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Charles Wilder 23







24 Rufus Mosely








Gene Richards

99( MODEL A (FORD) by Charles Davis


THE EQUATOR by Bill Dixon




A TRIP TO DANANG by Russ Bowen LANICA by Buck Pratt



MINES FIELD by Earl Jinnette




Material contained in TARPA Topics maybe used by nonprofit or charitable organizations. All other use of material must be by permission of the Editor. All inquires concerning the is publication should be addressed to :

Front Cover Courtesy: Jon Proctor Back Cover: Airline History Museum TOPICS is an official publication of TARPA, a non-profit corporation. The Editor bears no responsibility for accuracy or unauthorized use of contents. John P. Gratz, Editor TARPA TOPICS 1646 Timberlake Manor Parkway Chesterfield, MO 63017








John P. Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, MO 63 01 7-55 00 ( 63 6 ) 532 - 8 3 1 7 jpgratz@charter.net David R. Gratz 1034 Carroll St. Louis, MO 63104 (3 1 4) 2 4 1 -9353 dgratz@kcnet.com Gene Richards 284oB Sherwood Ave Modesto, CA 9535 0 (209) 492-0391 gene_richards @pacbell.net Felix M. Usis III 1276 Belvoir Lane Virginia Beach, VA 2 34 6 4- 6 74 6 (757) 4 20 -5445 1 com userve.com p 73 6 44 . 334 @ John S. Bybee 2616 Saklan Indian Drive #1 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 (9 25)938-3492 jbybee4@attbi.com Jack Irwin 2466 White Stable Road Town and Country, MO 63 1 3 1 (3 1 4) 43 2 -3 2 72 jack@smilinjack.com Jean Thompson 11 Shadwood Lane Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29926 (843) 681-6451











Charles L. Wilder Howell, NJ 07731-2316 cwilder@optonline.net Guy A. Fortier Incline Village, NV 8945 0 guy4ta@msn.com

14 Underhill Rd. (73 2 ) 3 6 4-5549 Box 6065 (775) 831-304o

H.O. Van Zandt 1810 Lindbergh Lane 86 Daytona Beach, FL 32128 (3 ) 767-6607 hopvz@compuserve.com Rufus Mosely Box 1871 1080 2 1 Foley, AL 36536-1871 ( 5 ) 955rufus767@gulftel.com Robert C. Sherman 1201 Phelps Ave. San Jose, CA 95117 (408) 2 4 6 -7754 rcsherm@comcast.net Rockney Dollarhide Riverside Farm Dr. Crescent, MO 63025 (636) 938-4727 rdollar@tetranet.net William Kientz 14981 Chateau Village Chesterfield, MO 63 01 7-7701 ( 6 3 6 ) 39 1 -5454 wkientz@aol.com Jack Irwin 2466 White Stable Road Town and Country, MO 6 3 1 3 1 (3 14) 43 2 -3 2 7 2 jack@smilinjack.com Robert W. Dedman 3728 Lynfield Drive Virginia Beach, VA 2 345 2 (757) 463-2032 rwded@earthlink.net John P. Gratz 1646 Timberlake Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, MO 6301 7-5500 ( 6 3 6 ) 53 2 - 8 3 1 7 jpgratz@charter.net PAGE 2 ... TARPA TOPICS


Congratulations Congratulations

Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Deepest Regrets

for a super convention to Captain Guy Fortier, Chairman and his entire committee; Vice-Chairman, Captain Justin Livingston; Treasurer, Captain Herb Wheeler; Tours, Captain Chuck Lancaster; and to his vast array of helpers, including Joann Fortier, Barbara Livingston, Donna Wheeler to Katie Buchanan and her volunteers for a most active and congenial hospitality room (and her delicious hors d'oeuvres) to Vickie McGowan for her part in arranging for the hotel, tours, etc. Without her work and input, preparing for the convention would have been much more difficult. to Bob Dedman, past President, for his great leadership in promoting the convention and a special thanks to his lovely use for her support. to John Gratz and his brother, David, for advertising and promoting the convention so effectively in TARPA Topics. to all who attended and were rewarded with fellowship, tours, air races, gaming, hospitality room, banquet, etc. to all who were unable to attend - you missed one of the best conventions ever!

Although we had an excellent turnout for this convention, only a small percentage of our members attended. If you know someone who could have come but did not, share with them how great a convention it was and encourage them to join us on the cruise next fall. We are presently planning our 2004 convention which will feature a cruise. The exact details will be available in the near future. Although Bob Dedman's shoes will be hard to fill, I look forward to serving you as your new president and welcome any and all comments and suggestions. TARPA is an active and viable organization and can be only be sustained with your help. Our future success depends upon the active involvement of each of us. Try to reach out to cockpit crew members who have not joined us and encourage them to join. Hand them an enrollment form which is found in the aft portion of each TARPA Topics or consider making a gift of membership to one of them. With my best wishes for a happy, healthy year.



There is a lot to notice in this issue of TOPICS. First of all, to keep everything on track we need you to pay your 2004 dues before the Holidays create too many distractions. You will also see that we had a very successful Convention in Reno Chaired by our new First Vice-President, Guy Fortier. Guy ably assisted by a group of highly motivated Committee Members who served as gracious hosts and hostesses happy to showcase their special corner of our great country. Everyone has praised the professionalism and enthusiasm of all those concerned. The Committee introduced several innovations; for instance Ed Madigan collected all the many digital photos from attendees into a slide show. Ed sent all of them to us for this issue. There were so many hundreds that we could not include them all, and this plethora of pretty pictures perforce precludes any possibility of naming the worthy subjects. Ed Madigan has posted most of his photos on the web at:http://homepage.mac.com/edmadigan/PhotoAlbum7.html It should be noted that Katie Buchanan was even more of a hospitality maven than usual since we were in her backyard, Reno! Katie even produced a tasty array of hors d'oeuvres in her own kitchen! Finally our new Convention Coordinator and "Jill of all trades," Vicki McGowen also did another fine job helping our Committee. Reno is Vicki's hometown also. Happily, many Members were attending for the first time and have now begun to exhort everyone else to join in such future fun. The final act of TARPA Convention 2003 was the election of a new President, Charles Wilder, a new first Vice-President Guy Fortier and a new Senior Director, Bob Sherman. All other Officers and Directors were re-elected. The complete list is on page 2. We are pleased to feature articles here from regular contributors Bill Dixon and Charles Davis. In this issue we also feature new TOPICS authors, Russ Bowen and Buck Pratt. We would like to remind all TARPA Members on the Internet to remember to visit our web page, www.tarpa.com. It offers a place to get information on a variety of subjects, and a forum for Members to share their ideas and news of general interest. This site was designed to provide information on a more timely basis than TOPICSprovides with a three a year schedule. Soon the web page will be the place for our TARPA Directory. A printed Directory will no longer be mailed to all Members, but a printed copy will be available on request after March 2004. Topics Staff , Circa 1956

Photos in this issue of TOPICS courtesy of: Convention attendees.



As of September 7, 2003, the membership is as follows: (R) Retired: 9 13 (A) Active: 88 (E) Eagles: 535 (H) Honorary: 470 TOTAL: 2006 There are also 42 subscribers to Topics, and 19 who receive complimentary copies. We have added 11 new members since the last Topics. Here is the financial report for the first eight months of 2003: 1/1/2002: Opening Balance Income Expenses Cash Flow Balance 4/30/02

$39, 2 59 . 5 1 $50,224.70 $32,134.86 $18,089.84 $57,349 . 35

We have one more issue of TARPA Topics to produce this year at a cost of approximately $15,000. This should leave us with a balance at year end of around $42,000, slightly ahead of our opening balance for the year. Respectfully submitted,

C. Rufus Mosely Sec/Treas


C. RUFUS MOSELY BOX 1871 FOLEY, AL 36536-1871 U.S.A. 251 955-1080 rufus767@gulftd.com MINUTES of the Sep. 8. 2003 TARPA Board meeting. Board members present: Bob Dedman, H. O. Van Zandt, John Gratz, Rufus Mosely, CharlesWilder. Absent: Rockney Dollarhide, Jack Irwin, Harry Jacobson, Bill Kientz. The meeting was called to order at 2:30 P.M. by President Dedman. President's Report: Bob congratulated everyone for the good turnout for the Reno Convention. He spoke on the Biennial Directory, and after discussion, the following motion was made by Charles Wilder and seconded by Bob Dedman: Whereas, the TARPA Board of Directors in a continuing search for cost savings in providing services for the Members, has considered eliminating the Printed Directory and its mailing to all Members, and Whereas, it now appears feasible to substitute a secure on-line version with the added provision that those Members who specifically request printed versions may have them mailed separately, therefore be it Resolved, that the TARPA Board of Directors does hereby authorize the Second Vice-President, the SecretaryTreasurer, and the Webmaster to take the action necessary to accomplish these changes. This motion passed. Bob addressed the need to rejoin RAPA, the Retired Airline Pilot's Association, so that our members will be eligible for their insurance program. Rufus stated that he has tried to contact RAPA, but has had no response. He is awaiting further instructions on another way to get in touch with RAPA. Bob initiated discussion on the 2004 and 2005 Conventions. The following motion was made by Rufus Mosely and seconded by Charles Wilder: be it Resolved, that the 2004 Convention consist of a 4 night cruise departing from New Orleans on Sep. 20. This motion passed. The ship will be the Carnival Holiday and we will block loo cabins. The following motion was made by Charles Wilder and seconded by Bob Dedman: be it Resolved, that the 2005 Convention will be held in Philadelphia. This motion passed. First Vice President's Report: Charlie Wilder reported that he continues to audit the TARPA financial records, and they remain in order. Second Vice President's Report: H.O. Van Zandt reported that his work continues in keeping the e-mail list up to date, there are about 1000 on it now. Please keep both him and the sec/treas advised of e-mail changes. He will help on getting the Directory on the Website. ' Secretary/Treasurer s Report: Rufus Mosely reported on the cash flow for the first eight months of 2003 and projections for the rest of the year, passing out summary sheets of same. 2003 will end up just ahead of break-even. He also reported on current membership. See attachments #1 and #2. He also asked the Board to look for a candidate to replace him at the next Convention. Directors Report: Bob Dedman reported that Senior Director Harry Jacobson is resigning from the Board as of this Convention, and that Robert Sherman has been nominated to replace him.


There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by H. O. Van Zandt and seconded by Charlie Wilder. This motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 P.M.

MINUTES of the September 10, 2003 TARPA General Membership Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:35 AM by the President, Capt. Bob Dedman, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were over too in attendance. The Flown West names since our last meeting were read by Capt. John Bybee, Flown West Coordinator. President's Report: Capt. Dedman spoke on the situation at AA, there are now no former TWA Flight Attendants and less than 400 former TWA Pilots employed there. He announced that he was stepping down as president at the Conclusion of this Convention. Regarding insurance, those with Complink need to be sure that their premiums are paid, and for those over 65, USAA offers a Medicare Supplement. There is a retiree travel program called IAPAN which should be investigated. The 2004 Convention will be on a Cruise Ship departing from New Orleans on Monday, Sep. 20, 2004, for 4 nights. A hotel for before and after the Convention will be arranged as an option. The 2005 Convention will be in Philadelphia. 1st Vice President 's Report: Capt. Billie to Chair the 2005 Convention. He is well as of this date. He asked all urge them to join TARPA, and to give

Charles Wilder reported that he has asked Capt. Clark is continuing to audit the finances of the organization, all members to talk to their friends who are not members and gift memberships to them.

2ndV's icePrsdnt Report: Capt. H. O. Van Zandt reported that he continues to update the master e-mail list and to periodically send out e-mail to members. Please send your e-mail changes to the Sec/Treas so that the list will remain current. He also has a master TWA Seniority list from the beginning, as of today TWA has hired 8,345 flight crew members. Secretary/Treasurer ' s Report: Capt. Rufus Mosely reported on current membership, which stands at 2006. 11 new members have joined since the last issue of Topics. He also discussed finances year to date. We began the year with $39,259.51 on hand, and after publishing the November Topics, expect to end the year slightly ahead of that amount. Director ' s Reports: Senior Director Harry Jacobson is retiring from the Board and was unable to attend the Convention. Directors Rockney Dollarhide and Bill Kientz were also not able to be with us. Topics Editor: Capt. John Gratz addressed the new system to be in place for the 2004 Directory. It will be in electronic form and available to members on the TARPA website, however, for those without computers, a printed copy will be mailed upon request. The insurance issue for those under 65 is still ongoing.


Community America Credit Union: Mr. Sean Yokley reported that the Credit Union has 1.3 billion dollars in assets as of the end of 2002. They have 14 locations and many more shared branches. The appreciate very much our continuing use of their facilities. New Business: Capt. Marty Sobel reported for the A-Plan Defense Fund. There is concern that the PBGC may run out of money. APDF has a new law firm, a filing has just been made. He suggested that all affected pilots who are not now members of APDF consider joining and send a monthly check to support this work. They have a website: www.aplandefense.org . It was announced that the TWA Seniors will be at Wickenburg, AZ at Halloween. The following motion was made by Capt. Bob Sherman and seconded by Capt. Bill Kirschner: Whereas, Katie Buchanan has once again managed the hospitality room at the TARPA Convention 2003 in Reno, and Whereas, Katie using her own culinary skills produced several of the appetizers in her Reno home, and Whereas, TARPA members owe Katie gratitude for her years as hostess at TARPA Conventions, Therefore be it resolved: that the TARPA members at this general membership meeting formally express our many thanks. This motion passed. The following motion was made by Capt. Larry Tobin and seconded by Capt. Mike McFarland: Whereas, the Chairman and committee members of TARPA Convention 2003 in Reno, as well as Convention facilitator Vicky McGowan, have produced a gathering of the most outstanding character, and Whereas, in producing our Convention the Chairman and committee members have introduced innovations of great imagination, and Whereas, this committee has set a standard for future convention committees to use as a guide, Therefore be it resolved: that the members in attendance here in Reno do hereby express sincere appreciation to the Reno Convention committee for a job well done. This motion passed. The following motion was made by Capt. John Gratz and seconded by Capt. Rufus Mosely: Whereas, Bob Dedman has been actively working for TARPA and its members for many years, and Whereas, Bob has served as an officer and board member, and Whereas, Bob has completed three terms as President, and Whereas, Bob had the helm during the untimely demise of our beloved TWA, and Whereas, Bob faced the numerous problems created by that sad event with fortitude, resolve, and dedication, and Whereas, Bob Dedman acquitted himself with the highest degree of professionalism, now therefore be it resolved: that the TARPA membership assembled here for TARPA Convention 2003 do hereby express our sincere admiration and gratitude for a job well done. This motion passed. A long standing ovation followed. Gene Richards, Grapevine Editor, asked everyone to send him stories for the next, as well as future issues of Topics. Jim Higgins announced that the TWA Seniors Convention for 2004 will be in Seattle in July, and urged all to attend.


Directed Account Plan: Capt. Joe Montanaro reported that he has been Executive Director of the DAP for more than 10 years now. The DAP has more than one billion in assets and over 3,000 participants. He reviewed the plan status and answered many questions from the audience. The plan website is: www.4twadap.com . Election of Officers: Capt. Jim Breslin, Nominating Committee Chairman, presented the following slate of nominees for the next year: President: Charles Wilder 1st Vice President: Guy Fortier 2 nd Vice President: H. O. Van Zandt Secretary/Treasurer: Rufus Mosely Senior Director: Robert Sherman Director: Rockney Dollarhide Director: William Kientz Capt. Breslin then made a motion on behalf of the Nominating Committee that the above nominees be elected. This motion passed. There being no further business, Capt. Bill Kirschner made and Capt. Horace Greeley seconded a motion to adjourn, this motion passed and Capt. Dedman adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted,

Capt. C. Rufus Mosely Secretary/Treasurer




















In fond memory of Captain Russ Derickson

Captain Russ Derickson flies West on that final check ride we all must eventually take. This painting in memory of Russ Derickson was received shortly after Russ passed away. It is Russ Day ' s personal tribute to one of TWA and TARPA's most memorable leaders. Captain Russ Derickson ' s career included working for TWA Pilots as a representative of The Air Line Pilots Association both as local leader and as Chairman of the TWA Master Executive Council. He worked for TWA in several management positions and retired as Chief Pilot of the San Francisco Domicile. He served five terms as President of TARPA and was greatly responsible for its continuing success. I met Russ when I was serving in ALPA and later when he was GMF at San Francisco, I was local Chairman. Russ always encouraged me to become active in TARPA. Captain Russ Derickson will always be remembered fondly by all who knew him. Ed.


Russ Day has generously offered the artwork for his famous note cards, "The Captain", to Operation Liftoff and to the TWA Section of the Platte County Historical Society Museum near MCI Airport. These worthy groups are in turn offering them to you as nostalgic and useful souvenir of the good old days of TWA. These cards reproduced in the most vivid colors have also been produced on a 12 by 18 inch poster. The set of nine cards and envelopes can be purchased by making a contribution of $16.00, and the poster is also available for $24.00 at: Operation Liftoff, C/O AA Training Center 11495 Natural Bridge Rd Bridgeton, MO 63044 314-551-1755 Based in St. Louis Missouri, Operation Liftoff is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to providing trips within the United States for children who are facing life-threatening illnesses. Any child who is afflicted with a life threatening illnesses is eligible for a dream or treatment trip without regard to race, creed, sex or national origin. A life threatening illness is not limited to the varied forms of cancer, but includes any illness, which is deemed life threatening. O.L. began in 1978, from humble beginnings and with a handful of volunteers; needed funds came from fundraisers on a trip-by-trip basis. Today, O.L. has grown with dedicated volunteers and a long list of wonderful friends who have brought some needed joy into the lives of families over the years

A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF TARPA 2003 by Bill Dixon The convention this year in Reno, Nevada was attended by 304 dedicated TARPA Members. That beats last year's total substantially. Only one hundred and ninety-eight made the Chicago gettogether. The famous annual Reno Air Races probably inspired the extra attendance. And the races and aerial displays were fabulous to watch, living up to their reputation. The temperature was warm, but not too bad. We stayed at the Sliver Legacy Hotel, a luxurious and huge establishment, with all the entertainment and gambling anyone could care to face. If any large sums were won or lost, it was kept under cover. Buses were run every 30 minutes to the airport. The main show at the Air Races started at noon on the first day with the world famous Air Force Thunderbirds in their Fighting Falcons. Six in number, they made their attendance over the stands at twelve-twenty pm, exactly as scheduled. There earsplitting near supersonic roar instantly heralded they were there, as they passed a few hundred feet over the stands from behind. The falcons were colorfully decorated, largely white on top. Their first maneuver was a straight up climb into a high loop, all in a super-tight diamond formation. It was almost unbelievable to watch. Everyone had to be proud of this precision group. They performed for approximately 30 minutes. Actual air races, such as with P-51s, were fascinating to observe, but the Silver Falcons were the undisputed stars with their aerobatic flights. Among the other places visited was the Ponderosa Ranch, home of the Bonanza TV shows. It was a quite large and interesting place to see (and eat!) On arrival at the convention, each attendee was given a neat, colorful nametag to hang around their neck. It made it easy to keep recognize and keep track of each other. Also, other little gifts - such as two wine glasses and a deck of cards were handed out. An appreciated list of all attending was also included in a large envelope. The Lake Tahoe dinner cruise on the M.S. DIXIE 11, was colorful with good music for dancing, and we kept the floor crowded for the entire time on the ship. Prior to starting all that fun, was a well-attended business meeting, with election of new officers, which will be covered elsewhere in this issue. The final dinner featured a superb band, and dancing took over after the tasty meal.


FLYING THE CONCRETE COMPASS Chicago to California via 1-80 By Jeff Hill, Sr. I-80 follows the same route as the Oregon and California Trails, the first transcontinental telegraph (1861) the first transcontinental railway (1869) and the old Boing Air Transport (later United) CHISFO route. It is not only historic and scenic, but also the easiest and safest way to fly a light plane from here to Northern Calif, or intermediate points such as Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, and the Reno/Tahoe area. Having flown this route many times at thirty thousand + feet, via J 94, I finally got a chance to drop down and have a closer look. I left 1OC for Reno September 4 in a 180 hp Skyhawk, which at 500 lbs. under Max. GW, still has respectable performance capabilitys at density altitudes around 10,000' – 12,000'. Comforting. I was sightseeing, not racing, so I allowed four days for the trip out. The I-80 route is surprisingly flat – but high; around 7000' in western Wyoming. Although I saw many peaks shooting up to around 10,000' off to the left and right, the series of valleys that make up the route almost never leaves one without a suitable site where a survivable emergency landing could be made; and always near civilization. Comforting. There are only two fairly narrow passes, just east of Salt Lake and just west of the Bonneville VOR. No problem but good VFR is essential and one has to watch the winds. I chatted with a "local" in Cheyenne. He gave me some good advice on mountain flying as well as some good touring tips. He said, "Wendover is just a delightful place to overnight, it was an old Air Force Base, about 100 miles west of Salt Lake." The name sort of rang a bell, but all I could think of was "Westover", which of course is in Massachusetts. Crossing the Wasatch, I approached SLC, with its maze of Class B and special use airspace. Under? Over? Or around? Over. I called SLC App. to get into the system, climbed to 10,500' and flew right over Temple Square. Now, it was time to select the next fuel stop and as luck would have it, Wendover (ENV) would work just fine. Two 8,000' runways at only 4000' MSL – yet even more comfort. Old pilots like a lot of comfort, y' know. I taxied to the ramp and, wow! – somebody just turned the clock back sixty years! The FBO is in "Base Ops." just under the old control tower. There are six or eight, approx. 100' X 100' wood framed and sided B-17 and B-24 maintenance hangars. Then there is one huge steel hangar where the B-29 maintenance was done. The lineman came out to take my fuel order and I began to quiz him on the airport, and it all started coming back – this was the remote and super secret base where the A-bombs were assembled and shipped late in WW II. It was also one of the old "four engine schools" (B-17 & B-24). The base was once nearly two million acres, which included big gunnery and bombing ranges (still in use, see the Salt Lake Sectional). The lineman sensed my interest and said that if I'd like to hop in his pick-up, he'd show me around – Let's go! First we saw the "bomb pit" (left) where either an A-bomb or a "pumpkin", a practice bomb, was lowered on a hydraulic lift. Then a B29 taxied over the pit and the payload was raised up into the bomb bay. Next we drove to the machine gun test bunker. Here a B-17 or B-24 could taxi up to the bunker, the nose wheel rolled down a ramp to raise the top turret, and then the guns were test fired. It didn't take my friend long to dig me up a couple

of slugs which I've added to my Collection of Next, "stuff". came the gunnery range where the "Tokyo Trolley" ran. That was a gun turret on a flat rail car, with a target on another rail car, on a different set of tracks, so a gunnery student could fire at a moving target from a moving platform. Neat. We found a "pumpkin" (below) a rusting "Little Boy" dummy filled with concrete. They used these to develop and practice the escape technique used after dropping the A-bomb (a 155 deg. downwind diving turn, kind of an inverted chandelle). Well, I decided I would not only stay the night; I would stay two nights. That would give me a whole day to explore Wendover AAFB, now the Tooele (say, twoell) Co. Airport. The town is cool, too. The State Line runs right through the middle. The Utah side is a lot like Greenwood, IL. but the Nevada side jumps. It offers everything that is illegal, immoral and fattening elsewhere. Maybe not exactly Las Vegas, but close enough. To the East is the Great Salt Lake Desert. It is so flat and vast, that one can actually see the curvature of the earth – honest. It's more noticeable at night when you can see at least 50 miles of headlights on I-80. All the next day I roamed this "ghost base". Here Col. Paul h Tibbets commanded the 509 tComposite Group. "Silverplate" was the code name. The Enola Gay parked on this very ramp. 20,000 were assigned here in 1943. Heroes passed through here. Many never came back and those that did, now in their eighties and nineties are disappearing fast. I had the feeling of being in a holy place, this unpeopled graveyard of dozens of derelict buildings and acres of now unused and deteriorating concrete. If you ever get to the SLC area, whether flying the "Concrete Compass", or driving I-80, plan a stop at Wendover as it is indeed, "a delightful place to overnight".

Looking NW – remaining buildings North, then 1-80; town of Wendover off end of Rwy 30. That white stuff is not snow! To see these pix in color and enlarged go to www.eaa932.orq


RUSS DAY - CONSUMMATE ARTIST AND CARTOONIST by Bill Dixon Russ Day, officially P. Russell Day, TWA Captain who retired in March, 1988, has had two vocational loves in his life. One was to fly airplanes and the other to draw pictures. He is fully into art now. Probably he was destined for stardom in some category, being born in Hollywood Hospital, March 9,m 1928. Shirley Temple first saw life in the same hospital a month later. When five months old, his family moved to New York City, and then after two years, to Bergen County, N.J. for the next fourteen. "I was always drawing," he reports. "My parents learned this when they found all their bridge score pads would contain scribbling whenever they sought to play. Since I was an only child, they very easilly figured out who the culprit was!" In grammar school he always was the class artist, the one the teachers would assign to make the backdrops for the school play, decorations for history projects, and anything else they could think of. During this time he also was very interested in airplanes, making many rubber powered flying models. He remembers his best ones were the WW1 biplanes, SPAD, Sopwith-Camel and a 1925 Army plane called a P6E. A harbinger of things to come, in 8th grade he had to make a report on "Airline Jobs" for a vocational guidance class. "In the middle of WW2, my father was relocated to Dallas, Texas, and I was able to weather toweahr the culture shock fairly well" he confesses. "I recall having bitter arguments with my American history teacher. She thought the South should have won the Civil War. I tried out for the football team, which was a complete disaster. I was tall, skinny and not very good at age seventeen, so I became reporter and sports cartoonist for the high school newspaper and yearbook. Russ said his main hero during his last year in New Jersey was cartoonist Willard Mullin, with the New York World Telegram. His work can still be found in a website on famous cartoonists on the web, and "I tried to pattern my cartooning and general drawing on his style. My collection of them was lost in the family's next move. Later, I was able at an art show to buy four of Mullin's originals, which I would not trade for almost any other piece of art in the world." Flying-wise, he went to the University of Texas for two years to prepare for his military obligation and entered flight training in March, 1948, at Pensacola, Florida. In advanced training, he qualified in the old lumbering seaplane called a PBM, but found handling the old beast quite a project. After he got his Navy wings in August 1949 he was assigned to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Then after a year he was reassigned to Trinidad, British West Indies for two more years. He was then sent to shore duty as an instructor at Corpus Christi, Texas still flying the old PBM. Russ then was assigned to Naval Station Kodiak flying search and rescue on the Grumman Albatross. Since Russ felt that he was assigned to a desk too much, he got out of the Navy and came back to home in 1956 to bombard the airlines with application s.


"TWA was the first to give me a hiring date. What I liked best about TWA was that it flew both domestic and international. I regret I remained in the Navy so long as I was rather junior for my age with TWA, but I did keep active in the Navy Reserve until I got the required twenty years service credit." Based in New York with two short exiles to Newark, Russ made his first flight on TWA in a Martin 202, Oct. 2, with Captain Bill Halliday. Russ saved his sarcastic drawings, especially against the Scheduling Department, until his probationary year was up! Time went on, and Russ got to drawing cartoons for the Skyliner and started posting the route on the cockpit door with appropriate drawn destinations, like a "Big Apple" for NY. With the advent of felt tip markers, he could work in color. "The jets came in" Russ explained "and could do 2 or 3 propeller aiplanes' amount of work. The situation worsened to the point I got a letter saying I could expect to be furloughed by February of 1961 or '62. I was already back to being a "second officer" in the heart of the inter-union battle for the third seat on jets. "Luckily," Russ continued, "my furlough never came and I was having a field day drawing cartoons of the new jets and pilot versus the flight engineer union battle for that third seat. About this time Bill Dixon, who was Director of Flying, hired me to draw cartoons for Flight Facts, the Flight Operations new letter. I was the only one of the staff that got paid in addition to my TWA salary. Bill was the original editor. "He asked me to dream up a comic strip character related to flying that was humorous but offered a lesson; thus I thought up `Pembroke' a Canada goose with a flair for making mistakes. I drew Pembroke, plus other cartoon spots for Flight Facts working with about 6 different editors until retirement 26 years later. Russ got to drawing some cartoons on the 88o when he was second officer, which led him into trouble. He drew old fat fang tooth mean captains terrorizing young copilots and engineer. Finally, the chief pilot in LAX saw one of Russ's masterpieces and raised hell. When the correspondence on this came to NY, they had Russ in five minutes! His only punishment was to bid the Convairs until he personally got the so-called blight erased. Unfortunately, the second officer's seat was extremely uncomfortable! Guess that was his punishment. So this won't be too long, we will skip to where Russ started flying captain. He missed the dying days of the old "Connie" by getting a EWR Captain in late 1966. Newark, a tiny tiny domicle had just gone to all 727 's. So while his classmates were struggling with the old propeller aircraft he was able to step right in and fly the new jet powered 727. He states, " I flew my first captain trip with George Kantra and Bill Harkins as my helpful but doubting crew in February 1967 amid more ice, snow, and decision-making that I would encounter in


the next several months of flying!" But isn't that always the way? Russ never when back to copilot all the way to retirement. Russ continues, "All this time I was drawing and cartooning various activities in the airline. I was elevated to instructor pilot at JFK for a year then went back to the line. There was a speakers' program involved and since I am a natural 'B/S" artist, I volunteered. About this time the pilots instituted the ` Go ' program since the company was in trouble financially (Weren't we always in trouble?)." In 1972 it was back to college in night classes until finally, as he puts it, he earned a BA in Fine Arts in 1975. A series of cartoons he drew for Dixon's retirement party in 1978, all neatly framed, were entitled: "The Captain as Seen by — his wife, the copilot, the FAA, the Flight attendants, etc. Russ says the theme was an old one, but his drawing and interpretations were all original. The drawings hang in a place of honor in Bill's apartment in San Jose, CA, and with copies at his late son's. Russ's final trip was to Munich, with a stop in Brussels, in March 1988 on a Lockheed 1o11. His favorite aircraft was the 747, which he flew mainly in the summer on international because, as he succinctly states, "I was too damn junior to fly it year around." In retirement, Russ has become involved in the computer age and all that goes with it, such as digital cameras, scanners, and graphics. He reports that he still skis and sails, but the old body is starting to break up (a familiar story to all us old pilots), but that he will never give up his art work.

Last night while I lay sleeping I died or so it seemed then I went to Heaven But only in my dreams

"We can't have people like you up here; your life was full of sin." Then he read the last of my record, grasped my hand and said, "Come in."

Saint Peter himself met me there at the Pearly Gates He said, "I must check your record, so stand right here and wait."

He took me to the Big Boss, saying, "Take and treat him well. He worked for TWA, Sir, he's had his share of Hell!"

"I see where you drank alcohol and swore quite often too. Fact is, you 've done many things that a good person shouldn't do."


"But 'tis not the aircraft, that makes our hearts pound, Nor traveling 200 knots on the ground; Nay, lassie, 'tis the `otess d' l'air that makes us all fly, For without her, we pilots would die!" With that Antoine chuckled, his eyes filled with glee, For did I not state we were in gay Paris? "Some things never change", he said with delight, Then he and the girls disappeared in the night. "Au revoir, mon ami", he said with a wave, And I once again was alone in the Cave; But I know that someday we will meet once again, On the Rue St. Louis, in the soft Paris rain.

"Tell me", demands Antoine, "of your marvelous jet, For when I met my death they hadn't flown yet; Although when I bid Cote d' Azur fond adeiu, The Boche were then flying the -262."

"How thrilling I think, how great it must be, In only six hours, New York to Paris! " "Back in my day", he continued to muse, It took nearly that long to fly to Toulouse!"

"Oui, 'tis a thrill", I began with a smile, "To race down the runway, mile after mile, Point your nose at the Heavens, then climb like a bird, While on the ground your thunder is heard."

I somehow knew that St. X could not die, For his writings inspire our young men to fly; But I can't help but wonder why the bard's chosen me, To chat with tonight in lovely Paris.

S ' il te plait, ma cherie, une cigarette? " Why it's merry Marie, and playful Paulette! They're joining us for a bock of good cheer, And to listen to stories of flight's yesteryear.

As I took a long draught of my bock filled with beer, I leaned very close, so the old boy could hear; And I started my tale, of the red and white jet, For Antoine , Marie, and playful Paulette.

How honored I am, that he knows my name, This old aviator of wide worldly fame; And tho' he's been dead now for nigh sixty years, Tonight he seems healthy, and full of good cheer!


" My trusty old craft, made of leather and wood Was covered with cloth; though she flew pretty good. Tell me, mon ami, how does it feel, At Mach .85, in your craft made of steel?"

Under the full moon, I sit here tonight, In a petit cafe, in the City of Light; And who should I find now joining me? A pilot named Antoine....de St. Exup ' ery!

A VISIT FROM ST. X by Michael J. Larkin

The 99 cent Model A (Ford) by Charles Davis During the depths of the great depression, I was attending a junior college in the Middle West and had no wheels. The daily round trip hike was more than five miles. Six months before, I had sold a 1929 Pontiac roadster for fifteen dollars to help pay for my tuition ($25 per semester), and was desperate for any kind of transportation. There was no bus line on my route, and I was so poverty—stricken I would have had to pass anyway. I had long ago given up asking my parents for a hand-out, however small. My father was a piano teacher and half of his students paid for their lessons in kind. There were sacks of vegetables (mostly home grown), meat from the local butcher, and haircuts. I would spend a pleasant hour or two every week having a hair trim and a shampoo. This indulgence came to an abrupt end when it was discovered that my father owed the barber. Once in awhile, my mother would slip me a dime so I could join the gang at a Saturday movie but that was it. When I approached my father for a little cash, he stared at me in disbelief and then averted his eyes. How was I ever going to get money for another car? Being afoot was bad for several reasons. Most of the heavy industry and shops were located down in the river bottoms where a slim chance of employment might exist, but were miles away from where I lived. I had a girl friend who wanted to he my "steady " , but in all fairness, I had to give her free rein to date my buddies (those I trusted) who had transportation. About halfway between home and school was a new car agency. Adjacent to the showroom was the company used car lot over-flowing with unsold vehicles. It was a few blocks out of my way to `walk by this establishment, hut the urge to eye this assemblage, and imagine myself tooling along behind the wheel of any of them was strong enough to justify the detour. My favorite was a 1930 Ford Model A sport business coupe with a soft top and a rumble seat. Nearly every day I would stroll around it for a long time and dream. I was always at the wheel, usually with my girl at my side, a couple in the rumble seat, and maybe another twosome cuddling up front. Once, when I was there, and right in the middle of a pleasant vision, a cruel buddy, who was familiar with my situation, drove by and destroyed my fantasy by yelling, `Eat your heart out! " The asking price for "my car " was eighty dollars. It may as well have been eight thousand. Occasionally, I would check everything on the lot. Nothing was moving. Many of the cars had been there over year. I finally made up my mind to omit the side trips, and spare myself the pain of having to turn away after a delusion of grandeur session. As I made my way home one day, and passed abeam of the agency my feet began to drag. One more look and it ` would be my last. I changed course. From a block away I could see that a large signboard had been erected in front of the car lot. I quickened my pace. As the word, "SALE", came into view, I began to run. A sizable crowd had gathered, and was intent on the dramatic proclamation displayed below. THIS IS A 99 cent SALE. ALL OF THE CARS ON THIS LOT WILL, BE SOLD STARTING AT 8 O ' CLOCK IN THE MORNING, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. THE SALE PRICE OF EACH CAR IS ON THE WINDSHIELD.


They had been moved about and I did hot see the "A". My throat started to contract, and I climbed upon the running board of the nearest car, and frantically began to scan. The most expensive ones were in the front, and some of them were less than a year old. They were priced at $99.99. As the tows of cars moved back, these figures decreased according to vintage. Feeling faint, I grabbed a radiator ornament for sup ports I had spotted "MINE"! It `was in the last row and the sale price stood out clearly on the windshield, 99 cents! I lit out for home. When I rushed into the house, everyone was in the living room. My father was flipping the pages of his newspaper, and my mother, as usual, was mending something. Grandma had at rived the day before from out of town, and was still sorting out personal belongings I stood in the center of the room trying to speak, gasping and wheezing from my run. No one looked tip. In a shrill, tremulous voice, I made my request. "A dollar! All I need is one dollar." Blurting out all of the pertinent details (the extra penny was for sales tax) I waited breathlessly for a response. My mother looked up, eyed me for a few seconds (I believe with pity), glanced quickly at my father, and returned to her stitching. My father tilted his paper, squinted his eyes, and appeared to concentrate harder oh something he was reading. Grandma continued to sort. I `was desperate and any arguments which I thought reasonable were soon reduced to caterwauling. Then fat the first time in many years I began to cry. A child can cry and get away with it. Even an adult, tinder the assault of some painful emotion, can shed tears and it seems natural, but there is something awful and even disgusting when a nineteen year old boy—man does it. The young buck with a wretched, tear—streaked face, blubbering and gagging Revolting, but I was desperately seeking compassion. I did It `well and it worked. Grandma got tip and walked over to me. She didn't take me in her arms) wipe my tears away, or utter one word of solace. In her hands she held an old leather snap pocketbook. Opening it (I can still hear the "snap"), she drew out a crumpled dollar bill, and handed it to me. " Go git yourself that car, babe. " Then turning away, she went back to her business. Still sniffling, I was out of the house in a jiffy, but flung the door back open and yelled, "THANKS GRANDMA! " I gave my parents a quick glance. There was no change in their activities except that my father's mouth was slightly puckered, and my mother seemed to be applying her needle with more energy. In minutes I was in front of the cat lot, pushing my way through a growing crowd to where `My CAR" was parked. I opened the door, and sliding into the seat, settled back, breathed a great sigh of relief, and closed my red eyes. After awhile a salesman came over and asked me why I was spending the afternoon in one of the company automobiles. I showed him the crumpled dollar bill, still clenched In my hand, and told hint that I fully understood the terms of the sale and it was my firm intention to be sitting In this car at eight o'clock the following morning, and that I wasn't going to move until


the deal was signed, sealed, and delivered. He looked at his `watch and Shook his head. "That's six teen hours. I don't think the boss'll go for it." I was allowed to sweat for an hour before the owner of the agency appeared, accompanied by the salesman, and headed in my direction. He looked me over for a minute, and then asked I did. I told him I was a student at the local junior college, but I didn't let it go at that. He heard me out, the tedious and exhausting round trip by foot, which wasn't helping my the difficulty of finding a job without a car, and Grandma. I showed him the dollar. He Salesman aside and they talked. Every flow and then the salesman would nod. It seemed an before they sauntered back. The boss was `wearing a smile.

me `what patiently studies, drew the eternity

"We think it might be a good promotional idea for the sale, if you really plan to stick it out." I swore to him that I was glued to the car seat until eight o'clock the next morning. That evening a reporter and a photographer from the local newspaper showed up with a scantily clad carhop from a drive-in across the street. Centered on her serving tray was an enormous hamburger. I was famished. The boss was summoned, and he and the carhop arranged themselves on opposite sides of the car door so that my pale drawn face would be framed in the window, and visible to the camera. The flash bulb went off, and I reached for the sandwich. My extended fingers collided with the back of the boss's hand. He had been quicker oh the draw. Happily munching away, he chatted for a few minutes, and then wandered off leaving me to starve. Around o'clock, in spite of the hunger pains, I started to doze off. Suddenly, a sharp tapping on the window grabbed my attention and there was my girl friend, picnic basket in hand, presenting me with a big, cheery smile. We enjoyed a good solid clinch, and then she `was beside me as I destroyed the contents of the basket. After she left, the night dragged on, and I never slept. The happy expectation of having wheels was too much of a stimulus. Just before sunup figures began scurrying among the cars, nearly all of them making a beeline for the "A Model". "Shucks! There's already somebody in it!" At eight o'clock on the dot, a clerk appeared with a bill of sale and the title. I handed him the dollar and he presented me with the precious documents. I was on top of the world. Within a few days I got a delivery job after school (nine dollars a week, and I had to pay for my gas; 09 cents a gallon), and was seen frequently tooling down the avenue with my steady at my side. I drove this buggy until Pearl Harbor, and then sold it for a hundred times more than I paid for it. I joined the Air Force and eventually wore the bill of sale out showing it to people. Recently, my Wife (former steadiness) and I went to an antique car show and there were several Model A Fords on display and for sale. In splendid condition and original down to the spidery wire wheels, was a 1930 sport business coupe. I found the owner and asked him how much he `wanted for it. Without hesitating, he said, "$16,500. Firm.


THE EQUATOR: IT ENCIRCLES THE EARTH by William Dixon In February I had the good fortune to take a trip to South America which included crossing the equator twice, plus taking a South Atlantic sea cruise from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the process of the trip, I learned that the equator was far more important to our lives on earth than I ever imagined. The great circle marking the equator lies half-way between the North and South poles, and divides the earth into two equal parts called the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is a long- way from San Jose, which is approximately 37 degrees north (latitude) of the equator and 122 degrees west (longitude) of the Greenwich Observatory in London, which is the prime or zero meridian, The equator is divided into 36o degrees of latitude. The lines circling from pole to pole though the degree points are called meridians, and are 69 miles wide at the equator to nothing at the poles. San Jose is approximately one-third of the distance west around the world from Greenwich. The equator, in circling the globe, has an immense effect on the world's weather. Two facts that many of us remember from school are that when it is winter up north it is summer down south, and water drains counter-clockwise. Two imaginary lines, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, form the official boundaries of the tropics, The first is 23 degrees 27' north of the equator — the second the same distance south. Those lines mark the northernmost and southernmost places on earth where the sun always shines directly overhead, so no wonder this area is the heart of the tropics. The temperature does not change much here because the amount of daylight differs little from season to season. The sun shines about 12 hours a day. However, high altitudes, such as mountains, are cool because temperature drops about 31/2 degrees F per 1000 feet of elevation, much as it does everywhere. Higher home locations are the most desirable. Areas near the equator get lots of rain in all seasons and are covered by tropical rain forests. Farther to the north and south definite rainy and dry seasons exist. Rainfall is generally heavy along the equator because of the high humidity and surface winds converging there. This causes the air to rise, producing clouds of rain, much as the coastal mountains here give that side of the Santa Clara valley much more rain than we get on the east side. Quito, Ecuador, in South America, located almost exactly on the equator, has an elevation of 9,350', and a uniform temperature of about 25 degrees F cooler that nearby lowlands, thanks to its position. The celestial equator is an imaginary circle that goes around the sphere in which the earth and heavenly bodies lie. it assists in locating stars and planets. The magnetic equator is the line on which all points are equally distant from the north and south magnetic poles.


A Great Dane in Pittsburg by Russ Day I hadn't been flying captain too long when I got involved in something I wish never happened. I was flying out of Newark in June 1968 and being junior it meant I was stuck flying those horrible 727 QC cargo flights. The " QC " in case people forgot was a standard size 727 with removable seats via pallets. The theory was the aircraft would fly people during the day and then certain stations would unload the seats and put cargo pallets in so us junior pukes could fly them all night long. I guess it looked good on paper but the plane took a helluva beating from having the seat and cargo pallets slammed around twice a day and the operation eventually was scrapped. Anyway June 20th , 1968 I commanded Fight 63o that left STL in the middle of the night and made many stops ending up in EWR in the morning. On this particular flight a large Great Dane (female I found out later) was loaded in the #1 pallet right behind the cockpit. By the time we got to PIT, I was tired of the barking from the poor animal and being an animal lover thought maybe we should give it a walk and some water. The cargo crew obliged and we took the dog out of the pallet and down some rickity maintenance stairs. On the way down the stairs, the dog ducked out of the loop around it's head and took off! !! For the next 45 minutes or so, we all, including the cargo crew, chased the damn bitch to no avail. She was having a ball running all over the airport and runways. In fact the tower even closed the airport for a few minutes while we were also running all over the airport and runways chasing the damn dog. Finally we had to load cargo, flight plan, and go, sans one female Great Dane. As we left I remember seeing the animal sitting underneath a parked Lockheed Electra with Los Angeles Dodger markings on it in the visiting aircraft area. Obviously the Dodgers were in town for a series with the Pirates. We off loaded the cage and equipment the dog came with and we even departed on schedule. The cargo time tables were very loose on arrival and departure times in those days. My crew was Rich Ackley and Pat Meneilly (who very sadly died of ALS a few years later). We got back to EWR and I hung around for an hour or two until the office opened and then told Sam Mariani, Newark's chief pilot, what happened. I thought he would never stop laughing. I warned him that I hoped he was still laughing with the bill for that bitch came in. I went home and told my wife what had happened and she also laughed hysterically. No help for the downtrodden. A few days later I get a call from a EWR cargo supervisor telling me not to worry. The dog was delivered a day late to EWR where she was transported to a vet at LGA who was going to use her for breeding as she was a champion prize bitch! I'm glad I didn't know that at the time!


I recall seeing Captain Dick Baker (another junior puke flying those damn CQ's) and few days later on the line. He elaborated that he was on #63o a day later. What happened was EWR notified STL who notified the primary shipper, Ozark, in Springfield, MO what had happened, all within minutes of my departure. The breeder wasn't overly upset as apparently things like this happened every so often All he wanted was for his son and daughter-in-law to be flown to Pittsburgh to try and get the dog back. Both airlines readily agreed and by that afternoon the couple was at the Pittsburgh airport where they quickly retrieved the damn dog. They were put up in a local motel and when Dick came through on Flight 63o that night they brought the dog right to the aircraft. Dick very nicely gave them a cockpit tour and showed them how the operation went. Then he departed with the dog and they caught the next flight or flights back to Springfield feeling very impressed with the operation. Dick said they enjoyed the cockpit tour immensely. So it did have kind of a therapeutic effect. Of course all the EWR domicile teased me unmercefully and the word slowly leaked around to all of the junior guys in the New York area where I took a lot more grief. I did draw a cartoon, about a month later, and presented it to the cargo supervisor in Pittsburgh. I can't recall exactly what I drew, but I know I had that damn Great Dane bitch right in the middle of the picture. The company, thankfully, never said a word to me about the incident. I guess they figured the teasing I got was enough punishment. I know one thing though, I never ever let any animals out of any aircraft I captained, nor even petted one for the rest of my career!


A Trip to DaNang by Russ Bowen The Boeing 707 made a steep approach to runway 17 at Danang,Vietnam at the end of its flight from Okinawa. This was in the early morning hours of May 9, 1967. This was not my first flight into Vietnam. As TWA Captain flying charter flights for the Pacific Military air Command I had flown into both Tan San Nhut and Bien Hoa airports at least a dozen times. However this was my first into Danang. The 5000 member Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association (MCROA), of which I was serving my second term as President, had raised nearly one million dollars in contributions to the Civic Action Program and I was in South Vietnam to check on the progress of these programs. TWA did not service Danang and I was occupying the cockpit jump seat as an additional crewmember aboard a Continental Airlines charter flight. This gave me the opportunity in the half-dark hour of our landing approach to observe and marvel at the immense amount of shipping lying offshore and to take note as well of the flares dropping to the south of the airport. Though considered "secure" Danang continued to have its occasional flurries of military action. That very preceding night there had been an attack by the Vietcong on a radar site adjacent to the airport. I was here with the approval of General Wallace M. Greene, Commandant of the Marine Corps and as a guest of the Commanding General, Third Marine Amphibious Force, General Lewis Walt. My first day started with a thorough briefing by the MAF Staff headed by Brigadier General Robert Owen, Covering the current tactical situation as well as the progress of the various Civic Action Programs in the area. There were four of the programs in which MCROA was most interested. But first Major Harris took me to the civic action warehouse at Red Beach on the outskirts of Danang. Here a dozen or more of South Vietmanese refugees under the direction of our Marines were storing, processing, and distributing the various items purchased with Care funds. Throughout, the emphasis in the programs was on self-help. General Walt had insisted that our programs be of a nature that generated initiative and response from the villagers. We furnished the tools and the raw materials and supervised while the South Vietnamese provided the labor. We next visited the brick factory, a project that typifies this approach to self-help. Here, refugee workers, women as well as men, produced 1200 large construction bricks daily, seven days a week using native clay soil mixed with cement and compressed into bricks using the imported Cimca Ram machine. The latter is a simple highly leveraged ram that applies muscle power to squeeze bricks into shape. These are then sun dried and ready for use. This factory had furnished enough bricks to construct 14 schools, an orphanage and several public buildings. Also it provided a source of income for the area refugees who were paid 14 cents an hour for their labor. This payment was usually in products such as food or clothing rather than in cash.


The demand for bricks had steadily increased with orders on hand for 300,000. One order alone for 100,000 was to be used to construct a municipal building in Danang. We planned using our funds to increase production with the purchase in Japan of additional ram machines and the hiring of more refugees of which there seemed to be plenty. Another local project in which MCROA had a keen interest was the pig farm, located on the outskirts of town and managed by our Marines. Its purpose was the up breeding of the local village pig, an important economic factor in village life, and we had observed that the local pig, small and scrawny, could use a little genetic uplift. By outcrossing the native stock with imported blooded boars imported from our own mid-west we hoped to produce a better and larger pig and yet one which could endure the local harsh environment. Travel outside the military perimeter was always hazardous so on our tour of the next Civic Action project our jeep was accompanied by two additional jeeps with armed Marines. I noted with interest that we were to some degree protected from exploding land mines. Our jeep was equipped with a steel plate bolted to the floor beneath our feet. This made me feel somewhat better. Without incident we arrived at Hoi An, a provincial capital 20 miles south of Danang. Here a Buddhist orphanage was supported with our funds. Over 200 youngsters, ages 4 to 7 were under the direction of dedicated native teachers, the children bright and eager to learn. Similar programs furnished the elderly and the indigent from war torn areas with food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Thus, by extending a helping hand to the old, the infirm, the wounded, and the very young our Civic Action programs mended the war torn fabric of life in Vietnam. The fourth and probably the most important program was the education of the young. Civic Action funds were used to build over 100 small schools in the I Corps area. I visited several of these and was impressed with the need for more schools since only a third of available children were attending and these with a high dropout rate in the third and fourth grades. These were but four of the many projects in which Civic Action was at work. That they were successful was evident by the many acts of trust one of which was told me by a Marine Sergeant. "In the hamlet of Yen Bac, the people were at first suspicious and unapproachable. Gradually our Marines established some repport and little by little their hostility disappeared. Where they ignored the appearance of a jeep, they now gathered around it smiling and exchanging greetings. One day an 8 year child handed the Marine Patrol an M26 hand grenade; Through this action undoubtedly Marine lives were saved" This was a spontaneous act by a youngster to help his new friends. His joy was complete when rewarded with a carton of rations. We lost this war because we failed to continue it to a successful conclusion. But our fight against aggression and our aid to the South Vietnamese people was in keeping with a correct policy of helping people and strengthening their national institutions as they join the world family of nations in the preservation of peace.





MAY 23, 1922 — JUNE 7, 2003 John Ferguson, the first President of TARPA, was born in Brechin, Scotland. He came to the United States with his family when he was four years old. He flew for both the RAF and the USAAF during World War II and completed eighty-nine missions. John was a pilot for twenty years with TWA and was an investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board for twelve years. John served as President of the Shenandoah Area Agency on Aging after retirement. He loved to fly, sail, play golf, read and study the Bible. John was honored by a most moving burial ceremony in a new military Cemetery a bagpiper played as we arrived and after I was given the flag, and taps was played, two pilots who had World War II planes flew over in a missing man formation. His wife Abby, daughters Janice, Barbara and, Edie, grandchildren Nicky and Elicia, brother Bill and his dog Geordi survive him. by Abby Ferguson





JANUARY 15, 1922 — MAY 11, 2003 Henry Gilbert Dale was a Flight Radio Operator for TWA starting in 1942 and continuing until 1957 when the position was terminated. Prior to his employment with TWA, Henry was a ground radio operator for Mid-Continent airlines at Sioux City, Iowa, and he served on Liberty ships during World War II, where he had one of his ships sunk by a mine off the coast of Brest, France. Henry returned to sea duty in the first Gulf War until retiring in 1990. Following his retirement, Henry served aboard the medical mission ship Anastais as navigator and radio officer. Henry was active in his church and numerous civic organizations. He was highly regarded by all who knew him. He kept in contact with other Flight Radio Operators and TARPA Members Earl Korf, Cliff Bruce and Harry Stitzel by ham radio. His wife Marie, a sister, a son, two daughters, five granddaughters and eight great-grandchildren survive Mister Dale











MARCH 12, 1919 — AUGUST 1, 2003







JANUARY 18, 1918 — JULY 23, 2003 Ben was born in Weston, MA on January 25, 1918, and started with TWA in August of 1942 flying the DC2 and DC3. During his thirty-six year career, Ben was based in Kansas City, Burbank, Boston, New York International, and San Francisco International. He retired while flying the Lockheed loll out of Los Angeles. During his career he also flew the DC4, Boeing 307, Martin 202 and 404, all of the Constellations, and the Boeing 707. After his retirement Ben and his wife Didi retired to Los Osos, California. He liked playing golf, fishing and he traveled extensively. Ben enjoyed owning two antique aircraft, a 1953 Cessna 195 and a 1942 Fairchild 24W. He and Didi flew one or the other to many air shows and fly-ins during those recent years. Ben spent many hours working on the airplanes in their large hangar at the San Luis Obispo, airport. He liked to say he never worked, but instead, he got paid to do what he would done for free. He often said he retired the day TWA hired him. by Didi Young







JULY 2, 1920 — JUNE 6, 2003















JANUARY 23, 1922 — JULY 25, 2003 Larry passed away very peacefully early Friday, July 25, with his loving family by his side. He was born on January 23, 1922. Larry was always interested in aviation and as a youth he built model planes and hung around airports at every opportunity. While attending Newark College of Engineering Larry enrolled in the Civilian Pilot Training program where he flew all types of single engine aircraft and completed his Commercial and Flight Instructor Ratings. Being an eager type, he also managed to obtain Ground School Instructor Certificates, which were responsible for his first aviation job at Roscoe Turner in Indianapolis. He went to work for TWA in 1942 as a Second Officer on the newly formed ICD (Inter Continental Division), Where he gained much experience flying with the "Veteran TWA Captains." Those flights across the North and South Atlantic involved transporting top military and civilian VIP passengers such as Generals " Hap " Arnold, Clark, Bradley and even President Roosevelt. In 1945, at the age of twenty-three, Larry was promoted to Captain. Larry rose quickly on the Domestic Operation and later became Regional chief Pilot at Newark, LaGuardia and Kennedy Airports. For four years Larry was Director of Flight Crew Administration and Labor Relations, negotiating all Flight Crew Contracts system wide. In 1972, Captain Girard returned to line flying and moved to California where he flew the Pacific routes as well as the Polar Flights from Los Angeles to London on 747' s until retiring in 1972. Larry was a long time member of the Knights of Columbus and the Serra Club, the latter of which, he served as President. He was Eucharist Minister at St. Angela's Parish in Pacific Grove, California for two decades. He also served on the Monterey County Grand Jury and enjoyed being long-time Docent at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. He was also an avid golfer and tennis player, and often enjoyed flying his own plane. His beloved and devoted wife of thirty-eight years, Phyllis, and his family, Jeffrey Girard, Andrew and Dr. Karen Cirincione, Dr. Kathryn and Gerry Cirincione-Coles, Dr. Diane Cirincione and Dr. Jerry Jamplosky, survives Larry. Larry was preceded in death by his son Lawrence Girard, Jr. He leaves many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He will be very much missed. by Phyllis Girard







SEPTEMBER 13, 1922 — JANUARY 17, 2003 Robert H. Brickner, 8o, retired TWA Airline Captain passed away on January 17, 2003. His career spanned four years in the Army Air Corps and 36 years with Trans World Airlines. He was born September 13, 1922 and was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. His wife of 59 years, three daughters, son-in-law, granddaughter, three grandsons, their wives, and four great-grandchildren surby Robin S. Renfro vive him. IN



CAPTAIN PHILIP G. VORGIAS MAY 24, 1928 — JULY 14, 2003 Phil was hired by TWA as a member of the Class of September 10, 1956. He initially flew out of Detroit followed by San Francisco and Chicago before finishing his career by retiring from JFK International. He was married to Joan and had a daughter Diane and two sons, Phil Jr. and David. In later years his wife obtained her law degree and is still practicing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His daughter and son David live in Grand Rapids. David is flying Captain for Northwest Airlines on the A3oo series. His other son Phil is an engineer with General Motors in Troy Michigan. After moving to Michigan in the 70 ' s, Phil bought a small farm which he enjoyed very much. At that time, he also adopted his two granddaughters in order to give them many opportunities they might not otherwise have been able to receive. Phil's death followed a period of declining health due to ongoing diabetes, neuropathy, kidney problems and decreasing circulation. Phil Vorgias was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him.
















MARCH 5, 1937 — MAY 21, 2003 My dear husband Captain Jeff McWhorter after a painful seven- month struggle with cancer lost the battle on May 21 St.. Although in and out of the hospital these past months, his interest and care about TWA and his former co-workers was always foremost in his mind. Jeff s initial pilot training was in the Air Force where he flew B-47's for SAC. In 1966 he was hired by TWA and during his 27 years with the company flew B7o7, B727, L1011 and B767 aircraft. His dream came true when he received his TWA Captain certification in 1983. His last assignment with the company was flying as international check airman. He retired in 1993. I believe he will be remembered for the passion he had for flying TWA airplanes and his terrific sense of humor. Survivors include his wife Carole, a former TWA flight attendant, a son, daughter and five grandchildren. by Carole McWhorter








SUPER LOCKHEED CONSTELLATION LIVES ON by Bill Dixon There is good reason to visit the "Save A Connie, Inc " exhibit based at the old Kansas City, MKC Airport. It is now known as the Airline History Museum. They have masterfully restored a piston four-engine 1049G Constellation, a Martin twin-engine 404, and are working on a DC-3. I have been fortunate in my time to have flown thousands of hours on a number of different air transports, from the Army Air Corp Douglas C47 and Curtis C46, to the giant Boeing jet 747 on TWA. Of them all, I enjoyed the most piloting the Lockheed Constellation, known as the "Connie", above even the jets. The long range version 1049G boasted streamlined tip fuel tanks attached to each wing tip, which added to its majestic look and were reinstalled by the Museum. This restored Super G is occasionally flown at air shows through out the country. The Constellation came on the commercial scene on TWA and Eastern Airlines immediately after the end of WW II. It was developed prior to the war to the specifications of TWA president Jack Frye and TWA's majority stockholder, Howard Hughes. The few models that had been manufactured, called C-69s, were drafted by the Army Air Corps and turned back to TWA at war's end, when production resumed.

Already nicknamed the Connie, the first commercial TWA model was a sleek, triple-tailed beauty with 51 seats, tastefully furnished inside and out. It was the original model 049, pressurized but not air-conditioned. It climbed and descended fast to use the cold upper air for cooling. All later models were air-conditioned. The 1649A, the biggest and longest range of the Connies, had a wingspan of 150 feet and a maximum gross take-off weight of 16o,000 pounds. The model 749A and 1049G probably were the most numerous, and carried 64 to 92 passengers, depending on seating arrangements. The seats all were comfortably spaced. The Airline History Museum and Save-A-Connie, Inc. are carrying on its legacy. Founded in 1986, Save-A-Connie christened its Connie the "Star of America". It had earlier been owned by the late Jim Wheeler, a retired TWA captain, who used it to carry cattle for a short period. It then stood unused in Mesa, Arizona for approximately eleven years, after that, it was virtually given to the "Save a Connie" group. It was put in shape in two months to ferry to Kansas City, where full restoration began immediately, with active and retired TWA employees. It has become a fascinating display of historic memorabilia. Donations are welcome. This Connie ' s vital statistics are: Fuselage length, 116 ' , 2 " ; wing span with tip tanks, 123 ' , 6 "; weight (empty), 76,67o lbs; usable fuel capacity, 7,020 gallons; cruise speed, up to 328 mph; flight range, 5,400 miles.





LANICA (Lineas Aereas de Nicaragua S.A.) by H. B. Pratt Over the years, the TWA Flight Operations Department was involved with a variety of projects with other airlines and entities. One of the more interesting for me personally was the Convair 88o training TWA provided to Lanica Airlines crews. Lanica was the national airline of Nicaragua and had been operating Electras over certain routes in Central America and to Miami. In 1972 it upgraded to jets, namely Convair 88o's, which were supplied by Howard Hughes' Hughes Tool Company (Toolco). The two aircraft involved had originally been assigned TW N numbers at the time of manufacture, but due to financing problems, were never delivered to TWA. Instead, they were stored for a while and then leased to Northeast Airlines. Northeast later sub-leased one back to TWA during the summer of 1967, but it went back to Northeast in the fall and both were subsequently returned to Toolco in 1968. Since then they had been parked in storage. In 1972, Toolco traded these two aircraft to Lanica for a 25% interest in the airline. There was a rumor that maybe Hughes wanted to expand Lanica's routes north to the US west coast. Howard Hughes had been living in the Intercontinental Hotel in Managua, Nicaragua off and on during 1972 and is reported to have had at least one meeting with the President of Nicaragua, General Anastasio Somoza, who was also the President of Lanica TWA was approached by Toolco to do the necessary flight crew training and arrangements were formalized. At that time Capt. U. J. Kampsen was head of TWA Flight Operation Training and I recently spoke to him about those events. He was gracious enough to offer this interesting insight. He told me that Howard Hughes called him and explained that he was supplying some of his 88o ' s to Lanica and he needed training for their crews, and could TWA do it? Capt. Kampsen responded in the affirmative. The next question posed was what would it cost? After some discussion about the scope of the training, the number of crews and their backgrounds, Capt. Kampsen established a price of $1,000,000. Hughes seemed to accept that, but before closing the conversation Capt. Kampsen stipulated that the money had to be up front. What next occurred were Lanica people presenting themselves in Capt. Kampsen ' s office at the TWA Training Center, 1307 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, MO, and delivering a check for the agreed to amount. Ground school began. The training was to consist of ground school, simulator and aircraft to include FAA type ratings for the captains, followed by line training and line check for the Captains over Lanica's routes. To augment their pilot staff, Lanica had hired three pilots off the street that had 88o type ratings, with the intention of moving them directly into the left seat. Two were retired from another airline that operated 88o's, and the other had a non-airline background. In addition to their refresher training, TWA was asked by Lanica to evaluate these individuals to determine their suitability for direct entry to the Captain's chair. The two aircraft that were destined for Lanica had been removed from storage and relocated to Las Vegas where they were refurbished. On June 15, 1972 Capt. Wally Moran, P/E Cony Metcalf, and I ferried the first ship from LAS to MCI and training in the aircraft began. On July 5th Lanica's Chief Pilot Capt. Mike Murciano, F/E Cony Metcalf and I ferried that A/C to Miami so it could be in place for ground crew training and the inauguration of Lanica's CV 88o service scheduled


to begin on July 14, 1972. On August 22nd Capt. Moran, Capt. Jim Morgan and F/E Cony Metcalf ferried the second A/C from LAS to MCI and A/C training resumed. It was later ferried to Miami by Lanica's Capt. Andreolas, Cony Metcalf and me. Also in the cockpit was Jack Real of Toolco. Jack Real I believe was the Toolco representative who was putting this Lanica thing together. After 88o ground school and simulator at 1307 Baltimore, Kansas City, the Captains were given full A/C ratings and the F/O's full A/C proficiency checks. (By full I mean no credit was taken for any maneuvers done in the simulator). In addition to me, the instructors were Wally Moran and Jim Morgan. Instructing the F/E' s were Cony Metcalf, Lee Magnuson and one other whose name I have misplaced. Harvest Mitchell of the FAA gave the type ratings. The A/C were to be based in Miami and would operate one fight daily. On certain days of the week the flight would operate from Miami to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Managua, Nicaragua, back to San Pedro Sula and return to Miami. The other days of the week the flight would operate from Miami to Managua, to San Salvador, El Salvador, Mexico City and then retrace those stops back to Miami. The flights were all turnarounds back to Miami every night; because that is the only place maintenance was available. Wally Moran and I did all the line training, flying on alternate days until such time as we got some of the captains qualified. The workload then eased a bit. The F/O's received their JOE (line training) from the jump seat. Operations in Central America were rather primitive compared to what we had been accustomed to here in the USA. The runways at Managua, San Pedro Sula and San Salvador were narrow strips, short by our standards, with no overruns or parallel taxiways. Taxiing and 18o degree turns on a narrow active runway were commonplace. All approaches to these three airports were non-precision, (NDB or VOR) and there was no VAST. Considering those factors, plus high ambient temperatures, runways that were frequently wet, and the high over the fence speeds for the 88o, flight operations had the potential to be a bit dicey to say the least. Operating 88o's under these conditions would be a formidable challenge for experienced crews let alone crews that were new to the 88o and jet operations in general. Therein lay the training challenge. The three airports were all controlled facilities, but there was no radar. Enroute control was in place but could not be considered reliable. Sometimes you could establish contact with opposing traffic and insure your own separation, but the general rule of the day for everyone operating in that area was climb, cruise and descend on the right side of the airway. You old 88o drivers will recall the high takeoff speeds of the 88o and that there was a tire speed li mit one could run up against at high altitude airports that would limit T/O weight so as to keep V2 at or below the tire ground speed design limit (174kt/20omph). This was a factor on Mexico City departures. On those long takeoff rolls one wondered if the tires could hold together as the air speed crept slowly toward those limits. They did. There were several incidents that occurred that made the Lanica experience somewhat memorable. One occurred on the inaugural flight. This was a big event for Nicaragua as well as Lanica. Throngs were on hand at the Managua airport when we arrived from MIA. The tarmac was a sea of people including the President, General Anastasio Somoza and his family, the Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S., the American Ambassador to Nicaragua Turner Shelton, and just about anybody who was anybody was present. Jack Real, Bruce Stetman, Bill Gay, Ed Shrodery and Chester Davis were there from Toolco. People made speeches, bands played, the Monsignor blessed the plane, General Somoza 's mother poured champagne on it and the dignitaries all got a tour. Capt. Murciano and I were the pilots and although I was technically P-I-C because he was not yet qualified, I had told Capt. Murciano that this was his day, enjoy it, be involved and I would keep myself invisible.


The only stipulation I made was that if anything came up that we had not discussed or not planned for, I wanted to be advised and kept informed and I reserved the right to veto any operational decisions I did not concur with. Capt. Murciano agreed. After the festivities, we prepared for departure to the next stop, San Pedro Sula, Honduras. As boarding was progressing I noted several armed men around the aircraft but thought nothing of it. Armed soldiers were always visible at those airports. Departure time came and went and Capt. Murciano had not yet appeared. When he did, he hurriedly buckled in and advised that the problem had been solved and it was now safe to go. As politely as I could, and trying to maintain my decorum I asked just what in the sam hill was going on. He explained that he had been meeting with security personnel, where they had worked out how to respond to a high jacking threat. He went on to say that they felt the culprit had been apprehended, but as a further precaution, additional armed plain clothed security people had been boarded. I found out later that armed security people had also been boarded that morning at MIA and had been with us all along. So much for keeping me informed of anything unusual. Of course had I been able to understand Spanish I probably would have picked up on this sooner. On another occasion the airplane was pulled off schedule at MIA and sent to Nassau to pick up a Nicaraguan baseball team that was returning home after winning some sort of major championship. From Nassau we were to take them to Managua and then pick up the rest of our turn. Upon arrival at Managua we were denied landing clearance because General Somoza and his entourage had not yet arrived on the scene. We held for a while until General Somoza was in place and then were permitted to land. The welcoming festivities for the ball team were nearly equal to what went on at the inaugural. Wally Moran had an interesting experience on his first flight into Central America with Lanica and his description as to what happened follows. This was my first flight into San Pedro Sula, Honduras and naturally I was interested in recording the event with my Super 8 movie camera. At the time San Pedro Sula airport (La Mesa) was a small strip in the middle of the jungle with very little civilization around. However the arrival of a noisy four engine jet transport brought out everybody nearby to see what was going on. After parking on the ramp, I stepped out the door and from the top of the steps began taking movies of the airport. There was not much to photograph except a rather run down terminal, two beat up F4U Corsairs and one or two AT-6 ' s parked nearby. Within about thirty seconds there were two military men with guns in my face and speaking Spanish. I had no idea what they were saying but since they seemed to be pointing to my camera, I handed it to them, whereupon they turned and walked away with it.. I proceeded to the operations area where Capt. Pineda was working on the flight plan and explained what had occurred. Capt. Pineda, the ACM First Officer Martinez and I then proceeded to the military office, which was nearby. Soon a long, loud, and animated conversation ensued between the Lanica pilots and the military officials. It turns out that the La Mesa airport is a military base as well as civilian and as such, photography is not allowed at the airport. The military was concerned that I would sell the movies to El Salvador, which they were, from time to time, at war with. The officials were hard pressed to believe that I was not some sort of spy for the enemy.


It took a great deal of explaining to get them to understand what a pilot in a TWA uniform was doing flying a Lanica airplane and taking pictures of their air force. Finally the military people agreed to give me my camera but they removed the film. I was delighted not to be arrested, but disappointed to lose my film with lots of other pictures on it. Some time later we departed and while taxiing out, First Officer Martinez reached in his jacket pocket and handed me the film. It seems he was a high-ranking person in the Nicaraguan military and he apparently used his influence. I was able to put the film back in the camera in time to get a shot of two wild pigs crossing the runway just as we taxied into position for take off. I still have the pictures today and am ready to sell them to the highest bidder as soon as war breaks out down there again. (WJM) After our mission was finished we continued to maintain occasional contact with Capt. Murciano and some of the other pilots to see how the operation was going. During that period, which was more than a year, there had not been one single accident or incident involving flight operations, and I think that speaks well for the Lanica crews. There is no doubt in my mind however that Lanica had the highest replacement rate of brakes and tires in the industry. Also during that period, the aircraft reliability was such that it had made it back to Miami every night, although I suspect there were a lot of nights it limped home wearing a lot of band-aids that were beyond the limits of the MEL. That speaks well for the Ole 880. In 1975 Lanica retired those two aircraft and replaced them with two more 88o ' s, which flew a couple of years until they were replaced by 727's in 1977.





Mines Field by Earl Jinette My first visit to Mines Field was in 1929 when the German dirigible, the Graf Zeppelin was moored there after a non-stop flight from Tokyo, Japan to Los Angeles. I ' m also enclosing a photo of the Graf Zeppelin taken by a friend's father who had taken us to view the giant airship. I recall he was forced to back up several hundred yards to be able to include the complete dirigible as he did not possess a wide angle lens for his camera. I again went to Mines Field in 1933 as a spectator during the 1933 National Air Races. I still have the original program and my ticket, price, $3.50 for boxseats! The only paved runway, now probably 24R was only 1800 feet long. Of course, the field being one square mile at that time was sufficient to handle the large number of planes during tie air races. The two buildings in the picture, according to Ted Hereford, were probably constructed as early as 1927. Ted said he spent almost two hours searching for those original buildings about three years ago and they are still there. The long tree lined road behind looking east is Sepulveda Blvd. That's Los Angeles in the background. Nothing but bean fields between Mines Field and Los Angeles. In the late 1940's when the airlines moved from Burbank to LAX I was on one of the flights ferrying Constellations to the new terminal. The captain was Dutch Halloway with whom I'd not flown before. As we made our approach into LAX Dutch was lining up for landing on the taxi strip. We had another captain in the ACM seat who was watching the approach and when he observed what was happening he said, " Dutch, you're lined up on the taxi strip!" Dutch paid no attention and continued to descend. The Captain again said loud and clear "Dutch, you're landing on the taxi strip!" And he did! As there was no traffic, the airlines were not yet operating out of LAX, we expected a severe reprimand from the tower personnel, but none was heard. We were almost certain the FAA would get involved, but they, too, were silent! I knew Dutch was number one on the pilot's seniority list but was not aware he was almost deaf. One pilot later commented, "Hell, Dutch can't hear 2nd class thunder!

Mines Field (now LAX) taken about 1930.


There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence.

From the Grapevine Editor: I love this job because I get to hear from so many people. Keep it coming! I get stories, jokes, pictures and they are all good. Some so good I can't print ' em. But yesterday Igor an email with two pages of addressees for a one line message. Now all of those addresses are in my data bank. The following article is from my computer club newsletter. (When I want to forward a message I `cut' the addresses from the To: line and Paste' them into the Bcc: line. Easy.) Gene

Learn and Use Blind carbon copy When you forward a message, COPY ONLY THE TEXT into a new message and send it to your friends. DO NOT just forward the existing message, complete with the previous lists of recipients and their addresses. If you want to forward a message, take care to manually remove the list of previous recipients to preserve their safety. It's really easy. When sending messages to a group of people, unless it is REQUIRED that each one see, the names of all others who received the message, PLEASE USE A BLIND RECIPIENT list. I am not aware of an e—mail program that does not allow you to send messages to a list of "blind" recipients, in which each person who receives the messages sees only their own address, and not the entire list of recipients.

"Cc" rows. If you do not see it when you open the program, click on View and select "Bee Field." Eudora and Netscape Navigator also have blind recipient capabilities. Yahoo! And Hotmail users can find the "Bcc" field for entering addresses in the online address header. The Juno mail software works very just like AOL, in that you can enclose multiple addresses in parentheses to make them blind. By doing this each recipient will see only their own address, and not anyone else's.

If you have AOL, simply bracket all recipients in a pair of parentheses (address 1), (address2) each separated by a comma.

Anyone who wants to protect his privacy and safety will appreciate your doing this. Few things about e—mail bother me more than when something I sent gets forwarded to a large list of people I don't know, and because my address is now in their message base, I am then vulnerable to receiving a virus or one of those hoax warnings from them or anyone to whom they forward that message.

If you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, there is a special field for "Bcc" (Blind carbon copies) just below the "To" and

Please try to use blind recipient lists. It will make us all safer from viruses, worms and hoaxes.


If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Barney Rawlings It's been a long time since I flew a TWA airplane, but I still dream about it nearly every night. Not the good stuff, like breaking out on top of white clouds into a blue sky in a Boeing 131—B, climbing like a homesick angel at 250 knots indicated. Or sliding down the final toward a slick runway at 154 knots in a Convair 880. No, I mostly dream about the niggling bad stuff, like reporting to LaGuardia in the middle of the night and trying to remember how to start the engines on a DC—4. Reserve captains like me were qualified on the Martins, Connies, and DC—4s, and most of us wanted to get rid of the DC—4 qualification if we could avoid the airplane for 90 days. But the schedule clerks kept track of that stuff, and usually scheduled reserves for a DC—4 trip after about 89 days. And I dream about making a range approach into the old Pittsburgh airport on a DC—3, finding the cone—of—silence and dropping down carefully into the smoky murk. Which side of the range leg is the "A" on? And I dream about how you checked the mags on piston engines. Left, both, right, both — and check the RPM drop. I dream about the DC— 3 a lot. We had some with Wright engines and some converted C—47s with Pratt— Whitneys. You cruised the Wrights at 1900 RPM and the Pratt—Whitneys at 2050 RPM. It's important to remember that stuff, even in your dreams, because you never know when you might get a chance to fly a DC—3 again. But the most—dreaded dream is being dressed in my TWA uniform and trying to find the Operations shack at some airport. (In my

dream I might be dressed in my first TWA suit, the gray—blue one with brass buttons and a cap with a white top and an Indian on the cap—badge, or maybe the gray double— breasted suit with invisible gray stripes.) But — whatever the uniform — I am tramping around the airport, getting my shiny black shoes wet and muddy, looking for that Ops Shack. Sometimes the airport is Ciampino in Rome, with the PSP iron runway left over from WWII, and sometimes it ' s Municipal at Kansas City, soggy with the last flood when the Missouri River got over the dike. I suppose guys retired from other occupations have those dreams about the troubling little problems they used to have doing their jobs. Firemen probably dream about sliding down that pole, half awake, and holding that wiggly hose on the fire when the water pressure is high. Retired policemen maybe dream of the time they might have made John Dillinger do the perp walk if they hadn't forgot and left their handcuffs home on the dresser. And retired farmers probably don't dream about the odd times — threshing golden wheat under a blue sky with a warm and gentle breeze — but they may dream of sloppin' the hogs on a bone—chilling winter morning, wondering if that old gren-adylow ractor will start. t All in all, I prefer my TWA. dreams, even the troubling ones, like trying to remember how to get cabin heat to a DC—3 from that steam boiler. That was the final test of airmanship in those days. But — except for the boiler — I am ready for the boiler — I am ready for the DC—3 again if an opportunity turns up.DC—3 again if an opportunity turns up.


There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman ... neither works.

Ed Harvey Everything is in storage while I build a 44 X 44 hanger and slightly smaller house next to Chesapeake Ranch Airport in Lustby, MD. This retirement is great In ` 99 I did about i800 miles of the Appalachian Trail (Georgia to New Hampshire ) with my twin brother, Jim. I did a lot of volunteer work on the cabins and shelters prior to the hike. That's where we learned how to hike light. I've also been to Costa Rica hiking , climbing old volcanoes, snorkeling, etc. Last year was an interesting trip hiking trails around Tokyo, Kyoto and the southern coast of Honshu. I moved to get closer to water, get some sailing and maybe even learn how to fly a small airplane. Thanks for your work.

Bear Beck Wanted to thank you for putting my chicken scratches in the TARPA. I remember flying with Ted Herford as a 2nd Officer and when not there to cut hair I got to listen to Earl Jinette pointing out imaginary flights of military jets to Ted at 12 o'clock low, with Ted's reply "I've got 'em". What a great pair. Between Earl and Jimmy Jones I learned more about the plane than that engine instructor at KC who used to say "visualize " 38 times an hour. Just reminiscing....BEAR

John Boyce Madame and I are doing just fine. I'm recovering from hernia surgery, but that's a relatively trivial matter compared to some of the things they do to the human body these days. I'll be back to flying/soaring as soon as this spell of bad weather moves out. I have to get some practice hours in before the Regional Soaring Contest mid—June. Wally Moran and I are flying team in that event. I' m still instructing glider pilots and flying the Pawnee and Super Cub tow planes for our soaring club. We lost access to the last soaring airport in Connecticut and, facing the prospect of disbanding, we bit the bullet and bought a small airport thirty miles south of Albany. It's working out OK so far, but if you know of anybody in the area who might be interested, we could use more members. It's a great sport, good people, a beautiful site, and WE OWN IT!


If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.

John Thomas Happy II My career with TWA started in 1953 and went on hold in 1984 courtesy of the FAA. I was and always will be a proud member of the TWA family. My whole family is TWA. But lets face reality. It's OVER. Braniff, Eastern, Pan Am, Allegheny, my favorite, Mohawk and many others have had their day and disappeared. We, as TWA survivors are going to go on for a long time. The retired pilots group T ARP A, will continue on for a long time too. There is a way to keep TWA alive for many years to come. It ' s called SAC. Now known as the" Airline History Museum". Based in Kansas City (Where else?). The beloved "Connie" the " Star of America " a Super G, now painted in TWA colors, " TRANS WORLD AIRLINES" is in Hangar 9 at Downtown Kansas City Airport. along with a Martin 404 and a DC3. The Connie travels as much as possible around the country to airshows and has been on commercials and in movies. Join the Museum as a member or just donate to the upkeep and travels of this beautiful aircraft. This Museum is made possible by all volunteers and is a nonprofit organization. WWW . airlinehistorymuseum. corn.... e–mail: info@airlinehistorymuseum.com Chris Clark would be more than grateful for your participation and so would I. Talked with Chris at the Dayton Air and Tradeshow in Dayton this past week.(17th July). He is positive about the Museum and the future of TWA as represented by the "Star of America". So get to it and help keep the name TWA alive for all time. Thanks to you all.


Airline History Museum 201 NW Lou Holland Drive Kansas City MO 64116–4223 Jack Morin Jack Morin wrote today that he has been very ill since the death of his wife Mickey in 2001. He also sent dues for the next 3 years and thanked all of us for the work we do. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him... The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.


The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your pocket.

Ray Bertles Hi Gene – Thought that I should report on this years EAA Airventure at Oshkosh. At the Airline Pilot's Headquarters Tent we had 1,032 sign ins with 57 from our TWA Pilot group. Roy Rogers (EAL Retired) and I arrived on the 26th of July to set up the tent only to find that our normal poster board sign in sheets and equipment boxes had been misplaced during the past year - - a result of refurbishing the building it had been stored in. By Sunday afternoon (27th) we had set up an alternate method for signing in. No sooner had we started when it was brought to our attention that retired TWA/AA Captain Don Eversman had passed on at 4:30 AM that day from a heart attack, while camping at EAA's Camp Scholler. Not the way we like to start a friendly get together. The first pilot signing in on the TWA sheet after me was my good friend Retired Captain Art Schwedler. Art is one of the Co–Chairman volunteers on the Government Officials Committee. He has been doing this for the past 15 years. This committee squires high level government officials and foreign dignitaries attending EAA's Airventure. I will not list all 57, but will give several names and hope I an not upsetting those I leave off. Jeff Hill, Sr., John Lumley, Bill Jabust, Ed Harvey, Don Tate, Marty Sailer, Rich Ackley, Don Palmer, Rich Achley, Jr., Hank Freeland, Tom O'Connor, EdTurner, Ole Olsen, George Karamitis, Bob Stebbins, Ray Waldach, Stan Crawford, Andy Anderson, John Nelson, Marty Sobel, Sam Payne, Laslo Samolyi, Jr., Markt Meyer, Peter Sherwin, Bill Canavan, Tom Irwin, Roo Jorges, Bill Bands, Bud Cushings, Brad Williams, Willard Womack, and Dub Davis. If you would like all of the names, let me know. Dub Davis was the oldest TWA retiree to sign in this year, and it was his daughter and grandson that insisted he come . Dub, I hope you can make it back next year. The tent is a great place to meet, visit, talk about the old days and meet old friends. I and my Co–Chairmen (or should I say Chairpersons) Two are sisters ... one a Delta Captain and the other an American Captain. We all have a great time each year and I hope more TWA folks can make it in the future. Best regards – Ray Bertles, Chairman, Airline Pilot ' s HQ


Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Gene Gifford conversations with the O'hare tower. You're gonna have to key the mike. I can't see you when you nod your head."

"I don't mind altitude separation as long as they're not on top of each other."

"Climb like your life depends on it ..........because it does."

"The traffic at nine o'clock's gonna do a little Linda Ronstadt on you." "Linda Ronstadt? What's that?" "Well sir, they ' re gonna ' Blue Bayou' "


If you want more room Captain, push your seat back." "For radar identification throw your jumpseat rider out the window." "


Don t anybody maintain anything. "


Put your compass on 'E' and get out of my airspace. " "You got any more smart remarks, we can be doing this over South Bend." "If you hear me, traffic no longer a factor." "Citation 123, if you quit calling me center, I'll quit calling you twin Cessna. " "Listen up gentlemen, or something ' s gonna happen that none of us wants to see. Besides that, you're pissing me off!" "Approach, how far from the airport are we in minutes? " N923, the faster you go the quicker you'll get here."

"I can see the country club down below.... looks like a lot of controllers out there!" "Yes sir, there is ....and they're caddying for DC—10 drivers like you." "Approach, what ' s our sequence?" "Calling for the sequence I missed your call sign, but if I find out what it is, you're last." "

Approach SWA436, you want us to turn right to 090?" "No, I want your brother to turn, Just do it and don't argue." "

Approach UAL525 what ' s this aircraft doing at my altitude?" " UAL525, what makes you think it ' s YOUR altitude, Captain?" "DAL1176, we slowed it down to two—twenty. two—fiy. DAL1176 pick it back up to ain't Atlanta, and them ain't grits on the ground."



Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

Gene Gifford Cont'd " Request Runway 27 Right." "Unable." "Approach, do you know the wind at six thousand is 270 at fifty?" "Yeah, I do, and if we could jack the airport up to fifty—five hundred you could have that runway. Expect 14 Right." "Approach, what's the tower?" "That's a big tall building with glass all around

it, but that's not important right now. " "How far behind traffic are we?" "Three miles." "That doesn't look like three miles to us!" "You're a mile and a half from him, he's a mile and a half from you .... that's three miles."

John Boyce The Airline Pilot profession has produced a number of memorable characters, and TWA has certainly produced its share of them. For instance... Well, one night after dinner I was walking down the hall at the Celtic Hotel when I heard coming from one of the rooms the beautiful sound of someone playing a violin. I could tell that this was no casual fiddler; the tone was rich and full, the bowing and phrasing delicate. Someone practicing for a recital or concert, I thought. It certainly sounded like playing of concert quality. Does anyone remember Capt. Don Terry? I should ask, rather, "Could anyone of our generation NOT remember Don Terry?" Don was senior, real senior, when I went on International in 1954. He ' d been with TWA since the middle thirties, probably. His middle thirties, too, I suspect. He was a bull—necked, red—faced Irish terror when aroused, and known for a temper with a short fuse. He was

known to get angry at times, and noisy, too. Junior co—pilots held him in considerable awe, maybe fear, in some cases. In short, a man not to be trifled with. But there was another side to the man. The beautiful music I heard in the hallway of the Celtic was Don Terry, trying out a violin he had purchased. It turns out he was a collector of fine instruments, and had acquired a number of them in his travels. And he played them well, too. He also had a fondness for poetry, as I learned on an unscheduled layover in London one night. For some reason I can't recall (it's been almost fifty years) while at dinner that evening the conversation turned to poetry and I started reciting a long verse I'd learned years earlier. Don was amused by that and asked me for the title of the book from which it came, which I supplied. A few weeks later, I found in my company mailbox a small package containing the


Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

John Boyce Cont'd aforementioned title of the book from which it came, which I supplied. A few weeks later, I found in my company mailbox a small package containing the aforementioned book, inscribed: "To the Bishop of Rum—ti—Foo, from Uncle Don." Ed Kimball, do you remember that evening? You were there. By the end of his career, Don hadn't mellowed one bit. At age sixty, when crew

schedule informed him that he would not be on his next flight, he threw down the gauntlet and challenged the company to show where in the contract it said he had to retire. He grieved it, and won! Now, if there are any of you REALLY old guys out there who read this, I expect and fully accept your recollections, which may differ from mine. Please, set the record straight if necessary.

Jim Coughlin Gene .. We were out here in Paradise Valley, AZ, However this turned out to be a very good deal! Lela does lots of inquiries, makes all the Marc, 1971 celebrating our 25th. Bought a house, bid LAX, moved, and commuted (doarrangements and reservations, and I " carry the tickets"....just like a captain expects to mestic) until the FAA mandated retirement June 1985. I feel very fortunate to have been do. We don't go in for big cities or crowds. ' More for natural beauty. with TWA during it s best years. Lela has done many wonderful and Tomorrow we leave for Anchorage, AK. thoughtful things for me during our 57+years of Will do a small boat 4 nite cruise (70 pax) of marriage. After retirement she got me started in Prince William Sound followed by bus and train to Denali and golf...dumb game (easy game but hard to play) but fun if not taken seriously and we have met Fairbanks. About 2 weeks in all. and made many interesting and fun friends. I don't like the security checks, crowded She also likes to travel and I was very reluctant terminals and airplanes, but it's all part of getting there. (ain't like it use ta' was) to do so for a while after retirement.

Bart Hewitt In two weeks I'll be 82 (going on 100) and happy to still be here! That TWA is no more makes me a very sad and angry gent... just knowing that Icahn is still alive!


The world is divided into two classes: those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable.

Sent by Charles Reyher, Author unknown You see them at airport terminals around the world. You see them in the morning early, sometimes at night. They come neatly uniformed and hatted, sleeves striped; they show up looking fresh. There's a brisk, young—old look of efficiency about them. They arrive fresh from home, from hotels, carrying suitcases, battered briefcases, bulging with a wealth of technical information, data, filled with regulations, rules. They know the new, harsh sheen of Chicago's O'Hare. They know the cluttered approaches to Newark; they know the tricky shuttle that is Rio, they know, but do not relish, threading the needle into Hong Kong. They respect foggy San Francisco. They know the up—and—down walk to the gates at Dallas, the Texas sparseness of Abilene, the Berlin Corridor, New Orleans' sparkling terminal, the milling crowds at Washington. They know Butte, Boston, and Beirut. They appreciate Miami's perfect weather; they recognize the danger of an ice–slick runway at JFK. They understand about short runways, antiquated fire equipment, inadequate approach lighting, but there is one thing they will never comprehend: complacency. They remember the workhorse efficiency of the DC—3s, the reliability of the DC—4s and DC–6s, the trouble with the DC–7. They discuss the beauty of an old gal named Connie. They recognize the high shrill whine of a Viscount, the rumbling thrust of a DC— 8 or 707. And a Convair. They speak a language unknown to Webster. They discuss ALPA, EPR's, fans,

mach and bogie swivels. And, strangely, such things as bugs, thumpers, crickets, and CATs, but they are inclined to change the subject when the uninitiated approaches. They have tested the characteristic loneliness of the sky, and occasionally the adrenaline of danger. They respect the unseen thing called turbulence; they know what it means to fight for self—control to discipline one's senses. They buy life insurance but make no concession to the possibility of complete disaster, for they have uncommon faith in themselves and what they are doing. They concede that the glamour is gone from flying. They deny that a man is through at sixty. They know that tomorrow or the following night, something will come along that they have never met before, they know that flying requires perseverance. They know that practice lest the y retrograde. They realize why some wit once quipped: "Flying is year after year of monotony punctuated by seconds of stark terror?' As a group, they defy mortality tables, yet approach semiannual physical examinations with trepidation. They are individualistic, yet bonded together. They are family men, yet rated poor marriage bets. They are reputedly overpaid, yet entrusted with equipment worth millions. And entrusted with lives, countless lives. At times they are reverent: They have watched the Pacific sky turn purple at dusk. They know the twinkling, jeweled beauty of Los Angeles at night; they have seen snow up on the Rockies. They remember the vast unending mat of green Amazon jungle, the


Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Sent by Charles Reyher, Author unknown Cont'd twisting silver road that is the father of Waters, an ice cream cone called Fujiyama. And the hump of Africa, They have watched a satellite streak across a starry sky, seen the clear, deep blue of the stratosphere, felt the incalculable force of the heavens. They have marveled at sun–streaked evenings, dappled earth velvet–night, spun silver clouds, sculptured cumulus. God's weather. They have viewed the

Northern Lights, a wilderness of sky, a pilot's halo, a bomber's moon, horizontal rain, contrails and St Elmo's Fire. They have learned to accept these challenges everyday, they have realized a complete removal from earthy attachments, and they have reveled in a sense of high suspension. Only a pilot experiences all these. It is their world.

Betty Rollison sent this in. Jimmy Rollison is the son of Capt Jim Rollison By Amy Gingerich Charles Gianaris walked around the turbo–prop airplane, rubbed his hands together to keep warm and wondered aloud if it would be too foggy to land at Palo Alto Airport. Gianaris visually inspected every part of the 2000 Pilatus PC12 as his business partner, Jimmy Rollison, closed the hangar door at Nut Tree Airport and got ready for takeoff. "You want to drive or should I?" Rollison asked as the two prepared to fly the plane to its owner in the Silicon Valley, The partners at 1 Flight Up manage airplanes for owners in the Bay Area from their base inside a hangar at the Nut Tree Airport. Rollison, a captain with Federal Express, and Gianaris, a flight instructor in the Bay Area, teamed up last year and formed 1 Flight Up, which is not connected to the bookstore of the same name that once operated at

the famous Nut Tree complex. When a planes owner wants to fly, he calls the business partners, who will fly to the airport nearest the pilot, typically Palo Alto Airport or San Jose Jet Center. "We advocate coloring outside the lines and that's what this business is about," Rollison said. All the plane owners who contract with 1 Flight Up are licensed pilots themselves. although many are newer pilots. The plane's owner pilots the plane while Rollison, Gianaris or Richard Beardsley, captain with 1 Flight Up, ride along as co–pilot. The aircraft management arrangement has enormous financial! benefits to the aircraft's owner because having a pilot with more logged flying hours cuts the insurance premiums by up to two–thirds. Rollison said, saving the owner tens of thousands of dollars annually.


Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.

Betty Rollison Cont'd 1 Flight Up handles everything from making sure planes remain well maintained and have full fuel tanks to having a variety of newspapers and beverages onboard the airplane. They know birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions and remember to have flowers or other gifts along for these occasions. Service, the partners said, sets them apart from other airplane management businesses. " Imagine purchasing a vehicle and never having to put gas in it," Rollison used as an analogy. "We try to give value; we really do." But the major difference between 1 Flight Up and other airplane management

companies is that 1 Flight Up lets people fly and teaches them how. Most corporate executives that own airplanes leave the flying to the firm managing the airplane, never getting in the cockpit themselves. Rollison believes 1 Flight Up is the only firm letting these licensed pilots and plane owners fly. The concept of teaching people to fly and maintaining their aircraft has workedor 1 Flight Up. Gianaris' connections from his years of flight instruction in the Bay Area brought the first clients to the firm. "Most of these people live in a tight knit high—tech world," Gianaris said. Word has spread from there.

Betty sent in this little golf story too. Never having played the game, I don 't really understand the concept but l'm sure some will get the gist. Four old timers were playing their weekly game of golf, and one remarked how for Christmas this year he'd love to wake up on Christmas morning, roll out of bed and without an argument go directly to the golf course, meet his buddies and play a round. His buddies all chimed in and said, "Let's do it! We'll make it apriority, figure out a way and meet here early, Xmas morning." Months later, that special morning arrives, and there they are on the links. The first guy says, "Boy this game cost me a fortune! I bought my wife such a diamond ring that she can't take her eyes off it." Number 2 guy says, " I spent a ton too. My wife is at home planning the cruise I gave her. She was up to her eyeballs in brochures." Number 3 guy says, "Well my wife is at home admiring her new car, reading the manual." They all turn to the last guy in the group and he is staring at them like they have lost their minds. "I can't believe you all went to such expense for this golf game. I slapped my wife on the butt and said, "Well babe, is it sex or golf?" She said, "Take a sweater."


The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.

Jack Nuss Stepping into the third decade of retirement with only fond memories of the great years with TWA to live on. Fortunately the retirement plan has allowed us to enjoy a comfortable life here in sunny Florida where we can enjoy golf and tennis year round. August 1, 1941 marked the start of a career of 42 active years. The few months before going into the service was a period of quick learning a few things about the airline business. the lingo, and certain very precise SOPS. Enlisted in the Army Air Corps February 1942 to avoid any possible draft into some other branch of service. The Major in charge of base ops was a former CAA inspector from the Chicago area and had some connections with the TWA operation at the old Midway airport. It was another phase of aviation experience being trained by a staff sergeant and a corporal who love to kid me about working for the PWA. Filing flight plans and working with ATC was another step in my aviation education. Got to know most of the stops on old airway Amber 7 by heart. Got to sign flight plans for none other than Jimmy Doolittlle, Ira Eaker, and Tooey Spatz when they were flying back to DCA. Later realized they were meeting there with other top brass formulating plans for the Tokyo raid and also . At the time I was pursuing a transfer to newly established Air Transport Command, which had been the Ferry Command. Of course this took some time, as usual with the services, but in October received orders to

proceed to Presque Isle, ME. Went right to work in base operations working for a group of former airline pilots, three from TWA, Jack Zimmerman, Roger Kruse, and Hal Shafer. The main purpose of this group was to train new Air Corps pilots for transport operations, which included flights to Goose Bay, Gander, the Crystals up in Labrador, and the Hudson Bay area. Most of these flights were provisioning flights and carrying personnel being transferred. Jack Zimmerman was killed in a PBY crash in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Hal Shafer was killed in an accident involving a test hop of C—54 that had just come out of overhaul. Presque Isle was the last stateside base for ferry operation headed to the U.K. and also the point of departure for the contract operations of TWA—ICD, American, and Northeast. Met quite a few of the TWA pilots who were flying the ICD, Don Terry, Stan Stanton, Ross Weaver, Frank Niswander, During that first winter at Presque Isle the whole operation was involved of the search for an American C—87 that had crashed in Labrador, the famous Chuck Conners story which Ernie Gann made into a best selling book and later a movie. All part of a continuing education of aviation and airlines and it's many characters. Learned much in that short time, but much more to learn at OCS and subsequent assignment to the Caribbean Wing of ATC, and the rest of the war at Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico. How lucky can one get???


There is hardly a person in the Senate worth painting, though many of them would be better for a little whitewashing.

Ed Gruber by Kyle Wright No matter where a person looks in Delphi, Indiana's, Canal Park, one gets a glimpse of Ed Gruber's contributions. At the southeast border of the park flows the Wabash and Erie Canal itself, which Gruber and several other volunteers worked to clean. In the park's Historic Village sits a blacksmith and carpentry shop, erected in 1991 by Canal volunteers. Also taking shape in the Historic Village is the all—volunteer group's latest achievement: the Wabash and Erie Canal Conference and Interpretive Center. Half of the 1850s—style building will use interactive exhibits to help visitors learn about the canal and its operation. The other half will serve as a conference facility. "Most of us are retired from different fields," Gruber said, "so we've `got a littbit of expertise in a lot of fields here. So something we want to do, we get it done." Gruber contributes a little bit of everything. He is co—chairman of Delphi Historic Trails and treasurer of the Canal Association. The retired pilot also provides his skills as a plumber, electrician,. carpenter, painter, and "anything else you can imagine, " according to Dan McCain, president of the Canal Associa-

tion and himself a frequent worker at the park. "Ed has worked harder than ,anyone I can think of in the daily hands—on work of planning and restoration of the Canal Park," McCain said. "A very unselfish person. He has so many tools of `his own and shares all that and his talent." Gruber's involvement with Canal Park began innocently enough. " When I lived in New York, I came out to an Old Settlers Reunion meeting here in Delphi," Gruber said. "At the Old. Settlers' meeting was a man I went to school with. He said: `Hey, come here. Give me five dollars.' "I said, "What for?' "He said, `Give it to me. ' "I did, and he said, `Now you're a member of the canal.' That was 1976. Gruber became a frequent contributor at the park when he relocated to Carroll County three years later. He and about 15 other volunteers now spend three days a week working at the park. "We're capable of doing what we've done with a lot of people helping us," Gruber said. "The group of people I work with are real fine people. It ' s a nice group to work with."

I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose—fitting clothing. If I had loose—fitting clothing, I wouldn't have sighed up in the first !place


The following is an excerpt from an account of Stu Nelson's time flying the F4U Corsair as a Marine carrier pilot in Korea. There is more, all interesting, and I will try to get in more in coming editions. In the "every day something—new" category, I was tail end Charlie on a flight of four directed to take out a bridge just south of Sinuiju. The weather was mostly overcast, but we spotted the bridge through a hole in the clouds, and made a dive—bombing attack. The leader missed, his wingman scored a hit but his bomb failed to detonate, the section leader missed, and my bomb hit, but also turned out to be a dud. These bombs had been stored on Okinawa since WW II. We pulled back up through the clouds, and turned west towards the coastline. The leader, the squadron executive officer, and relatively new to the war, decided that we should make a damage assessment. As the last one off the target, I advised him that the bridge was still intact, and suggested that if we go back in under the overcast the enemy anti aircraft gunners could time their shells to explode at the cloud base and somebody might be hit. His response was; " Lieutenant, we will make a damage assessment!" As we approached the bridge area he was bracketed by the AA and hit. I instructed him to take up a Zoo—degree heading and I joined on his right wing. His plane was airworthy but he was wounded in the arm and leg and losing a considerable amount of blood. I suggested that he break the ammonia capsule that was taped to the windshield to keep him from passing out. If I could just get him out over the water he could successfully ditch the plane and be rescued. About

this time, he began to fly erratically and when he banked too much, I flew under his plane and lifted his wing up with mine. I had to do this three times. This procedure and constant talking to him kept him reasonably alert. As we approached the shoreline, I asked whether he wanted to ditch or bail out; he preferred ditching. In order to lighten his plane as much as possible, I had him drop his belly tank, shoot off his rockets and fire out all his machine guns. This eliminated 2500 pounds. I told him that if he could hang on for five more minutes, he would be rescued. I had alerted a British picket ship, on guard channel, to his plight, and told them to expect a ditching 500 meters north of their ship. I literally talked him into a water landing—when to lower his flaps, cut back on the power, and flare the airplane. The plane hit, skipped once, and settled in. A whaleboat from the ship was less than loo meters away. The Brits gave me thumbs up and I shoved off for the carrier. He later told me that when he hit that 29—degree water, he really came to! When I landed back at the ship, I was anxious to look at my upper wing tips. To my amazement, there was not a scratch on them. Apparently, the wind speed at 200 knots and the wing airfoil prevented them from touching. I said that this might be a something new kind of day; it certainly was!


With an evening coat and a white tie, anybody, even a stockbroker, can gain a reputation for being civilized. Barry Schiff Longtime AOPA Pilot columnist and contributing writer Barry Schiff was honored with the Aero—Club de France Award for "best general aviation submission" during the prestigious Aerospace Journalist of the Year Awards in June. It was the only pure GA award given during the event that preceded the Paris Air Show. Schiff won for "The Spirit Flies On," published in the May 2002 Pilot, about flying the Spirit of St. Louis replica built by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and marveling over Charles Lindbergh ' s feat. First presented in 1996, the awards are organized by the London—based World Leadership Forum in conjunction with the Royal Aeronautical Society This year's event attracted more than 500 entries across 16 categories, ranging from news to safety related submissions. Bill Dixon Men's ties are following the same path as starched collars, cuff links, and straw hats -delegated to a dark corner of the closet and retrieved only when absolutely mandated. Newspaper and magazine pictures prove that even the CEOs of huge corporations (particularly in the Silicon Valley) spurn ties. The open neck shirt is now a badge of honor. Once designated as Friday casual dress wear , they now dominates the dress code all week. Monster homes and fancy cars symbolize dignity and money today; status is no longer portrayed by the cut and quality of the suit and accessories. And California seems to be out there in front with the long time sporty states (if not exceeding them) in helping make ties a thing of the past. Of course ties are still being worn, like in church and weddings, but even in that arena they are often discarded for a more comfortable and casual look. It definitely is time to retire most ties; perhaps to the Salvation Army or just directly to the trash bin. At a recent reception, I was one of only two who thought a tie would be appropriate. How wrong I was! To change to apparently what was proper dress for that affair, I removed my tie and stuck it in my sport coat pocket. Take a glance around the next time you are at any public eating place in the area. You will have to look hard to find anything worn by the male population that could qualify as dressy. The women are doing much better, for the nonce at least. So bid goodbye to ties, untie the noose and admit they are outdated. I remember my first trip on International , Bill. I showed up at dinner wearing a sport coat and no tie. The check pilot walked all the way back to the hotel and got an extra tie and loaned it to me. The stripes didn't go well with my plaid jacket, but the French didn't seem to mind. People in Modesto only wear ties when they go to court and then only if they're indicted. Gene


Women love us for our defects; if we have enough of them they will forgive us everything, even our superior intellects. Mary Lee Smith, Mrs. Ermon (Easy) Smith I've been so busy with dear Ermon. He has a brain disorder called Arnold Pick's. He has been in a care home for 2 years. There is nothing to do for him—but he's in a lovely home. He has so many other problems—of course he doesn't know us any more. Sometimes he remembers old friends for a short time! I miss seeing the TWA logo! And we miss seeing Easy 's smile and hearing his laugh. Tell him hello from all of us. Russ Day Gene — Haven't sent very much to the Grapevine Editors over the years, but figured now is the time. I became a TARPA EAGLE this past March 9th for whatever that ' s worth The "bod" is hanging together but with some problems. My knees are pretty shot, may face surgery, had my thyroid out 2 years ago, and had a bout with bladder cancer (all cured supposedly) this past year. So much for the $%% A "& "golden years!" My cartoon says it all. Hope you can use it in the TARPA TOPICS. I sent John Gratz the original so if you use it, check with him. I' m still living on Long Island, The last one to do so of our seniority. Joe Stack just moved to the mid—west I heard through our "Long Island" grapevine. I'm either too stupid to move or too much of a "New Yorkha" to leave. I have a boat but want to sell it. Been doing a lot of artwork, been in a couple of shows and even sold some of my art. I'm working mainly in pastels but I do dabble in other mediums, i.e. watercolor, acrylics, etc. Glad I'm no longer flying although I miss the trips. With the takeover by American I'm just as happy with my easel. Hope to come to the convention in Reno, but I have a daughter who is finally getting married and it may conflict. But don't want to miss this one, wonder how many more we'll have. I keep in touch with a few of my classmates, Bill Teommey, John Schulte, Don Killian, and Gus Gustafson and Ben Densieski from the class behind me. We're all hanging in there, but I wonder for how long. I enjoy the easel too, Russ. Wish I could do cartoons. Gene William H. Mikels Hey Rufus, Thanks for the reminder letter. I thought I had paid this long ago. I still remember my 747 rating ride in Flying Tigers sim at LAX in the mid 80's . I had inadvertently kicked the auto pilot off on a CAT III landing, put it on the ground manually and the guy behind you and I never noticed. Who needs autoland. Hope all is well with you. These fourteen years since retirement have gone all too quickly but enjoyably.


Thirty–five is a very attractive age; society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty–five for years. Barrie Mootham About time I visited my favorite magazine, eh? I want to extend my thanks to all the crewmembers who made the TWA years the greatest. Also special thanks goes to you pilot leaders and volunteers who made our lives better. I' m still aviating and loving it in our picturesque Ca. No $10o hamburgers though, I get a little ' ' pay to fly C310R 's for Comstock Air out of SAC. And it s nice to see TWAer s in print, i.e. Bob Buck, Barry Schiff, Charles Jackson, etc. See you in Reno.

Anonymous Subject: COMPANY POLICY Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when a monkey tries to climb the stairs, to prevent being sprayed with cold water the other monkeys will stop him. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done around here. And that, my friends, is how company policy begins.

Never argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


The world is divided into two classes: those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable.

Richard Ruff '

As a September 65 hire, I spent 19 years as a co—pilot. Every trip but one, I wanted to be the captain. That trip started with a dhd SFO—ORD, then layover. Early the next morning we met the ORD based flight attendants and picked up a B—331 at the hanger. We were to ferry to New Orleans and take a tour group from New Orleans to LAS, then dhd back to SFO. The plane had been pre—provisioned at ORD. Everything went as planned until we were about one hour out of LAS. One of the cabin attendants came to the cockpit and asked, "Captain, do you have a minute?" "Of course, what's up?" "Well, we passed out most of the meals in back; then we found a dead rat in one of the ovens. And now that I think of it, I think that the last 8 or 10 meals had bits of tinfoil ripped off. What shall I do?" I just sat quietly chortling in the right seat thinking, "Thank God the buck stops in the left seat". Lew Judd The freighter Connies had the regular crew compartment up forward but the lavatories were in the rear. An aisle was left on either side or in the middle of the cargo so the crew could get to the johns. One night when we reached a check point over the North Atlantic where the Navigator would bring the How—goes—it chart to the Radio Operator he didn't show up, so the radio operator went back to check on him. He didn't show up either! The co—pilot got up and went back to see what was going on and he didn't come back! The Captain was in the bunk so I woke him up and explained what was happening. The Captain woke the other F/E and sent him back to see what the problem was. In a few seconds he was back. He said there was a Doberman Pincher loose in the cabin who would attack anyone and the rest of the crew were locked in the johns. I

suggested using the crash axe to subdue the dog but the Captain, a dog lover, rejected the idea. He said he would go back quiet the animal and retie him. He didn't return either! Knowing we were in deep trouble the remaining pilot and the other F/E left me alone in the cockpit and taking blankets from the crew bunks went aft. When the dog attacked they threw the blankets over his head and wrestled him to the deck. Finding his tie down cable they refastened him to the floor. They found the Captain, in his underwear, on top of a pile of mail sacks out of the dogs reach. The navigator and the co—pilot were in one john and the radio operator was in the other. With the dog safely fastened to the floor a belated report was radioed. The rest of the night was spent conjuring up funny FAA accident reports as to what had gone wrong, if the plane had gone down with the dog in command!

My wife says I never listen to her. At least l think that's what she said.


HOW TO FLIGHT LIST FOR PERSONAL TRAVEL Jetnet Travel Planner From your Jetnet Home Page, click on "Non-Rev Travel Planner" to check flight availability and create flight listings. NEW (11/23/2002) - A separate Sabre password is not needed to use the Travel Planner! WE-FLY-AA Employees and retirees are encouraged to use the automated We-Fly-AA system when planning travel on American Airlines, American Eagle, or American Connection for any person on his/her authorized traveler list (Traveler Information). When you call 1-888-WE-FLY-AA (1-888-933-59 22 ) you will be presented with 3 options: Press option 1 for flight arrival, departure, and gate info Press option 2 if you have a valid AA employee number and want to check flight loads, list or cancel a listing. Do not use this option for AA2o travel Press option 3 for assistance with the purchase of industry reduced rate travel such as AA2o bookings or other airline travel, including American Connection 1-888-WE-FLY-AA Overview The speech recognition system performs the following tasks: Checks flight availability Creates or cancels flight listings Assigns seats for `A' pass travel Advises actual seat counts and the number of space available travelers listed in each cabin The toll free number, 1-888-933-5922, is valid from the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Isles, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Dominica and Panama. Tips for Effectively Using We-Fly-AA A `barge-in' feature allows callers to interrupt prompts so an answer can be given before the prompt stops speaking. To avoid `false barge-ins' — meaning the system thinks you have interrupted it, try to avoid noisy backgrounds and use landline phones. Employees need to list eligible travelers in their Traveler Information in order to create a listing. When creating a listing the employee traveler number, along with pass type will be collected. Please note that you can print a list of your family members and their traveler numbers from the traveler list display found on Jetnet. Traveler numbers may change when you add a new traveler. Logging on to the System Employee Numbers You will need to provide your 6-digit employee number. If your employee number is less than 6 digits, you will need to use preceding zeros; for example - 001234. You can speak your employee number or enter it using the telephone keypad. Social Security Number You will need to provide the last 4 digits of your U.S. issued Social Security number. You can either speak this information or enter it using touch-tones.


To Cancel a Flight Listing To cancel a flight listing you can provide either the record locator using the phonetic alphabet, or by flight number and date. The system currently does not have the ability to cancel and rebook in the same record; a new listing will need to be created. System Features Universal commands such as repeat, next and help may be spoken When checking flights use the following commands: previous, next, list, change plans, move on, list me on it, go back one, change request or repeat For assistance in accessing records use the military phonetic alphabet: alpha, bravo, Charlie, Delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, India, Juliet, kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, tango, uniform, Victor, whiskey, x-ray, Yankee, Zulu WE-FLY-AA Calls Defaulted to Non-Rev Assist Desk We-Fly-AA will transfer callers for assistance under certain conditions listed below, but not limited to:Sabre system outages Database system updates or outages Multiple user errors Non-revenue calls to international destinations are currently not supported by the system Enhancements due in 2003 will allow international flight listings; however, passport documentation and phone contacts will be collected at the airport When a PNR is retrieved to be cancelled and more than one PNR is returned with the same itinerary Updated Date: 08/05/2003/how/flight AIRPORT AND SELF-SERVICE CHECK-IN You, your spouse, and dependent children must have a flight listing before arriving at the airport, and travel will be ticketless systemwide. You will not be allowed to prepay service charges at the ticket counter. Upon arrival at the airport, you must check in to be placed on the priority list. You and your family members are required to appear in person at the airport ticket counter, departure gate, Self-Service Check-In machine or other designated check-in location. Please note: For domestic travel, you may place family members on the priority list at any check-in location or self-service machine 4 hours prior to departure. At least one, but not all travelers in your group, is required to be present at a check-in location in order to be placed on the priority list. If you are traveling on international flights, all travelers must be present to be placed on the priority list and must provide the necessary travel documents to the agent at the ticket counter or departure gate prior to accommodation. You can check in up to a maximum of four (4) hours prior to departure at the ticket counter or self service machines. At a minimum, you should check in at least 45 minutes before departure for domestic flights and 90 minutes for international flights. Be aware that some airports cut off acceptance of checked baggage 1 hour prior to departure.


Remember that first and business class check-in positions at the ticket counter are for revenue customers. Please only use coach/economy check-in positions, even if you are listed in first or business class. When at the gate, stand away from the desk and wait for your name to be called. Have your government-issued photo identification available and be ready to board the aircraft immediately after receiving your boarding pass. If you cannot be accommodated, you will then be automatically transferred to the priority list of the next scheduled flight and will maintain priority within the same classification based on your original check-in time. In some high frequency markets, operational requirements may govern that you are rolled over to flights in 1-hour increments only, i.e. between DFW and ORD. You may not be rolled to the Priority List of any other city/airport. If you wish to standby at an airport different from the one you originally planned, you will need to change your flight listing and be placed on the appropriate Priority List for that airport. Your boarding priority is based on your travel classification and the time you initially checked in. Preference for class of service will be offered in order of boarding priority when possible. Please note: Revenue customers and higher priority non-rev travelers will be accommodated before you. All space available passengers may be upgraded or downgraded to accommodate revenue passengers or for other operational considerations. Non-rev travelers will not be assessed extra charges if involuntarily upgraded after boarding if departure activities preclude removal. Pass travelers who are downgraded will be eligible for a refund of the difference in service charges. Upgrading will be accomplished by an agent prior to boarding. Flight attendants are not authorized to upgrade space available travelers. Self-Service Check-In Machines Self-Service Check-In is available for retiree travel check-in at ticket counter and gate locations in select airports as well as some work locations. Airport locations with Self-Service CheckIn are listed in Sabre Star: N*SELF SERVICE CHECK IN. Based on current security regulations, Self-Service Check-In can only be used for travel within the United States. Check-in using Self-Service machines is fast, simple and available until 30 minutes before scheduled departure. Once you have flight listed for your trip, go to any Self-Service Check-In machine and swipe one of the following: Existing Travel Cards However, if your travel card is lost, stolen or is demagnetized, a new travel card will not be created. Major Credit Cards Cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc.) The Self-Service machines will not read the account number on the credit card. The credit card is used solely for purposes of name verification, and your travel charges will be mailed to your home address. To use a credit card for check in, the name on the credit card must match how the traveler's name was registered. You should register your travelers using the name found on his/ her government issued ID card. Debit Card (with Mastercard or Visa Logo)


Only one person in the flight listing will need to have a credit card or travel card for check-in. The Self-Service Check-In machine will be able to check in everyone in the same flight listing using a single credit card swipe. When using Self-Service Check-In, you'll be able to: Ticketless passengers may obtain boarding pass/seat selection for coach cabin when flight is not restricted. If your flight is restricted, place yourself on the priority list and complete the check-in process at the gate. Ticketed passengers may use the Self-Service Check-In machine for priority listing only. Place yourself on the priority list for a premium cabin. You will then need to go to the gate for issuance of the premium cabin boarding pass, if available. Check baggage (ticket counter locations only) Travelers will need to check in with an agent if: They don't have a credit card or travel card The name on their credit card doesn't match their flight listing They have an international segment in their itinerary They desire an earlier flight than current listing More than 4 people are flight listed in the same PNR They are in a location that doesn't have Self-Service machines Important information to remember: Ensure you register your family member using his/her name as shown on his/her government issued ID card. Flight listings are created using a person 's name as it was registered. When checking in, a person's name in the flight listing has to match the name on his/her government issued ID. All non-rev travelers must be registered and flight listed before checking in. Travelers should use the Self-Service Check-In machines when available for travel within the U.S. You must check in at least 30 minutes prior to departure when using Self Service Check-In machines.

--- ASIA---


Air India, LTD Unlimited



Cathay Pacific Unlimited






Aer Lingus Unlimited


Korean Airlines Unlimited




Air France Unlimited


Philippine Airlines Unlimited




Alitalia Unlimited


Thai Airways Intl LTD 1 M90

Cayman Airways Unlimited



--- EUROPE ---


Austrian - includes Tyrolean Airways (VO), Lauda Air (NG), and Rheintalflug (WE) Unlimited British Airways includes CityFlyer Express (FD), Comair Ltd (MN), GB Airways (GT), LoganAir, and Maersk Air Ltd (VM) Unlimited Finnair Unlimited Iberia - includes Air Nostrum Unlimited



Malmo Aviation) SK Unlimited SN Brussels Airlines SN Unlimited


TAP Air Portugal Unlimited



Turkish Airlines Unlimited







Icelandair - includes Air Iceland FI Unlimited


Copa Airlines Unlimited



Lan Chile - includes LanExpress Airlines and LanPeru (LP) LA Unlimited





El Al Israel Airlines LY Unlimited


--- SOUTH PACIFIC --KLM - includes KLM Exel (XT), KLM Cityhopper (WA) and KLM UK (UK) KL Unlimited LOT Polish Airlines LO Unlimited Lufthansa - includes Condor Flugdienst and Lufthansa Cityline LH Unlimited Olympic Airways OA UnlimitedScandinavian SAS incl SAS Commuter Air Botnia, and Braathens (except flights operated by


Qantas - includes QantasLink, AWOP, and JetConnect Unlimited





ZED Air Tahiti Nui Unlimited


Air Canada Unlimited


AWAC/Air Wisconsin operates as United Express & AirTran JetConnect ZW Unlimited





Alaska Airlines 6ID90



American Connection AX Unlimited America West Unlimited


D1,D2, D2P

orizon Air - uses Alaska Airlines (AS) flight numbers ID90/75 QX (retiree: 1/yr)


Midwest Airlines Unlimited




Northwest Airlines NW ID90/75 (retiree: 1/yr)

ATA-American TransAir includes ATA Connection/ Chicago Express flightTZ Unlimited

Southwest Airlines WN Unlimited



NEW MEMBERS Paul Gerling 255 Terrcce Trl. W. Lake Quivira, KS 66217

Tom Greenwood (Sharon) 2313 Navajo Av. Placentia, CA 92870

Hank Freeland (Bobbi) 436 Crystal Cove Windsor, CO 80550

Paul Murray (PJ) 110 9th St. E. Tierra Verde, FL 337 15

Bob Macintosh (Sue) 619 W. 57 th St. Kansas City, MO 64113

Dave LaRocque (Azita) 984 Whimbrel Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009

Frederic Sherman(Suzanne} 6061 Tantara Estates Osage Beach, MO 65065

Bob Houston (B.J.) Box 4118 Incline Village, NV 89450

Ed Fuller III (Cheryl) 2 44 7 E. Olive Branch Way Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

Roger Leach Box 43 8 7 Incline Village, NV

Jeff Arnold (Cindy) 19 Bluff Av. Mashpee, MA 02649

Kent Hulse (Sheridan) 1933 Carter Ct. Liberty, MO 64068

Richard Heinisch(Barbara) th 434 NW 58 St. Kansas City, MO 64118

Rick Friberg Box 1296 Carnelian Bay, CA 96140

Daniel Petersen (Sondra) nd 1671 N 22 Rd. Unadilla, NE 68454

Joe de Bettencourt (Nancy) 6209 Washington Av. St. Louis, MO 63130

Lance Lankenau (Alisa) 1 45 8 Woodland Dr. Lake St. Louis, MO 63367


945 0


MY MEMORY OF MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT and .. . by Bill Dixon One day in Kansas City, Mo., when I was a young member of the TWA News Bureau, I had the lucky opportunity to meet Mrs Franklin D. Roosvelt, wife of the president, better known as Eleanor Roosevelt. WW2 had not started, so it probably was about 1940. She was arriving on a TWA DC-3, the top aircraft of that period, and as the only member of the public relations department in town, I got the choice assignment to not only meet her plane, but also to take her to her hotel in a taxi. I don't recall that she was met by any news media. They weren't as pressing in those days as they are now for someone that distinguished. Today, it would be the president of the company who met her! The close-in Kansas City airport was only about a ten minute ride from downtown, but we had a nice conversation. She wanted to know how old I was (21), and how I enjoyed my work (I did), and did I do much writing (not much). Later I was editor of the house organ until entering the Army Air Corps in 1 943 . She seemed to profess sincere interest in my work, and the fact I was recently married to my home town sweetheart. Her friendliness and quick smile impressed me a lot. She wasn't even accompanied by the Secret Service. It wasn ' t necessary in those pre-terrorism days. On arrival at the Hotel Muehlebach, I jumped out and opened the door for her, and she thanked me kindly. This time there was a reporter and photographer greeting her., In my opinion, she truly was a great lady. She was no beauty, but her outstanding spirit more than made up for it. I feel very honored yet today for having the privilege of escorting her. Airlines Developed Forerunner to Today's Credit Card The airlines back in the 1930s developed a credit card for purchasing airline tickets. It was unique for those days. There were no Visas or MasterCard ' s, or anything remotely approaching the number of credit cards available today. Most airlines had what was called an "Air Travel Plan", with a card they issued which could be used to have air travel only charged to a company. Each company had to make a $500 deposit to get the card with an airline. Some of the larger department stores and banks were the largest users. Roundtrip tickets with multiple stops easily could be a couple of feet long. Usually, companies would have two or three buyers and sales people who would travel rather frequently to Chicago and New York, for example. They would use the card to charge their air travel, and the airlines would then bill their companies. Any organization issued such cards had to have a top-notch credit rating. Individuals could also apply for a card on their own. I remember issuing many a ticket against the cards when I was a ticket agent in TWA ' s downtown ticket office at the Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, during 1937-1938. The cards went out of use many years ago as they were supplanted with today's type credit card. The agents' biggest concern in those days was taking a bad check. It happened just once to me and it was a small check. I didn't have to make it up! PAGE 75 ... TARPA TOPICS

TWA MUSEUM The TWA Museum is a chapter of the Platte County Historical Society, set up in the 198o's to protect and preserve a collection of TWA memorabilia. We are dedicated to keeping it together for future generations. It was started by Tom Perry and over the years many of you in Kansas City, as well as many around the world, made it grow into an astounding collection. It has been displayed at the overhaul base, at KCAC and at the training center in St. Louis. Part of the collection is still on display at the Community America Credit Union, formerly the TWA Credit Union, at 112th & Ambassador Drive. We have been looking for a permanent home for this collection and we believe we have found the perfect place. KCI Expo Center, located near KCI, is a 70,000 square foot exhibit hall with 11,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space. The UP, UP AND AWAY CAFE encompasses a large portion of that square footage with an area tailor made to showcase TWA's elegant history. Thousands of people pass through this convention hall and the display will be available for school field trips. Dennis Pierce, President, Community America Credit Union, whose history parallels that of TWA, presented this information to the Executive Board of the Credit Union with an appeal to assist in raising the funds necessary to establish a permanent display at KCI Expo Center. Display cases have been designed and will be built and installed by EXHIBIT ASSOCIATES, INC., of Kansas City. They are the same professionals responsible for the TWA traveling exhibit, as a corporate partner of AMERICAS SMITHSONIAN, a 12 city, 2 year tour, celebrating the 150th ' ' Anniversary of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. There is one 20 enclosed glass case and two 11 enclosed glass cases on either side, all properly lighted and free standing, at a cost of $48,875.00. The appreciation for TWA `s long partnership with the credit union was evident as the board agreed to provide $10,000 in matching funds towards our financial goal. As soon as we raise $10,000, we can proceed with construction of the center 20' display case. This completed case, with memorabilia displayed, is exactly what we need to launch a fundraising campaign to complete our goal. TWAer's have made this collection possible over many years and it has been cared for and displayed to perpetuate a rich history. It is yours, we invite you to help us insure its' continuation by contributing to the campaign to match the challenge handed us by our friends of the credit union. Please make your tax-deductible contribution payable to Platte County Historical Society, with TWA MUSEUM noted on the memo section of your check. All funds raised will go to the TWA Museum Chapter for construction of this permanent exhibit. Mail to: Platte County Historical Society, P 0 Box 103, Platte City, MO 64079-0103 My sincere thanks, Diane Pepper, President Platte County Historical Society




MISSOURI Revised Crew Flight Time Log - Domestic 0-10 5 (2-67)

Information covered in the attachment.


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