3 minute read

Save the Date for TCBF’s Justice for All Gala

Kearney, McWilliams & Davis, PLLC reaton@kmd.law

1. Premiere Sponsorships are First Come, First Served.

This year, TCBF is offering premiere sponsorship packages to all Founder’s Circle sponsors, on a first-come-firstserved basis. As a Founder’s Circle sponsor, you will be able to choose one of the following, included as part of your sponsorship package (see details on the next page): • Drink Sponsor • Food Sponsor • Music Sponsor • Auction Sponsor • Special Guest Table Sponsor

2. VIP Tickets are Reserved for Sponsors.

VIP tickets are only available for table sponsors. With a VIP ticket, you will have access to a pre-event cocktail reception with premium bar and appetizers.

3. You Can Donate Unused Sponsor Tickets to TCBF Volunteers.

This year, table sponsors have the option of donating any of their unused tickets to a TCBF volunteer or special guest (such as one of the award recipients). Please look for this option when purchasing a sponsorship package through TCBF’s website.


4. Who Does TCBF Serve?

All fundraising efforts support TCBF’s community service and pro bono programs, including: • Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans • Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services • Elder Law Handbook • LegalLine • People’s Law School

5. Why is TCBF So Excited About the 2022 Gala?

With the help of a festive venue, the musical entertainment and energy of Coffey Anderson, and the company of our ardent supporters and cherished volunteers, we can’t wait to celebrate all of TCBF’s 2022 successes with our Tarrant County family. The Foundation’s success is the result of our compassionate volunteers and generous donors. As always, we thank you for your continued support. g

Tarrant County Volunteer

Attorney Services By Sarah Hall Hoffman, Pro Bono Programs Director

The Gatehouse Wills Clinic Summer 2022

TVAS partnered with The Gatehouse to provide a free wills clinic to their residents. Kelly Hart sponsored the clinic and provided the attorneys to draft the paperwork. Through this clinic TVAS was able to help six clients successfully draft and execute their wills.



Heidi Angel, Joseph Austin, Whitney Beckworth, Teddy Boschini, Drew Neal, Drew Neill, Nirav Patel, John Phair, Kylie Rahl, Joakim Soederbaum, and Jeff Whitfield

Josue Barron, Jillian Borreson, Gillermo Gomez, Julia Green, Kelly McConnell, and Sam Pumphrey

Jack Cutshall, Kellie Daniels, Susan Davis, Monty Mayes, Andrea Saitis, Julie Sherman, and Kenya White



Gatehouse Wills Clinic, Summer 2022

CLE On Demand

Free for TCBA Members

Defending Evictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic Recording Presented by LANWT & TVAS

CLE: 2 hours, 1 hour Ethics Access webinar at www.tarrantbar.org/evictions-cle

Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services

Thank you to Kelly Hart for sponsoring the TVAS Gatehouse Wills Clinic.

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