Kaliningrad region - the territory of opportunities

Page 1


8 “pros� of a new business in the Kaliningrad region

8 “pros” of a new business in the Kaliningrad region 1

Testing grounds for entering Russian market


Proximity of European markets

The Kaliningrad region has a common border with two EU states: in the North and East it borders on the Republic of Kaliningrad is a real opportunity Lithuania, and in the South – on for trying out conducting the Republic of Poland. Since business under Russian 1999 the volume of foreign trade conditions with the subsequent has grown tenfold. entering the markets of the mainland Russia and the Eurasian economic space.


Advantage of the Special Economic Zone The provisions of the Federal Law of January 10, 2006 No. 16-FL “On the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region” and the Agreement of June 18, 2010 on the issues of free (special, exclusive) economic zones in the customs territory of the Customs Union and free customs procedure of the free customs zone provide investors in the territory of the region with customs and tax exemptions, with a guarantee not to apply measures increasing the total tax burden of a resident, and with visa support to foreign investors.



Support to investors from the regional Government “The open door policy” is aimed at supporting and developing business, enlarging interregional and international relations, establishing favorable investment climate. There is a gubernatorial Board on location of investment which allows businessmen to receive all the necessary permits and final papers within a “one-stop shop” mode.

Kaliningrad region

7 Considerable tourism and recreation potential

6 Growing potential of the transportation system The volumes of freight turnover in the port and railway complexes of the region are growing annually. For the further development of transport potential, funding of infrastructure projects in the sphere of air, railway, sea and river transport is envisaged within the Federal Targeted Program.



The port of Kaliningrad is the only ice-free Russian port in the Baltic with docks for ro/ro and passenger vessels, railway ferries, general and container cargoes, with a possibility of performing customs, border and other obligatory formalities.

The priorities of the economic development of the region stipulated in the relevant long-term program documents (in the Federal Targeted Program (FTP) of development of the Kaliningrad region and sectoral FTPs, the Strategy and Program of the socio-economic development, the Concept of industry development) establish conditions of stability and certainty.

Mild climate, developed coastal area, wonderful natural landscapes, developed tourism infrastructure attract numerous visitors from both Russian regions and abroad. The implementation of initiatives on the establishment of a gambling zone as well as of the Special Economic Zone of tourism and recreation kind will promote a further growth of tourism attractiveness of the region.

Accessibility of Baltic Steady environment and Atlantic sea for making long-term routes decisions



Economic performance

Kaliningrad region

GDP of the Kaliningrad region bln.rub

198 179 144





67 47 2003




In 2011 the Kaliningrad region recorded strong economic growth, steady growth of industrial production, a moderate rise in real incomes as well as a fall in the unemployment rate.






average annual growth rate of 5.5% per annum for the next five years. Kaliningrad per capita GDP in 2011 reached a level of approximately EUR 6,000 on official exchange rate (EUR 9,000 on PPP).

The economic product of the Kaliningrad region (i.e. the gross domestic product of the region) is about 227 billion roubles (approximately EUR 5.7 billion on official exchange rate), growing at the rate of 8% in 2011 and well above the Russian average of 4.3%. The Regional Ministry of Economy predicts an 5

GDP growth dynamics, % (2000 y.=100%)

208 199


166 144 139 123,5







118 2003









GDP per capita (thous.rub)

242 191 154 70 49 2003





210 181








Kaliningrad region

Index of the physical volume of GDP, %

119,9 115,3 109,3

112,6 106,5 103,6


91,5 2003









Rate of growth of industrial development indices in 2011, % 18,0%


8,9% 6,5% 4,7%

Russia industrial production index



Kaliningrad region

manufacturing index


Breakdown of the Gross Regional Product, %








Section А. Agricultural industry, hunting and forest sector







Section В. Fishing industry, fish-farming







Section С. Extraction of minerals







Section D. Manufacturing







Section Е. Production and distribution of electric energy, gas and water







Section F. Construction







Section G. Wholesale and retail trade; repairs of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household goods and personal demand items







Section Н. Hotels and restaurants







Section I. Transport and communication







Section J. Financial activities







Section K. Real estate operations, rental and provision of services







Section L. Public administration and military security; social insurance







Section M. Education







Section N. Public health service and provision of welfare services







Section O. Provision of other utility, social and personal services







Kaliningrad region

Breakdown of the Gross Regional Product in 2010, % 1.2%



2,1% 2,5% 3,1%









In recent years the structure of Kaliningrad economy has not undergone any substantial changes, with manufacturing, wholesale and retail being the most important sectors. In particular the manufacturing sector shows significant growth rates, becoming a largest sector in the economy over the last few years. The


sub-sectors with the highest growth rate were in car assembly, television equipment as well as production and design of reinforced concrete structures and prefabricated elements. Overall, the manufacturing sector was very resilient to the global economic crisis, growing from 2008 to 2011 by 167.9%. 9

Capital investments, mln. rub


68958 60463




42302 29959


19746 13699 2003








Kaliningrad region

Foreign investment, mln. USD

In 2011 the capital investment increased by 14.5 %. The largest increase was in the manufacturing activities, and here in particular in the chemical industry and the food industry.

375.9 298.8










Export of the Kaliningrad region by countries — transactors in 2011 Country - transactor


Share in export

Main goods

Total export


CIS countries (8 countries)




Other CIS countries


Non-CIS countries (87 countries)




mineral substances, fertilizers



oil products (light distillates)



oil products (light distillates)

The Netherlands


oil products (light distillates)



oil products (light distillates), plastic products

off the peg fish products, food-industry waste



soybean oil



soybean oil, oil products (light distillates),



oil products (light distillates), soybean oil



ferrous scrap and waste, plastic products



soybean oil

Other non-CIS countries


Import of the Kaliningrad Region by countries — transactors in 2011 Country - transactor

Share in import

Total import


CIS countries (7 countries)




Other CIS countries


Kaliningrad region

Main goods

ferrous metals and goods from them, copper

Non-CIS countries (135 countries)




component parts for car assembly

Korea, Republic


component parts for car assembly



component parts for car assembly



electronic packages, component parts for LCD TV assembly, computers



component parts for LCD TV assembly, plastic products



component parts for car assembly

The Netherlands


soybeans, meat






discs, bands and other data storage units




Other non-CIS countries




Special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region

Kaliningrad region Enterprises not exercising special conditions of economic activities

General conditions of economic activities Economic entities conducting their activities in the territory of the Kaliningrad region

SEZ residents in the Kaliningrad region

Special conditions of economic activities Enterprises which were registered and conducted foreign-economic activities before 2006 (enterprises of “transition period”)

Enterprises and organi- How to become a resizations operating in the dent of the SEZ territory of the region 1 A enjoy various legal regu- legal entity (further – Applicant) is to submit in written form the followlations concerning the ing to the SEZ Administration in the Kaliningrad region: order of application of tax and customs prefer- • an application about incorporation; ences (enterprises of the • notarially certified copies of the foundation documents of the legal “transition period” and entity (founding charter); enterprises-residents of • a notarially certified copy of the the SEZ). registration certificate of the legal

entity; In accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2006 No 16-FL “On • a notarially certified copy of the the Special Economic Zone in the certificate of registration with a tax Kaliningrad region (further – SEZ) and authority; on amending some legislative acts of • an investment declaration; the Russian Federation”: by SEZ the territory of the Kaliningrad region • a business plan of the investment is meant in which a special legal project. treatment of conducting economic, production, and investment activities is in force, and also a procedure of a free customs zone is applied. The period of the SEZ functioning is till April 1, 2031. 15


Kaliningrad region


• the state registration of a legal entity was done in the Kaliningrad region;

The SEZ Administration considers the application about incorporation of the • the production of goods is conductApplicant in the register within a peed by the legal entity exclusively riod of no more than thirty days since in the territory of the Kaliningrad the day of submitting the application region; to the SEZ Administration, makes a decision on the incorporation of the • the investment is made by the legal Applicant in the register or on the entity in the territory of the Kalininrefusal to incorporate the Applicant in grad region; the register stating the reasons of the refusal, and on the day of the decision • the investment project submitted by the legal entity meets the making a written notice is sent to the requirements set by the present Applicant. Federal Law.

3 A decision on the refusal to incorporate the Applicant in the register is made by the SEZ Administration only in case the Applicant fails to observe the conditions of incorporation in the register stipulated by the present Federal Law. The decision on the Applicant’s incorporation in the register is documented by issuing a certificate to the Applicant on his/her incorporation in the register.The Applicant has the right to operate on the basis of the special legal treatment of the Special МММVVVEconomic Zone since the date when the decision was made on the Applicant’s incorporation in the register.

Requirements to an investor

Legal entities applying special tax regulations stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxation and revenue cannot be Residents of the SEZ. Financial institutions including credit and insurance institutions as well as professional participants of the securities market cannot be Residents of the SEZ.

Requirements to an investment project The investment project must be implemented in the territory of the Kaliningrad region. The investment project cannot be aimed at the following: • oil extraction, natural gas extraction, rendering services in the given areas;

• production of ethyl alcohol, of A legal entity is subject to be incoralcoholic products, production of porated in the register in case of tobacco goods and other excisable complying with the following requiregoods (with an exception of light ments: motor vehicles and motorcycles) in • a legal entity was established in acaccordance with the list approved cordance with the legislation of the by the Government of the Russian Russian Federation; Federation; • wholesale and retail trade; 17


Kaliningrad region

• repairs of household goods and personal demand items; • financial activities. Investment must be executed in the form of capital investment.

• The other taxes and charges are paid in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on taxation and revenue. • Besides, the Federal Law establishes:

The amount of capital investment in • a possibility to apply a facilitated accordance with the submitted investprocedure of issuing Russian visas ment project must total no less than for citizens of foreign states – resione hundred and fifty million rubles dents’ representatives; and must be implemented within the period not exceeding three years from • an unalterable rental fee for the the date of making the decision on land plot leased to the resident incorporating the legal entity in the during the whole period of the lease register. contract duration;

Privileges and preferences to the SEZ residents

• a guarantee not to apply measures increasing the resident’s tax burden.

The SEZ residents bringing imported goods to the territory of the Kaliningrad region and placing them under the customs treatment of a free customs zone on the basis of Article 9 of the Agreement on the issues of free • during the first 6 years since the (special, exclusive) economic zones in date of the organization’s incorpora- the customs territory of the Customs tion in the register of residents, the Union and customs procedure of the said taxes are paid at the rate of 0%; free customs zone of 18/06/2010 are exempt from payment of import taxes • from the 7th till the 12th year, the and VAT paid when bringing imported said taxes are paid in the amount of goods. In addition to that, such goods 50% of the rate set by the legislaare not subject to non-tariff regulatory tion. measures. The SEZ residents enjoy a special order of paying corporate profits tax and corporate property tax set by the Article 288.1 and Article 385.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

Tax preferences


profit tax property tax

½ of the current rate

during the first 6 years

from the 7th till the 12th year

Guarantees to residents Rental fee: the rental fee for the land plot will remain the same during the whole period of the lease contract duration Tax guarantees: a guarantee not to apply measures increasing the resident’s total tax burden Visa support: a facilitated procedure of issuing Russian visas for citizens of foreign states – residents’ representatives

Procedure of the free customs zone (bringing in and using foreign goods in the territory of the SEZ) 0%

Import duty /VAT for goods coming in Duty when taking out products after processing to the territory of the Customs Union

0% 01.04.2016


Procedure of free customs zone Following the establishment of the Customs Union between the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan, the countriescounterparts adopted an Agreement on the issues of free (special, exclusive) economic zones in the customs territory of the Customs Union and customs procedure of a free customs zone of 18/06/2010.

placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone is regulated by Article 19 of the Agreement. Goods manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone are recognized as goods of the Customs Union if in the course of the goods’ manufacturing (receiving) one of the following conditions is fulfilled: • the goods classification code of the single Goods nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Customs Union was changed at the level of any of the first four symbols;

Article 10 of the Agreement gives the definition of a free customs zone. “A Free customs zone is a customs procedure in accordance with which goods are treated and used within the territory of the SEZ or its part without • the share in percentage terms of the value of foreign commodities payment of customs duties, taxes, and placed under the customs procealso without application of non-tariff dure of a free customs zone does regulatory measures regarding foreign not exceed the fixed share in the goods and without application of bans price of the finished product, or the and restrictions concerning goods of added value amounts to the fixed the Customs Union”. share in the price of the finished Foreign goods treated under the product. customs procedure of a free customs The commodity was exposed to conzone retain the status of foreign ditions, production and technological goods. Thus, a legal entity, whose operations sufficient for recognizing state registration was conducted the commodity manufactured (rein the Kaliningrad region, bringing ceived) with the use of foreign goods, imported goods in the territory of placed under the customs procedure the SEZ and placing them under the of a free customs zone, as a commodcustoms procedure of a free cusity of the Customs Union. toms zone, by virtue of Article 9 of the Agreement is exempt from the payment of import duties and VAT paid when bringing imported goods. In addition to that, such goods are not subject to non-tariff regulatory measures. Goods treated under the procedure of a free customs zone retain their status — foreign goods remain foreign, and goods of the Customs Union remain such. The determination of the status of goods manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods 20

Kaliningrad region

The commodity manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods, placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone is not recognized as the commodity of the Customs Union if the commodity was exposed to only those operations which do not meet the criteria of sufficient processing irrespective of fulfilling other conditions.


Changing of the goods classification code of the single Goods nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Customs Union at the level of any of the first four symbols is not used as a criterion of sufficient processing of commodities manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods, placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone in case the goods are subject to conditions, production and technological operations sufficient for recognizing the goods manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods, placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone, as goods of the Customs Union.

Telephones: +7 (4012) 599 327 +7 (4012) 599 347

Department of special economic zones of the Ministry of industrial policy, development of business activity and trade of the Kaliningrad region Address: 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, Russia, 1236007 3rd floor – Room 341

e-mail: oez@gov39.ru

When taking out foreign goods, placed under the procedure of a free customs zone, and goods that received the status of commodities manufactured (received) with the use of foreign goods, placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone, from the territory of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region, import duties and VAT are payable in the amount corresponding to the amounts of import duties and VAT which would be payable if the goods were placed under the customs procedure of turning out goods for internal consumption.



Programs of development

Kaliningrad region

At present a package of documents ensuring the development of the region has been elaborated in the Kaliningrad region. These include the Strategy of development of the Kaliningrad region for the mid- and long-term prospect, the Program of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region for the period of 2007—2016 and the Federal Targeted program of development of the Kaliningrad region till the year of 2015.

Russia’s joining the WTO and abolition in 2016 of a number of customs preferences required the introduction of amendments in the current program documents. At the moment, public discussions of the Strategy of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region till 2031 are under way. The work on the document went on for more than 12 months; experts from McKinsey Company and the Centre for strategic developments from St. Petersburg were involved in the work.


Industry development Concept in the Kaliningrad region

Strategy of development of the Kaliningrad region


Program of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region Federal Targeted Program of development of the Kaliningrad region

2016 2015

Targeted Programs Development of the Kaliningrad region as a tourism centre Main areas of support to small and medium-sized businesses in the Kaliningrad region


} }


Main areas of development of the agro-industrial complex in the Kaliningrad region


Development of education


Concept of development of industry in the Kaliningrad region


Concept of development of transport complex of the Kaliningrad region


Under consideration


Strategy of development of amber industry of Russia for the period till 2021

Program of development of shipbuilding industry in the RF Development of medicine Development of financical sector



Kaliningrad region

food production

shipbuilding and shiprepairing

production of prefabricated metal goods

chemical production

production of cars

development of industry

production of television and other household electronics

furniture production

production of machinery and equipment

production of construction materials

In 2011 the industry development concept in the Kaliningrad region for the period till 2015 was approved. It contains, in particular, the evaluation of the competitiveness of the Kaliningrad region and the tools of the Concept implementation.

production of jewelry from amber

The Concept determined the priority areas of development of industry and its complexes. Among the priority areas within the sector of manufacturing are production of food, shipbuilding and ship repairing, production of cars; manufacturing of television and other household electronic equipment, furniture production, and production of jewelry from amber. 25

Main areas of development of the agro-industrial complex in the Kaliningrad region

Agriculture in the Kaliningrad region is at present one of the main priority areas of the regional state policy. The Government of the Kaliningrad region in the course of its work from 2011 has established sustainable preconditions for increasing the volumes


of investment in the agro-industrial complex including foreign investment. The introduction of new technologies of production in the agriculture is actively supported by providing assistance to efficient agricultural enterprises. Enterprises are also given support as regards produce sales, development of land relations, conducting a complex of amelioratory activities, staffing, and social development in villages.

Kaliningrad region

crop production

beef husbandry

agro-industrial complex bee-farming

dairy cattle husbandry fishing industry and fish-farming


Development of the Kaliningrad region as a tourism centre Development of education Concept of development of transport complex of the Kaliningrad region Development of medicine Development of financical sector


Kaliningrad region



transport & logistics

finances medicine education




State support to small and medium-sized businesses

Kaliningrad region

Conditions and the order of providing support to entities of small and medium-sized business (SME) are set by the Targeted Program “Main areas of development of small and mediumsized businesses in the Kaliningrad region for the period of 20092013”.

The support to the SME is provided within the following areas: 1 easy micro-loans to SME – offering reimbursable short-term loans for the period of up to 1 year in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. The effective annual interest rate is 15%;

2 support to SME in the sphere of innovation and export – partial reimbursement of expenses connected with:

• payment of loan interest – up to The Program is aimed at the 50% of expenses for the payment of development of SME in the spheres interest, but not more than 1/2 of of innovation activities, housing the rate of refinancing in the event and public utilities, social services, of loan being taken in rubles, and processing industry, amber industry, not more than 6% per annum in the and tourism. Also, the most event of taking a loan in foreign favorable treatment is set for those currency; SME oriented towards exporting manufactured output and the services • the work on certification, registrarendered. tion or other forms of confirmation of conformity – up to 50% of the expenses incurred on fulfilling obligatory requirements, but not more than 0.5 ml rubles for covering expenses connected with receiving one certificate, and not more than 1 ml rubles per one SME entity;


• participation in the exhibition and 5 fair activities abroad – up to 2/3 of subsidization of part of expenses the expenses incurred, with the connected with: exception of travel expenses (to the venue and back), accommodation • payment of interest on the loans – and meals; for the first 12 months of the use of the loan in the amount of up to • payment for the services on the 50% of the stated expenses, but not development of means of identimore than 1/2 of the refinancing fication of a legal entity and the rate; output – up to 50% of the expenses incurred;


• payment of interest on the loans in amber industry – 2/3 of the refinancing rate for the whole period of the loan, but not longer than the period of the Program validity.

registration and legal protection abroad of inventions and other outputs of intellectual activities subject to legal protection and means • participation in the exhibition and of identification of a legal entity fair activities – 2/3 of the expenses and the output – up to 2/3 of the for the slot rent, stand building, expenses incurred; registration fee;


• registration of the SME, purchasing a guarantee fund – offering to the SAI of equipment, renting premises, of the Kaliningrad region “Foundation connecting to the power grid - in of support to business activity” the first year of operating in the guarantees of return of up to 50% of amount of up to 100 000 rubles. the amount of the loan taken by the ESMB operating within priority areas The information about the kinds of but not having sufficient assets, to the support to ESMB and conditions of their provision is given on the page bank; of the “Foundation of support to business activity” at www.fpmp39.ru


Калининградская область

Contacts “Foundation of support to business activity” Address: 13, Sovietsky Prospect, Kaliningrad, Russia, 236000 4th floor – Room 403 5th floor – Rooms 540, 541 Telephones: +7 (4012) 599 590 +7 (4012) 599 556 e-mail: fpmp39@mail.ru



Board on location of investment

Kaliningrad region

Board on location of investment The Board members are: in the territory of the Kaliningrad region is a consultative body ensuring • representatives of the bodies of state power of the Kaliningrad interaction between the federal region; bodies of executive power, bodies of state power, local self-government • representatives of territorial agenauthorities, institutions, enterprises cies of federal bodies of executive and other organizations with a view to power; implementing investment projects in the territory of the Kaliningrad region. • representatives of administrations of municipal entities of the KalininThe objective of the Board is to grad region; consider projects and offer state • representative of other stakeholdsupport in the implementation of ers. investment projects by reducing the period of issuance permissive, The Board's activities are coordinated constitutive documents, reconciliation by the Ministry of Economy of the procedures, advancement of resolving Kaliningrad region. the issues connected with selection All the necessary forms of documents, and allocation of a land plot, and recommendations on their filling in also providing state guarantees, tax preferences to investor in accordance and the procedure of their submission can be found at the with the legislation in force. www.investinkaliningrad.ru

Contacts Ministry of Economy Address: 1 D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, Russia, 236000. 3rd floor – Room 318 Telephones: +7 (4012) 599 319 e-mail: mineconom@gov39.ru




Industrial zones

Kaliningrad region

Industrial zone “Baltiiskaya”





ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Urban district “City of Kaliningrad” Total (prospective) area of the IZ – 119 (350) ha Distance (km) from: 47 – sea port (Baltiisk); 61 – border crossing point (Poland); 127 – border crossing point (Lithuania); 1 – motorway of federal significance. Number of the population in the IZ – 419 100 people, including economically active population – 269 100 people. Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of industry Development and encumbrance – land plots are the property of the company LLC “Balttechprom” Specialization of the industrial zone – chemical industry

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications Infrastructure

Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

20 (not earlier than mid 2014)

0,5 (TA)

Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

Local water supply point

Connection at the border of the IZ, local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day




Industrial zone “Gurievskaya” ǏǬǠǣǰǯǨ ǏǩǞǠǯǨ ǍǦǬǫǣǮǯǨǦǧ ǏǠǣǰǩǬǡǬǮǯǨ




ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Gurievsk municipal district”, village of Poddubnoye Total area of the IZ – 229.1 ha Distance (km) from: 8 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 8 – sea port 1 – railway station 30 (Poland), 120 (Lithuania) – border crossing point 1 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME including – 53,200 people, economically active population – 35,100 people Pre-school institutions – 17 Comprehensive schools – 11 Institutions of vocational training – no Developed sites – 10 sites from 11 to 53 ha Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of industry Development and encumbrance – absent

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications



Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

50 (not earlier than mid 2014)

7 (TA)

Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

Local water supply point

Local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day

3500 (not earlier than mid 2014)


Kaliningrad region

Industrial zone “Konstantinovka” ǏǬǠǣǰǯǨ ǏǩǞǠǯǨ ǍǦǬǫǣǮǯǨǦǧ ǏǠǣǰǩǬǡǬǮǯǨ




ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Gurievsk municipal district”, village of Konstantinovka Total area of the IZ – 75 ha Distance (km) from: 11 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 25 – airport 2 – railway station 56 (Poland), 96 (Lithuania) – border crossing point less than 1 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME including— 53,200 people, economically active population 35,100 people Pre-school institutions – 17 Comprehensive schools – 11 Institutions of vocational training – no Developed sites – 3 sites: 41.3 ha, 16 ha, 16 ha Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of settlements, agricultural lands (site of 16 ha) Development and encumbrance – absent

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications Infrastructure

Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

20 (not earlier than mid 2014)

0,5 (TA)

Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

Local water supply point

Connection at the border of the IZ, local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day




Industrial zone “Sovietskaya” ǏǬǠǣǰǯǨ ǏǩǞǠǯǨ ǍǦǬǫǣǮǯǨǦǧ ǏǠǣǰǩǬǡǬǮǯǨ




ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Sovietsk urban district” Total (prospective) area of the IZ— 100 (133) ha Distance (km) from: 120 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 120 – sea port 4 – railway station 5 (Lithuania) – border crossing point 4 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME including – 41,800 people including, economically active population 26,700 people Pre-school institutions – 11 Comprehensive schools – 8 Institutions of vocational training – 1 institution of primary vocational training, 3 institutions of secondary vocational training Developed sites – a site of 100 ha was developed Cadastre number – 39:16:010103:107 Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of settlements Development and encumbrance – absent

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications



Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

25 (not earlier than mid 2014)


Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

200 – town mains (up to 2000 in 2014), local water supply point

200 – town mains, local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day

2000 – town mains


Kaliningrad region

Industrial zone “Technopolis Gusev”






ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Gusev municipal district” Total area of the IZ – 340 ha Distance (km) from: 115 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 122 – airport 1 – railway station 26 (Poland), 36 (Lithuania) – border crossing point less than 1 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME 37,200 people including, economically active population 24,000 people Pre-school institutions – 9 Comprehensive schools – 5 Institutions of vocational training – 1 institution of primary vocational training,1 institution of secondary vocational training, 3 institutions of higher vocational training Developed sites – not delimited Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of settlements Development and encumbrance – sites are the property of the company “General Satellite”

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications Infrastructure

Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

60 (not earlier than mid 2014)

0,5 (TA)

Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

town mains, local water supply point

town mains, local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day


Town water treatment facilities at the border of the IZ


Industrial zone “Chernyakhovskaya” ǏǬǠǣǰǯǨ ǏǩǞǠǯǨ ǍǦǬǫǣǮǯǨǦǧ ǏǠǣǰǩǬǡǬǮǯǨ




ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Chernyakhovsk municipal district” Total (prospective) area of the IZ— 938.3 ha Distance (km) from: 80 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 80 – sea port 1 – railway station 42 (Poland), 50 (Lithuania) – border crossing point less than 1 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME including – 51,700 people including, economically active population 32,300 people Pre-school institutions – 4 Comprehensive schools – 14 Institutions of vocational training – 1 institution of secondary vocational training, 2 institutions of higher vocational training Developed sites – the area of the IZ is partially delimited, 79 sites were developed Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of settlements, lands of industry Development and encumbrance – absent

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications



Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

70 (not earlier than mid 2014)


Gas supply, ml m³ a year



Water supply, m³ a day

4,000 – town mains, local water supply point

local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day

4,500 – town mains (not earlier than 2015)


Kaliningrad region

Industrial zone “Pravdinskaya” ǏǬǠǣǰǯǨ ǏǩǞǠǯǨ ǍǦǬǫǣǮǯǨǦǧ ǏǠǣǰǩǬǡǬǮǯǨ




ǝǫǰǞǮǫȴǧ ǍǬǩǣǯǯǨ ǁDZǮȵǣǠǯǨ





ǕǣǮǫȸdzǬǠǯǨ ǁDZǯǣǠ


ƿǞǩǰǦǧǯǨ ǍǮǞǠǢǦǫǯǨ njǥȹǮǯǨ


Location – Municipal entity “Pravdinsk district” Total (prospective) area of the IZ—130 ha Distance (km) from: 57 – the Oblast’s center (Kaliningrad) 57 – sea port 19 – railway station (village of Zheleznodorozhny) 28 (Poland), 120 (Lithuania) 37 – motorway of federal significance Number of the population in the ME including – 21,700 people including, economically active population 11,700 people Pre-school institutions – 9 Comprehensive schools – 6 Institutions of vocational training – 1 institution of secondary vocational training Developed sites – limits were determined; sites are being registered in the cadastre Category of lands in the territory of the IZ – lands of settlements Development and encumbrance – ruins and foundations of pre-war and Soviet buildings

Civil engineering infrastructure and communications Infrastructure

Projected capacity by the end of 2013

Available capacity (limits)

Electric power, Mw

25 (not earlier than mid 2014)


Gas supply, ml m³ a year


is being determined

Water supply, m³ a day


local water supply point

Draining (household drain), m³ a day







Kaliningrad region

Geographically, the major innovation projects and organizations of the region are concentrated in the city of Kaliningrad. However, two other towns in the region have been recently demonstrating significant dynamism and innovation: Gurievsk, which is located just outside the city of Kaliningrad and Gusev, which has welcomed a number of innovative enterprises.

region also has two non-commercial partnership projects: 'Kaliningrad Centre for Innovation and Technology' and 'Kaliningrad Technology Transfer Centre'. Other organizations that have to be mentioned include the Chamber of Commerce of the Kaliningrad Region, ‘Baltica’ Innovation and Technology Center, SME Support Foundation and “Innovation Park” of IKSUR. One of the main features of innovation development is the fully-functioning ‘science-industrygovernment’ network. During 2009, the Russian Federation adopted a Federal Law on the creation of firms with participation of universities and research institutes. As a result, several of the Kaliningrad higher educational establishments have already launched a number of pilot start-ups. The main source of financial support for the innovative enterprises in the region is the Federal Foundation for Development of Innovative SMEs.

The Council for Scientific and Technological Policy, headed by the Minister of Economy of the Kaliningrad region is in charge of formulating the region's scientific The dynamic development of and innovation policy. In addition, the Kaliningrad’s IT sector has led to


However, there are many ITcompanies providing support and other services to small and mediumsize enterprises, such as ICT audits, introduction of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Client Relationship Management (CRM) etc. software solutions. The segment of computer game designing is also dynamically developing in Kaliningrad. The first such company in the region was set up in 1992, and over the last 20 years the region gained the reputation as one of the best places in Russia for developing computer games. outgrown the scales of the local market and actively marketing their services globally. Examples include firms developing Content Management Systems (CMS), Geographic Information System, plugin software utilities for world-known brands, solutions for companies’ trade representatives etc.


Finally, the region also records a number of start-ups operating on the basis of self-developed innovations. Sectors include agricultural technology development, processing of raw materials, food industry, professional equipment development, healthcare and biotechnology, IT-solutions for agriculture, housing and utility services.

Kaliningrad region

Business-incubator in the city of Kaliningrad

• consultancy services (marketing, promotion, development strategy, legal protection of business etc.);

Location – 6 Gaidara Street, Kaliningrad.

• assistance in attracting investment;

• participation in promotion events, The business-incubator is being workshops and trainings of the established with a view to supporting incubator; entrepreneurs at the initial stage of their activities by renting out premises • enlargement of business relations; and rendering services necessary • receiving services from other for conducting business activities residents of the incubator including the following: (outsourcing of recruiting, design, accounting record-keeping, • regular mentoring guiding; promotion etc.). • a wide network of sectoral experts; Residents of the business-incubator • direct contacts with investors; have an opportunity to have their projects supported by the regional • extensive data bases; authorities by means of specialized • a library of books and electronic programs of grants, subsidies training courses; and privileges to innovative entrepreneurs, enterprises-exporters, • personal couching; novice entrepreneurs and others.


The priority areas of the residents' business are the following: • software development for enhancing efficiency in various spheres (medicine, tool-making facilities etc.), • production of electrical equipment and electronic devices, • manufacturing of jewellery, souvenirs and other articles from amber, • development of Internet services for different kinds of consumer services, • development of mobile applications of different kinds of services, • development of game applications including those for mobile phones,


• promotion of services in the Internet, social networks etc., • small innovative enterprises established to meet the needs of large companies, and also involving university professors on the bases of higher educational institutions and the scientific park of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, • consultancy, recruiting and other companies which can offer outsourcing services for the residents of the business incubator (incubator's eco-system).

Kaliningrad region




Investment projects

Construction of the Baltic NPP

Kaliningrad region

In 2008, an Agreement on cooperation between the State Corporation “Rosatom” and the Government of the Kaliningrad region about the construction of the Baltic Nuclear Power Plant was signed.

The Baltic NPP will ensure complete power independence of the Kaliningrad region, and it will also allow to export electric power to the neighboring countries. Its construction will give a powerful impetus to the development of the The Baltic NPP will be located in the economy of the utmost western Kaliningrad region at the distance region of Russia. The construction of ten kilometers from the town of will involve knowledge-intensive Neman and fifteen kilometers from production, new opportunities for the the border with Lithuania. construction and transport sectors. The total capacity of the BNPP will be Besides that, the Plant will promote orders placing at regional enterprises, 2,300 MW (2 × 1,150 MW). creating additional jobs, attracting The BNNP will consist of two power highly qualified experts to the region. generating units, whose construction The Baltic NPP will become one of the is planned for the following periods: largest tax payers in the region. • power generating unit No 1 – The value of the project on the 2010—2016; construction of the Baltic NPP will amount to approximately 140 billion • power generating unit No 2 – rubles (without considering the 2012—2018. scheme of power distribution). The On February 25, 2010, a grand project will be implemented involving ceremony of commencement of Russian and foreign investors. construction of the Power Plant Potential investors of the Baltic took place in Neman district of the NPP are proposed two options of Kaliningrad region. participating in the project: up to 49% in the Plant's capital, or long-term contracts for electric power supply.


The annual turnover of electric power generation will come to 17.4 billion kWh, the expected personnel number is 1,100 people. The equipment service life of the Plant will be no less than 60 years. The Plant will be built according to a commercial project “NPP-2006” with reactors of the WWER-1200 type. Water-Water Energetic Reactors (WWER) have already proven to be the most reliable and economical. The developer of the Power Plant is the JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”. The general contractor has been decided for the implementation of the top-priority works on the preparation of the construction site of the Baltic NPP – JSC “Severnoye upravleniye stroitelstva”.


Construction of the deep-water port

The objectives and the main aims of the project implementation are the construction of a deep-water port, ensuring the main volumes of transshipment of foreign trade and transit cargoes in containers.

Kaliningrad region

tons, or 6 ml containers annually, and a terminal for handling mechanical transport and rolling cargos with the capacity of 1 ml tons a year.

In order to ensure the stated turnover, it is planned to build 4 wide docks The construction of a deep-water port for simultaneous handling of 8 lead is stipulated by the Federal Targeted containers-ships with the capacity of Program “Development of transport up to 9,000 containers and 8 feeder system of Russia (2010–2015)”. In container-vessels with the capacity accordance with the Program, a set of of 2,500 containers, 2 berths for measures (design and construction) is handling vessels of ro/ro type with going to be implemented in 2010– automobiles. 2015, the total volume of funding The main aim of the construction of is approximately 100 billion rubles, the deep-water port is ensuring the including funds of the federal budget main volumes of transshipment of amounting at 30 billion rubles; 70 foreign trade and transit cargoes in billion rubles is expected to come containers. from the extra-budgetary funds. Stages and schedule of the project The contracting authority of the implementation: design – 2012; project is the Federal agency of sea construction – 2012–2015. and river fleet, the customer is the Federal state institution “Directorate The main expected results of of the contracting authority of the project implementation are programs of development of sea the establishment of a regional transport”. centre of transshipment of largecapacity containers and handling It is envisaged to build in the port of mechanical transport and rolling a complex for transferring container cargos with the total annual turnover cargoes with the turnover of 65 ml of 65 ml tons.


Project of the shipbuilding yard “Western Shipyard”

The objective of the project is the establishment of a high efficiency shipyard, based on modern technologies and advanced methods of planning and production management. The main parameters of the shipyard: annual volume of production on steel processing – 20,000–22,000 tons; construction of technically sophisticated vessels a year – 6–10 units;

The main indicators correspond with the level of advanced European shipbuilding yards. Financial indicators and payback: Annual turnover is 10 billion rubles. Estimated profit is 15%, i.e. 1.5 billion rubles. Payback period: In case of credit facility with the interest rate of 11% – 12 years.

shipyard's location – south-east of the In case of credit facility with the intervillage of Vzmoriye. The total area of est rate of 11% and indemnification the shipyard is 14.2 ha; of the 2/3 of the rate of refinancing (6%) – 8 years. roofed production area – 7,6 ha; maximal dimensions of the vessels produced L×B – 140 m × 26 m Indicators of the shipyard's efficiency: number of full-time personnel – 700 people; number of contractor employees – up to 300 people.


“Amber Coast: yacht-club and resort” in the town of Pionersky

Within the project, it is envisaged to modernize the port of Pionersky and turn it into a modern yacht marina for 950 vessels. The existing facilities allow to place 350 vessels, and the construction of a new pier to the east of the existing one will give an opportunity to receive 600 more yachts. The southern quay of the port will house pavilions of the covered fish market, where both visitors and local citizens will be able to buy not only fresh fish, but also vegetables, fruit and other local produce. The north pier of the port is going to be reconstructed. Its length will be extended for 300 meters as far as the point where the natural depth is 12 meters, which will allow for a large cruise liners and ferries to freely approach berths. The north pier will house a passenger terminal with premises for customs and border control, as well as duty free shops.

Kaliningrad region

It is planned to build a shopping centre on the embankments with the total area of 40,000 m² with a car park, and two concert halls: an open-air amphitheatre for 3,700 audience and a covered hall for 1,200 seats, and also several hotels. The yacht-club of the “Amber coast” can become one of the largest centers for holding regattas and other water sports competitions in the Baltic. The athletes will be provided with facilities with the total area of up to 35,000 m², equipped with everything necessary for accommodating participants of competitions and for floating their vessels. A beach adjoining the yacht-club will be developed to the east of the port. Sports grounds, a recreation site for the youth and numerous swimming-pools with sea water will be built both for adults and children.



Construction of objects of the airport complex “Khrabrovo” The objective of the project is an increase of the pass-through function of the airport and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the exploitation of modern aircrafts.

Kaliningrad region

The total volume of funding is 11.3 billion rubles, including the funds of: the federal budget amounting to 3.8 billion rubles; extra-budgetary funds – 7.5 billion rubles.

Using the funds of the federal budget, it is planned to implement such works as: elaboration of design documentation, extension of the runway by 850 m, construction of a major taxiway and a new taxiway, reconstruction of the lighting equipment of the runway, construction of waste treatment facilities, of the take-off emergency centre, patrol way and the airport guard. Other funds are going to be used to finance the reconstruction of the air terminal complex and of the cargo terminal. The main results of the project are as follows: ensuring the required level of flights safety, improvement of the quality of the services offered, elimination of the negative impact of infrastructure limitations of the airport on the quality of services and an increase by no less than 200,000 passengers a year of the volume of transportation via the airport. It is planned to implement the project within two stages: design stage – 2013, reconstruction – 2014-2015.



Construction of the gambling zone “Amber�

The placement borders of the Gambling zone Amber are defined in accordance with the Federal Government direction of 17/01/2008 #13-h. The area of the Gambling zone (479,1 ha) will be located in Zelenogradsk district of Kaliningrad region on the Baltic sea coast nearby Krasnotorovka, Okunevo, Povarovka, Russkoe. Project plan provides approved land zonation in order to create a multifunctional gaming zone, which includes: hotels, entertainment facilities, sports, leisure and business facilities for recreation, relaxation, obtaining medical, spa and other services, with the possibility of gambling (including casinos).

Kaliningrad region

Land for placement of commercial buildings, for the organization of the transport infrastructure (driveways, streets and squares) and green common areas (parks, squares), for engineering services construction is already identified in the draft of planning project. The Gambling zone will be positioned as an area for recreation and entertainment, for business conferences and special events.



Kaliningrad region

Preparation for the FIFA World Cup

The Kaliningrad WC-2018 stadium can become a catalyst for the development of the undeveloped The initial bid of Russia for conducting area adjacent to the historical centre of Kaliningrad and fit well in the the World Football Cup contained development plan of both the city 16 stadiums in 13 cities, including and the region on the whole. Without Kaliningrad. The list of 12 stadiums state support private business will where the matches will be held will not be able to develop quite a difficult be finalized in August-September area in terms of the ground of more 2012. In order to receive the World Cup matches in Kaliningrad, the town- than 170 ha. A large territory of the island could become a perfect site for planning concept of the territory development between the beds of the applying the mechanisms of publicprivate partnership. rivers Staraya and Novaya Pregolya was elaborated in 2011. The concept also includes the construction of a football stadium for 45,000 seats on Oktyabrsky island. At present the Russian company “Mostovik� and the German GMP Architekten are jointly elaborating the Russian-German model of the island development and construction of the future central sports arena. The results of the joint work will be presented at the town-planning Council.



Demography and human resources


Kaliningrad region

According to the data of the all-Russian population census -2010, 941,500 people live in the Kaliningrad region with male population amounting to 442,700 and female - to 498,800. Urban population amounts to 730,300, while the figure of people living in rural areas is 211,100. In terms of the population, the city of Kaliningrad ranks first in the region with 431,900 residents.

63.6% – working-age population 15.0% – below workingage population 21.4% – above workingage population

In terms of age, the population can be broken down into the following categories:

The region’s population is multiethnic with representatives of 30 nationalities and ethnic groups. Among them the largest in number are the Russians (82.4%), the Byelorussians (5.3%), the Ukrainians (4.9%), and the Lithuanians (1.5%). From 2007 the Kaliningrad region has been among the pilot regions in Russia where the State Program of Support for the Resettlement in the Russian Federation of Compatriots Residing Abroad was launched.


The Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad State Technical University has a multidivisional www.klgtu.ru and multilevel 1 Sovietsky Prospect, system of rendering Kaliningrad educational services Faculties: to the population Bioresources and natural resource featuring considerable management, Commercial fishery, Mechanical and technological, innovative potential. Shipbuilding and power engineering, The pivotal higher Manufacturing automation and maneducational institutions agement, Humanitarian education, In-service training in the region are Institute of management, economics Baltic State Academy and entrepreneurship of Fishing Fleet (BSA Centre of pre-university training of foreign citizens RF), Kaliningrad State Technical University (KSTU) and Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU). Students are trained in those institutions within several dozens of spheres.


Kaliningrad region

Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University



6 Molodezhnaya Street, Kaliningrad

2 Universitetskaya Street, Kaliningrad

Faculties: Ship navigation, Marine engineering, Transportation, Radio-technical

Faculties: History, Medicine, Economics, Law, Physico-Technical, Bioecology, Geography and Geoecology, Information Science and Applied Maths, Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication, Psychology and Social work, Service, Physical Education and Sport, Philology and Journalism

Institute of applied economics and management

Institute of Modern technologies in Education European Business School of IKBFU Town-planning college Technical college

In the sphere of vocational training, 11 regional state institutions of secondary vocational education are operating in the region where more than 9000 students are trained. 5 establishments of secondary vocational education are colleges and 6 are technical schools.



Municipal entities


Kaliningrad region

The city of Kaliningrad Territory – 223,03 sq.km Population – 431 100 people www.klgd.ru

Ozersk district Territory – 877,4 sq.km Population – 16 106 people www.ozyorsk.ru

Bagrationovsk municipal district Territory – 1 018,1 sq.km Population – 32 816 people bagrationovsk-mo.ru

Polessk municipal district Territory – 834,3 sq.km Population – 19 390 people polessk.gov39.ru

Baltiisk municipal district Territory – 101,3 sq.km Population – 36 974 people www.baltijsk.net Gvardeisk district Territory – 784,2 sq.km Population – 28 494 people gvardeysk.gov39.ru

Pravdinsk district Territory – 1 283,9 sq.km Population – 21 755 people pravdinsk.gov39.ru Svetlogorsk district Territory – 80,2 sq.km Population – 29 267 people www.svetlogorsk39.ru Slavsk municipal district Territory – 1 349,1 sq.km Population – 21 657 people www.slavsk.info

(!) страница с клапаном

Gurievsk municipal district Territory – 1 362,9 sq.km Население – 52 433 people gurievsk.gov39.ru Gusev municipal district Territory – 642,7 sq.km Population – 37 285 people www.admgusev.ru

Zelenogradsk district Territory – 2 016,5 sq.km Population – 32 485 people www.zelenogradsk.com Krasnoznamensk municipal district Territory – 1 280,5 sq.km Population – 11 732 people krasnoznamensk.gov39.ru Neman municipal district Territory – 698,3 sq.km Population – 21 738 people neman.gov39.ru Nesterov municipal district Territory – 1 061,1 sq.km Population – 16 996 people www.admnesterov.ru

Chernyakhovsk municipal district Territory – 1 285,8 sq.km Population – 51 178 people inster39.ru Ladushkin urban district Territory – 28,3 sq.km Population – 3 941 people ladushkin.gov39.ru Mamonovo urban district Territory – 100 sq.km Population – 7 815 people mamonovo.gov39.ru Pionersky urban district Territory – 8,3 sq.km Population – 12 031 people pionersk.gov39.ru Svetly urban district Territory – 80,2 sq.km Population – 29 267 people светлый.рф Sovietsk urban district Territory – 43,8 sq.km Population – 42 632 people www.sovetsk-tilsit.ru Yantarny urban district Territory – 15,5 sq.km Population – 6 268 people www.yantarny.net


(!) страница с клапаном


Reference information


Coming to the Kaliningrad region

Kaliningrad region

1 Foreign citizens temporarily staying in Russia:

Visa regime and the legal status of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes a simplified procedure for the processing of visas for foreign citizens who are the representatives of SEZ residents, investors and individuals invited to discuss opportunities in the Special Economic Zone.

The period for a temporary stay of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the validity period of his/her visa.

2 Foreign citizens temporarily residing in Russia.

Foreign nationals are able to obtain permit for temporary residence without the involvement of the employer, in the local office of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) in the place Visas are issued at the Russian Fedof his/her of residence. The procedure eration state border crossings by the for obtaining the permit is set out in office of the Ministry of Foreign Afthe regulation adopted by the Governfairs on the basis of invitations issued ment of the Russian Federation on 01 at the request of the Special Economic November 2002 (No. 789). Zone Administration. The legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation is governed by the Federal law of 25 July 2002 (No. 115-FZ) “On the Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation�. The law establishes the following three main categories of foreign nationals:


The maximum term of a permit for temporary residence is 3 years. At the end of each year, the foreigner is obliged to submit to the local branch of the FMS of Russia a notice with confirmation of his/her residence in the Russian Federation. A foreign national is entitled to work only in the territory of his temporary residence.

3 Foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia: A foreigner holding a residence permit is entitled to stay in Russia for five years. At the end of this period, a foreign citizen may apply for extension (the extension is allowed an unlimited number of times). In contrast to the foreign nationals temporarily staying or temporarily residing in Russia, the foreigners permanently residing in Russia are not required to obtain a work permit for employment.

Issuing work permits The procedure for issuing work permits to foreign nationals is governed by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 15 November 2006 (No. 861) “On the Procedure for Issuing Permits for Foreign Nationals to Carry out Temporary Work in the Russian Federation”. A work permit for temporarily staying and temporarily residing foreign nationals should be obtained by the employer.


Permission to employ foreign workers are issued by the Federal Migration Service (‘FMS’) and are subject to a consent of the Federal Labour and Employment Service on the feasibility of employing a foreign worker. After receiving of consent from the Federal Labour and Employment Service , the employer should apply to the FMS for the work permits for foreign worker who are temporarily staying in Russia on the basis of a visa or temporary residents. The employer should submit to the FMS an application in the form approved by the Order of the FMS of Russia of December 25, 2006 (No. 370).

Kaliningrad region

The application should be accompanied by: • a notarised copy of the document on professional education and skills obtained by the employee in a foreign country, or a certificate of conformance to the Russian diploma (certificate); • a notarised copy of certificate of registration in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities; • a notarized copy of registration with a tax authority; • a statement of the local branch of the Federal Labour and Employment Service on the feasibility of attracting foreign labour; • a draft labour agreement or other documents indicating a preliminary agreement with foreign nationals or foreign partners on the intention to employ such workers; • documents proving payment of state duty.



Kaliningrad region

Resources cost (for legal entities) as of 2012 Charge: cold water, rubles/m³ including VAT


Charge: hot water, rubles/m³ including VAT


Charge: wholesale price of gas, rubles/thous.m³ excluding VAT


Charge: gas transportation, rubles/thous.m³ excluding VAT


Charge: payment for logistics support and distribution services, rubles/thous.m³ excluding VAT


Payment for technological connection to electricity networks, rubles/ kW including VAT


Charge: electric power (with voltage range – low voltage), rubles / Mwatt ×h including VAT


Charge: electric power (with voltage range – medium voltage), rubles / Mwatt *h including VAT


For reference only: Payment for the connection to water-supply network, wastewater disposal network, and to gas-distributing system is set by the local self-government bodies.


Contact information


Kaliningrad region

Ministry on Industrial Policy, Development of Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 7 (4012) 599-337 Ministry of Economy of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 7 (4012) 599-024 Ministry of Infrastructure Development of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 7 (4012) 599-030

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 8 Oktyabrskaya Street, Kaliningrad, 236000 tel.: 7 (4012) 592-606 Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry 20 Vatutina Street, Kaliningrad, 236010 tel.: 7 (4012) 590-650 Association of Foreign Investors in the Kaliningrad region 8 Oktyabrskaya Street, Kaliningrad, 236000 tel.: 7 (4012) 307-078

Ministry of Agriculture of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 8 (4012) 599-454 Agency for International affairs and regional cooperation of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 8 (4012) 599-082 Agency for Tourism of the Kaliningrad region 1, D. Donskogo Street, Kaliningrad, 236007 tel.: 7 (4012) 599-140


Kaliningrad region — the territory of opportunities

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