined TWA in 1942. Ted's favorite student was his grandson, Ted Weaver Lacomette, who practically grew up in the Cessna 140, and by the time he was 17 years old was a licensed pilot, and a commercial pilot at age twenty two. At the time of this writing young Ted is on furlough from Flying Tigers, but flying as a DC-8 captain for Evergreen International. Ted is survived by his wife, Dot, their two daughters, five grandsons, three great-grandsons and three great-granddaughters. * * * * * * * * * * * * PERSONAL EXPERIENCES From Bob Montgomery: My first trip on the line was from MKC to ABQ on 8/8/44. I flew with Captain Clarence E. Kulp, based KC west. Clarence had a green co-pilot and a brand new hostess. When we got off the airplane in ABQ, she went one way and I went another. Clarence borrowed a bicycle to round us up. * * * * * * * * * * * * From Bob Gwin: Talking about first flights: I was with Captain Fred Richardson, September 23, 1942, Stratoliner 307 #19905, Washington-Montreal--Goose Bay, 7:45. Charley Knobler was checking me. October 15th, 1942, with Captain Hal Blackburn, Don Brown, Bruce Pettigrew, Frank Parent, Ck. F/E, Plane #4 Stratoliner, Washington, W.P.B., Trinidad, Belem and Natal. This was a crew going to Natal to make many shuttles over the South Atlantic, and then return to home base in Washington, D. C.. We had the captains, navigators, radio operators and F/E's. My actual first flight alone was with Captain Wassenburg, October 21, 1942. We took off and later on, lost an engine, The plane was flown very slowly in those days, I think 144 LRCruise and high speed was 154. Anyhow, the German submarines would surface and shoot down Navy PBY's, and I thought they would be able to get us, as we were on three engines returning to Natal, total time 3:00. TARPA TALES


The engine was changed, and the next day we had a test hop of :30 and the following day we went to Ascension Island and Accra, 17:15. I believe the longest time I ever spent in a Stratoliner was 14:10 with Larry Trimble, searching for one of our C-87's that went down near Ascension Island, December 10, 1942. Later I'll tell you about that story of Clif Dombroski, Joe Grant, etc., returning the B-24-D to Turkey, December 22, 1942.


If this were a "guess what?" type article or feature, most readers could easily identify the aircraft in the accompanying photo as a Ford tri-motor transport, the venerable "Tin Goose" mounted on two giant pontoons and painted with TWA's logo of the early thirties. The experts could add that it is a Wasppowered Model AT-C, similar to those produced in 1929 for two of the company's predecessor airlines, Maddux and TAT. Old records are incomplete, but only three Fords were known to have been built or modified to the seaplane version that officially was designated the Model AT-CS. Seaplanes for airline service were nothing new to a number of TWA pilots: Art Burns inaugurated service for the Chaplin Airlines in 1929 with a Curtiss flying boat operating from the Los TARPA TALES


Angeles Harbor area to Catalina Island. Pacific Marine took over Chaplin and pilots such as Franklin Young and "Dutch" Holloway flew the same route with Curtiss HS-2L flying boats. Western Air Express took over Pacific Marine in 1928 and used a variety of amphibian planes including the Loening "Air Yacht", Sikorsky S-38A, Boeing 204 and a Fokker F-11A. Neither the planes nor the route were included in the TWA merger agreement. The prototype seagoing Ford was first test flown by pilot Leroy Manning in September of 1929, using a wide area in the Detroit River for his landing field. The following February the Department of Commerce issued a separate type certificate for the seaplane and the Ford Company looked for customers. The plane carried a price tag of $68,000 (compared to $55,000 for the land version), but due to the great depression that was just getting started, was reduced to $64,000. Ford had hoped to sell the Navy a version that could be used as a torpedo bomber, but they weren't interested. The pontoons were of a special design, engineered and built by The all the Edo Aircraft corporation, located on Long Island . metal pontoons were 14'9" in length, and each weighed 600 pounds and could support a four ton load. This added about 1,200 pounds to the plane's empty weight, which created a performance penalty of either a lesser payload capability or shorter range. Both the sea and the land versions had a maximum gross weight for takeoff of 13,500 pounds, but factory tests showed that the pontoons slowed the cruise speed down from the normal 122 mph to 104 mph. The pilot could maneuver the plane on the water by the use of the outboard engines, as well as a small rudder that was mounted on each pontoon. The rudders were hinged so that they could be retracted when the plane was on dry land. The Edo Corporation was noted for designing aircraft hulls or flotation gear and among their customers were Lindbergh's Lockheed "Sirius" used on his flight to the Orient, a Curtiss "Condor" used by one of the Byrd polar expeditions and the Lockheed "Orion" used by Wiley Post on his ill-fated flight with Will Rogers. Edo was also the leader in designing seaplane facilities, anchorages, etc., along the northeast Atlantic Coast. Their own facility, located at the factory site at College Point (LI), was considered one of the most modern in the world. Seaplanes, especially amphibians, are very versatile and can operate wherever there is ample water space that isn't too rough and is clear of obstructions. They were, at that time, extremely popular with sportsmen for getting to remote areas for hunting or There was some commercial operation for charter and fishing. sightseeing, but the growth of marine air traffic in and about large cities had been long retarded due to the problem of handling passengers from the large seaplanes; it was, at times, risky, cumbersome and a wet experience. Seaplane anchorages that had a TARPA TALES


ramp where the plane could be towed or taxied ashore were given a Class 1 rating by the Department of Commerce. There were about seven Class 1 facilities located between NYC and Boston in the early thirties, including Floyd Bennett Field and the North Beach Airport (LGA today). In 1934 the city of New York, led by Mayor LaGuardia, embarked on an ambitious program that would practically give door to door shuttle or commuter service when contracts were made with Edo to construct two "Skyports" along the East River, one at the foot of Wall Street and the other at the end of Thirty First Street. Included was an ingenious ramp that operated on a motordriven turntable and was able to accommodate the largest aircraft and bring them ashore in less than thirty seconds. A large float was connected to the pier by hinged gangways to eliminate the tide element. The outer end of the float was in the form of a wooden ramp with a steep incline ratio of one to nine. The sloping portion was the turntable, built in flush with the surface ramp and so located that the water line passed through its center, with the lower portion under water and the upper part on dry land. The turntables were 85 feet long, with a 45 foot radius. When a seaplane arrived for docking and its keel was firmly established, all the operator had to do was press a switch and the plane was moved to land for the passengers to deplane, the plane to be serviced, passengers boarded, etc. This was the year that TWA had taken delivery of its first twenty DC-2's and by late August the fleet of Fords were retired from passenger service. Two were kept for a trial with an all-freight operation in 1936, and plane number NC410H (Fleet #620) was soon to be modified for TWA's experiment with the seaplane shuttle service. Early Department of Commerce records are vague or incomplete, but do show that NC410H was first flown in September of 1929 and was used for a while by the Ford Company for tests with pontoons, skis and wheels. It flew for a short time for the New England and Western Transportation Company of Massachusetts, and then was sold to Eastern Air Transport. TWA records show that it was purchased from Eastern on May 2, 1933...and it must have been a "pile of corrugated junk", as it cost $8,325.24 to rework and bring to company standards. It was placed in service on June 15th and, at that time, its probable life expectancy (depreciation to zero book value) was given as one year. At the time it was converted by Edo to the seaplane configuration, at a cost of $12,177 (including conversion from twelve to fourteen passengers), it had accumulated a grand total of 4960:33 flying hours.




The same records show that an additional 45:41 hours were logged on Ship #620 as a seaplane before it was sold on February 10, 1936, to Inter-American Aero Travel for $17,500.00. The story of those few flying hours can best be told by retired Captain Bill Piper, who saw it all first hand. * * * * * * * * * * * * THE STORY OF OLD #620 ......NC 410H By Captain Bill Piper (Retired 1970) The year was 1935. I was fresh out of the Navy with several hundred flying hours in seaplanes as well as an A&E mechanic' license when I went to work for TWA in February as a mechanic's helper at the Newark hangar. In mid-June I was invited by Charlie Cain, the station manager, along with crew foreman Joe Seliger to a conference with the Eastern Region Superintendent, Captain Pat Gallup. As conferences go, it was short and to the point. Pat informed me that TWA had a Ford tri-motor seaplane parked at 31st Street and the East River. Mr. Cain handed me a set of keys and told me to get my tool box and take over the ship the following morning. I must admit that I was almost in shock, especially since it meant a raise in pay from $70 to $90 a month. My good friend, Joe Seliger, gave me a thorough briefing on the Ford's Wasp engines that lasted all of thirty minutes, patted me on the back and wished me luck. For the next two weeks I was all alone with "Old 620" and her operating manuals. With no one to bother me I was able to crawl all over her, and give the engines a daily warm up . The Edo Float Company did a fine job of making her seaworthy and preparing her for salt water duty. Mayor LaGuardia of NYC and his staff visited me one day and spent over two hours asking questions and making observations of the plane and the facilities. When they left, the mayor told me that if there was anything at all that I needed that I should give him or his office a call and he would see that I got it. The mayor lived up to his word, as I requested and received special hoses, ladders to any part of the wings and engines, a special refueling setup and a special engineer to be on duty at all times to operate the turntable. It was about mid-July when Harlan Hull, the system Chief Pilot, (and a former Marine pilot) came out to see me and asked if the ship was ready to fly. My answer was a quick "Let's give it a try!" The next morning we were airborne for one of the most thrilling flights ever... underneath the 59th Street and George TARPA TALES


Washington bridges, and a tour of the New York skyline, the Statue of Liberty, Long Beach and Eastern Long Island....all from an altitude of 50 feet. We landed near Port Washington , and after a brief bit of pilot talk, we switched seats. After about an hour of air work, which included several takeoffs and landings, we returned to the 31st Street ramp. I believe that this was my introduction to co-pilot training the following spring. A few days later Captain Gallup and Jack Zimmerman, the chief pilot of the Eastern Region, advised me that they were coming over to do some test work and that I would accompany them. This turned out to be several one and two hour flights during the next couple of weeks which included speed tests and trial runs along the shores of eastern Long Island, and several flights on a proposed operation between the 31st Street landing and Floyd Bennett Field. They determined that there was not too much of a speed difference between the land and sea versions of the Ford, maybe two knots. Harold Moon was assigned to fly the plane on a regular basis, which was a morning schedule from 31st Street to Floyd Bennett with mail and passengers, connecting with a DC-2 flight to the west coast. I was to be his co-pilot, steward, mechanic and what-have-you. We also operated a number of goodwill flights for the mayor and TWA Board of Directors around the city and Long Island way. After a few weeks things quieted down and operations slowed to a standstill. Then we heard the reason. A statement had been made from Mayor LaGuardia's office that the eastern terminal for air mail would be NYC. With the help of President Roosevelt and Postmaster Jim Farley, they thought that they had this sewed up: that New York would have the designated airport to handle airmail for the area. However, across the river, Mayor Ellenstine of Newark thought otherwise. Along with the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad plus many friends in Congress, he fought the proposed move from every angle and managed to keep EWR as the designated airmail field until 1939, when the North Beach airport (LGA today) was opened. With no future any longer for old #620 with TWA, the company ordered the plane ferried to the Port Washington hangar and put up for sale. I was ordered back to maintenance at EWR, awaiting my orders to co-pilot school the following May. To my knowledge, I am the only survivor of the aforementioned pilots who took part in the short career of "Old 620". * * * * * * * * * * * *





Here in Kansas it's a clear, crisp and beautiful day in late October, the kind that is best suited to playing hooky and a round of golf. But that's really only a pleasant daydream and doesn't help to get the job done. The election is still to come and the future "1984" of George Orwell's 1951 book is about to become the past. Except for years of regulation deregulation and now, possibly, re-regulation (and other signs that "Big Brother" really is out of control), most of Orwell's ominous predictions are still smoldering away in his fantasy barnyard. By the time you read this, elections will be decided. Let's hope the right man will be in charge for the next four years. * * * * * * * * * * * * Anyway, settle back and we'll summarize the summer's accumulation. First, however, we'd like to mention our Kansas weather, realizing that things have been bad in many places: making comparisons of our miserable days with some of yours might make you feel January and February were fairly normal, better. with cold days and warm days, some snow and some blowing . In March, we had a limb-cracking, linesnapping ice storm with a 6-inch topping of heavy wet snow, mangling the trees and bringing down power lines, with exploding transformers making the city appear to be under siege after dark. The aftermath was a week without electricity for about 165,000 people in the city and a clean-up bill of about 25 million dollars. In May, a 24-hour downpour of 7 to 9 inches caused flooding up to four feet in hundreds of homes and businesses which bordered on normally placid creeks. For two months after July 4, we had no measurable precipitation, only normal heat and humidity. In September, in one eight-hour period, summer We switched from departed and fall arrived! air conditioning in the afternoon to the furnace in the evening! But now comes October and all is forgiven! Best time of the year. * * * * * * * * * *

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Left to right: Vern Laursen, Floyd Hall, Harold Neumann and Walter Gunn FLOYD HALL, TARPA's 1984 AWARD OF MERIT recipient, came into town August 1 to participate in a brief ceremony at the Jack Frye Training Center, where VERN LAURSEN, Vice President of TWA Training, accepted and unveiled the master award plaque, which now hangs proudly on the first-floor lobby wall. About 25 local TARPA members and other TWA'ers were present to witness the event. WALT GUNN, original Chairman of the Awards Committee in 1980 and 1981, was master of ceremonies, standing in for LLOYD HUBBARD, our present committee chairman, who was unable to attend. As part of the program, HAROLD NEUMANN, one of the three 1982 winners of the same award, made the presentation of a personalized, engraved plaque reproduction to Mr. Hall. The event was reported in the business news of the KANSAS CITY TIMES of August 2, 1984. * * * * * * * * * * * *



TARPA AWARD OF MERIT PLAQUE The plaque now hangs on the east wall of the entry hall and lobby of the Jack Frye Training Center Building in Kansas City

JACK FRYE PLAQUE TWA Training Center, Jack Frye Building Kansas City, Missouri



In the "30 YEARS AGO" column of the Kansas City TIMES recently, we saw this bit of aviation history: "BILL JUDD, who flies commercial transport planes across the Atlantic for TWA, is on a 'postman's holiday', flying the Atlantic in a singleengine Cessna plane". * * * * * * * * * * * * SAM DIETRICH has sent us a clipping of an advertisement from the TULSA WORLD, headlined "Vote for ARLIE J. NIXON, Democrat for Congress, Second District"! Arlie's printed pitch says "he is a 70-year-old citizen, but was forced to retire (from flying) at age 60 because OUR Federal government believes that '60-year-olds are too old to function". The ad continues: "What does Arlie believe? Arlie believes it is MANDATORY to balance the budget! How? Make cuts everywhere....even in defense and foreign aid. Do away with waste and cheating...THEY ARE EVERYWHERE AND OF ASTRONOMICAL PROPORTIONS. Arlie would start this saving by giving back half of his congressman's salary. You clearly have a choice on Tuesday, August 28 . " We are sorry to report that Arlie didn't make it. Which somehow reminds us of that conscience-pricking line, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Arlie is a good man who tried. Well, he's only 70. * * * * * * * * * * * * JACK BURNHAM and RITA are settled now in their new home in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Rita suffered a stroke last year and has only partial use of limbs on her left side. Her speech is not affected. Jack says he is about to "solo" Rita in the car and she does walk for therapy. Jack himself is still coping with emphysema. We visited with them and daughter Melissa at the Camelback in September. Their sense of humor is in excellent health and they still wear the same mischievous smiles. * * * * * * * * * * * * Several of our energetic TARPA members are busy this year in the TWA SENIORS organization. At the annual general meeting of more than 600 members at the Airport Hilton in Kansas City, in June, WOLLY WOLLENBERG was elected President of the national organization for the next year. E. C. (LUM) EDWARDS is a First Vice President and also continues very active in arranging and conducting Seniors tours. Other TARPANS who are Seniors Chapter Presidents are: ED BETTS, Southern California: REGGIE PLUMRIDGE, Silver State (Nevada); ED HALL, Southeast (Florida); THE GRAPEVINE


JOE BROWN, Lake of the Ozarks (Missouri); Other familiar names among Seniors Presidents are Tom Poole, Arizona; Mel Ostenberg, Kansas City Heart of America; Tom Sawyer, K. C . (I.A.M.); Pat Lynds-Harris, Pacific Northwest; Opal Thomas, St. Louis; and Nick Zoumboulakis, Greece. * * * * * * * * * * * *

FRANK GLAZIER passes along the information that "Jacky", the faithful friend of almost everyone who ever spent an evening at the Celtic in Paris, was about to retire from bartending. Frank had spoken to Jacky (Jacques?) earlier this summer. He says that Jacky would like very much to hear from any of his former "regulars" from TWA. His address: Jacky Maretheu, Chantome, Par. Eguzon, Indre 36 16.544746-51 * * * * * * * * * * * * JACK KOBYLACK, in a note to A. T., says, "I have sold my place in Connecticut and moved down here to Palm Coast, Florida. I am enjoying retirement. Have a boat and camper and am back on the golf course. I also am helping to get a local flying club started. I would like to get in touch with some other TWA retirees in this area. My phone number is 904-437-2689". * * * * * * * * * * * * Our information is brief, but we have been informed that L. J . SMITH's wife, Dauretta, passed away recently at the home in Waleka, Florida. She had been ill for several. years. THE GRAPEVINE


GEORGE DUVALL has favored us with a letter and brought us upto-date on his whereabouts. He writes, "We were sorry to have to miss the convention this spring but had other plans which we could not change. I enjoy reading the TOPICS as I can keep in touch with many other former employees. I see where Bill Ambrose recently joined; he was a neighbor of Peewee Horstman and myself when we lived in East Orange, N. J. "I reached the EAGLE age this year and was interested to see that there are over 40 of us now. "We just returned from a trip to the Maritime Provinces with Virginia and Bob Springer in their Airstream RV. What a luxurious way to travel. Saw the area where we have flown over many times and especially enjoyed Prince Edward Island. "Ran into Ed Sullivan this summer and we are planning to attend a meeting of the Northern California chapter of the TWA Seniors in Napa early in October, just before we return to Arizona for the winter. We all appreciate the work you fellows are doing to keep the old gang together. Keep up the good work". * * * * * * * * * * * * HARRY CLARK gave him the idea, he says, so WERNER ROMANELLO, retired former Manager of Area Flight Dispatch in Rome, is now a TARPA TOPICS subscriber and keeps track of International friends through his copy of the TARPA directory. Werner also wrote to congratulate RUSS DERICKSON on his recent election as President of TARPA. He goes on to say this: "As a very dedicated Flight Operations man, who has shared so many years with cockpit crew members, I feel honored and happy to still be in contact with TWA pilots! Needless to say that my heart still remains with TWA Flight Operations. I miss it so much. I retain good contacts with the TWA world and occasionally do talk with Claude Girard on the phone." * * * * * * * * * * * * PAUL MCNEW knows many ways to be active in retirement. From his home in Mesa, Arizona, he tells us how it's done: "Three of us, Ed Elder, Allen Benjamin and myself, have started a Phoenix Chapter of the American Medical Support Flight Team here in Scottsdale. This organization has headquarters in Las Vegas. We started in February, donating time and airplane for Arizona Blood Services, which supplies 51 hospitals in Arizona and Eastern California. From any community in this area having a blood drive, we make noon and evening pick-ups (Blythe to El Centro to Page). We have the blood back to the lab in under six hours, so it can be processed for platelets and cryoprecipitate. Over six hours old it can be used only as plasma. THE GRAPEVINE


PAUL MCNEW on the golf course at the 1984 TARPA Convention "We also fly out-of-town emergencies, saving people expensive charter trips. We intend eventually to tie in with the eye bank and the organ donor system. We have 24 pilots and in July flew 36 trips. There are now about 25 chapters in the United States and we would like to expand to all states and about 50 or 60 chapters. Anyone who would like to start a chapter can contact me and I will help in getting it started. The cost is only $35.00 per member and I have necessary forms and the contacts in Las Vegas. "I would encourage all members to attend the various pilot meetings. You will enjoy them more than you think. I had a really pleasant afternoon in Oshkosh visiting with JIM MCARTHUR and GORDON DURLIN. "Thanks to all you fellows who keep TARPA TOPICS coming; I always read it through two or three times." Paul also said that the Apache Wells (AZ) golf course, with a rating of 66.5, allows him a handicap of 6. As in all his interests and endeavors, Paul plays the game of golf seriously. And just to be sure no time is wasted, Paul retails honey bee pollen for your health - and also the best oil and gas additives for your vehicles! You can write to him at 2505 Barber Drive, Mesa, Arizona 85205. Or see the directory. (Thanks, Paul.) * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GRAPEVINE


The following new members have recently been welcomed into TARPA: Jack L. Baker Louis Billman William G. Carr James L. Cochran Jerry Crockett Vernon J. Davis Omer W. Elsner Larry J. Fauci James A. Frier R. W. Goldthorpe William H. Greer, Jr. William C. Hasler

William C. Higgins Robert H. Kieper Tom Kroschel Donald E. Lansing George Manley Ken W. Mielke Roylee Miller Wilton B. Miller John T. Morrisey Russell Myers, Jr. Paul C. Olson Mark A. Outhwaite

Edward J. Stroschein Ray Terry John A. Trice Elwood I. Wittle HONORARY MEMBERS Lucille Adams Louise Smith (Don) Mary Lou Lansdell Thelma Lou Young

* * * * * * * * * * * * TEX MANNING says he returned to New Mexico from Orlando and spent 15 days in the hospital with pneumonia. He's recovering but slowly. Could it be that although the Florida weather was great, the cold and dry air-conditioning was hard to control? * * * * * * * * * * * * JOE TUNDER says "Sorry to have missed the convention. Our home was sold and had to find a new one." The Tunders are now in Sun Lakes, Arizona. * * * * * * * * * * * * Fifty-year mugs were awarded several TWA old-timers at the annual general meeting of the TWA Seniors in Kansas City in June this year. Among them were EDWARD Z. (EDDIE) BOQUA, RICHARD A. (DICK) HEIDEMAN and LLOYD W. (OLE) OLSON. None of the three appeared personally, but each name as it was called got a good hand from the crowd. * * * * * * * * * * * For widows or widowers having problems with adjustment to the loss of a mate, we have an address to write to which will bring information and a free booklet from the Widowed Persons Service, under the auspices of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). The services of this group are available in 150 communities around the United States, and there is no charge. It offers emotional support and a listening ear, as well as referrals to appropriate community resources. Write to WPS-AARP, 1909 K. Street N. W., Washington, D. C. 20049. (Ann Landers said it. Thanks, Ann!) * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GRAPEVINE






report on his weight-lifting efforts. O. B. Was the only contestant competing in his age-and-weight bracket, at the 1984 National Masters Meet. He already holds all the records in his bracket, but says he didn't break any of them. He concedes that the trophy was "a gift". He did, however, win the 65-69/ 220 pound class in the 1983 Worlds Masters Postal Championship. Eleven countries took part. Instead of face-to-face competition, the results are gathered from each country and tabulated at Columbia, Missouri, to determine the winners. Congratulations, O. B.! We know now that there is at least one among us who is staying in shape - and keeping his weight UP at the same time! * * * * * * * * * * * * BOB KIEPER, a recent new member of TARPA, writes that he has settled in DeLand, Florida, and is teaching at the EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, about twenty miles from DeLand. Bob came up with a medical problem in 1979, had some routine surgery and was unsuccessful in his request for recertification. He retired July 1 this year. * * * * * * * * * * * * The new Heart of America Seniors chapter here in Kansas City is off to a flying first year start. Each event so far has drawn about 250 enthusiastic retirees with strong social instincts. A two-bus trip to Omaha and the races at AK-SAR-BEN on August 15 drew 96 fearless hunch-players. Other activities have included a dinner theatre luncheon to see "My Fair Lady", a golf tournament and cooperation with the Kansas City I.A.M. Seniors chapter in the I.A.M.'s hosting of this year's Seniors convention. * * * * * * * * * * * * CLEO MATTKE tells us that he has moved into a new home in Sun City, Arizona, and can watch the 11th fairway of the golf course from tee to green (150 yards). "Though I don't golf", he says, "as I watch, I am sure I could do it better. Looks like an easy game to me. I am still active in church and community. It doesn't seem that anyone should need a seminar for a retirement program". (Please DO play that golf course, Cleo: with a positive attitude you could be shooting under 120 in no time.) * * * * * * * * * * * * WALT GUNN, another indefatigable retiree for whom 60 was just a new beginning, is currently working on a "Fear of Flying" program for the University of Kansas Medical Center. Walt is on the staff at the hospital as a research and practicing psychologist. The white-knuckle course will involve two or three discussion sessions, a practice period in the TWA 767 hostess cabin trainer at the Jack Frye Center and a short "graduation trip" aloft in an Air Midwest aircraft. Classes will be restricted to about 18 fearful flyers, most of whom, according to Walt, are middleTHE GRAPEVINE


aged women who would like to be able to travel with their husbands. With his usual aplomb and unfailing verbal capacity, Walt has appeared on several local radio and TV programs recently. The project is popular and snow-balling. * * * * * * * * * * * * If he'll pardon us for saying so, one of TARPA's unsung but hard-working beavers is Editor AL CLAY, in Largo, Florida. He does some writing and gathers, separates, evaluates, eliminates, incorporates, and finally puts together all the pieces and pictures of each quarterly edition. VI RICHWINE, also in Largo, does all the final typing and A. T. HUMBLES has the book printed way up in North Carolina and mails it out. But Al Clay, as Editor, is the one who makes the hard decisions and accepts the final responsibility for what goes into TARPA TOPICS. * * * * * * * * * * * * We feel quite sure, also, that we share the opinion of many of you when we assure PAUL McCARTY of our gratitude for his good work as Editor of the TARPA Directory. The June, 1984, copy represents a lot of work and a professional job of organizing almost endless details in names, addresses, telephone numbers and miscellaneous information. It takes patience, and Paul donates not only hours and days of his time but also the services of his personal computer. To the best of our knowledge, he never sends a bill for costs. TARPA does pay for the final printing, of course. On its own merit, the directory is worth the full twenty dollars we pay in annual dues. * * * * * * * * * * * * PARKY has sent us from his "archives" an October 1942, list of names of prospective members for the "TWA Ten Year Club" then being organized by C. E. McCollum, who was TWA's Central Traffic Manager. Some familiar TARPANS are listed, all still going strong: TOMMY TOMLINSON, LEW GOSS, FRED RICHARDSON, JOE BARTLES, HOWARD HALL, OTIS BRYAN, TED HEREFORD, ANDY BEATON and DUTCH HOLLOWAY. Also listed were PAUL HUSAK, JOHHNY GUY and JOHN CLEMSON. And, of course, PARKY! * * * * * * * * * * * * LYLE BOBZIN is already putting in a lot of time on preparations for the 1985 TARPA convention to be held at the DESERT INN, in Las Vegas next June. Lyle says the Desert Inn is rated as the BEST of all Las Vegas hotels and casinos. Put June 4, 5, and 6th, 1985, on your new TWA calendar as "TARPA DAYS". Lyle is working for you. * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GRAPEVINE


BILL FLANAGAN writes to A. T. as follows: "I still claim the championship in procrastination!! This letter should have been written years ago and I'm just getting around to it now. I read TARPA TOPICS from cover to cover and that's where I find out about you fellows and your wives expending so much time and effort on behalf of the rest of us. "Since retirement I have done absolutely no piloting and very little riding as a passenger. I've done a lot of golfing, very little fishing, and have taken lessons in oil painting. For a while I was quite active in civic affairs, but then decided to really retire. "Be assured that the efforts of you fellows and your wives are greatly appreciated by me and many others who have not said so in so many words. Please relay my sentiments to as many of the others as you can". (Thanks, Bill, consider it done!) * * * * * * * * * * * * According to our newspaper, the ADICKES AVTEK 400 made its first test flight in September. The next phase will be certification tests, which Bob predicts will take a year or more. In the August issue of INC. ("The magazine for growing companies") Curtis Hartman describes the entire AVTEK project from its inception. Bob is termed "the driving force in Avtek Corp.. the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and chief investor". JOHN CARROLL is Director of International Operations. Others involved in the aircraft's development and building are consultants Leo Windecker, Niels Andersen and Al Mooney. Bill Taylor, 70, is mentioned as first choice for test pilot. Dorothy Sholer is money manager. The K. C . TIMES says that after certification, the production line might eventually be brought to Kansas City "if the city is willing to come up with some 'incentive'". Richards-Gebaur in Grandview is mentioned as a possible factory site. Until now, all work on the prototype has been done at the Camarillo, California, Industrial Park, about one mile from the Camarillo airport. Good luck to good friends, Bob and John! And, we hope we'll see you in K. C.! * * * * * * * * * * * In a note to Al Clay, "BIG JOHN" MONTGOMERY tells us that he had surgery for removal of his gall bladder last May, and is getting along very well. He added that two shots of Canadian Club a day or two after the operation helped to "get things started again". John is now living in Prescott. We'll expect to see you in Las Vegas, John, if you can make it across the Painted Desert without being ambushed. * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GRAPEVINE


LARRY GIRARD takes a picture of the tennis competitors at each TARPA convention, and here we have the 1984 group picture taken at Orlando. Top row, left to right: Lee Butler, Jeanne Wisenhut, Tom Anderson, Ginny Converse, Dave Richwine, Vi Richwine, Larry Girard, Phyllis Girard, Reg Plumridge, Ruth Plumridge, Iris Flournoy, Rich Flournoy, Elmo Jones. Bottom row, left to right: June McFarland, Betti Wind, Mickey Wind, Bob Stuffings, Leo McFarland, Dean Phillips. Iris Flournoy was the winner among the ladies, with June McFarland as runner up. For the men, Mickey Wind was the big winner, with Larry Girard as a very close runner-up. Good fun and good fellowship was enjoyed by all. * * * * * * * * * * * We saw JOE IMESON at a recent dinner meeting of the Heart of America Seniors at Richards-Gebaur. Although he has been back on chemotherapy for ailments that began about three years ago, he says he is doing all right. * * * * * * * * * * * * R. W. (GOLDY) GOLDTHORPE, after joining TARPA recently, has written a very nice letter to A. T. Humbles. Goldy has been one of the many good-natured veterans of JFK's Hangar 12 Flight Operations office many years, a second career after starting as a TWA International radio officer during WW II. Goldy says, in part, "Thank you very much for your friendly letter, the TARPA membership card, the TARPA directory, and a most interesting and informative copy of TARPA TOPICS. Leafing through the membership directory, which contains a wealth of information, brought back many memories. It is very well organized and contains just about every kind of information about TWA cockpit crew retirees that one would desire. "So thanks again, A. T . and Russ. The immediate action on the part of both of you was terrific. The more I read about TARPA the more impressed I am with this well organized, professional and meaningful organization, and I am especially proud and happy to have been invited to join". (Thanks, Goldy! Your kind letter is gratifying to all concerned.) * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GRAPEVINE

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The BOB (BEAR) BECK annual "Half-Open" golf tournament at Lake Quivera came off in its perennial fine fellowship fashion on October 12. About twenty three-man teams played a Texas Scramble. The winning trio, at 7-under, was HOWARD (MO) HANSEN, JOHN KEIL, and GLEN BUCHANAN. All prize money, a total of $500.00, was donated this year to the ALS fund for JAMES T. (PETE) OLIVER, a Kansas City pilot who contracted the disease about five years ago. (ALS, the acronym for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is the Lou Gehrig affliction). We don't have other winners of prizes, nor a complete list, but retirees who participated were the following: HAROLD AIKEN, GEORGE BORGMIER, WARREN CANTRELL, BERT COOPER, BILL COOPER, EARL LINDSLEY, JIM PAXTON and VIC WOLF. * * * * * * * * * * * * Late bulletin: ARLIE NIXON is hospitalized for an appendectomy. The report included the information that he had experienced some post-surgery complication, but it was not considered serious. Up and at 'em, Arlie! * * * * * * * * * * * * The 1984 TWA Flight Operations Retirement Party at the Camelback Inn, Scottsdale, Arizona, on September 15, drew a record crowd of more than 600 to honor 122 recently-retired Operations people, including 93 cockpit crew members. Speaker at the Saturday evening banquet was RICHARD (DICK) PEARSON, newly elevated Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the airline. The entire speech was printed in the September 24 SKYLINER. We were impressed with his statement that he "hopes to rekindle in our airline the sense that we constitute a FAMILY, as well as a company". He may be just the man who can do it, too! About sixty golfers turned out at the Padre course on Saturday. Prizes among the men were won by BOB ALTEMUS, GARY BOLLES, DUB YOUNGBLOOD, GENE MCCLURE and PAUL WHITFORD. Women's division winners were MARGUERITE SIMONS, AUDREY PELLETIER, MILLIE WITTLE, and DONNA EVANS. Longest drive was by KEN SWEET. Nearest-thepin was HERB BOLLES. We enjoyed our day on the golf course in the easy company of BOB HORTON, JOHN LATTIMORE And BILL GREER. (Oblivious to the many errant examples of his partners, "Sport" shot an 81. But he gets a lot of practice on a tough course, the Riviera in Los Angeles). This was our seventh or eighth retirement party trip and, as always, it was a great week-end. The Operations retirement affair provides a rare opportunity to see some former crew companions that we haven't visited with for as long as ten or fifteen years. This year we wouldn't like to have missed seeing THE GRAPEVINE

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such well-remembered friends as JOHN HAPPY, DANNY GEHLERT, GEORGE RYAN, CLARE HAMMITT, LEO DEASON, JACK FRIER, BART HEWITT, JACK PASSARELL, JOHN JURGENSEN, MERT NASON and, of course, BILL GREER and SPORT HORTON. And RUSS DERICKSON! * * * * * * * * * * * * Having experienced recently the regret and the guilt which comes from not having properly "kept in touch" with old and close and valued friends of many years, some of whom suffered poor health and are now finally gone, we thought of this poem, read for the first time about forty years ago, the words of which now return to taunt us. AROUND THE CORNER By Charles Hanson Towne Around the corner I have a friend In this great city that has no end; Yet days go by, and weeks rush on, And before I know it a year is gone, And I never see my old friend's face, For Life is a swift and terrible race. He knows I like him just as well As in the days when I rang his bell And he rang mine; we were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men; Tired with playing a foolish game, Tired with trying to make a name. "Tomorrow," I say, "I will call on Jim, Just to show that I'm thinking of him". But tomorrow comes - and tomorrow goes, And the distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner! - yet miles away .. "Here's a telegram, sir ..... " "JIM DIED TODAY" And that's what we get, and deserve in the end: Around the corner, a vanished friend. * * * * * * * * * * * * Let's all send at least a card to that old friend at Christmas! Here's wishing you all a Healthy and Happy 1985! * * * * * * * * * * * *


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RETIREES ATTENDING 1984 RETIREMENT PARTY DEPARTMENT OF FLYING - LAX Bob Altemus Louis Barr Allen Bast Cliff Bjork Stan Bruce Cy Cacace Bill Carr Dick Davis Walt Davis Leo Deason John Emmerton Dick Faulds Hugh Francis John Gehlert Ev Green Stew Greene Clare Hammitt Jim Hankins Frank Heilsen John Hendrickson Bill Higgins Bryce Hunt Hank Kirst Frank Kulesz Don Lansing Dave Lehrer Don Lundberg Corky Myers Scott Norris Adolf Passarell Hal Peck Jim Rapattoni Dick Trischler Paul Whitford

DEPARTMENT OF FLYING - MCI Norm Dufresne John Lakin Jim Loosen Tom Mitchell Stan Scroggins Lloyd Smith


DEPARTMENT OF FLYING - JFK Bart Anderegg Bob Balser Bob Billian Lew Bliss Don Calkins Bob Campbell Bruce Carr Tom Carroll George Clements Claude Coakley Bill Cordell Dick Cruickshank Rusty Davis Keith Evans Bill Fabre Dick Forristall Jack Frier Jim Froelich Jim Hackett John Happy Don Hartman Bart Hewitt Bob Horton Bill Hoveland Jim Jewett Bob Kane Dwight Kerns Bob Kieper Ed Kimball John Lattimore Les Laurin Chuck Lebrecht Art Leonard Earl Lima Jack Magee Wally Mazer Henry Michaels Jack Moss Paul Olson Mike Potter Steve Pyle Ed Roman George Ryan Ray Schriber Don Stuhmer Al Thoralsen Elwood Thornton Jim Tivey Stan Valacer Joe Venuti Jim Whitcomb Elwood Wittle Jim Young PAGE 17

RETIREES ATTENDING 1984 RETIREMENT PARTY IN-FLIGHT SERVICES - JFK Lois Brough Lorna Craig Dwight Dedmon Boyd Fitzgerald John Jurgensen Tom Ryan Al Sederis Guenter Zoeller LAX Marge Anderson Herb Bolles Irene DeSanctis Lavonne Hampson Iva Kaminski Gerry Klahn Nick Peragine Leon Walling ORD Fred Pereira Annie Schmitt Jack Taylor MCI

TRAINING Orville Levengood Gary McConnell Richard Nielson Wayne Severson

CENTRAL CREW SCHEDULING Frank Condreras Bob Elsenbroek Goldie Golden


Jan Fulton OPERATIONAL PLANNING FLIGHT DISPATCH Dan Myers Guy Gettys Don Godfrey Gerry Lewman Bob Wheeler METEOROLOGY Dave Bata Phillip Kerr



RE: TWA RETIRED PILOTS FOUNDATION, INC. In 1981 Dave Richwine, then President of TARPA, commissioned Harry Mokler to serve as liaison from TARPA to the TWA ALPA MEC to secure their backing in the setting up of this foundation. The purpose of this foundation is to collect funds and disburse them to all present and future retired cockpit crew members who meet the criteria which is income clearly inadequate to maintain a reasonable standard of living. The Foundation is active in assisting those less fortunate people in need of financial help. They are appreciative of the fine support those of us have given who are in a better financial situation. Active pilots can contribute by payroll deduction but retirees need to send their contributions to the Secretary Treasurer of the Foundation. There is no paid help so unlike the usual charities that a large per centage goes to the fund raisers your money entirely goes to the work of the Foundation. So we ask that you be as generous as you can in supporting this most worthy cause. Contributions may be sent to Capt. William Polk, Sec./Treas. TWA Pilots Retirement Foundation 9800 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, IL 60643 Make your check payable to The TWA Pilots Retirement Foundation,, Further back in this book is an application for assistance which may be filled out by those seeking help. If you know someone who needs help you can pass it on to them. SECRETARY'S CORNER Quite often people call me for addresses. I note that Al Clay has already in this issue provided you with the address for the RAPA Medi-Gap insurance. For information on the Denticare that Chick Dyer's son, Glenn, works for it is denticare, 2182 Dupont Drive, Suite 2, Irvine, CA 92715. Phone 714 752 1757. For the Price insuance info it is Price Financial Services, 10401 Holmes, Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64131. Phone 816 941 9070. We have 1190 members now! 692 Regular, 385 Associate, 48 Eagles and 66 Honorary. There are 11 friends who are subscribers. There are still a lot out there eligible so sign them up. The December issue of Private Pilot has a picture of Bob Adickes' airplane on the front cover and an interesting article inside. I'm sure we all wish him luck. I was flying a night DC-3 flight once with Bob and he walked back through the passenger cabin in uniform, naturally, but with a monster mask on. Later he went back without the mask and a passenger stopped him to ask who the hell the ugly fellow was and Bob told him the co-pilot was rather homely. Visited with Charlie Watkins and his wife, Chris, recently when they stopped over at the Belhaven Marina. Charlie retired this past October. May I take this opportunity to wish all of yawl a happy holiday season. Your secretary. A. T. Humbles

Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for T his the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth... . Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to die United States. When the franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it. When distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the United States that hurries in to help. . . . This spring, 59 American communities [were] flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman policy pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now, newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent,

warmongering Americans. I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplanes. Come on, let's hear it! Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing jumbo jet, the Lockheed tristar or the Douglas 10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the international lines except Russia fly American planes? Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon—not once but several times—and safely home again. You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them—unless they are breaking Canadian laws—are getting American dollars from Ma and Pa at home to spend here... . When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose.... I can name you 5,000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake. Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. By Gordon Sinclair

William Polk, Sec/Treas. TWA Pilots Retirement Foundation 9800 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, Ill 60643


TWA PILOTS RETIREMENT FOUNDATION, INC. (Not an affiliate of Trans World Airlines, Inc.)

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