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ROY VAN ETTEN Topics 1989







TARPA TOURS by Chuck Hasler



B-17 ADDENDUM by C. Davis



GRAPEVINE by Hank Gastrich

WING MAN by Dick Davis




SLEEPER by C. Davis




Material contained in TARPA Topics may be used by non-profit or charitable organizations. All other use of material must be by permission of the Editor. All inquires concerning the is publication should be addressed to : John P. Gratz, Editor TARPA TOPICS 1646 Timberlake Manor Parkway Chesterfield, MO 63017

TOPICS is an official publication of TARPA , a non-profit corporation., Editor bears no responsibility for accuracy or unauthorized use of contents.

Cover Photo Courtesy: Royal Caribbean International and Ventures Extraordinaire







John P. Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 532-8317 pp g msn.com j j @ 1034 Caroll David R. Gratz St. Louis, MO 63104 dave@dgratz.com Henry E. Gastrich 291 Jamacha Rd, Apt 52 (619) 401-9969 El Cajon, CA 92019-2381 hankflew@aol.com 1276 Belvoir Lane Felix M. Usis III Virginia Beach, VA 23464-6746 (757) 420-5445 73644.3341@compuserve.com 960 Las Lomas Edward G. Betts (310) 454-1068 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 John S. Bybee 2616 Saklan Indian Drive #1 (925)938-3492 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 William C. "Chuck" Hasler 8 Rustic Way San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-7478 2466 White Stable Road Jack Irwin (314) 432-3272 Town and Country, MO 63131 jack@smilinjack.com








John P. Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy (636) 532-8317 Chesterfield, MO 63017 jppjg@msn.com Robert W. Dedman 3728 Lynfield Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757) 463-2032 rwd@sybercom.net Robert C. Sherman 1201 Phelps Ave San Jose, CA 95117-2941 (408) 246-7754 rcsherm@worldnet.att.com Phillip M. Belisle 3145 Geary Blvd, PMB 705 (415) 567-9921 San Francisco, CA 94118-3316 philes@compuserve.com Harry A. Jacobsen 848 Coventry Street Boca Raton, FL 33487 (567) 997-0468 36 Harrison Ave Lou Burns Newport, RI 02840-3806 (401) 848-2727 louburns@compusereve.com 96 Indio Drive Paul B. Carr (805) 773-9677 Pismo Beach, CA 93449 72153@compuserve.com 233 S.E.Rogue River Hwy David M. Davies (503) 476-5378 Grants Pass, OR 97527 ddavies@alpronet


PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE What better way to celebrate our Twentieth Anniversary could there be than to spend four nights cruising the Seas around the Bahamas and the Florida Keys? The Sovereign of the Seas is made to put people in a party mood even without an important Birthday Party such as this one which our first Twenty Years offers us. I sincerely hope that each of you who have made TARPA what it is today will come aboard for this Grand Celebration. Time is of the essence. Don't delay. Sign up today. The details and the forms are in this issue of TOPICS. It would make my pleasure celebrating our Twentieth Anniversary far greater if the financial condition of TARPA was rock solid. It isn't. That is why the Regular Meeting of the TARPA board of Directors in March faced up to the fact that a full review of all aspects of the financial problem must be undertaken. The Board of Directors and its Officers took several steps to correct certain parts of our problem and, they made a recommendation for the Membership to act upon at the Convention on the Sovereign of the Seas in September. The kindly founders made certain assumptions about the long-range stability of TARPA, which have been proven faulty. One of those worthy gentlemen, Harry Molder, told me last year, that the concept of Eagle status, which allows a member to forego annual dues after age 75, has not stood the test of time. While our costs have been relatively stable in recent years, dues income has been on the decline. Happily, the primary reason for the decline is that so many members have been reaching Eagle status. Most of them have been rightfully taking advantage of the provision, which allows them to give up the annual dues requirement. We have had success recruiting new members but, the pool of current TWA pilots is smaller than in the past, and this makes it more difficult for us to stay ahead of the power curve. The largest portion of our annual budget is devoted to the TOPICS, and in the simplest terms, a member who reaches the age of seventy five is relieved of dues obligations but, continues to receive TOPICS Moreover, when a member has the misfortune to pass away at any age, his widow continues to receive TOPIC 'S at no charge. It is for these reasons that the TARPA Board of Directors voted unanimously to recommend that the membership, in Convention assembled, amend the by-laws to implement a new dues category for Eagles at Twenty Five Dollars a year. The Board of Directors also implemented several cost cutting moves which are detailed in the report of the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board believes that these measures, along with adoption of our Eagle dues recommendation, will definitely put TARPA on a rock solid financial footing well into the next millennium. The TARPA Board of Directors tries diligently to represent you and your best interests, but if you would like to participate in these important decisions yourself, you must of course come along with all the others to our TARPA Convention 1999. There is another event worthy of note this fall, the Wickenburg Round-up. Two of our most loyal TARPA volunteers, Ben and Didi Young are in charge this year. After sailing with the TARPA Convention `99 on the deep blue brine at the end of September, why not spend a few days at the end of October with TWA friends under Arizona skies. A brochure and sign-up page is included on page 81 of this issue. PAGE 3... TARPA TOPICS... JULY, 1999

In closing, let me make special mention of two dedicated members of TARPA who have Flown West. Joe Brown was President of TARPA in our Tenth Anniversary year. He helped make TARPA what it is in this our Twentieth year. Joe was a convention regular and a good friend to all. He will be remembered fondly. We also lost our longtime friend, and former Flown West Coordinator, Bob Widholm. Everyone knows that Bob was a kind and considerate man with a special sense of humor, which he constantly exercised. He did an outstanding job in the sensitive task of communicating with the bereaved widows and other survivors of our deceased members. I know that they appreciated Bob ' s thoughtful assistance. At the same time, Bob called me often sharing his lighter side, and his corny jokes. Until recently, Bob sent cartoons for TOPICS. That is only a very small indication of his thoughtful nature. Our friend Bob Widholm will be missed.

Fraternally Yours,

PJohn residnt P. Gratz

EDITOR'S NOTE The envelope in which you received this issue of TOPICS is a tangible sign of the cost cutting measures implemented by the Board of Directors as relates to TARPA publications. The use of envelopes to mail TOPICS provides significant savings by itself and, envelopes also offer us the means to include other information with future issues. It is our intention to utilize this advantage to send the Directory early next year. In addition to savings gained by including the Directory in the TOPICS mailing, we intend to make further savings by changing the Directory from the expensive spiral binding of recent years, to a three-hole punched, loose-leaf style. This new format is not being implemented just for the cost savings. It is also in response to the constant changing of our telephone area codes and the mobility and nomadic tendencies of many of our members. These things have made fancy Directories mailed every other year less accurate and perforce, less useful. Using a loose-leaf style, we plan to send a Directory each and every year. We believe that an annual Directory will provide further savings by eliminating the need of including address changes in every issue of TOPICS. Address changes have been taking up an average of over ten pages in every issue. That is time consuming and expensive.


May 14, 1999

Dear Members, Since January I have been busy with the 1999 dues collection cycle; filing the TARPA tax return; and other associated Sec/Treas functions. It was not until February that I had time to do some review of our TARPA fiscal situation. By 1997, we could see that dues income was slowly falling behind actual expenses. The membership addressed this situation in 1998 by raising our dues to $30 per year. This increase was implemented for the dues year 1999. As we end this 1999 cycle we note that many Eagles and Honorees paid. There were also some 183 folks that were sent a post card reminder to pay or `else ' . The decreased income has been predicted by several past officers. The reasons are fairly simple. The replacement rate for new TARPA members has been less than the increased numbers of Eagles and Honorees. My Regrettably this shortfall will reach the maximum by the end of 1999. forecast is that we will end 1999 with between $13000-$17000 in the bank. I suggested at the march BOD meeting that we must initiate some cost saving items. We should suspend scholarship and memorial funding for now, and seek to reduce further our cost of publication. redouble our effort to find new members.

We must

Finally we must face reality and charge our Eagles for the "TOPICS " . This step plus early solicitation of year 2000 dues should buy us some time. All these financial steps will be presented to the members at our 1999 TARPA Convention .

Phil Belisle Secretary/Treasurer


TARPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS ST. LOUIS, MO. 03-09-99 The annual TARPA Board meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M. at the Henry VIII Hotel, TARPA President John P. Gratz presiding. Officers and Directors Present: Robert W. Dedman Robert C. Sherman Lou Burns

Harry A. Jacobsen

Phillip M. Belisle John P. Gratz Paul B. Carr

OFFICERS REPORTS: " Capt. John Gratz reported that the cost of publication of the "TOPICS runs about $11,500 per issue. In the past, dues income was enough to create a small surplus. With a general decrease of income we are now facing a projected financial shortfall. The Board must make some policy changes to rectify this situation Capt. Bob Dedman reported that there were no applicants for the TARPA scholarship. The Virginia Beach convention was a financial success with the return of all the $2500 seed money plus a surplus of $942.90

Capt Bob Sherman indicated continued work on a TARPA E-MAIL tree. Capt. Phillip Belisle circulated the COMMUNITY AMERICA SAVINGS COMMUNITY AMERICA CHECKING TOTAL

TARPA account information currant as of 02-28-99. $47096.95 .01 $ $47096.96

Capt. Lou Burns requested that a replacement be selected for his position of Director.

Resolution 1-99: as follows:

B.I.R. That Article III, Section 1. (on p 96) of the By-Laws be amended

Add after the last sentence: "Those Regular members who, at the beginning of any calendar year have reached their 75th. birthday, and have been members in good standing for at least three consecutive years immediately prior to reaching 75, shall be called EAGLES". B.I.F.R. That a new Section 4 be added to read: SUBSCRIBERS are those who have asked to be added to the mailing list to receive the Topics and Directory same as Regular members. They will not have a vote or other member privileges but may attend conventions.


B.I.F.R. That former Section 4 of Article Ill be renumbered 5, and be amended by deleting the second sentence in its entirety. [reason: To clarify the Eagle as a sub class of Regular membership, put the definition with the subject, and to allow the Policy section, DUES (p 100) to prescribe the dues amount for each class of membership and affiliation.] B.I.F.R That the Policy section, DUES , 1. ( pl00)be amended by replacing the first sentence with: " Annual dues for Regular and Associate members shall be $30.00 per calendar year, except that the annual dues for Eagles and Subscribers shall be $25.00. " Last two sentences to remain the same. Moved Belisle/Seconded Dedman and Sherman /Passed unanimously Resolution 2-99 Whereas dues collection for 1998 and 1999 is delayed because of a later publication date for the November issue of Tarpa Topics. B.I.R. that a special dues mailing be sent in October 1999 to start collection of TARPA dues for the year 2000. Moved Dedman/Seconded Carr/Passed unanimously The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM Submitted,

Phillip M. Belisle Secretary/Treasurer








For Members who are on-line, or soon will be, we have arranged a TARPA Message Board which offers an Instant E-Mail Network. The basis for our system is the TWA Flight Operations web page http://www.twacrew.com. TARPA Members who are still flying, or who have retired within the last five years are familiar with and already have access to that page. For members who have been retired more than five years, it will be necessary to be re-enrolled in the TWA CAMS System. This can be accomplished by sending the EDITOR the following information: PAYROLL NUMBER; FIRST, MIDDLE AND LAST NAME; DATE OF RETIREMENT; LAST DOMICILE, STATUS AND AIRCRAFT. The editor will then arrange to have you re-enrolled and will advise you further on how to log on and use the system. We are continuously looking for ways to make TARPA more interesting to Members and potential Members. We believe that this ability to communicate in the most up to date manner is a step in that direction. There are currently about thirty per cent of our Members who have indicated that they are on-line, but it appears that all of our new members are on-line because they TARPA does not have been using computers regularly in the course of their employment. generate a lot of news but there are certain questions that come our way from time to time which are of general interest. These questions and things such as publication dates of TOPICS and notice of events of interest are likely subjects for the TARPA Message Board. Other uses will surely be found, especially since until now our only means of communication has been the thrice a year TOPICS. Naturally, the decision to sign on to this network is strictly up to each individual Member. However, we hope that most will find it of interest bookmark it to your Favorites.














































































TARPA '99 POST-CONVENTION TOUR "FROM MIAMI TO ATLANTA" Friday, October 1 - Wednesday, October 6, 1999 6 Days/ 11 Meals











ROY W. VAN ETTEN The TWA pilot featured on the cover needs no introduction to the TARPA members, although the photo might need an explanation...it is Roy Van Etten, at the time a MKC-based Copilot and wearing the double-breasted grey uniform of that period (circa 1952). Roy's dedication, tireless work and accomplishments with his ALPA and TARPA activities are legendary. He is a master at getting an important job done: "Master Chairman" is a fitting title for him. Roy is a native of upstate New York where he received his early education. During his college years he lived in Alabama. He majored in Aeronautical Engineering, a background which helped him to be among the first group selected for CPT (Civilian Pilot Training) starting in 1939. In early 1942 he was an engineer with Bell Aircraft and later in the year was a CPT instructor (primary training instructing acrobatics and cross country work). This he continued through 1944, except for one week on duty with the Navy. He washed out because of a medical technicality. Fortunately it wasn't serious because in June of 1945 he passed a TWA (ICD) physical and was accepted as a copilot on the operation. These were the days when a new TWA copilot (on ICD) was assigned and trained as navigator; and he flew in this crew position until a copilot vacancy existed. As it later developed (and a bitter series of arguments), the time served as navigator did not count towards later pilot seniority. In late 1946, there was the TWA pilot strike which was followed by several months of furlough by the junior men. The time on furlough was subtracted from company seniority. As the result of these "adjustments", Roy had a company seniority date of 10/3/45, and pilot date of 12/17/45 for the balance of his TWA career. He was based at MKC during his early years and from 1953 to 1955 as International Relief Officer, based at Wilmington. His domicile was BOS in 1955, when he checked out as Captain on the Martins. In 1972 Roy moved to Las Vegas and flew out of LAX. He retired, at age 60, as a L1011 Captain on 9/26/77. Roy's interest and participation with ALPA activities began long before he was the local LEC Chairman at BOS in 1963 (through September ]1966 ). From 6/23/65 to 6/28/67, he was the MEC Chairman for the TWA pilots, and it was during this time when many of his important accomplishments took place. This was the period when TWA began its military charters across the Pacific, the month-long IAM strike, the final merger agreement of the FEIA with ALPA and an important contract made with the company. It was also, at Roy's insistence, the time when a retirement committee became part of the MEC. TWA wanted to begin (and did start the proving runs) the Pacific without a contract or special agreement with the pilots which would cover special items such as insurance, internment (war zone), etc. Roy personally saw to it that pilots were not available until an agreement was reached. Across the Atlantic the ATC and company agreed to lower the separation of aircraft from 120 to 90 miles (at the same altitudes) against the pilot warnings that it compromised safety (the Doppler system was good, but not that reliable). Once again Roy personally took charge and, per his request, all of the Captains filed flight plans at the same altitude of 28,000' (the 90 mile separation was above 28,000') for an Atlantic crossing. This created an impossible situation for the already overcrowded airway system. The 120 mile separation immediately became the rule again. During the IAM strike, in 1966, TWA continued to operate the military charters and certain training flights (such as recurrent, etc.). Some furloughs were out of seniority, in violation of the pilot contract. After the strike ended there were over 1,000 grievances filed by the pilots and flight engineers. These were


ROY VAN ETTEN settled as a group with about $1,100,000 going to the men affected. In November of that year an unprecedented signing of a new contract was made with TWA...the agreement was made 19 days before the expiration of the old contract and, among other benefits, there was a 13% raise for everybody (Wayne Haggard was Chairman of the Negotiating Committee). Shortly after Phares McFerren retired, in 1967, he complained to MEC about the lack of recognition and representation of the retired group. Roy promptly formed the Retired Pilots Committee, with Phares the Chairman. The retirees now had a voice with the MEC (but no vote). In later years (after he retired) Roy was the Chairman of this Committee. In 1969, Roy was the Chairman of the ALPA (TWA) Organizational Structure Committee. It was no secret that quite a number of the TWA group were dissatisfied with the ALPA head office, including then-President Charles Ruby, and favored forming a TWA union similar to that of American. The TWA pilots were not getting a dollar for dollar share of their dues versus representation, facilities etc. Largely due to Roy's efforts, the TWA MEC was able to obtain an office and a staff in downtown NYC where all of the important records, mail and other data would be handy while negotiating or dealing with company representatives nearby. It would be impossible to state which of the advancements or accomplishments we have benefited the most by Roy's efforts or influence. They were all important at the time. Probably one of his most important letters, dated 10/11/78 (he was then Chairman of the Retired Pilots Committee), was to a number of retired (and a few over age 50) TWA crew members whose addresses were available at the time. This might be considered TARPA's birth certificate. Quoting two paragraphs:

Roy had a 96% favorable response! His next letter, dated 2/25/79, was to announce the first convention to be held in Scottsdale, AZ, from May 30 through June 1 of 1979. At the time a temporary name of "TARPA" was given for the proposed organization. Men had already volunteered, and had been assigned, to the various committees necessary. These included the Hotel Committee (Carl Dowling the Chmn. with Dick Colburn, Gordon Granger & Mitch St.Lawrence), Pilots Trust Annuity (Chmn. John Montgomery with Bob Kadock & Paul McCarty), Fringe Benefits (Chmn. Dave Richwine with Bill Dixon & Bob Manning), Bylaws (Chmn. Ruby Garrett with Arky Ainsworth, Orville Olson & Joe Tunder) and Nominations (Chmn. Phares McFerren with Sam Dietrich, Bill Murphey & Dave Spain). Ten years ago, in 1979, there were 89 interested men who attended the first convention. Nobody liked the title "TARPA", but nobody had a better suggestion. Due to Roy Van Etten ' s foresight, the retired TWA cockpit crews (plus associate and honorary members) now have a group which is considered to be one of the best among similar organizations in the airline industry. Roy, our sincere thanks for another job well done! (submitted by Ed Betts with a lot of help from Wayne Haggard) PAGE 17... TARPA TOPICS... JULY, 1999

HAPPILY MARRIED ON ONLY $140 A MONTH by William Dixon I married June, my small-town sweetheart in Nevada, MO in October 1939. I was the carefree age of 21. Some three years prior to that I had typewritten -- and talked -- myself into a job as a ticket agent with Trans World Airlines in Kansas City, Mo. My starting pay was $90 a month. At the time I was a midterm community college sophomore in need of work. Within two years I got a better job (mostly through winning a route-naming contest) in the public relations department. My salary skyrocketed to $130 a month. Ten months later, when my salary reached $140, June and I optimistically calculated we could afford to get married. I recall that our monthly rent for a small furnished apartment was $33 per month, which included dishes linens and cockroaches. I rode a streetcar to work; we couldn't afford to keep my 1934 Plymouth. When my salary was increased to $160 a month a year later, and after much calculating, we decided we could move to a nicer, furnished apartment in a private home costing $40 monthly. Occasionally we even managed a 50-cent movie and a modest dinner at a downtown cafeteria. When World War II intervened in 1941 June went to work building B-25s. I enlisted in the Air Corps as an aviation cadet and learned to fly. The storybook ending is that I returned to TWA as a copilot, and retired 21 years ago at age 60 as chief pilot for TWA in New York. It hasn't all been peaches and cream, of course, but nothing is. Today our six grandchildren collectively roll their eyes at my (to them incredible) tale: "Married on $140 per month, and with no car.


THE NO-PRESSURE PUTT by Les Woolsey "Do you feel the pressure? It's only about a six-foot putt, but don't forget it's for the money on all eighteen holes and probably the tournament championship." My opponent was trying to needle me a little as I lined up my putt on the last hole of our weekly golf game. '

"No, I don 't really feel any pressure," I replied. "I may make it or I may miss it but pressure won t be much of a factor. If you want to know what pressure is, let me tell you a story after we finish." The story I had in mind, although there are others, began many years ago in Milan, Italy when I was starting the paper work and flight plans for my non-stop flight to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. As a captain on a major international airline I had done this many times, but new problems arising for each flight always require careful consideration. This particular flight turned out to have more than usual. Based on initial weather and flight information I realized that my crew and I would be pushing the limits of the airplane's design capacity, as well as our own skill, to complete a successful flight. We not only faced strong head winds and a very long flight time, we also had a large cargo and a full passenger list. We had to carefully balance the payload weight and the fuel so as not to exceed the gross weight limits for which the airplane was certified. Additional factors to consider as we planned our fuel requirements included the length of the runway, the direction and velocity of wind at take-off, the effect of the temperature on engine performance, the altitude and slope of the runway, and potential obstacles in the initial flight path En route factors included the average wind speed, barometric pressure, and temperature forecast at our planned altitude, as all of these dramatically effect fuel consumption. We also needed to consider the weather forecast at both our original destination and an alternate destination, in case the original became unavailable. Leaving a reasonable margin for safety, I realized that we were placing the airplane at the limits of its design capabilities. We would need every drop of fuel the plane could hold. With all of our computations checked and double-checked, the airplane was fueled to its maximum capacity and the passengers and cargo were loaded. We proceeded to the end of the runway for take-off. Now we all started to feel the pressure. Paper work is one thing, but now lives depended on the accuracy of our calculations, the engineering of the plane, and the skill of the crew. We knew most accidents happen shortly after take-off or shortly before landing. I was confident, however, that everything predictable had been accounted for and that we should not have any problems. Unless, of course, the unpredictable occurred -- for even though there is a safety factor built into all or our calculations, after an airplane has been in operation for many years and several thousand flight hours, performance can be expected to deteriorate by a small but unknown amount. When the maximum performance of the airplane is required, as it would be here, that unknown amount looms large.


Even though we had all been here before, upon receiving clearance for take-off we all felt the tension in the cockpit. As the moment of truth arrived I did what many pilots joke about when their planes are heavily loaded. I came to the end of the runway, pulled back on the control wheel and hoped that plane would fly. It did and as we lifted off and heard the landing gear clunk" into their respective cradles we all breathed a little easier. If someone were graphing the pressure we all felt, the line that had been inching upwards would now have dropped back into a normal range. But not for long! As we were climbing out on course and passing through about 5000 feet we received a call from Air Traffic Control. We learned that we would not be able to continue our original direct route over France as the French Traffic Controllers had picked that moment to go out on strike. "Please advise us of your intentions," was the request. We scrambled to plan an alternate route--if possible one that would allow us to safely continue to our destination without a stop for fuel. Our original route passed over the northern tip of Italy and the center of France direct to the southern tip of England. Most transatlantic flights originate or terminate their ocean crossing at this point in southern England, known as the "gateway." Air Traffic Control essentially ends at this point as there is no radar coverage across the North Atlantic. I decided that our best plan was to proceed along a new, lengthier route to the "gateway," heading straight to Portugal and then up the western coast of Europe, bypassing France, to England. We would then proceed across the North Atlantic and down the eastern United States into JFK. Upon arriving at the "gateway " in England we could check our fuel and crossing time to determine if we could safely cross the Atlantic without refueling. We arrived at the " gateway" almost one hour later than our original flight plan, but after looking at current weather forecasts and computing our fuel needs I decided we could still safely continue to JFK. Boston was our alternate landing site. I also added Bangor Maine as an alternate in case our fuel ran low, as it was even closer than Boston. With this plan in mind we departed the tip of England and headed for one of our three destinations. We carefully monitored our progress and remaining fuel as we proceeded. About two hours into the Northern Atlantic crossing, facing much stronger head winds than forecast, we realized we were seriously cutting into our fuel reserves. As I considered our alternatives, we received another radio message. The weather front forecast earlier to stay considerably west of JFK was moving faster than expected. New forecasts projected that the bad weather would arrive at JFK at exactly the same time as our flight. We also learned that air traffic congestion at Kennedy was such that planes were already lined up in holding patterns waiting their turn to land. We had no fuel to spare in a holding pattern. Based on all this information I knew we could not even try for Kennedy. We headed for Boston, still safely reachable. The accuracy of our information, navigation, and calculations, was now becoming crucial. We continued listening for the latest weather and traffic information at Boston and watching our fuel carefully. The line on our "pressure graph" climbed steadily upward. As we approached the eastern seaboard, weather at Boston continued to deteriorate. Our Boeing


Intercontinental 707 needed a minimum 200-foot ceiling and a half-mile of visibility to land at this airport. Weather at Boston's Logan airport was beginning to approach these minimums Under these conditions, if I broke out of the cloud ceiling at exactly 200 feet I had three seconds to determine if I was lined up properly with the runway and in position to effect a safe landing. After those three seconds I would not be able to pull up fast enough to avoid hitting the ground regardless of what I did or where I was in relation to the runway. Things happen fast at 160 miles per hour. With fuel running low, we were well into our descent and lining up with the runway by instruments when we received another message from the tower. The weather had deteriorated to the point where we now had the exact ceiling and visibility requirements necessary to attempt a landing. A quick check with the flight engineer and copilot determined that we could only make one attempt to land at Boston and still have enough fuel to get to Bangor if we failed to complete our landing. Since the weather was holding at Bangor, I decided to make that one attempt. Flying through dense clouds completely by instrument, I could not look out for even a moment to try to determine when we broke through the ceiling. At times waves of clouds will roll across a runway, cutting the ceiling and visibility to zero; at other times a break in the clouds affords an extra second or two to line up correctly. I hoped we would encounter the latter. Although he knew the procedure well I still felt the need to instruct the co-pilot to tell me immediately when he saw the runway. That sighting, presumably at about 200 feet, would begin our three-second countdown. Thousands of hours of practice, training, and testing of ability, go into ensuring that a landing such as this one can be made safely. Nevertheless, at times like these airline pilots feel they can earn a month's salary in a few minutes. The pressure line on our theoretical graph was about to go off the top of the page. When we reached the 200-foot mark the instruments indicated we were lined up perfectly with the runway, but we still could not see it. The ceiling had taken a momentary dip below 200 feet, but we could not be sure just how much of a dip. A couple of long seconds later the co-pilot spotted the runway lights. We saw, to our great relief, that we were m proper position. We made a normal landing. After refueling we proceeded to JFK where the weather and traffic congestion had improved considerably. This portion of the flight was thankfully routine and the pressure line on the graph eased down to practically zero--about where it was when I was lining up the putt on the golf course. Lining up a putt is no pressure at all compared to lining up a fully loaded airplane with an almost empty fuel tank on a runway you can't see? Yes, I made the putt.


Ball Turret B-17 Adendum

April 13, 1999

Charles Davis 1420 N. Jameson Lane Santa Barbara, CA 93108 805-9690980

Dear John, This is not the B-17 that played a major role in "Ball " Turret. However it was subjected to the same clandestine activities upon arrival at my base. I flew it on most of my missions and never experienced an enemy fighter attack. Could anyone shoot holes in such a divine creation? Black Dog


Wing Man by Dick Davis The coastline is in sight just ahead. We have been in the air for about an hour and a half climbing slowly, leveling off at about 18,000'. We are the "high cover", sixteen dark blue Grumman F6F-5s. that make up Fighting Squadron Twelve, (VF-12). Below, at about 12,000 feet there are 16 more F-6's, armed differently, that make up Fighter/Bombing Squadron 12, (VBF-12). At 10,000' the 16 Curtiss SB2C dive-bombers, Bombing Squadron 12, (VB-12) are bunched up nicely. Air Group 12 is based aboard the USS Randolph, CV-15, an Essex class carrier. There are strike groups off three other carriers that make up Task Force 58, but none of them are in sight. Our group (VF) is made up of four flights of four aircraft. Two leaders and two wingmen in each flight. The lead flight is led by LTCDR Mike Michaelis , USN, who is in command of Air Group 12 and this operation. The last group of four is led by Lt. "Benny" Benson, USNR, (Jacksonville, FL), the Executive Officer of VF12. His wingman, Ensign Stan Davidson, USNR, (Franklin, IN), "the oldest flying Ensign in the navy". He is 32. The second section of this last group is led by Lt. "Dawg" Defter, USNR, (Burton, KS), his eyes are constantly bloodshot and bleary as though suffering from a continuous hangover. He does not drink however. His wingman is me! Ensign "Rich" Davis, also USNR, (Pawtucket, RI), and in this case "tail end Charlie". I have flown "wing" on Dawg for nearly a year, all through training in the states and his maneuvers no longer surprise me. He will pull out from his ground attacks at 1500 feet - by the book. During aerial fracases I slide around behind Dawg whatever he does. As he goes about the business of winning the war, he does not like being distracted by someone sneaking up behind him. My job - watching Detters backside. When we land he will ask, "where were you?" and I will say "right behind you". It never varies At the moment my primary job is searching the skies for unfriendlies. There is nobody behind me and I have some room to move about without causing a collision. I have good eyesight and am properly motivated for this duty. Over the target now, the group starts a slow circle and the VBF squadron peels off into their dive. They will suppress any ground fire. Pretty - just like the movies. The dive-bombers follow them down. I see Mike Michaelis roll over and start down. Here we come! If it all goes according to plan, the whole attack, 48 planes, should last only three or four minutes. Of course by now everybody on the ground is wide awake and by the time "Dawg" rolls over they all have found something to do. In the dive I find a target, trigger off six 5" rockets, look around for Dawg and find him directly over me. About twenty or thirty feet away. I can see the smoke and hear his six 50 caliber guns firing. I wait for him to pull up, and then, abruptly, he is gone. Looking forward, I am damn near on the ground. This time he has pressed his attack. My pullout is spectacular. The G-suit strangles my legs and punches me in the stomach and everything goes gray despite modern science. Something goes by the right side, fast - - TREES — PEOPLE -- and then I am climbing out,


looking for Dawg. On the way back to the ship the airplane is funny, something is wrong, and it is awhile before I find it. The skin on the upper wing surface is wrinkled. The flaps will extend only half way and they stick in that position. The wings are bent! Most naval aviators have a soft spot in their heart for Mr. Leroy Grumman. I do! The airplane came aboard almost normally although the wings would not fold. There is no room aboard ship for a disabled aircraft. The plane captain salvaged the clock for me, (I still have it) and then helped the deck crew push number 32 off the portside elevator. It was still floating upside down when last seen. Tomorrow, another airplane, and we will go do it again. Benny and Dawg died long after the war and Stan a few years back, of old age I guess. If there is such a place, some day I will run into an angel with bloodshot eyes. He will look at me and say, "where were you? "

Grumman F6F Hellcat

Curtiss SB2C Helldiver


By Hank Gastrich 291 JAMACHA ROAD Apr 52 EL CAJON, CA 92019-2386 TEL/FAX - 619-401-9969 e-mail: hankflew@aol.com "Tho I've belted you and flayed you, by the livin' Gawd that made you, you're a better man than I am Gunga Din!" The combination of a ten-minute discourse on Joseph Rudyard Kipling and a ten-page paper as to whether he was racist resulted in an "A" for the semester in English 222, otherwise known as British Literature, for yours truly. Considering I also became an Eagle on March 22nd, in age at any rate, the official citing is effective in 2000, 1999 so far has been more than a little momentous for me. Even as I write, my Business 120 professor is grading my final exam in that course and if that total is high enough, Business 120 might be an "A" for the semester also. Now if I can get this page finished and to jpg in the overnight mail by five o'clock , the July grapevine will be wrapped up and there will be nothing I have to do until the summer semester starts in late June. Rather a pleasant thought! I spent part of this day chauffeuring my 18 year old grandson to burn therapy at Kaiser Permanente with a stop afterward at "ye olde Lahaina Cafe" in Mission Beach. Nick Battista, #3 grandchild and grandson `fell' into a bon fire on Fiesta Island five weeks ago and came very near to being roasted. His entire left arm had first degree burns, his right arm and parts of his face and neck second degree. Nick is a very lucky young man! He spent nearly two weeks in the hospital and expects to be partially hampered through a recovery period expected to last most of the rest of the century. After Nick's physical therapy at the hospital I thought it might be in order to give the inner man a treat so we each had a hamburger on the patio of the Lahaina Cafe. It is still early for the summer tourist trade to peak, but, the viewing was decidedly peek, er, make that peak. Girls are sure getting taller as well as pointier! ! Incidentally, a full semester of British Literature has served me well. I was hoping to be able to talk like Cary Grant at course end, and while I never achieved that goal, some of the English quality has rubbed off on me. The other afternoon, sitting at a table at the Quad I noticed Andrea en route to join me. Instead of signaling her approach by calling out, "Hey, look at the Bod on the broad at 12 o'clock" I found myself saying, "Hark! Yonder cometh Andrea." I understand those English dudes said, "hark" a lot. Rather gentile, agreed? Hokay (I've also picked up a bit of a Spanish accent!) The bottom of the page approacheth and I must hie myself to the post office, to send this on to you gentlemen. Only one more issue of the TOPICS and an entire century will have come to a close. guten abends and see ya later, alligator!


Au revoir, adios, ciao,


(answers at bottom of next column) 1.Do they have a 4th of July in England? 2.How many birthdays does the average man have? 3.Some months have 31 days, how many have 28? 4.How many two-cent stamps are there in a dozen? 5.A clerk in a butcher shop is 5'10" tall What does he weigh?

If life were fair, Elvis would still be alive and all the impersonators would be dead! Halfway through a fish burger you realize you may be eating a slow learner. What if the person who thought up Muzak thinks up something else? If it weren't for electricity we'd be watching TV by candlelight. Have you ever noticed - anyone going slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty. Sometimes I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. If all of the world is a stage, where is the audience seated?

ARE WE NOT COMMUNICATING? A man spoke frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" the emergency operator asked. "No, you idiot!" the man shouted. "This is her husband!" WILL THE REAL DUMMY PLEASE STANDUP? AT&T fired their President and CEO after nine months, saying he lacked "intellectual leadership." He received a $26 million severance package!!! Who lacks intelligence?

A man walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip from each one in turn. When he finishes them, he orders three more and the bartender asks him, "You know, a pint goes flat after I draw it. It would taste better if you bought one at a time. " Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is in America, the other is in Australia, and I'm here in Dublin. When we all left home, we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank together." The bartender admits this is a nice custom and the Irishman becomes a regular in the bar, always drinking the same way. One day he comes in and orders only two beers. All the regulars notice and fall silent, thinking he has lost one of his brothers. When the bartender offers condolences, the Irishman thinks a minute and then laughs. "Oh no," he says, "everyone's fine. I've just promised my wife I'd quit drinking."

Answers to Densa quiz: 1.Yes, every calendar has a 4th of July. 2.One - when he is born. 3. All 12 months have 28 days. 4. Twelve 5. Meat, what else?



Not everyone does crossword puzzles. The correct answers for the questions on this page are guaranteed to enhance your knowledge because even if you were to say," Why am I wasting 1 time on this. It's stupid!" I would reply, "See! You're getting smarter already!"


The hundred years did not last 100 years. Listed below are ten questions, nine of which are incorrect if you accept what is written.

1. There are________ ways to make change for a dollar.

1. How long did the 100 years war last?

2. The average person ' s left hand does_______% of the typing.


Which country


Panama hats?

% of the world's eggplant is grown 3. From which animal do we get catgut? 3. in New Jersey. 4. The names of________states are listed across the top of the $5 bill. 5. A cat has_______

muscles in each year.

4. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? 5. What is a camel's hair brush made of?

6. A dragonfly has a life span of________hours. 7. A goldfish has a memory span of_____ seconds.

6. The Canary Islands are named after what animal? 7. What was King George VI's first name?

8. A dime has________ridges around the edge. 9. The average person falls asleep in_____ minutes.

8.What color is a purple finch? 9.From where do Chinese gooseberries come?

10. There are_______dimples on a regulation golf ball. 10.How long did the Thirty Years war last? A- 56

B- 7 C- 3 D- 293 E- 32

F- 67

G- 336 H- 50 I- 118 J- 24 Answers can be found on another page of the GRAPEVINE




Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things! One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor! What's another word for synonym? Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?

From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. W. Churchill Even if you learn to speak correct English, to whom are you going to speak it. C Darrow A witty saying proves nothing.


A man stumbles up to the only other patron in the bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. "Why of course," said the man! This conversation follows: "Where are you from?" "I'm from Ireland, " "You don't say, so am I. What school did you go to?" "St. Mary's - graduated in 1982!" "Well I'll be - so did I." About that time another man comes in and says to the bartender, "What ' s been going on?" The bartender answers, "Not a lot - the O'Malley twins are drunk again!"

Takeoffs are optional - landings are mandatory. If God meant men to fly he ' d have given them more money! Flying is not dangerous - crashing is! It's easy to make a small fortune in aviation - start with a large one! Gravity never loses - the best you can hope for is a draw.

Drawing on my fine command of language, I will say nothing. Gastrich Barbie's life size measurements would be 39-23-33! (shouldn't her name be WOWIE?). Working vacation Pretty Ugly State worker Legally drunk Act naturally Airline Food Alone together Military Intelligence Small crowd Genuine imitation Found missing Resident alien Exact estimate Good Grief "Now, then ..." Plastic glasses Rap music Clearly misunderstood Government organization

There are two credit cards for every person in the United States. An iguana can stay underwater for 28 minutes. The first toilet ever shown on TV was on "Leave It To Beaver " Emus cannot walk backward



THE GOOD THE BAD and THE UGLY GOOD: You're hubby and you agree to have no more kids. BAD: You can't find your birth control pills. UGLY: Your daughter's borrowed them! GOOD: Your husband understands fashion. BAD: He's a cross-dresser. UGLY: He looks better than you! GOOD: Your son is finally maturing. He's involved with the woman next BAD: door. UGLY: So are you! GOOD: The postman's early. BAD: He's wearing fatigues and carrying an AK47 UGLY: You gave him nothing for Christmas! GOOD: Your wife's not talking to you. BAD: She want ' s a divorce. UGLY: Her new friend is a lawyer! UGLY: So are you! : Your wife's nota talking to you. BAD: She wants a divorce. UGLY: Her new boyfriend's a lawyer! GOOD: The postman's early. BAD: He's wearing fatigues and carrying an AK47 UGLY: You gave him nothing for Christmas

Math Made Easy (Answers) 1.293 ways to make change for a buck What if it wasa Susan B Anthony buck? 2.The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing. I use two fingers - does that mean my left finger does 56% of the work? 3.Two-thirds of the egg plants come from NJ (how many few eggheads from Princeton?) 4.All 50 states are listed 5.A cat has 32 muscles in each ear 6.A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours 7.A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds (No doubt discovered with funds granted by Congress!!!) 8.A dime has 118 ridges around the edge (That's why a car with great brakes can stop on one-like a grooved runway) 9.The average person falls asleep in seven minutes (Why is it faster in church?) 10.There are 336 dimples on a golf ball (And after I slice it - one huge smile!) The World's Easiest Quiz (Answers) 1. 116 years - from 1337 to 1453 2. Ecuador 3. Sheep and horses 4. November - the Russian calendar was 13 days behind ours 5. Squirrel fur 6. The Latin name was Islandia Canaris - the island of the dogs 7. Albert when he came to the throne he respected Queen Victoria's wish that no future king would ever be called Albert 8. Brown 9. New Zealand 10. Thirty years - of course!





Flemington, NJ

Dear Hank, Just a short note to thank you for the work you do in getting the TARPA Grapevine together. I look forward to each issue. I have included an article that appeared [Newark Star Ledger] about my new airplane. It is wonderful and I have wanted one for more than 10 years. Thanks to ALPA's work in the retirement financial area, I can now have one. It is keeping me focused while I go through the transition from active to retired. Yours truly.

Hellooo , Richard and thanks for the picture of and the information on your Partenavia D68C-TC. Thanks also for the lengthy and very informative Star-Ledger article. The picture of you and Margaret (and your airplane) appears below. Ed's Note: The truth is, Dick's letter puts a tear in my eye. He flew copilot with me ... I thought a few years back, but if he is now retired, that then, must have been in another century and that thought too puts a tear in the other eye; two more issues and it will have been! Here's Richard, spouse Margaret and his a little like an Aero Commander {with an Italian accent}.

Dick Siano, Margaret Siano, Partenavia D68C-TC




Fort Collins, CO

Dear Capt. Belisle, Enclosed is my check for the 1999 TARPA dues. B.K. and I always enjoyed TARPA TOPICS and I would like to continue receiving it. Keith loved his job and has many friends with TWA. I appreciate the kind notes I have received since his death. Thank you all. Sincerely, Louise Stuessi Ed's Note: One of the really good things that happened to me was flying (1649's) with B K. Once at IND he let me make three approaches before we finally saw the runway (no you wise guys, it was lower than 500 and 1) and landed. THAD MAY

Greensboro, AL

Dear Hank, Thanks much for your call a few nights ago. It was most rewarding to hear from you as well as from Jim Mock. At the time you called, I was alone and my wife (who is in good health) was in MKC visiting 10 of our 15 grand children. I had just fallen in my workshop and caught myself with my right elbow. I don't know if I mentioned before but I have developed Parkinson's Disease. I just lost my balance and ended up on the concrete floor of the workshop before I knew it. That's (loss of balance) is one of P D's symptoms. However, I'm much better now. Sincerely, Thad May Any day I talk to Thad Day is for me one helluva day. DEAN CARTER

Honolulu, HI

Enjoy TARPA very much - thanks for the good work! Keeps me in touch with old friends.

Dean Carter




Cream Ridge, NJ

Dear Hank: I missed you at Virginia Beach first TARPA Convention it was good fun and I plan to go again./ Just spent some time at a really good place for pilots - the PAUL GARBER Preservation & Restoration Center not far from the Smithsonian in DCA. We saw about 100 of their 135 planes. Many are being restored for the new museum to be at Dulles Airport in 2003 - a date that has been slipping. I was happy to see a P-51, F-86 and F-100 and was told the Connie at IAD will be a TWA plane. They are restoring many, including a Jap plane carried in a submarine, built specifically to bomb the Panama Canal. They had the full sized photo of Paul Tibbets and crew - who were going to be labeled "War Criminals" standing by the Enola Gay - until folks realized whose side they were on in WWII. We visited Hiroshima last fall. We also visited Bridge on the River Kwai outside Bangkok a couple of years ago where 100,000 people lost their lives. Phone number for the Garber facility is 202-357-1400 and a tour takes 3 hours. Three 51-s Flying Low I finally got out of the travel business last summer - it was beyond dismal by then. Deregulation has made the big airlines bigger (glad my son is with UAL) and has screwed up airfares along with making air travel a study in frustration. If it is less than 300 miles, I usually drive. My B&B has brought many new and interesting folks to Cream Ridge and they pay to stay here. Some even want to hear war stories ... Making three or four beds and then hanging sheets out to dry is just enough morning exercise. I mess with the organic farm the rest of the day and travel a lot in winter - just spent part of a week at Ocean City, MD with a group of REAL farmers at their convention. Some of them are almost as pilots ... I stay busy with Rotary - flew TWA to Santo Domingo in early January to check out an orphanage we have been supporting. Want a good, SAFE vacation - try the Dominican Republic. The South Side is much warmer in winter. Beaches are NOT typically Caribbean! Jim Schmitt Thanks James and good to get what could stand as an example of a really good letter to the GRAPEVINE - a lotta good info on "what' you are up to and just enough `bitchin' to convince me you aren't becoming senile. I found that interesting about making beds - since you're an expert on the subject - Mary Lee passed away 14 years ago - it's about time my bed should be made wouldn't you say? (Hey! That's the first time I've used `made' and `my bed' in the same sentence in a helluva while!)



Abaco. Bahamas


William W. Burgner

Man of War Cay Abaco, Bahamas 31 March 1999 Dear Hank:

Perhaps the enclosed photo is not new to you and some other of our members but it sure was to me. We live on a small island of about 250 families. I was in a small gift shop which also sells home made bread the other day for bread and noticed the March calendar behind the counter. The pilot squating down was easy to recognize as Frank Busch but I couldn ' t recognize the other pilot or the hostess. Can anyone elso? You will notice the caption on the March page shows the photo was from 1950 and states that war veterans with a new level of disposible income caused a boating boom! I Didn't get a boat until about twenty years later! I thought I would send it along to the Grapevine for your interest. Do with it what you like. I don't need it back. I sure appreciate TARPA NEWS and the efforts of you and the rest of the gang to publish it.

All the best, William Burgner I remember in fact I wore the gray uniform when I Thanks for the picture of "yesterday. first came to TWA in the early fifties. I also remember the `blue' hostess uniform (with red lettered TWA) but they never let me fly very often with hostesses that pretty. I am putting the picture on the next page hoping whoever is in it will respond - to you or me. That is, assuming he is still able to respond. I can't see his sleeve but I'm wondering if he might have been the flight engineer - but he does look familiar. Familia but nameless! "






Reno, NV

Capt. Phil Belisle, Secretary - Treasurer TARPA 3145 Geary Blvd., Box 705 San Francisco, Ca. 94118-3300 Dear Phil, Just realized I have not received a TARPA magazine lately nor a billing for the new year. The fault is mine as retirement has kept me busy and moving. My big change for this year is that I am living on board my boat currently based in Ensenada, Mexico. I have a forty two foot Grand Banks which I purchased last fall. I plan to stay down there until it gets to hot and then head north returning to the Alaskan panhandle. Make a monthly trip up to Oceanside, Ca. as I am currently the Commander of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla based there. It's interesting as there is a C.G. cutter there also and we get to work hand in hand with them. Often think of the many TWA friends, wishing them well. Check is enclosed for the current years dues. If it's gone up, let me know. Sincerely,

Ken Willrich


Atlanta, GA


Captain Hank Gastrich: Dear Hank: I look at my log book to remember the dates and times.. We do all the necessary things in operations and as we board for take-off the crew room looks like the stock room of a small general store...Captain Butler casts a look around and remarks that it may be possible to get the ship into the air as we had only six thousand feet of runway at Washington National...the manifest shows overload...sixty eight thousand five hundred pounds, our gas load is for Bermude. All is normal , except Captain Butler has invited a Army engineer to come along with us as he has said he has never been to Paris and he had some time off and he would like to see the city of light...The Captain asks...how much money do you have to spend, and do you have any thing you can trade when we get to Paris...the answer is little money and no thing to trade...SO...now follow this The captain goes to the mess hall... comes back with the following...50# of rice ...half case of apples...half case of can milk...now to the PX...one case of Cammy soap (100 bars) one box mars milky ways...about a dozen cartons of cigaretts...all for our guest to bargan with when we get to Paris. We arrive in Paris...We park out at the end of the runway...too much trade items to unload to go to the terminal...The Captain collars an airport worker who has a pickup truck, which he can not drive into the city...We unload all the items onto the truck and drive into Paris...We get a suite at the hotel St-Honor just off Vendome Sguare...Next AM about ten or so Captain Butler calls up the doorman, explains that we have some things we need to turn into cash...when the doorman sees what we have he tells us he will have to make contact with several others to raise that much cash...he returns somewhat later...we dicker ...we end up with two hundred forty one thousand franks...the weather is closed in ...we will have plenty of time to spend-spend-spend...the phone rings.., the weather will clear...be at the field five PM. PAGE 37... TARPA TOPICS... JULY, 1999


(page 2)

Now...have you ever had just a few hours to spend a lot of cash?...sensibly that is. My share of all this was about... $

3,600.00 US...I did reasonable well...Perfume, fine leather goods

and such. The flight home was uneventful


This was my sixth flight as first navigator on TWA-ICD North Atlantic Run.

The other crew members were...R.W.Davis, Co-

pilot...J.L.Hendrickson, Radio Operator...G.J. Pasquale,? I am enclosing other information that I hope will help to locate some of the crew members that I have not been able to find I don't have the names of the crews on some of the flights as you will see. On the enclosed "Information for Grapevine" sheet you will see under comments to improve grapevine I have suggested that TARPA could be very helpful

in locating ICD crew members so those of

us who wanted to could correspond with old friends...A form could be included in TARPA that members could use to inform TARPA of nonmembers that were part of the crews on ICD...anyhow you know what I mean. I hope this story and all of the enclosed will be of some interest to you Captain and all the rest of the gang that makes TARPA what it is. And last but not least...back to Captain Butler...did anyone ever tell you about the time Captain Butler was sent to India to bring home a war-weary B-17?...It HILARIOUS!

Best Regards:

Richard A. Stettner

Ed's Note: Great story Dick and whoever said Hemingway had died was fibbing - he just moved to Atlanta. And what an excellent log book you kept. I thought I kept a pretty good log (lost in a house fire in New Jersey in 1967) but after seeing yours, I would have thrown mine into a fire! And hey guys, talk about "pioneering" TWA's international routes, Richard here is one of the guys who helped us get them. On the page of his log you see, only Bermuda did not become a TWA stop and all this in a DC-4. Thanks again.



Atlanta, GA


Captain Hank Gastrich: Dear Hank: Seening the photo on page 34 of the March 1999 TARPA Topics brought back a memory that I shall never forget. The old "54" cockpit...you can plainly see the old "Dash" where a lot of things got put. Well!... on one flight (Oh yes, I was the navigator) I don't remember which, we were out of Washington on the way to the Azores. The copilot had a liking for chocolate covered cherries and he had picked up a CAN of them and about midway of the flight he opened the can and began to eat...puting the can on the dash within easy reach. Well, my next shot ahowed us about ten miles or so south of course...one hour later we were 50 miles south of course... I immediately gave the Captain a course correction and was trying very hard to figure out just why we were where we were when I happen to look up and see the Coplit take the cherry can from the dash for another cherry and as He did I saw the compass swing almost twenty degrees to the correct reading (Remember where the compass was in the 54?) Mystery SOLVED...I have told this story many times...it is only one of my many fond memories of my time with TWA-ICD as a navigator on the North Atlanti run One other thing....do you know who Tony the Tiger (advertizes for Kellog's frosted flakes) the voice that is ...IS...He is none other than Thurle Ravenscroft who was my navigation instructor when I came to TWA (February to August 1945) I found this out when a local TV station had a short biography on Thurle...I spoke to Thurle a short time after...Thurle must be 85 or 86 now. I wish you could get him to join TARPA. The other letter enclosed is about my most remembered trip Best Regards

Richard A. Stettner



J OHN J. WITTEN 2449 Saranac Lane Glenview, IL 60025-1060 (847) 564-0315 February 25, 1999

Captain Phillip M. Belisle Secretary-Treasurer 4325 Geary Box 705 San Francisco, CA 94118

Dear Phil, I jus bought one of them thar compter things. It is wunerful. It can chuck spellin an othre stuf. Sum dae I'm a gunna take out the bok oon all the thins it could due. Its got a dicktionerry and thisareus fer lookin up them that bigwerds like a EroPlane. Got my copy of TARPA , and as allways its grate too reed about sumof the fellas eye rmember flyin wit. I kin recal this one guy in particalar. We had flied togedder fer a hole month. Well, he flowed the airplane and eye'd pull on the gear handle and flap lever when he told me two. An eye got too talk on that thar wirless. Butt only when he told me too. I musta dun a good job on the gear and flaps, cus he said eye cud fly it to Cheecago. Oh yes, it was the last leg frum SAN Franciso to Cheecago for the maonth. Eye was sew damn excited. As eye can remeembr it, it was wun of them thar 808 or 088 or 88's, bilt by consolidated Airplane co., Inc. One of its bigest feetures was the mount of smoke it maid on takeoff. The guy behind ewe could always plan on a real minimum visibility, actual instrument, takeoff. Eye of fen wundered if the runway was below them 1/4 mile or rvr limits them weather folks used ta talk bout in groun schul.


Ass I kin recoleck, it was one oh them airplanes, that unless you putt ure foot through the radome when a motor stopped on takeoff, ewe would find urseif usin the edge of the runaway as the centerline, an you'd cause the taxpayer to bye a lot more oh them runaway lites. Back to the takeoff, he screamed ROTATE!!!, an I pulled back on the wheel, well not really, cause the capin's knuckles were white. I was jus pretendin. Bout 500 feat, da departure guy said something about turnin left to a headin of 270 when we left 3000 feat. Eye guess he thught we was gonna fly two Wakakai Beech. The capin yelled at me to start the turn as he rolled the wheel to the left. Cept my needles said I was only at bout 1000 feat. I luked at his gage an sure nuff, he was already going thru 3000 feat. Seemed to me that thar were hills to my left and if in eye turned two soon, their wood be a lot of noise and commotion. Sure nuff I looked too my lef and their was this hill. As eye pointed to it, and just as we went above it, this here guy on the to weigh radio was screaming "don't turn. " Eye guess he figerd that since we had a airplane that was goin to Cheecago he'd rather have us make a turn two the east, cause he turned us to a oh nine oh heading. Bout now the capin was turnin purpul, an shoutin that I'd set in that there rong # $% & @**"% altameter settin, but it looked good two me. When eye asked him watt his height gage said. He yelled in a now super-alto voice, "its yur %$* %@# *%)*& altimeter that's off. " &*% $%# *&* ewe, ewe didn't cross chuck. Sew eye leaned over and looked at his gage, an eye'll be dagggone, it had the same little burometric numbers as mine did. When eye tryed to point this out too him, he'd just yell at me about the chuck list. He then turned pale green and moaned bout how he was gonna have to appear before sum civil air reg board, fer his breakin a rule, cause I screwed up. Well we talked to the man on the to weigh radio again. Eye really shuldn't say we, cus be was doin all the talkin, an he sure didn't need a radio cause I think the man in the buildin on the ground culd here him without the radio.


Anyweigh, the man on the ground finally asked if he would tell him how Hi we were. The capin said, "8000 feat." My gauge showed 6000 ft. But my capin had told me "your altameters wrong." The man on the ground told us to fly up too 9000 thousand feat and stop. Then he said "Don't go no faster than 240 nuts." I asked the capin who's altimeter we shud use? "MINE, %$#&*%#(@ it." Then he hollered, "Eye got it!" He then pushed hard on that wheel when his altimeter said 9000 feat. And I'll bet it was the first time that passengers and hostesses got a true feelin of waitlessness. I mean if they didn't have their seatbelts tight they'd be a floatin to the ceilin. I aksed the capin if maybee we should use my altimeter, since some of the hills out hear were higher than 9000 feat. He said sumpin, but all I could unnerstand was the swearin part. The rest was garbled bout regs and rule breakin. Bout that time the man on the ground asked why we didn't climb to 9000 feat. Eye' figured eye'd let him answer since he was doin all the flyin and talkin. He yelled, "tell him we are at 9000 feat." Which eye promptly did. This guy on the ground with the too weigh radio said, my reeding shows 7000 feat. The pilot looked at my gage and said "%$# &*%"$# it He then he pulled back on the wheel and we went up to 11,000 feat, on his gauge. The guy on the ground said "Roger, you are now at 9,000 feat." My capin said we don't know who's height gage is right. So he ask to verify it again. The man on the ground said, I'm readin 9,000 feat. To which my capin said "well my altimeter reads 11,000 feat so we must be at 11,000." The man on the ground said he was going to have an airplane just behind us, pull off to our right about a mile, and we could compare height readins. As he pulled up next to us, the pilot of the big white airplane with a blue ball on its tail, said altimeter readins shows 9,000 feat." Well we finally got to thirty some thousand feat and Cheecago.



Soon as the plane came to a stop my capin went to that there chef pilot and told him about the flight. A couple a days later, the chef pilot called me in. We discussed the flight. He told me he'd contacted maintenance and they'd report their findins. Bout a weak later he called me and told me the maintenance folks advised him that the a small gear in the capin's altimeter had broken during rotation and his altimeter had jumped immediately to 2,000 feet. I ran into that capin some later and asked him about that flight. I'd only have to make a thousand of these %^&$*##@&%$*&""+#%^$#% to repeat his remarks. Have a nice day.

Ed's Note: A-nice-a letter John, only between us'n, I'm thinkin TaRRpa gonna be sore when I bill dem for a nu computator. When my litle ol spel-chekker gotta hole of this, nuttin much hoppend ' for a fu secunds and then I herd a `poppin and a coffin noise and smoking strated kum,in from under the picture to oob. Eye tride to fether it but the shakin maid it hard (t9he computator) and I mite have poooshed on da rong buton. this Signtifffic age is sumpn tho, isn't it/




Haven't moved but after all these years I have been assigned a street address. Best regards to you and all the gang that does such a good job for all of us. TARPA TOPICS is a fantastic publication. clancy@eoni.com Scottsdale, AZ


TARPA TOPICS just keeps on getting better as the years go by. My hat is off to all the guys listed on page 2. It's a real pleasure to keep informed on what the guys are doing that you worked with in the past. Thanks for your efforts. Con Eroen San Jose, CA


Dear Friends, Kin, et al After selling our house on Hampton Drive the last of September we have finally moved into our new condo at the Villages. In the meantime we were fortunate to have enjoyed the hospitality of the family of daughter Jan's family in Monterey County for five months. The following address is the latest and the last for us. Please use these addresses (includes e-mail) for budnlucy@yahoo.com any correspondence: Bud & Lucy Elliott budnlucy@ix.netcom.com 2041 Folle Blanche Drive San Jose, CA 95135-1251 Tel: 408-238-1468 Largo, FL


A little late but I'm sure it will get to you somewhere. I'm still in good health - golf Monday-Wednesday- Friday at 0715, There are about 12 of us left and we still use senior tees. The magazine is great. Regards,

Prescott, AZ


Dear Phil, Talked to you at TARPA. There has been small change to my Prescott address. Am enclosing $30.00 to help with expenses. Fun to be an Eagle after being a turkey for years. Want you to know my voice is back to 80%. Do you remember at TARPA I could only whisper. It Fraternally yours, repaired itself, like the glitches in a 747. Lemauris "Lee" Butler


GRAPEVINE (CONT ' D) WE GET LETTERS CLARENCE PAHL Saratoga, CA Dear Phillip, Even though I'm XMPT I'll follow the lead of predecessors and make my contribution anyway because I very much enjoy the TOPICS! Slim Pahl BETTY ANDREWS

Lecanto, FL

Dear Hank, A note to thank you for putting in the picture and article about Fritz Jenkins, Art Schmidt, and Dick Schmidt. They were surprised and delighted to see it. Fritz and Art are seeing each other frequently and enjoy their talking over the "Good Old Days." Fritz wonders how many of the old boys are still around? Thank you again Hank, Betty Andrews (not Anderson) Ed's Note: Thanks for the letter updating Fritz and the Schmidts. Sorry I got your name wrong Kitty, but bear with me - I'm no longer the youngest kid on the block! STUART LEIGH

Albuquerque, NM

Dear Capt. Belisle, I misplaced the original form but here are Captain Leigh's dues. Stu will be 84 November 11th and he is now being cared for at home - his speech is improving but is only using the walker for short distances. I too enjoy TARPA, having been a former TWA hostess in the forties. Best wishes, Mrs. Stuart R Leigh Ed's Note: Thanks Marilyn and all of our best wishes to you and Stu. KEN MUNRO Jr.

Jamaica, NY

Dear Phil, Just received the TARPA March issue - still no record of my membership. I hope we can get things squared away before publication of the next issue. I retired at age 60 on Feb 11th! I don't know if it was a record "hose job" or not but I received three {3} fire engine final flight salutes. One at each of SNA - STL and JFK, resulting in the cleanest airplane {757} in the fleet. Regards, Ken



Waterville Valley, NH

Dear Phil, As they say just before hitting the hill, "Oops, I thought ..." I had already sent in a dues check. TARPA is great because of all you who work so hard and the TOPICS is one magazine I always read cover to cover. Thanks, ELDRED OLSON

Palm Desert, CA

Dear Phil, With 17 years retirement under my wings, it is great to keep up to date on what's new with TWA. You are all doing a great job keeping things interesting and up to date. By the way - I still fly around the world using my computer & Microsoft flight simulator. Thanks, EL Olson Ed's Note: So do I (fly around with a Microsoft Flight Simulator) Oley. The other day I set it up to depart DeGaulle and did some 200-300 altitude flying over downtown Paris. I could almost make out the Celtic Hotel at 6 Rue Balzac - but never saw anyone I knew and hopefully, no who knew me - saw me! FRANCIS D STUMPF

Twin Lakes, WI

Thank you - 80 years old - but still want to help - so dues enclosed.

Ed's Note: Thanks Francis ol' buddy - it all does help! C EDWARD ADAMS

Gig Harbor, WA

There is life after TWA! Ed retired and went to law school! Now he has a solo general practice for family law and a partnership for aviation law! He does airmen's certificate defense, medical revocation, air agency law and aviation related law for crew members, companies and passengers. All plaintiff work. Deanie CONGRATULATIONS - I reckon Ed knows my ol' FAA foe Dr. Audie W Davis.





Dear Phil, Although I have reached the dues exempt years, I would still like to help with the postage! Really enjoy the magazine - thanks to all who make it possible! Rex & Ann Wagner Fairfield, CA


Dear Capt. Phil, It ' s hard to believe that 26 years have passed since retirement. But finally the Bowen's along with over 300 others have found Paradise! By that I mean "Paradise Valley Estates," a " quasi-military community near Travis Air Force Base. "Paradise solves all of our day to day problems (well, almost all): Example: real estate taxes, home insurance, utilities, home and garden maintenance, security, and provides many activities including an adjoining gold course. Most important, is the life time health care! All that and a lovely manor home. If any of you retirees out there want information on PVE, give me or Captain Joe Peterson who has also retired here a call and you will receive a brochure. Gay joins me in thanking all of the TARPA for a job well done. It keeps us in touch. Russ Bowen Ed's Note: I am appending Phil's note to me when he sent me the "dues notes" which says it all better than I can do: "Hi Hank - I was lucky to fly with General Bowen very early (1966) in my Phil" TWA time. A true "officer and a gentleman! Litchfield Park, NJ


Dear Phil, I can't believe I've been retired 22 years but time does pass. Even tho' I could use my free bee I want to pay my dues because you people do such a nice job that it is a pleasure to keep paying dues! Thanks! Gene Exum Overland Park, KS


Captain Belisle, ' Please forgive the late payment of dues, and certainly it doesn t lessen our appreciation of TARPA TOPICS. The news and articles are a lifeline to the life we both enjoyed so tremendously. I join Leo in congratulating each and everyone of you for a job well done! P.S. Leo is legally blind necessitating my role as the letter writer. He would enjoy receiving e-mail anytime (junebug@unicom.net). June McFarland



Great Falls, VA


Hank ... A real cute clip regarding we old timers came across my fax this morning that I wanted to share with TARPA. However, I haven't received a TOPICS in about a year to know who to send it to and picked your name off an e-mail from Dick Siano. Had occasion to talk to Meredith Moffett several weeks ago. He lives not far from us. Best regards, Larry Ed's Note: Larry and I were TWA classmates (Nov `53) - Larry was #1 but only because we ' were rated by age and not good looks! The above is from e-mail s and I can't find the city (sic) Larry lives in but it's up there near the Potomac. I called Moff and he had written it down (Larry's city) but couldn't remember where. I tried to jog his memory by naming towns near the river from a road map but my eyes are too poor to read anything much smaller than ' WASHINGTON D C so all together we came up with nothing. Here s Larry's clipping -

The following hit of admonishment appeared in a recent edition of U AL's Pilot Retirement publication. Although not strictly Pan Am, it was felt that it's advice holds something in common for all of us. SENIORS SHOULD BE ASIIAMED I was so embarrassed to read that President Bill Clinton and his advisers have pointed out that the older generation must learn to sacrifice the way younger generations are. I knew someone like you would some day reveal our shameful secret. We sure lived the life of Riley. During the Great Depression we had a hilarious time dancing to the tune, "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? " and could choose to dine at any of the country's fabulous soup kitchens. Those were heady days of self-indulgence. The came World War II and our cup filled to overflowing. We became world travelers, able to bask on the exotic beaches of Guadalcanal, Tarawa, two Jima, Okinawa, see the capital cities of Europe and travel to such scenic spots as Bastogne, Schweinfurt and Ploesti. The good times really rolled for those of us lucky enough to be on the beaches on Normandy for the water sports on that pleasant D-day. Unforgettable! Even luckier were those who drew the grand prize holiday tickets for cruises on sleek gray ships to fun-filled spots like Midway, the Solomons and the Coral Sea. Instead of asking what we could do for our country, an indulgent Uncle Sam let us fritter away our youth wandering idly through the lush and lovely jungles of Burma and New Guinea. Yes, we were certainly pampered. And just when it looked like we might have to take on some responsibility, off we went to camp in the "Land of Frozen Chosen", reveling in the sights and sounds of peace-loving people along the Yalu, the fun run to Pusan, water skiing at Inchon and the thrill of Hamburger Hill. After soaking up the GI Bill and moving into plush VA quarters, thanks to the military-industrial complex, those of us still around got to compete for silver, bronze and purple medals in the great Southeast Asian War Games. Older America is all worn out from a lifetime of fun and frolic. We are surely guilty as you have charged. Please cut our entitlement so we may know the true meaning of duty done for flag and nation.


IN MEMORY OF CAPTAIN KEITH STUESSI AUGUST 26, 1914 - FEBRUARY 20, 1999 B. Keith Stuessi was born in Great Falls, Montana. His father a second-generation immigrant from Switzerland, his mother a girl from Missouri. His father homesteaded 160 acres of free government land; and, in time was awarded title to his land near Harve, Montana. However, the need of gainful employment in the winter led to Kansas City, where the family settled. BK, his sister and brother were raised here. And, this was the birthplace of his flying career. He worked at many part time and odd jobs after school, and during this time met a local pilot-instructor, Fritz (later Chief Pilot of Delta); Fritz soloed BK July 24, 1934 on an OX-5 long nosed American Eagle. From this time flying and the desire to succeed in an aviation career became his goal. He walked to the airport to save the dime fare, sacrificed cars, motorcycles, perhaps even girls, to pay $190 for an OX-5 short nose American Eagle to start building time.


With borrowed money BK got his instrument and commercial license March 18, 1940. Took some training at Joe Jacobsen Flying Service at KCMO Municipal Airport. Once he had the commercial and instrument ticket in hand he wrote to seven airlines, receiving 4 replies. With out a doubt and a prayer of thanks, he started with TWA, Seniority date 7-15-40. After school in the old Gobel hanger he went on to fly the DC-2 and DC-3, and learned his chosen profession from many of the great pilots of TWA. Ken Fairchild, Paul Fredrickson, C.O. Miller, Roger Don Rae, Bob Buck, Harold Newman and Ted Weaver were only a few of those that taught him well. BK was one of 11 men in his co-pilot class of thirty to check out to Captain on September 23, 1942. About a year after he was hired by TWA he married a girl from Missouri. Louise Woodrich gave him all the love; support and encouragement he needed to traverse the long, hard road from co-pilot to 747 Captain. One that all who read this will remember. While Louise, with help from BK, was raising a son and two daughters, he was flying most of the various types of aircraft, and the Trans-Atlantic and Pacific routes that TWA flew during and after the war. He flew a lot of Polar flights, and, I think tried to get Louise as Copilot on one. BK retired in 1974 at the mandatory age of 60. His last flight a 747 from Chicago to London. His son Keith, daughter Nancy, and grandson David went along. The picture shows grandson David on the Captains lap BK passed away in Fort Collins, Colorado, where he and Louise spent his last eleven years. His family was at his bedside. No tale of a man's life would be complete without the recounting of his loving family. Keith was most fortunate in that not only did he have Louise, but also a son Keith, daughters Jan and Nancy, and four grandchildren to be proud of. They were a close and caring family; and BK gave all his love and support with out question or rebuke. I never knew a man more concerned about his family's welfare; yet not trying to butt in. As an afterthought, he made very good chunky applesauce. Captain B. Keith Stuessi was one of the line pilots that made TWA what it was — a damn fine by George Tittinger airline.

11V-MEMORY OF CAPTAIN JAMES W. WHEELER APRIL 12, 1915 - APRIL 20, 1999 Another one of the Real "good guys" has flown west. Jim Wheeler has been my close friend for 50 years, since the good days in Detroit. He had the highest respect from all who knew him, and was dedicated to his job, family and friends. Nothing can erase the memories of being with Jim and his family. We will all miss him deeply and pray for his family in Arizona, the country Jim loved. by Al Headstrom


IN MEMORY OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH A. BROWN FEBRUARY 25, 1920 - MAY 6, 1999 Joe was born in Baltimore, Maryland on February 25, 1920, the oldest of six children. While attending Loyola College in Baltimore he learned to fly and earned his pilots license and instructors rating. In December of 1942 he was hired by TWA as a Second Officer with the Intercontinental Division, better known as ICD. During that time he was Second Officer, First Officer, Purser, Navigator and Copilot. After WW II, in 1946, Joe was transferred to Kansas City. Joe checked out as Captain in 1948, and began his love affair with TWA. As a native son of Baltimore, Joe was picked to fly the first TWA flight into Baltimore's Harbor Field, with a DC3 on April 25, 1948. He was also at the controls for the first Martin 404, and "Lady Baltimore" a Constellation, in April of 1955 and, the first jet flight, a 707 in 1959 to Friendship International (BWI). It was great publicity for TWA. He flew C-54's during the ICD days. He went on to fly DC3's, Martins, Constellations, 880's, 707's, and finally, his pride and joy, the 747. During his 38 years with TWA Joe held various positions with ALPA, and was a member of management for 7 years. He flew the last ten years on International. Since retiring he has been an active member of TARPA, and served as its President in 1989. He was a very active member of his church, the Shrine of St. Patrick, in Laurie, MO, He was Financial Secretary of Knights of Columbus Council #10381, Joe was a Charter member of Elks Lodge #2705 in Laurie, and also a charter member of United States Power Squadron District 30, and Past Commodore of Lake of the Ozarks Yachting Assoc. He was member of the local American Legion Post, a member of TWA Seniors Club, and of Save-A-Connie. He was an avid golfer. He dressed the part, although his score had its ups and downs. He loved living at the Lake of the Ozarks. He is survived by his wife of 55 years Eliese, six sons and one daughter (affectionately know as the Princess), 18 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren (with another due in September.) Joe Brown was a great pilot, and a devoted husband and father, and was a good friend to many. He will be missed but, fond memories of him will last forever.


by Eliese Brown

CAPTAIN WILLIAM PERRY MINSHALL NOVEMBER 4. 1921 - FEBRUARY 24 1999 Captain Minshall logged nearly 30,000 hours in the air including service as a Navy Pilot in the South Pacific during World War II. He was with TWA for over 34 years and his career spanned a range of airplanes from the propeller driven DC-3's and Constellations, Martin 202's and 404's to Boeing 727 and 707 jetliners. Although he trained on both the Lockheed 1011's and Boeing747's, he elected to wind up his flight careers on the 707's, which were in the process of being phased out by TWA, when he retired in 1981. He flew the world and his routes were a veritable travelogue: To Shannon and Dublin in Ireland: London, England; Prestwick, Scotland; Paris and Nice, France; Frankfurt, Germany; Geneva & Zurich, Switzerland; Milan and Rome. Italy; Lisbon, Portugal; Madrid and Barcelona, Spain; Casablanca, Morocco; Nairobi, Kenya; Entebbe.Uganda; Dar as Salaam, Tanzania; Cairo, Egypt; Tel Aviv, Israel; Bahrain, United Arab Emirates; Dhahran and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;Bombay, India; Columba, Sri Lanka; Bangkok, Thailand; Hong Kong; Manila, the Philippines; Guam; Wake Island: Hawaii and all of TWA's mainland routes, including Mexico & the Caribbean. Special charters and cargo flights added to the variety including flying pregnant cows from Kansas to Iran the Penn State Glee Club; He enlisted in the Naval Air Corps in 1942, returned to State College after the war for a brief stint as a Captain. Minshall was born in State College, PA. His parents were Nina Shuey and Robert Edward Minshall . His father was a member of the Civil Engineering faculty at Penn State. He took up flying there when a teenager. He studied Music Education at Penn State where he sang with radio announcer before joining TWA in 1947. He was a member of Calvary Episcopal Church, the Summit Old Guard and Canoe Brook Country Club, all of Summit, He also was a member of the American Legion Post #1 in Paris, France, the Madison, NJ B.P.O.E. Penn State Alumni Association and The Active Retired Pilots Association (TARPA.)


Captain Minshall leaves his wife, Sally Stanton Minshall of Summit, NJ a daughter, Melissa M. Dobbins of Canoga Park, CA. and two sons, Robert Edward Minshall II of Simi Valley, CA, and Peter Staunton Minshall of Los Angeles. He leaves a sister, Dr. Virginia Swartz, Mill City, Pa. and a brother, Edward Ellis Minshall of State College PA, two grandchildren and 14 nieces and nephews. by Sally Minshall

CAPTAIN LESTER H. (LES) LAURIN DECEMBER 21, 1923 - MAY 4, 1999 Les began his aviation career as a navigator on the B-17 during WWII. After the war he earned his wings as a B-25 pilot. He also flew the P-51 with the Air National Guard at Westfield, MA. He joined TWA in June of 1953. It was then that I met Les as a classmate and a close friendship began that lasted for 46 years. Our children grew up together, we traveled together for many years, and after retirement we attended many TARPA conventions. He had a second career as a tax accountant. Most of his clients were TWA crews. His first wife Evelyn passed away in 1993. He is survived by his loving second wife Carrie, two daughters; Linda of Tucson and Michelle of Phoenix, three grandchildren, Evelyn, Eric, and Jay. He was very proud of Jay who is now a senior at the University of Arizona. He is an Air Force ROTC cadet, and is planning to follow in his Grandfather's footsteps. Les was an avid golfer and when he could no longer play, be watched every tournament on TV. Three weeks ago I had lunch with him and realized he was rapidly failing. While fishing in the Bahamas, I got a call from my wife to let me know Les had flown west. I lost the best friend I by Art Leonard ever had.


CAPTAIN JAMES B. CONNELL MARCH 8, 1931 — MARCH 2, 1999 James B. Connell was originally from Crystal Lake, Illinois. He served in the Air Force during the Korean War from 1952 through 1956. Jim was employed by TWA in 1956 and flew for thirty-four years before retiring at the end of 1989. After his retirement Jim enjoyed boating. He was a valued and respected member of the Coral Ridge Power Squadron. He utilized his experience and navigation skills on Squadron Cruises up and down the Florida Coast, in the keys and the Bahamas. Jim and his wife Miriam shared a love for their yacht Jim-Mir, in part because they had been married on its deck by the Power Boat Squadron Commander..Jim was also a member of the Jaguar Club, and was especially proud of his collectable Jag. Jim left a legacy of love and affection with those he touched. His wife Miriam, three sons, four Grandchildren and two step-grandchildren survive Jim. by Miriam Connell


CAPTAIN WILLIAM HICKS GREER JR. APRIL 10, 1921 — MARCH 14, 1999 William Hicks Greer Jr. was born on April 10, 1921, in Pylesville, Maryland. Bill was the youngest of six children. He graduated from Slate Ridge High School. After a brief career with AT&T he joined the Army Aircorps. Bill began his Cadet flight training at Vernon, Texas in September 1942. Following graduation from flight school Bill was assigned to Penn Central Airlines for additional training. A few months later he was transferred to Air Transport Command. Bill spent fourteen months flying the hump from India to China. He flew both C-47's And C-46's. Bill began his TWA training on August 30, 1945. Like all copilot's of the time he bounced around the system for a while, including a couple of years in Cairo before checking out as captain in 1954. He spent three years in ORD flying Martin 202s and 404s. When he became senior enough he bid LAX where he finished his career. He married Arlyne Knold a TWA flight attendant on September 10, 1952. He was both an 890 and a supervisory pilot. Bill died in April and was buried next to his wife Arlyne at Forrest Lawn Cemetery in Southern, California. Bill Greer will be remembered by his family and friends. It was a privilege to know him both as a by Wayne Haggard pilot, a friend and a true gentleman.


CAPTAIN RUSSELL P. MYERS JR MAY 8,1923 - APRIL 10, 1999 Captain Myers passed away on 10 April ,1999 at Citizens General Hospital, New Kensington, PA. He had been ill for several years. He was born on the 8th of May 1923, in Tarentum , PA. He graduated from New Kensington high School in 1941. He was recruited by the Kansas City Royals while in high school, but decided to become a Naval Cadet. He won his gold wings at Pensacola Navel Air station in 1942. He served in the Pacific area during the Second World War, aboard the Aircraft Carriers USS Wasp and USS Franklin. He was flying over Tokyo when the war ended. After getting out of the Service, the first time, during peacetime, he was recruited as an instructor at Corpus Christi Texas. He left the Navy, but was recalled again during the Korean War, serving aboard the USS Oriskany. He was honored for making the milestone 9000th landing on the USS Oriskany. He won several medals and many citations during his seven years of Naval Service. Russ left the Navy as a Full Commander in 1952. Russ joined TWA in April 1953. He was based in Michigan for two and a half years. He then bid New York, was checked out and flew every aircraft TWA had. He retired in May 1983 as Captain on B-747's on International. On his last flight, the flight crew gave him and his wife Irene, a retirement party in Rome. He was a member of the Air Line Pilots Assn., TARPA, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW and also the L.O.O.M. He enjoyed playing golf, and fishing. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Irene Myers, a daughter, Kentucky, and twins, a daughter Vallery, Mrs. Martin Yates of Russell P. Myers III of South Carolina. Also three grandchildren and of Rochester New York. He will be terribly missed by his wife Irene, He was a very loving Husband and Father.


Mrs. John (Deborah) Wood of New York City, and a son, a sister, Mrs. Betty Kaforey children and grandchildren. by Irene Myers.

CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. TOWNER FEBRUARY 15, 1918 — APRIL 2, 1999 William H.Towner, age 81, passed away on after a short illness. Mr. Towner was born in Iowa in 1918. He was a Camarillo, California resident, coming here from Morristown, New Jersey in 1971. He was also a part time resident of Cape Cod, MA. He was the Husband of Helen (Teddie) Towner. In his career as an Airline Pilot, he flew for TWA and Flying Tiger Line. A member of the QB's Hanger 99, the Aviation Historical Society, Experimental Aviation Association, TARPA, and the Las Posas Country Club. Survivors include Helen Towner, his wife, his daughter Barbara Hampton of Camarillo, his son William C. Towner of Orleans MA, and four Grandchildren. Peter and Jeremy Towner and Jennifer and Michael Hampton. by Helen Towner


CAPTAIN LEIGH S. MOORHEAD FEBRUARY 1, 1914 - APRIL 8, 1999 Captain Leigh S. "Bunky" Moorhead joined TWA on August 16,1940. Prior to that time, he had graduated from Ohio University m 1935 and then became a cadet at the U.S. Navy Flight School in Pensacola, Florida. Following graduation from Pensacola, Bunky served as a naval aviator in Fleet Aircraft Squadrons and as an Administrative Officer with varied assignments. He then joined the Naval Reserve and applied for a pilot position with TWA. After qualifying as a TWA pilot, Bunky was assigned as an instructor in the Stinson Instrument Flying Training program. In 1941 his TWA career was interrupted by a recall to active duty with the Navy. He became a Flight Instructor at Pensacola and later was assigned to the Naval Air Transport Service (NATS) where he served as Squadron Check Pilot, Flight Training Officer and as Squadron Flight officer. Upon his return to TWA in 1945, Bunky served in various capacities as a Pilot/Dispatcher, Check Pilot (890), and Supervisor of Flying. Bunky's flying career ended in August 1962 when he was diagnosed with a medical problem that made it impossible to continue flying as an airline pilot He then accepted a position as a Convair 880 Ground Instructor at the Kansas City Flight Operations Training Center. He was later appointed Supervisor of the 880 Ground Training Program. In 1969 Bunky was promoted to the position of Manager of Flight Operations Safety Training with responsibility for training all flight deck and cabin crewmembers in flight safety and aircraft evacuation procedures. Captain Moorhead retired from TWA in 1975 after 35 years of service. He will be remembered by all who knew him for his genial personality as well as his dedication to professionalism in the performance of his assigned tasks. Bunky is survived by his wife Barbara Jean, his son Jay, and a host of friends. by Warren Berg


ROBERT W. WIDHOLM MARCH 30, 1922 - MARCH 23, 1999 Robert Walter Widholm was born March 30, 1922, in Chicago, to Walter and Ida (Contzen) Widholm. Pop, his father, was a Chicago Police Officer and instilled in Bob a strong sense of integrity. Bob attended Palmer Elementary School, Von Steuben High School, Northwestern University, and Walton School of Commerce. In 1942, he was sworn into the U.S. Navy in the V-5 Aviation Cadet Program. After commissioning as an Ensign and Naval Aviator, he participated in Patrol missions and was a Flight Instructor. Bob joined TWA in 1947 and contributed his talents early to ALPA work and later to TWA management. He began his TWA career on the DC-3 and finished it, by flying B-747's on International. He was named a TWA Flight Deck Crewman of the Year. There was a memorial service in Naples, Florida, on March 25 and a Christian Funeral Service in Elmhurst, Illinois on March 27. The services were conducted by his son-in-law John Clements, with a eulogy by his son, Roger. Bob was a proud member of TARPA and for many years, Flown West Coordinator. His dignified and articulate presentations were always well prepared, and his extemporaneous remarks well constructed and expressed. As his son, Roger, intimated, he had a gift for public speaking. His infectious laugh and friendly smile were a trademark. He was a prodigious letter writer who loved to travel and to meet people. He kept in contact with his '47 TWA classmates, other TWAers, schoolmates, as well as people he met on his travels, including a Swedish Baroness and a waitress from a Black Forest Pension. He said the best thing that happened to him was meeting and marrying Fay Lunsford. They would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this June 25th. I first met Bob in 1956, as a new TWA copilot. He was a great Captain to fly with and helped a lot of new copilots transition to


airline flying. He and Fay helped Lois and me get settled in Chicago. He was my mentor in many ways, helping to guide me in my career. He would say, "It is about time to consider this or, bid for this position." When it came time to retire he said, "Now you need to attend the TARPA conventions." After my retirement, Bob, Fay, Lois and I did a lot of travelling and visiting together. Just a few weeks before he went to the hospital, he and Fay said "Wouldn't it be fun to take a cruise on the Mississippi River on a Paddleboat?" We started gathering information on riverboat cruising. He was a member of Constellation-Edison Park Masonic Lodge 974, American Legion Post I in Paris, Quiet Birdmen of America-Naples Hangar, TARPA, and TWA Seniors Club, where he was the Vice President of the Florida Southwest Chapter. He is survived by his wife, Fay, a daughter, Barbara Clements, a son' Roger, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. As one obituary said, "Bob had a way of making everyone feel important. His special gift was humor and he used it every day. His booming voice and laughter by Klete Rood will be missed by all. The likes of him shall not be seen again."

FRO R.W."GOLDY" GOLDTHORPE SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 - MAY 15, 1999 Roger "Goldy" Goldthorpe passed away after a brief illness. He was born in Milledgeville, Illinois. During his career with TWA rose to become the Supervisor of Flight Radio Operators. Roger was always so grateful for his long good life. He is survived by his wife Julia and daughters Judy, Donna, and Sandy. They thank the "TWA" Family for contributing to that "good Life."



March 25, 1999 Captain John P. Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, Mo 63017 Dear John: I wanted to send you this little OBIT of "B...K" Stuessi-he didn't have a very wide Circle of friends and I was not sure that anyone else would send you one. His name was Beverly Keith; but, for some reason or other, he loathed the name "Beverly" and would become absolutely furious; IF someone called him by it. He grew up in Kansas City--where his father had been a brick mason. At the time he came to work for TWA, we were in a lot of turmoil; so WHAT HAS CHANGED?? Howard Hughes had just bought the airline; we were "just getting" ALPA and things were hell!! I went to work on September 18, 1939 and went to Captain's school 10 weeks later--ahead of "About" 30 guys senior to me (one was Mel Kassing)--who hated me for the rest of their lives. That fall (1939) I was the bottom copilot checking out; then the next few (starting with A.-. MacKrill-) were set aside to be copilots on the Boeing 307; and then just below those were 3 or four guys that flew copilot for Howard Hughes-- "B K" was one of those and Mr. Hughes did a lot of flying--he would take a plane, grab his copilot and hostess and take-off for WHEREVER! One time he left his Connie in San Diego and forgot where he had left it!! During the summer of 1941 TWA bought Marquette Airlines (in St Louis--flying Stinsons); so that TWA could have access to Cincinnati, Toledo, and Detroit. We called it Division Smith); and 6; Mr. Hughes bought us a new DC-3 based 3 crews (Arlie, Larry Welch, and we had 3 copilots and 3 hostesses. We had one mechanic (Harley Henry), a radio operator; and a passenger agent. We pushed the plane, in and out of the hangar, by hand and flew it back and forth to Detroit. takeoff at 6 a.m. back at 11 pm (this is "more or less"--because we had to have crew rest time). We would be 3 days on then 6 days off--best working conditions that I ever had!! Only one or 2 of the Marquette pilots (R.C. Downing) managed to ever make the TWA we were the first crews domiciled in St Louis; and "I think" that checkout. Anyway, there was only 3 gates--the other side of a little chain link fence. What a life! ! Captain Joe Goetz, gave up barnstorming, and came to work for TWA there--Joe and Arlie are the only 2 left from that crowd. What a life! ! I have a good picture, that I made in Wickenburg that I want to send you "when I get a little more time" --for your amusement. John, I am one of, probably a rather small crowd, that can FULLY APPRECIATE WHAT A FINE JOB YOU ARE DOING FOR US!! THANKS VERY MUCH! !



John S. Bybee Flown West Coordinator 2616 Sakian Indian Drive #1 Walnut Creek, CA 90272

Dear Mr. Bybee, April 17, 1999 The March, 1999, TARPA Topics listed the name of Norman L Sorensen who died November 26, 1998. I never saw his name in the Skyliner or I would have sent this at that time. I would appreciate it if you would print the following as a tribute to my friend and a great person. I first met Norm Sorensen when I transferred to the Chicago domicile in 1950. Later on I worked for Norm as a check flight engineer. This was during those trying times for all crew members when there were numerous layoffs and discussions of the crew complement. As you can imagine, you did not feel too great if you were furloughed, perhaps for the second time. Norm always made sure that the furloughed employee specified a desire to be recalled. Sounds simple, doesn't it, but these were not normal times and Norm had to almost insist on completion of the forms. On the humorous side, I remember one day when Norm asked me what would be the first thing I would do if he moved up in management and I took over. Now one would have to know that Norm was a saver first class, and so he even had flight engineer information letters on the 307 Boeing well into the jet age. My reply to Norm was that I would throw all that damn stuff out before nightfall He was dejected but in the ensuing years Norm and I would laugh a lot at this and other things whenever we met. It is difficult for me to read "Flown West" and I willingly admit to many tears, but what a great tribute to our friends and the memories of the good times.

Bill Tarbox

Editors Note: John Bybee received this letter from Bill who sent it to me and we are pleased to include it. However, we would like to remind all the members that Flown West Memorials or any material for Topics should be sent directly to the editor.


Charles Davis 1420 N. Jameson Lane Santa Barbara, CA 93108 805-969-0980 May 24, 1999 John Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, MO 63017 SLEEPER by Charlie "Black Dog" Davis When an airline inaugurated sleeper service on their overnight Los Angeles to New York non-stop, it was well received. The flight departed Los Angeles at 9PM, and arrived in New York at 9AM, EST. The turnaround departure time was the same, except touchdown in Los Angeles was 6AM, PST. Months went by and the berths were sold out. Wives, traveling with their husbands, were particularly elated with this unique and cozy service. Other carriers did not stand idly by. Within a short time, all of the majors got in the act. This diluted the passenger count and one of them, happy with cockpit crew performance, decided to compensate. If there was an empty berth, the captain would be allowed to bring his wife on the flight. If there were sufficiently more, the copilot and flight engineer could follow suit, if they wished. In this case, the cockpit crew members on one noteworthy (to be) flight wished heartily. However, it wasn't their respective wives they had in mind. The trip opened up and the three birdmen brought their "wives" aboard. The layover in New York was just that, and the "wives" slept soundly on the return leg. A month later, the spouses (real and genuine) received letters from management inquiring as to how they enjoyed the special flight. The captain got smashed over the head with a skillet, and a divorce. The copilot's wife elected to remain married, and subject the pitiful creature to a woman's special wrath. The flight engineer's wife took off for Europe and brought back a virulent strain of a social disease which took him a year to get rid of. Later, it was discovered that a huge number of flight deck personnel had involved themselves in this manner. Havoc held sway. (actually happened) End



(A) BROWN 203-748-1901 (S)EVANS 908-996-6167 (A) GILLIGAN 949-496-7246 (R)JACKSON 619-486-4330 (R)LIPE 727-595-5959 (A)LOESCHNER 760-728-7470 (A)MIHALKA 949-581-8045 (A)MUMFORD 503-223-2449 (R) MUNRO 203-421-31 19 (R) ROBINSON 714-288-8994 (R)SAVAGE 948-458-1414 (A)SCHONEBERGER 480-595-9657 (R) SELF 732-450-0220 (A)SENATORE 201-825-8144 (A)WARREN 314-458-2469 (R) WEAKLEY 408-257-1640 (R)WOTIPKA 913-859-0073

Tom Capt. (MARJORIE) tibrown1@compuserve.com Diana




R. Clark Capt. (SHARON) rudy6@home.com Wayne C. Capt. ( SUSAN ) Iipe@tampabay.rr.com Don G. Capt. (CONNIE) donloesch@aol.com Gene F / O (JUDY) Court

Capt. (JANIS)

Kenneth J.


Ray Capt. (JUDY) judyandray@aol.com Jan L. Capt. (PATRICIA A.) jansavage@compuserve.com Bert Capt. (LINDA) Frank A. F / O (CAROLYN) fself7284@aol.com Lou Capt. (CAROL) Isenatore@compuserve.com Larry Capt. (SUSAN) alaska@stlnet.com Mike F / O (SHARRON) mweakley@rwb.com Leo Capt. (TIBBY) leowotipka@webtv.net

10 Valerie Lane CT 06811-4961 Danbury, 191 Locktown F Rd. N J 08822 Flemington, 32632 Adriatic Dr. CA 92629 Dana Point 15938 Overview Road CA 92064 Poway, 324 10th Ave. FL 33785 Indian Rocks Beach, 109 Lakeridge Circle CA 92028 Fallbrook, 21986 Oak Grove CA 92692 Mission Viejo, 1130 S. W. King Ave. OR 97205-1116 Portland, 70 Harkness Dr. CT 06443-1809 Madison, 6731 La Cumbre Drive CA 92869 Orange Hill, 21781 Michigan Lane CA 92630 Lake Forrest Keys, P. O. Box 5990 A Z 85377 Carefree, 450 Everett Rd. Middletown Township N J 07733 Holmdel, 44 Old Stone Church Rd. N J 07458 Upper Saddle River, 17220 Lafayette Trails Drive MO 63038 Wildwood, 22245 Regnart Road CA 95014 Cupertino, 9901 Connell Dr. KS 66212 Overland Park,



Robert J. Capt. (HELENE) boband@gte.net Michael E. F / E (BETTY)

(E) BARTLING 202-544-7857 (E) BEBEE 307-367-2501 (A)BECKNER 910-673-8008 (H) BERGER

J. H. Capt. (ALINE) 73734.2715@compuserve.com Dale R. Capt. (ZELLA) dale@kctera.net Richard R. Capt. (CONNIE) twacap@ac.net Jim Mr. klnabalo@aol.com Charles A. Capt. (DORIS) charlesberry@sprintmail.com Donald L. F / 0 (GAIL) blaze@northlink.com

(R) BERRY 816-942-8999 (A)BLASER 520-636-5555 (R)BODEN 570-727-2426 (R) BONEY 619-458-9512 (R) BOSTWICK 303-933-4942 (R) BOWERS 704-843-4190 (E) BRADFORD 203-434-2181 (H)BRANDT 619-676-0609 (E) BROUGHTON 530-259-5267 (R)BUDZIEN 425-888-9026 (A)BUNDY 508-627-9320 (E) BURTON 570-727-2044 (E) BUTLER 520-778-5075 (E) CAMPBELL, Jr. 520-757-4277 (R) CANAVAN 707-545-8838 (R)CARLUCCI 516-643-8519 (E) CARNEAL 1-520-282-5272

Rutland F.

Eugene R.


Capt. (JOAN)

Marvin D. Capt. (MARTI) mboney1@san.rr.com Irving W. Capt. (JO ANN) again484@aol.com Bruce A. Capt. (JOAN) bruceanderson@worldnet.att.net Capt. (BEVERLY) Gerard Suzanne Mrs. (LOWELL) suzbrandt@cwix.com Arthur L. Capt. (JANET) Ward C.

Capt. (MURIEL)

Peter N. F / 0 (LOIS) 73644.2277@compuserve.com Roland J. Capt. Lemauris Capt. (JEANNE) Iebutle@aol.com V. R. Capt. (ALDEE) Bill Capt. (SUE) canavania@earthlink.net I R 0 (ROSELLA) Raymond Walter E.

Capt. (NORMA)

722 Sequoyah Woods Dr. NC 28712 Brevard, 1408 Mockingbird Ln. FL 33801 Lakeland, 6741 Ave. D FL 8525834231 Sarasota, 122 D St S. E. #5 DC 20003 Washington, P 0 Box 174 WY 82941 Pinedale, 5620 Seven Lakes W. NC 27376 Seven Lakes, 333 E. 69th St New York City, #4 E NY 10021 11813 Summit St. MO 64114-5575 Kansas City, P 0 Box 382 AZ 86323 Chino Valley R.d. #2, Box 242 PA 18465 Thompson, 9723 Keeneland Row C A 92037 La Jolla, 20 Canyon Cedar CO 80127 Littleton, 643 Baron Road NC 28173 Waddington, 16 Bill Hill Road CT 06371 Lyme, 15653 Royal Crown Row CA 92128-4470 San Diego, 805 Timber Ridge Rd. CA 96137 Lake Almanor, 43905 S E 127 Place WA 98045 North Bend, P 0 Box 3042 M A 02539 Edgertown, Rd #2, Box 338 PA 18465 Thompson, 3156 W. Crestview Dr. AZ 86305 Prescott, 1049 Rawhide AZ 86401 Kingman, 4714 Woodview Dr CA 95405 Santa Rosa, 75 Wilmington Drive NY 11747-4032 Melville, 365 Northview Road A Z 86336 Sedona,



Paul B. Capt. (SHIRLEY) pcarr2@compuserve.com Thomas H. Capt. (THERESA)

(E) CHURCHILL 603-430-8599 (A)COLLING 1380-870992 (H)COLLINS 603-279-6997 (R) CONWAY 503-622-3686 (R) COREY 406-883-1469 (R) COUTURE 207-465-7277 (R) CREWS 508-540-3103 (R)CUMMINGS 847-837-0453 (R)CUTLER 417-885-9074 (R)DAVIES 541-476-5378 (R)DAWKINS 203-746-9505 (E) DeCELLES 435-649-8183 (R)DENNIS 914-831-0646 (R) DEUTSCH 215-766-7741 (H)DOBBERTEEN 602-445-2287 (H) DOUGHERTY 941-454-7761 (R) DOUGLASS 973-729-3633 (E) DOWLING 602-369-3965 (E) DOWNS 734-425-7067 (R) DOYLE 802-464-8928

John W.

Capt. (VIVIAN) Don W. funcitykc@aol.com Hazel Mrs. (CHARLIE) Capt. (SHARON)

Edwin L. Capt. (CATHERINE) edwlncolling@tesco.net Patricia Mrs. (JOHN) Richard E.



Capt. (IRIS)

Peter Davis


Wade Capt. (PATRICIA) whcrews747@aol.com Terence R. Capt. (JEAN) terrypilot@prodigy.net Donald Capt. (DOROTHY) David M. Capt. (LUCILLE) ddavies@rvi.net Heibert C.jr Capt. (BRIGITTE) hydawkins@compuserve.com J. L. Capt. (JANET) Iar-jundecelles@juno.com Charles F. Capt. (MARY LOU) chuckyd@compuserve.com Douglas Capt. (MARLENE) Carol

Mrs. (JOHN)


Mrs. (PAUL)

Francis R. cbfd@nji.com Carl T.


G. Richard Capt (GENELL) grgendowns@aol.com Capt. (GEORGE t) C. W. bdoyle@sover.net

96 Indio Dr CA 93449-1510 Pismo Beach 424 Rowayton Ave. CT 06854 South Norwalk, 4804 N.w. 67th Terrace MO 64151 Kansas City, 12928 Springdale Village Dr MO 63146-4373 St. Louis, 83 Gates Street NH 03801 Portsmouth Romsey House Vicarage Lane BA14 6HH England Steeple Ashton Wilshire P 0 Box 1311 NH 03253 Meredith, P 0 Box 953 OR 97067-0953 Welches, 3750 Sisson Ln M T 59860 Poison, 34ten Lots Rd ME 04963-9702 Oakland, 37 Southview Way M A 02536 E. Falmouth 6743RFD IL 60047 Long Grove, 1432 S. Charing Rd. MO 65809-2106 Springfield, 233 Rogue River Hwy OR 97527 Grants Pass, 45 Lake Drive N. Box 273 CT 06812-0273 New Fairfield, 1920 W. Parkwest Dr#35 A UT 84098 Park City, Box 103 NY. 12512 Chelsea, 301 Kellers Church PA 18944 Perkasie, 3850 N U S Highway 89 #253 AZ 86301 Prescott, 532 Periwinkle Ct. FL 33908-1615 Fort Myers, 88 Alpine Tr. N J 07871 Sparta, #71 Bucking Horse Trail AZ 85935-9629 Pinetop, 1212 Clearlake Rd. M I 49240 Grass Lake, P 0 Box 1775 VT.05356 West Dover,


ADDRESS,TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL CHANGES 63 Hampton Meadows Capt. (BARBARA) (R)DRAKE III Charles NH 03289-0261 Winnisquam , cdrake@medlaone.net 603-528-1851 25122 Danabirch PI. Donald N. Capt. (LINDA) (R) DRAPER donnydogood@compuserve.com CA 92629-3113 Dana Point, 949-248-8640 73 Champagne Dr. Herb Capt. (CAROL) (A) EGOROFF MO 63367 Lake St. Louis hegoroff@earthlink.net 314-561-4268 2041 Folle Blanch Dr. Edward J. Capt. (LUCY) (E) ELLIOTT CA 95135-1251 San Jose, budnlucy@ix.netcom.com 408-238-1468 26 Ridge Rd. Capt. (BARBARA) (R)ELLIS James R I 02840 Newport, 401-849-2939 9980 Youngwood Lane John A. F / E (DONNA) (E) EMMERTON I N 46060-7799 Noblesville, 317-770-7758 2763 Clydesdale Ave. Richard D. Capt. (ALICE) (A)ESCOLA CA 95301 Atwater, 209-358-6707 41 Foxcroft Village F / E (ANN) (E) FALKIN Louis R. NY 12759 Loch Sheldrake, Capt. (JUDITH) 1126 Wisteria Drive (R)FEATHERSTONE John K. NV 89423 Minden, 775-782-5039 9013 Robinson Ridge Dr. Jim Capt. (KIM) (A)FEIL NV 89117-5424 Las Vegas, ji mfiel@lvcm.com 702-363-6149 6604 W. 164th Terrace Rudy Capt. (JULIE) (R)FICK, Jr. KS 66085 Stilwell, 913-897-4024 32452 Via Mentone Capt. (JUDI) (R) FLORENTINE Pat CA 92629-3425 Monarch Beach, 949-499-5085 Rt #1, Box 948-a Capt. (PHYLLIS) (E) FORRISTALL Richard G. ME 04022 Denmark, 207-452-2562 7422 Fallenleaf Ln. Capt. (LOUELLA) (A)FORSYTH M.g. 'mike' CA 95014 Cupertino 408-255-0792 myron@accesscom.com 15 Long Beach (R)FORTIN Richard G. Capt. (BETH) M A 01966 Rockport, dandbf@aol.com 978-546-2148 HC1,Box17a John R. F / E (JOAN) (E) FOX NY 12108-9701 Lake Pleasant 518-548-5397 841 Park Avenue (E) FRANKUM J. Edward Capt. (MADALENE) NY 11030 Manhasset 516-627-1974 5910 Rolling Oaks Ct. Jerry Capt. (JUDI) (R) FRANZ FL 34110 Naples, 941-992-5383 capjer@aol.com Capt. (BARBARA) Rr 2 Box 558 (R) FRAZIER Robert NH 03084-9716 Temple, rdfrazier@monad.net 603-878-2112 4427 E. Olive Branch W (R)FULLER, III Edward M. Capt. (CHERYL) CA 92807-3504 Anaheim, 714-974-2959 edch.fulleriii@worldnet.att.net 3 Promenade Drive Anthony V. F / E (MARJORIE) (E) GATTY NY 11743 Huntington, 516-692-7143 1822 Plum Court Robert H. Capt. (R) GHEE NV 89014 Henderson, 702-436-7918 19760 Goldenwood Road Capt. (SAM) (E) GILMORE James H. MO 65536 Lebanon, 417-533-7303 11052 N. Divot Dr. (R) GOGGIN Jim Capt. (LINDA) AZ. 85737 Tucson, 520-797-6670 73644.1702@compuserve.com PAGE 69... TARPA TOPICS... JULY, 1999

AND E-MAIL CHANGES (R) GOLLNICK 925-846-7031 (R) GRAF 480-483-6558 (E) GRAFF 816-252-6152 (A)GRANT 816-452-8179 (R) GREELEY, Jr. 609-466-2426 (R) GREELEY, Jr. 941-484-7838 (A)GREENE 941-695-0226 (A)GUENTHER 775-831-1997 (R)GUEST 520-535-6346 (A) GUNN 314-561-8636 (R) HAAKE 618-526-2599 (E) HAMMONDS 650-948-4219 (R)HARRIS 904-756-0844 JR. (A)HARVEY, 540-338-5613 (A)HAZELTON 717-378-2676 (A)HEMSTED 970-385-4422 (E) HENDRICKSON 775-323-8834 (E) HEREFORD 909-672-0076 (A)HIRSCH 201-573-1329 (E) HUBBARD 816-528-4553 (H)HUSS 503-436-0303 (R)JECK 561-842-3637 (H)JENNINGS 603-293-7286 (E) JESPERSEN


Capt. (MOLLIE)

Capt. (BEVERLY) Harvey W. harbevg@aol.com Hugh G. Capt. (NORMA) Robert N. Capt. (KATHERINE) rngrant@aol.com Horace J. Capt. (PATRICIA) Horace J.




David W.

Capt. (ARLENE)

William F.

Capt. (LOUISE)

Terry Capt. (TERRI) topgunn@freewwweb.com Lawrence T. Capt. Capt. (MADELENE) James W. maddleham@aol.com Capt. (KATHIE) Joesph W. 73644.3341@compuserve.com Capt. Edward harveys39@hotmail.com Russell C. Capt. Bob


John L. I R 0 (DORIS) j.e.hendrickson@worldnet.att.net Edgar T. Capt. Capt. (HAYDEE) Charles D. 747charlie@compuserve.com Estil N. Capt. (EVELYN) ehub1923@aol.com Virginia Mrs. (THOMAS) Iegna@transport.com Dick Capt. (ANNE) rjeck@earthlink.net Suzanne Mrs. (GORDON) Harlan V.

Capt. (ROSE)

2310 Meadowlark Dr CA 94566 Pleasanton, 8133 East Cortez Drive A Z 85260 Scottsdale, 1809 Leslie MO 64055 Independence, 4400 N Mulberry St. MO 64116-1509 Gladstone, 166 Fairview Road NJ 08558 Skillman, 1585 Tarpon Center Dr. #12 FL 34285 Venice, P 0 Box 2428-6201 FL 32513-2430 Pensacola, P 0 Box 6758 NV 89450 Incline, Box 2482 A Z 85933 Overgaard, 16 Dauphine MO.63367 Lake St. Louis, 855 N. Tenth Street IL 62230 Breese, 760 Orange Ave. CA 94022 Los Altos, 1811 Lindbergh Lane FL 32124 Daytona Beach, 35339 Appalachian Trail VA 20141 Round Hill, Rd #1 PA 18419 Factoryville, 2805 Oak Dr. CO.81301 Durango, 3585 Brighton Way NV 89509 Reno, 28280 Windsor Drive CA 92586 Sun City, 14 Wyandemere Dr N J 07675-7677 Woodcliff Lake P 0 Box 452 MO 64429 Cameron, P O Box #100 OR 97102-0100 Arch Cape, 100 Wettaw Ln . #5 FL 33408 N. Palm Beach, 677 Cherry Valley Rd. #63 Gilford NH 03246 Rd #1, Box319 NH 03254 Moultonboro,


ADDRESS,TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL CHANGES (R)JONES 760-346-0713 (R) JORDAN 775-849-0179 (E) JUDD 828-837-0322 (H) KACHNER 303-347-2640 (R)KAJENSKI 603-253-9772 (R)KASTNER 573-372-5324 (R) KENNEDY 408-264-4086 (R) KENNEY 410-268-5186 (A)KIBITZ 207-594-2601 (A)KIENTZ 314-391-5454 (R)KIEWEL 314-256-0110 (R)KING 775-849-1442 (R) KING 978-774-4872 (E) KNUDSEN 913-631-7665 (R) KOHRS 719-658-2420 (R) KOLB 603-964-8813 (R)KROSCHEL 970-923-6711 (R)LEDFORD Ill 760-743-5133 (E) LEWIS 813-446-6645 (E) LIMA 414-245-6744 (R)LINCK 831-440-1632 (A)LIVINGSTON 775-852-2144 (E) LUDWIG 208-726-3989 (R)MADIGAN 702-831-1265

Capt. (AGNES) Eugene W. genewjones@earthlink.net Lewis C. Capt. (LAURA J.) 73253.1432@compuserve.com Lewis B. F / E (VICKI) Ijudd@grove.net Wilma Jean Mrs. (HAROLD) Walter J.


Richard A. Capt. (KATHRYN) rkast@midmo.com John P. Capt. (ROSEMARY) kennb707@ix.netcom.com Tom Capt. George D. Capt. (LORETTE) gkibit@aol.comm William H. Capt. (WENDY) 72153.1332@compuserve.com Peter Capt. (ELLIE) kiewel@prynet.com Capt. (JOAN)

Keith A.

Thomas Capt. (BARBARA) thomasking@worldnet.att.net Alvin R. Capt. (KATHRYN) Perry W.


Frank J. Capt. (DOREEN) frankolb@aol.com Tom Capt. (CAROL) kroschel@aol.com Grant D. Capt. (DEE) gledford@compuserve.com Capt. (PEGGY) Horace W. Earl


Leo E.


Justin W. jliv@aol.com Richard H.


Ed Capt. (SUSY) edmadigan@ibm.net

73216-a Tumbleweed Ln CA Palm Desert, 4145 Old 395 N. NV Carson City, 294 Judd Hill NC Murphy, 1427 E. Mineral Ave. CO Littleton, P 0 Box 1497 NH Center Harbor, 29505 Towering Oak Lane MO Gravois Mills,

92260 89704 28906-9227 80122-3022 03226-1497 65037

1548 Koch Lane CA 95125 San Jose, 7074 Bembe Bh Road MD 21403 Annapolis, P 0 Box 81 ME 04859 Sprucehead, 14981 Chateau Village MO 63017-7701 Chesterfield, 22 Chippenham Lane MO 63005 Chesterfield, 1400 Guffey Drive NV 89704 Carson City, P 0 Box 238 16 Pinedale Rd. M A 01949 Middleton, 233 Apache Trail West KS 66106 Lake Quivera, Hcr 70 Box 2b CO 81 130 Creede, 16 Chapel Road NH 03862 North Hampton, P 0 Drawer H-2 CO 81615-5027 Snowmass Vig., 2857 Mary Ln CA 92025-7717 Escondido 756 Harbor Island FL 34630 Clearwater, P 0 Box 705 WI 53191 Williams Bay, 16845 Laurel Road CA 95030 Los Gatos, 3405 Lone Tree Lane NV 89511 Reno, Box 1042 ID 83340 Ketchum, 670 Fourteenth Green Dr. NV 89450-3565 Incline Village,


ADDRESS,TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL CHANGES (R)MAHER 970-586-3692 (R)MAHLER 913-681-1210 (R) MANLEY 360-253-4850 (R)MARCHIONE 757-547-3018 (A)MARTIN 505-821-3226 (R)MARTINEZ 520-290-6143 (A)MATEER 973-729-7176 (R) McCARTER 253-661-9401 (A)MCELROY 787-791-0982 (E) MCGARGLE 518-924-2832 (R) McGAULY 805-482-3896 (S)McGROARTY 314-427-5939 (R)MCILVAINE 813-855-7873 (A)McINTYRE 603-236-8660 (E) MEGARGLE 518-924-2832 (E) MILLER 978-283-3316 (E) MILLER 520-749-5309 (E) MILLER 805-375-7180 (R) MOCK 417-334-5333 (R)MOLINARIO 816-537-6942 (R)MOORE 785-841-5224 (A)MORAN 203-761-9095 (R) MOSER 610-783-7147 (R)MUNDO 781-631-7620



Frederick P. Capt. (GWENDOLYN) mopsy@ibm.net George L. Capt. (BETTYE) Angelo Capt. 103533.1166@compuserve.com Rick Capt. (GAYLE) Ioe@earthlink.net Manual Capt. (DOREEN) John C. Capt. (NANCY) jackmat@nac.net Harvey J. Capt. (ANGELA) hmcca34072@aol.com Jim Capt. 72153.774@compuserve.com P. G. F / E (VERA) David J. Capt. mllypa@aol.com William Mr. (DOROTHY) Ed Capt. ed@edipgroup James A. Capt. (ANNA) ascltd@together.net P.g. F / E (VERA) Adair Capt. (JUDITH) fax 978-283-9368 J. ( Jack) M. Capt. (JANE) jackok@access1.net John W.


James A.


Richard T. Capt. (SANDRA) moiinarlo@earthlink.net J. D. Capt. (RUSTY) Wally Capt. (DIXIE) wjmoran@compuserve.com J.b. Capt. (JEANNE) flyboy1 3@prodigy.net Albert J. Capt. (JEANNE) cdrn49b@prodigy.com

517 Ponderosa Ave. CO 80517-7066 Estes Park, 5304 W 148th St. KS 66224 Leawood, 8807 N E 142 Ave. WA 98682 Vancouver, P O. Box 1024 V A 23431 Smithfield, P 0 Box 20217 NM 87154 Albuquerque, 3783 N. Knollwood Cir. AZ 85750-2329 Tucson 34 Warren Road N J 07871 Sparta, 3749 S.w. 319 Th St WA 98023-2154 Federal Way, Apt#2062 E S J Towers 968, PR 00979-5762 Carolina, P 0 Box 372 NY 12190 Wells 6501 Santa Rosa Rd CA 93012 Camarillo, 4437 Gordon Avenue MO 63134-3600 St. Louis, 5702 Imperial Key FL 33615 Tampa, P 0 Box 420 14 Osceola Rd. NH 03215-0420 Waterville Valley, P 0 Box 372 NY 12190 Wells, 8 Aileen Terrace MA 01930 Gloucester, 12030 Dry Gulch Place AZ 85749-9727 Tucson, 1030 Estates Dr. CA 91320 Newbury Park, 1404 Catalina MO 65616 Branson, 436 N. Winnebago Dr. MO 64034-9321 Greenwood, 3108 Flint Dr. KS 66047-2711 Lawrence, 87 Spoonwood Rd CT 06897-4118 Wilton, 10411valley Forge Cir. PA 19406 King Of Prussia, 36 Jane Rd. MA 01945 Marblehead,


ADDRESS,TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL CHANGES (R)NEALIS 732-382-1319 (H) NELSON 209-951-6733 (R) NELSON 310-377-4460 (E) NICHOLS 406-684-5531 (E) NIVEN 901-452-2664 (R)NOVINGER 812-537-3142 (E) OLSON 760-346-0141 (R)OTTO 561-286-2933 (R)OTTO 802-333-4540 (E) PAHL 408-741 -1 274 (R)PALETTA 603-736-8567 (R) PALMER 972-562-7155 (E) PHILLIPS 703-787-0697 (A)PHILLIPS, JR 913-268-1447 (R)POLK 305-451-1672 (R) POLK 616-469-3376 (H) PRYOR (R)QUICK 816-246-6671 (R) RAEBIGER 02-32-32-2820 (H)REA 802-457-3836 (E) REED 81 0-231-1404 (R) REID 250-223-8555 (R) REUSS 805-495-3085 (R) RHODES 757-499-5383

Donald L. Capt. (JOSIE) donjosie@webtv.net Alta Mrs. (ART) Stuart F. Capt. (ARLENE) e @ te.net

neln v1 g

Horace E. Capt. (PAT) nickl1011 @aol.com John W. Capt. (GWEN) Fred B. Capt. (JUDY) fnovinge@seidata.com Eldred L. Capt. (ROSALIE) eolson@msn.com William B. Capt. (JOAN) William B.

Capt. (JOAN)

Clarence H. Capt. (MICKEY) captcslim@aol.com Joseph Capt. (JANICE) Jay C. Capt. (GERRY) jaygerl@msn.com John Capt. jfp1917@erols.com Herb Capt. (BETTY) 73644.143@compuserve.com William M. Capt. (GALE) bpolkey@aol.com William M. Capt. (GALE) Elsie A.

Mrs. (ROGER)

William E. F / E (BETTY) bbquick@worldnet.att.net Otto R. Capt. (MARIE-CLAUD Georgia Mrs. (WILLIAM) 11-rea@prodigy.com Edward A. Capt. (ELOISE) William J.


Herb Capt. (INGEBORG) rouladen@gte.net Paul T. F / E (DONNA) ontheroads@aol.com

140 Meredith Road N J 07067-31 10 Colonia, 3993 Bridlewood Circle CA 95219 Stockton, 21 Coveview Drive Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 P 0 Box 16 M T 59751 Silver Star, P 0 Box 84 TN 38101-0084 Memphis, 17855 Horizon Way I N 47025 Lawrenceburg 48-600 North View Dr CA 92260-6723 Palm Desert, 142 S. Sewall's Point FL 34996 Stuart, 3720 Lake Morey Rd. V T 05045 Fairlee, 20160 Chateau Drive CA 95070 Saratoga, 38 Long Bay Dr NH 03246 Lacona, 2805 Creek Bend Ct. T X 75070 McKinney, 11314 Sundial Ct. Apt B V A 201942023 Reston, 7819 Oak View Ln. KS 66216-4242 Lenexa, 602 Santa Anita Lane FL 33037 Key Largo, 47025 Lakeview M I 49117 New Buffalo, 2803 Forest Club Dr. FL. 33567-7263 Plant City, 405 N W Essex Dr. MO 64081 Lee's Summit, 143 Rue Au Lait France 27130 Verneule S / A Rr #1, Box 153 V T 05091 Woodstock, 8735 Lagoon Drive M I 48116 Brighton, P 0 Box 459 ID. 83853 Porthill, 1666 Berwick PI CA 91361 Westlake Vlg, 854 Five Forks Rd VA 23455 Virginia Beach,



L. Roger Capt. (MARY) rrichards@loop.com James Capt. (BARBARA) jb12966@bigfork.net David W. Capt. (VI) Tari

Mrs. (CHUCK)

(R)RIPPEL Wayne K. Capt. wrippel@llion.org 417-588-4056 (R) ROE James E. Capt. (KAREN) 573-374-6642 (S)ROMANELLO Werner Mr. (MIRELLA) 39-06-59-20-438 fax 39-06-79340-687 (R) ROOD Kletus W. Capt. (LOIS) 505-294-4401 kleteio@earthlink. net (R)ROZE Wally Capt. 561-913-1 761 (R)ROZE Wally Capt. 860-868-2720 (R) RUDE James A. Capt. (PATTI) 781-631-7549 (R)SCARBOROUGH John Capt. (KATHERINE) (R)SCHINDEHETTE 602-893-1907 (R)SCHINDEHETTE (R)SCHMIDT 760 -451-1568 (R)SCHMITZ 815-436-5370 (A)SELBY 727-573-5646 (R)SELLS 775-831-7990 (R)SHIELDS 516-261-3913 (R)SHIPSTEAD 775-831-2652 (A)SKIBBY 562-431-5804 (R)SMITH 541-426-3466 (E) SMITH 913-648-4393 (H)SMITH 904 . 756-9893

Russell Capt. (DENE) russfly@aol.com Russell Capt. (DENE) Carl M. Capt. twaslvrf@ nctimes. net Charles L. Capt. (ANNE R.) chlschmltz@aol.com John W. Capt. (PATRICIA) John E. Capt. (CHRISTINE) jesells@aol.com John A. Capt. (ROSE) Weston

Capt. (ARTIE)

Bruce RFO (ILONA) bjskibby@access1.net Ermon W. Frank C.

Capt. (MARY LEE) Capt. (CAROL)

James L. Capt. (CAROLYN) jlscss@aol.com

505 Aqueduct Ct. CA Simi Valley, 42594 Turtle Lake Road MN Bigfork, 610 Downs Loop SC Clemson, 131 W 15th St. CO Salida, Rt 1, Box 213 MO Tunas, R R 3 Box 140 MO Sunrise Beach, 31 Viale Pasteur 00144 Rome 12408 Chelwood Ct N E NM Albuquerque, P 0 Box 249 Fellsmere, P 0 Box 606 New Milford 3 Sparhawk Terrace Marblehead, 8 Broad St. Stonington 11202 S 44th St. Phoenix, 203 E Lake Emily Rd Crystal Falls, P. O. Box 805 Fallbrook, 3313 Caroline Dr Joliet, 2888 La Concha Dr. Clearwater, P 0 Box 7597 Incline Village, 3 Irvinlee PI. East North Port, P 0 Box 3659 Incline Village, 4609 Ironwood Ave Seal Beach, P 0 Box 104 Enterprise, 10311 Meadow Lane Shawnee Mission 2905 Cypress Rdg. Tr. Daytona Beach,


93065-5455 56628 29631 81201-2348 65764-9631 65079 Italy 87112

FL 32948 CT 06776 MA 01945 CT 06378 AZ 85044 M I 49920-8511 CA 92088-0805 IL


FL 34622-2203 NV 89452-7597 NY 11731-2606 NV 89450-3659 CA 90740 OR 97828 KS 66206-2650 FL 32124


(E) SOLOMON 218-692-4395 (R)SORENSEN 520-286-1235 (A)SPAIN 314-947-8433 (E) STAMBOOK 619-452-8673 (R)STOCK 860-434-0455 (R)STOCK 307-733-6277 (E) STURTEVANT 480-947-4884 (H)SWAYNE 804-239-3149 (E) TABOR 605-983-5879 (E) TERRY 407-737-3199 (R)THOMAS (E) THORNE 609-935-1 193 (E) THORNTON 908-735-8624 (E) THORNTON 602-895-1085 (E) TOLF 616-671-5344 (E) TOWNER 508-896-5414 (R)TRICE 310-823-1979 (R)TRUMPOLT 904-788-8155 (A)TYNAN 805-389-9509 (R) UNDERWOOD 516-325-0863 (R)VAN ANDEL 616-544-6027 (H)VANDERMEER 201-447-4177 (R) VANDERMEER 305-534-6956 (A)VASCONCELLOS 808-395-4977

AND E-MAIL CHANGES Box 405 Capt. (BONNIE) Jasper S. MN 56442 Crosslake, I R 0 (FRANCES) P 0 Box 17084 Norman L. AZ 86017 Munds Park, 68 Huntington Pkwy H. D. Dusty Capt. (MARY) MO,63301-8711 St. Charles, hspain@twa.com P 0 Box 12782 Richard E. Capt. (NETTIE) CA 92039-2782 La Jolla, 14 Saunders Hollow Rd. Capt. Walter A. CT 06371 Old Lyme, 3670 W. Morley Dr. Capt. Walter A. WY 83025 Teton Village, 8100-176 East Camelback Road Capt. (ADRIENNE) Henry AZ 85251 Scottsdale, sture66@webtv.net 1213 Long Meadows Dr., #200 Mrs. (HOWARD) Ruth V A 24502-5200 Lynchburg, Donald C.


Raymond B.


Richard E.

Capt. (PAT)

George R.


F/E Elwood F. eiwoodthornton@sprintmail.com Elwood F. F/E Edward M.


William H.

Capt. (TEDDIE)

Capt. (MARLENE) John A. squadron35@aol.com Capt. (NANCY) Robert H. Capt. (MARILYN) Craig C. marlycam@aol.com Kenneth F / E (TRUDY) John


Capt. (LINDA)

Capt. (NIENKE) Hans M. hansmv@earthlink.net Capt. (NIENKE) Hans M. hansmv@earthlink.net Keith Capt.

P 0 Box 24 SD 57214-0024 Badger 3813 Silver Lace Ln. FL 33436 Boynton Beach, P 0 Box 630 MO 65065-0630 Osage Beach 115 Lakeview Dr. P 0 Box 302 N J 08001-0302 Ailoway, 10 Belvidere Ave. N J 08809-1002 Clinton, 8902 Player Dr A Z 85248 Sun Lakes, 2088 Mid Lake Dr. MI 49060 Hickory Corners, 79 Skippers Way M A 02631 Brewster 331 Rees St. CA 90293 Playa Del Rey, 1917 S. Creek Blvd FL 32124 Daytona Beach, 28149 Village 28 CA 93012 Camarillo, 7 Ringneck Road NY 11960-0374 Remsenburg, P 0 Box 340 M I 49729 Ellsworth, 313 Mastln Place NJ 07450 Ridgewood, 465 Ocean Drive Apt. 1116 FL 33139 Miami Beach, 125 Koko Isle Circle HI 96825 Honolulu,



(R)VAUX 603-772-0716 (R)VAUX 941-624-0608 (E) VOSS 1-417-451-5846 (H)WALKER 303-469-7097 (R)WATSON 717-698-6414 (E) WEBER 941-992-0197 (R) WEST 440-461-0507 (R) WHEELER 775-588-5833 (E) WHEELER 520-472-7170 (A)WIESE 314-537-1858 (R) WILKEN 949-493-3367 (R) WILL RICH 760-757-2378 (E) WILSON 253-853-3162 (R) WINCHESTER 702-786-4007 (E) WITTMAN 913-491-3046 (R)WRIGHT 520-577-1642 (R)YATES 973-875-4856 A) V AT ES 501-876-5952 (E) YELANEY (A)YOUNG 314-895-6850 (R)ZACHMAN 616-943-4520 (E) ZERBONE 702-294-0665

AND E-MAIL CHANGES .... 77 Drinkwater Rd P 0 Box 202 Richard A. Capt. (CYNTHIA) NH 03844 Hampton Falls, .... 14501 Bridgeview Lane Richard A. Capt. (CYNTHIA) FL 33953 Port Charlotte, Capt. (MARY JANE) .. . . 317 Patterson St. Robert W. MO 64850 Neosho, .... 10620 Wadsworth Blvd Mrs. (JAKE) Anita CO 80021 Broomfield, .... P O Box 182 James F. Capt. (MARILYN) PA 18436 Lake Adel, james.watson@worldnet.att.net . P. O. BOX 2101 Alfred Nay. (MELVA) FL 34133 Bonita Springs, .... 155 Pheasant Run Lyle Capt. (NANCY) OH 44124-4175 Cleveland P O Box 11400 Herbert K. Capt. (DONNA) NV 89448 Zephyr Cove, hwheeler@oakweb.com .. H C 5, Box 40 James W. Capt. (DORIS) AZ 85541 Payson, 15876 Timbervalley Rd Capt. Stephen R. MO 63017 Chesterfield, sweise@compuserve.com 31291 Paseo Sereno Al Capt. (DIANNE) San Juan Capistrano, c A 92675 .... P 0 Box 70756 Kenneth W. Capt. NV 89570-0756 Reno, William R. Capt. (JOAN) 1bwilson@ptinet.net

3405 48 St. Ct. N W Gig Harbor, James R. Capt. (MARTHA) .... P O Box 6426 Incline Village, Capt. (ROSEMARY) ... 12813 Sagamore Rd. Clem A. Leawood, namttiw@email.msn.com .. 4068 Via Del Buho John E. Capt. (ANNA) Tucson, twcap@aol.com Bob F / O (STEPHANIE) . . . . 1 Lott Road Sussex Keith E. Capt. (MARJORIE) . . . . 6 Lord Nelson Dr. Bella Vista, Andrew NAV 22 Willard Ave Farmingdale, .... 7536 Forsyth #521 Robert Capt. (JUNE) Clayton, ryoung@twa.com .... 9118 Lawrence Dr. T. V. " Ted " Capt. (THELMA) Traverse City, tv2@gte.net (MAYBE) ... 607 Lake Huron Lane Clifton A. Iro Boulder City, cjzjze p@ webtv . net


WA 98335 NV 89450-6426 KS 66209 AZ 85718 NJ. 07461-3910 AR 72714 NY 11735 MO 63105 M I 49684-9050 NV 89005

AON CONSULTING 1001 Brickell Bay Drive Miami, Florida 33131-4937 Telephone Number: (305) 961-5900 Toll Free Number: (800) 314-1860 Fax Number: (305) 961-5901

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In early 1997 Alexander & Alexander became part of AON Corporation. Our insurance consultants Howard Wincele and Sonia Blumenthal now have an office with AON CONSULTING in Miami, Florida. Ms. Rosy Fernandez is available on a daily basis to handle problems for RAPA members. Please note the new address and phone numbers below:


In Your Heart by Wayne Haggard When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today, while thinking of the many things, we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready, in heaven far above, and that I'd have to leave behind, all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye, for all life, I'd always thought, I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for, so much yet to do, it seemed almost impossible, that I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, Just even for a while,

I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized, that this could never be, for emptiness and memories, would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, from His great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity, and all I've promised you". Today for life on earth is past, but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each day's the same day, there's no longing for the past. But you have been so faithful, So trusting and so true. Though there were times you did some things, you knew you shouldn't do. But you have been forgiven and now at last you're free. So won't you take my hand and share my life with me? So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I' m right here, in your heart.

FOR BOB WIDHOLM Bob has returned to the skies he has flown, From boy hood to manhood his dreams took him there. Fay, what a wonderful life of love you've both known And you will meet again in his home in the Air. by Barry and Anita Craig

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