Cck monthly dec 2013

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Christmas Services Saturday 14 December at 7pm 9 Lessons and Carols Sunday 15th December at 7pm 9 Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December at 5pm Crib Service Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December 7am - Holy Communion 9am- Holy Communion 11am - Family Communion Please note that there will only be two Services on Sunday 29th December and Sunday 5th January at 9am and 7pm.

Some dates to put in your diary of upcoming events over the next couple of weeks. Tues 3 Dec Healing Prayer in the Church The last Healing prayer of the year will be on 10 Dec. Thurs 5 Dec Prayer for Christ Church in the Church This will stop on 12 Dec and recommence on 17 Jan 2014 Wed 4 Dec 2pm Senior Tea and Movie Afternoon Please note the movie to be shown will now be “Miracle on 34th Street” Please put your name down at the back of the church in the welcome area

This special service is the highlight of the year for many, young and old, with its simple yet profound re-enactment of the Nativity. Wed 4 Dec 1-2pm This is also unashamedly a service for children. Advent Meditations As part of your preparation for All welcome Christmas we invite you to draw Please join us this Christmas aside to encounter God in a series of Advent Meditations to be held on We need lots to involvement to make it happen: Wednesdays 4th, 11th, 18th Dec. • Singers & musiciansw Led by Judy Sewell and Denise Wood • Actors - shepherds, kings, angels, stars, donkey, innkeeper (older children/adults to help lead the way) • Narrator • Costume coordinators • Help with props and stage décor • Mixer for the sound desk • Biscuit bakers • Ushers and there are lots of other ways to be involved. If you or a child you know are able to be involved, please contact Barbara or Bushy at the Christ Church office: 021 7976332

Sat 7 Dec Final Men’s event of 2013 is a breakfast of all the good stuff cooked on a skottle. St John’s Mall R40 – payable on the day Sign up online or at the back of church

“Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. But about the resurrection of the dead--have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’ ? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” Matthew 22:29-32

“God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--has sent me to you.’ “This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.” - Exodus 3:15

Jeremy’s shoe size is13 (how many of us have feet that big ?) reflect but a tiny element of his extraordinarily big heart, his abounding love for each person with whom he has connected (yes, each person); his abundant grace that has been extended in diverse circumstances and his amazing courage to be true to His calling. Jeremy, we will miss your fun, your laughter and your encouragement to seek God in all elements of our lives. We know you will continue to remind us about our call to reach the lost! Thank you. We are so thankful to God that you will continue to be part of the CCK community.Yay! And yes, we are so happy that you are excited about your new role as National Director for Alpha South Africa. Brenda, thank you for your loving support of Jeremy particularly through this year and for your visible partnership with him in this role. Have a marvellous sabbatical and see you in March! We love you and will miss you!

CONTEMPLATIVE PILGRIMAGE TO ISRAEL Rob and Sue Taylor will be leading a pilgrimage to Israel in April 2014. The focus will be on the life of Jesus, spending time in Nazareth, the Galilee area, the desert and of course Jerusalem, and the intention is to dwell prayerfully in each place to make space for personal encounters with our Lord. The dates are 26 April to 6 May 2014 ; and although most of those going with them are from St Thomas’ in Durban, there are a few places left and they would be thrilled if some members of Christ Church were to join them. If you are interested, please chat to them or contact Sue via the church office or email:


* Put the WordSpace in the hands of a friend, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, parent. * Some of our best posts - in one place * Support the youthhub and keep the WordSpace going and growing

Great idea for a Christmas Gift Since its launch in August 2012, the WordSpace – a daily cell phone-based devotional - has grown to impact the lives of over 7000 young people around Southern Africa. The Youth Hub has now produced a print version. Small Spaces is a collection of 90 of the top WordSpace posts, each one linked to a carefully crafted image to help you connect with God in a fresh way. All proceeds from sales of this book go towards supporting the Youth Hub and the WordSpace. Copies will be available after services during December and in the Christ Church resource center. Preview the book and order copies online Cost: R110 or at Christ Church Centre For more information contact Andrew:

Mission students went sight-seeing in Lesotho and found abandoned hospital infrastructure in the mountains of Semonkong. They caught a vision of erecting a unique, eco-friendly, financially self-sustained, rural, district-level hospital in the central mountain region of Lesotho. The project is lead by a committed full time team and supported by the local government and chiefs. A number of mission trips are planned every year to continue the work that is ongoing in Semonkong. Giles and Rich are joining the mission team going from 5-15 December this year. The team consists of a number of teams: Medical team helps out at the local clinic, Construction team builds and maintains buildings, fences etc. of the community and the accommodation for the mission

Thank you to all those who attended the Church Meeting last week. We are aware that we need to give a report on the budget and will do so early in the new year. We are delighted that Eleanor Fraser and Jeremy Clampett were voted in as church wardens to join Di Duncan on Pastorate. We are pleased to announce that Sharon Davis (who worked as a youth pastor here at Christ Church a couple of years ago) and currently Curate at Christ Church Constantia, gets ordained into the full priesthood on Sunday, 8th December at 3pm at St George’s Cathedral. All welcome to join the celebrations. Sharon will be presiding for the first time at Christ Church Constantia on Sunday 15th December at the 7:30am, 9:15 am and 7pm

Feeding the Hungry closes on Friday 13 December and reopens on Monday 20 January 2014. A Huge Thank you to all who bought Buckets!


“In 2005 some University medical


volunteers. Evangelism and prayer team go out into the community with the word and disciple community members. Children’s ministry run meetings for a large group of kids each day. And the logistics and kitchen team look after the team needs. The team works to reach the community with the gospel, the love of God in word and deed, and to prepare the community for the hospital itself which is hopefully to be erected soon. Ultimately the Semonkong Hospital Project is about glorifying our Risen Lord through our lives and contribution! The financial needs of the team for this trip are in the region of R280 000. This includes getting the team there and back and addressing various needs like rebuilding a woman’s house who donated her land to the hospital

grounds as well as funding the planning and building of the hospital. The funds are raised as a team, but the guideline is approximately R3500 per volunteer. If you would like to contribute to the work of God in this project. We will be very willing to answer any questions you have and would like to redirect you to the official project website at Giles and Rich would love you to pray for * the community, that God’s power and love would go out to them. * For protection from the evil one and that the needs of the trip would be met in accordance with God’s will. * We are also asking for safe passage to the area with various team members travelling from all over SA.

As we are clearing the garden we are finding lovely areas which can be used for prayer and community for visitors and the staff and we would like to ‘furnish’ them with benches, small outdoor tables, birdbaths and feeders etc. where possible. So we would like to ask you, the congregation for donations of items (or money and we will brass plaque items in thanks) to this end for everyone to use and enjoy. Please e-mail Sharon with any queries or offers. Tony Edwards died peacefully early Wednesday morning and his funeral was on Friday. Please pray for Rosie, Polly and Mathew and all their other family members and friends as they mourn the loss of Tony. Congratulations for Justin de Jager and Jessica Axelson – and Michael Vella and Jacky Pearce who are getting married next Saturday. Please pray for these couples. Giles and Rich would like to extend a big thank you for all the prayer and all the contributions that have been made so far to the Semonkong Hospital Project mission trip in December. They have received around R 31 000 which far exceeds the recommended target for two volunteers and will be put to good use to bless and reach the community in Semonkong. Praise God!

about christ church A very warm welcome to all visitors. If you are new to Christ Church, please come and meet us at the Welcome Area after the service where you can collect a “Welcome to Christ Church Pack”.

Service Times Sunday 8am,10am,7pm Wednesday 10am Holy Communion We welcome all who know and love the Lord, including children, to share in Holy Communion. We have chalices of wine as well as grape juice for children and adults who choose this option. Please indicate to the Lay Minister if grape juice is your choice. Signing for the deaf At the 10am and 7pm services. Prayer There are people available to pray with you after each service.

Prayer is a priority at Christ Church. We believe it releases the power of God to help us live our lives,at home, at work and in our city. There are regular prayer meetings to pray for Christ Church and our various ministries and courses. There are also prayer meetings that focus on praying for Cape Town and the nation. We also have an emergency Prayer Chain that will mobilise a team of people to pray in a particular moment of crisis. Contact us and speak to Alison if you have a prayer need or want to find out more. Visit for more information and to see prayer times over the Christmas period. Our Prayer Shield can be activated in times of emergency. Contact Alison Kempton-Jones 021 712 3133 or Email:

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