Xpression Magazine

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pression volume one

Beauty Blogger

Victoria Davis

EDITORIAL CONTENT Letter from the Editor

The concept for Xpression came to me on a whim. I was walking down the beauty isle in Target, skimming through Cosmopolitian and realized that there are no hair and beauty magazines strictly for college aged women. Seventeen caters to young women, while Cosmopolitan is geared toward women at least 25 and older. Which probed me as extremely weird. This age is undeniably the most critical and time in a females life. At this stage your a woman, with the freedom many never had in high school. At this age, you are introduced to new things such as living with a roommate (your not related to), having the freedom to be who you want and date without curfews. At this stage you begin to evolve from the young adolescent Seventeen girl to the Cosmopolitan woman. So why not have a magazine that is made for them and deals with their beauty ideals. How else can a girl get through life without a handy-dandy guide to help along the way. That is what this magazine is for. Its for the females who want to be cute, sultry, and affordable. With things like student loans, room and board, and a hefty amount of homework, who has the time to sit at a Mac counter and spend $30 on six ounces.

with love,

Tarryn J.



Tarryn Silver

Creative Director

Pam Farmen


Tarryn Silver

Art Director

Tarryn Silver

Photography Editor

Joseph Garnett

Contributing Writer

Victoria Davis


Tarryn Silver



Ball State Printing

Address 2000 West University Avenue Muncie, In 47306 Telephone 765-285-5555 Like us on facebook facebook.com/xpression Follow us on Pinterest pinterest.com/xpression Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/xpressionmag This is a Ball State Magazine Design class project created for 2013.

Mane Creation


6The look for less

16Mane Creation

Recreate the looks of actress Kiera Knightely and model Daria Werbowy

Natural hair blogger, Victoria Davis discusses being a blogger and full-time student

9Budget Blessings

25Painted Beauty

13Beauty Inspirations

Editorial Content

28Beauty Quizzes


See the pros and cons of this month's products.

Get ideas for your night out from the SAg awards and pinterest.

Discover your hair and make up personality.



A day in the life of Taylor Gillespie, a Mary Kay consultant and student.

2Contact information 3


Victoria Davis

Joseph Garrnett Tarryn Silver

Victoria Davis is a junior at Ball State University, majoring in magazine journalism with a minor in creative writing. Davis is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. Davis' journey to be a journalist started at a young age when she found her passion to write in high school. While at Ball State, Davis is involved in Student Voluntary Services, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Ball Bearings Magazine, Multicultural Ambassadors, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and National Association of Black Journalists.

Joseph Garrnett is a senior photojournalism major and fashion minor at Ball State Universityfrom Washington D.C. Garrnett's decision to major in photojournalism was a difficult one. Starting as a fashion major, Garnett's inspiration to combine his first loves came from the popular show America's Next Top Model. His love of fashion and photography led him to choose photojournalims to be a fashion photographer when he graduates. At Ball State Davis is involved in the Daily News, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, Student Volunary Services and Fashion Merchandising Association.

Contributor Questionaire: Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Show: Family Guy Favorite Food: Shrimp Favorite Candy: Crunch Bars Stranded on an Island, what 3 things would you bring: Cellphone, bag full of hair necessities, and nail polish. Interesting fact that not many people know about you: Traveled to 14 different states, and 2 countries.

Contributor Questionaire: Favorite Color: Yellow Favorite Show: Vampire Diaries, Scandal and Pretty Little Liars Favorite Food: Crabs Favorite Candy: Hershey's with almond Stranded on an Island, what 3 things would you bring: Pull out couch, fishing rod, and Dove body wash. Interesting fact that not many people know about you: Fear of sand

Tarryn Silver is a junior journalism graphics major and digitial publishing and graphic arts technology, from Louisville, Ky. Silver decided that graphics would be the perfect career path for her after working on a high school publication and loving to design the publication more than anything else. After graduation Silver plans to go atten a graduate program in graphic design and live on the west coast. At Ball State, Silver is involved in the Daily News, National Association of Black Journalists, Multicultural Ambassadors, and Student Voluntary Services.

Contributor Questionaire: Favorite Color: Teal Favorite Show: Criminal Minds and Say Yes to the Dress Favorite Food: Fried chicken and sweet potatoes Favorite Candy: Skittles and Snickers Stranded on an Island, what 3 things would you bring: Cellphone, Carmex, and a hair scarf Interesting fact that not many people know about you: Fear of clowns



LOOK FOR LESS Keira Knightley Keira Knightley wore a gown from the Chanel Fall 2012 Couture Collection and makeup from Chanel to the Anna Karenina premier. Get Keira’s look for less using products from Physicians Formula, Tarte and Mabelline.

• Face


• Chanel Lumeire Foundation $55 • Chanel Lift Lumeire Concealer $46

Affordable • Clinique Continuous Coverage $24 • Physicians Formula Physicians Strength Concealer $7.99

• Eyes


• Ecriture De Chanel in Noir liquid liner $34 • Ombre Essentielle in Ebony shadow $28.50 • Ombres Contraste Duo in Gris–Subtil $42 • Ombre Essentielle in Liberty $28.50 • Inimitable Intense Mascara in Noir $30


• BareMinerals READY Eyeshadow 2.0 in The Perfect Storm $20 • Maybelline Line Stiletto $5.99 • Make Up For Ever Eyeshadow in Soft Pink $20 • Tarte, Lights, Camera, Lashes $19

• Cheeks Expensive

• Joues Contraste Powder Blush in Rose Initiale $43


• Too Faced La Creme in Nude Beach $21

• Lips


• Le Crayon Levres in Natural lip liner $29 • Rouge Allure in Evanescente $34


• Too Faced Full Bloom Ultra Flush Blush in Sweet Pink $19


Daria Werbowy Model Daria Marie Claire Daria’s look Revlon, and

Werbowy poses for an editorial spread in using makeup mostly from Lancome. Get for less using products from Maybelline, NYX.

• Face


• Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation $45 • Chanel Eclat Lumiere Concealer $40


• Revlon ColorStay Foundation $10 • Mac Pro Longwear Concealer $18

• Eyes


• Lancome Color Design Eye Shadow in 24 Karak $19 • Color Design Eye Shadow in Waif $50 • Inimitable Intense Mascara in Noir $30


• NYX Chrome Eye Shadow in Canary $6 • Sonia Kahsuk Eye Shadow Duo in Nudenick $7 • Maybelline Lash Stiletto Ultimate Length Mascara $7

• Cheeks Expensive

• Star Bronzer Poudre Soleil in Bronze Riche $30

Affordable • Rimmel London Sun Shimmer Shimmering Maxi Bronzer in Sun Love $8

• Lips Expensive • Mac Pro Longwear LipCreme in Soft Shell $18

Affordable • Rimmel London Kate Moss Lipstick in shade 14 $5


BUDGET BLESSINGS Olive Oil Conditioner Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner, made by Organic Root Stimulator, is a deep conditioning hair lotion that provides moisture after washing. Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner is sold at most drug stores and grocery stores for $6- $7.

Pros Pleasant Smell: Like Oranges

Consistancy: Thick and cremy

Great Ingredients: Soybean oil and olive oil

Cons Protein based: Can cause more harm than good if your hair is protein sensitive

After Effect: Can leave hair feeling greasy or oily if too much product is used



BUDGET BLESSINGS Essie Sleek Stick Stickers

Maybelline BB Cream BB Cream (short for beauty or blemish cream) hydrate, even out skin tone, and provide antioxidants along with SPF protection. Unlike many high end makeup lines that have BB creams, Maybelline BB Cream is sold at most drugstores for around $8.

Pros Consistancy:

Essie enters the prepolish culture with their first-ever textured sticker collection. They’re great for a quick manicure on the fly, and are a lifesaver for those who like nail art, but don’t want to pay hefty salon prices for more comprehensive designs. Essie is taking the polish strip a little further, by adding threedimensional textures and lavish patterns to their collection of new sleek sticks.





Only takes a few steps to apply with no waiting on paint to dry

Doesn’t last the full ten days guaranteed on package


Variety: Only come in 12 different styles so the look can become redundant quickly

Stickers peel off with no damage using a small amount of cuticle oil

Interchangeability: Fast steps to peel on and off allows quick and easy variety

Smooth finish on skin Dual Use: Eliminates the need of a primer

Protects against sun: Includes a SPF 30 protectant

Cons Coverage: Sheer tint makes it difficult to cover extensive redness or blimishes





This year's Screen Actors Guild Awards aired on Feb. 27 and winners included Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway, and Julianne Moore. Steal the stars looks for your own events.

Jennifer Lawrence Clair Danes

XPRESSION Be Classic. Be Beautiful. Be You.

Anne Hathaway

Freida Pinto

Lawrence dazzels the SAGs with a youthful side sweep and red lip. This look is perfect for a formal dinner to a casual date and anything in between.

Danes chooses a sultry look with a dark stained lip and a smokey berry. Danes complimented the look with a simple side part and sweeped back up-do.

Hathaway pairs her fun pixie cut with a simple eye and magenta lip. This look compliments the star's porcelain skin and hint of pink cheeks.

Pinto look pretty in pink for the SAG Awards. She plays up the vibrant pink of her dress with a faux bob, tickle me pink cheeks, and rosy lips.

January Jones

Marion Cotillard

Kerry Washington

Jessica Chastain

Jones pairs her modern sleek updo with a bold orange-red lipstick. For a milder version, try wearing the hair or lip separately.

Jones pairs her modern sleek updo with a bold orange-red lipstick. For a milder version, try wearing the hair or lip separately.

Washington opts for a sexy look at the SAGs. Her smokey dark eye looks fab and elegant with her low ponytail and pink pale lips.

Chastain plays up her red hued hair for the SAGs this year. The star kept her makeup very subtle with colors picking up on her natural tint.





Pinterest finds

This year's Screen Actors Guild Awards aired on Feb. 27 and winners included Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway, and Julianne Moore. Steal the stars looks for your own events.


Jazz up your weekend with boncy, beautiful curls. Hair like this goes perfect with flirty makeup and clear gloss.

Add some dimension to your winged liner by outlining it in glitter. This look is perfect with a bold lip.

Bring in the spring time with a light coral lip. Perfect for fairer skin tones, pair this lip with a golden face by using bronzer.


For those on the go with no time to style hair, this cute but messy bun is perfect for you.

Got a formal agenda or big date? This versatile look will go great with any outfit you plan.

Simple and sophisticated is the idea of the dramatic winged eyeliner. Perfect for a chil date night or small party.

Pump up the volume with this simple yet, bold look. Line bottom lashline with your favorite color for a daring look.

XPRESSION Be the talk of the town when you hit the bars with this daring lip. Pair this bold lip with a simple eye for balance.

An eventful summer day at an amusement park is the perfect agenda for this lip. Super flirty and fun.

Be Cute. Be Quirky. Be You.


Creation Words •Tarryn Silver

Photos • Joseph Garnett


t’s 9 a.m. on a Monday morning and Women’s hair testimonials after wanting to learn Gender Studies is in full swing. While the how to take care of her own hair. The professor is lecturing, junior Victoria Davis is interest in natural hair stemmed from writing feverishly in her notebook. Unlike her the vast difference between the boneclassmates, Davis is not writing the notes straight relaxed hair she’s always had and from the powerpoint, but plans of her next uncontrolled tresses. giveaway on her blog, Classy Curlies. Many “I was just interested in learning how to days for Davis are spent in this manner, do my own hair,” Davis says. “So basically juggling between being a successful blogger I was on youtube and was searching for and full-time student. ways to like stretch my Classy Curlies is a relaxer. And I started natural hair blog run looking at people who and set up by Davis had natural hair and it Classy Curlies is based that includes tutorials, was big and fluffy and on natural hair care and product reviews and curly; it was something wellness overall but topic discussions different than what does have a background for the natural hair I’ve had because I’ve in self esteem and like community. Beginning always had a relaxer. I embracing yourself and in the summer of 2011 was just curious about when Davis had just what it looked like.” embracing what you have, begun her natural hair In the process of journey, her blog also going from relaxed to includes a touch of natural, it is necessary self-acceptance. for the remaining “Classy Curlies is based on natural hair relaxed hair to be cut off, otherwise known care and wellness overall but does have as the Big Chop. For Davis, that Big Chop a background in self esteem and like garnered mixed reviews and insecurities. embracing yourself and embracing what “I feel like it [natural hair] has made me you have,” says Davis. accept who I am, physically, because in The blog focuses on the natural hair of [the African-American] culture if your skin African American women. This juxtaposes is dark it’s not pretty. If your hair is kinky, the thinner, straight traits of relaxed hair. nappy, or curly, it’s not pretty. That’s not Although a big aspect of her life now, what African-Americans are used to and during the beginning of her hair journey, that’s not what is accepted,” says Davis. a blog was not in the plan. Davis began According to hairboutique.com, relaxers her journey from relaxed to natural by include chemicals such as sodium watching videos on Youtube of natural hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate


to straighten the natural curl pattern that hair, Davis began Classy Curlies mimicking African-American hair has. what she watched on Youtube. With the straight look of relaxed hair “I began blogging because I love to write at a high contrast of natural hair, Davis and my major is magazine journalism. I says that she feels like her hair provides knew this [going natural] was a journey her with an identity because it’s out of the for me and something new, so why not ordinary. “When I first cut my hair my mom document it. I had already seen people do thought I was crazy and at first I was really that and I thought ‘I could do that and I self-conscious of my could do it a lot better hair. I cut it because I because I have a writing wanted to but I didn’t background.’ So I just know how everyone combined the hair part Classy Curlies is based would react,” says that I discovered I loved Davis. with the writing that I on natural hair care and Since Davis’ first big already loved,” says wellness overall but chop her mother has Davis. does have a background come around to the With her blog in self esteem and like idea of natural hair and being a priority in her embracing yourself and has even went natural. life, Davis says that embracing what you have, Seeing her natural hair juggling it and school journey has influenced takes organization. her mother to do the “I didn’t’ think it would same Davis believes. take over this much of While her blog strives to help women my life. To me it’s like a commitment. Before that are going natural accept their hair as it was something I was going to do every now it is and view it as beautiful, the blog has and then when I feel like it. But now that I’m also had a positive impact on the way that really into it and have a like audience, I feel she views herself. like it’s an obligation, but I like that obligation. “I feel so relieved because it makes me So I make that a priority and try to fit that into feels like I have nothing to hide behind. I my schedule,” says Davis. do I have my bad hair days where I think Along with that obligation of keeping I don’t look good today but those are just her blog up to date, Davis also makes it a minor things whereas before it was a priority to find new hairstyles. Her sources confidence thing.” of inspiration for innovative hairstyles come Combining her two loves, writing and from places like a random idea or Youtube.


“Sometimes I’ll make up a style in my the same thing as you,” says Davis. head, and then I’ll try them and it does Although her blog has garnered her not turn out. Sometimes things that I don’t much recognition, she still thinks she has a think are cute, people will say ‘oh I like your long way to go to be successful. hair.’ Sometimes I’m on Youtube and I’ll see “I talk about my blog but I don’t. There something I want to try,” says Davis. are many people that say, ‘Oh I didn’t In the past few years natural hair has know you had a blog’ I don’t feel like I gained popularity in the African- American should brag about stuff. I think its good community, including a bigger network but there are a lot of people that are a lot natural hair individuals, more products and better and have a lot more views. So that’s more networking why I’m really trying to opportunities. build myself up. I think Due to the success it’s [Classy Curlies is] of her blog Davis has pretty good for what it is Classy Curlies is based been invited to help but I think it has a while on natural hair care and and speak at local to go,” says Davis. wellness overall but does hair groups such as From its small have a background in self Naturalistas in Nap, beginning to the success esteem and embracing a natural hair group it has today, Classy yourself and embracing based in Indianapolis, Curlies provides a what you have, and the National positive outlet not just for Natural Hair Meetup women with Natural hair, Day on May 18th but females in general. of last year. At the Through her strive to National Natural Hair empower women and Meetup Day in Toledo, Ohio, Davis spoke goal for them to learn self worth, Davis's about creating a hair regimen and feels like blog can be an inspiration to all. And with these groups provide women more than just an adequate amount of preparation, Davis information about natural hair. has high hopes for the blog in the future. “I feel like they’re support groups. In “I feel like if I put enough time and effort the African-American community it’s not into it. It can be something a lot bigger than accepted for a woman to have natural hair anything I ever thought it could be." Davis, or anything that sticks outside her head says. "Maybe it could lead to different that’s not straight and flat. Since that’s not opportunities for me, maybe opportunities accepted you need other people to lean on that I didn’t think could fit in to my plan. and other people who are going through But I definitely see a positive outcome."


Painted Beauty Words • Victoria Davis Photos • Tarryn Silver

Junior Taylor Gillespie juggles the life of a Mary Kay consultant and student

raceful music plays in the background as hysterical laughter fills the room. Pink balloons consume the airways and pretty faces began to blossom. At a Mary Kay party titled “Pretty Ladies,” junior, Taylor Gillespie blends in a shimmering eye shadow to her party guest’s eyes and paints on an entire new face. Since 2010, Gillespie has been a Mary Kay consultant which causes her to balance college life and her makeup hobby. “I like to throw in Mary Kay whenever someone brings up makeup or the brand itself. I also have business cards to promote myself,”

says Gillespie. Although she is not a professional makeup artist, Gillespie feels as if she knows her way around the shades of makeup. “I wear makeup every day, especially Mary Kay products and with experience I’ve developed well enough knowledge in order to do make up for other and give them advice,” says Gillespie. Between pursuing 18 credit hours in her psychology degree at Ball State University, serving as secretary of Black Student Association and participating in Greek life as a

participating in Greek life as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, finding time for Mary Kay can be tough. “It varies on how much time you devote to it, but it is also no set everyday schedule, so the times are flexible,” she says. Originally from St. Louis, Gillespie was first introduced to Mark Kay, eight years ago by her Mother who is now an independent sales director for the company. “My mom has always used make up and as a child, I always wanted to play in it and have some on my own. Mary Kay makeup was just easily accessible growing up,” says Gillespie. The company began as a small family owned business in 1963 and now has over 2.5 million independent beauty consultants within the company. With over 200 premium products, Gillespie has no trouble finding items that fit every style and personality. “They sell makeup and body care products such as face washes, nail polishes, fragrances and other beauty products. I look at the person’s need and then recommend products based on the person’s


skin tone and style,” she says. By using the company’s products daily and becoming a consultant, Gillespie has discovered some of her favorite products. “I really like the eyeliner because it’s creamy and it stays on all day. I like their product called Eyecicles, which is liquid eye shadow. I wear it every day, it adds shimmer, and it’s easy to put on. It’s perfect for everyday use,” she says. The company is located in Dallas Texas and was created by Mary Kay Ash starting off with only five products. Ash wanted to create a business where women could be successful in a male-dominated world. The company is now run by family members of Ash. To keep up on family history and traditions, consultants of Mary Kay have the chance to come together once a year. “Seminar is when each region of Mary Kay gets together during the summer. At the seminar regions get the chance to win awards and be recognized for their success,” says Gillespie. Gillespie has not had a chance to attend the annual seminar,

but she hopes to this upcoming summer. “I’m excited to finally get the opportunity to attend,” says Gillespie. Approaching her third year as a consultant, Gillespie hopes to establish herself in the company and climb the ladder to success. “I would like to earn the pink car by Mary Kay and become a director in my region,” Gillespie says. The pink Cadillac is given to directors free of charge and the company also pays for insurance. “That is my main goal,” she says. Makeup and beauty products are sold at most local stores, but Gillespie feels as if Mary Kay products are of different status. “Yes, one can get beauty products from Wal-Mart, Target or Sephora, but with the Mary Kay brand, it is high quality makeup. Not only are products not tested on animals, they also are a lot less expensive than other top notch beauty brands such as Estee Lauder or Clinique,” she says. One of Gillespie’s favorite things about the company is that it was formed based on the positive reflections of women. “We promote

God, family and then a career, which is total opposite of what most professional companies believe. The people here come in all shapes, sizes and personalities,” she says. With the economy’s status continuously fluctuating, the recession has had an effect on numerous companies and their sales revenue. “I couldn’t really tell a difference with sales. I feel like every woman still wants and desires to wear makeup.Women still want to look nice no matter what is going on. Women still want to add things to enhance their natural beauty,” she says. Throughout her college career and after graduating, Gillespie still plans on continuing her hobby with makeup and maintaining her relationship with the Mary Kay company as a beauty consultant. “Beauty is all about being yourself and learning how to enhance your natural abilities and appearance. It is about accepting your imperfections and learning how to work with what you have. That is why makeup and beauty is such a big part of me; it is self-creation for the world.”

Gillespie explains a product to a potential client at a small party she held at The Student Center. Gillespie has been a Mary Kay consultant since 2010.


Taylor's Picks


As a Mary Kay Consultant, Gillespie has tried many Mary Kay products. Here she lists her favorite products of Mary Kay that she keeps coming back to.

Cream Eye Colors $14 "They give you the natural look and they're easy to use"

Mascara $10 "Mary Kay sells many different types of mascara. They all work really good."

The Compact $18 "The compact comes empty so you can build it yourself"

Mary Kay Eyeliner $14 "The eyeliner is super creamy and doesn't require a sharpener"

Time Wiise Matte Wear Liquiid Foundation $20 "This foundation goes on really smooth. They have something for every skin type and tone."


XPRESSION Be Sweet. Be Sultry. Be You.



Are you a classic

What hair style is perfect for you?

beauty or total trendsetter?

a) alse lashes and/or plumping mascara b) A natural lash conditioner like Tarte’s multiplEYE c) A prescription lash enhancer like Latisse


a) slightly smudged b) close to the upper lash line c) rimmed all the way around the eye


When you want to a healthy glow, what do you do? a) Mix a little liquid bronzerwith your moisturizer b) Brush blush on your cheeks c) use your fav highlighter


You’re lusting after longer lashes. How do you get them?

How do you wear eye liner?

you spend on your hair every morning?

Mostly As: Classic Beauty



3. How much time do

a) One; as far as you’re concerned, blush was just meant

a) 5-10 min b) 10-15 min c) 15+ min


When you try on pants in front of a sales person you hear, ripppp. What do you do? a) apologize and bolt out of there b) hide in the dressing room c) laugh hysterically

a) turn red but laugh it off b) tell them “take a picture it’ll last longer” c) turn red and speed away

6. The celeb that you admire the most for hairstyles is?

a) on designer jeans b) deposit in the bank c) buy gifts for my friends

for Friday night fall thru, you: a) call your best friend to complain b) make something happen anyway c) chill by yourself

10. If you won $1,,000 dollars, no questions asked, how would you spend it?

a) miley cyrus b) ashlee simpson c) victoria beckham

7. Which accessory would you choose? a) a silver necklace b) gold charms on a thin chain bracelet c) pink polka-dotted hand bag

8. The last time you updated your look was: a) last year b) last month c) this week


a) Red b) Peachy Pink c) Fuscia

a) Liquid b) Kohl c) Gel

different places can you wear pink cream blush?

ing at the top of your lungs in a car and find out some one was staring?

9. When your plans

Mostly As: Classic Beauty

You want to make your lips stand out what’s your go-to hue?

What type of eye liner formula do you like best?


a) straight b) wavy or curly c) relaxed

10. How many

Your beauty style follows a young Audrey Hepburn. Your classic look bring a mature, vintage vibe to your look. Step outside the box by changing up lip colors.



a) oval b) round or heart c) square

The texture of your hair is?

Mostly Bs: Blended Babe

a) Brown b) Charcoal c) Purple

describes your face?

5. You where sing-

Your beauty style follows a young Audrey Hepburn. Your classic look bring a mature, vintage vibe to your look. Step outside the box by changing up lip colors.

When doing a smokey eye, what color do you use?

1. Which shape best

Mostly Bs: Blended Babe


a) Bright, up-to-thebrow shadow b) purple lipstick c) dramatically contoured cheeks

You have a mix of a classic look, while adding a visual punch. That gives you the most variety with your beauty looks. Keep up the good work your style!

a) Dab clear lip gloss or Vaseline on your eyelids b) Wear blush or bronzer that has a bit of sheen c) Mix a metallic powder shadow with your lip gloss

Mostly Cs: Trendsetting Chick

a) Mac b) Chanel c) Too many to pick just one

for your cheeks b) Three; you’re all about the monochromatic look, and you love pink c) Two; you’ll rub it on your cheeks and eyelids, but you want a different for your lips

You have a mix of a classic look, while adding a visual punch. That gives you the most variety with your beauty looks. Keep up the good work your style!

shimmer for summer, you:

What runway trend would you dare to try?

Mostly Cs: Trendsetting Chick

makeup brand is your go-to?


Daring eyes and bold lips complete your daily beauty looks, which is fantastic because a bold look complements to your confidence. However, knowing when to tone your look down is wise.

5. To add a little

Daring eyes and bold lips complete your daily beauty looks, which is fantastic because a bold look complements to your confidence. However, knowing when to tone your look down is wise.

1. Which




Be Funny. Be Joyous. Be You. 33


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