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Court Staff Appreciation Reception & Awards
Join TCBA in honoring those who help to make the legal community of Tarrant County a great place to practice law by becoming a sponsor. Your sponsorship will assist in underwriting the food, beverages, and related expenses to host the reception. If you or your firm would like to be listed as a sponsor of this event, please contact Lauren St. Clair at laurensc@tarrantbar.org.
2022 Outstanding Court Staff Awards Ballot
The Tarrant County Bar Association seeks your vote for the outstanding Court Staff! Court staff personnel of the courts of Tarrant County, including Deputy District Clerks, Deputy County Clerks assigned to judicial functions; Court Reporters, Court Coordinators, Bailiffs, Court Security Officers, Probate Auditors, Judges’ non-lawyer clerical staff, and auxiliary court coordinators are eligible. Please cast your vote for who you believe to be outstanding!
Awards will be presented at the Annual Court Staff Appreciation Reception & Awards Event.
Only TCBA members may vote and only one ballot per member. Ballots must be received by filling out this form no later than July 22, 2022. Please vote for one proposed honoree in each of the following classifications: 1.Outstanding Court Staff, Civil (District) 2.Outstanding Court Staff, Civil (County Courts At Law/Probate, JP) 3.Outstanding Court Staff, Criminal (District) 4. Outstanding Court Staff, Criminal (County Court at Law) 5.Outstanding Court Staff, Family (including Juvenile Courts) 6.Outstanding Court Staff, Federal/State